2011 results
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2 • 2011 Fair Results
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
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Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Home Decor, Adult-Better Living
Class 52-Candle Holders 19+ 1. Monique Montanez Class 53-Home Décor-Felt 19+ 1 1. Monique Montanez 2. Vickie Montanez Class 59-Silk Flower Wall Hanging 19+ 1. Lorraine Lyman Class 60-Silk Flower Centerpieces 19+ 1. Leann Reid 2. Marilyn White Class 61-Shadow Box Picture 19+ 1. Jana Munn, Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion Class 65-Misc Home Décor 19+ 1. Jana Munn 2. Pat Rouse 3. Cindy McCormick Class 70-Christmas/Hanukah Décor-not ornament 1. Donna Rowland 2. Barbara Broderius Class 71-Christmas Hanukah ornament 1. Donna Rowland 2. Kristy Howe 3. Vickie Montanez Class 72-Halloween Décor 1. Barbara Broderius Class 73-Easter Décor 1. Pat Rouse Class 75-Patriotic/4th of July Décor 1. Donna Rowland Class 77-Winter Décor 1. Edith Chenoweth, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Jana Munn 3. Audrey Myers Class 79-Summer Décor 1. Donna Rowland Class 90-Kitchen/Dine Accessory SC 1. Lorraine Lyman, Reserve Champion Class 95-Rug (any technique) SC 1. Maureen Sherry, Grand Champion Class 96-Misc Home Décor SC 1. Lorraine Lyman
Home Decor, Youth Better Living Class 01-Wall item/set 71. Anika Knutson 2. Danika Cohen Class 02-Table/Desk item/set 7- 1. Danika Cohen 2. Anika Knutson Class 03-Misc home decor 7- 1. Anika Knutson 2. Emma Murphy 3. Brittany Knutson Class 06-Decorated Pic Frame 8-13 1. Lauren Knutson 2. Emma Murphy Class 07-Jwlry, recipe/treas box 8-13 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 08-Table/Desk item/set 8-13 1. Brooklyn Knutson 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Brittany Knutson Class 09-Pillow, any 8-13 1. Halie Spaur, Reserve Champion 2. Gavin Spaur 3. Brittany Knutson Class 11-Wall Hang/no quilt/weav 8-13 1. Bryson Wells, Grand Champion 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 12 Misc home décor 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson
2011 Fair Results • 3
2. Gavin Spaur Class 37-Winter Décor 1. Kathryn Broderius
Photography, Youth Better Living
Class 03-Photo, color, portrait 71. Molly Anderson 2. Derek Kissler Class 04-Photo, color, scenic/nature 7- 1. Aubrey Ledall 2. Kayla Guilbert 3. Molly Anderson 4. Derek Kissler Class 05-Photo, color,pet (dog, cat, rabbit) 71. Zach Guilbert 2. Molly Anderson 3. Derek Kissler Class 06-Photo, misc 7- 1. Domenic Baldwin 2. Aubrey Ledall 3. Molly Anderson 4. Derek Kissler Class 09-Photo, B&W, any subject 8-13 1. Dawson Turrentine 2. Madison Baczuk 3. Blake Turrentine 4. Brittany Knutson 5. Lindsey Schwartz Class 10-Photo, color, architectual/statuary 8-13 1. Abby Bart 2. Makayla Martin 3. Rebecca Gerwig 4. Jasmine Balderas Class 11-Photo, color,contemporary (enhanced) 8-13 1. Blake Turrentine 2. Diandra Brooks Class 12-Photo, color nature, plants and flowers 8-13 1. Dawson Turrentine 2. Abby Bart 3. Rachel Rieves 4. Mattea Klein 5. Rebecca Gerwig Class 13-Photo, color, animals in the wild 8-13 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Diandra Brooks 3. Mattea Klein 4. Makayla Martin 5. Ty Kissler Class 14-Photo, pet (dog, cat, rabbit) 8-13 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Jordyn Glenn 3. Jonathan Ballard 4. Annabelle Wilson 5. Madison Baczuk Class 15-Photo, color pictoral, 3 or more, captions allowed 8-13 1. Jonathan Ballard Class 16-Photo, color,portrait 8-13 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Annabelle Wilson 3. Madison Baczuk 4. Henry Fehr 5. Ty Kissler Class 17-Photo, color scenic 8-13 1. Abby Bart 2. Dawson Turrentine 3. Rachel Rieves 4. Makayla Martin 5. Rebecca Gerwig Class 18-Photo, misc 8-13 1. Dawson Turrentine 2. Lindsey Schwartz
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Preston Rupple, reserve champion, Shooting Sports; Courtney Patton, grand champion, Shooting Sports; Rebecca Kaiser, grand champion, Ceramics-4-H; Shelby Tbeten, unit reserve champion, Heritage Arts; (back row) Zach Schoenherr, grand champion, Small Engines; Bryson Whistance, grand champion, Woodworking; Trent Kindvall, reserve champion, Computers; Faith Moore, reserve champion, Pocket Pets; Bailey Erger, reserve champion, Dog Records.
3. Rebecca Gerwig 4. Meghan Klein 5. Jonathan Ballard Class 20-Photo, B&W, any 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Tia Konig 3. Tiana Schwartz 4. Kaitlin Martin 5. Madison Baczuk Class 21-Photo, color, arch/stat 14-18 1. Kaitlin Martin 2. Tyler Miller 3. Kady Harmon 4. Regan Low Class 22-Photo, color, contemporary (camera enhanced) 14-18 1. Kaitlin Martin 2. Regan Low Class 23-Photo, color, cont, computer enhanced 14-18 1. Kady Harmon, Reserve Champion 2. Ruth Whiston 3. Kaitlin Martin Class 24-Photo, color,nature (plants & flowers) 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Katelynn Seelhoff 3. Regan Low 4. Ruth Whiston 5. Kaitlin Martin Class 25-Photo, color,nature animal 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Ruth Whiston Tiana Schwartz Class 26-Photo, color, pet (dog, cat, rabbit) 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Madison Baczuk 3. Regan Low 4. Ruth Whiston 5. Kaitlin Martin Class 27-Photo,color,pictoral,3 or more captions allwd 14-18 1. Matthew Weiderspon 2. Kady Harmon 3. Regan Low
Class 28-Photo, color, portrait 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Tyler Miller 3. Ruth Whiston 4. Kaitlin Martin Class 29-Photo, color, scenic 14-18 1. Kady Harmon 2. Kaitlin Martin 3. Tiana Schwartz 4. Regan Low Class 30-Photo, misc 14-18 1. Kady Harmon, Grand Champion 2. Tia Konig 3. Tiana Schwartz 4. Tyler Miller 5. Kaitlin Martin
Photograghy, Adult Better Living Class 032-B&W, Arch/Stat 19+ 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Nancy Larson 4. Kris Oldsen Class 033-B&W, Contemp, Camera enhanced 19+ 1. Katy Gerwig 2. Jolene Fehr 3. Nancy Larson Class 035-Photo, B&W, nature 19+ 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Katy Gerwig Class 036-Photo,B&W or Circa, pictorial 3 or more captions allwd 19+ 1. Tanya Fagan 2. Katy Gerwig Class 037-Photo, B&W, Pet (dog, cat, rabbit) 19+ 2. Debra L. Harris 3. Jolene Fehr 4. Katy Gerwig Class 038-B&W, Portrait, 1-3 people, 19+ 1. Nicole Dipaolo 2. Karen Schubert 3. Katy Gerwig 4. Kris Oldsen 5. Tanya Fagan Class 040-B&W, secnic 19+
4 • 2011 Fair Results
Quilts, Adult Better Living
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Lindsey Leafgren, grand champion, Gardening; Jackson Leafgren, reserve champion, Leathercraft; Rhys Maxey, unit champion, Gardening; Charlotte Anderson, reserve champion, Entomology; (back row) Savannah Hirsch, grand champion, Leadership; Cody Leblanc, reserve champion, Leadership, reserve champion, Restoration; Trent Hirsch, grand champion, Model Rocketry; Halley Moore, reserve champion, Photography; Ilona Anderson, reserve champion, Woodworking.
3. Leann Reid 4. Cheryl Fehr 5. Katy Gerwig Class 041-Color, Arch/Stat 19+ 1. Katy Gerwig 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Karen Schubert 4. Mary Kate Stevens 5. Cheryl Fehr Class 042-Color, cont, camera enhanced 19+ 1. Katy Gerwig Class 044-Color, nature, domestic animal 19+ 2. Melanie Dehart 3. Robbie Hirsch 4. Kris Oldsen Class 045-Color, Nature floral 19+ 1. Debra L. Harris 2. Torie Anderson 3. Audrey Myers 4. Tanya Fagan 5. Amy Reichert Class 046-Color, nature, plant/crop, no floral 19+ 1. Audrey Myers 2. Jeffery Gerwig 3. Leann Reid 4. Kris Oldsen Class 047-Color, Nature, Wildlife 19+ 1. Debra L. Harris 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Katy Gerwig 4. Melanie Dehart Class 048-Color, Pet (dog, cat, rabbit) 19+ 1. Bertha Hamlet 3. Melanie Dehart Class 050-Color, Pictorial, Journal/documentary, 3 or more captions allowed 19+ 2. Kelly Seelhoff Class 051-Color, Pictoral, tells a story, (3 or more captions allowed) 19+ 3. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 052-Color, portrait, candid human intrest or action 1. Melanie Dehart 2. Laurie Lareau 3. Dani Winpegler
4. Bertha Hamlet Class 053-Color, portrait posed, 1-3ppl 19+ 1. Laurie Lareau 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Leigh Martin 4. Cheryl Fehr 5. Jolene Fehr Class 054-Color, portrait posed, 4 or more ppl 19+ 2. Cheryl Fehr Class 055-Color, scenic, no ppl sunset/sunrise 19+ 1. Kris Oldsen 2. Debra L. Harris 3. Jeffery Gerwig Class 056-Color, scenic, no ppl, no sunrise/ sunset 19+ 1. Karen Schubert 2. Kris Oldsen 3. Audrey Myers 4. Mary Kate Stevens Class 058 Misc 19+ 1. Kris Stevens 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Laurie Lareau 4. Kris Oldsen 5. Cheryl Fehr Class 062-Color, any SC 1. Melanie Dehart, Grand Champion 2. Noreen Arnbrecht, Reserve Champion 3. Bertha Hamlet Class 065-Amazing Animals any age 2. Cody Leblanc Class 066-Amer. Funniest Snapshot any age 1. Jolene Fehr 2. Madison Baczuk Class 070-Proud to be an American! 2. Torie Anderson Class 071-This is Weld County! 1. Torie Anderson 2. Kris Oldsen Class 072-What a Disaster 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jolene Fehr 3. Kaitlin Martin
Class 001-First Timer Quilt any age 1. Betty Jo Giaimo Class 037-Hand quilted-applique twin/full 19+ 1. Erma Dimmick 2. Jill Montgomery2 3. Margery Beydler Class 051 - Machine, mini (49’’-100’’) 19+ 1. Cathy Duggan Class 053 - Machine,Small,Applique,lap,wall, baby 19+ 1. Cathy Duggan 2. Ruth Ann Thompson Class 055-Machine,Small,Mixed Techniques,lap,wall, baby 19+ 1. Angie Blair Class 056-Machine,Small,Pieced,lap,wall, baby 19+ 1. Deborah Dilley 2. Torie Anderson Class 058-Machine,Applique,lap,wall, baby 19+ 2. Nicole Dipaolo Class 060-Machine,Mixed,lap,wall, baby 19+ 1. Mary Ann Gablehouse, Reserve Champion 2. Linda Coleman Class 061-Machine,Pieced,lap,wall,baby 19+ 1. Ruth Ann Thompson 2. Karen Utley 3. Judy Roth 4. Karen Schubert 5. Alycia Carmin Class 065-Machine,mixed technique,Twin/Full 19+ 1. Torie Anderson 2. Judy Roth Class 066-Machine,pieced,Twin/Full 19+ 1. Patricia Lamfers, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Cathy Duggan 3. Karen Utley 4. Sandi Harmon 5. Karen Schubert Class 068-Machine, Applique King/Queen 19+ 1. Carol Kauffman Class 069-Machine, Embroidered King/ Queen 19+ 1. Patricia Lamfers Class 071-Machine, pieced King/Queen 19+ 1. Linda Coleman 2. Francie Collins 3. Cathy Duggan 4. Angie Blair 5. Alycia Carmin Class 077-Art Quilt-Original Design-1 Or More Techniques and Embellishment 1. Ruth Ann Thompson 2. Karen Schubert 3. Jill Montgomery Class 093-Hand,Applique,twin/full SC 2. Margery Beydler Class 094-Hand,embroidered,twin/full SC 1. Rufina Kaltenberger Class 097-Hand,all hand work,Queen/King SC 2. Erma Dimmick Class 099-Hand,Embroidered,Queen/King SC 1. Fern Kral Class 107-Machine Quilted, Small, mixed technique, lap, wall, baby SC 1. Judy Martinez Class 108-Machine Quilted, Small, pieced, lap, wall, baby SC 1. Debbie Shimada
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 Class 112-Machine Quilted,Large,mixed techniques,lap,wall,baby SC 1. Chyrl Statler Class 113-Machine Quilted, Large, pieced, lap, wall, baby SC 1. Daisy Boulter, Reserve Champion 2. Chyrl Statler Class 115-Machine Quilted,Applique,twin/full SC 1. Daisy Boulter, Grand Champion, Overall Reserve Champion 2. Helen Stanley Class 116-Machine Quilted, embroidered, twin/full SC 1. Patricia Lamfers, Grand Champion Class 118-Machine Quilted,pieced,twin/full SC 1. Patricia Lamfers 2. Karen Utley 3. Debbie Shimada Class 120-Machine Quilted,applique,Queen/ King 2. Linda Coleman Class 123-Machine Quilted,pieced,Queen/ King 1. Judy Martinez 2. Mary Ann Gablehouse 3. Linda Coleman 4. Noreen Arnbrecht 5. Helen Stanley Class 126-Art quilt, original design, one or more techniques embellished 1. Daisy Boulter Class 127-Art quilt, other single technique than above 1. Mary Painter Class 139-Group,Machine,pieced,Twin/Full/ Queen/King 1. Sharon Day, Grand Champion 3. Margery Beydler
Quilts, Youth Better Living
Class 02-First Timer Quilt 1. Ty Kissler Class 11-Any Quilt any size/tech 8-13 1. Ty Kissler, Reserve Champion 2. Eliza Downer Class 21-Any Quilt any size/tech 14-18 1. Makenna Downe, Grand Champion
Vegetable, Herb and Fruit Crops, Any Age Class 001-Apples, grn any 3 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Torie Anderson 4. Jenny Strauch Class 003-Beans, grn snap 12 (with stem) 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Janet Wickman 4. Lindsey Leafgren Class 004-Beans, ylw snap 12 (with stem) 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren Class 005-Beets, table 1” top 3 1. Noreen Arnbrecht 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Casey Mcgaughey 4. Janet Wickman 5. Jackson Leafgren Class 006-Broc 2 heads 1. Barbara Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 007-Cabbage any 1 head
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
WELD COUNTY FAIR We would like to thank our sponsors for your support!
2011 Fair Results • 5
6 • 2011 Fair Results
1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Lindsey Leafgren 5. Jenny Strauch Class 008-Cantaloupe or musk mellon 1. Jenny Strauch Class 009 - Carrots 1” top (root length 5”+) 6 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Lisa Voytko 4. Clare Wickman Class 011-Cucumber pickling (less 1” diam, stem rem) 6 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Lisa Voytko 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Jenny Strauch Class 012-Cucumber slicing (stem rem) 3 1. Christy Knutson 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 014-Egg plant 1 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jenny Strauch Class 016-Grapes 2 bunches any 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 017-Horseradish 2 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Jackson Leafgren Class 018-Kohlrabi 2 (tops and root) 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. William Broderius 4. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 020-Onions grn, roots trimmed 1/2 “ 6 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 021-Onions yellow globe 3 (skin intact) 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 022-Onions white globe 3 (skin intact) 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren Class 023-Parsnips, 1” top 3 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren Class 026-Peppers fiery (cayenne, serrano, hot banana) 3 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Torie Anderson Class 027-Pepers, Hot (volcano,anaheim,hot red cherry,Jalapeno,etc) 3 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Torie Anderson Class 028-Peppers sweet any bell 3 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Jenny Strauch 4. Jackson Leafgren Class 029-Peppers sweet (pimento, swt banana/cherry, etc) 3 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Torie Anderson Class 030-Peppers warm (anaheim,
poblano,verdano, hungar wax, pepperoncini) 3 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Lindsey Leafgren Class 031-Pie cherries 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Torie Anderson Class 032-Pod peas table var 12 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Clare Wickman 3. Melissa Bean 4. Lindsey Leafgre 5. Jasper Wickman Class 033-Pumpkins pie 1 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Paul Cooksey 4. Jackson Leafgren 5. Lyle Cooksey Class 034-Pumpkin largest exh by weight, green allowed 1 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Paul Cooksey 4. Lindsey Leafgren Class 035-Radishes red - 1” top 6 1. Casey Mcgaughey 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Lindsey Leafgren Class 038-Raspberries red 10 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Barbara Broderius 4. William Broderius 5. Brittany Knutson Class 39-Rhubarb, pulled, not cut, remove leaf 6 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Jenny Strauch 5. Lindsey Leafgren Class 040-Squash largest exhibit by weight 1 1. Casey Mcgaughey 2. Jenny Strauch Class 041-Squash spaghetti 1 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Casey Mcgaughey 4. Jackson Leafgren 5. Lindsey Leafgren Class 042-Squash summer yellow straight neck 2 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 043-Squash sumr zuchini/cocozelle 2 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Torie Anderson 4. Barbara Broderius Class 044-Squash summer any 2 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 5. Jenny Strauch Class 045-Squash winter large any 1 1. Jenny Strauch 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 046-Squash winter small any 2 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Lindsey Leafgren 5. Jenny Strauch Class 049-Sweet corn/huskd 3 1. Lindsey Leafgren
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Ethan Leffler, grand champion, Sport Fishing; Rebecca Gerwig, grand champion, Horseless Horse; Emily Niederkorn, reserve champion, Clothing Construction; Miria Wolf, grand champion, Bicycle; (back row) Lilly Carlson, reserve champion, Scrap Booking; Bryonna Gerkin, grand champion, Heritage Arts; Kelsey Barker, grand champion, Clothing Construction; Matthew Weiderspon, grand champion, Fine Arts and Crafts-Youth Better Living; Thomas Weiderspon, grand champion, Ceramics-Youth Better Living.
2. Jackson Leafgren Class 050-Swiss Chard 6 stems 1. Clare Wickman 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Melissa Bean 5. Jenny Strauch Class 051-Tomatoes cherry stems off 6 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Torie Anderson 5. Carrie Shimada Class 052-Tomatoes green stems off 3 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Jenny Strauch Class 053-Tomatoes ripe stems off 3 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Anika Knutson Class 054-Turnips 1” top 3 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Lindsey Leafgren Class 055-Watermelon icebox any 1 3. Jenny Strauch Class 056-Watermelon large long any 1 1. Paul Cooksey 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Lindsey Leafgren Class 057-Watermelon lg round any 1 2. Jenny Strauch Class 058 - Any other veget 2 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Jenny Strauch 5. Barbara Broderius Class 059-Any other fruit 2/ if berry 10 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Clare Wickman 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Jackson Leafgren Class 065-Dec crop gourd dried and cleaned (bottlenck/teardrop/apple etc) 1 1. Jenny Strauch
2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Barbara Broderius 4. William Broderius 5. Brittany Knutson Class 069 - Corn any variety, any size 3 1. Lyle Cooksey 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Paul Cooksey 4. Barbara Broderius Class 070-Any other décor crop (identify on exh. Card) 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren 5. Barbara Broderius Class 075-Herbs Basil 6 1. Torie Anderson 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jackson Leafgren 4. Jenny Strauch Class 076-Herb Catmint or catnip 6 1. Torie Anderson 2. Lindsey Leafgren 3. Jackson Leafgren Class 077-Herb Chives 6 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Kellie Buchholz Class 079-Herb Dill 6 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Kathryn Broderius 4. Lindsey Leafgren 5. Clare Wickman Class 080-Herb Fennel 6 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Lindsey Leafgren Class 081-Herb Garlic 6 1. Barbara Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 082-Herb Lavendar 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Ruth Whiston 3. Torie Anderson Class 083-Herb Mint 6 1. Clare Wickman 2. Ruth Whiston
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 4. Anika Knutson 5. Lauren Knutson Class 084-Herb Oregano 6 1. Torie Anderson 2. Lindsey Leafgren Class 085-Herb Parsley 6 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Emma Pirillo 5. Ruth Whiston Class 086-Herb Sage 6 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Carrie Shimada 4. Emma Pirillo 5. Torie Anderson Class 087-Herb Spearmint 6 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jenny Strauch Class 088-Herb Thyme 6 1. Emma Pirillo 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Lindsey Leafgren 4. Torie Anderson Class 089-Any other variety herb 6 1. Jackson Leafgren 2. Jenny Strauch 3. Jenny Strauch 4. Torie Anderson 5. Lindsey Leafgren Class 095-Grdn Fun Scarecrow 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Wranglers 4-H Club Class 096-Veggie A little Creativity 7-
1. Jerran Pitcher 2. Jenna Pitcher Class 097-Veggie A Little Creativity 8-14 1. Lindsey Leafgren 2. Jackson Leafgren 3. Kellie Buchholz 4. Jasper Wickman Class 098-Veggie A Little Creativity 15+ 1. Melissa Bean Class 99-Biggest Grasshopper 1. Jerran Pitcher 2. Molly Anderson 3. William Broderius 4. Joshua Warehime Class 100-Prettiest Lady Bug 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Jenna Pitcher 3. Ethan Warehime 4. Molly Anderson Class 101-Any Other Bug 1. Kellie Buchholz 2. Jerran Pitcher 3. Jasper Wickman 4. William Broderius 5. Ty Kissler Class 105-Cult Gift Bskt-Mexican 1. Jenny Strauch 2. Barbara Broderius 3. Monique Montanez Class 106-Cult Gift Bskt-Italian 1. William Broderius Class 107-Cult Gift Bskt-Asian 1. Barbara Broderius Class 108-Cult Gift Bskt-American Kathryn Broderius
Weaving, Adult Better Living
Class 321-Home Accessory, other yarn/fiber/ thread 19+ 1. Kristi Bott, Champion Class 333-Personal wear, other yarn/fiber/ thread SC 1. Connie Mechem Class 334-Misc. Weaving, SC 1. Connie Mechem
Weaving, Youth Better Living Class 300-Home Accessory 8-13 1. Mattea Klein, Reserve Champion Class, 301 - Personal Wear 8-13 1. Mattea Klein, Grand Champion
Cake Decorating, Adult/SC/Prof Better Living
Class 06-Cake, decorated,1 layer, buttercream NP 19+ 1. Monique Montanez 2. Ellen Wickman Class 10-Cake, Novelty, molded pan or cut up cake, buttercream frstg NP 19+ 1. Monique Montanez, Reserve Champion, Champion 2. Vickie Montanez Class 11-Cake, Novelty, molded pan or cut up cake, fondant & gum paste NP 19+ 1. Vickie Montanez, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion Class 28-Professional, Cake Decorated, layered or tiered fondant & gum paste 1. Marilyn White 2. Tanya Fagan Class 30-Professional, Novelty Cake, moded
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2011 Fair Results • 7 pan or cut up cake, fondant & gum paste 1. Tanya Fagan, Grand Champion, Champion Class 31-Professional, Novelty Cake, decorating art, not a cake (gingerbread house/ cookie) 1. Marilyn White, Reserve Champion
Cake Decorating, Youth
Class 01-Cupcakes, decorated,six,any 71. Jenna Pitcher 2. Jerran Pitcher 3. Aubrey Ledall 4. Zach Guilbert 5. Jonathan Malovich Class 02-Cake, decorated, 1 layer 8-13 1. Jasmine Balderas 2. Jessie Bart 3. Amelia Hatch 4. Kaleb Johnson Class 03-Cupcakes, decorated, 6, any 8-13 1. Abby Bart, Reserve Champion 2. Aidan Malovich 3. Kathryn Broderius 4. Nija Droessler Class 04-Cake, decorated, 1 layer 14-18 1. Taylor Johnson Class 05-Cake, decorated, 2 or more 14-18 1. Callahan Foose, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion
Ceramics, Adult
Class 19-Ceramic item or set unfired finish 19+ 2. Jeffery Gerwig Class 20-Ceramic item or set combo finishes 19+
8 • 2011 Fair Results
1. Jeffery Gerwig Class 21-Pottery any item 19+ 1. Jeffery Gerwig Class 23-Misc. ceramic pottery any combo finish or tech 19+ 1. Jeffery Gerwig, Reserve Champion Class 26-China Painting single item 19+ 1. Glenn Hamlet, Grand Champion 2. Bertha Hamlet 3. Maria Swanson 4. Melanie Dehart 5. Geraldine Rinker Class 29-Misc. any item or set does not fit above classes 19+ 1. Melanie Dehart 2. Bertha Hamlet 3. Glenn Hamlet Class 30-Porcelain painting single item 19+ 1. Melanie Dehart 2. Bertha Hamlet Class 31-Porcelain painting set 19+ 1. Geraldine Rinker Class 32-Porcelain painted doll or figurine 19+ 2. Robbie Hirsch Class 33-Misc any item or set does not fit above classes 2. Bertha Hamlet 3. Melanie Dehart Class 41-China painting any item or set 60+ 1. Melanie Dehart 3. Bertha Hamlet 4. Glenn Hamlet Class 42-Porcelain painting any item or set 60+ 3. Geraldine Rinker
Ceramics, Youth
Class 01-Ceramic-misc 71. Kayla Guilbert 2. Madison Merkt Class 05-Ceramic fired finish 8-13 1. Nija Droessler, Reserve Champion 2. Halie Spaur 3. Brooklyn Knutson 4. Aziah Droessler 5. Brittany Knutson Class 06-Ceramic: unfired finish 8-13 2. Lauren Knutson Class 07-Ceramic -homemade pottery item or set 8-13 1. Brooklyn Knutson 2. Brittany Knutson 3. Gavin Spaur 4. Halie Spaur Class 08-Ceramic misc combo finish 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson 2. Brooklyn Knutson 3. Gavin Spaur 4. Emma Murphy 5. Marizza Kanzler, Reserve Champion Class 11-Ceramic fired 14-18 1. Tessa Kanzler Class 12-Ceramic unfired 14-18 1. Thomas Weiderspon, Grand Champion 2. Matthew Weiderspon 3. Matthew Weiderspon Class 14-Ceramic homemade pottery item or set 1. Thomas Weiderspon
Clothing and Novelty, Adult
Class 23-Child’s Dress 19+ 1. Torie Anderson 2. Kathy Holscher Class 24-Child’s Garment Crotch 19+
1. Kathy Holscher Class 25-Child’s Garment (Top) 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher Class 27-Fleece Garment 19+ 1. Cindy Mccormick Class 28-Misc Child Garm 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher Class 30-Dress, skirt 19+ 1. Donna Rowland 2. Kelly Johnson Class 31-Fleece Garment19+ 1. Donna Rowland Class 39-Sportswear 19+ 1. Kelly Johnson Class 40-Top 19+ 1. Donna Rowland Class 50-Purse 19+ 1. Donna Rowland, Grand Champion, Overall Reserve Champion 2. Cindy McCormick 3. Linda Hull 4. Pat Rouse Class 51-Recycled Accessory 19+ 1. Amy Reichert Class 53-Miscellaneous 19+ 1. Donna Rowland Class 58-Embellished Garment 19+ 1. Cheryl Whiston Class 63-Baby accessories, novelty 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher Class 64-Child’s toy, novelty 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher, Reserve Champion Class 68-Bag, novelty 19+ 1. Audrey Myers Class 69-Pillow, novelty 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher Class 70-Pincushion, sachet, novelty 19 1. Kathy Holscher 2. Cindy Mccormick Class 71-Quilted Clothing, novelty 19+ 1. Cindy Mccormick Class 74-Kitch/dining access, novel 19+ 1. Torie Anderson Class 75-Mach stitchery, any, novel 19+ 1. Donna Rowland Class 76-Misc novelty 1. Audrey Myers Class 81-Clothing Access, SC 1. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 86-Machine sewn top/skirt, SC 1. Olga Dianne Bruno, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Rufina Kaltenberger, Reserve Champion 3. Eileen Maelzer Class 87-Misc SC 1. Rufina Kaltenberger
Clothing and Novelty, Youth Class 01-Hand Sewn Item 71. Gracie Franklin Class 02-Machine Sewn Item 71. Jake Rieves Class 03 - Embellished Item 7 - 1. Kayla Guilbert 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. William Broderius Class 06-Childs Toy 8-13 1. Halie Spaur, Grand Champion 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 07-Embellished 8-13 1. Ian Whiston 2. Halie Spaur 3. Emma Murphy 4. Gavin Spaur Class 08-Hand Sewn Item 8-13
1. Madison Baczuk 2. Halie Spaur Class 09-Mach Sewn Garment with a crotch 8-13 1. Gavin Spaur 2. Halie Spaur Class 10-Mach Sewn Item (Top) 8-13 1. Hannah Bott Class 11-Misc. 8-13 2. Gavin Spaur 1. Halie Spaur, Reserve Champion Class 15-Embellished 14-18 1. Ruth Whiston
Creative Weeds
Class 1-Weeds-Fresh flower arrngmt 1. Barbara Broderius, Grand Champion 2. Tanya Fagan 3. Torie Anderson Class 2-Weeds-Dry flower arrngmt 1. Tanya Fagan, Overall Reserve Champion 2. Barbara Broderius 3. Torie Anderson Class 4-Weeds-Educ noxious display 1. Taylor Johnson, Reserve Champion
Fiber Arts, Youth
Class 10-Crocheted Garment 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson 2. Brooklyn Knutson Class 11-Crocheted Home Accessory 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson Class 12-Knit Garment 8-13 1. Halie Spaur Class 13-Knit Home Accessory 8-13 1. Halie Spaur Class 15-Misc. Fiber Art 1. Brooklyn Knutson 2. Halie Spaur 3. Brittany Knutson Class 25-Misc Fiber Art 1. Jenna Frink, Grand Champion 2. Lauren Frink, Reserve Champion
Fiber Arts, Adult
Class 033-Apparel/Access Knit 19+ 1. Nikki Wyscaver Class 035-Dishcloth, pot hlder, hot mat, set/ combo of 3, 19+ 1. Kristy Howe 2. Ramona Baker Class 037-Garment, Infant, knit 19+ 1. Ramona Baker Class 038-Sweater, child/adult Knit 19+ 1. Mary Freitag-Snapp Class 040-Misc Knit, apperal 19+ 1. Mary Freitag-Snapp 2. Kristi Bott Class 041-Misc Knit, household 19+ 1. Nikki Wyscaver Class 045-Afghan, baby/ single or combo st 19+ 1. Karyl Smith 2. Judy Reed 3. Kristy Howe Class 046-Afghan, combo st Croch 19+ 1. Kristy Howe 2. Audrey Myers 3. Janeen Burchett Class 047-Afghan, granny sq Croch 19+ 1. Audrey Myers Class 048-Afghan, sngl st,no granny square Crochet 19+ 1. Audrey Myers Class 049-Apparel/Access Crochet 19+
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 1. Lisa Flye 2. Kristy Howe 3. Audrey Myers 4. Kelly Johnson Class 050-Bedspread, Crochet 19+ 1. Audrey Myers Class 051-Dishcloth, pot holder,hotmat,set/ combo of 3 SC 1. Audrey Myers 2. Cheryl Whiston 3. Kelly Johnson Class 052-Doilies 10”- Crochet 19+ 1. Lisa Flye, Grand Champion 2. Kelly Johnson Class 053-Doilies 10”+ Crochet 19+ 1. Lisa Flye, Reserve Champion Class 056-Rug 1. Kristy Howe Class 059-Toy, Crochet 19+ 1. Kelly Johnson Class 060-Misc, apparel Crochet 19+ 1. Audrey Myers Class 066-Faulled/felted item 19+ 1. Ramona Baker Class 067-Macrame 1. Barbara Broderius Class 075-Afghan, baby, single or combo stitch SC 1. Fern Kral Class 076-Afghan, any size, combo of stitch SC 1. Barbara Benoit Class 078-Afghan, any size, single stitch, no granny square 1. Rufina Kaltenberger, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion Class 084-Garment, no sweater, child/adult SC 1. Mary Freitag-Snapp Class 090-Toy SC 1. Lu Freitag, Champion, Reserve Overall Champion Class 093-Misc, other fiber arts SC 1. Judy Rouse Class 150a-Weld County 150th Ann. Crocheted Newborn Cap 1. Kristy Howe 2. Kristy Howe 3. Kristy Howe Class 150b-Weld County 150th Ann. Knitted Newborn Cap 1. Sharon Edie 2. Sharon Edie 3. Sharon Edie 4. Sharon Edie 5. Sharon Edie
Field Crops, Open
Class 101-6 Stalks Pik Corn, 99 day 1. Courtney Klein 2. Brittany Klein 3. Brett Arnusch Class 102-6 Stalks Pik Corn 100-104 days 1. Brittany Klein 2. Courtney Klein 3. Brett Arnusch Class 103-6 Stalks Pik Corn 105-109 days 1. Dawson Chesnut 2. Courtney Klein 3. Brittany Klein 4. Brett Arnusch Class 104-6 Stalks Pik Corn >110 days 1. Brett Arnusch Class 105-6 Stalks Silage Corn 1. Jacob Hirsch
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 2. Courtney Klein 3. Dane Corliss 4. Tyler Axelson 5. Jaci Corliss 6. Dawson Chesnut 7. Brett Arnusch 8. Brittany Klein Class 106-Tallest Stalk Corn 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Courtney Klein 3. Brittany Klein 4. Jaci Corliss 5. Dane Corliss 6. Jacob Hirsch 7. Dawson Chesnut Class 107-3 Stalks Sunflower (oil) 1. Brett Arnusch Class 108-3 Stalks Sunflower (conf ) 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Brett Arnusch Class 109-Largest Head of Sunflower 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Brett Arnusch Class 100-6 Sugar Beets, 2 1/2 lbs 1. Dane Corliss 2. Brett Arnusch 3. Jaci Corliss 4. Jacob Hirsch Class 111-6 Sugar Beets 2 1/2+ lbs 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Dane Corliss 3. Jaci Corliss Class 112-1 Sugar Beet Best Type 1. Jaci Corliss 2. Dane Corliss 3. Brett Arnusch Class 113-Sugar Beet Largest By Wt 1. Dane Corliss 2. Jaci Corliss 3. Brett Arnusch Class 117-12 Yellow Globe Onions 3”+ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 118-12 White Globe Onions 3”+ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 119-12 Red Globe Onions 3”+ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 120-Largest Fld Pumpkin (wt) 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Paul Cooksey Class 122-Peck 2-Row Barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 123-Peck Malting Barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 125-Pck Scout/Baca/TAM Wheat 1. Paul Cooksey 2. Lyle Cooksey Class 129-1/2 Bushel Barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 130-1/2 Bushel Spring Wheat 1. Brett Arnusch Class 131-1/2 Bushel Winter Wheat 1. Paul Cooksey 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Brett Arnusch Class 133-Bale of Alfalfa straight, small 1. Tyler Axelson
Fine Arts, Adult
Class 050-Acrylic, any subject 19+ 1. Abigail Sponaugle 2. Therese Weiderspon 3. Cindy McCormick Class 051-Caricature/Cartoon 19+ 2. Jeremiah Droessler
Class 052-Collage 19+ 1. Kelly Johnson 2. Barbara Broderius Class 053-Computer Art 19+ (3 entries allowed/diff. crafts) 1. Barbara Broderius Class 054-Drawing,B & W,any subj. 19+ 1. Therese Weiderspon Class 055-Oil, any subject 19+ 1. Jana Munn, Grand Champion 2. John Logan Class 056-Sculpture, any medium 19+ 1. Nancy Larson 2. Katy Gerwig Class 057-Watercolor, any subject 19+ 1. Monique Montanez Class 058-Wood art(inlay scroll saw carving) 19+ 1. Robert Swanson Class 059-Misc Fine Art 19+ 1. Kelly Johnson
1. Monique Montanez 2. Jeremiah Droessler Class 083-Terra cotta pot creation 19+ 1. Kelly Johnson 2. Barbara Broderius 3. Ruth Whiston Class 085-Wood Craft Art 19+ 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Jeremiah Droessler 3. Monique Montanez Class 086-Misc Craft Art 19+ 1. Vickie Montanez 2. Monique Montanez Class 092-Heritage/Fam/Baby 19+ 1. Cheryl Dipaolo, Reserve Champion 2. Leann Reid Class 093 - Vacation/Camping 19+ 1. Nicole Dipaolo Class 094-Misc Scrapbook 19+ 1. Sherri Haffner Class 100-Beaded Jewelry 19+
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Christopher Bandy, grand champion, Financial Champions; Taryn Santeramo, reserve champion, Global Citizen; Andrew Younger, reserve champion, Sport Fishing; Brianna McBride, reserve champion, Vet Science; (back row) Kaitlyn Bandy, reserve champion, Food and Nutrition; Tyler Santeramo, grand champion, Electric; Carrie Proctor, grand champion, Gardening, grand champion, Food and Nutrition; Tyler Miller, grand champion, Power of Wind; Erin Stuehm, reserve champion, Cake Decorating-4-H.
2. Therese Weiderspon Class 070-Candle craft, wax or gel 19+ 1. Monique Montanez 2. Ian Whiston 3. Vickie Montanez Class 073-Gourd Art 19+ 1. Jana Munn 2. Vickie Montanez Class 074-Leathercraft item 19+ 1. Nicole Dipaolo Class 075-Masks 19+ 2. Monique Montanez 3. Vickie Montanez 4. Ruth Whiston Class 077-Paper craft item 19+ 1. Kristy Howe Class 080-Soap making, 1 to 3 bars 19+ 1. Vickie Montanez 2. Monique Montanez Class 081-Stained Glass 19+ 1. Pam Marschall Class 082-Stone(painted,carved,etc) 19+
1. Brenda Green 2. Pat Rouse 3. Donna Rowland 4. Mary Kate Stevens 5. Jodi Corliss Class 102-Gem or stone Jewelry 19+ 1. Donna Rowland 2. Melanie Dehart 3. Mary Kate Stevens Class 103-Metal Jewelry 19+ 2. Cindy Mccormick Class 104-Natural Material Jewelry 19+ wood beads allowed 1. Lorraine Lyman Class 105-Misc Jewelry 19+ 1. Donna Rowland 3. Mary Kate Stevens Class 110-Cards (set of 4)/Stationary SC 1. Judy Rouse 2. Lorraine Lyman Class 112-Jewelry, any kind SC 1. Melanie Dehart
2011 Fair Results • 9 2. Mary Kate Stevens 3. Lorraine Lyman Class 113-Natural Material/Nature Art SC 1. James R. Steel 2. Lorraine Lyman Class 114-Painting, any medium SC 1. Jerry L. Johnston, Reserve Champion 2. John Logan Class 117-Misc SC 1. Bertha Hamlet, Grand Champion Class 120-Acrylic,any Professional 1. Julie Dillon, Grand Champion Class 121-Drawing, orig., professional 1. Cheryl Whiston Class 123-Oil, any subject Professional 1. Carolyn Osborn, Reserve Champion Class 128-Misc Professional 1. Cheryl Whiston
Fine Arts, Youth
Class 01 - Art Foam Crafted Item 71. William Broderius 2. Madison Merkt 3. Molly Anderson Class 02-Beaded Work 7- 1. Gracie Franklin 2. Molly Anderson 3. Derek Kissler Class 04-Drawing, any medium, orig. 7- 1. Aidan Smith 2. Manuel A. Balderas 3. Molly Anderson 4. Aubrey Ledall 5. Anika Knutson Class 06-Model from kit 71. William Broderius 2. Zach Guilbert Class 07-Nat. Mat or Nat. Art 7- 1. William Broderius 2. Aubrey Ledall 3. Anika Knutson 4. Zach Guilbert Class 08-Painting, any medium, orig. 71. William Broderius 2. Aubrey Ledall 3. Anika Knutson Class 09-Painting, medium/markers, kit 71. William Broderius 2. Manuel A. Balderas 3. Tobias Downer 4. Jonathan Malovich 5. Kayla Guilbert Class 11-Recycle Art (art made using recycle materials) 1. Domenic Baldwin 2. Anika Knutson 3. Aubrey Ledall Class 12-Misc. Art 71. Molly Anderson 2. Anika Knutson 3. Kayla Guilbert 4. Zach Guilbert 5. Gracie Franklin Class 15-Art Foam Crafted Item 8-13 1. Ashlynn Pickett 2. Bryson Wells 3. Kathryn Broderius 4. Madison Baczuk Class 16-Beaded Work 8-13 1. Brooklyn Knutson 2. Brittany Knutson 3. Gavin Spaur 4. Ashlynn Pickett 5. Lauren Knutson Class 17-Collage 8-13
10 • 2011 Fair Results 1. Gavin Spaur 2. Lauren Knutson Class 18-Computer Art 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson Class 19-Duct tape Crafted Item 8-13 1. Henry Fehr, Reserve Champion 2. Tristin Brandly 3. Ashlynn Pickett 4. Brittany Knutson 5. Sarah Cecil Class 20-Drawing any med orig 8-13 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Aaliyanah Hubert-Combs 3. Lauren Knutson 4. Brooklyn Knutson 5. Gavin Spaur Class 21-Mobile 8-13 1. Lauren Knutson Class 22-Model (Kit) 8-13 1. Gavin Spaur 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Jake Rieves Class 23-Nat Mat, nature art 8-13 1. Madison Baczuk 2. Brittany Knutson 3. Gavin Spaur 4. Halie Spaur 5. Gavin Spaur Class 24-Painting, Med, original 8-13 1. Nija Droessler 2. Rebecca Gerwig 3. Nathan Low 4. Madison Baczuk 5. Brittany Knutson Class 25-Painting, any med/markers 8-13 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Lauren Knutson 3. Nija Droessler 4. Aziah Droessler Class 26-Popsicle stick craft 8-13 1 1. Brittany Knutson 2. Gavin Spaur 3. Madison Baczuk Class 27-Recycle Art (art using recycle materials) 1. Halie Spaur 2. Nija Droessler 3. Brittany Knutson 4. Gavin Spaur 5. Emma Murphy Class 28-Misc 8-13 1. Brittany Knutson 2. Madison Baczuk 3. Brooklyn Knutson 4. Gavin Spaur 5. Nija Droessler Class 32-Bead work, any item 14-18 1. Jaci Corliss 2. Melissa Bean 3. Jasper Wickman Class 33-Collage 14-18 1. Matthew Weiderspon Class 35-Drawing, Medium/Orig 14-18 1. Alicia Blandin 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Madison Baczuk 4. Peter Chase 5. Thomas Weiderspon Class 36-Duct Tape Crafted Item 14-18 1. Matthew Weiderspon 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Ruth Whiston Class 37-Jewelry, Item/Set 14-18 1. Jaci Corliss Class 39-Natural Mat/Nature Art 14-18 (3 entries allowed/diff. crafts) 1. Matthew Weiderspon, Grand Champion
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Class 44-Sculpture 14-18 1. Madison Baczuk
Flowers, Adult Better Living
Class 340-Sr Any Cont Flowering 2+ 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Torie Anderson Class 345-Sr Any Cont Foliage 2+ 1. Barbara Broderius Class 555-Sr Any Cont Mixed 2+ 1. Barbara Broderius, Overall Grand Champion Class 356-Sr Any Cont Hanging 1. Barbara Broderius Class 360-Sr Container Deciduous 1. Barbara Broderius Class 370-Sr Container Flowering 1. Barbara Broderius 2. Torie Anderson Class 375-Sr Container Cacti/Succul 1. Marilyn Ledall Class 380-Sr Container any other 1. Barbara Broderius Class 390-Sr Prairie Sunset 1. Noreen Arnbrecht, Reserve Champion 2. Ramona Baker 3. Karen Scopel 4. Mary Ann Gablehouse Class 391-Sr Amber Waves of Grain 1. Mary Ann Gablehouse 2. Karen Scopel 3. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 392-Sr Home on the Range 1. Ramona Baker 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Mary Ann Gablehouse Class 393-Sr The River Runs Wild 1. Karen Scopel, Grand Champion 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Mary Ann Gablehouse 4. Ramona Baker Class 394-Sr Little Town On the Prairie 1. Noreen Arnbrecht 2. Tammy Aiona 3. Mary Ann Gablehouse 4. Ramona Baker
Flowers, Youth Better Living
Class 401-Jr Annual Alyssum 3 same 1. Aubrey Ledall 2. Molly Anderson Class 404-Jr Ann Bach Button 3 Same 1. William Broderius Class 406-Jr Begonia 1 stalk 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 407-Jr Ann Calendula 3 same 2. William Broderius 3. Kathryn Broderius Class 409-Jr Ann Celosia cr/cockscomb 1. Williams Broderius Class 410-Jr Ann Celosia 1 plumed 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 414-Jr Ann Dahlia (seed) 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 415-Jr Ann Dianthus 3 stems 1. Molly Anderson 2. Rebecca Gerwig Class 417-Jr Ann Geranium 1 stalk 1. William Broderius 2. Rebecca Gerwig Class 418-Jr Ann Impatiens 3 Same 1. William Broderius Class 419-Jr Ann Impatiens 3 Mixed 2. Kathryn Broderius
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Annie Pantier, grand champion, Child Development; Katelynn Seelhoff, grand champion, Pocket Pets, reserve champion, Horseless Horse, reserve champion, Small Engines; Caitlin Reimer, grand champion, Scrap Booking; Shelby Clark, grand champion, Cake Decorating-4-H; (back row) Julia Nagel, reserve champion, Heritage Arts; Codee Pfleiderer, reserve champion, Model Rocketry; Cassidy Livengood, reserve champion, Ceramics-4-H; Joseph Faryna, reserve champion, Cub Scouts; Matthew Faryna, grand and reserve champion, Boy Scouts; Rachel Faryna, grand champion, Girl Scouts.
3. Rebecca Gerwig Class 422-Jr Ann Marigold Med 3 blooms same color 1. Emma Pirillo 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 423-Jr Ann Marigold Dwarf 3 blooms same color 1. Aubrey Ledall 2. William Broderius 3. Ethan Liess 4. Jasper Wickman 5. Melissa Bean Class 424-Jr Ann Nasturtium 3 blooms 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Lauren Knutson Class 425-Jr Ann Pansy solid/same 3 blms 1. Molly Anderson Class 426-Jr Ann Pansy faced/same 3 blm Molly Anderson 2. Rebecca Gerwig Class 429-Jr Petunia single/purple 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Melissa Bean 4. William Broderius Class 430-Jr Petunia single/lavender 1. Molly Anderson 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Melissa Bean 3. Emma Pirillo 4. Jasper Wickman Class 431-Jr Petunia single/pink 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Melissa Bean Class 432-Jr Petunia single/white 1. Emma Pirillo 2. Melissa Bean Class 433-Jr Petunia single/red 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Jasper Wickman Class 434-Jr Petunia sing/any other solid 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 435-Jr Petunia sing/any other color
1. Jasper Wickman Class 436-Jr Petunia double any solid 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 437-Jr Petunia dble any othr color 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 439-Jr Salvia victoria 3 same 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 440-Jr Ann Snapdragon 1 spike any color 1. Rebecca Gerwig 1. Madison Merkt 2. Kathryn Broderius 2. Molly Anderson 3. Jenna Pitcher 3. William Broderius 4. Jerran Pitcher Class 441-Jr Ann Sunflower <6 1 bloom 1. William Broderius Class 442-Jr Ann Sunflower 6-8 1 bloom 1. William Broderius Class 447-Jr Ann Verbena, 1 stalk 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 450-Jr Ann Zinnia Med, 1 bloom any color 1. Aubrey Ledall 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 456-Jr Ann Other Named Variety 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Kathryn Broderius 4. William Broderius 5. William Broderius Class 466-Jr Per/Bi Carnation 3 same 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 467-Jr Per/Bi Cone Flower Purple 1 1. Lauren Knutson 2. Brooklyn Knutson 3. Anika Knutson 4. Rebecca Gerwig 5. Brittany Knutson Class 468-Jr Per/Bi Cone Any Other 1 2. Lauren Knutson 4. Anika Knutson Class 472-Jr Per/Bi Chrysant Sm 1 1. Kathryn Broderius
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Class 473-Jr Per/Bi Coreopsis 3 bloom same color 1. Aubrey Ledall 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. William Broderius 4. Rebecca Gerwig Flowers Class 474-Jr Per/Bi Dianthus Garden Pinks 3 stalks 1. Ethan Liess 2. Jenna Pitcher Class 475-Jr Per/Bi Dianthus Sw Will 1 stalk 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 476-Jr Per/Bi Fever Few 1 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 478-Jr Per/Bi Liatris 1 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 479-Jr Per/Bi Phlox 1 1. Rebecca Gerwig 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 480-Jr Per/Bi Rudbeckia Gloriosa Daisy 3 bloom 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 481-Jr Per/Bi Shasta Daisy sing 3 blooms 1. William Broderius 2. Kellie Buchholz Class 485-Jr Per/Bi Viola 1 stalk 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 486-Jr Per/Bi Yarrow 1 Yellow 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 488-Jr Per/Bi Yarrow 1 Any 1. Brittany Knutson Flowers - Youth Better Living 2. Kathryn Broderius
3. William Broderius Class 490-Jr Any Pernl/ Biennial other (entries must be diff variety) 1. Jerran Pitcher 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. Brittany Knutson 2. Jenna Pitcher 3. Kathryn Broderius 3. Kellie Buchholz 4. William Broderius 5. Kathryn Broderius Class 510-Jr Bulbs Canna 1 stalk 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 547-Jr Daylily, Regular, other color 1 scape 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 585-Jr Bulbs Lily, Hybrid any color 1. Anika Knutson Class 595-Jr Bulbs Lily, Any other any color 1. Lauren Knutson Class 600-Jr Bulbs Tuberous Beg Single 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 601-Jr Bulbs Tuberous Beg Double 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Kathryn Broderius Class 610-Jr Bulbs, Any Other (each entry diff variety) 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 624-Jr Roses,Hybd,Tea,Gfl,Flbda 1 stem other color 3. Aubrey Ledall Class 636-Jr Roses, Miniature 2 or more Pink 3. Brooklyn Knutson Class 640-Jr Roses, Any other 1 stem each
2011 Fair Results • 11
entry diff var. 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 651-Jr Any Schrub in Bloom Rose Sharon 1 stem 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 653-Jr Any Shrub in Bloom 1 stem 1. William Broderius Class 680-Jr Container Cactus 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius 3. Aubrey Ledall 4. Molly Anderson Class 685-Jr Container Succulent 1. William Broderius 2. Aubrey Ledall Class 695-Jr Container Terrarium 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. William Broderius Class 700-Jr Container Herbs (potted) 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 705-Jr Flowered African Violet 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 710-Jr Flowered Any other 1. Kathryn Broderius 2. William Broderius 3. Jenna Pitcher Class 715-Jr Flowered Foliage type 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 720-Jr Flowered Fruited 1. William Broderius 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 725-Jr Hang Cont Flowering 1 2. Kathryn Broderius Class 735-Jr Hang Cont Fruited 1 1. William Broderius
Class 740-Jr Hang Cont Flowering 2 2. William Broderius Class 755-Jr Hang Cont Mixed 2 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 756-Jr Container Hanging 1. Ruth Whiston Class 760-Jr Container Deciduous 2. William Broderius Class 765-Jr Container Evergreen 2. William Broderius Class 770-Jr Container Flowering 1. Kathryn Broderius Class 790-Jr The Old School House 1. Kathryn Broderius Reserve Champion 2. Brittany Knutson Class 791-Jr Ride ‘em Cowboy 1. Kathryn Broderius, Grand Champion
Food Preservatives, Adult Better Living
Class 021-Canned Fruit Pie Filling 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 022-Fruit sauce/Applesauce 19+ 2. Brenda Green Class 023-Canned Peaches 19+ 2. Laurie Lareau 3. Brenda Green Class 026-Tomatoes, whole or stewed 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 027-Misc Canned Fruit 19+ 2. Lorraine Lyman Class 030-Beans Grn/Ylw/Lima/Pinto 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 032-Canned Sauce (any kind) 19+ 1. Brenda Green, Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion Class 036-Pickles Bread & Butter 19+
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12 • 2011 Fair Results
Furniture and Woodworking
Class 36-Sml ww bowl/vase 19+ 1. Phil Rouse, Reserve Champion Class 40-Sm ww toy 19+ 1. Anson Derby 2. Robert Chenoweth Class 55-Refin furn piece 19+ 1. Kathy Holscher Class 61-Living/den furn SC 1. Robert Chenoweth Class 71-Sm ww bowl/vase SC 1. Phil Rouse, Reserve Champion Class 73-Sm ww sml box SC 1. Anson Derby Class 75-Sm ww Toy SC 1. Anson Derby Class 77 - Sm ww misc SC 1. Robert Swanson, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Phil Rouse
Furniture and Wood Working, Youth Better Living JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Edith Chenowith, overall grand champion, Home Décor-Adult Better Living; Matthew Weiderspon, grand champion, Fine Arts and Crafts-Youth Better Living; Jana Munn, grand champion, Fine Arts and Crafts-Adult Better Living, reserve champion, Home Décor-Adult Better Living; (back row) Henry Fehr, reserve champion, Fine Arts and Crafts-Youth Better Living; Daisy Boulter, overall reserve champion, Quilts-Adult Better Living; Thomas Weiderspon, grand champion; Ceramics-Youth Better Living; Jerry Johnston, reserve champion, Fine Arts and Crafts-Adult Better Living.
1. Lorraine Lyman 3. Lisa Voytko 4. Brenda Green Class 037-Pickles Dill 19+ 2. Noreen Arnbrecht 3. Jolene Fehr 4. Brenda Green Class 041-Pickled Beets 19+ 1. Noreen Arnbrecht 2. Lorraine Lyman 3. Eileen Mcgaughey Class 042-Pickled Sauerkraut 19+ 5. Jolene Fehr Class 043-Pickled Vegetables-other 19+ 1. Brenda Green 2. Lorraine Lyman 3. Lisa Voytko Class 046-Pickled Spiced Fruit 19+ 2. Lorraine Lyman Class 051-Pickled Salsa, any kind 19+ 1. Brenda Green 2. Dawn Daggett 5. Torie Anderson Class 052-Pickled Sauce 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 058-Jelly, Grape 19+ 1. Lorraine Lyman 2. Brenda Green Class 059-Jelly, Plum 19+ 1. Brenda Green 2. Jana Munn 3. Lorraine Lyman 4. Laurie Lareau Class 060-Jelly, Any other 19+ 1. Eileen Mcgaughey 2. Brenda Green 3. Laurie Ann Lareau 4. Lorraine Lyman 5. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 063-Jam, Cherry 19+ 1. Lorraine Lyman Class 064-Jam, Apricot or peach 19+ 1. Brenda Green
3. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 065-Jam, Raspberry 19+ 1. Brenda Green, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion Class 066-Jam, Strawberry 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 067-Jam, Any Other Berry 19+ 1. Brenda Green 3. Jennie Nelson Class 068-Jam, Any Other Kind 19+ 2. Lorraine Lyman 3. Brenda Green Class 071-Prsrvs/Buttrs/Marm/Cnsrv 19+ 1. Brenda Green 2. Noreen Arnbrecht Class 074-Fruit Syrup 19+ 1. Brenda Green Class 082-Dried Noodles/Pasta mix, 19+ 1. Ramona Baker Class 091-Gift pack assort 3 jars, pickled 1. Brenda Green, Reserve Champion Class 092-Gift pack assort 3 jars, jams jelly or preserves 1. Lorraine Lyman, Grand Champion 2. Brenda Green Class 094-Gift pack an assortment of 3 preserved foods 1. Brenda Green Class 104-Jam or Jelly, any kind SC 2. Noreen Arnbrecht, Grand Champion 3. Lorraine Lyman Class 106-Pickled Product, any with recipe 2. Lorraine Lyman, Reserve Champion 3. Noreen Arnbrecht 4. Judy Corliss
Food Preservatives, Youth Better Living Class 01-Canned Product, 13 and under 1. Aaliyanah Hubert-Combs 2. Aaliyanah Hubert-Combs 3. Lindsey Schwartz
Class 03-Outdoor Furniture 181. Gavin Spaur Class 10-Birdhouse 181. Kayla Guilbert 2. William Broderius Class 13-Boxes small 18- 1. Gavin Spaur, Champion, Reserve Overall Champion Class 15-Toy 181. Brooklyn Knutson 2. Madison Baczuk Class 17 - Misc 181. Hannah Bott, Reserve Champion
Hand Spun Yarn, Adult Better Living
Class 150c-Weld County 150th Anniversary Youth Cap 1. Pat Noah Class 230-Hand spun yrn Hand knit article/ hand spun yrn19+ 1. Joyce Klein, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Nikki Wyscaver 3. Pat Noah Class 231-Hand spun Any fiber, any hand spindle 1 oz 19+ 1. Nikki Wyscaver Class 232-Hand spun Alpaca single or multi 19+ 1. Joyce Klein, Champion 2. Pat Noah Class 234-Hand spun Goat single or multi (mohair, cashmere, cashgora, pygora) 19+ 1. Joyce Klein Class 236-Hand spun Sheep wool, 2 or more ply 19+ 1. Nikki Wyscaver 2. Pat Noah Class 237-Hand spun Silk, single or multi 1 oz 19+ 1. Joyce Klein, Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion 2. Pat Noah Class 238-Hand spun Blends or any above single or multi 19+ 1. Pat Noah Class 239-Hand spun Applied novelty, any above fibers/blend (looped, knotted, fluffy, beaded, etc) 19+ 1. Pat Noah, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion Class 240-Hand spun 3 skeins, hand spun yrn
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 same fiber, each skein 2 oz/2 ply 19+ 1. Pat Noah Class 241-Hand spun yarns not listed (musk ox, dog, cat etc.)single/multi spun smooth/ even 1 oz 19+ 1. Pat Noah Class 246-Hand Spun 2 oz skeins, sm/even multiy ply yarn any SC 1. Pat Noah, Champion
Hand Stitchery, Adult Better Living
Class 020-Counted Cross St Pict, no stamp, blank,mini19+ 1. Rose McDonald 2. Kelly Johnson Class 021-Counted Cross St Pict, no stamp, blank, sml 19+ 1. Rose McDonald Class 022-Counted Cross St Pict, no stamp, blank, med 19+ 1. Andrea Janson, Reserve Champion 2. Rose McDonald 3. Ann Alley Class 023-Counted Cross St Pict, no stamp, blank, lg 19+ 1. Cheryl Browne, Grand Champion Class 027-Counted Cross St Pict, beads, sm or mini 19+ 1. Rose McDonald Class 030-Counted Cross St Misc 19+ 1. Rose McDonald Class 031-Counted Cross St, misc, Not a picture 19+ 1. Rose McDonald 2. Vickie Montanez Class 036-Xstitch not counted ,Home Décor,no pict/pillow 19+ 2. Edith Chenoweth Class 043-Embr, Home Décor, not pict (one or set) 19+ 1. Judy Rouse Class 046-Embr,Pict,Stamped/Combo stitch ,Lg 2. Linda Coleman Class 063-Other Stitch Huckweave any 19+ 1. Pat Rouse 2. Gavin Spaur 3. Halie Spaur Class 076-Counted Xstitch, any med SC 2. Rufina Kaltenberger Class 079-Counted Xstitch picture beads med SC 1. Janeen Burchett Class 081-Embroid stitched item SC 1. Judy Rouse 2. Mary Ann Gablehouse Class 082-Needlepoint item plastic/fabric SC 1. Mary Ann Gablehouse, Reserve Champion Class 083-Sampler SC 1. Karen Karst, Grand Champion 3. Judy Rouse Class 085-Misc Stitchery SC 1. Pat Rouse
Hand Stitchery, Youth Better Living
Class 06-Handstitch any 8-13 1. Brooklyn Knutson, Grand Champion 3. Brittany Knutson Class 11-Handstitch any 14-18 1. Halie Spaur, Reserve Champion
Boy Scouts
Class 105-Patch Collection 1. Matthew Faryna, Reserve Champion
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Class 125-Plaster Craft - 1 1. Matthew Faryna, Grand Champion Class 137-Models Minature- Car - 1 1. Matthew Faryna Class 158-Any Other Not Listed - 1 1. Matthew Faryna
Cake Decorating
Class 500-Cake Decorating Unit 1 Jr. 1. Shelby Clark, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Paige Trumble, Unit Reserve Class 501-Cake Decorating Unit 1 Int. 1. Mary Carlson, Unit Champion 2. Emma Martin, Unit Reserve 3. Camyran Seelhoff Class 503-Cake Decorating Unit 2 Jr. 1. Tristin Brandly, Unit Champion 2. Grant Disselkoen, Unit Reserve Class 504-Cake Decorating Unit 2 Int. 1. Lilly Carlson, Unit Champion 2. Julia Hickman, Unit Reserve 3. Judy Fleming Class 507-Cake Decorating Unit 3 Int. 1. Eilish Riley, Unit Champion Class 508-Cake Decorating Unit 3 Sr. 1. Jacqueline Gergely, Unit Champion Class 513-Cake Decorating Unit 5 Int. 1. Shay Northrup, Unit Champion Class 514-Cake Decorating Unit 5 Sr. 1. Erin Stuehm, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Katheryn Carlson, Unit Reserve Class 516-Cake Decorating Unit 6 Int. 1. Hannah Bott
Ceramics, 4-H
Class 706-Beginning Clothing Unit 3 Jr. 1. Faith Fetzer, Unit Champion 708-Beginning Clothing Unit 3 Sr. 1. Jasper Wickman Class 710-Beginning Clothing Unit 4 Int. 1. Ilona Anderson, Unit Champion 2. Kolby Moore, Unit Reserve 3. Ashley Petersen Class 711-Beginning Clothing Unit 4 Sr. 1. Jacqueline Gergely, Unit Champion Class 718-Cottom or Cotton Blend Unit 21 Int. 1. Lindsay Niederkorn, Unit Champion Class 721-Synthetics and Rayon Unit 22 Sr. 1. Emily Niederkorn , Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 725-Silk or Silk-Like Unit 24 Sr. 1. Kelsey Barker, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 110-Newbie Know-How Sr. 1. Trent Kindvall, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 111-Inside the Box Int. 1. Jennifer Herren, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Katelynn Seelhoff, Unit Reserve
Consumer Savvy
Class 756-Consumer-Wise Unit 2 Sr. 1. Emily Stevens, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Patty Esch, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve
Cub Scouts
Class 300-Glazes Jr. 1. Megan Carlson, Unit Champion 2. Mikaela Martin, Unit Reserve Class 303-Underglazes Jr. 2. Shay Northrup, Unit Reserve Class 304-Underglazes Int. 1. Rebecca Kaiser, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Halie Miller, Unit Reserve Class 305-Underglazes Sr. 2. Jessica Fiscus, Unit Reserve Class 306-Overglazes Jr. 2. Paige Northrup, Unit Reserve Class 307-Overglazes Int. 1. Cassidy Livengood, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion
Class 16-Drawing/original mounted-1 1. Travis Menard Class 25-Plaster Craft-1 1. Joseph Faryna, Reserve Champion Class 27-Pottery-1-3 or set 1. Travis Menard Class 51-Nature Snapshot 5x7-1 1. Travis Menard, Grand Champion Class 52-People Snapshot 5x7-1 1. Travis Menard Class 53-Pinewood Derby Car-1 1. Joseph Faryna 2. Travis Menard Class 54-Raingutter Regatta Boat-1 1. Joseph Faryna Class 58-Any Other Not Listed - 1 1. Joseph Faryna
Child Development
Dog Obedience
Class 601-Play Int. 1. Lyndsey Stevens, Unit Champion Class 602-Music and Rhythm Int. 1. Annie Pantier, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 608-Safety Sr. 1. Emily Stevens, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion
Clothing Construction
Class 700-Beginning Clothing Unit 1 Jr. 1. Shelby Clark, Unit Champion 2. Julia Duvall, Unit Reserve 3. Landree Heidenreich 4. Megan Podtburg 5. Awna Hirsch 6. Madeleine Boyles Class 703-Beginning Clothing Unit 2 Jr. 1. Anna Lowndes, Unit Champion Class 704-Beginning Clothing Unit 2 Int. 1. Hannah Bott, Unit Champion
Class 530-Sub-Novice A - Dog Obed. 1. Jenny Wiese 2. Susanne Sutton 3. Larissa Van Korlaar 4. Brianna Folchert 5. Kynder Donlon 6. Katrina Gergely 7. Jessica Adams 8. Jeremiah Erickson 9. Ashlyn Ochsner Class 531-Sub-Novice B- Dog Obed. 1. Lora Stuehm 2. Taylor James 3. David Sponaugle Class 532-Sub-Novice C-1st year Dog Obed. 1. Bailey Erger 2. Charlotte Anderson 3. Raelee Scholfield 4. Delaney Pagliotti Class 533-Sub-Novice C-2nd year Dog Obed. 1. Amanda Miller
Class 534-Novice A- Dog Obed 1. Erin Stuehm 2. Bailey Erger 3. Nicole Ault 4. Jodel Erickson Class 535-Novice B Dog Obed. 1 1. Ryan Gebauer Class 537-Graduate Novice A- Dog Obed. 1. Erin Erger 2. Christian Gilden 3. Taya Baumgartner 4. Charlotte Anderson 5. Ilona Anderson Class 538-Graduate Novice B- Dog Obed. 1. Sydney Baumgartner 2. Sydney Baumgartner 3. Amanda Miller Class 546-Jr Novice Dog Showmanship 8-10 1. Ashlyn Ochsner 2. Kynder Donlon Class 547-Jr Open Dog Showmanship 8-10 1. Lora Stuehm 2. Delaney Pagliotti Class 549-Int Open Dog Showmanship 11-13 1. Erin Erger 2. Amanda Miller 3. Bailey Erger 4. Taya Baumgartner 5. Charlotte Anderson 6. Sydney Baumgartner 7. Nicole Ault 8. Taylor James 9. Ilona Anderson 10 . Jodel Erickson Class 550-Sr. Novice Dog Showmanship 14+ 1. Brianna Folchert Dog Obedience 2. Jeremiah Erickson Class 551-Sr. Open Dog Showmanship 14+ 1. Erin Stuehm 2. Larissa Van Korlaar 3. Jenny Wiese
Dog Rally
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 13
Class 554-Rally Novice A 1. Susanne Sutton 2. Raelee Scholfield 3. Larissa Van Korlaar 4. Kynder Donlon Class 555-Rally Novice B 1. Bailey Erger 2. Jodel Erickson 3. Taylor James 4. Jenny Wiese 5. Amanda Miller 6. Delaney Pagliotti 7. David Sponaugle 8. Charlotte Anderson 9. Makayla Northern 10. Jessica Adams Class 556-Rally Advanced A 1. Bailey Erger 2. Ilona Anderson 3. Erin Erger Dog Rally 4. Jodel Erickson 5. Charlotte Anderson 6. Amanda Miller 7. Nicole Ault Class 557-Rally Advanced B 1. Taya Baumgartner 2. Sydney Baumgartner 3. Sydney Baumgartner Class 559-Rally Excellent B 1. Christian Gilden 2. Christian Gilden
Dog Records
Class 01-Junior Dog Record Book 1. David Sponaugle, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Jessica Adams, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Ashlyn Ochsner 4. Lora Stuehm 5. Delaney Pagliotti 6. Grace Bailey 7. Caitlin Pope 8. Kynder Donlon Class 02-Inter. Dog Record Book 1. Bailey Erger, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Erin Erger, Unit Reserve 3. Sydney Baumgartner 4. Taya Baumgartner 5. Amanda Miller 6. Nicole Ault 7. Charlotte Anderson 8. Ilona Anderson Class 03-Senior Dog Record Book 1. Christian Gilden, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Erin Stuehm, Unit Reserve 3. Raelee Scholfield 4. Larissa Van Korlaar 5. Susanne Sutton 6. Jenny Wiese 7. Jeremiah Erickson 8. Brianna Folchert
Class 118-Magic of Electricity Sr. 1. Tyler Santeramo, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 200-Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Learn About Insects Jr. 1. Garrett Johnston, Unit Champion 2. Everet Slaughenhaupt, Unit Reserve Class 207-Insect Habits and Controls Int. 1. Charlotte Anderson, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 208-Insect Habits and Controls Sr. 1. Daniel Mellers, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Field Crops, 4-H/FFA Youth Class 01-Bundle, Pik Corn <99 days 1. Brett Arnusch Class 02-Bundle, Pik Corn 100-109 1. Brett Arnusch Class 03-Bundle, Pik Corn >110 day 1. Brett Arnusch Class 04-Bundle, Silage Corn 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Dane Corliss 3. Brett Arnusch 4. Jaci Corliss Class 05-Tallest Stalk Corn 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Dane Corliss 3. Jaci Corliss 4. Jacob Hirsch Class 06-Bundle, Sunflower (oil) 1. Brett Arnusch Class 07-Bundle, Sunflower (conf ) 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Brett Arnusch Class 08-Largest head of Sunflower (by weight) 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Brett Arnusch Class 09-6 Sugar Beets, <2-1/2 lbs
14 • 2011 Fair Results 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Jaci Corliss 3. Dane Corliss 4. Jacob Hirsch Class 10-6 Sugar BeetS, >2-1/2 lbs 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Dane Corliss 3. Jaci Corliss Class 11-Sugar Beet, Best type 1. Jacob Hirsch 2. Brett Arnusch 3. Dane Corliss 4. Jaci Corliss Class 12-Sugar Beet, Largest by wt 1. Dane Corliss 2. Jaci Corliss 3. Brett Arnusch Class 17-12 Yellow Globe Onions over 3’’ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 18-12 White Globe Onions over 3’’ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 19-12 Red Globe Onions over 3’’ 1. Brett Arnusch Class 20-Largest Field Pumpkin by wght 2. Brett Arnusch 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Paul Cooksey Class 22-Peck of 2-row Barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 23-Peck of Malting Barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 25-Peck of Sc/Ba/TAM/Ha Wnt Wheat 1. Paul Cooksey 2. Lyle Cooksey Class 26-Peck of Other Wint Wheat 1. Paul Cooksey 2. Brett Arnusch 3. Lyle Cooksey Class 29-1/2 Bu, Spr Wheat, named 1. Brett Arnusch Class 30-1/2 Bu, Wnt Wheat, named 1. Brett Arnusch 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Paul Cooksey Class 32-1/2 Bu,2-Row barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 33-1/2 Bu Sc/Ba/TAM/other Wn Wheat 1. Lyle Cooksey 2. Paul Cooksey 3. Brett Arnusch Class 34-1/2 Bu, Malting barley 1. Brett Arnusch Class 35-1 sm Bale of straight alfalfa 1. Brett Arnusch Class 37-1 sm Bale of straight grass 1. Aleisha Brown Class 38-Sheaf Irr. pasture Grass 1. Brett Arnusch Class 42-Sheaf of Winter Wheat 1. Brett Arnusch Class 44-1/2 Bu, Barley, named 1. Brett Arnusch
Financial Champions
760-Money FUNdamentals Unit 1 Sr. 1. Christopher Bandy, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Food and Nutrition
Class 800-Riddles & Rhymes & Fun Food Times Unit 1 Jr. 1. Abigail Strickland, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Janna Rairdon, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve
3. Landree Heidenreich 4. Paige Trumble 5. Mindi Podtburg 6. Ashlynn Pickett Class 801 - Riddles & Rhymes & Fun Food Times Unit 1 Int. 1. Britney Self, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Allie Reed, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Molly Cooksey Class 803-On the Road to Fun & Fitness Unit 2 Jr. 1. Sarah Cecil, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Tristin Brandly, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Kirsten Ley Class 806-Fun with Foods Unit 3 Jr. 1. Brianna Ley, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 808-Fun with Foods Unit 3 Sr. 1. Abigail Nelson, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 810-Food, Fitness and Fun Unit 4 Int. 1. Katie Pettit, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Tayler Hays, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve Class 816-Bread Unit 12 Int. 1. Liza Nelson, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Haley Dollerschell, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve Class 827-Baking Unit 21 Jr. 1. Jed Sidwell, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 828-Baking Unit 21 Int. 1. Lyndsey Stevens Class 832-Baking Unit 22 Sr. 1. Kaitlyn Bandy, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Alicia Blandin, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Kendra Naibauer Class 834-Baking Unit 23 Int. 1. Judy Fleming Class 835-Baking Unit 23 Sr 1. Kristen Schmidt, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Joseph Ethan Gaona, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve Class 837-Baking Unit 24 Int. 1. Judy Fleming, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 838-Baking Unit 24 Sr. 1. Carrie Proctor, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Hannah Sagehorn, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Riley Reed, Reserve Champion Class 843-Cultural Foods Unit 30 Sr. 1. Shannon Rieke, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 849-Canning and Food Safety Unit 42 Jr. 1. Brianna Ley, Unit Champion Class 854-Pickles, Relishes, Jams & Jellies Unit 43 Sr. 1. Tamber Dreiling, Unit Champion
Class 022-See Them Sprout Jr. 1. Rhys Maxey, Unit Champion Class 024-See Them Sprout Sr. 1. Carrie Proctor, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 025-Let’s Get Growing! Jr. 1. Lindsey Leafgren, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion
Class 128-Setting Out Sr. 1. Phillip Kelly, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Girl Scouts, Junior
Class 215-Struct twig, crft stick, combo 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 222-Electric Switch 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 230-Short Poem 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 232-Chalk or Charcoal, Orig drawing 3. Ciana Burroughs Class 234-Watercolor, orig or kit 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 235-Pen, ink or pencil, Orig 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 237-Acrylic, Original Painting 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 238-Landscape photo 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 239-Action Photo 3. Ciana Burroughs Class 240-Animal photo 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 241-Floral Photo 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 242-Edible Seed Art 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 243-Holiday decoration 3. Ciana Burroughs Class 244-Origami 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 245-Clay, pottery or ceramic 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 252-Earrings 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 256-Sewn Clothing item 3. Ciana Burroughs Class 257-Sewn non clothing item 1. Ciana Burroughs, Grand Champion Class 258-Mask 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 262-Scrapbooking 1 or 2 page layout 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 264-Other 1. Ciana Burroughs Class 271-First Aid Kit 3. Ciana Burroughs Class 285-Muffins any variety 2. Ciana Burroughs Class 286-Iced cake 3. Ciana Burroughs
Girl Scouts Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador Class 338-Landscape photo 2. Rachel Faryna Class 340-Animal photo 1. Rachel Faryna, Grand Champion Class 345-Clay, pottery or ceramic 2. Rachel Faryna Class 355-Stencil, orig design 2. Rachel Faryna Class 364-Other 1. Rachel Faryna
Girl Scouts Brownie
Class 137-Acrylic, Orig Painting 3. Helena Abeyta
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 Class 149-Friendship bracelet 1. Helena Abeyta Class 186-Iced cake 1. Helena Abeyta
Global Citizenship
Class 319-Study of Another Country Int. 1. Taryn Santeramo, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Emily Tomoi, Unit Reserve Jaydee Johnston, Reserve Champion Class 320-Study of Another Country Sr 1. Susanne Sutton, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 902-Crochet Sr. 1 1. Amanda Decker, Unit Champion 2. Regan Low, Unit Reserve 3. Jordan Culbertson Class 905-Ethnic Arts Fiber/Fabric Option Sr. 1. Sara Tappy, Unit Champion Class 909-Knitting Jr. 1. Lauren Frink, Unit Champion 2. Shelby Tveten, Unit Reserve Class 910-Knitting Int. 1. Jenna Frink, Unit Champion 2. Kayla Frink, Unit Reserve 3. Lyndsey Stevens 4. Courtney Gerkin Class 911-Knitting Sr. 1. Deeona Johnston, Unit Champion Class 914-Needle Arts Sr. 1. Julia Nagel, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 931-Rug Making Int. 1. Lena Morton, Unit Champion Class 932-Rug Making Sr. 1. Bryonna Gerkin, Grand Champion Unit Champion Class 941-Macreme Sr. 1. Abigail Nelson, Unit Champion 2. Rebecca Eidson, Unit Reserve 3. Amanda Eidson
Home Environment
Class 943-Home Environment Unit 1 Int. 1. Erin Zimbelman, Unit Champion 2. Cheyanne Rutheford, Unit Reserve Class 946-Home Environment Unit 2 Int. 1. Taryn Santeramo, Unit Champion 2. Brianne Schneider, Unit Reserve Class 950-Home Environment Unit 3 Sr. 1. Emily Stevens, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 956-Home Environment Unit 5 Sr. 1. Amber Scott, Unit Champion Class 958-Home Environment Unit 6 Int. 1. Cassidy Livengood, Unit Champion Class 960-Design Your Own Unit 7 Sr. 1. Megan Seltzer, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Horseless Horse
Class 010 - Horseless Horse Unit 1 Jr. 1. Mindi Podtburg, Unit Champion Class 013-Horseless Horse Unit 2 Jr. 1. Megan Podtburg, Unit Champion Class 017-Horseless Horse Unit 3 Int. 1. Rebecca Gerwig, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 020-Horseless Horse Unit 4 Int. 1. Katelynn Seelhoff, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Annie Pantier, Unit Reserve
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Class 329-Individual Skills for Older Members Int. 1. Cody Leblanc, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 330-Individual Skills for Older Members Sr. 1. Savannah Hirsch, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Morgan Krause, Unit Reserve 3. Elizabeth Edie 4. Christian Gilden
Class 335-Introduction to Leathercraft Jr. 1. Jackson Leafgren, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Colton Moore, Unit Reserve 3. Jacey Reinert Class 336-Introduction to Leathercraft Int. 1. Henry Fehr, Unit Champion 2. Eilish Riley, Unit Reserve Class 339-Beginning Leather Carving Int. 1. Michael Carney, Unit Champion Class 342-Leather Carving Int. 1. Brett Arnusch, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Model Rocketry
Class 138-Balsa Fins, Intro to Rocketry Jr. 1. Timothy Riofrio, Unit Champion 2. Garrett Johnston, Unit Reserve 3. Amelia Hatch 4. T.R. Kindvall 5. Blayd Fox 6. Dillon Fox Class 141-Balsa Fins Only, Basic Model Rocketry Jr. 1. Kyle Kalmar, Unit Champion Class 143-Balsa Fins Only, Basic Model Rocketry Sr. 1. Susanne Sutton, Unit Champion Class 145-Balsa Fins Only, Int Model Rocketry Int. 1. Trey A Hirsch, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 1. Kelly Karns, Grand Champion Unit Reserve 3. Brandon Gehring Class 149-Finished fins of any type, Adv Mdl Rcktry Sr. 1. Codee Pfleiderer, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Jordan Perkins, Unit Reserve Class 151-Finished fins of any type, Designer Mdl Rcktry Int. 1. Katelynn Seelhoff, Unit Champion
Outdoor Adventure
Class 230-Hiking Trails Jr. 1. Ashlynn Pickett, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Jaren Albrighton, Reserve Champion Unit Reserve Class 234-Camping Adventures Int. 1. Roman Pickett, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 238-Backpacking Expeditions Sr. 1. Andrew Shaw, Unit Champion
Class 365-Level 1A Jr. 1 1. Amanda Terrell, Unit Champion 2. Mindi Podtburg, Unit Reserve 3. Rachael Ballard Class 366-Level 1A Int.
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 15
1. Aleah Lonnberg, Unit Champion 2. Victoria Hoff, Unit Reserve 3. Morgan Smith 4. Terryn Gabel 5. Kelly Karns Class 367-Level 1A Sr. 1. Erin Schwartz, Unit Champion 2. Larissa Van Korlaar, Unit Reserve Class 368-Level 1B Jr. 1. Mindi Podtburg, Unit Champion Class 369 - Level 1B Int. 1 1. Allison Schell, Unit Champion Class 372-Controlling the Image Int. 1. Casey Herren, Unit Champion Class 375-Mastering Photography Int. 1. Liza Nelson, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 380-Lightning Photography Int. 1. Halley Moore, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 384-Advanced Photography Sr. 1. Jeffery Gerwig, Unit Champion
Pocket Pets
Class 01-Pocket Pets Jr. 8-10 1. Faith Moore, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Camyran Seelhoff, Unit Reserve Class 02-Pocket Pets Int. 11-13 1. Katelynn Seelhoff, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Power of Wind
Class 158-Powered Machine, Sr. 1. Tyler Miller, Unit Champion
Class 01-Motorized/Large Projects 1. Nicholas Edie, Grand Champion 2. Dawson Chesnut 3. Dakota Kos Class 02-Misc. Small Projects 1. Cody Leblanc, Reserve Champion 2. Tyler Axelson Class 03-Furniture 1. Shannon Kos 2. Keisha Patterson
Class 1-Junior Individual 1. Timothy Blandin, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Scrap Booking
Class, 392-4-H Scrapbook Jr 1. Alaina Endreson, Unit Champion 2. Madison Laborde, Unit Reserve 3. Megan Carlson 4. Camyran Seelhoff 5. Daphne Halverson Class 393-4-H Scrapbook Int 1. Lilly Carlson, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Jamie Jo Johnson, Unit Reserve 3. Tiana Schwartz 4. Ilona Anderson 5. Cheyanne Rutheford Class 394-4-H Scrapbook Sr 1. Caitlin Reimer, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 01-Self Determined Jr 1. Cody Garcia, Unit Champion Class 02-Self Determined Int
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) William Broderius, various first places in Vegetables, Youth Fine Arts and Youth Flowers; Lindsey Leafgren, grand champion, Gardening; Jackson Leafgren, reserve champion, Leathercraft; (back row) Barbara Broderius, grand champion, Flowers-Creative Weeds Better Living, grand champion, Flowers-Adult Better Living; Kathryn Broderius, grand and reserve champion, Flowers-Youth Better Living.
1. Katelynn Seelhoff, Unit Champion 2. Annie Pantier, Unit Reserve 3. Henry Fehr Class 03-Self Determined Sr 1. Daniel Mellers, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Avery Hanzlicek, Reserve Champion, Unit Reserve 3. Tyler Miller
Shooting Sports
Class 242-Archery Jr. 1. Lauren Wagner, Unit Champion 2. Kylan Fetzer, Unit Reserve 3. Faith Fetzer 4. Jacey Reinert 5. Allison Walters 6. Walter Jordan 7. Jack Dickie Class 243-Archery Int. 1. Courtney Patton, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Shea Walters, Unit Reserve 3. Garrett Seltzer 4. Cambrilynn Butterworth 5. Britney Self 6. Will Overton Class 244-Archery Sr. 1. Kyle Folchert, Unit Champion 2. Tanner Fetzer, Unit Reserve 3. Riley Chesnut 4. Ashley Karns 5. Stephanie Miller 6. Kory B. Blach 7. Tyler Becker Class 245-Air Rifle Jr. 1. T.R. Kindvall, Unit Champion 2. Taryn Shaffer, Unit Reserve 3. Hunter Gonzales 4. Owen Schneider 5. Joseph Smith Class 246-Air Rifle Int. 1. Nathan Low, Unit Champion 2. Riley Schneider, Unit Reserve Class 248-Shotgun Jr. Caleb Diller, Unit Champion
2. Tate Dreiling, Unit Reserve Class 249-Shotgun Int. 1. Levi Lemons, Unit Champion 2. Zachary Barker, Unit Reserve 3. Stephanie Dill 4. Ashley Taylor 5. Aleah Lonnberg 6. Ben Pruett 7. Cutter Sneesby Class 250-Shotgun Sr. 1. Kendra Naibauer , Unit Champion 2. Christian Gilden, Unit Reserve 3. Jacob Denning 4. Wyatt Overton 5. John Sponaugle 6. Ashley Zehrbach 7. Matthew Stout 8. Jerred Bartmann Class 251-.22 Jr. 1. Tyler Sack, Unit Champion 2. David Sponaugle, Unit Reserve 3. Gregory Peake Jr. Class 252 - .22 Int. 1. Preston Rupple, Reserve Champion Unit Champion 2. Morgan Patton, Unit Reserve 3. Bryce Endreson 4. Jacob Marvin 5. Kaitlin Wagner 6. Ty Butler 7. Kelly Karns 8. Jolene Rutheford Class 253-.22 Sr. 1. Savannah Hirsch, Unit Champion 2. Brendon Butterworth, Unit Reserve 3. Ryan Karns 4. Dylan Butler 5. Jake Carmin Class 254-Muzzleloading Jr. 1. Hunter Israel-Ivy, Unit Champion 2. Andrew Palizzi, Unit Reserve Class 255-Muzzleloading Int. 1. Colton Israel-Ivy, Unit Champion Class 256-Muzzleloading Sr. 1. Cameron Israel-Ivy, Unit Champion Class 257-Air Pistol Jr.
16 â&#x20AC;˘ 2011 Fair Results
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Lindsay Bowman - Grand Champion Market Lamb
Mitch Stahley - Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb
Grace Goad - Grand Champion Chicken
Grace Goad - Reserve Grand Champion Chicken
Jaylinn Lohr - Grand Champion Steer
Cody Huwa - Reserve Grand Champion Steer
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 17
Hans Vickland - Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Turkey
Ryleigh Carr - Grand Champion Barrow and Market Swine
Abigail Reinick - Reserve Grand Champion Market Swine
Brianna Folchert and Garrrett Johnston Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen
Faith Fetzer - Grand Champion Market Goat
Tanner Fetzer - Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat
18 â&#x20AC;˘ 2011 Fair Results 1. Wyatt Patton, Unit Champion Class 258-Air Pistol Int. 1. Cheyanne Rutheford, Unit Champion 2. Kordell Carmin, Unit Reserve Class 263-Miscellaneous Jr. 7. Clay Smith Class 264-Miscellaneous Int. 1. Casey Cecil, Unit Champion 2. Dawson Becker, Unit Reserve 3. Tyler Thormodsgard 4. Mitch Sagehorn 5. Tanner Dill Class 265-Miscellaneous Sr. 1. Ross Sagehorn, Unit Champion 3. Daniel Sponaugle 4. Trevor Asche 5. Seth Walters 6. Jacob Streit 7. Clay Smith 8. Wade Rogers
Small Engines
Class 170-Crank It Up Sr. 1. Justin Anderson, Unit Champion Class 175-Tune It Up Int. 1 1. Katelynn Seelhoff, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 179-Advanced Small Engines Sr. 1. Zachary Schoenherr, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Sport Fishing
Class 266-Take The Bait Jr. 1. Timothy Younger, Unit Champion 2. Jayson Carlson, Unit Reserve 3. Walter Jordan 4. Cole Trumble Class 267-Take The Bait Int. 1. Andrew Younger, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 270-Reel in the Fun Int. 1. Ethan Leffler, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Bradley Younger, Unit Reserve 3. Ben Pruett
Vegetable/Fruit Crops 4-H/FFA Youth Class 05-12 Green Snap Beans 1. Paige McGaughey Class 19-3Table Beets 1. Mollie McGaughey Class 22-6 Radishes 1. Mollie McGaughey 2. Paige McGaughey Class 23-3Onions, Yl Globe Type 1. Brett Arnusch Class 24-3 Onions, Wh Globe Type 1. Brett Arnusch Class 29-2 Smr Squash, Zuccini typ 1. Mollie McGaughey Class 29-2 Smr Squash, Zuccini typ 2. Paige McGaughey Class 35-1 Spaghetti Squash 1. Mollie McGaughey Class 35-1 Spaghetti Squash 2. Paige McGaughey Class 37-1 Pie Pumpkins, sugar-pie 2. Paul Cooksey 3. Lyle Cooksey Class 40-1 Lg. Long Watermelon 2. Lyle Cooksey
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Vet Sciences
Class 003-From Airedales to Zebras Sr. 1. Amanda Sullivan-Young, Unit Champion Class 006-All Systems Go Sr. 1. Austin Badding, Grand Champion, Unit Champion Class 008-On the Cutting Edge Int. 1. Brianna McBride, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion 2. Rebecca Gerwig, Unit Reserve Class 009-On the Cutting Edge Sr. 1. Sarah Hirsch, Unit Champion 2. Savannah Hirsch, Unit Reserve
Visual Arts
406-Portfolio Pathways Sr. 1. Trevor Seymour, Reserve Champion Unit Champion 2. Bryonna Gerkin, Unit Reserve Class 408-Sketch Crossroads Int. 1. Bryson Wells, Unit Champion 2. Brody Chesnut, Unit Reserve 3. Charlotte Anderson 4. Tailor Johnson Class 409-Sketch Crossroads Sr. 1. Ashland Lutz, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Lyndee Johnston, Unit Reserve 3. Jasper Wickman 4. Jessica Sutton
Class 275-Exploring Widlife Jr. 1. Ashlynn Pickett, Wildlife, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 276-Exploring Wildlife Int. 2. Roman Pickett, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Class 392-Measuring Up Jr. 1. Colton Moore, Unit Champion 2. Heylee Johnson, Unit Reserve Class 395-Making the Cut Jr. 1. Mitch Dollerschell, Unit Champion 2. Robert Meireis, Unit Reserve Class 396-Making the Cut Int. 1. Connor Lowndes, Unit Champion Class 398-Nailing It Together Jr. 1. Sam Leffler, Unit Champion Class 399-Nailing It Together Int. 1. Hayden Fox, Unit Champion Class 402-Finishing Up Int. 1. Ilona Anderson Woodworking, Reserve Champion, Unit Champion Class 403-Finishing Up Sr. 1. Bryson Whistance, Grand Champion, Unit Champion 2. Reed Kopfman, Unit Reserve 3. Kyle Stuehm
Best Photo
Class 389-Best Photo Jr. 1. Mindi Podtburg, Unit Champion 2. Jonathan Ballard, Unit Reserve Class 390-Best Photo Int. 1. Liza Nelson, Unit Champion 2. Morgan Smith, Unit Reserve 3. Annie Pantier Class 391-Best Photo Sr. 1. Jessica Sutton, Unit Champion
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(From left) Linda Rulla, reserve champion, Flowers-Adult Better Living; Laurie Lareau, first place color portrait, Photography-Adult Better Living; Kris Oldsen, first place color scenic, Photography-Adult Better Living; Kady Harmon, overall grand champion and overall reserve champion, Photography-Youth Better Living.
Class 100-Bicycling For Fun Jr. 1. Miria Wolf, Grand Champion, Unit Champion
Novice (Youth) Natalie Heppner Novice (Adult) Mark Hall Junior Jr Nathan Sima Young Adult Vi Wickham Adult Cody Stadelmaier Senior Kathy Hall Hot Licks Tyler Enders No Holds Barred 1. Vi Wickham 2. Fayth Krause Championship Round 1. Cody Stadelmaier 2. Jake Mills 3. Celeste Johnson 4. Tyler Enders 5. Vi Wickham 6. Josiah Nelson 7. Nathan Sima 8. Jenae Pope
Breeding Sheep
Class 03-Hampshire Ewe Lamb born 9/1/2010 and after 1. Lauren Frink, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Kayla Frink, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion 3. Tayler Hays 4. Jenna Frink 5. Lindsay Bowman 6. Mitch Stahley Class 11-Aged Suffolk Ewe born 8/31/2008 and before 1. Amanda Sullivan-Young
Class 13-Suffolk Ewe Lamb born 9/1/10 and after 1. Kyle Jones, Champion 2. Katie Jones, Reserve Champion 3. Amanda Sullivan-Young Class 14-Pen of 2 Suffolk Ewes any age 1. Amanda Sullivan-Young Class 23-Dorset Ewe Lamb born 9/1/10 and after 1. Caitlyn Anderson, Champion 2. Kaleb Mclain, Reserve Champion Class 43-Other Meat Ewe Lamb 9/1/10 and after 1. Wilson Ogg 2. Katie Jones 3. Kyle Jones Class 44-Pen of 2 Other Meat Ewes any age 1. Katie Jones 2. Kyle Jones Class 56-Columbia Ram Lamb 9/1/10 and after 1. Kayla Uyemura, Grand Champion
Breeding Swine
Class 04-Jr Spring Gilt after March 1, 2011 1. Tim Franke Class 05-February Gilts 1. Brittany Savage 2. Craig Dickie 3. Jack Dickie Class 06-January Gilts 1. Ty Bell, Grand Champion 2. Shelby Hardesty, Reserve Champion 3. Christian Savage
Dairy Goat
Class 21-Dairy Jr Doe Kid 4/1/2010 and after 1. Shelby Hardesty, Grand Champion
Goat Showmanship
Class 09-Sr Market & Breeding Meat Goat Showman 15+ 1. Deeona Johnston 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Jessica Villela 4. Rachael Moralez
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
5. Megan Seltzer 6. Megan Thormodsgard 7. Sara Tappy 8. Nicholas Edie Classs 10-Int Market & Breeding Meat Goat Showman 12-14 1. Tanner Fetzer 2. Taylor Johnson 3. Amber Thormodsgard 4. Stephanie Dill 5. Zachariah Marvin 6. Alyssa Deporter 7. Kyle Florian 8. Garrett Seltzer Class 11-Jr Market & Breeding Meat & Breeding Meat Goat Showman 10-11 1. Lindsey Seewald 2. Bailey Lutz 3. Mackenzie Johnson 4. Faith Fetzer 5. Paige Northrup 6. Dustin Horn 7. Bryce Schnug 8. Genna Breidenbach Class 12-Pre-Jr Market & Breeding Meat Goat Showman 8-9 1. Colton Orcutt 2. C. George Graybill 3. Chesney Jones 4. Kyle Horn 5. Braden Baumgartner 6. Tanner Baumgartner 7. Shannon Kos 8. Jayden Gettman
Breeding Goats
Class 01-Jr Doe Kid (Breeding Meat) April 1, 2011 and after 1. Jessica Villela Class 02-Int Doe Kid (Breeding Meat) 12/1/2010 to 3/31/2011 1. Rachael Moralez, Grand Champion 2. Kyle Florian, Reserve Champion 3. Garrett Seltzer 4. Garrett Seltzer 5. Megan Seltzer 6. Jessica Villela 6. Wyatt Habel 7. Trystin Gielissen 8. Rylee Habel 9. Trystin Gielissen 10. Justin Riley 11. Elizabeth Edie 12. Lyndee Johnston Class 03-Sr Doe Kid (Breeding Meat) 8/1/2010 to 11/30/2010 1. Morgan Erickson Class 04-Pen of 2 Doe Kids (Breed meat) one exhibitor 1. Garrett Seltzer 2. Megan Seltzer 3. Wyatt Habel 4. Elizabeth Edie 5. Codie Lee Mercer 6. Jessica Villela Class 05-Does 1-2 yrs (Breeding Meat) 8/1/2009 - 7/31/2011 1. Elizabeth Edie, Reserve Champion 2. Nicholas Edie 3. Megan Seltzer 4. Codie Lee Mercer 5. Garrett Seltzer 6. Megan Seltzer 7. Mckenzie Hatch 8. Taylor Starks
9. Marissa Bartmann 10. Stephanie Dill 11. Trey A Hirsch 12. Brook Mercer 13. Chesney Jones 14. Maverick Jones Class 06-Does 2-3 yrs (Breeding Meat) 8/1/2008 to 7/31/2009 1. Sterling Moralez, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Megan Seltzer 3. Nicholas Edie 4. Rachael Moralez, Overall Reserve Champion 5. Taylor Starks 6. Brook Mercer Class 07-Does 3 yrs+ (Breeding Meat) born prior to Aug 1, 2008 1. Garrett Seltzer 2. Morgan Erickson 3. Nicholas Edie 4. Megan Seltzer 5. Codie Lee Mercer Class 09-Int Buck (Breeding Meat) 12/1/2010 to 3/31/2011 1. Deeona Johnston, Grand Champion 2. Sara Vieyra, Reserve Champion 3. Brook Mercer 4. Jaydee Johnston 5. Lyndee Johnston 6. Codie Lee Mercer 7. Brook Mercer Class 10-Sr Buck (Breeding Meat) 8/1/2010 to 11/30/2010 1. Trey A Hirsch Class 11-Pen of 2 Bucks (Breed Meat) one exhibitor 1. Brook Mercer Class 12-Get of Sire (Breed Meat) 3 offspring from same sire owned by exhibitor1. Brook Mercer Class 14-Breeders Herd (Breeding Meat) 1 buck/2 doe kids/2 does owned by 1 exh 1. Codie Lee Mercer
Class 001-Open Halter Ponies (All Sexes, all ages) 1. Bailey Skinner, Grand Champion 2. Amelia Hatch, Reserve Champion Class 002-Open Halter Mares (5 yrs and under) 1. Aubrey Lind, Grand Champion 2. Kaylee Luppens Class 003-Open Halter Mares (6 yrs and over) 1. Ethan Malovich, Reserve Champion 2. Kaylyn Gaillard 3. Ellie Disselkoen 4. Kristen Schmidt 5. Jordan Culbertson 6. Lilly Kochevar 7. Courtney Carr 8. Sierra Pagliotti Class 004-Open Halter Geldings (5 yrs and under) 1. Shaylee Baum , Reserve Champion 2. Lauren Hart 3. Kristen Schmidt Class 005-Open Halter Geldings (6 yrs and over) 1. D.J. Mcclung, Grand Champion 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Lindsey Halverson 4. Jaynee Halverson 5. Genna Campain
6. Rachel Waite 7. Taylor Jack 8. Kaylee Luppens Class 006-Sr English Written Test 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Sara Ghent 4. Megan Seltzer 5. D.J. Mcclung 6. Kaylee Luppens 7. Rachel Waite 8. Bailey Skinner Class 007-Int English Written Test 13-14 1. Koedi Lawley 2. Jaynee Halverson 3. Lindsey Halverson 4. Terra Seyler Class 008-Jr English Written Test 8-12 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Ellie Disselkoen 3. Ethan Malovich 4. Andie Jensen 5. Genna Campain 6. Alexis Sage Miller 7. Ashley Terrell 8. Julia Hickman Class 009-Novice Written English Test 1. Amelia Hatch Class 010-Sr. English Showmanship 15+ 1. Kyndal Reitzenstein 2. Bailey Skinner 3. Mary Brehon 4. D.J. Mcclung 5. Kaylee Luppens 6. Marissa Bartmann 7. Kristen Schmidt 8. Sara Ghent Class 011-Int. English Showmanship 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson Class 012-Jr. English Showmanship 8-12 1. Ellie Disselkoen 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Ethan Malovich 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Genna Campain 6. Andie Jensen 7. Ashley Terrell 8. Julia Hickman Class 013-Novice English Showmanship 1. Amelia Hatch Class 014-Sr English Pleasure 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Mary Brehon 3. Kyndal Reitzenstein 4. Bailey Skinner 5. D.J. Mcclung 6. Sara Ghent 7. Kaylee Luppens Class 015-Int English Pleasure 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Jaynee Halverson 3. Lindsey Halverson Class 016-Jr English Pleasure 8-12 1. Alexis Sage Miller 2. Genna Campain 3. Andie Jensen 4. Ethan Malovich 5. Ellie Disselkoen 6. Kassandra Shoemaker 7. Ashley Terrell Class 017-Novice English Pleasure 1. Amelia Hatch Class 018-Sr EnglishEquit Jumps 15+ (not to
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 19 jump) 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kyndal Reitzenstein 3. Sara Ghent 4. Mary Brehon 5. Bailey Skinner 6. Kaylee Luppens 7. D.J. Mcclung Class 019-Int English Equit Jumps 13-14 (not to jump) 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson Class 020-Jr English Equit Jumps 8-12 (not to jump) 1. Alexis Sage Miller 2. Andie Jensen 3. Genna Campain 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Ellie Disselkoen 6. Ethan Malovich 7. Ashley Terrell Class 021-Novice English Equitation (not to jump) 1. Amelia Hatch Class 022-Int. English Riding Control 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson Class 023-Jr English Riding Control 8-12 1. Andie Jensen 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Kassandra Shoemaker 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Ellie Disselkoen 6. Ethan Malovich 7. Genna Campain Class 024-Sr English Riding Control 15+ 1. Sara Ghent 2. Kyndal Reitzenstein 3. Marissa Bartmann 4. Bailey Skinner 5. D.J. Mcclung 6. Mary Brehon Class 025-Jr. Show Hack 8-12 1. Genna Campain 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Ellie Disselkoen 4. Ethan Malovich 5. Kassandra Shoemaker 6. Andie Jensen 7. Ashley Terrell Class 026-Sr Show Hack 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. D.J. Mcclung 3. Kyndal Reitzenstein 4. Mary Brehon 5. Sara Ghent 6. Kaylee Luppens 7. Bailey Skinner Class 027-Int Show Hack 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson Class 028 - Open Schooling Eq over obstacles 15+ 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Bailey Skinner 4. Genna Campain 5. Sara Ghent 6. Ashley Terrell 7. Jaynee Halverson Class 029-Open Hunter Hack 1. Alexis Sage Miller
20 â&#x20AC;˘ 2011 Fair Results 2. Marissa Bartmann Class 030-Open English Equitation Over Jumps 1. Alexis Sage Miller 2. Marissa Bartmann Class 031-Sr. Western Showmanship 15+ 1. Kristen Schmidt, Grand Champion 2. Kyndal Reitzenstein, Reserve Champion 3. D.J. Mcclung, Grand Champion 4. Aubrey Lind 5. Marissa Bartmann 6. Mary Brehon 7. Mollie Brehon 8. Kaylee Luppens Class 032-Int Western Showman 13-14 1. Terra Seyler, Grand Champion 2. Lindsey Halverson, Reserve Champion 3. Jaynee Halverson 4. Lauren Hart 5. Jordan Culbertson Class 033-Jr. Western Showmanship 11-12 1. Ellie Disselkoen, Grand Champion 2. Alexis Sage Miller, Reserve Champion 3. Andie Jensen 4. Julia Hickman 5. Kolby Moore 6. Ashley Terrell 7. Lilly Kochevar Class 034-Pre-Jr. Showmanship 8-10 1. Genna Campain, Grand Champion 2. Kassandra Shoemaker, Reserve Champion 3. Ethan Malovich 4. James Krist 5. Colton Moore 6. Clay Kinnison 7. Trent Lind 8. Courtney Carr Class 035-Novice Showmanship 1. Shaylee Baum, Grand Champion 2. Paige Trumble, Reserve Champion 3. Amelia Hatch 4. Rachel Spight 5. Cole Trumble 6. Rachael Ballard 7. Ashley Petersen 8. Nichole Guarriello Class 036-Sr West Written Test, 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Taylor Jack 4. Megan Seltzer 5. Sara Ghent 6. D.J. Mcclung 7. Aubrey Lind 8. Rachel Waite 9. Kaylee Luppens 10. Kyndal Reitzenstein 11. Mary Brehon 12. Bailey Skinner 13. Mollie Brehon 14. Jerred Bartmann Class 037-Int West Written Test 13-14 1. Koedi Lawley 2. Jaynee Halverson 3. Lindsey Halverson 4. Terra Seyler 5. Lauren Hart 6. Jordan Culbertson Class 038-Jr West Written Test 11-12 1. Ellie Disselkoen 2. Andie Jensen 3. Ashley Terrell 4. Kolby Moore 5. Alexis Sage Miller 6. Julia Hickman
7. Lilly Kochevar Class 039-PreJr West Written Test 8-10 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Ethan Malovich 3. Genna Campain 4. Colton Moore 5. Clay Kinnison 6. Hannah Kinnison 7. Courtney Carr 8. Amanda Terrell 9. Trent Lind Horse 10. James Krist Class 040-Novice Western Written test 1. Ashley Petersen 2. Rachel Spight 2. Shaylee Baum 3. Cole Trumble 4. Amelia Hatch 5. Paige Trumble 6. Rachael Ballard 7. Nichole Guarriello Class 041-Sr West Pleasure 15+ 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Kyndal Reitzenstein 3. Mary Brehon 4. Marissa Bartmann 5. Aubrey Lind 6. Bailey Skinner 7. Sara Ghent 8. Jerred Bartmann Class 042-Int West Pleasure 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Jaynee Halverson 3. Lindsey Halverson 4. Jordan Culbertson Class 043-Jr West Pleasure 11-12 1. Andie Jensen 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Ellie Disselkoen 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Kolby Moore 6. Julia Hickman 7. Lilly Kochevar Class 044-Pre Jr West Pleasure 8-10 1. Genna Campain 2. Clay Kinnison 3. Ethan Malovich 4. James Krist 5. Courtney Carr 6. Trent Lind 7. Kassandra Shoemaker 8. Hannah Kinnison Class 045-Novice Western Pleasure 1. Cole Trumble 2. Rachel Spight 3. Amelia Hatch 4. Ashley Petersen 5. Rachael Ballard 6. Nichole Guarriello 7. Paige Trumble Class 046-Sr West Horsemanship 15+ 1. Kyndal Reitzenstein 2. Mary Brehon 3. Bailey Skinner 4. Marissa Bartmann 5. Sara Ghent 6. Kristen Schmidt 7. Aubrey Lind 8. Mollie Brehon Class 047-Int West Horsemanship 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jordan Culbertson 4. Jaynee Halverson Class 048-Jr West Horsemanship 11-12
1. Alexis Sage Miller 2. Andie Jensen 3. Ellie Disselkoen 4. Julia Hickman 5. Ashley Terrell 6. Kolby Moore 7. Lilly Kochevar Class 049-PreJr West Horsemanship 8-10 1. Genna Campain 2. Ethan Malovich 3. Clay Kinnison 4. Courtney Carr 5. Hannah Kinnison 6. Amanda Terrell 7. Kassandra Shoemaker 8. James Krist Class 051-Novice Western Horsemanship 1. Cole Trumble 2. Rachel Spight 3. Amelia Hatch 4. Rachael Ballard 5. Nichole Guarriello 6. Paige Trumble 7. Ashley Petersen Class 052-Sr West Riding 15+ 1. Sara Ghent 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Kyndal Reitzenstein 4. Mary Brehon 5. Aubrey Lind 6. Mollie Brehon Class 053-Int West Riding 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Jaynee Halverson 3. Lindsey Halverson 4. Jordan Culbertson Class 054-Jr West Riding 11-12 1, Andie Jensen 2. Alexis Sage Miller 3. Julia Hickman 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Lilly Kochevar Class 055-PreJr West Riding 8-10 1. Genna Campain 2. Ethan Malovich 3. Clay Kinnison 4. Courtney Carr 5. Trent Lind 6. Kassandra Shoemaker 7. James Krist 8. Hannah Kinnison Class 056-Sr Western REining 15+ 1. Sara Ghent 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Kyndal Reitzenstein 4. Kristen Schmidt 5. Bailey Skinner 6. Aubrey Lind 7. Mary Brehon Class 057-Int. Western Reining 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson 4. Jordan Culbertson Class 058-Jr Western Reining, 11-12 1. Andie Jensen 2. Ashley Terrell 3. Alexis Sage Miller 4. Julia Hickman 5. Lilly Kochevar Class 059-Pre-Jr. Western Reining, 8-10 1. Genna Campain 2. Kassandra Shoemaker 3. Ethan Malovich 4. Courtney Carr
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 5. Clay Kinnison 6. Trent Lind Horse 7. James Krist 8. Amanda Terrell Class 060-Novice Western Reining 1. Cole Trumble 2. Amelia Hatch 3. Rachel Spight 4. Paige Trumble 5. Ashley Petersen 6. Nichole Guarriello Class 061-Sr. Trail 15+ 1. Kyndal Reitzenstein 2. D.J. Mcclung 3. Marissa Bartmann 4. Sara Ghent 5. Aubrey Lind 6. Kristen Schmidt 7. Taylor Jack 8. Mary Brehon Class 062-Int. Trail, 13-14 1. Terra Seyler 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jordan Culbertson 4. Jaynee Halverson Class 063-Jr. Trail, 11-12 1. Alexis Sage Miller 2. Ellie Disselkoen 3. Andie Jensen 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Lilly Kochevar 6. Julia Hickman Class 064-Pre-Jr. Trail 8-10 1. James Krist 2. Clay Kinnison 3. Genna Campain 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Hannah Kinnison 6. Ethan Malovich 7. Courtney Carr 8. Trent Lind Horse Class 065-Novice Trail 1. Amelia Hatch 2. Cole Trumble 3. Nichole Guarriello 4. Ashley Petersen 5. Rachel Spight 6. Paige Trumble Class 066-Sr. Timed Event Written Test 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Megan Seltzer 4. Kaylee Luppens 5. Taylor Jack 6. Mollie Brehon 7. Rachel Waite 8. Mary Brehon Class 067-Int. Timed Event Written Test 13-14 1. Jaynee Halverson 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jordan Culbertson Class 068-Jr. Timed Event Written Test 8-12 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Andie Jensen 3. Clay Kinnison 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Genna Campain 6. Ethan Malovich 7. Julia Hickman 8. Amanda Terrell Class 069-Sr. Timed Event Barrels 15+ 1. Kaylee Luppens 2. Kaylyn Gaillard 3. Mollie Brehon 4. Mary Brehon
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
5. Megan Seltzer 6. Marissa Bartmann 7. Kristen Schmidt 8. Taylor Jack Class 070-Int. Timed Event Barrels 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson 2. Lindsey Halverson 3. Jaynee Halverson Class 071-Jr. Timed Event Barrels 8-12 1. Ethan Malovich 2. Ashley Terrell 3. Amanda Terrell 4. Clay Kinnison 5. Andie Jensen 6. Kassandra Shoemaker 7. James Krist 8. Hannah Kinnison Class 072-Sr. Timed Event Poles 15+ 1. Kaylee Luppens 2. Mollie Brehon 3. Mary Brehon 4. Kaylyn Gaillard 5. Marissa Bartmann 6. Megan Seltzer 7. Taylor Jack 8. Kristen Schmidt Class 073-Int. Timed Event Poles 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson 2. Lindsey Halverson Class 074-Jr. Timed Event Poles 8-12 1. Amanda Terrell 2. Clay Kinnison 3. Ashley Terrell 4. Ethan Malovich 5. James Krist 6. Hannah Kinnison 7. Kassandra Shoemaker 8. Andie Jensen Class 075-Sr. Timed Event Goat Tying 15+ 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Megan Seltzer 3. Taylor Jack 4. Marissa Bartmann 5. Mollie Brehon 6. Kaylee Luppens Class 076-Int. Timed Event Goat Tying 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson 2. Lindsey Halverson Class 077-Jr. Timed Event Goat Tying 8-12 1. Ashley Terrell 2. Clay Kinnison 3. Ethan Malovich 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Hannah Kinnison 6. Amanda Terrell 7. Courtney Carr Class 078-Open Green Horse in Hand 1. Kaylee Luppens 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Taylor Jack Class 079-Open Green Horse under Saddle 1. Kaylee Luppens 2. Taylor Jack 3. Kristen Schmidt Class 080-Open Green Horse Trail 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Kaylee Luppens 3. Taylor Jack Class 081-Sr. Ranch Cattle Sorting 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Brandon Lind 3. Aubrey Lind 4. Taylor Jack 5. Jerred Bartmann 6. Megan Seltzer
7. Kristen Schmidt Class 082-Int. Ranch Cattle Sorting 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson Class 083-Jr. Ranch Cattle Sorting 8-12 1. Clay Kinnison 2. Ethan Malovich 3. Hannah Kinnison 4. Andie Jensen 5. Kassandra Shoemaker 6. Ashley Terrell 7. Amanda Terrell 8. Genna Campain Class 084-Jr. Ranch Horse Trail 8-12 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Andie Jensen 3. Ashley Terrell 4. Ethan Malovich 5. Clay Kinnison 6. Hannah Kinnison 7. Amanda Terrell 8. Genna Campain Class 085-Sr. Ranch Horse Trail 15 + 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Megan Seltzer 4. Jerred Bartmann 5. Brandon Lind 6. Taylor Jack 7. Aubrey Lind Class 086-Int. Ranch Horse Trail 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson Class 087-Sr. Individual Cattle Work 15+ 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Aubrey Lind 4. Brandon Lind 5. Megan Seltzer 6. Jerred Bartmann 7. Taylor Jack Class 088-Int. Individual Cattle Work 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson Class 089-Jr. Individual Cattle Work 8-12 1. Clay Kinnison 2. Kassandra Shoemaker 3. Hannah Kinnison 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Ethan Malovich 6. Genna Campain 7. Amanda Terrell 8. Andie Jensen Class 090-Sr. Steer Daubing 15+ 1. Kristen Schmidt 2. Jerred Bartmann Class 092-Jr. Steer Daubing 8-12 1. Ethan Malovich 2. Amanda Terrell 3. Clay Kinnison 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Kassandra Shoemaker Class 093-Sr. Ranch Horse Written Horse 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Megan Seltzer 4. Aubrey Lind 5. Taylor Jack 6. Jerred Bartmann 7. Brandon Lind 8. Rachel Waite Class 094-Int. Ranch Horse Written Horse 13-14 1. Koedi Lawley 2. Jordan Culbertson Class 095-Jr. Ranch Horse Written Horse 8-12 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Genna Campain
3. Ethan Malovich 4. Andie Jensen 5. Ashley Terrell 6. Clay Kinnison 7. Amanda Terrell 8. Hannah Kinnison Class 096-Sr. Ranch Horse Showmanship 15+ 1. Brandon Lind 2. Marissa Bartmann 3. Kristen Schmidt 4. Jerred Bartmann 5. Megan Seltzer 6. Aubrey Lind 7. Taylor Jack Class 097-Int. Ranch Horse Showmanship 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson Class 098-Jr. Ranch Horse Showmanship 8-12 1. Ethan Malovich 2. Genna Campain 3. Andie Jensen 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Ashley Terrell 6. Amanda Terrell 7. Clay Kinnison 8. Hannah Kinnison Class 099-Sr. Ranch Horse Horsemanship 15+ 1. Marissa Bartmann 2. Kristen Schmidt 3. Brandon Lind 4. Aubrey Lind 5. Jerred Bartmann 6. Megan Seltzer Class 100-Int. Ranch Horse Horsemanship 13-14 1. Jordan Culbertson Class 101-Jr. Ranch Horse Horsemanship 8-12 1. Ethan Malovich 2. Ashley Terrell 3. Clay Kinnison 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. Andie Jensen 6. Hannah Kinnison 7. Amanda Terrell
Market Beef
Class 100-Underweight Mkt Beef 1. Wyatt Libsack 2. Levi Gilliland Class 101-Underweight Mkt Beef 1. Wyatt Libsack 2. Logan Gilbert 3. Jessica Graybill 4. Brody Chesnut 5. Casey Myles 6. Sara Tappy Class 200-Cross Breed 1. Lane Greiman 2. Leeann Seewald 3. Cody Baumgartner 4. Landree Heidenreich 5. Abigail Haffner 6. Jamie Jo Johnson Class 201-Cross Breed 1. Dalton Lind 2. Colton Lind 3. Steven Weigandt 4. Abigail Haffner 5. Brandon Fritz 6. Sarah Cooksey 7. Amber Thormodsgard Class 202-Cross Breed 1. Jaylinn Lohr, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Cody Huwa, Reserve Champion 3. Garrett Seewald
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 21 4. Heath Long 5. Brandon Fritz 6. Levi Greiman Class 210-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Vada Vickland 2. Lyle Cooksey 3. Kelsey Kammerzell 4. Tyler Thormodsgard 5. Amber Cline 6. Deeona Johnston Class 211-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Austin Reitzenstein, Reserve Champion 2. Molly Cooksey 3. Alexis Sage Miller 4. Andrew Kammerzell 5. Jaydee Johnston Class 212-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Caitlyn Ochsner, Champion 2. Jed Sidwell 3. Brooke Hinojosa 4. Kassandra Shoemaker 5. James Krist Class 213-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Tayte Deporter 2. Austin Huwa 3. Lindsey Seewald 4. Gage Hesse 5. Julia Cothren 6. Jamie Graybill Class 214-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Cody Huwa, Reserve Champion, Champion 2. Caitlyn Ochsner 3. Kylie Huwa 4. Megan Cothren 5. Kyndal Reitzenstein 6. Bryce Funk Class 215-AOB (All Other Breeds) 1. Lane Greiman, Reserve Champion 2. Ashlyn Ochsner 3. Daniel Kammerzell 4. Amber Cline 5. Connor Meining 6. Abigail Haffner Class 220-Body Clipped 1. Parker Gilliland 2. Tia Konig 3. Jacqueline Gergely 4. Cody Gabel 5. Cullen Stevens 6. Amber Thormodsgard Class 221-Body Clipped 1. Graham Leachman 2. Paul Cooksey 3. Sarah Cooksey 4. Heath Long 5. Carly Dyer 6. Paul Cooksey 7. Riley Chesnut 8. Duke Chesnut Class 222-Body Clipped 1. Steven Weigandt, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Molly Cooksey, Reserve Champion 3. Lyle Cooksey 4. Garrett Pierce 5. Cullen Stevens 6. Duke Chesnut Class 230-Market Heifers 1. Tayte Deporter 2. Lainee Bernhardt 3. Amber Thormodsgard Class 231-Market Heifers 1. Brandon Kerbs, Champion 2. Colton Kerbs, Reserve Champion 3. Kassandra Shoemaker
22 â&#x20AC;˘ 2011 Fair Results 4. Megan Thormodsgard Class 243-Weld County 4-H C-I-C Steers 1. Garrett Pierce 2. Megan Cothren 3. Brody Chesnut 4. Casey Myles
Market Goat
Class 100-Prospect 1. Brooke Cline 2. Sheyanne Coar 3. Tyler Miller 4. Sheyanne Coar 5. Maverick Jones 6. Tyler Miller Class 110-Lightweight 1. Bailey Naibauer 2. Kirstie Trupp 3. Wyatt Schnug 4. Chesney Jones 5. Jacob Johnson 6. Taylor Starks 7. Keisha Patterson 8. Keisha Patterson 9. Emma Stump 10. Tanner Baumgartner 11. Bryce Schnug 12. Luke Duggan 13. Terryn Gabel 14. Jordan Denning 15. Morgan Erickson Class 111-Lightweight 1. Sara Vieyra, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion 2. Faith Fetzer 3. Darian Hale 4. Kaleb Johnson 5. Wyatt Schnug 6. Trey A Hirsch 7. Trey A Hirsch 8. Jacob Denning 9. Garrett Johnston 10. Tailor Johnson 11. Taya Baumgartner 12. Tanner Baumgartner 13. Matthew Hoffman 14. Morgan Erickson 15. Wyatt Schnug Class 112-Lightweight 1. Mckenzie Hatch, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Codie Lee Mercer 3. Amber Cline 4. Tanner Kelly 5. Haley Wolf 6. Jessica Villela 7. Brooke Dowdy 8 .Colton Orcutt 9. Lyndee Johnston 10. Katie Schaeffer 11. Josh Duggan 12. Kiana Holcomb 13. Luke Duggan Class Market 113-Lightweight 1. Bailey Naibauer 2. Justin Riley 3. Faith Fetzer 4. Jacob Johnson 5. Danielle Specht 6. Haley Wolf 7. Allyssa Funk 8. Bailey Lutz 9. Susanne Sutton 10. Bryce Schnug 11. Lyndee Johnston 12. Chesney Jones
13. Megan Thormodsgard 14. Alaina Endreson 15. Garrett Johnston 16 Anthony Evans 17. Taya Baumgartner Class 121-Medium-weight 1. Brooke Smith, Reserve Champion 2. Deeona Johnston 3. Lauren Hart 4. Jessica Villela 5. Zachariah Marvin 6. Bradley Self 7. Sara Vieyra 8. Katie Schaeffer 9. Deeona Johnston 10. Bryson Whistance 11. Maverick Jones 12. Britney Self 13. Jaydee Johnston 14. Grace Goad Class 122-Medium-weight 1. Alyssa Deporter 2. Savannah Owens 3. Tanner Fetzer 4. Taylor Starks
13. Colton Carlson 14. Brooke Lane 15. Tyler Miller Class 114-Lightweight 1. Bailey Naibauer 2. Elizabeth Edie 3. Kaitlin Carey 4. Tayte Deporter 5. Darian Hale 6. Makaila Carey 7. Elizabeth Edie 8. Deeona Johnston 9. Braden Baumgartner 10. Tanner Kelly 11. Britney Self 12. Lyndee Johnston 13. Stephanie Dill 14. Jacob Denning Class 115-Lightweight 1. C. George Graybill 2. Brook Mercer 3. Nicholas Edie 4. Mariah Brandly 5. Kaitlin Carey 6. Taylor Starks
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Joyce Klein, reserve champion, Hand-Spun Yarn-Adult Better Living; Connie Mechen, first place personal wear, Weaving-Adult Better Living; Andrea Janson, reserve champion, Hand Stitchery-Adult Better Living; Mary Ann Gablehouse, reserve champion, Hand Stitchery-Adult Better Living, reserve champion, Quilts-Adult Better Living; (back row) Mattea Klein, grand champion and reserve champion, Weaving-Youth Better Living; Olga Dianne Bruno, grand champion, Clothing and Novelty Sewing-Adult Better Living; Karen Karst, grand champion, Hand Stitchery-Adult Better Living.
7. Garrett Seltzer 8. Brooke Lane 9. Kiana Holcomb 10. Molly Adams 11. Jaydee Johnston Class 120-Medium-weight 1. Ben Trupp 2. Sara Tappy 3. Brooke Cline 4. Morgan Pruett 5. C. George Graybill 6. Bradley Self 7. Sara Vieyra 8. Sydney Baumgartner 9. Zachariah Marvin 10. Bailey Lutz 11. Jordan Denning 12. Sara Tappy
5. Tanner Kelly 6. Darian Hale 7. Colton Orcutt 8. Bailee Hatch 9. Tristin Brandly 10. Colton Carlson 11. Rylee Habel 12. Kiana Holcomb 13. Bryce Schnug 14. Grace Goad 15. Kyle Horn 16. Tyler Thormodsgard 17. Mikayla Erickson 18. Shay Northrup Class 123-Medium-weight 1. Michaela Specht 2. Brooke Dowdy 3. Emma Stump
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 4. Sarah Cecil 5. Nicholas Edie 6. Nicholas Edie 7. Averie Warehime 8. Britney Self 9. Zach Waite 10. Emma Stump 11. Danielle Specht 12. Braden Baumgartner Class 124-Medium-weight 1. Genna Breidenbach 2. Makaila Carey 3. Anthony Evans 4. Garrett Seewald 5. Kyle Florian 6. Lindsey Seewald 7. Molly Adams 8. Shannon Kos 9. Michaela Specht 10. Dakota Kos 11. Mackenzie Johnson 12. Mikayla Hoffman Class 125-Medium-weight 1. Tanner Fetzer, Reserve Champion, Champion 2. Zach Waite 3. Averie Warehime 4. Brook Mercer 5. Haley Wolf 6. Amber Cline 7. Taylor Johnson 8. Emilie Warehime 9. Averie Warehime 10. Bradley Self 11. Terryn Gabel 12. Savannah Owens 13. Dustin Horn 14. Jordan Denning 15. Sarah Cecil Class 130-Heavyweight 1. Elizabeth Edie 2. Rachael Moralez 3. Jessica Villela 4. Shannon Kos 5. Jamie Jo Johnson 6. Paige Northrup 7. Alaina Endreson 8. Molly Adams 9. Codie Lee Mercer 10. Stephanie Dill 11. Sarah Westerman 12. Mikayla Erickson Class 131-Heavyweight 1. Faith Fetzer 2. Megan Seltzer 3. Brook Mercer 5. Dillon Pickrell 6. C. George Graybill 7. Brooke Cline 8. Jacob Denning 9. Wyatt Habel 10. Mckenzie Hatch 11. Colton Orcutt 12. Jayden Gettman 13. Garrett Seltzer Class 132-Heavyweight 1. Faith Fetzer, Grand Champion Champion 2. Sara Tappy 3. Mckenzie Hatch 4. Amber Thormodsgard 5. Lindsey Seewald 6. Dustin Horn 7. Sydney Baumgartner 8. Rachael Moralez 9. Tristin Brandly 10. Garrett Seltzer
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
11. Jaydee Johnston 12. Mariah Brandly 13. Matthew Hoffman 14. Bailey Lutz Class 133-Heavyweight 1. Emilie Warehime 2. Dillon Pickrell 3. Casey Cecil 4. Mikayla Hoffman 5. Rachael Moralez 6. Morgan Pruett 7. Megan Thormodsgard 8. Megan Seltzer 9. Bailee Hatch 10. Sarah Westerman 11. Kyle Horn 12. Wyatt Habel 13. Emilie Warehime 14. Bryson Whistance Class 134-Heavyweight 1. Justin Riley 2. Stephanie Dill 3. Kyle Florian 4. Garrett Seewald 5. Kyle Florian 6. Lindsey Seewald 7. Megan Seltzer 8. Dakota Kos 9. Sarah Cecil 10. Matthew Hoffman 11. Anthony Evans 12 Ian Lovell Class 135-Heavyweight 1. Dillon Pickrell, Reserve Champion 2. Jamie Jo Johnson 3. Leeann Seewald 4. Leeann Seewald 5. Justin Riley 6. Sterling Moralez 7. Sterling Moralez 8. Codie Lee Mercer 9. Casey Cecil 10. Jayden Gettman 11. Ian Lovell 12. Ian Lovell Class 140-Weld County Fair Catch it Goats 1. Taylor Johnson 2. Brooke Smith 3. Paige Northrup 4. Emma Stump 5. Danielle Specht 6. Faith Fetzer 7. Garrett Johnston 8. Kaleb Johnson 9. Tyler Thormodsgard 10. Susanne Sutton
Market Sheep
Class 100-Underweight 1. Tye Ritchey 2. Amber Thormodsgard Class 110-Mkt Hampshire 1. Cody Baumgartner 2. Austin Hays 3. Megan Thormodsgard 4. Wilson Ogg 5. Mikayla Erickson 6. Madeline Harper 7. Emily Rumsey 8. Carter Debus 9. Jaedon Hasbrouck 10. Catherine Harper Class 111-Mkt Hampshire 1. Lindsay Bowman, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Mitch Stahley, Reserve Champion
3. Lauren Frink 4. Ben Trupp 5. Faith Fetzer 6. Emily Harper 7. Aricka Breidenbach 8. Spencer Gallegos 9. Amber Thormodsgard 10. Brody Toman Class 112-Mkt Hampshire 1. Kayla Frink 2. Jenna Frink 3. Tayler Hays 4. Jaylinn Lohr 5. Jed Sidwell 6. Kaleb Mclain 7. Caitlyn Anderson 8. Terra Seyler 9. Hannah Cowan 10. Megan Podtburg Class 120-Mkt Suffolk 1. Cody Baumgartner, Reserve Champion 2. Amy Carlson 3. Tayler Hays 4. Victoria Zehnder 5. Jacob Hasbrouck 6. Macey Lauridson 7. Jared Klausner 8. Bailey Toman 9. Kyle Jones Class 121-Mkt Suffolk 1. Rosa Nunez 2. Ben Trupp 3. Kaleb Mclain 4. Emily Harper 5. Terra Seyler 6. Mitchell Bowman 7. Tayler Hays 8. Austin Hays 9. Mikayla Erickson 10. Katie Toman Class 122-Mkt Suffolk 1. Kayla Frink, Champion 2. Catherine Harper 3. Jenna Pralle 4. Lilly Kochevar 5. Nicole Williams 6. Mikayla Hoffman 7. Taylor Arb 8. Lauren Hart Class 140-Mkt Other Breed 1. Rayna Hodgson, Champion 2. Katelyn Dovenbarger, Reserve Champion 3. Tayte Deporter 4. Faith Fetzer 5. Nicole Williams 6. Jed Sidwell 7. Caitlyn Anderson 8. Savannah Owens 9. Zane Bowman 10. Mindi Podtburg 11. Katie Jones Class 150-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Mary Carlson 2. Amy Carlson 3. Lauren Frink 4. Katelyn Dovenbarger 5. Tyler Thormodsgard 6. Spencer Gallegos 7. Mindi Podtburg 8. Jaedon Hasbrouck 9. Victoria Zehnder 10. Fiona Champion 11. Fiona Champion Class 151-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Cody Baumgartner 2. Caitlyn Anderson
3. Austin Hays 4. Madeline Harper 5. Kelli Carlson 6. Megan Thormodsgard 7. Megan Podtburg 8. Macey Lauridson 9. Jared Klausner 10. Jared Klausner 11. Hannah Cowan Class 152-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Jenna Frink 2. Amy Carlson 3. Carter Debus 4. Madeline Harper 5. Aricka Breidenbach 6. Katie Toman 7. Kyle Jones 8. Brody Toman 9. Mikayla Hoffman 10. Jacob Hasbrouck 11. Connor Morelock Class 153-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Kayla Frink, Reserve Champion 2. Catherine Harper 3. The Ritchey 4. Rayna Hodgson 5. Mitchell Bowman 6. Mary Carlson 7. Wilson Ogg 8. Emily Harper 9. Kelli Carlson 10. Bailey Toman 11. Emily Rumsey Class 154-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Mitch Stahley, Reserve Champion, Champion 2. Lindsay Bowman 3. Kaleb Mclain 4. Aricka Breidenbach 5. Jed Sidwell 6. Kelli Carlson 7. Taylor Arb 8. Cameron Morelock 9. Wilson Ogg 10. Savannah Owens 11. Emily Rumsey Class 155-Mkt Cross Breed 1. Mitch Stahley 2. Jenna Frink 3. Alyssa Deporter 4. Terra Seyler 5. Lauren Frink 6. Jaylinn Lohr 7. Faith Fetzer 8. Jaylinn Lohr 9. Jenna Pralle 10. Jenna Pralle 11. Lilly Kochevar 12. Jacob Hasbroucks Class 200-Pen of 2 Market Lambs 1. Cody Baumgartner 2. Amy Carlson 3. Emily Rumsey 4. Kyle Jones Class 201-Catch-It-Lambs 1. Mikayla Erickson 3. Lauren Hart 4. Katie Jones
Market Swine
Class 100 - Underweight Mkt 1. Shelby Clark 2. Michaela Specht 3. Craig Dickie 4. Michaela Specht 5. Ashlynn Pickett
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 23 6. Riley Chesnut 7. Bradley Atkinson 8. Rachael Moralez Class 101-Underweight Mkt 1. Clay Smith 2. Madison Smith 3. Alex Davis 4. Colton Pettit 5. Brody Chesnut 6. Jared Stapleton 7. Shelby Hardesty 8. Brittany Savage Class 102-Underweight Mkt 1. Weston Heidenreich 2. Maverick Jones 3. Ashley Terrell 4. Mackenzie Johnson 5. Paige Garihan 6. Kayla Uyemura 7. Joshua Dovenbarger 8. Issah Smith Class 103-Underweight Mkt 1. Faith Fetzer 2. Christian Smith 3. Kaleb Johnson 4. C. George Graybill 5. Madison Kilerease 6. Katie Pettit 7. Levi Gilliland 8. Danielle Specht Class 104-Underweight Mkt 1. Landree Heidenreich 2. Abigail Reinick 3. Cassidy Rupple 4. Remmington Reinick 5. Tyler Atkinson 6. Tamber Dreiling 7. Mason Reinick Class 105-Overweight Mkt 1. Savannah Hirsch 2. Anna Gergely Class 110-White Other Breed 1. Abigail Reinick, Champion 2. Maverick Jones, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion 3. Jaci Corliss 4. Tanner Fetzer 5. Braden Baumgartner 6. Vada Vickland 7. Braden Baumgartner 8. Mollie Mcgaughey 9. Jack Dickie Class 120-Black Other Breed 1. Bailie Fox, Champion 2. Ashlynn Pickett, Reserve Champion 3. Tanner Baumgartner 4. Taylor Frank 5. Brittany Ledall 6. Jacob Johnson 7. Jayden Gettman 8. Jaden Savage 9. Braden Baumgartner 10. Shelby Hardesty Class 130-Mkt. Duroc 1. Austin Reitzenstein, Reserve Champion 2. Genna Breidenbach 3. Jamie Jo Johnson 4. Aimee Ledall 5. Shelby Clark 6. Tim Franke 7. Karissa Kuntz 8. Amber White 9. Weston Heidenreich 10. Tanner Starr Class 131-Mkt Duroc 1. Sheyanne Coar, Champion
24 â&#x20AC;˘ 2011 Fair Results 2. Ashlynn Pickett 3. Hans Vickland 4. Kali Wolaver 5. Teslin Holton 6. Sydney Baumgartner 7. Harli Crossen 8. Remmington Reinick 9. Shayli Williams 10. Blayd Fox Class 140-Mkt. Hampshire 1. Bryson Whistance 2. Brittany Klein 3. Tate Dreiling 4. Joshua Dovenbarger 5. Jake Holton 6. Holly White 7. Christian Smith 8. Joseph Smith 9. Tayler Diller Class 141-Mkt Hampshire 1. Madison Smith 2. Tanner Fetzer 3. Brianna Ley 4. Bradley Atkinson 5. Blayd Fox 6. Cody Stecklein 7. Sterling Moralez 8. Mason Reinick Class 142-Mkt Hampshire 1. Steve Frank 2. Kylie Huwa 3. Faith Fetzer 4. Bo Naibauer 5. Austin Coalson 6. Dakota Hatch 7. Alyssa Deporter 8. Jess Nighswonger 9. Madison Holzworth 10. Trenton Holzworth 11. Bailie Fox Class 143-Mkt Hampshire 1. Jamie Jo Johnson 2. Tyler Hayden 3. Seth Willard 4. Carson Holzworth 5. Dallan Whistance 6. Tamber Dreiling 7. Levi Lemons 8. Rachael Moralez 9. Gregory Peake Jr 10. Levi Troudt 11. Justus Isakson Class 144-Mkt Hampshire 1. Emma Vickland, Champion 2. Hannah Vickland , Reserve Champion 3. Kirstie Trupp 4. Kali Wolaver 5. Duke Chesnut 6. Dane Corliss 7. Parker Gilliland 8. Hali Isakson 9. Ryleigh Carr 10. Kaleb Mclain 11. Bailie Fox Class 150-Mkt. Yorkshire 1. Madison Kilerease 2. Kylie Huwa 3. Dustin Hayden 4. Jakob Bernhardt 5. Casey Cecil 6. Mason Reinick 7. Magnuson Reinick 8. Kaleb Johnson 9. Dustin Horn 10. Kade Samber Class 151-Mkt Yorkshire
1. Jaden Olearnick 2. Brittany Ledall 3. Garrett Coalson 4. Blake Turrentine 5. Cassidy Rupple 6. Tate Dreiling 7. Kade Samber 8. Trenton Holzworth 9. Quinn Tappy 10. Bryson Palombo Class 152-Mkt Yorkshire 1. Tyler Bauer, Champion 2. Grant Vickland, Reserve Champion 3. Kaleb Mclain 4. Taylor Dorsey 5. Keisha Ley 6. Cody Stecklein 7. Taya Baumgartner 8. Tamber Dreiling Class 160-Martket Crossbred 1. Hali Isakson 2. Aimee Ledall 3. Tanner Gettman 4. Kirstie Trupp 5. Bryson Palombo 6. Levi Gilliland 7. Jake Holton 8. Jared Stapleton 9. Jaci Corliss 10. Dawson Chesnut 11. Brooke Lane Class 161-Market Crossbred 1. Mackenzie Johnson, Reserve Champion 2. Rayna Hodgson 3. Genna Breidenbach 4. Austin Albrighton 5. Blayd Fox 6. Taylor Johnson 7. Bryson Whistance 8. Paige Mcgaughey 9. Gregory Peake Jr 10. Amanda Terrell 11. Sebastian Zehnder 12. Danielle Specht Class 162-Market Crossbred 1. Abigail Reinick, Reserve Champion, Champion 2. Dane Corliss 3. Genna Breidenbach 4. Brady Stump 5. Sarah Cecil 6. Jacob Dilka 7. Katie Pettit 8. Casey Cecil 9. Madison Kilerease 10. Katlynn Stecklein 11. Savannah Gallegos Class 163-Market Crossbred 1. Dustin Hayden 2. Jayden Gettman 3. Madison Smith 4. Caitlyn Anderson 5. Parker Gilliland 6. Clay Smith 7. Taylor Johnson 8. Jess Nighswonger 9. Brody Chesnut 10. Magnuson Reinick 11. Kale Samber 12. Dylan Gallegos 13. Tim Franke Class 164-Market Crossbred 1. Seth Willard, Champion 2. Faith Fetzer 3. Bo Naibauer 4. Austin Albrighton
5. Kylie Huwa 6. Brittany Klein 7. Dallan Whistance 8. Alex Davis 9. Jack Dickie 10. Landree Heidenreich 11. Jared Stapleton Class 165-Market Crossbred 1. Dawson Turrentine 2. Jamie Jo Johnson 3. Jaci Corliss 4. Ashley Terrell 5. Brittany Klein 6. Levi Lemons 7. Remmington Reinick 8. Magnuson Reinick 9. Amanda Terrell 10. Jacob Dilka 11. Sterling Moralez Class 166-Market Crossbred 1. Bryson Palombo 2. Tori Hett 3. Sarah Cecil 4. Morgan Smith 5. Tate Dreiling 6. Bryson Whistance 7. Blake Turrentine 8. Alex Davis 9. Savannah Gallegos 10. Craig Dickie Class 167-Market Crossbred 1. Bailey Naibauer, Reserve Champion 2. Tori Hett 3. Hannah Mcgirl 4. Shelby Clark 5. Clay Smith 6. Austin Coalson 7. Brady Stump 8. Kyle Horn 9. Christian Smith 10. Levi Troudt 11. Taya Baumgartner Class 168-Market Crossbred 1. Levi Lemons 2. Vada Vickland 3. Tanner Fetzer 4. Tyler Hayden 5. Sebastian Zehnder 6. Dallan Whistance 7. Justus Isakson 8. Casey Cecil 9. Garrett Coalson 10. Hali Isakson 11. Jacob Dilka 12. Jaren Albrighton 13. Tayler Diller Class 169-Market Crossbred 1. Ryleigh Carr, Grand Champion, Champion 2. Clay Carlson 3. Austin Huwa 4. Codie Galligan 5. Codie Galligan 6. Jacob Johnson 7. Courtney Klein 8. Tori Hett 9. Katlynn Stecklein 10. Codie Galligan 11. Nathan White 12. Colton Pettit 13. Colton Pettit Class 170-Market Crossbred 1. Rayna Hodgson, Reserve Champion 2. Morgan Smith 3. Aricka Breidenbach 4. Brittany Ledall 5. Waylon Ehrlich
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 6. Grant Vickland 7. Sydney Baumgartner 8. Ty Bell 9. C. George Graybill Class 171-Market Crossbred 1. Alyssa Deporter 2. Emma Vickland 3. Aimee Ledall 4. Tayte Deporter 5. Clay Carlson 6. Tanner Gettman 7. Shayli Williams 8. Tristin Brandley 9. Justus Isakson 10. Madison Holzworth 11. Jack Dickie 12. Katie Pettit Class 172-Market Crossbred 1. Clay Carlson 2. Dalton Lind 3. Rayna Hodgson 4. Taylor Dorsey 5. Quinn Tappy 6. Jaren Albrighton 7. Dane Corliss 8. Brooke Lane 9. Savannah Hirsch 10 C. George Graybill Class 200-Catch-It-Pig Contest 1. Duke Chesnut 2. Maverick Jones 3. Craig Dickie 4. Michaela Specht 5. Jack Dickie 6. Tristin Brandly 7. Mollie Mcgaughey 8. Paige Mcgaughey 9. Tim Franke Class 201-Pair of Mrkt Hogs 1. Levi Troudt
Class 01b-Cock, American 1. Jeremy Segelke Class 01c-Cock, AOSB 1. Jasmine Balderas 2. Jasmine Balderas Class 02-Cockerel, Mediterranean , Lg 1. Stephanie Miller, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Stephanie Miller Class 02a-Cockerel, Asiatic 1. Stephanie Miller 2. Hunter Israel-Ivy 3. Tyler Bauer 4. Tyler Bauer Class 02b-Cockerel, American 1. Grace Goad 2. Tim Harr 3. Amanda Miller 4. Tim Harr 5. Kenneth Stegner 6. Tyler Bauer Class 02c-Cockerel, ASOB 1. Amanda Miller, Reserve Champion 2. Jasmine Balderas 3. Jasmine Balderas Class 02d-Cockerel, English 1. Stephanie Miller 2. Hannah Bott 3. Tim Harr 4. Paige Mcgaughey 5. Paige Mcgaughey 6. Kenneth Stegner 7. Paige Mcgaughey 8. Kenneth Stegner
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Class 03-Hen, Mediterranean , Lg 1. Tate Mesbergen 2. Amanda Miller 3. Amanda Miller Class 03b-Hen, American 1. Jeremy Segelke 2. Jeremy Segelke 3. Amanda Miller 4. Hannah Bott 5. Amanda Miller Class 03c-Hen,AOSB 1. Amanda Miller 2. Amanda Miller 3. Lydia Bradley Class 03d-Hen, English 1. Stephanie Miller 2. Allie Mellor 3. Tate Mesbergen Class 04-Pullet, Mediterranean , Lg 1. Stephanie Miller 2. Stephanie Miller 3. Stephanie Miller Class 04a-Pullet, Asiatic 1. Hunter Israel-Ivy 2. Tyler Bauer Class 04b-Pullet, American 1. Tim Harr 2. Stephanie Miller 3. Stephanie Miller 4. Paige McGaughey 5. Tyler Bauer 6. Kenneth Stegner Class 04c-Pullet, AOSB 1. Allie Mellor 2. Victoria Hoff 3. Hunter Israel-Ivy 4. Hunter Israel-Ivy 5. Hunter Israel-Ivy Class 04d-Pullet,English 1. Lydia Bradley 2. Hannah Bott 3. Quinntan Hickman 4. Quinntan Hickman 5. Quinntan Hickman 6. Hannah Bott 7. Paige Mcgaughey 8. Paige Mcgaughey Class 05-Cock, Feather Legged bantam breed 1. Allie Mellor Class 05a-Cock, Clean Legged Bantam Breed 1. Stephanie Miller Class 05b-Cock, Old English Modern Game Bantam 1. Tessa Kanzler 2. Marizza Kanzler 3. Lydia Bradley 4. Marizza Kanzler 5. Tessa Kanzler Class 06-Cockerel,Feather Legged bantam breed 1. Hannah Bott 2. Kenneth Stegner 3. Kenneth Stegner 4. Jeremy Segelke 5. Tim Harr 6. Kenneth Stegner Class 06a-Cockerel, Clean Legged Bantam Breed 1. Jeremy Segelke 2. John Sappington 3. John Sappington 4. Paige Mcgaughey 5. Paige Mcgaughey 6. Paige Mcgaughey Class 06b-Cockerel, Old English Bantam
Breed 1. Colton Israel-Ivy 2. Colton Israel-Ivy 3. Kenneth Stegner 4. Kenneth Stegner 5. Kenneth Stegner 6. Hannah Bott 7. Tate Mesbergen 8. Hannah Bott Class 07-Hen, Feather Legged bantam breed 1. Allie Mellor 2. Allie Mellor Class 07a-Hen, Clean Legged Bantam Breed 1. Stephanie Miller Class 07b-Hen, Old English Modern Game 1. Tessa Kanzler, Reserve Best of Show 2. Marizza Kanzler 3. Tessa Kanzler 4. Tate Mesbergen 5. Tate Mesbergen Class 08-Pullet, Feather Legged bantam breed 1. Hannah Bott 2. Mollie Mcgaughey 3. Mollie Mcgaughey 4. Kenneth Stegner 5. Jeremy Segelke 6. Jeremy Segelke 7. Kenneth Stegner 8. Tim Harr Class 08a-Pullet, Clean Legged Bantam Breed 1. Jeremy Segelke 2. Jeremy Segelke 3. John Sappington 4. John Sappington 5. Paige Mcgaughey 6. Paige Mcgaughey 7. Paige Mcgaughey 8. John Sappington Class 08b-Pullet, Old English Modern Game 1. Colton Israel-Ivy 2. Lydia Bradley 3. Lydia Bradley 4. Hannah Bott 5. Kenneth Stegner 6. Kenneth Stegner 8. Hannah Bott 8. Kenneth Stegner Class 09-AOB 1 Drake 1. Tim Harr, Grand Champion, Overall Reserve Champion 3. Shelby Hardesty 3. Tessa Kanzler 4. Marizza Kanzler Class 10-AOB 1 Hen 1. Shelby Hardesty 2. Shelby Hardesty Class 11-AOB 1 Gander 1. Justin Riley 2. Justin Riley Class 12 - AOB 1 Goose 1. Justin Riley 2. Justin Riley Class 13-AOB Adult cock, Pigeon 1. Tim Harr, Reserve Champion 2. Tessa Kanzler 3. Tim Harr 6. Wyatt Jordan 7. Wyatt Jordan Class 14-AOB Adult hen, Pigeon 1. Tim Harr 2. Tim Harr 3. Wyatt Jordan Class 15-AOB Young cock, Pigeon 4. Marizza Kanzler
2011 Fair Results â&#x20AC;˘ 25
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(Front row, from left) Brenda Green, grand and reserve champion, Food Preservation-Adult Better Living; Noreen Arnbrecht, reserve champion, Flowers-Adult Better Living, reserve champion, Photography-Adult Better Living; Marilyn White, reserve champion, Cake Decoarting; (back row) Nija Droessler, reserve champion, Ceramics-Youth Better Living; Monique Montanez, reserve champion, Adult-Cake Decorating; Vickie Montanez, reserve champion, Adult-Cake Decorating.
5. Lora Stuehm Class 20-AOB Yearling hen 1. Marizza Kanzler Class 21-Mkt. Chickens, young trio 6.9lbs and under, 1. Grace Goad 2. Grace Goad 3. Grace Goad 4. Ian Lovell 5. Ian Lovell 6. Tessa Kanzler 7. Quinntan Hickman 8. Amanda Miller Class 22-Mkt. Chickens, young trio 7lbs and over, not over 8lbs 1. Tessa Kanzler 2. Tessa Kanzler 3. Marizza Kanzler Class 23-Mkt. Chickens, young trio under weight 2. Keisha Patterson 3. Keisha Patterson 3. Keisha Patterson Class 25-Turkey, Young tom, any breed 1. Vada Vickland 2. Vada Vickland 3. Bryce Endreson 4. Hans Vickland 5. Johnathon Dilka 6. Hans Vickland 7. Johnathon Dilka 8. Katrina Gergely Class 26-Turkey, Young hen, any breed 1. Hans Vickland, Grand Champion 2. Hans Vickland, Reserve Champion, Best of Show 3. Johnathon Dilka 4. Vada Vickland 5. Vada Vickland 6. Marizza Kanzler 7. Tessa Kanzler 8. Tessa Kanzler Class 27-Egg Production (IHOP Award) 1. Tim Harr
2. Tim Harr 3. Amanda Miller 4. Amanda Miller 5. Jeremy Segelke 6. Jeremy Segelke 7. Stephanie Miller 8. Grace Goad
Poultry Showmanship
Class 51-Poultry Showmanship 1. Grace Goad 2. Hunter Israel-Ivy 3. Allie Mellor 4. Lora Stuehm Class 52-Poultry Shwmnshp, Int 11-13 1. Marizza Kanzler 2. Kenneth Stegner 3. Colton Israel-Ivy 4. Hannah Bott 5. Jasmine Balderas 6. Victoria Hoff 7. Wyatt Jordan 8. Hans Vickland 9. Katrina Gergely Class 53-Poultry Shwmnshp, Sr 14+ 1. Tessa Kanzler 2. Tim Harr 3. Jeremy Segelke 4. Johnathon Dilka 4. Tate Mesbergen 5. John Sappington 6. Amanda Miller 7. Lydia Bradley 8. Paige Mcgaughey 9. Keisha Patterson 10. Stephanie Miller 11. Mollie Mcgaughey
Goat, Pygmy & All Other
Class 41-Jr Doe Kid (Pygmy & non-Dairy) 4/1/2011 and after 1. Bailey Vair-Grilley Class 45-Does 1-2 yrs (Pygmy/non-dairy) 8/1/09 - 7/31/11
26 • 2011 Fair Results
JIM RYDBOM/gtphoto@greeleytribune.com
(From left) Halie Spaur, grand and reserve champion, Clothing and Novelty Sewing-Youth Better Living, reserve champion, Hand Stitchery-Youth Better Living, reserve champion, Home Décor-Youth Better Living; Gavin Spaur, reserve champion, Furniture and Woodworking-Youth Better Living; Anson Derby, first place small woodworking box, small woodworking toy, Furniture Woodworking.
1. Casey Myles Class 47-Does 3 yrs + (Pygmy/non-dairy) prior to 8/1/2008 1. Casey Myles 2. Lauren Hart Class 48-Jr Buck (Pygmy/non-dairy) 4/1/2009 and after 1. Casey Myles, Overall Grand Champion Buck Class 49-Int Buck (Pygmy/non-dairy) 12/1/2010 - 3/31/2011 1. Bailey Vair-Grilley Class 55-Kid Wether (Pygmy and all other goats) after 8/1/2010 1. Casey Myles, Reserve Champion Class 57-Wether 2 yrs + (Pygmy/non-d) 7/31/2008 and before 1. Lauren Hart, Overall Grand Champion Wether
Rabbit Showmanship
Class 5001-Senior Rabbit Showmanship (14 & over) 1. Elizabeth Edie 2. Savannah Hirsch 3. Katheryn Carlson 4. Jasper Wickman 5. Melissa Bean 6. Jenny Wiese Class 5002-Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship (11-13) 1. Jennifer Herren 2. Bridgit Patten 3. Mitch Sagehorn 4. Jake Patton 5. Cody Leblanc 6. Halie Miller 7. Trey A Hirsch Class 5003-Junior Rabbit Showmanship (8-10 1. Delaney Pagliotti 2. Kylie Stegner 3. Madeleine Dreiling 4. Garrett Johnston 5. Bailey Erickson 6. Heylee Johnson 7. Gracie Franklin
Class 0057-Eng Angora Color Sr Buck 1. Cody Leblanc Class 0072-French Angora Wht Sr Doe 1. Madelyn Uyemura Class 0177-Britannia Petite Black Otter, Sr Buck 1. Jennifer Herren Class 0185-Britannia Petite Chestnut Agouti, Jr Buck 1. Jennifer Herren Class 0193-Britannia Petite Ruby Eye White, Jr Buck 1. Jennifer Herren Class 0198 - Britannia Petite Sable Martin, Jr Buck 1. Jennifer Herren Class 0211-Californian Sr Buck 1. Shannon Kos 2. Garrett Johnston 3. Mitch Sagehorn Class 0212-Californian Sr Doe 1 1. Brianna Folchert Rabbits, Grand Champion 2. Mitch Sagehorn 3. Shannon Kos 4. Garrett Johnston 5. Mitch Sagehorn 6. Garrett Johnston 7. Kyle Folchert 8. Kyle Folchert 9. Jenny Wiese 10. Brianna Folchert Class 0214-Californian Int Doe 1. Shannon Kos 2. Brianna Folchert Class 0217-Californian, Pre Jr. Buck 1. Brianna Folchert 2. Brianna Folchert 3. Kyle Folchert 4. Kyle Folchert Class 0218-Californian, Pre Jr. Doe 1. Brianna Folchert 2. Brianna Folchert 3. Kyle Folchert
4. Garrett Johnston 5. Kyle Folchert Class 0222-Champagne D’Ar Sr Doe 1. Brianna Folchert Class 0301-Chin Stan 1 Color Sr Buck 1. Cody Leblanc Class 0302-Chin Stan 1 Color Sr Doe 1. Cody Leblanc Class 0303-Chin Stan 1 Color Jr Buck 1. Cody Leblanc Class 0304-Chin Stan 1 Color Jr Doe 1. Cody Leblanc Class 0351-Dutch Black Sr Buck 1. Trey A Hirsch Class 0391-Dwarf Hot Blk&Choc Sr. Buck 1. Jordan Denning 2. Bridgit Patten 3. Madeleine Dreiling Class 0392-Dwarf Hot Blk&Choc Sr Doe 1. Bridgit Patten 2. Bridgit Patten Class 0468-Flemish Gt Fwn Sr Doe 1. Shelby Hardesty Class 0476-Flemish Gt LtG Sr Doe 1. Jake Patton 2. Jake Patton Class 0581-Himalayan, Black, Sr Buck 1. Sierra Pagliotti 2. Melissa Bean Class 0582-Himalayan, Black Sr Doe 1. Anna Gergely 2. Jasper Wickman 3. Jasper Wickman Class 0588-Himalayan, Blue, Sr Doe 1. Halie Miller Class 0593-Himalayan Chocolate Sr Buck 1. Delaney Pagliotti 2. Delaney Pagliotti 3. Jennifer Herren Class 0609-Holland Lop Solid Sr Buck 1. Carrie Proctor 2. Katheryn Carlson Class 0610-Holland Lop Solid Sr Doe 1. Heylee Johnson, Grand Champion 2. Katheryn Carlson 3. Garrett Johnston 4. Carrie Proctor 5. Brianna Folchert Class 0611-Holland Lop Solid Jr Buck 1. Katheryn Carlson 2. Garrett Johnston Class 0612-Holland Lop Solid Jr Doe 1. Katheryn Carlson Class 0615-Holland Lop Broken Sr Buck 1. Delaney Pagliotti 2. Justin Riley 3. Natalie Dutton Class 0616-Holland Lop Broken Sr Doe 1. Brianna Folchert 2. Bailey Erickson 3. Carrie Proctor Class 0667-Jers Wooly Shaded Sr Doe 1. Kylie Stegner Class 0741-Mini Lop Solid Sr Buck 1. Katheryn Carlson 2. Cody Leblanc 3. Trey A Hirsch 4. Justin Riley 5. Katheryn Carlson Class 0742-Mini Lop Solid Sr Doe 1. Jake Patton 2. Katheryn Carlson 3. Jake Patton 4. Jenny Wiese 5. Jennifer Herren
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 6. Jenny Wiese Class 0744-Mini Lop Solid Jr Doe 1. Katheryn Carlson 2. Justin Riley Class 0747-Mini Lop Broken Sr Buck 1. Gracie Franklin Class 0748-Mini Lop Broken Sr Doe 1. Katheryn Carlson Class 0750-Mini Lop Broken Jr Doe 1. Justin Riley Class 0756-Mini Rex Black Sr Buck 1. Kyle Folchert 2. Savannah Hirsch 3. Marizza Kanzler Class 0757-Mini Rex Black Sr Doe 1. Kyle Folchert 2. Tessa Kanzler Class 0758-Mini Rex Black Jr Buck 1. Lena Datteri 2. Jordan Denning Class 0759-Mini Rex Black Jr Doe 1. Savannah Hirsch 2. Savannah Hirsch Class 0762-Mini Rex Blue Sr Buck 1. Tessa Kanzler Class 0768 - Mini Rex Broken Sr Buck 1. Jordan Denning 3. Tessa Kanzler 4. Marizza Kanzler Class 0769-Mini Rex Broken Sr Doe 1. Kyle Folchert 2. Jordan Denning 3. Jordan Denning 4. Jake Patton 5. Melissa Bean Class 0770-Mini Rex Broken Jr Buck 1. Kylie Stegner 2. Jordan Denning Class 0771-Mini Rex Broken Jr Doe 1. Jordan Denning 2. Jordan Denning 3. Marizza Kanzler Class 0774-Mini Rex Castor Sr Buck 1. Jake Patton 2. Jasper Wickman Class 0817-Mini Rex Otter Jr Buck 1. Lena Datteri Class 0824-Mini Rex Sable Pt Sr Buck 1. Savannah Hirsch Class 0838-Mini Rex White Jr Buck 1. Savannah Hirsch Class 0864-Ne Dw Chocolate Sr Doe 1. Lena Datteri C1. lass 0881-Ne Dw Rby Eye Wht Sr Buck 1. Lena Datteri, Grand Champion 2. Lena Datteri Class 0915-Ne Dw Chestnut Sr Buck 1. Sierra Pagliotti Class 0948-Ne Dw Otter, Sr Buck 1. Sierra Pagliotti Class 0960-Ne Dw Sil Mar all Sr Buck 1. Sierra Pagliotti 2. Sierra Pagliotti Class 0987-Ne Dw Himalay all Sr Doe 1. Lena Datteri Class 1042-New Zeal Wht Sr Doe 1. Halie Miller Class 1061-Palomino Golden Sr Buck 1. Garrett Johnston Class 1062-Palomino Golden Sr Doe 1. Garrett Johnston Class 1064-Palomino Golden Int Doe 1. Paige McGaughey 2. Mollie McGaughey Class 1073-Palomino Lynx Int Buck
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
1. Garrett Johnston Class 1074-Palomino Lynx Int Doe 1. Garrett Johnston 2. Bailey Erickson Class1085-Polish Black Sr Buck 1. Greysen Van Tine-Bouchard 2. Elizabeth Edie Class 1086-Polish Black Sr Doe 1. Elizabeth Edie Class 1088-Polish Black Jr Doe 1. Elizabeth Edie 2. Garrett Johnston Class 1092-Polish Blue Sr Doe 1. Garrett Johnston Class 1093-Polish Blue Jr Buck 1. Ashley Nickel Class 1094-Polish Blue Jr Doe 1. Trey A Hirsch Class 1097-Polish Broken Sr Buck 1. Elizabeth Edie 2. Garrett Johnston Class 1098-Polish Broken Sr Doe 1. Elizabeth Edie Class 1099-Polish Broken Jr Buck 1. Elizabeth Edie Class 1135-Rex Black Jr Doe 1. Cody Leblanc Class 1146-Rex Broken Jr Buck 1. Jake Patton Class 1225-Rhinelander Sr Buck 1. Jake Patton Class 1226-Rhinelander Sr Doe 1. Jake Patton Class 1227-Rhinelander Jr Buck 1. Jake Patton 2. Jake Patton Class 1228-Rhinelander Jr Doe 1. Jake Patton Class 1283-Satin Choc Sr Buck 1. Justin Riley Class 1287-Satin Choc Jr Buck 1. Justin Riley Class 1324-Satin Siamese Sr Doe 1. Justin Riley Class 1324-Satin Siamese Sr Doe 2. Justin Riley Class 1327-Satin Siamese Jr Buck 1. Justin Riley Class 1391-Silver Martin Black Sr Buck 1. Jessica Williams 2. Jessica Williams Class 2002-Lionhead Solid Jr Buck 1. Ashley Nickel Class 4000-Meat Pens 1. Brianna Folchert, Grand Champion 2. Garrett Johnston, Reserve Champion 3. Kyle Folchert 4. Brianna Folchert 5. Garrett Johnston 6. Kyle Folchert, Grand Champion 7. Justin Riley 8. Justin Riley Mitch Sagehorn
Sheep Showmanship
Class 01-Sr Sheep Showman 15+ 1. Mitch Stahley 2. Lindsay Bowman 3. Jaylinn Lohr 4. The Ritchey 5. Rosa Nunez 6. Megan Thormodsgard 7. Mitchell Bowman 8. Wilson Ogg Class 02-Intm Sheep Showman 12-14 1. Jenna Frink 2. Kayla Frink
3. Catherine Harper 4. Nicole Williams 5. Aricka Breidenbach 6. Emily Harper 7. Terra Seyler 8. Victoria Zehnder Class 03-Jr Sheep Showman 10-11 1. Cody Baumgartner 2. Madeline Harper 3. Tayler Hays 4. Faith Fetzer 5. Carter Debus 6. Katie Jones 04-Pre-Jr Sheep Showman 8-9 1. Lauren Frink 2. Jed Sidwell 3. Caitlyn Anderson 4. Austin Hays 5. Kaleb Mclain 6. Macey Lauridson 7. Kyle Jones 8. Emily Rumsey
Swine Showmanship
Class 1-Sr Swine Showman 15+ Class 1 4. Bryson Palombo 5. Seth Willard 6. Courtney Klein 8. Savannah Gallegos Class 1B-Sr Swine Showman 15+ Class 1 1. Abigail Reinick, Grand Champion 2, Clay Carlson, Reserve Champion 3. Tori Hett 7. Tamber Dreiling Class 2-Int. Swine Showmanship 12-14 Class 1 3. Jamie Jo Johnson 5. Austin Albrighton 6. Weston Heidenreich Class 2B-Int. Swine Showmanship 12-14 Class 1 1. Rayna Hodgson, Grand Champion 4. Tanner Fetzer 9. Taylor Johnson Class 2C-Int. Swine Showmanship 12-14 Class 1 2. Tanner Gettman, Reserve Champion 7. Austin Reitzenstein 8. Clay Smith Class 3-Jr. Swine Showmanship 10-11 Class 1 1. Faith Fetzer, Grand Champion 4. Kaleb Johnson 5. Austin Coalson 7. Brittany Klein Class 3B-Jr. Swine Showmanship 10-11 Class 1 2. Mackenzie Johnson, Reserve Champion 3. Jayden Gettman 6. Dustin Horn 8. Genna Breidenbach Class 4-Pre Junior Swine Showmanship 8-9 Class 1 1. Landree Heidenreich, Grand Champion 2. Jacob Johnson, Reserve Champion 3. Ryleigh Carr 4. Blayd Fox 5. Austin Huwa 7. Kyle Horn 8. Amanda Terrell Class 9-Pre Junior Swine Showmanship 8-9 Class 2 6. Shelby Clark
Beef Showmanship
Class 01-Sr Beef Showmanship 15+ 1. Daniel Kammerzell 2. Jaylinn Lohr 3. Brandon Fritz 4. Connor Meining 5. Bryce Funk 6. Leeann Seewald
7. Heath Long 8. Garrett Seewald Class 02-Intm Beef Show 12-14 1. Brooke Hinojosa 2. Caitlyn Ochsner 3. Tyler Thormodsgard 4. Lane Greiman 5. Kelsey Kammerzell 6. Colton Kerbs 7. Mikayla Erickson 8. Andrew Kammerzell Class 03-Jr Beef Shownamship 10-11 1. Vada Vickland 2. John Hampton Cornelius 3. Ashlyn Ochsner 4. Cody Baumgartner 5. Megan Cothren 6. Lindsey Seewald 7. Ian Lovell 8. Trystin Gielissen Class 04-Pre-Junior Beef Show 8-9 1. Kassandra Shoemaker 2. Austin Huwa 3. Brandon Kerbs 4. Landree Heidenreich 5. Jed Sidwell 6. Colton Orcutt 7. Lainee Bernhardt
Breeding Beef
Class 042-Sr Other British Heifer calf Sept-Dec 2010 1. Molly Cooksey 2. Molly Cooksey Class 044-Late Jr Yrlng Other Brit Heifer Mar-Apr 2010 1. Brooke Hinojosa 2. Jake Patton 3. Mikayla Erickson 4. Trystin Gielissen 5. Ross Stump 6. Wilson Ogg 7. Lesly Loya Class 045-Early JrYrlng Other British Heifer Jan-Feb 2010 1. Jaylinn Lohr, Grand Champion 2. John Hampton Cornelius, Reserve Champion 3. Brooke Hinojosa Class 046-Sr Yrlng Other British Heifer SeptDec 2009 1. Molly Cooksey Class 091-Jr Other Continental Heifer calf after Jan. 1 2011 1. Jake Patton Class 092-Sr Other Continental Heifer calf Sep-Dec. 2010 1. Caitlyn Ochsner Class 093-Sum Yrlng Other Cont. Heifer May -Aug 2010 1. Taylor Dorsey 2. Sarah Marvin Class 094-Late Jr Yrlng Other Cont Heifer MarApril 2010 1. Taylor Dorsey, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion 2. Austin Huwa 3. Ashlyn Ochsner 4. Lainee Bernhardt Class 096-Sr Yrlng Other Cont Heifer Sept - Dec 2009 1. Megan Cothren Class 103-Summer Yrlng Commerc Heifer May - Aug. 2010 1. Connor Meining 2. Sara Tappy Class 104-Late Jr Yrlng Commerc Heifer
2011 Fair Results • 27 Mar-Apr 2010 1. Cody Huwa, Grand Champion, Overall Reserve Champion 2. Amber Thormodsgard 3. Emily Stevens 4. Ross Stump 5. Tyler Steinmetz 6. Megan Thormodsgard 7. Colton Orcutt 8. Alondra Meixueiro Class 105-Early Jr Yrlng Commerc Heifer Jan-Feb 2010 1. Aricka Breidenbach, Reserve Champion 2. Ian Lovell 3. Tia Konig 4. Bryce Funk Class 111-Regestered Cow/Calf Pair All breeds ( Before May 1, 2009) 1. Jake Patton, Reserve Champion 2. Ashly Loya Class 112-Commercial Cow/Calf Pair (Before May 1, 2009) 1. Brooke Cline, Grand Champion 2. Mikayla Erickson Class 113-Nursing Dam of Cow/Calf Pair All Breeds,(Before May 1, 2009) 1. Brooke Cline, Grand Champion 2. Jake Patton, Reserve Champion 3. Ashly Loya 4. Mikayla Erickson Class 115-Exhibitor’s Herd (all breeds, 3 animals, 1 exhibitor) 1. Jake Patton Class 117-FFA Catch-It Heifer Wrangle 1. Wilson Ogg 2. Alondra Meixueiro
Swine Premier Exhibitor: Clay Carlson
Beef Premier Exhibitor: Caitlyn Oschner
Goat Premier Exhibitor: Deeona Johnston
Sheep Premier Exhibitor: Jenna Frink
4-H General and Natural Division, Family and Consumer Sciences Division Premier Exhibitor: Kristen Schmidt
Large Animal All-Around Showmanship — Senior Division Grand Champion: Clay Carlson Reserve Champion: Lindsay Bowman
Large Animal All-Around Showmanship — Intermediate Division Grand Champion: Rayna Hodgson Reserve Champion: Tanner Gettman
Small Animal All-Around Showmanship — Senior Division Grand Champion: Erin Stuehn Reserve Champion: Tessa Kanzler
Small Animal All-Around Showmanship — Intermediate Division Grand Champion: Marissa Kanzler Reserve Champion: Erin Erger
28 • 2011 Fair Results Beef
Jaylinn Lohr Cody Huwa Caitlyn Ochsner Brandon Kerbs Austin Reitzenstein Lane Greiman Molly Cooksey Colton Kerbs Graham Leachman Dalton Lind Parker Gilliand Paul Cooksey Colton Lind Leeann Seewald Ashlyn Ochsner Tia Konig Jed Sidwell Sarah Cooksey Steven Weigandt Cody Baumgartner Garrett Seewald Kelsey Kammerzell
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
Weld County Jr. Livestock Sale Results
$8,400.00 $8,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,800.00 $5,000.00 $4,500.00 $4,200.00 $4,300.00 $4,100.00 $4,100.00 $4,100.00 $3,700.00 $3,800.00 $4,500.00 $4,700.00 $4,100.00 $4,600.00 $4,300.00 $3,900.00 $3,900.00
Rick Mellin - Oral Surgery of Greeley Anadarko Petroleum Big R of Greeley EnCana Oil&Gas(USA) Inc. Vaughn Concrete Product Big R of Greeley Big R of Greeley Agland, Inc. Big R of Greeley Big R of Greeley Revelation Steel Fuller & Fuller, CPA’s Magness Land & Cattle Listen Flying Y Cattle Kuhn Knight, Inc. SLW Ranch Co. Frontier Genetics/Reitzenstein Family Flood & Peterson Ins Inc Edmonds Land Surveying Lextron, Inc. Easton Arial Sprayers Crop Air, Inc. Cooper Equipment, Inc. Fagerberg Produce Gould Parts, Inc. Starman Grinding McDonald’s Restaurants/Meymer Drive-In Inc. JC Construction,LLC Farmers Bank of Ault Farm Credit Services Northwest Mutual Life Insurance Weld County Cattle Women Noble Energy Weld County Bi-Products, Inc. Bill and Donna Angell Andersen’s Sales & Salvage, Inc. Veterinary Research & Consulting Services, LLC Clark Enterprises Construction Co Roggen Farmer’s Elevator Association Lundvall Brokerage CPS & Sons Cedar Creek Wind Energy Goldman Trucking Ultimate Services Greeley Elevator Magnum Feed Yard, LLC Colorado Commodity Traders
$4,500.00 $3,800.00
Harsh International, Inc HCI Communications, Inc. Hill Petroleum John D. Caldwell, Inc. Luke & Becky Lind Spradley Barr Ford Victor R. Nottingham Wells Ranch Moreta Company of Greeley Ron and Karen Bernhardt Bill’s Volume Sales West Louie’s Brake & Alignment, Inc G & M Implement, Inc Midwest Feedlot Nutrition Brad & Denise Leafgren Gies Farms Gary Bailey and Family Mark and Tammy Anderson Trinidad Benham Corp Goodell Machinery & Construction
Beef cont.
Lindsey Seewald Kylie Huwa Daniel Kammerzell Lyle Cooksey Heath Long Alexis Sage Miller Brooke Hinojosa Lainee Bernhardt Carly Dyer Landree Heidenreich Gage Hesse Megan Cothren Amber Cline Cody Gabel Kassandra Shoemaker Brandon Fritz Garrett Pierce Chickens Grace Goad Grace Goad Ian Lovell Tessa Kanzler Qinntan Hickman
Faith Fetzer Tanner Fetzer McKenzie Hatch Sara Vieyra Dillon Pickrell Michaela Specht Genna Breidenbach Elizabeth Edie Justin Riley Savannah Owens Kirstie Trupp Zach Waite Deeona Johnston Sara Tappy Codie Lee Mercer Megan Seltzer Brooke Dowdy MaKaila Carey Stephanie Dill Brook Mercer Brooke Cline Wyatt Schnug Kaitlin Carey Lauren Hart Taylor Starks Morgan Pruett Jessica Villela
$3,900.00 $5,700.00 $3,900.00 $4,000.00 $4,750.00 $4,700.00 $4,200.00 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $4,000.00 $3,900.00 $4,000.00 $3,800.00 $4,500.00 $5,200.00 $3,900.00
King Surveyors, Inc. Purina Mills, Inc Steve Gabel Family Low Level Dusting Company Boehringer Ingelheim Machado Club Calves Calvary Farms Allegiant Weed Control Montera Cattle Company Agland, Inc. Imperial Drilling Fluids Imperial Drilling Fluids Goldman Trucking Cedar Creek Wind Energy Big R of Greeley Calfrac Well Services Big R of Greeley Big R of Greeley Big R of Greeley Front Range Feedlot Agland, Inc. JBS Beef Horton Feedlots
$3,000.00 $1,300.00 $700.00 $600.00 $550.00
Anadarko Petroleum Cedar Creek Wind Energy Agland, Inc. Cedar Creek Wind Energy Calvary Farms
$2,100.00 $1,500.00 $800.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $500.00 $500.00 $750.00 $400.00 $1,200.00 $700.00 $450.00 $700.00 $600.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $700.00 $650.00 $400.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00
Anadarko Petroleum CDI Agland, Inc. CPS & Sons Jean Hoshiko Jean Hoshiko Hensel Phelps Construction Dale Pharmacy, Inc. Bank of Colorado Transwest Trucks, Inc Marrs Land & Cattle LLP John R. Dent Front Range Young Farmers Columbine Hearing Center Schaefer Hogs Gittlein Farms Harper Livestock Country Truck & Auto G & M Implement, Inc Jean Hoshiko Northern Feed & Bean Respiratory Care Consultants Rick L. Sponaugle, CPA LLC Jean Hoshiko Rudolph Robert Zehnder Jr Memorial Country Truck & Auto Mike Harper Livestock J-9 Crop Insurance Jean Hoshiko Brighton Feed and Saddlery Cedar Creek Wind Energy Mike Harper Livestock Colorado Commodity Traders JBS Lamb Walt and Cindy Sidwell Greeley Elevator
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011 Goats cont. Kyle Florian Nicholas Edie Chesney Jones Darian Hale Amber Thormodsgard MiKayla Hoffman Tanner Kelly Shannon Kos Mariah Brandly Zach Marvin Rachael Moralez Bradley Self Colton Orcutt Haley Wolf Dustin Horn Bailee Hatch C. George Graybill Keisha Patterson Trey Hirsch Ally Funk Sydney Baumgartner Sterling Moralez Tristin Brandly Emilie Warehime Colton Carlson Katie Schaeffer Averie Warehime Molly Adams Alaina Endreson Bailey Lutz Jacob Denning Brooke Smith Emma Stump Anthony Evans Kaleb Johnson Taylor Johnson Paige Northrup Susanne Sutton Rabbits Brianna Folchert Garrett Johnston Sheep Lindsay Bowman Mitch Stahley Kayla Frink
$800.00 $700.00 $1,100.00 $700.00 $1,700.00 $700.00 $650.00 $600.00 $600.00 $450.00 $550.00 $600.00 $400.00 $600.00 $800.00 $500.00 $700.00 $700.00 $800.00 $500.00 $550.00 $500.00 $600.00 $500.00 $700.00 $1,800.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $700.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $508.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $500.00 $700.00
JBS Kuner Feedlots Don and Barb Rosenbrock Kenneth Miller Buckhorn Auction Services Lorraine Hagelstrom House of Smoke Greg & Tammy Seltzer Eugene Reynolds, CPA Country Corner Beaty Shop Animal Clinic LLC Anadarko Petroleum Hensel Phelps Construction Cedar Creek Wind Energy First Farm Bank H&R Block of Greeley Rocky Mountain Natural Meats Marez Racing Stable Leo Bissell Leinweber Farms Kirkmeyer Farms Gray Oil Company Dale and Judy Pralle Howard Binder Alyssa and Tate Deporter Greeley Elevator Cedar Creek Wind Energy G & M Implement, Inc Jean Hoshiko Country Truck & Auto Rudolph Robert Zehnder Jr Memorial Josh and Annie Fox - Fox Corp Country Truck & Auto R & S Storage KP Kauffman Co, Inc. George’s Rental & Supply Terry Denner Frazier Hay United Power, Inc. Wiley Trucking Inc Northern Plains Trucking John and Lissa Ellis Cedar Creek Wind Energy Colorado Commodity Traders Journey Homes/ J&J Construction Dr Richard S. Boyes Cedar Creek Wind Energy Jean Hoshiko Country Truck & Auto G & M Implement, Inc Colorado Equipment Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy Hensel Phelps Construction Carmin Welding and Pipeline, Inc. JBS Lamb JBS Kuner Feedlots JBS Five Rivers Cattle Gilcrest Carmin Welding and Pipeline, Inc. Cedar Creek Wind Energy
$1,150.00 $1,000.00
Cedar Creek Wind Energy Agland, Inc.
$3,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,600.00
JBS Lamb Harper Feedlot, LLC Agland, Inc.
2011 Fair Results • 29
Sheep cont.
Rosa Nunez Jenna Frink Ben Trupp Amy Carlson Catherine Harper Alyssa DePorter Tayte DePorter Austin Hayes Carter Debus Tye Ritchey Megan Thormodsgard Tayler Hays Jenna Pralle Katelyn Dovenbarger Madeline Harper Aricka Beidenbach Wilson Ogg Emily Harper Lauren Frink Victoria Zehnder Tyler Thormodsgard Mitchell Bowman Lilly Kochevar Mikayla Erickson Terra Seyler Jacob Hasbrouck Spencer Gallegos Spencer Gallegos Katie Toman Mary Carlson Kelli Carlson Nicole Williams Caitlyn Anderson Kyle Jones Taylor Arb
$1,300.00 $1,600.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 $1,700.00 $1,400.00 $1,300.00 $1,150.00 $2,000.00 $1,900.00 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 $1,100.00 $2,300.00 $1,350.00 $1,300.00 $2,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,300.00 $2,100.00 $1,550.00 $1,500.00 $1,450.00 $2,400.00 $2,000.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $1,400.00 $2,500.00 $2,600.00 $2,000.00
Great Western Bank, Ft. Collins Rick Mellin - Oral Surgery of Greeley Ruesch & Biddle, CPA’s & Larson Melvin Dinner Attorney Harper Livestock Trucking Services LLC Greeley Elevator J-9 Crop Insurance Godby Sheep Co. Anadarko Petroleum Harper Livestock Poudre Valley REA Ultimate Services Clark Enterprises J-9 Crop Insurance CPS & Sons Lundvall Brokerage Nugget International Double J Meat Packing/ Double J Farms Colorado Commodity Traders Double J Meat Packing/ Double J Farms Brady Miller JBS Lamb Superior Farms Mike Harper Livestock J-9 Crop Insurance Goodell Machinery & Construction, Inc Red Willow Construction, LLC Carroll Excavating EnCana Oil&Gas(USA) Inc. Front Range Dairy Agland, Inc. Double J Meat Packing/ Double J Farms G & M Implement, Inc Maplewood Wine and Spirits
Ryleigh Carr Abigail Reinick Bailie Fox Sheyanne Coar Emma Vickland Tyler Bauer Bailey Naibauer Rayna Hodgson Hannah Vickland Grant Vickland Levi Lemons Steve Frank Jamie Jo Johnson Hali Isakson Dawson Turrentine Madie Kilcrease Jaden Olearnick Bryson Palombo Bryson Whistance Madison Smith Jayden Gettman Vada Vickland Clay Carlson Tyler Hayden Aimee Ledall Ashlynn Pickett Morgan Smith Austin Huwa Seth Willard
$7,500.00 $3,500.00 $2,900.00 $1,200.00 $1,300.00 $1,800.00 $1,100.00 $1,200.00 $900.00 $900.00 $1,100.00 $1,700.00 $1,200.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,300.00 $1,200.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,700.00 $1,300.00 $1,700.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00
Anadarko Petroleum J-9 Crop Insurance Double J Meat Packing/ Double J Farms Fagerberg Produce Simpson Livestock Farmers Bank of Ault Agland, Inc. CPS & Sons Big R of Greeley JB Services Frank Brothers Pioneer Seed Sales Goldman Trucking Colorado Commodity Traders Big R of Greeley Big R of Greeley Kreps Wiedeman B & G Equipment, Inc JBS Kuner Feedlots Harper Feedlot, LLC Alyssa and Tate Deporter J-9 Crop Insurance Mike Harper Livestock Continental Divide Fence Brighton Feed & Saddlery, Inc. GKM Services Revelation Steel Huwa Farms Farmers Bank of Ault Simpson Livestock Jean Hoshiko Agland, Inc. Ultimate Services Colorado Equipment Arnold’s Custom Seeding
30 • 2011 Fair results Swine cont.
Hannah McGirl Tanner Baumgartner Dustin Hayden Garrett Coalson Sarah Cecil Codie Galligan Jaci Corliss Brianna Ley Bo Naibauer Carson Holzworth Brady Stump Austin Albrighton Ashley Terell Shelby Clark Sebastian Zehnder Taylor Frank Kali Wolaver Jakob Bernhardt Blake Turrentine Blayd Fox Joshua Dovenbarger Brittany Ledall Dallan Whistance Brittany Klein Clay Smith Jake Johnson Bradley Atkinson Taylor Dorsey Teslin Holten Casey Cecil Cassidy Rupple Tate Dreiling Quinn Tappy Tanner Gettman Braden Baumgartner Jake Holten Dakota Hatch Tamber Dreiling Dane Corliss Levi Gilliland Jacob Dilka Austin Coalson Justus Isakson Courtney Klein Waylon Ehrlick Shayli Williams Mason Reinick Jaren Albrighton Keisha Ley Jess Nighswonger Tori Hett Maverick Jones Duke Chesnut Paige McGaughey Tim Franke Katie Pettit Remmington Reinick Magnuson Reinick Kade Samber Brody Chesnut Katlynn Stecklein
$1,100.00 $1,250.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,750.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $1,400.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $1,300.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,750.00 $1,250.00 $1,100.00 $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $2,900.00 $1,400.00 $1,300.00 $1,000.00 $1,900.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,250.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $1,700.00 $1,500.00 $1,750.00 $1,000.00 $1,300.00 $1,600.00 $3,500.00 $2,400.00 $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $2,000.00 $900.00 $2,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $2,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $1,600.00 $2,200.00 $1,250.00
Cedar Creek Wind Energy J-9 Crop Insurance JBS Five Rivers Cattle Gilcrest Aurora Organic Dairy High Plains Lucerne, Inc. Cedar Creek Wind Energy JBS Kuner Feedlots Big R of Greeley Bravo Services Country Truck & Auto Kreps Wiedeman Simpson Livestock Anadarko Petroleum Colorado Commodity Traders Vaughn Concrete Product JBS Five Rivers Cattle Gilcrest Agland, Inc. West Plains CO A & W Water Fagerberg Produce EB Trucking Jean Hoshiko Arnold’s Custom Seeding Fagerberg Produce EB Trucking JBS Five Rivers Cattle Gilcrest Cedar Creek Wind Energy JBS Five Rivers Cattle Gilcrest Cedar Creek Wind Energy Harper Feedlot, LLC Colorado Equipment EnCana Oil&Gas(USA) Inc. Innovative Foods Revelation Steel J-9 Crop Insurance CDI Cedar Creek Wind Energy EnCana Oil&Gas(USA) Inc. Simpson Livestock Colorado Equipment Farmers Bank of Ault Simpson Livestock Triple H Livestock Dennis Klien Cedar Creek Wind Energy Arnold’s Custom Seeding Cedar Creek Wind Energy Vaughn Concrete Product Big R of Greeley Vaughn Concrete Product Vaughn Concrete Product Big R of Greeley Colorado Equipment Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy Agland, Inc. Walt and Cindy Sidwell Arnold’s Custom Seeding Farmers Bank of Ault G & M Implement, Inc Vaughn Concrete Product
Hans Vickland Hans Vickland Bryce Endreson Johnathon Dilka Marissa Kanzler
$1,500.00 $1,000.00 $650.00 $700.00 $650.00
Anadarko Petroleum Calfrac Well Services Harper Feedlot, LLC Cedar Creek Wind Energy Cedar Creek Wind Energy
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
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Fair 2011 Results Special Edition is brought to you by
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011
2011 Fair Results • 31
Home Economics Foods (Jr.)—Blue—Loralei Carroll; (Sr.)—Blue—Haley Dollerschell Home Environment (Sr.)—Blue—Megan Seltzer Cake Decorating (Jr.)—Blue—Mary Carlson, Kayla Dollerschell; (Sr.)—Blue—Shay Northrup Jr. Champion—Mary Carlson; Reserve— Kayla Dollerschell Sr. Champion—Megan Seltzer; Reserve— Haley Dollerschell Grand Champion Overall—Megan Seltzer—Sponsor, Keith & Shirley Ashbaugh Woodworking (Jr.)—Blue—Mitch Dollerschell, Jade Cass, Ryan Gilbert Jr. Champion—Jade Cass; Reserve (Tie)—Mitch Dollerschell, Ryan Gilbert Grand Champion Overall—Ryan Dollerschell—Sponsor, Cary & Carol Lambert General Shooting Sports (Jr.)—Blue—Garrett Seltzer, Walter Jordan Sport Fishing (Jr.)—Blue—Walter Jordan Global Citizenship (Jr.)—Blue—Jaydee Johnston Self-Determined—Robotics (Jr.)—Blue— Wyatt Jordan Jr. Champion—Wyatt Jordan; Reserve— Garrett Seltzer Grand Champion Overall—Wyatt Jordan—Sponsor, Cara & Ryan Draegert Ceramics (Jr.)—Blue—Andrew Littlefield, Emily Kaiser, Paige Northrup, Erin Ellis; White—Atavia Price (Sr.)—Blue—Jessica Fiscus, Paige Johnson, Rebecca Littlefield, Shay Northrup, Rebecca Kaiser Jr. Champion—Emily Kaiser; Reserve— Paige Northrup Sr. Champion—Rebecca Littlefield; Reserve—Paige Johnson Grand Champion Overall—Rebecca Littlefield—Sponsor, LouAnn Littlefield Memorial Cultural Arts Scrapbooking (Sr.)—Blue—Adele Cass, Sara Vieyra, Lyndee Johnston Leathercraft (Jr.)—Blue—Colton Schinzel Quilting (Sr.)—Blue—Deeona Johnston Jr. Champion—Colton Schinzel Sr. Champion—Lyndee Johnston; Reserve—Deeona Johnston Grand Champion Overall—Lyndee Johnston—Sponsor, Cheery Lot Club Cloverbuds Blue—Luke Troudt, Brock Dollerschell, Sy Northrup, Tyler Troudt, Blake Bates, Landon Carroll Open Photography Adult (Professional) Division Landscaptes/Scenery—1, Dustin Price; 2, Dustin Price; 3, Dustin Price Adult (Amateur) Division Landscapes/Scenery—1, Janet Lowe; 2, Janet Lowe; 3, Janet Lowe Pets/Animals—1, Janet Lowe; 2, Laci Gerlach Kids/People—1, Laci Gerlach; 2, Laci Gerlach 4-H & FFA Division Landscapes/Scenery—1, Atavia Price; 2, Atavia Price; 3, Brett Krager Pets/Animals—1, Brett Krager; 2, Emma Stump; 3, Ross Stump Miscellaneous—1, Brett Krager; 2, Brett KragerUnder Eight Division - No Entries Breeding Beef Heifers under 12 months—1, Jayce Tappy; 2, Andrew Littlefield Heifers under 2 years, over 1 year—1, Ross
Stump; 2, Ericka Breidenbach; 3, Mikayla Erickson; 4, Ross Stump; 5, Jayce Tappy Cows over 2 years (shown with calf at side)—1, Jayce Tappy; 2, Rebecca Littlefield; 3, Andrew Littlefield; 4, Austin Littlefield Champion Breeding Beef—Ross Stump; Reserve—Ericka Breidenbach; Sponsor— Jim and Deb Walker Prospective Beef Calf (Steer, Heifer, or Bull)—1 and Champion, Austin Littlefield; 2 and Reserve, Devin Littlefield; 3, Rebecca Littlefield; 4, Andrew Littlefield; Sponsor—John Hillman Market Beef Light Weight (925-1210 pounds)—1, Ross Stump; 2, Tyler Thormodsgard; 3, Deeona Johnston; 4, Amber Thormodsgard; 5, Amber Thormodsgard Medium Weight (1250-1275 pounds)—1, Bryce Funk; 2, Megan Thormodsgard; 3, Amanda Carmin; 4, Amber Thormodsgard; 5, Taylor Harless Heavy Weight (1370-1425 pounds)—1, Drew Carlson; 2, Cooper Carlson; 3, Tyler Carmin; 4, Taylor Harless; 5, Taylor Harless Champion Market Beef—Ross Stump; Reserve—Drew Carlson; Sponsor—Bob Littlefield Family Beef Showmanship—(Jr.)—Champion—Mikayla Erickson; Reserve—Cooper Carlson (Sr.)—Champion—Ross Stump; Reserve—Jayce Tappy; Sponsors—Bryce & Kendra Carlson; Monty & Sandi Younglund Bucket Calf Ribbons & Money—Sponsored by Barbara Harless of Two Creeks Ranch in Memory of Joe & Elvena Rauth Pet Class Ribbons & Money—Sponsored by the Grandchildren of Archie & Famie Box Premium Money—Sponsors—Roger and Peggy Blake, Weld County Livestock Association, and Prairie 4-H Dairy Dairy Heifer (over 12 months & under 18 months)—1 and Champion, Megan Thormodsgard; 2 and Reserve, Jayce Tappy; 3, Quinn Tappy; Sponsor—Wickham Tractor Dairy Showmanship—(Jr.) Quinn Tappy; (Sr.) Jayce Tappy; Sponsor—Frank Hoozee Estate and Jaeger Farms Horses 2008 or Before Mares—1 and Champion Mare, James Krist; 2 and Reserve, Megan Seltzer; 3, Ethan Malovich; 4, Clay Kinnison; 5, Hannah Kinnison; Sponsor—Kester Pump Service 2008 or Before Geldings—1 and Champion, Bryndel Burke; 2 and Reserve, Clay Kinnison; 3, Kaylee Luppens; 4, James Krist; 5, Kelsey Bornhoft; Sponsor—Marla Tappy Horse Showmanship—(Jr.)—Champion—Ethan Malovich; Reserve—Hannah Kinnison; (Sr.)—Champion—Kaylee Luppens; Reserve—Amber Thormodsgard; Sponsors—Earl Johnson Memorial and Dave & Beth Bashor Junior Rodeo Results Western Horsemanship (Tiny Tot)—1 and Champion, Jonathan Malovich; 2, Aiden Malovich; 3, Bryndel Burke; 4, Blake Bates; (Junior)—1 and Champion, Ethan Malovich; 2, James Krist; 3, Hannah Kinnison; 4, Clay Kinnison; 5, Emma Stump; (Senior)—1 and Champion, Kelsey Bornhoft; 2, Megan Seltzer; 3, Clay Carlson; 4, Sky McEndaffer; 5, Katie Klinginsmith; Sponsors—Britt & Blair McEndaffer, Skip & Heidi Johnson, and Allen Box Keyhole Race (Tiny Tot)—1 and Champion, Aiden Malovich; 2, Jayce Meyring; 3, Jonathan Malovich; 4, Colten Kugler; 5, Jayda Meyring; (Junior)—1 and Champion,
Clay Kinnison; 2, Bryce Schnug; 3, James Krist; 4, Wyatt Schnug; 5, Carter Debus; (Senior)—1 and Champion, Alie Bornhoft; 2, Rebecca Littlefield; 3, Kerby Anderson; 4, Kaylee Luppens; 5, Jayce Tappy; Sponsors—Brenda & Steve Anderson, Cody & Dolly McEndaffer, and Harry & Vicki Schaaf Barrel Race (Tiny Tot)—1 and Champion, Bryndel Burke; 2, Jayce Meyring; 3, Aiden Malovich; 4, Jonathan Malovich; 5, Colten Kugler; (Junior)—1 and Champion, Bryce Schnug; 2, Carter Debus; 3, James Krist; 4, Wyatt Schnug; 5, Clay Kinnison; (Senior)— 1 and Champion, Kerby Anderson; 2, Alie Bornhoft; 3, Clay Carlson; 4, Kaylee Luppens; 5, Taylor Hubbard; Sponsors—Denise & Scott Stump, Atwood Commercial Feeders, and Cyle & Bryce Lambert Stick Horse Barrel Race—Age 5 and under—1, Delaney Draegert; Age 6-8—1, Savannah Mertens; Sponsored by Earl & Pauline Steffen Memorial Bending Race (Tiny Tot)—1 and Champion, Aiden Malovich; 2, Bryndel Burke; 3, Jonathan Malovich; 4, Colton Kugler; (Junior)—1 and Champion, Bryce Schnug; 2, James Krist; 3, Hannah Kinnison; 4, Kenna Noble; 5, Kale Samber; (Senior)—1 and Champion, Alie Bornhoft; 2, Kelsey Bornhoft; 3, Taylor Hubbard; 4, Clay Carlson; 5, Katie Klinginsmith; Sponsors—Prairie Lions Club, Scott & Jennie Bates, and Dewain & Nancy Shapley Flag Race (Junior)—1 and Champion, Bryce Schnug; 2, Kale Samber; 3, Wyatt Schnug; 4, Ethan Malovich; 5, Quinn Tappy; (Senior)—1 and Champion, Clay Carlson; 2, Megan Seltzer; 3, Kaylee Luppens; 4, Molly Adams; 5, Amber Thormodsgard; Sponsors—Gary & Jean Castor and Tappy Oil Co. Goat Ribbon Race (Junior)—1 and Champion, Carter Debus; 2, Bryce Schnug; 3, James Krist; 4, Ethan Malovich; 5, Kale Samber; Sponsor—Jerry & Shirley Montague Goat Tying (Senior)—1 and Champion, Alie Bornhoft; 2, Jayce Tappy; Sponsor—Elmer Miller Memorial Breakaway Calf Roping—1 and Champion, Kerby Anderson; 2, Dakota Brown; 3, Bryce Schnug; 4, Ethan Malovich; 5, T.J. Hubbard; Sponsor—Joe & Karen Kimmel Heifer Hopeful Catch-a-Calf Contest— McKenna Gwin and Kerby Anderson; Sponsors—Rocky & Marilyn Samber, Gary & Jean Sheffler, Larry & Karen Hoozee, Harold Carlson, McEndaffer Cattle Co., Joe & Karen Kimmel, Todd & Jana Thomas, Ken Everitt, Delwyn & Jo Dell Northup, Steve & Gigi O’Hare, Ken & Andrea Holzworth, Bryan Funk, Monty & Sandi Younglund, Joe & Shirley Intermill, Paul & Marianne Kaiser, Gary & Jean Castor, Gary & Kay Dollerschell, Carmin Welding & Pipeline, Jeff & Jennifer Dollerschell, Toedtli Ranch, Jay & Shauna Meyring, Derrell & Jeanette Gilbert & Family, and the Northeast Weld Drylanders. Team Roping (25 teams)—1, Ken Bornhoft and Scott Northrup (5.19); 2, Troy Schnug and Steve Anderson (8.90); 3, Monty Younglund and Harold Burke (9.63) Tiny Tot High Point Individual—Aiden Malovich; Sponsor—Ken & Andrea Holzworth Junior High Point Individual—Bryce Schnug; Sponsor—Pawnee Station Restaurant, Rich & Amy Harms Senior High Point Individual—Kelsey Bornhoft; Sponsor—Art Carlson Memorial Hard Luck Cowpoke—Andrew Littlefield; Sponsor—Grover Community Club Ag. Mechanics Small Wood (Sawhorse)—1, Ross Stump; 2,
Sheyanne Warboys; 3, Brett Krager; 4, Ryan Dollerschell; 5, Michael Kaiser Medium Wood (Saddle Rack)—1, Dustin Warboys; 2, Brady Stump; 3, Paige Johnson; 4, Danielle Harms; 5, Taylor Hubbard Breeding Hogs Breeding Gilts—1 and Champion, Lance Gilbert; 2 and Reserve, Ryan Gilbert; 3, Ty Bell; Sponsor—Ardis Littlefield Bazata Memorial Breeding Gilts, farrowed after February 1, 2011—1 and Champion Breeding Hog, Ty Bell; 2 and Reserve, Case Gilbert; Sponsored—Ardis Littlefield Bazata Memorial Market Hogs Prospective (174-204 pounds)—1, Cayden Lynch; 2, Case Gilbert; 3, Ty Bell Class 1 (220-225 pounds)—1, Cayden Lynch; 2, Lance Gilbert; 3, Quinn Tappy; 4, Jayce Tappy Class 2 (230-235 pounds)—1, Trent Holzworth; 2, Jenna Breidenbach; 3, Carson Holzworth; 4, Jayce Tappy; 5, Kale Samber Class 3 (236-240 pounds)—1, Kade Samber; 2, Jenna Breidenbach; 3, Madison Holzworth; 4, Lance Gilbert Class 4 (243-244 pounds)—1, Clay Carlson; 2, Trent Holzworth; 3, Ty Bell; 4, Kylee Harless; 5, Levi Troudt Class 5 (247-252 pounds)—1, Clay Carlson; 2, Ericka Breidenbach; 3, Brady Stump; 4, Levi Troudt Class 6 (256-270 pounds)—1, Clay Carlson; 2, Jenna Breidenbach; 3, Ericka Breidenbach; 4, Kyle Gilbert; 5, Quinn Tappy Champion Market Hog—Clay Carlson; Reserve—Ericka Breidenbach; Sponsor— Glenn & Stephanie Carlson Hog Showmanship (Jr.)—Champion—Cooper Carlson; Reserve—Trent Holzworth; (Sr.)—Champion—Kyle Gilbert; Reserve—Ericka Breidenbach; Sponsors— Bret & Tina McEndaffer and Triple M Feeds Tiny Tot Pig Showmanship Medals & Money; sponsored by the Kasey Jo Warner/ Jesse Samber Memorials. Breeding Goats Under 12 months—1, Megan Seltzer; 2, Garrett Seltzer; 3, Deeona Johnston; 4, Jaydee Johnston; 5, Sara Vieyra Over 12 months—1, Garrett Seltzer; 2, Megan Seltzer Champion Breeding Goats—Megan Seltzer; Reserve—Garrett Seltzer; Sponsor—Bank of Colorado Market Goats Class 1 (50-55 pounds)—1, Wyatt Schnug; 2, Wyatt Schnug; 3, Wyatt Schnug; 4, Emma Stump; 5, Quinton Draegert Class 2 (57-61 pounds)—1, Katie Schaeffer; 2, Wyatt Schnug; 3, Garrett Johnston; 4, Luke Duggan Class 3 (63-66 pounds)—1, Bryce Schnug; 2, Amanda Carmin; 3, Molly Adams; 4, Bryce Schnug; 5, Quinton Draegert Class 4 (67-70 pounds)—1, Katie Schaeffer; 2, Megan Thormodsgard; 3, Allyssa Funk; 4, Cooper Carlson; 5, Deeona Johnston Class 5 (71-75 pounds)—1, Amanda Carmin; 2, Tyler Thormodsgard; 3, Emma Stump; 4, Garrett Seltzer; 5, Deeona Johnston Class 6 (78-90 pounds)—1, Amber Thormodsgard; 2, Garrett Seltzer; 3, Megan Thormodsgard; 4, Cooper Carlson; 5, Jenna Breidenbach Champion Market Goat—Amber Thormodsgard; Reserve—Katie Schaeffer; Sponsor—Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply Goat Showmanship (Jr.)—Champion— Garrett Seltzer; Reserve—Amanda Carmin; (Sr.)—Champion—Megan Thormodsgard;
Reserve—Deeona Johnston; Sponsors— Tim & Jennifer Seltzer & Family and Donald & Rita Johnston Sheep Ewe Lamb—1 and Champion Breeding Sheep, Mary Carlson; 2 and Reserve, Carter Debus; 3, Brett Krager; Sponsor—Paul & Marianne Kaiser Market Lambs—Class 1—(88-110 pounds)—1, Mikayla Erickson; 2, Carter Debus; 3, Megan Thormodsgard; 4, Amber Thormodsgard; 5, Tyler Thormodsgard Class 2—(113-122 pounds)—1, Megan Thormodsgard; 2, Ericka Breidenbach; 3, Amber Thormodsgard; 4, Ericka Breidenbach Class 3—(125-142 pounds)—1, Amy Carlson; 2, Ericka Breidenbach; 3, Kacyn Kessinger; 4, Kelly Carlson; 5, Mikayla Erickson Champion Market Lamb—Megan Thormodsgard; Reserve, Amy Carlson; Sponsor—Samber Sheep Co. Sheep Showmanship (Jr.)—Champion— Carter Debus; Reserve—Kacyn Kessinger; (Sr.)—Champion—Amber Thormodsgard; Reserve—Amy Carlson; Sponsors—Ken Carlson Family and Farmers Bank of Ault Rabbits Senior Buck—1, Sadie Gwin; 2, Garrett Johnston Senior Doe—1, Garrett Johnston; 2, McKenna Gwin; 3, Garrett Johnston; 4, Bailey Erickson; 5, Sadie Gwin Champion Rabbits, Garrett Johnston; Reserve, Garrett Johnston; Sponsor—Colby & Karrie Walker Poultry Hens—1, Paige Northrup; 2, Paige Northrup; 3, Paige Northrup; 4, Paige Northrup Roosters—1, Kale Samber Pigeons—1, Wyatt Jordan; 2, Wyatt Jordan; 3, Wyatt Jordan Champion Poultry—Paige Northrup; Reserve, Kale Samber; Sponsor—Dickinson Country Store Open Arena Events Western Horsemanship (11 participants)— 1, Jennifer Burke; 2, Tanya Wahlert; 3, Clay Kinnison Poorman’s Team Roping (30 teams)—1, Ty Allen and Bryce Schnug Bending Race (32 participants)—1, Kaylee Luppens; 2, Bryndel Burke; 3, Kamber Carlson Barrel Race (42 participants)—1, Kerby Anderson; 2, Alie Bornhoft; 3, Callie Capraro Rescue Race (32 teams)—1, Kamber Carlson and Austin Littlefield; 2, Kamber Carlson and T.J. Hubbard; 3, Alie Bornhoft and Tess Ostermiller Hide Race (48 teams)—1, Kamber Carlson and Glenn Carlson; 2, Ken Holzworth and Trent Holzworth; 3, Clay Carlson and Austin Littlefield Team Roping (49 teams)—1, Scott Northrup and Kurt Castor (8.56); 2, Clay Kinnison and Dave Bashor (10.00); 3, Ken Bornhoft and Scott Northrup (10.69); 4, Kurt Castor and Ken Bornhoft (10.94) Jr. Division All-Around Livestock Showman—Garrett Seltzer; Reserve, Cooper Carlson; Sponsor—Kasey Jo Warner Memorial Sr. Division All-Around Livestock Showman—Megan Thormodsgard; Reserve, Jayce Tappy; Sponsor—Vic & Elizabeth Hillman Memorial
32 • 2011 Fair Results
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