43 VOL.
氣候危機 我們的最後機會 OUR LAST CHANCE T O S O LV E T H E
Out of
Africa 綠色和平登陸非洲
©Greenpeace/Philip Reynaers
綠色和平自 90 年代初一直活躍於非洲進行環境工作,保護世界第 2 大雨林──剛果盆地更是非洲的長 期工作項目。而剛過去的 11 月,我們更正式在非洲設立首個辦事處。我們的目的是要賦予非洲人民 力量,以解決當地最迫切的環境問題,包括氣候變化,熱帶雨林的破壞和過度捕撈海洋資源的問題。 Greenpeace has been active in Africa since the early 1990’s, but this November we made it official and opened our first offices on the continent. Our slogan, People, Action, Solutions, encapsulates our campaign focus: to empower the African voice in seeking solutions to their most urgent environmental problems: climate change, rainforest destruction and overfishing.
Dear Supporters... 1
送份禮物救地球 聖誕送禮物,不單可以令身邊朋友感受到你 的心意,今年送份禮物,更可增添多層意義 ──讓地球也可得到祝福。
風力發電機、慳電膽,又或資助天堂雨林的 小猩猩或身處加劇溶化冰川上的小北極熊, 對地球而言都代表著重大的意義。
登入 gift.greenpeacechina.org,我們已為你 準備好一系列的禮物,每份禮物都代表著 我們保護環境的工作,送給摯友,提醒各位 每個人都有改善環境的能力。
請立即作出選購,我們已為你預備好個人化 E-card,讓每個人一同成為救地球英雄!
如果你去年已參與「買份禮物救地球」行 動,今年將有更多選擇。你可以選擇救救我 們的氣候或森林,無論你為地球送上一部
登入 gift.greenpeacechina.org, 選購心水禮物
氣候變化 三個新的辦事處分別位於約翰內斯堡,剛果及塞內加爾, 同屬非洲最核心的位置,面對的主要挑戰包括: Our three new offices, one in South Africa, one in the Democratic Republic of Congo and one in Senegal, are at the heart of areas pivotal to challenging these critical problems.
雖然非洲的溫室氣體排放量 並不高,但他們正飽受氣候 變化的影響,包括農作物產 量下降、糧食價格高漲及資 源匱乏。氣候變化是現時全 球面對最大的環境危機,而 燃煤的電廠更是罪魁禍首。 我們將繼續游說南非政府擺
金沙薩(剛果) 成立日期: 2008年11月24日 重點工作: 森林保護 Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Office opened: Nov 24, 2008 Campaign focus: Rainforest Protection
塞內加爾 Senegal
達喀爾(塞內加爾) 成立日期: 明年初 重點工作: 非法捕魚 Dakar, Senegal Office opens: early 2009 Campaign focus: Illegal fishing
脫煤炭和核能的使用,改為 投資可再生能源。
剛果 Democratic Republic of Congo
約翰內斯堡(南非) 成立日期: 2008年11月13日 重點工作: 氣候變化 Johannesburg Office opened: Nov 13, 2008 Campaign focus: Climate Change
Although Africa contributes very little to climate change, the region is suffering from its effects – lower crop yields, soaring food prices and dwindling resources. Climate change is the world’s single greatest threat to human life and the main culprits are electricity producers, particularly coal-fired power plants. In South Africa we are lobbying the government to invest in renewable energy and move away from coal and nuclear power.
保護森林 剛果盆地雨林不單是 4,000 萬原居民的居所,更是 南非 South Africa
瀕危的大猩猩、黑猩猩及大象的容身之所。作為 世界上第二大的熱帶雨林,剛果盆地雨林對調節全 球氣候起著重要的作用。綠色和平非洲分部將重點 研究如何發展一個國際性的金融機制,以減少二氧
非洲沿海國家向來將捕魚權出售給外國船隊,以 籌集資金。但是,管理不善加上過度及非法捕撈 正破壞非洲豐富的海洋資源。我們致力大幅度減 少猖獗的非法捕魚活動,同時建立海洋保護區, 以保護海洋的生態系統。
African coastal nations are selling fishing rights to foreign fleets to raise money. But poor governance, overfishing and illegal fishing are destroying the wealth of Africa’s oceans. The plunder must stop. Greenpeace is calling for a drastic reduction in illegal and rampant fishing and the creation of marine reserves.
我們正採用全新的捐款方式! 綠色和平致力開拓更多捐款渠道,讓你可以 更方便地支持我們的工作。今後你除了可 繼續於 7-ELEVEN 便利店向我們作出一次性 捐款外,你同時更可通過 OK 便利店及網上 銀行服務向我們作出捐款;另外更可通過繳 費靈(PPS)作出一次性或每月捐款(商戶 號碼 9767),請立即向我們作出支持!
There’s now three new and convenient ways to help us! We want to make it easier for you to donate money to support Greenpeace’s work. As well as 7-ELEVEN stores, you can also now make one-off contributions at Circle K convenience stores, through your online bank account, and via PPS terminals (both one-off and monthly contributions: merchant code 9767). We sincerely thank you for all your help.
The Congo basin rainforest is home to around 40 million people as well as the endangered gorilla, chimpanzee and forest elephant. But logging is making these people even poorer. We are working with local groups to protect the forest. And as the second largest rainforest on Earth, the Congo Basin rainforest plays a vital role in regulating the global climate. Greenpeace Africa will take a key role in our campaign for an international financing mechanism, “Forests for Climate”, which makes safeguarding intact forests more economical than their wholesale destruction.
進一步支持《愛書人 愛森林》 在綠色和平《愛書人 愛森林》項目推動下, 愈來愈多作家關注書籍 出版與森林破壞之間的 問題,並承諾逐步轉用 「森林友好型」紙張。 作家邵家臻亦將於 12 月初推出新書《非關 係者》,論盡關係與 非關係各式人種。全書內頁均以 100% 再造紙 印刷。為感謝各會員對我們的支持,如通過綠 色和平購買《非關係者》,將可獲作家親筆簽 名及 7 折優惠(原價 $68,7 折後 $47.6)。 如有興趣,歡迎將您的姓名、電話及會員編號 在 2009 年1 月 31 日 前電郵至 donorservices@ hk.greenpeace.org 或致電會員服務熱線 2854 8318。
衷心多謝你的額外捐款! 我們早前曾向部分會員呼籲,請你們由每季捐款轉為每月 捐款,又或增加每月捐款金額,進一步資助我們的中國水 污染工作,讓下一代享用到清潔的食水。當中我們收到超 過 1,000 位會員的積極回應,讓我們有額外的資助改善嚴 峻的環境危機。 水污染項目將會是我們於中國的重點工作,請留意我們 的最新工作匯報(頁 8),讓你瞭解你的一分一毫如何化為 實際的改變!
A big thank you... So many of you have already have increased your support by changing from quarterly to monthly donations or increased the amount of monthly contributions to help our vital China water pollution campaign. With your valuable support we are campaigning to get China’s next generation of children access to clean and healthy drinking water. We now have more than 1,000 responses to help this campaign. We thank all of you. Together we can heal the environment.
「在全球金融危機壓力下,有些人認為,我們 還有解決氣候變化的空間嗎?但更好的 問題是:我們可以將這問題置之不理嗎?」
Vol 43 2008 冬季號 Winter Issue
©Greenpeace/Daniel Beltra
“Amid the pressures of the global financial crisis, some ask how we can afford to tackle climate change. The better question is: Can we afford not to?”
綠色和平 Greenpeace China 地址 Address: 香港西環德輔道西 410 - 418 號 太平洋廣場 8 樓 8/F, Pacific Plaza, 410-418 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: 2854 8300 傳真 Fax: 2745 2426 網址 Website: www.greenpeace.org.cn 電郵 Email: greenpeace.china@ hk.greenpeace.org 總編輯 CHIEF EDITORS
黃嫣妍 Emmy Wong Dinah Ruth Gardner 設計及製作 DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
綠色,就是讓經濟 復甦的顏色 Green is the color of economic recovery
Dear Greenpeace friends, It’s hard not turn on the news these past few months and hear that the global economy is in a mess. A United Nations report, released at the beginning of December, says most of the developed world is already in recession and developing countries may be close behind.
親愛的會員: 過去數月實在很難避過有關全球經濟衰退的新聞。聯 合國於 12 月初發表的報告指出,發達國家已經處於 經濟衰退的情況,發展中國家可能會緊隨其後。
We believe that the financial crisis and the prospect of a worldwide recession have created an amazing opportunity to take dramatic action on behalf of the planet and its inhabitants. Investing in green technology and moving away from a carbon-dependent economy are now being reported as a sure bet at getting ourselves out of this economic slump.
也許,現在不是綠色和平推動更多環保政策的最好時 機?真的嗎? 我們認為,全球的金融危機已經創造了一個很好的機 會,讓人類為地球作出轉變,而投資綠色技術,以及 遠離依賴煤炭的經濟正是走出經濟衰退最好的方向。 這不單是我們的說法,新任美國總統奧巴馬及聯合國 秘書長潘基文不約而同有相同的說法。潘基文上月提 到:「在全球金融危機壓力下,有些人認為,我們還 有解決氣候變化的空間嗎?但更好的問題是:我們可 以將這問題置之不理嗎?」 奧巴馬亦提到,美國正面臨著一個「歷史性的經濟危 機」,並呼籲落實一個「足以應對挑戰的計劃」。 奧巴馬承諾:「我們會提供更多就業機會,建設風力 發電場和太陽能電池板;而具能源效益的汽車及其他 能源技術,都可使我們擺脫對石油的依賴及保持未來 的經濟競爭力。」
宏亞印務有限公司 Asia One Printing Limited 歡迎您的意見! 請來信或以電郵提出您的意見或 分享您的環保心得,來信請註明 姓名、電話、地址或電郵 WE WELCOME YOUR INPUT & COMMENTS! Share your views with us about our work or action you have taken for the planet. Please include your name, phone number, address and email address.
綠色和平未來的工作將會怎樣? 首先,我們必須確保溫室氣體排放量於 2015 年到達 頂峰並且回落。這意味著,未來 1 年在丹麥首都哥本 哈根舉行的全球氣候會議中的決定,將會相當重要。 我們必須確保各國落實一個強有力的協議──儘管各 國政府均努力作出妥協,但自去年峇里的氣候會議至 今,進度仍然緩慢。要知道如沒有一個明確的協議, 全球對抗氣候變化的行動及政治勢頭將會大為倒退。
本刊使用 100% 再造紙及 大豆油墨印刷 Printed on 100% recycled paper using soy ink
今期 Greenpost 會就我們氣候的工作作出更詳細的介 紹,同時我們亦會向你匯報另一項重要項目──防治 水污染的工作。所有綠色和平的同事均衷心感謝你們 的支持,同時祝你有一個快樂的聖誕節。來年,我們 會與你保持緊密聯繫,讓你了解你的貢獻對保護環境 的重要性。
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為地球而戰的 綠色和平
版權所有,未經許可,不得翻印 All rights reserved
Surely it's not the best time for environmental organizations like Greenpeace to be pushing for more green policies. Or is it?
And it's not just us saying it. Everyone's talking about it from America's President-elect Barack Obama to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. “Amid the pressures of the global financial crisis, some ask how we can afford to tackle climate change. The better question is: Can we afford not to?” said Ban late last month. And from Obama: The US is facing a "crisis of historic proportions" and it calls for "a plan big enough to meet the challenges we face." “We'll put people back to work. . . building wind farms and solar panels; fuel-efficient cars and the alternative energy technologies that can free us from our dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years ahead.” promised Obama. So which way forward? First and foremost, we have to more aggressively ensure that greenhouse gas emissions peak and then dip by 2015, which means that decisions in the next 12 months before and during a key global climate meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark in December are critical. A strong agreement in Copenhagen is essential, yet despite good intentions, governments have made little progress since they started negotiations at Bali last year. Without an agreement, the clock will be turned back a decade on climate action, and political momentum to act will wane. To highlight the importance of Greenpeace’s climate work over the next year, this quarterly ‘Greenpost’ has a special feature on our climate campaign in the lead up to the Copenhagen meeting. We also wanted to update you on our crucial water pollution campaign. From all of us at Greenpeace, we thank you for all your invaluable support. We also want to wish you a happy holiday season and look forward to keeping you informed next year of the vital role you are playing in protecting this fragile world. For the planet, Greenpeace China
明年注定是氣候變化重要的一年,各國將於明年 12 月在哥本哈根進 行氣候變化高峰會,以決定應對氣候變化的下一步。我們必須確保 會議的決定足以制止災難性的氣候變化影響。我們的氣候及能源項 目顧問 Catherine Fitzpatrick,將會帶你到南、北兩極,同時與你分 享有關氣候變化的爭論,及我們應如何以實際行動避免氣候災難。
哥本哈根 氣候及能源項目顧問
Catherine Fitzpatrick
「氣候危機是我們的一項 歷史任務;不單是為了道德 目的;更是為了人類共同 目的的情況下,擱置一些不 必要的政治衝突,去迎接真 正道德及精神上的挑戰。」 戈爾,2007年7月
綠色和平在波蘭最大的露天煤礦邊, 搭建了一座地球狀的「氣候拯救站」。 我們的工作人員和志願者就在這依靠 清潔能源運轉的「地球」內工作。 ©Greenpeace/Morgan
1990 年我跟隨綠色和平到南極,那裡美麗的景觀及和平的感覺實在 難以形容。現在有時候我走在北京的街上,都很難想像我曾經涉足那
裡。1992 年,在綠色和平的努力下,39 個國家簽署了南極條約,同
意要有效保護南極洲,至少在 50 年內禁止在該地區開採任何礦產。
活動絕對是全球變暖的主要原因,要避免產生災難性的影響,我們 必須擺脫對燃燒化石燃料的依賴,科學家亦告訴我們,全球溫度必
須在 2015 年前達到最高峰並且回落。
的科學家對全球變暖的問題作出討論,而綠色和平雖然亦已展開有關 2009 年 12 月,丹麥將主辦一個對氣候至關重要的會議。《京都議定 書》第二階段的內容正在草擬階段;屆時,將會在丹麥哥本哈根達 但同時這兩極,亦最廣受全球變暖所影響。科學家已經表明,溫室氣體
在 1989 年,我首次參與氣候變化大會;但直到 1997 年在著名的京都
根的會議內達成一致的協議。 京都會議是第一個全球各國同意應該共同努力解決氣候變化危機的國 我們將繼續積極參與氣候談判,並呼籲中國政府擔當領導的角色,
功。我記得當時經過 10 天既漫長又艱苦的談判,在最後的幾小時,卻
變化框架公約》之上簽定了《京都議定書》,成為具有法律約束力的 協議,以限制 37 個工業化國家及歐盟減少溫室氣體排放。
除此以外,我們必須確保中國減少對煤炭的依賴,以減少造成對環 境,健康等的社會成本。在剛過去的 10 月,綠色和平與中國的能源 專家及經濟學家合作發表了一個重要的報告《煤炭的真實成本》。
當時湖北省一個 6 歲的女孩江珊被捲入這場災難。她的母親被洪水沖
退化以及影響人類健康,是最不環保的發電方法。中國約有 2/3 的能
這小女孩在樹上待了一整晚,足足有 9 個小時,第二天早上才被救援
大的可再生能源生產國和消費國之一。同時,對化石燃料過度依賴, 無論對任何一個國家也是個危機,這不單令能源成本上漲,各國亦因
氣候變化,推動能源革命,同時給予飽受氣候變化影響的國家最大 的支持。
2006 年,當我還在綠色和平澳洲分部工作時,我出席了在肯亞奈洛 比(Nairobi)舉行的氣候談判。綠色和平一行 30 人出席,我們的項目
國在 1998 年遭受嚴重水災的故事,當時洪水持續了超過 2 個月,1/4
中國人口均受影響,超過 3,000 人死亡,多達 1700 萬戶以上的家庭
瀏覽綠色和平於波茲南會議日誌 www.greenpeace.cn
我們,正在應對氣候變化! 現時中國是世界上最主要的溫室氣體排放國之一,綠色和平的工作是要確保中國政府能夠有效 並且及時地減少排放量,加入國際的行動。 剛過去的 11 月,我們的項目主任易蘭及劉尚文出發到巴布亞新畿內亞,跟隨「希望號」展開保 護森林與氣候之旅,敦促停止非法伐木和棕櫚油產業,以減少森林被破壞,進一步減少由於毀 林造成的溫室氣體排放。
各國政府將在波蘭的波茲南(Poznan) ,討論全球變暖問題,著手準備草擬《京都議定書》的 第二階段內容,為明年在丹麥哥本哈根達成決議奠定基礎。由於煤炭是污染最嚴重的化石燃 料,因此我們在位於波蘭科林(Konin)的露天煤礦邊旁,搭建了一座地球狀的「氣候拯救站」。 拯救站將會在會談開始時遷移到波茲南。 綠色和平中國分部將會派出 4 名代表,包括 2 位項目主任和 2 名來自內地的志願者。他們將會 向各國表達全球變暖的嚴重性,同時強調減少依賴煤炭不僅是解決問題的關鍵,各國必需在可 再生能源的發展上投放更多的資源,危機是有可能解決的。
正如前文 Catherine 所說,煤炭不僅破壞整個氣候系統,還帶來無盡的空氣污染。 不單中國,香港一直以來有 6 成的電力都是依賴煤炭所生產,身為香港人,你我 都感受得到當中所帶來的惡劣空氣質素!近數月,我們正大力推動政府改善香港 空氣污染的情況,如果你同樣拒絕繼續吸入廢氣,請讓我們的政府知道!
有人形容煤炭為來自地獄的燃料,帶來全球暖化及空氣污染雙重罪行。原來,我們一直活在地獄之中,地獄是沒有藍天的。 綠色和平一直在全球提倡捨棄煤炭,在香港這個先進的都市中,我們卻一直使用這 200 年前盛行的燃料,煤炭排放大量二氧 化碳,加速全球氣候變化之餘,亦導致香港空氣污染嚴重。面對兩項刻不容緩的環境問題,香港必須減低對煤炭依賴,為改 善環境出一力。 香港政府亦明白減少燃煤的好處,提出希望將天然氣發電的比率增加至 5 成,天然氣相對於燃煤發電,毫無疑問是較清潔和 排放較少二氧化碳。不過,綠色和平認為在提出遠景以外,政府更需要以不同的政策去實現遠景。 港府首要將改善空氣質素成為一項政策綱領,根據世界衛生組織空氣質素指引的全盤計劃,修訂香港的空氣質素指標,並訂 下達至各階段性指標的日期。而現時政府僅僅建議分拆世衛指引,以當中最低的階段性指標作為香港的最終目標,如此寬鬆 的指標根本不足以增加天然氣發電的比率,達致空氣質素的改善。只有採納全盤世衛指引中的嚴格要求,制定達標時間表, 才能對兩間電力公司構成壓力,促使改用更多天然氣發電,方可減少煤炭對市民健康的危害。 我們將會繼續努力促使政府透過不同政策減少燃煤。我們在剛過去的 11 月中,就將超過 3,000 個市民簽名,張貼滿政府總部 外的炮台里,要求政府根據世衛指引的全盤計劃,修訂香港空氣質素指標。同時,我們亦邀請不同單位跟我們一同揭露空氣 污染的真相,如 Rapper MC 仁以香港空氣污染為題創作的 Rap 歌以及《當碧咸遇上奧雲》的導演黃修平拍攝了一段以小孩 子在污染空氣下活動的宣傳短片,讓大家知道空氣污染的重要性不下於任何一個社會或經濟議題。 我們相信,只要香港市民一同行動,政府最終必然會順應民意作出改變。環 境局局長邱騰華在立法會就空氣質素指標修訂的議案辯論中亦指出:「政府 在改善空氣質素的方向是和市民一致的。」只可惜政府現時仍然未認清市民
對空氣質素的訴求。所以,各位市民,請盡力為清新空氣發聲,讓政府跟隨 我們的訴求。 好開始就是成功的一半;修訂香港空氣質素指標,就是香港減少燃煤的第一 步。依照目前香港政府的建議修訂空氣質素指標,肯定不會是一個成功的 開始。只有根據世衛指引中的整套計劃,修訂空氣質素指標,以求達至世衛 終期目標,才有希望減少燃煤,令香港人遠離地獄一般的空氣質素。
www.airtruth.org ■ 欣賞黃修平空氣污染短片
■ 下載 MC 仁潮 rap 空氣污染 mp3 及手機鈴聲
污 染
防 治
繼續啟動 公眾項目主任 王珏
為改善日趨嚴重的中國水污染問題,我們自 2008 年開始就一直進行不同的調查及鋪墊工作, 有賴你們的捐款,讓我們得以進行政策、調查及研究、改善企業以及公眾參與等多方面的工作。 我們認為,解決水污染問題不單是綠色和平與政府的工作,其實每一個人都有權利參與其中。
王珏,我們的公眾項目主任,與你分享剛在瀋陽展開「我的城市,我的河流」展覽的點滴, 讓每個人都參與到保護環境的行動。
保護中的作用,以及讓市民知道他們有那些環境保護方面的知情權。具體來說,就是只要市民懷疑某工廠污染河流,她可以向環保部門申請公 開工廠的排污口位置、排污的內容和總量等,如果工廠的污染排放超過申報標準,就會陷入麻煩。 環境資訊的公眾知情權,對於中國公眾來說還是一個比較陌生的概念。因此我們希望能策劃一個瀋陽本地的活動,向瀋陽市民介紹環境資訊 方面的知情權和《瀋陽市環境保護資訊公開辦法實施細則(試行)》。我們從瀋陽大學的環保團體中選拔了 15 名熱衷於環保工作的志願者成為 「綠色使者」,他們曾經參加過《細則》起草前的公眾意見徵集;這次,他們會去進一步瞭解瀋陽,也就是去考察瀋陽各處,收集可以成為環 境資訊的元素,例如用瓶子盛載河水、收集空氣、用相機記錄市民的生活情況,然後大家把收集的內容做成立體的裝置於瀋陽展覽。 「渾河」! 在計劃考察路線時,大家不約而同地喊出這個名字。渾河是瀋陽的主要河流。在大家的記憶中,渾河是一條又髒又臭的河,代表著瀋陽作為傳 統工業城市的過去。於是大家計劃兵分兩路,考察東線生態公園及西線工業區,西線還包括了穿過舊工業區的衛工明渠。
就有一個中國兒童因飲用 污染的食水而死亡。
中國有多達 9,000萬人,
正在飲用受污染的食水。 10月19日
的水進行過測試,但大家可以通過感官和聽 採集水樣的同學描述來瞭解水質的情況。
和陰霾的天氣而已。這次到瀋 陽有很不一樣的感受,我們去的時候剛好是 周日,很多市民在河邊休息,有一家三口蹲
200 瓶水,我們的計劃是將瀋
取樣點的順序擺放 200 瓶水樣,我們以藍色
閒坐,而很多志願者和我的感受一樣,都認 為渾河的水比想像的要乾淨。
走下斜坡去裝水,發現水草下的河水其實是 比較清的。再往前走,志願者發現了一個明
展覽開幕了!幸運地很受歡 迎,參觀者都被顏色各異的水 吸引,很多人好奇地拿起瓶子
觀看,也有人將懸掛的照片拉到面前仔細觀 賞。很多人都對渾河充滿疑問,我們的志願
河水被很多漂在水面的水草覆蓋,這些草已 經被浸泡得變成黑色,而且有點臭味。我們
感受 姓名:徐雪 學校:東北大學 活動中最難忘的事:
通過這次活動,讓我們親身體驗河流與 我們生活的密切關係,同時對水和環境 資訊有更直接的認識。我是第一次近距 離接觸渾河,讓我能重新認識渾河,而 不僅限於表面現象或聽別人的感慨。 往後會如何向身邊人宣揚保護環境的資訊:
首先,我覺得要以身作則,自己做到了 保護環境才能向別人宣傳,用自己的行 動去感染別人。其次,我會積極參與各
項環保活動,做自己能做的事。最後, 我會以環保為主題組織更多學校的活 動,向學生們宣傳環保。
姓名:王建國 學校:東北大學 活動中最難忘的事:
大家一起躺在渾河南岸堤壩的綠草地 上,閉上眼睛,忘卻塵世,靜靜感受大 自然,很愜意! 往後會如何向身邊人宣揚保護環境的資訊:
首先以身作則;其次引導更多人通過網 路、報紙等媒介關注環保資訊,同時我 亦會聯合各環保組織開展活動。
姓名:段佳聲 學校:瀋陽建築大學 活動中最難忘的事:
和同伴們共同努力,克服困難,完成任 務,用自己的雙手為瀋陽的環境保護獻 出力量。 往後會如何向身邊人宣揚保護環境的資訊:
要努力組織活動,希望可以影響到更多 的人,讓大家加入到保護環境的隊伍。
2008 年 , 我 們 走 到 哪 裏 ? 深入的研究及調查 2007年11月初,我們從長江幾個重點石化化工工業區的排污管道及流域支流中, 採集了不同環境樣本作檢測,重點關注持久性有機污染物和重金屬的污染狀況, 並作出了初步的樣本分析。我們將根據此項研究,作出更多的跟進工作,請留意 我們日後的公佈。 要求企業全面公開環境資訊 我們發現全球最大的化工企業巴斯夫(BASF Group)在德國、美國和加拿大都通 過官方網站,直接向公眾公開其詳細的污染物排放資訊,但它在中國的企業卻 沒有。其後我們曾經多次與位於上海的巴斯夫進行溝通,但該公司均以「商業機 密」為理由拒絕提供其排污口位置、污染物排放種類和數量等資訊。 推動中國政府改善法規 自 2008 年 5 月 1 日起,由環境保護部頒佈的《環境資訊公開辦法(試行)》正式 實施。為了幫助推進這個法規更有效的在地方實施,從 2007 年開始,我們就在 重工業基地遼寧省瀋陽市展開了一系列的政策遊說及志願者公眾活動,並協助瀋 陽市環保局草擬《瀋陽市環境資訊公開實施細則》,以便進一步解釋《環境資訊 公開辦法(試行)》在地方的具體執行。《細則》在 2008 年 7 月正式生效,成為 綠色和平首次在中國協助地方政府制定的地方性法規。 需要改變的,還有更多! ■
我想瞭解更多水污染的問題! www.greenpeace.org/china/ch/water
“The climate crisis offers us the chance to experience what few generations in history have had the privilege of experiencing: a generational mission; a compelling moral purpose; a shared cause; and the thrill of being forced by circumstances to put aside the pettiness and conflict of politics and to embrace a genuine moral and spiritual challenge.� Al Gore, July 2007
Greenpeace Climate Rescue Station, a glowing globe powered by renewable energy is located next to an open coal mine in the heart of Polish coal country. We're there to push for real action on climate change. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
Adviser for Greenpeace China’s Climate and Energy Campaign
Next year is the defining year for international action on climate change. Nations will meet in Copenhagen in December to agree on how they will act to stop global warming. It is crucial that what they decide will be enough to stop the devastating effects of climate change.
Catherine Fitzpatrick takes us to Antarctica and the early days of the climate debate and how that it has crystallized into a struggle to avoid climate disaster.
In 1990 I journeyed to Antarctica as part of a Greenpeace expedition to the continent. At the time, Greenpeace was campaigning to make Antarctica a world park. It is a continent of such profound beauty and peace that it is sometimes hard to imagine I was ever there when I cycle the streets of Beijing. Although Antarctica was never declared a world park, in 1992, the global community agreed to ban mining and mineral exploration for 50 years. A wonderful victory for all of us. The two poles, Antarctica and the Arctic, play a key role in controlling the Earth's weather. At the time, global warming was a debate only within a small circle of scientists. Greenpeace had staff working on the issue even then but we had not built up our own campaign to the level it is today. Antarctica and the Arctic are also at the forefront of global warming impacts. They are often referred to as 'the canary in the coal mine', showing the evidence of human-made climate change earlier and more dramatically than many other regions on Earth. Scientists have directly linked the build up of greenhouse gases and the warming of the poles to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels. I attended my first climate change conference in 1989 but it wasn't until 1997, at the now famous Kyoto meeting, that I became completely immersed in the issue, and remain so today. The Kyoto meeting was the first international conference where the global community of nations agreed to work together to solve the crisis. Greenpeace was there, working day and night to try to ensure a successful meeting. It was a long, hard meeting. In the final hours it looked like no agreement would result after 10 days of negotiations. But in the end, nations put aside their differences and signed the Kyoto ProtocoI to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Kyoto Protocol set legally-binding targets for 37 industrialised countries and the European Community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
At the time, millions of people around the world celebrated. But over the next decade, a small number of companies with a vested interest in stopping action on global warming tried to create uncertainty around the science of climate change. Fortunately they failed and we are now beyond that uncertainty debate. The jury is in – human activity is now the main driver for global climate change and, if we are to avoid the most serious impacts of global warming, we must move away from burning fossil fuels. Scientists also tell us that global greenhouse pollution must peak by 2015 at the latest.
Catherine Fitzpatrick,
In December 2009, Denmark will host one of the most important meetings ever held. The second commitment period of Kyoto is currently being negotiated and will need to reach a final agreement in Copenhagen, Denmark, next year. At this meeting, nations must agree on what actions they agree to take together, and separately, in the years ahead to move the world away from global warming. For this reason 2009 will be a defining year for climate protection. Our work over the next year will include creating an effective platform to engage the wider public to call on all governments to move faster and strive harder to ensure a successful climate deal in Copenhagen. We will remain actively involved in the climate negotiations and will be calling for strong leadership from the Chinese government to ensure a strong international deal. Our work will also include exposing climate impact stories from across China, impacts that are threatening China's future economic and social development. Aside from the need for a strong international agreement, we must ensure that China moves away from coal to reduce the serious environmental, health and social costs. In October, Greenpeace released an important report, The True Cost of Coal in China, along with some of China's top economists and energy experts. The single greatest threat to the climate comes from burning coal. Coal-fired power generation is the most environmentally-
damaging means of generating electricity in terms of air pollution, water pollution, soil degradation and human health. About two thirds of China's energy comes from coal which is contributing to global warming and worsening local environmental problems. Without a proper energy pricing system, China will not be able to move away from coal and clean renewable energy will struggle to get to the scale necessary to ensure a clean energy revolution in China. Solving climate change is a key opportunity for China. China can maximize the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy while at the same time massively reducing coal consumption. This will ensure that China is on the way to becoming the world's largest renewable energy producer and consumer. An over reliance on fossil fuels is a dangerous energy security path for any nation with energy costs increasing rapidly and with climate change being a major threat to all nations’ environmental and economic well-being. In 2006 when I was working for Greenpeace Australia Pacific, I attended the climate negotiations meeting in Nairobi. Greenpeace had a contingent of 30 campaigners, including a Greenpeace China campaigner, Yu Jie. She gave a speech at the meeting to the delegates that received a standing ovation. She told the story of the floods that China suffered in 1998, the worst floods in Chinese living history. The floods lasted for over two months. They affected a quarter of the Chinese population. More than 3,000 people were killed and over 17 million homes were destroyed. The floods caused severe losses to the economy.
Many people in China have heard the story of Jiangshan, a six year old girl from Hubei province, who was caught in this disaster. Jiangshan's mother was washed away by the floods. Jiangshan's grandmother used all her strength to push Jiangshan up into a tree. She told the little girl: "Hold onto the tree, remember, do not look down, and do not fall asleep." Then Jiangshan's grandmother was washed away too. This little girl held on to the tree all night, alone, for over nine hours. The next morning she was found by rescuers. At the moment, all of us are a bit like Jiangshan. Whether or not we realise it, we are holding on to a fragile tree, confronted by global warming. The Climate and Energy Campaign is a priority campaign for Greenpeace. We need to do everything we can to move the world away from climate disaster and towards a clean energy revolution. Like Jiangshan, we will need to be courageous. We will need to support communities and nations most at risk of climate change. And we must cooperate to make the transition to a cleaner future to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. As Al Gore says, we have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to solve this issue – as citizens, as parents, as students and as part of a global community. I feel fortunate and privileged to be able to work for Greenpeace on this important issue. I hope you can also become involved in this critical campaign – sign our petitions, let friends know about the issue and financially support Greenpeace. Together, we can move the world away from climate disaster.
With China as one of the world’s major greenhouse gas producers, Greenpeace China’s role is crucial in pushing for timely and effective action by Beijing on cutting emissions and in joining the international climate campaign. This year we have been working hard in laying the groundwork. In Autumn we sent two of our campaigners – Yi Lan and Liu Shangwen to Southeast Asia on our Forests for Climate tour. Greenpeace ship the Esperanza is charting the countries of the Paradise Forests urging for an end to forest destruction by illegal loggers and the palm oil industry. Deforestation releases huge amounts of greenhouse gases – some 20 percent of the global annual total. Exactly one year before the next crucial UN climate change talks in Copenhagen, governments will meet in Poznan in Poland to discuss global warming. We have set up a giant globe, our Climate Rescue Station, on the edge of a vast open pit coal mine in Konin, also in Poland to spread our quit coal campaign. Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels. The station will move to Poznan shortly after the talks begin in December.
Greenpeace China is sending four representatives, two campaigners and two volunteers from the mainland. They will help to tell the world about the urgency of global warming and how quitting coal is not only key to solving the crisis but is achievable with real and serious investment into renewable energy development.
Coal is not only killing the climate, as Catherine has described, but it’s killing us. Burning coal releases vast amounts of toxic air pollution which causes serious lung disease. Hong Kong generates 60 percent of its electricity from coal-fired power stations which are a major contributor to Hong Kong’s ever worsening air quality. Over the past few months we have been actively challenging the government to do something concrete about our air pollution crisis. Help us convince the government to take action and tell them how you feel about Hong Kong’s air quality.
©Greenpeace/Simon Lim
Climate & Energy campaigner, Prentice Koo
For those who believe in hell, it's apt to think of coal, which is mined underground, as coming from hell. It has given us the twin evils of air pollution and global warming as well as blackening our skies so they are no longer blue.
The government is aware of the many benefits from cutting coal use. To this end, it has been actively promoting the development of cleaner gas-fired power stations. But Greenpeace believes that in the long-term there are better and stronger policies for the government to pursue.
We believe that as long as Hong Kong people act together, the government has no option but to listen to public opinion. Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau told the Legislative Council that the government's efforts to refine its air quality objectives was consistent with public opinion. Unfortunately, that's not true. So please, for the sake of Hong Kong's air, join us and keep challenging the government. The first step to cleaning up Hong Kong’s air is in reducing the part coal plays in power production. So far, the government’s plan will not achieve this. The only answer is to follow WHO guidelines on dealing with air pollution. In this way and this way only can we take the “hell” out of Hong Kong.
Watch Adam Wong’s air pollution video www.greenpeace.org/china/ch/apvideo
We are urging them to accept World Health Organisation guidelines in setting up a policy framework to tackle air pollution including using WHO standards in assessing and reporting air quality and establishing a timetable to reduce pollution. But so far, the government have only considered the weakest measures. With such relaxed targets, the government will not be able move fast enough to a switchover to natural gas power stations to make much mark
In Hong Kong, we will continue to campaign heavily against coal. So far we have collected over 3,000 signatures asking the government to use WHO air pollution guidelines. Adding to your voice, we invited MC Yan to pen a special air pollution rap song for us and "When Beckham met Owen” director Adam Wong shot a short video with children as part of our air pollution campaign.
The message: Quit Coal: has become Greenpeace’s key global campaign. Look at Hong Kong – a so-called modern, advanced city. We have been using coal for 200 years. And for 200 years we have steadily increased our emissions so that now we are pumping out huge quantities of greenhouse and toxic gases and created a serious air pollution problem in Hong Kong. We have no choice. We must reduce our reliance on coal or we will never have clean skies.
on cutting pollution. They must adopt the most stringent WHO standards. Only in this way can they force Hong Kong’s two power companies to quit coal and move to cleaner energy sources instead.
WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE AND NOT A DROP TO DRINK Wang Jue, Public Engagement campaigner
Every 17 minutes a child in China dies from drinking polluted water.
China is undergoing a water pollution crisis and we have to do something about it. So this year, thanks to your generous support, we began our China water pollution campaign in earnest, launching a series of activities and investigations into industrial polluters. Everyone can help solve this water pollution crisis – not only the government and not only Greenpeace, but you too can play a part.
Wang Jue, our Public Engagement campaigner for water has just come back from organising a public exhibition in Shenyang city in the northeast of China in Liaoning province. Called "My city, my river," the exhibition aimed to highlight the problem of water pollution in the city's main river, Hunhe.
At least 90 million people in China are exposed to contaminated drinking water.
Specifically we wanted people to know about a new trial law on the disclosure of environmental information. We chose 15 student volunteers from Shenyang University's environmental department to be our "Green Messengers" and to encourage locals to investigate the pollution situation in the area around the city. Our volunteers took lots of pictures and collected water samples which all went into making up the exhibition. Hunhe is Shenyang's most important river. For as long as people can remember, it has been both filthy and smelly – a symbol of Shenyang's history as an industrial centre.
I remember when I was small I went to Shenyang. That day it was cloudy and cold. This time I went to Shenyang, the experience was very different. We went on a Sunday. Lots of city people were walking along the Hunhe river. I spotted three people squatting on the bank fishing and some other old people who had rested their fishing rods next to them. The volunteers and I had the same feeling: That the river water was much cleaner than we had imagined.
"My city, my river" was organised by local volunteers and Greenpeace staff to raise public consciousness in Shenyang city that they have the right to know what local industry is pumping into their river. If they suspect a factory is breaking the law and polluting the river they have the power to report it to the local environmental protection bureau which can then take action. After all this is still a fairly new concept on the mainland.
But at the area around the south bank, which hadn't been built on, the river water appeared to be flowing more slowly. We saw clearly how dirty the water was and that a lot of rubbish was floating in it. The water in a canal flowing into the river was black. And when we walked closer we realized that the water was covered with a lot of floating vegetation which was soaked through and had turned black and was beginning to smell. When we clambered down the slope to get a better look we realized that the water underneath all the vegetation was actually quite clear. Then one of the volunteers walked a bit further and found a sewage pipe. The sewage flowing out was really thick and muddy and it left a grey track on the blackened water surface.
We collected 200 bottles of water samples taken around Shenyang and placed them on a map of the city according to where the sample was taken. We used blue balloons to represent the air. We hung photos we had taken as part of our investigation from the balloons. Because we didn't want to use much money to hold this exhibition every volunteer was really careful. At the end of every day we all worked hard at re-setting up the installation. Then we would look forward to another day of showing Shenyang people our work.
We had a lot of people come on the opening day. We were so lucky! Our visitors were interested by the different colours and examined the bottles curiously. Many also pulled the photos hanging from the balloons down to get a closer look. Lots of people had questions about the Hunhe river. Our volunteers patiently explained, that even though we hadn't done any formal tests on the water in the bottles, you can clearly see how polluted the water is.
Greenpeace is now busy taking its experiences in Shenyang and using them in different cities and districts in the mainland and heightening public awareness of their right to know environmental information. While we were holding the Shenyang exhibition, people from other cities told us they were keen for us to hold similar activities in their city. This shows that people care about the environment around them and are keen to improve it. The key purpose of this exhibition was to get people asking these kinds of questions. To get visitors thinking about the environment around them and how to take care of it and how to find out about environmental information and to recognize that everyone has a right to environmental information. We also wanted the public to get involved in this trial law on environmental disclosure.
From the volunteers... GREENPOST
Name: Xuxue. University: Beijing University. What will I most remember? It made me realize how close our lives and the environment are connected and how important it is to be aware of our environment. I saw how polluted the river was directly for the first time myself and not just through what other people are saying.
How can I continue to spread this environmental message? Most importantly, I need to set a good example. I have to be environmentally friendly myself before I ask other people to do the same. I will also take part in environmental protection actions that I know I can contribute something to. And I can start my own environmental group in school and get other students interested in saving the environment.
Name: Wang Jianguo. University: Northeastern University.
Name: Duan Jiasheng. University: Shenyang Construction University. What will I most remember? How hard I worked with the other volunteers, overcoming difficulties, finishing what we set out to do and taking part in an activity that ultimately aims to improve Shenyang's environment. How can I continue to spread this environmental message? First of all we need to encourage other people, and work hard at organising more activities like this. I hope we can influence more and more people to become environmentalists.
What will I most remember? When we all lay down on the southern bank of the Hunhe river and closed our eyes. It was like I left the world behind, everything was so quiet and I felt so happy. How can I continue to spread this environmental message? First of all, I have to set a good example myself. And then use environmental information from the internet, newspapers and other media to influence other people and try to get environmental organisations to get together and organize similar kinds of activities.
Our research In early November last year, we collected water samples from sewage pipes in the Yangtze Petrochemical Chemical Industrial Zone. A preliminary analysis of the samples found they contained many organic and heavy metal pollutants. We are continuing to analyse the quality of the water in this area and will make further announcements of our research next year.
2008: Where do we go from here?
Environmental disclosure BASF, which is the world's biggest chemical company, releases its environmental information about its emissions on its websites in the US, Canada and Germany. But its China arm does not do this. So we have tried again and again to ask the Chinese branch about this. They have refused to give us this information using the excuse that it is their industrial secret. Challenging the government From 1 May 2008 when the government published its trial law on environmental information disclosure, we have been working hard to get it implemented properly. From 2007 we have been working from the heavy industrial centre of Shenyang city in Liaoning province trying to drum up public support for the bill and organising volunteers to set up activities. We have also been trying to make it easy to understand this draft bill and how important it is. It became law in July. This was the first time Greenpeace has helped a local Chinese government to draft and implement an environmental law. What do we need to change? What else is there for us to do? ■ We will continue to push for a better regulatory framework on industrial waste, especially concerning the environmental disclosure information law. ■
Build on the success of our Shenyang activities and encourage the local environmental bureau to fully implement the environmental disclosure regulation.
Continue to monitor industrial pollution and raise public awareness that corporations have a responsibility not to pollute the environment
To keep challenging industry to comply with environmental laws and seek cleaner methods of production
I want to understand more about China's water pollution problem www.greenpeace.org/china/en/water
來自世界各地的綠色和平志願者和當地的民眾進行集會,以表 達限制煤炭使用的聲音。 400 people living around a huge open cast mine near Konin, Poland, joined Greenpeace today to reclaim the land occupied by the mine, the second biggest in Poland, which threatens their homes and livelihoods. ©Greenpeace/Nick Cobbing