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documentaries c anamedia FaLL 2012
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Canamedia has now expanded our successful Documentary Catalogue with the addition of some of the world's most popular renowned and celebrated films and talent. In addition to our current award winning documentaries, we are excited to introduce our new documentaries such as the exciting and nostalgic Greenwich Village : Music That Defined A Generation; the provocative The Last Nazi Hunter; the award winning and moving documentary Their Eyes Were Dry which documents the first international terrorist attack targeting children, and the hard hitting and the evocative Landmine ER. Our goal is to inform, challenge, educate, provoke and entertain - while introducing new and dynamic voices.
about us
Canamedia is represented at all major Film and Television Markets and Festivals around the world. We regularly attend a diverse number of congresses and conferences where we are often invited to participate on juries and panels and where we meet some of the best filmmakers and producers of our time. Our primary focus is the acquisition, sale and distribution of documentary films and programming while expanding our involvement in international co-productions. Our aim is to strengthen relationships and business between ourselves, filmmakers, producers and buyers and continue to be instrumental in ensuring that the programming we are passionate about finds it’s place into the market and in front of audiences around the globe. Doug Connolly President Magic Lantern Media Inc.
For further information please contact: Mike Lolato Managing Director, Worldwide Broadcast Sales T: 416.363.4334 F: 416.363.7834 TF: 1.866.999.5292 C: 416.832.6676 E: 2 Pardee Avenue, Suite 102 Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada
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a PeRFecT SOLdieR (Current Affairs, History, Crime, People & Society, Human Rights) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 andY WaRHOL’S FacTORY PeOPLe (Culture, Arts, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 a POeT On THe FROnTLine: RYSZaRd KaPUScinSKi (Current Affairs, History, Biography, War, Portrait) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BeTWeen THe LineS (War, Current Affairs, History, Biography, Human Rights) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 deSeRT RideRS (Human Rights, Crime, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 dOLPHin BOY (Crime, Human Rights, Science, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 dR. TeLLeR’S VeRY LaRGe BOmB (History, Biography) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FaceS OF a VaniSHinG WORLd: THe ReaL JOeY LaWRence (Cultural, Travel, Arts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FORTY SHadeS OF GReY War/People & Society/Social Issues/Crime/Visual Journalism) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GLiTTeR PaLace: TaLeS OF LOST HOLLYWOOd (Entertainment, Music, People & Society, Arts, Culture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 GLORiOUSLY FRee (Human Rights, People & Society, Crime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 GReenWicH ViLLaGe: mUSic THaT deFined a GeneRaTiOn (Pop/ Music/Culture & Arts/History/People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 HeiST: WHO STOLe THe ameRican dReam? (Current Affairs, Crime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 inTO THe aRcTic (Ecology, Arts, Science, Travel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Landmine eR (Crime, Science, Medicine, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 LeT’S TaLK aBOUT iT (Crime, People & Society, Human Rights) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 LiVe FROm THe cOnceRT LOBBY (Entertainment, Performance, Arts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 nO PRice TOO HiGH (History, Crime, Human Rights, War) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PLaYinG GOd WiTH PLaneT eaRTH (Science, Green) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PRimeTime WaR i (Current Affairs, Crime, Human Rights, War) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 PRimeTime WaR ii (Current Affairs, Crime, Human Rights, War) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 SacRed SPace: mYSTeRieS OF THe WORLd’S mOST SacRed PLaceS (Architecture, Arts, Spirituality, Travel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 SeaPOWeR TO SUPeRPOWeR (History, Crime, Human Rights, War ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 TeacHinG THe LiFe OF mUSic (Inspirational, Music, People & Society, Culture & Arts, Human Rights) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 THe BaReFOOT SHOemaKeR (Current Affairs, History, People & Society, Culture & Arts, Inspirational) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 THe HOUSe OF SUH (Current Affairs, Crime, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 THe ice HOTeL - HOTeL de GLace (Architecture , Culture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 THe LaST mOGUL: THe TRUe STORY OF LeW WaSSeRman (People & Society, Biography, Culture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 THe LaST naZi HUnTeR (Crime/Human Rights/History/War/Current Affairs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 THe man WHO SKied dOWn eVeReST (Travel, Biography) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 THe PeOPLe VS. BeTTY GOOcH (Current Affairs, Crime, Portrait) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 THe SaViOUR OF ceYLOn (History, War, Human Rights, People & Society, Biography) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 THe SPiRiT OF HiROSHima (History) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 THeiR eYeS WeRe dRY (History, War, People & Society, Crime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 VincenT: THe UnTOLd STORY OF OUR UncLe (Biography, History, Arts, People & Society) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WaGinG Peace (Current Affairs, History, Crime, People & Society, War & Peace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WaRRiORS OF THe niGHT (History, Biography, Crime, Human Rights, War ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 WHen THe deViL KnOcKS (Psychology, Science, Current Affairs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 WHiTe: a memOiR in cOLOR (People & Society, Human Rights/Social Issues/Psychology/Portrait) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 YeaH! YeaH! YeaH! (Entertainment, Biography, Arts & Culture, People & Society, Music, Travel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
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ANDY WARHOL’S FACTORY PEOPLE Genre: Culture, Arts, People & Society
A PERFECT SOLDIER Genre: Current Affairs, History, Crime, People & Society, Human Rights
A Perfect Soldier is a film about the power of the individual to create change in society. We follow the story of a former child soldier, Aki Ra, who, as a very young child of 6 was drafted into the Khmer Rouge and who was forced to plant hundreds of landmines for them. We learn how these extremely traumatic experiences affected him and how he has devoted his life to changing his country’s circumstance ever since. From humble beginnings and now as an international symbol of one mans purpose to eradicate landmines, Aki-Ra’s Cambodian Land Mine museum has changed the lives of tens of thousands of people who visit each year. Recently voted “Hero Of The Year” by CNN, Aki-Ra has generated more and more awareness worldwide to the issue of landmines. This is his story.
This mini-series takes an in-depth look at the lives and times of the unique people who spent exclusive time with Andy Warhol and worked at the Factory during the silver sixties, making it all click as a new counter-culture arose and began to exert its influence throughout the arts scene in New York. Features never before seen footage and intimate interviews with the Warhol “stars” who knew Andy best, including Billy Name, Ultra Violet, Gerard Malanga and Taylor Mead. Producer: Patrick Nagle Production Company: PGE Films
Producers: Richard Fitoussi, Brooks Bergreen Production Company: 3 World Media
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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BETWEEN THE LINES Genre: Current Affairs, History, Crime, People & Society, Human Rights
Between the Lines is an intimate window into Amira Hass’ unique and terrifying world. An Israeli reporter living in the Palestinian Territories writing for Israel’s “Haaretz” Newspaper, she is the only Israeli who lives in Ramallah, within the Palestinian Authority Territories. Hass is an obsessed journalist. A pursuer of justice, a rebel, a political animal, and an only child of a Holocaust survivor who grew up in a communist home where survival for one’s right to exist is what she grew up on. Ramallah-Absolute darkness. Gunfire and bombs sever the quiet. The film begins in 1999 during the euphoric period of peace. In Israel there is a great feeling of optimism, however, Amira goes against the stream. She intuitively senses that the peace process is on the verge of a cataclysmic explosion. The filmmakers follow Amira for two years in Israel, in the Territories as she prepares herself for chaos. In the worst moments of the Intifada when she is in danger, as tanks go by under her window, and bombing threatens her life, she sticks to her mission and remains to live among the Palestinians and continue to report from the inside. The mission to report the truth trumps all. Amira Hass receives threatening letters from Israelis who accuse her of treason and from Palestinians when she dares to criticize and confront the representatives of the Palestinian Authority. The political situation, which gets worse, directly affects her life every day. Between the Lines won the first prize in “Spirit of Freedom Award” in The International Jerusalem Film Festival (2001) Producers: Noam Shalev, Yosi Leon Directed by: Yosi Leon Film language: Hebrew, Arabic, English Translation into English (subtitles)
A POET ON THE FRONTLINE: THE REPORTAGE OF RYSZARD KAPUSCINSKI A film by Gabrielle Pfeiffer Genre: Current Affairs, History, Biography, People & Society, War, Portrait
A Poet On The Frontline is a window into the incredible and dangerous world of Ryszard Kapuscinski, the daredevil war correspondent and author of 18 books. One of the most important literary voices today, Kapuscinski spent his life struggling to stay alive on foreign battlefields and struggling to stay published in the face of censorship in his native Poland. Known as ‘Indiana Jones with a notepad,’ he was a legend who had been looking for the truths of human experience in the most dangerous places. Filmmaker Gabrielle Pfeiffer traveled with Kapuscinski to four countries, capturing his true character, his passion, his humor and his demons. Her film unfolds in an engaging episodic format in which the echoes of Kapuscinski’s childhood as a war refugee interweave with his later experiences on the battlefields of the Third World in a poetic reverie of the tragedy and the absurdity of war. Author John Berger writes about A Poet On The Frontline, “wonderful and wonderfully told. Thank you and everybody for this film”. Producer: Gabrielle Pfeiffer Directed by: Gabrielle Pfeiffer
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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DESERT RIDERS Genre: Human Rights, Crime, People & Society
Camel racing, the Sport of Kings, is one of the most popular sports in the Middle East, particularly in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Thousands of boys, some as young as two years old have been trafficked or sold by their parents from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mauritania and Sudan to work as camel jockeys. Sexually and physically abused; these young children live in horrendous conditions; worked very long hours even when clearly under-age; and are deliberately starved to prevent weight gain and are now mentally and physically stunted. Due to international exposure, the Governments of the UAE and other Gulf countries banned the use of children as jockeys and replaced them with robots in 2005. While hundreds of children have been found and repatriated to their home countries, many have died while working as jockeys, and many are still missing. Desert Riders presents the voices of these repatriated children accompanied by heart-wrenching images and stunning photography. The film graphically illustrates the situation these children face from the trauma of abuse, and the emotional scars that persist. On their return to their native countries, many of the children did not recognize their parents, could not speak their language, and are left confused about the very concept of home. At its heart Desert Riders is a film about the human rights of children. These compelling stories, told by the children themselves, bring awareness to the fact that no child should have to suffer these atrocities for the sake of a sport. The film doesn’t rule out the fact that there might still be children working in slave-like conditions in these countries. Human Rights organizations continue with the task of searching for these missing children, and advocating on their behalf to find workable solutions. Producer: Noemi Weis Production Company: Filmblanc Productions Directed by: Vic Sarin
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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DR. TELLER’S VERY LARGE BOMB Genre: Historical, Science
An historical documentary that tells the dynamic story of Edward Teller, the Manhattan Project lead physicist who was already obsessively working on inventing the Hydrogen Bomb while everyone else at Los Alamos was trying to complete the atom bomb project. Teller was directly or indirectly responsible for much of the Cold War and armaments race that followed World War II, and continued to influence government policy all the way up to the Strategic Missile Initiative (Star Wars). Includes exclusive never-before-seen interviews with Dr.Teller. Producer: Michael Lennick Production Company: Foolish Earthling Productions
DOLPHIN BOY Genre: Crime, Human Rights, Science, People & Society
Morad, a teenager from an Arab village in the north of Israel, disconnects himself from human beings following a brutal and violent attack that he has experienced at the hands of boys from his village. As a last resort before hospitalization in a Mental Institution, he is taken by his devoted father to be treated with dolphins at a very special and unusual care facility in Eilat. Morad begins speaking again after months of silence, but he has erased his past and refuses to go home to his awaiting mother. This powerful documentary is about the devastating havoc that human violence can wreak upon the human soul, and about the healing powers of nature and of love. The documentary was filmed over the course of the past four years. Producers: Dani Menkin, Yonatan Nir, Judy Guy Production Company: A Menkin Production, Yonatan Nir Films & Micha Production Directed by: Yonatan Nir and Dani Menkin
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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FORTY SHADES OF GREY Genre: War/People & Society/Social Issues/Crime/Visual Journalism
Forty Shades of Grey is a non-narrative experimental documentary, shot over the course of seven weeks in Israel and Palestine. Some very black and white ideas and opinions exist when people think of this notorious hot-spot. This project aims to explore the forty shades of grey, and the many stories that exist in between the definite black and white we are presented with daily in our news media. A combination of arresting imagery, haunting sounds, and interviews ranging from Ultra-Orthodox settlers to Marxist Palestinians, Forty Shades of Grey provokes debate on a contentious issue where everybody is right, and everybody is wrong. Social networking was used extensively during the shooting of this film to meet people and arrange interviews from both sides of the divide. The Forty Shades of Grey facebook page was used initially to post short clips of interviews already filmed. However it soon gained followers from both Israel and Palestine, and has developed into a forum for debate, with people arguing issues and posting up clips and articles relevant to the situation. Producer / Director: Nicky Larkin
FACES OF A VANISHING WORLD Genre: Cultural, Travel, Arts
Joey Lawrence is currently one of the most sought after photographers in the world. By the young age of 19 he has already shot everything from Forbes magazine covers, to album artwork with top pop stars, to movie posters for feature films such as “Twilight.” The film focuses on Joey’s driving passion for taking portraits of indigenous cultures that are on the verge of extinction. The pilot episode travels from his home and work in New York to the tribal villages of Ethiopia as Joey continues his quest to reveal, through iconic photographs, disappearing cultures. Producer: Lee Harris Production Company: Canamedia HD Inc.
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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GLORIOUSLY FREE Genre: Human Rights, People & Society, Crime
Gloriously Free is the first documentary to explore the world of gay immigration, and the desperate search of five young men to find welcoming arms outside their countries of birth-where persecution and hatred of alternative lifestyles may lead to torture or death. What they find is Canada, leading the world as the safest haven for persecuted gays and lesbians. The film is a powerful profile of gay immigrants to Canada. Among them are AlHussein from Jordan; Julian, blackmailed and blacklisted in his homeland of Mexico and a resident of Canada for three years; Bruno, who immigrated from Brazil and now makes his living as a singer; David, a former U.S. Port Captain with a prominent Texas-based drilling company; and Frantz, a graphic artist from Jamaica. Excluded from the opportunity to live freely in their native countries, these resilient young men tell stories of blackmail and violence. Producers: Noemi Weis Production Company: Filmblanc Productions
GLITTER PALACE: TALES OF LOST HOLLYWOOD Genre: Entertainment, Music, People and Society, Arts and Culture
Glitter Palace: Tales of Lost Hollywood is a powerful documentary that explores the sensational world of performing artists and talent once the applause has faded. As an actor always remains an actor, the main focus of Glitter Palace is the vital influence of a specific environment on the artist in lengthening life and preserving a cultural treasure. Glitter Palace: Tales of Lost Hollywood visits the Performing Arts Lodge in Toronto, a haven and home to some of this country’s most significant performers. The film features interviews and footage that highlight many wonderful Canadian show business milestones and icons such as The Stratford Festival of Canada, O’Keefe Centre, Canadian Opera Company and the CBC and luminaries such as Frances Hyland, Mary Jolliffe, Paul Soles, Arlene Meadows, Hugh Walker and many others. Glitter Palace: Tales of Lost Hollywood also visits the Motion Picture Country Home in Los Angeles created by Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin. The take away is a warm and touching story about the halcyon days of show business and the powerful role these extraordinary homes played in providing rest homes to artists”. The film is directed by Barry Avrich (Unforgettable: 100 Years Remembered) through Melbar Entertainment Group and stars Brian Linehan. Producers: Nat Brescia, Tori Hockin Directed by: Barry Avrich
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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GREENWICH VILLAGE: MUSIC THAT DEFINED A GENERATION Genre: Pop Music/Culture & Arts/History/People & Society
Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation is a feature-length documentary about the Greenwich Village music scene and how it sparked everlasting political, social and cultural changes. For the first time, the greatest singer-songwriters, authors and performers from Greenwich Village reflect on how they collectively became the voice of a generation. Through poignant interviews, rare archival footage and new live performances, Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation tells a story about community, courage and most importantly – music. Greenwich Village was the birthplace of the singer/songwriter and songs of love and relationships. Between 1961-1973, musicians in The Village banded together to sing about the radical social upheaval of the time. As these new singers emerged, Greenwich blossomed as a place that promoted a better future. Their music challenged the status quo by singing about taboo subjects – fighting for civil liberties, protesting the Vietnam War, and holding governments accountable for their actions. Their views, which were controversial at the time, weren’t always greeted with open arms. On Sunday April 9, 1961, over 500 young musicians gathered in Greenwich Village’s Washington Square to sing folk songs to promote peace and harmony. This act of passive protest resulted in riot squads attacking singers and civilians alike with billy clubs, leading to several arrests. The incident became known around the world as the Washington Square Folk Riot and was cited as the first ‘freedom of speech’ revolt. It also made Greenwich Village a beacon of hope for an entire generation. This is just one of the important stories which make up the vibrant history of The Village music scene. Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation is the amazing untold story about the very people whose music helped change the world. Their music was heard. Their message universal. Their outcome revolutionary. Narrated by Academy Award Winner Susan Sarandon Executive Producer: Joe Cecala Associate Producers (post): Rob Lindsay, Kevin Wallis, Nicolas Kleiman Production Company: Solomon’s Signature Productions Inc. Directed by: Laura Archibald
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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HEIST: WHO STOLE THE AMERICAN DREAM? Genre: Crime, Human Rights, Science, People & Society
A new, groundbreaking feature documentary about the roots of the American economic crisis, and the continuing assault on working and middle class people in the United States. "Heist" boldly reveals the crumbling structure of the U.S. economy - the result of four decades of deregulation, massive job outsourcing, and tax policies favoring mega-corporations and wealthy elites. Through expert testimony, investigative filmmaking and key archival footage, "Heist" unfolds critical historical background, beginning with the dismantling of FDR’s New Deal, uncovering the ideological influence of the infamous Powell Memo and the Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership on government reform, and traces both Republican and Democratic allegiance to big business. A movie with its pulse on the most urgent issues of our time Producers: Donald Goldmacher, Frances Causey Production Company: Connecting the Dots Productions LLC Directed by: Frances Causey and Donald Goldmacher
INTO THE ARCTIC 2 Genre: Ecology, Arts, Science, Travel
For years, artist Cory Trepanier has explored some of the wildest places in the North. Few have walked in these landscapes and even fewer have captured them on canvas. Now he’s going further, into remote lands that are more challenging and more dangerous – into a breathtaking arctic wilderness to experience and paint a land that may never be the same again. Through three months of filming and a dozen arctic locations, Cory brings his fresh perspective to the hidden treasures at the top of the world. Experience the majesty of the North through stunning cinematography and the dramatic experiences of a passionate painter and adventurer. (Also available are accompanying documentaries: Into the Arctic I and A Painter’s Odyssey) Producer: Corey Trepanier Production Company: Campside Productions
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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LANDMINE ER Genre: Human Rights, Crime, People & Society
Like many Cambodians 24 year old Satya Yorm had no choice but to build his home on land contaminated by landmines. We meet Satya in the blood-soaked minutes as he arrives at Emergency- the trauma hospital in Battambang Province, following a tragic footstep that cost him his left leg. In a split second Satya has become the latest victim of a war he’s too young to remember…a war which ended 20 years ago. Decades of professional mine clearance have increased landmine awareness to an all time high, but nothing can prevent accidents like Satya’s, giving Cambodia one of the highest amputee rates in the world. Landmine ER was shot over two months with unprecedented access to Emergency’s closed trauma rooms, documenting one mans physical and psychological journey as he struggles to come to terms with life as an amputee. Examining the effects of war trauma in Post War Cambodia, Landmine ER offers an unflinching and intimate view of a weapon that knows no mercy or ceasefire. Producers: Tom Peppiatt, Richard Fitoussi Production Company: 3 World Media, Scintilla Films Directed by: Tom Peppiatt, Scintilla Films
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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LET’S TALK ABOUT IT Genre: Current Affairs, History, Biography, People & Society, War, Portrait
Feature Film director Deepa Mehta asks us to look deeply into the face of domestic violence. After her success with the project “Water” in 2005 which dealt with the twin issues of class and social restrictions, acclaimed director Deepa Mehta turns her lens to the issue of domestic violence. In a one hour documentary entitled “Let’s talk about it” the director deals with the issue of domestic violence in immigrant communities in ways that makes one pause and think about the impact that this has on the family. The resulting conversations give the viewer only a hint of the deeply profound impact that this abuse has had on these children. Producer: Noemi Weis Production Company: Filmblanc Productions Directed by: Deepa Mehta
LIVE FROM THE CONCERT LOBBY Genre: Entertainment, Performance, Arts
Live From The Concert Lobby is a live, interactive and uniquely intimate Concert and Conversation TV series with the greatest classical music artists on the world stage today! Recorded in HD and 5.1 surround sound for an optimal audio/video experience, these exclusive and high-profile performances have become a premier promotional stop for every major classical artist on tour. Classical artists on tour include Measha Brueggergosman, Lang Lang, and the Canadian Tenors. Producers: John Thornton Production Company: MZTV Production and Distribution
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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NO PRICE TOO HIGH Genre: History, Crime, Human Rights, War
This highly-acclaimed six-part series pays tribute to the Canadians who participated in World War II - young Canadians whose collective courage and spirit led to victory. The series traces Canada’s role from the pre-war years when Prime Minister Mackenzie King found himself charmed by the “appealing and affectionate look” in Adolf Hitler’s eyes, to the development of the A-bomb that finally put an end to the most destructive conflict in history. Episode One begins with the unveiling of the Vimy Memorial. Episode Six ends with the victory in 1945. The Series is structured thematically. Narrated by Arthur Kent and produced by Norflicks, No Price Too High chronicles Canada's role in the major events of the war, including The Battle oF Britain, Dieppe and D-Day. Incorporating the personal letters, photographs and diaries of many Canadians including those at home, No Price Too High reflects the hopes, dreams, heartbreaks, fears, and terrors of young men and women suddenly swept into a world of destruction, conflict and chaos. Producers: Richard Nielsen, Deanne Judson Production Company: Norflicks Productions
This controversial documentary asks: can big science reverse global warming? As the threat of climate change grows more urgent, scientists are considering radical and dangerous schemes to lower the earth’s temperature through geoengineering. The problem? Geo-engineering might help part of the planet, but cause unintended consequences for others by reducing rainfall, causing drought and mass starvation. Playing God with planet earth could save humanity - or trigger disaster on a planetary scale. Producer: Terry McKeon Production Company: Lightshift Entertainment Inc.
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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Genre: Current Affairs, Crime, Human Rights, War
Genre: Current Affairs, Crime, Human Rights, War
Primetime War focuses on two cameramen who bring the horror of the Israeli/Arab conflict nightly into homes around the world. Although one is Israeli, working for the Associated Press and the other is Palestinian, working for BBC, they are good friends and colleagues. What is remarkable about this film is that it shows how the media affects the very events it covers.The battles heat up and the rhetoric becomes more vociferous when the video camera rolls. These two friends from opposite sides conduct a continual debate about their job and what they witness.They question the validity of their work and express their moral dilemma concerning the role and responsibility of the media in reporting the events they are paid to cover. For once the cameras are turned onto the news gatherers, whose presence makes the combatants perform for a tv audience.
Four years after the completion of Primetime War, Canamedia announces the release of Primetime War II, featuring the Palestinian and Israeli cameramen who are responsible for the daily news coming out of the crisis. Primetime War II follows the cameramen to a real war: a war in which cameramen are killed and injured, where the name of the game is survival and power. The neutrality of the camera, which was so obvious in Primetime War doesn’t matter anymore. The camera has become a target, a cause of trouble for everyone with a mission, on both sides. And when both sides are armed and aiming at each other, the camera becomes a very possible and available target.
Producer: Noam Shalev, Yosi Leon Production Company: Highlight Films & Television Directed by: Noam Shalev and Yosi Leon
Producer: Noam Shalev, Yosi Leon Production Company: Highlight Films & Television Directed by: Noam Shalev and Yosi Leon
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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SACRED SPACE ~ MYSTERIES OF THE WORLD’S MOST SACRED PLACES Genre: Architecture, Arts, Spirituality, Travel, Inspiration
Sacred Space ~ Mysteries of the World’s Sacred Places is a major documentary series exploring the worlds most important and celebrated Cathedrals, Temples, Synagogues, Mosques and Monasteries in the world, each with a unique history rich in mystery and intrigue. For the first time, 3D will enable viewers to experience Sacred Space as the original builders intended and, as in its 2D version, explore aspects designed to not only engage us aesthetically, but to evoke the sacred and to cultivate virtue. Sacred Space will bring these great structures and monuments to life as nothing has before. The series provides the best and perhaps the only way to explore those ages very different from our own, which explored realities we are less adept at understanding, propagating truths that inspired them and continue to inspire us. It brings those great structures to life as nothing has before. Nothing built by humans has been around longer or is more impressive than these great buildings. Nothing so old is still in use serving its original purpose. Nothing built by us houses so much art or has inspired so much lasting music. Nothing in modern architecture so appeals to the spirit or the quest for life’s meaning. As well as to the millions of adherents, they continue to be treasured by millions who no longer share the convictions of those who brought them in to being. Sacred Space also explores the mysteries behind their construction and the ways in which they are woven into the fabric of the communities they serve. Each episode will have a different story framed by events that are part of the history of these monuments to man’s quest for meaning. Producers: Christine Legoff (Telfrance, France), Daniel D’Or (Canamedia Inc., Canada), Arte France Production Company: Sacred Space Television Inc.
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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SEAPOWER TO SUPERPOWER Genre: History, Crime, Human Rights, War
Seapower to Superpower is the story of how less than 3 million Englishmen created the Royal Navy at the end of the 16th Century- which would give them military dominance for more than 350 years. That dominance in the 20th Century would pass from Britain to America and from sea to space. Historian Mark Milner and Yale University professor Paul Kennedy are our guides in this five part historical documentary series which explores that dominance and the relationship between power and prosperity. Program 1- Britain Arises: The defeat of the Spanish Armada and the wars between the Dutch and the English for control of world trade, resolved by an alliance which placed Prince William of Orange on the throne of England with his English wife Mary. Program 2 - 18th Century: Battles between France and Britain for world dominance, including the Battle for Quebec and the American Revolution. The episode traces the decisive role in world power played by Naval power. Program 3 - Pax Britannica-The British Peace: Britain is a Superpower. Between 1815 and 1865 Britain adds world territories equal to one hundred Englands. Program 4 - Changing the Guard: marks the transfer of power midway through WWII from the Royal Navy to the US Navy and the growth of two unique 20th C. weapons of war- the submarine and the aircraft carrier. Program 5 - Space The Great Commons: Naval strategists conclude that its advantage will be transferred to a landbased empire. By 1946 that challenger, the USSR, has arrived and with it, atomic power, missiles and satellites. Space, the Great Commons explores the war over space between the US and the Soviet Union. Seapower to Superpower explores the relationship between military dominance, technology and the will of a nation and a people to excel. Producer: Richard Nielsen Production Company: Robert Linnell Productions, Norflicks Productions
TEACHING THE LIFE OF MUSIC Genre: Inspirational, Music, People & Society, Culture & Arts, Human Rights
Caracas, Venezuela: Corrugated tin roofs, ramshackle cinderblock huts, garbage and rubble, the possibility of random violence at any turn and this section of Sarria barrio is not even bad for Caracas. But Sarria is also host to a center of El Sistema, Venezuela’s program of social uplift through classical music. A brass ensemble barks in the corridor open to the Carribean air. A percussion group rumbles in a dirt courtyard, newly hatched violinists play a G-Major scale and simple Venezuelan tunes after a week of learning, and at least 2 choirs are rehearsing! El Sistema, founded in 1975 became famous because of the meteoric rise of its most famous product – the conductor Gustavo Dudamel who at 31 became Music Director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2009. El Sistema’s aim is to address a universal problemhow to remove children from poverty’s snares, like drugs, crime gangs and desperation. The method, imagined by Sistema’s founder Jose Antonia Abreu was classical music. Orchestras and music centers around the country were established to occupy young people with music study, a sense of community, commitment and self worth. The program has become the envy of the music world. All instruction and instruments are free. No child is turned away, teaching is done in groups. Public performance is ingrained from the beginning. All performers are given medallions that have the image of the violin on one side and the motto Tocar y Luchar, (To Play and to Fight) on the other. Producer: Noemi Weis Production Company: Filmblanc Productions Directed by: David New
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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THE HOUSE OF SUH Genre: Human Rights, Crime, People & Society
Behind one of Chicago’s most famous murder cases is a story about an immigrant family’s failed attempt to achieve the American Dream. Yoon Myung and Tai Sook Suh immigrated to America for a better life for their children, Andrew and Catherine. The Suh family’s pursuit of happiness quickly became riddled with misfortune, culminating on September 25, 1993, when Andrew shot and killed his older sister’s fiancé of eight years, Robert O’Dubaine, at Catherine’s bidding. Those closest to Andrew expressed shock and disbelief: how could a young man with a promising future allow himself to be coerced into committing murder? As the Suh’s complex history unfolds, issues of cultural assimilation, traditional values and justice are examined, raising questions of guilt, innocence and the illusive gray area in between. Producer: Gerry Kim Production Company: Gray Scale Films, LLC
THE BAREFOOT SHOEMAKER A Film By Beatrice Dina Genre: Current Affairs, History, People & Society, Culture, Arts, Inspirational
The Barefoot Shoemaker is a documentary film which takes a poetic look at Babu’s journey. Having run away from home to escape severe abuse, Babu turns to a life of heroin and crime on the streets of Mumbai. Chased by police for murder, he finds refuge at a peaceful shoe workshop. Shoemaking is the most unlikely profession for Babu, for he has sworn to never wear shoes again. When he was seven, his brother-in-law brutally beat him and broke both his feet; the scars are still visible. The visionary shoe designer Edwin Pinto overlooks Babu’s deep hatred of shoes and teaches him the secrets of shoemaking as a means of catharsis. Like Babu, Edwin was also a drug addict and criminal. Now, recovered and enlightened, Edwin transmits his compassion and patience to Babu. He serves as a model of what Babu’s life could be. While Babu learns the craft of shoemaking, he continually struggles with his past, Babu’s rehabilitation counsellor often visits him and other recovering addicts, offering guidance and inquiring into their progress. The slow and humble life of shoemaking sharply contrasts the dangerous and thrilling life on the streets, but as Babu cuts blood-red leather and sews it with a clean needle, we observe a metaphoric healing process. Babu slowly works on a pair of red boots and forms a new family bond with the shoemakers, removing the offense of an unspeakable life. One day a beautiful young fashion model, Arathi, comes to the shop. She is inspired by Edwin’s creations and wants to learn the trade. As Babu teaches Arathi how to craft shoes, they quickly grow to become friends. Babu says he has never felt closer to a woman. However, he reveals that he first got into drugs because of a painful break-up with a girl. Both Babu’s counsellor and Edwin warn him that his feelings for Arathi might upset the fragile equilibrium he has found. It is evident that the workshop is now more than a means for survival; it’s a place where his heart opens up. Producers: Beatrice Dina-Mebuba Film, Nimrod Shanit- ZedFilms Directed by: Beatrice Dina
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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THE ICE HOTEL - HOTEL DE GLACE A Film by Daniel Rosenberg Genre: Current Affairs, History, People & Society, Culture, Arts, Inspirational
For as long as he can remember, Jacques Desbois was passionate about winter. Growing up in the snow capital of the world, Quebec Canada, he found enjoyment in winter but was particularly fascinated with the element of snow and ice. How did people live outside in that environment? He set out to build and Igloo and was hooked. In 2001, he fulfilled one of his dreams and built the first Ice Hotel in North America “Hotel De Glace”. Each year, 150 people help to create this incredible structure that’s filled with themed Ice sculptures representing various cultures and geography. This magnificent Ice Hotel contains 36 guest rooms, a grand hall, a Bar for 400 people and even an Ice Chapel that provides for at least 30 weddings per season. “Every year all the magic starts from the St. Lawrence River in the fall and returns in the spring”Jacques Desbois Producer: Dan D’Or Production Company: Canamedia
THE LAST MOGUL: THE TRUE STORY OF LEW WASSERMAN Genre: People & Society, Biography, Culture
Lew Wasserman was the movie mogul who ruled Hollywood with an iron fist for more than half a century. As Chairman and Chief Executive, Wasserman was the undisputed ruler of MCA, the parent of Universal Studios. When MCA was sold in 1990 to Matsushita for $6.6 billion, Wasserman's take was put at $350 million. But his power had come to an end and so was an incredible era in Hollywood history.This provocative biography goes behind the scenes of a power base that rarely talks about their own and chronicles the rags to riches rise of a Hollywood legend that is unequaled.Through the eyes of major stars, producers and agents, we not only witness the history of a defining period in Hollywood but get the exclusive, inside story of the man who controlled it. From his controversial relationships with politicians and mobsters to his deft transformation of talent agency to a studio, the Wasserman story is intense because he never stopped being powerful even when he no longer had power. What makes this story so compelling is that Wasserman ruled his empire in secrecy. He never took notes, he never left any paper trail and he was stubbornly press shy. He left behind no memorable quotes just the ability to inspire dread and create Hollywood magic. During a 59-year career at MCA, he worked with everyone from Hitchcock to Spielberg, from James Stewart to Kevin Costner. His power was unequaled. Lew Wasserman died on June 3, 2002 at the age of 98. Producer: Barry Avrich Production Company: Melbar Entertainment Directed by: Barry Avrich
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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THE LAST NAZI HUNTER Genre: Crime/Human Rights/History/War/Current Affairs
70 years after the Holocaust, American born-Israeli citizen, Dr. Efraim Zuroff is tracking down surviving Nazi war criminals in the hope of bringing them to justice. Zuroff's mission takes him all over Europe and even to South America as he focuses and locates two main criminals; Shandor Kapiro, a Hungarian officer responsible for the murders of thousands of Jews, and Dutch Waffen SS Klass Faber, who oversaw the killings at the Westerbork Camp. The Last Nazi Hunter is a race against the clock detective thriller that deals with the continuing obstacles of War Criminal extraditions due to lack of support by countries still with Anti-Semitic remnants, as well as the question Zuroff ultimately has to ask himself, will this justice be worth it in the end? Producers: Zafrir Kochanovsky & Miri Ezra Production Company: TTV Productions, Gon Productions Directed by: Nitza Gonen
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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THE MAN WHO SKIED DOWN EVEREST Genre: Inspirational, Music, People & Society, Culture & Arts, Human Rights)
This beautifully shot, Academy Award winning film features adventurer, poet and world champion skier Yuichiro Miura in his attempt to ski down Mount Everest from its summit. A tragic icefall claims 6 lives, but the journey continues. The team climbs to the South Col, 350 metres from the top, where Miura, with only skis and a parachute, puts his life in the hands of the Gods. His heart-stopping descent made history. Contains rare on-the-spot interview with Sir Edmund Hillary. Producer: Budge Crawley Production Company: Faircrest Films
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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THE PEOPLE VS. BETTY GOOCH Genre: Current Affairs, Crime, Portrait
In 2004, an elderly grandmother is arrested in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and Betty Gooch becomes an instant tabloid media sensation. But who is Betty Gooch? Just another little old lady struggling with ill-heath and low income? Or an unhinged criminal sociopath using rubber checks to scam car dealerships? With exclusive access to Ms. Gooch, this provocative documentary examines the old-boy connections among her "victims," investigates an outrageous ethical failing of her lead attorney, and looks beyond conventional notions of right and wrong to suggest that judgment itself comes with its own moral risks. Interview subjects include Ms. Gooch (filmed while incarcerated at the Cook County jail), her car dealer victims, the police, her lawyers, and her daughter (and possible co-conspirator). A missed court date, a politically driven prosecution, and a media circus add up to a three year prison sentence, and, ultimately, a tragic and unsettling end. Producer: David Gray Production Company: Central Visions Incorporated
THE SAVIOUR OF CEYLON: THE STORY OF LEONARD BIRCHALL Genre: History, War, Human Rights, People and Society, Biography
All wars produce heroes but rarely in a global conflict do the actions of one man affect the direction and possibly even the result of the whole war. In Leonard Birchall’s case that is precisely what happened. The young Canadian Squadron Leader from St. Catherines, Ontario, on patrol in the Indian Ocean in April, 1943, spotted a Japanese fleet on its way to attack the British base at Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. Birchall, knowing he would be shot down, radioed a description of the makeup of the task force back to base. He was plucked out of the ocean by the Japanese, and endured three and a half years of captivity serving as Senior Allied Officer in four Japanese prison camps. Leonard Birchall kept a detailed record of that experience in diaries which he buried - these were dug up after the war and formed the basis for a number of successful war crime trials. Winston Churchill, even before he knew Leonard Birchall’s name, or that he had survived, called him The Saviour of Ceylon. Producer: Marta Nielsen Production Company: Norflicks Productions
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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The Spirit of Hiroshima looks at the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima through the eyes of those who lived through it, and those who live there now. The film follows a family living in Hiroshima today as they take their two children to the 50th year ceremony. Woven into their trip are the stories of three bomb survivors, illustrated with archival film footage from before and after the war. Producer: Geoff Poister
THEIR EYES WERE DRY Genre: History, War, People & Society, Crime
Their Eyes Were Dry is the hypnotic and heart-wrenching account of the 1974 Ma’alot Massacre in Israel, in which 3 Arab terrorists, disguised as Israeli soldiers, took more than 100 students hostage in an Israeli school building. All the teachers escaped, leaving the helpless children to face the terrorists on their own. In the early-morning hours of May 15, 1974, three members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a radical anti-Israel group, snuck across the border from Lebanon. Dressed as Israeli soldiers, they made their way to Ma’alot, where they killed three members of the Cohen family -- chosen at random -- before entering an elementary school that was hosting more than 100 teenagers and teachers from a religious school in Safed for the night. The terrorists held 115 hostages, including 105 students, and threatened to kill them if Israel did not release 23 prisoners being held on terror charges. For more than 12 grueling hours the young Israelis huddled in a booby-trapped classroom, abandoned by their teachers, until the terrorists turned on them with guns and grenades during a bloody rescue effort by the military. The Ma’alot Massacre has become an iconic part of Israeli history. But by focusing on the personal stories of the children themselves, Assanti tries to universalize the horror. The politics fade into the background as the minutes tick by. Their Eyes Were Dry tells the story as no one has told it before. The film documents the birth of terrorism against children and more importantly celebrates the courage and heroism of children around the world. Producer: Brandon Assanti Production Company: Peripheral Vision Productions Directed by: Brandon Assanti
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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WAGING PEACE Genre: Current Affairs, History, Crime, People & Society, War and Peace
In the summer of 2003, the Canadian Armed Forces began the largest buildup of troops on foreign soil since the Korean War. In late 2005 they were moved further south under the American command of Operation Enduring Freedom. Sent in response to the escalating violence, more than two thousand Canadian soldiers now man outposts and patrol in one of the most hostile places of the world: Kandahar, a bleak expanse of hilled desert wasteland and ancient villages, and front-line against the Taliban insurgency. Task Force Afghanistan operates with aggressive rules of engagement: locate the Taliban and neutralize them. Codenamed ‘Archer’, this operation puts the Canadian infantry on the hunt for guerrilla fighters bent on destroying the fragile hope of the new democracy. Perhaps this explains why a survey conducted in March shows 2 out of 3 Canadians believe, incorrectly, that the main role of the Canadian troops in Afghanistan is peacekeeping… Waging Peace follows these men and woman sent to wage peace in Afghanistan. But, their mission is far from the peacekeeping role many Canadians are comfortable with. Whether on patrol, or in mid-meal, danger, fatigue and isolation stalk our soldiers as real as any roadside bomb, mortar attack or fire-fight. With either the threat of imminent attack or the cheers of school-children waiting within the village up ahead, this story tackles the question on everyone’s lips: what are we doing in Afghanistan? Canadians need a close-up view of the day-in, day-out particulars of nation building and peace-making. From chairing village council meetings, to search and destroy or reconnaissance patrols, this view may shock, enrage or inspire you. Producers: Richard Fitoussi, Brooks Bergreen Production Company: 3 World Media Directed by: Richard Fitoussi
VINCENT: THE UNTOLD STORY OF OUR UNCLE Genre: Biography, History, Arts, People & Society
A biography of the life and times of Vincent van Gogh by members of his family. Artist John Koenders received a call one day from Holland that revealed he was related to the famous Master. After thousands of hours of research and untold whisperings and secrets gleaned from family archives, he undertook a journey to walk in Vincent’s footsteps and tell the true details of his amazing life. Filming where Vincent lived, loved and worked, this film transports you into the world of artists and the inside story of the man simply known as Vincent. Features music by London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. Producer: Mayfield Productions
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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WARRIORS OF THE NIGHT Genre: History, Biography, Crime, Human Rights, War
World War II was the first war to be fought in the night skies. Prior to WWII, both military and political leaders believed that bombers could devastate an enemy territory in daylight, allowing countries with sophisticated aircraft to bomb an opposing country into submission. But with the arrival of radar and newer, faster fighter aircraft, the concept of the bomber as supreme weapon crumbled soon after the war started. Both Britain's Bomber Command and Germany's Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses as hundreds of bombers were shot down. Forced to seek the protection of the dark, both sides took to bombing and fighting at night in aircraft not designed for night flying and at a time when night flying was still an unproven science. As the war progressed, various aircraft were adapted to take on this new role with the techniques and technologies developed for aerial combat at night. Warriors of the Night is the story of the Canadian Bomber Command in WWII and its extraordinary impact during the war. Producer: Robert Linnell Production Company: Norflicks Productions
WHEN THE DEVIL KNOCKS Genre: Psychology, Science, Current Affairs
When the Devil Knocks is the intimate story of a woman suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality, and her struggle to regain her life. Filmed over 10 years, Hilary Stanton gave the filmmakers unlimited access to more than 40 riveting hours of videotapes of her psychotherapy, revealing a cast of supporting characters, “alters”, who kept Hilary alive by taking over from her during times of crisis. As Hilary says, “For years, my alters went to therapy and I wasn’t there for more than five minutes.” The therapy sessions were initially videotaped to train therapists in the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder - they are shockingly intimate; taking us inside a mind in the throes of a fascinating disorder and revealing the power of the human mind to protect the self by disconnecting from traumatic memories. Producer: Helen Slinger Production Company: Bountiful Films
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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WHITE: A MEMOIR IN COLOR Genre: People & Society, Human Rights/Social Issues/Psychology/Portrait
This personal film explores what it means to be white in America through the story of the directors’ family across generations. His father's role as a white professor at Howard University, a traditionally black college, during the civil rights era comes to bear on decisions Joel Katz and his wife make about adoption. The reckoning the director faces around race through adoption brings him back to those formative experiences with his own father. Joel began documenting their adoption process, and White: A Memoir In Color was born. The film features an original music score by the acclaimed composer Don Byron. Producer: Joel Katz Production Company: Oneira Films Directed by: Joel Katz
A Film by Fabrice Ziolkowski
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! Genre: Entertainment, Biography, Arts & Culture, People & Society, Music, Travel
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! is a funny, musical and sentimental portrait of what is left of the Beatles phenomenon today - fifty years after the creation of the most successful band in the history of rock and roll. It is the story of a personal quest to find traces of John, Paul, George and Ringo in the city where they were born. The film is a first hand look at over 50 devoted Beatle tribute bands who make their pilgrimage to Liverpool annually to participate in International Beatles Week. Some are clones, some are not. Some are great, some are not! They hail from Russia, Japan, Mexico, the US, Argentina, even Indonesia! There is even a surprise appearance from an all girls Beatles band from Japan The Blue Margarets! A splendid time is guaranteed for all! Producers: Fabrice Ziolkowski, Hervé Le Coz Production Company: Mozaic Productions (Paris) Directed by: Fabrice Ziolkowski
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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indevelopment INSIDE THE IDF
Genre: War, Human Rights, Crime
Genre: History, Biography, War, Crime
With the current political turmoil in the Middle East, the Israel Defense Forces prepare for a wide range of possible military scenarios. No one knows when the next military round will take place, and who will be the enemy. Inside The IDF will follow the training, practice and operational activities of several units, in order to tell the story of today’s Israeli army to Global viewers.
In 1945 the world was convinced that Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun had committed suicide in a Berlin bunker, though this theory lacked proper documentation and evidence. Revealed will present and support the disturbing possibility that the most evil man in history was allowed to live out his final years in utter tranquility while the world’ most powerful leaders knew and denied it.
Producers: Highlight Films & Television, Noam Shalev Production Company: Highlight Films & Television, Canamedia
Producers: Noam Shalev, Pablo Weschler Production Company: Highlight Films & Television, Canamedia
Genre: Travel, Science, Ecology, Arts & Culture
Welcome to the lowest point on the globe; the place where you can get as close as possible to the core of the earth. Thousands of tourists from all over the world arrive here on a weekly basis to cure skin and respiratory illnesses; cosmetics based on the Dead Sea minerals are sold all over the world. This film will combine past and present, reality and re-enactment. The history will be told through reconstructions and animation, using the qualities of 3D to heighten and increase the viewing experience. Producers: Noam Shalev, Johanna Samuel Production Company: Highlight Films & Television, Canamedia
Genre: Travel, Science, Ecology, Arts & Culture
The beautiful Macaw parrots are close to extinction. An eclectic group of volunteers have left their worlds behind, flew to Costa Rica, and are now participating in the first ever Captive Breeding and Release program in the world. Ultimate Challenge: Survival Of The Great Green follows these volunteers as they participate in the first ever Captive Breeding and Release program for Macaws. We see the breeding, the terror by monkeys and pythons, the smuggling of these animals by traders, and the process of keeping these beautiful birds from going extinct. Producer: Les Harris Production Company: Canamedia
Canamedia • 2 Pardee Avenue • Suite102 • Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada • Tel 416.363.6762 • • • Canamedia is a division of Magic Lantern Media Inc.
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T: 416.363.6762 E: 2 Pardee Avenue, Suite 102 , Toronto Ontario M6K 3H5 Canada