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WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS! Share your views with us about our work or action you have taken for the planet. Please include your name, phone number, address and email address.
Chief Editors
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Climate Change: together we can make a difference
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Dell promises greener computers
Cool down Hong Kong
23rd-29th Oct at the State-of-The Art Gallery in Central
Emission trading scheme could help reclaim our blue sky
"Rice is Life" Photo Exhibition
Green Post
Paradise The Paradise Forests stretch from Indonesia, through Papua New Guinea and on to the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. They support tens of thousands of plant and animal species and myriad peoples and cultures. But, these unique, irreplaceable forests are disappearing at an alarming rate due to rampant illegal logging and could disappear within a decade. Greenpeace China works to protect the Paradise Forests through market work, lobbying, investigation and by taking action.
To promote awareness of what we may soon lose, and to raise funds for our work to continue, we are producing Chopsticks from Paradise Forest eco-timber and will be offering them for sale to the public on 18, 19, 25, 26 November 2006. Check our website for further details. Sustainable chopsticks, sustainable future. We need volunteers to help with the Chopsticks sales. Want to help reclaim Paradise? call Karen Chan at 2854 8336.
GLOBALVIEW Climate change is the single greatest threat to our common future. Already, we are witnessing its devastating impacts. There is no longer any debate that these impacts are mainly caused by the destructive ways in which we produce and consume energy. In the last two years alone we have seen the worst storm season on record in the US (2005), a sweltering European heat wave which brought drought, earlier fruit harvests and damaged crop harvests (2006), parts of China suffering their most severe drought in over 50 years (2006) and more frequent, stronger typhoons bringing record heavy rainfall and flooding to Southern China’s Fujian and Guangdong Provinces (2006). If we are to keep global mean temperature rise below 2°C and avert the worst impacts, we need nothing short of an Energy Revolution — a complete rethink about the way we produce, consume and distribute energy.
Take part in the Energy Revolution
The Kyoto treaty was a start, as it enshrined into international law the greenhouse gas emission targets that need to be met. Now real action is needed. The window for action is very short. What we do in the next 10-15 years will be critical. An Energy Revolution — engaging
Defending Our Oceans Our three-month Mediterranean tour with the Rainbow Warrior and Esperanza ended back where we started, in Spain, highlighting the desperate state of bluefin tuna stocks. During the tour that started with the launch of the Greenpeace tuna report in Barcelona, we've confirmed our worst fears about the threats facing the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna are being plundered, illegal driftnets known as “walls of death” continue to be used despite their prohibition and the rampant overdevelopment of the Mediterranean coastline is destroying coastal ecosystems.
However, we also showed with our proposal for a network of marine reserves for the Mediterranean, that there is still hope. From diving to document the beauty below the s u r f a c e, c o n f i s c a t i n g i l l e g a l driftnets, rescuing sailors from sinking boats to being blockaded by fishermen in Marseille, it was certainly a memorable tour. 31 days, eight different places, ten marine reserves, 67 fishing boats in the flotilla against Lafayette Mine, one whaleshark, more than 250,000 litres of oil spilling from a sunken tanker off the Philippines, have been a stakkato of
governments, the business, finance and manufacturing sectors, civil society and individuals on a global scale — is imperative. This part of the world has seen some action to address the causes of climate change. China has ambitious targets for renewable
energy and energy efficiency but no plans at present to cut emissions from the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2). However, neither does Hong Kong, which also lags behind the Mainland as it has no renewable energy target. Why is it that ‘Asia’s World City’, with its finance and business expertise and world-class infrastructure, has no coherent plans to tackle the greatest threat to our planet today? The answer? Complicity between HK SAR government and our largest emitters of CO2, the power companies, one of which, CLP, is one of Asia’s largest polluters as they still invest hugely in climate destroying coal plants across the region, including China. Over the coming months, we will be spreading the “Climate Truth” about the impacts of climate change that Hong Kong is experiencing NOW. We will be inviting Hong Kong citizens to join us in an urgent call to our government and
the power companies to kick-start the Energy Revolution. To begin with, we want CLP to set concrete CO2 emissions targets and the HK SAR government to ensure that they are met, setting stiff penalties if they are not. Climate change affects you! As well as limiting your own energy use, you can call on CLP and the government to take urgent action. Former US Vice President Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ is in HK cinemas from October 5th — don’t miss it, help us spread the Climate Truth.
Oil spills Philippines, Indian Ocean and Lebanon
events for the Esperanza. We witnessed all life in the ocean between disaster in Guimaras and paradise in Apo Island. We were welcomed by the local population with flower garlands, songs, dance, poems — and were shouted and spat at by the staff of Lafayette Mine. The Esperanza moved the Philippines and the Philippines moved us. More: http://weblog.greenpeace.org/ oceandefenders/archive/2006/09/ philippines_leg_highlight.html Become an Ocean Defender: Help us create a global network of marine reserves by becoming an Ocean Defender today! http://oceans.greenpeace.org/ en/ocean-defenders
Oil is harmful to the environment every step of the way. It leaks from pipelines, spills from ships, creates smog in our cities, and is heating up our planet. Marine ecosystems already stressed by over fishing and destructive fishing practices, toxic pollution and climate change have taken several recent hits from oil spills in the Indian Ocean, Lebanon and the Philippines. In the Philippines’ worst ever oil spill the Sirius I tanker sank in deep waters off Guimares, making recovery unlikely and the ship an ecological time bomb with an additional 1.8 million litres (475,000 gallons) of bunker fuel on board. Roughly 320 km (200 miles) of coast line is covered in thick sludge and miles of coral reef and mangrove forest have been destroyed and 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) of marine reserve badly damaged. Lebanon: The pollution is estimated to extend at least 150km
(90 miles) off shore, and the oil has hit a 150km stretch of coastline extending even into Syria. A toxic carpet of heavy fuel oil up to 10 cm thick is suffocating the sea off the Lebanese coast. More: http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/recent-oil-spills For donation form, please refer to A3. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. To save our forests and planet, we try our best to limit our paper consumption. Share this newsletter with your friends. For detailed newsletter information and updates, visit www.greenpeace.org.cn. We welcome your feedback on Green Post, do let us know what you think and email to greenpeace. china@hk.greenpeace.org