Swiss QualityTechnologySleep *Applicable on all models in Japan SANITIZED® COLLECTION.
Protected from viruses and microbials Swiss Technology Quality Sleep should be totally undisturbed. Sanitized® is a Swiss Technology antimicrobial treatment added to mattress foam that protects our body from harmful viruses, allergens, dust mites, bacteria and microbials up to 99&, tested and certified by a Swiss laboratory. Long-Lasting 3 Types of Foam Feeling 10+ Years of Clinical SuSupportStudiesAllergyerers You will need a softer feel mattress if you have lighter body weight for extra comfort feel, the same goes for a side sleeper. Back and stomach sleepers will need a medium or firmer feeling mattress, it goes with the body considerationweight too. A person with a heavier body weight will prefer a firmer mattress.feelIt is also suitable for back pain sleepers. SOFT MEDIUM FIRM
Reduce magneticElectro-Fields Sleep Well with Electronic Devices Laboratory Tested Result Proven *Applicable on all models in Japan SANITIZED® COLLECTION. Comfort shield ElectromagneticfromFieldsElectromagneticFields(EMF)areacombinationofinvisibleelectric and magnetic fields of force. Living in today’s digital world, it is unavoidable for us to sleep in an environment that is surrounded by electronic devices but the standard metal alloy in spring mattresses would easily attract EMF and cause discomfort in sleep at night. Therefore, Zero EMF is a premium protection design that helps you to reduce the chances of EMF absorption in the body for restoring quality sleep.
Zero Spring, Zero EMF
Soft Feeling Sanitized® Foam CUSTOMISABLE SANITIZED® FOAMS Anti-Dust Mites Fabric Cover Soft/ Medium/ Firm Feeling 23cm Mattress Thickness Customisable Sanitized® Foams Zero-EMF Zero Spring Design Medium Feeling Sanitized® Foam Firm Feeling Sanitized® Foam Ultimate protection for everyone This is the utmost design that comes with customisable Sanitized® anti-microbial foams, suitable for everyone. You can easily unzip the mattress cover and change the layering of 3 foams: Soft feeling, Medium feeling, and Firm feeling. Unzip the mattress cover with our Easy Zip design and customise your mattress feeling
7 VolumiseZones Foam FIRMFIRMFIRMSOFTSOFTSOFTSOFT 7654321 FEETLOWERTHIGHHIPBACKSHOULDERHEADLEGPolyutherene (PU) foam is a commonly used mattress com ponent which comes with di erent levels of density and resiliency. With our own international standard foam manufacturing line, we have created the astonishing volumise foam that comes with a 7 zoning design, o ering accurate body and spine support according to the
According to the advice from our appointed health expert, 7 Zones Volumise Foam is able to accurately support the body and spine with the dedicated level of foam density and firmness.
Our own manufacturing line is adhering to international safe production standards. The exclusive foam composition o ers a greater volume of comfortable body support and it is also toxic-free.
High Density & Resiliency
Accurate Body & Spine Support
Volumise Foam Composition
The thoughtful design is suitable for all body weights, sizes and sleeping positions. High density for greater strength and high resiliency for superior performance where it bounces back to the original shape quicker.
3-LAYERS-HYBRID-FOAM Anti-Dust Mites Fabric Cover Firm 23cmFeelingMattress Thickness Sanitized® Anti-microbial Foam Superior care for heavier body weight Besides having a layer of Sanitized® anti-microbial foam, this model comes with the premium 7 Zones Volumise Foam and High Resilience Flexi Foam, giving you a more accurate body spine support. Firmer feeling as compared to the other models, suitable for a heavier person.
Memory foam has been designed for the United States NASA spacecraft seats many years ago. The same technology is applied to mattress foam with remarkable performance on motion absorbance, sleeping safe and sound even when your partner toss and turn during night sleep. Memory foam also helps to distribute the gravitational force of your body regularly and prevents the build-up of resistance on any pressure points. States NASA Technology
PressureExcellentRelief Superior AbsorptionMotion United
Excellent motion absorption memory foam
7 Zones Volumise Foam ZERO3-LAYERS-HYBRID-FOAMSPRINGDESIGN Sanitized® + Space-X Memory Foam Anti-Dust Mites Fabric Cover Medium Feeling 23cm Mattress Thickness 7 Zones Volumise Foam Zero-EMF Zero Spring Design Space-X Memory Foam Sanitized® Anti-microbial Foam WithsleepRemarkablesolutionSanitized®anti-microbial foam and premium 7 Zones Volumise Foam, this model added the revolutionary Space-X Memory Foam to enhance the overall resiliency of the mattress, suitable for a lighter weight person who are looking for cloud-conforming comfort sleep.
We are proud as an Australian mattress brand, designed by the sleep & orthopaedic experts. Made with meticulously selected materials that o ers excellent body weight distribution, optimum position for spine rest and back care. With our worldwide distribution in Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, we are confident to guaranteed your satisfaction with a restful and restorative sleep. As part of the Australian community, we are hoping to do as much as we could to protect our nation’s icon and restore their homes. Partially of our profits will be donated to World Wide Fund for Nature WWF® monthly koala adoption campaign. Every mattress sold is contributing to the restoration of Koala’s homes.