GreenEarth Cleaning System
1. GreenEarth® is odorless (circle one)
True False
2. GreenEarth® is essen9ally made of which of the following A) water B) pure liquified sand C) hand cream
3. List the 3 benefits of GreenEarth® for your customer’s clothes. ___________________,________________________,__________________________
4. Name three examples of personal care products we use that contain the base ingredient of GreenEarth® ___________________________, ________________________________, ________________________
5. List two of the reasons why GreenEarth® good for the earth. ___________________________,_________________________
6. Now that your store is offering GreenEarth®, what advantages does it give your store & your customers? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any ques9ons? If yes, fax them to GreenEarth® 816‐926‐0754 or email marke&ng@greenearthcleaning.com