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Greene County Takes On Challenges To Advance Into The Future
SUN FILE PHOTO This undeveloped property at the former Greene Valley Developmental Center is now under local control of the Greeneville, Tusculum, Greene County Industrial Development Board.
Mayor Kevin Morrison A dvancing with vision in a challenging environment might very well characterize Greene County’s perspective position today from just one year ago.
Despite the continued challenges and surges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Greene County accomplished a great deal since last year’s publication of “Perspectives,” with the main focuses being broadband, Greene Valley property action, water and sewer infrastructure, business and industry recruitment and retention, and long-range vision and planning.
On the subject of broadband, the county saw the initiation of a collaborative plan with the Town of Greeneville and the Greeneville Energy Authority to maximize the use of available infrastructure grant dollars to partner and deliver broadband internet across Greene County.
We see this one endeavor as a game-changer to take Greene County to the next level of competition for business and industry recruitment, education delivery and improvement, local economic development growth, and overall improvement in our community’s quality of life through diversifi ed jobs with growing wages.
We took aggressive action to secure and develop property at Greene Valley.
Leaders of the Town of Greeneville, City of Tusculum, and Greene County, along with David Hawk, our state representative, and our State Sen. Steve Southerland, worked a plan and held many discussions with Governor Lee, multiple state commissioners and agency leaders to make this our No. 2 pick for advancing Greene County.
This action establishes local control over the future destiny of most of the land there.
Ongoing ideas and discussions are optimistic that a TCAT (Tennessee College of Applied Technology) will be constructed there. Governor Lee’s budget, if passed, earmarks nearly $30 million for this technical education center project that would serve the region and fi ll a much-needed role in the training of service and technology jobs.
The county committed to improving water and sewer infrastructure.
With the announcement of the federal government’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA funds), Greene County has vigorously sought to parlay the original $13.5 million allocation it received into larger amounts of available funds for use on aging and insuffi cient utility water lines.
To guide and entice counties and municipalities, the state government is making more grant funding available for these types of specifi c projects. So far in 2021-2022, Greene County has committed suffi cient funding as a percentage match to get an additional $7.7 million for these water and sewer projects.
Once again, we feel these commitments enhance Greene County’s economic development position now and in the future, with a specifi c vision to capture revenue along Greene County’s portion of Interstate 81.
We forged ahead when it comes to businesses and industry expansion, recruitment, and retention.
Cooperation and collaboration between the municipalities and Greene County, combined with the relentless, proactive enthusiasm of the Greene County Partnership, has resulted in nearly 10 major new businesses and industries or expansions across the county.
Our leaders have carefully evaluated the “good growth” needed and wanted for investment in Greene County, and this evaluation is providing diversity in our economy that provides a measure of protection when the overall economy weakens in the future.
We have made strides in our long-range vision and planning for the future of Greene County.
Greene County has aggressively pursued available grant funding in several areas.
These available monies have been invaluable to help upgrade critical services like turnout gear for our volunteer fi re departments; replace aging equipment like ambulances, HVAC units, security equipment, etc.; assisted in service delivery effi ciencies at Solid Waste, transfer station operations and recycling; and enhanced courthouse security with technology that provides for remote arraignments.
This focus on longrange vision and planning resulted in the county’s ownership of the former Takoma Hospital for use as an administrative offi ce complex.
The 110,000-squarefoot facility acquired for just $30 per square foot is being renovated to provide much needed space to multiple departments, especially the Sheriff ’s Offi ce, and once completed it will provide for the consolidation of multiple offi ces into one space. This will reduce the fi nancial burden of maintaining multiple facilities, while providing fl exibility for an ever-increasing inmate population.
Leaders are in discussions to perhaps off er space for some Town of Greeneville government functions to serve the public better and more conveniently.
Greene County has made numerous smaller, but just as important strides, as it looks toward a bright future including managing revenues and resources responsibly to maintain Greene County’s strong fi nancial position, maintain facilities, replace equipment when needed, enhance pay and incentives for our employees, and continue to provide reliable, effi cient, and eff ective services to the best residents in the state.
Kevin Morrison is the mayor of Greene County.
The former Takoma Hospital building was purchased by the Greene County Government in August 2021. It will serve as the new Greene County offi ces complex.
Benchmarks F Story Index
Greene County Takes On Challenges To Advance Into The Future ....................................2 Greeneville Sets Goals In New Strategic Plan ......................................................................3 Partnership Finished 2020, Started 2021 Strong ................................................................5 Greeneville Light And Power System Is Ready To Take On The Future .............................7 Water Commission Working To Rehabilitate Entire Sewer System ...................................8 Greene County Schools ‘Guide, Cultivate, Succeed’ ............................................................9 Greeneville City Schools Can Be Proud Of Challenging Year ............................................10 Many Recent Changes In Higher Education Here To Stay ...............................................12 Greene LEAF Supports Technology, Literacy, Arts In Greene County Schools ................14 GCSEF Celebrates 25 Years Supporting Greeneville City Schools .....................................15 Tusculum University Values Its Role In The Community .................................................16 Plenty Of History To Experience In Greene County ...........................................................17
Benchmarks F Advertisers Index
Antiques Guide ..................................................................................................................16 Baileyton Guide .................................................................................................................16 Business & Service Guide .............................................................................................. 6 & 7 Childhood Education Guide ...............................................................................................17 Church Guide .................................................................................................................4 & 5 Clubs & Organizations Guide ............................................................................................12 Dance & Gymnastics Guide ...............................................................................................16 Financial Guide ..................................................................................................................20 Golf Course Guide ..............................................................................................................10 Local Business Guide .........................................................................................................19 Oil & Lube Guide ...............................................................................................................12 Reader’s Choice Awards Guide .............................................................................13, 14 & 15 Real Estate Guide .........................................................................................................8 & 9 Security & Communications Guide ....................................................................................11 Wedding Guide .................................................................................................................... 3