Newell Ram Sale 2015

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70th AN




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September 17 & 18, 2015 Sale 11:00 am Friday starting with Ewes


Sponsored by Newell Community Club

2014 Supreme Champion Ram

Ian Forbes-McGivney, Kaycee, WY Yearling Rambouillet

Stud Ram Show Sale Registered Ewe Show & Sale Registered Range Ram Sale Sale Week Phone: 605-456-2941

You’ll Like Newell... Historical Facts:

Newell was founded in 1910, the city being named after Frederick Haynes Newell, then director of the Bureau of Reclamation. Newell was platted by Reclamation engineers and was the first bureau project in the United States.


Population: 674 friendly people Government: Mayor and City Commission: two fine city parks, public golf course, rodeo arena, city library, museum and restored historic oneroom school house, city liquor store and bar Five Churches: Newell Christian Fellowship Church, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, First Lutheran Church, Assembly of God, Newell Evangelical Church Communication, Utilities etc.: Post Office, state and county highway shop, West River Telephone Co., Highways 212-79, near I-90, Black Hills Power and Light, Butte Electric Cooperative, Belle Fourche Irrigation District, city water system, city garbage and sewer system, municipal lawn and garden irrigation system, cable television Civic and Service Organizations: Newell Community Club, Newell Lions Club, Parent/Teacher Organization, School Booster Club, American Legion and Auxiliary, VFW & Auxiliary, Butte County Historical Society, 4-H and Extension Clubs, NVN Senior Citizens, Newell Garden Club Emergency Services: 911 emergency number, volunteer fire department, ambulance service with trained personnel and modern equipment, County Health Nurse and Home Health Care Newell Public Schools: has an enrollment of nearly 600 students and faculty members, includes two high school buildings, middle school complex, elementary building, and auditorium. Combination lighted football field and track. Newell Golf Club: Offers grass greens on a challenging nine-hole course with full service club house. Commercial Establishments: Newell Sheep Yards-South Dakota’s largest sheep and lamb market, bank, weekly newspaper, veterinary service, K.J. Leather Shop, grocery store, hardware store, feed store, cafes and drive-in cafe, convenience stores, service stations, auto and implement parts stores, bulk oil, gas and propane distributors, locker plant, saddle shops, motel and hotel, rooming house, welding shop, beauty shops, concrete services, construction companies, plumbing firm, insurance and real estate agents, apiary, low income and elderly housing, mobile home court As a trading center, Newell serves an extensive cattle and sheep raising area in addition to the crops and forage and dairies in the irrigation district.


The Labor Day Celebration is the largest one day celebration around. Activities include a morning parade, street games, an old-time rodeo including the World Sheep Teepeeing Championship and a lively dance at night. The Newell Ram Show and Sale is held annually on the third Thursday and Friday of September. Beginning in 1946, it has become one of the nation’s top purebred ram and ewe show and sale events. The buildings are owned by the Ram Sale and located on East 3rd Street adjacent to the rodeo grounds.


PO BOX 130 BELLE FOURCHE, SD 57717 Phone: 800-528-2057 Fax: 605-892-6312



Larry Prager

Belle Fourche Whse 800-528-2057

Scott Lammers Billings Warehouse 406-245-9112


RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The Newell Ram Sale is held annually on the 3rd Friday of September at the Ram Sale Barn on 3rd Street, Newell, South Dakota. The events shall consist of a “Stud Ram and Registered Ewe Show and Sale” and a purebred “Range Ram Sale.” 2.

The Committee of the sale accepts the entries for the sale with the understanding that, upon signing of the entry blank, the consignor of the animals to the Newell Ram Sale agrees to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Show and Sale, and that for willful violation of any of the Rules and Regulations, the Consignor becomes automatically excluded from future sales.


The Newell Ram Sale Committee reserves the right to reject any or all entries and the entry fee will be returned.


Entries are open to all breeds of sheep registered with a nationally recognized registry association. Ram classes in each breed are Ram Lamb (born after 1/1/15); and Yearling Ram (born after 10/1/14). Ewe classes in each breed are Ewe Lamb (born after 1/1/15); and Yearling Ewe (born after 10/1/14). We will have fall born classes.


ALL animals must be bred and raised by Consignor. All animals must be registered or subject to registry and comply with rules of the South Dakota Animal Industry Board. We, as the sale committee, do not promote extreme short tail docking and discourage such practice. If there is any evidence of rectal prolapse, past or present those animals will NOT be allowed in the show and sale.


Consignors may enter four (4) Stud Rams, BUT NOT more than two (2) of any one breed in the Stud Ram Show and Sale, a lamb and a yearling per breed, NOT two lambs or two yearlings, one of each; and not more than twenty (20) Range Rams; and may enter six (6) Registered Ewes, BUT NOT more than four (4) of any one breed in the show (a lamb and a yearling per breed). A total of ten (10) Registered Ewes (including show ewes) may be sold.


Entries must be made with the Secretary by June 30th. Mail to NEWELL RAM SALE, 14406 Trae Ct., Rapid City, SD 57701. Email newellramsale@ Phone number 605-490-7413 .


ENTRY FEES: The entry fee is NON-refundable and must be included at time entries are received. $25.00 per head on Stud Rams, $10.00 per head on Registered Ewes and $10.00 per head on Range Rams. The committee makes a commission charge of 12% of the sale price on all animals; however if the percentage charge amounts to less than the entry fee, the later sum is charged as the minimum. However, the entry fee will be retained on animals entered by not brought to the sale; animals not sold in the ring; or screened. Regular Commission will be charged on “NO SALE ANIMALS.”


Terms of sale: CASH Sales are to be settled before moving animals from heads. All bids on ewes start at three hundred dollars ($300.00) rams at four hundred dollars ($400.00). Sellers have the right to bid once upon each lot offered. Mail and phone bids to: Raymond Riesland 14406 Trae Ct. Rapid City, SD 57701 605-490-7413.

10. Private sales before or during the auction are strictly forbidden. On private sales made after the auction closes on NO SALE, the regular commission will be collected. Consignors bringing extra animals to be sold outside the Sale or sell “screened animals” will be denied the privilege of selling at the future Newell Ram Sales.


RULES AND REGULATIONS cont. 11. Stud rams are to be offered as singles, Range Rams will be offered in heads (same age) of two, three, four or five, entered as a specified lot which will be listed in the catalog under one number for each head. Show Ewes should be offered as singles with all other ewes in heads of two, three or five head. Ewes and Range Rams will have no more than four (4) turns through the sale ring, including show ewes. 12. All animals must be in respective heads by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Ewe Show will be held at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Stud Ram Show at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. The Ewe sale will start at 11:00 am on Friday, followed by the Stud Rams and Range Rams to be sold together, selling one breed at a time. The Grand Champion Stud and Grand Champion Ewe will sell first in their breed, followed by the Reserve Champions and then by order placed in the show for each breed. Premier ranges rams will sell first in their breed. 13. Consignors will be responsible for lot numbers on animals according to the catalog. The animals should be lot numbered before showing. Paint and irons are provided. 14. ALL SUBSTITUTES MUST BE MARKED WITH A BAR BELOW THE NUMBER. 15. All animals on ground are held at consignors risk until sold; ownership changes when they are sold in the ring. Animals are held at purchaser’s risk thereafter. 16. All animals are guaranteed to be breeders and in event of an animal proving to be a non-breeder, seller will refund purchase price or replace it with one of equal value. Seller should know this fact within a reasonable time after sale. 17. The Consignor of any Ram Lambs or Ewe Lambs that do not have their lamb teeth at eleven (11) months of age based on the birth date of the certificate of registry must refund the total price or give the buyer the option of selecting a replacement of equal value. 18. Papers showing ownership by consignor should accompany the Stud Rams. All animals listed as registered must have registration papers. Ram Lambs, Range Rams and Ewes may be sold subject to registry. Seller agrees to deliver within three (3) months records necessary for registration of all animals sold at no cost to buyer. 19. Consignors will bring their animals from the heads to the sale ring and taking them from the sale ring back to the proper heads. 20. The consignors will feed their animals. Hay and bedding will be available for purchase. 21. The Committee will make every effort to protect both buyers and sellers in every reasonable way, but under no circumstance do they assume any liability. The auctioneers will settle misunderstandings as to bids made. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.


HEALTH REQUIREMENTS (Current requirements, subject to change.) If you do not have all health statements you will not unload! ALL ANIMALS consigned to the Newell Sale must have the following: 1. Two (2) copies of Health Certificates either interstate or intrastate. 2. Must be individually identified by an official Scrapie ID tag and listed to correspond with sale lot number (painted on), we encourage larger plastic tag. 3. ALL RAMS must be palpated and Elisa tested for Brucella-ovis within 30 days of sale date or originate from a B-Ovis free flock. 4. All Black-Faced sheep must be genetically tested for Scrapie susceptibility and must test resistant with an R gene. An accredited veterinarian must draw the sample and put the results on the health certificate. Testing must be done at an APHIS approved laboratory. STATEMENTS to be written on the health certificate: Scrapie – to the best of my knowledge sale sheep and flock of origin have not be infected, exposed, source, or trace flock for Scrapie within past five years. *This statement to be signed by owner. The animals represented on this CVI have not originated from a premise or are under quarantine for Vesicular Stomatitis or a premise on which Vesicular Stomatitis has been diagnosed in the last thirty (30) days. I have examined the animal and found no signs of Vesicular Stomatitis and they have been examined within forty eight (48) hours of shipment. Sale Sheep and flock of origin have been inspected within 30 days and are free from clinical signs of infectious foot rot. *This statement to be signed by inspecting veterinarian. Individual codon test results for black-faced sheep. The minimum scrotal circumference for Yearling Rams must be 33 cm. and for lambs 30 cm. Animals must be examined by screening committee, prior to headning; prior to 9:00 p.m. MST on Wednesday. We do not accept animals screened from previous sales. Any animal with a blemish, scab, wound, lesion or ulceration of the reproductive tract, mouth or legs will not be allowed in show and sale. Screening committee may reject any or all entries. Screened animals will NOT be sold privately on the grounds and may NOT be replaced by an extra animal. ALL SHEEP, except lambs, are to be machine shorn after March 1. Sheep with extra long wool will be disqualified. Health certificates for within the United States will be issued to the buyer prior to leaving the sale, depending on the livestock regulations of the state they enter. Export health requirements are the responsibility of the purchaser. Any health questions, call your veterinarian or Dr. Jim Martin 605-456-2828


Neil Vollmer - Linda Vollmer Harry Stapp- -Judy JudyDague Dague



Sale order will be according to Show Placing and last years highest average paid with the Grand and Reserve Champions to sell first in their breed. Sale order will be White Faced sheep followed by Black Faced Sheep.





70th AN

Show: Thursday Ewes at 9:00 a.m.; Stud Rams at 1:00 p.m. Sale: Friday Ewes at 11:00 a.m.; Stud Rams and Range Rams to be sold together, selling one breed at a time


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Welcome Sheep Growers to our 70th Annual Newell Stud Ram Show and Sale Enjoy your stay! Newell Ram Sale Committee Raymond - Paul - Dallerie Ray - TJ - Barb- Naomi Dave - Neil - Doc 7


70th AN





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September 17 & 18, 2015

70th Annual Newell Ram Show and Sale

The Newell Community Club welcomes everyone to the 70th Annual Newell Ram Show and Sale. The purpose of the show and sale are to help build the sheep industry in this country and to render service particularly to the sheep industry of Western South Dakota and adjoining sections of other states. Thus, growers are able to acquire the highest class stud rams and ewes necessary for improvement of flock without having to travel long distances to acquire such animals. We have added the sale of purebred range rams, and the show and sale of registered ewes. We welcome consignments of outstanding breeders from many states. Use of better rams and ewes is proven as the best and quickest means for growers to get more pounds of wool and lamb. This helps the industry survive intense competition of foreign wool and lamb and the use of synthetic fiber. All consignors are invited to a Pre-sale picnic to be held at the Ram Sale Grounds following the show on Thursday, September 17, 2015.


Raymond Riesland...........................................Show Chairman Paul Erk..................................................................... Sale Manager Dallerie Riesland........................................Secretary-Treasurer Dave Ollila, Raymond Garness..........Committee members Barb Uhrig, T.J. Swan Naomi Lermon.......Committee Member/Vo-Ag Instructor Dr. Jim Martin..................Committee Member/Veterinarian Neil Vollmer.............................Newell Community Club Rep.


Jim Marshall, Oriska, ND......................... Sheep Show Judge Piroutek Auctions, Milesville, SD........................ Auctioneers Sandra Deyoe........................................................... .Sale Cashier Tracey Deyoe............................................................. Sale Cashier Jane Burke................................................................. .Sale Cashier Sondra Boggess...................................................... .Sale Cashier 2016 Newell Ram Sale - September 16 & 17


2015 NEWELL RAM SALE Table of Contents 15-16 Jon Beastrom Family ......................................................Lot 1-8 Levi Bucklin..............................................................................9-10 John Bucklin............................................................................... 11 C and D Targhee.................................................................. 12-17 Darrell Deneke..................................................................... 18-19 Deneke Family Targhee.................................................... 20-21 Katelin Deneke.......................................................................... 22 Plum Creek Targhees......................................................... 23-25 PM Ranch............................................................................... 26-27 Marcia & Loren Stulken.......................................................... 28 Rambouillet............................................. Pages 17-21 Burton Anderson.........................................................Lot 29-30 Anderson Family................................................................. 31-34 Bar J Bar Ranch.......................................................................... 35 Benz Rambouillet............................................................... 36-41 Annika Bobb......................................................................... 42-44 John Bode............................................................................. 45-47 Borcher Sheep Co/Weston Borcher............................ 48-49 John Bucklin............................................................................... 50 Chapman Rambouillets................................................... 51-61 Cook Sisters.......................................................................... 62-65 Scott Crawford Family....................................................... 66-67 Dry Creek Rambouillets................................................... 68-74 Erk Bros c/o Paul & Beth Erk............................................ 75-78 Caroline Frampton............................................................. 79-80 Shan Garson......................................................................... 81-82 Ketterling Family Rambouillets..................................... 83-86 Don Lawson.......................................................................... 87-88 Michael McCormick........................................................... 89-91 Ben Pearson.......................................................................... 92-95 Regehr Sheep....................................................................96-100 Rocky Hill Rambouillet................................................ 101-103 Schalesky Livestock...................................................... 104-106 Schalesky Sheep Co...............................................................107 WW Sheep Co................................................................. 108-111 Prime SAMM.................................................... Page 23 JHK Sheep.................................................................Lot 112-113 Kitzan Sheep................................................................... 114-116 Columbia.................................................. Pages 23-25 A&K Columbias........................................................Lot 117-118 Blaha Columbias............................................................ 119-125 Brenda Brawner/Bullis Creek Ranch ...................... 126-127 Borcher Sheep Co/Weston Borcher........................ 128-132 Caroline Frampton........................................................ 133-138 Hettinger Research Extension Center.................... 139-140 Cordell Jeffcoat.......................................................................141 Don Lawson..................................................................... 142-144 Neal Columbias.............................................................. 145-147 Oak Meadow Sheep..............................................................148 Steinmetz Columbias................................................... 149-153 9

Corriedale........................................................ Page 25 Friesz Livestock.......................................................Lot 154-157 Phillippi Corriedales..................................................... 158-165 Bob & Deb Schroth....................................................... 166-168 Suffolk...................................................... Pages 26-30 Robert Amundson.................................................Lot 169-179 Bar-Zel Suffolks............................................................... 180-185 Benda Suffolks.........................................................................186 Braasch Land & Livestock........................................... 187-190 Cousins Suffolks............................................................. 191-193 Randy Dombek.............................................................. 194-196 DeZeeuw Suffolks......................................................... 197-202 Kyren Gebhart.........................................................................203 Jeremy Geske.................................................................. 204-206 Michael Geske................................................................. 207-208 Haley Sheep Co.............................................................. 209-212 Duane Juntunen............................................................ 213-214 Kitzan Sheep................................................................... 215-217 Kopren Suffolk.........................................................................218 Kopren & Pearson...................................................................219 Paige Lehrkamp............................................................. 220-222 McKay Suffolks............................................................... 223-227 Dave Pearson.................................................................. 228-229 Prairie Rose Suffolks..................................................... 230-232 Saddle Creek Suffolks................................................... 233-234 James R Weld.................................................................. 235-236 Zehnder & Zehnder Suffolks..................................... 237-239 Hampshire................................................ Pages 30-33 Travis Bell & Family.................................................Lot 240-243 Rachel Blaha.............................................................................244 Borcher Sheep Co.......................................................... 245-250 Chapman Hampshires................................................. 251-256 Promisekept Farm......................................................... 257-260 Dezeeuw Farm................................................................ 261-263 Randy Dombek.............................................................. 264-266 Herrig Family Hampshires.......................................... 267-268 David Juntunen.............................................................. 269-271 Nick & Karen Maneotis................................................ 272-278 Reid Merrill................................................................................279 Oak Meadow Sheep..............................................................280 Peterson Sheep Co........................................................ 281-284 Southdown................................................ Page 33-34 Keith & Deb Gebhart.............................................Lot 285-286 Kyren Gebhart................................................................ 287-288 Montadale....................................................... Page 34 My Montadales........................................................Lot 289-291 Dave Nash........................................................................ 292-294 Dorset.............................................................. Page 34 Promisekept Farm..................................................Lot 295-297 Triple K Dorsets............................................................. 298-300 10


South Dakota’s LARGEST

THURSDAY THURSDAY,September SEPTEMBER17, 18,2015 2014 10:00 10:00 A.M. A.M. Expecting: 10,000 Expecting: 10,000Head Head. -- 2,000-3,000 2,000-3,000 Replacement ReplacementEwes Ewes 1,000-2,000 Ewe -- 1,000-2,000 EweLambs Lambs 4,000-5,000 Feeder -- 4,000-5,000 FeederLambs Lambs

at the yards on the south edge of town. We’ll show and sell your stock from the top flocks of our 5-state trade area.

Gilbert Wood 605-456-2400 Justin Tupper 605-680-0259 Sandra Holcomb D.V.M.

11 9

Supreme Champion Ewe: Hampshire Owner: Chapman Hampshire, Bison, SD

Make with Wool Contest winners 2014

Champion Pair of Ewes: Rambouillet

2014 Youth Owner: Ewe Purchase Credit winners, Rachel Scott Crawford, Pipestone, MN Blaha, Avon, SD Braden Kopren, Bison, SD, Seth Schoon, White River, SD


Office: 456-2828 Res: 456-2555 Newell, SD


2015 FLEECE SHOW $2.00 Entry fee on each fleece entered CATEGORIES DIV I - Natural Colored Fine & Med DIV II - White Fleece Fine & Med

DIV III - Breed Class Fine & Med (each Breed judged separate) DIV IV - Lamb Fleece White & Natural Champion Fleece - Reserve Spinner Fleece - Reserve

2015 Photo Show Any Photos having to do with sheep Shepherds - Guard Animals Events Photos must have a hanger or on Matt Board

2016 Art in the Barn Fiber & Fleece Festival Fleece and Fiber festival, Live Fleece Expo, Sheep and goat Show, Fleece competition, Sheepdog Trials and Trade Show Father’s Day weekend, Friday & Saturday Sponsored by Newell Ram Show & Sale, South Dakota Sheep Growers, T’s 2 Please Embroidery and Uhrig Cheviot’s 13

77 N. 6th Ave. Belle Fourche, SD 605-723-3333

Helping your business is our business!     

Livestock Risk Protection Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Crop Hail Insurance GPS Mapping Farm & Ranch Insurance

Patty DeZeeuw 619 5th Ave #2, Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 692-4994 or 1-800-444-6570 ~ Licensed in SD, MN, IA, WY & CO This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



Jon Beastrom Family 20345 293 Ave, Pierre, SD 57501 605-280-8120

Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Ewe Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Fall Yearling Fall Yearling Yearling Yearling Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 2 head 2 head 2 head 2 head

Yearling Yearling

3 head 2 head


2 head

Levi Bucklin Box 1045, Scobey, MT 59263 406-475-2627 Lot 9 Lot 10

Range Ram Range Ram

John Bucklin Box 310, Scobey, MT 59263 406-895-7029 Lot 11

Range Ram

C and D Targhee 4605 RD 41 1/2, ManDerson, WY 82432 307-469-2244

Lot 12

Stud Ram

(VonKrosigh on Bolth Stud and Dam)

Lot 13

Stud Ram


1 head


1 head

(BD, 2/28/15 Sire Jon Beastrom & Family, Dam is Nielsen)

Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17

Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling Lamb Lamb

2 head 2 head 2 head 2 head

We have been in the Targhee Sheep business for about 30 years. I worked under Chet Mercer, a Targhee Hall of Famer. We purchased Chet’s ewes in 2009. We then purchased a VonKrosigh Ram in 2010. We then went to the Targhee Nationals in 2012 and purchased 8 head of the top ewes from the VonKrosigh family, the Lewis Ranch from Montana and Joelle and Andy Nevens. Last year we went to Brookings, South Dakota for the Nationals and bought the National Champ, yearling Ram from the Jon Beastrom family and the Champion Spring Ram from the Jon Beastrom family. These Rams are from very good bloodlines and are all big boned, straight back and thick ribbed, deep body bucks. Carl Nielsen C&D Targhees Manderson, Wyoming


Darrell Deneke PO Box 447, Wessington Springs, SD 57382 605-690-7271 • Lot 18 Stud Ram (Deneke 14149 N-93751 SD1316-0806) Lot 19 Stud Ram (Deneke 15190 N-93776 SD1316-0841)


1 head


1 head

Deneke Family Targhee 40455 210th St., Huron, SD 57350 605-350-2215 • Lot 20 Lot 21

Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling

3 head 3 head

Katelin Deneke 22618 374th Ave, Wessington Springs, SD 57382 605-539-9309 • Lot 22 Stud Ram (Deneke 1456 N-93774 SD1316-0796)


1 head

Plum Creek Targhees 42929 SD Hwy 46, Lesterville, SD 57040 605-660-0827 Caleb or 605-660-2981 Leroy Lot 23 Stud Ram Yearling (0144 - QR, Twin, 22.7 micron) Lot 24 Range Ram Yearling (0172 Twin 23.5 micron - 0140 Twin 23.2 micron) Lot 25 Range Ram Yearling (0132, QR, Single 23.6 micron, 0137 RR, Twin 22.9 micron)

1 head 2 head 2 head

PM Ranch (Bob Padula) 3840 230th St., Montevideo, MN 56265 320-269-7973 • Lot 26 Stud Ram (Complete NSIP Records & wool data) Lot 27 Stud Ram


1 head


1 head

PM Ranch PM Ranch

Performance TestedTested Targhee Sheep Performance Targhee Sheep Combining !o#bining on-farmotesting & NSIP n-­‐far# tes0ng 1 2345 records records for over 25 years to advance the Targhee for over 25 years theworld-­‐wide Targhee breed ato nd advance sheep industry breed and sheep industry world-wide

!ocusin( on eas,-­‐care (ene/cs0 maternal traits and valuable wool for the and seed-­‐stock industries on commercial easy-care genetics,

Focusing maternal traits and valuable wool for the Robert F. Padula commercialProprietor and seed-stock industries 3840 236th St

Montevideo, N 56265 Robert F. Padula - MProprietor (320) 269 – 7973 3840 St, Montevideo, MN 56265 (320) 269 – 7973 •

Marcia & Loren Stulken PO Box 187 Highmore, SD 57345 605-852-2348 • Lot 28

Stud Ram

Yearling 16

1 head

701-843-8808 •

rambouillet Lot 1

Range Ram



Burton Anderson • Burton Anderson 17815 334th Ave., Highmore, SD 57345 17815 334th Ave, Highmore, SD 57345 605-852-2233 605-852-2233 • Lot Lot29 2 Lot 30

StudStud Ram Ram Range Ram


Fall Fall

1 1 head

2 head

Anderson • Andersonfamily Family Rambouillet 17815 334th Ave., Highmore, SD 57345 17815 334th Ave, Highmore, SD 57345 605-852-2233 605-852-2233 •

Lot Lot31 3 Lot 32 Lot 4 Lot 33 Lot 34

StudStud Ram Ram StudRange Ram Ram Show Ewe Range Ram


Fall 1 1 head Lamb 2 1 head Fall Pair 2 head Fall 2 head

Anderson Family Rambouillet


(605) 852-2233 17815 334TH AVENUE HIGHMORE, SD 57345




Bar J Bar Ranch • Bar BarBox Ranch 329 LineJRd, Elder, SD 57719 329 Line Road, Box Elder, SD 57719 605-545-5862 •

605-545-5862 •

Lot 35 Stud Ram LotChampion 5 Stud Ram (Sire at National Western) F



1 head

Benz Rambouillet • Annika Bobb 24820 Oregon Trail Road, St. Marys, KS 66536 701-870-4135 • 3780 91st Ave SW, Taylor, ND 58656

701-974-3439 •

Lot 36

Stud Ram

Lot Lot37 7

StudShow Ram Ewe

(RRLot 20.16Micron 99.5 CF 115# @ 90 days) Stud Ram Y


Yearling Fall

(QR 20.8 Micron 98.7 CF 103# @ 90 days)

1 head

1 1 1 head

Lot 38 Range Rams Yearling Lot 39 Range Rams Yearling • John Bode Rambouillet Lot 40 Range Rams Yearling 16835 SD Hwy 45, Orient, SD 57467 Lot 41 Range Rams Yearling 605-460-1091 •

3 head 3 head 3 head 3 head

(Individual Micron & growth data will be available)

Lot 8

Range Ram



Annika Lot 9 Bobb Range Ram Y 2 3780Lot 91st Taylor, ND 58656 10 Ave SW, Range Ram Y 2 701-974-3439 • Lot 11 Range Ram Y 2 Lot 42 Stud Ram Yearling 1 head (RR single b 3/26/14 Dam Bobb 10 Sire: TVB 9470 Boyer-Utah) 13 Lot 43 Ewe/Doe Yearling 1 head Lot 44 Range Ram Yearling 2 head 17

John Bode 16835 SD Hwy 45, Orient, SD 57467 605-460-1091 • • Borcher Sheep Co. / Weston Borcher

Lot 45 Range14, Ram Yearling 2 head 1017 Road Powell, WY 82435 Lot 46 Range Ram Yearling 307-272-5285 • 2 head Lot 47 Range Ram Yearling 2 head • Borcher Co. / Ewe Weston YBorcher Lot 12 SheepShow

1017 Road 14, Co Powell, WY 82435 Borcher Sheep / weston borcher • 1338 307-272-5285 Lane 10, Powell, WY 82435 307-272-5285 • • John Bucklin LotPO 12 Box 310, Show Ewe MTY59263 Scobey,

Lot 48 Stud Ram Fall 406-895-7029 • Lot 49 Range Ram Lamb • John LotBucklin 13 Range Ram



Box 310, Scobey, MT 59263 JohnPO Bucklin 406-895-7029 • Box 310, Scobey, MT 59263 406-895-7029 • Chapman Rambouillets


1 head 4 head


LotPO 13 Box 251, Range Ram Y 3 Bison, SD 57620 605-244-7166 • Lot 50 Range Ram Yearling 2 head

• Chapman Rambouillets Lot 14 Stud Ram Y 1 Chapman Rambouillets POLot Box 251, Bison, SD 57620L Stud57620 Ram 1 PO Box 251,15Bison, SD 605-244-7166 • Show Lot 16 • Ewe Y 1 605-244-7166

Lot 17

Show Ewe



LotLot 14 Stud RamEwe Y P 1 Show LotLot 51 15 18StudStud Ram Yearling 1 21 head Ram L Range Ram Y 3 (All lotsLot will 19 information) LotLot 16 have NSIP Show EweRamY Y 1 3 Range LotLot 52 17 20StudShow Ram Lamb Ewe L 1 1 head Lot 21 (EBVS) Lot 18

Range Ram Show EweRamP Lot 22 Range LotLot 53 19 Show Ewe Range Ram Lot 23Show Ewe Range RamY LotLot 54 20 Range Ram Lot 24Range Range RamY LotLot 55 Ram Ram 21 Range Lot 25Range Range RamY LotLot 56 Ram Ram 22 Range Y LotLot 57 23 Range Ram Ram Y Range LotLot 58 24 Range Ram Ram Y Range LotLot 59 25 Range Ram Ram Y Range


2 Lamb 3 Lamb Pair 3 Yearling 3 Yearling 3 Yearling 3 Yearling 3 Yearling 2

3 31 head 32 head 33 head 22 head

3 head 2 head 3 head 2 head 3 head


Lot 60 Lot 61

Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Lamb

- Quality Rambouillets since 1967 - Wool Grade 64-70

• Quality Rambouillets since 1967 -Lenard Quality Rambouillets since 1967 • Wool Grade Chapman 64-70 Wool Grade • EnrolledPO in NSIP Box 34264-70 LenardBison, Chapman SD 57620 PO Box 342Chapman (605) 244-5469 Lenard Bison, PO SD Box 57620 342 (605)Bison, 244-5469 SD 57620 Find us on facebook

Find us on Facebook (605) 244-5469

Cook Sisters Cook• sisters HC68 Boxfacebook 7, Glad Valley, SD 57644 Find us on HC 68 Box 7, Glad Valley, SD 57644 605-466-2170 605-466-2170

• Cook Lot Sisters 26Show Ewe Stud Ram Y Yearling 11 head Lot 62 HC68 7, Glad Valley, Lot Box 27Show Show EweSD 57644 Y Yearling Pair 2 1 head Lot605-466-2170 63 Ewe Lot 28Range Ram Show Ewe Y Yearling 22 head Lot 64 Lot 29Range Ram Range Ram Y Yearling 22 head LotLot 65 26 30 Stud RamRamY Y 1 2 Lot Range 18 Y Lot 27 Show Ewe 1

Cell: (605) 645-0709 (605) 645-7890

At Erk Ranch, sheep are raised with the commercial sheepman in mind, with an emphasis on weight gain, and wool quality. Our production proven Rams consistently outrank the competition on both the Dakota and Wyoming Ram Test. · · ·

-In 2008 Erk Ranch had the top 2 certified Rams at the Dakota Ram Test -In 2009 Erk Ranch had the top 2 indexing and certified Rams at the Dakota RamTest and the 3rd high certified Ram on the Wyoming Ram Test -2010 wool clip: micron 20.2 with a 60.4% yield

2 STUD RAMS 8 RANGE RAMS EWE Rocky Hill1 Rambouillets

John & Anna Erk Megan Erk John, Anna, & Megan Erk (605) 456-3139 (605)-456-3139


John, Anna, & Megan Erk have put together a great set of breeding ewes. Their foundation ewes were purchased from the top end of the George Erk ewes, and bred to Erk Bros., Garson, & Cunningham rams. Following the Erk Bros. tradition, John, Anna, & Megan are stressing wool production without sacrificing lamb quality. g


Thanks to last year’s buyers: Lazy > C Kelly Ranch Ross Kopren Bruce Gotfredson Warren Moore Dick Woll Spud Lemmel Ted Steinbach Sam Undem Stratton Sheep John Helle Kent Holler Claude Plumb Levi Strohschein Blue Bell Sheep

16 19

Scott Crawford Family 293 121st Street, Pipestone, MN 56164 507-215-0488 • Lot 66 Stud Ram Lot 67 Show Ewe (Feb or March born)

Yearling 1 head Lamb Pair 2 head

Dry creek rambouillets (Jessica Steinmetz) PO Box 1239, Hot Springs, SD 57747 605-490-3015 •

Lot 68 Lot 69 Lot 70 Lot 71 Lot 72 Lot 73 Lot 74

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Ewe Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Lamb Yearling Lamb Lamb Yearling Yearling

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 2 head 2 head

Erk Bros c/o Paul & Beth Erk 16683 Erk Rd, Newell, SD 57760 605-456-2709 •

Lot 75 Lot 76 Lot 77 Lot 78

Stud Ram Range Rams Range Rams Range Rams

Yearling Yearling Yearling Yearling

1 head 3 head 2 head 3 head

Yearling Yearling

1 head 3 head

Caroline Frampton 678 W Erda Way, Tooele, UT 84074 435-840-4255 Lot 79 Lot 80

Stud Ram Range Ram

Shan Garson 288 Wayside Rd, Bosler, WY 82051 307-742-6005 or (cell) 307-760-2852 Lot 81 Lot 82

Stud Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling

1 head 3 head

Ketterling Family Rambouillets 10 Megans Way, Gillette, WY 82718 307-257-4934 •

Lot 83

Show Ewe


1 head

(Triplet, out of a great fleeced ram and excellent prolific range ewe)

Lot 84 Lot 85 Lot 86

Show Ewe Ewe Ewe

Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head

Don Lawson 6877 Co Rd 134, Flasher, ND 58535 701-527-0839 • Lot 87 Lot 88

Stud Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling 20

1 head 3 head

Michael McCormick 258 Sentinal Rock Rd, Glendo, WY 82213 307-331-3259 • Lot 89 Lot 90 Lot 91

Show Ewe Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Yearling Lamb

1 head 3 head 4 head

Ben Pearson 302 3rd St., SE, Hettinger, ND 58639 701-928-1410

Lot 92 Lot 93 Lot 94 Lot 95

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe

Fall Lamb Yearling Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head

Yearling Lamb Yearling Lamb Yearling

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 3 head

Regehr Sheep (Roger Regehr) 44333 273rd St, Marion, SD 57043 605-648-3737

Lot 96 Lot 97 Lot 98 Lot 99 Lot 100

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Range Ram

Rocky HIll Rambouillet (John & Anna Erk, Megan Erk) PO Box 397, Newell, SD 57760 605-490-9506 • Lot 101 Lot 102 Lot 103

Stud Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling Yearling

1 head 3 head 2 head

Schalesky Livestock 16502 156th St., Faith, SD 57626 605-866-4686 • Lot 104 Lot 105 Lot 106

Stud Ram Show Ewe Range Ram

Yearling Yearling Yearling

1 head 1 head 2 head

Schalesky sheep co 16502 156th St., Faith, SD 57626 605-866-4686 • Lot 107

Stud Ram


1 head

ww sheep co (Lyle Warner) 19401 15th St NW, Baldwin, ND 58561 701-255-1183 •

Lot 108

Stud Ram

(Very large - 3 dimensional ram)

Lot 109

Show Ewe

(Very nice ewe)

Lot 110

Show Ewe

(Last ewe to sell off our place)

Lot 111

Range Ram



1 head


1 head


1 head


3 head

KITZAN SHEEP & JHK Sheep Suffolk’s & Prime SAMM Sheep Get the most results with purebred SAMMs. Our foundation flock was started in 1999, and is your source for purebred SAMMs. We will be selling five pens of 2 SAMM ram lambs. The rams will be out of our top ewes and indexing above 110%. Kitzan Sheep and JHK SAMM Studs

Kitzan Sheep Suffolks We will be selling 1 pen of three and 2 pens of two range Suffolk ram lambs NSIP (National Sheep Improvement Program) data and indexes on the Suffolk’s and NSIP/Lambplan data and indexes on the SAMM’s will be posted at the sale.

These range rams will not be cut out or show fitted but will be coming to go to work for you. Kitzan Sheep JHK Sheep Dwight & Gwendolyn Kitzan Joshua & Heather Kitzan 18293 Sheep Corner Road 18075 Mail Road Nisland, SD 57762 Nisland, SD 57762 605-257-2105 605-257-2857 605-430-1593 Dwight’s Cell 605-430-3560 Josh’s cell Emails:


prime samm

JHK Sheep (Josh & Heather Kitzan) 18075 Mail Rd, Nisland, SD 57762 605-257 2857 • Lot 112 Lot 113

Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb

2 head 3 head

Kitzan Sheep (Dwight & Gwendolyn Kitzan) 18293 Sheep Corner Rd, Nisland, SD 57762 605-257-2105 • shepherd Lot 114 Lot 115 Lot 116

Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb

2 head 2 head 2 head


A&K columbias 753 Morrissey Rd., Newcastle, WY 82701 307-746-9416 Lot 117 Stud Ram Yearling 1 head (Here’s a super level, correct ram with a lot of growth & substance) Lot 118 Range Rams Yearling 4 head (Good thick, good fleeced rams - ready to work!) Rachel Blaha/Blaha Columbias 40436 311th St., Avon, SD 57315 605-286-3904 •

Lot 119

Stud Ram


(Twin, sired by Blaha 1-17 and a Kuehne ewe NSIP data)

Lot 120

Show Ewe

(Twin, sired by Blaha 1-17 NSIP data)

Lot 121

Show Ewe

(Triplet, sired by Blaha 1-17 NSIP data)

Lot 122


(Triplet, sired by Blaha 1-17 NSIP data)

Lot 123



1 head


1 head


1 head


1 head

(Twin, sired by Neal 418, Reserve Champion Ram last year)

Lot 124


(Triplet, sired by Blaha 1-17 NSIP data)

Lot 125

Range Ram

1 head


1 head


2 head

Brenda Brawner/Bullis Creek RAnch 88102 S Woodlake Rd, Woodlake, NE 69251 402-967-3060, 402-376-4002 • Lot 126 Lot 127

Stud Ram Show Ewe

Yearling Yearling


1 head 1 head

Borcher Sheep co/weston borcher 1330 Lane 10, Powell, WY 82435 307-272-5285 •

Lot 128 Lot 129 Lot 130 Lot 131 Lot 132

Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling 1 head Yearling Pair 2 head Lamb 1 head Yearling 2 head Lamb 3 head

CAroline Frampton 678 W Erda Way, Tooele, UT 84074 435-840-4255

Lot 133 Lot 134 Lot 135 Lot 136 Lot 137 Lot 138

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Lamb Lamb Lamb Yearling Yearling

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 3 head 3 head

Hettinger Research Extension center 102 Highway 12 W, Hettinger, ND 58639 701-928-1410 Lot 139 Lot 140

Stud Ram Show Ewe

Yearling Yearling

1 head 1 head

Cordell Jeffcoat PO Box 685 Woodlake, NE 69221 402-382-8975 or 402-389-0950 • Lot 141

Stud Ram


1 head

Don Lawson 6877 Co Rd 134, Flasher, ND 58535 701-527-0839 • Lot 142 Lot 143 Lot 144

Stud Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Yearling Yearling

1 head 3 head 3 head

Neal Columbias 12250 RD 75, Bayard, NE 69334 302-586-1132/308-672-6772 • Lot 145 Stud Ram Lot 146 Show Ewe Lot 147 Range Ram (Neal 507RR and 518RR)

Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 2 head

Oak Meadow Sheep (Bruce Nickel) 30799 CSAH 34, Litchfield, MN 55355 320-693-2428 • Lot 148 Stud Ram (Moderate sized and very correct)



1 head

Steinmetz Columbias PO Box 1239, Hot Springs, SD 57747 605-490-3015 •

Lot 149 Lot 150 Lot 151 Lot 152 Lot 153

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe Range Ram

Yearling Lamb Yearling Lamb Yearling

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 2 head


friesz livestock (Joana Friesz) PO Box 67, New Salem, ND 58563 701-400-8744 •

Lot 154

Stud Ram

(Friesz 417 DOB: 2/2/14 TW)

Lot 155 Lot 156 Lot 157

Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe


1 head

Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head

(Check out genetics at

Phillippi Corriedales 2421 Hammond Rd, Hammond, MT 59332 406-427-5280

Lot 158 Lot 159 Lot 160 Lot 161 Lot 162 Lot 163 Lot 164 Lot 165

Stud Ram Stud Ram Ewe Ewe Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Yearling Lamb Yearling Lamb Yearling Yearling Yearling Yearling

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 3 head 3 head 2 head 2 head

Bob & Deb Schroth 5899 S. CR 157, Strasburg, CO 80136 303-622-4617/720-810-4335 • Lot 166 Stud Ram Yearling 1 head (A big, complete ram out of our great Tripod ram) Lot 167 Show Ewe Yearling 1 head Lot 168 Show Ewe Lamb 1 head (This lamb will be out of the JR champion ram we purchased in Sedaila)



Robert Amundson 2451 37th St NE, Larimore, ND 58251 218-779-7631/701-343-2862

Lot 169 Lot 170 Lot 171 Lot 172

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe

Yearling Lamb Yearling Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head

Lot 173 Lot 174 Lot 175 Lot 176 Lot 177 Lot 178 Lot 179

Ewe Ewe Ewe Ewe Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 3 head 3 head 3 head

(Will make an excellent brood ewe)

Bar-Zel Suffolks 21961 470th Ave, Brookings, SD 57006 605-354-8248

Lot 180

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 181

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 182

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 183

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 184 Lot 185

Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb

2 head 3 head

(Sire Kimm 12060* Kimm 22 daughter) (Sire Batt *Dam)

(Sire Kimm 13084) (Sire Kimm 13084)

Benda Suffolks 58958 850th St., Alpha MN 56111 507-841-2220 • Lot 186 Stud Ram (Sire is Kings Ransom)


1 head

Braasch Land & Livestock 73943 Road 433, Elwood, NE 68937 308-991-8613 • Lot 187 Stud Ram Yearling 1 head (Grand champion Suffolk ram as a late winter lamb at the 2014 Nebraska

State Fair. He’s rugged, muscular, and meaty where it counts. An excellent stud prospect for your purebred Suffolk flock or for raising your own blackface range rams.)

be a half-sister to our stud ram entry out of a home-raised ewe.)

Lot 188 Show Ewe Fall 1 head (We’ll bring a late fall (November) ewe lamb from our keeper head - she’ll Lot 189 Lot 190

Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb


3 head 2 head

Cousins Suffolks 803 23rd St NE, Lemmon, SD 57638 701-376-3115 • Lot 191 Lot 192 Lot 193

Stud Ram Stud Ram Range Ram

Yearling Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 5 head

Randy Dombek 2422 290th St, Ivanhoe, MN 56142 507-530-5937 • Lot 194 Stud Ram (Sired by “Wolfman” WHS 3-07) Lot 195 Stud Ram (Sired by DF 2621 a Dreher 6244 son) Lot 196 Show Ewe (Sired by DF 2621 a Dreher 6244 son)


1 head


1 head


1 head

DeZeeuw Suffolks 21315 US Hwy 14, Elkton, SD 57026 605-542-7541/605-690-8269 •

Lot 197

Stud Ram


(Sired the same way as last years champion suffolk ram)

Lot 198 Lot 199 Lot 200 Lot 201 Lot 202

Stud Ram Show Ewe Ewe/Doe Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb Fall Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 2 head 2 head

Kyren Gebhart 14 Lowery Ranch Road, Gillette, WY 82718 605-280-6542 • Lot 203 Stud Ram (Grandson of Captain Jack)


1 head

jeremy geske 31307 171st Ave., New Prague, MN 56071 612-756-1200 • Lot 204 Stud Ram Lamb 1 head (Sired by “PokeRR Face” - a very correct stud (RR)) Lot 205 Show Ewe Lamb 1 head (Sired by “PokeRR Face” - Full sister to Reserve ewe at ‘14 SD state fair) Lot 206 Range Ram Lamb 2 head (Sired by JMG 1433RR - 3rd high-selling ram at Reno) Michael geske 31307 171st Ave., New Prague, MN 56071 612-756-1200 • Lot 207 Stud Ram Lamb (Sired by “PokeRR Face” - Going to be huge) Lot 208 Range Ram Lamb (Production & NSIP data available)


1 head 2 head

JMG 1433RR

3rd High-selling ram—Reno 2015 Sire: “PokeRR Face” Dam: by “Captain Jack” Sold to JA Phillips, ID Sire of my pen of 2 range rams 1/2 brother to my stud rams & ewe 7/8 brother to my high-selling ewe, `15 Stars of the North online sale “PokeRR Face” lambs will work for you too!

JMG Suffolks - Jeremy Geske - New Prague, MN

Raising big, bold, functional Suffolks for over 35 years NSIP and production Data available 612-756-1200 Find me on Facebook as well

haley sheep co (John Haley) PO Box 2, Shell, WY 82441 307-765-9626

Lot 209 Lot 210 Lot 211 Lot 212

Stud Ram Stud Ram Show Ewe Show Ewe

Yearling Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head

Duane Juntunen 18659 439th Ave, Bryant, SD 57221 605-881-3374 Lot 213 Lot 214

Stud Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb

1 head 2 head

Kitzan sheep (Dwight & Gwendolyn Kitzan) 18293 Sheep Corner Road, Nisland, SD 57762 605-257-2105 • Lot 215 Lot 216 Lot 217

Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb

3 head 2 head 2 head

Kopren Suffolk 13300 180th Ave., Bison, SD 57620 605-545-0842 • Lot 218 Stud Ram (DOB Feb. 4, 2015 NSIP)

Lamb 28

1 head

Kopren & Pearson 302 3rd St., SE, Hettinger, ND 58639 701-928-1416 Lot 219 Range Ram (Feb - born)


3 head

Paige Lehrkamp PO Box 631, Highmore, SD 57345 605-852-2106 • Lot 220 Stud Ram (Late January Ram out of our Kimm Ram) Lot 221 Range Ram (Out of Mint Gold Ram) Lot 222 Range Ram (Out of Kimm Ram)


1 head


3 head


2 head

McKay Suffolks (Bill & Scott McKay) PO Box 71, 459 Millegan Rd., Ulm, MT 59485 406-866-3368/406-799-5398 • Lot 223

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 224

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 225

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 226

Show Ewe

Pair-Lamb 2 head

Lot 227

Range Ram


(We have not decided on which one to bring. He will be a well muscled ram that travels well with great breed character.)

(This wide topped, long sided, smooth made ewe has great breed character and walks on a solid set of feet and legs. Her sire, Prairie Rose 1554-5 “SAM ADAMS” )

(This classy looking ewe lamb will be a great broad ewe. She is a long sided ewe with great rib shape. She is sired by SAM ADAMS (4th in class @ 2012 Reno)

(503 Red This ewe lamb is a meat wagon with style, sired by SAM ADAMS Her dam’s pedigree goes back to Luxford, Dreher ad Corey breeding.) (504 Red This triplet SAM ADAMS daughter is complete and has all the markings to become a great broad ewe.) All our entries are RR

3 head

(Theses rams will be sired by Prairie Rose 1128 “TOO TUFF” or Prairie Rose 1554-5 “SAM ADAMS”. These rams will be picked for easy doing and will be long bodied with ample muscling. They will walk on a great set of feet and legs. Check out our facebook page at or our website at for updates and picture of our sheep.)

DAve Pearson 302 3rd St. SE, Hettinger, ND 58639 701-928-1410 Lot 228 (Jan born) Lot 229

Stud Ram


1 head

Show Ewe


1 head

Prairie Rose suffolks (Gayle Lucas) 21 Prairie Rose Ln., Philipsburg, MT 59858 406-859-3890 • Lot 230

Stud Ram


1 head


3 head

(We will bring a top prospect. For more information check out our entries at

Lot 231 Range Ram (Hardy with live-ability, flesh and growth) 29

Lot 232 Range Ram (Naturally thick and hardy)


3 head

Saddle Creek Suffolks 46716 272nd St., Tea, SD 57064 605-553-5738 • Lot 233 Lot 234

Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb

2 head 2 head

James R WIld 39 Prater Rd, Eldon, MO 65026 573-375-4948 Lot 235 Ewe Yearling (QR Big growthly ewe, lots of volume good bone) Lot 236 Range Ram Yearling (RR big, growthly ram)

1 head 1 head

Zehnder & Zehnder Suffolks 1883 200th St., Truman, MN 56088 507-776-2423 (Steve) • 507-776-2348 (Tom) Lot 237 Lot 238 Lot 239

Stud Ram Ewe Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 2 head

(All lambs are sired by Luxford 1404 who sired the ‘14 Grand Champion ewe at the midwest stud ram sale, very sound and stout made.)


Travis bell & family 12787 CR 19A, Fordville, ND 58231 701-360-1597 • Lot 240

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 241

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 242

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 243

Range Ram


3 head

(Sired by Peterson Ram)

(Sired by Hubbard Roselawn)

(Sired by Hubbard Roselawn)

(Sired by Hubbard Roselawn)

Rachel Blaha 40436 311th St., Avon, SD 57315 605-286-3904 • Lot 244

Stud Ram


1 head

(Twin, thick, heavy-boned lamb out of the Reserve Supreme Champion ewe here last year (Chapman ewe lamb.)


Lot 144

Stud Ram


Borcher sheep co (Weston Borcher) 1330 Lane 10, Powell, WY 82435 307-272-5285 • Hampshire


Lot 245 Stud Ram Yearling • Borcher Sheep Co. (Weston Borcher) Lot 246 Show Ewe 1017 Rd. 14, Powell, WY 82435 Yearling Lot 247 Show• Ewe Lamb Pair 307-272-5285 Lot 248 Range Ram Lamb Lot Lamb 1 Lot249 145 Range StudRam Ram Y Lot Ram Yearling 1 Lot250 146 Range Show Ewe Y Lot 147

Show Ewe


1 head 1 head 2 head 2 head 3 head 3 head


Chapman Lot 148 Hampshires Range Ram L 3 PO Box SD Ram 57680 Y Lot 251, 149 Bison, Range 2 605-244-7166 •

Lot 251 Stud Ram Lamb 1 head • Chapman Hampshires PO Box 251, Bison, Lot 252 Show Ewe SD 57620 Lamb 1 head 605-244-7166 • Lot 253 Range Ram Yearling 2 head Lot 254 Range Ram Lamb 3 head Lot255 150 Range StudRam Ram L Lot Lamb 1 2 head Lot256 151 Range Show Ewe L Lot Ram Lamb 1 3 head Lot 152




Enrolled in MSIP 20 years of Raising Quality Hampshires Find Us on Facebook


• DeZeeuw Farms

21315 US Hwy.14, 57026 Promisekept farmElkton, (Tim &SD Kathy Coss & Family) 207 605-542-7541 E. Water St., Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507-202-0039 • Lot 153 Stud Ram Lot 154 Show Lot 257 Stud Ram Ewe Lot 155 Range Lot 258 Stud Ram Ram

Lot 259 Lot 260

Range Ram Range Ram


1 Yearling 1 Lamb 2

Yearling Lamb

1 head 1 head 2 head 2 head

(These are breed like my Supreme Champion Ram at the 2013 Newell Ram Sale. Their sire is a son of Held 2910; dam is the mother of Shocker. 2910 was National Junior Champion and has sired lots of good sheep.) 23


DeZeeuw FArm 21315 US Hwy 14, Elkton, SD 57026 605-542-7541/605-690-8269 • Lot 261

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 262

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 263

Range Ram


2 head

(Will be sired by “powercase”, Held 1508)

(half-sister to our 1st place Jan. ewe lamb at the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.)

Randy Dombek 2422 290th St., Ivanhoe, MN 56142 507-530-5938 • Lot 264

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 265

Stud Ram


1 head 1 head

(Sired by a Houghtaling Ram)

(Bred the same as our Res Champion here last year.)

(Out of Frame - “Work of Art”)

Lot 266

Show Ewe


Herrig Family Hampshires (Jake Herrig) 677 State Hwy 267, Slayton, MN 56172 507-227-4228 • Lot 267 Lot 268

Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb 32

3 head 2 head

David Juntunen 43950 187th St., Bryant, SD 57221 605-880-6372 • Lot 269

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 270

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 271

Range Ram


2 head

(We will bring a lamb that is stout with bone, sired by our Dezeeuw ram or Peterson ram.)

(We will bring a lamb with style and bone. Sired by our Dezeeuw ram or Peterson ram.)

(Sired by our Dezeeuw ram or Peterson ram.)

Nick & Karen Maneotis Box 1698, Craig, CO 81626 970-629-2719 •

Lot 272 Lot 273 Lot 274 Lot 275 Lot 276 Lot 277 Lot 278

Ewe Ewe Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb

2 head 2 head 2 head 3 head 2 head 3 head 2 head

Reid Merrill 2163 250 St., Canby, MN 56220 507-829-4319 • Lot 279

Stud Ram


(Sire: Frame 8151 Dam, Merrill 9119 Big thick ram)

1 head

Oak meadow sheep (Bruce Nickel) 30799 CSAH 34, Litchfield, MN 55355 320-693-2428 • Lot 280

Stud Ram


(Great Hampshire type)

1 head

Peterson sheep co (Doug & Lindi) 803 23rd St NE, Lemmon, SD 57638 701-376-3115 •

Lot 281 Lot 282 Lot 283 Lot 284

Stud Ram Show Ewe Range Ram Range Ram

Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb

1 head 1 head 3 head 2 head


keith & deb gebhart 14 Lowery Ranch Rd, Gillette, WY 82718 605-280-4468/605-280-6558 • Lot 285

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 286

Stud Ram


1 head

(Single son of Fuller “Studly”)

(Twin grandson of Fuller “Studly”)


Kyren gebhart 14 Lowery Ranch Rd, Gillette, WY 82718 605-280-6542 • Lot 287

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 288

Stud Ram


1 head

(Has Fuller hamps and downs blood in them)

(Has Fuller hamps and downs blood in them)


my Montadales (Craig and Kendra Fleck) 47289 Hwy 324 Brookings, SD 57006 814-441-0980 • Lot 289

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 290

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 291

Show Ewe


1 head

(Twin Born 3/5/14, BW 8.5, 60 day weaning wt 62#, 120 day wt 128# thick, heavy boned)

(TW Born 1/26/14, BW 9.5, 60 day ww 47, good solid Ewe that will produce. )

(TW Born 2/6/15 BW 10, 60 WW 70, 120 wt 101. Made like the Ewe lambs we have been bringing to Newell. )

Dave Nash 15595 113th St., Prairie City, SD 57649 605-855-2486/701-567-3051 • Lot 292

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 293

Stud Ram


1 head

(Sired by Poppen 294)

(Sired by Clayman 14129 Dam Poppen 4260)

Lot 294

Show Ewe Lamb 1 head (Sired by Clayman 14129 our fall ram purchase at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedilia, MO))


promisekept farm (Tim & Kathy Coss & Family) 207 E. Water St, Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507-202-0039 • Lot 295 Lot 296 Lot 297

Stud Ram Ewe Lamb Ewe Lamb

Lamb Fall Lamb

1 head 1 head 1 head

(Sired by the Reserve Champion Jr. ram at Sedalia in 2013, bred by Pine Ridge Dorsets. Half sister to the high selling ewe at Newell in 2014. The dams are the best of Riverwood, Mithoefer & Sanford daughters. These lambs are all top end lambs.

Triple K Dorsets 47358 SD Hwy 324, Brookings, SD 57006 605-695-5980 • Lot 298

Stud Ram


1 head

Lot 299

Show Ewe


1 head

Lot 300

Show Ewe


1 head

(This ram is bigger than tall not a very common occurrence. Sired by TK 338 a solid stout fall lamb.)

(Solid natural fall born ewe, TK 338 sire solid ram)

(Showy ewe lamb, great 4-H show lamb)


Previous Grand Champions - Show Winners Grand Champion Stud Rams: 1949 - Hampshire - Frank Swope, Orient, SD 1950 - No Show and Sale 1951 - Hampshire - Frank Swope, Orient, SD 1952 - Rambouillet - Thomas & Pfister & Sons, Node, WY 1953 - Hampshire - Frank Swope, Orient, SD 1954 - Rambouillet - Dr. R.I. Port, Sundance, WY 1955 - Rambouillet - Dr. R.I. Port, Sundance, WY 1956 - Corriedale - Herbert E. Sabin, Node, WY 1957 - Hamphire - Frank Swope, Orient, WY 1958 - Corriedale - Harley & Nellie Martin, Casper, WY 1959 - Corriedale - Mary Martin, Casper, WY 1960 - Targhee - Leonard Wilson & Son, Newell, SD 1961 - Targhee - Leonard Wilson & Son, Newell, SD 1962 - Columbia - Joseph Pfister, Node, WY 1963 - Corriedale - Art King, Cheyenne, WY 1964 - Targhee - Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1965 - Corriedale - Art King, Cheyenne, WY 1966 - Columbia - Hettinger Experiment Station, Hettinger, ND 1967 - Suffolk - John D. Misterek, Harrold, SD 1968 - Corriedale, Harold Tysdal, Newcastle, WY 1969 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1970 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1971 - Rambouillet - Glenn A. Brown, Spearfish, SD 1972 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1973 - Corriedale - Harley Martin, Pavillion, WY 1974 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1975 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1976 - Suffolk - Stanley Wellner, Miller, SD 1977 - Corriedale - Harley Martin, Pavillion, WY 1978 - Corriedale - Bruce Hoffman, Rockham, SD 1979 - Columbia - Steven Kitzan, Richardton, ND 1980 - Targhee - Leonard Wilson, Newell, SD 1981 - Suffolks - James E. Marshall, Oriska, ND 1982 - Columbia - Lynn Frey, Granville, ND 1983 - Rambouillet - Lenard Champman, Bison, SD 1984 - Rambouillet - Connie Oliver, Newell, SD 1985 - Rambouillet - Connie Oliver, Newell, SD 1986 - Hampshire - Kirby Chapman, Bison, SD 1987 - Corriedale - Lester & Renetta Phillippi, Hammond, MT 1988 - Columbia - Harold Osborne, Wimbledon, ND 1989 - Rambouillet - Joel & Jackie Rehm, Park Rapids, MT 1990 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1991 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1992 - Suffolk - DuWayne Swenson, Dawnson, MN 1993 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1994 - Suffolk - Wes Limesand, Fargo, ND 1995 - Columbia - Marshall Bros., Oriska, ND 1996 - Rambouillet - Anderson Family Ranch, Highmore, SD 1997 - Suffolk - Jason & Alicia Knutson, Centerville, SD 1998 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1999 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 2000 - Rambouillet - Rabel Rambouillet, Cheyenne, WY 2001 - Rambouillet - Lance & Dustin Frey, Franville, ND 2002 - Rambouillet - Lance & Dustin Frey, Franville, ND 2003 - Columbia - Marshall Stock Farm, Oriska, ND 2004 - Rambouillet - Sutherland Sheep Co., Hillsdale, WY 2005 - Rambouillet - Willie Ranch - Oak Creek, CO 2006 - Rambouillet - Shan Garson - Bosler, WY 2007 - Hampshire - Champman Hampshire’s, Bison, SD 2008 - Rambouillet - Sutherland Sheep Co., Hillsdale, WY 2009 - Rambouillet - Ian Forbes-McGivney, Kaycee, WY 2010 - Suffolk - Yetter Suffolk’s - LaGrange, WY 2011 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillets, Bison, SD 2012 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillets, Bison, SD 2013 - Hampshire - Tim Coss, Cannon Falls, MN 2014 - Rambouillet - Ian Forbes-McGivney, Kaycee, WY


Previous Grand Champions - Show Winners Grand Champion Ewes:

1960 - Targhee - Leonard & Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1961 - Targhee - Leonard & Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1962 - Targhee - Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1963 - Targhee - Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1964 - Targhee - Dick Wilson, Newell, SD 1965 - Suffolk - George Wellner, Miller, SD 1966 - Suffolk - Robert Weber, Strandburg, SD 1967 - Suffolk - John H. Misterek, Harrold, SD 1968 - Suffolk - Teri Ann Eatherton, Upton, WY 1969 - Suffolk - John H. Misterek, Harrold, SD 1970 - Rambouillet - Glenn A. Brown, Spearfish, SD 1971 - Columbia - Jim Perino, Newcastle, WY 1972 - Suffolk - Robert Weber, Strandburg, SD 1973 - Columbia - Wray Hall, Lebanon, SD 1974 - Suffolk - J.R. & Helen Mitchell, Clearmont, WY 1975 - Suffolk - Robert Weber, Strandburg, SD 1976 - Rambouillet - Eden Tompkins, Highmore, SD 1977 - Rambouillet - Erk Bros, Newell, SD 1978 - Suffolk - Tom Misterek, Harrold, SD 1979 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1980 - Columbia - Freeburg Columbias (Troy), Albin, WY 1981 - Suffolk - John H. Misterek, Harrold, SD 1982 - Suffolk - James A Sauerman, Hammond, WI 1983 - Suffolk - DuWayne Swenson, Dawson, MN 1984 - Rambouillet - Matthew Benz, Beulah, ND 1985 - Suffolk - DuWayne Swenson, Dawnson, MN 1986 - Suffolk - J.R. & Helen Mitchell, Clearmont, WY 1987 - Suffolk - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1988 - Suffolk - J.R. & Helen Mitchell, Clearmont, WY 1989 - Suffolk - Lyn Yexley (Dakota Suffolks) Bradley, SD 1990 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1991 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1992 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 1993 - Columbia - Twin Creek Ranch, Proctor, MT 1994 - Suffolk - Spronk Bros. (Leon/Gordon), Edgerton, MN 1995 - Rambouillet - Randy Oliver, Newell, SD 1996 - Suffolk - Spronk Bros. (Leon/Gordon), Edgerton, MN 1997 - Rambouillet - Connie Oliver, Newell, SD 1998 - Suffolk - Orville Corey, Whitewood, SD 1999 - Suffolk - Dave Pearson, Hettinger, ND 2000 - Rambouillet - Sutherland Sheep co. (Ron), Hillsdale, WY 2001 - Suffolk - Dave Pearson, Hettinger, ND 2002 - Suffolk - DeZeeuw Suffolks (Rufus/Patty) Elkton, SD 2003 - Rambouillet - Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 2004 - Suffolk - Robert Amundson, Larimore, ND 2005 - Rambouillet - Robert Amundson, Larimore, ND 2006 - Suffolk - Dave Pearson, Hettinger, ND 2007 - Rambouillet - Ben Pearson, Hettinger, ND 2008 - Hampshire - David Juntunen, Vienna, SD 2009 - Rambouillet -Roger Regehr, Marion, SD 2010 - Rambouillet - Cook Sisters, Glad Valley, SD 2011 - Suffolk - Robert Amundson Family, Larimore, ND 2012 - Rambouillet - Anderson Family Ranch, Highmore, SD 2013 - Hampshire - Chapman Hampshire, Bison, SD 2014 - Rambouillet - WW Sheep Co., Baldwin, ND

Previous Grand Champions - Show Winners Grand Champion Pair of Ewes: 2006 - Rambouillet - Erk Brothers, Newell, SD 2007 - Rambouillet - Erk Brothers, Newell, SD 2008 - Rambouillet - TJ & Sonya Swan, Newell, SD 2009 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillet, Bison, SD 2010 - Rambouillet - Erk Brothers, Newell, SD 2011 - Rambouillet - Sutherland Sheep Co., Hillsdale, WY 2012 - Rambouillet - Erk Brothers, Newell, SD 2013 - Rambouillet - Scott Crawford, Pipestone, MN 2014 - Rambouillet - Scott Crawford, Pipestone, MN


Previous Grand Champions - Show Winners Grand Champion Fleeces: 2006 - Fine Wool Ram - Cormo - Rebecca McEune, Broadus, MT 2007 - Fine Wool Ram - Rambouillet - Ian Mcgivney-Forbes,Kaycee, WY 2007 - Fine Wool Ewe - Rambouillet - Ian Mcgivney-Forbes, Kaycee, WY 2007 - Medium Wool Ram - Cheviot - Barb Uhrig, Newell, SD 2007 - Medium Wool Ewe - Columbia - Riesland Columbia’s, Vale, SD 2008 - Fine Wool Ram - Rambouillet - Jim Forbes, Kaycee, WY 2008 - Fine Wool Ewe - Rambouillet - Ian Mcgivney-Forbes, Kaycee, WY 2008 - Medium Wool Ram - Cheviot - Barb Uhrig, Newell, SD 2008 - Medium Wool Ewe - Targhee - Marcia Stulken, Highmore, SD 2008 - Overall Champion - Rambouillet - Jim Forbes, Kaycee, WY 2009 - Fine Wool Ram - Rambouillet - Erk Bros. Newell, SD 2009 - Fine Wool Ewe - Rambouillet - Erk Bros. Newell, SD 2009 - Medium Wool Ram - Cheviot - Barb Urhig, Newell, SD 2009 - Medium Wool Ewe - Rambouillet - Gary Babb, Newell, SD 2009 - Champion Colored - Gary Babb, Newell, SD 2009 - Overall Champion - Rambouillet - Erk Bros., Newell, SD 2010 - Fine Wool - Polypay - LeRoy Kindler, Newell, SD 2010 - Medium Wool - Targhee - Brandon Hinker, Brookings, SD 2010 - Spinner - Gary Babb, Newell, SD 2010 - Natural Colored - Gary Babb, Newell, SD 2010 - Overall Champion - Polypay - LeRoy Kindler, Newell, SD 2011 - Fine Wool - Rambouillet - Erk Brothers, Newell, SD, 2011 - Medium Wool - Targhee - Katie Denke, Wessington Springs, SD 2011 - Spinners - Rambouillet - Ian Forbes - McGivney, Kaycee, WY 2011 - Natural Colored - Lauren Babb, Newell, SD 2011 - Overall Champion - Targhee - Duane Denke, Brookings, SD 2012 - Natural Colored - Rambouillet - Erk Bros., Newell, SD 2012 - White - Rambouillet - Erk Bros., Newell, SD 2012 - Lamb - Rambouillet - Erk Bros., Newell, SD 2012 - Breed - Cheviot - Barb Uhrig, Newell, SD 2012 - Spinners - Corriedale - Phillipi Corriedales, Hammond, MT 2012 - Youth - Katie Deneke, Heron, SD 2012 - Champion - Cheviot - Barb Uhrig, Newell, SD 2013 - Champion - Rambouillet - TJ & Sonya Swan, Nisland, SD 2014 - Overall Champion - Rambouillet - Everett Paul, Faith, SD 2014 - Spinners - Rambouillet - Gayle Cerello, Newell, SD 2014 - Gary Babb Memorial - Targhee - Darrell Deneke, Wessington Springs, SD

Premiere Ram Breeder: (Pen of 5)

1981 - Rambouillet - Elden Tompkins, Highmore, SD 1982 - Columbia - Jerry Ehlers, Hettinger, ND 1983 - Rambouillet - Joseph Erk, Newell, SD 1984 - Rambouillet - George Erk, Newell, SD 1985 - Suffolk - Bill Walker, Virginia Dale, CO 1986 - Rambouillet - Leonard Wilson, Newell, SD 1987 - Rambouillet - George L. Erk, Newell, SD 1988 - Suffolk - Ista Suffolk (Sheila, Paula, Alan) Hulett, WY 1989 - Rambouillet - George L. Erk, Newell, SD 1990 - Rambouillet - Randy Oliver, Newell, SD 1991 - Rambouillet - Clarence Reid, Nisland, SD 1992 - Rambouillet - Leonard Wilson, Newell, SD 1993 - Rambouillet - Erk Bros. (John & Sons), Newell, SD 1994 - Suffolk - Daryl & Marsha Titrum, Wheatland, WY 1995 - Columbia - Peterson Columbia (Doug & Lindi) Lemmon, SD 1996 - Rambouillet - Dick & Rose Turbiville, Belle Fourche, SD 1997 - Suffolk - Mike and Jerry Geske, Pingree, ND 1998 - Rambouillet - John Gupman (Wooly Acres) Lemmon, SD 1999 - Rambouillet - Jim & Rosemary Forbes, Kaycee, WY 2000 - Columbia - Peterson Columbia (Doug & Lindi) Lemmon, SD 2001 - Columbia - Randy Feist Columbia, Ludlow, SD 2002 - Rambouillet - Lenard Chapman, Bison, SD 2003 - Rambouillet - Rocky Hill, John & Megan Erk, Newell, SD 2004 - Rambouillet - Paul Erk, Newell, SD 2005 - Columbia - Peterson Sheep Co., Lemmon, SD 2006 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillet, Bison, SD


2007 - Columbia - Rench Columbia’s, Riverton, WY 2008 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillet, Bison, SD 2009 - Rambouillet - Viet Rambouillet, Isabel, SD 2010 - Columbia - Caroline Frampton, Toele, UT 2011 - Columbia - Borcher Columbias, Powell, WY 2012 - Rambouillet - Chapman Rambouillet, Bison, SD 2013 - Rambouillet - Shan Garson, Bosler, WY 2014 - Rambouillet - Wille Ranch, Steamboat Springs, CO


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