Green Books Catalogue Autumn 2012

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GREEN BOOKS en v i r on m en ta l p ubl i sh ers for over 25 years


New Titles

THE NATURE OF BUSINESS Redesigning for resilience

Giles Hutchins “Shows how we can sidestep the Black Swans of breakdown – and ride the Green Swans of breakthrough.” John Elkington

SEPTEMBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 048 6 234mm x 156mm 208pp

£14.95 hb

The author Giles Hutchins is a management consultant with over 15 years of business and IT transformation experience, formerly with KPMG and Atos International. His passion is for exploring ways of applying nature’s inspiration to sustainable business transformation. He applies this to the challenges businesses face today, providing practical insight and guidance to help organisations redesign for resilience in these volatile times. 2

This book sets out a new business paradigm. Author Giles Hutchins presents the challenges to the prevailing ‘business as usual’ model, explains the pressing need for transformational change, and reveals the concepts and mindset necessary to inspire the businesses of tomorrow. Going beyond current approaches to responsible and green business, Hutchins focuses on the emergence of new ways of operating and creating value in an increasingly volatile and interconnected world. He makes the compelling case that the ‘firm of the future’ should seek to mimic behaviours and organisations found in nature, which offer fitting models for businesses capable of flourishing in chaotic and uncertain times. A firm of the future, he argues, builds resilience, optimises, adapts, integrates systems, navigates by values and supports life-building activities. It is a business inspired by nature. Showcasing the pioneers of the new paradigm through examples and case studies, the book presents the tools and techniques required to effect the transformation to a business fit for purpose – fit for the future.

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

New Titles

CHANGEOLOGY How to enable groups, communities and societies to do things they’ve never done before

Les Robinson

OCTOBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 061 5 234mm x 156mm 256pp

£14.95 pb

The author Les Robinson is a social marketer who wondered why his campaigns sometimes fizzled and decided to find out why. He is Australia’s most experienced and knowledgeable change facilitator, consultant to government agencies and councils – training, facilitating and advising practitioners on behaviour change programmes in areas including health, sustainability, road safety and emergency management.

Changeology is about how we go about influencing the behaviour of human beings for the better. The book is relevant to change projects both large and small, and in almost any area of activity, but focuses on currently key topics such as climate change, poverty, obesity, AIDS, and tobacco and drug use. It is aimed at a worldwide audience of professionals and individuals who are acting to make change in their corporations, cities and neighbourhoods, as well as in their own lives. The pressing issues of today clamour for solutions, yet past and present efforts to effect social change have, to a surprising degree, been based on little more than hunches. Even expensive advertising campaigns have failed to produce the desired results. This book dispels many of the myths that prevent social change projects from succeeding, and replaces them with the best of what we know from social and motivational psychology and lessons from projects that have worked. Changeology simplifies a vast body of theory and practice into six principles: buzz, hope, enabling environments, sticky solutions, ‘can do’ and the right inviter. These are explained with fascinating real-life stories and a look at the hard evidence. The book is written in an easy, accessible style, with plenty of anecdotes and stories.

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


New Titles

CHICKEN NUGGETS A miscellany of poultry pickings

David Squire

SEPTEMBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 092 9 197mm x 122mm 96pp

£9.95 hb

The author David Squire has written a number of highly regarded titles on gardening and smallholding, including two other books about chickens: The Henkeeping Specialist and Keeping Chickens: an essential guide for first-time chicken keepers. David studied gardening at the Hertfordshire College of Horticulture and at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Garden at Wisley, Surrey.


Few farmyard and back-garden animals display such appealing and amusing characteristics as chickens, whether they’re scratching the ground in search of insects, just bustling and hustling, or revealing selfimportance through a measured walk. They would have been outstanding vaudeville acts, but their egg-laying and meat-producing abilities have been hijacked by humans to produce food for millions of people throughout the world each day. This book is packed with intriguing facts and folklore, and decorated throughout with historical woodcuts and engravings. It is not only a charming gift but also a useful practical guide.

By the same author:

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

“A beautifully illustrated book, full of wonderful observations, folklore and good advice – aspiring beekeepers will adore it.” Cottage Garden

New Titles

ORGANIC GARDENING The natural no-dig way

Charles Dowding New full-colour edition “One of our most respected vegetable growers” Joy Larkcom

SEPTEMBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 089 9 234mm x 168mm 292pp

£14.95 pb

Charles Dowding has been practising no-dig organic growing for over 30 years. In this new, full-colour edition of Organic Gardening he shares the wealth of his experience, explaining his approach to soil and plants and revealing the range of techniques that have enabled him to grow healthy and vibrant plants for decades. His success is based on some key principles: • No-dig enhances soil structure and encourages healthy growth, especially when soil life is encouraged through the addition of good compost and manure.


The author Charles started growing organic vegetables commercially in 1982 and was an early pioneer of vegetable boxes. He runs organic gardening courses from his farm in Somerset, where he grows an extensive range of vegetables and year-round salads for local shops and restaurants. He is author of Salad Leaves and How to Grow Winter Vegetables, also published by Green Books.

• Organic matter is best spread on the surface – just leave it on top and let the worms take it in, aerating the soil as they do so. • When starting with weedy soil there is a period of three to twelve months, depending on weed types, when the emphasis is on cleaning and improving the soil. • Using a no-dig method you can easily control weeds with just a little hand weeding or hoeing every ten days or so, when weeds are small. Based on this approach and his experience of a system of permanent, slightly raised beds, Charles shows in Organic Gardening how to grow a delicious variety of fruit and vegetables: what to choose, when to sow, plant and harvest, and how best to avoid pests and diseases.

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


New Titles

SUSTAINABILITY A cultural history

Ulrich Grober translated by Ray Cunningham “Shows compellingly that ecological dependency of human activity was well understood in pre-industrial Europe. . . . An essential read for anyone concerned with the big crisis of our time.” Klaus Bosselmann, University of Auckland

OCTOBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 045 5 234mm x 156mm 224pp

£14.95 pb

The author Ulrich Grober is a publicist, broadcaster and journalist, whose work covers cultural history, future visions, sustainability and ecotourism. His writing on deep ecology and sustainability has appeared in Die Zeit, Resurgence and Greenpeace magazines, amongst others. His best-selling second book, Vom Wandern – Neue Wege zu einer alten Kunst (On Hiking – New Ways to an Ancient Art), was published in 2006. 6

From diets to economic growth, everything these days has to be ‘sustainable’. But the word’s currency should not obscure its origins: sustainability is an age-old aspiration; a concept deeply rooted in human culture. Though in danger of abuse and overuse today, it can still be recovered from its present inflationary coinage. In clear and thought-provoking terms, Ulrich Grober reassesses the concept of sustainability using a range of fascinating historical instances of its application. He considers the vision of men such as Hans Carl von Carlowitz, credited with having first formulated the three pillars of sustainability: environmental equilibrium, economic security and social justice. The journey takes in Francis of Assisi’s thirteenth-century Canticle of the Sun, as well as Greek philosophers and Enlightenment scholars. Whether in the court of Louis XIV or the silver mines of Saxony, sustainability is shown to be always born of crisis and yet also marks the birth of a new awareness, a realisation that the planet we live on has to be sustained and preserved for future generations. This book offers a historically rich and nuanced introduction to a concept that could not be of more pressing importance for the twenty-first century.

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

Previously Announced

THE PASSIVHAUS HANDBOOK A practical guide to constructing and retrofitting buildings for ultra-low energy performance

Janet Cotterell and Adam Dadeby

OCTOBER 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 019 6 255mm x 205mm 240pp

£35.00 pb

The authors Janet Cotterell and Adam Dadeby are directors of Passivhaus Homes Ltd., which in 2011 completed one of the very few fully certified Passivhaus UK retrofits, with one of the best airtightness results in the UK. Janet is a chartered architect with over 20 years’ experience, and a certified Passivhaus Designer. Adam is a Certified Passivhaus Consultant and holds a postgraduate diploma in Architecture: Advanced Environmental & Energy Studies.

The Passivhaus Handbook is an essential guide for everyone wanting to realise a supremely comfortable, healthy and durable home with exceptionally low energy costs. Whether you are building an extension, retrofitting your house or starting from scratch, are new to low-energy design or already have some experience, this book will help both architect, builder and home owner navigate around the potential pitfalls and misconceptions of Passivhaus principles. Passivhaus design focuses first on getting the building fabric right, to achieve ultra-low energy consumption in the most cost-effective manner. The approach is relevant to a wide range of building types and climates, not just to special structures. Passivhaus methodology can be combined with elements of other building standards, such as the UK’s Code for Sustainable Homes, or with other goals, such as a commitment to using low-impact and natural building materials. This book includes: • a clear explanation of the underlying building physics • detailed information on key elements: avoiding air leakiness, designing out thermal (cold) bridges, moisture management and ventilation strategy • tips for creating a cooperative, motivated project team • photographs and diagrams throughout.

New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


Distributed New Titles

2052 A global forecast for the next 40 years

Jorgen Randers “This thoughtful and thought-provoking book will be inspiring, and challenging, for all who really care about our common future.” Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway; leader, World Commission on Environment and Development

AVAILABLE NOW Chelsea Green 234mm x 156mm 304pp in full colour ISBN 978 1 60358 467 8

We know what we want the world to be like in 40 years. We know what the world could be like in 40 years if we all did what needs to be done to create a more sustainable future. But what do we know about what the world will actually be like in 40 years?

£27.50 hb ISBN 978 1 60358 421 0

£19.95 pb

The author Jorgen Randers is professor of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School, where he works on climate issues and scenario analysis. He was previously president of BI and deputy director general of WWF International in Switzerland. He lectures internationally on sustainable development and especially climate, and is a non-executive member of a number of corporate boards.


Drawing on global forecasting tools, his own experience in the sustainability arena, and the predictions – included in the book – of more than 30 leading scientists, economists, futurists and other thinkers, Jorgen Randers guides us through the future he feels is most likely to emerge. He examines matters such as: • How many people will the planet need to support? • Will there be enough food and energy? • Will youth revolt under the debt and pension burden of the old? • Which nations will prosper and which will suffer? • Will the race toward renewables succeed? • Will the belief in endless growth crumble? • How will megacities evolve and human communication change? • Will the shift to Chinese economic superiority be peaceful? • Will runaway climate change have taken hold? These are just a few of the questions posed in this thought-provoking work, and there are some surprising answers.

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

Distributed New Titles

THE ART OF FERMENTATION An in-depth exploration of essential concepts and processes from around the world

Sandor Ellix Katz

AVAILABLE NOW Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 286 5 234mm x 156mm 528pp b&w + 32pp colour

£32.50 hb

The author Sandor Ellix Katz is a self-taught fermentation experimentalist. He wrote Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods – which Newsweek called “the fermenting bible” – in order to share the fermentation wisdom he had learned, and demystify home fermentation. Since the book’s publication in 2003, Katz has taught hundreds of fermentation workshops across North America and beyond.

Fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz has inspired countless thousands to rediscover the ancient art of fermentation, and with The Art of Fermentation he offers the most comprehensive and definitive guide to do-ityourself home fermentation ever published. Katz presents the history, concepts and processes behind fermentation, in ways simple enough to guide novices yet in-depth enough to provide greater understanding and insight for experienced fermentors. Readers will find detailed information on fermenting vegetables, sugars into alcohol (meads, wines and ciders), sour tonic beverages, milk, grains and starchy tubers, beers and other grain-based alcoholic beverages, beans, seeds, fish, meat and eggs, as well as growing mould cultures and using fermentation in agriculture, art, energy production and commerce. The first-ever guide of its kind, this book will undoubtedly become a classic of food literature. By the same author: “His two books have become manifestos and how-to manuals for a generation of underground food activists.” Library Journal

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


DistributedNew NewTitles Titles

SOWING SEEDS IN THE DESERT Natural farming, global restoration and ultimate food security

Masanobu Fukuoka

AVAILABLE NOW Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 418 0 216mm x 138mm 216pp

£18.95 hb

The author Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008) was a farmer and philosopher. His bestselling book The One-Straw Revolution described his life’s journey, his philosophy and farming techniques. This book has been translated into more than 25 languages and has helped make Fukuoka a leader in the worldwide sustainableagriculture movement. He continued farming until shortly before his death in 2008, at the age of 95.


Fukuoka’s inspiring and international best-selling book, The One-Straw Revolution (1978), spoke directly to the growing movement of organic farmers and activists seeking a new way of life. For years after its publication, Fukuoka travelled the world spreading his teachings and developing a devoted following of farmers seeking to return to the truth of nature. Sowing Seeds in the Desert is Fukuoka’s last major work – and perhaps his most important. Fukuoka spent years working with people and organisations in Africa, India, South-East Asia, Europe and the United States, to show how it is possible to grow food and regenerate forests with very little irrigation in the most desolate places. This revolutionary book presents Fukuoka’s plan to rehabilitate the world’s deserts and achieve global food security by using natural farming, including practical solutions for feeding a growing human population. It also provides a deep and renewed understanding of the relationship between human beings and nature.

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

Distributed New Titles

TOP-BAR BEEKEEPING Organic practices for honeybee health

Les Crowder and Heather Harrell

SEPTEMBER 2012 Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 461 6 234mm x 156mm 192pp

ÂŁ19.95 pb

The authors Les Crowder has devoted his entire adult life to the study and care of honeybees. He has designed his own topbar hives, and has served as president of the New Mexico Beekeepers Association. Heather Harrell has been an organic farmer, and through her work with honeybees has moved her focus to the study of multi-use permaculture plantings, which support a diverse network of interrelationships in the natural world.

Despite the recent challenges from pests such as varroa and tracheal mites and Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), bees are being raised successfully in backyards and on rooftops all over the world – without antibiotics, miticides or other chemical inputs. More and more organically minded beekeepers are now using top-bar hives, in which the shape of the interior resembles a hollow log. Long-lasting and completely biodegradable, a top-bar hive made of untreated wood allows bees to build comb naturally rather than simply filling prefabricated foundation frames in a typical box hive with added supers. Top-bar hives yield slightly less honey but produce more beeswax than a typical Langstroth box hive. Regular hive inspection and the removal of old combs helps to keep bees healthier and naturally disease-free. Top-Bar Beekeeping provides complete information on hive management and other aspects of using these innovative hives. It will appeal to home beekeepers and also to home orchardists, gardeners and permaculture practitioners who look to bees for pollination as well as for honey or beeswax.

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


Distributed New Titles

CHEESE AND CULTURE A history of cheese and its place in Western civilization

Paul Kindstedt

SEPTEMBER 2012 Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 411 1 234mm x 156mm 256pp

ÂŁ19.95 hb

The author Paul Kindstedt is a Professor of Food Science in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont. He is the co-author of American Farmstead Cheese (2005) with the Vermont Cheese Council, and has received national professional recognition for both his research and teaching. Kindstedt currently serves as the CoDirector of the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese at the University of Vermont.


Behind every traditional type of cheese there lies a fascinating story of how it came to be. By examining the role of the cheesemaker throughout world history, and by exploring a few basic principles of cheese science and technology, Paul Kindstedt offers this uniquely focused and in-depth look at the origins and development of cheese, from prehistoric times to the present day. The author also tells a larger story, a sweeping narrative that binds all cheeses together into a single history – one that started with the discovery of cheese-making in the Neolithic Age and that is still unfolding to this day. Cheese and Culture reconstructs that 9,000-year-old story, based on the often fragmentary information that we have available. The book offers a useful lens through which to view our 21st-century attitudes to cheese and towards food in general. Exhaustively researched and highly readable, this refreshingly original work will appeal to anyone who loves history, food and, especially, good cheese.

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012

Distributed New Titles

A SANCTUARY OF TREES Beechnuts, birdsongs, baseball bats and benedictions

Gene Logsdon

SEPTEMBER 2012 Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 401 2 234mm x 156mm 248pp

£14.95 pb

The author Gene Logsdon has published more than two dozen books, both practical and philosophical. Gene’s non-fiction works include Holy Shit, Small-Scale Grain Raising, Living at Nature’s Pace and The Contrary Farmer. He writes a popular blog, The Contrary Farmer, and is a regular contributor to Farming magazine. He lives and farms in Upper Sandusky, Ohio.

“We are all treehuggers,” writes author Gene Logsdon, but this is not just for sentimental or environmental reasons. Humans have always depended on trees for food, shelter, livelihood and safety. In many ways, despite the Grimms’ fairy tale version of the dark, menacing forest, most people still have a deep cultural love of woodland settings, and feel at home in the woods. In this latest book, Logsdon traces the roots of his own home groves in Ohio back to the Native Americans and early European farmers, then relates his experiences of living in different regions, each of which was somehow linked with trees and a love of the natural world. Gene has always lived and worked close to the woods, and his curiosity and keen sense of observation has taught him valuable lessons about a wide variety of trees: their distinctive characteristics and their multiple uses and virtues. In addition to revealing many fascinating details of woods wisdom, A Sanctuary of Trees is infused with a philosophy and descriptive lyricism born from the author’s passionate and lifelong relationship with nature.

Distributed New Titles | Autumn & Winter 2012


Recently Published

OCCUPY WORLD STREET A global roadmap for radical economic and political reform

Ross Jackson “The definitive analysis of why the current system cannot be reformed and why a completely new system must be born” Jim Garrison, president, State of the World Forum

MARCH 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 058 5 230mm x 153mm 336pp

£14.95 pb

Ross Jackson outlines a compelling plan that will allow countries to regain control of their economies, reorganise global trade alliances on a more human scale, and gradually replace the WTO, IMF and World Bank with new institutions that support sustainable economies and uphold human rights.

FUTURE MONEY Breakdown or breakthrough?

James Robertson “A brilliant and accessible guide to the fundamental flaws in our financial and economic system, with simple but incredibly effective proposals for fixing them!” Ben Dyson, Founder, Positive Money

APRIL 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 98 0 234mm x 156mm 192pp

£12.95 pb


Recently Published

Future Money explains how our money system operates and how it could be reformed so that it acts for the benefit of people and society rather than the opposite, and explains what is currently preventing that reform. The book speaks explicitly to independent-minded citizens, including young people, and shows why we have to take the initiative now, and urgently.

Recently published Published

HOW TO GROW PERENNIAL VEGETABLES Low-maintenance, low-impact vegetable gardening

Martin Crawford APRIL 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 84 3 234mm x 168mm 224pp full colour

£14.95 pb

Perennial vegetables are a joy to grow and require a lot less time and effort than annuals. They also extend the harvesting season and are better for the soil. In this book Martin Crawford gives comprehensive cultivation advice on growing over 100 perennial edibles, from rhubarb to skirret and from Jerusalem artichoke to nodding onions.

THE WEEDER’S DIGEST Identifying and enjoying edible weeds

Gail Harland “A delightful read . . . fills the hungry gap between books on gardening and those on foraging.” Fergus Drennan

JUNE 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 99 7 234mm x 168mm 192pp full colour

£12.95 pb

This book is a practical and attractive guide to identifying and using the many edible varieties of weed. It gives details of over 50 species – both natives and non-natives, including some tiresome invasives – with nutritional information, recipe suggestions and fascinating historical facts.

Recently Published


Recently Published

HOW TO BE AN EVERYDAY KITCHEN MAGICIAN Fabulous food for almost free

Richard Fox

APRIL 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 027 1 234mm x 168mm 160pp full colour

£9.95 pb

Don’t bin it! With How to be an Everyday Kitchen Magician you will be astounded by what you can make from the most uninspiring food at the back of your fridge or cupboard. Richard Fox shows how to make the most of your everyday leftovers, reduce your waste dramatically, and create spontaneous, delicious dishes in minutes.


David E. Cooper “Contains a great deal of wisdom, proffered with humour, grace, and tough-mindedness.” Prof Graham Parkes, University College Cork

FEBRUARY 2012 Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 023 3 216mm x 138mm 168pp

£10.95 pb


Recently Published

Convergence with Nature explores our relationship to nature – to animals, to plants, to natural places – and asks how it can be shaped into an appropriate one that contributes to the good of our lives as a whole. Cooper examines the affinity for nature expressed in Daoist philosophy, and considers the implications of these attitudes for us today.


Eco-Building New Titles

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 47 8 192pp £20 pb

Green Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 51 5 184pp £14.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 903998 72 4 256pp £25 pb

Shows how people worldwide have ingeniously adapted their dwellings to the climate.

The definitive book by the UK’s most experienced strawbale builder.

The most practical and beautifully illustrated book on earth building ever published.

G Green Books k ISBN 978 1 903998 73 1 256pp £25.00 pb

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 933392 37 0 274pp £32.50 pb

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 890132 34 7 384pp £27.50 pb

“Invaluable for anybody who dreams of designing and building an eco-home.” Grand Designs

A definitive account of the art and technology of rammed earth construction.

All the information you need to construct an energy-efficient and cosy cob building.

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 0 930031 71 8 250pp £24.95 pb

Hand Print Press ISBN 978 0 967984 67 4 132pp £14.95 pb

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 339 8 416pp £40.00 pb + DVD

Shows how to build an entire house or something more modest, such as a studio or garage.

“How to make an inexpensive oven which will bake wonderful bread.” Andrew Whitley

Up-to-date info on strawbale, straw-clay, woodchip-clay and cellulose wall systems, and more.





G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 88 1 232pp £14.95 pb

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 20 1 224pp £12.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 74 4 352pp £16.95 pb

“A comprehensive, practical and inspiring guide.” Sarah Raven

“An essential book for every garden and kitchen.” Nigel Slater

“A must for anyone considering anything from a couple of trees to an orchard.” Mark Diacono

G Green Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 62 1 384pp £30 hb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 02 7 224pp £10.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 0 85784 024 0 96pp £9.95 hb

“A seminal piece of work on truly sustainable gardening.” Alys Fowler

The forest gardening classic, including guidelines on design, maintenance and species.

A charming gift for naturalists, gardeners and beekeepers alike, with beautiful woodcuts.

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 45 4 128pp £10.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 72 0 160pp £10.95 pb

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 900322 72 0 160pp £10.95 pb

“Covers every aspect of polytunnel growing.” Benedict Vanheems, Grow it!

“Andy and Mark are fast becoming Britain’s polytunnel gurus.” Country Smallholding

Unpacks and demystifies the basic knowledge every ecological fruit grower needs.





Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 96 6 256pp £12.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 92 8 192pp £14.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 59 1 200pp £9.95 pb

Over 250 recipes for using fresh produce in new and exciting ways.

How to start a community orchard, including support, access and legal issues.

Everything you’ll ever need to know about home and community composting.

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 89 8 240pp £14.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 68 3 132pp £6.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 903998 54 0 128pp £9.95 pb

“Packed with brilliant, moneysaving tips for the thrifty gardener.” Grow Your Own

If you want to grow your own food but don’t know where to start, this book is for you.

Covers choosing and planning your allotment, harvesting and storing your produce, and more.

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 17 1 128pp £7.95 pb

Green Books k ISBN 978 1 903998 48 9 128pp £6.95 pb

J ki Publishing Jenkins P bli hi ISBN 978 0 964425 83 5 256pp £19.95 pb

“Every serious organic gardener should have a copy.” Organic Gardening

Use your pee to make liquid manure, save water and energy and prevent pollution.

All you need to know about safely composting human manure – 256 pages of crap.



Economics & Policy


Transition Books ISBN 978 1 900322 97 3 320pp £19.95 pb

Transition Books ISBN 978 1 900322 65 2 224pp £14.95 pb

T Transition i i Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 76 8 240pp £14.95 pb

“Offers communities both practical guidance and real vision for the future.” Tim Jackson

“An invaluable resource for any green-minded councillor or community group.” Eugenie Harvey

“Will inspire all concerned in making our buildings fit for the future.” Penney Poyzer

Transition Books ISBN 978 1 900322 52 2 240pp £14.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 46 1 288pp £12.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 70 6 200pp £12.95 pb

“Tells every community everywhere how to make local money work for local good.” Polly Toynbee

Shows how new forms of money can produce positive social and environmental outcomes.

“Sets the self-deceptions of mainstream economics and the real world on a collision course.”

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 41 6 128pp £7.95 pb

Ch l Chelsea G Green ISBN 978 1 603582 54 4 240pp £13.50 pb

Ch l Chelsea Green G ISBN 978 1 603582 57 5 224pp £12.95 pb

“Seldom-heard truths about economic growth . . . poverty and equity.” David Korten

A new strategy for investing in local food systems, which anticipates post-industrial agriculture.

Argues that we are not on the verge of economic recovery but rather of complete collapse.


Economics & Policy


Green Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 54 6 288pp £12.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 90 4 192pp £12.95 pb

“A genuinely readable book about biodiversity. Essential reading.” Mark Carwardine, BBC

Explores how an understanding of Gaian science can help us connect with the world.

A pioneering text for the global movement to recognise rights for Nature. Now in its second edition.

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 63 8 160pp £14.95 pb

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 49 2 208pp £14.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 60 7 192pp £14.95 pb

Looks at how new information and communication technologies mediate the natural world.

“A thorough, up-to-date response to our climatic predicament.” Bill McKibben

Critical thinkers reflect on the skills necessary to survive the environmental conditions ahead.

Chelsea Green ISBN 978 1 60358 371 8 352pp £27.50 hb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 75 1 96pp £8.00 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 870098 66 3 224pp £9.95 pb

A new vision to revitalise business models and win the energy race for long-term advantage.

Traces Schumacher’s legacy through the organisations closely linked to his ideas and work.

Twenty-one of Schumacher’s articles, including ‘Science with Soul’ and ‘Buddhist Economics’.

Ecology & Sustainable development


Ecology & Sustainable development

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 86 7 160pp £9.95 pb

Spirituality, Art & Literature


G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 57 7 144pp £10.95 hb

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 903998 18 2 192pp £10.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 870098 89 2 320pp £9.95 pb

A pilgrim is someone who sees life as a sacred journey, who sees the Earth as a sacred home.

Traces Satish Kumar’s spiritual journey and his world view based on relationships and connections.

“One of the few life-changing books I have read.” Thomas Moore

G Green Books k ISBN 978 1 903998 89 2 144pp £9.95 hb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 73 7 128pp £10.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 903998 00 7 112pp £8.95 pb

Shows how we can recover the art of living and lead a more peaceful and content existence.

How to make the most of ageing and celebrate its positive gifts, with inspirational stories.

How to restore real wealth in the midst of an affluence in which we are starving the spirit.

Green Books ISBN 978 1 903998 74 8 112pp £8.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 91 1 200pp £12.95 hb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 900322 93 5 152pp £9.95 pb

Looks beyond speed and superficiality to help us find depth and spiritual space in our lives.

A beautiful memoir. “Funny and sweet and wise and profound.” Jane Hamilton

A selection of the magical poetry, elegant prose, prayers and contemplations of Tagore.


Spirituality, Ar t & Literature


Devon, Cornwall & Scilly

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 900322 29 4 288pp £9.95 pb

G Green B Books k ISBN 978 1 900322 21 8 256pp £9.95 pb

G Green Books B k ISBN 978 1 903998 24 3 128pp £4.95 pb

“A fascinating and highly original book.” Walk

“First-class and excellent value.” Byway and Bridleway

“Very readable and first-rate for a fiver.” Byway and Bridleway

Green Books k ISBN 978 1 870098 96 0 128pp £6.95 pb

Green Books k ISBN 978 1 903998 50 2 256pp £12.95 pb

Green Books ISBN 978 1 903998 51 9 224pp £10.95 pb

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