Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040
Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575 Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776
FEEDERS Eagle Ridge Ranch 180 Blk Strs, 775#, Branding Shots, Coming off grass, Home Raised 70 Blk Hfrs, 725#, PTO @ ranch, Branding Shots, Coming off grass, Home Raised Jerry Blackburn 75 Blk/Bwf Strs, 750-8258#, Home Raised, Late Summer/Fall Calves, Full Vac. Program, Coming off grass 48 Mx Hfrs, 875-900#, Spayed, 1-iron, Full Vac. Program, Coming off grass 38 Mx Strs, 750-775#, Full Vac. Program, Coming off grass JP Werner & Sons 81 Red Angus Hfrs, 920#, Spayed, Complete Vac. Program, Coming off grass, Home Raised 50 Red Angus Strs, 920#, Complete Vac. Program, Coming off grass, Home Raised Steve Robinson 90 Blk/Bwf Strs ( 1 Rd/1 Char), 865-920#, Home Raised, Complete Vac. Program, No Implants, Coming off grass Blackburn Cattle Account 65 Blk/Rd Strs, 775-800#, Full Vac. Program, Coming off grass CALVES Warm Springs Ranch 400 Char-x (few Straight Blk) Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Branding Shots Rosemarie Harding 200 Blk Angus few Char-x Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Branding Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold, All Natural Twin Buttes 100 F1 Cross few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 475-550#, Branding Shots, Strs are Implanted w/Ralgro, Knife Cut, Hfrs are All Natural Levi & Sara Kosmicki 80 Blk/Rd Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Branding Shots: Vista Once SQ, 7-way w/Somnus, Implanted w/Ralgro, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once, 7-way w/Somnus, Poured & Safeguard Allen Reinking 40 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 475-600#, Branding Shots: 7-way, Pre-cond. Shots on Sept. 22: Vira Shield 6 w/Somnus, Poured w/Ivermectin, Strs are Knife Cut Leroy Krejci 30 Mx Strs & Hfrs ( 6 hd), 350-550#, Branding Shots, No Implants Craig Luttrell/Joe Guth 27 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 300-600#, Branding Shots: Vira Shield 6, Vision & w/Somnus
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 2016 - All Classes MONDAY, OCTOBER 31ST, 2016 - Bred Cow Special
BRED COWS Warm Springs Ranch 300 Mx Cows, SM-SS, bred to Char Bulls, CF: April/May, Spring Vac. Program 60 Mx Cows, SM-SS, Bred to Char Bulls, CF:June, Spring Vac. Program 3 J Livestock 130 Blk/Rd Angus Cows, 5-6 yr olds, Bred to Char Bulls, CF: March 1 for 60 days, Shots: 7-way Hat Butte Lland & Livestock 92 Blk Cows, Mx Ages, bred to Blk Angus Cows, CF: Feb 8, Complete Vac. Program J & D Cattle 60 Blk Cows, SS-ST, Bred to Hereford & Black Bulls, CF: March 10 for 45 days Warm River Ranch/Chris Ruth 50 Mx Cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: March 17 88 Ranch Land & Livestock 40 Blk Cows, SS-ST, Bred to Lisco/Diamond M Blk Bulls, CF: April l T Chair 40 Red Angus Cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Red Angus Bulls, CF: April/May Jean Urrutry 25 Blk/Rd Angus Cows, SS-ST, Bred to Blk/Rd Bulls, CF: April 10, All Natural Larry Jacobsen 20 Blk Cows, ST, Bred to B lk Bulls, CF: Feb. 25 to April 25th, Home Raised Jason ZumBrunnen 8 Blk Angus Cows, 3 yr olds, AI’d to VNAR 10X 4004, Cleanup with ZumBrunnen Angus Bulls for 45 days, CF: Feb 25 to April 5, All Raised a calf last year. Doug, Kim & Cole DesEnfants 6 Blk Cows, 3 yr olds, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: May/June, Complete Vac. Program, Poured this Fall Matt Howe/X Bar Spear 6 Mx Cows, ST, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: March/April P L Ranch 3 Mx Cows, ST, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: March/April BRED HEIFERS Adam & Carrie VanValkenburg 25 Gelb/Angus-x Hfrs, CF: April 15 15 Red Angus Hfrs, CF: April 15 12 Blk angus Hfrs, CF: March SELLING All were Preg Guard & Ivomec @ Preg check at ranch Kuhn Knight Verti-Maxx 5055 Dylan Hager 45 Blk/Bwf Hfrs, AI’d to KG Solution, Home Raised
MADDEN BROTHERS AUCTIONS Online Auction - October 25th - 27th
Sale Schedule
Offering Hay for Sale Daily by Private Treaty & Online Auction
Feeder Specials Wednesdays All Classes - Fridays Calf Specials November 7th Bred Cow Specials Monday, October 31st Monday, November 14th
Pull Type Feed Wagon
For More Information Call our Office at 307-532-7079 or Call Shawn at 307-532-1575
Auction Site