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Figure 1: Capital allocation impact and active ownership impact _________________________ 6 Figure 2: Statistical comparisons___________________________________________________ 7 Figure 3: Capital allocation impact and study focus ____________________________________ 8 Figure 4: Main results ___________________________________________________________ 9 Figure 5: Investment impact _____________________________________________________ 23 Figure 6: Capital allocation impact and active ownership impact ________________________ 24 Figure 7: Capital allocation impact and study focus ___________________________________ 31 Figure 8: Statistical comparison __________________________________________________ 32 Figure 9: Distribution of companies over the ESG Impact grades_________________________ 37 Figure 10: Contribution of the different scopes to total GHG emissions ___________________ 40 Figure 11: Main results _________________________________________________________ 51 Figure 12: Boxplots of raw data comparing sustainability and conventional funds ___________ 52 Figure 13: Boxplots of raw data comparing sustainable funds and their respective conventional benchmarks __________________________________________________________________ 54 Figure 14: Boxplots of raw data comparing the group of conventional funds and the group of conventional benchmarks used by the sustainability funds _____________________________ 56 Figure 15: Categorisation of the fund holdings_______________________________________ 60 Figure 16: Categorisation of the fund holdings_______________________________________ 61 Figure 17: Companies’ ESG Impact and their CSR quality_______________________________ 64 Figure 18: Overview of the Inrate ESG Impact method ________________________________ 88 Figure 19: Product impact assessment based on the Inrate Impact Matrix _________________ 89 Figure 20: ESG Impact Rating scale ________________________________________________ 91 Figure 21: ESG Impact comparisons _______________________________________________ 92 Figure 22: Best-in-Service vs. traditional best-in-class in the Energy and Transportation sectors 93 Figure 23: The Climate Impact research process _____________________________________ 95 Figure 24: Capital allocation effect across the different critical economic activities __________ 97 Figure 25: Asset management effect across the different critical economic activities ________ 98 Figure 26: Conventional funds compared to the conventional benchmarks of the sustainability funds (control) across the different critical economic activities_________________________ 100