Protfolio yunfu 2015

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C O N T E N T S 產品設計




2 工作坊與實習經歷




祀事如意 Worthship 好尋-圖書館找位系統設計 FINeD 凳˙設計 Stool for Eastern 漂流木削皮刀 Peeling 尋˙燈 Searching

給˙世界 For EARTH 和味 Seasoning Jar Design 嗅府城 Smell Tainan 感同身受˙節驟直立式花灑 Showering tools

01 13 19 23 25

29 33 37 39

3 甲子園改札口前空地整治計畫 KOSHIEN 法國布瓦布榭暑期設計營 Point of View 法國布瓦布榭暑期設計營 Environment for entrainment


恆好 畢業專刊刊設計編輯 For Good & All Brochurse 統一生機 簡餐DM設計 DM Design Organic Shop 小島蔬果巧克力整體CIS製作 Island Chocolate CIS


51 57

73 75


My Lovely Shiba, SAKE.

Sake and I shooted in my flat


Personal Information


Email / Phone / +886 937 963 002 website /


「我從不吝嗇於追求每一個人生的目標,我渴望一個精彩 的人生更勝過於獲得所謂的成功。」

‘’ I never lost the energy to pursue my goals, because I desire to have a splendid life than the so-called success. ’’


Eric. I’m a senior in Industrial Design Department, National Cheng Kung University. I was born in Taipei, a city rich of information. My life is to complete goals and pursue the happiness since I have conscious. Now I live in Tainan, a historical and ‘’slow-pace’’ city. Less cars and information, I have more time to think and explore my undiscovered potential.

生於台北,一個資訊豐沛的雨城,生命從具有意識起,即不斷的追 求屬於自己的幸福人生以及對自己的期許。自大學起,根深於台南 已四年,享受著這座城市有別於其它繁華都市,沒有嘈雜的車潮與 龐大資訊量的干擾,他從中體會到了「少」的美好,也更有時間去 探索自己所擁有的、蓄勢待發的充沛能量。

「我,富有熱誠,積極且願意嘗試。」 由於自大學起學習設計的關係,讓我能夠包容很多不同的想法,體 會各種不同的感覺。 過去在大學理學習的時光裡,曾參與了廈門、香港設計年設計營等 的活動、國際設計營隊的籌畫,以及在台灣與日本兩地的實習。如 此使我在課業之外,認識更多相近領域的朋友,夥伴,同事,並學 會了從各種角度去思考這個世界與我的關係,也建立起一段段深刻 的友誼與回憶。

‘’Not just enthusiastic, positive, I’m willing to do my best for everything I tried.’’ Design, made me a person can accommodating different ideas and feelings. During my school time, I have joined workshop in Xiamen and Hong Kong, prepared for the national workshop held in NCKU, and had an internship in Taiwan and Japan. I make lots of friends, partners, even colleagues overseas. Because of the experience I have, I get chances to cooperate with friends from other countries and learn to communicate and to understand their different ways of thinking.


Extracurricular Activities

2D / Illustrator Photoshop Indesign 3D / Solidworks rendering Other / Sketch Prototype Language / Chinese English Cantonese

2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014

Standardized Tests IELTS / Average 7 (2014) TOEIC / Total 870 (2013)

Education Background 國立成功大學 國立成功大學 國立成功大學 市立大同高中

工業設計所 感性設計組 工業設計系 心理系 普通班

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Master / Industrial Design Kansei group Bachelor / Industrial Design Bachelor / Psychology Taipei Municipal Datung High School

Interest and Hobby 喜愛柔道運動,正在努力贏得比賽 偏好手寫,喜歡寫信與寄信 蒐集郵票的興趣,總是找尋最新款 喜歡喝茶,會蒐集各種茶葉包裝 Devoted in Judo, still trying to win the game. Prefer Hand Writing, enjoy writing letter. Like stamp collecting, always seeking the latest one and sent it to others. Enjoy having tea, and like to collect the cover package of different brand.

工業設計系學會 課程組長 第十一屆成大工設設計營 課程組長 教育部藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫產品設計研習營 文宣組組長 東南亞設計營 文宣組組長 加入 成大柔道社 完成人生第一場半程馬拉松 太魯閣峽谷馬拉松 時間 03:02:53 參與香港國際設計營 參與工作坊「擁抱閩南文化之美」獲得銀獎 參與「布瓦不榭暑期工作坊」 獲得學學文創獎學金補助 祀事如意作品獲選參與「台灣設計師週 設計新勢力」 參與日本i School工作坊「Robot Meet Life」

2011 NCKU ID Department Student Association Director of Curriculum Planning 2011 11th NCKU Industrial Design Camp Director of Curriculum Planning 2011 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Art and Design Director of Graphic Art 2011 Southeast Asia Design Camp Director of Graphic Art 2011 Join NCKU Judo club member 2011 Complete Half Marathon in Taroko Gorge Time 3”02”53 2012 Attend WDSC(World Design Summer Camp) in HongKong 2012 Attend Workshop -Embrace the Beauty of Minnan culture Silver Award 2013 Attend Workshop in Boisbuchet Award the Scholarship found by XUEXUE 2014 “Worthship” is invited to join Taiwan Designers’ week Rising Star 2014 Attend Workshop Robot Meet Life held by i School, Japan

Working Experience 2010 2011 2012 2013

成功大學人本智慧中心 設計師 聖潔國際設計公司 實習 / 設計師 學海築夢 日本GK Sekkei 設計公司 實習 法國布瓦布榭設計工作坊 工作人員

2010 NCKU Touch Center Designer 2011 CJ Mark Design Inc. Intern / Designer 2012 GK Sekkei Tokyo, Japan Intern 2013 Boisbuchet Design Summer Camp General Staff


PORTFOLIO 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 4



晨霧 Morning Mist 產品設計對我來說就像晨霧,總 會有個開始有個結束,但是一段 時間後當日幕再次低垂,霧靄又 再次席捲而來。

Product design can be seen as a morning mist for me. There’s always a beginning and end. But after the sun going down below the horizon and the earth spin, the mist will show in the next day before the light.



Spirit / Culture / Furniture

Worthship 拜拜用具

| Worship Appliances

為祖先準備一道道的菜餚滿足了現代人對於團圓的渴望,藉由一套新式 祭祀器具,希望能將這份牽繫不同世代的美好傳承下去。 Preparing delicious dishes to celebrate with ancestors in special events reflects the desire to get together with families. We like to carry on this beautiful tradition by introducing this new set of products.


木頭、塑膠、布料 | wood, plastics, cloth

丁亦樵 Jerry J. Ding 鍾承庭 Chung, Chen-Ting 謝昀甫 Hsieh, Yun Fu


緣起 | Background 縱觀人類歷史,孝道在我們心中的份量不言可喻,台灣人更有著逢年過節祭拜祖先的 文化習俗。節日一到,總會看見全家大小總動員,忙著張羅菜餚香酒、擺盤拜拜。 然而我們注意到現今祭拜活動盛行依舊,年輕一代的台灣人卻漸漸遺忘祭拜活動背後 的意義,祭祖在年輕人心中的印象愈來愈淡。作為設計師,我們好奇祭祖文化消失的 原因。作為新一代的年輕人,我們更為這樣良美習俗的流失感到不捨,因此決心著手 研究。 Throughout human history, ‘’filial piety (xiào dào)’’ have a significance meaning for Eastern people. Especially, Taiwanese people who have a series of ritual to worship their ancestors during festival. When festival , Taiwanese families always get together to prepare delicious dishes and wines for them. We notice that the worship activity still remained, but the younger generation have less and less impression and gradually forget the meaning behind the worship ritual. As a member of younger generation, we feel regret for loosing this meaningful custom. And we started to study and make some effort to fill the gap between two generations.

理念 | Concept 我們希望維持家庭團聚的美好時光,並針對上述三項現象:菜量過多、祭祖流程意義 流失、攜帶便利性,設計一套符合現代人生活形態的祭祖器具,讓台灣的祭祀文化得 以延續。


We hope to pass on these wonderful moments of family reunion by designing a set of worship products to solve three phenomena just mention: prepared too much dishes, meaningless rituals and the convenience of bring out. Throughout these problems we solved, we aim to provide a new vision for the culture of Taiwanese worshiping.

產品簡介 | Introduction 桌巾 | Worthship's tablecloth


1 桌巾圖示用途 | The Use of pattern

2 祭拜流程提醒 | Remind of the worshiping process

3 桌巾圖示說明 | Info. of Worthship's tablecloth






桌巾上的圖示與文字的提示,可以幫助使用者了解在祭祀過程中自己應該準備些什麼, 該如何正確地擺盤,以及各器具的正確擺放位置。 藉由圖像與文字的引導,家中的小朋友也能夠參與這項富有意義與傳統價值的祭祀活 動。

現代人在生活時間、空間被壓縮的情況下,複雜的祭拜形式實在無法符合年輕人的生活 與想法。藉由這張桌巾邊緣的圖文提示,參拜者在操作參拜流程時便可以依循簡化過的 祭祀流程,一步步地把程序完成,也可以了解各個程序中所潛藏的意義,不再因為繁複 的祭拜流程而頓失所依。


'' Clear guidelines, participate together.''

''Reduce Moderately, convey clearly.''


Icons and text tips on the table cloth help users know what they should prepare, how to prepare, and where they should put it on table correctly.By the instruction of the table cloth, children can also join this meaningful worshiping ritual.

When everything become faster and faster, complicate worshiping style no longer suit the young people.By the instruction of table cloth, users can easily follow the process which has been reduce moderately. Steps by steps, users can realize the meaning behind them and accomplish the whole worshiping process without feeling frustrated.





甜粿過黏,發粿發錢, 菜包包金,菜頭粿吃點心。 壽桃長壽,水圓紅圓, 圓圓滿滿,紅龜粿過好節。 長年菜,長命百歲;食蘿蔔,有好彩頭; 吃韭菜,年歲長久;夾菠菜,飛黃騰達; 下餃子,招財進寶;煮髮菜,恭喜發財; 喫芹菜,勤勞持檢;炸丸子,旺丁旺財; 有福菜,福如東海;添竹笙,竹報平安; 佐點蔥,聰明伶俐;拜拜菜,闔家團圓。 子孫綿延似瓜果,大吉大利如桔橘; 蘋果平安暖祖宗,鳳梨好運旺旺來; 香蕉相招如意事,逃離厄運吃桃梨; 春暖秋冬四果滿,家庭和樂慶豐收。

飯碗 酒壺 酒杯




產品簡介 | Introduction 餐具組合 | Worthship's Product 三牲盤 | SanSheng Disk

酒壺| Flagon

酒杯 | Cup



20*20*4 cm

木製手把的部分可以將所有 酒杯收納於酒壺中。

酒杯內外分層的設計,清楚 指導使用者該分三次斟酒。

可以擺上自己喜愛的料理在三牲盤的輪廓 中,少量卻能營造出全牲的意象。

All cups can be stored into the wooden handle-part of flagon.

All cups can be stored into the wooden handle-part of flagon.

People can put on their favorite dishes in outline of SanSheng Disk. Small amount but able to create the image of offerings.


粿類盤、金紙盤 | Dessert /god’s paper plate

水果盤 | Fruit plate

菜盤 | Plate 米飯碗、湯餚碗 | Rice bowl, soup bowl

15*15*4 cm

20*20*4 cm

15*15*4 cm | 15*15*7 cm

除本身用途,攜帶時亦可作為 菜盤的蓋子。

盤中擋點設計有助使用者擺設水果塔。 攜帶時亦可作為三牲盤的蓋子。


Apart from being used of plate, it can also be the lid of the dish.

The shape of the disk protrusion can help user to pick up the fruits. When carring it can also be the lid of SanShan disk.

The dish shape can create visually fullness. Verticle shape can make small amout of dishes look full.



如何收納 | How to storage

水果盤 三牲盤

金紙盤 菜盤 湯蓋 飯碗

粿類盤 菜盤 湯碗

酒杯 酒壺

產品簡介 | Introduction 使用流程 | Using Process


1 藉由祀事如意的引導與指示,準備一桌豐盛的 菜餚並非難事。

2 有誠心的祭拜很好,有一桌好菜的加持更好, 使用祀事如意超好。

It’s really not difficult to prepare a set of dishes by following the instruction of “WORTHSHIP”.

Sincerely worshiping is good, a table of delicious dishes is better and Using the product “WORTHSHIP” is really great !



在家裡就能夠享受如此精緻的祭拜體 驗,真讚!

美味的菜餚在藉由盤子的襯托下,感 覺更豐盛、更美味了。

It' s awesome that I can hold a delicate worshiping ritual at home!

Dishes look more delicious and sumptuous with designed plates.



需要兩隻手端盤子,無意間教導孩子 對於祖先供奉食物的誠心表現。 The plates have to be taken by both hands which can unintentionally teach children to behave sincerity for worshiping ritual.

我提供了一頓豐盛的菜餚給祖先品 嚐,恆好。 Provided a wonderful meal for our ancestors, makes me feel really good.


3 該到敬酒的時間了,看到酒杯的設計,忽然想 起剛剛桌巾上有說敬酒要分三次。 It’s time to toast to our ancestor. I just mention that we need to toast 3 times in the traditional way! What a delicate design within the toast cup.

4 簡單的收納方式,讓整個收拾的過程更快速 方便。 A smart storage way of these products can make the process of packaging even faster and conenivent.

5 每次要到靈骨塔拜拜,這一套產品總是讓我 方便帶出門。 Every time we need to go memorial tablet for worshiping ancestors, “WORTHSHIP” let the dishes we prepared easy to bring out.




酒杯裡分成三層的設計,讓我在倒酒 時更方便,不會一次斟過多!

藉由疊起來的方式去做收納,不但美 觀又能夠保持食物的清潔。

簡易攜帶的功能,讓我每次要去靈骨 塔祭拜時方便多了!

There's a design of three layers inside the cup, it provide me a standard when I pour wine into it.

This series of product can be stored by piling them up which makes it not only maintain the beautiful appearance but to keep food clean.

It's really convenient to bring all the foods and plates to memorial tablet by piling them up.

Jerry 酒壺看起來真的是非常好收納呢! Falgon and cups look really easy to put it together, without any effort!

產品簡介 | Introduction 影片節錄 | video


影片摘要 | summary of video

各個菜盤可以獨立裝填,也可以疊起來做收納,菜 盤上的指示,能夠讓菜餚擺盤豐富度增加。 Each container (Shan-Shen Disks, plates) can be placed and loaded food separately or can be piled up for storage. The instructions and patterns printed on each plate make all dishes looked bountiful and luxurious.

桌巾上的配飾布能夠變成將重疊後的餐盤做收納, 藉由簡單的幾個小步驟,就能輕鬆將拜拜的供品帶 出門。 Through a few simple steps, tablecloth can become a package for plates. After, users can easily take out for ancestor worshiping.

只要有一張桌子,藉由桌巾的裝飾,立刻就能夠創 造祭拜的氛圍。鋪上裝飾巾後,各圖示引導使用者 能夠將供品擺放在相對應的位置。 Traditional and solemn atmosphere can be created by a simple folding table and tablecloth. Patterns printed on the tablecloth become a useful guide for users to place each plates following traditional manner.

鋪上裝飾巾後,各圖示引導使用者能夠將供品擺放 在相對應的位置。作為蓋子的透明盤,能夠反過來 變成裝水果的水果盤以及甜點盤。 The transparent cover of plates can be places reversely and become exquisite plates for fruits and Chinese traditional dessert.

酒杯上的刻度能夠指示使用者分三次斟酒,符合傳 統的祭拜習俗流程,酒杯酒壺的收納也能夠輕鬆簡 單的達成。 Users recognized that they have to pour wine into cups and divided for 3 times by the shape of cups. Besides, cups can be piled up and store within the Flagon.


產品簡介 | Introduction 使用情境 | sensral




Library / System


| waste composter

創造一個實體介面給圖書館的使用者:讓使用者可以快速地找到滿意 的座位,並符合其心理與使用需求。 Develop a interface for library users : helping library users to quickly find the seats they satisfy.

Material 塑膠 | plastics

丁亦樵 Jerry J. Ding 鍾承庭 Chung, Chen-Ting 謝昀甫 Hsieh, Yun Fu


設計緣起 | Background

Design for NCKU library 為成大圖書館做設計

2000 chairs difficult to find a seat. 圖書館內儘管有2000餘個位置 但使用者仍然很難找到位置

for NCKU students 專為成大的學生

seat occupation ? satisfied ? share table ?

佔位問題? 滿意度問題? 不願意分享座位?


create a system? efficeintly

bridging the gap between people 設計一個系統? 有效的弭平人與人之間的鴻溝

seat occupation is the main problem of it ! 佔位是圖書館最主要缺乏位置的問題

observation X interview

by Following how people looking for ther seat

Experience and ...

藉由觀察與訪談 去了解使用者如何尋找位置。

Student waste time at finding seats THEY LIKE 學生浪費時間去尋找他們喜歡的位置。

資料收集 | Data collection 這個設計案件為針對成大圖書館的設計。我們嘗試在圖書館 裡找出潛藏在圖書館內的問題,並加以解決。希望以成大圖 書館為例,將設計擴及其他圖書館的設計。 This design project is for our NCKU library. We try to find out some problems and make some soulation for it.

Problem definition : About finding a seat NCKU library have more than 2000 seats for readers. 成大圖書館有超過2000席閱讀座位。 Students wasted time at finding seats. 學生在圖書館找位置費時費神。

Target Group

設計 | Design

資料分析 | Data Analysis 親和力圖表 資料評估 人物誌 情境故事法 經驗屬性法


Affinity Diagram Data Evaluation Persona Scenario Experience Attribute

Affinity Diagram 藉由親和圖法來歸納在訪談中重要的事件所佔的 重要程度,並且歸納出各項有意義的指標,為往 後的設計建立堅固的基石。 Using the method of affinity diagram to make sure which event conclude from the interview is more importment.



Students of NCKU. Students who use seats in NCKU library.

Problem? How to reduce the problem of seats occupation? 如何減少佔位的問題? How to lead students to find the seats they satisfied? 如何讓學生找到自己滿意的位置? How to make students more likely to share their tables? 如何讓學生樂意分享同一張桌子?

Data Evaluation

Solution A more convenience system for students to report seat occupation to staff can improve the situation. 一個系統能夠讓學生便於向服務人員回報佔位問題改善佔位狀況。 A guided system helps students find the seats they satisfied more efficiently. 一個系統讓學生能更有效地找尋他們喜愛的位置。 Bridging the gap between people can make people more willingly to share table. “拉近人與人之間的距離”能夠讓學生們更願意去分享座位。

Question definition Students wasted time at finding seats, and they always saw some seats left only things and nobody was present. 學生在找位上費時費神,經常看到座位上有放東西但卻沒有人在位置上。

Observation and Interview 藉由與圖書館使用者接觸,了解問題界定是否合理,並藉由訪談與觀察,找到更 多存在圖書館內尚待解決的問題。 1/ 跟隨讀者進入館內,視其在圖書館內找位之情況 2/ 訪談圖書館使用者在圖書館內的找位經驗。 By observe and interview our target group - library users to make sure our definition in last step was resonable or not. Furthermore, observation and interview let us to find our even more problems happened in library.

Re definition Students wasted time at finding seats THEY LIKED. 學生在找到他們喜歡的位置上費時費神。

書籍位置 book

燈光 light

桌型 table 飲水機 / 廁所 water dispenser toilet

情緒氛圍 emotion

空間氛圍 space

樓梯 / 查詢口 stairs / inquiry table 窗戶 window


冷氣口 aircondition

由affinity diagram獲得使用者對選位所在意的因素,藉由給使用者重新排序評估,找出 相對重要的因素,為往後在設計上做為重要的考量依據,就此也可以淘汰掉不合宜的因 素。 由affinity diagram獲得使用者對選位所在意的因素,藉由給使用者重新排序評估,找出 相對重要的因素,為往後在設計上做為重要的考量依據,就此也可以淘汰掉不合宜的因 素。

最後的圖書館尋位設計的介面能夠安置在牆壁上以即可以安放在專門設計的架子 上,藉由介面內容的指引可以讓使用者在尋找空位上更方便,也更能夠找到自己 喜愛的位置而不打擾他人。

Persona Scenario Experience Attribute

圖書館櫃台旁的貼心介面可以讓使用者在剛進到圖書館時,就能大致了解各樓層 空位狀況,並選擇該上哪個樓層尋位。這樣設施不僅能夠當作尋位指標也可以當 作公共藝術品。

產品簡介 | Introduction 圖書館找位面板

產品造型與設計意象 | Product Design

產品實際放置圖 | Placement



以倚靠在牆面上與平躺於架上兩種方式作為呈現。 倚靠式:採用與圖書館牆面結合之方式,省下立架之空間成本,創造貼合這種圖書館 配置之表現形式。

介面部分有六類共11個按鈕選項,藉由按鈕點選後,介面會顯示符合使用者 因素定義的位置,讓使用者可以在最少的選擇與最快速的過程中找到方向。

Presentation of the product The product renders as two different ways for presentation, one can be hang on the wall in library, another style can be place individually with the stand.

Example for NCKU Library The models were being test in the library of NCKU. Student can press the button which showing some critical factor for selectong seats and find it without any effort

造型意象 | Image of Style

The image of bamboo slip

介面形式與功能簡介 | Surface and Function 置物板


1/ 放置手上的書籍以利操作的便利 1/ For temporary placing students’stuff 2/ 放置圖書館文宣,活動DM 2/ placing Library’s DM 3/ 保護主要介面面板,避免碰撞 3/ Protecting the main surface and advoiding bumping by the passer-by




各式功能介紹 | Introduction for functions

1/ 地圖顯示螢幕 2/ 溫馨小提醒欄位 3/ 各項選位因素按鈕

1/ Screem for showing the library map 2/ A column of lovely reminding 3/ Button for factors of choosing seats in library

介面部分底下有六類共11個按鈕選項,藉由按鈕點選後,介面會顯示符合使 用者因素定義的位置,讓使用者可以在最少的選擇與最快速的過程中找到方 向。 以下為各類功能的簡介:


經由訪談與調查後發現學生族群在使用圖書館的座位上,最在意的 部分為該位置是否與他人合桌共用,普通人傾向不與他人和桌。


顯示該樓層各區書籍的大分類,讓部分使用圖書館資源閱讀的使用 者在找位上能夠放方便,能夠就近找到圖書資源。


黃光光線溫和,適合休閒閱讀。 白光光線明亮,適合激勵鬥志,努力學習。


圖書館的桌型分配大致為四個樣式,各別配合不同的光線,四人長 桌適合三五好友一齊閱讀,兩人桌、一人桌適合個人作業,依照不 同的需求性可以給予不同的指示。


圖書館內的氣氛影響使用者甚鉅,提供空間的選項,藉由客觀具體 的開闊與隱密度,意旨滿足使用者心理層面的需求。由於在訪談階 段大部分的需求都指向心理因素,因此提出有關於空間的因素,使 介面整體更感性。


窗戶是大多數訪談樣本中出現頻率甚高,是許多人第一選擇的位置 因素,由於選擇窗邊位置的因素有「在乎陽光」以及「在乎視野」 兩種。 陽光方面因為有西曬問題,因此在點出窗邊之後, 畫面會出現小時鐘,可以藉由調節時間看看該座位 西曬的情況,減少因光線問題換位的頻率。







產品造型與設計意象 | Product Design


產品型式呈現 產品呈現在於圖書館入口處,藉由簡單的標示以及變形長條圖的形式,簡單簡介整體圖 書館的改況,讓圖書館讀者能夠在進到館內前就可以得知哪個樓層將會是讀者的選擇。 產品將會鑲嵌於館內入口處的地板上,藉由位置的優勢,能夠讓讀者在進入圖書館前便 會先瞥見產品一眼,直接給予提示,卻又不強迫讀著一定要照著給予的指示行動。

藉由雅優自在的意象,經過轉化為現在的模型,沿用了藍色的元素,試圖創 造一些簡單乾淨的意象給接收者。 使用人形的圖案意象,引導使用者們能夠立刻連結到人多,人少,以及占整 層樓的比例等,下最精準的判斷。

Presentation of the product This product will be equipped in the library entrance. It will introduce the situation of the library by a group of simple pie-chart-like devices. These devices will be place embedded in the floor. Users can understand the basic situation of library only by a glimpse. This device only provides the information but not push users to follow the instruction.

By following the image of the pond, we transfer it into the model rendered below. Users can make a perscise decision by the pattern showing on devices.


造型意象 | Image of Style

Fishes in the pond


介面形式與功能簡介 | Surface and Function

樓層簡介介面 1/ 空桌空位小提示 2/ 各樓層現在人數以及總容納人數圓餅圖 3/ 樓層標示










Surface 1/ Reminding of the avaliable seats and tables 2/ Pie Chart showing the situation of library 3/ label of the floor





在訪談以及調查之後,我們發現普通人在選位的因素考量,常常是取決於是 否與他人併桌,當不需要與他人共享桌面時,位置的選擇就變的較為簡單。 因此我們在圖書館入口處安插這樣的設計,讓讀者能夠更了解上了樓之後的 大致情況。

訪談後,我們發現會使用圖書館自習的同學都有自己所熟悉的區塊以及熟悉的樓層,但 是當圖書館人數過多時,總無法滿足自己的選位需求,因此讓使用者在一進入館內時可 以大致上知道各樓層比較的概況。

1F的座位數量最少也差不多坐滿了。 3F的空位數量最多,剩下的空位也最多,適合前往找位。 4F人數已經即將滿座,不適合前往找位。

Reminding of the avaliable seat and table After the interview and investigation to the library users, we find out that the key factors of choosing seats for students is that whether they have to share table with others. When they don’t need to share the table, it’s easy for them to make decision. As a result, we plan to put this idea in the entrance of the library to let the users can easily understand the situation upstairs.

Pie Chart renders the total number of student in sum and each floors of the Library By our interview conclusion, we found out that library users have their own familiar areas and floors. We plan to let people know the situation upstairs when they first enter the library especially when they meet peak hours.

From the example below: The seats in 1st floor are the least among the three, and it’s almost full. Available seats in the 3rd floor are the most and there is not much people in that floor, it’s suitable for library users to go find their seats. The seats is almost full in 4th floors, it might comparably hard to find your seat in it.

8 沒有空桌








Stool for Eastern 凳˙設計

| Friends seeking Appliances

一件以東方概念出發的凳設計。 解析、轉化東方精神元素來呈現新的東方面貌在凳設計上。 This stool project is design for eastern people. We could chose a eastern triditional texture or handicraft style, transfered these styles to a new expression of eastern people.


木材 | wood / Taiwaness crypes



設計緣起 | Background 這張椅子是針對東方人所做的設計,在這張椅子的設計之中,我們可以選用東 方傳統的技法或是手工藝的手法來設計,將這些特色帶入產品之中。 This stool project is design for eastern people. We could chose a eastern triditional texture or handicraft style, transfered these styles to a new expression of eastern people.

研究 | Research 首先,我針對的東方元素並非實體的元素,而是東方精神。像是台灣與中國的 人民,能夠被歸類出一個相對於西方的傳統情感-內斂,人們不太表達自己的 情感,從喜悅到悲傷皆是。 接下來就是要用這個情感來設計椅子。 At first, I was looling for the texture which repersented the spirit of eastern. But I suddenly fount out that Chinese people have a commom characteristics, their inner-emotion is more than appearence. I can say that have a part of innerbeauty, but actually it’s not only the beauty-side of it, it contained the anger, lust and greed. So, I want to show these part that Eastern usually hide their emotion, and transfer it into my stool work.

設計 | Design 這件作品讓我想到關於東方對於國家種族的連結、依附,與生活方式。 我將這抽象的情感作為素材放進凳設計裡,內斂的設計感透過椅腳與椅面的交 接,將所有精彩的設計部分,曲線的部分都藏在內側,隱含著悠悠的東方氣 息。 This stool works made me thought about connection, detachment, the country, ethnicity and eastern living way. I tried to make my thought to be a stool work, and then I started to find a Chinese word to match this feeling. Finally I got a word “ 內斂 ”. It means a person was restrained by nature, and he didn’t used to express his emotion to others. Texture and Processing methods After I had a simple idea, I began to find out which texture was suitable of my design. considerating of the meaning and the processing method, I desided to choose woods as my main body’s texture. I thought woods can repersent Chinese people, due to the silence and calm image.




設計緣起 | Background

Kitchen appliance

Peeling 削皮刀˙設計

| Peeler

創造漂流木形式的削皮刀,以測量過的手感去規劃整 體形狀的設計,讓廚房裡的器具更有機,更自然。 A driftwood-like peeler. The shape of it is measured by several people, from different hand size. Aim to make the kitchen appliance more organic and natural.

Material 木材 | wood / Taiwaness crypes

這個作品主要是要模擬一個好握的削皮刀。過程中藉 由了解現在市場的削皮刀趨勢,以及草圖繪製和模型 測試,最後到產品產出。 命名為漂流木並不是代表這是一塊天然的漂流木,原 由為希望能夠讓產品在廚房場域中更自然,也代表更 符合我們手部握持的方便。採用台灣檜木作為原料, 藉由多次的PU模型測試,確定符合大眾手掌大小的握 持姿勢後藉由消磨的方式塑型檜木,讓他看起來自然 成形,不做作。

This project’s is to model a nice and well-holding peeler by experiencing the products in market, sketching, model testing. The product of mine call “Peeler of Driftwood”, actually it’s not make of real driftwood, is Taiwan cypress. First, I uesd PU to confirm my shape that’s the right holding shape for people to use. Then, I further renovate product appearance, to meet the look of driftwood.

木料選擇 | choosing woods 希望為這個產品加上更多溫馨的感受,因此選用有溫 度感的木頭為主材料,此外木頭更散發出天然的木 香,讓產品更完整。

In this project, I would like to add some sense of “tender and warm feeling” in it, so I choose Taiwan cypress, it’s not only have the warm color but it have a stable odor which I like the most.




設計緣起 | Background

尋˙燈 Searching

產品目標為設計一展LED燈具,我希望藉由這盞燈可以位空間中創造另外一種不 同的氣氛。 This project is to design a LED lamp. I would like to make a lamp, whick can provide special atmosphere for spaces.


| Atmosphere lighting

藉由找這個動作為發想,利用光的線索來找到室 內空間裡面各個角落隱藏的秘密。 This atmosphere lighting is made for the action searching. I would like to use the light to let people finding some secrets hiding in their rooms.


木材 壓克力 | wood Acrylic

First, we gathered in class sharing the information we prepared, something about award lamps, LED knowledge, and so on. After the class, we started to sketch and make the prototype model. Atmosphere Like these two pictures, I would like to create the light which can make the area different. I tried to make Interior space and lighting to match each other. I thought that this lamp will creative a now vision of our rooms. we can follow the shadow Aand finding out some little secrets in your space.


PORTFOLIO 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 4



卷雲 Cirrus 風來雲去。 在草地上,想法就像雲一般,來 來去去,去去來來。從想法到實 踐的過程,就像從飄忽不定的雲 要飛到某處匯聚成似是非是的圖 形般,只能用想像擷取有意識的 那一刻,保留下來等待萌芽。

Wind come. Wind, come and go as usual, like the ideas in mind.



Kitchen / household


| waste composter

這台廚餘回收機提供一個簡單的程序將廚餘處理變成肥料,使用者可 以簡單地使用肥料對植栽作施肥。 It helps disposing kitching waste and transforming to fertiltzer. Users can use the fertilize their plants immediately.

Material 塑膠 | plastics


工業設計課程,課堂中要求將有馬達的產品做拆解,了解其中的 構造以及找出馬達的特性並使用於其他新產品上。 藉由馬達的套用置換後,新產品產出為廚餘裡機兼具植栽功能的 設計,在往後的設計階段加入人的需求以及場景配置。 從A到B的設計中包含了一些先天限制的條件,必須要做出符合條 件的設計。

拆解 | disassemble

拆解產品的訓練包含拆件,了解結構,並依照產 品各部件的實際尺寸做電腦建模,將產品用立體 表現方式作呈現,並模擬運作機能。 產品拆件細部如上圖,由於我拆的產品比較複 雜,為蔬果榨汁機,該馬達轉速高、馬力強,因 此決定運用於相同是在講辦食物的食物處理器 材,一來可以符合快速將食物打碎後慢磨的需 求,二來馬達大小也較適合大型器具使用。

目標族群 | Persona


鍾小姐,三十歲,未婚,居住台南。 白領階級的鍾小姐,生活很普通平凡跟大眾沒什麼兩樣。他有一 個很好的工作提供穩定的經濟來源,他的條件讓他可以生活得很 輕鬆舒適,並且可以偶爾體會愜意的美好時光。 鍾小姐喜歡自己下廚與栽種小花小草。她最享受的時光就是工作 回家後能夠料理一頓好吃的食物給自己,犒賞自己一天的辛勞, 由於在家煮菜,免不了有廚餘的產生,由於獨自居住,常常追不 到垃圾車,該丟的垃圾廚餘無法丟棄,這樣的困擾令鍾小姐覺得 有壓力。 Sherry, thirty years old, unmarried, lived in Tainan, Taiwan Sherry is a white collar worker, and owns a normal life. She has a nice job that let her totally economy independent, so she thought that she could live alone and enjoy the single life more. She likes planting and cooking. After getting off work, cooking time is her most enjoyable moment. Because she cooks at home, there must produce some kitchen waste every day. In the contrary, she ‘’lives alone’’, so she doesn’t produce that much garbage, but she also need to throw out the kitchen waste every one or two day. These kind of inconvenience embarrassed her a lot.

產品需求 | Needs 解決廚餘清理問題 提升生活品質 造型簡約適合單身女性

Fix the problem of kitchen waste Creative and upgrade living quality Simple shape suitable for single lady

草圖 | Sketches

概念設計 | Concept Design Kitchen waste


問題解決 | Problem sloving For Earth 提供一個聰明且簡單的方法來解決廚房廚餘的問 題,像是鍾小姐這樣的腳色所發生的問題。 未來將可以提供一個環保且方便的方式,不但改善自己的 生活品質,也更善待自己的地球。 For Earth provides a smart and easy way to slove the problem of kitchen waste for the single and unmarried people who lives alone. It helps disposing kitching waste and transforming to fertiltzer. Users can use the fertilize their plants immediately. It lets people to see the waste disposal as an eco and convenient way treating our earth.


Kitchen appliance 調味罐設計

| Seasoning jar

設計上則將「和味」解釋成朋友、家人間和諧的氣氛,三種寓意 層層疊疊、縝密交錯出本次設計核心理念──「和」的深意。



設計緣起 | Background

閩台文化精神 | Spirit

參與一個在廈門地區的設計營隊,藉由當地土樓 的特色,閩南精神來開發創造新產品,本次藉由 土樓特色--和的概念為題,以調味罐為主題做 設計。 調味罐的組合最能表現「和」的概念,「和而不 同」正是土樓裡的居民們的最佳寫照,也是調味 罐的寫照,每一種調味料的味道都不同,但他們卻能和諧創造出美好的味道,使餐點變 得美味可口,正是「求和不求同」的文化的體現。 設計上則將「和味」解釋成朋友、家人間和諧的氣氛,三種寓意層層疊疊、縝密交錯出 本次設計核心理念──「和」的深意。 I participant in a design workshop in XiaMen. We aimed to create new products based on the “Minnan Culture Spirit”. In the society of Ninnan, “Tulou”, a traditional style housing, represent the behaviour and the society relationship between people. Our final project --seasoning jar seires took the symbolic of Minnan society, “Gathering together” as the topic. Seasoning jar is a perfect target fit with the idea of represent “gathering” in Minnan culture. People live together in tulou but they’re all different individual, just like the seasoning-jar can be put in different seasoning, but the combination of them create wonderful taste of dishes. 閩南的地理環境為背山面海、耕地少,生存環境較不理想,且常有山林野獸、土 匪宵小等出沒,因此就有凝聚、團結的文化特色,結合起來共同抵禦外侮,發揮 集體的力量。


Geographical environment of Minnan face mountains and back with the sea, besides there’s a few land for farming. Without ideal living environment, and beasts, bandits and thieves invaded the village very often, so there is cohesion, unity characteristics between all the villagers. They gathers together to resist foreign aggression.

土樓分析 | Analysis of Tulou Building

土樓為數戶人家一同居住的龐大建築,有環形、方形、扇形等形狀,底層為石頭 鋪層,因此能夠隨著雨量的多寡升降,外壁為黃土,歷久不摧。 土樓的格局為第一層皆是廚房,第二層為糧倉,三樓以上才是居住的地方。 土樓建築固若金湯,就如同一個堡壘,若有敵人侵犯,則閉門不出仍可維持一個 月,且有許多瞭望台等等防禦設施,是以防禦為訴求的一種建築形式。 Villagers live in the traditional housing in Minnan, “Tolou”, a huge building in circle, square shape. The lower layers of the building’s construction are made by rocks and fill with loess in the surface of building. The ground floor is always being the open kitchen, the storage located in first floor and villagers live upstairs. Although there’s always 300~700 people live in one single “Tolou”, it still only have one open door connected with the world outside, just like a bastion. Tolou also equipped the many defence facilities and observatory...etc, aimed as not to be breaking in by others.

產品特點 | Features

產品簡介 | Introduction

「民以食為天」 吃是中國人最重視的事之一,常常以「吃」來當作彼此相聚的藉口, 又或是彼此相約必少不了「吃」,用「吃」來拉近彼此的距離,因此 我們選擇以桌上的餐具來做為設計的載體。

系列調味罐與用餐的互動關係 用餐前,調味罐被聚在一起擺放在檯面上,群聚的土樓象徵了「合— 團圓」的概念,也就是客家人在土樓生活的和諧團結、共生共榮的狀 態。當時間推移到用餐時,各個調味罐因為人們使用的關係分散擺放 在餐桌的各個角落,同時也帶給人們用餐的樂趣。

“Hunger breeds discontentment” “Having meals” seem to be one of the most significant value in Chinese. “Having meal” could be the excuse of gathering, on the opposite side, when Chinese people getting together, the first thing coming in to their mind is about where to have meals. In order to the ideas, we decided to make tableware.

Seasoning Jar Series and the interaction between meals Seasoning jars being putting on the tables represent the spirit of Tolou, “gather together”. When the meals starting, all the jars will be pass around the table and it illustrate the location of real Tolou.

辣粉 雖然閩南沒有吃辣的傳統,但近 來干鍋成為泉州的美食新風尚, 凸顯出閩南文化吸收、創新的特 色。

醬油 西螺醬油是台灣人的共同口味, 也是連結永春和台灣的集體記 憶,有著其他地方的醬油沒有的 好味道。

胡椒粉 胡椒普遍運用在閩南菜餚裡,如 胡椒炒豬肚、胡椒魚等。

醋 醋是閩南人必不可少的調味料之 一永春老醋又名烏醋,或福建紅 糟醋,為中國四大名醋之一, 是源自於福建土樓的老味道。

糖 甜是閩南的菜餚特色,閩南人自 古就有良好的製糖技術,在元明 時期, 閩南是當時中國也是世 界的蔗糖生產中心,而傳自台灣 後亦將其發揚光大,成為糖的重 要產地。



設計緣起 | Background

這個設計是來自一個四天的設計工作坊。成大工業設計學 系與22設計帶領這個設計台南紀念品的工作坊。 研習內容包含如何商品化,為產品創造價值。 This Project came from a four-days workshop. Our department invited 22 designstudio to lead this workshop, The 22designstudio’ designer taught us how to make a business by creative product, Like their product - “concrete jewelery”, and we started to make our product for NCKU and Tainan. 這件餐巾設計上有許多汙點,這些汙點是由台南小吃所留 下來的痕跡,像是蝦仁飯、擔仔麵等等……,讓遊客可以 把台南的嗅覺記憶帶回家。 My product is a napkin, and there’s many stains on it. But when you look closely, these stains all made of Tainan delicacy, like Tan-Tsai noodle’s shrimp and Shrimp meatballs’ sauce.



嗅台南 Smell Tainan 餐巾設計

| Napkin Design

將台南的味覺記憶轉化成視覺印象,讓來台南到訪的遊客 可以將感官享受帶回家。 Visualized Tainan tasted-memories, and make it possible to let Tainan visiting tourists take it home.


布料 | Farbic


感同身受 39

To experience other’s feeling 節驟直立式花灑

| Showering tools

結合立體投影與沐浴體驗的新設計。 將生活中所會耗掉的水資源,轉化為電能形式儲存在洗澡的同時,運 用水壓的能量供電,運作 3D投影系統離開浴廁後,所儲存的電能,改 以夜燈形式運作。 A new design combine 3D projection and showering experience.


設計緣起 | background

節能 | Reduce Energy

科技與生活 | techonology and life

環保節能是現代每個人的義務,然而我們思考,將必然花費的能源轉 換成其他能源,創造更多價值同時也能達到節能的效果。 另一方面,將科技融入娛樂生活中,讓科技不再僅是為了速度與效 率,多添加一份情感與美感在其中,讓人與科技的關係更緊密與和 諧。

此設計將蓮蓬頭與浴室夜燈合併,透過蓮蓬頭水柱的衝力產生電能並 加以儲存,夜間使用廁所時,此蓮蓬頭儲存的電能便提供照明所需的 能源。

利用水柱衝力產生的電能提供能量,結合數位投影,將外出旅行拍攝 的景象利用無線傳輸輸入至蓮蓬頭中,淋浴時影像會投影至浴室,身 歷其境感受森林浴。 隨著淋浴時間的增長,投影影像的顏色會跟著改變以提醒使用者注意 使用的時間過久。

Saving energy has been everyone’s duty in the modern life, while we expect to turn inevitably cost of energy into other form of energy, to create more value andachieve the effect of energy-saving. On the other hand,we integrate the technology and entertainment, so that technology is no longer for speed and efficiency but more feeling and beauty in it. And the product make the relationship between people and technology closer and harmony.

Our design merge the shower and bathroom night-light, the momentum generated by the shower water produce electricity energy and save it. When using the toilet at night, this shower will provide lighting energy from stored energy.

Using electricity generated from the momentum of water column to provide energy, combined with digital projection, input photo that taken in your travel into the shower by using wireless transmission , the image will be projected to the bathroom, enjoy immersive experience of forest bath. With the growth of the shower time the projected image will change color to alert users to pay attention of the using time.

使用情境說明 | introduction of the usage-situatin



運用無線傳輸技術,輸送 至花灑的系統中。


當電量貯存滿,花瓣便開 始褪色,作為省水提示

離開浴室後,夜燈便自動 亮起,節省電力。

take a beautiful sceneary photo.

Use the wireless transmission and transport your photo to the product.

Have a nice shower experience.

After the electricity storage is full, petals began to fade as a water saving tips.

Leaving the bathroom, the night lamp lit up automatically using the energy of water column, to save energy.

水流發電裝置 Power devices of water column

42 立體投影鏡頭 Three-dimensional projector

花灑出水口 Outlet

夜燈遮罩 Night Light Mask


PORTFOLIO 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 4

工 作 坊 X 實 習 Workshop and Internship

夕陽 Sunset 剪影,夕陽 之後浮現。

silhouette, merge after sunset.



Intership in GK sekkei

GK Sekkei 甲子園改札口前空地整治計畫

了解甲子園附近空地的使用狀況,從野球開催時與日 常時間的空地使用計畫來規劃該區域。 Knowing the use of the space near to KOSHIEN, doing the urben planning around that area to fit the nomoral days and while baseballgame started.


設計緣起 | Background 藉由成功大學工業設計系的專案-學海築夢 的牽線,讓我有機會能夠到日本的設計公 司,GK Sekkei進行為期一個月的實習,對於 完全不熟悉的實習內容,溝通上略有障礙的情 況,對自己挑戰,並且學習如何應對進退,將 實習工作做到最好。

實習日程 | Schedule 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/01 9/02 9/03 9/04 9/05 9/06 9/07 9/08 9/09 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/14 Week 1 Instructor : Akamatsu さん

1.KOSHIEN project research 2.Model making (between KOSHIEN and station)

Week 2 Instructor : Ueda さん

Examination and determination of design plan 1.Determinate the plan 2.Make street furniture list Design street furniture 2D/3D model making Model making Prepare for final presentation

甲子園周遭 | About KOSHIEN

實習內容 | Design Program 藉由公司員工提供之資料,了解甲子園周遭境況,閱讀現有的開發企劃案。了 解現有的企畫案後後提出新的企劃案,藉由模型製作來展現如何改造該區以符 合當地人生活。 由於甲子園是日本棒球的聖地,當野球活動開催時,該區會湧入大量人潮,因 此在協調因應事件而造成人潮大量湧入的狀況變得非常重要,也是該次實習的 重點之一。 Information provided by employees to understand the situation around Koshien, reading existing development business case. Identify existing Planning after the case made​​ after the new business case, by modeling to show how to transform the area to meet the locals live. Since Koshien baseball shrine in Japan, when the baseball events open reminder, this area will be the influx of a large number of crowds, so in response to events in the coordination of the crowd caused the influx of situation becomes very important, but also one of the priorities of the internship.


實習工作 | Tasks

藉由成功大學工業設計系的專案-學海築夢 的牽線,讓我有機會能夠到日本的設計公 司,GK Sekkei進行為期一個月的實習,對於 完全不熟悉的實習內容,溝通上略有障礙的情 況,對自己挑戰,並且學習如何應對進退,將 實習工作做到最好。




製作甲子園車站附近模型,供赤松先生出外提案所 繪製甲子園前廣場各種活動時的環境概況,將街道家 設計中期幾乎每天都會與設計師做會報,確認設計進 用,模型內容包含:甲子園車站模型、高速公路模型 具融入該情境之內。 度,以及內容的合理性,藉由設計討論也可以理解日 以及該設計區之平面。 本專業都市計畫師的想法。藉由不同的設計理念激盪 出新的火花。

Model Making



Making a model of the area of Koshian Station. Imitating the situation between the baseball event and nor- Conform all the detail of my project to the designer of GK Content: Koshian Station, High way and the rest of the field mal day, include the kiosk and the street image. SEKKEI, and exchange our ideas and thinking to make the sparkle for improving the result of project.

整體規劃 | Plan 範圍定義 | Definition 由於設計題目為 koshien west tickit gate,此位置應為較重視機能性空間(safety and functional),在討論中並非探討有關於此區域的設計議題。 因此往後設計範圍應為以下的綠色範圍應該為街道家具設計範圍。 Due to the design topic is about the area in front of the “Koshien west ticket gate”, but it seems that we take more care about at the aspect of “safety and functional” in this area. So I will design the street furniture for the green space below. (about flexible and attractive).

規劃內容設定 | Design plan 普通平日(normal day)

野球開催時(baseball game)

平日經過此區域的民眾較少,主要 活動為休憩,逛鄰近商店的民眾。

野球開打後,主要為觀看球賽的民 眾會大量湧入球場(會經過欲規劃 的空間),在球賽開始前與球賽後 的人潮眾多。 When the start of the baseball game, there will be a large number of the crowd came into this area. (Flexible/Funcitional/Arreactive/control)

In normal day, there’s not much people come to this area. (Attractive/Recreation /pleasure/shopping)

平日需要一些供人休憩的設施(路 旁的植栽/涼椅),照明燈具以及指 標(由於有兩條動線經過) There should have some street furniture like plant and sitting for passersby taking rest. Furthemore, this area need some light and sign.

在野球開催時,人潮湧入後,大致 上有兩個方向可以做規劃。一為引 導相關的街道家具,二為臨時販賣 部門的設置。 when baseball game started 1/street furniture can have abilities about guilding crowd (before and after the baseball game.) 2/KIOSK setting. 3/Temporary Service (tickit) setting

1/ 總體燈光的設置(路燈),以在中 間區域劃分步道為左右兩方的設計 為主,藉由切割步道來達成疏散分 流人群的方式。 About the light setting: *in the middle of this area mainly *divided this area into two, separate the passers-by from different direction. 2/ 座椅的規劃以道路中央與兩側設 置為主。 sitting will be set in the middle of this area, and some will be in the roadside, in front of the shop(store). 3/ 用地標的方式,將兩條不同向道 路做分野,對於野球比賽結束後, 眾多人潮湧出球場的情況,應會有 改善。


結案發表 | Final presentation 設計過程 | Design Progress

step5 Model making Making model of the plan space

step4 Make design plan 1/ plaza or park 2/ It still a main steet to connect 2 important place of this area 3/ consideration of different situation 4/ Environmental Planning 5/ street furniture design

step3 Model Making Making modle of station, highway and baseball feild.

step2 Focus on the area between station and highway 1/ It’s not a really big space 2/ This area should be more open for passers-by, (Ex: more enterance from different direction)


step1 research (the eniveriment around KOSHIEN station) 1/ It dont have any green areas 2/ An important area that connect to two functional space (station and baseball field)

設計過程 | Design Progress


FUTURE Functional, (Facilities can be changed to fit in different situation,Eaxample:baseball game period ) 功能性,因應大量人潮湧入時設施的改變 Coexistence of commercial space and green areas 商業空間與綠化區域的並存 Expansion space (rest, green and bike parking) 擴展空間(休息、綠化,駐輪) increase green areas, and preserve trees 增加綠地面積,保存現有樹木 be an attractive, and charming place 增添吸引力以及大眾喜愛的場所

People who lives near to this area can’t experience the atmosphere of park in their daily life.

The plan is to combine the style of “Plaza” and “Park”. people will have a comfortable place to take a rest and enjoy the nature in the future.

設計企劃 | Design Plan

樹木保存 Save trees

公園設置 Park

Planning to preserve the original trees and also take advantage of the location of the plant growth as a natural segmentation.

This park can make this plaza more charming, and attract more people coming here spend their free time and have a nice experience.

創造空間 Create more space

廣場舞台 stage & fountain

Due to the situation of this area (a main street), it need to create more space for resting and greens to make it more like a park. People can enjoy the beautiful view in it.

In the future, there’s a stage in the middle of this area. In normal day, it will offer some place for people doing performance . And it also a fountain for child having fun there.


Route planning When the baseball game period start, a large amount of people will come into this area. It’s really important to GUIDE the crowds.


燈光 Light Create different astomphere at night.

地板 Pavement and green Wooden pavement and grass is at the same Horizontal height level. It’s design to let the nature, park atmosphere can naturally pass to the passersby. Wooden pavement can also avoid the bike to get in.


Boisbuchet Summer Workshop

Environment for entertainment How you can entertain people with your creation as well as yourself?

情境趣味:環境設計工作坊 三個人為一組創作一個趣味設計(包含工具、裝置、 設備等等)。在最終發表時,所有參加者會一起進行 活動,餐與各組完成的趣味設計成果。 Develope the project as a team of 3 people to create physically working creative result.(Include tools, equipment, installation amd etc. After the final presentation, all participants will try to enjoy ours creations together.


講師介紹 | My Instructor Designer Shin Azumi,安積伸設計師,來自日本。 先前接受日本設計教育,後於倫敦皇家藝術學院完成學業,1995年在倫敦設立自己的 工作室,承接來自世界各地的訂單。 Shin Azumi san 的設計作品遍佈世界各地,以產品功能性為主,讓產品的功能性成為 跨國籍的設計語彙,Azumi san的設計產品在各國的機場、旅館飯店、餐廳都時常能 夠見到,是個融合東方與西方設計的設計師。 Designer, Shin Azumi, Japan. Shin Graduated from Royal College of Art, London. The year 1995, his studio has been set up in London. work invited and customers from all around the world. Shin Azumi’s products famous among the entire world and can be found in national airports, hotels and restaurants.

工作坊簡介 | Workshop Intro


工作坊由日本籍英國設計師Shin Azumi San 帶領,工作坊主題為entertainment, 主題是希望藉由產品或者是裝置來讓使用者產生肢體上娛樂得效果,這個設計是需要使 用者親身體驗的裝置,因此使用者需要能夠與裝置互動,不能只是裝置藝術品的層級。 工作坊的第一天由Shin Azumi san帶領大家共同回憶自己兒時的玩具,並且複製出來 當作自我介紹的工具,讓大家認識你與你的個性,並在一天的結尾分好組別準備進行各 自的final project。 開始進行final project時,Azumi san先讓我們探索整個莊園的四周,走入草地,往河 邊、湖邊的方向去探索,找找有沒有能夠讓人娛樂、休憩的地方,並試圖去增加一些能 夠娛樂大眾的裝置。 這個工作坊不但讓我們去辯思什麼是entertainment,並嘗試去理解怎樣的行為與活動 能夠創造出娛樂的感受,肢體的娛樂如旋轉的感受、擺盪,心靈的娛樂如刺激的活動又 如賭博行為,娛樂的層面很廣,該怎麼在自己的設計之中運用裝置讓人快樂,是一門大 學問,而這次工作坊中便是讓我們在實作與辯思的最好結合。

This workshop is led by a Japanese designer, Shin Azumi. “ENTERTAINMENT” is the topic of the workshop. Instructor hopes that the experiencer can be physically entertained by the product we invented. That is to say, our devices cannot stay at the level of art piece. Workshop begins with the childhood memories of our toys. We have to reproduce those toys by limited material. Shin believes that the toys ones presented can reflect his/her personal characteristics. In the end of the day, all the students had been separated to do our final project. Final project begins with discovering the area of Boisbuchet by walking in to the grass, forest, lakes and river. We have to seek for the opportunity that might be suitable for us to set up our design and entertain people. This workshop not only let us to discuss what is the meaning of “entertainment”, but try to understand what kinds of behaviour and activates can create the feeling of “being entertained” in both physical and psychological way.



工作坊體驗 | Workshop Experience 上課的過程當中,由於大家都必須用英文做語言來溝通,自然就會有成度的差異 與問題產生,但是在這次的課程當中,我很幸運的碰到很好的導師與設計師Shin Azumi san,他讓我們有足夠的時間說、討論、決定,在充足的時間之下去找出對 於娛樂最好的解釋,以及將之實現出來。 製作final project的時候,我與德國女孩Nadian還有日本男孩Takumi san一組共同創 作一個連動的大型鞦韆,希望藉由連動的裝置能夠讓過往我們在鞦韆上的操控感 剝奪掉,創造出鞦韆的不確定感。在環境的配合上創造一種舒適、悠閒的娛樂帶 給各位使用者。 International workshop have a huge limitation is that everyone have to communicate in English, naturally, there must cause some of the problems. In this workshop, our instructor, Shin, give us so much time to elaborate our thought and make decisions. When doing final project, Nadian from Germany, Takumi and I decided to make interlocking swings. We would like to make people who play with this product can interact with others. At the same time, it means that the swings will create a sense of uncertainty. Sometimes, this kinds of uncertainty feeling can also create surprise for users.

我的作品 | My Work 我們的final project是由我與德國女孩Nadian還有日本男孩Takumi一組共同創作的 連動鞦韆,我們想要藉由洗刷過去鞦韆可以預測的擺動,利用連動轉變過去對於 鞦韆可操控的既定印象,讓使用者可以再不確定的擺動下被裝置娛樂到,也可以 藉由自己與他人的互動產生娛樂,這是我們作品的設計理念。 在設計的過程中我們一開始先調查布瓦布榭周圍的場域是否有地方可以容納的下 這樣的裝置,在我們搜索之後發現在the Mill附近靠近河邊有一棵大樹,很適合 讓我們設計機構在上面,背景有何流穿梭的聲音,遠處可以眺望布瓦布榭莊園的 城堡,非常閒適的地點,接下來就是創作的部份了。 創作過程中,我們製作了大小不同的平台,也與workshop crew討論了設計的結 構、承載重量等等,並在workshop測試耐重程度候,將之移駕到我們將安裝的地 點利用繩索去把鞦韆安裝在適宜高度,並連結所有鞦韆,創造出一個系列的感 覺,各個鞦韆的組合像家庭一般的聯繫,當我們在操作這個裝置時,也考慮到使 用者乘坐在上的面向以及在鞦韆上的各種可能活動,讓使用者不只能夠藉由裝置 來娛樂,彼此也能夠成為彼此娛樂的來源。 在最終發表當時,我們的作品是擺在Shin san組的最後,當我們帶領大家到我們 的作品前,各個參與者已經很開心的跳上裝置娛樂,甚至不需要我們做任何解 釋,Shin san也有稱讚這就是娛樂的本意,當設計能夠讓人產生快樂是不需要多 做解釋的,當我們提供適當的設計,使用者會自己去娛樂自己,不需要指引。 Final project, interlocking swing, is made together by Nadian and Takumi. We would like to transfer the predictable traditional swings to an unpredictable one. We aim at that people can be entertained by the swings and interact with others at the same time. While talking to the design process, we investigated the surrounding of the field, finding a place for the device, interlocking swing, can be placed. Finally we plan to put it around a huge tree nest to the “MILL”, a church in Boisbuchet. The place facing a river with the sound as our background music, in the other side, people can gaze afar the chateau. We created difference size platform by repeatedly trying different ideas and structures to find out the most comfortable and safety way. After making all the components, we moved them to the location, great tree near “the MILL”. We attempt to make different connection between each, and finally setting them up. At the period of setting, we considered how people interact with the swings and imitated to see whether it’s fun or not. At the final presentation, when visitors saw the interlocking swing we set, they don’t even want to know details and working process. All the people jumped onto the swings and had a great time, without any instruction. That’s the purpose of our project.


Boisbuchet Summer Workshop


Different responsibility and sensibility as a designer

就是要玩 三個人為一組創作一個改變地景的設計設計。在最終 發表時,所有參加者會一起進行活動,餐與各組完成 的趣味設計成果。 Develope the project as a team of 3 people to create a project to change the landscape. After the final presentation, all participants will try to enjoy ours creations together.


講師介紹 | My Instructor MaartenBaas是新生代荷蘭年輕設計師,活躍於世界設計圈中,著名作品「煙燻」 Smoke為其2002年畢業作品之一,前衛的燒灼手法,重新詮釋多款經典椅,賦予系列 經典椅新的生命與表現。2006年發表的「Clay」系列以及2009年發表的「real time」 皆在設計圈掀起一股風潮,展現出Maarten Baas獨特的趣味與個性。

Maarten Baas is an active Dutch designer in the young generation. “Smoke Chair” series stated in the year 2002, graduation project of him, made use of the state-of-the-art method to give explanatory notes for classic designer chair. “Clay” in 2006 and “teal time” project in 2009 also become fame in the design field showing his unique personality.

工作坊簡介 | Workshop Intro



13分鐘設計一張椅子(scale from 1 to 10)。 20分鐘設計三張桌子(使用小紙板當桌面,scale from 1 to 10 )。 兩兩分組,說明桌子的設計理念以及選出最喜歡對方的哪張桌子。 30分鐘幫同組的對方依照桌子的設計設計一張椅子,並且優化自己的作品。 25分鐘幫自己設計桌子設計一組燈具。 冥想。 30分鐘做出一張自己最想歡的設計師椅子。 分成兩組(6人與7人),各自為今天所做的產品佈置一個展覽空間。


Design a chair within 13 minutes (scale from 1 to 10). Design 3 chairs within 20 minutes (cardboard, scale from 1 to 10 ). Discussion (2 in each group), the concept of tables and choose the best one. Design a chair to make a match or partner’s table within 30 minutes. Design a lighting product for my furniture set within 25 minutes. Meditation. Make a Designer Chair I like within 30 minutes. Divided into 2 group preparing a area for exhibition for today’s result.


30分鐘設計一張Ugly Chair(scale from 1 to 10)。 與組員討論,討論椅子有哪些地方你覺的他很醜,哪些地方依然覺得美。 針對對方椅子依舊美麗的地方做發表,並且想辦法去讓椅子更醜。 5分鐘選擇一個你喜歡的物件。 1個半小時,設計一張美麗的椅子,利用原先選的物件,並發表。 1小時,優化自己所設計的椅子使他更精緻。 1個半小時,分成兩組並完成一個吧臺的設計。


Design an “Ugly Chair” within 30 minutes (scale from 1 to 10). Discuss with partners talking about the ugly and beauty of the “Ugly Chair”. Let my partner’s “Ugly Chair” even ugly than before. Choose an “Object” I like frame the Material Room within 5 minutes. Design a beautiful chair by using the “Object I pick and give presentation. Beautify our chairs and make it more exquisite in an hour. Divided into 2 group designing an area for Bar within one and half hours.


20分鐘構想一個可以再45分鐘內完成的椅子。 45*3分鐘以組別做設計,完成三張椅子的設計(在自己所擁有的45分鐘內指 揮其餘兩個設計師幫忙一起完成自己的設計)。 Maarten Baas 設計分享。 30分鐘作一個項框作業,尋找自己喜歡的角落並用相框框起來。


Make a design concept of chair can be done within 45 minutes. Make 3 chairs within 3 hours as a team, means that we have to assist each other’s achieve their expectation. “Designer’s hours” held by Maarten Baas. “Frame” assignment.


準備Final Project與實作


Prepare for Final Project


Final Project實作與發表


Final Project’s presentation

1 快速設計 設計一張1:10的椅子縮小模型 2 快速設計 藉由小零件的發想,創造出1:10的椅子縮小模型 3 快速設計 設計一張醜陋的椅子 4 快速產品製作A 產品快速設計選用的原料—竹子 5 快速產品製作B 椅子局部大圖 6 產品使用 產品使用圖

1 Quick Design - design a 1/10 scale model chair 2 Quick Design - design a 1/10 scale model chair 3 Quick Design - design a ugly chair 4 Quick Product Design A - Bamboo Chair 5 Quick Product Design B - Bamboo chair 6 Scenario - sitting on the chair

1 4


3 5


工作坊成果 | Workshop Project


小展覽 | Little exhibition


快速設計小展覽 Little Exhibition 快速設計的小組成果發表 運用下課後的時間進行小成果的展覽,在室外一個特殊建築內,運用環境中的素材建構出一個小小的展覽空間, 上面擺放挑選過的設計小模型。展覽場地不只是室內的裝飾,連帶室外的告示牌架構跟設置也在設計之中。 在過程中需要與外國學員溝通討論去建構小展覽,在進行溝通、活動上是一個很大的考驗。 Group Presentation- Little exhibition render our’s quick design result We have been assigning for creating a space for small exhibition after classes of the day. By collecting the natural material in the field for decoration, we also set up a billboard outside. By planning the exhibition, we need to do loads of discussion with group members, a big challenge. But fortunately, we end up doing something well impress all the visitors.




設計過程 | Design process








0 Choose the place for placing our final project. We aim to make our project have strong connection with “The lake side”. 1 Searching for the dead tree in the forest as our material. We car it back to the workshop. 2 We peeled off all the skin of branches, for easily painting it into the color orange. 3 Try to make the structure for standing the woods, and make sure it will be perfectly 90 degree. 4 Paint our branches in to bright orange. We would like to make it pop out of the environment. 5 We team up to transfer the project into the lake and make it stand still. 6 Panoramic view of the area and the project.

0 Final Project 的搭設場地挑選,挑選湖邊作為架設場地, 讓作品與環境產生連結。 1 在樹林裡尋找能使用的死樹,將其運回工作室進行加工後製。 2 進行木頭的處裡,將表面的木皮剝除,才能進行上色的工作。 3 運用木製腳架卡榫的方式經木頭直立在地面上,確認與地面幾乎呈90度角。 4 將枯木橫放進行上漆的動作,經木頭噴成亮橘色,在湖面上變成注目焦點。 5 移植枯木支架進入水底,由於枯木非常重,因此需要許多人共同扛到湖邊。 6 在湖邊的造景全景,與後方的死樹群呼應。


工作坊成果 | Workshop Project


PORTFOLIO 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 4

Workshop and Internship

早晨 Morning 規矩的風景中,有些小小的 幸福揉雜在美麗光與影的中 間。 Between the light and shadow, there’re some bless within the middle.




Graphic Design

恆好 For Good & All 文宣品設計

| Graphic Design

海報、酷卡、專刊等設計。 畢業專刊收錄成功大學工業設計學系102級畢業設 計,內容涵括專訪、各組作品內容、展場、設計師 等等。 Posters, cool cards, brochurse design, etc... National Cheng Kung University graduation issue contains 102 graduate design, include interviews, each group of works, exhibition space design, designers.



恆好字體 | Logo

中文字體 | Chinese Font


王漢宗特明體 | HanWangMing Heavy 7pt

王漢宗特明體 | HanWangMing Heavy 9pt

王漢宗特明體 | HanWangMing Heavy 11pt 王漢宗中明體 | HanWangMing Medium 7pt

王漢宗中明體 | HanWangMing Medium 9pt

王漢宗中明體 | HanWangMing Medium 11pt 英文字體 | English Font Times New Roman Regular 7pt

Times New Roman Regular 9pt

Times New Roman Regular 11pt Times New Roman Italic 7pt

Times New Roman Italic 9pt

Times New Roman Italic 11pt 色票 | Swatches C 100 | M 90 | Y 40 | K 30 C 20 | M 0 | Y 70 | K 20

恆好主視覺規範 | Visual Identity

4.14 - 20

5.17 - 20


1 2 3

1. 海 報 | Poster 2. 酷 卡 | Cool Card 3. 名 片 / 產 品 宣 傳 卡 | Name Card / Promotional Card


graphic design

統一生機忠誠店專案設計 DM設計

| DM design

統一生機忠誠店dm設計 DM design.



graphic design


Smell Island Chocolate 商業識別設計

| CIS design

小島蔬果巧克力的商業識別設計,小島蔬果巧克力為一新 款巧克力產品,藉由台灣特殊的蔬果與濃郁的巧克力結合 為特色。商業識別設計內有包含該品牌logo、名片、信封 設計、DM、海報設計。 Small Island Chocolate company’s CIS design. Small Island Chocolate is a new brand of chocolate product, it’s feature of combination of Taiwan’s special vegetable and Chocolate. CIS include the Logo of Small Island Chocolate, bussiness card, envelope, DM, posters.


LOGO | LOGO design


Adobe 繁黑體 Std B



2F.-2, No.500, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL : 886-2-2831-5000


0937-000-000 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段500號2樓之2

2F.-2, No.500, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

信封設計 | envelope design

名片 | bussiness card

DM設計 | DM design




PORTFOLIO 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 4

起步 我的那四年



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