Green Careers Journal - August 2006 Vol. I Num. 6

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August 2006 Vol. I, Issue 6 $5.95

Woodlot’s Cool Careers

2 Eaton Street, Suite 711 Hampton, Virginia 23669


No Jobs Without Water Sustaining the environmental work force

ince 1989, the industry has recognized engineering-environmental SManagement, Inc., (e2M) as a world leader in providing environmental

and engineering services to our clients in the areas of Conservation and Planning, Compliance and Management, Restoration, and Information Technology. Our success primarily stems from our professional employees who consistently deliver quality products and services clients. Our business approach allows us to hire management and support staff who possess the skills, education, and experience necessary to maintain our professional standard in deliverable products and services to our clients. e2M is a dynamic employer, and offers opportunities for employees with a wide variety of projects to assist them in achieving their professional and personal career goals. e2M is an equal opportunity employer, and considers all applicants equally without regard to race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, veteran status or any disability as provided in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

engineering-environmental Management, Inc. 9563 S. Kingston Ct., Suite 200 Englewood, Colorado 80112 Visit our website at for career opportunities.

From Native Seed to Ecological Solutions

JFNew is a progressive and rapidly growing ecological services and environmental engineering consulting firm specializing in watershed management, ecological restoration, wetlands, and natural resource consulting. With multiple Midwestern locations, our firm’s talented professionals provide a wide range of services to corporations, federal, state, and municipal governments, as well as private landowners. Our culture, values and reputation have attracted a diverse team with a passion for natural resources and environmental stewardship. At the same time, an entrepreneurial spirit and strong leadership team has been cultivated to combine technical and professional expertise with sound, viable business management practices. Be sure to check out our website JFNew is an Equal Opportunity Employer; minorities are encouraged to apply.

JFNew, Inc. 708 Roosevelt Road Walkerton, Indiana 46574

August 2006 Volume I Number 6

The journal of the environmental careers world. Dedicated to bringing those in the environmental careers field the information they need to succeed.

On the cover: Handling spotted turtles prior to attaching radio transmitters.Photo courtesy of Woodlot Alternatives.

GCJ Staff: John Esson, Publisher Jeremy Esson, Layout Editor Karen Fitzgerald, Jobs Editor


Scott Francis, Contributing Editor Hope Price, Business Manager Contributing authors: Claudia Spruill

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The Green Careers Journal is published 10 times annually by Environmental Career Center, LLC, 2 Eaton Street, Ste. 711, Hampton, Virginia 23669

FEATURES: Jobs in Water Quality


Green News


Cool Careers: Woodlot Alternatives, Inc.


CALENDAR: Environmental Career Networking Events


Phone: 757-727-7895; Fax: 757-727-7904 E-mail: Subscription rates are: Individuals: $24.95 - 10 issues Organizations: $49.95 - 10 issues $89.95 - 20 issues

JOB LISTINGS: Green Buildings & Energy




Foresty/Natural Resources/GIS


Environmental Science and Engineering


Advocacy, Environmental Policy and Law


Environmental Education


ISSN: 1559-0844



Cover photo: Woodlot Alternatives, Inc.

Career Changers/Support


Add US$1.50 per issue for delivery outside the USA Single issue price: $5.95 US Postmaster: Address correction requested. We do our very best in providing subscribers with comprehensive and accurate job information and assisting employers with cost-effective recruitment. Environmental Career Center, LLC and it’s owners, employees, contractors and volunteers assume no liability for errors or omissions. Liability is limited to the cost of the subscription or paid advertisement. Money back guarantee: If you are not satisified with the Green Careers Journal, you may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a refund for all unmailed copies. Copyright 2006  Environmental Career Center, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

Landscape Architects/Designers Tempe, Arizona

Logan Simpson Design Inc. is a growing environmental planning and landscape architecture firm, specializing in interdisciplinary and natural resource planning, park and recreation planning and design, contextual design, cultural interpretation, streetscape and gateway design, irrigation design, and construction administration. We are a growing design group with unique and exciting projects looking to add new talent to our team. A positive “can-do” attitude is important in this supportive venue for professional growth. Current opentings: Senior Landscape Architect/Project Manager Experience Required: Registered Landscape Architect with 10+ years of experience. Bachelors degree in Landscape Architecture from an accredited program, Arizona registration or ability to achieve Arizona registration within a year. Entry Level Landscape Designer Experience Required: Landscape Architecture degree with 0-2 years of experience. Bachelors degree in Landscape Architecture from an accredited program. Please send resume with salary requirements and references to: Logan Simpson Design Inc. Attn: Kym Rettig 51 W Third Street, Ste #450 Tempe, AZ 85281 E-mail: Ph: 480-967-1343 Fax: 480-966-9232

August 2006

Career Insider

Careers Protecting Vital Resources There Are No Jobs Without Water

By Claudia Spruill Water is a vital natural resource, essential to human life and to the health of the environment. To some, it is considered the most underrated commodity on Earth. Reports have found that water is a foundation for human prosperity. Adequate, high-quality water supplies provide a basis for the growth and development of social, economic, cultural, and political systems. Conversely, economic stagnation and political instability will persist or worsen in those regions where quality and reliability of water supplies remain uncertain. Due to society’s demands and increasing human populations, the Earth’s limited freshwater resources are threatened. Water is polluted from everyday sources such as, oil spilling from a car, industrial and agricultural discharge, or from other living organisms.

environmental engineers, water resource planners, waste water workers, researchers, educators, attorneys, policy/government specialists, and computer specialists. Employment opportunities exist in local, state, and federal government agencies. waste treatment facilities, private industries, international agencies, non-profit organizations, and universities. Students interested in entering this field are encouraged to have dual majors or minor in a nonscience major. Dr. Jeffery Thornton, principal planner, with Environmental Horizons Inc., thinks that students should consider complimentary majors such as Biology and Law. Industry professionals also add that students should be able to relate science and policy. Lara Hughes, with theWater Environment Federation, adds, “students should “ keep up to date

There are water quality standards, mandated by law, in place to determine how much and what can de discharged into our waters. The Clean Water Act (CWA) is one such law. The goal of the CWA is to establish national water quality that provides for the protection of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, as well as providing safe recreational use of the nations water bodies. Many other countries share the water problems that confront our nation, but in these countries the problems are often more acute. Research shows, about one-third of the world’s population lives in countries with moderate to high water stress. According to WEF (Water Environment Federation), polluted water and inadequate sanitation kill two children every minute worldwide. The problems are most acute in Africa and West Asia but lack of water is already a major constraint to industrial and socio-economic growth in many other areas, including China, India, and Indonesia. If present consumption patterns continue, two out of three persons on Earth will live in water-stressed conditions by the year 2025. Water quality is a global concern. Solutions to these problems demand technicians and specialists with water resource expertise in earth and life sciences, humanities, law, or administration. Careers in water quality are almost endless. Typical jobs include environmental scientists/chemists,

to employers. Internships and volunteer positions are an excellent way to gain experience in the water quality fields. Many organizations offer paid summer internships. Internships and volunteer positions are often posted on the company’s website, flyers around campus, and with the university career center. Most professions require a Bachelor’s degree and experience. A Master’s degree and experience and experience are highly recommended. Most candidates with PhD’s are sought after for high-level research positions and college-level teaching. It is recommended that job seekers and college students join professional organizations and attend conferences and meetings. These activities offer a great opportunity to network and gain insight about the field and possible job openings. Jobseekers can find jobs advertised on professional association and employer websites, local newspapers, select journals, environmental job boards (e.g., and through internet searches. Broadcasting your resume to companies is also an option. Salaries in the water quality field start in the mid 20’s and can top in the 100’s. The average salary with a master’s degree and 4-5 years experience is in the mid 40’s. As with any profession, the employment outlook varies with the economic climate of the country. Overall, water quality professionals will be in demand. Nationally, projects with the Clean Water Act, TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load Allotments), pollution prevention, and privatization of water issues, will require trained specialists.

USGS Scientist Bill Herkelrath checking the pumping rate during the aquifer test, July 2005

on water quality issues through education. Be sure to research the water quality area you are interested in to ensure it is something you will be happy with.” Many professionals suggest that in addition to fundamental courses such as biology, chemistry, and ecology, to take courses in civics, introductory to law and public speaking. Being able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing is highly desirable

If you are interested in a career in water quality, ask yourself “Why?”, Becky Smith with Clean Water Action, answers it best. She says, “Clean water is a right for all not a privilege.” Water quality careers are in demand - the future is bright.

Green News

New EPA Facility Flashes Green, Wins Gold (Washington, D.C. - July 26, 2006) More than 1,600 EPA employees are moving into two “green” buildings chock full of state-of-the-science technologies that reflect the agency’s core mission: to protect human health and the environment. Putting action where its philosophy is during the planning stages, EPA insisted on numerous innovations — large and small — that distinguish the Arlington, Va., buildings as among the greenest of the green. Already the effort is paying off. The buildings have received the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification. The LEED Green Building Rating System is a national standard for developing high-performance, low-impact buildings. It is based on a system that grants points for various green features in a building. “At EPA, we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk,” said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. “For over 35 years, EPA has been greening our nation’s landscape. By committing to renewable energy and water efficiency, the agency is meeting President Bush’s call to green our nation’s building practices.” The 650,000 square-foot facility features two connecting towers with ENERGY STAR-rated rooftops, which reduce cooling demand for the building. Employees enjoy natural daylight in their work spaces, while ENERGY STAR lighting fixtures and appliances, automatic daylight dimming, and occupancy sensors help reduce energy usage. To offset 100 percent of the emissions associated with the facility’s annual electricity

Brown goes Green EPA Unveils UPS Delivery Truck with 60 to 70 Percent Higher Fuel Economy

(Dallas, Texas – July 21, 2006) The world’s first hydraulic hybrid commercial truck came to Houston today in the form of a brown United Parcel Service delivery truck. EPA and UPS partnered to develop a first-of-itskind delivery truck using EPA-patented hydraulic hybrid technology. With the breakthrough technology onboard, the truck can increase fuel efficiency by 60 to 70 percent in urban driving. It also lowers greenhouse gas emissions by reducing carbon dioxide by 40 percent compared to the conventional UPS diesel delivery trucks. “Proven innovations like the hydraulic hybrid technology, combined with the efforts of voluntary regional partnerships across the country, such as our own Blue Skyways Collaborative, are helping our country improve fuel efficiency,” EPA Regional Administrator Richard Greene said. “Managing fuel consumption makes good business sense. It improves a business’ bottom line and reduces its environmental impact at the same time.” Laboratory tests show that this hybrid technology has the potential to dramatically improve the fuel economy for package delivery vehicles, shuttle and transit buses, and refuse pickup. More than 1,000 gallons of fuel each �

consumption, EPA procured 4.2 million kilowatt hours of renewable energy certificates that support wind power generated in Nebraska, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. EPA’s commitment to saving water is evident in the restrooms, which feature high efficiency faucets, and dual-flush toilets and urinals. Regional and droughtresistant landscaping eliminates the need for irrigation systems, and onsite sand filters treat stormwater runoff to reduce contamination of the nearby Potomac River. Between the two towers, a small “green” roof also helps minimize stormwater runoff, while also providing a pleasant outdoor space. Recycled-content furniture is placed on the roof and throughout the facility. Comprised of office, retail, and public space on 2.9 acres, the new facility was developed by Crescent Resources, LLC, in partnership with EPA and the U.S. General Services Administration. EPA will lease more than 400,000 square feet of the facility for 10 years to house elements of its Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. In addition to LEED Gold certification, facility managers also anticipate receiving the ENERGY STAR building label within the next year. More information:; Contact Information: Cathy Berlow, (202) 5643739 /

year could be saved per vehicle. EPA estimates that upfront costs for the hybrid components could be recouped in fewer than three years for a typical delivery vehicle. The net savings over the vehicle’s lifespan could exceed $50,000, assuming current fuel prices. The vehicle features a full hydraulic hybrid powertrain and a unique hydraulic hybrid propulsion system integrated with the drive axle. Hydraulic motors and hydraulic tanks are used to store energy, in contrast to electric motors and batteries used in electric hybrid vehicles. Like other hybrid systems, energy saved when applying the brakes is reused to help accelerate the vehicle. Following a road tour of EPA regional offices, the vehicle will be delivering UPS packages across Michigan this summer. Congress established Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, which are used to facilitate technology transfer of patented inventions from national laboratories to industry and the marketplace. EPA’s partners on the project are Eaton Corp., UPS, International Truck and Engine Corp., U.S. Army – National Automotive Center, and Morgan-Olson. Major technical support was provided by FEV Engine Technology Inc. and Southwest Research Institute.

$12 Million in Grants Keeps Waters Healthy, Boaters Happy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall announced $12.26 million in grants to 32 states for their efforts to provide recreational boaters with additional sewage pumpout facilities. The grants assist state programs for both inland and coastal waters and are awarded through the Service’s Clean Vessel Act grant program. The Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund - supported by excise taxes paid on certain fishing equipment and boat fuels taxes - funds the program. “Boaters value clean, healthy waters and this program helps achieve that goal,” said Hall. “The program provides an essential service to boaters and allows our state partners to meet an increasing demand for pumpout facilities.” The Clean Vessel Act grant program helps states ensure proper disposal of millions of gallons of boater waste. For example, the program provided for the proper disposal of three million gallons of sewage from Massachusetts last summer alone. Since the early 1990s, the program has awarded more than $120 million to states for their Clean Vessel Act programs. “The program is important to states, allowing them to better serve boaters and secure a more healthy aquatic environment,” said Rowan Gould, Assistant Director for Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs. “And it is not only boaters who benefit, but anglers and all others who take enjoyment from clean waters.” About USFWS: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Service manages the 95million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System, which encompasses 545 national wildlife refuges, thousands of small wetlands and other special management areas. It also operates 69 national fish hatcheries, 64 fishery resources offices and 81 ecological services field stations. The agency enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign and Native American tribal governments with their conservation efforts. It also oversees the Federal Assistance program, which distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in excise taxes on fishing and hunting equipment to state fish and wildlife agencies.

More information on hybrid hydraulic technology is available at recentdevelopments.htm. For an audio clip, go to epa. gov/earth1r6/6xa/radio.htm.

August 2006

Cool Careers

Wetlands, Wind, and Wildlife Careers with Woodlot Topsham, Maine -- How would you like to work with wildlife in their natural habitat? Many people would. Competition for wildlife jobs is keen, but the rewards are great. The Environmental Career Center (ECC) asked Woodlot Vice President and Principal Mike Thompson (MT) about what it takes to obtain a wildlife position with a consulting company and what makes Woodlot’s wildlife careers fascinating, cool, fun, and/or important by making a difference. ECC: How did you get started in the environmental/ natural resources consulting business, and what is the coolest part of your job? MT: I was working for a state agency in Maine as a wildlife biologist and I was continually frustrated that all the interesting projects were being assigned to consultants. I looked into what consulting firms did and found that many of them were doing a lot of interesting wildlife work. That was 17 years ago and I’ve been in consulting ever since. The coolest part of my job is coming to work in a place that is full of talented wildlife biologists, foresters, marine ecologists, geologists, wetland scientists, and botanists. I have an opportunity to learn something new from these people every day, which makes it an exciting place to work. ECC: How is your organization making a difference? MT: One of our company’s primary goals is to “make a difference”, so you’re asking a question that is dear to our hearts. We start by hiring dedicated staff members who are experts at accurately identifying natural resources in the field; people with excellent natural history skills. Those field skills are essential for identifying all the natural resources in a project area so that steps can be taken to consider and minimize impacts to the environment. We’re also not afraid to wade into particularly difficult issues or projects. Our company believes that good science is critical to the sustainable use of the planet’s natural resources, so we believe in getting in there and doing good science, rather than sitting on the sidelines because a particular project might be viewed by some as controversial.

ECC: What are the coolest careers in your organization and what do they do on the job? MT: Some of our field biologists are doing state-of-theart studies using new technologies. Our bat specialists, for example, are currently conducting radio telemetry tracking studies of endangered bats at a proposed wind power site, which involves mist-netting to capture bats, affixing tiny transmitters to their backs, and then tracking their movements. On several other wind projects our ornithologists are using modified marine radar systems to determine the flight paths and altitudes of migrating birds and bats. We have several talented botanists who do rare plant surveys in some fairly obscure locations, and it’s amazing how often they locate a rare plant that has never been reported before in an area. On other projects, biologists are using rock climbing gear to scramble into bald eagle nests to monitor nest success. With many of our projects we strive to restore natural habitats and ecosystems. Some folks in our restoration division, for example, are working on enhancing fish passage in rivers by removing dams or designing natural fishways. Several of our wildlife biologists are focusing on reptile and amphibian projects that include designing crossings under rail lines for rare turtles, evaluating snake populations in proposed development areas, and creating new vernal pool habitats for frogs and salamanders. This work has included observing turtles using remote cameras, placing radio transmitters on turtles and tracking their movements, and marking salamanders with fluorescent colors. My personal favorite for cool jobs is SCUBA diving in both saltwater and freshwater to characterize underwater natural communities. It is like visiting an entirely

Woodlot Vice President and Principal Mike Thompson

different planet. ECC: What difference can they make (for the environment, for the community, etc.) MT: Using their knowledge of species behavior and habitat requirements to help project designers lay out a development site can result in projects that don’t cause as much disruption or fragmentation to wildlife habitats. In the end, that helps preserve some of our ecosystems while still allowing society to move forward in developing needed infrastructure. We also encourage our staff members to periodically volunteer their time and skills to community groups and non-profits as a way of giving back to the community. ECC: What would make them feel good about working for consulting firms like Woodlot Alternatives? MT: A big part of our work involves solving problems for clients and it is a good feeling when you can make someone’s day a little brighter through good, hard work. We also take pride in our role in facilitating communication between conservationists, regulatory agencies, and project proponents. We generally see all sides of an argument and can help the parties find common ground for discussion. At the end of the day, too, knowing that you work for one of the most respected firms in the country, with a reputation for scientific accuracy and integrity, is a good feeling for most of our staff.

ECC: What is it that makes your organization a great place to build a rewarding environmental career? MT: At Woodlot we emphasize good science and self motivation. Our company is a place, therefore, where you have the opportunity to define your own job path and create your own career. That is in stark contrast to some career paths, such as working for the government, where your career path is often limited by the number of job openings and the large pool of applicants.

ECC: If they do a great job, how are they rewarded? MT: Woodlot tries to share success in several ways such as employee recognition, profit sharing bonuses, flexible time off, and opportunities for promotion. In fact, talented and hard working staff at Woodlot can often move quickly into management roles, if that path is of interest to them.

Capture of a northern pine snake by Woodlot’s Director of Ecological Services, Gino Giumarro. Photo courtesy of Woodlot.

We also provide a lot of benefits -- the company picks up the bill for all health care insurance for employees and their families continued page 15

ENTRIX, Inc. is an environmental consulting services company specializing in water resources management, environmental risk management, natural resources management, natural resource economics, and facility permitting and compliance. Its staff includes experts in environmental sciences, geosciences, and environmental engineering. ENTRIX was founded in 1984 and currently has offices throughout the United States and in Canada and Ecuador. View and apply to a variety of careers with ENTRIX we currently have listed at For more information on ENTRIX Inc., please visit us on the web

ENTRIX Inc. Corporate Headquarters 5252 Westchester, Suite 250 Houston, Texas 77005

Northland College - 1411 Ellis Avenue - Ashland, Wisconsin 54806-3999


August 2006

Job Announcements About These Announcements Employers: Please send your vacancy announcements to: Environmental Career Center 2 Eaton Street, Ste. 711 Hampton, VA 23669

or e-mail to: or fax to 757-727-7904

Job Seekers: Employers’ job application procedures vary, and some have very short application deadlines. Have your resume and any special government or company application forms ready before you receive the Green Careers Journal . Many application forms are available via the web and can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Green Building Consultant - Seattle, Washington POSITION OVERVIEW: We are seeking an experienced professional to manage and deliver green consulting services to major clients of the firm. This technically proficient team player is an extremely well organized project manager, possessing the ability to coordinate consulting on multiple projects including master plans, capital facilities, and training programs. Candidates must be technically knowledgeable, highly organized, and have good delegation skills. The ideal candidate will also have excellent oral and written communication skills and enjoy working with diverse project design teams and building owners. This position reports to senior management in our Seattle office. Some travel is expected. RESPONSIBILITIES:Manage multiple green building projects and project teams, creating and maintaining work plans and deliverable schedule. Technical analysis (daylight modeling, energy simulations, materials recommendations, etc.) LEED design, support, and documentation Technical research and report writing and creation of presentations on sustainability topics Building design assistance/design coaching. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: A degree in architecture, engineering, or allied field; LEED Accredited Professional; 6+ years professional experience with clear career progression and experience in green building, including: Project management experience in proposal generation, leading project teams, providing client service, and managing to budgets Conceptual and analytical design, strong writing skills and technical publishing ability. Advanced knowledge of high performance building design and construction parameters and LEED Rating Systems. Ability to prepare and deliver oral presentations to individual clients and training seminars, clearly and effectively communicating complex ideas. A sense of humor and a knack for innovation, problem solving and negotiating positive results. HOW TO APPLY: To be considered, send a current resume and letter of interest to In your cover letter, please describe how your background directly relates to the qualifications and experience listed above and how it successfully prepares you for meeting the responsibilities of the position. Include your full name in the filename of any attachments. Please, no phone calls. Associate Green Building Consultant - Seattle, Washington; We are seeking a motivated professional in the architectural or engineering field that can apply his or her skills to green building consulting opportunities. The primary focus of this position is technical design assistance to project teams and senior staff. The successful candidate shall demonstrate the ability to work under guided supervision and work well with diverse groups and interests. Project work entails execution of directed research and analytical activities, preparation of technical reports and presentations. This position offers

growth potential and is considered the first step towards project management level responsibility as a consultant in the firm. Modest travel. RESPONSIBILITIES: Technical analysis (daylight modeling, energy simulations, materials recommendations, etc.) Technical report writing and creation of presentations on sustainability topics; Building design assistance/design coaching; LEED design, documentation, and support; We also provide specialized green building technical services, including LEED program development consulting and professional education. Our firm actively serves as project managers and technical consultants to the U.S. Green Building Council on various aspects of LEED’s development and implementation, and we authored the first edition of the LEED-NC Reference Guide. Learn more about us by visiting www.paladinoandco. com; QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: A degree in architecture, engineering, or allied field; Experience in whole building design, including concept design, technical evaluation, or total cost of ownership studies as demonstrated by either of the following: 2 to 3 years professional experience with demonstrated progression in building design with an emphasis on green building, or An advanced degree in architecture, engineering or allied field with a focus on green building, energy or building science, and with practical experience gained through internships, fellowships, or similar on-the-job training. LEED Accredited Professional or LEED project experience; Strong writing skills and technical presentation ability; Expert user of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Access, Illustrator, PageMaker. Experience with energy modeling or other analytical and visualization software a plus. A sense of humor and a knack for innovation, problem solving and negotiating positive results. HOW TO APPLY: To be considered, send a current resume and letter of interest to In your cover letter, please describe how your background directly relates to the qualifications and experience listed above and how it successfully prepares you for meeting the responsibilities of the position. Include your full name in the filename of any attachments. Please, no phone calls.

Postdoctoral Research Associate - Department of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology Columbia University. Quantifying seed dispersal by birds in a fragmented tropical landscape. A post-doctoral position is available to work with Dr Maria Uriarte (Columbia University) and Dr. Emilio Bruna (University of Florida), on a project aimed at examining the impact of forest fragmentation on demography of the Amazonian understory herb Heliconia acuminata. We seek to combine existing data on the movement of H. acuminata’s dispersers with empirical estimates of the gut-passage rates of seeds to estimate a mechanism-based seed dispersal distribution. Applicants should have a PhD in ecology, behaviour, or evolutionary biology with experience in seed dispersal ecology or avian foraging behaviour; an excellent command of Portuguese is preferred. Applicants must be capable of capturing birds using mistnets and conducting simple feeding experiments. This appointment, which is funded by NSF, is initially for one year but may be renewable for a second year based on qualifications, experience and performance. The position will be based in Manaus, Brazil and offers competitive salary plus benefits. The desired start date is January 1st, 2007, but this date is flexible for exceptional candidates. Applications, including a cover letter, copy of a CV, representative publications and the names and addresses of three referees, should be sent by email to Dr. Maria Uriarte, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology, Columbia University (Email: mu2126@columbia. edu). Informal inquiries are also welcome via email. Close Date: September 1, 2006. Postdoc Position - Available at Smithsonian Institution - A postdoctoral research position conducting genetic and phylogeographic analyses of seabirds is available in the Genetics Program of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. The position is available for one year, with the possibility of additional years. We will be investigating genetic structure and systematics of a variety of seabird taxa in different geographic regions. Applicants should have a background in molecular (PCR, DNA sequencing and microsatellite analysis) methods and phylogeographic and phylogenetic analyses. Experience in seabird biology/ genetics is a plus. Some fieldwork in coastal regions and oceanic islands is expected. Please send a letter of application detailing your experience, a full curriculum vitae, examples of your work (pdfs), and the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of at least two references who know your work and abilities. Email application materials to Dr. Rob Fleischer (EM: fleischerr AT, Dr. Betty Anne Schreiber (EM: SchreiberE AT and Dr. Terry Chesser (EM: chessert AT The position will begin no later than Jan 2007. Close Date: September 1, 2006.

Banding Internships - Needed this Fall. The Redwood Sciences Laboratory is seeking enthusiastic individuals to participate in our long-term landbird research for all or part of August through October. We are studying population and demographic trends, migration patterns, and habitat relationships in the Klamath Bioregion of northwest California and southern Oregon. The Lab is the center of the Klamath Demographic Network, the most concentrated regional network of constant-effort banding stations in North America. Participants will assist in operating several monitoring stations. There will also be opportunities for small owl banding/surveys, and aquatic bird surveys. Applicants should have a keen interest in birds, natural history and field biology. Strong applicants will have good bird identification skills, and passerine mist netting and banding experience. Work can include mist netting, bird censuses, vegetation surveys, data input, and other duties as required. A valid driver’s license is required. The position offers an excellent opportunity for experience in a wide variety of landbird monitoring skills. The Lab’s banding protocols closely follow guidelines set by the North American Banding Council. Certified Banding Trainers will conduct workshops and field training. Housing and a stipend of $20.00 per day are provided. Please send (email preferred) a resume highlighting your bird banding experience, ability with Spanish, dates available, three references and any questions to Pablo Herrera, (EM: paherrera AT, or Dr. C. John Ralph, (EM: cjr2 AT, PH: 707-8252923, FX: 707-825-2901), U.S. Forest Service, Redwood Sciences Laboratory, 1700 Bayview Drive, Arcata, California 95521. Close Date: Until Filled. Game & Fish Assistant Director - This position reports to the Deputy Director and serves as a member of the Department’s Executive Staff and, as such, participates in visioning, strategy and policy development, budget development, analytical decision making, and problem solving, at the Department level. Responsible for the administration of a major Division including leading others, supervising, coaching and mentoring direct reports, managing work processes, and administering budgets and assets. Manages the Fisheries, Game, Nongame, Habitat and Research Branches through direct-report Branch Chiefs. Supports all Department lines of business through, effective management of work processes, asset management, and innovation and learning. Attends and speaks at various Department meetings, commission meetings, meetings with other government entities, and various public groups. Acts as Deputy Director or Director, and performs other duties as required. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of: State administrative rules, principles of public administration, organizational development, total quality principles, wildlife management and preservation, research, conservation policies, procedures, and programs. Requires an understanding of the mission, strategies and practices of a public wildlife management agency, including the science of the wildlife management profession and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. The preferred candidate will have excellent skills in written and verbal communications, interpersonal relations, public administration, and problem solving. The candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field and three years of managerial experience in wildlife management programs. Contact: Sally Little, Staffing Coordinator, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 2221 West Greenway Road, Phoenix ,AZ. Email: slittle@azgfd. gov. Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Research Technician - A 1-year senior research technician position, starting 15 August, is available at Kansas State University to assist in a study of the impacts of wind power development on Greater Prairie-chickens. Research technician will aid in the live-trapping, observation, radiotelemetry and genetic sampling of prairie grouse in the Flint Hills region of eastern Kansas. Responsibilities will include participation in field research, data entry, and lab analyses. Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in wildlife science, natural resources, or related field and previous experience as a wildlife technician. Must be motivated and have experience working independently with minimal supervision conducting field research. Previous experience with field research in avian ecology, ATV and GPS use, data base use, and landowner interaction is preferred. Salary is $1,300/month and housing is provided. Interested individuals should send a cover letter outlining past research experience, a detailed curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Lance McNew, Division of Biology, 232 Ackert Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-4901 (PH: 785-532-5832, FAX: 785-532-6653, EM: lbmcnew@ksu. edu). Close Date: Until Filled. Biological Technician - WRA currently has an opening for a Biological Technician. We are seeking a career-minded self-starter with experience in environmental consulting. This is a full-time position with benefits, including health/dental insurance, 401K, and profit sharing. Required Qualifications: BA/MA in biology/ecology; Familiarity with California flora and plant communities; Excellent writing and analytical skills; 2-3 years consulting experience. Please forward cover letter and resume to: WRA, Inc., 2169-G East Francisco Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901 or email: or fax: (415)

454-0129. No calls please. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Internships - We have openings for Volunteer Bird Banding Interns at a bird monitoring station in the coastal Caribbean town of Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Positions are available mid-Feb and through the end of May and from the beginning of Aug until the end of Dec. The minimum length of stay is usually 2 months. Participants are expected to have experience in identifying birds, and they usually have removed from mist nets and processed at least 200 landbirds. The Primary Bander will have extensive experience operating a capture station and can be awarded up to half their airfare to and from San José, Costa Rica. Latin American Volunteers are especially encouraged and may be eligible for other reimbursements. All volunteers receive their room and board while they are staying at the well-appointed station of the Caribbean Conservation Corporation, Estacion Biologica, in Tortuguero (URL: http:// We and our collaborators in Costa Rica have been operating five monitoring stations near the village for over a decade. We operate mist nets for resident and migrant species and conduct migration censuses of the millions of diurnal migrants moving along the coast. Please send (email preferred) a resume highlighting your bird banding experience, ability with Spanish, dates available, three references and any questions to Pablo Herrera, (EM: paherrera AT, or Dr. C. John Ralph, (EM: cjr2 AT, PH: 707-825-2923, FX: 707-825-2901), U.S. Forest Service, Redwood Sciences Laboratory, 1700 Bayview Drive, Arcata, California 95521. Close Date: Until Filled. Biological Science Technician - The USDA APHIS Wildlife Services program is recruiting for up to five positions on the Maryland Nutria Eradication Project. These positions are 3 year term positions will full government benefits. Candidates with furbearer trapping experience are highly desirable. Trapping skills, Wildlife ID skills, population monitoring, boating, scouting cameras, GPS/GIS, Firearms, Tolerance (heat, cold, bugs), Strong physical condition. Salary: $28,349. Contact: Steve Kendrot at skendrot@aphis.usda. gov. Close Date: Until Filled. BLM Archeologist and Wilderness Technician - Ely, NV. The Archeologist and Wilderness Technician will provide assistance and support to archeology, wilderness, lands, minerals and recreation specialists in order to carry out assignments which involve the administration of BLM lands. More specifically, the Technician will be responsible for conducting archeological inventories, site evaluations, condition assessments and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents to insure actions meet requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), the Wilderness Act and related BLM policies. As well, the Technician will provide support to BLM staff in conducting consultations with the State Historic Preservation Officer, Wilderness interest groups and the interested public on proposed projects. Further still, the position requires an individual capable of working in a team environment with internal and external partners to assess damage and implement physical protection measures on archeological sites and wilderness resources into project authorizations and planning documents. Qualifications: education related to archeology, historic preservation and interdisciplinary resource management applicants with advanced degrees encouraged to apply; at least one year of related field experience preferred; knowledge and abilities in the understanding of management principles to allow them to assist experienced BLM staff in evaluating proposed actions; effective communications skills and familiarity with ArcView GIS software and GPS equipment; and ability to communicate effectively with a diverse public, and to write environmental documents effectively; Applicants should forward a cover letter, their résumé, and three references to Chris Warner, Great Basin Institute Research Associate Coordinator at Close Date: Until Filled. Wild Animal Keepers - The Wildlife Conservation Society is looking to employ Wild Animal Keepers. Candidates will be responsible for the well being and care of a diverse mammal collection, maintenance of the animal facilities and record keeping. A Bachelor’s degree in a zoological field or related animal science education/experience is required. Candidates must be enthusiastic, conservation oriented, energetic and able to interact with staff and the public. EOE. Salary: $29,405 plus medical, 401/k, and generous vacation. Send resume w / cover letter to: Wildlife Conservation Society, Human Resources, Box LKBZ, 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10460. E-mail: Type LKBZ in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Epidemiologist - The Field Veterinary Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society is seeking to hire a wildlife epidemiologist at the associate veterinarian level. The position is based in New York with approximately three to four months per year of domestic and international travel required. Principal responsibilities include: 1) providing epidemiological leadership, advice, guidance and assistance to field projects and programs of WCS, partner organizations, agencies, and/or governments, 2)

Biology & Ecology advising on wildlife health surveillance, monitoring and management issues related to protecting the health of wildlife, 3) training foreign professionals, and 4) writing and public speaking. Requirements: A doctorate or equivalent in veterinary medicine, ecology or epidemiology is required, as is post-doctoral training or work in epidemiology and a minimum of three years of veterinary or health related work with wildlife. Quantitative skills highly desirable. Interested candidates should send letter of interest and curriculum vitae to: Human Resources, Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10460, U.S.A., or Close Date: Until Filled. Regional Wildlife Biologist – Silver Spring, MD. S/he will be responsible for soliciting and assisting corporate habitat programs in a specific region in the United State, to be determined. Responsibilities include: Perform site evaluations and reports that identify projects to enhance wildlife value on corporate properties with strong employee and community involvement. Identify, solicit, and develop new members for WHC and maintain positive relations with existing members. Identify and obtain new corporate sites to include in WHCs Wildlife at Work Program. Develop partnerships and cooperative arrangements, such as MOUs with other non-profit and government agencies. Prepare and deliver presentations about WHC at business, government, professional, and academic settings to increase visibility and obtain more habitat programs. Prepare articles about WHC for publication. Work as team to produce the annual symposium, workshops, and other activities. Qualifications: Undergraduate/graduate degree in natural science field; Knowledge of specific or multiple ecosystems in the United States; Documented experience with ecological consulting &/or wildlife management plans; Demonstrated ability to work independently, be a self-starter and have an entrepreneurial attitude; Excellent communication (verbal and writing) and interpersonal skills; Computer skills such as Ms Word, Excel, and ArcGIS. Contact: Marcia Maslonek at, or call 301-5888994. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistants - Two needed Sep and Oct 2006 at Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC for a study on the effects of off-road vehicles on the behavior and habitat use of migrating shorebirds. This is an excellent opportunity to live on a barrier island and observe a variety of birds during fall migration. Duties will primarily include surveying shorebirds, conducting behavioral observations of Sanderlings, some data entry, and lots of ATV driving. Candidates must be dependable, responsible, willing to work long hours and an irregular schedule, and able to successfully work and live with others. Previous experience with bird identification and surveying is preferred. Housing, ATV training, and a stipend of $1000/month will be provided. Please email (preferred) a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information for 3 references to (EM: nmtarr AT or send to Nathan Tarr, Department of Zoology, Campus Box 7617, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695. Close Date: Until Filled. Amiable Amphibial Administrator - Conservation International is seeking an executive officer for the Amphibian Specialist Group. Duties for this position will be light on research, heavy on travel, networking, and fundraising. International experience and language skills are strongly desired; this position is not limited to US citizens. If your skillset matches these criteria, please see the full job announcement at for details. Contact: Priya Nanjappa Mitchell at Close Date: September 30, 2006. Field Technicians - (8-16) to conduct searches for birds underneath communication towers in Arkansas. All study sites are located within 30 miles of the following cities in Arkansas: Blytheville, Conway, Fayetteville, Forrest City, Fort Smith, Harrison, Hot Springs, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Mountain Home, Newport, Paragould, Pine Bluff, Russellville, and Stuttgart. Duties include setting up transects, searching for and collecting carcasses along transects, and data entry. Technicians are expected to work 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday off. Typically, technicians will spend 1.5-2 hours searching each study site daily. Anticipated involvement with this project is 8 - 20 hours per week, depending on the number of sites assigned and drive time. Wages are $7.00/hour plus some mileage reimbursement. Must provide own transportation to study sites. Searches will begin 15 minutes before sunrise on scheduled work days. Preference will be given to technicians who are available to search more than one study site. Study season begins on Monday, 11 Sep 2006 and will continue through 6 Oct 2006. The only requirements for this position are access to a vehicle, a keen eye for finding small birds on the ground, and a willingness to get up and outside before the sun! To apply, please send a letter expressing your interest in the project, a resume or CV, and a list of three references to (e-mail only): Erin Macchia, (EM: erin.macchia AT smail. Close Date: Until Filled. Ecologist - Great Eastern Ecology, Inc. a rapidly growing 15 employee ecological consulting firm is looking for an experienced ecologist to join our New York City-based practice. The candidate should have a minimum of 5 years

professional experience. Bachelors’ degree required, Master’s degree preferred in ecology, biology, plant sciences, environmental sciences, or a closely related field. The candidate should be willing to work in a variety of settings including highly urbanized areas, contaminated sites and extremely remote locations. Your job duties will be broad and will include a mixture of ecologically-oriented studies, habitat and wetland restoration planning, design, and monitoring, and generating a variety of reports. You should be a strong communicator - able to write and speak well as you will be attending meetings with our clients and the public. Developing your own clients will also be part of this career. You need to be able to work in a dynamic and demanding environment and be willing to work for clients in the public and private sectors. Great Eastern Ecology, Inc. is a firm experiencing explosive growth and your role will be to provide strong technical leadership and mentoring within the company. The position comes with a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please send your resume along with a cover letter and three references to EM: jobs AT geeinc. net) or via fax to 212 496-4034. At this point we ask you not to call. You may learn more about our firm at http://www. Close Date: Until Filled. Graduate Research Assistantship - Needed on Eastern Wild Turkeys. Through a collaborative effort among the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Texas A&M University, we are seeking a Ph.D. student to perform a research project on Eastern wild turkey metapopulation dynamics in East Texas. Unlike other regions, where successful wild turkey reintroductions have been a highlight of modern wildlife management, similar success has not been observed in East Texas. Specifically, through collaboration with other graduate students, the successful candidate will develop an interactive, geospatially and biologically linked database, to guide habitat management, develop viable reintroduction strategies, and coordinate harvest management assessments to maintain a harvestable, viable, and persistent Eastern wild turkey population throughout East Texas. Qualifications: M. S. in Wildlife Science/Management, Ecology, Biology, Zoology or closely related field. A strong work ethic, leadership, and ability to work both independently and as a key element of an interdisciplinary research team required. Good organizational, verbal and written communication skills essential. Research interest/experience with upland gamebirds, geospatial techniques, wildlife ecology, behavior, and/or physiology preferred. Minimum 3.00 G.P.A. and 1000 GRE scores. Stipend/Salary: Approximately $20,000 / year for a 12 month assistantship (includes insurance), for 3 years. Nonresident tuition waived, but resident tuition fees apply. Start between 1 Sep 2006 and 1 Jan 2007 Application Period: 10 Jul 2006 until suitable candidate is found. To Apply: Either via email or regular mail, send application, including cover letter stating research interests and career goals; resume/CV, copies of transcripts and GRE scores, reprints, and 3 letters of reference (may be mailed separately) to: Dr. Warren C. Conway, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-6109 (EM: wconway AT, PH: 936-468-2090). Close Date: Until Filled.

Wildlife Biologist The newly created Washington, DC Department of the Environment has advertised three (3) vacancies for the position of ‘Wildlife Biologist’. For the complete online version of the ad, follow the steps outlined below: 1) Go to the following website: https://erecruit.; 2) Click on the link ‘View Job Postings / Apply For Job’ ; 3) Scroll down to and click on link for the position description (Reference #3733). Close Date: Until Filled. Ranch Hand/Hunting Guide – Raymondville, TX. Duties include care and feeding of ranch livestock including 300 penned deer, cattle, 30 bird dogs, and supplemental feeding of wildlife. Also included is ranch equipment maintenance and facilities maintenance. Some college preferred. Having a variety of hunting, equipment maintenance, and general maintenanceexperience. Neat in appearance, clean cut, and highly motivated. A self starter. Housing and utilities on site provided. For more information, please contact: Ray Burdette at Close Date: Until Filled. Invasive Species Manager - The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR) is seeking qualified individuals to coordinate and assist with invasive species management at Richard T. Crane, Jr. Memorial Reservation, a 1,400-acre barrier beach in Ipswich, Massachusetts. The Invasive Species Managers (ISM) will report to the Northeast Regional Ecologist and are primarily responsible implementing all aspects of an invasive species management program aimed at protecting bird habitat. Specific Responsibilities: 1. Obtain a Massachusetts Pesticide Applicator License (at TTOR expense). 2. Work closely with the Northeast Regional Ecologist to implement the control phase of an invasive species management program at Crane Beach. 3. Establish and evaluate monitoring plots. 4. Conduct invasives species inventories.

5. Apply herbicides to target species via cut-and-paint applications and limited foliar application with backpack sprayers. 6. Collect and enter data. Qualifications: These positions require a strong interest in habitat and invasive species management. The positions require the ability to work outdoors daily and under rigorous conditions. The ability to perform physically challenging work is necessary. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, and an ability to work closely with other staff and the public. Occasional work on weekends is required. Experience with ATVs, Brush saws, and Chainsaws a plus. The pay rate is: $10-$15 / hour, based on experience; housing is included if desired. The ISM position is a 12 week position from 1 Sep to the end of Nov, 2006. Please send resume, cover letter, and name / phone numbers / emails of three references by to: Franz Ingelfinger, Northeast Regional Ecologist, The Trustees of Reservations, 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, MA 01938 (EM: fingelfinger AT ttor. org). Close Date: Until Filled. Curator of Zoology - Cincinnati Museum Center invites applications for a curatorial position in the Zoology Department. The Curator of Zoology will oversee significant regional collections in vertebrate and invertebrate zoology. The incumbent will also establish an independent, fieldoriented research program with a focus on ecology, conservation or evolutionary biology. Research is expected to use and have direct application to the 13,000-acre Richard and Lucile Durrell Edge of Appalachia Preserve System in Adams County, Ohio. The Curator will work closely with other museum staff in education, outreach, exhibits, and development. Candidates with a history of funding and publication will receive preference. Experience with museums, collections, preserve systems, and public education is desirable. A Ph.D. in the biological sciences or related field is required. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, including contact information for three references; and three representative publications by August 31, 2006, to: Human Resources, Cincinnati Museum Center, 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203-1130. For additional information contact smatter@cincymuseum. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Biologist - (Wildlife Specialist III) needed for the Research Branch of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Limited position based in Flagstaff, Arizona. This position prepares new contract funding options to maintain future workflow and assist in an assortment of wildlife surveys, monitoring and research needs for internal and external customers (e.g. response of bats and wild turkeys to forest management, movement patterns of elk, decay and retention rates of snags in response to forest management treatments, etc.). Analyzes data and prepares final reports and manuscripts for contract funded projects. Supervises first line project biologists to ensure that project deliverables stay on appropriate time schedules. Attends inter and intraagency project coordination meetings in order to inform clients and colleagues of project status and results. The ideal candidate will have the ability to plan and implement wildlife research projects; possess a background in forest wildlife research and monitoring techniques, develop external funding contracts; skilled in preparing reports and manuscripts. Candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field from an accredited college or university and three years professional experience in wildlife research or wildlife management. A graduate degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field from an accredited college or university may substitute for one year of the required experience. Preferred candidate would possess an advanced degree (M.S. or Ph. D.) in wildlife ecology/management. Salary Grade 20 ($38,793-$60,867) To Apply Visit website for Arizona Game and Fish use keyword AGF. Job Announcement #38-06WS. For more detailed information contact, Michael Ingraldi, 2221 West Greenway Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85023 (PH: 928-532-5625, EM: mingraldi AT cybertrails. com). Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistant – Individual needed approx. Nov 2006 - Jan 2007 at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Main duties will include collecting White-throated Sparrows in mist nets and walk-in traps, baiting the capture sites with food, banding, collecting blood samples and morphometric data, and transporting birds and samples by car from the field site to the university. Must have own car and valid driver’s license, and be able to identify sparrows in winter plumage and age them by skull ossification. Experience with PCR analysis is preferred. Must be self-motivated and work independently. Assistant will be paid approx. $4000 for completed job. Housing is not included, but local short-term housing opportunities are normally not a problem. To apply, send cover letter, cv, and contact information for at least two former supervisors to Dr. Donna Maney, (EM: dmaney AT Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Science Intern - The position is non-game/ endangered species related. The position is funded by the US Army and contracted through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). Work will primarily consist of helping the Fort Benning Conservation Branch Special Projects Biologist determine the impacts of the construction and operation of a digital multi-purpose range complex (DMPRC) on red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW)

home range and habitat use. In addition to the primary work/duties, the intern will help Fort Benning Conservation and/or Land Management Branch personnel with other RCW or forestry related work. The intern will also have opportunities to take work related training courses (i.e. courses, workshops or seminars with practical work application) at Fort Benning or out of town. Training courses may last from 1 to 5 days. Experience working with RCWs is preferred but not necessary. Preference will however be given to individuals who have field ornithology experience and relevant education. Education: Minimum education must be bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology, biology, zoology, ecology, environmental science or natural resource related field. Pay/Benefits: Funding of position will be for no less than 1 year and may not exceed 3 years. No medical, dental benefits provided. Housing is not provided. Starting Pay Range: $31,601/year ($15.14/hr) to $35,116/year ($16.83/hr) depending on experience and/or education. Annual pay bonus is contingent upon job performance. Annual pay raise is contingent upon contract extension beyond the first year. For more information, contact: Michael Barron, Wildlife Biologist, USAIC, IMSE-BEN-PWE-C, Building 5884, Fort Benning, GA 31905 [W: (706)544-7080/7319; F: (706)5446570], or e-mail resume (EM: michael.g.barron AT mil). Close Date: Until Filled. Scientific Assistant - The Ornithology Department of the American Museum of Natural History is seeking a Scientific Assistant. Duties include assisting in curation of the research collection of birds. Qualifications: BA/BS or equivalent in biology, knowledge and experience with birds, collections, libraries, field experience, and computer skills, including databasing. Minorities and women urged to apply. Send CV and statement of experience and interest, and direct all questions to DR. Joel Cracraft, Curator-in-Charge, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024 (EM: jlc AT Close Date: Until Filled. Lab Assistant - The Wildlife Conservation Society is seeking a lab assistant for an ongoing study of the body composition/ energetic condition of Neotropical migrant passerines killed by collisions with buildings in New York City during migration. Duties include measuring study specimens, running samples through chemical fat extraction equipment, and entering data into Excel. Previous experience using fat extraction equipment is not necessary; the procedure is simple and training will be provided. Analyses will be conducted at WCS’s Animal Health Center at the Bronx Zoo (Bronx, NY). This is a volunteer position with the possibility of a small stipend. It is a great opportunity to acquire new laboratory skills. Dates of the position are very flexible; however a commitment of a minimum of one month is expected due to the training time involved. If interested, please send (email preferred) a resume/CV, a short cover letter, and one reference to: Chad Seewagen, (EM: cseewagen AT, Bronx Zoo Department of Ornithology, 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY, 10460. Close Date: Until Filled. Bird Banding Interns - (8) needed for the MAWS (Monitoring Avian Winter Survival) program. The MAWS program monitors survivorship of wintering landbirds in the southeastern United States. Interns will be paired with a partner to run six MAWS stations on one of four military installations located in NC, GA, and AR. Prior mist-netting and banding experience is strongly desired but not strictly required. All internships include an intensive 11-day training period in mist-netting, banding, aging, and sexing small landbirds. Good physical condition and an ability to tolerate sometimes difficult field conditions and pre-dawn mornings are required. Dates of internship: 12 Oct 2006 - 22 Mar 2007. Interns will be given an 11-day holiday break, extending from 23 Dec 2006 to 2 Jan 2007. Shared housing and a per diem for food and other out-of-pocket expenses of $25 per work day for a total of 110 work days ($2,750 for the entire season) will be provided. Interns willing to use their vehicle for travel to the work sites are especially needed. Mileage will be reimbursed at $0.33 per mile for all workrelated travel. To apply, send (email preferred) a completed MAWS application form, cover letter, current resume, and email addresses and phone numbers of two references to Kelly Gordon, (EM: kgordon AT at The Institute for Bird Populations, P.O. Box 1346, Pt. Reyes Station, CA, 94956. Close Date: Until Filled. Wetland Technicians – Two needed for avian, herpetofaunal, and vegetation surveys in Kissimmee, Florida. Technicians will be working on Lake Tohopekaliga in central Florida to conduct avian surveys from a blind, trap and record fish and herpetofauna, and collect monthly vegetation samples for further analysis in the lab. You will also be expected to enter and manage data, so some Excel and/or Access experience would be a bonus. Workers must be able to tolerate variable working conditions from very cold morning boat rides in winter to grueling heat in the summer. Must also be willing to work long days, from sunrise to sunset, get wet and muddy, do some heavy lifting, and be comfortable working in the same environment as snakes and alligators. Field work can be very strenuous at times, so this is not a position for the frail!! You will probably be based out of Gainesville, FL with all field work in Kissimmee, FL but there may be a possibility of living in Kissimmee. A valid driver’s license is required.

August 2006

Biology & Ecology You will be driving airboats on a busy lake, so some boating experience is a plus. Southeastern wetland bird identification is preferred. Pay is $10/hr full time, temporary position. A two month trial period is required, before longer term employment is determined. Positions typically last about a year with a chance for extension, possibly graduate school if interested. Lodging may or may not be provided. One position starts immediately, the other will start around late Aug or early Sep 2006. Those without any field experience need not apply. This position requires experience, dedication and sweat!!! Please email resume with relevant work experience, and a cover letter to Carolyn Enloe, (EM: enloecm AT Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Keeper – Dallas, TX. The Dallas Zoo is seeking a highly motivated individual to fill the position of Senior Animal Keeper within the Department of Herpetology. This person will be responsible for assisting the Supervisor in myriad of tasks including training and supervision of personnel, developing husbandry protocols, and be directly responsible for the daily care of amphibians, turtles, reptiles, and crocodilians in a collection of over 450 animals (120 plus species). Staff also participate in zoo research, veterinary procedures, record keeping, etc. Preferred qualifications include three years experience caring for amphibians, turtles, reptiles, and crocodilians (including venomous species) as well as knowledge of aquatic support systems. The position requires lifting (up to 75 pounds), carrying, bending, and extensive walking and is subject to inclement weather. Must have effective oral and written communications skills; the ability to follow safety procedures for working around potentially dangerous animals and in the presence of chemical disinfectants. Valid driver’s license, good driving record, physical exam, drug/alcohol, and TB testing required. Apply at City of Dallas Civil Service Department: 1500 Marilla Street, Section C-South (1CS), Dallas, Texas 75201. Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Biologist - Environmental planning and design firm located in Durango, Colorado seeks experienced Wildlife Biologist with minimum 5 years field survey and project management experience (as a consultant). Minimum BA/BS required. Job responsibilities include wildlife habitat evaluations, endangered species surveys, permit applications, client and agency liaison, technical report writing, and public presentations. Candidates must also possess a working knowledge and understanding of federal, state, and local regulations, possess excellent technical writing and communications skills, and command strong organizational time management skills. Our office is located in historic Durango, Colorado (population 15,000) at the interface of the San Juan Mountains and the Four Corners region canyon and desert country which results in project variety and allows access to ample recreational opportunities. Excellent pay and benefits. Please send resume and salary history to: Sean Moore, Sugnet and Associates, 679 E 2nd Ave #10, Durango, CO 81301. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Scientific Assistant - New York, NY. Duties include assisting in curation of the research collection of birds. Qualifications: BA/BS or equivalent in biology, knowledge and experience with birds, collections, libraries, field experience, and computer skills, including databasing. Send CV and statement of experience and interest, and direct all questions to Dr. Joel Cracraft, Curator-in-Charge, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024 e-mail: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Fish & Wildlife Technician - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Full-Time/Temporary. Closing Date: Best applicant hired on a first come, first serve basis (job posted 26 Jun 2006). Start Date: Immediately, projected to last through Aug 2007 with possible extension. Location: Greenhead, Washington County, Florida (20 miles north of Panama City). Salary: $10/hour + FICA; 40 hours/week. No housing or benefits are provided for this position. Duties and Responsibilities: The successful applicant will assist the lead area biologist in all aspects of the fish and wildlife program on the Fitzhugh Carter Tract of Econfina Creek Wildlife Management Area. Responsible for the collection, preservation, recording and analysis of biological data, specimens, samples, and for habitat improvement programs on the WMA. Minimum Qualifications: The prospective employee should have at least a bachelor’s degree with a major in a biological, environmental, or related scientific discipline, working towards a degree in biological sciences with experience, or comparable on the job field experience; good communication skills and attention to detail and deadlines. Valid driver’s license and ability to drive 4WD vehicles, ATVs, and boats required. SPECIAL NOTE: Applicants must be willing to work under adverse weather conditions (cold, rain, heat & humidity, bright sun) and rough terrain (walking through thick vegetation and swamps) both during the day and at night. Send resume via email to: Kelly Gamble, Biological Scientist, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (EM: Kelly.gamble AT myfwc. com). Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistants - Two needed from Jan through Apr 2007 for study of bird habitat use and survival in an agricultural/

cloud forest interface in Costa Rica (50 km from Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve). Duties will include extensive mistnetting, taking down and moving net arrays, radio telemetry, recording behavioral observations, and data entry. Work will at times involve navigation in remote locations over difficult terrain in inclement weather, as well as potential exposure to snakes and biting insects. Applicants must be in good physical condition, have an excellent work ethic, and be able to tolerate living and working in close quarters with others. Preference will be given to applicants with prior mistnetting experience and the ability to speak Spanish. Airfare, housing, and stipend of approximately $400/month will be provided. Send a cover letter, resume, and the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of 3 professional references to Richard Chandler, 203 Holdsworth Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01003, or (preferably) by e-mail to(EM: rchandler AT Close Date: Until Filled. Research Associate - The Coastal Prairie Region of Southwest Louisiana is an internationally important migratory bird region. Rails, shorebirds, wading birds, waterfowl, and other migratory bird species extensively utilize the region for breeding, wintering, and stopover habitat. The region is particularly important for King Rails, Sandhill Cranes, wintering waterfowl, breeding Mottled Ducks, and migratory shorebirds. There is also interest in evaluating the suitability of the region to support reintroduced Whooping Cranes. Currently, the region is dominated by rice agriculture, although the effects of Hurricane Rita, urban development, and economics of rice production have reduced rice acreage substantially. Historically, this region supported an extremely diverse mixture of native grasses interspersed with wetland habitats. Less than 1% of the native habitat remains and there is strong interest in restoring native grasslands to the region. Up to 16,000 acres of grassland may be restored over the next 2 years. This project is designed to identify priority restoration sites for coastal prairie based on principles of landscape ecology and the ecological requirements of grasslands, and breeding, wintering, and migrating waterbirds within the context of an agriculturally-dominated ecosystem. Thus, an individual is sought that has excellent people skills to bring together diverse interest groups and who possesses strong skills in GIS models. Specifically, the Research Associate will coordinate the development of a Southwest Louisiana working group that will include the diverse interest groups in the region, including agriculture and various conservation groups. Furthermore, the Research Associate will be responsible for developing a decision support tool that will identify priority conservation sites for coastal prairie and diverse waterbird groups/species. This project is a collaborative project of the Louisiana Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, the Gulf Coast Joint Venture, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, and the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and was funded by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries through the State Wildlife Grants Program. The expected start date is 1 September 2006 and will continue for 2 years. Qualifications: A Master of Science in Wildlife, Fisheries, Rangeland Management, or similar field. Additional experience is also preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills are required as well as a strong background in the development and application of spatiallyexplicit models. Contact: Sammy King at Close Date: Until Filled. Ecological Modeler - Staff at HOHFSC conduct applied aquatic research that improves the Divisions ability to manage the fisheries and aquatic resources of Texas. HOHFSC has a versatile research staff with published studies in fisheries management, aquatic ecology, population dynamics, sampling, aquaculture, systematics, endangered species conservation, and fish aging. Research is conducted on site (in aquaria, mesocosms, and ponds) and in diverse aquatic systems (i.e., springs, streams, rivers, and reservoirs) spanning the state s various ecoregions. Applicants will be expected to develop and conduct original, independent research within a team environment, to write manuscripts, and to make presentations at national conferences. This position is responsible for planning and conducting innovative research pertinent to freshwater impoundments, rivers, and streams to better understand and manage fisheries and aquatic resources. Working in a team environment, the incumbent collects new, and uses existing, data to develop dynamic, ecosystem-scale models of system behavior and response to management actions, with an emphasis on fisheries and their habitat within watersheds, to answer resource-allocation questions. Identifies and evaluates management strategies to assist in decision-making for effective and efficient fisheries management and conservation, and disseminates research findings through presentations and peer-reviewed scientific articles. Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with either: a Bachelor’s Degree in fisheries or related subject, with a strong emphasis in applied mathematics, or a Bachelor’s Degree in mathematics or related subject, with a strong emphasis in natural resource management. Preferred Education: Graduate Degree from an accredited college or university in either: fisheries or related biological sciences with a strong emphasis in applied mathematics, or applied mathematics or a related subject with a strong emphasis in natural resource management.

Experience: Three years of progressive experience in natural resource research or management. Acceptable Substitution: (1) Master’s Degree from an accredited college or university in either: fisheries or related biological sciences with a strong emphasis in applied mathematics, or applied mathematics or a related subject with a strong emphasis in natural resource management, may substitute for one year of the required experience; (2) Ph.D. Degree from an accredited college or university in either: fisheries or related biological sciences with a strong emphasis in applied mathematics, or applied mathematics or a related subject with a strong emphasis in natural resource management, may substitute for two years of the required experience. Contact: Warren Schlechte or Bob Betsill at Close Date: November 30, 2006. Researcher - One position available on a winter songbird monitoring project in the Sacramento Valley of California. Project dates: 1 Nov 2006 - 28 Feb 2007. Primary duties include banding (including color-banding), re-sighting of color-banded birds, and data entry. This position offers a unique opportunity to explore and observe birds in both restored and remnant riparian forests in the Sacramento River floodplain. The position is based out of Chico, California. Successful candidates must have significant banding experience (100+ birds extracted and banded), though color-banding experience is not necessary. A good pair of binoculars are required, as much of the job involves surveying for color-banded birds to help determine site fidelity and over-winter survival. Compensation is $800/ month with housing provided. Candidates with a strong background in bird identification by sight and sound are preferred. Self-motivation, good physical condition, the ability to live alone, and the ability to spend long hours in the field observing birds are a must. The weather ranges from morning freezes to afternoons occasionally in the mid-70s. Email a letter of interest describing previous field research experience, specific dates of availability, a resume, and contact information for three references to: Michael Rogner (EM: mrogner at Close Date: Until Filled. Technician I - (H4M1IX) or Technician II (H4M2TX). Period of Appointment: 1 Sep 2006 through 28 Feb 2007. Salary: Approximately $11.64 (Technician I) or $13.46 (Technician II) per hour. Duties: Collect and prepare data for analyses related to the assessment of mallard response to hunting disturbance and waterfowl hunting quality along the South Platte River from Greeley east to the Nebraska-Colorado state line and coordinate with researchers and CDOW personnel. Specific duties include: 1. Coordinate study implementation among researchers, volunteers, and CDOW personnel. 2. Trap and fit study mallards with a radio transmitter. 3. Locate mallards fitted with a radio transmitter and collect information directed at assessment of mallard response to hunting disturbance following established procedures and guidelines. 4. Collect and prepare other data for analyses as needed related to land ownership, hunter management, habitat, waterfowl abundance and distribution, waterfowl harvest, hunter participation and demand for use of public hunting areas, and hunter perceptions and preferences regarding hunting quality following established procedures and guidelines. Requirements: Two years of work experience in the occupational field or specialized subject area of the work assigned to the job, or two years of college, university, or non-correspondence school course work related to the work assignment. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license. Academic coursework and experience in wildlife biology or a related field is preferred but not required. Applications: A complete application consisting of a letter of interest addressing your qualifications, a resume, and a list of three references familiar with your professional qualifications. Submit to: Joshua Dooley, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1474 (PH: 405-2743454, EM: jdooley AT Close Date: Until Filled. Raptor Bander - Experienced and preferably licensed raptor bander needed at one of North America’s premier hawk watches at the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula. Duties extend from 1 Sep to 30 Nov at Kiptopeke State Park near Cape Charles, Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay. Air-conditioned housing with kitchen provided on nearby Eastern Shore of VA NWR plus $1300/month stipend paid bi-weekly. Must have experience banding common raptors potentially present in eastern U.S. A detailed report will be required prior to final bi-weekly payment. Hours extend from sunrise to sunset or end of flight, with the exception of adverse weather. At least one full or two half days off provided each two weeks, and volunteer assistance is frequent. Site is open to public and interpretation for visitors may be required. Migrant Peregrine Falcon and Merlin numbers here are often the highest in the U.S. Contact information: Send resume and at least two references to: (EM: robert.anderson4 AT or by mail to Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory c/o Bob Anderson, 1528 Ashland Ave., Norfolk, VA 23509. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Biologists - Individuals needed for Long Point Bird Observatory’s Fall Migration Monitoring Program: Located on the north shore of Lake Erie, Long Point is one of the last wild areas left in southern Ontario. The region is an

internationally recognized World Biosphere Reserve, a Globally Important Bird Area, and supports a fantastic diversity of habitats, plants and animals. During migration huge numbers of birds (and monarch butterflies) are funneled down Long Point. Founded in 1960, Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO) is North America’s oldest bird observatory and has banded over 750 000 birds. The core program is centered on monitoring populations of migrating birds through daily census and banding routines at three field stations. Volunteers staying for at least 1 month have food and accommodation fees waived. Short-term volunteers are required to pay a nominal fee covering housing, food and training. Up to 10 volunteers are required for all or a part of the fall field season (10 Aug - 15 Nov). Previous ornithological work (including bird banding) and excellent bird identification skills are preferred, but not essential. All participants will experience intensive and diverse training in field ornithological techniques. International applicants with good English skills are encouraged to apply. Email or mail your resume with three references (include phone and e-mail addresses) and completed application form which can be downloaded from our website (URL: http://www.bsc-eoc. org/lpbo/lpbovol.html) to: Stuart MacKenzie, LPBO Landbird Programs Coordinator, Long Point Bird Observatory c/o Bird Studies Canada, P.O. Box 160 115 Front Rd., Port Rowan, Ontario, Canada N0E 1M0, (PH: 519-586-3531 (ext. 231); FX: 519-586-3532, EM: lpbo AT Visit our web site (URL: for more information about Bird Studies Canada and the Long Point Bird Observatory. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Technician - The Range Ecology program has an immediate opening for a full-time Research Technician. The technician will participate in on-going projects in fire ecology, juniper and salt cedar water use, and grazing distribution. Primary responsibilities will be in the juniper and salt cedar water use studies. There will an opportunity to participate in the fire ecology and grazing distribution studies. Research is conducted in the brush country of south Texas, the Hill Country of the Edwards Plateau, and along the Pecos River in west Texas. Familiarity with electronic dataloggers or geographic information systems is desired but not required. There will be a small amount of overnight travel required with this position, but substantial daily travel. The position will be evenly split between field work and office/laboratory work. Education: B.S. in Range Management, Wildlife Management, Ecology, or closely related field. Benefits: State contribution towards health, retirement. Send resume, transcripts, and the names of 3 references to: Dr. M. Keith Owens, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1619 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, TX 78801. (830) 278-9151 ext. 128, Close Date: Until Filled. Migration Bander/Expert (1-2 positions) - Needed for fall projects in Wyoming. Projects will run from late 26 Aug through 31 Oct 2006. Applicants must have experience with the application of backpack telemetry units on larger avian species. Applicants must have experience with bird capture, handling, and banding techniques, preferably involving raptors. Experience with trapping raptors at a migration banding stations a plus. Applicants must be in good physical condition, be able to endure long hours in the field and variable weather, and must be able to work well in a team environment. Weather permitting; all banders will work six days per week in teams of 2 to 5, supplemented when possible by other crewmembers and qualified volunteers. All projects are in high-elevation remote areas, experience highly variable weather, and require camping on site. All crewmembers must supply their own camping gear. Banders will work as volunteers receiving a non-taxable daily per diem of $38-40/day ($1150-1200/month; possibly higher for those with relevant telemetry experience), a $150 site-access travel stipend, and reimbursement for other work-related travel. Send cover letter, detailed resume, 3 current references with phone numbers or e-mail addresses, and dates of availability preferably by email (EM: mneal AT or by regular mail to Mike Neal, HawkWatch International, Inc., 1800 S. West Temple, Suite 226, Salt Lake City, UT 84115. Visit for project descriptions and past technical reports. Close Date: Until Filled. Intern – Needed to assist with ongoing Monarch butterfly migration project, 1 Sep through 31 Oct . Duties include daily road censuses of migrating Monarchs, tagging, data entry, and educating the public about the project and Monarch biology. Successful applicant will be expected to work long hours during peak Monarch flights, shorter hours during lulls. Careful data collecting and entry skills, and excellent interpersonal skills a must; familiarity with insect ecology and migration a plus but not required. Must have own vehicle. Salary $800/mo., housing and reimbursement for gas provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Dr. David Mizrahi, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 or email (EM: david. mizrahi AT Close Date Until Filled. Migration Counters - Needed for fall migration monitoring projects at Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ. Cape May is one of the best fall migration hot spots in the



Biology & Ecology

Career Events “Networking or not working”

September 20, 2006 - Green Marketing 101: A Crash Course, Soya Summit, St. Louis, MO, Special half-day workshop, for more Info: http:// September 23-27 - 13th Annual The Wildlife Society Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. Info: or email Arrangements Committee Co-chairs- or October 10-14, 2006 - 2006 NAAEE Conference, North American Association for Environmental Education. St. Paul, Minnesota. Info: EE careers seminar hosted bt the Environmental Career Center. October 16-19, 2006 - NREP 2006 Annual Conference, National Registry of Environmental Professionals. Nashville, Tennessee. Info: November 4, 2006 - The Business of Green Products, New York, NY Special half-day workshop at NY Designs; 4 AIA credits, 2 ASID credits, Endorsed by IDSA, NY Designs / LaGuardia Community College, Info: Please email announcements on upcoming conferences, symposia, career seminars and training workshops to

Suggestions or comments on the content of the Green Career Journal? Email us at and let us know what we can do to improve our publication to serve you better. Moving? Please send your address changes to: Environmental Career Center 2 Eaton Street, Suite 711 Hampton, VA 23669

When applying for a position listed, please tell them you saw it in the

country. Specifically, we are hiring a counter for the Cape May Hawkwatch (1 Sep - 30 Nov), a counter for the Avalon Seawatch (22 Sep - 22 Dec), and a “swing” counter (1 Sep - 22 Dec), who will provide day-off relief at each site and enter data. Applicants for counter positions should have a strong background identifying either raptors or seabirds in flight. Careful data collecting skills, a willingness to work long hours, and excellent interpersonal skills are a must. Applicants for the “swing” counter position also should have some experience with MS Excel. All applicants must have their own vehicles. Salary for all positions 1400-1600/month depending on experience. Housing and reimbursement for gas is provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Dr. David Mizrahi, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 or email (EM: david.mizrahi AT Close Date: Until Filled. Biologist - Needed beginning Aug 2006 (dates flexible) in Ocala, FL. This position will develop an integrated statewide plan for coordination of nongame bird conservation, increase agency representation in national and regional bird conservation initiatives and programs dedicated to conservation and management of nongame birds at international, national, regional, and state levels; create conservation partnerships between FWC, public land managers, private industry, conservation organizations, the academic community, and citizens to further bird conservation objectives and management; and promote education, habitat conservation, monitoring and research efforts among conservation partners. Minimum requirements are a B.S. or B.A. in biological sciences or related field, MS preferred. Excellent writing skills, networking skills & computer proficiency are required. Flexibility, a positive attitude and the ability to work independently as well as part of a team is essential. Pay rate $15/hour (approx. $32,000/ yr). Please send (via e-mail or regular mail) a cover letter explaining your interest in the job and relevant experience, a resume, and the names, phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Robin Boughton, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, 1239 SW 10 St., Ocala, FL 34474 (EM: Robin.Boughton AT myfwc. com, PH: 352-732-1225). Close Date: Until Filled. Four Naturalist Interns - Needed for fall migration monitoring projects at Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ, 1 Sep - 1 Nov. Cape May is renowned as one of the world’s great hot spots for bird migration. Successful applicants will work either at the Cape May Hawkwatch, Avalon Seawatch, or on the Passerine Morning Flight Project. Duties include conducting mini-workshops, assisting visitors with bird identification, and assisting counters when needed. Applicants should have experience interacting with the public and excellent interpersonal skills. Familiarity with bird migration and experience identifying raptors and/or sea birds in flight is preferred but not required. All applicants must have their own vehicles. Salary for all positions $800/month, housing and reimbursement for gas is provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Dr. David Mizrahi, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 or email (EM: david.mizrahi AT Close Date: Until Filled. Volunteer Position - (20 Aug - 28 Oct 2006) to help the Atlantic Bird Observatory monitor migration. Our research stations are located on two islands situated in southern Nova Scotia, Canada. Bon Portage Island is an Important Bird Area and supports a very large Leach’s Storm-Petrel colony (over 50,000 breeding pairs). Seal Island is well known by birding communities as being a hotspot for vagrants. Our research primarily focuses on assessing migratory stop-over patterns of passerines. However, there are also raptor, seabird, seaduck, shorebird and waterfowl movements detected. This research involves daily mist-netting, banding and census. An intensive training period on mist-netting, handling techniques and banding is included. Depending on experience, there will also be opportunity to assist with other avian research studies occurring on-site (e.g., assessment of migratory orientation and radar/acoustic studies to track migrating birds). Applicants should have a basic knowledge of biology and ornithology, a willingness to work long hours while living in remote field camps, and be able to work well with others. For long-term volunteers (more than one month) food and accommodations are provided. For short-term volunteers (less than one month) there is a $10/day charge for food and housing. To apply send a resume to Trina FItzgerald, Atlantic Bird Observatory, Acadia University, Dept. of Biology, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 2R6 (FX: 902-585-1059, EM: trina.fitzgerald AT Please see our website for more details on the position and application requirements: or contact Trina Fitzgerald for more information. Close Date: Until Filled. Count Interpreter - Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth, Minnesota is seeking a Count Interpreter. Job duties are: Identify migrating raptors for visitors, speak about raptor identification and natural history, prevent research crew distraction, discuss raptor count research, interact with media personnel, maintain paperwork, and perform some

grounds maintenance. Duties are conducted outdoors on an exposed overlook and weather is highly variable. Hawk Ridge overlooks the tip of Lake Superior and is one of the Midwest’s premiere raptor migration sites, with over 94,000 raptors counted during the fall season. We are looking for a fun, motivated, enthusiastic person; previous experience identifying raptors in flight preferred. This full-time position extends from Sep 14 to Oct 18, with a stipend of $1250. A cover letter, resume, and 3 references should be mailed to: Debbie Waters, Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803-3006, or email (EM: dwaters AT Close Date: Until Filled. Hawk Counter Wanted - Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is seeking an experienced hawk counter for full-time fall count (1 September - 30 Nov, 2006) for Hawk Ridge in Duluth, Minnesota. Now in its 35th season, the raptor count at Hawk Ridge is one of the premier raptor count sites in North America and the western-most spring count on the Great Lakes. Harsh weather conditions can be the rule, especially in Oct and Nov. Duties include identification of raptors in flight, hourly data recording and posting daily counts on HawkCount. Volunteer/assistant hawk counter support will allow for relief time off during the season. See for more details on the count. Contractor wages are $1,400-$1,800/month for both September and Oct and $1,000-$1,200/month for Nov, reflecting the reduced daily flight window/hours and are dependent upon experience/qualifications. Housing to be provided in Duluth, Minnesota. Writing a summary report is required at the end of the season. Email letter, resume, and three references who can speak to raptor identification skills to David Carman, Executive Director (EM: dcarman AT; email is preferred, but required information can also be mailed to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Inc., P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803-3006 re: Hawk Counter. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Technician - Individual needed from approximately 15 Aug to 30 Oct for research project on bird and bat movement patterns through the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. The project employs marine radar technology to monitor spatial and temporal patterns of nocturnal bird/bat movements during southward migration. Duties include setting up, monitoring and maintaining radar and computer equipment and archiving data for analysis. Experience using basic computer programs like Windows XP, MS Excel and data compression software required. Must be willing to work unusual hours (early morning or night), be able to lift heavy objects (75-100 pounds) and have a valid drivers license. Must be able to work independently or part of a team. Background in bird/bat migration useful but not required. Salary $1500-1800/month DOE. Lodging and meals provided. Send cover letter of interest, resume, and three references to David Mizrahi, PhD, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 (EM: david.mizrahi AT Close Date: Until Filled. Observers (1-2 positions) – Individuals needed to conduct daily, standardized migration counts in Washington and Arizona. Projects will run between 26 Aug and 31 Oct 2006. Applicants must have good eyesight, be in good physical condition, be able to endure long hours in the field and variable weather, have demonstrated birding and raptorin-flight I.D. skills, and must be able to work well in a team environment. Weather permitting; all observers will work six days per week in teams of 2 or 3, supplemented when possible by other crewmembers and qualified volunteers. Project site is a high-elevation remote area, experience highly variable weather, and require camping on site. All crewmembers must supply their own camping gear; otherwise, basic housing will be provided. Observers will work as volunteers receiving a non-taxable daily per diem of $32-35/day ($960-1100/month), a $150 site-access travel stipend, and reimbursement for other work related travel. Send cover letter, detailed resume, 3 current references with phone numbers or e-mail addresses, and dates of availability preferably by email (EM: mneal AT or by regular mail to Mike Neal, HawkWatch International, Inc., 1800 S. West Temple, Suite 226, Salt Lake City, UT 84115. Visit for project descriptions and past technical reports. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Assistants – Individuals needed for research project on breeding biology and behavior of communallynesting Smooth-Billed Anis (Cuckoo family) in dry tropical thorn scrub forest of South-Western Puerto Rico. Two volunteers needed from 15 Sep 2006 to early Jan 2007 (dates are flexible), minimum commitment is 3 months. General Description: Successful applicants will primarily assist with mist-netting, trapping, marking and conducting behavioral observations (using radio-telemetry, telescope or binoculars). Qualifications: Most importantly must be interested, self-motivated, independent, and willing to work seven days a week, early mornings and long hours in hot (but dry) and sunny field conditions. We will fit time off according to interest/data timing. Other assets include being able to distinguish colored leg bands at a distance in the field and ability to learn new skills quickly (use of radio-telemetry equipment, GPS, and mist-nets). Prior experience with birds preferred but not required. Assistants must fund their own travel to and from Mayaguez Puerto Rico, however travel

August 2006

Biology & Ecology within Puerto Rico to the field sites, food and lodging are provided. Email (preferred) or write to: Dr. James Quinn, McMaster University, Department of Biology, Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8S 4K1; (EM: quinn AT Please include a summary of your background, your reasons for applying for this position and the names and email addresses of up to 3 references (if possible) who can fairly evaluate your qualifications. Applicants must be highly motivated and in good physical condition. This is an excellent opportunity for recent undergraduates considering graduate school or anyone interested in building skills in avian behavioral research. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant - Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is seeking an experienced assistant hawk counter for full-time fall count (1 September - Oct 31, 2006) at Hawk Ridge in Duluth, Minnesota. Now in its 35th season, the raptor count at Hawk Ridge is one of the premier raptor count sites in North America and the western-most spring count on the Great Lakes. Harsh weather conditions can be the rule, especially in Oct. Duties include identification of raptors in flight, hourly data recording and assisting with posting daily counts on HawkCount. Volunteer support will allow for relief time off during the season. See for more details on the count. Contractor wages are $1,000/month. Housing to be provided in Duluth, Minnesota. Assistance with writing a summary report is required at the end of the season. Email letter, resume, and three references who can speak to raptor identification skills to David Carman, Executive Director (EM: dcarman AT; email is preferred, but required information can also be mailed to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Inc., P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803-3006 re: Assistant Hawk Counter. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Research Interns (4) - Individuals needed to start in late Aug or early Sep for 3-4 months of work on the Palila Restoration Project on the Big Island of Hawaii. Research efforts will focus on the Palila (Loxioides bailleui), an endangered finch-billed honeycreeper located on the upper slopes of Mauna Kea. Twenty-eight Palila were translocated from the west slope to Mauna Kea to the north slope in Spring 2006 with the goal of establishing a second population. The focus of this internship will be to monitor the new population through resighting banded Palila, and mist-netting and tracking birds with radio telemetry equipment. Interns will also assist with predator trapping efforts and vegetation surveys. Field work involves strenuous hiking over steep, uneven terrain (lava), long field days in intense UV, and camping at remote locations at high elevation (7,000 to 9,000 feet) in dry, dusty, conditions. The field sites are a difficult 1-2 hr drive over a 4WD road, and require living in primitive camps. Desired Qualifications: previous ornithological field experience, excellent observational skills, experience in identifying birds by sight and sound, capability of performing physical tasks including hiking across difficult terrain and carrying heavy packs, and a background in wildlife biology or related field. Applicants should be self-motivated, enthusiastic, enjoy working with others in close quarters, and have a good sense of humor. Benefits include: $400/month stipend, housing and field gear, beautiful sunsets from the mountain, exposure to rare Hawaiian birds, and a chance to explore the incredible diversity of the Big Island on your weekends (snorkeling, surfing, kayaking, swimming, hiking, birding, etc.) Applicants must provide their own airfare to Hilo, Hawaii. To apply, email a cover letter, resume, and at least 3 references (with phone numbers and email addresses) who can attest to the quality of your field skills to: Rob Stephens (EM: rstephens AT Close Date: Until Filled. Field Workers - Individuals needed for the upcoming breeding season of critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis) in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. The World Parrot Trust has been conducting conservation efforts for this species since 2002 aimed at increasing breeding success. Duties include conducting nest searches, guarding active nests from nest predators and performing periodic health checks of nestlings. Field workers will be required to access nest cavities using single rope climbing methods and endure primitive field conditions. The Llanos de Moxos is a mosaic of native grasslands, forest islands and cerrado habitats comparable to the Pantanal in the rich wildlife it possesses. Giant anteaters, Jabiru storks and brown caiman are seen regularly. Applicants with previous field experience with birds and decent Spanish skills will be given preference. Field workers must be prepared to commit to the project for a minimum of three months either from Aug-Oct 2006 or Nov 2006 to Jan2007. Volunteers will be responsible for covering travel costs to Trinidad, Beni, Bolivia. Room and board will be provided. Please send a current resume with 2 references in electronic form to: kyle AT and specify which study period you are applying to. Individuals interested in applying to this position are strongly advised to check the cost of flights from their native country to Bolivia prior to applying to the position. Close Date: Until Filled. Animal Caretaker Preceptorship - Lasting 8 weeks, the preceptorship focuses on orphan raising, wildlife nutrition, animal housing, physical therapy, capture and restraint, and safety techniques. Candidates must have completed at least two years of college or have animal experience.

Preceptorships are offered year-round. Please contact for an application and more detailed job description. Contact: The Wildlife Center of Virginia, Outreach Coordinator, PO Box 1557, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Email: anicholson@wil Close Date: September 1, 2006. Research Associate Positions - GBI, an environmental non-profit organization located on the campuses of the University of Nevada, Reno and UNLV dedicated to conservation, research and education, is seeking research associates eager to make a positive change within the Great Basin, Mojave and Lake Tahoe regions. Professional and/or educational experience in recreation planning, botany, wildlife and wilderness management, environmental science, monitoring, and GIS mapping are generally desirable. If you are looking for a dynamic opportunity to develop or enhance skills related to environmental and resource management, we may have a 1- to 3-year associateship for you. Detailed descriptions of positions beginning in September and October 2006 with the Bureau of Land Management Ely field office and National Park Service’s Lake Mead National Recreation Area are available on the research associate employment section of GBI’s website. New positions are continually being added so check back frequently. To apply, send a résumé, three references, and a cover letter to Chris Warner, Research Associate Coordinator, at warnerc@unr. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistants (2) – Individuals needed September and October 2006 for a study on the effects of off-road vehicles on the behavior and habitat use of migrating shorebirds. This is an excellent opportunity to live on a barrier island and observe a variety of birds during fall migration. Duties will primarily include surveying shorebirds, conducting behavioral observations of Sanderlings, some data entry, and lots of ATV driving. Candidates must be dependable, responsible, willing to work long hours and an irregular schedule, and able to successfully work and live with others. Previous experience with bird identification and surveying is preferred. Housing, atv training, and a stipend of $1000/ month will be provided. Please email (preferred) a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information for 3 references to or send to Nathan Tarr, Department of Zoology, Campus Box 7617, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695. Close Date: Until Filled. Ph.D. Position - A Ph.D. position is available at Purdue University to study the demography and natural history of eagles in Central Asia. The successful applicant will use molecular genetic markers (microsatellites and MHC genes) to evaluate mate choice, philopatry, turnover, and territoriality in both Aquila and Haliaeetus eagles, continuing the work of Rudnick et al (2005) Mol. Ecol. 14:2959-2967. Most of the research will be lab-oriented, but the successful applicant will spend several weeks in the field collecting samples each year. Strong molecular and/or analytical skills are desired. For more information, contact Andrew DeWoody in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University ( Admission can be through the academic department or through the interdisciplinary Molecular Evolutionary Genetics training group (see indexNoFlash.cfm). Either way, Ph.D. assistantships are funded at ~$20,000 per year plus a substantial waiver of tuition & fees. The cost of living in West Lafayette is low, and we are only an hour from Indianapolis and two hours from Chicago. Motivated applicants should submit a short letter of interest, including cumulative GPA, GRE scores, and contact information for three references. Formal applications must be received by January 10, 2007 to be considered, but informal inquiries are welcome beforehand. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Contact: Andrew DeWoody, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University: Close Date: Until Filled. Full Time Position - The 100,000 + acre Comanche Ranch will be conducting a long-term study on white-tailed deer density and its effect on native browse vs. protein feed consumption. Wildlife intern needed to fill and maintain protein feeders in study area. Monthly salary provided along with housing and work vehicle. Qualifications: Currently enrolled or recently graduated from an accredited college or university with a degree plan including wildlife management, range management or additional degree plans as determined by ranch. Prefer White-tailed deer knowledge and knowledge of South Texas Plants, shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants. Speak with your major professor on the possibility of obtaining college credit for the internship. Valid state hunting license required. Valid state hunter education course completion. No violations of local, state or federal game laws. Send resume to: Wildlife Intern Position, PO Box 1421, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834. Or Fax to (830) 757-9081, or email: Close Date: Until Filled. Tropical Herpetology Volunteers - Volunteers needed for field project investigating conservation status of amphibians and reptiles in primary rainforests in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Central America. I am seeking highly motivated individuals with background in ecology

or conservation biology. Meticulous data collection skills necessary, experience conducting field work highly desirable. Some background in Spanish would be helpful. Primary responsibilities involve sampling for amphibians and reptiles using a variety of field methods. Field work is intensive and will often require long hours working in harsh weather, in wet and muddy terrain, and in areas with biting and stinging insects as well as venomous snakes. Additional duties include measuring habitat characteristics and data entry using MS Excel. Participants will gain experience working in tropical rainforest conditions, become familiar with a highly diverse Neotropical herpetofauna, gain an understanding of tropical ecology and tropical natural history. Field work will be conducted in rainforest habitats containing over 150 species of amphibians and reptiles, three species of primates, and hundreds of species of birds. Volunteers will be responsible for their own airfare and a portion of station fees (includes housing and food, volunteer portion approx. $500/month). Two month commitment required. Send curriculum vitae or resume, letter of interest (describing background, experience, and future goals), and names and email addresses of two references to steven.whitfield@fiu. edu. Close Date: Until Filled. Aquatic Biologist - The Department of Biology at Queen’s University invites applications for an Aquatic Biologist at the level of Assistant Professor. We seek an individual with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in research and strong teaching potential. The successful candidate will develop a vigorous research program in any area of freshwater aquatic biology, focused at the Queen’s University Biological Station. The biological station (http:// located on the shores of Lake Opinicon comprises about 2,800 hectares of property, 50 km north of the main campus in Kingston and features a wide range of freshwater habitats and excellent laboratory facilities. Queen’s main campus is situated at the junction of Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River, providing additional opportunities for research in aquatic biology. The successful candidate will join an expanding group in freshwater fisheries and aquatic sciences (http://biology. in the Department of Biology. Review of applications will begin October 15, 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Expected date of appointment is July 1, 2007, subject to budgetary approval. Applicants must submit (by fax, post or email) a curriculum vitae, statement of current and prospective research interests with particular reference to potential use of the Queen’s University Biological Station, statement of teaching interests and a list of three scientists (with postal and email addresses) that we may contact for letters of reference. Submit applications to Dr. R.M. Robertson, Head, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 (FAX 613533-6617; EMAIL Date: Until Filled. Conservation Biologist - The Department of Biology at Queen’s University invites applications for the Baillie Family Chair in Conservation Biology. We are seeking candidates with a record of excellence in research and a commitment to teaching in any area of conservation biology (behavioural, landscape, evolutionary, population or community ecology, or biogeography), involving the study of birds in the field. The chairholder’s research program is expected to be centred at the Queen’s University Biological Station (http://biology., an excellent field research facility on the shores of Lake Opinicon, about 50 km north of our main campus ( QUBS comprises about 2800 hectares (7000 acres) of woodland, field and freshwater habitats with a rich diversity of animal and plant life. The chairholder will develop field courses and contribute to programs aimed at conserving biodiversity at QUBS. This is a tenure-track or tenured position available at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor. Review of applications will begin 15 October 2006 and will continue until the position is filled; expected date of appointment is 1 July 2007. Applicants must submit (by post, fax or email) a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests (especially with respect to plans for research at QUBS), a statement of teaching interests, and a list of three scientists (with postal and email addresses) that we may contact for letters of reference. Submit applications to Dr. R.M. Robertson, Head, Dept of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada (FAX 613-533-6617; EMAIL biohead@biology. Close Date: Until Filled. Seafood Researcher - Non-profit marine conservation organization, Blue Ocean Institute, seeks a full-time Staff Researcher for our From Sea to Table seafood education project. Our pioneering project translates in-depth scientific research and complex information about ocean wildlife, fishing, and aquaculture, into accurate and easy to understand materials to assist seafood consumers and purveyors in selecting ocean friendly fish and shellfish. Our seafood rankings are based on the best available science and derived through our robust quantitative scoring system. Species research and evaluations conducted by the staff researcher will contribute to recommendations published in our Seafood Guides, website, books, etc. Position responsibilities: Research and interpret scientific literature, technical reports (e.g., stock assessments), Fishery Management Plans, etc. Analyze information according to

internally established criteria for evaluating fisheries and aquaculture. Write reports based on research, and rank species using quantitative scoring system, edit following internal and external peer review. Communicate with external reviewers. Adhere to rigorous production schedule of research, rankings, review, and editing. Make presentations/ give papers in public fora. Qualifications: Masters degree in marine science or related field, with particular focus on marine fisheries. Familiarity with issues related to aquaculture is also required; Strong analytical, writing, and communication skills essential; Chosen candidate will have comfort and confidence in communicating with experts to discuss research questions; Chosen candidate will have a strong commitment to conservation and desire to make a difference; Love of research essential. Position to be based at Blue Ocean Institute headquarters in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Salary: $41,000. Interested applicants should send resume or curriculum vitae, cover letter, and three references. Contact: Myra Sarli, Business Manager, Blue Ocean Institute, 250 Lawrence Hill Rd., Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Internship - Interns (3) are needed to assist with field (50%) and laboratory (50%) research to survey native and alien invertebrate populations as well as with studies directed at conservation of rare endemic species and alien species control. Interns will work primarily on a prey-base study documenting the impacts of Vespula pensylvanica on the native arthropod community and a concurrent toxicant bait study for suppression of wasps. Duties may include setting up bait stations, monitoring wasp and native arthropod populations, conducting wasp nest searches, observing nest traffic rates and excavating wasp nests. Laboratory duties include sorting and identification of preserved insects from pan traps, pitfall traps, and soil and litter samples. Supplemental lab and office duties for all projects include data entry, proofing, and some data analysis. Interns may also contribute to additional projects and duties as assigned. Interns need to enjoy working in both remote field and laboratory environments and be able to perform repetitive, mundane tasks with sustained accuracy. Undergraduate seniors or recent graduates with coursework in entomology or related fields are encouraged to apply. Experience with invertebrate identification, taxonomic keys, Microsoft Office 2000 software and database management are a plus. Applicants must have excellent people skills, a positive attitude and be physically capable of working in rugged, montane rainforests as well as hot, dry coastland. Map and compass skills are also desirable. Interns are provided field and laboratory training and field gear (packs, rain gear, boots). Positions require a 4-month commitment, starting in September-October. Housing, food stipend ($400 month), are also provided. However, interns must provide airfare to and from Hilo, HI. Open to U.S. citizens only. Interns will be stationed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Island of Hawaii, in a cool mist-shrouded montane rainforest at 4000 feet elevation. The field station is located at the summit of Kilauea Volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Weekends and holidays provide ample opportunity for exploring active lava flows, black sand beaches, hiking, biking, and birdwatching. Additional recreational activities such as surfing and snorkeling are also popular on the island. Please fax or email a cover letter, resume, unofficial copy of transcripts, and telephone & email addresses of 3 references to Cause Hanna, fax 808.967.7153, email: Please note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Biologist - The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) ( is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the enhancement and creation of wildlife habitat. We work with corporations and other private landowners to help them voluntarily manage their lands for biodiversity through employee and community involvement. The biologist will work from WHC’s main office in Silver Spring, MD, but will be responsible for soliciting and assisting corporate habitat programs in a specific region in the United States, to be determined and partly based on applicant’s expertise. Salary: low 30’s. Responsibilities include: Perform site evaluations and reports that identify projects to enhance wildlife value on corporate properties with strong employee and community involvement; Identify, solicit, and develop new members for WHC and maintain positive relations with existing members; Identify and obtain new corporate sites to include in WHCs Wildlife at Work Program; Develop partnerships and cooperative arrangements, such as MOUs with other non-profit and government agencies; Prepare and deliver presentations about WHC at business, government, professional, and academic settings to increase visibility and obtain more habitat programs; Prepare articles about WHC for publication; Work as team to produce the annual symposium, workshops, and other activities. Qualifications: Undergraduate/graduate degree in natural science field; Knowledge of specific or multiple ecosystems in the United States; Documented experience with ecological consulting &/or wildlife management plans; Demonstrated ability to work independently, be a self-starter and have an entrepreneurial attitude; Excellent communication (verbal and writing) and interpersonal skills; Computer skills such as Ms Word, Excel, and ArcGIS. Email resume and writing samples (preferred) to Close Date: Until Filled.

Biology & Ecology Palm Conservation Biologist - The Center for Tropical Plant Conservation at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is seeking a dedicated Palm Biologist for Fairchild’s Palm Program. The Palm Conservation Biologist will develop and implement projects that focus on testing conservation management tools for critically endangered palm species and their habitats. This work will be undertaken using the facilities of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and by working with international partners and in situ populations. Required Qualifications: PhD in conservation biology or tropical ecology, with tropical field experience, to include an understanding of threatened species recovery procedures and the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary manner. Documented history of applied research and conservation achievement, experience in fund-raising and public speaking an advantage. Application Instructions: Send letter of interest, resume, and two letters of recommendation to: Cindy Lane, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Rd., Miami, FL 33156-4242 or clane@fairchildgarden. org. Close Date: September 30, 2006. Research Biologist - Assist with field and laboratory studies on population biology of Steller sea lions and California sea lions. Specific duties will include: 1) Capturing and sampling juvenile and adult California sea lions in Washington and at San Miguel and San Nicolas Island, California. 2) Capturing and marking and resighting marked Steller sea lions. 3) Providing written field reports of specific field investigations. 4) Entering field data into spread sheets and data base management programs. 5) Assisting in database management and submitting reports summarizing data in various data bases. Field work will include: 1) approximately one week of each month surveying hauling areas and rocks along the coast of northern California and Oregon. 2) approximately one month in Alaska conducting studies on islands and from shipboard in the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Applicant needs to have completed a 4year degree program in Wildlife Biology, Fisheries, Zoology or Animal Ecology. Preference will be given to biologists with advanced degrees and experience handling (capture and restraining) pinnipeds. Applicants must be in good physical condition as required by the physical nature of the job, and willing to work alone or independently in the field in isolated locations for long periods of time. Considerable time may be spent away from the Seattle base location for this contract, up to 3-4 months of travel may be required during the year. Some of the field studies may require long hours of arduous labor in severe and inclement weather. Applicants will also need to enter field data and be familiar with data entry systems such as Excel and Access. The approximate distribution of time will be 50% office and laboratory and 50% field. $19.00 - $21.50 per hour. Please send resume to: ITS Corporation, Attention: Jennette ScalfCorbitt, 650 E. Hospitality Lane, Ste. 450, San Bernardino, CA 92408. E-mail: Close Date: Until Filled. Ecology Position - A permanent, full-time research technician position in plant physiological ecology is available immediately in the Department of Plant Biology. The individual will collect, manage and analyze experimental data, assist in design and setup of experiments, and help manage laboratory facilities and activities. We prefer an individual with a MS or BS with relevant research experience in plant ecological physiology and with strong writing, computer and organizational skills. Experience with GIS and remote sensing will be beneficial. Salary range: $31,865-$45,633. For application procedures see the NCSU employment webpage, position number 62284. For additional information, contact Bill Hoffmann ( Close Date: Until Filled. Graduate Positions - Funding is available immediately for 2 graduate positions to study factors that influence the publication process in ecology including status, gender, & citation attributes. Study start date: September 2006. For more information please visit our NCEAS working group website at Students would be supervised by Dr. Christopher Lortie at York University in Toronto, Canada but participate in the international working group composed of 6-8 individuals including other professors, students, and postdocs. The graduate students will also visit NCEAS in Santa Barbara and potentially visit the other working group member labs in the UK and Canada. Only Canadian citizens are eligible for the funding on these projects. Please contact Dr. Christopher Lortie via email ( if you are interested. Close Date: Until Filled. Database Approaches to Conservation Biologist - A postdoctoral position is available for a project involving informatic approaches to generating recovery goals and objectives for federally listed endangered and threatened species. The incumbent will be responsible for finding, compiling and analyzing life history, threat, and distribution data for numerous species from published and gray literature. This position is an excellent opportunity to work at the interface of academic science and conservation practice. We seek a highly motivated individual with exceptional attention to detail, and tolerance for long periods of meticulous fact-checking that are punctuated by

intermittent peaks of elation when results are synthesized. Knowledge of the US Endangered Species Act, international conservation programs, and object-oriented databases are helpful but not required. The individual selected for this position will work regularly with graduate and undergraduate students, a database developer, and a broad array of agency personnel and thus should have excellent communication skills. Good time management and organizational skills are also a necessity. Data analysis and participation in writing manuscripts is expected. This position is part of a collaborative, DOD SERDP-funded research grant to investigate the potential for developing scientifically defensible recovery objectives for poorly known species that are not amenable to population viability analysis approaches. The position will be housed in Dr. Maile Neel’s lab at the University of Maryland, College Park and will involve close collaboration with Dr. Bill Fagan’s lab. Start date is negotiable but September, 2006 is preferable. The position is available for one year with possible extension to two years. The salary is competitive and will be based on the candidate’s experience. Health benefits are offered with the position. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a biologically related field and an interest in working at the interface between the basic science and conservation. The diversity of faculty, post doctoral scientists and graduate students interested in ecology, evolution and conservation at the University of Maryland provides an excellent scientific community in which to develop professionally. Proximity to Washington, DC offers extensive opportunities to become involved with conservation agencies and organizations. For more information, contact Maile Neel (mneel@umd. edu or 301-405-9780). To apply, please send a cover letter explaining your research interests in general and your interest in this position specifically, a CV, and names and contact information for 3 references by email to the address listed above. Close Date: Until Filled. Graduate Positions - Funding is available immediately for 2 graduate positions, either MSc or PhD, to study plant, seed, or seedbank ecology on topics such as the following: invasion, biogeography, ecophysiological differences in invasive plant species from different regions, climate change in the Yukon Canada, invasive maple species in Southern Ontario, cushion plants in the Hudson Bay lowlands of Northern Manitoba, or seedbanks in California. Study start date: immediately, i.e. September 2006. Students would be supervised by Dr. Christopher Lortie at York University in Toronto, Canada but collaborate with other scientists depending on the project (research on invasive plant species projects all involve Dr. Hierro from Argentina and Dr. Ragan Callaway from Montana, while northern research would involve either Dr. Roy Turkington or Dr. Rick Bello, both in Canada). Only Canadian citizens are eligible for the funding on these projects. Please contact Dr. Christopher Lortie via email ( if you are interested. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Rangeland Management Specialist/Research Ecologist - Southern Plains Range Research Station, Woodward, OK. GS 13/14 - Salary Range of $74k-$113k. The USDA ARS, Southern Plains Range Research Station is seeking highly qualified candidates for a permanent fulltime scientific position. The position’s specific research is: Determine effects of herbivory on plant diversity; Determine influence of landscape uses on plant communities and soil health; Increase establishment success and diversity of reclaimed pasturelands; Develop ecologically diverse and economically sustainable integrated production systems; Contribute to revitalizing rural communities by transitioning from traditional annual cropland to perennial based agriculture. To apply, print a copy of vacancy announcement ARS-X6S-0170 from the ARS Careers Website and follow the application directions provided. To have a printed copy mailed, call 580/256-7449. US citizenship is required. Close Date: Until Filled. Fisheries Research Biologist - Staff at HOHFSC conduct applied aquatic research that improves the Divisions ability to manage the fisheries and aquatic resources of Texas. HOHFSC has a versatile research staff with published studies in fisheries management, aquatic ecology, population dynamics, sampling, aquaculture, systematics, endangered species conservation, and fish aging. Research is conducted on site (in aquaria, mesocosms, and ponds) and in diverse aquatic systems (i.e., springs, streams, rivers, and reservoirs) spanning the state s various ecoregions. Applicants will be expected to develop and conduct original, independent research within a team environment, to write manuscripts, and to make presentations at national conferences. With the guidance of a Project Leader, the incumbent is responsible for planning and conducting applied freshwater fisheries research to better understand and manage fisheries and aquatic resources in the state. Working in a team environment, the successful applicant will develop and conduct field and/or laboratory studies; analyze fisheries, habitat, and watershed data; evaluate management strategies for natural resources; and disseminate research findings through presentations and peer-reviewed scientific articles. Assists in directing a team of permanent technicians, and/or seasonal workers, interns and volunteers. Represents the Fisheries Science Center on various Division task forces or review boards as needed. Performs additional duties as

assigned. Complies with all Agency, Division, and Branch rules, regulations, and procedures. Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, wildlife or fisheries science, or one of the natural sciences. Preferred Education: Graduate Degree from an accredited college or university in fisheries science or related biological science. Experience: (1) NRS I: no experience required; (2) NRS II: one year of relevant experience related to the specific duties of the position; (3) NRS III: two years of relevant experience related to the specific duties of the position; (4) NRS IV: six years relevant experience related to the specific duties of the position; (5) NRS V: four years as a TPWD NRS IV. Acceptable Substitutions: (1) Master’s degree in biology, ecology, wildlife or fisheries science, or one of the natural sciences from an accredited college or university may substitute for one year of the required experience, excluding the NRS IV experience; (2) PhD degree in biology, ecology, wildlife or fisheries science, or one of the natural sciences from an accredited college or university may substitute for two years of the required experience, excluding the NRS IV experience. Contact: David Buckmeier at David.Buckmeier@tpwd.state. Close Date: November 30, 2006. Rangeland Ecologist - The USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Unit in Miles City, MT, seeks a permanent, full-time Research Rangeland Management Specialist or Research Ecologist. Salary range is $62,291 to $113,791 per annum depending on experience. Focus of research will be on developing new understandings of plant competitive interactions at the soil/plant interface as affected by an array of abiotic and biotic factors including climatic conditions, fire, and herbivory. For more information call Jack Attig at 406.874.8239. U.S. citizenship is required. Technical inquires should be directed to Rod Heitschmidt, Research Leader, Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Laboratory, 243 Fort Keogh Road, Miles City, MT 59301. Ph. 406-874-4970 Close Date: August 30, 2006. Ecologist - At Potsdam University (close to Berlin, Germany) two 2-year positions starting 1 Dec 2006 and 1 Jul 2008 are available for scientists with a strong background in theoretical aquatic ecology, modelling and/or (statistical) data analysis within the EU Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Project FEMMES (FEedback Mechanisms in Models for Ecological forecastS). It aims to develop innovative models that forecast how environmental change affects ecological systems at different hierarchical levels (e.g. populations and communities) which may be linked by feed back mechanisms. FEMMES will last for 4 years, comprises in total five positions and is hosted by the Dept. of Vegetation Science and Nature Conservation, and the Dept. Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling focussing on pelagic ecosystems. Details of the research to be conducted at Potsdam are open to discussion and should be linked to previous experiences and current research interests of the applicant and to ongoing research of the host (e.g. food web theory, metabolic basis of ecology, ecological stoichiometry, size spectra; more details). The analyses may be based on temporally and taxonomically highly resolved measurements of plankton biomass and production in Lake Constance (20 year time-series), and on long-term micro- and mesocosm experiments. The unusually comprehensive L. Constance data set already provided the basis for numerous (model) studies which resulted e.g. in seasonally resolved size spectra and quantitative food web models in units of carbon and nutrients (Gaedke et al. 2002) which may be further analyzed. Another focus of the host is on improving the capability of dynamic simulation models to account for the potential of individual populations to adapt to altered conditions, and for (species) shifts in community composition which change average community properties. Other topics are also welcomed as is teaching of post-graduate students. The salary will include a mobility allowance and depends on the scientific experience. Language requirements: English fluent in speaking and writing, knowledge of German is not essential but helpful. Applicants have to fulfil the following formal requirements of the EU (please refrain from an application if you don’t fulfil them, more details). (1) Non-German Citizen of the EU or an associated country (e.g. Norway, Switzerland, Rumania, Turkey, etc) who has not stayed in Germany for > 1 year during the past 3 years, or Non-Germans who stayed in the EU or an associated country for at least 4 out of the past 5 years, but not > 1 year in Germany, or Germans who worked outside the EU or associated countries during at least 4 of the past 5 years. (2) at least Ph.D.. Address for applications (with research proposal and publication list): by e-mail:; or: Prof. Dr. Ursula Gaedke, Universität Potsdam, Maulbeerallee 2, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany. Close Date: September 1, 2006. Marine Community/Ecosystem Ecologist - I have post doc money for two years (25-30k/yr) for a U.S. citizen minority woman or man (Latino/a, African American etc.) to work on any aspect of marine community or ecosystem ecology in the Silliman lab at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology. The post doc will be expected to carry out independent research and also join me collaboratively in my studies of top-down control in South and North American salt marshes, Climate driven changes in marsh ecology, Physical forcing in rocky shores communities, and Genetic

connectivity of marine fish populations. Money will be provided for travel to South America and other field sites as well as equipment. My lab has one graduate student and another post doc from Argentina and I expect to take on more graduate student next fall. The post doc may start anytime between now and summer 2007. If interested, please send a short statement of interest and a CV to Brian Silliman ( Close Date: Until Filled. Harpy Eagle Hack Site Volunteer - The Peregrine Fund is a nonprofit organization working to conserve birds of prey and their habitats worldwide. Successful applicants will be provided with the rare opportunity to monitor and look after young Harpy Eagles prior to and after they are released in the forests of Panama or Belize. Hack Site Attendants will be based at a station near the release site in the country of Panama or Belize. Qualifications: Biologist or Biology student with basic Neotropical flora and fauna knowledge. Knowledge in raptor biology and ecology desirable. Knowledge of radio tracking techniques, use of GPS, compass and maps, and experience with four-wheel-drive vehicles is desirable. Willingness to live and work in remote, rugged areas with snakes, biting insects, etc. Capable of walking long distances in extreme weather conditions (heat, humidity, and rain). Fluency in written and spoken English or Spanish. Willing to commit to the release project a minimum of 4 months. Volunteer is expected to cover his/her travel costs, as well as to pay all his/her medical costs. Proof of medical insurance in effect during the time period of the releases will be required. Understanding of and commitment to The Peregrine Fund’s mission and approach to raptor conservation. Send cover letter, resume, and names, contact information of three references and availability to: Raptor Release Coordinator, The Peregrine Fund/ Fondo Peregrino, PTY 3150, 4440 NW 73rd Ave, Miami, FL 33166 or By E-mail: Close Date: January 1, 2008. Banding Internships - The Ventana Wildlife Society’s Big Sur Ornithology Lab (BSOL) is seeking a very enthusiastic, outgoing individual to assist in operating a constant effort mist-netting and banding station and surveying overwintering monarch butterflies. The internship position begins mid-Aug and lasts through Mar. The intern will receive training in mistnetting and banding passerines; identifying western birds by sight and sound; estimating clusters of monarch butterflies; and data entry and management. The primary focus of this internship is to conduct avian and lepidopteran field research, including the opportunity to conduct interpretive bird banding demonstrations with the public and to assist with compiling research reports. A stipend of $27.50/day (~$600/ month), housing, and field transportation are provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable field experience while living on the breathtaking California central coast. Preferred applicants will have a working knowledge of field ornithology. Prior banding and birding experience are preferred but not necessary. For more information about the research activities of our organization, visit our website at Please submit cover letter and resume that includes three work-related references to Jessica Griffiths by e-mail at jessicagriffiths AT ventanaws. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistantship - Position is available at Purdue University to study the demography and natural history of eagles in Central Asia. The successful applicant will use molecular genetic markers (microsatellites and MHC genes) to evaluate mate choice, philopatry, turnover, and territoriality in both Aquila and Haliaeetus eagles, continuing the work of Rudnick et al (2005) Mol. Ecol. 14:2959-2967. Most of the research will be lab-oriented, but the successful applicant will spend several weeks in the field collecting samples each year. Strong molecular and/or analytical skills are desired. For more information, contact ANDREW DEWOODY in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University (EM: dewoody AT Admission can be through the academic department or through the interdisciplinary Molecular Evolutionary Genetics training group (see indexNoFlash.cfm). Either way, Ph.D. assistantships are funded at ~$20,000 per year plus a substantial waiver of tuition & fees. The cost of living in West Lafayette is low, and we are only an hour from Indianapolis and two hours from Chicago. Motivated applicants should submit a short letter of interest, including cumulative GPA, GRE scores, and contact information for three references. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Associate - Wildlife Conservation Society Canada seeks a dynamic individual to establish a long-term research and monitoring program focused on freshwater fish communities in northwestern Ontario. The objectives of the project for which WCS Canada is seeking field leadership are to gain a better understanding of freshwater systems in the boreal shield of Ontario, and work with others in the region to improve knowledge of the impact of forest management and other development activities and increased road access on freshwater fish populations and communities. The objectives of the position are to: Design and implement a field-based monitoring program as a foundation for long-term engagement that focuses on measuring responses of freshwater fish populations and communities to landscape change at the development/

August 2006

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(from page 7)

roadless frontier; Increase knowledge of distribution and relative abundance of selected fish species north of Ontario’s managed forest boundary by conducting field inventories and synthesizing available relevant databases; Develop strong working relationships with other knowledgeable parties, such as First Nations communities, treaty organizations, tribal councils, government agencies, tourism outfitters, and non governmental organizations; Undertake research on specific fish conservation issues related to proposed or likely resource developments or critical conservation areas and/or the development of land use and management tools. In close collaboration with other WCS Canada staff, use information derived from this research and from biological and technical expertise on boreal wildlife to inform land use planning decisions and relevant policy at provincial and community levels. Qualifications: Ph.D. with a strong fieldbased background in fisheries ecology, conservation biology and landscape and/or freshwater ecology; Demonstrated strong working knowledge of, and experience with freshwater conservation issues in northern North America (preferably boreal regions); Excellent communication skills, including the ability to write, articulate, and synthesize information for diverse audiences; Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work effectively in a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary work environment; Self-motivated, and comfortable with and capable of working in remote, isolated field conditions. To apply: Please send cover letter detailing research and conservation interests and experience, the names of three references, and cv to: wcscanada@wcs. org, or to: Justina C. Ray, Director, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, 720 Spadina Avenue, #600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3B3. Two year term position, with possibility for extension. Location: Northwestern Ontario with base in Thunder Bay or Sioux Lookout, Ontario.. Anticipated start date: 15 December 2006. Salary: $45-50K (CAD) plus benefits. Research funds are also available. For more information, contact Justina Ray, Full position description (pdf). Close Date: September 30, 2006.

with kitchen provided on nearby Eastern Shore of VA NWR plus $1500/month stipend paid bi-weekly. Experience identifying raptors potentially present in eastern U.S. is essential. A detailed season report will be required by 15 Dec prior to final bi-weekly payment. Hours extend from sunrise to sunset or end of flight, with the exception of adverse weather. At least one full or two half days off provided each week, and volunteer assistance is frequent. Site is open to public and some interpretation for park visitors required. Migrant Peregrine Falcon and Merlin numbers here are often the highest in the U.S. Contact information: Send resume and at least two references to: (EM: robert.anderson4 AT mil) or by mail to Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory c/o Bob Anderson, 1528 Ashland Ave., Norfolk, VA 23509. Close Date: Until Filled.

-- and a membership at the local health club. In addition, employees are encouraged to bring their dogs to the office.

Experienced Banders – Individuals (1-2) needed from ~1 Sep to ~ 10 Oct (dates negotiable) to assist with mist-netting, banding, and bleeding passerines during fall migration in coastal Humboldt County, CA. Fieldwork will be conducted as part of a MS project at Humboldt State University in conjunction with the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Prior experience mist-netting and banding passerines required, experience bleeding birds preferred but not required. Applicants must be self-motivated, independent, and confident handling passerines with little supervision. Housing and stipend provided, personal vehicle a bonus. This is a great opportunity for recent undergraduates with bird-banding experience and those interested in experiencing fall migration on the CA coast. Successful applicant will band 5 days a week and have most weekends and afternoons free to explore beautiful northern California (birding, backpacking, kayaking, surfing, hiking, etc). To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and 3 references (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) who can attest to the quality of your field skills to: Amy Leist, (EM: amyleist AT, 4044 Lanphere Rd, Arcata, CA 95521 (PH: 707-822-1702). Close Date: Until Filled.

MT: Prior experience in consulting is always a bonus and it is a requirement for someone who wants to apply for a senior-level position. Willingness to travel and work long hours in the field are essential, as are a sense of humor and flexibility in work assignments.

Wildlife Field Assistant - A field assistant is needed for a study on crow roosts in Pennsylvania. Efforts to control a large roost in Lancaster, PA, and the need for an improved understanding of roosting in crows have provided the impetus for this study. Primary duties in Lancaster will include assistance with trapping, regular monitoring of the roost, and intensive radio-tracking. In addition, the field assistant will help collect data on roost characteristics at multiple roosts located throughout Pennsylvania. Housing in Lancaster will be provided. The field assistant should expect to work approximately 40 hours per week. Pay is $8.50 per hour. Dates: Sep 2006 through Mar 2007; somewhat flexible. Qualifications: A strong interest in birds, and a valid driver’s license. Individuals with experience in wildlife research and radio-tracking are preferred. Applications: To apply, send a resume and names and contact information for three references to Grant Stokke and Margaret Brittingham, The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources, 433 Forest Resources Building, University Park, PA 16802 (EM: gts127 AT Close Date: Until Filled.

Wetland Biologist - Within the Environmental Services Office this position works independently to identify critical areas including wetlands and other protected habitat. Requires fieldwork in high traffic areas and remote locations. Performs delineations, functional assessments, and impact analysis. Acts as wetlands technical expert for mitigation design teams and interagency work groups. Provides technical review for agency staff and consultants. The successful candidate will have the following: A bachelor’s of science degree or graduate degree in biology, ecology, ecological restoration, fish and wildlife science, environmental studies, or closely allied field. Two years of experience in conducting wetland delineation and using wetland rating or functions assessment methods. Knowledge of ecological monitoring techniques. Strong skills in plant identification and proficiency using technical keys to identify plants to species. Knowledge of federal, state and local government regulations pertaining to wetlands, streams, and other waters of the state. Ability to effectively communicate complex information to diverse groups. A valid Washington State Driver’s License is required within six months of employment. Compensation: $48,036 - $61,500 annually depending on qualifications. Please send a completed WSDOT Employment Application, letter of interest, detailed resume and your response to the supplemental question. Be prepared to provide references at the time of interview. For more information on how to apply, please call (360) 705-7105 or email: Close Date: Until Filled.

Aquatic Insect Community Ecologist - I am seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join a research program on the factors influencing community structure in predaceous diving beetles, and their potential to act as reliable bioindicators of ecosystem function. Opportunities for conducting independent research in this system (or on other community members, such as dragonflies or stickleback) also exist. Suitable candidates should have experience with some or all of the following: freshwater community ecology, mesocosm experiments, field surveys, and aquatic insects. Candidates with background in related areas should feel free to contact me as well, provided they have a solid background in some field(s) of ecology, experimental design and a willingness to apply their knowledge to a new system. Interested applicants should be in good physical condition, willing to work outdoors in a variety of habitat types (from grasslands to mountain sites) and weather conditions, and able to assume a lab leader role at times. Applicants should have a Ph.D., or expect to be awarded one in the very near future. I will consider inquiries from exceptional candidates that do not possess a Ph.D. but have demonstrated expertise working in related areas. The position itself is not renewable, but (depending on the circumstances) we may be able to drum up additional funding after the one-year period has elapsed. Applicants must be prepared to move to Calgary. A field vehicle will be available for travel to field sites, and funds are available for the purchase of cattle tanks, aquaria, sampling equipment, etc. and also for a dedicated research assistant for the summer. I also expect to be able to support the candidate in attending one international conference. Please send an application letter and arrange for two referees to contact me at: Dr. Steven M. Vamosi, University of Calgary, Department of Biological Sciences, Calgary AB, T2N 1N4; fax: (403) 289-9311; email: Email is preferred! Close Date: August 31, 2006. Hawkwatch Compiler - Individual experienced at identifying all raptors potentially present in eastern U.S., many at high altitude, at one of North America’s premier hawk watches at the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula. Duties extend from 1 Sep to 30 Nov at Kiptopeke State Park near Cape Charles, Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay. Air-conditioned housing

Coordinator - Lincoln, NE. Review of applications begins 15 Aug 2006. Coordinate the Least Tern and Piping Plover Partnership program to maintain overall focus on project goals. Work closely with the sand and gravel mining industry to protect nesting birds and develop a volunteer network with local communities. Maintain and build working relationships through effective communication with both private and public agencies and groups by providing a public education program. Conduct research on methods of improving tern and plover management. Research and pursue opportunities for funding for the continuation and expansion of the program. Evening/weekend work and travel across Nebraska will be required. Minimum Qualifications - Bachelor’s degree in wildlife or related field and 2 years experience in wildlife and education related positions. Knowledge and experience with the principles and practices of wildlife management and basic knowledge of avian ecology, biology, and habitat requirements. Skill to effectively interact and communicate with groups or individuals with diverse and wide-ranging backgrounds and opinions; and to create, deliver and evaluate educational programs. The ability to conduct field research and monitoring, and to record, assemble, organize, and publish data. The ability to work independently, supervise technicians and exercise sound judgement in evaluating situations while accurately communicating with supervisors. Preferred Qualifications - Master’s degree in wildlife or related field. Certification as an Associate Wildlife Biologist by The Wildlife Society. Previous experience with endangered species. Salary - $31,000 minimum annually. Apply online at Contact: Renae Held, (PH: 402-472-8878, EM: rheld3 AT Close Date: Until Filled. Bird Banding Interns - Individuals (2) needed Aug through Oct 2006. The Klamath Bird Observatory is seeking

For exceptional performance, we’ve been known to give an employee a nice fly rod, a guided fishing trip, special binoculars for a birding trip, tickets to a Red Sox game, or a gift certificate to a local restaurant. Once a year we also send the ‘Employee of the Year’ on a trip anywhere in the world that they want to go. Past recipients have chosen places like Cozumel, skiing in the Alps, and SCUBA diving in Fiji. ECC: Do you have any inside tips on which candidate qualifications will really give job applicants an extra edge for a job?

Someone who can impress us with clear, organized, and concise writing usually has a huge advantage over other candidates. Good writing skills are essential in our line of work and we notice details like misspelled words in cover letters and resumes that we receive. It is also an advantage if you are articulate and comfortable speaking in pubic and small group settings. The most critical skill is demonstrated excellence in field biology. All job candidates at Woodlot go through a field test, usually with one of the principals, to assess their wildlife and botanical skills. We don’t want you to know some plants in a project area; we want you to know all the plants. That said, a willingness to learn is a key attribute that we look for. Finally, we look for people who are confident, team players who take pride in their work. ECC: Do you have any other advice for those who aspire to a cool career in wildlife, wind, or wetlands? MT: Be prepared to change your vision of what field biologists do for a living. There are opportunities to do some interesting science, but a lot of biological consulting work is fairly routine species identification, field mapping in the rain, and writing reports. Very few consultants get to track radio-collared wolves, capture peregrine falcons, or do dive surveys in coral reefs. But if you have a passion for field work, an appreciation for the small-scale features of wildlife biology, and an interest in solving problems for clients through applied science, you’ll do well in environmental consulting. ECC About Woodlot Alternatives: Woodlot Alternatives, Inc. (Woodlot) is a private consulting firm that provides career opportunities in natural resource identification, ecological restoration, wetland analyses and mitigation, eco-risk assessment and ecological surveys, mapping and GIS services, permitting, and land use consulting. Web:

motivated individuals to participate in our landbird fall migration monitoring program in the Klamath Bioregion of southern Oregon and northern California. Work will include mist netting, bird census, equipment maintenance, data management, and other duties as required. Project aspects include constant effort mist netting, small owl banding/surveys, and area search censuses. Applicants should have a very strong interest in birds, natural history and field biology, and be prepared to work long days in the field in possibly inclement weather, camp out on a regular basis, follow prescribed protocols, be meticulous in collecting and recording data, be in good physical condition, work well both independently and closely with others, possess good communication skills, and have a valid Driver’s License (non-US citizens must possess a valid International Driver’s License). Additional preferred qualifications include: good bird identification skills, passerine mist-net/banding experience, camping and orienteering experience, the ability to drive standard transmission vehicles on small mountain roads. Training will follow North American Banding Council (NABC) standards and be provided by NABC Certified Bander Trainers through workshops, seminars, and field training. Focus will be on safe, ethical mist netting and banding and advanced ageing/sexing techniques. Housing and transportation between study sites are provided. A stipend of $500 per month is available depending on qualifications and by mutual agreement. Per-mile transportation costs will be reimbursed for personal vehicle use. Applications considered until positions filled. To apply, send cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to Bob Frey (EM: bif AT, Klamath Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 758, Ashland, OR 97520; (PH: 541-201-0866). Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistant - Two volunteers needs from 15 Oct 2006

through 20 Feb 2007 for a long-term monitoring project of Blue Fronted Parrot (Amazona aestiva) breeding ecology in the Gran Chaco, Argentina. The study takes place in the Dry Chaco, a thick thorny forest known as the “Impenetrable” which hosts a rich variety of neotropical fauna including over 300 species of birds and mammals such as the impressive jaguar. Good chances to see anteaters, brocket deers, peccaries and armadillos. Besides, a great opportunity to get to know some of Argentina while gaining experience in a variety of field ornithology methodologies Duties include daily nest-checking assistance (tree-climbing), territory spot mapping, banding, blood and diet sampling, parrot point counts, conducting behavioral observations, conducting fruit censuses and data entry. Applicants must be responsible, self-disciplined, tolerant to extreme weather and insects, willing to work in group and able to stay at a remote place without long distance communication facilities (such as neither phones nor internet). Setting at the reserve is basic (rustic conditions). Bird handling experience and Spanish speaking applicants may be preferred but not required. We provide lodging, and required equipment. Volunteers must arrange their transportation to Castelli - Chaco Province (buses from Buenos Aires every day) and are required to pay a US $75/ week (approx). Send cover letter, resume with references to Igor Berkunsky, (EM: igorberkunsky AT yahoo. Indicate availability (I am looking for volunteers who can commit for the entire study). Feel free to email for further information. Close Date; Until Filled. Wildlife Assistant - Individual (1) needed to perform lab and field work for a graduate project studying the distribution and abundance of wintering Henslow’s Sparrows in Louisiana. Full-time duties include active mist netting of Henslow’s Sparrows in savannas throughout Louisiana, collecting habitat structure data, identifying plant species

Biology & Ecology and determining seed availability from field samples of vegetation, and data entry. Applicants must be physically fit and enjoy working with diverse groups of volunteer birdcatchers. A background in botany or a related field would be beneficial. The position is based at LSU in Baton Rouge. Field transportation is provided, and assistant will work about 40 hours/wk, including field work on many weekends. Benefits include exposure to an elusive but beautiful bird in some of Louisiana’s most spectacular pine savannas. Salary is $1,400/month; housing not provided. Position is from Nov 2006 through Mar 2007. To apply please email a letter of interest, a resume, and a list of three references (preferably as a single attached Word document) to: Laura Palasz, (EM: lpalas1 AT School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University. Close Date: Until Filled. Biological Interns - (2-3) needed to assist refuge public use and wildlife management activities in southeastern Indiana. The intern (s) will assist the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff on Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, which is overlaid on the closed Jefferson Proving Ground. Positions are available from Aug thru Nov or Dec 2006; dates flexible for applicants enrolled in school. Duties include monitoring wildlife populations (15%), Invasive species control (25%), data entry/clerical work (10%), visitor check-in, whitetailed deer hunt program assistance, and general refuge maintenance/operations (50%). Successful applicants must be able to work well with others or unsupervised and endure inclement weather and rugged conditions. Interns/ volunteers must be dependable, enthusiastic, and maintain good humor while working early mornings or late evenings. The work could last 3 to 6 months depending on funding and volunteer/intern availability. Volunteer/interns will be provided housing and monthly subsistence (approximately $600/month). Please send a cover letter, resume, and list of references. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Jason Lewis, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1661 West JPG Niblo Rd., Madison, IN 47250. (PH: 812-273-0783; FX: 812-273-0786; EM: Jason_Lewis AT Close Date: Until Filled. Owl Bander - Needed to mist net Northern Saw-whets Owls during the upcoming fall migration (20 Sep.- 10 Nov.) in Stevens Point, WI. Approximately 400-600 owls are caught each season at the Linwood Springs Research Station in central Wisconsin. Applicants should be prepared to work from dusk to dawn. Responsibilities include monitoring mist nets, bird removal, data collection and computer entry along with banding demonstrations to small public groups. Housing and some meals are provided with a $700 stipend. Serious applicants can send cover letter and resume to Eugene Jacobs, Director, Linwood Springs Research Station (EM: lsrs AT Close Date: Until Filled. Research Tech - Sutton Avian Research Center, University of Oklahoma. Location: Bartlesville, Oklahoma (s). Hours: Normally Monday through Friday, 8:00am through 4:30pm with ½ hour lunch, exact hours and days are somewhat flexible, 40-hour weeks, University holidays and earned vacation time off. Starting Date: 1 Sep 2006. Pay: $11.50/ hour, University approved salary raises when those occur. Benefits: Paid earned annual leave and holidays. Oklahoma Teachers Retirement System and other retirement benefits, WorkCare Workers’ Compensation plan, and a medical insurance plan, as well as other benefits (see, staff handbook and benefits.), and state unemployment insurance (only). Duties: Japanese Quail husbandry, groundskeeping, miscellaneous building and property care, other duties as assigned. Incumbent will be responsible for daily care and maintenance of a large quail production facility including all associated equipment and facilities, will take orders for and ship frozen quail throughout the U.S., and will mow lawn and grade dirt road as necessary. Other duties will include occasional tree pruning, and vehicle care, grounds cleanup, and weekly trash collection. Work conditions can be hot and dirty. Must be able to safely work with some hazardous materials, mostly dry ice, and cleansing solvents. The workplace is maintained smokefree, Qualifications: Bachelors degree in biology and animal handling and care experience are preferred, but applicable experience may be substituted. Must be able to repeatedly lift and load 50 pound bags of feed and occasionally packages of frozen quail up to 75 lbs.; must be able to work with minimum supervision; must be able to drive standard transmission vehicle and tractor. Incumbent will be required to sign Oklahoma Oath of Loyalty. Applicants must submit a resume and cover letter to OU-Personnel Service, 905 Asp Avenue, Norman, OK 73019. Or, preferably, submit an online application on Letters of recommendations from three people knowledgeable about the applicant’s skills and experience for the job will be required. For additional information call (405) 325-1826 or TDD (405) 325-5529. Close Date: Until Filled. Researcher - We are seeking an outstanding Postdoctorallevel researcher to work at the ARC-NZ Research Network for Vegetation Function. The Network is convened by Mark Westoby and Ian Wright at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). The successful candidate’s role will be high-impact research through collaboration with one or more Network working groups. Working group participants

are leading researchers from nearly 50 universities and research organizations in Australasia, Europe and the Americas. Current topics span from functional genomics through ecophysiology and functional ecology to global change and evolutionary history. Selection criteria for this position include knowledge at the leading edge of research in at least one of these fields, excellent skills in numerical modeling or statistics, and a talent for theory, data synthesis, and for writing for publication. The position is available for a period of 3 years full-time with probationary period of 1 year. Additional information is available at http://www.vegfunction. net/research/postdoc.htm, and enquiries should be directed to the Network administrator, Robyn Delves (rdelves@bio. Please visit to apply online. Close Date: September 4, 2006. M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship on Swamp Rabbits - A graduate assistantship for 2 years is available in the School of Forest Resources. Research will be conducted on the ecology of swamp rabbits in the core of the species range. Research responsibilities will include marking animals, telemetry, vegetative sampling, and GIS and GPS work. Start date is 15 August 2006. The stipend is $12k per year plus a tuition-waiver. Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of transcripts, GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Robert E. Kissell, Jr., School of Forest Resources, University of Arkansas, Monticello, AR 71656. Applications by e-mail (send to, with electronic copies of requested documents). Qualified applicants should have a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology, Zoology, or a related field, a minimum 3.0/4.0 GPA, and a minimum combined math/verbal GRE score of 1000. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous research or field experience. Close Date: Until Filled. Graduate Research Assistantship - Ecology/ Biogeochemistry, School of Life Sciences. Project Title: Legacies on the Landscape: Prehistoric human land use and long-term ecological change. Project Description: How important are humans as drivers of persistent ecological patterns and processes on the landscape? In this NSFfunded project, we will examine the long-term ecological legacies of land use intensity in two different ecosystem types of the southwestern US which supported prehistoric agriculture from 1200-1400 AD. Using both ecological and archaeological evidence, we will focus our investigations across a gradient of known prehistoric human activity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of central Arizona that represent two ends of a spectrum of human occupation in population and duration. Our work promotes an interdisciplinary approach to ecology and archaeology and will provide a framework to aid land managers in setting goals for maintaining and restoring archaeologically rich lands in the Southwest. Graduate RA Position: We are looking for a motivated and interested individual who is interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Ecology/Biogeochemistry to join us in this exciting, interdisciplinary research endeavor. The selected student will have broad flexibility in developing his or her dissertation research within the overall goals of the project and will work closely with the principal investigators, including Drs. Sharon Hall and John Briggs. Additionally, the student will have the opportunity to be co-advised by our collaborators in Archaeology (Drs. Katherine Spielmann and Keith Kintigh) who are located in the ASU School of Human Evolution and Social Change. Candidates will apply for admission into the School of Life Sciences graduate program at ASU. The starting date is Fall, 2007. Minimum qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, geology, chemistry, archaeology, or related discipline and a current, valid U.S. driver’s license. Interested candidates with a strong background or interest in plant ecology, microbial ecology, soils, or biogeochemistry are encouraged to apply. Selection will be based on GPA, GRE’s (General and Biology subject), letters of recommendation, and enthusiasm for the work proposed. Send formal letters of interest to Dr. Sharon J. Hall through email at or by mail at the School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Box 874501, Tempe, AZ, 85287-4501. Inquiries about the position should be directed to Dr. Hall through email or by phone at 480-965-5650. Graduate RA Stipend: $23,143 for 12 months plus out-of-state tuition waiver. Stipends include health insurance. Close Date: Until Filled. Avian Technician – Houston, TX. Duties include: Mist netting, banding and taking a blood sample from passerine and near-passerine species, identifying trapping sites, local flyways and helping with picking up dead birds for West Nile virus. The majority of the day (0530 to 1200) will be spent trapping birds, baiting areas for the next day, and processing birds. The remainder of the day will be spent picking up dead birds for West nile virus testing. Work hours generally are from 0530 to 1400, Monday through Friday. Qualifications: Skilled at the identification of North American species of birds. Main focus will be on resident birds, but since the Houston area is a major stopover point for neotropic migrants, a general understanding of indentification of families would be preferred. Please send resume to: cbsar or gjudy@harriscountyhealth. com. Close Date: December 31, 2006. Seasonal Field Lab Technician – Houston. Assists in

surveying for trap and testing collection sites. Assists in preparing all trapping material for daily surveillance operations and in creating and testing new mosquito traps. Sets and collects mosquito traps. Identifies mosquitoes from other insects during field surveys and collections. Collects mosquito specimens. Completes daily logs on vehicle use and equipment used. Prepares all lab material for pooling. Processes mosquito collection samples. Identifies and pools mosquito specimens. Assists in performing data entry for the surveillance section. Assists in several administrative duties. Constructs, repairs and maintains all equipment used in the field. Upkeeps of lab equipment and freezers. Stocks trapping media solution. Secures CDC trapping supply of dry ice (CO2). Assists other Mosquito Control sections as required. Will be required to learn mosquito surveillance techniques. Position requires lifting at least seventy pounds. Performs other duties as assigned, including responding to an emergency event. Required: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent is required. A valid driver’s license and a good driving record is required. Knowledge of microbiological procedures is required. Successful candidate must possess data entry skills, good organizational skills and the ability to read maps while making accurate observations. Basic skills in Windows and word processing is preferred. Knowledge of general biology of mosquitoes is highly desired. Two years of college is preferred. Contact: Martin Reyna at Close Date: December 31, 2006. Ph.D. Position - A Ph.D. position is available to study the demography and natural history of eagles in Central Asia. The successful applicant will use molecular genetic markers (microsatellites and MHC genes) to evaluate mate choice, philopatry, turnover, and territoriality in both Aquila and Haliaeetus eagles, continuing the work of Rudnick et al (2005) Mol. Ecol. 14:2959. Most of the research will be lab-oriented, but the successful applicant will spend several weeks in the field collecting samples each year. Strong molecular and/or analytical skills are desired. For more information, contact Andrew DeWoody (dewoody@purdue. edu) in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources. Admission can be through the academic department or through the interdisciplinary Molecular Evolutionary Genetics training group. Either way, Ph.D. assistantships are funded at ~$20k per year plus a substantial waiver of tuition & fees. The cost of living in West Lafayette is low, and we are only an hour from Indianapolis and two hours from Chicago. Motivated applicants should submit a short letter of interest, including cumulative GPA, GRE scores, and contact information for three references. Close Date: September 15, 2006.

Field Biologists Arizona Biologists needed for work on a botanical and range inventory project in the Monument Valley of Arizona. The positions will begin in mid-July and extend through November. Required: self-motivation; attention to detail; valid driver’s license; B.S. or B.A. degree; excellent map reading skills; basic GPS skills; field experience; vegetation monitoring or inventory experience; good physical condition; willingness to work long hours in a small group setting; strong work ethic; willingness to learn; and the ability to maintain a positive attitude. Preferred Qualifications: excellent plant identification skills; experience in project areas; previous experience with USDA-NRCS or BLM methodology; personal 4x4 vehicle (mileage reimbursement available at federal rate) To apply please send a resume, cover letter, and current contact information for 3 references via email to: ATTN: Ike Wennihan, Close Date: Until Filled. Volunteer Externship - Folke Peterson Wildlife Center, a new state-of-the-art $2 million wildlife rehab facility in West Palm Beach, FL is now offering Summer and Winter break volunteer externships designed for first/second year students. Not a formal rotation. Work hands-on with Florida native species interacting with area consulting veterinarians and experienced staff vet techs/wildlife rehabilitators. Free on-site housing in renovated two-bedroom home. Contact or call (561)793-BIRD. Send letter expressing strong interest in wildlife, willingness to work hard for one season and ability to transport yourself to South Florida. Close Date: October 1, 2006. Associate Population Biologist – Individual to provide scientific and logistical assistance to the cooperative conservation and breeding programs of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Primary functions include conducting demographic and genetic analyses on pedigree (“studbook”) databases and developing summary reports and breeding recommendations for cooperatively managed conservation programs. Additional job duties include participating in research and development of techniques for demographic and genetic management of animal populations; training of zoo professionals though programs

such as the AZA professional schools; providing assistance, via phone, fax, or email, to studbook keepers and species program coordinators on questions related to database analyses and population management; assist with the development and maintenance of population management software. Successful candidates must have strong background in population biology, use and interpretation of simulation and deterministic models, and broad biological knowledge of species biologies. Successful candidates would likely have strong computer, organizational, and communication skills (written and spoken); Candidates should also have a commitment to wildlife conservation through management of wild and captive populations, and willingness to participate in the department’s team approach to conservation research projects. Bachelor’s degree is essential and Master’s degree is preferred; knowledge of basic zoology or biology preferred. Experience with zoo based population management programs is desirable. Must be able to work up to 10 weekends per year. Please send cover letter, resume, and completed application to: Lincoln Park Zoo Human Resources Dept (Associate Population Biologist) PO Box 14903, Chicago, IL 60614. FAX: (312) 742-2299 (No phone calls please). For a printable version of our application, please visit our website at http://www. Close Date: Until Filled. Ecologist - A rapidly growing 15 employee ecological consulting firm is looking for an experienced ecologist to join our New York City-based practice. The candidate should have a minimum of 5 years professional experience. Bachelors’ degree required, Master’s degree preferred in ecology, biology, plant sciences, environmental sciences, or a closely related field. The candidate should be willing to work in a variety of settings including highly urbanized areas, contaminated sites and extremely remote locations. Your job duties will be broad and will include a mixture of ecologically-oriented studies, habitat and wetland restoration planning, design, and monitoring, and generating a variety of reports. You should be a strong communicator - able to write and speak well as you will be attending meetings with our clients and the public. Developing your own clients will also be part of this career. You need to be able to work in a dynamic and demanding environment and be willing to work for clients in the public and private sectors. Great Eastern Ecology, Inc. is a firm experiencing explosive growth and your role will be to provide strong technical leadership and mentoring within the company. The position comes with a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please send your resumes along with a cover letter and three references to or via fax to 212 496-4034. At this point we ask you not to call. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Associate - Wildlife Conservation Society Canada seeks a dynamic individual to establish a long-term research and monitoring program focused on freshwater fish communities in northwestern Ontario. The objectives of the project for which WCS Canada is seeking field leadership are to gain a better understanding of freshwater systems in the boreal shield of Ontario, and work with others in the region to improve knowledge of the impact of forest management and other development activities and increased road access on freshwater fish populations and communities. Qualifications: Ph.D. with a strong field-based background in fisheries ecology, conservation biology and landscape and/or freshwater ecology; Demonstrated strong working knowledge of, and experience with freshwater conservation issues in northern North America (preferably boreal regions); Excellent communication skills, including the ability to write, articulate, and synthesize information for diverse audiences; Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work effectively in a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary work environment; Self-motivated, and comfortable with and capable of working in remote, isolated field conditions. Please send cover letter detailing research and conservation interests and experience, the names of three references, and cv to:, or to: Justina C. Ray, Director, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, 720 Spadina Avenue, #600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3B3. Website: www. For more information, contact Justina Ray, Close Date: Until Filled. Research Manager - ASRC Management Services is hiring a Research Manager, to be based on Guam. The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate a crew of several biologists in the research duties of the project as described below. The Research Manager will have overall responsibility for coordinating the biological staff, including arranging work schedules, supervising and delegating data collection responsibilities, organizing, tracking, and purchasing of equipment, and supplies. He/She will also design databases in MS Access for input of data. The successful candidate will participate and contribute to the recruitment, hiring, and orientation of new project personnel. The Research Manager is also expected to direct the field team in support of post-doctoral fellows and graduate students in Guam, and research and support personnel in Fort Collins. A high degree of communication with all project personnel on Guam and in Ft. Collins is crucial for the success of the project. The successful candidate will be the administrative contact for all project operations on Guam and will be expected to learn and participate in field and lab activities as needed. The field crew is involved in project data

August 2006

Biology & Ecology collection, implementation of experiments in field situations, preparation of materials and equipment for experiments, preparation of study sites, capture of specimens, and handling of living and dead specimens (snakes, lizards, rodents, and other vertebrates). Research duties will also include the preparation of specimens, handling recording data from tagging, logging of data, and preparation of field reports for analysis. Preparation and maintenance of sites may involve use of brush cutting equipment, power saws, and hand instruments. Therefore, coordination of safety related training and monitoring will be a key component. In the first 6 months this position is expected to be primarily administrative with field work averaging approximately 1day/week. Over time, the amount of field work could be expected to increase somewhat. Required: B.S. or B.A. in biology, ecology, natural resources, or related field with a working knowledge of Access and at least three year’s of experience in leading field research projects. A valid driver’s license, excellent eyesight, health, and physical stamina are also required. Ability to walk over rough terrain, carry up to 50 lbs of equipment, tolerate climatic extremes, and work in both day and night conditions are necessary to conduct field work. Preference will be given to candidates with strong backgrounds in project management and team leadership. Applicants must have the proper credentials (US citizen, green card) to work in the U.S. Send your cover letter, resume, transcripts from all universities attended (copies acceptable), and a list of four references to: Keith Rounsaville, Fort Collins Science Center, 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg - C Fort Collins, CO 80526; keith_rounsaville@usgs. gov; 970 226-9413. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Volunteer Research Assistants - (1-2) needed for winter on Southeast Farallon Island, 28 miles west of San Francisco, California. Duties involve observation of elephant seal behavior, tag reading, tagging and marking of bulls, cows and pups, keeping accurate data records, and data entry. Additional work involves data management, resighting branded sea lions, monitoring the number and species of all birds on the island, and daily weather and oceanic observations. RAs also contribute to the upkeep, cleaning, and maintenance of the research station. RAs will work fulltime, 7 days a week, with a variable schedule that includes long days. Field work requires rigorous physical activity including strenuous hiking and climbing. Excellent vision, good binoculars, being comfortable in close proximity to large toothy mammals, and hand strength for tagging are required. Applicants should enjoy working independently with a high level of responsibility in field work and data entry as well as working frequently with a partner or team. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in biology or related field and prior ecological research experience. Enthusiasm for field work in windy, wet, chilly conditions is essential. The ability to coexist on a small, isolated island with gulls and humans is important. Positions are 1 Dec through 10 March. RAs are volunteers, we provide training, great food, comfortable island housing, and a unique experience. Transportation to boat in San Francisco not provided. Please send a cover letter explaining interests and dates of availability; resume; and names, phone numbers, and email of 3 references to Derek E. Lee ( Farallon Biologist, PRBO Conservation Science, 3820 Cypress Drive #11, Petaluma, California, 94954. Visit our website at: http:// for more info. Close Date: Until Filled. Coordinator - Coordinate the Least Tern and Piping Plover Partnership program to maintain overall focus on project goals. Work closely with the sand and gravel mining industry to protect nesting birds and develop a volunteer network with local communities. Maintain and build working relationships through effective communication with both private and public agencies and groups by providing a public education program. Conduct research on methods of improving tern and plover management. Research and pursue opportunities for funding for the continuation and expansion of the program. Evening/weekend work and travel across Nebraska will be required. Minimum requirements: Bachelor’s degree in wildlife or related field and 2 years experience in wildlife and education related positions. Knowledge and experience with the principles and practices of wildlife management and basic knowledge of avian ecology, biology, and habitat requirements. Skill to effectively interact and communicate with groups or individuals with diverse and wide-ranging backgrounds and opinions; and to create, deliver and evaluate educational programs. The ability to conduct field research and monitoring, and to record, assemble, organize, and publish data. The ability to work independently, supervise technicians and exercise sound judgement in evaluating situations while accurately communicating with supervisors. Preferred requirements: Master’s degree in wildlife or related field. Certification as an Associate Wildlife Biologist by The Wildlife Society. Previous experience with endangered species. Salary: $31,000 minimum annually. Contact: Renae Held, 402-472-8878, Close Date: Until Filled. Scientific Aide – California Department of Fish & Game. Work will occur in wetlands, grasslands, and oak-dominant landscapes of the Los Banos and North Grasslands Wildlife Area complexes and surrounding area. Duties will be varied and include biological fieldwork for multiple taxa:

avian surveys of many kinds, small mammal trapping, spotlighting, aquatic herp searches, rare and invasive plant mapping, and wetland habitat surveys. Work is also likely to include tasks related to avian influenza and other research at hunter check stations during waterfowl season. In addition to fieldwork, duties include data entry, assistance with regular reporting, and equipment and vehicle maintenance. Degree in biological or natural resources field, and field experience with one or more of the taxa listed above. If not already proficient with birds and mammals of the area, a successful applicant must be able to pick them up quickly. We are looking for a strong all-around biologist with an eagerness to learn. This job also entails some use of GIS software, so prior basic experience with ArcMap or similar software is highly desirable. Applicant must also possess or be willing to procure a valid California driver s license and have a good driving record. Applicants must have an enthusiastic attitude toward fieldwork in diverse habitats and conditions, as weather varies seasonally from cold/rain/fog to extremely hot/buggy. To apply, send letter, resume, and contact information for at least 3 references as email attachments to Close Date: September 30, 2006. OPS Wildlife Biologist – Panama City, FL. While start date is defined below as 18 August 2006, the actual need is immediately (& to last until mid June 2007). No housing is provided for this position (also, because this is an OPS position, a benefits package is not included). The successful applicant will assist with imperiled species surveying and monitoring of reptile/turtle/amphibian populations on Point Washington and Pine Log Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). Specific emphasis will be on Gopher Tortoises and Flatwoods Salamanders. Secondary responsibilities include data analyses/summary and report writing. Infrequently, assisting on other WMAs with surveying and monitoring projects will be required. Minimum Qualifications: The prospective employee should have at least a bachelor’s degree with a major in a biological, environmental, or related scientific discipline; good interpersonal skills; attention to detail and deadlines; a working knowledge of reptiles and amphibians; willing to work under adverse weather conditions (cold, rain, heat & humidity, bright sun) and rough terrain (walking through thick vegetation) both during the day and at night. Familiarity with GIS desired, but not required. Additionally, applicants must be able to work independently and as part of a team. Valid driver’s license and ability to drive 4WD vehicle required. To Apply: Please send cover letter, resume and contact information (name, position, phone, email and mailing address) for three references to: Fred Robinette, District Wildlife Biologist, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, 3911 Highway 2321, Panama City, Florida 32409-1658. Email: fred.robinette@MyFWC. com. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Biologist - While start date is defined below as August 18, 2006. The actual need is immediately (& to last until mid June 2007). No housing is provided for this position. (Because this is an OPS position, a benefits package is not included) Duties & Responsibilities: The successful applicant will assist with imperiled species surveying and monitoring of reptile/amphibian populations on Point Washington and Pine Log Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). Specific emphasis will be on gopher tortoises and flatwoods salamanders. Secondary responsibilities include data analyses/summary and report writing. Infrequently, assisting on other WMAs with surveying and monitoring projects will be required. Minimum Qualifications: The prospective employee should have at least a bachelor’s degree with a major in a biological, environmental, or related scientific discipline; good interpersonal skills; attention to detail and deadlines; a working knowledge of reptiles and amphibians; willing to work under adverse weather conditions (cold, rain, heat & humidity, bright sun) and rough terrain (walking through thick vegetation) both during the day and at night. Familiarity with GIS desired, but not required. Additionally, applicants must be able to work independently and as part of a team. Valid driver’s license and ability to drive 4WD vehicle required. Please send cover letter, resume and contact information (name, position, phone, e-mail and mailing address) for 3 references to: Fred Robinette, District Wildlife Biologist, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation commission, 3911 Highway 2321, Panama City, FL 32409-1658. Email: Fred. Close Date: Until Filled. Intern (Wildlife Outreach) - The Southeast Natural Resource Center (SENRC) of the National Wildlife Federation seeks a motivated communicator for a 11-month full-time internship. The SENRC is working to protect and restore the wildlife and habitats of the most biologically diverse region in the continental United States. The Wildlife Outreach Intern will assist in building a social and political movement for wildlife conservation, by communicating complex wildlife conservation issues in ways that inspire people through compelling stories, images, effective messages, and diverse messengers. The Intern will work with policy, education, communications, and grassroots organizing staff to devise strategies for reaching both traditional and new audiences. Intern duties may include: Develop educational and advocacy materials for volunteers and the public, including factsheets, action alerts, brochures, and powerpoint presentations. Develop media materials

including Letters to the Editor, guest editorials, editorial advisories, press advisories, and press releases. Distribute information and recruit volunteers via email, publications of NWF and other organizations, limited tabling at events, and pitch calls to media representatives. Identify opportunities and organize formal and informal presentations featuring NWF staff and other partners. Applicants must be able to work 40 hours/week. This position offers $8/hour plus core benefits. Qualifications: BS/BA, or at least junior or senior year. Coursework and/or experience in communications, outreach, graphic design, political science, sociology/ anthropology, and environmental studies are a plus. Excellent writing and speaking skills. Knowledge of and ability to use computer word processing, spreadsheet, and publishing/graphic design software programs (e.g., MS Office, MS Publisher) is strongly preferred. Team player, with ability to work independently. Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and meet deadlines. Organized. Outgoing, comfortable engaging strangers in conversation. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Amphibian Analyst - The U.S. Geological Survey’s Patuxent Wildlife Research Center is hiring a current student, or recent graduate, during the fall 2006 to analyze anuran (frog and toad) call count data collected at 34 US Wildlife Refuges over the past 5 years. The individual must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, or have graduated within the past 12 months. The individual will use recent occupancy and related models to address issues related to spatial and temporal trends in amphibian call count indices. There are numerous possible biological questions to explore and an opportunity to contribute to statistical advances that will aid in future analysis of this type of data. Furthermore, the analysis should guide future data collection for regional and national amphibian monitoring programs. Individuals applying must be able to work ~30-40 hours per week from September December 2006. Actual starting date is flexible. Individuals are responsible for all costs of transportation to and from Patuxent. Housing costs are not included in the position, but some On-Center housing may be available. To apply, send the following to Dr. Larissa Bailey at the address above or via email ( or FAX (301.497.5784). 1) Letter of interest; 2) Resume, list of relevant classes taken (biology and statistics), contact information, and two or three reference contacts. Applicants should have experience in biology or statistics, or both. Experience with managing large data sets and basic statistics is preferred. Dr. Larissa Bailey at Close Date: Until Filled. Post-Doc Position - We are seeking a motivated Post-Doc with experience in matrix population modeling and interest in applying population models to management of threatened and endangered species. Experience with analyzing demographic data from field studies, and programming in MATLAB, is preferred. The Post-Doc will be based out of The University of Montana (Missoula, MT), working with L. Scott Mills and with Matthew Kauffman (University of Wyoming). The Post-Doc will play a large role in all aspects of a collaborative study involving Mills and Kauffman as well as Oz Garton and Mike Scott at the University of Idaho. The objectives of this study are to evaluate patterns of vital rate importance, variability, and vulnerability that are conserved within species of similar life histories, and to develop methods to apply this information to the management of rare and endangered species with limited data. We envision that the Post-Doc will also be able to devote some portion of their time to developing independent research ideas that fit into these broader themes. Some travel to Idaho and Wyoming will be required. Contact: L. Scott Mills at scott.mills@cfc. Close Date: Until Filled. Bird Banding Interns - Eight needed for the MAWS (Monitoring Avian Winter Survival) program. The MAWS program monitors survivorship of wintering landbirds in the southeastern United States. Interns will be paired with a partner to run six MAWS stations on one of four military installations located in NC, GA, and AR. Prior mist-netting and banding experience is strongly desired but not strictly required. All internships include an intensive 11-day training period in mist-netting, banding, aging, and sexing small landbirds. Good physical condition and an ability to tolerate sometimes difficult field conditions and pre-dawn mornings are required. Dates of internship: Oct. 12, 2006 Mar. 22, 2007. Interns will be given an 11-day holiday break, extending from Dec. 23, 2006 to Jan. 2, 2007. Shared housing and a per diem for food and other out-of-pocket expenses of $25 per work day for a total of 110 work days ($2,750 for the entire season) will be provided. Interns willing to use their vehicle for travel to the work sites are especially needed. Mileage will be reimbursed at $0.33 per mile for all workrelated travel. To apply, send (email preferred) a completed MAWS application form, cover letter, current resume, and email addresses and phone numbers of two references to Kelly Gordon ( at The Institute for Bird Populations, P.O. Box 1346, Pt. Reyes Station, CA, 94956. Application form and more information about the positions are available on our website . Positions are open until filled, interviews and hiring will begin August 7, 2006. For more information, call Kelly at (415) 663-1436. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wildlife Biologists – Pasenda, CA. Under the direction of the RMG Manager, this position would require the wildlife biologist to conduct fieldwork, report writing, project management, and proposal input and preparation. Qualifications: Knowledgeable about southern California fauna, distribution and habitats; Knowledge of rare/ endangered/threatened species/issues as they relate to southern California; Knowledge of the federal and California Endangered Species Acts; and California Environmental Quality Act is desirable; Skills in effective verbal and written communication; Skills in using personal computers with knowledge of MS Office; Federal 10(a) Permit to conduct protocol surveys for Desert Tortoise, Mohave Ground Squirrel or other federally-listed species as well as California Department of Fish and Game Memorandum of Understanding for state-listed species is a plus; Experience with environmental consulting a plus. The ideal candidate must be detail-oriented, have a professional demeanor and strong organizational and research skills, and possess the ability to manage priorities, meet deadlines, and multitask in a fast-paced environment. The candidate should be able to work in a team environment with a variety of project members and manage tasks as delegated by project lead. The candidate must possess strong communication skills, the ability to work closely with clients, and be able to supervise the work of others. Contact: Ms. Lindi Mayfield at Close Date: Until Filled. Research Worker Position - This position will begin in September 2006 and is a 3 month position to start, with the potential of being extended up to 9 months. On-site housing is provided on a limited basis, but is optional. The employee will assist with all aspects of ongoing research, including a variety of field and greenhouse-based work, such as aboveground biomass sampling, weeding and maintenance of seed propagation garden, native seed collection, vegetation sampling, and data entry. This position will report directly to the Plant Ecology Lead Technician. The 28,000-acre Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. Job Requirements: Ability to conduct moderate to strenuous physical activity in the field, under demanding field conditions (i.e. heat, high humidity, and insects), and independently follow instructions is required. Qualifications: B.S. degree or coursework in biology, botany, horticulture, plant ecology or a related field. Experience with plant identification, and computer and laboratory-related experience is preferable. Wages: $7 per hour (limited on-site housing available) or $9 per hour (without housing). Send cover letter, resume, list of pertinent courses and list of references with phone numbers

Forestry & Natural Resources to: Plant Ecology Hourly Worker, Attn: Cindy Craft, Joseph Jones Ecological Research Center, Route 2 Box 2324, Newton, GA 39870-9651. Send information by Email to:, FAX (229)734-4707. For specific questions or more information on this position, please contact: Melanie Kaeser, Plant Ecology Lead Technician by Email: Telephone: (229)734-4706. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Assistantship - A research assistantship is available for a graduate student (MS or PhD, beginning August, 2007) interested in the ecology and/or evolution of interactions between conifers and ectomycorrhizal fungi. The student will develop a research project within one of the following broad areas: 1) Impacts of mycorrhizal community composition and dynamics on plant-plant interactions and plant community dynamics; 2) Pattern, scale, and mechanisms of adaptive differentiation in widespread plant-mycorrhizal interactions; or 3) Modeling of species interactions along the mutualism-parasitism continuum. The student would join the Graduate Program in Biology (for more information on the department and the graduate program see The Ole Miss Biology Department is an exciting place to study ecology and evolutionary biology, with faculty strengths in plant ecology and systematics, microbial ecology and evolution, symbiosis, and conservation biology. Oxford, Mississippi is a small, charming, and fun college town, located approximately 70 miles south of Memphis, Tennessee. For more information or to apply, contact Dr. Jason Hoeksema ( To apply, e-mail a cover letter describing research interests, a resume/CV, copies of undergraduate (and graduate if available) transcripts (unofficial copies are fine), a writing sample, and names and contact information of three references. Applicants interested in beginning graduate study in Fall of 2007 should plan to take the GRE and apply for admission to the Graduate Program in Biology by February 1, 2007. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistantship - Ph.D. research assistantship available in the interdisciplinary PhD program in Environmental Sciences. Project Title: Collaborative Research: Adaptive radiation of a gall midge-fungus mutualism in a multitrophic context. I am looking for a PhD student to work on an NSF funded collaborative project examining the ecology and evolution of an incipient adaptive radiation of gall midges (Cecidomyiidae) and their symbiotic fungi on goldenrods (Solidago). Admission into Wright State’s ES PhD program will be required of the selected applicant. Salary is approximately $19k/year plus tuition remission. Send letter of interest, resume, GRE scores, transcripts, and names and contact information for 3 references to: John O. Stireman III, Department of Biological Sciences, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, 235A, BH, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435. Phone: 937-775-3192, email: john.stireman@wright. edu. Close Date: September 1, 2006.

Landscape Ecologist - The Corridor Research Group (a collaboration between the University of Florida, North Carolina State University, the University of Washington, Washington University in St. Louis, and the US Forest Service) is seeking to employ a Post-Doctoral Fellow to lead a large-scale experiment examining the effects of landscape corridors on herbivory, pollination, seed dispersal, seed predation, and population establishment of native plant species with varying life-history characteristics. The postdoctoral associate will initiate and coordinate collaborative and independent research on large replicated landscapes on the Savannah River Site, near Aiken, South Carolina. This position includes significant opportunities to initiate an independent research program with support from the participating investigators, and requires strong interpersonal skills, as the post-doc will be in charge of coordinating an NSF funded collaborative research program involving four universities and the US forest Service. This position will start March 1, 2007. The post-doc will be officially affiliated with the University of Florida (Dr. Doug Levey, PI) and with Washington University (Dr. Ellen Damschen, PI), but research will be conducted in collaboration with all four PIs , (Dr. Nick Haddad (NCSU), Dr. Joshua Tewksbury (UW)) and joint affiliation will be granted to any of the four collaborating institutions as needed. Compensation will be competitive and the position will extend from 2 to 4 years, depending on funding. Required: a PhD in ecology, plant science, or related area. Materials to submit: CV, cover letter explaining research interests, and contact numbers for three references. All materials should be submitted electronically to Dr. Joshua Tewksbury. Contact: Dr Joshua Tewksbury (; 206 616-2129 or

206 331-1893. Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resources Crew Supervisor - Natural Resources Crew Supervisor will make significant contributions to providing a positive work environment that values diversity and fosters a commitment to teamwork and learning. The NRCS will empower members to achieve their educational goals and assist the education department in teaching classes in field and classroom settings. Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned. The Natural Resource Crew Supervisor (NRCS) is responsible for all aspects of supervision for a crew of 8-12 young adults. The NRCS will lead the crew in successfully completing natural resource projects, including habitat restoration, fire fuel reduction, creek maintenance and restoration and trail building. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. ; Passion for helping young adults and the environment; Skills in supervising, training and educating young adults; Extensive knowledge of hand and power tools; Knowledge of conservation practices; Ability to do strenuous work in adverse weather conditions; Desire to work in a fast paced and diverse environment; Current Standard First Aid and CPR certification; Clean driving record and ability to obtain a California Class B Driver’s license and pass MCC’s driving exam. Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: At least two years of college education or vocational training in natural resource management, environmental studies, job training or counseling, from an accredited college or university; Two years of supervisory experience. Experience in youth development, project management and the implementation of natural resource projects; Experience supervising youth from a wide variety of social, economic and educational backgrounds to work together as a team; Experience serving and volunteering in the community. Must possess a strong service ethic and be able to instill this ethic into team members. Send cover letter, resume, and salary history to: By mail: Marin Conservation Corps, 27 Larkspur Street, San Rafael, CA 94901, Attention: Recruiter, or By e-mail:, or By fax: (415) 454-4595. Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resources Manager - Supervise and oversee all operations of the environmental education (EE) division. Effectively lead, inspire, motivate and manage 10 professional staff and numerous part time staff. Oversee operations of 3 nature centers and secure support for EE programs and initiatives. Establish division priorities, long-range strategic plans, and meet and exceed annual performance measures. Administer annual division budget. Design, review and evaluate educational and interpretative exhibits, publications and programs. Serve as primary networking agent for the EE Division and build partnerships with other agencies and organizations. Develop and implement marketing and promotional strategies. Develop innovative EE and interpretative programs, special events, and public programs for all ages. Bachelors degree in Environmental Education, Interpretation, Natural Resources, Biology, Science Education, or a related field. Five years public programming experience in environmental education or interpretation and 2 years budget management and supervisory experience required. Master’s degree preferred. NC Environmental Education Certification, NAI Certified Interpretative Trainer, Manager, or Guide, and/or Certified Park and Recreation Professional preferred. Fulltime exempt position with benefits including health/dental, vacation/sick leave, and a 401(k) employer match program. Apply using online process at Go to Departments / HR County and View Current Job Openings. Position will be listed as Natural Resource Mgr. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Positions - We have three positions opening up working in the Presidio’s Habitat Restoration Program. One is coordinating stewardship activities all across the Presidio in our remnant and older restoration sites. Another is working on newer sites as a biological science technician. A third will be a biotech position working with the Stewardship program. All are mainly field positions. All jobs except the third one are posted at The third one will be there later this summer. These are fantastic and rare opportunities to work in a National Park in San Francisco! Let me know if you have any questions. Mark Frey, Ecologist ( Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resource Specialist - Individual position available, Virginia Tech University. These are long-term positions with full benefits through Virginia Tech University. Work location is Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Will work as part of a team with project PIs (Jeff Walters and Carola Haas), graduate students, a field coordinator and two other technicians studying red-cockaded woodpeckers, Florida bog frogs, flatwoods salamanders and other species of conservation interest. Must be in good physical condition, willing to climb to 60’ and operate power drills and 4-wheel drive vehicles. Degree in biology, zoology, fisheries and wildlife biology or

related field, or equivalent training and experience, required. Experience working with red-cockaded woodpeckers, identifying birds by sight and sound, reading color bands, constructing artificial cavities and banding birds preferred. Will participate in data analysis and report writing. Pay band 2, salary dependent on qualifications. Two full-time positions available, open until filled, review of applications to begin 21 Jul 2006 Access our web site at http://www. to submit an application, (resume or cover letter also requested), search on posting number 060742. Upper level of state pay band is not indicative of starting salary. Individuals desiring assistance/accommodation in the application/interview process should contact us at 540 2315301 voice or 540 231-6258 TDD. Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resource Specialist - Under the direction of the Project Leader (Central Coast Wetlands Ecosystem Project), the Wildlife Biologist is responsible for assisting in wildlife surveys, wetland related research, management, development, and public use on various management areas and private lands as assigned, with primary duty responsibilities on the Peach Point Wildlife Management Area in Brazoria County. Under guidance and review by Senior Wildlife Biologists, provides technical assistance and public outreach programs to the general public, private landowners, land managers, sportsmen, and new constituencies. Assists with wetlands baseline inventories, vegetative type mapping, and water flow monitoring. Collects, records, analyzes, and presents wildlife research data. Disseminates information to the general public through news releases, radio/TV interviews, presentations, field days, tours and other public outreach opportunities. Prepares technical reports, popular articles, and professional journal publications. Assists with management, public hunting program, research, and habitat enhancement on Wildlife Management Areas and other TPWD public lands. Maintains records and prepares reports involving scientific data, personnel, purchasing, and monthly reports. Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Management, or related biological field, with major coursework in Wildlife Management or Conservation. Experience: NRS I: (1) No experience required; NRS II: (2) One year relevant experience. Acceptable Substitutions: Relevant advanced degrees from an accredited college or university may substitute for the required experience. Additional Requirements: (1) Resume and professional references are accepted, but will not serve in lieu of a completed State of Texas Application for Employment; (2) Copy of an official college transcript(s) from an accredited institution must be submitted with application. Forward Application To: TPWD- Bay City Field Office, 1700 7th Street, Bay City, TX 77414, Attn. M. Todd Merendino. 979-244-7697 office; 979-245-2581 fax. Close Date: Until Filled. Habitat Restoration Technician - This is an AmeriCorps/ Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) position stationed for 6 months at the Stilly-Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force office in Everett, Washington, and 6 months with a WCC crew in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River basins. The Task Force is looking for two interested and willing individuals willing to split 6 months with the Task Force and 6 months with the crew. Start: October 2, 2006. Full-time position (40 hours per week) through September 30, 2007. Compensation: $7.63 per hour; $4,725 SCHOLARSHIP that may be applied to student loans or college tuition; INTEREST DEFERMENT on existing student loans; MEDICAL INSURANCE. On-the-job training in salmon habitat restoration, project development and coordination, environmental education, volunteer coordination, monitoring, and other job-related skills such as GPS/GIS experience and exposure to both the technical and political process of conservation. The Task Force reimburses for work related mileage and travel expenses at $0.445 per mile. Qualifications: Candidates must be 18 to 25 years old at the time of hire. The ideal candidate is a natural sciences graduate or near-graduate with an interest in on-the-job experience. We are seeking an independent worker who is an articulate, self-motivated leader, and is people and team-oriented. A willingness to work outside in inclement (as well as fantastic) weather, and on rough terrain, is essential. Basic word processing and spreadsheet skills are required, as is demonstrated writing and speaking ability. Candidates must have their own transportation. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. To apply, please email or send cover letter, resume and contacts for three references to: Cara Ianni, Stilly-Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force, P.O. Box 5006, Everett WA 98206. Phone: 425-252-6686, Email: Close Date: Until Filled. GIS Field Ranger Associate – The ECO Associate will assist with data collection for fall field surveys. Residual dry matter samples are collected at sites located throughout the watershed. Photo monitoring and range evaluation is also a part of the data collection. This will be compiled with the spring species composition data to develop a year-end report which evaluates the Distict’s grazing program in light of stated goals. The report will access changes in biodiversity within the annual grassland. The associate will update the Allotment Management Plans that are part of the Range Resource Management Plan.A working knowledge of ArcGIS 9 will be necessary to update the many maps and tables in the plans. The associate will assist in the review of the

current lease document for our grazing tenants, including conducting a comparison of the Animal Unit Month rates of various agencies. Required Qualifications Bachelors degree in Range Management, Wildlife Management, Natural Resources, Botany or Biological Sciences. Skills in vegetation monitoring techniques, data collection and analysis. Experience with computer software programs such as Outlook, Excel, Word and ArcGIS 9. Willingness to work in the field under a variety of adverse environmental conditions. Email your resume and cover letter to Angela Wayfer, ECO Internship Program Coordinator. . Close Date: Until Filled. Prescribed Fire Specialist - The Prescribed Fire Specialist’s principal responsibility will be to implement an effective prescribed fire program within the Conservancy’s Refugio Goliad Prairies Private Lands Initiative, as well as other locations within the coastal grasslands of South Texas. Work will include supervising program staff, coordinating program goals within all levels of Conservancy staff, state and federal natural resource agency partners, and private landowners. The Fire Specialist will be responsible for preparing fire prescriptions, fire management plans, and associated GIS mapping to meet specific habitat management goals identified by the Attwater’s Prairie Chicken Recovery Team, the Coastal Prairies Conservation Initiative, and the Conservancy’s Refugio Goliad Prairies Conservancy Action Plan. The Fire Specialist will also be responsible for maintaining fire equipment, managing fire information databases, and conducting prescribed fire training sessions for Conservancy staff and partners. 1. Bachelor s degree and 3-5 years experience in natural resource management or equivalent combination of education and experience. Certification through the National Wildfire Coordinating Group as a Prescribed Fire Burn Boss type 2 is preferred. Certification through the National Wildfire Coordinating group as a Single Resource Boss or Ignition Specialist certification required. Excellent physical conditioning to meet the arduous fitness standard as established by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Current certification in first aid and CPR preferred, as well as a valid, current driver s license. 3 years experience of direct supervisory experience of multiple employees. Knowledge and basic understanding of the ecosystems of Texas, ecosystem management, fire ecology and fire behavior, particularly in grassland fuels. Completing tasks independently with respect to timeline(s). Managing time and diverse activities under deadlines while delivering quality results. Working knowledge of common software applications (e.g. Word, Excel, Access, Web browsers). Excellent communication skills via written, spoken, and graphical means in English and other relevant languages. Contact, in writing with a cover letter and resume: ATTN: Prescribed Fire Specialist, The Nature Conservancy, P.O. Box 2563, Corpus Christi, TX 78403. E-mail: [Word attachments only]. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Landscape Architect - Environmental planning and design firm seeks experienced landscape architect to join its multidisciplinary team. Required qualifications include a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and 3 years consulting experience in any/all the following areas: wetland and stream mitigation/ restoration, streetscape design, park design, site landscape design, site planning. Applicants with senior-level experience are also encouraged to apply. Our projects emphasize natural design and include work both in the private and public sectors. Proficiency in AutoCAD and hand graphics skills are required. Our office is located in historic Durango, Colorado (population 15,000) at the interface of the San Juan Mountains and the Four Corners region canyon and desert country which results in project variety and access to ample recreational opportunities. Excellent pay and benefits. Please contact: Sean Moore, Sugnet and Associates, 679 E 2nd Ave #10, Durango, CO 81301. Email: smoore@sugnet. com. Close Date: Until Filled. Land Stewardship Coordinator - Summerland Key, FL Participates in preserve operations including the maintenance, management and development and coordination of conservation programs. This may include one or more of the following functions: Leads work teams and supervises staff Furthers the Conservancy s strategic goals; Coordinates community support; Implements preserve management plans; Maintains preserve areas frequented by the visiting public; Removes exotic species and/or monitors & researches species; Maintains tools and equipment. Qualifications: BA/BS/AS/Technical or vocational degree in science-related field and one to two years related experience in custodial and ecological land management or equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience working with or knowledge of natural systems. Ability to recognize plant and animal species as required to complete preserve management activities. Knowledge of ecological land management principles. Knowledge of current trends and practices in conservation, land management, and natural resource preservation. Completing tasks independently with

When applying for a position, please reference the Green Careers Journal. August 2006

Forestry & Natural Resources respect to timeline(s). Managing time and diverse activities under deadlines while delivering quality results. Working knowledge of common software applications (e.g. Word, Excel, Web browsers). Communicating clearly via written, spoken, and graphical means in English and other relevant languages. Using maintenance tools, including lawn mowers, power tools, and construction tools, safely. Contact: Alison Higgins at Close Date: Until Filled. Preserve Assistant III – Fort Hood, TX.. The Nature Conservancy works cooperatively with Department of Defense in the implementation of goals defined in the endangered species management plan for Fort Hood Military Reservation. The technician is supervised by the Project Field Biologist, and will assist the Project in numerous aspects of endangered species habitat work that require winter deadlines, including prescribed fire. Prescribed fire takes priority given favorable conditions, and will be directed by the Project Chief-of-Party, and executed in accordance with National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) standards. Vegetation data work will be assigned, and overseen by the Project Vegetation Ecologist. This position may require irregular hours and days. This is a seasonal position. Qualification Red Card currently in the Incident Qualification system. Good verbal communication skills. Ability to work well with a wide variety of people in stressful conditions and to follow instructions and assignments closely. Knowledge of Fort Hood, and its plant communities preferred. Ability to perform hard physical work for extended periods under adverse weather conditions. Skill in operating chainsaws, with S-212 Wildland Chainsaws certification preferred. Familiarity with operation of 4WD standard transmission vehicles in wet and dry off road conditions. Skill in using personal computers, including GIS software applications. Demonstrated commitment to the mission, goals, and core values of The Nature Conservancy. Must perform all aspects of job in accordance with The Nature Conservancy Policies and Procedures, and values. Please submit a cover letter, resume and a list of up to three references to the above address. Electronic and faxed applications accepted. Scott Summers, Field Biologist, The Nature Conservancy, P.O. Box 5190, Fort Hood, TX 76544. Fax: (254) 288-5039. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Researcher - Assistant Researcher (R-3), within the Depts. of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences and Natural Resources and Environmental Management., to develop a research program encompassing the prevention, monitoring, control and eradication of invasive plants and weed species in managed and natural lands in Hawaii; to evaluate and test management strategies, systems, and practices for weeds that utilize a systems approach employing experimental, observational, theoretical, or modeling methods; to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams at a variety of scales; to mentor and supervise graduate students; and to acquire extramural funding that supports the continuation and growth of the applied and basic research program. Complete information at Dr. Brent Sipes, Chair of the Search Committee (Invasive Plant and Weed Management), Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-2279. Telephone (808) 956-7813; FAX (808) 956-2832; Email Close Date: Until Filled. Port Susan Bay Project Manager - The Port Susan Bay (PSB) Project Manager is directly responsible for planning and implementation of The Nature Conservancy’s landscapescale, community-based conservation efforts throughout the Port Susan Bay conservation area. The PSB Project Manager will identify and implement habitat protection and restoration projects and manage Conservancy properties to advance the goals and priorities articulated in the Conservancy’s Conservation Action Plan as well as the Alliance for Puget Sound Shoreline’s benchmarks. The Manager conducts and/or oversees all aspects of on-the-ground conservation efforts, preserve management, partner and community relations, and grant writing, and assists with member/donor field trips, fundraising and volunteer activities associated with the Conservancy’s efforts within the conservation area. The Manager will advance the Conservancy’s relationship with the surrounding community, providing an important local presence for our work. The position is based in the Conservancy’s Mount Vernon office. Qualifications: Demonstrated commitment to the preservation of significant natural areas and the goals of The Nature Conservancy. Graduate degree in conservation biology, plant or animal ecology, estuarine or marine science, or natural resource management, with a minimum of 2 years relevant experience, or Bachelor’s degree and 5 years experience, is required. Familiarity with Puget Sound nearshore and river delta ecosystems, flora and fauna. Familiarity with natural resource and estuarine habitat management issues. Knowledge and appreciation of the people, values, and current conservation issues of Snohomish and Island Counties in Washington. Familiarity with local, state, and federal agencies and major natural resource programs within the project area. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Experience developing and sustaining productive relationships with people of diverse backgrounds,

professional or personal objectives, perspectives and opinions. Proven ability to lead, manage, and motivate staff and volunteers. Ability to work effectively both as a team member and leader, with a track record of successful project management. Excellent physical condition. Able to work long strenuous days in wet, cold, hot and muddy conditions. Willingness to live and work in the program area. Some travel required. Proficient in use of computers and Microsoft Office programs. Must have a current Washington driver’s license and insurance, with a good driving record. Send resume and cover letter to: Port Susan Project Manager Search Committee, The Nature Conservancy of Washington, 1917 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 or to: wa_reception@tnc. org. Close Date: August 31, 2006. GIS Analyst – Alaska. GIS Analyst position (Research Associate II Special) available with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands to be assigned at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, to provide support for U.S. Army Alaska (USARAK) natural, cultural and environmental resources programs. Function as ITAM GIS Analyst on the USARAK GIS team. Provide analyst level management of GIS support functions for ITAM, natural, cultural and environmental resources projects. Manage the execution of ITAM GIS projects. Ensure that GIS date meets Army standards and requirements. Create and update required GIS data layers, field data collection (GPS), digitizing and rectification of aerial photography. Create maps and conduct database analysis in support of ITAM, natural and cultural resources projects. Provide GIS products and information for reports and presentations, map development and production. Prospective candidates should mail, hand deliver, or send electronically (no faxed applications) materials consisting of (1) a letter noting the position number and responding to each of the qualifications; (2) resume; (3) from each university attended, a copy of transcripts (official not necessary) with degree conferral; and (4) list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals, one of which was an immediate supervisor, who have first-hand knowledge of applicant s professional abilities to: Ms. Valorie LeFebre, CEMML, Colorado State University, 1490 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 805231490. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006.

vulnerability to land use and climate change, ecological forecasting and decision support. The two students at MSU will model land use change, perform biodiversity analyses, and assess vulnerability of national parks based on biodiversity. The student at UM will focus on quantifying past climate, modeling ecosystem productivity, and analyzing biodiversity response. Tuition, fees, and research stipends will be provided. Send a letter of interest, C.V., and the names and contact information of four references by September 1 to Andrew Hansen ( or Steve Running ( For more information see employmentlp.htm. Close Date: Until Filled.

Senior Natural Resource Specialist Sacramento, CA Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)/ Sacramento, CA. Responsibilities: planning and implementation of mitigation for sensitive species and other habitat enhancement/restoration projects; environmental compliance (CEQA/NEPA) & permitting; landscape management and maintenance techniques; fish and wildlife ecology & management in an urban setting; vegetation ecology, management and monitoring; resource and land use planning; public outreach; meeting administration and facilitatiors. Qualifications: Well developed project management and problem-solving skills, as well as experience with interagency and interdisciplinary coordination are critical competencies. The ideal candidate will have several years of work experience and possess a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Biological Sciences (fisheries or wildlife), Natural Resources Science, or related studies. Salary: $51,000 - $65,000 depending on qualifications and experience For a complete job announcement contact Peter E. F Buck at or (916) 874-7606. Close Date: Until Filled.

Forestry Tech - Forestry technicians to conduct field forest inventory/stand exams in Montana. Qualifiations: BS in Forestry or A.S. in forestry technician. Experience in conducting stand exams/forest inventory. Contact: Mike Tremble at Close Date: Until Filled.

GIS Lab Manager - GOTS, a non-profit international consortium of 64 universities and other scientific institutions from seven countries and four continents seeks a selfmotivated outgoing person to manage the GIS Laboratory at the La Selva Biological Station, an internationally recognized center for tropical rainforest research and education located in Costa Rica. The GIS laboratory maintains Windows XP-based work stations running ArcGIS, ArcView, Erdas Imagine, and ENVI, as well as peripheral equipment including printers, plotter, and a GPS base station. The GIS Laboratory Manager is charged with actively promoting the use of GIS among the several hundred visiting scientists and 3,000 students and faculty who visit the station annually. The ability and desire to interact with a broad range of potential GIS Lab users, most of them untrained in GIS, is a basic requirement for this position. The GIS Laboratory Manager is also responsible for continually upgrading and documenting spatial databases, as well as conducting day to day systems administration within the GIS Lab. The GIS Lab is actively engaged in using experimental and conventional remote sensing technology to generate new regional and local spatial data layers for the research community. The GIS Manager’s duties are divided roughly equally among coverage maintenance, station user support, and system administration. The GIS Manager serves as a mentor to selected undergraduate students from Costa Rican universities. Successful applicants for the GIS Laboratory Manager position should have the following qualifications: 1. MS or BS in Geography or field in Biological Sciences with emphasis in GIS/Remote Sensing, ideally in a natural resources context. 2. Knowledge of ArcGIS Desktop, Workstation and ArcView. AML, Visual Basic, or Python programming experience desirable 3. Experience with internet map server development (ArcIMS) and web page design or a strong desire to learn. 3. Experience in mapping vegetation with common remote sensing techniques. 4. Experience with Erdas Imagine, ENVI or other remote sensing applications. IDL programming experience is desirable. 5. Knowledge of metadata generation, database management, and general GIS systems management. 6. Familiarity with Windows XP (or Windows 2000) operating systems and capacity to perform some routine system administration and maintenance tasks. Experience with UNIX server operation a plus. 7. Familiarity with GPS field measurements and post-processing differential corrections. 8. Willingness to conduct fieldwork in a rainforest environment or adjacent agricultural landscape. 9. Strong writing skills. 10. English fluency mandatory (60-70% of daily business conducted in English). Fluency in Spanish highly desirable. Conversational Spanish or strong motivation to learn essential. This is an exciting opportunity for a beginning GIS professional to apply his or her expertise to ecological problems in a dynamic research and teaching environment in a developing country. Please send CV, statement of interest, and 3 letters of reference to Deedra McClearn deedra@sloth. Close Date: Until Filled.

Ph.D. Graduate Fellowships - We are seeking three Ph.D. students for two NASA-funded studies of US National Parks

Field Assistant – Individual needed for a habitat restoration/ botany program on San Clemente Island, a Naval installation

GIS Technician - GIS Technician (Research Associate I Special) position available with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands to be assigned at Schofield Barracks, island of Oahu, Hawaii, to provide technical support for the GIS Analyst in the Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) program. Assist with the management of the ITAM Geographic Information System (GIS). Create and update GIS data layers, field data collection (GPS), digitizing and rectification of aerial photography. Create maps and conduct database analysis in support of ITAM projects. Provide GIS products and information for reports and presentations, map development and production. Provide support to the ITAM program with miscellaneous office administration duties. Prospective candidates should mail, hand deliver, or send electronically (no faxed applications) materials consisting of (1) a letter noting the position number and responding to each of the qualifications; (2) resume; (3) from each university attended, a copy of transcripts (official not necessary) with degree conferral; and (4) list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals, one of which was an immediate supervisor, who have first-hand knowledge of applicant s professional abilities to: Ms. Valorie LeFebre, CEMML, Colorado State University, 1490 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 805231490. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Assistant Land Manager - The Assistant Land Manager (Manager) will conduct the daily restoration and operation of our 19 nature preserves under the guidance of the WCLC Land Manager. The position will report directly to the WCLC Land Manager and operate under the direction of the WCLC board. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Forestry, Ecology, Botany, or related curriculum, with an understanding of biology and ecosystem management and restoration. Field experience conducting ecological restoration a plus. Must be familiar with various land management techniques and ecological restoration strategies. Familiarity with southeastern Wisconsin wildlife, plant and plant communities, and survey techniques is desired. Strong work ethic. Previous supervisory experience preferred. Ability to work in rugged terrain and in wetlands. Must be able to work in all weather conditions and carry light field equipment (25 pounds) for extended periods and operate and maintain hand and power tools. Proficiency in use of chainsaw is required. Must have a valid drivers license. Contact: Jason Dare at Close Date: September 8, 2006.

on the southern-most of California’s Channel Islands. Duties include, but are not limited to: native seed collection, native plants propagation in a greenhouse, installation of outplanting sites, GIS mapping and data entry and management. Applicants must be in excellent physical condition, enjoy hiking on steep/rough terrain, able to drive a 4-wheel-drive vehicle and have a positive attitude. Preference will be given to those with experience in plant identification and habitat restoration. Work schedule will be 10 days on-island and 4 days off. Transportation to and from the island is provided by means of a twin engine 20-seater plane. Lodging and food is also provided while on-island. Salary will be $12.00/hour. Position starts immediately, with a 3-month probation period, and will lasts for 6 months with possibility of extension. To apply, EMAIL or FAX your resume, a cover letter and contact information for 3 references to: Kim Klementowski, Restoration Ecologist, San Clemente Island Native Habitat Restoration Program, Soil Ecology and Restoration Group, San Diego State University, Biology Department (MC 4614), 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego, CA 92182. Email: KKLEMENTOWSKI@PROJECTS.SDSU. EDU. Fax: (619) 524-9023. Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resources Professional – Oregon. The position involves a wide variety of work and could include any type of environmental documentation necessary for a range of public and private projects. Specifically, the duties will include preparing SEPA checklists, JARPA permit applications, NEPA documentation (EAs) for water and wastewater projects, and occasional wetland delineation reports and mitigation plans. Eventually responsibilities will include preparing scopes of work and budgets, managing projects, and interacting with and representing clients throughout the environmental regulatory process. Our firm has been providing civil engineering services to the northeast Oregon and southwest Washington regions since 1975. Our locations offer employees short, non-congested commutes, clean air, low crime rates, and backdoor access to some of the best recreational opportunities in the western U.S. We are seeking an experienced natural resource professional with credentials in one or more of these categories: botany, wetland delineation, NEPA / SEPA permitting. Excellent writing skills are mandatory. Please email a resume and writing samples. Start date is negotiable. Contact: Andy Perry at Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resource Specialist 1 - These are long-term positions with full benefits. Work location is Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Will work as part of a team with project PIs (Jeff Walters and Carola Haas), graduate students, a field coordinator and two other technicians studying red-cockaded woodpeckers, Florida bog frogs, flatwoods salamanders and other species of conservation interest. Must be in good physical condition, willing to climb to 60’ and operate power drills and 4-wheel drive vehicles. Degree in biology, zoology, fisheries and wildlife biology or related field, or equivalent training and experience, required. Experience working with red-cockaded woodpeckers, identifying birds by sight and sound, reading color bands, constructing artificial cavities and banding birds preferred. Will participate in data analysis and report writing. Pay band 2, salary dependent on qualifications. Two full-time positions available, open until filled, review of applications to begin 7/21/06. Access our web site at to submit an application, (resume or cover letter also requested), search on posting number 060742. Upper level of state pay band is not indicative of starting salary. Individuals desiring assistance/ accommodation in the application/interview process should contact us at 540 231-5301 voice or 540 231-6258 TDD. For more information contact Jeff Walters at jrwalt@vt. edu, Carola Haas at, or Jim Kowalsky at in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistantship - A research assistantship will be available in fall 2006 for an M.S. student in the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture studying bat population and habitat characteristics in East Texas with a focus on Rafinesque’s big-eared bat and Southeastern myotis. The goal of this research is to identify roosts for target species, determine roost site characteristics, and use geospatial analysis to determine the availability of suitable habitats in the region. This project is a cooperative effort between Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas A&M University, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Fieldwork will include bat capture and marking, radiotelemetry, acoustic sampling, and collection of vegetation and other habitat data. The project will involve working cooperatively with private landowners and federal and state agency personnel. Stipend is $1,200 per month, with an out of state tuition waiver and optional health insurance. A vehicle and housing will be provided for all field work. Qualifications: Position requires a B.S. in wildlife science, forestry, biology, or related field. A demonstrated strong work ethic, ability to work independently or as part of a team, and tolerance for heat and insects are required. Experience working with bats and using geospatial analysis is very beneficial; a strong interest in bats is a requirement. Minimum academic qualifications include GRE scores > 1000 (verbal + quantitative) and undergraduate GPA > 3.0. A valid driver’s license is required. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for 3 professional references to: Dr. Christopher

Environmental Science & Engineering E. Comer, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, Box 6109 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962 or email at Close Date: Until Filled. GIS Technician - This position provides GIS and database technical expertise for ongoing survey efforts for the striped newt in northern and central Florida. Duties include (1) using ArcView GIS to identify potential wetland and upland habitats for striped newts and generating maps or figures to support survey efforts and for use in presentations and reports, (2) working with Commission staff, other government entities, and private conservation groups to acquire and maintain striped newt data, entering and archiving data, fulfilling data requests, and generating summary reports as needed, (3) working with county GIS administrators and/or property appraiser offices to obtain property ownership information, and (4) conducting dipnet surveys for striped newts and recording relevant data on aquatic amphibian assemblages and habitat characteristics. : The successful applicant should possess demonstrated experience using ArcView, ArcInfo, or other GIS technology, Microsoft Access or other database packages, and Microsoft Word or other word processing software. Knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint useful. Basic knowledge of southeastern ecosystems and herpetofauna a real plus. Applicant should be well organized, have good interpersonal skills, and be able to interact with team members and outside parties with varying levels of technical expertise. Please send a resume, names and contact information of three references, and details of your GIS skills via e-mail to and John. Close Date: August 25, 2006. Research Associate Positions - Two Wildlife Technician (Research Associate I Special) positions with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands, Colorado State University, to be assigned at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, to provide technical assistance in the fish and wildlife and outdoor recreation programs. Qualificaitons: BS in wildlife biology or closely related field, and one year of experience in wildlife management. An AA/AS degree in wildlife biology or related field plus 3 years experience may be substituted for the BS requirement. Ability to work outdoors in adverse weather and rugged terrain. Must be able to obtain a State of Florida Class “B” Commercial drivers license. Appointment may be contingent on successful completion of a background check. Duties: Assist the Eglin Air Force Base natural resource management staff in all aspects of fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreation management with emphasis on recreation and consumptive use, i.e. hunting and fishing. Assist in prescribed burns and other habitat management actions. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Range $25,000 – $30,000. Prospective candidates should mail, hand deliver, or send electronically (no faxed applications) materials consisting of (1) a letter noting the position number and responding to each of the qualifications; (2) resume; (3) from each university attended, a copy of transcripts (official not necessary) with degree conferral; and (4) list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals, one of which was an immediate supervisor, who have first-hand knowledge of applicant’s professional abilities to: Ms. Valorie LeFebre, CEMML, Colorado State University, 1490 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1490. Email: cemml@cemml. Close Date: August 30, 2006. Natural Resources Research Scientist - Wisconsin Department Of Natural Resources. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking an advanced technical expert for the Wisconsin deer program and in particular for management and implementation of the white-tailed deer program. $42,800 to $57,440 annually, depending upon qualifications, plus excellent benefits. For more information, and how to apply, go to the State of Wisconsin’s web site at: For specific questions, contact Jackie Kaufmann at 608-266-9236; email Jackie. Close Date: Until Filled. GIS/Biological Technician - Colorado State Parks is hiring a short-term position under the Natural Resource Stewardship Program. This position is a 6-month temporary position for 40 hour per week. The position is open until filled, but we would like to hire as soon as possible. Applicant should have a background in wildlife, botany or natural resources and be skilled in ArcGIS 8.3 or 9.0. Fieldwork will focus mainly on noxious weed mapping. Office work will be focused on producing maps, tables and reports for natural resource stewardship plans, threatened and endangered species analysis, vegetative communities and noxious weeds mapping, and park facilities and trails. Experience with MS Office products required, and experience with Trimble products or Autodesk products also helpful. Applicant should have good written and oral communication skills. This position provides a good opportunity to gain experience with GIS, threatened and endangered species, noxious weeds and rare plants. Work will be based in the Denver office but will include some fieldwork (60% of job). These will mostly be day trips to do weed mapping with GPS units, but there may possibly be a few overnight field trips. Applicant should be physically fit and willing to hike and camp and have own camping equipment (tent and sleeping bag). Applicant must be able to work alone and/or with a group in the field. Applicant must have (or obtain) a valid Colorado

Driver’s license. Administrative and filing tasks will make up 10-15% of the work. For more info on CO State Parks - please see Please send application by August 2, 2006, but they will be reviewed as they arrive. Term: 6-month temporary/no benefits. Pay rate $12-14/hr or commensurate with experience. We are looking for local applicants due to the short timeline on the position. For consideration, please email these materials in order to be considered: 1) cover letter (state availability date to start, hourly payrate desired); 2) resume; 3) reference contact list 3 minimum, previous supervisor(s), academic reference, etc. Send email with these 3 attachments (MS word docs must be VIRUS SCANNED) to Elizabeth Gillespie at elizabeth. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Natural Resource Specialist - Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency. Responsibilities include: planning and implementation of mitigation for sensitive species and other habitat enhancement/restoration projects; environmental compliance (CEQA/NEPA) & permitting; landscape management and maintenance techniques; fish and wildlife ecology & management in an urban setting; vegetation ecology, management and monitoring; resource and land use planning; public outreach; meeting administration and facilitation. Qualifications: Well developed project management and problem-solving skills, as well as experience with interagency and interdisciplinary coordination are critical competencies. The ideal candidate will have several years of work experience and possess a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Biological Sciences (fisheries or wildlife), Natural Resources Science, or related studies. Salary: $51,000 - $65,000 depending on qualifications and experience. For a complete job announcement download from http://www. Or contact Peter E. F Buck at or (916) 874-7606. Close Date: Until Filled. Interpretive Ranger - The Desert Outdoor Center at Lake Pleasant is a Maricopa County Park located in Peoria, AZ, approx. 30 miles north of Phoenix. Environmental education is the facility’s primary focus. The Center’s programs reach approx. 20,000 schoolchildren per year. Plans, implements, and leads educational programs, including events, displays, classes, lectures, campfire talks, hikes, rides, tours, and outreach presentations. Plans, designs, constructs, sets up display and interpretive materials, maintains and demonstrates display animals and plants. Develops and monitors supply and equipment needs and budget. Enlists, trains, schedules, and supervises other staff and volunteers. Conducts research, keeps accurate records and provides various reports. Obtains interpretive and resource information for use in creating brochures, articles, audiovisual, newsletters, and displays. Answers questions about and interprets park features, geography, flora, fauna, and geology. Upholds park rules, safety activities, and operations. Minimum education and/or experience: The minimum level of education and experience to qualify for this position is a Bachelor’s Degree in a Biological Science field (Natural Resources, Education, or closely related field). An equivalent combination of education and years of experience may be substituted. Applications are only available through the Maricopa County eRecruit system, http://www.maricopa. gov. Contact Rich Glinski at for more information. Close Date: Until Filled. Conservation Land Steward - The Santa Lucia Conservancy is seeking a motivated candidate for the position of Conservation Land Steward. The Conservation Land Steward is responsible for implementation of resource monitoring and land management strategies in the Santa Lucia Preserve consistent with mission of the organization and best land management practices. In addition to the goals of preserving species, communities and landscapes, the role of the Santa Lucia Conservancy and its Conservation Land Steward is to work effectively and innovatively to engage conservation partners within the Santa Lucia Preserve and surrounding landscapes. Qualifications: Bachelor degree in biology, ecology, natural resources management or related field and a minimum of two years of experience in resource management. Contact: James M. Sulentich, Executive Director, Santa Lucia Conservancy, 26700 Rancho San Carlos Road, Carmel, CA 93923. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Assistant - A PhD Graduate Assistant is sought to work in the field of GIS and Urban Growth Modeling. The stipend for the PhD graduate assistant is $16k/year for three years (50% graduate research assistantship). This stipend covers instate and out of-state tuition waivers. The candidate will work on a project of urban sprawl and its ecological impacts on Missouri natural landscapes, funded by Missouri Department of Conservation. Our approach involves a combination of multi-stage remote sensing image processing, GIS-based urban/rural sprawl simulation modeling, and census data integration. Specifically, the candidate will 1) characterize urban and rural sprawl (land use) in Missouri over the past 30 years, 2) project sprawl for the next three decades and use the historical trends for model calibration and validation, and 3) evaluating the impacts of sprawl on Missouri landscapes. The candidate will collaborate with a team of scientists, present at national conferences, and write scientific findings for peer-reviewed journal papers. A qualified candidate

should have a master degree with background in geography, ecology, forestry, or closely related fields. Strong background in GIS, modeling, and programming is necessary. For more information about the position, contact Dr. Hong S. He ( or Timothy Nigh (Project leader, Application procedure for Graduate Students: Close Date: Until Filled. Natural Resource Specialist - In an effort to better understand environmental impacts related to wild horse and burro populations in southern Nevada, the natural resource specialist will collect and provide vegetation, population and other natural resource monitoring and inventory information to BLM, USDA Forest Service and National Park Service land managers responsible for wild horse and burro herd management areas and programs. This two-year research associate appointment will provide the natural resource specialist with an expertise in land use issues related to wild horses and burros and renewable resources, as well as experience collecting and analyzing data on the environmental impacts to natural resources. The associate will also gain vegetation expertise in the Mojave Desert ecosystem in addition to expertise in using automated systems for project tracking and review. Qualifications: A bachelors degree and experience related to range management, animal science or wildlife habitat management, candidates with or working towards advanced degrees are encouraged to apply; knowledge and abilities in the understanding of management principles to provide assistance to experienced BLM staff in monitoring rangelands inhabited by wild horses and burros; ability to communicate effectively, both written and orally; understanding of ArcView GIS software and GPS equipment; and familiarity driving 4X4 vehicles on- and off-road. Qualified applicants should forward a cover letter, their résumé, and three references to Chris Warner, Great Basin Institute Research Associate Coordinator at Close Date: September 1, 2006.

Fellowship Coordinator - GS-301-7 (Salary: $36,671$47,669 per year). Announcement Number: 06JW-6196. The incumbent is responsible for maintenance, administration and coordination of fellowship programs at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater, Maryland. Fellowship programs include positions for Interns, Graduate Student Fellows, Post-doctoral Fellows and Visiting Scientists to conduct research and education in the environmental sciences. The incumbent’s responsibilities include developing, maintaining and updating procedures of the SERC Fellowship program, including advertisement, application, review, award and evaluation of the fellowships; recruitment of minority and majority applicants; processes all fellowship applications to SERC from both individuals and from Smithsonian’s Office of Fellowships and Grants; answers inquiries from applicants regarding status of their applications; acts as liaison with scientific Fellowship Review Committee and S.I. OFG; organizes Intern group programs; oversees Residential Dormitory program; acts as liaison between Interns and Scientist Advisors; reviews and summarizes participant evaluations and recommends improvements in program; develops fundraising proposals to agencies, foundations, corporations and individuals for financial support. For more details, visit http://www.serc. Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Specialist - Environmental Specialist (Research Associate I Special) position is available with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands to be assigned at Schofield Barracks on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, to provide support for the TSCA, Pollution Prevention, and Storage Tanks Programs for US Army Garrison Hawaii. Coordinate with Army representatives to conduct inspections of electrical transformers to determine if they are leaking and perform appropriate cleanups. Participate in inspection and management of underground and above ground storage tanks, and provide assistance to the Pollution Prevention program. Generate reports assessing the status of compliance and progress for various programs. Develop spreadsheets or other databases and input data to document data gathering and to facilitate program analyses. BS/BA or 4 years of relevant work experience in an environmental, public health, education, or related field. Work experience performing transformer inspections and cleanup, pollution prevention, or storage tank program management. Must have or be able to obtain a valid driver’s license. Must be physically able to carry out fieldwork operations which may include bending, lifting and hand excavation of compacted soils using shovels and picks. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Work experience with personal computers and standard office software (word

processors, spreadsheets, databases, and powerpoint). Appointment may be contingent on successful completion of a background check. Prospective candidates should mail, hand deliver, or send electronically (no faxed applications) materials consisting of (1) a letter noting the position number and responding to each of the qualifications; (2) resume; (3) from each university attended, a copy of transcripts (official not necessary) with degree conferral; and (4) list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals, one of which was an immediate supervisor, who have first-hand knowledge of applicant’s professional abilities to: Ms. Valorie LeFebre; CEMML, Colorado State University; 1490 Campus Delivery; Fort Collins, CO 80523-1490 or cemml@cemml. Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Specialist - Coordinate with Army representatives to conduct inspections of electrical transformers to determine if they are leaking and perform appropriate cleanups. Participate in inspection and management of underground and above ground storage tanks, and provide assistance to the Pollution Prevention program. Generate reports assessing the status of compliance and progress for various programs. Develop spreadsheets or other databases and input data to document data gathering and to facilitate program analyses. Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Range $30,000 $40,000. Prospective candidates should mail, hand deliver, or send electronically (no faxed applications) materials consisting of (1) a letter noting the position number and responding to each of the qualifications; (2) resume; (3) from each university attended, a copy of transcripts (official not necessary) with degree conferral; and (4) list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals, one of which was an immediate supervisor, who have first-hand knowledge of applicant’s professional abilities to: Ms. Valorie LeFebre; CEMML, Colorado State University; 1490 Campus Delivery; Fort Collins, CO 80523-1490 or cemml@cemml. Close Date: Until Filled. Projects Manager - Ecosphere has an immediate opening for a qualified person to manage environmental/natural resource projects, including workload distribution (> 200 projects annually), staff support, technical review and quality control, work closely with clients (private, government, industry) and regulatory agencies to complete a variety of environmental services (refer to for a list of services). Provide staff mentoring. Responsibilities also include project management; biological field investigations and technical report writing; business development and proposal writing; general oversight of daily office equipment needs and staff schedules; regularly organize staff meetings; regularly communicate and work closely with business owner, bookkeeper, and other upper-level staff. Qualifications: B.S. or B.A. (M.S. strongly preferred) in environmental science/natural resources/ biology or related field minimum 3-5 years professional experience; demonstrated experience in related field/ capacity; demonstrated ability to manage people and multiple projects; technical writing and editing skills; highly organized; possess people skills and work in a team environment; experience with NEPA process; previous environmental consulting experience desired; experience with or knowledge of oil and gas industry a plus; computer software proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook required (GIS/ARCView a plus). Please send cover letter, current resume/CV, and 3 references to: or call (970) 328-7256. Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Scientist – Oklahoma City. This position is responsible for technical writing and data analysis dealing with water quality programs. The person working in this position is responsible for researching and composing various planning, management, and program documents. Other types of writing will include educational materials and GIS work. The environmental scientist will need a good understanding of various computer systems and software. This position is responsible for analyzing and interpreting water quality data for input into the Commission’s reports and also for the generation of project reports. Although the majority of the work for this position is in office, a certain level of knowledge about field work is required. Therefore, about 5% of the time may be devoted to field work. Applicants for this position should possess strong written and oral communication skills as position will require personal interactions with government personnel and the general public as well as written reports of program activities. Strong computer skills are essential. Strong statistical background will be a plus. Applicants should have a strong understanding of water quality in an environmental context and should have a good understanding of chemical processes and their effects on an aquatic environment. Education and Experience include a Bachelors degree in biological or physical sciences; however, a Bachelors degree in scientific writing may be considered. Experience in the collection and analysis of aquatic samples will be given special consideration in the selection process. Contact: Ann Craven at Close Date: Until Filled. Soils Field Technician - Ventura County, CA. Responsibilities will include monitoring soil compaction, operating the nuclear gauge, surveying fill operations and

August 2006

Environmental Science & Engineering running soil specifications test in lab. Qualified candidates should have 1 year experience in the Environmental field. Must also be nuclear gauge certified. Pay is dependant upon experience. For immediate consideration, please contact Nick Brouwer at 805-218-6381 or at JNBrouwer@hotmail. com. Close Date: Until Filled. Manager (Water Resources Campaign) - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Water Resources Campaigns Manager. Specific responsibilities include: Coordinating the Corps Reform Network activities including building network membership, coordinating educational workshops, as well as other duties; Supporting grassroots advocacy efforts on Corps projects including developing materials, coordinating calls, and analyzing policies; Assisting with media outreach; Assisting with budget and management of Network, and; Supporting fundraising efforts. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree required; At least five years experience in natural resource policy, campaign management or outreach and coalition building; Experience in leadership positions with coalitions or NGO partnerships; Ability to plan, and manage a campaign, work effectively with a broad base of coalition groups, and communicate effectively; Proven fundraising success and grant management exposure. Please apply online at www. Close Date: Until Filled. Ph.D. Assistantship - This project will develop methodology to quantify the state of ecological restoration on Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) sites. Activities will include measurement and comparison of vegetation, amphibian and avian communities, wetland hydrology, and several abiotic environmental variables between 15 reforested WRP farm easements and five undisturbed wetland reference sites in west Tennessee. This information will be used to develop index of biotic integrity (IBI) models following standard EPA methods. These models will enable NRCS biologists to efficiently evaluate restoration success over time on WRP sites, and make substantiated decisions on whether additional conservation practices are needed to ensure restoration to a pre-agriculture state. The candidate will lead the field investigation, analysis of data, and publication of results. In addition, they will participate in the development of a NRCS technical manual, organization of two workshops, and creation of a website to deliver project results and train NRCS biologists in the use of IBI models. Qualifications: M.S. in wildlife ecology, biological science, or a science-related field before 1 January 2007. Excellent academic record (GPA > 3.5) and competitive GRE scores (verbal + quantitative >1200). The candidate must have substantial experience in wetland systems. Strong mathematical skills and field experience with plant, bird and amphibian communities will be assets. The candidate also must have an intense work ethic and be able to physically endure the demands of fieldwork in wetland systems in the southeastern United States. The individual must have a pleasant demeanor and be able to independently lead field research activities. Motivation and a passion for research also are critical personality traits. Interested individuals should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, copies of GRE scores and transcripts, and 3 letters of recommendation to: Dr. Matthew Gray, University of Tennessee, 274 Ellington Plant Sciences Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-4563. Close Date: October 2, 2006. Senior Water Quality Specialist - This is position has the responsibility for leading, supporting and coordinating the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District’s water quality monitoring and modeling work. Duties: Manage the MCWD’s Hydrodata Monitoring Program – assuring that the program partners and contractors work within budget and provide information to the District in a timely fashion. Manage large water quality data sets, provide data interpretation and presentation to policy makers and the general public. Recommend Hydrodata needs (e.g. locations of monitoring stations, frequency of data collection, monitoring parameters, etc.) for a better calibration of the watershed models and better understanding of Watershed behavior. Coordinate with other local, state, and regional agencies and organizations in the collection and distribution of water quality/quantity data. Prepare an annual water quality report and presentation for the MCWD Board. Develop annual work plans and budgets for the program. Assist in the development of lake management plans. Assist in the use of hydrodata in District programs and projects. Provide senior level support to other programs needing analysis of water quality information. Qualifications: Advanced degree and three years relevant work experience in water quality management or a related field, or equivalent combination of education and experience. Familiarly with water sampling QA-QC and monitoring equipment, e.g. ISCOs Familiarity with PLOAD, WILMS, XP-SWMM and other commonly used water quality, hydraulic, and hydrologic models. Experience with the full spectrum of water quality and surface water management strategies. Working knowledge of conservation science. Ability to think and plan strategically. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Sound judgment. Ability and willingness to attend week end and evening meetings. This position required a valid driver’s license, water safety training, the ability to operate motorized watercraft, and the ability to lift approximately 50 pounds and working some

weekends and evenings. For more information or to apply, please contact: Close Date: Until Filled.

a cover letter and resume to Columbia Land Trust, 1351 Officers Row, Vancouver, Washington 98661. Close Date: Until Filled.

Laboratory Positions - Indiana University - Department of Geological Sciences. Two positions are available (one Ph.D. student and one M.S student) in the laboratories of Arndt Schimmelmann and Maria Mastalerz (Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences) in (1) a three-year project studying hydrogen stable isotopes in maturing sedimentary organic matter (DOE funding for Ph.D. student), and (2) a two-year project studying gas sorption in coal beds (PRF funding for M.S. student). The applicants should have good instrumental skills and a solid background in physical and organic chemistry, as well as in geology. All applicants should have strong interest in geochemistry. Experience in isotope ratio mass spectrometry is of advantage. We wish to fill the positions asap, without formal closing date. General information about Indiana University and the department is available on the web: Applicants should send their CV to: Arndt Schimmelmann, Email: and Maria Mastalerz, E-mail: Close Date: Until Filled.

Student Positions - Two doctoral student positions are available for motivated individuals in microbial ecology/ environmental microbiology/ biogeochemistry in the Biological Sciences Department. Research will incorporate modern molecular and genomic methods in microbial ecology as well as process-based field and laboratory studies. Research topics include: Ecological mechanisms regulating bacterial, fungal, and archaeal diversity; Effects of microbial community composition on ecosystem processes; Biogeochemical interactions between microbial communities and the nitrogen and carbon cycles; Examining impacts of anthropogenic disturbance and pollution on microbial communities; Soil and stream habitats in forest and agricultural areas as well as acid mine drainage and the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Previous experience in microbial systems and molecular techniques desired; a strong interest in microbial ecology is required. For more information, contact Chris Blackwood (cbwood@umich. edu) and/or Jenny Baeseman (, who will be starting new projects at Kent State in Fall 2006. Close Date: Until Filled.

Water Program Associate - Mid-level position at an environmental non-profit organization facilitating the conservation of water resources, pollution prevention, and watershed restoration through a combination of public outreach and education and on-the-ground restoration projects. Duties will include but not be limited to: General: grant writing and administration, representing CEC in community, provide information to public. Watershed Resource Center: Manage daily operations and grant agreements; recruit and train interns and volunteers; develop/ implement community activities. Steelhead Festival: General development and implementation; recruit, train, supervise interns and volunteers; fundraise; develop/distribute materials. Watershed Restoration: Prepare/distribute public outreach materials; assist with monthly community meetings, grant administration, and permitting. Plastics and Pharmaceuticals Outreach: Plastic Bag Exchange; partner with local groups to organize film screenings; create and distribute informational brochures. Required qualifications: Four-year degree and at least 2 years work experience; excellent communication skills are required, as are organizational skills, ability to follow through, and attention to detail. Computer skills are required (Microsoft Office, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Pagemaker). Desired qualifications: Significant coursework in environmental studies, chemistry, biology, or a related field; strong interest in watershed and coastal issues; ability to work with a wide variety people and give presentations. Contact: Community Environmental Council, Mauricio Gomez, 26 W. Anapamu St. 2nd Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Researcher - Announcement No: RA-06-086L. This position is located at the Crops Research Laboratory, Fort Collins, Colorado. The incumbent will conduct research evaluating how elevated CO2 and temperature affect trace greenhouse gas fluxes and soil properties at the High Plains Global Change Experiment, a Free Air CO2 Enrichment experiment near Cheyenne, WY. Incumbent will be part of a team of plant physiologists, ecologists, and range scientists evaluating the impact of global changes (CO2 and temperature) on various aspects of nutrient cycling, plant population dynamics, weed invasion, ecophysiology and trace gas exchange in a northern mixed-grass prairie ecosystem. Additional opportunities exist to examine plant and soil responses to global change in this and other experiments, some to be planned in CO2 controlled greenhouses at the Crops Research Laboratory in Ft. Collins, CO. Requirements: 1) Ph.D. in Ecology or related field, 2) field research experience in plant ecology and/or soil science, and 3) knowledge of biogeochemical techniques used in plant ecology and soil science. For specific information on the duties and responsibilities of this position or to submit an application, contact: Dr. Jack Morgan, USDA/ARS, 1701 Centre Ave., Ft. Collins, CO 80526. Phone: 970-492-7121, Fax: 970492-7160, Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Mid-River Conservation Lead - Columbia Land Trust is seeking a qualified candidate to fill a newly created Conservation Lead position to implement the Land Trust’s conservation initiative for the mid-river service area along the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington. The Mid-River Conservation Lead will serve as the principle staff person for conservation projects, both acquisition and stewardship, within the mid-river service area which includes the Portland/ Vancouver metropolitan area. The qualified candidate will have a natural resource background and a minimum of five years experience in land conservation, stewardship, resource planning or related field. Equally important is a genuine enthusiasm for conservation and, in particular, the mission, goals and values of Columbia Land Trust. Columbia Land Trust is a regional nonprofit that conserves the signature landscapes and vital habitat together with the landowners and communities of the Columbia River region. For a full position description please go to www. Interested applicants should send

Researcher - Seeking a post-doctoral researcher (Research Associate/Instructor) to participate in a NSF-funded global meta-analysis of marine benthic assemblages, to assess and develop new quantitative approaches to using skeletal remains as proxies of live communities for conservation biology, marine ecology, and paleoecological analysis. Associate will take the lead in completing a live-dead analysis of already-collected molluscan samples from coastal US waters, and, depending on expertise, participate in multivariate analysis and modeling of either taphonomic processes or macroecological patterns. Experience in marine benthos required and mollusks preferred, from either a neontologic or paleontologic perspective. 1 year appointment, starting Fall 2006. Requires either a PhD in hand or dissertation submitted and approved for degree. Please send an application letter, CV, and names of 2 persons who can write recommendations to Professor Susan Kidwell (, Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Technician (Water Quality) - Research is

being conducted on stream water quality to evaluate the effectiveness of forestry best management practices. The research is being implemented in a small watershed located in Central Louisiana. We are looking for a motivated person who wishes to gain practical field and lab experience related to water quality. Duties: Collect water samples and perform in-stream monitoring activities. Retrieve water samples from automatic samplers in remote locations after storm events. Assist with macroinvertebrate field sampling. Operate an ATV and work outdoors in all types of weather. Assist with laboratory work, such as sorting macroinvertebrate samples. Occasional overnight travel will be required. This is a full time (40 hrs/week) position beginning immediately and will last for 6 months. Salary will range between $7 - 9 per hour depending on experience. We seek an enthusiastic and motivated person with a flexible schedule and capable of working independently and as part of a team. A strong interest and education experience in the natural resources or environmental science field is required. Must be comfortable driving an ATV, working outdoors in all types of weather, and must be able to tolerate annoying insects. For more information or to apply, please contact: Adrienne Viosca at Close Date: August 31, 2006.

Development Officer - WCS seeks an experienced fundraising professional to manage and grow portfolio of individual/family foundation donors and prospects for gifts of $25K+ per year across all WCS program areas. Develop and implement cultivation, solicitation and stewardship strategies, including personal visits. Orchestrate involvement of senior management/program staff. Qualifications: BA/BS; 3-5 years fundraising experience; proven ability to cultivate, solicit and steward major donors; outstanding written communications, organizational and interpersonal skills; strong interest in WCS mission; proficiency with MS Office and Raiser’s Edge (or similar database). Benefits include

Environmental Policy & Law generous vacation, medical/dental, 401K, tuition reimb, and on-site parking. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume/cover letter/salary requirement to: Type LKIG3 in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Director - The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Africa Program includes over 100 field conservation projects in 20 countries in Africa. The program requires an Assistant Director for Western Central Africa to serve as the point person with institutional donors (including USAID), coordinate administrative support to field projects; help establish program priorities and approaches; participate in project development and monitor implementation; facilitate communication and coordination among projects, and with other institutions. This position is based at the WCS central office at the Bronx Zoo, New York, with extensive travel in Africa. Requirements: PhD in conservation biology/ecology or relevant social sciences, with 5 years experience, or a Masters Degree and extensive experience. Fluency in French and English required. Understanding of conservation issues in Central Africa, grant-writing and financial management skills are also desirable. Salary in the range of $59,000-$76,000 depending on experience. Benefits include generous vacation, medical/ dental, 401K, pension, and on-site parking. For further information contact Monica Wrobel, Manager, Africa Program at To apply e-mail a CV and letter of application (include. salary history) to: and copy to Close Date: Until Filled. Director of Individual Giving - WCS seeks an experienced development professional to oversee fundraising from individual/family foundation donors giving $25K+ per year across all program areas. Includes annual fund, major gifts and planned giving. Manage growing staff of fundraisers and proposal writers, as well as own portfolio of donors/ prospects. Qualifications: BA/BS; 8-10 years progressively responsible development experience, preferably in cultural and/or educational institution(s); proven ability to identify, cultivate, solicit and steward major donors; significant experience managing fundraising team in a large, complex organization; outstanding written communications, organizational and interpersonal skills; strong interest in WCS mission; proficiency with MS Office and Raiser’s Edge (or similar database). Benefits include generous vacation, medical/dental, 401K, tuition reimb, and on-site parking. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume/cover letter/salary requirement to: Type LKIG in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Development Officer - WCS seeks an experienced fundraising professional to develop/write/edit formal proposals, reports and other materials for individual/family foundation donors and prospects for gifts of $25K+ per year across all program areas. Manage staff writer(s). Help identify new donors/prospects. Qualifications: BA/BS; 5+ years development writing experience; proven ability to elicit information from program staff and to create materials which attract and maintain support; experience managing fundraising staff; outstanding written communications, organizational and interpersonal skills; strong interest in WCS mission; proficiency with MS Office and Raiser’s Edge (or similar database). Benefits include generous vacation, medical/dental, 401K, tuition reimb, and on-site parking. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume/cover letter/salary requirement to: Type LKIG2 in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Development Officer - WCS, headquartered at the Bronx Zoo, seeks an experienced fundraising professional to oversee all aspects of Planned Giving program. Develop and implement strategies to grow program, with pro-active approach to building portfolio; manage Development Officer. Qualifications: BA/BS; 5+ years progressively responsible development experience, with emphasis on planned giving; proven ability to create programs/materials to meet revenue goals; experience managing fundraising staff and outside consultants; outstanding written communications, organizational and interpersonal skills; strong interest in WCS mission; proficiency with MS Office and Raiser’s Edge (or similar database). Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits package includes full medical/dental coverage, generous vacation, 401k, pension, tuition reimbursement and on site parking. Send resume w/cover letter to include salary history and requirements to: hr@wcs. org. Type LKPG in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Development Officer - WCS seeks an experienced fundraising professional to manage and grow portfolio of individual/family foundation donors and prospects for gifts of $25K+ per year across all WCS program areas. Develop and implement cultivation, solicitation and stewardship strategies, including personal visits. Orchestrate involvement of senior management/program staff. Qualifications: BA/BS; 3-5 years fundraising experience; proven ability to cultivate, solicit and steward major donors; outstanding written communications, organizational and interpersonal skills; strong interest in WCS mission; proficiency with MS Office and Raiser’s Edge (or similar database). Fluency in French and/or Spanish a plus. Benefits include generous vacation, medical/dental, 401K, tuition reimb, and on-site parking. Salary commensurate with experience. Send

resume/cover letter/salary requirement to: Type LKMG in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. SEPMNI Project Coordinator - NOAA/NOS/Marine Biotoxins Program in Charleston, S.C. is seeking a full-time Coordinator for the Southeast Phytoplankton Monitoring Network (SEPMN). The Program educates a four-state regional volunteer network of schools, universities, community groups, aquariums, and parks/recreational facilities on harmful algal blooms (HAB) while expanding the knowledge of phytoplankton that exists in coastal waters. Additional information about the network can be found at Working with the SEPMN program staff, the incumbent will build strong ties with constituent groups and research partners and assist with possible network expansion throughout the U.S. This is a contract position based on two-thirds community outreach with responsibilities including assistance with training workshops for volunteer groups and development of outreach materials, such as newsletters, brochures, and classroom activities. One-third of this position will be data management and creation of web site content for the SEPMN. The position requires a B.S. in science or education with working knowledge of biology and chemistry or marine science. Experience in outreach and education is essential. A background in general data management, such as Microsoft Access and GIS is important but not necessary. Work consists of tasks that require skill in field collection techniques as well as laboratory techniques and procedures. Additional requirements include exceptional oral and written communication skills, and a willingness to work independently as well as with others. The position will require some weekend work and significant travel will be required. Salary depends on experience and education. Please send cover letter and resume to: Dr. Steve Morton, Marine Biotoxins Program, Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412. Telephone: 843.762.8857. Fax: 843.762.8737. Email: steve. Close Date: Until Filled. Conservation Associate - The Conservation Division seeks an individual to assist in performing routine and complex technical work in the administration and enforcement of state and local wetland protection regulations as well as in connection with the management of town-owned conservation land. Specialized duties include conducting inspections to verify resource area delineations and monitor project compliance, responding to inquiries, complaints, and violations, enforcing applicable regulations, and coordinating land management activities. Individual will work under the general supervision of the Conservation Administrator. Min. Quals: B.S. in Natural Resources Management or other closely related field, 2 years experience, and a valid drivers license. MS Office proficiency preferred. For Application Form (required) and Job Description download from, or email csheffield@ci.lexington., or call 781-862-0500 x276. Send to Town Manager’s Office, 1625 Mass. Ave., Lexington, MA 02420. Close Date: August 25, 2006. Director of Field Support - Seeking accomplished and creative Program Director to join the Education & Centers Department of the National Audubon Society in the DC Office. Program Director will report to the VP of Education and Centers and be responsible for supporting education programming in the Western States (east of the Mississippi), as well as key national initiatives designed to strengthen the Audubon education network. Key responsibilities will include technical assistance to the field, program management, fundraising, conservation planning, and assisting with strategic planning for Education & Centers. Strong preference for candidates with a Master’s degree, 8-10 years of experience in conservation and education, strong writing skills, and strong program management skills. Excellent communication skills are required, along with superior interpersonal and organizational skills, the ability to take initiative, and the ability to develop strategic partnerships. Candidates must be computer literate with proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and comfortable in a fastpaced, team oriented atmosphere with a high energy level. Position will be based in DC. For complete job description, see Please email resume, cover letter, and salary history to Eddie Flaherty at eflaherty@audubon. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Grassroots Communications Manager - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Grassroots Communications Manager who will: write and design action-oriented outreach materials and internet content; work with communications staff on media outreach strategies; research and understand communication trends for activism; serve on a grassroots action team to develop grassroots mobilization strategies and communication tools. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in English, journalism or public relations; one year management experience; five years experience writing outreach materials for advocacy or political campaigns; proficiency with internet communications tools and experience writing content for web-based campaigns; proven success with measurable, results-oriented messaging; experience with environmental topics preferred; some travel required. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled.

Executive Director The Backcountry Snowsports Alliance The Backcountry Snowsports Alliance seeks a fulltime Executive Director to lead the organization in a variety of advocacy, development, and management tasks. Salary plus paid leave time and flexible schedule. The ED works closely with and reports to a volunteer board of directors. Desired qualifications include: college degree, computer skills (microsoft office, quickbooks preferred) , strong written and verbal communication skills, presentation skills, leadership experience, 2-3 years experience in environmental advocacy or outdoor recreation management. Small business or office management and fundraising experience preferred. Desire to interface with backcountry skiers, snowshoers and other user groups, US Forest Service and BLM land managers, ski resorts, backcountry hut systems and community groups. Backcountry skiing or snowshoeing experience preferred but not required. Some statewide travel, so reliable transportation is necessary. The Backcountry Snowsports Alliance is a small non-profit 501(C)(3) organization based in Boulder, CO. BSA represents winter backcountry recreationists by advocating the creation, preservation, and management of non-motorized areas on public lands. We work to preserve backcountry areas for quiet humanpowered use, promote winter backcountry safety and ethics, and cooperatively resolve conflicts among backcountry users. For more details of BSA’s work visit our website at Interested parties should send a resume and cover letter to Close Date: Until Filled. Marine Stewardship Planner - San Juan County seeks qualifications from persons or organizations to complete a Marine Stewardship Area (MSA) conservation plan for the San Juan Islands. Managed by the county Marine Resources Committee, this project is engaging local communities in the development of an action plan to protect and restore native marine species and the systems that support them. The consultant selected will facilitate and conduct public and stakeholder consultations on a preliminary draft conservation plan for marine resources and prepare strategies for implementation. Working closely with a subcommittee of the Marine Resources Committee, the consultant will organize consultations with stakeholder groups to refine draft conservation targets, indicators of health, sources of stress, objectives, and strategies for conservation action. Once the public review is complete, the consultant will prepare the final draft conservation plan for the Marine Resources Committee to present to the San Juan County Council. Information on the MSA program is available on the Marine Resources Committee website: Preferred candidates will have experience with The Nature Conservancy’s 5-S planning process. At a minimum, candidates will have experience in strategic planning and performance measurement for natural resource conservation, proficiency in project management and public involvement, and experience/training in marine science, marine resource management, marine conservation and/or marine affairs. Interviews are expected to be held before selection. Interested parties are invited to submit qualifications (electronic submittals preferred) to the address below. Please specify: availability between now and June 30th, 2007; ability to complete the work within the available budget; and the principals and the qualifications and compensation rates of each (if applies): San Juan County Marine Resources Committee, San Juan County, PO Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Region Five Wildlife Program Manager – This individual leads, directs, and controls all Wildlife Program operations in Region Five. This position represents the Wildlife Program Assistant Director in the region and provides staff with policy and technical direction to assure meeting the goals and objectives of the agency and the program. This position serves as a member of the Wildlife Program management team to facilitate cross regional and program wide coordination and communication. This position reports to the Deputy Assistant Director of the Wildlife Program and is accountable for all personnel, budget and policy implementation, operations, interagency liaison, regional integration of program direction, and decision-making responsibilities within the region to ensure consistency with Wildlife Program and agency policy and budget parameters. This position is also responsible for supporting the Regional Director in major agency initiatives and in resolving regional and cross regional issues. Education: Bachelors degree in Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Science, or related field. A minimum of five years of progressively responsible management experience with a demonstrated ability to establish and accomplish goals and objectives, communicate clearly and concisely both verbally and in writing, and

manage a diverse professional staff in order to balance and negotiate complex and sensitive issues in an environment of competing interests. A proven ability to manage diverse budgets and proven fiscal responsibility, with strong planning and organizational experience and leadership in a changing environment. $4,968 - $6,210 per month (WMS Band 2). Contact: Cheryl Gardner at Close Date: Until Filled. Director for Regional Enterprise Applications - Support org’s regional programs in design and implementation of enterprise applications using org’s global IT systems. Organize support program for financial, communication and knowledge management applications to field programs. Plan and manage technology projects. Req: BS (or equivalent) in comp. science or related field plus 5 yrs exp. Interested applicants should apply online at: http://www.conservation. org/xp/CIWEB/about/jobs. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Project Coordinator – Washington, DC. Duties: Coordinate design, backstopping, development, management and evaluation of economic development programs throughout the region. Coordinate the identification and development of new program opportunities supported by USAID and other donor agencies. Track projects and identify opportunities in USAID, World Bank, ADB, IFAD, IDB pipelines. Contribute to proposals, including coordination of the proposal process, recruitment of staff, preparation of budget, writing of corporate capability and personnel sections as well as technical approaches. Qualifications: A minimum of three years of international development or cooperative/farm management experience. Bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university in agriculture, international development or other relevant field. (Master’s degree in relevant field preferred.) Ability and willingness to travel. Excellent computer and organizational skills, and good Spanish language skills. Contact: PC-GLAD at openings@acdivoca. org. Close Date: August 25, 2006. Director for Center of Collaborative Conservation - The Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University invites nominations and applications for appointment as Director of the Center for Collaborative Conservation (CCC) commencing January 1, 2007. We are seeking candidates with impeccable scholarly credentials, who are dedicated to teaching, research and outreach, and will provide visionary leadership for the College. The Director reports directly to the Dean of the College. The Director’s responsibilities include promotion of quality research programs; development of financial resources; strategic planning; effective management of personnel and programs; and development and promotion of positive relations with appropriate groups and organizations, both on and off campus. Colorado State University is seeking an individual with strong interpersonal skills and high academic standards who is a confident decision maker. An applicant for the position of Director must have: an earned PhD or doctorate degree in a Natural Resources discipline or related field or extensive experience in Collaborative Conservation and research or policy based organizations; an outstanding record of achievement in research and teaching that merits appointment as full professor in one of the College’s academic departments; evidence of administrative and leadership effectiveness at the level of department head, program director or equivalent; evidence of a commitment to diversity through the use of equal opportunity and affirmative action; a holistic and innovative vision for a natural resource college in a land grant university; demonstrated commitment to participatory decision-making in an academic or organizational setting; an ability to develop and promote positive relations with appropriate groups and organizations, both on and off campus; a demonstrated ability to raise funds to support additional initiatives for the CCC; strong communication skills; demonstrated experience in fostering cooperation between stakeholders to build a foundation of continuous collaborative learning between scientists, landowners, communities, and government agencies. Applications should include a brief statement expressing the applicant’s educational and administrative philosophy and addressing the position and qualifications; a current resume; and the names, addresses, telephone and FAX numbers, and email addresses of five (5) references. References will not be contacted without prior consent of the applicant. Please provide this information electronically via a PDF or Word format to: Dr. Joyce Berry, Search Committee Chair, Vice President for Advancement and Strategic Initiatives, Campus Delivery 6096, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 – 6096. Phone: (970) 491-7530. Fax: (970) 491-3657. E-mail: ccc-search@warnercnr.colostate. edu. Close Date: Until Filled. Biodiversity Policy Analyst - The responsibility of the Biodiversity Policy Analyst is to research and develop novel policies for the restoration and protection of key ecosystem services that support both ecological integrity and human welfare in Canada (e.g., pollination services, disease suppression, habitat for species at risk). This will include: developing relationships with key government officials, developing and implementing strategies which will contribute to the awareness and support of the public, developing networks among ENGOs and opinion leader groups, and contributing to the policy proposals and briefing notes in support of the protection of critical ecosystem services

August 2006

Environmental Policy & Law detrimentally impacted by human land use. A particular focus of this position will be the protection of terrestrial biodiversity at risk in Canada, especially wildlife found in highly impacted regions of the country (southern Ontario). This is a full-time position, and will commence as soon as possible. The position will be based in Ottawa or Toronto and travel will be required. The Foundation offers a 4-day workweek as well as an extensive benefits package. Bilingualism (English and French) is a very strong asset. Qualifications: Bilingual (English and French) is a very strong asset; Graduate degree or equivalent experience; At least 3 - 5 years of previous successful experience in policy development or analysis; Expertise in and knowledge of ecosystem services. Particular expertise in pollination services is a strong asset; Expertise with Endangered Species Legislation (SARA), Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and other federal and Ontario laws and polices that impact biodiversity, particularly species at risk; Expertise with federal and Ontario government policies that impact biodiversity in the agricultural sector is a strong asset; Expertise with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and other major policy research on ecosystem services (e.g., research on the valuation of natural capital); Superior strategic planning abilities; results-oriented; Demonstrated written and oral communication skills. Familiarity with technical writing and ability to interpret technical material for general audiences. Confident and motivating communicator; Practical understanding of legal issues, public policy development process and socioeconomic analysis; Strong project management skills—can balance reactive daily tasks with planning and stewarding longer-term projects; Well-developed influencing, negotiating and sales skills; the ability to empower and motivate the public, volunteers and others in carrying out campaign tactics, and; Computer skills: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, Email. There are three ways you can submit your application: By email:; By mail: Attn: Human Resources, David Suzuki Foundation, 219-2211 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K 4S2; By fax: 604732-0752. Close Date: Until Filled. Manager - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Manager, Inventory Forecasting and Buying. Qualifications: BA in Marketing or Business Management with thorough knowledge of retail and mail order inventory control and purchasing techniques. 6 years experience in mail order environment is required, including 2 years in purchasing at a management level. Previous experience in a manager and ability to work in a team environment. Knowledge of ecometry and strong analytical skills. Experience working with 3rd party fulfillment and with overseas buying (communications). Please apply online at careergateway. Close Date: Until Filled. Project Implementation Director - The Center for Cultural Understanding and Change at The Field Museum seeks an applied anthropologist with experience in either community or grassroots development to join the Center in a senior administrative/research position. Duties will include assisting in the design, management and implementation of participatory action research projects, public programs, and training programs for community organizations. The successful candidate will be expected to supervise staff, write grants and develop partnerships with other institutions and community organizations. The Assistant Director will report to the Director and also work closely with senior leadership in the Environment, Culture and Conservation Division. The qualifications for this position are Ph.D. in anthropology, significant experience in applied work or project administration, and fluency in Spanish. Regional specialization is open, but candidates should have experience working in either U.S. urban settings or in the Latin American neotropics (or both). We look for someone who can build and maintain collaborations, work in team settings, and promote staff capacity and growth. The Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (www.fieldmuseum. org/ccuc ) was created in 1993 to connect The Field Museum to communities in Chicago and beyond. As a unit within the Environment, Culture and Conservation Division (ECCo), CCUC directs its efforts to catalyze the intrinsic capacities of human communities to achieve positive change. We are engaged in integrating environmental conservation efforts and efforts to promote sustainable livelihoods and cultural diversity. Our work is primarily focused in the Chicago Metropolitan Region and in the Andean foothills and Amazonian lowlands of South America. We have close collaborations with the Anthropology Department of the Museum, with area University Departments, with Chicago community organizations and Non-governmental Organizations in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. The Field Museum is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes all applicants. Please send cover letter detailing your interest and qualifications for the position, CV and names of references to: or apply on-line through the Museum’s website: Close Date: Until Filled. Intern (Wildlife Conservation) - The NWF Wildlife Conservation Program works to improve outreach, policy and legislation to uphold a strong Endangered Species Act and other wildlife laws and programs. A motivated individual

with strong organizational skills is sought to be hired for an 11-month, full-time paid internship to begin September 2006 in Washington, DC. The Wildlife Conservation Intern will conduct extensive research and prepare written reports, articles, fact sheets, and action alerts. The Wildlife Conservation Intern will represent the Program in key meetings with coalition partners and decision makers on Capitol Hill. Additionally, he/she will organize outreach events such as hill briefings and scientific/grassroots workshops. Other intern duties will include web site project management and miscellaneous assignments. The Wildlife Conservation Intern must be available to work a 40-hour weekly schedule. This position offers a $320 weekly stipend plus core benefits. Qualifications: BA/BS required preferably in environmental policy, resources, science, or a related field. Masters level coursework or degree is preferred. Ability to conduct extensive research is a must. Excellent writing and speaking skills are required. Knowledge of and ability to use various computer software programs (e.g., Page Maker) is strongly preferred. Experience in or demonstrated commitment to the conservation field and/or environmental issue expertise is a plus. Political or Capitol Hill experience is desirable. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Grassroots Communications Manager - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Grassroots Communications Manager who will: write and design action-oriented outreach materials and internet content; work with communications staff on media outreach strategies; research and understand communication trends for activist; serve on a grassroots action team to develop grassroots mobilization strategies and communication tools. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in English, journalism or public relations. Please apply online at careergateway. Close Date: Until Filled. Grassroots Assistant - NWF seeks a highly motivated person to help support our grassroots outreach programs. In this role, the Grassroots Assistant would be responsible for the collection of information from staff or NWF’s constituents, such as: interests, actions taken, and interactions with staff. The Grassroots Assistant will enter this information in the database so the information can be used to produce effective outreach, develop successful grassroots strategies, and identify potential leaders. The Grassroots Assistant will also be helping coordinate the work of the “Action Team” by performing administrative duties such as scheduling appointments and taking notes, and participating in some outreach activities/events. Qualifications: NWF requires someone who enjoys working with other people and is highly organized. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent required as well as two years experience using databases and doing data entry. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Vice President (Strategic Communications) - National Wildlife Federation, the nation’s largest conservation education and advocacy organization, seeks a versatile and experienced Vice President, Strategic Communications. Founded in 1936, National Wildlife Federation’s purpose is to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future. Already a respected conservation leader, NWF is poised to move to a new level of effectiveness by engaging its diverse supporters in its mission in more powerful ways. The Vice President will play a pivotal role in this effort. In a key senior position based at NWF headquarters, the Vice President, Strategic Communications will lead the organization in setting and implementing communications strategies that tell the NWF story and advance the Federation’s strategic goals. The core challenge for the new Vice President, Strategic Communications will be to develop communications strategies and programs that tell the NWF story effectively and generate political, opinion-leader, activist and broad public support for the Federation’s strategic goals. The Vice President is expected to maintain organization-wide consistency in communicating about conservation, education or outreach programs conducted over a wide range of decentralized locales. He or she will be expected to use established NWF communications vehicles to best effect, and expand the use of evolving visual and electronic media. The Vice President will provide focus for the communications team and maintain awareness of organizational priorities and image advancement, while ensuring adequate tactical attention for a range of lower priority efforts across the organization. This role calls for a talented professional with broad experience in communications – including a thorough understanding of institutional branding and media relations – and involvement in public policy and political or public education campaigns. Experience in developing communications strategies for large, complex, decentralized organizations is preferred, as is some work experience in the not-for-profit sector. The Vice President must be politically astute, interpersonally deft, and an excellent manager. Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate discipline (English, journalism, public relations, environmental communications or public policy). Please apply online at careergateway. Close Date: Until Filled. Intern (Grassroots Organizing) - The NWF Grassroots program coordinates and runs our field campaigns for

a variety of issues. The staff of the grassroots program interacts with policy staff, NWF’s activists, affiliates and other organizations that share a dedication to wildlife. An individual with volunteer and/or student organizing experience is sought to be hired for an 11-month, full-time paid organizing internship in Washington, DC starting in September of 2006. The Grassroots Organizing Intern will work with the Grassroots team to increase and develop NWF’s activist base and assist with grassroots events. As the central priority of NWF, global warming will be the main issue focus for the Grassroots intern. In that capacity, he or she will be responsible for organizing 3-4 global warming activist trainings, including recruitment and logistics. He or she will also be responsible for tabling, phonebanking, and presenting at clubs and sportsmen’s shows, and helping write action alerts and online communication. Finally, he or she will assist the grassroots team in organizing citizen lobby days and trainings in Washington DC. The Grassroots Intern must be available to work a 40-hour weekly schedule with occasional night and weekend work. This position offers $8/ hour plus core benefits. BA/BS required. Minimum 1-2 years student/volunteer organizing or work with environment, social justice or similar organization. Excellent writing and speaking skills are required. Knowledge of and ability to use HTML is preferred. Please apply online at www.nwf. org/careergateway. Close Date: Until Filled.

Regional Director of Development National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is seeking a Regional Director of Development (RDOD) to work in its Development department. Our preferred location is at NWF’s Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, but working from Colorado or Montana will also be considered. The RDOD will be responsible for obtaining both unrestricted and restricted gifts and grants from individuals, foundations, corporation, government and organizations and the identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of new and existing NWF donors and prospects, primarily at the $10,000 plus capacity level. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required; Seven years experience in fund raising or related field with an emphasis on major gift cultivation and solicitation; Working knowledge of Windows environment; Experience and /or aptitude to learn Raisers Edge; Familiarity with both online and hard copy donor research sources is preferred; Travel will be required. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Intern (Resource Restoration) - The NWF Restoration program works on large scale aquatic restoration programs and policy issues directly related to restoration . A motivated individual with strong organization skills is sought to be hired for a six month, full-time paid internship in Washington, DC. The Restoration Intern will assist NWF’s water resources and restoration program. He/She will develop educational and advocacy materials for activists, agency, and congressional staff. The Restoration Intern will manage the website, research policy and ecological topics, and prepare fact sheets and other written documents. He/She will also provide some assistance on NWFs campaign to modernize the Army Corps of Engineers. Other intern duties may include coordinating workshops and assisting with lobby days. The Restoration Intern must be available to work a 40-hour weekly schedule. This position offers a $320 weekly stipend plus core benefits. Qualifications: BA/BS in natural resources or a policy-related field is required. A background in both is preferable. Ability to conduct extensive research is a must. Excellent writing and speaking skills are required. Knowledge of and ability to use computer software programs (e.g., MS Office) is strongly preferred. Experience in or demonstrated commitment to environmental advocacy is a plus. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. In-House Counsel - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking an attorney to advise on wide variety of topics, with particular focus on intellectual property issues. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a small legal department, making a big difference! Practice involves primarily copyright, trademark, publications, licensing, Internet, and contracts. Additional areas include fundraising, tax, estates, liability, corporate, governance, employment. Qualifications: College degree and JD. Must be licensed to practice law, preferably in Virginia. If not licensed in Virginia, must be eligible for corporate counsel admission in Virginia. 3 years of legal experience or the equivalent in comparable experience. Preferred experience: strong experience in the areas of intellectual property, licensing, and general contracts. Outstanding communications skills. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Regulatory Specialist - Provide FERC, Hydro NEPA and permitting support for a variety of complex assignments.

Prepare, edit and review technical sections for environmental assessments and impact statements, FERC resources reports and license applications, biological assessments and other miscellaneous environmental/regulatory documents. Qualifications: Master’s in biology, wildlife, aquatic science or equivalent natural science. Ten years professional experience. Technical writing experience and ability to coordinate and interact with co-workers, clients and government agencies. CEQA experience required. DTA offers a competitive salary, comprehensive health plan, 401(k) with employer contributions and a bonus program. Send your resume and cover letter with salary expectations to Close Date: Until Filled. Legislative Representative (Public Lands) - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a legislative representative for public lands. The legislative representative will lead NWF’s campaign to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and help advance our efforts to protect other threatened ecosystems throughout Alaska and the Rocky Mountain West. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required, masters/JD preferred; 5 years experience in conservation policy, particularly in congressional affairs; proven ability to develop and implement national legislative and grassroots campaigns. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Manager (Water Resources Campaigns) - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Water Resources Campaigns Manager. Coordinating the Corps Reform Network activities including building network membership, coordinating educational workshops, as well as other duties. Supporting grassroots advocacy efforts on Corps projects including developing materials, coordinating calls, and analyzing policies. Assisting with media outreach. Assisting with budget and management of Network. Supporting fundraising efforts. Qualifications: At least five years experience in natural resource policy, campaign management or outreach and coalition building. Experience in leadership positions with coalitions or NGO partnerships. Ability to plan, and manage a campaign, work effectively with a broad base of coalition groups, and communicate effectively. Proven fundraising success and grant management exposure. Please apply online at www. Close Date: Until Filled. Wetlands and Water Resources Counsel - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a dynamic and dedicated worker to serve as Wetlands and Water Resources Counsel. This person will be responsible for: Promoting strong wetland and stream conservation policies. Maintaining NWF’s leadership role in the campaign to ensure a broad interpretation of Clean Water Act jurisdiction. Coordinating with sporting group partners with Clean Water Network community; expand outreach to affiliates and like-minded sporting groups, lobby congress and administration, and work with communications staff on media outreach. Proving strategic litigation to ensure broad protection for America’s waters under the Clean Water Act. Working with Wetlands and Water Resources Counsel and broader “green” legal community to strategize on litigation opportunities that maximize the effectiveness and minimize risk and preserving broad protection for the nation’s waters. Preparing and implementing legal actions, amicus briefs, and interventions as appropriate. Promoting a proactive vision for the future of America’s wetlands as articulated in the “Conservation Blueprint for America’s Wetlands.” Qualifications: Law degree (JD degree, with active Bar status and at least 5 years litigation experience). Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Farm Bill Outreach Coordinator - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a dynamic and dedicated organizer to serve as Farm Bill Outreach Coordinator. This person will have the opportunity to: design and implement key-states grassroots and media outreach campaigns focused on farm bill conservation and energy issues and emphasizing building coalitions of active sportsmen and women, outdoor enthusiasts, and wildlife watchers; speak at events, workshops and conferences to promote National Wildlife Federation’s conservation message and train grassroots activists; develop and maintain grassroots outreach written communications; help recruit, contract and train short-term regional Outreach Coordinators. Qualifications: A minimum of 3 years relevant professional experience; outstanding written and oral communications skills; Experience/training in grassroots organizing; attention to detail, ability to multi-task, and adeptness at working with people from a broad variety of backgrounds a must; some travel required. Please apply online at Close Date: Until

When applying for a position, please reference the Green Careers Journal.

Environmental Education & Eco Tourism Filled. San Joaquin River Regional Director - The Regional Director works with the Restoration Ecologist to develop, fund and implement successful riparian habitat projects in the San Joaquin River Watershed. Develop, secure, negotiate, manage and administer grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and budgets. Supervise the San Joaquin River Restoration Ecologist. Coordinate with agency staff and conservation partners in the successful implementation of River Partners projects. Identify, and secure public and private funding. Represent River Partners before the general public, elected officials, agencies, stakeholders, and non-profits to generate support for River Partners programs. Managing the San Joaquin office. Work long hours and/or weekends during peak seasons. Other duties as required. Skills & Qualifications: Minimum of five years experience as a project leader in a team environment. Minimum of five years experience in project management. Experience in riparian restoration, river conservation or agriculture preferred. Experience in conservation land deals. Demonstrated competency in public and private fundraising including grant-writing experience. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to represent River Partners to a broad spectrum of agency, community and governmental organizations. Experience in budgeting and financial management. Competency in contract negotiation and administration. Skilled team leader. Commitment and enthusiasm to carry out River Partners’ mission. The salary range is $55,000 to $65,000 annually depending on experience. River Partners offers a comprehensive benefits package. Contact: Mona Cross, Executive Assistant, 580 Vallomabrosa Avenue, Chico, CA 95926. Close Date: Until Filled. Director of the Center for Tropical Plant Conservation - Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. The Director of the Center for Tropical Plant Conservation (CTPC) leads FTBG conservation activities and will ensure the delivery of high quality science and applied conservation projects that advance the conservation of tropical plant species and habitats. The Director of the CTPC represents Fairchild at local, regional, national and international conservation forums. Responsibilities: Provide leadership to Fairchild’s Center for Tropical Plant Conservation; Coordinate, promote and supervise CTPC staff implementation of the FTBG Strategic Plan; Manage existing research facilities, oversee the transfer to new research facilities; Develop an international network of partners. Lead fundraising for CTPC activities. Develop, implement and apply adaptive management techniques to long-range and annual work plan for CTPC programs through the use of logical framework and work breakdown structures, and monitor progress against agreed targets; Assume a leadership role in fundraising; Recruit, motivate, and mentor CTPC staff, students, and associates; Develop an annual budget, monitor all budgets and projects to ensure that management is as cost- and time-effective as possible; Serve as primary spokesperson and representative for the Garden’s conservation activities; Develop and implement the international program with selected partners in high diversity regions; Conduct and publish conservation biology research projects; Maintain and enhance positive and constructive relationships with the Director of the Garden, Conservation Committee of the Board of Trustees, and all staff, keeping them fully informed of the activities and progress of the CTPC; Serve on the Garden Management team; Manage and nurture collaborative relationships with partner universities, agencies and institutions; Contribute popular articles on CTPC activities for bulletins, brochures and other materials; Practical skills needed: Program management experience including: extensive supervisory, program planning, budget management and forecasting experience; Demonstrated grant/contract management experience; Demonstrated experience with facilities, property and liability management; Ability and willingness to make public presentations; proven fundraising, networking and collaborative skills. Research skills needed: Strong publication record and commitment to the practical implementation of conservation in the tropics; Ph.D. in conservation biology sensu lato and 10 years’ relevant experience; Experience in field conservation projects in the tropics; Understanding of international biodiversity legislation and funding, and the work of international conservation organizations. Reports to Director of the Garden. Send resume and letters of reference to Cindy Lane at 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, FL 33156, email to or fax to 305 667-6930. Close Date: September 30, 2006. Director of Field Support - National Audubon Society is seeking an accomplished and creative Program Director to join the Education & Centers Department in the DC Office. Program Director will report to the VP of Education and Centers and be responsible for supporting education programming in the Western States (east of the Mississippi), as well as key national initiatives designed to strengthen the Audubon education network. Key responsibilities will include technical assistance to the field, program management, fundraising, conservation planning, and assisting with strategic planning for Education & Centers. Strong preference for candidates with a Master’s degree, 8-10 years of experience in conservation and education,

strong writing skills, and strong program management skills. Excellent communication skills are required, along with superior interpersonal and organizational skills, the ability to take initiative, and the ability to develop strategic partnerships. Candidates must be computer literate with proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and comfortable in a fast-paced, team oriented atmosphere with a high energy level. Position will be based in DC. Please email resume, cover letter, and salary history to Eddie Flaherty at Close Date: Until Filled. Executive Director - The Executive Director is the chief executive officer of The Dahlem Conservancy and is responsible for its overall strategic direction, leadership and administration. Through guidance and approval from The Dahlem Conservancy Board the Executive Director has broad authority to lead and govern the operations of the center toward its mission, strategic goals and operations. Primary responsibilities include implementation of the strategic plan, staff development and supervision, financial management, fund raising, public relations, program development, site management and evaluation. $48,000$58,000 plus benefits. Contact: The Dahlem Conservancy, Vic Marshall, 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI 49201. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006.

Experience working in environmental education or BS/BA in environmental science, education, recreation, or related field preferred. First aid/CPR certification by first day of employment preferred. You must have some experience working with children. Being a team player, having a sense of humor and a strong work ethic are essential! $200/$220 week + room/board in nice staff housing. Workers comp provided. Opportunity to learn sea kayaking and other great perks! Employment is August 25th through Oct. 24th, 2006. Can be set up as an internship. Check out www.camporkila. org. Send resume and references to Christy Shiers, Director Environmental Science Programs, cshiers@cs.seattleymca. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Educator – Needed to conduct programs within New Mexico featuring live birds of prey. We offer a wide variety of age-appropriate programs, ranging from school presentations (including year-long, repeat visits to classrooms in rural schools, in which the educator and classroom teacher work with students to implement an onthe-ground conservation project) to a range of corporate and adult education programs. Applicants should have a background in biology and/or working with children. Duties include raptor care, public outreach booths, curriculum preparation, publicity, and volunteer coordination. Some weekends and evenings may be required. Some travel will be necessary and applicants must have their own car. This is a permanent, full-time position with benefits. Starting salary $23,000. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three references to Gail Garber, Hawks Aloft, Inc., PO Box 10028, Albuquerque, NM 87184 (EM: gail AT hawksaloft. org). Close Date: Until Filled.

Internship/Fieldwork - Echo Hill Outdoor School, Worton, MD., provides residential learning experiences designed to introduce children to the outdoors and create environmental awareness. The program is flexible, meeting the needs of private and public schools, third through ninth grade. Responsibilities: supervision of students, creation and implementation of new course ideas, assisting with special programs and events. Course subject areas: Bay studies, low impact camping, acclimatization, adventure/ropes course elements, historical exploration of the urban and rural environments, orienteering, swamp ecology, native American studies, swamp walk, and several others. Qualifications: Individuals pursuing careers in the areas of education, recreation, and other related work with youth are encouraged to apply. We are seeking individuals with initiative, motivation, high energy, creativity, and commitment. Contact: Echo Hill Outdoor School, 13655 Bloomingneck Rd., Worton, MD 21678. Email: jobs@ehos. org. Close Date: August 31, 2006.

Outreach Coordinator - Bird Studies Canada. Bird Studies Canada is seeking a recruitment and outreach coordinator to assist with the coordination and promotion of several Ontario Citizen Science based programs, including but not limited to the Ontario Nocturnal Owl Survey, Red-shouldered Hawk and Spring Woodpecker Survey and the Southern Ontario Bald Eagle Program. Volunteer recruitment and coordination: The recruitment and outreach coordinator will be responsible for maintaining current and recruiting new participants through press releases and articles for local newspapers, magazines, naturalist and conservation club newsletters, the Internet (through the BSC web site), public talks and information packages. He/she will prepare and oversee the mail out of volunteer survey kits and other correspondence and maintain databases associated with the programs. The candidate will respond to volunteers’ inquiries/complaints about the surveys, ensure that data from volunteers are secured in a timely fashion and track and report upon volunteer recruitment and incoming data. Outreach/ education: The recruitment and outreach coordinator will be responsible for developing educational materials (including web-based material) and activities for Destination Eagle, and will visit classrooms throughout southern Ontario to educate children on Bald Eagles and aquatic ecosystem health. The coordinator will promote the program through press releases, articles, and public presentations. The candidate will also assist with project development and fundraising. Research: The volunteer recruitment and outreach coordinator will prepare and/or assist with preparation of annual scientific program reports and popular articles for BirdWatch Canada and may be asked to assist with Ontario Bird’s at Risk field research projects. Experience: The candidate must possess a minimum of a B.Sc. in biology and have a good understanding of avian conservation and issues related to aquatic ecosystem health. The position requires a high level of organization, initiative, accuracy, a pleasant phone manner, excellent inter-personal skills, superior written and verbal communication skills and an understanding of database management. Candidates should also have experience with developing educational materials for children and some relevant teaching experience. Experience with both scientific and popular writing is important. Candidates should have a basic understanding of statistics; experience with statistical software packages and/or databases such as SAS and MS Access is an asset. Starting salary range: $30,000 - $33,000 (CDN) per year, plus legal benefits and the organization’s comprehensive supplementary health and dental package. This is a one-year contract position with opportunities for renewal. Applicants must be Canadian, US or Mexican citizens and be willing to relocate to our headquarters office in Port Rowan, ON, located on the north shore of Lake Erie. More information about Bird Studies Canada can be found at:: Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Education Instructor - Located on one of the beaches of Orcas Island in the Puget Sound 75 miles north of Seattle, YMCA Camp Orkila offers 285 acres of beautiful forest, marine, and freshwater environments, as well as a salmon hatchery, new Marine Education Center with 18,000 gallon salt water aquarium, several challenge courses, and large organic garden. Responsibilities include teaching classes in marine / aquatic science, terrestrial ecology, earth science, facilitating group development and challenge course activities, and leading large group recreation programs for 5th-6th grade students. You will work at least two evenings a week running evening programs. All staff will work 5 days a week which will include one weekend day working with family camp and retreat programs.

Naturalist - Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth, Minnesota is seeking a Naturalist. Job duties are: Speak to large groups of visitors of all ages about raptor identification and natural history, lead field trips, teach programs, identify, handle, and display raptors and passerines, discuss Hawk Ridge research programs, prevent research crew distraction, participate in fundraising activities, interact with media personnel, maintain paperwork, and perform some grounds maintenance. Duties are conducted outdoors on an exposed overlook and weather is highly variable. Hawk Ridge overlooks the tip of Lake Superior and is one of the Midwest’s premiere raptor migration sites, with over 94,000 raptors counted during the fall season. We are looking for a fun, motivated, enthusiastic person with an interest in

Outdoor Science School Instructor - Our program serves visiting 5th and 6th grade students from Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. We have 5 locations in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. The students arrive on Monday morning and stay through Friday morning. The students live in cabins in groups of 10-15 and are assigned an Instructor. Instructors act as both science teacher and cabin counselor to a new group each week. Instructors will: Learn, understand, and teach academic trails which include: astronomy, geology, botany, wildlife biology, & ecology. Hike up to 4 miles in all weather conditions at elevations up to 7200 feet. Supervise a different cabin group each week, which includes: overseeing cabin cleanup, showers, bedtime, rest time, games, crafts, skits, and other group living activities. Lead songs, demonstrate square dance steps, & make announcements to large groups. Eat prepared food with students at all meals, supervise appropriate behavior and manners at meals, lead table discussions. Load and unload luggage from buses or trucks. Respond to student needs during the day and through the night. Uphold standards, policies, and procedures of program, implement discipline procedures, act as role model. You will make friends, you will have fun, you will live in a beautiful location during the week. But, more importantly, you get to teach children about our Earth and how it functions. $428.00 per 5-day week/$332.00 per 4-day week, limited benefits pkg. Contact: Renee Allison, Outdoor Science School, 1833 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, CA 92359. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006.

and/or knowledge of birds. A background in environmental education or related field is preferred. This full-time position extends from 1 Sep to 31 Oct, with a stipend of $2000. A cover letter, resume, and 3 references should be mailed to: Debbie Waters, Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803-3006, or email (EM: dwaters AT Close Date: Until Filled. Director of Continuing Education - Oversees the Adult Education program, Garden Guide Training and Refreshers. This position is part of a 3-member Continuing Education team and works closely with staff at all levels in the Education Department and throughout the Garden, students, instructors, and volunteers. Plan and oversee the year-round, revenue-generating adult education program with over 175 classes and trips annually. Assist in the day-to-day running of the programs along with the rest of the Continuing Education team. Audience of over 3,000 registrants. Prepare annual budget of approximately $320,000. Serve as co-editor (with Manager of Children’s Gardens and Exhibits) of Classes & Events program catalog. Qualifications: Career-track education or horticulture prof with minimum 5 yrs in a supervisory role-program. Masters Degree in Public Administration, Education, Horticulture, or related fields preferred. Successful candidate will be a creative, dedicated team player. Evening and weekend work is required. Contact: Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1000 Washington Ave, Bklyn, NY 11225, Attn: Human Resources. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Naturalist/Educator - Share your love of nature with school children in direct outdoor educational experiences at a leading environmental education center. This is a perfect opportunity for retired teachers or for parents re-entering the workforce.10-20 hrs per week. Contact: Alice Ferguson Foundation, Attn: Libby Campbell, 2001 Bryan Point Road, Accokeek, MD 20607. Email: ecampbell@fergusonfoundat Close Date: Until Filled. Program Manager - Provides leadership and management for Bridging the Watershed—an innovative environmentbased education program with in-class and field-study components. Bridging the Watershed offers high school students in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area opportunities to study real-world science in national parks. The Program Manager serves as the liaison with numerous partners including the National Park Service, school systems in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, universities, and various informal learning institutions. Oversees program implementation; supervises and trains BTW staff; manages graduate-level institutes for teachers, NPS rangers, and informal educators; writes program reports; manages program budget, and supports program evaluation, curriculum development, marketing, partnership cultivation, and collaborates in fundraising efforts. Contact: Alice Ferguson Foundation, Attn: Libby Campbell, 2001 Bryan Point Road, Accokeek, MD 20607. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Intern - The LowCountry Institute is a small non-profit organization that is seeking an intern for the fall. We are located on a private sea island and provide education and outreach to area schools. Duties will include: Teach nature programs to elementary-age school children. Maintenance of living and non-living exhibits in the nature center. Assist with scheduling of volunteers. Plenty of opportunity to work outside! This internship will run from late September thru Mid-December. Contact: LowCountry Institute, Attn: Kate Albertson, 40 Mobley Oaks Lane, Okatie, SC 29909. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Outdoor Education Instructors - Seeking individuals to teach 4th-8th grade students in our residential Outdoor Environmental Education Program. YMCA Storer Camps is one of the oldest and largest YMCA camps in the country. Teach in the areas of Natural Science, Environmental Awareness, Cultural History, and Adventure Education. Other areas of interest include: Equestrian, Woodland Native American Histroy, Pioneer Living, Reptile/Amphibian Care, and Health Officer. Our season runs August 22- December 15, 2006 and January 3 - June 8, 2007. Contact: YMCA Storer Camps, Attn: Nancy Burger, 7260 South Stony Lake Rd. , Jackson, MI 49201. Email: Close Date: September 1, 2006. Academic Year Fellowship - The Science of the Sound education fellowship offered at the Prince William Sound Science Center is a distinctly unique opportunity to gain experience in a variety of hands-on science education programs. Science of the Sound programs include the Discovery Room, Outreach Discovery and Community Education programs. During the time spent in Cordova, a fellow will also be required to complete a project that aligns with his or her specific interests. Potential project topics are limitless and can fall under any of the Science of the Sound programs. Dates of the fellowship are from September through May. A stipend of $140 week with dorm style housing and up to $500.00 reimbursement for travel. Contact: Prince William Sound Science Center, Attn: Allen Marquette, P.O. Box 705, Cordova, Alaska 99574. Email: allen@pwssc.gen.

August 2006

Environmental Ed Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Educator - Under the shared supervision of the Early Childhood Director, and the Outdoor Environmental Program Manager, integrate environmental education concepts, assists ECS classroom teachers with interactive instructional activities and maintenance of classroom environment serving children ages 6 weeks through 6 years. Develop, coordinate and implement programs environmental education lessons for children 7-18 years. The programs are separate and the position requires a working knowledge of early childhood growth and development, school age children’s skills and abilities and solid knowledge of environmental education concepts. Contact: Neighborhood House of Milwaukee, Inc., Attn: Debi Schwid, 2819 W. Richardson Pl., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Instructor - Assists in teaching outdoor environmental education. The program teaches a variety of activities for children in different grades. Some programs offered include: science, ecology, outdoor skills, teambuilding, rope course and recreational activities. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Exemplifies YMCA mission and incorporates components of YMCA character development. Develop relationships with schools and the community through teaching in the environmental education program. Assist camp with marketing all camp programs to businesses for conferences, special functions, and retreats. Utilize skills and organization to prepare facility and programs for all groups. Assist in leading/hosting environmental education, adventure, and conference groups. Assist with recruiting campers. Serve as a role model for all staff and campers. Responsible for a program area. Develop new programs and look to improve the programs offered. Assist camp staff with all operations pertaining to camp. $220-$240 a week with housing. Contact: YMCA Camp Hanes, Jennifer de Ridder, 1225 Camp Hanes Rd., King, NC 27021. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Instructor - This is a personal service contract position available at Bluff Lake Nature Center, a 123-acre wildlife refuge that provides Natural Science Education to students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade. All education programs at Bluff Lake are aligned with Colorado State Standards for science and are designed to meet the growing needs of teachers and students. Bluff Lake Instructors will be conducting environmental education lessons which includes safely guiding small groups of students around the trails at Bluff Lake, facilitating activities and providing accurate natural history information. In addition to leading field trips at Bluff Lake, Instructors may also be leading after school science programs in local elementary schools. This position has the possibility to grow into a halftime position or more depending on future funding. Contact: Bluff Lake Nature Center, Sue Schafer, 7350 E 29th Ave, suite 300, Denver, CO 80238. Close Date: Until Filled. Coordinator - The Coordinator of Program Services will manage the day-to-day logistics of the residential outdoor environmental education program of the Environmental Resource Center. The incumbent will train, schedule, and supervise instructional staff. Additional duties include assisting in program development, coordinating outreach initiatives, and preserving the natural and cultural integrity of the Bradford Woods environment. Oversees the development and planning of school programs with appropriate representatives. Initiates contact, makes school visitations, negotiates terms and features, exchanges information, and serves as liaison as needed. Recruits, interviews, hires, and supervises staff needed to teach and deliver programs. These staff members include instructional staff, interns, and volunteers. Helps coordinate and implement outreach initiatives. Maintains the Environmental Education master program schedule. Assists in facilitating training workshops for classroom teachers, university students, and professionals in the field. Assists in the instruction of university courses in the Recreation and Parks Administration Department. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in outdoor education/recreation, environmental sciences, natural resources, biology, education, or related field required. Master’s degree in one of the above related fields is preferred. Apply On Line at: http://www.indiana. edu/~uhrs/careers/home.html. For more information, please contact John Koenig at Close Date: August 31, 2006. Research Associates - These positions, located in Washington DC, promise significant opportunity to gain in-depth experience in forest policy issues and to build extensive professional networks across the United States. Master’s degree required (natural resources/environmental studies or policy degree preferred) with 2-3 years of experience; exceptional written and oral communications skills; and an ability to work independently and as a “team,” including willingness to work with people from a broad variety of backgrounds. To Apply: Email (1) cover letter, (2) resume and (3) salary history to: Close Date: Until Filled. Centers and Education Director - Audubon New York is seeking a creative, dynamic, seasoned leader to oversee

our Audubon Centers and Education division. This position oversees the directors of six Audubon Centers, as well as our state office education staff. The Director of Centers and Education is responsible for supervising the operational and programmatic components of existing Centers including fiscal, staff, education, exhibit, facility and land management, as well was significant involvement with capital campaigns. Qualifications include: advanced degree in education, business or non-profit management, environmental studies, or equivalent. At least five years of leadership experience in nature or science centers, museums or similar informal science facilities, preferably managing multiple sites. Proven expertise in fundraising, management, staff development, reaching underserved audiences, and programmatic design, implementation and evaluation. A passion for innovation, exceptional quality and Audubon’s mission is essential. Audubon is an equal opportunity employer. Send over letter, including salary requirements and resume to: Director of Centers and Education Search, Audubon New York, 200 Trillium Lane, Albany, NY 12203. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Teacher/Naturalist - Bachelor’s degree (minimum) in EE, Education, life sciences, related field; experience working with children in outdoor setting; experience working with volunteers; experience designing EE programs; interest in natural history; excellent communication skills; written, verbal; interest, enthusiasm for environment and children; strong spirit of teamwork; good sense of humor; willingness to learn all aspects of nature center work; available immediately. Contact: Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, Jeff Hoagland, 31 Titus Mill Road, Pennington, NJ 08534. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Outdoor Education Program Specialist - The program specialist position is responsible for assisting in the planning, implementing, and evaluating of all programs at Camp Lakewood and the Outdoor Education Department. Duties include, but are not limited to, facilitating high and low ropes courses, belaying climbing activities, and delivering high quality outdoor education. Specialists will work with people of all ages and receive training in all aspects of the program. If interested, please contact Kim Wentland ASAP. Positions available for Fall 2006 and Spring 2007. Fall training starts August 15th, 2006. Qualifications Include: committed to the YMCA Core Values, at least 18 years of age, good work ethic, good communication skills, good time management skills, good problem solving skills, creative, fun, and loves to work with people. Contact: YMCA of the Ozarks, 13528 State Hwy AA, Potosi, MO 63664. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Outdoor Education and Recreation Specialists - Join an exciting staff team in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania at Camp Speers-Eljabar YMCA! We are located in Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania about an hour and a half from New York City. We are currently recruiting Outdoor Education and Recreation Specialists. We serve a diverse population of visitors that includes over 15,000 participants each year in environmental education and recreational family programming. We are looking for instructors to teach handson classes to grades 3 – 12. Classes will be focused on environmental and ecological studies as well as outdoor recreation including living history programs, teambuilding, canoeing, climbing tower, target sports, and x-country skiing. To find out all about our beautiful 1100 acre site including a 42 acre pond and 100 acre bog, visit our website at Qualifications - BA or BS in education, science/ecology, recreation or related field. We value and challenge our staff by providing extensive training in first aid, CPR, lifeguarding, and low and high ropes. We are looking for dynamic, dedicated individuals who want to make a difference in a child’s life and participate in an exciting school year. Dates of Employment: August 20-Nov.1 with possible extensions in employment. Send Resumes to: Candace Crane, Camp Speers-Eljabar YMCA, RR #1, Box 89, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328; 570-828-2329 ext 270 or email: Close Date: Until Filled. Special Projects Fellow - The nine month Special Projects Fellow position will begin September/October of 2006. The fellow will work on the following projects: expanding Global Explorers’ programs for disabled students (25%); reaching out to new schools and teachers (25%); developing international partnerships with nonprofits in the areas in which Global Explorers works (25%); and assisting with administrative support (25%). Position may include international travel and may lead to a Field Workshop Coordinator position in 2007 (leading trips for Global Explorers). Preferred applicants will have a minimum bachelor’s degree, speak fluent Spanish and have international travel and/or education experience with youth. Fellowship is full-time, hours flexible with a beginning date in September/October of 2006. Position Requirements (Ideal candidates would have the following characteristics… A self-motivated initiator who can work well on his/her own; Good written and verbal communication skills; Experience working in a leadership/teaching role with middle and high school students; Minimum bachelors degree in relevant field. Candidate will work from the Fort Collins, CO offices. Contact: Global Explorers, Julie Dubin,

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Brighten Your Future With Edison ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ���� ����������� ��� ������� ��� ��������� �������� ��������� �����������������������������������������������������

Southern California Edison - 8631 Rush Street - Rosemead, California 91770

ERM - the world's leading provider of environmental consulting services ERM is one of the world's leading providers of environmental, health and safety management and technical consulting services. We have 100 offices in 39 countries, employing over 2,500 professionals. For a quarter century, ERM has been helping businesses and other organizations thrive despite increasing environmental demands, complexities and uncertainties. In doing so, we have become one of the world’s largest and most successful environmental firms. For most of our history, we have been annually noted as one of the top firms in our industry by Engineering News Record. In July 2004, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) was ranked as the largest "all-environmental" consultancy in the world. (Engineering News-Record, July 5, 2004) Our benefits are truly outstanding; our workplace is energized, and we are striving to become the preferred place for environmental and other professionals to build meaningful and rewarding careers.

NEPA Analyst Fort Polk, Louisiana


Environmental Group

At work around the world…. URS is one of the world’s leading engineering services firms. Our professional staff of planners, engineers, architects, scientists, program and construction managers, and operations and maintenance specialists work together to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to the challenges facing industry and government.

Full-time professional position currently available for the right person. Serve as a NEPA Analyst at Fort Polk, Louisiana, environmental office. Review proposed actions/projects and recommend level of NEPA analysis/documentation. Prepare Records of Environmental Consideration. Assist in preparation of EAs; review and comment on more complex EAs/EISs prepared by others. Review construction projects for compliance with NEPA, NPDES, mitigation requirements, and sustainable design standards.

At URS, we take pride in helping to build and maintain vital infrastructure, and preserve and protect the environment. Our ability to provide a complete range of services in a wide array of markets, develop innovative technical solutions to the most complex projects, and serve or clients through our worldwide delivery system has made URS a global leader

BS in environmental planning, environmental science, natural resources, ecology, or closely related area. Masters degree preferred. Minimum of one year of professional environmental experience in Louisiana or neighboring states. Experience with/knowledge of NEPA, storm-water management, military operations is a plus.

The URS Honolulu office needs a Senior Environmental Engineer to assume responsibilities as a task leader for medium to large sized projects involving environmental assessments, soil and groundwater sampling, developing compliance plans, and report writing. Train and mentor junior staff.

Salary and benefits DOE, competitive. Vacation/sick/personal leave. 10 paid holidays.

URS takes an organized approach to nurturing and developing your career. We’ll put the latest technology in your hands. You’ll find one of the best benefit packages in the industry with competitive compensation packages. But most of all, what you’ll find is a company that values it employees.

Apply online at (preferred) or send resume to or fax to (757)727-7904. Resumes accepted until position is filled. No phone calls please. EOE.

Apply on-line at and refer to URS8702. URS is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity in the workforce.

Sustainability/NEPA Specialists Hampton, Virginia


Moving? Send us your address change ASAP so that you do not miss the next issue of the Green Careers Journal.

Environmental Group

We have a unique opportunity for entry-level and mid-level environmental/sustainability professionals. If you are good at analyzing environmental effects from construction projects and other proposed operations (military installations, US Forest Service, state DOT, etc.), then we have a career opportunity for you.

Send an e-mail message with Subject: Address Change-GCJ to or call (757) 727-7895 or fax to (757) 727-7904

RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepare NEPA analyses (EAs/EISs) and documents for proposed projects. Write sections of EAs/EISs. Coordinate with other writers to produce focused, consistent, high quality, and useful NEPA analyses. Prepare environmental analyses documents that supplement the EA/EIS. Participate in or lead in-progress-reviews of NEPA documents. Prepare public notice and public meeting materials. Assist in organizing and conducting successful public meetings. Use company expertise and your innovation skills to provide clients with excellent road maps for consolidating duplicative environmental processes (NEPA, ISO, LEED, sustainability, etc). REQUIREMENTS: 3 or more years experience writing NEPA analyses (EA/EIS), LEED project analyses, ISO 14001 EMS or similar environmental planning and analyses. Ability to lead internal reviews and editing of the master documents and maintaining good organization and control over completion of quality NEPA analyses on time. Ability to coordinate public meetings. Experience in NEPA supporting technical analyses. BS degree in environmental management, environmental sciences, natural resources management, planning, environmental engineering, or related field. Masters degree preferred. Experience and practical knowledge in multiple environmental program areas is important for this position. LEED AP and ISO 14001 certification a plus. Must be a results-oriented professional completing environmental projects well and on time. COMPENSATION is competitive and DOQ. Generous vacation/sick/holiday paid leave; health insurance; training; individual fitness program reimbursements, retirement investment plan. APPLY at Search with keyword “ECW” to find this listing and apply online. EOE

August 2006

Environmental Education & Eco Tourism 2726 Pasquinel Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526. Email: Close Date: October 1, 2006. Program Coordinator - Program Coordinator wanted for residential outdoor science school. Together with school director and admin director, administers on site programs, assists in design, implementation, evaluation of curriculum and staff, program preparation, marketing and administration, performs school visits, other duties as assigned. Main school year (Sept. – June) duties include: coordinating staff, students, teachers and chaperones for 2-5 day programs at WOLF School’s campuses in Northern California. Act as liaison with WOLF School office, attending teachers and staff. Provide leadership to staff and participants through supervising/living on site for duration of 2-5 day programs (live on site only during program times). Non program time (Summer and various weeks during school year) duties include: preparation of program materials, special programs, marketing and general administration. Best applicants will enjoy working with and supporting teachers, interacting with students’ parents and high school volunteers, and enjoy working with K-8th grade students. Qualifications: Must have BA/BS degree and minimum three years’ experience in environmental education programs, curriculum design and implementation, teaching, program administration and development or equivalent. Requires proven supervisory and leadership skills, exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, flexibility, travel, reliable vehicle, teamwork. First aid, CPR, able to pass TB test, background check required. Contact: Wb of Life Field School, Tiffani Welsh, 220 Cloister Lane, Aptos, CA 95003. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. School Program Coordinator - Sargent Center for Outdoor Education is seeking candidates for Coordinator of their residential outdoor education program. We serve over 3,500 middle school students between Labor Day and early June by offering a curriculum of adventurebased and environmental lessons. We hire up to fifteen seasonal instructors who are trained and supervised closely, as they develop their individual styles and skills at outdoor teaching. Sargent Center is a 700-acre property in southwestern New Hampshire with 22 miles of trails, bog, marsh, riparian environments, two high ropes courses, a climbing tower, 60-acre pond, nearby mountains, and all the essentials to deliver outstanding programming. In addition to the School Program, we conduct a 7-week Adventure Camp, conference and corporate programs, and family vacation weekends. Responsibilities include recruiting, hiring, training and supervising seasonal staff, working with returning schools (90%) and recruiting new ones to fill the school calendar. Additional duties include managing the day to day operation Monday through Friday, developing new lessons and activity policies, presenting slide shows to students, parents and teachers, on-call duty averaging one night a week, and coordinating residential needs with housekeeping, maintenance and food service. Requires a self-starter with high energy and stamina to motivate large, youthful staff of instructors. Program knowledge in both adventure-based and environmental education a must. Master’s degree with interest in teaching and training college level students preferred. Salary: Mid $30’s with full Boston University benefits, including tuition remission. Contact: Boston University Sargent Center for Outdoor Education, Rob Rubendall, 36 Sargent Camp Road, Hancock, NH 03449. Email: Close Date: September 15, 2006. Outreach Coordinator - Each year Earthwatch Institute awards fellowships through a competitive application process to individuals interested in participating on Earthwatch expeditions. Fellowships are made available to educators, students, community members, corporate staff, and other key stakeholders across the United States and abroad. Working under the direct supervision of the Director of Education, and working closely with the Development and Marketing Departments, this person will lead Earthwatch Institute’s outreach and recruitment efforts for the fellowship program. This individual will be responsible for traveling nationally to develop networks and relationships with key constituencies in targeted communities. The individual will run workshops, give presentations, attend conferences and facilitate other aspects of outreach in an effort to promote Earthwatch Institute and increase applicant pools for a large portfolio of fellowship opportunities. The ability to take initiative, clearly communicate and steward important organizational relationships, and ensure fellowship awards meet and exceed required grant deliverables will be key components of this position. Please indicate job title in subject line of email. Send cover letter and resume to; fax 978-897-0935; mail HR Earthwatch Institute, P.O. Box 75, Maynard, MA 01754-0075. No phone calls please. Close Date: September 19, 2006. Mountain School Instructor - North Cascades Institute seeks two highly qualified educators to serve as Mountain School Instructors for its award winning residential Mountain School program. Through hands-on experiential based curriculum, Mountain School Instructors will introduce students, elementary through high school, to the unique and exciting natural and cultural history of the North

Cascades. Mountain School Instructors will lead small field groups through exploration activities and hikes on the trails around the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center during the day and facilitate fun, educational skits, songs and activities for students in the evenings. Contact: North Cascades Institute, Attn: Julie Toomey, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Middle School/Teen Outdoor Adventure Groups - Under the supervision of the Teen Program Coordinator this position provides structured programming and activities for middle school age youth (primary ages 12-15) and some older teen (15-19) after school, MPS Off days, and on some weekends. Programming utilizes an Outdoor Adventures focus and incorporates concepts of a positive Youth Development model. Contact: Neighborhood House of Milwaukee, Inc., Attn: Debi Schwid, 2819 W. Richardson Pl., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Director of Outdoor Education - The Outdoor Education Director promotes, schedules, and contracts all schools including school visitations and maintaining of a healthy relationship with teachers and administrators. The Director hires all seasonal Naturalists (approx. 12), oversees all curriculum and program development, and facilities, and is responsible for creating and managing an annual budget. Oversees Assistant Director who helps oversee Naturalists who lead outdoor-based education classes, Bible studies, campfires, ropes course activities, off site beach and redwood field trips, and helps assist with other activities. Contact: Mission Springs Christian Camps and Conference Center, David Notar, 1050 Lockhart Gulch Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Email: Close Date: September 15, 2006. Environmental Education Assistant - Duties include presenting environmental education programs to classes of school-age children, parents, and community groups. The program content includes water, watersheds, Lake Whatcom Management, urban streams/stormwater and services provided by the City of Bellingham. Programs are provided at the Environmental Learning Center, Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment Plants, schools, Whatcom Falls Park, and other facilities as assigned. Other special environmental education projects and community programs may be included along with development and maintenance of educational materials and props. Potential for some exhibit work and special events exists. The environmental educator may assist with promotion and publicity of programs. Qualifications: Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25. Qualified applicants will have experience and training in environmental education, computers, Internet use and some classroom teaching. College graduates are preferred. Interested persons should submit a cover letter, resume and contact information for three references: Education Team, Environmental Resources, Public Works Department, City of Bellingham, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA 98225. Voice: 360-676-6961 ext. 357. Close Date: Until Filled. Field and Cabin Instructor - Camp Highland searches for individuals with a passion for working with children and a deep concern for the Earth. Join a closely knit and supportive staff team and teach a sense of community, responsibility, and sustainability in a relaxed atmosphere. Watch yourself grow as an individual and a teacher as you learn about this amazingly diverse area, develop and research your own lesson plans, design work projects, and share ideas with your peers. As great as Camp Highland is, it is not an easy job. Teaching young people is a challenging experience, and you must have stamina and a positive attitude to effectively teach them. You will be a full staff member, and that means helping to maintain program equipment and the camp. At Camp Highland we work hard and play hard, always maintaining the emphasis on fun and safety. Qualifications: BA/BS in a related field; quality experiences working with students in the outdoors; First Aid and CPR certified, and the ability to pass a fingerprint background check. Our program is forward thinking, flexible and dynamic and we need coworkers with similar traits. You must be a tolerant individual who reacts to situations and people positively. Work with 5th and 6th graders from around Southern California, teaching them about the world and their connection to it, theirselves, and each other. Take students on hikes and work with them on our high challenge course. If you enjoy impacting young lives while securing the respect and value of our earth, give us a call! Camp Highland Outdoor Science School, Brett Tillman, 10600 Highland Springs Ave., Cherry Valley, CA 92223. Email: Close Date: September 1, 2006. Manager - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a Manager, Inventory Forecasting and Buying. Specific responsibilities include: Accountability for the dollar purchase planning, forecasting and acquisition of all merchandise inventories. Maintains planned levels for all physical inventories. Continually analyzes sales and places re-orders to maximize sales revenue. Qualifications: BA in Marketing or Business Management with thorough knowledge of retail and mail

order inventory control and purchasing techniques. 6 years experience in mail order environment is required, including 2 years in purchasing at a management level. Previous experience in a manager and ability to work in a team environment. Knowledge of Ecometry and strong analytical skills. Experience working with 3rd party fulfillment and with overseas buying (communications). Please apply online at Close Date: September 12, 2006. Education Coordinator - Plans, organizes, develops and teaches water awareness, education and conservation programs to elementary and secondary schools and community groups; develops program designs and curricula; markets and publicizes programs to community and public agencies; coordinates and conducts educational tours of the District’s recycling plant; oversees services and contracts to implement programs; and represents the District on committees and at professional organizations. $46,309 - $78,717 annually depending on qualifications. Contact: West Basin Municipal Water District, Arlene Berman, 17140 S. Avalon Blvd, Ste 210, Carson, CA 90746. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Assistant - Assists the Environmental Education Coordinator with the presentation and evaluation of EE programs to elementary school students. Includes both on-site and outreach programs. Coordinates and supervises volunteer leaders. May assist with other programs as needed. Desired qualifications: bachelor’s degree in education, natural resources, or related field. Illinois drivers license will be required. Contact: Anita Purves Nature Center, Nadine Schmitz, 1505 N. Broadway, Urbana, IL 61801. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Intern - A one or two semester internship is available at the Manhattan Country School Farm, the rural campus of a New York City independent elementary and junior high school. The farm is located in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. Urban students participate in farming, study the natural surroundings of the farm and learn to live together as a community. The Environmental Education Intern will work as a member of a team of veteran farm educators. In addition to participating in the curriculum, the intern will also be able to conduct research in an area of his or her interest related to the MCS Farm program. In exchange for residency in the farmhouse and some student supervision, plus teaching duties and a research project, the intern will receive room, some board and a monthly stipend. Applicants are preferred to have completed one or more years of undergraduate study, have an interest in teaching children about their environment, and possess a valid driver’s license. Please send resume and letter of interest to: Ginny Scheer, Farm Director, Manhattan Country School Farm, Roxbury, New York 12474. 607-326-7049. Close Date: September 8, 2006. Naturalist - Needed at the Glen Helen Ecology Institute, Ohio-There are still a few positions available for this upcoming fall semester in the Naturalist Internship program at the Glen Helen Ecology Institute. In addition, we are actively recruiting for spring 2007 interns and for the 20072008 academic year. Length of stay is 4 to 6 months with possible promotion as an Administrative Intern. Positions are open until filled, and preference is given to early applicants. Qualifications: >High energy level >Strong love for nature >Enjoys working with children >Minimum of two years college. Responsibilities >Teach environmental education to visiting school groups as part of the School Camp program >Lead educational hikes that focus on: Environmental problem- solving, Geology, Raptor ecology, Living history, stream study and other related topics. Location: 1,000 acre nature preserve of protected forests, wetlands, prairies, valleys carved by glacial melt waters, cascades, and a natural spring for which the neighboring village is named. Facilities: a small museum, staff housing, day lodge, and nationally recognized raptor rehabilitation center. Transportation is the responsibility of interns, the village is within walking distance. We can not host children or pets. Although interns are accepted from all over the world, fluent English skills are necessary. Benefits include: >Earn 10 graduate or 12 undergraduate credits through Antioch College >Opportunity to work with birds of prey >Tuition waived for duration of internship >$260/ month stipend >Room and board, including vegan friendly meal options. To apply, visit: and download an application form. Return completed form to Beth Krisko, Director of Residential Programs (EM: bkrisko AT, 1075 SR 343, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Close Date: Until Filled. Conservation and Service Corps Director - Conservation and Service Corps Director needed for SAGA, a 20 year old non profit organization based in Juneau, AK. SAGA operates two corps programs, the Serve Alaska Youth Corps and the Alaska Service Corps. The programs provide experiential education/training, and service opportunities to young adults who work in teams on public lands throughout the state. The Corps Director oversees both programs, a six person staff, and operations that engage 100 participants working

in teams spread over an area 1/5 the size of the continental U.S. S/he serves as a highly visible community spokes person and works directly with Corps staff and participants; negotiates with public land and other agencies; ensures that the goals of accomplishing productive work and developing young adults is achieved; and is responsible for the effective management and continued healthy growth of the program. Bachelor’s degree (experience can substitute) and 5 years experience. The position is fulltime with benefits, and open for immediate hire. The Corps Director reports to the SAGA Executive Director. The salary range is $3,800-$4,200 DOE. Please email or send a resume with three references to Joe Parrish at:, or P.O. Box 33037, Juneau, AK 99803. Phone 907-790-6403. Further information and full job description is at www.servealaska. org. Close Date: October 26, 2006. Farm Bill Outreach Coordinator - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a dynamic and dedicated organizer to serve as Farm Bill Outreach Coordinator. This person will have the opportunity to: design and implement key-states grassroots and media outreach campaigns focused on farm bill conservation and energy issues and emphasizing building coalitions of active sportsmen and women, outdoor enthusiasts, and wildlife watchers; speak at events, workshops and conferences to promote National Wildlife Federation’s conservation message and train grassroots activists; develop and maintain grassroots outreach written communications, and; help recruit, contract and train short-term regional Outreach Coordinators. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required, wildlife or natural resources focus preferred; A minimum of 3 years relevant professional experience; outstanding written and oral communications skills; Experience/training in grassroots organizing; attention to detail, ability to multitask, and adeptness at working with people from a broad variety of backgrounds a must; some travel required. Please apply online at Close Date: September 25, 2006. Natural Areas Instructors - Downers Grove Park District is seeking part-time Natural Areas Instructors to teach environmental education programs at Lyman Woods and Belmont Prairie, and to staff the Lyman Woods Interpretive Center. Contact: Downers Grove Park District, Shannon Forsythe, 2455 Warrenville Rd., Downers Grove, IL 60515,. Email: Close Date: September 1, 2006. Conservation Corps Member - Conservation Corps Individual Placement (Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust/WA DNR/WCC). 40 hours/week, starts ASAP. Temp., full-time, 12 mo. AmeriCorps position. Position based at Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah, WA. 9-10 hr workdays, regular weekend volunteer events. Multiple 4 & 8-day “spike camp” projects in late spring and summer. High physical demand; must have ability to hike to semiremote worksites, carry heavy loads, move rocks, work in all weather, etc. Primary Responsibilities: Work with other staff, the public and independently to complete environmental restoration including: tree planting, invasive weed control, logging road removal, erosion control/slope stabilization; Work with other staff, the public and independently to complete trail maintenance and trail construction; Work with hand tools and power equipment; Represent the Greenway, DNR and WCC by leading volunteer events and providing public education. Please see website for more information and required qualifications. To apply, please send a current resume and cover letter describing your past experiences as they relate to the position to: doug.schindler@mtsgreenway. org. Email responses are preferred, but hard copies will also be accepted. Close Date: Until Filled. Seasonal Educator - As a seasonal educator, you will be responsible for preparing and teaching environmental education programs to all ages at our center, in local elementary schools, and at other sites on a daily basis. Programs are taught both indoors and outdoors. You will be responsible for animal care and maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the sanctuary. This position will provide you with great teaching experience, naturalist training, many rewarding experiences and networking opportunities, and an understanding of how a non-profit organization works. Pickering Creek Audubon Center is dedicated to community-based conservation of natural resources through environmental education and outreach on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Serving over 16,000 visitors each year from nine different Maryland counties, Pickering Creek Audubon Center’s school and community programs give the public an opportunity to experience the wonder of nature and gain a better understanding and appreciation for the land. $200 per week plus housing. Contact: Shannon Gordon, Pickering Creek Audubon Center, 11450 Audubon Lane, Easton MD 21601-5211. Email: Close Date: September 1, 2006. Park Naturalist - Under direction, conducts programs designed to inform the public of the historical, natural, and scientific features of the park system or a particular park; does related work as required. Plans daily, weekly, and monthly work programs. Gives advice and assistance

Academic to the general public in the use of the park system and available facilities. Conducts tours, lectures, and classes. Interprets ecology, history, and allied natural sciences to the general public and school children in the field and in the classroom. Qualifications: Bachelor’s in Natural Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Conservation or related field. Vallid driver’s license. Contact: Hunterdon County Parks Department, Attn: Jen Wanisko, Chief Naturalist, PO Box 2900, Flemington, NJ 08822. Email: jwanisko@co. Close Date: Until Filled. Teacher/Naturalist - Echo Hill Outdoor School is a residential experiential education school located in Worton, Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. As a community of educators we take responsibility to create a climate of freedom and growth through sharing a safe, fun, educational experience in the outdoors. The School provides a general outdoor education program to students from grades three through eight on a weekly basis. Additional programming is offered to younger children, high school and college students, and adult groups. The program focuses on three major curriculum areas: (1) science and watershed ecology; (2) individual and group development (adventure education); and (3) history and the human environment. Responsibilities: Teach a variety of field classes, supervise residential life of student groups, debrief weekly programs, and assist with special events. Requirements: Residential positions are available for individuals with initiative, motivation, energy, creativity, and commitment. Background in education, recreation, environmental education, adventure learning, psychology, natural sciences, marine biology, or other related fields. Experience working with and relating well to students of all ages. Potential for ten month contract. Starting salary $185 -$230 per week. Contact: Echo Hill Outdoor School, 13655 Bloomingneck Rd., Worton, MD 21678. Email: jobs@ehos. org. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Fall Naturalist - The Manzano Day School is a private elementary school located in Albuquerque, NM. Fenton Ranch is their environmental education program which all students participate in. Fall naturalist duties include: leading activities; teaching 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about water quality, geology and birds; supervising activities; participating in campfire programs. Qualifications: experience working with elementary children, enthusiasm, strong work ethic, ability to work independently and in a team. Please send resume via email to cnesbitt@manzanodayschool. org. If you have any questions please call or email Carolyn Nesbitt at 505-829-3621. Close Date: Until Filled. Outdoor Science School Instructor - Our residential science program serves visiting 5th and 6th grade students from Orange, LA, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. We have 5 beautiful San Bernardino Mountain locations in sunny southern California. You would work Mon-Fri with a group of 5th or 6th grade students acting as both counselor and teacher. Instructors get to teach a variety of earth sciences while out on the trail, eat at all meals with the kids, sleep in the cabins with them, and get them to all activities on time. You’ll get to lead songs, be in skits, and even dance! Qualifications: Experience working with children age 10-12 preferred, some college coursework in Natural Sciences a plus, ability to work in all weather conditions, a desire for growth and professional development, and a LOVE for the outdoors and children!!! These kids need this experience... come be a part of an amazing program and learn more about yourself than you ever thought you could at a job! Contact: OCDE – Inside the Outdoor, Renee Allison, Outdoor Science School, 1833 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, CA 92359. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Environmental Educator - Instructors needed for a marine science based program located on a Georgia barrier island outside of Savannah. Position runs from early Sept. to mid May. Responsibilities include teaching daily, animal care, and some camp support work. Onsite housing and meals provided. Please send resume with 3 references either via email or snail mail. Contact: Paul Coote, Burton 4-H Center, 9 Lewis Ave., Tybee Island, GA 31328. Email: paulc@uga. edu. Close Date: September 1, 2006.

When applying for a position listed, please tell them you saw it in the

publications. Send a curriculum vitae, transcripts, three representative publications, descriptions of research interests and teaching philosophy, and three letters of reference to: Dr. Jack Jones, Chair, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, 302 ABNR Bldg., University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. (EM: jonesj AT, PH: 573-882-3543). Close Date: October 10, 2006.

Assistant/Associate Professor – Alabama. Auburn University’s School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences invites nominations and applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor Human Dimensions of Natural Resources. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position, with 70% research and 30% teaching responsibilities. The successful candidate is expected to develop a significant research program through active pursuit of extramural funding, recruitment of graduate students, and publications in high-quality refereed journals. The successful candidate is expected to develop at least one undergraduate course and one graduate course focusing on human dimensions aspects of natural resources. PhD required, with extensive training and/or experience in human dimensions issues related to natural resources. Candidates with research/ teaching interests focused on human dimensions aspects of non-timber values, recreation, wildlife, urban sprawl, and/or forest fragmentation are highly desirable. Candidates with a demonstrated commitment to interdisciplinary research are preferred. The incumbent must demonstrate a proficiency in research, attraction of extramural funding, and publication in high-quality refereed journals. The candidate selected for this position must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States and be able to effectively communicate in English. For additional information contact: Dr. David Laband, Chair, Search Committee, phone 334-844-1074, fax 334-844-1084, or e-mail: Close Date: September 1, 2006. Assistant Professor - Tenure-track position in Animal Conservation Biology. Ph.D. in conservation biology, zoology or other appropriate sub-discipline required by 7/31/07. Preference given to applicants who have demonstrated a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate level, post-doctoral experience, and a strong background in the use of integrative methods. Duties may include teaching in area of specialization and/or introductory biology; developing undergraduate and graduate courses in area of specialization; scholarly activities; advising; supervising undergraduate and/or Master’s research; serving on Department and University committees; and community service. Submit CV; all transcripts; email addresses and telephone numbers of three references; and statements of teaching and scholarly interests. Applicants must also have three letters of recommendation sent to: Nick Ewing, Chair, Biological Sciences, California State University, Sacramento, CA 95819-6077. Website: The complete announcement can be found at http://www.csus. edu/bios/jobs/Animal_Conservation_Biologist.html. Close Date: September 15, 2006. Assistant Professor - The Department of International Development, Community, and Environment (IDCE) at Clark University seeks to fill two tenure-track positions in International Development and Social Change to begin Academic Year 2007-08. One of these positions will be filled at the assistant professor level and one will be filled at the associate professor level. Significant field research and/or applied experience in developing countries is essential. Ph.D. or equivalent in any relevant discipline is required. Discipline and area are open: we expect to hire one individual with experience in Africa and one individual with expertise in another geographical area. Candidates should be able to teach courses supporting graduate level programs in international development, as well as undergraduate courses. Primary areas of expertise should include two or more of the following: involuntary migration, environment, humanitarian assistance, food security, gender and development, community participation and empowerment, non-governmental organizations, conflict/post-conflict and development, and health. Applicants should show a strong commitment to working collaboratively ithin a crossdisciplinary program. Application should include curriculum vitae, a list of references, and a detailed statement of interest including research foci and teaching philosophy. These should be sent electronically to or mailed to Chair, ID Search Committee, IDCE, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610. Close Date: October 1, 2006. Assistant Professor - The University of Missouri seeks a 12-month tenure-track faculty member specializing in avian ecology and conservation. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an applied, nationally/internationally recognized, externally-funded research program that complements institutional strengths in the ecology of forest birds and waterfowl. Expectations are to mentor graduate students, teach Ornithology and Terrestrial Ecosystems Management at the undergraduate level and a graduate course related to her/his expertise. Qualifications - A Ph.D. with an emphasis in wildlife conservation, postdoctoral experience, and a strong record of peer-reviewed

Dean - Colorado State University invites nominations and applications for appointment as Dean of the world renowned Warner College of Natural Resources. The ideal candidate will be a strong leader who is dedicated to the advancement of the research, educational, and outreach mission of the College and University. The Dean serves as the principal administrative and academic officer of the College, reporting to the Provost/Senior Vice President, and provides leadership in establishing a strong vision for the College and implementing a strategic plan to achieve that vision. The successful candidate will have successfully accomplished increasingly complex goals and objectives through which high-level leadership, promotion of diversity, communication, vision, and management skills will be evident. An earned doctorate degree in a Natural Resources discipline or related field; Evidence of the talent and commitment to serve as an advocate for the Warner College of Natural Resources; Knowledge of the broad diversity of fields within the College, including the nature, value, and interrelationships of the represented disciplines; An outstanding record of achievement in research and teaching that merits appointment as full professor in one of the College’s academic departments; Evidence of commitment to K-16 collaboration; and a management style that is inclusive and empowers others to succeed, fosters respect, builds pride in the accomplishment of shared goals, and feeds upon two-way communication. For more information or to apply, please contact Dr. Sandra Woods at CNRDean@engr. Close Date: September 15, 2006. Aquatic Community Ecologist - West Lafayette, IN. Purdue University invites applicants for a tenure-track, academic-year position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Aquatic Community Ecology. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a research program that emphasizes quantitative approaches in understanding the structure, function, and dynamics of aquatic communities in freshwater ecosystems. Possible focal areas include trophic food web structure and dynamics, stream or large river ecology, and ecology of lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. The successful candidate will teach the ichthyology portion of Ecology and Systematics of Fish and Mammals, participate in Natural Resources Practicum, and develop upper-division undergraduate/graduate courses in freshwater ecology and an area of specialization. A Ph.D. in fisheries biology, ecology, or a related field, with disciplinary expertise in quantitative approaches to community research in riverine, lake, and/or reservoir ecosystems. Expertise in community level interactions of freshwater fishes such as predator-prey dynamics, trophic food-web dynamics, and/or effects of aquatic nuisance species is desired. Contact: Trent Sutton at Close Date: September 5, 2006. Assistant Professor - 9-month tenure track. Qualifications: 1) PhD completed by August 2007 in discipline related to duties 2) One advanced degree in communications, human dimensions, public relations, or closely related field with research emphasis in environmental communication. DESIREABLE CRITERIA 1) Potential for excellence in teaching and advising in topics related to position 2) Ability to develop environmental communication outreach program 3) Publications in refereed, scientific periodicals on issues related to environmental communication and other areas with focus on natural resource communication 4) Ability to secure funding and build domestic/international research program. Duties: 1) Develop/teach courses in environmental communication and other concentrations in the department 2) Advise undergraduate/graduate students 3) Coordinate environmental communication curriculum 4) Establish program of domestic/international research activities, including support for graduate students 5) Participate in professional, university, community service. Send vita, official transcripts from all universities, representative publications, examples of outlines from courses taught, a list of four references (one of whom was your Ph.D. adviser), and a statement of interest that includes your outlook for combining philosophy of teaching with your research and scholarly work in this field. Letters of recommendation should include discussion of your potential for teaching and advising excellence at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Faxed applications NOT acceptable. Contact: Department of Natural Resource, Recreation, and Tourism, 233 Forestry Building, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 805231480. Email: Close Date: October 1, 2006. Dean - Colorado State University invites nominations and applications for appointment as Dean of the world renowned Warner College of Natural Resources. The ideal candidate will be a strong leader who is dedicated to the advancement of the research, educational, and outreach mission of the College and University. The Dean serves as the principal administrative and academic officer of the College, reporting to the Provost/Senior Vice President, and

provides leadership in establishing a strong vision for the College and implementing a strategic plan to achieve that vision. The Dean oversees a budget of approximately $9 million per year, plus external research contracts totaling approximately $43 million in annual expenditures. Additional information about the Warner College of Natural Resources can be accessed at The successful candidate will have successfully accomplished increasingly complex goals and objectives through which high-level leadership, promotion of diversity, communication, vision, and management skills will be evident. The successful candidate will have: An earned doctorate degree in a Natural Resources discipline or related field; Evidence of the talent and commitment to serve as an advocate for the Warner College of Natural Resources; Knowledge of the broad diversity of fields within the College, including the nature, value, and inter-relationships of the represented disciplines; An outstanding record of achievement in research and teaching that merits appointment as full professor in one of the College’s academic departments;Evidence of administrative and leadership effectiveness at the level of dean, department head, program director, or equivalent; Excellent organizational, planning, supervisory, and problemsolving skills; Demonstrated ability to make decisions in a fair and equitable manner; Evidence of commitment to diversity as a core value; Proven ability to relate effectively to a wide variety of people of diverse backgrounds, including an understanding and respect for cultural, ethnic, and individual differences; A management style that is inclusive and empowers others to succeed, fosters respect, builds pride in the accomplishment of shared goals, and feeds upon two-way communication; Evidence of commitment to K-16 collaboration; A holistic and innovative vision for a natural resource college in a land-grant university; Demonstrated success in development activities to support the educational and research enterprises; and Strong communication skills. Nominations should be received by August 30, 2006. Applications should include a brief statement expressing the applicant’s educational and administrative philosophy and addressing the position and qualifications; a current resume; and the names, addresses, telephone and e-mail addresses of five (5) references. References will not be contacted without prior consent of the applicant. All applications or expressions of interest will be handled confidentially until the short list of individuals to be invited for on-campus interviews is announced. Please provide this information electronically or direct inquiries to: Dr. Sandra Woods, Search Committee Chair, Dean, College of Engineering, Campus Delivery – 1301, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1301. Phone: 970-491-3366. Fax: 970491-5569. E-mail: Close Date: September 15, 2006. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology - School of Integrative Biology – University of Queensland – St Lucia. The School of Integrative Biology provides unique opportunities for study or research in plant and animal biology with research programs spanning ecology, molecular plant sciences, marine biology, insects and parasite interactions, and genetics & evolution. The School wishes to recruit a Plant Ecologist with expertise in any area of plant ecology. While our search is broad, we are interested in individuals that utilize genetic tools in their research and that complement our existing strengths in genetics, development and whole-organism ecology/evolution. Laboratory facilities and a competitive start-up package will be available. The successful applicant will be required to deliver undergraduate lectures at all levels, supervise graduate students, and contribute to the administration of the School. Applicants must possess a PhD and have a demonstrated capacity to establish links with industry and government agencies to develop an externally funded research program in the area of their specialty. An outstanding publication record is essential. This is a continuing, full-time appointment at Academic Level B/C. The remuneration package will be in the range of AU$74,533 to AU$88,508 (Lecturer level B) or AU$91,303 to AU$105,277 (Senior Lecturer level C) including employer superannuation contributions of 17%. Obtain the position description and selection criteria online or contact Ms Monique Atwell on +61 7 3365 7946 or . Contact the Head of School, Professor Scott O’Neill on +61 7 3365 2471 or to discuss the role. Send applications to Human Resources Officer, Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072 Australia or Reference Number: 1028305. Close Date: September 29, 2006. Plant Ecologist - The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA invites applications for an open rank, tenure-track, faculty position in Plant Ecology, which is one of several anticipated hires in the next few years. The expected start date is September 2007. Candidate must have a Ph.D.; postdoctoral experience is desired. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Successful candidates are expected to participate in both undergraduate and graduate teaching, to contribute to the intellectual activities of the department, and to maintain an externally funded research program. UCLA has outstanding academic support for faculty, including access to the UC Natural Reserve System, the Institute of the Environment, the Center for Tropical Research, the NSF Center for Embedded

August 2006

Career Changers & Support Networked Sensing (CENS), and the NSF Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM). Interested applicants should submit a CV, statements of research and teaching interests, and names and addresses of three references online at Please use the following job number: 0830-0607-01 in all correspondence. Please contact Search Committee Chair Phil Rundel ( for additional information. Close Date: September 30, 2006. Professor – Walnut, CA. Teach lecture, laboratory, and field courses primarily in Geology, Earth Science, and Oceanography that include components of meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. Participate in curriculum development and serve on College committees as necessary to maintain and improve the instructional program; participate in appropriate professional development activities. Perform related duties as assigned, including timely compliance with clerical and administrative responsibilities; comply with College and division policies in the performance of duties. Maintain scheduled office and campus hours; participate in department and division meetings. Instruct and assist in the growth and success of a diverse population of students through careful preparation of course materials, effective teaching methodologies and informed critical feedback on assignments and discussions. Late afternoon, evening and/or Saturday assignments may be required as part of the regular contract. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Geology, Geophysics, Earth Sciences, Meteorology, Oceanography, or Paleontology; OR Bachelor’s degree in Geology AND Master’s degree in Geography, Physics, or Geochemistry; OR Possession of a California credential authorizing service as an instructor in the appropriate discipline at the community college level. Commitment to the community college goals/objectives of providing quality programs and services for students with diverse abilities and interests; personal qualities to work effectively and sensitively in a multicultural environment; awareness and commitment to the special needs of non-traditional students. Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written English This position is a full-time, tenure track, ten-month contract position beginning with the regular academic year 2006-2007. Placement on the salary schedule is based on formal education, full-time and/or part-time teaching and related work experience, up to a maximum placement at step 9. Applicants must submit all of the following to be considered for this position: A Mt. San Antonio College faculty application form which may be obtained from or from the Office of Human Resources at (909)594-5611, ext. 4225; A cover letter indicating how qualifications and experience are met, and addressing the applicant’s philosophy of teaching; A detailed résumé that summarizes educational preparation and professional experience for the position; College and/or university transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable at the time of application); A minimum of three letters of recommendation which reflect current, relevant experience It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all required materials are received by the filing deadline. All application materials will become College property, will not be returned, will not be copied and will be considered for this position only. Send all application materials to: Office of Human Resources, Mt. San Antonio College, 1100 North Grand Avenue, Walnut, CA 91789. Close Date: Until Filled. Adjunct Professor - Position Start Date: September 1, 2006. Academic Field(s): Environmental Sciences/ Ecology/Forestry; Chemistry - Biochemistry, Analytic, General. The recently established, interdisciplinary Energy & Environmental Studies (EES) program at North Carolina A&T State University is a Ph.D. only program within the School of Graduate Studies. Core research capabilities of the EES program include bioremediation, chemical remediation, biofuels/biomaterials, and climate change sensor technology. The EES program invites applications for a full-time (12 month), non-tenure-track faculty position in energy and environmental laboratory instruction. The position will be filled at the Adjunct Assistant or Associate Professor level. This position will have instructional, research, and administrative responsibilities. Instructional responsibilities will include developing and teaching the laboratory component of core EES courses. This position will work closely with faculty and graduate students in the EES program to support the analytical needs of energy and environmental related research projects. This support will include responsibility for sample integrity, documenting analytical standard operating procedures, documenting maintenance procedures, supervising graduate students in carrying out analytical methods and techniques, and equipment and methods design and development for laboratory and field experiments. This position will serve on thesis and dissertation committees and initiate grant applications and serve as a Co-PI on research and educational grants with other faculty. This position will be responsible for managing and supervising a campus-wide Energy and Environmental Lab. Minimum qualifications include an earned M.S. degree (Ph.D. preferred) in analytical/environmental chemistry, biochemistry, or a related area and energy or environmental related research experience. Troubleshooting capability in HPLC, GC, GCMS, NMR, ICP, and GPC desired. Experience with extraction techniques from environmental samples is also desired. This

person must be able to work effectively with faculty, graduate students, purchasing officials, vendors, and physical plant personnel. The person also must have a general knowledge of federal and State laws and regulations covering health and safety, property records, radioactive, and biohazardous substance use and disposal. Applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to quality teaching and research. Contact (send resume): Keith Schimmel, Director Energy & Environmental Studies, Energy & Environmental Studies, North Carolina A&T State University, Bluford Library, Suite 100, Greensboro, NC 27410. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Professor in Environmental Soil Science - Fargo, ND. General duties and responsibilities include conducting field and laboratory research into the impacts, processes, and conditions of the soil environment and training students in practical methods for investigating and evaluating soil environmental conditions. Specific duties and responsibilities will include the development of a nationally recognized environmental soil science research program. The successful candidate is expected to collaborate with other members of the Soil Science Department, the School of Natural Resource Management, the Department of Geosciences, and other members of the university to provide expertise relating to the role of soils in environmental processes. The candidate is also expected to pursue grant opportunities at the local, regional, and national level; to teach undergraduate courses as required in environmental soil science; to develop and teach at least one graduate level course in soils and environment; to collaborate with local, state, regional and national research, service and regulatory agencies; and to respond to service requests from growers, industry, extension, and local, regional and state committees. Qualifications: A Ph.D. degree in soil science, or closely related discipline from an accredited institution with experience in environmental research is required. A demonstrated ability to conduct research and disseminate the results in leading academic journals is expected. The successful candidate should have superior verbal and written communication skills. Also, the candidate should have experience at the graduate or post-graduate level in one or more of the following areas: biogeochemistry, hydrology (e.g., wetland processes), soil atmospheric emissions (e.g., fugitive dusts), habitat restoration/ mined land reclamation/ range and wild land, environmental processes in pedology, bioremediation, and soil ecology. The candidate should have demonstrated excellent teaching abilities. The ability to work collaboratively with a range of research scientists from the environmental and natural resource management arenas is necessary. Preferred: Preferred qualifications include experience in conducting both field and laboratory research; practical experience in environmental consulting; success in obtaining extramural funding; and demonstrated skills in research dissemination to diverse audiences (e.g., commodity groups, environmental groups, production agriculture groups). Competitive salary, employer-participant TIAA and CREF retirement; paid annual and sick leave; paid disability, group health and life insurance are also provided. Submit: 1) a letter of application discussing how the stated qualifications are met, 2) a detailed curriculum vitae, 3) official transcripts from all institutions attended, and 4) arrange to have three letters of reference sent to: Dr. Frank Casey, Chair of Search Committee, Department of Soil Science, PO Box 5638, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105–5638. Phone: 701-231-8577, Fax: 701231-7861. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Professor - The Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management ( invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, to start July 1, 2007. Applicants should possess a PhD or have completed all requirements for the degree by the time of appointment. Although the initial appointment will be without tenure, we encourage candidates who are currently assistant professors to apply. We seek a scientist who is committed to research and teaching that brings the models, methods, and data of political science to bear on human-environment relations. The successful candidate will become a major player in the Bren School’s research cluster on Governance for Sustainable Development and take an interest in collaborating with colleagues working in the areas of Environmental Economics and Corporate Environmental Management. Strong preference will be given to candidates whose existing or emerging research program engages with one or both of the School’s research clusters dealing with the Sustainable Management of Water Resources and Ecological Sustainability. The successful candidate will have demonstrated skill in identifying and using methods suitable for the study of problems arising from human/environment interactions and is likely to have a high level of competence in statistical and quantitative methods. Send applications to: Political Science Search Committee, Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131; e-mail ; fax (805) 8937612. Electronic submission of the application as a single package is highly desirable and must include a curriculum vitae, names of three references, a statement of research interests and teaching experience, and copies of up to three publications or research papers. Applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference emailed to the Search Committee. We encourage applicants who would like to

discuss the position at the 2006 APSA Conference to contact Professor Lorelei Moosbrugger (moosbrugger@polsci.ucsb. edu) before August 1st to arrange for a meeting. Close Date: September 1, 2006.

Project Manager - Non-profit marine conservation organization, Blue Ocean Institute (BOI), seeks a fulltime Project Manager for our From Sea to Table seafood education program. Our pioneering project translates indepth scientific research and complex information about ocean wildlife, fishing, and aquaculture, into accurate and easy to understand materials to assist seafood consumers, purveyors, and chefs in selecting ocean friendly fish and shellfish. Our seafood rankings are based on the best available science and derived through our cutting-edge robust quantitative scoring system. Project manager will work to build components of the program. This position entails strategic thinking, overseeing research, building and managing a seafood education program for culinary schools, creating new outreach materials, partnering with other non-profits as well as businesses, and publicly raising the profile of From Sea to Table, as well as contributing to other programs and BOI as a whole. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Environmental Management or equivalent, with focus on marine conservation and fisheries management, or related field. Coursework or experience in marine policy. Work experience in marine or coastal conservation organization or agency; Publishing in peer-reviewed journal or other publications strongly desired but not essential. Skills: Successful candidate will have strong writing, speaking, and organizational skills; creativity and ability to meet deadlines. Should be familiar with fishing and aquaculture, and issues of the environment. Strong desire to make a difference is essential. Position to be based at Blue Ocean Institute headquarters in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Compensation commensurate with experience. Interested applicants should send resume, well-crafted cover letter, and references via mail or email: Myra Sarli, Blue Ocean Institute, 250 Lawrence Hill Rd., Cold Spring Harbor (Long Island), NY 11724. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Office Manager – Texas. The Nature Conservancy, in cooperation with the Department of Defense, is conducting research on two federally endangered songbirds, the Golden-cheeked Warbler and the Black-capped Vireo. Both species have suffered serious population declines due to habitat loss and cowbird parasitism. Primary responsibilities include tracking expenditures and ensuring compliance with budgetary limits and terms of cooperative agreement; preparing employment paperwork for new and seasonal employees; identifying supply and equipment needs and specifications, and purchasing office and field materials; assist Project Director with fiscal control and review; perform other administrative office duties. The Office Manager is supervised by the Fort Hood Project Director, supervises an Administrative Assistant, and may supervise volunteers. 1. High school diploma, a Bachelor’s degree is preferred. Minimum of two years office experience. Computer literate with word processing, data entry, management, and analysis experience. Experience with FrontPage, Excel and financial/accounting software packages. Excellent organizational skills and an ability to pay attention to detail, set priorities, organize time efficiently, and work on several projects at once. Very good oral and written communication skills. Excellent interpersonal skills, pleasant personality, and positive attitude. Reliable, self-motivated, and able to work independently and as a member of a team; with a demonstrated ability to learn new skills and procedures quickly. Demonstrated commitment to the mission, goals, and core values of The Nature Conservancy. Must perform all aspects of job in accordance with The Nature Conservancy Policies and Procedures, and values. Please submit a cover letter, resume and a list of at least three references to the above address. Electronic and faxed applications accepted. Please submit a cover letter, resume and a list of at least three references to Human Resources, The Nature Conservancy, P.O. Box 5190, Fort Hood, TX 76544. Close Date: August 31, 2006. Internet Marketing Manager - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization that is passionate about protecting our wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking an Internet Marketing Manager with an entrepreneurial spirit who will: increase acquisition and retention of members, driving larger and more frequent donations and generating more online activism; lead the development of our Internet and Intranet enhancements, ensuring the use of “best practices” ; manage web reporting activity; analyze online user behavior to continually increase revenue. Qualifications:

Bachelor’s Degree. 5 years combined marketing and management experience, including 3 years Internet fundraising experience; proven ability to exceed fundraising goals; advanced quantitative and analytic skills; experience with high net worth donors, senior staff and community leaders. Please apply online at Close Date: Until Filled. Account Coordinator - National Wildlife Federation, America’s conservation organization passionate about protecting wildlife for our children’s future, is seeking a responsible professional for assisting the Director and team members in developing, managing and maximizing relationships with NWF’s existing Cause Marketing partners. Qualifications: Undergraduate degree. 3 years relevant work experience; Proficiency in Microsoft Office. Detail oriented with strong communications skills. Ability to organize multiple projects, thinks creatively, have strong interpersonal skills, enjoy interacting with people, be upbeat, and have a positive approach. Please apply online at www. Close Date: Until Filled. Web Information Coordinator - The Wildlife Conservation Society, a U.S. based international organization, seeks candidates for a two-year, New York-based position to coordinate and advise the Wild Bird Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS), a two-year, USAID-funded program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. GAINS will provide technical support and leadership in surveillance of migratory birds for avian influenza by expanding operational understanding of viral strains and transmission of influenza viruses and improving dissemination of information to all levels of the U.S. Government, international governments and organizations, international partners, and the private sector. The Web Information Coordinator will assist the Data Management Specialist (DMS) with establishing, managing, and coordinating the main GAINS website as well as possibly additional sites. Qualifications: Strong web development background, with 3 years of experience setting up and managing multiple websites; Extensive computer software experience; understanding of a variety of web development languages is required; Excellent verbal, editorial and written communication skills (a writing sample will be required); Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment; Demonstrated excellent organizational and multi-tasking abilities; Interest/experience in wildlife conservation or related field. To apply, please send cover letter and CV to and Close Date: Until Filled. Junior Graphic Designers - EGAD is looking for talented, experienced and qualified individuals to join the team that creates exciting, world class, and award winning exhibits at the Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium. WCS is the conservation organization that is a leader in innovative exhibitry, interpretation, and zoo and aquarium design. Working primarily from the Bronx Zoo, the successful candidates will become integral to the planning, design, and production of our new exhibits in the New York area and through conservation programs worldwide demonstrating proficiency and expertise. Work experience related to zoos, museums, themed attractions or theater is preferred. For more information visit our website: wcs. org. *Positions are per diem. Mail cover letter and resume to: Wildlife Conservation Society, Exhibition and Graphic Arts Department/GD, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460. No calls, please. Close Date: Until Filled. Volunteer Coordinator - The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo Education Department is seeking a Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for the recruitment, training, and assignments of over 200 volunteers at the Bronx Zoo. Major duties include, but are not limited to the following: recruits and interviews and new volunteers; coordinates and functions as facilitator/trainer for annual docent training sessions; interacts with departments to assess upcoming needs for volunteers/docents; schedule docent/volunteer work assignments which include school group tours, VIP tours, biofact carts, exhibit mini-talks, assist education department staff with programming, special events, etc.; Serves as a liaison between docent group and staff/administration; Performs other administrative duties including publishing a quarterly volunteer newsletter, overseeing monthly Liaison Committee meetings, budget management, maintaining program database and producing reports. Successful candidate must possess a Bachelor’s degree, four years experience with a volunteer organization, knowledge of animals, ecology and science, and outstanding communications skills. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Don Lisowy Curator of Education, Bronx Zoo, 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx Zoo 10460. Email: Close Date: Until Filled. Program Manager - The Living Landscapes Program was established to help capture what we do in the field, accelerate the diffusion and adoption of best practices within and outside the institution. The Program is seeking a Program Manager to assist in establishing program priorities, strategies, and approaches; provide support for project development, implementation and monitoring; coordinate financial, technical, and administrative support for various field projects; and facilitate communication and

Career Changers & Support coordination among projects and between WCS and other institutions. Qualifications: This position requires a M.Sc. degree in natural or social sciences, or a field relevant to conservation of natural resources. The successful applicant must have understanding of conservation issues and project administration experience. Excellent skills in writing, editing, oral and interpersonal communication. Computer literacy in word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software. Benefits package includes full medical/dental coverage, 3 wks vacation, 401k, pension, tuition reimbursement and on site parking. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume w/cover letter include salary history and requirements to: copy to Type LKLP2 in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Administrative Assistant - The Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo seeks an experienced administrative assistant for the Living Landscapes Program. Responsibilities: first point of contact for inquiries to the Living Landscapes Program from field staff, other departments, and the general public; sort and screen incoming correspondence; and perform day-to-day word processing and editing of proposals, minutes, and reports. Applicants must be articulate, highly organized, and selfmotivated with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to prioritize, multi-task, and work independently. Requirements: BA degree, excellent written skills and proficiency with MS Word, Excel, and database management. University admin or non-profit exp. a plus. Interest or background in wildlife conservation an asset. Benefits include medical/dental coverage, 3 wks vacation, 401k, pension, tuition reimb and on site parking. Salary range $25-30K commensurate with experience. Send resume w/cover letter include salary history and requirements to: Type LKLP1 Close Date: Until Filled. Data Entry Assistant - The Wildlife Conservation Society, a U.S. based international organization, seeks candidates for a two-year, New York-based position to coordinate and advise the Wild Bird Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS), a two-year, USAID-funded program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. GAINS will provide technical support and leadership in surveillance of migratory birds for avian influenza by expanding operational understanding of viral strains and transmission of influenza viruses and improving dissemination of information to all levels of the U.S. Government, international governments and organizations, international partners, and the private sector. The Data Entry Assistant will assist the Data Management Specialist (DMS) and the Web Information Coordinator with data entry and administrative support. Qualifications: BA or BS with clerical and office administration experience; Demonstrated data entry experience and attention to detail; Computer software experience with Microsoft Office, but preferably with Adobe, Quark, and Macromedia Dreamweaver as well ; Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment; Demonstrated organizational and multi-tasking abilities; Interest/experience in wildlife conservation or related fields. To apply, please send cover letter and CV to and Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Supervisor (Membership Sales) - WCS seeks a strong, creative, energetic salesperson to oversee onsite Membership sales at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island. Qualifications: Candidate must have proven track record of meeting revenue targets through successful sales; high school graduate or equivalent; BA/BS preferred; 2+ years experience in retail or other sales environment; strong organizational skills; ability to work independently and to manage a sales team; proficiency with Microsoft Excel; outgoing, with strong customer service orientation; interest in WCS mission; must be available to work weekends; some travel to central office at Bronx Zoo required. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits package includes full medical/dental coverage, generous vacation, 401k, pension, tuition reimbursement and on site parking. Send resume w/cover letter to include salary history and requirements to: Type LKMS 2 subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Manager (Membership Sales) - WCS seeks a strong creative, energetic leader to oversee team responsible for all on-site Membership sales at all of its zoo and aquarium locations throughout NYC. Qualifications: candidate must have proven track record of meeting revenue targets through successful sales and management of a sales team; BA/BS; 4+ years experience in retail or other sales environment; strong management, organizational and communications skills; ability to develop/monitor budget, with strong math/computer (Excel) skills; outgoing, with strong customer service orientation; interest in WCS mission; must be available to work weekends; drivers license required. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits package includes full medical/dental coverage, generous vacation, 401k, pension, tuition reimbursement and on site parking. Send resume w/cover letter to include salary history and requirements to: Type LKMS 1 in subject. Close Date: Until Filled. Project Manager - The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Exhibition & Graphic Arts Department (EGAD) is looking for two Project Managers. The ideal candidates will have

a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Architecture, and 7—10 years of professional experience that includes 3 years experience as a Project Manager. Knowledge of and experience in construction methods and systems is required. Experience managing budgets and schedules, and project planning, is essential. Must be proficient in AutoCAD and Microsoft Office Suite. WCS is the conservation organization that is a leader in innovative exhibit design, interpretation, and zoo and aquarium design. Working primarily from the Bronx Zoo, the successful candidates will become integral to the planning, design, production, and management of our new exhibits and facilities in the New York area and in conservation programs worldwide. For more information visit our website: Benefits include medical/dental, 401K, 3 wks vac. Interested candidates send cover letter and resume with salary history to: The Wildlife Conservation Society, Human Resources, Box STPM, 2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10460 or Close Date: Until Filled. Program Assistant - The Wildlife Conservation Society, a U.S. based international organization, seeks candidates for a two-year, New York-based position to coordinate and advise the Wild Bird Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS), a two-year, USAID-funded program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. GAINS will provide technical support and leadership in surveillance of migratory birds for avian influenza by expanding operational understanding of viral strains and transmission of influenza viruses and improving dissemination of information to all levels of the U.S. Government, international governments and organizations, international partners, and the private sector. The Program Assistant will provide administrative support to the GAINS Coordination Team as well as the GAINS Data Management Unit. Qualifications: Clerical and office administration experience; Computer software experience with Microsoft Office, but preferably with Adobe, Quark, and Macromedia Dreamweaver as well. Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment; Demonstrated organizational and multi-tasking abilities; Interest/experience in wildlife conservation. To apply, please send cover letter and CV to and Close Date: Until Filled. Program Coordinator - The Wildlife Conservation Society, a U.S. based international organization, seeks candidates for a two-year, New York-based position to coordinate and advise the Wild Bird Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS), a two-year, USAID-funded program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. GAINS will provide technical support and leadership in surveillance of migratory birds for avian influenza by expanding operational understanding of viral strains and transmission of influenza viruses and improving dissemination of information to all levels of the U.S. Government, international governments and organizations, international partners, and the private sector. The GAINS Program Coordinator will assist GAINS Program Manager in the organization and management of the GAINS Coordination Team and the GAINS Data Management Unit. Qualifications: Minimum Bachelor of Science in biology or related field and 3 years of experience working in conservation and/or non-governmental organization; Knowledge of or strong interest in wildlife conservation; Office administration experience; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Demonstrated organizational and multi-tasking abilities; Demonstrated ability work in a team environment ; Computer software experience with Microsoft Office, Adobe, Quark, and other relevant programs (or willingness to learn); Strong interest and commitment to wildlife conservation, and; Desired familiarity with USAID. To apply, please send cover letter and CV to and Close Date: Until Filled. Data Management Specialist - The Wildlife Conservation Society, a U.S. based international organization, seeks candidates for a two-year, New York-based position to coordinate and advise the Wild Bird Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS), a two-year, USAIDfunded program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. GAINS will provide technical support and leadership in surveillance of migratory birds for avian influenza by expanding operational understanding of viral strains and transmission of influenza viruses and improving dissemination of information to all levels of the U.S. Government, international governments and organizations, international partners, and the private sector. The program requires a Database Management Specialist who will be responsible for analyzing and managing avian influenza data from several parties; helping the COP to implement program priorities and approaches; integrating efforts closely with FAO’s Wildlife Health Technical Advisor and managing a data support staff to provide open-access information on AI on a real-time website. This position is based at the WCS central office at the Bronx Zoo, New York. Education: Advanced degree in computer science or closely related field with emphasis on GIS for spatial analysis and mapping applications including understanding of relational databases. Extensive computer software experience; understanding of a variety of web development languages is required including ArcView, Access programs including cross-platform applications/communications. Minimum of 5 years experience in managing a database information

system or a participating in design or management of databases; Minimum of 5 years of experience managing staff and providing supervision and oversight to employees; Demonstrated ability to work with multiple partners on collaborative projects; Interest/experience in wildlife conservation or related field. To apply, please send cover letter and CV to and Close Date: Until Filled. Hospitality and Special Events Intern - Assist CVNPA development team in coordinating and executing fund raising events.Assist CVNPA development team with events related to development. Work with Special Events Coordinator on all events conducted at the CVNPA meeting and conference facilities. Serve as conference host for groups using the CVNPA meeting and conference facilities for meetings, conferences and “life events”. Design and distribute promotional materials for CVNPA meeting and conference facilities, CVNPA fundraising events and other CVNPA related materials. Minimum Qualifications: Associates or bachelor’s degree required, preferably in a hospitality management, PR/marketing, communications or environmental field. Excellent communication skills are required to effectively present, and respond to, information to public groups, visitors, management and staff. Moderate computer skills required. Contact: Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association, Martha Zelinski, Special Events Coordinator, 1403 W. Hines Hill Rd., Peninsula, Ohio 44246. Email: Close Date: September 26, 2006. Central Data Manager - The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is seeking a skilled professional to plan and carry out comprehensive GIS and data management tasks. The Central Data Manager for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) will be responsible for the maintenance of a custom GIS-based data system (Biotics) which houses locations of rare species and natural communities in Pennsylvania. This information is linked to a number of web applications, including an environmental review search interface used by the public. The position will be based in Harrisburg, PA. The ideal candidate will have at least a 4-year degree in biological sciences, geography, computer science or a related field and at least one year’s professional experience. Must have extensive knowledge of GIS and database management systems, preferably in two or more of the following: ArcGIS/ArcView 3.x, Oracle, ArcIMS, and MS Access. Must have good organizational skills, with meticulous attention to detail. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. Please send a letter, resume, and salary requirements by 25 August to: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Nancy Bassett, SPHR, Senior Director of Human Resources, Box R, Mill Run, PA 15464. Email: Close Date: August 25, 2006. Recruitment and Hiring Director - Recruiter wanted for SAGA, a 20 year old non profit based in Juneau, AK that provides experiential education and training to young people through statewide programming. The position is responsible for overseeing recruitment and hiring for staff and National Service members working/serving in SAGA’s four programs: Serve Alaska Youth Corps/Alaska Service Corps, Young Alaskans Building Affordable Housing (YABAH), Connections (individual AmeriCorps placements), and the Eagle Valley Training Center. These four programs provide services statewide and engage 17 permanent staff, and 100 National Service members who provide programming to over a thousand participants. SAGA’s mission is to; “Improve Lives, Lands, and Communities throughout Alaska” while helping people make the connection between what they learn and how they live. Bachelor’s degree (experience can substitute) and 2 years professional experience in recruiting, public relations, human resources. The position is fulltime with benefits, and open for immediate hire. The Recruiter reports to the Executive Director. The salary range is $2,800$3,300. Please email or send a resume with three references to Joe Parrish at:, or P.O. Box 33037, Juneau, AK 99803. Phone 907-790-6403. Further information and full job description is at www.servealaska. org. Close Date: October 6, 2006.

a Salesperson for their Austin / Round Rock distribution center. Landmark is a wholesale nursery (10acres) and grower providing plant material and supplies to landscapers and other nurseries. Duties will include: scheduling deliveries, management of 20+ employees, interaction with customers, yard / outside sales. Competitive salary and benefits package. For information, contact Kyle Letbetter at 512-251-9238 or fax resume to 512-251-7117. Close Date: Until Filled. Office Assistant - Assist with registration for environmental education programs, preparation of quarterly catalog and flyers, support services for education director and naturalist/teachers. Experience required with Word, Excel, database entry. Frequent contact with program participants and parents. Work in an historic mansion in a 40-acre nature sanctuary in the heart of Chevy Chase, Maryland. Friendly staff, casual dress. Contribute to important conservation and environmental efforts in the Washington, DC area. 20 hours/week. Contact: Audubon Naturalist Society, 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Project Manager - Ecosphere Environmental Services: Ecosphere is a full service environmental consulting firm with two offices operating in the Four Corners region since 1982. Ecosphere has extensive experience in compliance and reporting associated with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Clean Water Act (CWA). Regulatory compliance services associated with oil and gas development comprise a regular component of our projects; however, Ecosphere maintains a very diverse client base and provides a broad scope of services. Ecosphere is looking for a qualified person to manage environmental/natural resource projects in their Farmington, New Mexico office, including workload distribution (> 200 projects annually), staff support, technical review and quality control, work closely with clients (private, government, industry) and regulatory agencies to complete a variety of environmental services (refer to for a list of services). Provide staff mentoring. Responsibilities also include project management; biological field investigations and technical report writing; business development and proposal writing; general oversight of daily office equipment needs and staff schedules; regularly organize staff meetings; regularly communicate and work closely with business owner, bookkeeper, and other upper-level staff. B.S. or B.A. (M.S. strongly preferred) in environmental science/ natural resources/biology or related field; minimum 3-5 years professional experience; demonstrated experience in related field/capacity; demonstrated ability to manage people and multiple projects; technical writing and editing skills; highly organized; possess people skills and ability to work in a team environment; previous experience with NEPA process; previous environmental consulting experience desired; previous experience with or knowledge of oil and gas industry a plus; computer software proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook required (GIS/ARCView a plus). Please send cover letter, resume/CV, and 3 references to: Mike Fitzgerald at, or Jennifer Zahratka at Close Date: Until Filled.

Office Manager - Manage office at non-profit environmental organization. Oversee registration for environmental education programs, prepare quarterly catalog and flyers, supervise office assistant and receptionist, provide support for education director and naturalist/teachers. Experience required with Word, Excel, database entry, and Pagemaker. Strong organizational skills required. Frequent contact with program participants and parents. Work in an historic mansion in a 40-acre nature sanctuary in the heart of Chevy Chase, Maryland. Friendly staff, casual dress. Contribute to important conservation and environmental efforts in the DC area. Attractive benefits. Send resume and three references. Electronic submission preferred. Contact: Audubon Naturalist Society, 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Email: Close Date: August 31, 2006. Salesperson - Landmark Nurseries, Inc. is currently seeking

August 2006

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