《Greenpost 33期 2006春季號》Greenpeace 綠色和平|香港辦公室

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WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS! Share your views with us about our work or action you have taken for the planet. Please include your name, phone number, address and email address.

Chief Editor

=Amy Cui

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!=alk^qflk=cloj ❏== !"#$%&'(")*+,-. I would like to support Greenpeace.

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January Our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior helped Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to deliver relief supplies to parts of tsunami-devatstated Banda Aceh, Indonesia, which was inaccessible by road.

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www.greenpeace.org.cn/ member/benefits

Heavy metals and toxics found in CLP's fly ash

Hot New Membership Benefits:

Green Post Kraft and Coca-Cola committed to non-GE

2005 Greenpeace China Major Events

February China passed its first renewable energy law, to promote the massive take-up of clean energy such as wind power. Greenpeace was invited to join the international forum of the legislation and gave comments and suggestions on the legislation and implementation of the law.

2005 was a very fruitful year for Greenpeace China. We have significant achievements: Acer committed to phase out toxic chemicals, Kraft committed to stop using GE ingredients, China announced 10GW increase in renewable energy target, APP vowed to stop illegal logging and obey Chinese law.

March Exposed Hong Kong as the staging point for illegal hazardous electronic waste (e-waste) cross-border trade. The incident successfully raised massive public and media attention. The HKSAR government took action to shut down numerous scrap yards in the New Territories. Greenpeace exposed Kraft Food and Campbell Soup products containing genetically engineered (GE) ingredient. Major supermarkets in China immediately withdrew Kraft products from shelves. After exposing paper giant, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) of illegal logging i n Yu n n a n Province, Un i ve r s i t y students initiated a Day of Action in 6 cities in China, calling on consumers to boycott APP products to pressurize APP to halt their destructive logging practices. Greenpeace called on the HKSAR government to review the outdated Air Quality Objectives (AQO) and launched the online Greenpeace Air Pollution Index, to measure and publicize Hong Kong's air quality using the international standard a d o p t e d b y Wo r l d H e a l t h Organisation (WHO) and European Union (EU). April Exposed unapproved GE rice planted illegally in Hubei Province for at least 2 years, contaminating r i c e m a rk e t s in Hubei and other provinces. Greenpeace called on the Chinese government to withdraw it from the market and ensure consumer food safety.

Published the Investigative Report into Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) in South China's Hainan Province, calling on APP to comply with Chinese laws and regulations and stop forest destruction. Greenpeace offices around the world initiated a global action demanding Hewlett Packard (HP) local offices and international headquarter phase out toxic chemicals, after Greenpeace found excessive amount of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in one of HP's computer models. In the 8th Beijing International High-Tech Expo, Greenpeace unveiled a 2.7 metre high statue built by electronic waste collected from recycling yards in Guiyu, Guangdong Province. The statue successfully generated public and media attention to the e-waste problem. June The Chinese Biosafety Committee postponed the approval of GE rice commercialization amid growing national and international concerns over its environmental and health impacts. The approval was finally denied in November's meeting. To g e t h e r w i t h G l o b a l W i n d Energy Council (GWEC), launched Windforce 12, a global industry blueprint that describes how wind

power can supply 12% of the world's electricity by 2020. The report indicates that massive take-up of wind energy is a solution to climate change. July To mark the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the first Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace held series of activities worldwide, including a week-long photo exhibition of 20 years of Rainbow Warrior in both Beijing and Guangzhou. August APP finally vowed to abide by Chinese regulations after being criticized by Greenpeace and the Chinese government for its illegal logging practices in Yunnan and Hainan provinces. Released the groundbreaking report Toxic Tech: Recycling of electronic wastes in China and India: workplace and environmental contaminationon. The report shows conclusively that all stages in e-waste processing enable toxic chemicals to be released into the workplace and the surrounding environment. Greenpeace called on electronic producers to take full responsibilities for their products and phase out toxics substances in them. After Greenpeace exposed illegal GE rice sold in Carrefour's store in Wuhan, Chinese officials destroyed

illegal GE rice grown in Hubei Province and fined 3 seed companies for selling unapproved rice seeds to farmers.

gion could feasibly produce enough energy from wind turbines to meet the equivalent of Hong Kong's total current electricity supply.

September Launched the 4th annual edition of Shoppers' Guide to Avoiding GE Food in Hong Kong with 156 brands committed a non-GE policy, more than doubled from 2003. Top ranking rice company Golden Phoenix gave a full non-GE commitment in Hong Kong the day after.

Exposed toxic heavy metals namely mercury and arsenic, found in the fly ash produced by China Light and Power (CLP). Both cannot be completely captured by the existing pollution control devices and would put people's health at risk after prolonged exposure. Greenpeace called on the power companies to immediately phase out coal burning and switch to renewable energy.

Launched Sure Wind public engagement campaign to promote wind energy. Successfully invited 10 celebrities to support the campaign and over 2,500 Hong Kong citizens signed up to become Wind Ambassadors. Sarah Liao, the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works of the HKSAR government was among o n e o f t h e Wi n d Ambassadors. October Sure Wind - Asia Clean Energy Revolution Tour kicked off in Hong Kong with the Rainbow Warrior highlighting the costs of coal derived energy to the climate and society and the economic viability of solutions like wind energy in Asia. Revealed in the Yellow River Source Report, that climate change is causing a cocktail of environmental effects at the Yellow River source, threatening an ecological breakdown. The report was widely covered by national and international media.

Greenpeace activists and community representatives from across the Asia-Pacific Region distributed Alternative Annual Report 2004 to the shareholders inside CLP's Annual General Meeting, revealing CLP's track record in coal burning. Greenpeace called on CLP to give up dirty coal and commit to clean and renewable energy.

Released Wind Guandong Report, confirming that with political and industry will, enough wind power could feasibly be installed in Guangdong province to cut carbon emissions by 29 million tonnes. By 2020 alone, the southern China re-

May Bob Hunter; Greenpeace founding member and one of the heroes of the environmental movement, dies at the age of 63.

November Released Shoppers' Guide to Avoiding GE Food 2005 in Guangzhou and Beijing. Major international brands such as Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Danone joined the green list and committed to supply non-GE products in China. Launched the Wind Force 12 in China report in Beijing. Wu Gui Hui, the Deputy Director of the Energy Bureau from National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), announced at our press conference that China's renewable energy target for 2020 would increase from 20GW to 30GW, enough to support Hong Kong's electricity demand for 18 months. After our 6 months hard work, leading electronics company, Acer, was committed to announcing a toxics phase-out plan for all its electronic products in 2006, in contrast to its laggard competitors like Hewlett Packard (HP) which we continue to push for similar commitments. December After 5 months discussion, Kraft, the world's 2nd largest food producer, committed to Greenpeace to supply only non-GE food in China, starting from 1 January 2007.

Where are the ancient forests? The remaining intact ancient forests are distributed in 7 regions in the world. These forests not only house around 2/3 of the world's land-based species of plants and animals and they are also homes to millions of forest people. Greenpeace has been devoting ourselves to push forward the protection of ancient forests. Amazon Rainforest Much of the Amazon rainforest falls within the borders of Brazil and it is the largest remaining tropical forest in the world, which sizes as large as the whole of the US. It is thought to be the most diverse ecosystem on Earth, supporting around 60,000 plant species, 1,000 bird species and more than 300 mammal species. The Amazon rainforest in Brazil alone is also home to about 20 million people, these people rely on this ancient forest for their way of life. 90% of all logging in the Brazilian Amazon is estimated to be illegal. In recent years, the burning of large-sized rainforest for the growth of soya bean has accelerated the damage to the Amazon.

The African Forest of the Great Apes It is second in size only to the Amazon rainforest and is the most species rich place in Africa. The forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo alone is home to over 1,000 species of birds and more than 400 species of mammals. Overall 85% of this ancient forest has been lost, and industrial logging threatens most of what remains. Local culture and the life of forest-dwelling people are at risk. Paradise forests of Asia Pacific The diverse tropical forests of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the nearby archipelagos form the Paradise Forest of Asia Pacific which is the third largest ancient rainforest on Earth. They support well over 500 species of mammals and more than 1,600 species of birds, not to mention around 30,000 species of higher plants. In New Guinea alone there are more than 1,000 languages, one third of all the languages spoken on Earth. Indonesia and Papua New Guinea have already lost around 65% of their ancient Paradise Forests.

The Snow Forests of Asian Russia Asian Russia makes up the eastern third of the Russian Federation and covers over 663 million hectares, more than 2/3 the size of the US. These diverse forests provide a home to many species of plants and animals, including the highly endangered Siberian (or Amur) tiger, Far Eastern leopard, the Himalayan bear, and the musk deer. Like other forests, the Snow Forests of Asian

Russia are also home to indigenous peoples including the Nanai of the Khabarovsk region. Europe The Last Ancient Forests of Europe combine Europe's few remaining tracts of ancient forest in Scandinavia with the adjoining forest of European Russia . These boreal forests represent Europe's last remaining intact ancient forest.

These forests have ensured the survival of numerous plant and animal species, including bears, flying squirrels and the highly endangered eagle owl. These ancient boreal forests are also home to tens of thousands of indigenous peoples. North America The Ancient Forests of North America provide a refuge for large mammals such as the grizzly bear, puma and grey wolf, which once ranged widely across the continent. Between 1990 and 2000 North America lost at least 12.3 million hectares of natural or ancient forest, significant portion of which had become our toilet paper. The remaining 6% of the forests are under threat as the U.S. government refuses to sign the Convention on Biological Diversity. South America The Temperate Jungle of South America, which covers regions of Southern Chile and Argentina, represents the largest tract of essentially undisturbed temperate forest in the world.

China's Mother River at risk www.yellowriversource.org

Green Pulse

Shih Wing Ching

Wind is possible Some of my friends were surprised when they saw me participating in Greenpeace's "Sure Wind" wind energy promoting project. Greenpeace is a radical organization in their eyes, adopting aggressive means to fight for environmental protection. They stop nuclear weapon testing by breaking into nuclear testing sites, block the main gates of GE food factories to stop GE food being imported into China. Most businessmen would not like to be associated with such activities as some of them are potentially law breaking. However, I am proud to be part of it! In fact, I don't agree to blind law obedience. Human beings are cold nowadays. They tend to neglect the consequences at the expense of our environment for the sake of economic gain. Being a witness to the increasingly bad air quality, polluted sea, more and more food contamination and animal extinction, how can I pretend that they don't matter to me and still be optimistic to the future? Some of Greenpeace's activities may have violated some laws, but there were reasons behind. The laws that Greenpeace broke are drafted by our own, but the laws that we human beings break are those laid down by the Nature! When Greenpeace is being punished by the legal system, we are all being punished by climate change! It is a blessing for us to live on such a beautiful planet where organisms live in harmony. The balance of the ecosystem will be destroyed and our sustainable environment will soon disappear if we keep on ignoring the environmental problems we have created with our own hands. Our precious Earth will die. Frequent droughts and floods are evidence of global warming, which also contributed to the catastrophe

Chairman of Centaline Group Greenpeace Sure Wind Ambassador Greenpeace Donor

in New Orleans in September 2005. I realized that if we don't take actions to protect our environment, the price we have to pay in the future would be unaffordable. That's when I started to embrace the ideology of Greenpeace – to force positive changes through non-violent direct action. Oil can no longer support our rapid economic growth. It is limited and harms our environment. Oil will be exhausted very soon and if we keep relying on it, we push ourselves to the dead end. Therefore it's a matter of urgency to switch to clean, renewable energies, and that's why I gave my full support to the Greenpeace's "Sure Wind" project. No doubt, wind energy is something worth investing in. As a matter of fact, wind energy comes from the "Sun"! Sunlight alters the temperature on earth, the pressure created between hot and cold air form "Wind". There is no cost incurred on the usage of natural resources and it is inexhaustible. Whenever there is sunlight, there will be wind. It is clean, safe and should be used on a large scale. Most of the power companies continue to invest in fossil fuels rather than wind energy because it is cheaper than building wind turbines. The truth is, oil price was relatively cheap in the past but has doubled in resent years. Power generated by fossil fuel is no longer a sustainable option and it is time to switch to wind! Skyrocket high oil price makes wind energy the best alternative and many advanced countries have already accelerated their pace on the development of wind energy. Hong Kong, being an international city, is enormously s l ow i n t h i s a re a . I s u p p o r t Greenpeace's advocacy on wind energy. Hong Kong power companies should stop burning fossil fuels and invest in wind energy now!


Year In The Life — Defending Our Oceans, Protecting the Whales

The Esperanza, the newest of the Greenpeace ships, has been fitted with new hi-tech equipment for the voyage, including 24/7 internet that will enable the ship to interact with supporters, below the water line cameras, a Remote Operating Vehicle camera and web cams. The crew will be blogging, podcasting and vlogging (video blogging) from the ship and producing programmes for the newly created web-based Greenpeace TV.

We are facing a growing wave of ocean extinction; our seas have reached a tipping point, with scores of species, fish, birds and mammals edging toward extinction. In response, Greenpeace has launched our most ambitious ship expedition ever to defend our oceans and to call for a vast network of marine reserves that are needed to protect and restore the health of the planets oceans. The expedition began on November 18, 2005 in Cape Town, South Africa. 2 Greenpeace ships, the Esperanza and the Arctic Sunrise, left Cape Town to oppose continued whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Even though the ban on commercial whaling has been agreed, the international community has failed to stop the hunt. Starting with the easiest whales to catch, vast whaling fleets have pushed one species after another to the brink of extinction. Greenpeace is heading once more to the Sanctuary to defend the whales and call for an immediate end to the hunt. The persecution of the great whales is a tragic echo of what is happening throughout our oceans. Every second breath we take comes from the oceans - they give the planet half of its oxygen. In return we suffocate them with pollution, warm them with climate change and empty them of fish. Countless factory ships scour and devour all life in their path with

destructive techniques like bottom trawling. It is time to face facts, time to begin defending our oceans. Only through establishing and enforcing a vast network of marine reserves can we reverse the decline and guarantee our children's right to inherit healthy seas. After returning from the Southern Ocean the Esperanza will continue on its 14 month expedition across four of the five oceans, to highlight their wonders and the threats they face, all the while mapping and demonstrating the need for a global network of marine reserves. During this journey, we want you to join us. Wherever you are in the world, you can help defend our oceans. Sign up as an Ocean Defender now! www.oceans.greenpeace.org/ en/ocean-defenders

f For donation form, please refer to A3.

Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.

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