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in all Endeavors is the motto that frames this work. During the past year, Greeneville City Schools experienced success in these areas.

The GHS Pride of the Devils Band fi nished seventh in the Division II State Marching Competition, its highest fi nish to date. The GHS Chorus had 19 upperclassmen eligible for the All-East Honor Choir including two alternates. This is the highest number from any school in East Tennessee.

The GHS Boys Basketball team won the TSSAA Class AA Basketball State Championship. The GHS Wresting Team recently won the TSSAA Class A Traditional State Wrestling Championship. The GHS Boys and Girls Soccer teams were both TSSAA state semifi nalists in their respective classes.

The GHS Air Force Junior Reserve Offi cers Training Corp (AFJROTC) recently completed their annual inspection and earned an overall result of “Exceeds Standards.” This is the highest rating attainable.

Greeneville Middle School had two student artists whose work was accepted into the 16th Annual East TN Regional Student Art Exhibition at the Knoxville Museum of Art. The GMS Baseball team was a TMSAA state semifi nalist.

These are a few of the outstanding performances by our GHS and GMS teams and does not begin to touch the numerous individual performances and accolades received by our students.

These are only a few highlights of the many ways that all Greeneville City Schools educators overcame the challenges to provide a high-quality educational experience for all students. I am extremely proud of each educator for their dedication and hard work during a year like no other we have experienced.

Steve Starnes is director of Greeneville City Schools.

Greeneville High School biology students participate in water quality research in Richland Creek in 2021.



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