APRIL 2013
W r force all about our
from the president
Welcome to the first issue of
e, Collective Impact!
the Chamber’s new magazin
is a direct d-set we hold here at the Chamber, and Our new magazine’s title reflects a min es, ness busi ber t mission is to strengthen mem reflection of our mission and vision. Tha our in life of ity lopment, and improve the qual enhance economic and wor kforce deve community and region. ent, economic r in a silo. Its pillars (workforce developm occu ot cann ion miss our g evin achi ilized Collective Impact is a nod to the fact that tion as well as strengthened and stab are threaded throughout our organiza ent) lopm deve ity mun com and ent developm organizations in the community. through missions of complementary ancing quality of life. munity members take the onus of enh Com e. plac ial spec a such Bay en are front of mind. That’s part of what makes Greater Gre lopment and wor kforce development deve ic nom eco both on, ds stan life When we look at the pillars quality of ity development. And, as an outgrowth of those, commun liken it to a recipe; you need ALL the Chamber is built. I suppose you could the h whic on In putting rs pilla key e thre the These are t have too many chefs in the kitchen! l output. However, in this case, you can’ essfu succ being a on s have to focu t a inpu was and past nts ingredie what in the looking for ways to be inclusive, to take is r mbe Cha you the en act, Wh Imp act? ctive imp Colle ctive on its focus tion and colle What’s the difference between collabora say. to so up, gside each it alon ping or ram ther and toge e” it do rativ “collabo do, and we can “This is what I do and this is what you g, sayin it and table do the they to e W com HO you ntly, te, orta collabora more imp what ever yone at the table does, but into dive p dee a s take act imp e ” . ectiv ther other.” Coll “all ships to rise toge best, share best practices and aim for assesses that to find out how to do it e one individual efforts alone. When you infus act that is far greater than any of the imp ctive shared a colle nd a in arou atta er to is gath and goal – ate ent The ultim , nonprofits, governm ices serv an hum , ness busi by e don g on a grand entity’s wor k with other key wor k bein eve collective impact. Collective impact achi can you – das agen l idua indiv of forcing objective and common agenda instead ous communication and mutually rein agenda, shared measurement, continu mon com a of up e mad n atio equ an scale is activities among participants. nector. role as the convener, advocate and con act means continuing to serve in our imp ctive our colle a for ing ty mak peri r, pros mbe and Cha For the n for positive change tors to this magazine is a shared visio e of the greater The vision we share with the contribu of collective impact, albeit a small piec – ple exam and – ion ress exp ible tang a Chamber, it’s meant community. This magazine represents though this journal is produced by the Even rs. othe with k wor our in tion rs who contribute shift we’re embracing as an organiza the partners, strategic alliances and othe for m foru a ide prov to and ity mun inar y, and in to be shared and owned by the com leadership in our community is extraord ant serv The act. imp ctive colle a have tive. By naming our to the areas in which we’re looking to willing to be a step beyond collabora e we’r act, Imp ctive Colle d calle e— moving to a mind-set – and a magazin are committing to that. by those with whom we partner, we s tion tribu con ng omi welc and , that journal
PRESIDENT Laurie Radke EDITOR Lori Kaye Lodes GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dana Jacobson
Collective Impact is published quarterly by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay WI 54305. Collective Impact is supported by advertising revenue from member companies of the Green Bay Area Chamber of commerce. For information about the advertising rates and deadlines, contact sales at 920.593.3404. Collective Impact (USPS 10-206) is published quarterly for $18 a year by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay WI 54305. Periodicals postage paid at Green Bay, WI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Collective Impact, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay WI 54305. PH: 920.593.3423.
ADVERTISERS 08 KI 09 Prevea360 3 6 YMC A 16 NWTC Cor por ate Tr aining
& Economic Development 23 UW Oshkosh College of Business 23 National Railroad Museum 23 Valley Insur ance Associates, Inc . 26 UnitedHealthcare 4 8 Keller 28 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin BACK COV E R Cellcom IN SID E BACK COVER
National Railroad Museum
Contents. APRIL 2013 | ISSUE #1
feature... 10 all about our workforce
in every issue... 26
LEAN BUT AGILE: RETHINK WORKFORCE PLANNING AND GAIN A TRUE COMPETITIVE EDGE by William J. Rothwell, James Garber, Neil McCormick, American Management Association; 2012 658.301 ROTHWELL
THE POWER OF HABIT: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO IN LIFE AND BUSINESS (audiobook on CD and also available on Overdrive and print) by Charles Duhigg; Random House; 2012 CD 158.1 DUHIGG
“It’s time to end the rat race.We are humans, not rats, and every human deserves to love his or her job.” Kevin Sheridan urges you to take action to improve the culture of your organization and actively engage your employees.
You can maximize efficiency, optimize your workforce, lower costs and still achieve superior results. Rothwell et al. has a plan for you:
Understanding why habits exist and how they function can enable a person to remake themselves or a company to transform and revolutionize itself seemingly overnight.
Get lean. Reverse engineer and design a plan to focus on measurable, desirable outcomes customers want and facilitate your employees to work with optimized productivity, quality and cost-effectiveness.
Through revelation of the science behind habits, showing how habits can be changed, providing information on recent scientific discoveries and telling the stories of the experiences of real people, the authors show us how we can use the power of habit to transform our businesses and our world.
His easy-to-follow plan, based on years of experience and research, provides strategies and tactics for attracting and hiring the best people. You’ll find his best practices for making your employees feel valued in the mission of the organization, keeping them actively engaged and thereby increasing creativity, problem-solving and consequently productivity.
Get agile. In addition to your “lean” regular staff, build a talent pool of quick, savvy, fast-moving individuals that contains a contingent workforce and permanent parttime staff or teleworkers that can increase or decrease in size as the business demands change over time.
STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DWD.WISCONSIN.GOV “The DWD is a key participant in efforts to attract, create and retain business in Wisconsin, by aligning workforce resources to meet private sector labor needs….” As the sponsor of many work-related programs, the DWD works with employers on finding necessary workers to fill current job openings, as well as providing training, job services and employment assistance to people looking for work.
collective impact | APRIL 13
5 NORTHEAST WISCONSIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE BUSINESS/OTHER LEARNERS NWTC.EDU/ACADEMICS/TRAINING_AND_CONT_ED/ PAGES/HOME.ASPX NWTC has business services including seminars to help you grow your business or advance your career as well as customized workforce training and more. For adults who are interested or currently work in businesses engaged in the global environment, NWTC also offers a certificate program and seminars to learn various skills to enter the global business world or to increase your understanding of international trade concepts.
What to discover in the new collective impact magazine
As you page through Collective Impact, you’ll see the new magazine has some all-new and a few newand-improved sections to check out: FROM THE PRESIDENT Insights into the Chamber by our president, Laurie Radke.
LIBRARY RESOURCES Hard copy and electronic resources recommended by the Brown County Library, in keeping with each issue’s theme.
EMERGING TRENDS Subject matter experts contribute timely articles in the areas of marketing, customer service, social media, legalities, strategy, human resources and more.
Stories related to each issue’s theme.
Contributions from Chamber members and key partners related to workforce development, one of the three pillars of the Chamber’s mission.
Contributions from Chamber members and key partners related to economic development, one of the three pillars of the Chamber’s mission.
Contributions from Chamber members and key partners related to community development, one of the three pillars of the Chamber’s mission.
Profiles of Chamber members, their industries, careers and personalities.
Technological developments of interest to business and for everyday life.
Chamber members celebrating the anniversary of their Chamber membership, including a few minifeatures of members achieving significant milestone anniversaries.
Ever-popular photos of Chamber members taken at Chamber events. (And be sure to follow the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce on Facebook for even more photos!)
A few “final thoughts” from the Chamber about Chamber fundamentals such as our mission, strategic initiatives, significant developments, etc.
| collective impact
emerging trends
You boost your PageRank by boosting the number of links pointing to your website. But through recent changes, Google prefers sites that link to you to be relevant, not random. The helps eliminate black hat linking farms.
2. 3.
Create quality, educational or entertaining content. If people like your content, they will want to link to it. Submit your website to online directories. Make sure your website information is up to date on Chamber sites, associations, social media, etc.
* Amanda Betts, marketing director, Stellar Blue Web Design LLC, Amanda@ stellarbluewebdesign.com
Why These days there’s not just an app for everything, there are 10 apps for everything. This can make finding the app to meet your needs a bit challenging. Luckily, there’s usually an app or two that stand above the rest in a particular category. For mobile travel applications one of those apps is KAYAK. The free app, available for Android, Windows Phone 7, Kindle and other popular devices, includes flight and car search, hotel search and booking, flight tracking and tools to view and manage your trip itinerary. The app, which gets high marks from users, is a handy tool for business travel or personal vacations. * Julie Boyce, associate product manager, Cellcom, Julie.boyce@cellcom.com
collective impact | APRIL 13
The importance of remote data backup is greater than most businesses realize. Backing up your data off-site can save your company exponentially if a disaster were to decimate your business.
The Internet is one big popularity contest. Powerhouse Google has been upping its game on sites that it deems as popular. Therefore, it’s our job to represent to Google that we are winner-worthy. One way to build your popularity is through quality links. Google gives a grade to every website; it’s called PageRank. PageRank is on a scale from 0-10. ‘10’ symbolizes that your website is fully optimized and is the most popular. ‘0’ means there is definitely room for improvement.
A software agent is installed at the business; then you select what data you want backed up and how often. That data is sent to an off-site data center (“the cloud”) where it is stored and duplicated to another data center to protect against disasters. Most data centers have raised floors (flooding), fire suppression systems and multiple generators (loss of power) to prevent downtime. When a business needs to restore files, it’s as simple as opening the software agent and selecting the backups needed. The data is then transferred to your business. * Peter Helander, CEO, Heartland Business Systems, phelander@hbs.net
“Be proactive; back up your data off-site today.”
I-GADGET POWER The downside to a bag full of i-gadgets is their appetite for power. While it's easy to keep all those charging cables in your bag for when the need arises, what do you do when you can’t get an outlet or are on the move but your smartphone or tablet is on its last legs? There are plenty of emergency USB power devices that will almost charge a smartphone, but in my travels, I pack the Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Duo. It packs a whopping 6000 mAh of power, and with its two USB ports, it can charge up multiple devices on the go. I don’t leave home without it. www.mophie.com * David Troup, Midwest Internet pioneer and entrepreneur, DMI Studios, sales@dmistudios.com
I am often asked by business clients what they can do if they receive a negative online review. Generally, the Communications Decency Act protects host websites, such as Yelp and Angie’s list, from liability. However, the actual author of the review could be held responsible for its defamatory or disparaging content. Untrue statements may be actionable, but mere opinions are usually not, as they are protected by the First Amendment.
The number of lawsuits in this field is increasing, as businesses seek to recover losses incurred from the potentially farreaching effects of a defamatory online review. Keep in mind, though, that in some cases litigation can add notoriety to an otherwise obscure review. Litigation is most appropriate where the injured party can show proof of an actual monetary loss as a result of the review. If you think you have a claim, seek the advice of an experienced attorney. * Attorney Nicholas J. Linz, Gerbers Law, S.C. , nlinz@gerberslaw.com
GET REAL! When you’re tired of the real world, today’s cutting-edge marketers can spice things up. And, of course, sell you something along the way. Augmented reality (or AR) is part reality and part fantasy. It uses a mobile device’s camera to turn flat adver tisements, packaging or billboards into interactive marketing executions.
Just about every demographic is represented, and social media has become an on-demand resource for people to get information, research products and seek advice. BECAUSE YOU CAN BUILD PARTNERSHIPS.
You may not be selling a product or service directly to the end user, but you do have a voice as an expert in your industry. Regularly post related articles and information to develop connections with others in your industry. Creating a social media presence will help your company gain trust with the public and your clients. BECAUSE IT CAN DO MORE THAN JUST MARKET.
Social media is quickly becoming an office productivity tool for employee teams including customer service. Many B2Bs are taking steps to get their customer service team connected, listening and responding. It’s also valuable for generating sales leads and staying top of mind with potential new clients. * Kristen Paquet, account executive, Leonard & Finco Public Relations, kpaquet@lfpublicrelations.com
ON SECOND THOUGHT … DON’T. Different from a QR code, AR adds an interactive component to the reality shown on your device’s screen. It’s like an overlay on the real world, allowing you to digitally manipulate messaging while connecting with a brand like never before.
activates when the camera sees that company’s advertisement or label. Why use it? Like any marketing initiative, AR is designed to differentiate, be impactful and drive new business opportunities.
How does it work? AR is a custom mobile app that is downloaded onto a device. It
* Lance Peroutka, agency director/principal, Element, lance@goelement.com
| collective impact
emerging trends
Don’t let your competence
“Why do your customers buy from you vs. your competition?”A common answer is,“Our relationships with our customers.” Strong customer relationships are critical to business success, but they can’t be your competence and differentiation. For long-term sales and profitability growth, your company needs to provide a competence unique in the marketplace: • • • • • • •
A competence is a singular strength or combination of strengths that you do better or will do better than anyone else in the markets in which you compete. It is why your customers choose you over your competition. A strong competence leads to a clear differentiation for your organization. Without a competence your product/service is a commodity (vanilla ice cream). Once you have identified your competence, you must make it tangible to current and potential customers. If you have not identified your competence, and as a result do not differentiate yourself from the competition, you’re selling vanilla ice cream. Companies with a clear competence and strategy thrive regardless of the economy.
Building a strategy that is centered on the strengths of your organization will eliminate any chance of your competence walking out the door. Loyal relationships typically are the result of your competence and strategy. REMEMBER, THOSE WHO PLAN – PROFIT! * Steve Van Remortel, professional speaker, strategist, certified behavioral analyst, adviser and author of the new award-winning book Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream, steve@stopsellingvanillaicecream.com
Did you know that according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 72 percent of workers at small companies have no employer-sponsored retirement plan? By star ting a retirement savings plan, you will help your employees save for the future, help you attract and retain qualified employees and even gain significant tax advantages for your business and your employees. STARTING A RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN CAN BE RELATIVELY EASY AND INEXPENSIVE:
• • •
of workers at small companies have no employer-sponsored retirement plan
collective impact | APRIL 13
Small businesses, even those that have just a handful of employees, can offer a retirement plan for about what we pay per month for cable television. Business owners can also take advantage of a tax credit for the costs of setting up a retirement plan. The credit equals 50 percent of the cost to set up and administer the plan up to a maximum of $500 per year for each of the first three years of the plan. Employee contributions are deductible from the employer’s income and employee contributions (other than Roth contributions) are not taxed until distributed to the employee. Money in the plan grows tax-free. A plan can be put in place in less than a week and will only require about an hour a month of online maintenance time. And you don’t have to set up an employee match unless you choose to do so.
* Michael Kiley, president and founder, PAi, mpkiley@pai.com
tech watch | * Al Pahl
Does your boss want you to think outside the box? So does Microsoft.The folks at Redmond want you to think of Office 2013 outside the (software) box. Think subscription. Its pricing certainly pushes you in that direction.
Are you a very small business with, say two computers? A two-pack boxed set of Office 2013 Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Lync and InfoPath) is $440. Alternatively, you can subscribe to Office 365 Small Business Premium at $150 per user per year. Each subscriber gets the right to use the software on up to five PCs or Macs and on “select smartphones and tablets.” Subscribers, as opposed to boxed owners, also get hosted Exchange through Office 365 with a 25 GB mailbox, shared calendars and a total of 10 GB of SharePoint storage for the organization; plus an additional 50 MB of SharePoint storage per user. The Lync software also allows free HD video conferencing and screen sharing. The way the subscriptions are delivered means up to five devices can have the Office 2013 programs installed for online and offline use. A feature called Office on Demand allows you to use the same apps on a PC that isn’t one of your regular five devices; streaming a version of Word or Excel when you need it to edit a document or spreadsheet, without permanently installing the software. More information: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products
A Serious 360
Sometimes, when you have a large product or a cool space to show prospects or clients, it can be hard to provide a showroom-quality experience online. WebOuts LLC is out to change that, debuting an exclusive new platform earlier this winter, called WebOuts 360. And when it says immersive, it means it. The technology puts your website’s viewers into the product or place a business wants to show. Users can glide into a location not unlike the way Google Earth takes you somewhere. After that, the users control all the angles, literally; what they choose to look at and the zoom level and detail to which they see things. Designers imbed graphical overlays, WebOuts and animated CAD drawings, just to name a few. Manufacturers might include hotspots, which users click on for more information. The first WebOuts client to employ the WebOuts 360 was Appleton’s Pierce Manufacturing, which debuted its new Dash CF model of fire/rescue truck here: www.piercemfg.com/en/dashcf.aspx. For a truly immersive experience, check out the new birthing center at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton: http://affinityhealth.org/page/home. html#autoload.
If you live and breathe high-school sports, Cellcom has introduced the phone app for you – Varsity. Available at no charge to Cellcom subscribers, Varsity provides the latest scores, stats and team news, as well as: • • •
Rosters and player profiles, complete with game-by-game statistics; Conference standings; and Pictures and videos from the games and teams you select.
Users can customize the app for their favorite teams, schools and sports, which include: * Boys’ sports: Baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, track, volleyball * Girls’ sports: Basketball, hockey, soccer, softball, track, volleyball Available on Android operating systems of 2.3 and higher at the Google Play store.
| collective impact
emerging trends
For nearly a decade, consumers for business insurance have seen their premiums remain flat, and even decrease. Workers compensation dividends have been high, helping to reduce net premium costs even more. In the last several months, and especially 2013 and beyond, prices are increasing anywhere from 5 to 10 percent for similar coverages, with dividends on workers compensation being slashed. Can businesses control these costs going forward? The answer is yes. But only if you are working closely with a knowledgeable agent, one who also brings more to the table than your renewal every year with the bill. A quality agent will find ways to help bring value to the table, from safety programs and other resources they may have to help offset the premium costs as well as give reason for the carrier to negotiate pricing. An annual review on coverage is imperative, so that is the very first step. * Marc Perna, CIC, commercial account executive,Valley Insurance Associates Inc., mperna@viainsurance.com Do you have an idea for an timely, educational article of interest to our business readers for emerging trends? If so, pitch it to Lori Kaye Lodes at llodes@titletown.org.
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Underwritten by Dean Health Plan, Inc.
all about our
10 collective impact | APRIL 13
“Workforce development is a critical component as we look at economic development for our community – certainly you can’t have prosperous businesses if there isn’t a skilled workforce.” — Laurie Radke, president, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
Chamber tackles workforce development The Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes the workforce is at the root of the community’s economic development and that education plays a significant role in maintaining and strengthening Brown County’s vitality. “Workforce development is a critical component as we look at economic development for our community – certainly you can’t have prosperous businesses if there isn’t a skilled workforce,” says Laurie Radke, president of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. Because enhancing economic and workforce development is part of the Chamber’s mission, Radke explains they strive to serve as advocates for the area’s businesses and to listen to their needs. She adds, “As a business membership organization, we really listen to where their needs lie. We know there is a need to address the skill gap shortage and to make sure the workforce is at a level that it can assist our businesses to not only be prosperous but to be able to compete in a global market.” Radke explains while workforce development is threaded throughout the Chamber’s programming, some programs target the matter directly. Programs that most identify with workforce development include the Leadership Green Bay, Brown County Teen Leadership, Current and Youth Apprenticeship programs. “Leadership Green Bay is a long-standing program in our community,” says Radke. “It gives many local business leaders the opportunity to not only grow as a community leader but to have a better understanding of the community they live in.” “The Brown County Teen Leadership program focuses on future community leaders. Brown County Teen Leadership program is a great way to introduce youth to the community at an early age.” Current is the Chamber’s young professionals program, which is designed to attract, retain and develop individuals age 21-40. The program’s focus is on the incumbent workforce, growing and keeping talent in the community. Programming allows the young professionals to hone their professional skills while networking links these up-and-coming leaders. Radke believes work-based opportunities are vital for area youth. “The workplace is very dynamic so we need to look at life-long learning,” she says. “The Youth Apprenticeship program gives area youth the opportunity to test out a career firsthand.” The four programs involve connectivity – bringing community members together with the hope that along the way they develop a tie to the area and decide to make it their permanent home.
| collective impact
by example
Leadership Green Bay was originally founded in the early 1980s when the leaders of the community didn’t see the up-andcoming professionals coming forward and running for office. They heard about leadership programs developed in other cities and established Leadership Green Bay.The first class graduated in 1985. “Leadership Green Bay is a community development program. We educate middle to upper management individuals about the community – the challenge areas and the opportunities to make it better. We also educate them about the different services the community has to offer,” says Jeanne Agneessens, program manager for Leadership Green Bay. Agneessens explains even the program participants who have lived in the community all their lives are shocked to discover there is so much they didn’t know about the area. Individuals apply for the program and 40 to 42 are typically selected. Participants are then divided into groups of five to complete a major community project. Agneessens adds, “Although we aren’t a skills-based program the people who come through the program learn skills from others in their group.They complete a huge project in nine months and go back into the workforce with something they didn’t come with.”
These skills may include time management, conflict resolution and consensus building. As Leadership Green Bay begins its 29th year, the type of projects the groups accomplish gets more impressive each year. While the 135 projects completed to-date is significant, the exposure these emerging leaders have to the community is positively impacting the workforce. “We are finding people in the class go out and talk to the people around them about what they’ve seen. They are sharing the knowledge they’ve gained through Leadership Green Bay,” says Agneessens. The relationships formed with class members and local leaders also play a vital role in the success of community. Making connections increases the likelihood a professional will stay in the area. Agneessens adds, “This is a great way to retain employees – to get them to come in and to feel a part of something. They are also working toward something good in their group project, which is a good feeling.” 12 collective impact | APRIL 13
“Working on a large group project with eight very different personalities taught me a lot about my own leadership style.” — Toni Burnett, executive director, The Children’s Museum of Green Bay
Leadership program makes a lasting
Everyone’s reason for applying for Leadership Green Bay may be different, but they all walk away with a little – or a lot – more than what they brought into the program. Glen Tilot, social worker and volunteer coordinator of the Child Protective Services Unit, within Brown County Human Services, applied for Leadership Green Bay because he believed it would connect him with eager volunteers. While Tilot was able to use the program to network, he found the program has done so much more for him. He says, “I’ve seen firsthand the opportunities Leadership Green Bay has introduced people to, and that is the reason I’ve stuck around for so long. It is because of the energy generated.” Toni Burnett, executive director of The Children’s Museum of Green Bay, applied and was selected to join the class of 2005. She found it was during the group project that she learned the most about herself. Burnett says, “Working on a large group project with very different personalities taught me a lot about my own leadership style and how to manage conflict.” Leadership Green Bay is designed to get participants engaged in the community, keep talent at area employers and expose them to the community’s needs. Both Tilot and Burnett share their passion for bettering Brown County was fueled at the end of the nine-month program.
ENCOURAGING program participation “This is a great way to
retain employees – to get them to
come in and to feel a part of something.”
— Jeanne Agneessens,
program manager,
Leadership Green Bay
After a positive experience with Leadership Green Bay, Paula Ganyard, library director at University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, not only brought what she learned into the workplace, but has been fortunate to support two staff members as they went through the program. “Since Leadership Green Bay I’ve been able to lead my organization within the library with the skills I’ve developed, which has really changed the culture here,” she says. Ganyard explains she’s also seen a change in her staff that have been part of Leadership Green Bay – how they supervise their staff and what they participate in. They’ve been able to turn around and instill the values into the students we work with. Wisconsin Public Service has had 63 graduates since the inception of Leadership Green Bay; another three are completing the program this spring. Karmen Lemke, manager of community relations and contributions at Wisconsin Public Service, explains they’ve implemented a formal process for selecting the candidates. Each year, she asks her senior staff to consider succession planning – who they are hoping to invest in for the future and who could benefit from the program in terms of getting to know the community. “We believe it is a great a leadership development opportunity,” says Lemke. “It helps them understand the community, and they bring the knowledge they gain back to the workplace. It makes them stronger leaders, and the interactive sessions allow them to get to know our customers.” Lemke meets with Leadership Green Bay participants before and after the program, outlining goals and then next steps. She adds, “Often it is to help them in their jobs or as a springboard to get more involved in the community.”
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Brown County Teen Leadership program enhances skills while
addressing community issues
The Brown County Teen Leadership (BCTL) program is an offshoot of Leadership Green Bay. A Leadership Green Bay group project established Teen Leadership Green Bay, a weekend event beginning in 1999.The program became so popular that the Chamber brought it under the Partners in Education umbrella, transforming it into an eight-month program in 2002. High school sophomores apply to participate in the program; BCTL accepted 40 students this year. Once a month, from October to May, students come together during a full school day. Dan Terrio, youth development manager for BCTL, explains the program introduces students to different parts of the community, focusing on a variety of topics ranging from workforce development skills such as job seeking – how to interview, how to develop a resume – to issues facing the community. Students interact with business or community leaders who share their talents or knowledge on a particular topic. “Workforce development is a strong component of the program,” says Terrio. “We talk about careers, opportunities in the Brown
County area and jobs that are on the rise to give students an idea of the career and educational opportunities here.” A group project is an integral part of BCTL. Students are divided, they come up with a project idea and run with it. “We try to get them to select something that will benefit the community but also expose them to project management skills and issues facing the community,” adds Terrio. This year, teen projects are tackling self-esteem, suicide awareness, veteran recognition and community health and wellness. “We are giving these students the tools and skills to really change lives in our community and to change the community as we know it. I think in that effort we are getting them engaged in the community. We hope they stay here, becoming our future workforce and thriving members of the community,” says Terrio.
“We are giving these students the tools and skills to really change lives in our community and to change the community as we know it.” — Dan Terrio, youth development manager, Brown County Teen Leadership
14 collective impact | APRIL 13
“The one thing I really take away from the experience is that sometimes you lead, sometimes you have to follow.” — Jacob De Coste, Brown County Teen Leadership class of 2013
Teen project targets
When students Maddison “Josie” Brewster, Denmark High School, and Jacob DeCoste, N.E.W. Lutheran High School, applied to be part of the 2013 BCTL class, they knew very little about the program. The high school sophomores suspected it would improve their leadership skills and look impressive on a college application.
“We’ve been meeting with executives throughout the area to get them to promote or sponsor our event,” says DeCoste.
But now, as their time nears the end, they discovered the program has given them so much more.
“The one thing I really take away from the experience is that sometimes you lead, sometimes you have to follow,” says DeCoste. Brewster adds, “I’ve learned how to become more of a silent leader instead of being so forceful. I’ve found the quiet people, those who like to absorb things before speaking, have valuable information that needs to be heard.”
Brewster and DeCoste are two of 40 students in this year’s class; they were placed in the same group of 10 to work together on a community improvement project. The teens determined they wanted to work on a cause that could have an impact on all students. They discovered a love of music was something they all had in common, so they chose to do a benefit concert this summer for suicide awareness and prevention.
While the students are getting their first glimpse at the value of networking, they’re also developing their leadership skills.
The BCTL program changed their opinion of the community. Brewster adds, “There are a lot of things teenagers aren’t aware of – there are lot of good things happening in Green Bay.” APRIL 13
| collective impact
Leadership skills
West De Pere High School is one of the 10 school districts involved in the BCTL program. And, just as the title suggest the high school finds student participants develop valuable leadership skills. “The students are being exposed to a different level of leadership than they receive at school – different than they would in student council, National Honor
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Society or as leaders in their class,” says Russ Gerke, principal at West De Pere High School. BCTL brings in area business people and government leaders, showcasing leadership in action. Lisa Boyd, counselor at West De Pere High School adds, “The students are interacting and learning from a wide array of professionals.” While leadership is the foundation of the program, the recent addition of group projects presents new experiences for the teens. “Our students are opening their eyes to our larger community, understanding issues in the area and seeing what is outside of our De Pere community,” says Boyd.
Katie Hopkins, senior at West De Pere High School, was a member of the BCTL class of 2011. After a positive experience with the program, she joined the organization’s steering committee and found the confidence to get involved in additional activities. “The program opened up new opportunities to me – volunteering, attending events and exposing me to what was in the local community,” she says. “After Brown County Teen Leadership, Green Bay appealed to me more. I’m going to college out of state, but I want to come back here after graduation because I love this community.”
“I want to come back here after graduation because I love this community.” — Katie Hopkins, Brown County Teen Leadership class of 2011
Employers find value in When analyzing the organization’s growth, Current Program Manager Brian Johnson reveals employer engagement has significantly contributed to the increase in membership.
CURRENT community relations and contributions at Wisconsin Public Service, explains Current membership is part of its package when it recruits and it assists in retaining employees.
“Getting employers on board so they understand the impact Current can have on their organization has turned them into our biggest salespeople,” says Johnson. “The types of topics we cover are intended to create an “The types of topics we affordable professional learning cover are intended to create experience for local employers.” Corporate members receive a return on their investment of 3,200 percent – and have data to back up that number. When Current surveyed members a few years ago, 23 percent stated they are more like to stay in the area because of Current. If 23 young professionals out of 100 in an organization are more likely to stay here because of Current, the value far exceeds the price of a corporate membership. Wisconsin Public Service has good representation from its young professionals; they’ve been a corporate member for years. Karmen Lemke, manager of
an affordable professional learning experience for local employers.” — Brian Johnson, program manager, Current
She adds, “We strive to offer an environment of continual learning and professional development through our company resources as well as what’s available in the community, and the Current program is a good fit.”
Tod Zacharias, vice president of Humana, reveals it became a corporate member in 2012 and recommitted for 2013. As the largest employer in Brown County, Zacharias discovered several Humana employees were individual members and felt it made sense to extend the opportunity to all their young professionals. He believes Current creates more wellrounded employees. He adds, “They are often more comfortable meeting and communicating with customers, clients and other stakeholders outside of the Humana walls, and they bring a broader set of perspectives to their work within Humana.” Current offers these future leaders an opportunity to associate with other professionals while helping retain talent within Green Bay businesses. Mary Frank-Arlt, brand communications specialist at Wisconsin Public Service, says, “We have a lot of young employees who we want to stay in the community, and Current exposes them to what’s in the community while helping them build their network.”
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Calling Green Bay home When Tim Sedabres, vice president of finance for Associated Bank, was relocated to Green Bay by his employer nearly three years ago, the young professional traveled alone. Coming from southern Illinois, his first impression of Green Bay was a middle-ofthe-road, small Midwest town. Initially, Sedabres found it difficult to connect with other young professionals. He says, “I started looking at ways to get involved and meet some people – I did some research and Current came up.” After a year of becoming a member, Sedabres took a role on Current’s steering committee. Now he serves at vice chairman of Current.
“Current has
for young professionals
to grow and develop
in their career.”
— Tim Sedabres, vice president of finance, Associated Bank
He explains he’s had a great experience with the program, from meeting young professionals, networking with peers in different industries and discovering what Green Bay has to offer – restaurants, sporting events and the arts. The highlights for Sedabres are the social events and after-five networking opportunities. “From a workforce development standpoint, the value I see in Current is not every employer, depending on its size, has a formal leadership or educational program in place. You can pick up a lot of information from the lunch and learns or the seminars. Current has opportunities for young professionals to grow and develop in their career,” adds Sedabres. Sedabres explains Current has been instrumental in introducing him to the community and to friends. “Current is one of the primary reasons I chose to stay here in Green Bay,” he says.
Membership program launch Current is preparing to pilot a mentorship program. Brian Johnson, program manager of Current, explains the yet-to-benamed program will take interested members and pair them with an experienced community leader in a one-year match. “We are going to identify 10 to 20 different interest areas and the mentees will identify five areas in which they’d like to be mentored. When we do the matching process we’ll match the young professional to a mentor who has expertise in those areas,” says Johnson. The inspiration behind the program came from a CEO Pulse survey in The Business News. A poll of CEOs and young professionals revealed both groups believe there is a gap in the preparedness of the community’s future leaders. Johnson adds, “We looked at, ‘How do we develop a program to to bring that gap together?’”
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Offering young professionals
more opportunities
As Current enters its 10th year, the organization’s membership reaches more than 1,000. And Brian Johnson, program manager of Current, says they see an unusually high level of participation. Johnson is quick to point out one of the reasons Current’s membership is so large is because joining doesn’t come with requirements. “You pick and choose your level of engagement,” says Johnson. “We have members who come to everything and members who come to something once a year. But because they are a member, that is one more thing that they’d come to than before.” Current is dedicated to attracting and retaining talent. Johnson explains when Current plans events and picks venues, it keeps its mission in mind. He adds, “The community is the number one factor when a young professional is making the decision to stay in the area. We intentionally select venues that bring exposure to parts of the community that they might not otherwise experience on their own.” Because Current has seen a dramatic increase in its membership the last few years, it’s been able to add programs that appeal to young professionals while educating these future leaders. To give members even more of what they wish for, Current has put additional programs in place, including group activities. Current has eight defined groups, and members may self-coordinate an event or activity related to the group theme. He adds, “This creates more opportunities, but even more importantly, we are taking members who share a common interest and letting them come together and experience part of the community they value the most. That is key to retention.”
10 surprising Current facts HOW MANY YEARS YOUNG IS CURRENT? 10
WHAT WAS CURRENT'S 2012 CORPORATE MEMBER RETENTION RATE? 97% HOW MANY EVENTS PER YEAR DOES CURRENT OFFER? 36 structured events and countless ancillary events labeled as special events or group activities. WHAT PERCENTAGE GROWTH HAS CURRENT EXPERIENCED IN EVENT ATTENDANCE OVER THE PAST YEAR? 202% WHAT IS THE DOLLAR VALUE OF CURRENT'S ANNUAL ECONOMIC RETENTION IMPACT? $14,233,209 annual impact calculated based on the percentage of members who have indicated they are more likely to stay in Green Bay because of Current (23% x 1,025 members), multiplied by their average salary and using an economic indicator of 1.2. HOW MANY ACTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS DOES CURRENT HAVE? 110 HOW MANY APPLICANTS HAS CURRENT RECEIVED IN THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF THE FUTURE 15 PROGRAM? 214
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Students jump start their careers with
valuable skills
In 1991, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development declared juniors and seniors should have an opportunity to get a jump-start on their chosen career while still in high school. This initiative landed locally at the Chamber with the creation of its Youth Apprenticeship program. Ten school districts in Greater Green Bay participate in the Youth Apprenticeship program. Currently 78 students and 36 companies are participating in the program. Lisa Schmelzer, Youth Apprenticeship program manager, explains it tries to direct interested students to one of the 16 career clusters, such as construction, engineering, health care, information technology and manufacturing. Their path to the workplace is often a short time after high school graduation. While in the program, students take core classes at their high school and industry-related classes at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College while getting on-the-job training. “We work hard to find the students a worksite
where they can learn hands-on while they learn through college-level classroom instruction. They actually get to put to use what they are learning in the classroom,” says Schmelzer.
Students earn high school and technical school credit. They are paid minimum wage while learning valuable workplace skills, and participating businesses develop their future workforce. Students, schools, employers and the community benefit from the program. “Students are learning the importance of attendance, the value of communication and how to work with people. They are working side-by-side with a mentor who shares their knowledge while honing their own skills,” says Schmelzer. “The program also allows employers to create a pipeline – they are ‘growing’ their own employees.” Schmelzer suggests as students approach graduation many feel more confident in making a decision about what they want to do because they’ve already tried out a career. She adds, “It also establishes a tie with a local business, which could keep them in the community.”
“We work hard to find the students a worksite where they can learn hands-on while they learn through college-level classroom instruction.” —Lisa Schmelzer, Youth Apprenticeship program manager
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Companies hope to retain young employees through
Youth Apprenticeships For many manufacturing companies in Northeast Wisconsin, finding qualified laborers is a challenge. Two area businesses are among the many taking matters into their own hands. “It is so hard for people in our industry to get people who have trained in this field,” says Mary Kay Wahl, human resources administrator, Ace Manufacturing Industries Inc. in Howard. “Today, students tend to lean toward computers, not physical manufacturing. We realized we had to be more proactive and reach out to youth.” Ace Manufacturing Industries Inc. joined the Chamber’s Youth Apprenticeship program in fall of 2012, welcoming Nathan Knutson, a student at Bay Port High School, onto its shop floor.
Several months into the program, Knutson discovered he no longer wanted to be a mechanical engineer – the hands-on work he’s done at Ace Manufacturing Industries Inc. has been more appealing to him. He adds, “Your view of a job is different when you see what that person does every day.”
While Knutson has aspirations to go into the armed forces after high school graduation, Wahl explains they anticipate more opportunities to train interested students. She says, “We hope to expose more youth to the industry and help them grow – we are all about developing from within.” Dave Roen, CEO of M&M Tool and Mold, also believes developing young talent is necessary to advance the manufacturing industry. M&M believes the Youth Apprenticeship program was an opportunity to raise awareness of the tool and die machining industries. Roen stressed the significance of training students at a young age to help them become proficient in skills necessary for the workforce environment. “We’re hoping to retain these young employees after the apprenticeship is over and potentially sign them on for a five-year, state-indentured tool and die apprenticeship,” he says. PICTURED ABOVE: KURT SCHLIES, MENTOR AND NICK MIESLER, YA STUDENT AT M&M TOOL AND MOLD APRIL 13
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School favors
Youth Apprenticeship program
Denmark High School has 10 students participating in the Chamber’s Youth Apprenticeship program for the 2012-2013 school year. With many positive experiences, the high school continues to direct teens to the opportunity year after year. Kathy Farr, high school counselor and school-to-work coordinator at Denmark High School, says, “I think the work component is very valuable to students. It gives them hands-on experience before they commit to a career.” The programs tend to line up with the community’s in-demand jobs. Farr adds, “This helps funnel students toward the careers where there will be job openings.” The classes at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College also expose students to the latest high-tech equipment. “We have a lot of students that go into the health apprenticeship, and they get to work with people and patients, which is something we can’t offer them here. A student might think they are interested in the science of health, but they don’t know what it is really like to work with patients until they actually get that experience,” adds Farr. Denmark High School finds both its two- and fouryear college-bound students are interested in the work opportunity. Farr believes introducing students to the workforce at a young age increases the possibility of keeping talent here.
Company cleverly gets
ahead of the
“I think the work component is very valuable to students. It gives them hands-on experience before they commit to a career.” — Kathy Farr, high school counselor and school-to-work coordinator at Denmark High School
A to Z Machine Company Inc. of Appleton, saw the skill gap widening in the CNC machining trade, so it began offering youth apprenticeships nearly three years ago.
“Skilled trade recruiting is very difficult so we had to find a way to change that. We are trying to change the perception of manufacturing by being forward thinking and staying ahead of the curve with our youth apprenticeships,” says Andy Preissner, human resources and safety manager at A to Z Machine Company Inc.
This year, the company has seven students receiving handson training – one of which came through the Chamber’s Youth Apprenticeship program. A to Z Machine Company treats students like regular team members. “There is training and professionalism that goes into it,” adds Preissner. “The youth apprentices have to show up, be on time and we give them performance reviews. Even if they don’t stay here, the students have an understanding of what an organization expects of them.” A to Z Machine Company has worked with more than 10 area high schools, offering tours or presentations on everything from machining to professionalism and interviewing. Last year it introduced approximately 150 students to the trade. “People only know and understand what they’ve seen. We are trying to expose more and more students to the field so they can make their own decision if a career in CNC machining is right for them,” says Preissner. 22 collective impact | APRIL 13
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Holly Brenner, BBA ‘98, MBA ‘09 Director of Marketing & Business Development Agnesian HealthCare, Fond du Lac APRIL 13
| collective impact 23
Area moves up on MSA index In January 2013, the Milken Institute released its BestPerforming Cities report, revealing where America’s jobs are created and sustained. The index compared U.S. metropolitan areas and revealed the Green Bay metropolitan statistical area (MSA) climbed 61 spots from the previous year. Nine components of the BestPerforming Cities index were used and given a weight. Factors like job and wage growth held a higher weight than hightech GDP growth. The results pinpointed where employment was stable or expanding, wages
were increasing and businesses were thriving. The Green Bay MSA was ranked 157 in 2011; in 2012 the area was ranked 96. “This indicates our area has been experiencing consistent job growth and wage growth,” says Fred Monique, vice president of Advance, the economic development arm of the Chamber. Monique explains the nature and makeup of the area’s industrial sectors have contributed to the increase.
“We traditionally, because of the concentration of employment in manufacturing, tend to rebound more quickly and earlier than other parts of the U.S. economy,” says Monique. “I think this is an indicator of the manufacturing jobs we added in 2012 and that we’ve started rebounding from the economic downturn that began in 2007.” There has also been growth in the services sector, particularly with major insurance companies like Humana and UnitedHealthcare adding jobs.
MSA index
Nation Job Network offers
recruiting benefits
Looking to fill a position in your company without extra hassle? Your business might be eligible for free access to the NationJob Network, the number one community-based Internet recruitment program that connects job seekers, employers, communities and industries to fill critical skill positions. Members of the Chamber with fewer than 35 employees have free access to NationJob to assist in their local recruiting success. Those with more than 35 employees enjoy substantial savings. “From an economic development standpoint, we are interested in workforce initiatives for our members,” said Lisa Harmann, associate vice president of Advance. “That’s why we are so pleased to have such a great resource to offer through our partnership with NationJob.” Each job posting is a $300-plus value. In the past 12 months, more than 26,000 jobs were posted on NationJob via the Chamber’s job page, a value of $7.8 million. These jobs generated more than 1.3 million job views and more than 30,000 clicks to apply. “NationJob has helped Skyline Technologies reach a wide variety of candidates and has helped expand our brand into new markets. The NationJob team has done an exceptional job of making the board user-friendly and easy to navigate. The service is low cost and has made a positive impact on our candidate pool by producing highquality talent leads in the local market.” — Lindsey Garrity, recruiter, Skyline Technologies Inc.
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“The larger members (our community leaders) receive significant discounts in their recruiting efforts and in turn allow our smallest members free access to the NationJob program,” says Harmann. Community investors in the NationJob program include Associated Bank, Aurora Health Care, Cherney Microbiological Services, Feeco International, Camera Corner/Connecting Point, Fox Valley Metal-Tech, Romo Durable Graphics, Schwabe North America, Velocity Machine, Fox Communities Credit Union, Schneider National, Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Skyline Technologies, WS Packaging Group, Valley Packaging Supply and R.R. Donnelley.
More than
240 community leaders came together to address
five main areas
to be improved by the year
Outgrowths of Brown County
20/20 Conference
On Feb. 17-18, 2012, the Bay Area Community Council brought together groups of experts to discuss the findings of a 2011 LIFE Study to determine where they want the community to be in 2020. More than 240 community leaders came together for the day-and-a-half visioning conference to address the five main issue areas identified in the survey. The five areas are: PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION
Nan Nelson, executive vice president of the Chamber and secretary/treasurer of Bay Area Community Council, explains workforce development issues were present throughout the issue areas. In some cases Chamber programs have already been working toward a solution. The details of the vision for overcoming division is for Brown County to have programs that engage and empower area youth.The report states, “We provide our youth with mentoring. We ask them to play an active role in uniting and influencing our community.” Programs within the Chamber, like the Youth Apprenticeship program and Brown County Teen Leadership, have been working with area youth, mentoring the teens to be future community leaders. The vision of Brown County’s economic development is to attract young professionals, families, entrepreneurs, innovators, corporate offices and investors who fuel growth and renewal of an evolving economy. The Chamber’s Current program has made huge strides in growing membership and retaining individuals in the community. Leadership Green Bay has the ability to make a difference within the self-sufficiency issues in so many different ways through its group projects. One of the visions from the conference was for individuals to receive “active help” in achieving and maintaining self-sufficiency. Class participants of Leadership Green Bay are introduced to the community’s needs; these Green Bay leaders tackle a group project designed to improve someone’s life while creating a better community. “There were a number of Chamber staff and Chamber volunteers at the 20/20 conference so they heard the priorities,” adds Nelson. “They are familiar with the Chamber programs and are working hard to move Brown County forward.” APRIL 13
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economic development
For far too long, Brown County has overlooked its potential to help foster a strong business environment by strengthening its core infrastructure — port, rail, air and other transportation — to retain existing and encourage new family-supporting jobs in our community. In partnership with Advance, the economic development arm of the Chamber, we are now focusing on these key infrastructure components along with exploring how to reduce transportation costs when sending our area goods to market. The recent Brown County Economic Development Task Force on Port and Rail Development found that transporting goods to and from Brown County costs area businesses between 7.69 and 21.17 cents per ton-mile via truck versus 2.68 cents per ton-mile for intermodal train. While the state highway system will always be an integral component of our transportation system, it has become obvious that we need to focus on less expensive options to attract and retain larger manufacturers producing high-volume raw materials and finished goods.
cost to transport by train:
cents per ton-mile
Brown County lost much of its competitive edge in this area when CN shut down the intermodal transportation hub after acquiring Wisconsin Central in 2002. With the help of regional businesses, Brown County must now convince CN to no longer view Wisconsin as simply a “pass-through” state, but a future profit center for it. We have the volume it needs and the revenue potential it wants. Reactivating our transportation center would be a huge victory for Brown County, helping to attract high-quality manufacturing jobs to our area.
* Troy Streckenbach, Brown County executive, BC_county_executive@ co.brown.wi.us
cost to transport by truck:
7.69 - 21.17
cents per ton-mile
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improve our
educational system
Aging workforce is
create more advanced
technological opportunities
Although we try to insulate ourselves from the issues of the national economy, Wisconsin is not immune to national trends. Like many states, we need to address a number of national workforce issues as outlined in our 2011 Brown County Workforce Profile — one of them being an aging workforce coupled with lower birth rates that is contributing to a decline of new professionals in our area. This issue is only amplified by the fact that our region does not currently have the higher technical jobs and cultural environment that many X, Y and Z generation professionals are looking for.
To combat this challenge, we need to improve our educational system to ensure we have a workforce that understands the fundamentals. We must also recognize that technical degrees can no longer be considered less significant than other degrees. On the contrary, they offer professionally, personally and financially rewarding careers in many of the highpaying jobs that go unfulfilled today—a trend that, with the help of state legislature, high schools and technical schools will be able to reverse.
The convention and meetings year kicked off with the Forest Lakes Evangelical Free Church of America Conference in January, bringing more than 3,600 attendees to the KI Convention Center. The economic impact exceeded $1.5 million on our local economy. This group is one of many that are outgrowing our convention center. Greater Green Bay also hosted the USA Curling Men’s and Women’s National Championship in February. Future Olympians curled on what was billed as “excellent ice” at the Cornerstone Community Center. The event drew 20 curling teams from throughout the United States and had an estimated $700,000 economic impact. The winter months typically generate about 21 percent of annual visitor spending in Brown County. That total was about $112.7 million in 2011, which generated more than $17.2 million in state and local taxes. According to Tourism Economics, the taxes generated by visitors coming to Wisconsin every year saves each household $565. * Brad Toll, president, Greater Green Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau, brad@greenbay.com
In addition to a sound educational footing, we must also create more advanced technological employment opportunities in our area. I am proud to announce an exciting collaboration between Brown County and the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. Together we are examining the redevelopment of county land by forming a world-class research technological park in which startup companies and local entrepreneurs can come together on conception and creation of the latest and most cutting-edge emerging technologies. The formation of such a model would be just another step the county could take to help plug the gap between Brown County’s workforce development and economic prosperity.
* Troy Streckenbach, Brown County executive, BC_county_executive@co.brown.wi.us APRIL 13
| collective impact 27
economic development
In December, Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) announced the selection of the Mills Center Industrial site in the Village of Howard as a “Certified in Wisconsin” development-ready certified site. The site was reviewed and approved by WEDC as meeting certain development criteria including everything from environmental assessments to availability of utility and transportation infrastructure. The village became the first Northeast Wisconsin certified; this certification is one more selling point in bringing large industry to the area, allowing the village to compete more competitively regionally, statewide and most importantly, nationally as large corporations seek places to locate…In other news, we’ve seen some pretty nice expansions in our business park and our industrial base. Hattiesburg Paper is in the midst of a 180,000+ square-foot addition as the company was able to acquire the former WISDOT Park N Ride. The expansion is great for us as it could create upwards of another 100 jobs…We are also following the likes of De Pere and the Town of Lawrence by acting as the financer of public improvements in singlefamily subdivisions. Last year, with our help, Landmark Real Estate created 11 new single-family residential lots in the Spencers Crossing Subdivision.
The Village of Howard has averaged
45 - 48 new homes built in the last 1-2 years.
* Paul Evert, administrator,Village of Howard, pfevert@villageofhoward.com
Make sure your insurance plan includes Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Children’s Hospital is a leader in caring for kids in the United States. We make it easy for families to get to hospital and clinic services. We serve patients with simple and complex needs. Milwaukee • Neenah chw.org
28 collective impact | APRIL 13
Austin Straubel International Airport (ASIA) plays a major role in the Green Bay area’s economic development efforts. As the state’s third largest airport, and one of only two airports in the state with international status, the airport has a $112 million a year economic impact on our economy. Currently, there are three economic development initiatives underway.
ASIA, the Chamber and the Greater Green Bay Visitor and Convention Bureau are working to add new airline routes to better serve business and leisure travel. Thanks to that effort, Delta Air Lines announced that, starting in June, it will add a daily nonstop flight to/from Atlanta.
Efforts continue to bring a Federal Inspection Station (FIS) to the airport. The FIS would allow expansion of international service at the airport, including commercial international flights. Building funds are available through the FAA and work is underway to secure U.S. customs staffing.
The third initiative involves assessing airport-owned land surrounding the airport and determining development opportunities. With development activity underway on the west side of Green Bay, this offers an opportunity to expand on that effort. * Tom Miller, airport director, Austin Straubel International Airport, miller_tw@co.brown.wi.us
The Advance Business & Manufacturing Center incubator welcomed several new tenants to its business incubation program: Renew Physical Therapy and Sky Eco-Technologies LLC. In addition, Abundant Harvest Ministries Inc. graduated from the incubator, moving to its new home. On Feb. 18, Sen. Tammy Baldwin visited the Advance Business & Manufacturing Center to learn about business incubation and Advance’s economic development efforts. Her tour of the center included learning about Machine Plus’ business (owner Jamie Veeser pictured).
| collective impact
workforce development
Congratulations to Jim Morrison for receiving the Leo Frigo Leadership Award for his participation in supporting the Leadership Green Bay program and his volunteerism in the community. Also presented at the All Class Reunion was the John M. & Meredith B. Rose Business Award to the law firm Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry S.C. for supporting the Leadership Green Bay program by sending participants through each year, plus sponsoring several of our events as well as the wonderful things it is doing in the community for many other programs. Our event featured Craig Dickman from Breakthrough®Fuel as the keynote speaker… Thank you to new sponsors for Leadership Green Bay in 2013: PAi sponsored our Welcome Breakfast in September, the Northwest Brown County Thrivent Chapter sponsored our human services session in January and Schwabe North America will sponsor our marketplace session on April 9…Applications are coming in for the fall session, the class of 2014, for Leadership Green Bay. We accept the first 50; out of those, 42 participants are selected for the class.To access an application or learn more, visit www.leadershipgreenbay. org. In January, our current class’s government session was a memorable one; we got to go into Judge Don Zuidmulder’s courtroom and listen to him explain the judicial process and discuss many of the cases in his long career.
Part of what I do is to assist with the development of minority professionals and employees. Given the number of national corporations, regional hospitals and minority-owned businesses, I think our community can offer more to welcome and retain minority professionals and their families. To this end, I’ve cocreated the New North Regional Guide: Resources for Multicultural Residents. The guide highlights businesses, programs, places and events in Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh and Fond du Lac that may interest those wishing to experience their own culture or other cultures. The guide responds to concerns of minority professionals who are both “from here” and new to the area, and who need to find relevant resources. It also responds to employers’ needs for a credible source of information for their employees. In the final analysis, the guide aims to help professionals feel at home, and to encapsulate the area’s plethora of multicultural offerings. Access it in the downloads section on titletown.org. * Celestine Jeffreys, diversity manager, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce North New North
New e: al Guid Region s for Regional Guide: New rce for sidents Resou ural ReResources Reg North ult io Multicultural Residents Multic Res nal Gu d o id osh an Mult urces f e: For Oshk Lac areas For Green Bay and ic du ultu or Appleton areas Fond ral R Gen eral esid en t, Attrac w North mmittee, Co the Ne e ted by velop Talent Co mmerc of Presented by the New North Attract, Presen and De a Chamber Retain and Develop Talent Committee, Pres Retain Bay Are pleton Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Ret ented Green City of Ap ai by th and the City of Appleton Gre n and and the en Ba Dev e New and the y Area elop Ta North At City le C of Ap hambe nt Com tract, m r plet on of Com ittee, mer ce
Formerly known as Cake and Careers, this Chamber-offered educational series for teachers takes them into area businesses to learn about various career opportunities available to better prepare their students. In February, we took them to St. Vincent Hospital where they toured cardiology, lab, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the cancer center. They also learned of such opportunities as paramedic, IT, medical records and hospital administration…In March, the group toured Cellcom in De Pere to learn about careers in customer service, retail sales, information technology and technical support. * Dan Terrio, Brown County Teen Leadership program manager, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
30 collective impact | APRIL 13
C A R EER Conversations.
There has been a great deal of discussion over the last several years regarding the existence and impact of a so-called “skills gap” in the labor market. Briefly defined, the skills gap hypothesis suggests there is a misalignment between the skills employers are seeking – both in the skills needed to do one’s job and interpersonal, or “soft”, skills – and those skills competencies currently held by the jobseeking population. A number of studies, such as the Be Bold 2 report, suggest these gaps are real and increasing as our “baby boom” population moves into retirement.
Gov. Walker has proposed a number of key initiatives totaling nearly $100 million in new state funds to develop strategies to address many of the issues raised in the skills gap debate. Much of this investment is directed toward targeted investments in education across the full P-20 spectrum. This continues a pattern that we have identified over the course of the past several decades. Our local workforce is becoming significantly more educated. This is especially true in our largest industry sector — manufacturing — where individuals entering into the sector are four times more likely to have some form of post-secondary education (technical certificate, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree) than individuals who are leaving the sector through retirement. Their starting wages are also nearly twice that of workers without these credentials. These trends are typical throughout most of the region’s key industries and show that employers are indeed investing in a more highly educated workforce as a means of helping to close these skills gaps. * Jeffrey Sachse, economist,Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, jeff.sachse@dwd.wisconsin.gov
YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP Thank you to the following area businesses who allowed students and parents to tour their businesses and learn about careers in their industry: Associated Bank, Aurora BayCare Medical Center, BayTek Games, Becks Quality Cabinetry, Broadway Automotive, GranCare Nursing Facility, Hyatt on Main, KI, MCl Industries, New Tech Metals, Rennes Nursing and Rehab, Schneider National, Velocity Machines, Wisconsin Plastics and Wisconsin Public Service. The tours were very well-attended by students and parents. In addition, thanks to the following employers for supporting Youth Apprenticeship by hosting YA students in their organizations: A to Z Machine Company Inc., Ace Manufacturing Industries, American Custom Metal Fabricating, Aurora
BayCare Medical Center, BayTek Games, Becks Quality Cabinetry, Bornemann Nursing Home, Cliff Wall Subaru, Finance Systems of Green Bay Inc., Fox Valley Tool and Die, Goral Farms, GranCare (two students), Green Bay Area School District (two students), New Water (Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District), Hudson Sharp, Industrial Steel, JR’s Welding, KI, Lindquist Machine Corp., LVK Farms, M&M Tool and Mold, McClures Service, Nemitz Welding, New Tech Metals Inc., PDQ Industries, Pomps Tire, Prevea, Schreiber Foods, Shopko Pharmacy,Valley Plating Co., Wisconsin Public Service and Zeamers Welding. * Lisa Schmelzer, Youth Apprenticeship program manager, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce APRIL 13
| collective impact
workforce development
2011 Employment and Wage Distribution by Industry IN BROWN COUNTY EMPLOYMENT
Wage and Employment Summary
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Hundreds of teenage club members have ‘graduated’ from our Teens 2 Work (T2W) initiative in the last three years — after working for us a few weeks many found part-time external employment locally — but all are better prepared for the real world based on their experience. T2W features three components — Career Launch, Money Matters and Junior Staff — all proven programs that once stood alone but now have been sequenced for maximum impact. Career Launch is really “Job Readiness 101” and covers the basics — preparing a resume, interviewing and the soft skills that so many employers say are missing today. Outside professionals from many industries join club staff to enlighten these youth about the marketplace of tomorrow and what it takes to succeed. Money Matters is about financial literacy as a majority of these youth are getting their very first paycheck — they learn about checking/savings accounts, accruing interest, protecting information and the perils of credit cards and payday loans, for example — lessons many adults never fully learn. Junior Staff is our internal employment program — part-time jobs are available on a competitive basis — all candidates interview, have a supervisor and get an evaluation just like in real life. The demographics of our T2W participants are a window to the workforce of tomorrow — a number of local businesses have already stepped up as “hiring partners” for these youth — it is a win-win deal. * John Benberg, executive director, Boys & Girls Club of Green Bay, jbenberg@bgcgb.org
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Much has been written recently about the skills shortage in Wisconsin’s workforce, but the truth is that there is also a very real numbers problem as well. The recent Be Bold 2 study from Competitive Wisconsin provides some challenging national statistics that are mirrored in Wisconsin. Between 2010 and 2020 in Wisconsin: • • • •
* Jim Golembeski, executive director, Bay Area Workforce Development Board, jgolembeski@ bayareawdb.org
The population ages 66 and older will increase by 36.8 percent The population ages 55-65 will increase by 20.2 percent The population ages 45 to 54 will decrease by 16.5 percent The population ages 35 to 44 will increase by only 2.2 percent
This means that the workers moving into their retirement years and those getting closer to retirement will increase significantly while the workers available to replace them will not be there. And looking out beyond 2020, the challenges become even greater. There are a number of ways this challenge can be addressed. •
Every K-12 student in Wisconsin needs to have a career plan closely mapped on to skill sets that are in demand in the state economy. Postsecondary education needs to be more closely tied to the state’s economy. This is not to neglect the fine arts that produce vital ethical, relational and critical thinking skills, but there has to be closer alignment with economic demands. Our workforce development system has to provide intensive training for job seekers who do not meet the expectations of employers to address skill deficiencies and prepare them for 21st century jobs. Immigration can be promoted in positive ways to reinvigorate our workforce.
• • •
Age Cohort Changes IN WISCONSIN’S WORKFORCE 2000-2020
The chart depicts the changes in the age cohorts of Wisconsin’s working population in the period between 2000-2010 and 2010-2020. Looking at the red bar on the far right, the graph indicates that during the period between 2010-2020, the number of people in Wisconsin who are age 65-plus will grow by 36.8 percent.
2000-2010 36.8%
.2% -1.9%
2000 15 and Under 1,124,898 16-24 764,487 25-34 706,168 35-44 875,522 45-54 732,306 55-65 457,741 66 and Older 702,553 5,363,675
Look at how the baby boomers are aging (see red). As you look at the second grouping from the right, the group who is between 55 and 65 is increasing by 20% but the group behind them, 45 to 54, is going down this decade.
1,102,987 762,060 721,694 725,666 873,753 699,811 777,314
1,104,960 767,150 756,680 741,770 729,360 841,280 1,063,030
-1.9% -0.3% 2.2% -17.1% 19.3% 52.9% 10.6%
0.2% 0.7% 4.8% 2.2% -16.5% 20.2% 36.8%
Information provided by Jeffrey Sachse,Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development APRIL 13
| collective impact
community development
Making a
United Ways across the country are engaging in collective impact as a way of doing business as a neutral, backbone organization. Through their role as a leader in the human services realm, United Ways are well-positioned to connect the private sector and the social sector, providing opportunities for companies and individuals to give, advocate and volunteer in support of shared community goals. In turn, Fortune 500 companies, and all companies for that matter, are increasingly looking to United Way to be a strategic partner as well as the platform for their workforce giving campaign. These companies want to be part of the solution to the challenges facing our communities. Collective impact is not a new concept for Brown County United Way. We are proud to be the backbone organization and convener for initiatives like the Community Partnership for Children (CPC), the Community Information System (CIS), and 2-1-1 Information and Referral — all prime examples of efforts that work by bringing partners together, setting strategic benchmarks, working toward a common vision and demonstrating impact. For instance, through the CPC, many community partners are united around a common vision that all Brown County children will be safe, healthy and ready for kindergarten. In 2012, in addition to
Sustainability goes beyond the environment
“Reduce, reuse, recycle” is no longer the battle cry for the environmental warrior, but a common theme for many families looking to stretch their household dollars. Brown County is also taking this approach when it comes to a sustainable community model for refuse. Recycling not only helps to improve the environment, but is on the fast track to becoming big business for the county. With single-stream recycling and advanced technologies, costly landfills will be reduced to compost piles as the market seeks to eliminate waste from its system and create less expensive recycle-friendly products consumers are now demanding. Sustainability does not just pertain to the environment anymore, but to individuals as well. As we look for opportunities to address our waste sustainably, we also need to remember to take care of ourselves. Brown County is filled with sustainable opportunities to make our established families stronger, healthier and happier, as well as attract new X, Y and Z generation business professionals to our area. Our county maintains 18 parks composed of more than 3,600 acres including 341 miles of state recreational trails, 192 miles of snowmobile trails, 22 miles of mountain bike trails, 26 miles of horse riding trails, 44 miles of cross-country ski trails and 20 miles of hiking trails — as well as many more outdoor and recreational activities. * Troy Streckenbach, Brown County executive, BC_county_executive@co.brown.wi.us
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FORMULA FOR IMPACTING AREA QUALITY OF LIFE INCLUDES COLLABORATION AND LEADERSHIP communitywide advocacy efforts and many related mobilization activities, hundreds of children and families enrolled in CPC Gateway programming – some of the highest-risk families in Brown County – and achieved the following outcomes and more:
The next step for the Brown County United Way will be partnering with others to launch a community-based Cradle to Career initiative. Watch for further developments in this magazine and on our website. * Gregg Hetue, president and CEO, Brown County, United Way, gregg@browncountyunitedway.org
What if the community could step back every five years and assess itself working with the input of community leaders, the average household perspective, community experts and strong data? What if the results could motivate action plans fueled by investments to realize outcomes supported by metrics? Those scenarios became reality with the 2011 Brown County LIFE (Leading Indicators For Excellence) Study published in fall 2011. The study’s vision is to create a better community for all by focusing on the economy, education, health, arts and culture, human services and five other sectors important to our quality of life in Brown County. The Community Foundation helped lead this communitywide initiative because we believe that when government, business and the nonprofit sectors work together, we can leverage more resources and achieve greater impact. Pulling on the same oar will result in greater success working toward shared outcomes. We lead on behalf of donors who want to maximize and understand the impact of their gifts for causes supporting our quality of life. We have integrated the leading indicators of the LIFE Study into our grant-making programs.We offer 10 distinct discretionary grant programs annually for organization and initiative investments, and the criteria specifies the importance of collaborating with other community partners because core competencies of organizations will complement and strengthen other partners as they pursue the same strategy. The foundation offers giving opportunities for donors to form giving partnerships so their individual gifts are leveraged and achieve more impact. This year we have nine Basic Needs Giving Partnership strategies addressing root causes of poverty in our community. These nine initiatives involve 60 nonprofit, public sector and business entities who “own” the strategies and the desired outcomes. Philanthropy can be most impactful when it motivates alignments toward achieving systemic change. * David Pamperin, president and CEO, Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, davidpamperin@ggbcf.org
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community development
FOLLOW UP ON VISIONING CONFERENCE Bay Area Community Council invites everyone in the community to get involved with one of the five issue groups that formed to work on recommendations of the 2012 Brown County 20/20 Envisioning the Future conference. Join by clicking on “Contact us” at the BACC website: www.bayareacommunitycouncil.org. All the groups will be starting Facebook pages to continue their conversations, and you can already sign up for the Health group at www.facebook.com/ groups/319222108201026.
Meanwhile the Green Bay Press-Gazette is helping the community stay informed about projects many community groups are working on to fulfill the 20/20 visions. A new piece will be printed every two weeks in the Sunday editorial pages. The series began March 3 with a piece on Veterans Court by former County Executive and Sheriff Tom Hinz. * Nan Nelson, executive vice president, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, secretary/ treasurer of Bay Area Community Council, nelson@titletown.org
Workplace Wellness does more than provide membership cards. We create a partnership in well-being and provide a plan that offers a healthier workplace environment. By connecting with the Y, employees receive personalized service supporting them on their journey in getting active as they become engaged in a healthier lifestyle.
Increase employee productivity, reduce absenteeism, and help lower insurance claims by designing on-site programming that can include: Membership
Match Incentive Assessments On-Site Wellness Activities On-Site Group Fitness Classes
36 collective impact | APRIL 13
Education Training Wellness Coaching
To find out if Workplace Wellness is right for your company, contact Jamie at 920 436 9620 or jamie.hanner@greenbayymca.org
In 2013, Live54218 has launched a new three-year strategic plan to help guide our work (available at http://www.Live54218.org). We are focusing on four areas and have had a great start to the year! A few highlights in those areas:
Active Community •
In spring 2012, new state legislation (AB497) went into effect that encourages local school districts to establish Recreational Use Agreements with community partners so that facility use can be maximized. Live54218 is partnering with the Public Health Law Center and the Wisconsin Association of School Boards through our Transform WI grant to assist schools in updating their current policies to take advantage of the new liability protection available through this legislation and to increase opportunities for community members to be physically active. A multisector Active Communities Team has been convened and is working to develop an action plan to improve the infrastructure in our community so that it is easier for residents to walk and bike.
Healthy Food System •
Our Farm to School efforts continue to expand. Ashwaubenon, Oneida and the Unified School District of De Pere have been participating in Harvest of the Month – highlighting a different produce item monthly on the lunch menu, through cafeteria taste testings, and nutrition education. A school garden mini-grant has just been made available to elementary schools in participating districts. We are partnering with the three largest farmers’ markets in our community to establish the infrastructure for FoodShare participants to use their EBT cards at the markets.
Education & Community Outreach •
We partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Green Bay to secure funding from the Wisconsin Beverage Association and local bottlers – Coca Cola, Green Bay Seven-UP and Pepsi Cola of NEW. The Triple Play Challenge kicked off in January and allows the club to expand its hours to include time on Saturdays for families to get active. Live54218 also ran a special five-week Healthy Cooking Club to teach 7- to 10- year-olds how to prepare healthy meals and snacks. Broccoli Pizza and Baked Carrot Fries were a big hit! * Jen Van Den Elzen, director of Live54218, jennifer.vandenelzen@live54218.org.
YMCA REVVING UP FOR HEALTHY KIDS DAY The Greater Green Bay YMCA has a long-standing tradition of giving back and providing support to the community. One of three focus areas for the Y is Youth Development, an initiative proudly echoed and supported by area businesses and organizations. Our community’s care and commitment to the health and well-being of our youth is quite evident and remarkable. One example of the community’s promise to support Youth Development is the local partners and sponsors that support the Y in our effort to deliver a day of active fun and health education at YMCA Healthy Kids Day each May. The goal of this free community event is to heighten awareness of trending childhood inactivity and rising youth obesity and how that translates to an alarming national health care crisis. The health care and business organizations provide educational booths, handson activities, in-kind product and event promotion as well as financial support and volunteers! Healthy Kids Day is a shining example of how the dedication of those in our vibrant community collaborate to enhance the health and well-being of our most cherished asset – children! * Steve Harty, president/CEO, Greater Green Bay YMCA, steve. harty@greenbayymca.org
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meet a member
KATIE QUASIUS Manager of strategic process and design, C.H. ROBINSON
“I like the team environment, the fast pace and learning about our clients’ industries.”
TELL ME MORE ABOUT C.H. ROBINSON AND YOUR JOB WITH THE COMPANY. C.H. Robinson is a transportation and logistics company, which means we provide multimodal transportation services for customers across the globe. Modal is a reference to modes of transportation – across the ocean on ship, via air, on truck, etc. C.H. Robinson selects and hires the appropriate provider through our relationships with more than 50,000 carriers. In 2012, we worked with approximately 42,000 customers worldwide. We also provide value-added logistics services, such as supply chain analysis, freight consolidation, core carrier program management and information reporting. HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? Spunky, outgoing and positive. I’m a “the glass is half full” kind of person.
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WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR ROLE? As manager of strategic process and design, I work as a part of a team to design our approach for new clients, and to determine new opportunities in transportation for existing clients. I help to facilitate investigations of how we can help customers make changes that positively impact their organizations. The customers my branch deals with include many in Northeast Wisconsin but also across the country, and the clientele is very diverse. I like the team environment, the fast pace and learning about our clients’ industries. IF YOU WON THE $1 MILLION LOTTERY, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH THE MONEY? I’d probably buy a couple of cars for my husband, Chip, and we’d travel to the world’s most beautiful beaches. The Cayman Islands would be the first one.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY DOING WHEN YOU’RE NOT WORKING? I love gardening; that’s my number one hobby. My family just moved to a new house, and I have a blank slate for a garden this summer, so I’ll have a lot of projects ahead of me. I also enjoy telemark skiing. It’s a lot like downhill skiing, but it uses bindings where the boot is attached only at the toe. And I love to cook. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE AND BOOK? My favorite movie of all time is French Kiss, and while I don’t have a favorite book, my 1-year-old daughter does and I know it well; it’s Cowboy Pup. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO LEARN ABOUT YOU? That I go grouse hunting every fall. It’s a tradition for my dad, three brothers and me to go hunting together.
BRIAN KUSS Vice president of partnership development, CALWIS
“For me, the driving reason behind working is taking care of family.”
WHAT TYPES OF DUTIES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR JOB? I’ve transitioned into sales so right now I’m out selling almost exclusively. I’m responsible for business development on the printing front, as well as for chemicals, powder filling and packaging.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT YOUR JOB? Definitely working with people – whether it’s dealing with people in the plant or existing customers, or just talking to new people to see what they’re doing and how we can help them be more efficient to save them money.
HOW DID YOU END UP AT CALWIS? I’ve known the owner for years. He called me around Thanksgiving in 2009 and said his business partner was retiring and asked if I’d be interested in coming in to take a look at the company and understand what they do to bring in new technology and develop sales. I came in as a general manager with sales responsibility, and we started bringing things up to speed with the 21st century.
WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE YOU HAVE OVERCOME REGARDING YOUR JOB? Meeting rising demands in the industry and trying to be more efficient in what we do.
WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST ABOUT YOUR HOMETOWN? I’m from Algoma, so I definitely miss the lake.
IF YOU COULD VISIT ANY PART OF THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? The only place that’s left on my list that I’m actually going to is China and seeing the Great Wall. I’m looking forward to taking in as much of the culture, scenery and sights as possible. I’ve done a lot of traveling so I usually need a vacation when I get back from vacation.
ARE YOU A SPORTS FAN? Yes – I follow football and baseball on the professional level. My daughter played soccer in high school so I’ve watched a lot of De Pere soccer games. I went to UW-Green Bay so I follow the women’s basketball team and local college sports as well. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR PROUDEST MOMENT? Getting married and having kids puts my family at the top of any list. For me, the driving reason behind working is taking care of family. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT THE CITY OF GREEN BAY? I enjoy the friendliness of people and the environment of the city, especially at Packers games. I’ve been to a lot of professional sporting events in other cities, and the hospitality here toward other fans is something we can really be proud of.
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member anniversaries
FELD PROPERTIES Dennis Feld, managing partner 40-year Chamber member Join date: June 30, 1973
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 40 YEARS. WHY? For any business in the Green Bay area, the Chamber is a valuable tool. It goes back to the days when my dad operated the business, and when I joined him, I [got involved] in the Chamber as well; legislative forums, Business After Hours, the CEO Roundtable program.The legislative forums were my first involvement with the Chamber; they provided an opportunity sit with logical legislators and talk about issues; to have that dialogue. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? The CEO Roundtable program, which I’ve been a part of since its inception and continue to benefit from. That’s more of a collective experience over the years. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? The hour-and-a-half I get to spend with other executives who are running companies like I am in the CEO Roundtable program. We can talk about issues we have or learn from others who have issues on the table, anything from employee matters to health insurance. We recently did a behavioral study of our strengths and weaknesses to help us learn where to focus to improve business.
42 YEARS Foth
31 YEARS Green Bay Seven-Up Bottling Co. Inc. Moski Corporation 30 YEARS Bosse’s News & Tobacco
27 YEARS Tweet-Garot Mechanical Inc. 24 YEARS The Mail Haus Inc. 23 YEARS Delta Air Lines 18 YEARS UPS
10 YEARS Celebration Church Sign Solutions LLC
15 YEARS Bar Stools Direct Profound Solutions Inc. The School That Comes To You
9 YEARS Comfort Control Systems Inc. The H.S. Group Inc.
40 YEARS Reeke-Marold Co. Inc.
16 YEARS Etters International SEEK Careers/Staffing Inc.
17 YEARS AmericInn of Green Bay Cumulus Broadcasting Inc. 40 collective impact | APRIL 13
14 YEARS Associated Wealth Management Exsell Inc. FASTSIGNS – Green Bay 13 YEARS Nicolet National Bank Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling 12 YEARS Airport Wingate by Wyndham American Transmission Co. LLC Horizon Community Credit Union Mechanical Technologies Inc. 11 YEARS Mackinaws Grill & Spirits
8 YEARS AmericInn Lodge & Suites P.M. Productions Travel Leaders 7 YEARS Advanced Cosmetic Solutions of BayCare Clinic BayCare Clinic Dorsch Ford-Kia-Lincoln-Mercury Forsite Benefits LLC Jag Outdoor Advertising Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches Libert Machine Corp. Malcore Funeral Home Inc. MEGTEC Systems Inc. QPS Employment Group
INFINITY TECHNOLOGY Dennis Challe, president 10-year Chamber member Join date: June 9, 2003
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 10 YEARS. WHY? Our business is headquartered in Green Bay, and most of our clients are here. We chose to partner with the Chamber because it is an organization that collectively works with its members to build and strengthen our area as a place to do business and a great community to live. We have renewed our membership over the past 10 years because our company has found value in the programs, opportunities for activism and tools to help us grow and stand out as a respected business partner to those seeking our services. Not only do we feel it a distinction to be a member, but also allows our staff to participate and engage in the community we live in and serve. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? The time the Chamber honored us with the “Families in Good Company” Award. I was not aware one of our team members had nominated our company until after we had been selected. We’re like a family here and work hard to provide for a work/life balance. It was a good feeling to be recognized as a great place to work and to receive this award. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? The opportunities it creates for professional networking. There are year-round events during and after-hours to create ongoing ways for our team to meet others in the business community, share information, meet other like-minded businesspeople and have some fun.
6 YEARS Advanced Pain Management Blue Harbor Resort & Conference Center United States Postal Service 5 YEARS Kummers Climate Controlled Storage M2 Logistics Inc. New Cornerstone Mortgage Vern Kummers Plumbing Co. Inc. WOVM 91.1 FM – The Avenue 4 YEARS Gilly’s Frozen Custard Mountain Bay Condo Association NEWisconsin MRI Center of Green Bay LLC United States Marine Corps I-I Staff Green Bay 3 YEARS Aerotek CNET System LLC Globe University Graphic Composition Inc. Luxemburg-Casco School District ProCare Chiropractic Clinic of Green Bay LTD Proforma Environmental
Pulaski Community School District Royal Cleaners Seymour Community School District Sign-A-Rama Top Hat Marketing Inc. Tri-County Business Solutions LLC Unified School District of De Pere Van’s Lumber & Custom Builders Inc. Wrightstown School District 2 YEARS APAC Customer Services First American Title Companies Evans Division Paul Mitchell The School Green Bay 1 YEAR 401k Plan Advisors Ascher’s Janitorial Services Executive Air Express Convenience Centers – 41 Express #1 Abrams #3 Bellevue Express #49 Dousman Express #28 East Mason #7 I-43 #9
Kaukauna #10 Lineville #12 Lombardi Express #2 Manitowoc Express #6 Oneida Express #73 Velp Express #36 Bayland #4 Hagemeister Park Lakeshore Adventures Inc. MetJet Nationstar Mortgage Pedal N Paddle Performance Referral Institute Northeast Wisconsin Rocket Dog Fireworks The GoldEarth Company LLC The Sportswear Outlet Vital Essentials Wisconsin Financial Group Inc.
| collective impact 41
member anniversaries 40 YEARS An-ser Services Camera Corner/Connecting Point DuBois Formal Wear 34 YEARS Greater Green Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau Hasselblad Machine Co. LLP 33 YEARS Bay Lakes Commercial Realtors LLC Pioneer Metal Finishing Triangle Distributing Co. Inc./Legacy Brands 32 YEARS Northeast Asphalt Inc. Pioneer Credit Union
DUBOIS FORMAL WEAR Amy DuBois, Jim DuBois 40-year Chamber member Join date: May 31, 1973
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 40 YEARS. WHY? Because it provides a great connection to the community! The Chamber is involved in numerous community, educational and business events…overall it provides a strong support for us. We're glad the Chamber moved to Broadway, as they're close to us, and they support the On Broadway program and other neighborhood revitalization projects too. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? Definitely Mr. Titletown Competition fundraising events that we’ve worked so closely on with the Chamber. Over the past 10 years, DuBois has been a strong advocate for “safe” prom, graduation and homecoming events. This event began with a simple style show with 100 parents, and this year we had more than 650 parents, students, teachers and media coverage. Over the years, we’ve raised thousands of dollars that goes right back into our schools to help support safe parties for after prom, graduation and homecoming. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? The biggest benefit is in how the Chamber has supported our efforts at being a business that’s successful and makes a difference in our community.
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31 YEARS Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin Fox Communities Credit Union 28 YEARS Manorcare Health Services – East 27 YEARS Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Northeast WI Inc. 26 YEARS Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest Inc. 23 YEARS Navigator Planning Group 22 YEARS KI Village of Bellevue 21 YEARS Denmark School District 20 YEARS Idealair Heating & Cooling Inc. 19 YEARS Brown County Human Services Dept. 18 YEARS Faith Technologies Inc. M & I Wealth Management Smet Construction Services
17 YEARS Animal Hospital of De Pere Care-Free Travel Service Peterson, Berk & Cross S.C. PMI Entertainment Group 15 YEARS Randstad Willis of Wisconsin Inc.
6 YEARS Apartment Association of Northeast Wisconsin Inc. CN Culligan Water Conditioning Products Heartland Business Systems/ Avastone Technologies Howe Neighborhood Family Resource Center Learning Rx of Green Bay
14 YEARS American Foundation of Counseling Services Neville Public Museum Foundation Patrickus & Jones S.C.
5 YEARS First Business Bank Harmony Café Journeys Unlimited Travel
13 YEARS NeighborWorks Green Bay
4 YEARS Citslinc International, Inc. Dermatology Associates of Wisconsin S.C. F. K. Bemis Center U.S. Cellular
12 YEARS Advantage Leasing Corporation Biltmore Investment Management National Packaging Services Corp. 11 YEARS H.J. Martin and Son Inc. 10 YEARS Hilgenberg Realty LLC Winona Foods Inc. 9 YEARS Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeastern Wisconsin CASA of Brown County Inc. 8 YEARS Culver’s Dimension IV Paper Industry Resource Center (PIRC) 7 YEARS Baker Brokerage Co. ENCAP LLC Feeco International Inc. Hanson Financial Services McClone Saranac Glove Company Sierra Coating Technologies LLC Romo Durable Graphics
3 YEARS Advertising Rainmaker LLC Faithful Companions Pet Crematory Lafarge Cement Manpower Press Pass Ink RODAC Development Construction LLC Ultimate Air Inc. WaterMark Software LTD Webster Clinic 2 YEARS Bay Tek Games Inc. Mattress Firm Papa John’s Pizza Premier Revenue Solutions LLC Verizon Wireless – Select Premium 1 YEAR City Centre Subs LLC Feeding America Eastern WI Life Highlights Rhyme Smart Cow Yogurt Bar LLC The Wellness Way Vandervest Harley-Davidson of Green Bay Velocity Machine Inc. Women in Management Inc. Green Bay Chapter
THE SCHOOL THAT COMES TO YOU Nancy Steffel, owner 15-year Chamber member Join date: April 29, 1998
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 40 YEARS. WHY? When I started my business, I wanted to be involved in the business community and community at large. I saw the Chamber as a great resource for that; that’s why I joined not long after. Being a Chamber member and am an ambassador keeps me aware of what’s going on in the business community. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? Being recognized by the Chamber staff in 2012 with the Daniel Whitney Award for volunteerism with the Chamber. It was a momentous experience and very humbling to be among the distinguished recipients of that award. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? The opportunity to participate in a variety of events and programs. It’s a continual learning experience. I have to single out Leadership Green Bay as a profoundly compelling and life-changing experience that benefits participants both professionally and personally. The people I met through Leadership Green Bay are the people in town you want to know. It’s unbelievable that I can spend my personal time with such awesome people.
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member anniversaries
RIVERSIDE BALLROOM Ken Tedford, owner 25-year member Join date: June 30, 1988
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 25 YEARS. WHY? We’ve had a very good partnership with the Chamber, at Business After Hours events they’ve held here or I’ve gone to, and with the Chamber using our facility for events. I’ve also put together business for the Riverside at Chamber events. Also, people from outside the area have looked for a [venue] on the Chamber website and done business with us as a result. We’re very thankful for that. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? A few years ago, Riverside Ballroom was the first Chamber member to pay its membership dues for the year. I was surprised because a group of Chamber staff came to Riverside, surprised me, took my picture and thanked me. Of course, I pay my bills on time but the timing just worked on that. That said, I believe in my membership, and that is one of the first bills I would pay! WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? Definitely the connections you can make.
32 YEARS Anderson, Tackman & Co. PLC Belmark Inc. Cleaning Systems Inc.
131 YEARS Johnson Insurance Services LLC Sanimax USA Inc. 72 YEARS Aon Risk Services Inc. of Wisconsin 41 YEARS The Konop Companies
40 YEARS Amerhart Ltd. AT&T Bassett Mechanical Bay Towel Inc. BayCare Clinic Green Bay Eye Clinic Feld Properties Reinhold Sign Service Inc. Schreiber Foods Inc. Ultra Plating Corporation WBAY-TV Wells Fargo WFRV-TV/Channel 5 WPS Health Insurance
34 YEARS Broadway Automotive – Chevrolet, Volkswagen, and Saab on Ashland Avenue 33 YEARS Hansen’s Fundraising Services Robinson Metal Inc. 44 collective impact | APRIL 13
30 YEARS Brown County United Way 29 YEARS Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 28 YEARS Independent Printing Co. Inc. The Nielsen Company 27 YEARS CALWIS Company Inc. 26 YEARS BE’s Coffee & Vending Service Realtors Association of N.E. Wisconsin West Shore of Green Bay LLC 25 YEARS Bay Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery LTD Godfrey & Kahn S.C. Riverside Ballroom Inc. Special Olympics WI – Northeastern Region Uphill & Uphill S.C. 24 YEARS Berners-Schober Associates Inc.
23 YEARS Johnson & Wachholz Financial Services 22 YEARS Krider Pharmacy & Gifts Pension Consultants Co. Inc. 21 YEARS Clarity Care 20 YEARS Airport Settle Inn Inc. Citizens Bank 19 YEARS New Community Shelter Inc. 18 YEARS Boys & Girls Club of Green Bay Toonen Companies Inc. 17 YEARS EMT International Festival Foods West Junior Achievement of WI Inc.-Brown County District Landmark Resort WOW Logistics 16 YEARS Ticket King
15 YEARS E-Hub Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Inc. The Eyecare Place 14 YEARS Wisconsin Bank & Trust 13 YEARS Grubb & Ellis/Pfefferle Integrated Document & Label Solutions 12 YEARS ITT Technical Institute State Farm Insurance, Mary Kay Orr, Agent 10 YEARS Infinity Technology Inc. Pinnacle Consulting Group LLC Somerville Inc. 9 YEARS Bay Title & Abstract Inc. Bay Verte Machinery Inc. Dr. Tool – Service Centers 8 YEARS College of Menominee Nation Little Rapids Corporation 7 YEARS ACR Corporation Autofeeds Inc. Benefit Design Associates LLC Buckley Enterprises LLC – Subway Butlerandco.com Inc Dickenshied Cravillion Insurance Services Inc. Filtration Services LLC Fox Specialty Company Fox Valley Metal-Tech Inc. Gandrud Auto Group Dodge Chrysler Hanson Benefits Inc. Jackie Foster Inc. MidWest Chemical & Equipment Inc. PAi Paye Eye Care Center S.C. Relyco Inc. Trident Automation Inc. 6 YEARS Advanced Eye Care Center Apple Creek Campground Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Howard Chiropractic Clinic S.C. James N. Morrison & Associates Leibold Associates Inc. Perret Homes Inc. Seroogy’s Chocolates
5 YEARS A & K Pizza Crust Alliance Management LLC Arrow Pavement Maintenance LLC House of Speed Packerland Storage 4 YEARS Insight Publications LLC 3 YEARS Animal House Groom & Board Animal House Pet Clinic S.C. Benefit Advantage Inc. Educational Television Production-NE WI G & K Services Inc. Grant Thornton, LLP Koss Industrial Inc. Packerland Brokerage Services Inc. Sadoff Iron & Metal Co. Div. of Sadoff & Rudoy Industries LLC Seize The Day Events Wautier & Verkuilen Accounting and Tax Service Inc. 2 YEARS Hand To Shoulder Center of Wisconsin Hennessy & Roach P. C. The Kewaunee Inn Valley Transfer & Storage LLC WEA Trust 1 YEAR Cineviz, LLC Dickey’s Barbeque Pit Family Shooting Academy Grand Central Station Grand Central Station Airport Shell Grand Central Station Bay Beach Shell Grand Central Station Bellevue Crossing Shell Grand Central Station Bellevue Shell Grand Central Station De Pere Shell Grand Central Station Golden Shell Grand Central Station Howard BP Grand Central Station Jaguar Shell Grand Central Station Landing BP Grand Central Station Ledgeview Shell Grand Central Station Lineville Travel Mart Shell Grand Central Station Main Street Shell Grand Central Station Riverside Shell Grand Central Station Scheuring Shell Grand Central Station Stadium Shell Grand Central Station University Shell Grand Central Station Vogageur Shell Pizza Ranch Remedy Intelligent Staffing The Booth
BOSSE’S NEWS & TOBACCO Lisa Mitchell, manager 30-year Chamber member Join date: April 30, 1983
YOU’VE BEEN A CHAMBER MEMBER FOR 30 YEARS. WHY? As one of the oldest businesses in Green Bay, being in business since 1898, we should be a member because of the longevity of our business. Networking and being top of mind are important for any business. WHAT’S YOUR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE CHAMBER? Probably the Chamber Business After Hours hosted at the Brett Favre Steakhouse a few years ago. All our family employees attended and enjoyed the beautifully decorated facility and delicious food. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE BY BEING A CHAMBER MEMBER? The opportunity to meet people from other Chamber businesses and connect with them.
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Chamber snapshots
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Who's who. Pictured at February’s Business & Breakfast are (from left) Daniel Roarty, Dimension IV, Kiar Olson, Kiar Media, the day’s presenter, and Marc Perna and Vicki Meinke, Valley Insurance Associates Inc., the sponsor of the Business & Breakfast sessions.
Current hosted HoHoHolidays at Hagemeister Park on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Attendees included (front row, left to right): Kelly Taff (Schneider National), Kate Jacobson (Hyatt on Main), Jody Weyers (American Red Cross of Northeast Wisconsin), Maribeth Frinzi (Green Bay Botanical Garden) and (back row, left to right) Chad Bianchi (Associated Banc-Corp.) and Jacob Juliot (BernersSchober Associates Inc.).
Kevin Van Ess, Washington Middle School, reacts to the receipt of a Golden Apple at the surprise classroom announcements of Golden Apple Award honorees on Monday, March 4.
(from left) Heather Mueller,Breakthrough®Fuel, Craig Dickman, Breakthrough®Fuel, Michael Witte, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, visit at the Leadership Green Bay All Class Reunion. Pictured in the background (left to right): Michael Davis and Len Rentmeester, Wisconsin Public Service.
(from left) Rick Moericke, Schreiber Foods, Mark Nicolas, PAi, Kristy Haney and Brendan Bruss, PMI Entertainment, socialize at the Leadership Green Bay All Class Reunion Breakfast on Feb. 21 the Tundra Lodge.
Pamela Sanchez on left, (Peterson, Berk & Cross S.C.) with Iris Yu (Schreiber Foods Inc.) at the Current Future 15 and Young Professional Awards in February.
In March the Chamber welcomed M3 Insurance. Pictured from left are Mandy Kohl, Paula J. Kazik, Julie G. Wall, Jacqueline R. Nagel, Jennifer M.Younk and Cindy Van Asten, GBDS.
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Lasting impression As we bring this issue to a close, we leave you with a final thought. This year, we finessed the Chamber mission statement. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber’s efforts in the name of business in Brown County. – Laurie Radke, Chamber president; Chamber board of directors; and Chamber staff
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All Aboard for learning and fun! 2 2 8 5 S . B R OA DWAY • G R E E N B AY, W I ( 9 2 0 ) 4 3 7 - 7 6 2 3 W W W. N AT I O N A L R R M U S E U M . O R G Open all year • 9 – 5 Mon – Sat • 11 – 5 Sun APRIL 13
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Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1660 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A Green Bay, WI 54305-1660
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