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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS--.DAGMIrI 2&3 SERVICINGINSTRUCTIONS. REPLACEilENNiOf PARTS TOTURNTHEHEATER ON The works describedbelowmust be undertakenby a competent person(e.9.a Corgi registeredengineer) 1.Turnongasshutoffvalvein supplyline. 2. Pressandholdthegasplunger. 1. TOREPLACE VALVE 3. Depress thespar&ignitor,repeatuntilpilotisalight. Turn offgas at cylinder. Keeptheplungerdepressed for another10seconds A) Unscrewheaterfromfloor. thenslowlyrelease. B) Pull oficontrol knob, unboltfacia bolt. 4. Rotatethecontrolknobanti-clockwise to thedesired C) Unboltplungerlocknutonfacia. heatrequired. D) Disconnectgasoutletpipeand pilotconnections to 5. Intheeventofnonoperation oftheignitor,thepilotcan E) oxypilotcoupling. belit witha matchthroughtheholein thesideof theunit. TOTURNOFFTHEHEATER LEAVING THEPILOTON TumthecontrolknobclockwiseuntiltheWHITE spotis oppositetheOFFposition. TOTURNOFFCOMPLETELY 1.Turnthecontrolknobclockwise untiltheWHITE spotisopposite theOFFpositlon. TurnoffgaEshut Offvalvein thesupplyline. 2. lf theheateris notbeingusedfor sometimethegas shouldbeturnedoffat thegascylinder. 3. Intheeventofagasleak,turnofthegasat the cylinderandop€nthedoorto venulate. 4. Theingtaller shouldthenbe requested to locatethe leakin accordance withtheinstallation instructlong andrectiry,

The works belowmust be undertakenby a competentperson (e.9. a Corgi registeredengineer) 2. TOREPLACE OXYPILOT UNIT A) Removerear cover by unscrewing6 selftapping gcFews. B) Removetheoxypilotsupplypipe by unscrewingthe nuts and ferrules on valve and oxypiloL C) Disconnectthe igniUonleadfuontthe oxypllotelectrode. D) Removethe oxypilotby unscrewingthe two holding selftapping screws. TOREASSEMBLE Followthe instructionsin reverseorder then check gas connectionsforgas leaks using a soapy solutionand that the electrodesparks when ignitor button is pressed. 3.TOREPLACE INJECTOR A) Removerear cover by unscrarvingthe six selt tapping scFews. B) Removegassupplypipe. C) Unscrewinjectorand note numberfor replacement (58)

CLEANING NOTE: Beforeattempting to cleantheheater,ensure Thatthegasis completely turnedofi andcold. l. Tocleanheatercasing,wipeoverwitha dampcloth Andpolishdry. 2. Whentheheateris notin ussit canbecoveredwith To reassemble.follow above instructionsin rerrerseorder a plasticdustbinbagforprotection. then check gas connectionsfor leaks usingsoapywater chamber 3.Tocleancombustion andburner,ensur€ solution. Gasis OFFat thecylinder. 4.TOREPLACE PIEZO IGNITOR 4. Disconnect thegasinletto theheatar. A) Unscrewlgnitor locknut, press thmugh paneland 5. Remove rearcover6 screws,it baybeeasierto Unscrewthe ignitionlead. Unscrewth€heaterfromthefloorandplaceona Bench. VENTILATION 6. Cleanthebumerassembly andcombustion chamber USEONLYINA WELLVENTILATED AREA. Witha sofrbrushor suctioncleaner. THEBESTMETHOD VENTILATION ISTO OFCREATING ENOUGH 7. reassemblg in reverseorder,donotovertightenscrews, INSERT A LENGTH OFDRAIN PIPE3 .4 INCHDIAMETER THROUGH THESIDEOFTHEGREENHOUSE TOWITHINA COU-



C€ 0063

GB lE lae(37)LPG

KIRKLEESDEVELOPMENTS LTD Clifby Works,SandbedsRoad,Pellon,Halifax,HX2OQQ Tel:01422398700 Fax:01422352118 email:www.enquiries@kdev.co.uk web: www.kdev.co.uk

Fage J Page 2 This heater is designedas a tixed appliance and must be securelyfixed to the floor of the room. lt is for use with Propane gas only and must be installed by a competentperson in accordancewith the rules in force and in a well venlilated area. To ensurethat the oxygen level in the room does nol drop dramatically,an ory-protector unit is incorporated.This turns ofithe heater itthe oxygen level should fall. A flame failure devise shuts down the unit ifthe pilot light blows out.

MANUALIGNITION ln the evenlof nonoperalionofthe ignitor,it is possibleto ignitethe pilotwithan extralongmatch. Theseare readilyavailablefrom mosl supermarketsand good hardwarestores.The positionof the burnercan be seen by lookingdown into the combustionchamberthroughthe front grill.The matchshouldbe Inserted throughthe holein the leflhandsidepanel.Operatethe controlknobas describedin the operatinginstructions.

NOTE: Allow 3 minutes betweenturning offthe heater and attemptingto relight.

CONTENTS 1 - Proheater 1500 ThermostaticallyControlled Propane Heater 1 - Installation,Servicingand operating instructions. 1 - CompressionNut 1 - 8mm dia. Olive 1 - FulhamHose Nozle REGULATIONSAND CODESOF PRACTICE In your own interesls and the of safety it is the law that all appliancesbe installed by a competent person (e.9. Corgi registered)in accordancewilh the requirBments and recommendations, where applicable,ot A) FOR GREAT BRITAIN(GB): 1. Gas safety(lnstallation and Use) Regulations1994(as amended) 2. B.S 5482 Part 1'.'1994ot Patt2:1977 3. Buildingregulalionsissuedbythe Departmentofthe Environmentand the BuildingStandards(Scotland)(Consolidated) Regulations issued by the Scoftish DevelopmentsDepartment. 1. Ant other relevant British Codes of Practice. 2, Theselnstallationlnstructions. 3. B.S 864 Part2.

FAULTFINDING 1. Pilotwill notlight. a) Checkthat the pilotcan be lit with a match,if not,checkpilotjet for obstruction,replaceif necessary. b) lf the pilotwill light,checksparkignitorensuringthe gap to pilot burnerdoesnot exceed4mm. ensure spart does nol lracklo earthalonglead or electrode.lfthere is no sparkreplaceoxyprotecl,lead or piezoas necessary. 2. Mainburnerlightsbutwill notstaylit. a) Checklhe gas pressureby followingpoints9) to 13) in the installationsection. b) Checkthat the mainbumerjet is free frcm obstruction. c) Checkthe gas pressureat the cylinder.

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B) FOR IRELAND(IE): given belowmust Installations carriedout in lrelandshouldbe in acmrdancewith any nationalrules in force.The minimumrequirements be applied to the installation,but in addition, any relevant national rules in force must be followed in preferenceto these if these rules are more extensive or stringentthan the requirementsgiven. hru. INSTALLATION 1.


7. 8. 9.

10. 12.

Check the room ventilation.Permanent and unobstructedventilationmusl be provided in all rooms containingan unfluedheateroperatingon solidfuel, oil or gas. Locatethe heaterin th€ requiredposition,no nearerthan 200mmto any wall, or 300mm belowany shelfor glass.lf ussd in a greenhouseenvironment,the averagegreenhousehas a turbulentatmospherewith hot air risingto be coolad against the glassto fall down the sides. These convectioncurrents are assisted by the heat, ideally the heater should be placedcentrallybeneaththe apex,at the oppositeend to the openingdoor. (see Diagram1) Locatethe holesin the base flangeofthe heaterand markthroughwith a pencil. Remove heater, drill through the centre of each hole, suitablefor a 1" No 8 wood screw (use plugs if floor is concrete) Place heater over holes, insert screws and tighten. Pipe backtothe gas cylinder,terminatingin an approved14"w.9. (37mba0 regulatorwithPOLtermination.On no accountmaythe gas cylinderbe kept insidethebuilding,butoutside,preferablyon a hard standingsurface.A 1omm hole must be drilled through the wall, and a 8mm pipe connectedfrom the heater through the 1omm hole to the regulator, using compressionfittings complyingwith B.S 846 PART 2. All pjpework must be adequatelysuppoded and shielded.Pipe and fittingscan be obtainedfrom your authoriseddealer (Removered threadplug by unscrewing) NOTE: This installationmust be carried out by a competent person. It is advisablethat the outside door be fully open until the pressuretesting/ commissioning procedure is completeto allow rapiddispersionof any inadvertentpropanespillage. Turn the gas ON at the cylinder, check all pipeworkfor leaks with a soapy solution, bubbleswill appear if any leak is detected. Remember in additionto the safety hazard, unburned propane gas, even in minute proportaons,is harmfulto plants,so a leak free installation is essential. Press and hold the gas plunger, depress the spark ignitor, repeat until pilot is lit. Keep the plungerdepressedfor a further10 secondsthen releaseslowly. On JiGt operationthe pipework may be filled with air and ignition will not be achieved until this air is purged out ofthe pipework,this may take a fN minutes. When the pilotflame has been ignitedholdthe buttonin for a furthe|l0 secondsand then releaseslowlv. The pilotshouldnow remainlit. Turn the heaterOFF by shuttingthe gas off at the supply.

PLEASENOTE: The gas valvein thisheateris alwaysopen(unlessturnedoffat the gas cylindeowhichmeansthatcontrolling it can only be doneby adjustingthe thermostattemperaturewith the blackplasticknobon the sideof the appliance-lt also meansthat the bumerflame burnsat its maximumheightwhetherthe thermostatis set at a low or a hightemperature. The thermostatsare factoryset between6'C - 38'C. Settingthe thermostattemperatureis a trial& error procedureso it is recommended thata household thermometer be usedto helpdetermineindividual temperaturesettings.

PROHEATER 15OO Gas:Propane LPG GasPressure: 37mbar Nom.GasInput'l.5kW(0.214 kg/hr) THERMOSTAT SENSOR POSITIONING supplied imporlant to ensure thalthesensorprobeis Thelhermostat wilhlhismodelis not100%accurale il islherefore positioned correctly to senseandrespond to thechanging temperatures sothatbestresultscanbeobtained, thisis a TRIAL procedure & ERROR as notallgreenhouses arethesame. positioning Positioning theprobefurtherawayfromtheheaterwillmakelhe heaterrunhotterandforlongerallernatively the probenearertheheaterwilltumlhethermostat offat lowertemperatures. Makesureit is noteffected bydraughts or direct sunlight whichwillgivefalsereaclions. Economizing of gasusagecanbefoundby liningthegreenhouse withbubbleinsulation or bycurtaining offpartsof larger greenhouses andlherefore theareato beheated. reducing ISPROVIDED ONA PERMANENT IT ISESSENTIAL THATVENTILLATION TOTHEGASHEATER BASIS.

WARNING Wh€nth€ h€at€ris not in ueeit mustb€ suitablystoredandprotect€d.ln Eom€ar€aE,spid€rsand otherEmall insectshavebeenfoundto spinwebsandrorcocoonsin the venturitubeandgasburner. Theseobstructionsresultin a characteristicyellowflame,or possiblya flashbackfire. lf thisoccursthe heater mustnotbe useduntilthe obstructionshavebeenclearedby a competentperson.

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