《Greenpost 36期 2006冬季號》Greenpeace 綠色和平|香港辦公室

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3/F., Seaview Commercial Building, 21-24 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


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WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS! Share your views with us about our work or action you have taken for the planet. Please include your name, phone number, address and email address.

Chief Editors

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: greenpeace.china@hk.greenpeace.org


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Tel : (852) 2854 8300 Fax : (852) 2745 2426

Website : http://www.greenpeace.org.cn Email : greenpeace.china@hk.greenpeace.org

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Climate Change: together we can make a difference

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A f t e r t w o we e k s o f t a l k s i n November, ministers attending the UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi only took small steps forward to ensure that there is no gap between the first and post 2012 second phase, of the Kyoto international climate treaty. From the avalanche of press reports on the changing climate and the rising tide of public concern, pressure for hard action built up ahead of the conference. Even more fresh evidence that human activities are causing climate change and the November 4th global day of action on climate change contributed to this pressure. However, the groundbreaking Stern Report, by the UK’s Chief Economist and former World Bank Head, Sir Nicholas Stern, received global coverage in the week before Nairobi began and exerted most pressure for urgent action. The report presented the economic case for global action on climate change, recommending that it was better to spend 1% of global GDP annually now to hugely reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than to have to spend many times more to fix the problems later when it will probably be too late anyway. In Nairobi, many of the tough measures required to stop dangerous climate change were pushed to next year or were not even on the table for discussion. There were some glimmers of hope, however. For the first time in the Kyoto process, Governments finally acknowledged the need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions by more than half. While some progress was made in Nairobi, there is still a disconnect between the urgent calls from around the world for action on climate change, and the level of ambition demonstrated by many governments at global climate negotiations. Ministers meet only once a year for one week at the UN climate negotiations but carbon emissions are increasing everyday and the climate is changing faster than ever. Something has to change – for the sake of the planet it must be the level of urgency that all governments give to tackling climate change.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Organic Farmer’s Market comes to town

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

CLP: Times Up! Coal Down!

www.greenpeace.org/ china/en/photosvideos/ videos/kelly-chan-video

www.greenpeace. org/china/en/news/ companies-race

Kelly Chen joins the fight against Climate Change

Electronics companies race to be greener

Green Post Green Pulse

at17 Greenpeace China ‘Forest Ambassadors’

Reclaim Paradise for a sustainable future Last year our Forest campaign was supported by Eman and Ellen from Hong Kong girl group, at17. We invited them to write this edition of ‘Green Pulse’.




Trift Glacier, Switzerland. Composite image showing glacier retreat from 1948 to 2006.

Climate Change

Needs Action Now! In Hong Kong we experienced the second hottest October in a century and temperatures well into the 20’s during November. We also saw the first ever November hoisting of an Amber rainstorm signal. Average temperatures rose by 1.5 degree Celsius in the last decade compared to the late 19th Century. The number of cold days in which the temperature is below 12 degrees has also dropped from 28 days per year in the 1950s to 13 days in the last decade. We will continue to feel the impacts of dangerous climate change if we

don’t begin to change our bad energy habits. At the end of 2006 we continued to push for renewable energy solutions to climate change in Hong Kong and China and maintained the pressure on Hong Kong’s power companies and the government to urgently reduce CO2 emissions and to legislate for energy efficiency. Here’s a round-up of our recent activities. Greenpeace gives Ideas for Climate Action We presented the “Sharing Knowledge, Creating Solutions” Re-

port to the HKSAR government. The aim of the report, which cited examples of several US States with progressive emissions reductions programmes, was to provide practical steps for Hong Kong to belatedly begin to take the urgent action required to mitigate climate change. CLP: No time to waste on emissions reduction Greenpeace activists carried the message ‘Times Up! Coal Down!’ to 13 CLP Service Centres across Kowloon and N.T., converging on CLP’s HQ in Mongkok to demand a

timetable for greenhouse gas emission reductions. www.greenpeace. org/china/en/press/releases/ greenpeace-urges-clp-power-to

Last November, acting as Greenpeace China’s ‘Forest Ambassadors’, we visited the Paradise Forests of Papua New Guinea, the largest tracts of ancient forest in the Asia Pacific region; it was one of the most memorable trips of our lives. On our first day at Lake Murray, when we saw the local people waving at us, our eyes brimmed with tears. We felt we had a mission to help them. Looking into the eyes of the local children, we saw pure souls, they are warm and shy, something you cannot usually find in city children. On our second day of the trip, we learnt about the importance of ecoforestry from the local people. They only cut down mature trees, and for each tree they fell, they plant at least five saplings in the same area, using their forest resources in a sustainable way and giving their children a future. If we don’t act now to stop illegal logging, the Paradise Forests, and the rich diversity of flora, fauna and human cultures that depend on them, will disappear within a decade. We swam at dawn in Lake Murray under the beautiful silvery moonlit sky, and drank in the stunning scenery with our eyes – it felt like we were in the beautiful scenery of animation ‘Lion King’. The water was a good temperature and the forest was not as dirty as we imagined. We realised that you have to experience these things yourself to get a real taste of life. You may ask why we have to protect the ancient forests that are so far away? Forests are home to many people and we are all connected, therefore everybody should treat the forests as THEIR home. Dorothy, our local staff who works hard on a forest project once said to me: “I’m just trying to save a few trees for our grandchildren”. We understood this when we saw the local children. How we educate the next generation to protect the environment and not to abuse our limited natural resources is paramount. Greenpeace continuously fights for fair and sustainable use of our Planet’s limited natural resources and works with local people to protect their rights and their livelihoods. If we do not act by saying NO to illegal destructive logging, our lives and our shared heritage will also be under threat. Let’s all work for the earth! For all the beauty that still exists, so we can be proud of our legacy to future generations.

Government urged to pressure power companies to reduce emissions We greeted Dr. Sarah Liao, Secretary for Environment, Transport and Works, with peach blossom and Chinese New Year couplets, to show that the climate and the order of our four seasons will be further disrupted if global warming continues.

GLOBALVIEW In November 2005 Greenpeace set off on the 14 month-long ‘Defending Our Oceans’ voyage, the single largest expedition that we have ever undertaken, a global campaign to save our seas. Over-fishing and destructive fishing is the biggest threat to our oceans. Through this incredible journey we have been telling the story of the crisis facing our oceans from South Africa to Europe, the Americas to the Antarctic, taking you to places few humans have been, making the unseen, seen, confronting the villains and promoting the solutions. Worldwide, illegal and destructive fishing practices have driven many fish stocks into decline and damaged marine ecosystems. The Defending our Oceans tour has travelled through most of the world’s oceans highlighting many of the threats that they face. We are campaigning for sustainable fisheries management and an end to the most destructive forms of fishing. During this journey, we want you to join us. Wherever you are in the world, you can help defend your oceans. Sign up as an Ocean Defender now! http://oceans.greenpeace. org/en/ Every second breath you take comes from the oceans. The oceans

attempting to stop the Japanese whaling fleet from killing 945 whales. Whaling is not sustainable; a century of commercial whaling has left many species of whales severely endangered. Many of these species have still not recovered. Whales and other cetaceans also face increasing threats like climate change and pollution. The blue ocean of the Antarctic will soon turn red again. 935 Minke whales and 10 endangered Fin whales will be killed, unless we do something to save them. It is time to put an end to whaling in the Southern Oceans. Forever. The whaling fleet of six vessels will not be alone, one of our ships will be there too. Join us in the Southern Ocean.

Defending Our Oceans give life to our planet. In return we are suffocating them; dredging up too many fish, stealing food from needy mouths, carelessly killing countless creatures including whales, turtles, sea birds, sharks and thousand year old corals, we fill the oceans with pollution and warm them with climate change. Greenpeace is committed to defending the health of the world's oceans and the plants, animals and people that depend on them.

Our goal: marine reserves A primary focus of the expedition is the creation of a global network of ocean parks called marine reserves. Just as parks on land allow life to flourish, marine reserves are essential to help restore the diversity that once characterised our seas. Many governments agree that such a network is vital. The UN has said they will work out where these reserves should be by the end of 2006. But the goldrush for fish is blinding

governments to the damage that is being done. So we will do the work for them. By the end of the journey, we will have mapped out where these marine reserves should be, and will have shown you why they are needed.

We are all in this together. 945 whales are waiting for your help. http://whales.greenpeace.org/ global

We need your help to save 945 Whales The last leg of the ‘Defending our Oceans Tour’ is underway in the freezing Southern Ocean. We are

Clean up for CNY: Tips for reducing your environmental footprint There are plenty of simple steps that you and your family can take if you are dreaming of a “green” Chinese New Year – check out the tips below. 1. Replace your light bulbs: Save money and save the planet too. Old-fashioned light bulbs waste 85% of their energy in heat and don’t last long. Compact florescent bulbs these days come in all shapes, sizes, and colours. Save energy and money, change those bulbs today. 2. Choose greener electronics: Electronics are popular gifts so rather than just consider the cost, check out which companies are doing more than others to make cleaner products. This year’s presents shouldn’t be next year’s toxic waste. Check out our ‘Guide to Greener Electronics’ — www. greenpeace.org.cn/en/news/companies-race

3. Pay for the present, not the packaging. Put some thought into the gifts you are purchasing. Avoid products that are over-packaged or made from toxic PVC plastic or from endangered trees like mahogany. 4. Travel smart. When it's time to go shopping for the perfect gift or visit relatives, try to take public transport or carpool for trips. Every time you hop in your car or even worse a plane, you're producing greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming http://www. greenpeace.org/international/ campaigns/climate-change. Even better, shop online. You can get your loved ones gift memberships to environmental organisations like Greenpeace. 5. Cut down on paper. Why not have fun making your own wrapping paper or lai see packets out of recycled paper? With a potato

stamp and some water paint you can make unique wrapping paper. Make sure your waste wrapping paper goes in the recycling. If you send holiday cards, look for recycled content or better yet, send an e-card. 6. CNY Cleaning tips ■ Drains Your drains can be kept open, clean and odour-free without the use of corrosive drain cleaners. Never pour liquid grease down a drain and always use a drain sieve. ■ Once a week: mix 1 cup (250 ml) baking soda and 1 cup (250 ml) salt. Pour 1/4 cup (60 ml) of this mixture into the drain. Follow with a pot of boiling water, and flush with cold water. ■ For clogged drains, pour in 1/4 cup (60 ml) baking soda followed by 1/2 cup (125 ml) vinegar. Close the drain until the fizzing stops and flush with boiling water.

■ Bath and Tile Most commercial tile cleaners do more harm than good because many contain chlorine, a serious irritant to the eyes, nose and skin, and one of the most dangerous chemicals found in municipal sewers. ■ For bathroom cleaning, use a firm bristled brush with either baking soda or the mild allpurpose cleaner and baking soda. Rinse with hot water. ■ For mould and mildew, rub tiles and grout with a cloth that has been moistened with vinegar and scrub with an old toothbrush. 7. Go au natural. Replace plastic holiday decorations, with natural reusable decorations that still put you in the holiday spirit. 8. Cut down on your shopping. As a general rule the more you buy and consume the more of the planet’s

limited resources you are using up. Try to buy local produce to cut the travel miles your holiday essentials have clocked up. 9. Break out the china. When it comes time to party down, do so with real dishes – not disposables. Ask your friends to borrow some of their plates and glasses or rent them. If you must use disposable, look for recycled content http:// www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/forests/ s o l u t i o n s / p a p e r- b u y i n g - f o rindividuals. 10. Get started on your CNY resolutions! If you've followed these tips for the holiday season why not be good to the climate for the whole of 2007 by following our tips for individual action on global warming? www.greenpeace.org/ international/campaigns/climatechange/take_action/12_steps

New EU Chemical Law sets precedent Greenpeace's 10-year long campaign for EU legislation to outlaw the use of dangerous chemicals bore fruit on 13th December 2006 when new EU chemicals legislation (REACH) was passed. REACH will enter into force on 1 June 2007. The final outcome reflects our most important demands – that chemical companies shall no longer be allowed to produce or market chemicals without providing safety data and that hazardous chemicals shall not be authorised for use when safer alternatives are available. Although there are loopholes, we are proud of the role we played to safeguard public health and a cleaner environment. This EU legislation sets the precedent for other regions of the world to follow. www.greenpeace.org/international/news/eu-reach-chemicallaw-vote131206

For donation form, please refer to A3. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. To save our forests and planet, we try our best to limit our paper consumption. Share this newsletter with your friends. For detailed newsletter information and updates, visit www.greenpeace.org.cn

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