Greene's Events - Vitor Pomar Exposition
The Exposition "Mind in Cave - 21 paintings and some drawings", of Vitor Pomar will be filling the rooms at Greene's Tutorial College Estoril on the 15th September 2017. This Exposition will be open to public during the following months, however, subject to previous confirmation. To schedule a visit please contact: 00 351 925 882 491 - Vitor Pomar's first works date from the early seventies. “For long years” (more precisely between 1988 and 1999), seeking a coherent view of the world and of the practice of art (...) led me, on the one hand to suspend (...) all and any creative practice and, on the other hand it allowed me to meet some of the best spitiyual masters still alive at the beginning of the nineties”. These are the words of the artist (...) Important: The descriptions and translation into English of ‘Mind in Cave’ have been provided by Vitor Pomar, from text written by Maria Filomena Molder .