IN THIS ISSUE • Stepping forward with practical climate action • Updates from our forests in NSW, Qld, SA, Vic • Environment or economy: it’s all one world • Inspired to invest in Australian green • Before & After pictures of one of our forests, your forest
8,561,000 native trees planted in 405 AUSTRALIAN biodiverse forests
Stepping forward
with practical climate action
Progress isn’t always linear. Sometimes, it can be a matter of two steps forward, one step back. This has certainly been the case with climate change policy. In recent years, we’ve seen oscillation on everything from fixed price emissions trading schemes to renewable energy targets. We’ve seen policy seesaw at the local, state, national and international levels. It’s not surprising that many people feel disengaged and disempowered. But Greenfleet is focused on the long-term. Indeed, any organisation that covenants forests for 100 years must be. Greenfleet’s approach to offsetting carbon emissions empowers people to take practical action to address climate change, and invests in the long-term green infrastructure that is crucial to our nation’s future. This green infrastructure is biodiverse, local and native: a symbol of our adaptive future, but also well-placed to thrive today. We have more than 400 forests that are growing even now. While we are proud of our achievements and the partnerships that have enabled us to plant more than 8.5 million trees, we have an ambitious strategic agenda for the coming years, and we are committed to working hard to connect people and organisations concerned about climate change with investment in native forests. This is practical action on climate change at its best. This practical action extends to examining new business models, hosting events and forums to strengthen our
engagement with our valued partners and landholders, and raising our voice in the national policy debate. We are also eagerly looking to expand our focus beyond the ‘green carbon’ captured in native forests to the ‘blue carbon’ found in mangroves, seagrasses and salt marshes – coastal vegetation that sequesters carbon up to 100 times faster and more permanently than native trees. We aim to assist the important research needed to make blue carbon a reality in the future. While the repeal of the carbon pricing mechanism may be a step back, I firmly believe that it will be the impetus for many organisations and individuals to take two steps forward. As a Greenfleet supporter, landholder, stakeholder or partner, you can be proud of the way you are taking action to address climate change while planting forests for our future, and we encourage you to tell your friends and families, colleagues and clients how they can step forward too.
Wayne Wescott | Greenfleet CEO Follow me on Twitter: @waynewescott
Cover page and above: Remnant Yellow Box in our young forest ‘Tram’ in Central Victoria, photo taken in Feburary 2014
Pimpama River Conservation Area
Great expectations for the great lakes Great Lakes x x
Lake Alexandrina
Sunday Morning Hills
More than 17,000 native trees have been planted in the Great Lakes district of NSW. Thirty-four different species of trees now cover 18.6 ha. We are collaborating with the local council to revegetate three main areas to restore the degraded land and improve water quality in the Wallamba and Myall Rivers which flow into the Great Lakes. The land is a wealth of natural assets, including state-listed endangered ecological communities and threatened species, including the Koala, the Wallum Froglet and the Black-necked Stork. This project underscores the role Greenfleet can play in improving water quality, as we bring revegetation to mainstream infrastructure planning.
High-flying leadership from Airservices Australia In July, a ‘crack team’ from Airservices Australia lent a helping hand in one of our native forests near Brisbane. After just one day of hard graft, 1,000 native trees were planted in our biodiverse forest in the Pimpama River Conservation Area. Government-owned Airservices Australia provides safe and environmentally-sound air traffic management and related airside services to the aviation industry. Airservices Australia directly operates and controls a variety of types of motor vehicles at sites across throughout Australia. Since Airservices Australia started offsetting its emissions in 2003, we’ve planted almost 60,000 native trees on the company’s behalf – the equivalent to removing 3,400 medium-sized cars from the roads for a year.
“Greenfleet has allowed us to take action to reduce the impact of our vehicle fleet by planting permanent forests. We receive periodic planting reports that detail the delivery of the Australian forests we’ve helped to fund, as well as information that has assisted us when forming environmental policy and making decisions regarding vehicle selection,” says Debra Robinson, Environment Specialist. “Our ongoing relationship with Greenfleet has also enabled us to engage with our staff in a more handson way. Staff participation in tree planting activities has proven to be a great way to build teamwork and to leverage environmental awareness.”
The sky’s the limit at Lake Alexandrina Adrenalin is no excuse for a supersized carbon footprint. In 2007, Greg Smith, owner of SA Skydiving, pledged to repay his company’s carbon debt by planting a tree at the drop zone for each thrill seeker that jumps. Greenfleet and Scouts Australia helped SA Skydiving honour this commitment by planting 19 ha of native trees across Greg’s 120 ha property. When Greg purchased the land, it was a “raw block of dirt with no power, no nothing”, he says. Today, it’s “very satisfying” to see the 30,000 trees revegetate the salt pans on the property. We were back in June to check on the forest’s progress – which is maintaining higher than typical growth rates. Some of the Pink Gum (Eucalyptus fasciculosa) and Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) have grown to six
metres, and the forest is now home to small birds, such as Willy Wagtails and Welcome Swallows. “The impact on my business hasn’t been in dollars and cents, but the people who jump here certainly notice the difference. The land looks better, it attracts more birdlife and animals, and while we’re still burning fuel, we feel good knowing we are part of the solution to climate change,” Greg says.
New day dawning at Sunday Morning Hills This year, we’re revegetating 180 ha of overgrazed land in Central Victoria, using 120 kilograms of native seeds, ranging from Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora) to Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha). Direct-seeding started in June, and will be complete by winter’s end. Located near Wedderburn, this new reforestation project connects with 830 ha already seeded by Greenfleet in the area. As they grow, these forests create a vital link between the remnant pockets of native bushland, allowing native wildlife to thrive. We’re hoping to see the rare Powerful Owl, the Brush-tailed Phascogale and the endangered Grey-crowned Babbler make a comeback to the region. Check out our video to find out how we operate on large projects like this one at Sunday Morning Hills: 5
From weeds to
Gunningbar, a yurt farm just north of Goulburn in NSW, had been ‘wall to wall’ Serrated Tussock for decades when landowners Mike and Judith Shepherd approached Greenfleet in 2006. The invasive weed was spreading to neighbouring properties and the threat of council fines loomed large. After acquiring a grant from the local council to address the tussock plague, the Shepherds worked with Greenfleet to plant an 18 ha site with native species. Follow up plantings were carried out in 2008 and 2011 to replace trees that hadn’t survived harsh drought. Today, eight metre high Black Sallee (Eucalyptus stellulata), Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora), White Gum (Eucalyptus rossii), and Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) trees provide shade and shelter for swamp wallabies and kangaroos. Woodland birds, especially Superb Fairy Wrens, Kookaburras and White Plumed Honeyeaters are making their homes in the forest, which, as it matures also acts as a carbon sink.
While the land is not tussock free (it has been sprayed since), the forest has stopped the spread of the noxious weed to neighbouring properties – and the threat of legal action from council has disappeared. “Council is happy that we took action, and the new native forest has improved our property,” Judith says. “As our business depends on our land for tourism, the investment in trees has been a good one. The forest features a variety of species - not just a monoculture – which makes the area more appealing for our guests who come to bushwalk.” With Greenfleet’s help, the Shepherds have protected their asset, reduced their risk and enhanced the local environment for customers who come to stay at Gunninbar.
Environment or economy: it’s all one world
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Creating the link
It’s easy to think that our investment in environmental sustainability must take a back seat while we get our economy back up to speed. But economic and environmental sustainability isn’t an subheading either/or equation. Aliquam scelerisque euwe nunc According to Toby turpis Liston, need auctor luctus purus suscipit. to havesed both.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique Liston runs Three Bridges, raising senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis some ofegestas. nation’s most prized
thoroughbred horses. Three Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus Bridges holds the record for selling iaculis et consectetur lorem dignissim. the expensive yearling in Crasmost a lobortis felis. Quisque ac est odio, quis aliquam neque. Australasia’s history – Maecenas Black eu est enim. Morbi nec felis justo. Nulla Caviar’s little brother – which bibendumfetched adipiscing recently $5ornare. million. Suscipit et, orus pharetra.
Liston’s property spans 650 ha Mauris Victoria’s in lectus euLodden mi sagittis tristique. along River. Since Quisqueover at nunc nunc in pellentesque taking theidfarm 2006, the semper. Vestibulum mattis elit laoreet Liston family has planted more than nisl placerat ultricies. 60,000 native trees across more Aliquam turpis eu nunc than 50 scelerisque ha. auctor sed luctus purus suscipit.
But far fromhabitant lockingmorbi up productive Pellentesque tristique senectus et netusthe et malesuada land, planting trees has fames helped the Listons get more out of their Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus land not less. iaculis–et consectetur lorem dignissim.
Cras a lobortis felis. Quisque ac est “Investing in ‘green infrastructure’ odio, quis aliquam neque. Maecenas eu has increased ourfelis farm’s est enim. Morbi nec justo. Nulla bibendum adipiscing ornare.
Sed faucibus – and ultimately our productivity
farm’s value,” Liston says. enim onsectetur metus, in imperdiet mollis vitae. Praesent commodo Three Bridges partnered with tincidunt orci quis fermentum. Greenfleet to reintroduce native Aenean quam dolor, porta ut vehicula treesluctus to create a 30Vestibulum metre vitae, ut quam. windbreak around the entirevel venenatis metus in arcu pulvinar property,diam provide shelter the venenatis dapibus. Nullafor facilisi. Cras id tellus in adipiscing horses, anderat, to remove carbon massa. Quisque pretium scelerisque from the atmosphere at the same malesuada. Quisque had iaculis accumsan time. The project tortor et volutpat. Maecenas cursus environmental drivers but clear tempus nulla eu luctus. economic benefits.
Praesent commodo tincidunt orci quis “While trees make the best fermentum.
windbreaks from an aesthetic
Aenean quam dolor, porta ut vehicula perspective, stack up vitae, luctus ut they quam.also Vestibulum financially, with the added benefit venenatis metus in arcu pulvinar vel of leavingdiam a legacy,” venenatis dapibus.Liston Nulla facilisi.
“The thoroughbreds raised at Three Bridges now have ample shelter around their paddocks from wind, rain and heat – which ultimately means we spend less
money on food and have topquality horses that are achieving some of the best sales results in the world,” Liston explains. Liston says the combination of Three Bridges’ farming practices and the natural shelter from the Cras id tellushas erat,reduced in adipiscing windbreak their massa. pretium annualQuisque feed bill by asscelerisque much as malesuada. Quisque iaculis accumsan 50 per cent. tortor et volutpat. Maecenas cursus
tempus nulla has eu luctus. The project also helped to combat soil erosion, improve Aliquam scelerisque turpis eu nuncthe healthsed of luctus the Lodden River and auctor purus suscipit. build a green assetmorbi that will be Pellentesque habitant tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames around for generations. ac turpis egestas.
In today’s tough economic
Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus climate, it’s understandable that iaculis et consectetur lorem dignissim. many of us would think that the Cras a lobortis felis. Quisque ac est health ofaliquam the economy is more eu odio, quis neque. Maecenas important than the health the est enim. Morbi nec felis justo. of Nulla bibendum planet. adipiscing ornare. Suscipit et, a orus pharetra. Mauris in However, healthy environment lectus eu miasagittis tristique.for Quisque is, in fact, prerequisite a at nunc id nunc pellentesque semper. healthy economy. As the people at Vestibulum mattis elit laoreet nisl Three placeratBridges ultricies.have found,
environmental imperatives are not in competition with economic considerations, but in fact integral. The choice between the environment and economy is a false dichotomy.
Graeme Jessup and Barbara Elkan have always been passionate about environmental issues, and when they embarked on a grand plan for their new home in Sydney’s Pittwater, the time was ripe for them to build their own version of a sustainable Australian home.
Inspired to invest in Australian green The couple, who have been offsetting their emissions with Greenfleet since 2000, have now contributed to the planting of 478 trees – equivalent to 103 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions – as evidence of their commitment to a small carbon footprint. When they sat at the drawing board to design their new home, green features were top of the list. The home incorporates smart, sustainable design, from orientation and natural ventilation that eliminate the need for airconditioning, through to solar
panels that generate 80 per cent of the home’s electricity. All appliances were chosen for their high energy efficiency rating, while the garage is home to a small diesel car that uses less than five litres per kilometre. “Offsetting our emissions with Greenfleet is convenient,” Graeme explains. “The website and the emissions calculator are easy to use, and cover all the sources of household emissions. We also like that Greenfleet is Australian. We’re keen to see the
revegetation of the Australian countryside, and Greenfleet has an impressive history of massive tree planting.” Each year, Graeme and Barbara open their home on Solar House Day so that others can see energy saving measuring in action. “Usually 50 or so people come to have a good look at the way we are tackling global warming, and we hope some of these people are inspired to invest in reducing their emissions,” Graeme says. As seasoned offsetters, the pair has learned through trial and error how to save energy and reduce their emissions, but their biggest tip is perhaps the most simple. “Just make a commitment,” as Graeme says.
Shout out to Smartsalary!
Teaming up to grow Australian forests
Local leadership, local action
We are proud to partner with one of Australia’s largest outsourced salary packaging companies, Smartsalary, to reduce the environmental impact of their leasing customers’ car travel.
Austin Health’s new workplace giving program, which enables staff to make regular donations from their pre-tax salary to plant native forests, does more than address climate change.
Smartsalary’s ‘Purple meets Green’ program, established in 2008, enables customers to make a fortnightly pre-tax donation to offset their vehicles. For $2.42 a fortnight – less than the cost of a cappuccino – Smartsalary customers have since offset a whopping 215,908 tonnes of carbon.
The program will also complement Austin Health’s sustainability objectives – which include offsetting vehicles with Greenfleet – while enhancing employee engagement and boosting employee morale.
Over the past decade and more, councils have played a major role in accepting climate change and taking local action – such as embracing energy efficient building, investing in education and awareness campaigns, and upgrading recycling systems.
The result? We are revegetating an equivalent area about five and half times larger than Melbourne’s CBD with biodiverse, native forests. Smartsalary, we salute you!
“Austin Health recognises that good environmental health supports better outcomes for our patients and our staff,” says Austin Health’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Brendan Murphy (pictured below). “Our sustainability team is continually looking for innovative ways to reduce our collective carbon footprint – and this new partnership with Greenfleet extends this commitment beyond our own backyard.”
Councils are also helping to build the forest infrastructure of our country by supporting Greenfleet. By offsetting their vehicle fleets with Greenfleet, more than 10 councils currently support new Australian native forests while reducing their total climate impact. Recently, Maroondah City Council renewed its carbon offset to capture under 1,000 tonnes of CO2-e produced by its fleet. We’ve been working together since 2003 to reduce Council’s impact and to date more than 31,200 native trees have been planted on the local community’s behalf.
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Shopping and fundraising for greenfleet at the same time
Quisque iaculis accumsan tortor et volutpat. Maecenas cursus tempus nulla eu luctus. Cras volutpat lacus et arcu faucibus eget dictum metus pretium. Aenean nulla velit, eleifend non scelerisque nec, dictum a ligula. Aliquam scelerisque turpis eu nunc auctor sed luctus purus suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed faucibus consectetur metus, in imperdiet enim mollis vitae. Praesent commodo tincidunt orci quis fermentum. Aenean quam dolor, porta ut vehicula vitae, luctus ut quam. Vestibulum venenatis metus in arcu pulvinar vel venenatis diam dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus iaculis et consectetur lorem dignissim. Europcar
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Quisque iaculis accumsan tortor et volutpat. Maecenas cursus tempus nulla eu luctus. Cras volutpat lacus et arcu faucibus eget dictum metus pretium. Aenean nulla velit, eleifend non scelerisque nec, dictum a ligula. Aliquam scelerisque turpis eu nunc auctor sed luctus purus suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada famesSed faucibus consectetur metus, in imperdiet enim mollis vitae. Praesent commodo tincidunt orci quis fermentum. Aenean quam dolor, porta ut vehicula vitae, luctus ut quam. Vestibulum venenati metus in arcu pulvinar vel venenatis diam dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus iaculis et consectetur lorem dignissim.
Need a daily environmental news fix? Quisque iaculis accumsan tortor et volutpat. Maecenas cursus tempus nulla eu luctus. Cras volutpat lacus et arcu faucibus eget dictum metus pretium. Aenean nulla velit, eleifend non scelerisque nec, dictum a ligula. Aliquam scelerisque turpis eu nunc auctor sed luctus purus suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed faucibus consectetur metus, in imperdiet enim mollis vitae. Praesent commodo tincidunt orci quis fermentum. Aenean quam dolor, porta ut vehicula vitae, luctus ut quam. Vestibulum venenatis metus in arcu pulvinar vel venenatis diam dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi ullamcorper libero eu lectus iaculis et consectetur lorem dignissim. Cras a lobortis felis. Quisque ac est odio, quis aliquam neque. Maecenas eu est enim. Morbi nec felis justo. Nulla bibendum adipiscing ornare. Mauris eu dolor sapien, hendrerit adipiscing lectus.
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Before and after pictures of the biodiverse forest Greenfleet planted in 2002 in the John Wilson Reserve, Brisbane, QLD
Level 3, 520 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Email: Web: Phone: 1800 032 999 12
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