Green Eugene - Feb.

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In Oregon, it’s a privilege that we can buy and use cannabis legally, but there are limits to how much we can indulge. Serious repercussions like felonies, fines and jail time could happen if someone is caught breaking cannabis laws. It’s the responsibility of consumers to know how to use cannabis lawfully. A list of laws for recreational users is for protection and education while enjoying cannabis.

How much cannabis a person can possess: Personal possession limits in public is one ounce of usable marijuana. Always carry I.D. with proof of age if you plan on carrying cannabis in public. At home, people can have eight ounces of flower, 16 ounces of solid edibles, 72 ounces of liquid edibles and five grams of concentrates.

Growing in your home: Residents are welcome to grow up to four cannabis plants and possess up to ten seeds. Plants must be kept out of sight from the public. Regardless of how hidden away plants might be, any residence that is 1,000 feet from a school is forbidden to grow.

Smoking in Public: Consuming cannabis in public spaces is illegal. More discrete ways like vaping or taking an edible are just as illegal. It’s unlawful to smoke inside a bar or restaurant because they are considered public spaces. The Indoor Clean Air Act limits smoking and vaping inside public spaces and workplaces. Cannabis can only be consumed at home or on private property.

National Forests are off limits: Until marijuana is legalized federally, cannabis is illegal on national forests, national parks, national monuments, military bases, federal courthouses and other federal lands. Being in Oregon makes possession legal, but federal lands in Oregon are off limits. Legislation has been passed to decriminalize marijuana in 2019, but it’s a slow and uncertain process to legalize. | 26

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