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spring2013 Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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444 DAyS TO fREEDOM:THE INSIDE STORy NEW! . . . . . . . . D-4 A PERfECT SOlDIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12 A POET ON THE fRONTlINE NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5 ADElE’S wISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12 AlIEN INVADERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12 AlIEN OBSESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12 ANDy wARHOl’S fACTORy PEOPlE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D- 12 BETwEEN THE lINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13 BEyOND THE RED wAll: THE STORy Of fAlUN gONg . . . . D-13 BIgHORN SHOwDOwNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-13 BISExUAl VIRgINS: CROSSINg THE lINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13 BRUTAl BEAUTy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13 CAT CAll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-13 CHABOT SOlO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13 DOlPHIN BOy NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5 DR. TEllER’S VERy lARgE BOMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 EASTER ISlAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 ENIgMA: ExORCISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-14 ESCAPE fROM IRAN: THE INSIDE STORy NEW! . . . . . . . . . . D-5 fACES Of A VANISHINg wORlD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 fEATHERED fRIENDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-14 fORTy SHADES Of gREy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-14 gAMBlINg BOyS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-14 gAMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 gUINEA PIg ClUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 HEllBOUND? NEW!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 I DIED NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 I AM NOT A ROCK STAR NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6 If A TREE fAllS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15 INTO THE ARCTIC 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15 JAzz DEAMS 2 NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 JOURNEy HOME Of THE CHINOOK SAlMON . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15 JUST PEOPlE (IN lOVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15 KINgDOM Of wOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 lANDMINE ER NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 NO PRICE TOO HIgH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 PlAyINg gOD wITH PlANET EARTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 POPCORN wITH MAPlE SyRUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 PORAMPO: PIRATES Of THE MAlACCA STRAITS . . . . . . . . . D-16 RAISED IN THE RINg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 ROBOT wARRIORS NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 SECRET wAR: THE SUffIElD VOlUNTEERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 SHEEP AND gRIzzly COUNTRy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 SPOIlED NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 STRIKE DICE: BETTINg ON My fATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16 TEllINg AMy’S STORy NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 THE BUlly’S MARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17 THE HOUSE Of SUH NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 THE ICE HOTEl NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10 THE INVISIBlE MACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17 THE MAN wHO SKIED DOwN EVEREST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17 THE PEOPlE VS. BETTy gOOCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17 THE SAVIOUR Of CEylON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17 THE SPIRIT Of HIROSHIMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-18 THE STREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-18 THREADS Of HOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-18 VINCENT: THE UNTOlD STORy Of OUR UNClE . . . . . . . . . . D-18 wAgINg PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-18 wARRIORS Of THE NIgHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19 wHEN THE DEVIl KNOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19 wHEN TwO wON’T DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19 wHITE: A MEMOIR IN COlOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-19 wHy gET MARRIED? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19 wOMEN wITH AlTITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19 wORlD wAR I NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11 yEAH! yEAH! yEAH! NEW! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11
2 Pardee Avenue, Suite 102, Toronto, ON Canada M6K 3H5 T 416.363.8683 F 416.363.7834 W
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The Ice Hotel 1 x 60’ 3D & 2D Each year, 150 passionate workers help to create this incredible structure that’s filled with themed ice sculptures. This magnificent Ice Hotel contains 36 guest rooms, a grand hall, a bar for 400 people and even an Ice Chapel that provides for at least 30 weddings per season.
Quebec Winter Carnival 1 x 60’ 3D & 2D The Quebec Winter Carnival celebrates everything about winter with all sorts of unique competitions and celebrations - from canoe races across the St. Lawrence River to horse racing with sleds, dog-sledding, skating, ice sculptures, food, music and fun.
Sacred Space 13 x 30’ 3D & 2D Explore he most celebrated Christian Cathedrals, Hindu and Buddhist Temples, Muslim Mosques and Jewish Synagogues in North America, the Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe and Asia – each with a unique history rich in mystery and intrigue.
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444 DAYS TO FREEDOM:THE INSIDE STORY Documentary • 1 x 100’ This documentary, winner of three Canadian Gemini Awards and narrated by William Shatner, offers an in-depth portrait of the events encompassed by the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 to 1981, when 52 Americans were held by fundamentalist Iranian students deeply disturbed by the course of American policy in their native land. Attention is given to the American reaction to the crisis, both inside and outside of the country. The focus here is on the conduct of the hostages themselves and how they managed to survive within such a volatile situation. Also included is some discussion on the implications of the crisis on American foreign policy.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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ESCAPE FROM IRAN: THE INSIDE STORY NEW! Documentary • 1 x 60’ Documentary featuring the six hostages who escaped from US embassy compound in Iran in 1979 at the start of the 444 day hostage crisis and were sheltered and exfiltrated by Canadian staff such as charge d'affaires Ken Taylor and the Sheardowns. Includes interview with Flora Macdonald re the false Canadian passports issued by the Canadian Government.
A POET ON THE FRONTLINE: THE REPORTAGE OF RYSZARD KAPUSCINSKI NEW! Current Affairs/History/Biography/People & Society/ War/ Portrait • 1 x 60' , 16mm film A Poet On The Frontline is a window into the incredible and dangerous world of Ryszard Kapuscinski, the daredevil war correspondent and author of 18 books. One of the most important literary voices today, Kapuscinski spent his life struggling to stay alive on foreign battlefields and struggling to stay published in the face of censorship in his native Poland. Known as‘Indiana Jones with a notepad,’he was a legend who had been looking for the truths of human experience in the most dangerous places. Filmmaker Gabrielle Pfeiffer traveled with Kapuscinski to four countries, capturing his true character, his passion, his humor and his demons. Her film unfolds in an engaging episodic format in which the echoes of Kapuscinski’s childhood as a war refugee interweave with his later experiences on the battlefields of the Third World in a poetic reverie of the tragedy and the absurdity of war. Author John Berger writes about A Poet On The Frontline,“wonderful and wonderfully told. Thank you and everybody for this film”.
DOLPHIN BOY NEW! Social • 1 x 90’ HD • for select territories Morad - a teenager from an Arab village in the north of Israel disconnects himself from human beings following a brutal and violent attack that he has experienced at the hands of boys from his village. As a last resort before hospitalization in a Mental Institution, he is taken by his devoted father to be treated with Dolphins at a very special and unusual care facility in Eilat. Morad begins speaking again after months of silence, but he has erased his past and refuses to go home to his awaiting mother. This powerful documentary is about the devastating havoc that human violence can wreak upon the human soul, and about the healing powers of nature and of love. The documentary was filmed over the course of the past four years.
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I AM NOT A ROCK STAR NEW! Arts/Music/Social • 1 x 60' HD and 1 x 90 HD West Coast Adventures is an exciting television series all about fun, travel and adventure in the beautiful outdoors of North America and beyond. The series will take you on unforgettable journeys which include mountain climbing to the summit of Whistler, snorkeling with the salmon in Bella Coola, sturgeon ďŹ shing in the Fraser Canyon, hang gliding in Salt Spring Island, Humpback Whale watching in Prince Rupert, swimming with the seals in Nanaimo, white water rafting in Lytton, airplane gliding in Hope, cruising from Vancouver to Alaska, glacier hiking in Juneau and crabbing in Ketchikan, just to name a few.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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JAZZ DREAMS 2 NEW! Culture/History/Music • 1 x 90’ HD Jazz Dreams 2 follows three young jazz musicians from New Orleans for fourteen years as they embark on difficult careers. The film features Jason Marsalis, the youngest member of the famed Marsalis family; Irvin Mayfield, a Grammy Award winning trumpet player/composer; and Courtney Bryan, a sensitive pianist attending the arts high school that graduated Wynton Marsalis, Nicholas Peyton, and Harry Connick Jr. We watch them grow from high school, through the death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina, to becoming Grammy Award winning musicians, parents and entrepreneurs.
HELLBOUND? NEW! Arts/Music/Social • 1 X 60’ and 1 x 90’ HD Documentary featuring the six hostages who escaped from US embassy compound in Iran in 1979 at the start of the 444 day hostage crisis and were sheltered and exfiltrated by Canadian staff such as charge d'affaires Ken Taylor and the Sheardowns. Includes interview with Flora Macdonald re the false Canadian passports issued by the Canadian Government.
LANDMINE ER NEW! Current Affairs • 1 x 60’ HD Like many Cambodians 24 year old Satya Yorm had no choice but to build his home on land contaminated by landmines. We meet him in the blood-soaked minutes as he arrives at Emergency trauma hospital, following a tragic footstep that cost him his left leg. In a split second, Satya has become the latest victim of a war he’s too young to remember. Decades of professional clearance have increased landmine awareness to an all time high, but nothing can prevent accidents like Satya’s, giving Cambodia one of the highest amputee rates in the world. Landmine ER documents one mans physical and psychological journey as he struggles to come to terms with life as an amputee. Examining the effects of war trauma in post war Cambodia, Landmine ER offers an unflinching view of a weapon that knows no ceasefire.
I DIED NEW! Social/Science • 1 x 60’ HD (13 x 30’ HD in development) “I Died” is a stand-alone documentary and a docudrama series that brings to life the near death accounts of people who where clinically dead, but lived to tell their stories. It presents the latest scientific research on the near death experience phenomenon, and suggests possible answers to the age old question, “What happens to us when we die?” Each episode focuses on three near death accounts that provide an emotional hook related to the episode’s theme. Many who have had near death experiences believe that, for one brief moment, they were standing in the threshold of another existence. For some, that moment has defined their purpose in life. Others, look to science for an explanation. As different as these two types of people are, the thing they have in common is an opinion, often times a strong one, as to whether there is life after death. Believe it or not, we might be getting closer to finding out the answer.
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ROBOT WARRIORS NEW! Science/Technology • 1 X 60’ HD Robot Warriors examines the science, the technology and the impact that robotic warfare has on our society today. Once the domain of science fiction, US military’s Predator and Reaper UAV drones, Israel’s G-Nius armed patrol vehicles and Protector naval boat, ‘killer robots’ have become reality and are being developed at an explosive pace. While advances in robotics have the potential to greatly enhance military strength while reducing the number of combat casualties, the artificial intelligence required is the cause of much concern and research into the broader implications of this new technology. This fascinating investigation identifies the militaries at the cutting edge of war robotics in the race to develop ever more advanced robotic infantry and other valuable robotic ground force assets. Robot Warriors tackles the subject at the very core of this technological revolution -- how will it transform the world’s armies, a soldier’s role and a nation’s power in the 21st century?
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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Current Affairs• 1 x 60’ HD Freedom of religion: it's a right that many of us enjoy to its fullest extent. However, in some parts of the world, the ability to practice one's faith and beliefs can come with a dangerous and demoralizing price. Persecuted Christians exposes and explores some of the atrocities and inhumanities that persecuted Christians are facing in Middle Eastern countries including Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan. Moving personal stories are told of a group of families who have suffered greatly for their faith. They’ve escaped oppression in their home countries to rebuild their lives in other countries, while often leaving behind loved ones who continue to be in danger.
True Crime • 1 x 60’ HD ‘Somebody call 911. I just shot Amy’ - Amy’s husband Vince, just after he stepped out his front door. Words he said calmly to Amy’s parents and young children as they sat in the driveway waiting. The police arrived, finding Amy in the living room, a bag containing bottles, diapers and onesies lying beside her dead body. Lots of people knew - but only small bits and pieces. Her husband was a ‘jerk.’ He hassled her coworkers. He always carried a gun, and he’d threatened her with death before. Her murder was inevitable, but wasn’t apparent to anyone. Told by an impassioned police detective through an exhaustive investigation, together with the courts, Amy’s friends, and her family, ‘Telling Amy’s Story’ creates a disturbing, and exasperating picture of a life that was.
Current Affairs• 1 x 60’ and 1 x 90’ HD Most people today believe we are “addicted” to oil. Nothing could be further from the truth. Addictions destroy lives. Oil is your life! Petroleum is the foundation of the modern world providing everything from the fuel for nearly all transportation to the plastics and petrochemicals that are in virtually every product. Yet most people believe oil is a dirty sin. How can this be? spOILed takes a provocative, often humorous and ultimately frightening look at the deceptions surrounding our understanding of oil. It exposes those responsible for the deception, including highpowered politicians such as Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. The film reveals the media’s anti-oil bias, skewering Bill O’Reilly and ABC News, among others. The world’s most important energy experts (Michael Economides, Robert Bryce, Jon Hofmeister and more) explain why the world had better wake up to our spOILed existence because oil demand is outpacing supply and a sudden disruption would have catastrophic consequences. There is no alternative to oil and there won’t be for a long time. A society that believes its very lifeblood is bad and can be eliminated is one that sets itself up for a very hard fall. This highly-stylized, fun, yet sober documentary leaves viewers with an unsettling appreciation for what they once called an “addiction”.
True Crime • 1 x 60’ HD Behind one of Chicago’s most famous murder cases is a story about an immigrant family’s failed attempt to achieve the American Dream. Yoon Myung and Tai Sook Suh immigrated to America for a better life for their children, Andrew and Catherine. But their pursuit of happiness quickly became riddled with misfortune, culminating on September 25, 1993, when Andrew shot and killed his older sister’s fiancé of eight years, Robert O’Dubaine, at Catherine’s bidding. Those closest to Andrew expressed shock and disbelief: how could a young man with a promising future allow himself to be convinced into committing murder? As the Suh’s complex history unfolds, issues of cultural assimilation, traditional values and justice are examined, raising questions of guilt, innocence and the illusive gray area in between.
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THE ICE HOTEL NEW! Architecture/Culture • 1 x 60’ 3D & 2D For as long as he can remember, Jacques Desbois has been passionate about winter. Growing up in the snow capital of the world, Quebec, Canada, he found enjoyment in winter but was particularly fascinated with the elements of snow and ice. How did people live outside in that environment? He set out to build an igloo and was hooked. In 2001, he fulfilled one of his dreams and built the first Ice Hotel in North America“Hotel De Glace”. Each year, 150 passionate workers help to create this incredible structure that’s filled with themed ice sculptures representing various cultures and geography. This magnificent Ice Hotel contains 36 guest rooms, a grand hall, a bar for 400 people and even an Ice Chapel that provides for at least 30 weddings per season. In this stunningly original new documentary, history, architecture and culture are highlighted, along with breathtaking, unforgettable cinematography.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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WORLD WAR I NEW! FAR FROM HOME Part 1 - THE BATTLE OF VIMY RIDGE (1 x 120') A two-hour documentary which recreates for the viewer one of the greatest battles in Canadian military history. The film was made to show that Canadian character at its best, forging an identity for a country that before the First World War had been seen only as a British colony - an identity and a character that became recognized and respected throughout Europe. Part 2 - SAM'S ARMY (1 x 120') Canada was led to war by a bigoted, ignorant, self-obsessed Minister of Militia, who may well have been clinically insane, but the importance of Canada's contribution in that war owes a great deal to him. The man of course, was Colonel - later made Lieutenant General by his own hand - Sam Hughes. Part 3 - THE LAST 100 DAYS (1 x 120') Canadian military accomplishments in the last hundred days of World War I, when the German Army was destroyed, surpassed those of any other army. The Canadian success was, in no small measure, due to Arthur Currie, whom a recent British historian describes as "the most successful Allied General and one of the least well known." CANADA AND WORLD WAR I (1 x 30') For many, WW1 marks the beginning of nationhood. But the cost to Canada was high nearly one in ten of her soldiers was killed. The moving story of Canada at war and on the home front is told using soldiers' letters, period songs, archival footage, photographs and posters. Topics include: trench warfare, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, women's role, recruitment and conscription and casualties.
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! NEW! Culture/Music • 1 x 60’ HD What’s left of Beatlemania in this day and age? Plenty. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! is an exploration of what’s left of the Beatles phenomenon today, fifty years after the creation of the most successful band in the history of rock and roll. The engaging, Rock n’ Roll story of a personal pilgrimage to find traces of John, Paul, George and Ringo in the city where they were born, Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! highlights encounters with various international Beatles tribute bands who religiously come to Liverpool every year to participate in the world-famous International Beatles Week.
THE ROAD TO WAR (1 x 30') Topics include: Complex system of alliances/rivalries that leads Europe into armed conflict in 1914. Initially, Wilson and U. S. walk neutrality tightrope. Election issues in 1916. Ties to Great Britain, and incidents on high seas lead U.S. into conflict in 1917. Creating a fighting force and economic/industrial support for war effort. Intolerance of divergent ideas on the home front. CONFLICT IN THE MODERN WORLD: ORIGINS OF WORLD WARS I and II (1 x 30') How does a world war start? It's roots lie in a tectonic battle of international power and influence, a conflict so overpowering that it can drag entire countries into it's terrifying vortex. In this program we examine specifically how World War I and II started with the powder keg of struggling European colonial powers, politics and alliances. A fascinating look at one of the most important periods of modern history. TO END ALL WARS? (1 x 30') Topics include: Before U.S. troops arrive in Europe, Germany defeats Russia and moves toward Paris. Labor unrest at home. Allies push German troops back to border; high casualties; Wilson's Fourteen Points. Short- and long-term fallout from Paris Peace talks. Turbulent times for country: racial and labor unrest, Red scare.
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Art/History/Crime • 1 x 60’ The controversial story behind the world’s most valuable painting, the“Portrait of Adele Bloch-Baur I”by Gustav Klimt. The film recounts the remarkable story of a 92 year-old Los Angeles woman’s struggle to recover five Klimt paintings that were stolen from her family by the Nazis in 1938. The paintings were considered national treasures by Austria and were proudly displayed in Vienna’s Belvedere Museum for over 60 years. Although it began as a legal dispute, the struggle quickly turned into a political, cultural and ethical confrontation and Austria was forced to re-examine not only its role in Nazi art thefts, but also its anti-Semitic past.
Arts/Social 3 x 60’ or 1 x 100’ This mini-series takes an in-depth look at the lives and times of the unique people who spent exclusive time with Andy Warhol and worked at the Factory during the silver sixties, making it all click as a new counter-culture arose and began to exert its influence throughout the arts scene in New York. Features never before seen footage and intimate interviews with the Warhol “stars” who knew Andy best, including Billy Name, Ultra Violet, Gerard Malanga and Taylor Mead.
People & Society/Human Rights 1 x 60’ HD A Perfect Soldier is a film about the power of the individual to create change in society. We follow the story of a former child soldier, Aki Ra, who, as a very young child of 6 was drafted into the Khmer Rouge and who was forced to plant hundreds of landmines for them. We learn how these extremely traumatic experiences affected him and how he has devoted his life to changing his country’s circumstance ever since. Aki-Ra’s Cambodian Land Mine museum has changed the lives of tens of thousands of people who visit each year.
Adventure/Travel/Wildlife/Science 1 x 60’ HD Alien Invaders is a new series that throws three young hosts into the world of invasive species of animals, fish, birds, insects, viruses and plants to create television mayhem. The show looks at invasions of aggressive non-indigenous animals around the world. Pacific lionfish are eating their way through the Caribbean, Burmese pythons are infesting the Everglades, African killer bees have worked their way north from Brazil to Utah, Asian carp are now swimming in the millions from New Orleans to Chicago. These and many other “alien invaders” are the villains of our show.
Sci-fi Culture • 1 x 60’ (Shot on film: upgradable to HD) A riveting account of one of the most fascinating cultural obsessions of our era: the media’s obsession with the possibility of extraterrestrial life. From medieval sightings, to the top-secret air force base “area 51”, to the flying saucer crash sites in New Mexico and the 50th anniversary reunion at Roswell, ALIEN OBSESSION is the first cultural documentary to seriously examine the media’s obsession with UFOs and aliens. A Canamedia Production for A & E Network.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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BETWEEN THE LINES History/People & Society/Human Rights 1 x 60’ Between the Lines is an intimate window into Amira Hass’ unique and terrifying world. An Israeli reporter living in the Palestinian Territories writing for Israel’s “Haaretz” Newspaper, she is the only Israeli who lives in Ramallah, within the Palestinian Authority Territories. Hass is an obsessed journalist. A pursuer of justice, a rebel, a political animal, and an only child of a Holocaust survivor who grew up in a communist home where survival for one’s right to exist is what she grew up on.
BEYOND THE RED WALL: THE STORY OF FALUN GONG Social/Political 1 x 60’ HD In 1992 a new spiritual practice, called Falun Gong began to spread throughout China and by 1999 had acquired over 70 million adherents. Beyond the Red Wall is a hard-hitting documentary special focusing on the movement and the persecution of these people by the Chinese authorities. The film also includes never-seen-before torture footage, smuggled out of China.
BISEXUAL VIRGINS: CROSSING THE LINE Social/Culture 1 x 60’ HD Bisexuality may be the latest among the likes of Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears or even David Bowie, but if you’re a small town girl it can be a daunting, brave and downright scary to follow through with your bisexual desires. BISEXUAL VIRGINS: CROSSING THE LINE is a one-hour TV documentary that follows two women, Tina Hahn and Samantha Smith, as they finally break through their inhibitions to explore the world of bisexuality.
Social 1 x 90’ HD Roller derby is a classic, frantic, fast-paced contact sport that has seen a nationwide revival in recent years. Brutal Beauty: Tales Of The Rose City Rollers tells the story of one tough, sexy and sassy all-female league, the Rose City Rollers. For more than a year and a half, an embedded film crew documented the thrills and spills of these daring female’s derby life. Through unlimited access to team bouts, practices and the private lives of the players including relationships, friendships and personal battles, Brutal Beauty puts the viewer on the inside track to this highcontact, social and sometimes dangerous, sport.
Historical/Aviation 3 x 60’ (16mm film) These three one hour films, which can be run as one offs or as a trilogy, tell the story of flight through the twinkling eyes of a man who started flying in 1918. Charles Chabot flew everything from the cross Channel “Bleriot”, to the Supersonic Concorde at age 88. His life was filled with amusing anecdotes and numerous firsts. Incredible archive footage and music from the period have made these films evergreen classics. Part I – 1914-1918 / Part II – 1918-1939 / Part III – 1939-1965
Wildlife 1 x 60’ BIGHORN SHOWDOWNS is an Alberta, Canada shot film featuring the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. It covers all the behaviours of the rutting season and shows close and exciting wild action as the big horn sheep engage in spectacular confrontations. A classic narration driven wildlife documentary.
Social 1 x 60’ CAT CALL is an investigative documentary behind the new social term ‘Cougar’ – the female kind. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it is commonly used in reference to older women dating younger men and the term has burrowed its way into contemporary pop culture. Cat Call strives to understand exactly what the term means and what its social ramifications are to women in a society where men still tend to have the upper hand.
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Historical/Science 1 x 60’ An historical documentary that tells the dynamic story of Edward Teller, the Manhattan Project lead physicist who was already obsessively working on inventing the Hydrogen Bomb while everyone else at Los Alamos was trying to complete the atom bomb project. Teller was directly or indirectly responsible for much of the Cold War and armaments race that followed World War II, and continued to influence government policy all the way up to the Strategic Missile Initiative (Star Wars). Includes exclusive never-before-seen interviews with Dr.Teller.
Cultural/Travel/Arts 1 x 60’ HD Special Joey Lawrence is currently one of the most sought after photographers in the world. By the young age of 19 he has already shot everything from Forbes magazine covers, to album artwork with top pop stars, to movie posters for feature films such as “Twilight.” This stand alone series focuses on Joey’s driving passion for taking portraits of indigenous cultures that are on the verge of extinction. The pilot episode travels from his home and work in New York to the tribal villages of Ethiopia as Joey continues his quest to reveal, through iconic photographs, disappearing cultures.
Social/Culture 1 x 60’ HD Featuring three youths ranging in age from 14 to 21, this documentary delves in to the new and ever-changing world of teen gambling, a seductive world that offers up excitement and the allure of making fast money, but can also lead to damaging consequences. Through our narrator and the boys themselves, this hard-hitting documentary penetrates into an unknown world that many are not aware exists – a life of risk, consequence and addiction.
EASTER ISLAND: CHILDREN OF THE MOAI & MYSTERY AND MAGIC Historical 1 x 60’ & 1 x 120’ HD Easter Island is the most remote inhabited place on our planet. For 1,500 years this isolation has acted as both a shelter for and a curse upon the island’s indigenous Rapa Nui people. Trapped on their 64 square miles of land, 4,000 kilometers from their nearest neighbour, the Rapa Nui eventually used up their limited resources only to see their tropical paradise transformed into a bleak rock, filled with chaos, warfare and cannibalism. This is the first documentary to focus on the rise and fall of the Rapa Nui people. It also shows how the Moai were moved.
Wildlife 1 x 60’ FEATHERED FRIENDS is a film on the rare and exciting behaviours of birds in western Canada. It covers many species from the hummingbirds to the golden eagles along with scenes of falconry and bird banding. A classic narration driven wildlife documentary.
Social/Investigative 1 x 60’ HD Follow investigative film maker Ben Gonyo into a world of over 200 million obsessed video game fans. Ben dives headfirst into the phenomenon of MMO video games like World of Warcraft, many of which have altered lives in unimaginable ways. He talks with players, superfans, game developers, industry experts, psychologists and stark critics about what it’s like to live within a virtual life, while attending game conventions and playing the game himself. Stories of game addiction are rampant, but there’s often a therapeutic side of escapism that sometimes gets overlooked.
Culture 1 x 60’ HD Demonic possession; the frontline in the eternal battle of good vs. evil. Around the world in widely varying cultures, millions of people believe that the devil and demons can possess a human body. Thousands of cases are reported each year. Are such cases real? Do demons really take over the bodies and souls of innocent people? Or are the answers to such troubling cases found in the more prosaic realm of human psychology? While examining the influence of religion, faith and psychology, ENIGMA: EXORCISM will expose the realities of the fascinating world of demonic possession.
War/People & Society/Social Issues 1 x 83’ A non-narrative experimental documentary, shot over the course of seven weeks in Israel and Palestine. Some very black and white ideas and opinions exist when people think of this notorious hotspot. This project aims to explore the forty shades of grey, and the many stories that exist in between the definite black and white we are presented with daily in our news media. A combination of arresting imagery, haunting sounds, and interviews ranging from Ultra-Orthodox settlers to Marxist Palestinians, Forty Shades of Grey provokes debate on a contentious issue where everybody is right, and everybody is wrong.
Medical/History 1 x 60’ (French available) Through the eyes of the most painfully exclusive club in the world, this documentary tells the story of two WWII pioneering plastic surgeons and their revolutionary approach to reconstructive surgery. Their radical holistic and surgical techniques brought back airmen so horribly burned and broken they believed they might as well be dead. Startling archival footage is interwoven with interviews with the airmen who reunited to tell their story, and that of the doctors who changed the face of history.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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INTO THE ARCTIC 2 Travel/Adventure/Arts • 1 x 90’ HD & 1 x 60’ HD For years, artist Cory Trepanier has explored some of the wildest places in the North. Few have walked in these landscapes and even fewer have captured them on canvas. Now he’s going further, into remote lands that are more challenging and more dangerous. Into a breathtaking arctic wilderness to experience and paint a land that might never be the same again. Through three months of filming and a dozen arctic locations, Cory brings his fresh perspective to the hidden treasures at the top of the world. Experience the majesty of the North through stunning cinematography and the dramatic experiences of a passionate painter and adventurer.
Social/Health 1 x 60’ (French Available) Intimate, moving and insightful, If a Tree Falls is the powerful, first-person story of a filmmaker who is losing her hearing. She embarks on a documentary about her experience, but she’s torn between her need to make the film, and her fears about what will happen to her career when people find out she can’t hear. Finally, she reaches out to the hard-of-hearing community where she discovers a remarkable group of people who give her the strength to deal with her disability.
History/Crime/Human Rights/War 6 x 60’ This highly-acclaimed six-part series pays tribute to the Canadians who participated in World War II - young Canadians whose collective courage and spirit led to victory. The series traces Canada’s role from the pre-war years when Prime Minister Mackenzie King found himself charmed by the “appealing and affectionate look” in Adolf Hitler’s eyes, to the development of the A-bomb that finally put an end to the most destructive conflict in history. Episode One begins with the unveiling of the Vimy Memorial. Episode Six ends with the victory in 1945. The Series is structured thematically.
JOURNEY HOME OF THE CHINOOK SALMON Wildlife/Educational 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ JOURNEY HOME OF THE CHINOOK SALMON is the incredible story of the Chinook salmon on the Fraser River. Wildlife filmmaker, Leon Lorenz, dedicated eight spawning seasons to capture some of the rarest and most exciting scenes ever filmed on the spawning grounds of this magnificent fish.
JUST PEOPLE (IN LOVE) Social 1 x 60’ Experience life and love among the self-proclaimed “Party Animals,” the physically or mentally disabled adults of Just People (In Love). Director Vickie Russell spent six months with Just People, Inc., a unique support organization for independent-minded adults with disabilities. The result is an intimate home-movie-style introduction to their world – their humour, triumphs, failures and touching personal relationships.
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Social/Anthropology 1 x 60’ High above the mountains in South Western China, where Yunnan and Sichuan border each other, lies the seldom-visited Lugu Lake. Along its banks, we find the Mosuo people who have continuously practiced the matriarchal systems for centuries. Whether out of volition, or of necessity, the Mosuo women have taken on leadership in their society for the past two thousand years. Secluded in their own corner of the world, life in this matrilineal society has remained tranquil because its people have held on to their religious beliefs; however, fears that the way of the Mosuo may die are now becoming real, urgent concerns.
Wildlife 1 x 60’ SHEEP AND GRIZZLY COUNTRY is a wildlife film covering the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and the mountain grizzly bear. It contains very rare behaviours of these animals in some of the most rugged and beautiful country of the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia and Alberta.
PLAYING GOD WITH PLANET EARTH Science 1 x 60’ HD This controversial documentary asks: can big science reverse global warming? As the threat of climate change grows more urgent, scientists are considering radical and dangerous schemes to lower the earth’s temperature through geo-engineering. The problem? Geo-engineering might help part of the planet, but cause unintended consequences for others by reducing rainfall, causing drought and mass starvation. Playing God with planet earth could save humanity - or trigger disaster on a planetary scale.
POPCORN WITH MAPLE SYRUP: FILM IN CANADA FROM EH TO ZED Theatrical Feature-Length Documentary 1 x 90’ A spell binding feature documentary uncovering the stories, scandals and little-known fascinating facts about Canadian movies. The first movie star in the world, the first three actresses to win Academy Awards, the first performer in a nude scene, the first actress to kiss on-screen, the first nickelodeon – all were Canadian. From drive-ins to IMAX to Mike Myers to The Barbarian Invasions, Popcorn with Maple Syrup: Film in Canada from Eh to Zed is a rambunctious history of the Canadian movie industry.
Social/Crime/International Affairs 1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’ HD Travel on a journey deep inside the world of 21st century high seas piracy. This HD documentary focuses on one of the world’s most dangerous waterways, where sailors are assaulted by pirates wielding AK47s, grenades and grappling hooks. Journey through Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia in a quest to meet a gang of modern day pirates. An ex-pirate with the scars of grenades and knives tells his story. Along the way there are interviews with police, fishing villagers and ships’ crews. It all builds to the film’s pinnacle: a real night time pirate raid in a pirate boat.
History 1 x 60’ During the Second World War the Canadian Army conducted chemical warfare experiments on its own soldiers and volunteers that would have been called ‘war crimes’ had they been done to prisoners of war. Many of the men suffered after-effects in the decades following the war but could get no help from their government, which denied they had even been at the experimental test station in Suffield, Alberta. This is the story of four of those men.
Social/Sports • 1 x 60’ Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, is a cultural tradition steeped in history and religious reverence. More importantly, to the rural poor it is a career and a way to improve their livelihood. This fascinating fly-on-the-wall documentary reveals the lives of four aspiring kick boxers. Ranging from children aged twelve to fifteen, to an eighteen-year-old vying for a professional career in Bangkok, the doc follows them in their daily routines, their rigorous training regimens and their fights. During the doc, we come to understand the respect and dignity with which this form of fighting is regarded in today’s Buddhist society.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
Social • 1 x 60’ The moving story of a daughter’s search to find her father, an addicted gambler, when he is reported missing in Las Vegas. With little information to go on, she eventually finds him, but he bears little resemblance to the father she once knew. Homeless, gaunt, and unwashed, he lives day-to-day on the streets of Vegas, and is unwilling to acknowledge his addiction and accept the help he needs. STRIKE DICE! chronicles director Natalie Picoe’s struggle to get her father off the streets and back into society and to find acceptance with her less than perfect father.
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THE PEOPLE VS. BETTY GOOCH Crime/Human Interest 1 x 60’ HD In 2004, an elderly grandmother is arrested in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago - and Betty Gooch becomes an instant tabloid media sensation. But who is Betty Gooch? Just another little old lady struggling with ill-heath and low income? Or an unhinged criminal sociopath using rubber checks to scam car dealerships? The People vs. Betty Gooch discovers that these questions don’t come with simple answers.
Adventure/History • 1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’ HD 35mm Panavision and HDTV (French and Spanish available) This beautifully shot, Academy Award winning film features adventurer, poet and world champion skier Yuichiro Miura in his attempt to ski down Mount Everest from its summit. A tragic icefall claims 6 lives, but the journey continues. The team climbs to the South Col, 350 metres from the top, where Miura, with only skis and a parachute, puts his life in the hands of the Gods. His heart-stopping descent made history. Contains rare on-the-spot interview with Sir Edmund Hillary.
History/War/Biography 1 x 92’ All wars produce heroes but rarely in a global conflict do the actions of one man affect the direction and possibly even the result of the whole war. In Leonard Birchall’s case that is precisely what happened. The young Canadian Squadron Leader from St. Catherines, Ontario, on patrol in the Indian Ocean in April, 1943, spotted a Japanese fleet on its way to attack the British base at Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. Birchall, knowing he would be shot down, radioed a description of the makeup of the task force back to base. He was plucked out of the ocean by the Japanese, and endured three and a half years of captivity serving as Senior Allied Officer in four Japanese prison camps. Leonard Birchall kept a detailed record of that experience in diaries which he buried - these were dug up after the war and formed the basis for a number of successful war crime trials. Winston Churchill, even before he knew Leonard Birchall’s name, or that he had survived, called him The Saviour of Ceylon.
Social 1 x 60’ Many fantasize about returning to school to confront the kids who made life a living hell, but Erin Thomson actually did it. This doc follows Erin on an odyssey back to her old junior high to confront her bullies. Along the way, she meets modern-day victims, who, with the advent of all-too-pervasive technology, find themselves bullied 24-7. This is a disturbing look at a problem that all the anti-bullying programs on the planet have been unable to solve. Why are some kids bullies and some kids targets? And why are there so many silent bystanders?
Science/Technology • 1 x 60’ (French and Spanish available) This documentary, produced for Discovery Canada & CTV, investigates the modern reality of new age weapons that are more frightening than any science fiction. Today, scientists are able to completely destroy all electronic and electric communication circuitry using man-made Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons that can be delivered by missiles or by lasers. They can devastate entire regions in seconds, wiping out anything that uses electricity, be it airplanes, to computers, to telephones. Includes first ever footage of the Bell Island “bolt of lightning” experiment that went wrong.
Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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VINCENT: THE UNTOLD STORY OF OUR UNCLE Art/History • 1 x 60’, 2 x 60’ and 7 x 60’ HD A biography of the life and times of Vincent van Gogh by members of his family. Artist John Koenders received a call one day from Holland that revealed he was related to the famous Master. After thousands of hours of research and untold whisperings and secrets gleaned from family archives, he undertook a journey to walk in Vincent’s footsteps and tell the true details of his amazing life. Filming where Vincent lived, loved and worked, this film transports you into the world of artists and the inside story of the man simply known as Vincent. Features music by London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.
WAGING PEACE Current Affairs/History//People & Society • 1 x 60’ HD In the summer of 2003, the Canadian Armed Forces began the largest buildup of troops on foreign soil since the Korean War. In late 2005 they were moved further south under the American command of Operation Enduring Freedom. Sent in response to the escalating violence, more than two thousand Canadian soldiers now man outposts and patrol in one of the most hostile places of the world: Kandahar, a bleak expanse of hilled desert wasteland and ancient villages, and front-line against the Taliban insurgency. Task Force Afghanistan operates with aggressive rules of engagement: locate the Taliban and neutralize them. Code-named ‘Archer’, this operation puts the Canadian infantry on the hunt for guerrilla fighters bent on destroying the fragile hope of the new democracy. Perhaps this explains why 2 out of 3 Canadians believe, incorrectly, that the main role of the Canadian troops in Afghanistan is peacekeeping. Waging Peace follows these men and woman sent to wage peace in Afghanistan. But, their mission is far from the peacekeeping role many Canadians are comfortable with. Whether on patrol, or in mid-meal, danger, fatigue and isolation stalk our soldiers as real as any roadside bomb, mortar attack or fire-fight. With either the threat of imminent attack or the cheers of school-children waiting within the village up ahead, this story tackles the question on everyone’s lips: what are we doing in Afghanistan?
History 1 x 60’ This documentary looks at the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima through the eyes of those who lived through it, and those who live there now. The film follows a family living in Hiroshima today as they take their two children to the 50th year ceremony. Woven into their trip are the stories of three bomb survivors, illustrated with archival film footage from before and after the war.
Social 1 x 60’ or 1 X 78’ THE STREET is a gritty and intense portrait of three homeless men living on the streets near Guy Street Subway station in downtown Montreal, Canada. Made over a period of six years, this non-fiction feature provides a rare voice for one of the most disenfranchised segments of our society. By focusing on human stories of the homeless themselves, THE STREET sheds new light on a complex problem, building a constructive and active understanding for the viewer.
Social Issues/History 1 x 60’ Shot on location in Chile, Donald Sutherland narrates this multiaward winning documentary of the Chilean women who defied Pinochet’s dictatorship armed only with sewing needles and scraps of cloth from the clothes of their “disappeared” loved ones. Music by Sting. A CANAMEDIA production. George Foster Peabody Award, Chicago Gold, Houston Silver, International Emmy Nominee
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Social 1 x 60’ and 1 x 90’ HD When the Devil Knocks is the intimate story of a woman suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder and her struggle to regain her life. Filmed over 10 years, Hilary Stanton gave the filmmakers unlimited access to more than 40 riveting hours of videotapes of her psychotherapy, revealing a cast of supporting characters, “alters”, who kept Hilary alive by taking over from her during times of crisis. The therapy sessions are shockingly intimate, taking us inside a mind in the throes of a fascinating disorder and revealing the power of the human mind.
Social 1 x 60’ With half of all marriages ending in divorce, someone should ask WHY GET MARRIED? Documentarian Anne Stirling takes a fresh look at the social, historical and emotional themes of marriage following her divorce. Why Get Married is an upbeat and illuminating quest evolving from a series of candid interviews Stirling was able to capture over a three-year period as she traveled between St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada and Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.”
History/Biography/Human Rights/War 4 x 60’ World War II was the first war to be fought in the night skies. Prior to WWII, both military and political leaders believed that bombers could devastate an enemy territory in daylight, allowing countries with sophisticated aircraft to bomb an opposing country into submission. But with the arrival of radar and newer, faster fighter aircraft, the concept of the bomber as supreme weapon crumbled soon after the war started. Both Britain's Bomber Command and Germany's Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses as hundreds of bombers were shot down. Forced to seek the protection of the dark, both sides took to bombing and fighting at night in aircraft not designed for night flying and at a time when night flying was still an unproven science. As the war progressed, various aircraft were adapted to take on this new role with the techniques and technologies developed for aerial combat at night. Warriors of the Night is the story of the Canadian Bomber Command in WWII and its extraordinary impact during the war.
Social/Sex 1 x 90’ A remarkable and controversial documentary about polyamory and its rewards and pitfalls. Maureen Marovitch believes in polyamory, the philosophy of simultaneously loving more than one person. David Finch, her live-in boyfriend, does not and he is far from silent about his wish that Maureen break up with her two other boyfriends and settle down with him. So to settle the conflict, Marovitch and Finch chose a most untraditional tact; they decide to make together an uncensored and heartfelt point-of-view film about it.
Social/Adventure 1 x 60’ • For select territories Women with Altitude tells the story of a women’s mountaineering team on their quest to climb three high-altitude peaks in the Bolivian Andes. But they are not just seven women—they are the survivors of domestic violence, determined to re-define their limits. Indeed, they will have to summon unparalleled strength and will to overcome the challenges in store for them on Huayna Potosí looming 20,000-ft overhead. Struck by rockfall, severe weather and altitude illness, the team’s climb becomes a triumphant visual metaphor for finding the strength to overcome life’s most colossal ordeals.
WHITE: A MEMOIR IN COLOR People & Society, Human Rights/ Social Issues/Psychology/Portrait 1 x 60’ This personal film explores what it means to be white in America through the story of the directors’ family across generations. His father's role as a white professor at Howard University, a traditionally black college, during the civil rights era comes to bear on decisions Joel Katz and his wife make about adoption. The reckoning the director faces around race through adoption brings him back to those formative experiences with his own father. Joel began documenting their adoption process, and White: A Memoir In Color was born.