ideas into action Green Alliance Annual Review 2009-10
The new politics: Matthew Spencer, director A big year: Robin Bidwell, chair Ideas into action: Tamsin Cooper, deputy director Political Leadership Sustainable Economy Designing Out Waste Third Sector Green Living Climate and Energy Futures Partnership in action: Business circle Funding for change Treasurer’s report 2009-10 Summary financial statement Individual members Green Alliance contact details
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“Green Alliance’s tentacles are increasingly spread across the public affairs and political community and its work is certainly affecting the politics on climate change. The think tank’s events are now firmly established as key moments in the politics of the environment.” Ian Hall, editor of Public Affairs News, on awarding Green Alliance Think Tank of the Year 2009
“Despite some of the language environmental campaigners use, most of us aren’t driven by rebellious instincts but by the desire to protect the people and the places we love. It’s the wisdom of the progressive conservationist that leads many of us to advocate transformational change.”
THE NEW POLITICS matthew spencer director
ritish environmental policy is entering a new phase. Much progress in the last ten years has been driven by European leadership on climate change and strong NGO campaigns against high carbon projects. These continue to be very important, but in an era where austerity and competition between nation states are likely to dominate, moral responsibility may not be the agent of change that we’d like it to be. Economic self-interest, greater resource security, and localism will be stronger drivers. This new political context requires environmental advocates to develop new skills, and new partnerships. We need to refresh our thinking about what it will take to create a sustainable low carbon society. We have a mountain to climb but the climate change act now commits the UK to marching to the summit. As the gradient increases, the voices calling for a change of direction will get louder and more persuasive. We only have to look at the way the environment has become a victim of the culture wars between liberal and conservative America to see how badly wrong it can go. This is one of the reasons why it’s so significant that we now have a centre right government with a strong interest in being green. These two things don’t come together very often in the Anglo-Saxon world. It provides a unique opportunity to strengthen the fragile UK political consensus on climate change. It’s a chance to harness the reforming zeal of the coalition to turn some long-held aspirations on green tax reform, smart regulation, and decentralised energy into reality. It also forces us to address the question of how to make the case for radical change to a conservative audience. Despite some of the language environmental campaigners use, most of us aren’t driven by rebellious instincts but by the desire to protect the people and the places we love. It’s the wisdom of the progressive conservationist that leads many of us to advocate transformational change. If we were more explicit about this it could help build a bridge to the majority of people who are afraid of change. At Green Alliance we are excited to be entering this new phase of British politics. We plan to help shape its boundaries with ideas for ambitious environmental action, to build new alliances for change, and to negotiate hard for our future security. We look forward to working with you on the next stage of this journey.
“Green Alliance is a truly unique organisation. It has achieved its position as the preeminent environmental think tank, convenor and influencer through the efforts of its staff and trustees.�
A BIG YEAR Robin Bidwell chair of trustees
This has been a big year for Green Alliance. Our 2009-12 strategy, Future Positive, provided the framework for a number of major new initiatives; we received strong support for our programmes from new and existing funders; we were named Think Tank of the Year; and we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a series of high profile events. Climate change, Copenhagen and the 2010 general election provided a major focus for our activities. In addition we carried out groundbreaking work on greening the European budget, the sustainable economy, designing out waste and green living. It was a year of growth. We attracted new funders; we appointed additional staff to lead our major themes; and we strengthened our organisational structure to ensure we remain focused on delivering quality outputs and events, effective financial management and fundraising. Since the end of the last financial year Stephen Hale, our director for the previous four years, stepped down; we are hugely grateful to him for his leadership and vision over this period. We are delighted to welcome Matthew Spencer as our new director; his past experience includes the Carbon Trust, leading the regional renewable energy agency RegenSW and Greenpeace. We also welcome Ben Caldecott who joined as a trustee in March. Green Alliance is a truly unique organisation. It has achieved its position as the preeminent environmental think tank, convenor and influencer through the efforts of its staff and trustees. It has succeeded through the confidence and generosity of our funders and our wider community of supporters. On behalf of the trustees I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our progress this year.
“The breadth of our themes speaks to the multi-faceted character of the environmental challenge. With our range of work we escape the relatively narrow confines of the environmental policy agenda.�
IDEAS INTO ACTION tamsin cooper deputy director
We are in great shape to embark upon the next leg of our journey. Generating persuasive ideas, challenging assumptions and undertaking policy analysis and political advocacy are the essential components of our strategy to catalyse the change needed to move towards a sustainable low carbon society. Our work is organised around six themes and the highlights of our achievements under each in 2009-10 are presented in the following pages. The breadth of our themes speaks to the multi-faceted character of the environmental challenge. With our range of work we escape the relatively narrow confines of the environmental policy agenda. We are helping to develop compelling narratives around contemporary challenges, such as rebuilding the economy through green growth and the roles of the state, civil society and business in delivering better environmental outcomes. The themes allow us the flexibility to be strategic and ambitious. We are reframing the debate in areas such as resource efficiency and material security, acting as change catalysts around climate capture and storage and renewable heat, whilst helping to guide the politics through our advocacy work at the most senior level. Work under our Political Leadership theme is also investing in building knowledge and experience on the climate change agenda amongst the new backbench MPs who will be the political leaders of tomorrow. The new parliamentary term offers us great new opportunities. We will focus over the next year on honing our advocacy strategies and communicating more widely to make sure that the environment is a priority in UK politics. The power of partnership Green Alliance does not act alone. Our mission can only be achieved through our partnerships with the environmental NGOs, business and other third sector organisations. Over the next year we will be working closely with the top environmental NGOs to benchmark the government’s success in delivering on its environmental commitments. We are grateful for the ongoing support of progressive businesses in our Green Living, Designing Out Waste, and Climate and Energy Futures themes and for their role in helping us to promote good policy, business investment and consumer engagement in the pursuit of positive environmental outcomes. Over the coming year we will stay on the pulse, developing our understanding of what coalition politics means and ensuring that our work is relevant to the political zeitgeist.
The Last Parliament?
Ask the Climate Question
During an election period dominated by the economy, we created political space for climate change with the Ask the Climate Question campaign.This targeted key marginal seats and generated a national debate in spring 2010. Involving the UK’s leading environment and development NGOs, it mobilised their supporters in 49 constituencies across the UK, ensuring candidates and parties got the message that action on climate change was an important political issue. Green Alliance co-ordinated the national advocacy for the campaign. The climax was Climate Change Day on 26 April 2010 when all three party leaders released videos stating their commitments to action on climate change.
Sir Jonathon Porritt, Professor Lord Robert May of the Climate Change Committee and the CEO of Oxfam, Barbara Stocking, were among the experts on our Last Parliament panel. Its message to politicians in advance of the general election was that the next parliament had an historic responsibility on climate change. A film presented by Sir Trevor McDonald featured the panel’s views and compared the significance of this agenda with other historical political achievements.
Political Leadership
In the run up to the election we worked to demonstrate that all parties had a mandate to lead on climate change. The coalition agreement now contains many policies championed by Green Alliance and our partners.
Participants’ comments on our Climate Leadership Programme:
MPs as climate leaders
Recognising that some of the most experienced MPs on climate change would leave the Commons after the election, we developed the first ever Climate Leadership Programme for politicians. This pioneering “I was expecting a technical training programme was devised in partnership with the Ashridge briefing and a sense of duty Business School and supported by the Tellus Mater Foundation. done, but it was much more. Three sessions between November 2009 and March 2010 involved I went home and buzzed about twenty-six Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat candidates. it to people.” Nineteen of these went onto become members of parliament, many of which have become passionate climate advocates. We are continuing Liberal Democrat candidate to work with them and another 30 MPs to help them build the knowledge, confidence and motivation needed to show leadership “I’m doing a radio interview on climate change. next week and I asked for Conservatism and the environment
Convening for Copenhagen
Conservatism in a changing climate (February 2010) brought together leading voices from politics, policy and academia in an exploration of centre-right ideology on the environment and climate change. It showed clearly that traditional conservative concerns such as security, prosperity and efficiency could be addressed with strong environmental policy. William Hague, as shadow foreign secretary, gave his first speech on foreign policy and the environment at our annual debate 2009 (left).
The 2009 Copenhagen intergovernmental summit on climate change fell short of expectations. However, in the run up to the conference we worked with the UK environment groups on their political strategy. Our work helped them to achieve some measure of success against their objectives in the final agreement. We also strengthened the UK government ‘s position on financing for climate change, by convening presummit meetings with the prime minister and other senior politicians.
climate change to be on the agenda. Previously I would not have been confident enough to have the debate.” Labour candidate
“Post election, this is something that we will really have to seize on and take a lot of policy actions to have an impact.” Conservative candidate
Setting the standard
Plans for the future
Common cause: the Green Standard manifesto on climate change and the natural environment was launched with the other top environment NGOs, including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the RSPB, in September 2009. It targeted the parties’ competitive instincts ahead of the party conference season. Using the manifesto as a basis, we had meetings with senior party figures including David Cameron, Oliver Letwin and Danny Alexander. This identified agreement on priorities across all parties. Many of these priorities now feature in the new coalition agreement.
A dominant theme of our engagement with the new government is that the low carbon transition should be at the heart of the UK’s economic recovery. The autumn 2010 comprehensive spending review protected some crucial building blocks for progress towards a low carbon economy but there is still much to be done. A major new project with NGO partners, Greenpeace, WWF, RSPB and Christian Aid, will assess the government’s progress on its climate change commitments under the coalition programme.
Theme leader: Amy Persson 020 7630 4527
sustainable economy >
Green Alliance launched the Sustainable Economy theme during 2009 to look at how the big levers of private investment, taxation and public spending can be used to accelerate a low carbon economy. Lessons from the financial crisis
In the same week that the government published its low carbon transition paper in July 2009, we launched From crisis to recovery with a major, popular debate, the second in our Future Positive series held to celebrate our 30th anniversary. It featured Lord Turner, Green Party leader Caroline Lucas and Peter Ainsworth MP. Using the lessons of the government response to the financial crisis, we demonstrated how an equally bold government response is required to prevent future climate and energy crises.
We were one of the first organisations to call for the creation of a state backed Green Investment Bank. This is needed to bring about a step change in private capital investment in the UK’s low carbon transition. Throughout 2009, we developed this concept into a realistic and politically attractive idea. We helped secure commitment from all the major parties and it is now central to the coalition’s green strategy. The challenge now is to ensure that the bank is founded as an independent institution capable of raising private capital and investing the billions of pounds needed to grow the UK’s low carbon infrastructure over the next few decades.
Redirecting public spending
Our paper Cutting back on carbon spending (February 2010) identified potential £12 billion savings in government spending from reducing subsidies and tax breaks to high carbon economic activity. At an EU level, Unlocking a low carbon Europe (February 2010) analysed how the tremendous power of the EU budget could be harnessed to stimulate a low carbon economy. It was well received in the European Commission and has since formed the background for discussion with senior Commission figures.
Government agreement to the creation of a Green Investment Bank in the next year is a priority. We will be making more detailed recommendations to ensure this institution has real teeth, as well as looking at policy to encourage individuals to save in low carbon investments. The 2011 spring budget will be the first test of the coalition government’s willingness to act on green taxes. Our work will focus on getting the balance right for a thriving and also low carbon economy. A rapid retrofit of homes for energy efficiency, creating more jobs in the process, is the subject of our new research. We will be identifying the best government interventions to support jobs and skills in this area. As political pressure mounts for a deal on the 2011 EU budget, our new website is focusing on the framework needed to drive investment for a low carbon transition.
Changing taxation
Green Alliance is leading the debate on green tax reform. The Green Fiscal Commission produced a report in 2009 recommending that the proportion of revenue from green taxes should be doubled by 2020, reducing other taxes. We have worked with the Policy Studies Institute, using these recommendations, to advocate specific tax changes to the new government, which has committed to increasing the proportion of revenue gained from green taxes. We are demonstrating, with our alliances in the business community, that there is broad support for raising revenue from green taxes whilst reducing taxes on job creation, and for increasing incentives to adopt low carbon practices.
“Can I congratulate you on this excellent publication, which does in 40 pages what the government has attempted to do in 450 pages.” Lord Turner, chair of the Climate Change Committee, at the debate to launch Green Alliance’s paper From crisis to recovery in July 2009 “Green Alliance has shown itself to be one of the bestinformed and most astute groups working on environmental issues in the UK, most recently in an excellent briefing ahead of the comprehensive spending review. It also collaborates usefully with other groups and, overall, provides a great service to the media.” Damian Carrington, head of environment, The Guardian and The Observer
Theme leader: Chris Hewett 020 7630 4526
Cool products
Green Alliance is the lead partner in the UK of Coolproducts for a cool planet, a campaign to convince policy-makers that the EU’s Ecodesign Directive, which covers over half of all the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, should be as ambitious as possible. The 27 member states of the EU represent a market of almost 500 million people, so setting minimum ecological requirements for products has the potential to reap huge environmental and economic benefits. Our role is to support an ambitious and proactive UK approach to the directive by showcasing business and civil society support. We played a key role in the development of the manifesto Cool products, warm homes, (October 2009) which made five recommendations to end energy wasted in heating and cooling buildings. This was agreed and signed by over 50 businesses, MEPs and civil society organisations across Europe.
designing out waste Our Designing Out Waste theme is working towards a fundamental shift in the UK’s approach to waste. What ends up in our bins is just the visible tip of a much larger iceberg involving the energy, water and materials that go into making products, as well as the pollution, biodiversity and landscape implications of extracting the resources needed to make them. We spearheaded three major projects on this theme over the year, focusing attention much further upstream, on extraction of the raw materials, the economic forces at play and how materials can re-enter the economic cycle when products are no longer wanted.
Less landfill
We are looking at new incentives to reduce waste. How to restrict the amount of waste materials sent to landfill through regulation was explored in a project we carried out for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 2009. We researched how landfill bans and restrictions operate in other countries, including Sweden, Germany and the US, and outlined the main issues for UK policy-makers.
Designing Out Waste consortium
“Green Alliance is one of the few organisations working 2009-10 was the second year of Green Alliance’s Designing Out Waste on issues around business consortium: ten major companies spanning the product sustainable waste and supply chain from manufacturers to waste management companies. resource policy in the UK. These companies all recognise the environmental and economic The work on designing out imperative of improving environmental performance across all stages waste and the ecodesign of of the product lifecycle. products provides a key link We explored a wide range of interlinked topics including carbon between businesses, NGOs emissions reporting, the government’s packaging strategy and the use of pricing signals to design out waste. Our report Greener products and policy-makers and has (September 2009) mapped the main environmental policies bearing been crucial in putting on products and production processes and assessed their effectiveness. product policy onto the We went on to publish A pathway to greener products (June 2010), government’s agenda.” featuring the joint recommendations of Claudia Kuss-Tenzer, research the consortium for a more progressive & policy programme manager policy framework to design out waste. for Waste Watch This was a powerful and coherent Progressive businesses
message to government from a group of major businesses.
The new government’s approach to waste, resources and products provides us with both challenges and opportunities. We are reconvening the Designing Out Waste business consortium for an ambitious new phase of work, involving new companies alongside existing members to bring new perspectives and experience. Priorities include materials security and new models of producer responsibility.
Early in 2011 we will be promoting The secret life of stuff (Vintage Originals, 2011) by Green Alliance associate Julie Hill. This will reveal the current, sometimes shocking, workings and failings of the resource economy. With lessons and recommendations it will serve as an important manual for a better material world.
Theme leader: Hannah Hislop 020 7630 4529
Third sector
In 2008 we argued that environmental organisations alone cannot secure the scale of action needed on climate change. We need to see action across civil society. This view was taken seriously by the government and, in March 2009, we were invited to act as co-chair and secretariat for a new task force on the third sector and climate change. Bringing together four government ministers and a wide range of third sector leaders, the task force examined the question of how to mainstream action on climate change. >
Shaping our future
Participating in the government’s task force on the third sector and climate change gave us the opportunity to explore civil society engagement at a powerful level, with ministers and leaders from across civil society. The process allowed space to think about climate change and the different roles of particular interests, like membership bodies or funders, as well as how government and civil society could work together. Green Alliance was behind the publication of the task force’s final report, Shaping our future, in March 2010. It set out the third sector’s significant potential to lead by creating green jobs, providing sustainable public services, encouraging and supporting people in making pro-environmental choices, and helping to build more resilient communities. All are opportunities that will benefit groups well beyond the environment movement.
Next steps and the Big Society
Our main focus over the coming year will be to consider how action on the environment can be embedded in the coalition government’s Big Society vision. We’ll also be examining the localism agenda, and the impacts and opportunities it offers for environmental goals.
Liz Hendry, senior researcher and learning organisation advisor for British Red Cross, talks about the value of working with Green Alliance on its Big Response project. “We had pockets of good work related to climate change underway, but I don’t think we would have attempted to make the links between them if we hadn’t participated in the Big Response. We’ve now got a good understanding of what’s going on with climate change and were able to link that with the development of our five-year corporate strategy.”
New connections
In partnership with NCVO and Global Action Plan, we ran The Big Response, a project supported by the Baring Foundation. We worked with a group of organisations, including Equinox Care, RNIB, British Red Cross and Friends of the Elderly, to help them to understand what climate
change means for their work with vulnerable communities and the action they can take. It gave us insight into barriers such organisations face in getting to grips with the realities of climate change. Our pamphlet Working on change (September 2009) provided a fascinating glimpse into the opportunity that climate change provides for the modern trade union movement, with perspectives from both UK and US trade unions. We also convened a task force of older people which resulted in a manifesto Greener and wiser (May 2009). This showed the important role of older people in relation to the environment and how they wanted more active engagement. It formed the basis of an edition of the Radio 4 programme, Costing the Earth. “Our environment is a legacy for coming generations and older people care about what we are leaving. We have an important role in our communities and we want a say in decisions that affect us and better information and support to help us take green action”
The greener and wiser task force, 2009
Theme leader: Faye Scott 020 7630 4524
Why we do what we do
Few organisations focus on the point where politics, policy and behaviour change theory interact, but we were interested to find out how people respond to government policies intended to influence their behaviour at home. We commissioned ethnographic researchers to visit six households around the country. Daily habits were recorded on film and participants were asked to explain what they were doing, and why. It was fascinating to discover exactly how policy filters down to the reality of people’s daily lives in relation to waste, water and energy use. Five short films were produced and are available to view on our website. This work will be contributing to the recommendations made in our Bringing it home report, due out in January 2011.
Green living
With our Green Living theme we are working to improve how government communicates and designs policy to create the conditions for ambitious pro-environmental behaviour change.
Green Living consortium members on the value of partnership with Green Alliance:
Communicating it
From hot air to happy endings (February 2010) was our collection of views from leading commentators on behaviour and communication, including the popular US writer Professor George Lakoff. The pamphlet’s clear message was that statistics, information and apocalyptic stories fail to inspire people. It showed that politicians need to appeal more to values “Groundwork is a ‘doing organisation’, delivering and emotions, creating a positive vision of a low carbon future, and practical responses to leading by example. environmental challenges in From hot air to happy endings was launched with a lively debate at the Royal Society of Arts. With the debate on public attitudes to climate local communities. We need change growing, this work drew on a new school of thought and its to know what we do is recommendations were echoed by a wide range of people, from informed by the latest businesses to politicians. thinking and policy direction. We have been using the conclusions to influence the design of the We also want others to learn government’s Green Deal, a mechanism for financing green home the lessons from our local improvements, and the forthcoming smart meter roll out. We hope to delivery. Working with Green ensure these initiatives take account of how people actually behave in Alliance gives us access to their design and delivery.
A powerful alliance
Promising developments
This was the first year of our three-year Green Living consortium programme. Set up in 2009, this powerful alliance brings together ASDA, Scottish Power, Groundwork, WRAP, PepsiCo and Kellogg’s. The consortium provides us with an important sounding board for our ideas and is working with us to find original and effective ways to develop the Green Living theme.
2011 is a promising year. There may finally be concrete legislation to help drive down energy demand. Legislation for the Green Deal bill starts its journey through parliament in December 2010 and the government is currently focusing on the roll out of smart meters, to be finalised in early 2011. There is still plenty of work to do to ensure these programmes are as ambitious as possible in achieving emissions reductions. We will continue to look at behaviour: how to motivate and encourage take-up and ensure these schemes really succeed. There is increasing focus on behavioural economics in government and we see this as a positive development, as it opens minds to the research we are now doing under our Bringing it home project. The challenge will be if the government then uses behavioural economics as an alternative to regulation, rather than including it as part of a broader policy suite. With absolute carbon targets to meet and no time to lose, failing to set specific goals for demand reduction and operating a ‘see how it goes approach’ is very risky. Our new blog is providing commentary by Green Alliance and others on Green Living issues and developments.
Green Living consortium
knowledge and platforms that would otherwise be beyond our reach.” Graham Duxbury, development director for Groundwork UK
“WRAP’s work is all about helping consumers and businesses to benefit from reducing waste and using resources more efficiently. Our membership of the Green Living consortium has helped us to understand how consumers really feel about these issues, and how we can best offer them support that truly meets their needs.” Patrick Mahon, government affairs analyst, WRAP
Theme leader: Rebekah Phillips 020 7630 4528
Future proofing electricity generation
We recognise that the UK’s electricity network is not fit for the challenges of shifting to a low carbon economy. So, during 2009-10, we undertook detailed research, interviews and analysis on the subject. Our report, Future proof: an electricity network for the 21st century (March 2010), looked at how the UK’s electricity networks need to be modernised to deal with low carbon technologies. It set out the policy
Climate and Energy Futures consortium
actions required to make this happen. By clarifying the details of how electricity networks are operated and regulated, we opened up the debate to a wider audience. Our ongoing advocacy with DECC and Ofgem is working to help shape government policy for the better in this vital area. Green Alliance’s expertise on this subject is now recognised by the electricity industry and government.
CLIMATE and energy futures This theme focuses on delivering the right infrastructure to enable the UK to move towards a low carbon future.
“The CCSA has enjoyed a close and constructive Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) relationship with Green is an important technology that has Alliance. Jointly we held the potential to significantly reduce the UK CCS dialogue which carbon emissions from fossil fuel brought together key power stations and industry. Green stakeholders to discuss Alliance has led the environment how a package of regulation community’s engagement with and funding could drive the government on CCS, hosting discussion with diverse interest commercialisation of CCS. groups. Throughout the year, we Our relationship with Green had frequent contact with the then Alliance continues to be Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband, and his a shining example of the Conservative counterpart, Greg Clark, to discuss CCS policy. benefits that can be Green Alliance’s work on CCS directly influenced the Labour achieved when industry government’s coal policy. This was the result of direct political advocacy and NGOs work together.” and a two-day dialogue with 40 organisations on CCS, held in August 2009. It also led to the Conservatives reversing their position on the UK Jeff Chapman, chief executive, Carbon Capture CCS demonstration competition, agreeing to keep it in place rather and Storage Association than abandon it. CCS success
We worked with ministers and officials to ensure that the consultation on developing clean coal included regulatory measures as well as financial support. This work was also instrumental in the government creating the new office of CCS within the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
HOT TOPIC FOR THE year ahead
In The right route (November 2009) we featured five case studies of transport schemes being developed across the UK to highlight problems in how the government decides which schemes to support. With this showcase we were able to demonstrate that schemes promoting car use tend to be favoured routinely above those involving walking, cycling and public transport. This has encouraged a commitment by the Conservatives to reform the way transport schemes are assessed.
Electricity market reform will be the major topic for the coming year. The government is consulting on possible reforms to the electricity market and aims to publish a white paper in spring 2011. This is a vital, but complex undertaking that must be done well if the UK is to successfully decarbonise its electricity system by the target of 2030. Over the next two decades, vast sums need to be spent on renewable energy, and on measures to reduce electricity demand and make it more flexible. This type of investment has to be made attractive by reducing risk and lowering the cost of the capital. We are publishing a report on the case for market reform and the strengths and weaknesses of various options. During the consultation period and beyond, we will work directly with the government and a broad range of interest groups to build consensus and ensure that this reform is successful. On Climate Capture and Storage, we are pressing for the implementation of the financial support mechanism that the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats agreed to when they were in opposition.
Reassessing transport
Theme leader: Rachel Cary 020 7630 4522
PARTNERSHIP IN ACTION Business circle It was a successful year for Green Alliance’s business circle. With more members than ever before, we have enjoyed working closely with a wider range of companies. Green Alliance is keenly aware of the part the corporate sector has to play, and of the mutual benefits derived from maintaining close links with business. These relationships not only allow us to understand the challenges facing the sector, but also to harness the power of specific businesses to strengthen our messages and achieve common goals. For example, this year we submitted a letter on Carbon Capture and Storage to the Chancellor George Osborne, co-signed by senior business leaders, whose support lent weight to the message, allowing us to move the dialogue forward. Working together At the same time, companies in the business circle have benefited from Green Alliance’s unique position at the interface between government, business and other NGOs. Over the past year we have held dinners for members with Hilary Benn MP, Simon Hughes MP and the director of Greenpeace, John Sauven. We were also able to offer members an exclusive preview of our 2009-12 strategy, Future Positive. We would like say a big thank you to our business circle members for their ongoing support and for contributing to our success. We look forward to continuing to work with them next year and well into the future.
Business circle manager: Richard Booth 020 7630 4515
Support for long term impact
The Tellus Mater Foundation funded our Climate Leadership Programme.
“Our Climate Leadership Programme is supporting a cadre of new British parliamentarians who want to be leaders on climate change. We think it will have a big impact on the ability of future governments to deliver ambitious climate policy, but we can’t prove it at this stage, and it may not produce a return on investment Green Alliance was founded in 1979. We have since developed for a number of years. Nevertheless,Tellus Mater was into an organisation of considerable standing with a unique willing to trust our judgement and invest patiently in role in catalysing positive environmental outcomes. Over the a programme that could radically expand the political past ten years, climate change has come to be a defining theme of our work as the most pressing environmental threat space for UK climate action in future years.” of our times. We work on the far-reaching, systemic changes Matthew Spencer, director, Green Alliance that are not always visible or easy to negotiate. As a charity we rely on the support of funders and partners who understand the distinctive nature and value of our work. We are grateful to the funders who have invested in our work to date. Too little, but not yet too late Last year, only three per cent of UK grants from charitable trusts and foundations went to environmental causes. Of this, only 0.3 per cent went towards supporting climate change. Green Alliance has an excellent track record, but to make it possible to respond to the urgent need for change, we must increase our influence at the highest levels. We need more support to get there. We are very grateful to the following organisations for supporting our work in 2009-10: Asda Associated British Foods BG Group Boots BP Calor Gas Cecil Pilkington Charitable Trust Centrica ClimateWorks Coca-Cola GB CPRE Defra E.ON Environment Agency Esmée Fairbairn Foundation European Climate Foundation European Commission Every Action Counts Consortium FirstGroup Foreign Office Friends of the Earth GE Capital Europe General Electric Greenpeace Groundwork GSK HCD Memorial Fund Incpen Institute of Civil Engineers JMG Foundation John Ellerman Foundation Kellogg’s Mersey Travel National Grid National Trust NCVO
PepsiCo UK & Ireland PriceWaterhouse Coopers Prospects Services Pure Climate Foundation Rio Tinto Rockwool Royal & Sun Alliance Royal Mail RSPB RWE Npower Sainsbury’s Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust Salon Success Scottish Power Shanks Shell Siemens Tellus Mater Foundation The Baring Foundation The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation The City Bridge Trust The Funding Network The JJ Charitable Trust The Mark Leonard Charitable Trust The Schroder Trust The Wildlife Trusts Unilever Valpak Veolia Water UK Woodland Trust WRAP WWF
“We recognise that much philanthropic funding goes towards existing projects with a proven success rate. Much as these are worthwhile, we are confronted with such a complex set of issues, we feel that new, groundbreaking approaches are essential. We, therefore, take a high-risk approach, as we believe we will make a greater impact this way. We want to fund organisations like Green Alliance who are leading thinkers with the ability to deliver, demonstrated through proven track records in their work as a whole. This project is highly innovative and has the potential to affect long-term change, and we are very pleased to support it.” Jamie Arbib, founder of Tellus Mater
Fundraising manager: Laura Williams 020 7630 4525
For several years we were on a steady upward trajectory of income and expenditure, but 2009-10 saw a more spectacular change. Income increased by £548,000 (+63 per cent) to £1,419,000. Expenditure increased by £408,000 (+50 per cent) to £1,229,000. We had ambitious plans in our Future positive strategy 2009-12 and we were rewarded with continued support from previous funders, supplemented by grants from new funders. This allowed us to increase our total staff in our policy and development teams to deliver an expanded work programme. We continue to win financial support from a variety of sectors, which is important for our independence of thought and freedom of action. This year, trusts provided just over half our income, including substantial donations from the European Climate Foundation and the Tellus Mater Foundation. We were very pleased to be able to contribute £127,000 to our reserves, bringing us up to the level required by our reserve policy, which is to have the equivalent of between three and four months of planned expenditure. This allows us some financial security and confidence to plan ahead despite the short-term or project-related nature of much of our funding. 2010-11 will be challenging. Economic conditions remain difficult but we are reassured by our ability to attract funding, including from new sources, even in turbulent times. We plan to maintain our new size so we can successfully pursue our current strategy and fulfil our ambitions. A summary of the accounts for 2009-10 are given on pages 20-21. The full trustees’ report and financial statements are available via our website or from our office.
Philip Parker, hon treasurer
Individuals 3% NGOs 9%
Business 30%
Trusts 53%
Government 6%
Governance 3% Fundraising 1%
Charitable expenditure 96%
Trustees’ statement We confirm that the summary financial statement presented on these pages represents a summary of information extracted from the report and financial statements of Green Alliance, approved by the board of directors/trustees at the meeting of 8 September 2010. The accounts have been submitted to both the Charity Commission and the registrar of companies. The financial statements have been audited by haysmacintyre, Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors, and received an unqualified opinion. This summary financial statement may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. They are extracted from the annual
financial statements, which received an unqualified report. The annual financial statements are available from the company secretary at Green Alliance. On behalf of the directors/trustees of The Green Alliance Trust (known as Green Alliance)8 September 2010
Robin Bidwell, chair
Philip Parker, hon treasurer
SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENT Statement of financial activities for the year ended 31 March 2010 2010 2010 2010 Restricted Unrestricted Total funds funds funds £ £ £ Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds: Voluntary income - 243,035 243,035 Bank interest receivable - 1,279 1,279 Incoming resources from charitable activities: Research, events and publications 1,174,368 10 1,174,378 Total incoming resources 1,174,368 244,324 1,418,692 Resources expended Cost of generating funds Fundraising - 14,045 14,045 Charitable expenditure Research, events and publication costs 1,164,580 12,175 1,176,755 Governance costs - 38,520 38,520 Total resources expended 1,164,580 64,740 1,229,320 Net income/(expenditure) before transfers 9,788 179,584 189,372 Transfers between funds 51,946 (51,946) - Net income/(expenditure) after transfers 61,734 127,638 189,372 Fund balances brought forward at 1 April 169,566 181,397 350,963 Fund balances carried forward at 31 March 231,300 309,035 540,335
Restated 2009 Total funds £
270,706 8,280 591,410 870,396
12,818 784,544 23,675 821,037 49,359 49,359 301,604 350,963
Independent auditor’s statement to the trustees of Green Alliance We have examined the summary financial statement of Green Alliance set out on these pages. Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditors The trustees are responsible for preparing the summary financial statement in compliance with the relevant requirements of section 427 of the Companies Act 2006 and on regulations made thereunder. Our responsibility is to report to you our opinion on the consistency of the summary financial statement with the full financial statements and trustees’ annual report. We also read the other information contained in the annual review and consider the implications of our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the summary financial statement.
Basis of opinion We conducted our work in accordance with bulletin 2008/3 The auditor’s statement on the summary financial statement issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. Opinion In our opinion the summary financial statement is consistent with the full financial statements and the trustees’ annual report of Green Alliance for the year ended 31 March 2010. haysmacintyre Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors Fairfax House 15 Fulwood Place London WC1V 6AY
balance sheet as at 31 march 2010
£ £ £ Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets
Current assets Debtors and prepayments Cash
153,992 628,228
303,970 367,320
£ 2,994
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (245,088) (323,321) Net current assets
Total assets less current liabilities
Restricted funds Unrestricted: general funds
231,300 309,035
169,566 181,397
Charity funds
Individual members Green Alliance’s individual members are from a wide range of backgrounds, but all share a common interest: to make environmental solutions a priority in British politics. We actively invite people who are making a significant contribution to the field of environment policy. But we welcome all those who share our mission. We value greatly the interaction with and support we receive from our members.
Members Coralie Abbott Jamie Abbott John Ada John Alker Dr Amal-Lee Amin Rosie Amos Victor Anderson Rachel Armstead Anne Ashe John Ashton Tim Ash-Vie Robert Atkinson Alison Austin OBE Dr Mark Avery Bernadett Baracskai Janet Barber Julia Barbosa David Barker QC Alison Barnes Phil Barton Clive Bates Toby Belsom Terence Bendixson Nick Bent David Bent Lord Berkeley Catherine Beswick Dr Robin Bidwell CBE Sean Birch Jennifer Bird Dr John Blunden Ronald Blythe Dr Stephen Bolt Duncan Brack Tim Branton Zoe Bremer Steffie Broer Chris Brown Dr Andrew Brown Tom Burke CBE Kate Burningham Sarah Burton Roger Burton Rachel Butterworth Danielle Byrne Fanny Calder Lord Cameron of Dillington Mark Campanale Shaun Carr
Dr Neil Carter Pamela Castle OBE Zoe Chambers Ruth Chambers Niki Charalampopoulou David Chaytor Maureen Child Giles Chitty Robert Chris Chris Church Dr M J Clark Roger Clarke Edward Coate Lindsey Colbourne John Collingwood Dr Mark Collins Sir Ken Collins Tony Colman James Colman Tim Cordy Martin Couchman OBE Paul Court Polly Courtice Roger Cowe John Cox CBE Stephen Crisp Roger Crofts Lucy Dalgleish Agnes Dalosi John Davidson OBE Kate Davies Maya De Souza Baroness Di Pauli Hannah Dick Julie Doyle Stephanie Draper Christine Drury Jane Durney Mairi Duthie Penny Egan John Elkington Tamara Etzmuss-Noble Penny Evans Louise Every Dr Nick Eyre Bill Eyres Jeremy Faull Malcolm Fergusson Jacquetta Fewster John Firth David Fitzsimons
To become a standard member, the annual rate is £40. Those who wish to support Green Alliance further with additional donations are acknowledged as donor members. For a one-off payment of £500, individuals are made life members of Green Alliance.
David Fleming Julie Foley Catherine Fookes Tim Foxon George Franklin Justin French-Brooks Peter Gavan Nicky Gavron Ray Georgeson Martin Gibson William Gillis Robin Gleaves Kirsty Gogan John Gordon Matthew Gorman Beverley Gower-Jones Virginia Graham Denny Gray Tony Grayling John Grimshaw MBE Prof Michael Grubb Nigel Haigh OBE Julia Hailes MBE Paul Hamblin Tony Hams OBE Emilia Hanna Rev A H Harbottle Martin Harper David Harris Helen Harris Sir Peter Harrop Nick Hartley Lord Haskins Dr Paul Hatchwell Tony Hawkhead Dirk Hazell Lucinda Hensman Barbara Herridge Henry Hicks Sarah Hill Julie Hill MBE Dr Mayer Hillman David Hirst Robert Hokin Patrick Holden Paula Hollings Stuart Housden Alex House Rupert Howes Richard Howitt MEP Robert Hull
Robert Hutchison Merlin Hyman Katherine Isbester Caroline Jackson MEP Prof Tim Jackson Michael Jacobs Lord Jay of Ewelme Alex Jelly Nicholas Jenkins Deborah Joffe Justin Johnson Stanley Johnson Tony Jones Andrew Jordan Tristram Keech Sean Kidney Angela King Jean Lambert MEP Pippa Langford Nicola Leahy Catherine Lecavalier Jeremy Leggett Paul Leinster CBE Hywel Lloyd John Lloyd-Jones Adrian Lovett Robert Lowson Simon Lyster Ian Macarthur Eleanor Mackay Tom Macmillan Richard Macrory Aubrey Manning Mark Mansley Terry Marsden Frank Martin Jenny Martin Mari Martiskainen Adam Matthews Deborah Mattinson Ed Mayo Robert McCracken QC Jacqueline McGlade Jim McQuaid CBE Melissa Mean Philip Merricks Charles Millar Catherine Mitchell Peter Mitchell Ed Mitchell Philip Mulligan
Maureen Murphy Chris Murray Elizabeth Ness Alicia Ng Dinah Nichols Derek Norman David Nussbaum Sheila Oakes Adam Ognall Tom Oliver Prof Timothy O’Riordan Derek Osborn CBE Dr Gillian Owen Prof John Page Nick Paget-Brown Vassili Papastavrou Philip Parker Sara Parkin Doug Parr Emily Parrott Tony Paterson Prof R J Pentreath Anthony Perret Charles Perry Charles Perry Craig Peters Adrian Phillips CBE Hazel Phillips Josephine Pickett-Baker Iain Pickles Prof Nick Pidgeon Pat Pilkington MBE Robert Pilling Julia Plaskett Ben Plowden Martin Polden OBE Anita Pollack John Pontin Don Potts Jennifer Powers Mark Pritchard MP Alison Pritchard Jonathan Proctor Simon Propper Sarah Quinnell Sarah Ratcliffe Dr Tim Rayner Liz Reason Nick Reeves Trewin Restorick David Richards
Michael Roberts Archie Robertson James Robertson Nick Robins Dr Amanda Root Nick Roseveare Neil Rotheroe Phil Rothwell Nicci Russell Roger Salmons Prof Stephen Salter Elizabeth Salter-Green David Sanders Philippe Sands Jenny Saunders Diana Schumacher Paul Scott Juhi Shareef Yasmin Shariff Ben Shaw William Sheate Elizabeth Sidney David Sinclair Geoffrey Sinclair Jonathan Sinclair Wilson Rita Singh Stuart Singleton-White Prof Jim Skea James Skinner Prof Peter Smith Joe Smith Stephen Somerville Steve Sorrell Dave Sowden Leslie Spoor Martin Spray Ben Stafford Bruce Stanford Jonathan Startup Ralph Steadman Malcolm Stern Lord Stevenson John Stewart Helen Stibbard Andrew Stirling Neil Stockley Martin Stott Daisy Streatfeild Peter Studdert Joss Tantram FRSA Richard Tapper
Clare Taylor Derek Taylor Tessa Tennant Anthony Thomas Guy Thompson Alison Thompson Andrew Thorburn Julia Thrift Alexander Thynn, Marquess of Bath Dr Bruce Tofield Dr Steven Toole Chris Tuppen Ben Tuxworth Annette Van Der Kolk Rev Robert Vaughan Jones Jane Vaus Prashant Vaze Raphael Vermeir CBE Peter Vickery Dale Vince OBE Richard Wakeford Jonathan Wallace Laurie Walmsley Diane Warburton Jennifer Ware Anne Weir Alan Wheeler Rowan Whimster Prof David Wiggins Glenn Wilkinson Hugh Williams Rebecca Willis James Wilsdon Nicholas Wilson Lawrence Woodward OBE Martin Wright Giles Wyburd Graham Wynne Baroness Young
Donor members
Life members
Andy Atkins Godric Bader Stella Bland Anthony Bourne Rosie Boycott Jessica Brown Richard Burnett-Hall Tony Burton Victoria Chester Aaron ClementsPartridge Philip Dale Philip Douglas Prof Paul Ekins Jane Forshaw David Green Dan Hamza-Goodacre Dr Merylyn Hedger Polly Higgins Emma Howard Boyd Ben Jewell Nicholas Josefowitz Stephen Lloyd Dorothy Mackenzie Peter Madden Duncan Mclaren Dame Julie Mellor Penny Morley Prof John Murlis Rupert Nabarro Sir Jonathon Porritt CBE Jim Potter Andrew Purkis Steve Roberts-Mee Jill Rutter Dr Alister Scott Phillip Sellwood Neil Sinden Tim Smit Shaun Spiers Geoffrey Steeley David Still Dr Robin Stott Gillian Thomas Matthew Thomson Dr Steve Waygood Kay West Sheena Will
David Andrew Dr Robert Barrington Katherine and Ben Bell Bernie Bulkin James Cameron Rodney Chase CBE Ian Christie Andrea Cook OBE Zac Goldsmith MP Matthew Gosden Richard Hawkins Paul Jefferiss Thomas Lingard Michael Massey Alice Page MT Rainey Matthew Rhodes Chris Rose Penny Shepherd Dr Tom Tibbits Philip Wolfe
green alliance
Matthew Spencer director Tamsin Cooper deputy director Louise Humphrey head of resources Richard Booth events co-ordinator Rachel Cary senior policy adviser Karen Crane senior communications manager Josephine Evetts pa to director and office manager Hannah Hislop senior policy adviser Hannah Kyrke-Smith policy team assistant Chris Littlecott senior policy adviser Laura MacKenzie policy adviser Amy Persson senior policy adviser Rebekah Phillips senior policy adviser Edward Robinson media and communications manager Sylvia Rowley policy adviser Faye Scott senior policy adviser Marta Silva bookkeeper Laura Williams fundraising manager
Dr Robin Bidwell CBE chair Philip Parker hon treasurer Tom Burke CBE Ben Caldecott from 19 March 2010 Zac Goldsmith MP Dr Alistair Keddie CB Dorothy Mackenzie Deborah Mattinson Dame Julie Mellor DBE to 19 September 2010 Derek Osborn CB Dame Fiona Reynolds DBE Sophia Tickell
We are very grateful to the following individuals who worked with us under our internship programme during 2009-10: Imogen Ainsworth Rosie Amos Rachel Armstead Julia Barbosa Zoe Chambers Niki Charampopaloulou Edward Coate Agnes Dalosi Robin DeJong Minh Dinh Anna Engstrom Tamara Etzmuss-Noble Alice Hands James Harwood James Hubbard Simon Inglethorpe Michael Kattirtzi Hannah Kyrke-Smith Jenny Martin Lewis Merdler Amy Mount Alicia Ng Harriet O’Brien Emily Parrott Ibolya Puskas Claire Thacker Thomas Turnbull Alex Watson Thomas Witchalls
Associates Ian Christie Chris Church Chris Hewett Julie Hill Jiggy Lloyd Derek Smith Stuart Singleton-White Sheila Watson Rebecca Willis
Office 36 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 0RE General enquiries 020 7233 7433 Staff email addresses
“Green Alliance is reaching beyond the usual suspects… by talking to all the parties, and not just the environment spokespeople.” Rt Hon Vince Cable MP, speech to Green Alliance, March 2010
Green Alliance 36 Buckingham Palace Road London, SW1W 0RE T 020 7233 7433 Registered charity number 1045395 Company limited by guarantee (England and Wales) 3037633
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