Greenfleet's 2017 Annual Review

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A1 Waste Management ∙ AC DDC ∙ AdAudio ∙ Adopt and Embrace ∙ AJ Financial Planning ∙ Alert Electrical Group ∙ Allfire Design ∙ AllStrong Locksmiths ∙ Alpha Magnetics ∙ Anton Hartley Colour City Painting ∙ ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis ∙ Arnhem Bickley ∙ Atma Environmental ∙ Aussie Brewery Tours ∙ Austin Health ∙ Australia In Style ∙ Australian Greens ∙ Autopia Management ∙ Autopia Tours from Get Lost Travel Group ∙ ∙ Axios IT ∙ Barefoot Renovations ∙ Bassike ∙ Batch Brewing Company ∙ Bauen Projects WA ∙ Bayside City Council ∙ Bendigo Bank ∙ Beneau ∙ Benedict Industries ∙ Binleti ∙ Boat Club Adventure Cruises ∙ Brainstorm Productions ∙ Brandee Meier Photography ∙ Brochures DM ∙ Brooks Community Consultants ∙ Brown Brothers Waste Contractors ∙ Brunswick Traditional Chinese Medical Centre ∙ Bunch ∙ Business Fuel Cards ∙ Cabinet de Luxe ∙ Cagey’s Planet ∙ Campisi’s Continental Butchery ∙ Capital Transport Group ∙ Captain Cleanup ∙ Car Next Door ∙ Caraniche ∙ Cardlink Systems ∙ Carissa Hill ∙ Catalyst ONE ∙ Chapman Consulting ∙ Child Friendly Solutions ∙ Children of the Tribe ∙ Churches of Christ in Queensland ∙ Citipower and Powercor ∙ City of Casey ∙ City of Parramatta ∙ City of Whittlesea ∙ City Water Technology ∙ Citywatch Security ∙ Computershare ∙ Corangamite Catchment Management Authority ∙ CPB Contractors ∙ Craft International ∙ Crooked Compass ∙ CUB ∙ Currie Communications ∙ Curtin Student Law Society ∙ Dalton Consulting Engineers ∙ Data Runs Deep ∙ David Cherry & Associates ∙ Daylesford & Hepburn Mineral Springs Co ∙ DBY Plumbing & Gas ∙ Digicall Assist ∙ Dr Christos Pavlidis ∙ Dr G L Abbott ∙ Dungog High School ∙ Dynamic Web Solutions ∙ Earth & Energy ∙ Eastern Commercial Furniture ∙ Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation ∙ Ecodesign ∙ ecoDesign ecoPrint ∙ EcoLogic ∙ Ecoprint Supplies ∙ Ecosmart Ecology ∙ EcoTreasures ∙ Edible Eden Design ∙ Eggpicnic ∙ Elaeocarpus ∙ ELAN Essentials ∙ Elizabeth Andrews Corporate Catering ∙ Engage Consulting Group ∙ EnviroRisk Management ∙ Epuron ∙ Ethical Gallery ∙ Ethnic Community Services Cooperative ∙ Europcar ∙ Evolve Newcastle ∙ Fair Deal Property ∙ Farm Fresh Organics ∙ Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses ∙ Ficus Landscape ∙ First Ray ∙ Fraser Dingo 4wd Hire ∙ Fun Over Fifty ∙ FWCC AWPS ∙ Gearon Civil ∙ Gippsland Waste and Resource Recovery Group ∙ Global Ballooning ∙ Go West Tours ∙ GOLOG ∙ Gosford Irrigation & Water Solutions ∙ Gosford Micrographics ∙ Gourmet Pawprints ∙ Green Plumbing Solutions ∙ Greenamotive ∙ Groundtruth Mapping Systems ∙ Group Training Association of Victoria Inc. ∙ GT-Cars ∙ Hamilton Environmental Services ∙ Hansfap ∙ Hobart School of Iyengar Yoga ∙ House of Cards Espresso ∙ Impact Digital ∙ Impact Petroleum Solutions ∙ IN Group ∙ Interleasing ∙ IT Services Direct ∙ Jacks Five Foundation ∙ JB Hair Design ∙ Jewell Body Sculpting ∙ Keenway International ∙ Kent Relocation Group ∙ Kings Transport ∙ Kookaburra Coaches ∙ Kosciuszko Thredbo ∙ Kumho Tyre Australia ∙ La Biosthetique Australia ∙ La Trobe University ∙ Lady Elliot Island ∙ Lamaro Plumbing ∙ Land Assessment ∙ Landcom ∙ Landserv ∙ LeasePlan Australia ∙ Lightwire Australia ∙ Man With

A Van ∙ Marmalade Melbourne ∙ Maroondah City Council ∙ McCloud Shoes ∙ MCH Holdings ∙ MCO CSA ∙ Meritus Wines ∙ Metwest Engineering ∙ Mitch Strating Thermal Performance Assessments ∙ Momentum ∙ Monash University ∙ Montgomery Homes ∙ Mosman Council ∙ Mr John Tours ∙ Must Have Mustangs and Hire Cars ∙ Myrtle and Pepper Fine Chocolate ∙ NAOS Asset Management ∙ National Blood Authority ∙ New Zealand Motor Caravan Association ∙ Next Facilities Group ∙ NLC ∙ Northcote Bakeshop ∙ Northmost ∙ NPIplus ∙ Nth Degree Engineering Services ∙ NVT ∙ Oceania Tours and Safaris ∙ OfficeMax ∙ oils ain’t oils ∙ Oishi-m ∙ One Planet ∙ One Sustainability Services ∙ onedash22 ∙ Optima Audit ∙ Organic Capital ∙ Otways Indigenous Nursery ∙ Outdoor School Bogong & Fifteen Mile Creek ∙ Paper-Go-Round ∙ Paywise ∙ Peace Love & Vegetables ∙ Pengana Capital Group ∙ Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre ∙ QRMC Risk Management ∙ QSR International ∙ Qudos Bank ∙ RACV ∙ Rapid Construction ∙ Red Pony ∙ Renault ∙ Rhysco Electrical Services ∙ Robert Walters ∙ Rubicon Outdoor Centre ∙ SAS Institute Australia ∙ Scarab Rouge ∙ Scentcillo ∙ School of Earth & Environmental Sciences ∙ Scott Electrics ∙ Sea LIFE Trust ∙ Self Storage Plus ∙ Servcorp ∙ Smartsalary ∙ Snap Preston ∙ Solar Bins Australia ∙ Somewhere Unique ∙ Southern Exposure ∙ Southern IML Pathology ∙ Southern Rural Water ∙ Southern Secrets Personalised Tours ∙ Soxy Beast ∙ SPARTAN ∙ Splash Into... ∙ Splend ∙ Stows Waste Management ∙ Straddie Camping ∙ Stroud Homes Wide Bay ∙ Sure Gro Tree Max Australia ∙ Surface Coatings Association Australia ∙ Sydney Opera House ∙ Symbion ∙ Systems Pest Management ∙ Tangalife ∙ TASTE South Burnett ∙ Tech4Life ∙ Technical Software Solutions Australia ∙ Telstra ∙ The Australian Psychological Society ∙ The Bin Guys ∙ The CEO Circle ∙ The Diggers Club ∙ The Enviro Group ∙ The Maria Island Walk ∙ The Michels Group ∙ The Other Side Landscapes ∙ The Park Cafe Goulburn ∙ The Providore at Meletos ∙ The Walt Disney Company (Australia) ∙ TMK Consulting Engineers ∙ Tour Gold Coast ∙ Tourism Holdings ∙ Toyota Fleet Management ∙ TreeTop Challenge ∙ Treezy ∙ TT Logistics (Australasia) ∙ UCA Funds Management ∙ UFS Dispensaries ∙ Uniting ∙ Universal Power & Light ∙ University of Melbourne ∙ University of South Australia ∙ Upper Murray Health and Community Services ∙ Vaisala ∙ Vinetrekker Wine Tours ∙ Warrigal ∙ Waster ∙ Westcoast Indigenous Nursery ∙ WMC Public Relations ∙ Woven Image ∙ XPower ∙ YHC Lawyers

9.1+ million TREES PLANTED SINCE 1997

3+ million







20 years








From very humble but enthusiastic beginnings, and through considerable hard work by many people over the 20 years, Greenfleet has evolved and become a pre-eminent and highly regarded leader in the Australian and New Zealand voluntary carbon market, and climate action more generally. When an organisation survives and grows over twenty years, there are many people to thank for their contribution to its success too many to acknowledge individually. However, it’s appropriate to specifically acknowledge a few people: - Henry O’Clery, who was a driving force in founding of the Greenfleet organisation; - The stalwarts of our organisation, David Lamb and Tom Roper - they have been with Greenfleet since almost the beginning, and they are still active today and sit on our Board; - And, of course, a special acknowledgement to our loyal forwardthinking and environmentally concerned supporters, both individuals and corporates, who underpin Greenfleet’s success. Without their committed financial support, there would be no Greenfleet. Greenfleet’s core business is still planting trees to offset carbon emissions. However, the way Greenfleet goes about its business has changed significantly. The ability to move within a changing business environment (particularly as a not-forprofit) and to be successful, does not come by chance. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to also thank the current Board, management and staff, and our external advisors for their efforts over recent years in helping to prepare Greenfleet for the future.

Gunther Jurkschat | Greenfleet Chair

FOUR LEARNINGS FOR THE FUTURE In my view, Greenfleet is unique globally in the way we go about our business. This could be seen, on one level, as exciting and, another level, slightly frightening. We are out there doing something for which we have very few benchmarks to work with.




Over the years, Greenfleet has grown and morphed to be where it is today. Our core mission remains the same: to date we have planted over nine million trees. That’s nearly one every minute since we began in 1997. However, we are very much focused on the future. It is important for strong organisations like ours to tackle global challenges at a local level, and that’s what we’re doing. Blue carbon, urban greening and community activation around biodiversity are some of the projects that we got to work on this year, in conjunction with key supporters such as Smartgroup and Telstra, as well as partners such as The Walt Disney Company and Prince’s Trust Australia. Reflecting on the past 20 years of Greenfleet, I would like to share what I believe are the main learnings as I see them: - At a time when so many people feel uncomfortable about global politics and the future, individual action maintains hope in the community that we can take action. - In the balance between different forms of action, voluntary action is critical in setting the terms for the future as it acts as a laboratory for innovation and risk-taking. - Leaving a legacy and reaching out beyond our own existence is a basic part of what we do as a species, and therefore Greenfleet provides a means for all of us (in our own humble way) to be a role model for future generations. - Talking and debating is a critical part of democracy, but focusing on real, tangible, practical action is worth a thousand words and more. Thank you to all of our supporters, landholders and stakeholders for working with us. Let us hope that the next twenty years are as powerful for climate action.

Wayne Wescott | Greenfleet CEO

2016 & 2017 FINANCIALS

Greenfleet’s financial year operates from 1 January to 31 December. The following information summarises financial performance for 2017, and provides a comparison to 2016. Greenfleet’s Financial Reports have been audited by Pitcher Partners. 2017 $

2016 $



Other revenue



Total revenue





Supporter engagement



Thought-leadership & research






Total expenses





INCOME Program revenue

EXPENSES Forestry, planting & maintenance


Scope 1 (fuel)



61 tonnes of CO2-e

In 2017, Greenfleet’s operations generated 61 tonnes of CO2-e. Greenfleet will offset these emissions via its native reforestation program.



100% carbon offset Scope 2 (electricity)

Scope 3 (flights, waste, taxis, paper consumption)


Great Ocean Road, Vic

Back’O’Slaters, NSW

In 2017, Greenfleet revegetated 322 hectares of land with native trees across 11 sites in Australia and New Zealand: 5 in Victoria, 4 in NSW, one in Queensland and one in New Zealand. The team monitored 3,366 hectares of forests already planted and inspected 52 potential sites for reforestation work in 2018.

Barolin Nature Reserve, QLD

Te Muri, New Zealand

GOVERNANCE Our Board in 2018 The Greenfleet Board is drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds. This broad experience helps ensure that Greenfleet is well-positioned in the carbon marketplace. Gunther Jurkschat (Chair) Phil Thomas (Company Secretary) The Hon. Tom Roper

Jack Holden David Lamb Angela McClowry

Alexis Denby Frank Farrall Dominique Hes

Our Business Advisory Council Greenfleet’s Business Advisory Council is a group of executives from a range of industries, providing professional expertise and helping to promote the Greenfleet program and ethos throughout their industries. Roger Perry (Chair) Chris Balfour Joan Fitzpatrick

Philip Gentry Tony Maughan

Chris Munro Elliot Smith

Our team in 2018 We are a team of sustainability professionals with decades of experience in climate change leadership and ecosystem restoration. The Greenfleet team brings together skills and experience gained through careers in finance, professional services, forestry, science and other not-for-profit environmental organisations.

CEO Wayne Wescott

Reforestation Manager Eoghan O’Connor

Admin Coordinator Christine Luong

General Manager Michelle Sheehan

Senior Project Manager Greta Korthaus

General Manager Reforestation Michael Coleman

Marketing Manager Aline Riche

Events & Engagement Coordinator Taylor Eisen

General Manager Engagement Alison Milfull

Partnerships Manager Shreya Hegde

Revegetation Projects Officer Monique Howard

Our supporters Thank you to our outstanding supporters. Our work is only possible thanks to the thousands of individuals, families, community organisations, universities, councils, businesses and government agencies taking real climate action with Greenfleet. In particular, we acknowledge our top corporate and individual supporters whose contributions in 2017 made a huge impact. Since they started supporting Greenfleet: Smartsalary has enabled 1.8+ m native trees to be planted Telstra has enabled 1.4+ m native trees to be planted Symbion has enabled 159,000+ native trees to be planted

Guy King has enabled 17,400+ native trees to be planted Alexander Feigin has enabled 1,500+native trees to be planted Nicholas Leeder has enabled 1,600+ native trees to be planted

Our pro-bono partners We would like to acknowledge and give a special thank-you to the following organisations which generously provided services or products pro-bono to Greenfleet.

Baker & McKenzie Connecting Up Data Runs Deep Daylesford Hepburn Mineral Springs Co.

Europcar Google Adwords Nth Degree Engineering

Pitcher Partners Salesforce Foundation Wilson Parking

Greenfleet Australia ACN 095 044 465 Level 4, 517 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000 | PO Box 16011 Collins Street West VIC 8007 Free Call 1800 032 999 T +613 9642 0570 E

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