Yellow River at risk|Greenpeace

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John Novis





Chapter 1 Climate Change in China and Yellow River source region


Chapter 2 The Yellow River source region and its importance in the entire basin


Chapter 3 Ecological changes in the Yellow River source region in the last 50 years


3.1 Change of glaciers and permafrost


3.2 changes in Lakes and stream discharge


3.3 Grassland changes




3.5 Biodiversity changes


Chapter 4 Conclusion





Statement by The Chinese Academy of Sciences, made jointly with 10 other national science academies to world leadersi

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changeii

Climate change is a reality. Today, our world is

jointly with 10 other national science academies

hotter than it has been in two thousand years.

from around the world:

The 1990's was the hottest decade in recorded history, nine of the ten hottest years on record

"there is now strong evidence that significant

have occurred since 1995 with 1998, 2001, 2002,

global warming is occurring. The evidence comes

2003 and 2004 being the five hottest years ever

from direct measurements of rising surface air

recordediii By the end of the century, if current

temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures

trends continue, the global temperature will

and from phenomena such as increases in

climb higher than at any time in the past two

average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and

million yearsiv. The global scientific consensus

changes to many physical and biological systems.

is clear - that humanity is in large part respon-

It is likely that most of the warming in recent

sible for this change, and that choices we make

decades can be attributed to human activities.

today will decide the climate of the futurev.

This warming has already led to changes in the Earth's climate."

According to The Chinese Academy of Sciences in a joint statement issued on June 7th 2005


Climate scientists and world leaders alike

acknowledge that climate change is the

gases are causing temperatures to rise; the

greatest threat facing the world today. Global

Earth's surface warmed by approximately 0.6

warming is already pushing the Earth's climate

centigrade degrees over the twentieth century."

systems into changes that are wreaking havoc environmentally, socially and economically.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Worse is predicted to come with potentially tens

(IPCC) is the globally recognized body of the

of millions of lives at risk and the very real threat

world's top climate scientists. Founded by the

of our global climate changing faster than we

World Meteorological Organization and the

can ever hope to adapt.

United Nations Environment Programme in 1988 in response to growing global concern over the

In the same Chinese Academy of Sciences joint

threat of climate change, it reports to world


leaders, advising on the scientific basis for assessing climate change, on the actual and

"h u m a n a c t i v i t i e s a r e n o w c a u s i n g at-

potential impacts of climate change and on the

mospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases

options for mitigating and adapting to climate

- including carbon dioxide, methane,

change. The IPCC does not do original field

tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide - to rise well

science, but draws on the thousands of

above pre-industrial levels... Carbon dioxide

peer-reviewed publications from different

levels have increased ...higher than any previous

disciplines that form the basis of our understanding

levels that can be reliably measured (i.e. in the

of climate change for its assessments. The

last 420,000 years). Increasing greenhouse

results of these assessments by the IPCC have


been publicly endorsed by the Chinese Academy

collective evidence there is high confidence that

of Sciences, Britain's Royal Society and science

recent regional changes in temperature have had

academies from Brazil, Canada, France,

discernible impacts on many physical and

Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, and USA.

biological systemsvii". The TAR finds that climate

Over 2500 climate scientists contribute to the

change presents a threat to most natural

IPCC's Assessment Reports. The last of these -

systems. The natural systems threatened include

the Third Assessment Report (TAR) was

glaciers and permafrost, coral reefs,angroves,

published in 2001. The fourth is due to be

arctic ecosystems, alpine ecosystems, prairie

published in 2007. Even in 2001 the findings

wetlands, native grasslands, and biodiversity


were compelling :

"hotspots". Climate change will increase existing risks of species extinction and

There is new and stronger evidence that most of

biodiversity loss in ecosystems at every latitude

the observed warming over the last 50 years is

and in each region. The level of damage will

attributable to human activities...

increase with the magnitude and rate of global

Most of the observed warming over the last 50

warming. A landmark study published in Nature

years is likely to have been due to the increase in

last year predicted that global temperature rise

greenhouse gas concentrations...

of less than 2 deg C could result in the

About three quarters of the anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere during the past

extinction of up to a quarter of all terrestrial species.viii

20 years are due to fossil fuel burning... The anticipated increase in temperature over the o

next century is 1.4 - 5.8 C...

It identifies the threats to human systems, beyond the loss of natural ecosystems, as

The projected rate of warming is much larger

deriving from threats to water resources,

than the observed changes during the 20th cen-

agriculture, forestry, health, settlements, energy,

tury and is very likely without precedent during

industry, and financial services. Tens of millions

at least the last 10,000 years...

of people living in low lying coastal areas face

In short: climate change is here, the world is

the risk of having to move due to flooding.

heating up now because of unchecked fossil fuel

According to the IPCC:

burning, deforestation, certain agricultural practices and the emission of industrial

Model-based projections of the mean annual

chemicals. If our greenhouse gas emissions are

number of people who would be flooded by

not brought under control, the speed of climate

coastal storm surges increase several fold (by 75

change over the next hundred years will be faster

to 200 million people depending on adaptive

than anything known since before the dawn of

responses) for mid-range scenarios of a 40-cm


sea-level rise by the 2080s relative to scenarios with no sea-level rise. Potential damages to


The effects are already being felt around the

infrastructure in coastal areas from sea-level rise

world. According to the IPCC, "from the

have been projected to be tens of billions US$ for

individual countries-for example, Egypt, Poland, and Vietnam.

will produce net economic losses in many developing countries for all magnitudes of


warming, and the condition is most extreme The vulnerability of particular human populations

among the poorest people in these countries.

is determined by degree of the nature of

This means potentially ver y serious

the threat, sensitivity and ability to adapt--

consequences for China and China's

characteristics that depend on geographic

development goals, since not only the species

location and development level of social,

and distinctive environments of China are

economic and environmental conditions.

threatened, but also the lives and livelihood of the people and the wealth of the nation.

These predictions and identified threats are already translating into devastating reality

Ac c o r d i n g t o t h e 2 0 0 4 I n i t i a l N a t i o n a l

worldwide with alarming speed. In many cases

Communications on Climate Change, People's

predicted impacts are coming sooner and on a

Republic of China (information interpreted from

larger scale than ever foreseen. In the years since


the TAR was published major global news stories have repeatedly reported the full force

The results from 40 different global climate

of the unfolding disaster from all over the world.

change simulation models suggest that the

Melting polar ice, glacial retreat, extreme,

ground temperature in China could rise by 1.5-2.

persistent and geosynchronous drought,


extreme flooding, species decline and loss of

by 2100.

by 2030; 2.3-3.3

by 2050; and 3.9-6.0

biodiversity have all been recorded as in progress and attributed to climate change. Recently

If the temperature rises by 3

the permafrost

published science has also drawn a link between

of the Tibetan Plateau would undergo severe loss,

climate change and the observed increase in

with 58% of it disappearing. Most of the perma-

intensity of hurricanes in recent decades in

frost in the east and south of the Plateau would

climate change, due in large part to increased

be lost.


sea-surface temperatures

The glaciers in the western p a r t o f C h i n a

The IPCC TAR finds that developing countries

w o u l d b e reduced by 27.2% by 2050. This

are most at risk from climate change. Global

means the ice storage in the high mountainous

increases in temperature would produce net

areas in w e s t e r n C h i n a w o u l d decrease

economic losses in many developing countries

significantly. The seasonal regulating capacity of

for all magnitudes of warming and these losses

the glacier for the water flows to rivers would be

would be greater the higher the warming. Those

seriously damaged.

with the least resources have the least ability to adapt, and will be most damaged by climate

In the next 50-100 years, climate change

change. Increase in global mean temperatures

w i l l n o t fundamentally relieve China from the


water shortage caused by population growth and

Greenpeace bears witness to the harm

socio-economic development. On the contrary,

unfolding worldwide and uses the testimony to

it would further aggravate the per capita water

call for more solid action from the international

shortage problem in Ning Xia, Gan Su, Qing Hai,

community to reduce greenhouse gas

Xin Jiang, Shan Xi, Shaan Xi and elsewhere. The

emissions and keep the warming with bounds

decrease in water availability could reach 20%-

that allow humans and the environment a chance


to adapt to the changes. In the words of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, "We urge all

Due to climate change and extreme weather,

nations, in the line with the UNFCCC principles,

by 2030-2050, total agricultural output could

to take prompt action to reduce the causes of

decrease by about 10%, including decreases in

climate change, adapt to its impacts and ensure

the three major staples: wheat, rice and corn.

that the issue is included in all relevant national and international strategies."

"The effects of climate change are expected to be greatest in developing countries in terms of

Greenpeace hopes that this study of the impacts

loss of life and relative effects on investment and

of climate change on the source region of the

the economy. For example, the relative

Yellow River will add to the global understand-

percentage damages to GDP from climate

ing of climate change as it is happening today

extremes have been substantially greater in

and further highlight the enormous magnitude

developing countries than in developed

and international significance of the threat. It is

countries...The projected distribution of

still possible - just - to keep global mean tem-

economic impacts is such that it would increase

perature rise below 2 degrees Celsiusxii, but the

the disparity in well-being between developed

window is closing fast. The time for debate is

countries and developing countries, with

past, now we must act.

d i s p a r i t y g r ow i n g fo r h i g h e r p r o j e c t e d temperature increasesxi."

Greenpeace has been documenting the impacts of climate change for many years and all over the world. Working with scientists to support, co-operate or disseminate independent scientific studies of the impacts of climate change on the real world Greenpeace advocates action to mitigate the worst of the predicted climate chaos. By traveling to places affected by climate change to record first hand in images, film and stories what climate change means for the environments and people that it affects


reference i Joint science academies' statement: Global response

that: A certain amount of additional warming - about 1.3o

to climate change, issued 7th June 2005, signed by

Celsius (2.3 o Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial

national science academies of China, , Brazil, Canada,

levels - is probably inevitable because of emissions so

France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK and USA.

far. Limiting warming to under 2 o Celsius (3.6 oF) is


considered vital to preventing the worst effects of climate change. If our greenhouse gas emissions are not

ii Comments made while Dr Pachauri addressed

brought under control, the speed of climate change over

international conference attended by 114 governments in

the next hundred years will be faster than anything known

Mauritius. Reported in The Independent (U.K.), (2005),

since the last ice age."

Pachauri: Climate Approaching Point of "No Return": Global

Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert, by Geoffrey Lean, January 23rd.

iii World Meteorological Organization statements (2004,

vi IPCC Working Group I - Third Assessment Report

on Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

vii IPCC Working Group II - Third Assessment Report

2003 and 2002), see -

on Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vul-,


viii Thomas, C, D, , Cameron, A, et. al, "Extinction Risk

from Climate Change", NATURE |VOL 427 | 8 JANUARY iv Dangerous Interference with the Climate System:

2004, p. 145

Implications of the IPCC Third Assessment Report for Article 2 of the Climate Convention, Greenpeace Briefing

ix IPCC Working Group II - Third Assessment Report

Paper, published at the Sixth Session (Part Two) of the

on Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and

Conference of the Parties to the United Nations

Vulnerability, Summary for Policymakers p. 13

Framework Convention on Climate Change 16-27 July, 2001 Bonn, Germany - Greenpeace International

x See Webster, P., Holland, G., et. al., "Changes in

Tropical CycloneNumber, Duration, and Intensity in a v Ibid. The briefing paper summarizes the debate thus:

Warming Environment" 16 SEPTEMBER 2005 VOL 1844

"There is mainstream scientific agreement on the key facts:

309 SCIENCE and Emanuel, K, "Increasing destructive-

Certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere

ness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years", Nature,

create a "greenhouse effect", trapping heat and keeping

Vol 436|4 August 2005|doi:10.1038/nature03906

the Earth warm enough to sustain life as we know it. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, etc.) releases more carbon

xi ibid

dioxide into the atmosphere. Although not the most potent greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is the most

xii See Climate Action Network, "Preventing Danger-

significant in terms of human effects because of the large

ous Climate change",

quantities emitted. There is also widespread agreement



TheYellow River source region, about 45000 km2 in area, is generally defined as the riverhead area above the Darlag hydrological station and covering Madoi County, Darlag County, Maqen county and part of Gade county in Qinghai province. As the birthplace and 'water tower' of the great watercourse, the region plays a vital role in regulating the water volume in the Yellow River. Changes in the stream discharges of the Yellow River source region directly affect the water resources of the middle and lower reaches of the river. In recent years, due to climate change, the glaciers, permafrost, lakes and wetlands, and the hydrological and ecological environments in this region have undergone dramatic changes that have far-reaching implications for the economic and social conditions of people's lives not only in the source region itself, but also in the middle and low reaches of the Yellow River. Climate change is the driving force of the ecological and environmental degradation of Yellow River source region. During the last 50 years, statistics show that there is an apparent trend of warming and decreased precipitation in the Yellow River source region. The regional climate is becoming warmer and drier. This change leads to a series of ecological


and environmental problems, such as glacier

and desertification have increased at a devastating

retreat, permafrost thawing, wetland and

rate. In the 1990s as the temperature rose, the

marshland drainage, lake shrinkage and soil

major tributaries in the Yellow River source region

deterioration. The area of glaciers, for example,

frequently suffered dry periods, which led to a drop

in the

n Mountains, has decreased

in water resources in the region and across the en-

by 17% from 1966-2000, ten times faster than in

tire Yellow River basin. From the changes in the

the previous 300 years. The combined effect of

glacier, permafrost and the pattern of land coverage,

rising temperature, permafrost degradation,

we can conclude that climate change is the ma-

overgrazing and rodent plague has led to severe

jor factor leading to the overall ecological degrada-

ecological deterioration. Grassland coverage

tion in this region while localized human activities,

has degraded alarmingly; 'Black soil erosion'

like industry and agriculture have aggravated the

situation. Meanwhile the river itself is under threat

volume of water in the river.

from this deterioration in its birthplace. Above Lanzhou is the area most significant for runoff

Under climate change, the plight of the Yellow River

formation for the Yellow River, with its annual water

and its source region is a clear and urgent warning

flow counting 55.6% of the total volume of the river;

to the world that global warming is harming us now

for the last decade, the Yellow River section above

and is going to get worse. To tackle climate change

Lanzhou suffered from consistent decreases in

and especially to mitigate the part human activity

runoff. Since the 1980s, the Yellow River above

played in causing climate change is not a task for the

Lanzhou has been losing water at an average annual

people ofYellow River source region alone. It requires

rate of 13%. In 2002 the water flow above Lanzhou

the concerted effort of China and all other countries

dropped by 46% compared with the average annual

in the world to act now.


Chapter 1 Climate Change in China and Yellow River source region

According to statistics, both the western and

est year during the last 50 years, the tempera-

the eastern part of China have become warmer

ture is 1.3~1.4oC higher than average both in

since the 1950s (Figure 1.1) and the rates of

the eastern and in the western part of China.

warming are both around 0.2oC /10a (0.2oC ev-

Since mid-1950s, the temperature in the

ery ten years). In 1998, it registered as the warm-

Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau has been rising sharply,

annual precipitation trend annual average air temperature


0.16oC /10a during 1955~1966. During the past

in the decrease of runoff in major rivers in

30 years, the plateau has seen a drastic average

northwestern China which rely heavily on the

temperature rise of nearly 1 degree Celsius. And

water supply from glaciers.

the higher the altitude is, the faster the temperature rises. Generally speaking, the changes in the rainfall between the east and the west are different during the last 50 years (Figure o

Climate changes in the Yellow River source region During the recent 50 years, the climate in the

1.1). The 105 E represents the division line. To

Yellow River Source region has become warmer

the west of this line, rainfall has become more

and drier. Both annual average temperature and

frequent, 5%/10a~10%/10a. Rainfall has been

seasonal average temperature are on the rise

increasing in the northwestern region while in

(Figure 1.2), up by 0.88oC during the last 50 years,

northern China, it is becoming drier.

at an annual rate of 0.021oC.a-1 (Xie Changwei, 2003). Generally speaking, in the 1960s, YRS

IPCC (2001) has developed various climate

experienced low temperature period whereas in

models with different emissions projections to

the 1970s, the temperature rose again. Due to

make an assessment of future climate change.

heavy snow in 1977/78, 1983, and 1985/86 in

It predicts that the global average temperature

the Yellow River source region, the region


will increase by 1.4~5.8 C According to

experienced a lower temperature period from the

Prediction on the Climate Evolution in the

late 1970s to the mid 1980s; but after 1986, the

Western Part of China by Qin Dahe (2002), the

temperature quickly climbed.

temperature in the Tibetan plateau will increase by 2.0~2.6oC and the precipitation will increase

During the last 40 years, the annual minimum

by 18%; the temperature in the northwestern

temperature has increased by 1.2oC mostly due

part will increase by 1.9~2.3 o C , and the

to increases in spring and winter; rising 1.6oC

precipitation will increase by 19%. It is projected

and 1.5oC respectively. Autumn temperature

that due to temperature increase and glacier

r o s e 1. 1 o C , w i t h s u m m e r t e m p e r a tu r e

melt, there will be more frequent glacier related

contributing least to the overall average rise;

floods and mudslides in the short term. In the

increasing only by 0.16oC. Generally speaking,

long term, glacial retreat will play a decisive role

the minimum temperature in this region has

3.0 2.0





1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0














5 year moving average



5 year moving average (Dari)

150 100 50 0 -50 -100












































increased, mainly due to the increases in spring

warmer and more humid; whereas in July and

and winter, and less so to autumn and summer.

August, it is warmer and drier. The latter change

The increase in minimum temperature has the

also embodies the major trend in this region in

most far reaching consequences for permafrost

last 50 years. In May and June, the warm and


humid weather is conducive to plants but contributes less to the water supply. Also from

R e c e n t d a t a ( F i g u r e 1. 3 ) s h o w s t h a t

the evaporation data, we can see that the

precipitation was abundant in the 1960s and

evaporation rate is at its peak during these two

1980s, but scarce in the 1950s, 1970s and 1990s.

months. Combined with the minimal

Especially in the 1990s, most stations recorded

precipitation from July to September this directly

sharp precipitation drop. In Jiuzhi and Banma

leads to decreases in groundwater (Figure 1.3).

townships, the figure in 1991-2001 was 80~100


mm less than that from 1950s to the 1980s, and

On one hand, the overall level of precipitation in

precipitation suffered a 20% drop at Jiuzhi

this region is decreasing. On the other hand,

station, the biggest in this region. As for the

incidences of rainfall have become more intense,

precipit ation distribution, it is no longer

w i t h ex t r e m e l y h e av y r a i n a n d b l i z z a r d

concentrated in July, August and September;

becoming more frequent. This combination gives

instead, the precipitation in other months has

rise to more water and soil erosion, floods,

increased slightly relative to the previous norm.

landslide and avalanche. For instance, on March

Combined with the temperature change, we can

18th 2004, a rare snow and ice avalanche (glacier

see that in May, June and during winter, it is

and snow pack avalanche) took place in the


people living downstream. Fortunately it seems

Mountains (see Figure 1.4). The fallen glacier and

that no-one was killed in this case. As a result of

snow, together with a lot of moraine peeled off

climate change, we can expect that in future in

and landed in the watercourse of the Qingshui

the Yellow River source region there will be more

River, and several other watercourses, forming

f r e q u e n t ex t r e m e we a t h e r eve n t s w i t h

a block-lake. In June 2005, during our field trip,

increasing intensity. As a result there is likely to

northwestern side of the


the lake was still there. But on July 4 , 2005, it

be, for example: more severe water and soil

burst in a glacial lake outburst flood causing a

erosion, rainstorms, floods and snow and ice

dramatic impact on the land, agriculture and

collapses; all with the potential to be disastrous.


Chapter 2 The Yellow River source region and its importance in the entire river basin area

The first trickle of the Yellow River starts from

Comparatively speaking, the water is not

t h e we t l a n d o n t h e n o r t h e r n s l o p e o f

abundant in this river, and the annual runoff

Yueguzonglie Mountain, which belongs to the

averages 5.8x1010 m3, 2% of the total runoff in

Bayankala Mountains in Qinghai Province;

China, about 1/17 of the Yangtze River and 1/6 of

meeting other trickles of melted glacier water in

the Pearl River. In the Yellow River basin area,

an increasing creek. Then it runs into the Zhaling

the per capita water availability is only a quarter

Lake, Eling Lake and runs through the Longyang

of the national total. The per unit arable land water

Dam. From here it winds through different

resource is less than 1/5 of the national average.

climate belts and nine provinces -- Qinghai,

Comparatively speaking, the water volume of the

Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia,

Yellow River is not as abundant as the others,

Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong, and

but 1/10 of China's population depends on the

finally merges into the Bo Sea. It extends 5,464

limited water resource of it.

km, the second longest in China after the Yangtze


river; and covers an area of 7.5x107 km2. Known

Since 55% of the Yellow River's runoff comes

as China's mother river, it ser ves as an

from above the Hekou Township in Inner

important water source in the northwest and

Mongolia while 90% of the sand comes from

northern part of China for industrial and

below the Hekou Township, we can divide the

agricultural activities. Its climate background is

Yellow River into upper, middle and lower

considerably different from other rivers.

reaches. The upper reach is from the source to

the Hekou Township; the middle reach is from

The Yellow River source region is generally

Hekou Township to Huayuankou in Henan

defined as the riverhead area above the Darlag

Province and the rest is the lower reach. The

hydrological station covering Madoi County,

upper reach extends 3472 km with a 3846 m

Darlag County, Maqen county and part of Gade

fall. The water is more abundant in this part,

county in Qinghai province and ranging about 4.


which covers an area of 42.8x10 km (including

49x104 km2 (Ding Yongjian et al., 2003) (Figure 2.

4.2x10 4 km 2 inflow area). The average annual

1). The annual runoff at Tangnag station in the




runoff is 384.2x10 m , 3/5 of the total water

Yellow River source region is about 209.3x108

volume of the river. The water mainly comes

m3 (Xie Changwei, 2003): 38.5% of the overall

from the Tibetan plateau especially beyond

runoff for the whole river. The runoff modulus

Longyang Dam: the Yellow River source region.

(5.44 L/km.s) is twice higher than that of the

Although the annual precipitation is no more than

overall basin area figure ( 2.2 L/km.s) . The source

400mm, due to the high altitude and the vast

region plays an important role in regulating the

permafrost distribution, evaporation is low. These

runoff for the whole river basin. Whether the

conditions are conducive to the formation of the

water is abundant at the source region will

runoff. The Yellow River source region produces

directly influence the middle and the lower

the greater part of the water flow in the river.


Its role is predominant in the river.











Qingghai Lake Shanghai


ng Lo


n ya



36o Huashi Gorges Eling Lake


Madui County


Zhaling Lake Maqen County


Gande County



During the last 50 years, the climate in the

Tangnag station, it dropped at about 30m3.s-1/10

Yellow River source region has become warmer


and drier, causing a profound effect upon the glaciers, permafrost, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and 300

other hydrological bodies in the region. The changes are also closely related to the variation


of runoff of the whole river. In the most important water source area above Lanzhou,


which accounts for over half of the entire river (55.6%), the water source has been declining in


recent years (Fig.2.2) (Wang Sumin and Liu




1990 2000

Shiyin, 2005). From the 1980s to the present, the average annual decrease in runoff in the river section above Lanzhou was 13%. In 2002 the

Due to the sharp decrease in runoff within the

waterflow even dropped by 46% compared to

source region and water consumption increase

the average annual volume (Wang Sumin and

in the middle and lower reaches (according to

Liu Shiyin, 2005).

statistics from the Yellow River Water Resource Committee, in the entire basin area the annual

Since the 1990s, the water runoff at the 2

water volume taken for usage amounts to

source region has dropped sharply . Fig.2.3

500x108 m3 and the actual water consumption

is the secular variation of runoff at the Tangnaihai

on yearly basis is 400x108 m3), during low water

station. From this figure we can see that the run-

season, no-flow events take place more

off of the Yellow River has experienced the low-

frequently, begin much earlier and last much

high-low process during the last 40 years. At the

longer (Figure 2.4). From 1972 to 1996, no-flow

source region, the runoff in the 1990s was at a

events occurred in 19 years out of 25 years,

very low level, for the annual average figure from

totaling 682 days, 36 days per years (Jing Min,

1990-1999 is 17% than that from 1956-1989 (Xie

1998). In the 1990s, no-flow events occurred

Changwei, 2003). Since the 1970s, the runoff of

ever y year and even st arted as early as

the Yellow River at the Huangheyan station has

February and March. The starting point was

dropped at 4.4m . s -1/10 years while at the

600km higher up the river than before and the


2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5












number of the days of no-flow reached 100-200.

region of the Yellow River, it will certainly pro-

In 1995 and 1996, the no-flow event in Lijin

duce far-reaching effects upon the lower reaches.

section lasted 120 days and 132 days respectively. In 1997, the Lijin section suffered

(1) The national economy suffers huge losses.

13 no-flows, totaling 226 days. This time the first

No-flow events have caused huge economic

no-flow event came on April 7th. Right after the

losses and environmental pressure for the lower

flooding season, on September 3rd, the river

reaches of the river. Industry suffers more than

stopped flowing again, setting historical

agriculture in economic terms. According to

records on both occasions respectively (Wang

statistics, due to water shortage and no-flow

Sumin, 2002).

events, from 1972 to 1996, industrial and agricultural loss (oil fields included) amounted to


25.7 billion Yuan; 1.35 billion per year on average


(calculated at 1995 prices). The economic loss


in 1995 was 6.37 billion Yuan and it was 5.09 b i l l i o n Yu a n i n 19 9 6 . A l s o , a c c o r d i n g t o


incomplete statistics, in 1995, no-flow events 50

caused 6 billion Yuan losses in Dongying, Zibo, 0 1991





Binzhou, Jinan in Shandong Province. In 1997, the loss reached 10 billion Yuan. In 1995, the industrial loss was 8 times more than the agricultural sector (Deng Yingtao, Wang

Flowing for thousands of millions of years, the

Xiaoqiang, 1999). The frequent no-flow events

Yellow River is a very special river. In China, it is

in the Yellow River threaten drinking water

a long but low-flow river. Compared with the Min

access for people and cattle; and severely

River, the Yellow River runoff is roughly the same,

threaten the economic development and survival

but the Min River is less than 1000 km while the

of local communities. Thus the situation could

Yellow River is 5,464 km. Because the Yellow

obstruct the strategic shift of our national

River source functions as a 'water tower' at high

economic focus from the east to the middle and

altitude, the river is able to flow much further

the west (Yao Wenyi, 1999).

than other rivers. It starts from the Qinghai-

(2) It will aggravate floods. Due to the lack of

Tibetan Plateau, the world third pole to the Loess

water, a huge amount of mud and sand have

Plateau and then to the Huabei Plain (northern

piled in the main water channel, adding more

china plain). It crosses 3 or even 4 kinds of

danger during flood seasons. In 1950, 70% of

climate regions like dry region, half dry region,

the mud and sand could be brought to the beach

half humid region and so on. It serves as an

while now 90% is piled in the water channel.

important water source in the northern part of

Therefore, the water channel is higher than the

China. Therefore, if there is any change in the

beach and the beach is higher than the living

water runoff and the ecosystem at the source

areas outside of the banks. There is the constant



potential threat of a disastrous flood. It is

desertification. However, due to the lack of

reported that the Inner Mongolian section at the

water from the source, huge amounts of mud

middle and upper reaches has risen by over 2

and sand deposit so that the banks are bare in

meters during the past decade, forming a third

the sun. When it dries up in winter and heavy

"hanging river above the ground" next to

winds blows, the sand on the riverbed will be

the Henan section and Shandong section. This

blown to the neighboring regions, which may

can be partially attributed to the fact that the

expose the lower reaches to the danger of

middle reaches have consumed more wa-

decertification .(Qu Yaoguang, 2001). In the river

ter for irrigation than before, but one of the

mouth area, no-flow events have led to the

main reasons is that the water comes from the

absorption of sea water, resulting in soil

source and the upper reaches has dropped

salinization. The lack of fresh water has disrupted


the ecosystem in the wetland and poses a threat

(3) The eco-system is deteriorating. Generally

to the survival of more than 8000 aquatic

speaking, situated in the humid region, the lower

species, several hundred wetland plants and

reaches don't have to face the danger of

more than 180 kinds of birds (Yao Wenyi, 1999).

Chapter 3 Ecological changes in the Yellow River source region in the last 50 years

Glacier retre at Since the Little Ice Age (around 1500-1920), and especially since 1950s, with the effect of global warming, glaciers across the world are retreating steadily and continuously (Ding Yongjian, 1995). In China, the vast majority of alpine glaciers on medium and low altitude are retreating too. (Wang Zongtai, 1991; Ding Yongjian, 1996). Global warming is the decisive factor for glacier retreat, causing more melting of the ice, withdrawing of the ice tongue, shrinkage of the glacier area and ascending snowlines. Glacier is a strong indicator of climate change. On the other hand glaciers also exert considerable influence upon the local climate, ecosystem, water resources and changing sea levels.

feed the Yellow River source water. Ranging from 34o20’ ~35 oN , and 99o10’ ~100oE, the

Since the 1950s, both the mean annual and

n Mountains are 120 km long and

seasonal temperature in this region has been

40 km wide (Fig. 3.1), with the highest alti-

on the rise (Xie Changwei, 20 03; Yang

tude being 6282m. There are 58 glaciers in

Jianping, 2004). With the warming effects,

this region; covering an area of 125 km2.

the glaciers are clearly retreating (Liu Shiyin,

Three of them are over 10 km 2, and 7-10 km

2002). Most of the glaciers in the source re-

long, distributed on the east side of the

gion are in the

n Mountains and

mountain; in the west, cirque glaciers and

Bayankala Mountains. The volume of glaciers

hanging glaciers are more common. The

in the

snowline on the east side is between 4990-

n Mountains account for

over 96% of the total volume of glaciers that

5190 m, and on the west around 5160m.


compared with 1966. Although small glaciers did not retreat as much as bigger ones in absolute length, the retreat percentage is quite high. During 1966-2000, the 5J 352E13 Glacier, a relatively small one, retreated 77%. In addition, the glaciers in 5J 351D facing south and southeast shrank 20% in length, those in 5J 352E area west and northwest decreased 27% in length.

In 1966, the glaciers covered an area of 125 km2, accounting for 95.8% of the total glacier area in the source region of the Yellow River. This area in 1966 is 17.5% less than that during the coldest period of Little Ice Age and the glacier area in 2000 is a further 17% less than that in 1966. Since 1966, the retreat-rate of the glacier in this region is 10 times greater than that in the past 300 years, which demonstrates that the glacier is not only retreating, but also the retreat is accelerating (Table 1 and Figure 3.2) (Liu Shiyin et al., 2002). Since 1966, the glacier area has decreased by 22.74 km 2 , and suffered ice storage loss of 2.66 km3 and water resource loss Our study shows that during 1966-2000, most

of 23.9x10 8m3. This accounts for the loss of

of the glaciers have retreated. Yehelong Glacier

around 10% of the yearly stream flow of the

retreated 1950 m from 1966 to 2000; the

Lanzhou Section of the Yellow River.

biggest change relative to its peers. In 2000, its length was only 23.2% of the original in 1966.

In northwest China, water plays a pivotal role in

The second biggest change is in 5J352E20

t h e e c o s ys t e m , s o c i a l a n d e c o n o m i c

Glacier, which has retreated 43% in length

development. Acting as a 'solid water reservoir',



Glacier area (km2)

Area change (km2)

Area change ratio (%)

The Last Ice Age


TheLittleIce Age (roughly 1500-1920)












the glaciers constitute an important part of the

ticularly apparent in arid and inland river basins.

water source in this region. The water derived

From the micro-climate perspective, it is still

from the glacier is a significant component in

uncertain whether glacier retreat will change

the northwest arid area and could supply as

such "wet island" effects. However, glacier

much as 80% of the water source to inland

retreat and the reduced area generating runoff

bodies of water in the region.

in the source region will definitely reduce the river's water supply. The regulating role of

The glaciers can effectively regulate the runoff

glaciers on the river's seasonal flow and

of the river. During a dry period with high

cross-year flow will be undermined and the

temperature and low rainfall, more ice will melt

whole hydrological circulation of the Yellow River

and discharge more water into the river; while

source region will be affected.

during a wet period with lower temperature and more precipitation, more of the rainfall will freeze

Additionally, the retreat of the glaciers has left a

into the glacier, becoming 'stored', and the

build up of moraine at the glacier termini. These

stream flow will drop accordingly. The alpine

stony masses are loose and unstable, with little

glacier area, with its high altitude tends to

vegetation. When it rains heavily, glacial lake

create so-called "wet island" effects where

outburst floods or debris flow (land slides) may

precipitation is higher in the high altitude area

be triggered. Besides the immediate damage,

than in the low altitude area. Its runoff modulus

such events bring more sand and sediment into

is also comparatively high. Therefore, the alpine

the Yellow River and the reservoirs along the

glacierised area is the most significant region

upper reaches of the river.

producing stream flow. Such phenomenon is par-



Upper panel photo: June 1981, Lower panel photo: September 2005. It is evident that in the recent 25 years, with the rising temperature, the Halong glacier has undergone prominent retreat, judging from the comparative location of terminus, its depth and moraine coverage.


the source region. For example, there is melting all along the Qingkang Road (214 national road), in particular at the

n Mountains,

Huashi Gorges, Madoi County and the Qingshui River. According to geological surveys and statistical analysis, the depth of the permafrost's upper limit is 4~7 m; the thickness of seasonal permafrost is 2~3 m and that of the melting layer is 1~4m (Yang Jianping, 2003). For example, in the #2 hole at the south slope of the n Mountains, at an altitude of 4180 m,

Permafrost Deterioration

the depth of the hole is 4.5 m. Of this 0-1.1 m is seasonal frozen layer; 1.1-2.9 m is melting layer

With the effects of global warming, the area of permafrost 3 has shrunk considerably. Meanwhile the annual mean earthtemperature is rising, the frozen layer is becoming thinner and the melting layer is b e c o m i n g t h i ck e r. T h e e d g e s o f t h e permafrost areas are disintegrating with actual permafrost becoming patchy and breaking up into isolated blocks divorced from the main permafrost zone.

The earth temperature is an important feature of the permafrost; its change is a response to climate change. During the past 20 years, the earth temperature of the permafrost area in the northern part of this region has increased by about 0.4~0.6 oC.

When the frozen depth is reduced and the active layer moves deeper in the vertical direction, permafrost and the seasonal frozen layers are separated by the melting layer, resulting in the 'sandwich effect' of discontinuous permafrost. Discontinuous permafrost and melting layers of frozen earth are widespread in


and 2.9~4.5 m is permafrost layer (Yao Tandong et al., 2002). This shows that under climate change, permafrost is increasingly unstable and that the permafrost is increasingly discontinuous.

Comparing the figures from the 1970s and the 1990s, it is found that at the edge of the permafrost zone, the base of sporadically distributed permafrost has climbed up by 50~70 m (Wang Shaoling et al., 1997).

widespread permafrost melting. The thickness Due to the rising earth temperature there is

of the permafrost has decreased by 5-7m on the margin, and the overall area of permafrost has shrunk correspondingly. As a result, the outer boundary of 'island-shaped' permafrost areas has contracted towards the centre. For example, i n M a d o i C o u n t y, t h e b o u n d a r y o f t h e permafrost has contracted by 15km towards the centre. In some places, permafrost melts simultaneously from the surface downwards and from below, upwards towards the surface.

Permafrost degradation has caused visible impacts upon the hydrological and ecological conditions in the region notably:


underground water. At its most extreme this ch a n g e h a s r e v e r s e d t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p between river runoff and underground water When the permafrost boundary moves up and

such that sometimes the river feeds back to

the seasonal melting layer deepens, without

the underground water rather than drawing

sufficient replenishment from rainfall, the

wa t e r f r o m i t . Pe r m a f r o s t t h aw i n g h a s

l e ve l o f u n d e r g r o u n d wa t e r w i l l fa l l .

disrupted the underground water cycle and

Meanwhile, with a deeper melting layer, the

can further drain the Yellow River at its source.

g r o u n d w a t e r f l o w- s y s t e m t r a n s l a t e s superpermafrost water system [ r 2 ] (undergroundwater system beyond the frozen

In the permafrost layer, there are significant

layer) into that of un-freezing [r3] zone.

carbon stores, in particular in the form of

Hence, the superpermafrost water system

methane (CH4 ). When the permafrost melts

that regulates the local environment [r4]

these greenhouse gases are released into the

disappears. This leads to the further loss of

atmosphere, further contributing to global

warming. In the past five decades, due to the

building and maintenance in cold regions like

temperature increase and permafrost

the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. For example, in

degradation in this source region, the

road building the thickness of the active layer

ensuing impact of the greenhouse gas emission

of permafrost under the asphalt is normally

is potentially devastating and deserves more

1.5~2.0m more than the natural active layer

research immediately.

due to the changes in the surface albedo and evaporation conditions caused by the asphalt layer. The heat in the road combined with the changes in average earth temperature prevent


Swe l l i n g o f f r o ze n g r o u n d a n d g r o u n d -

proper re-freezing of the active layer. The

collapse from melting are two major problems

permafrost is left in a disintegrated state

affecting construction projects such as road

beneath the road causing the road itself to

deteriorate and subside. In the case of

However, in the last 40 years the upper limit

Qingkang Road (214 national road), the

of the permafrost layer has dropped deeper

southern lower boundary of the continuous

under the surface, and the moisture content

permafrost has moved 10 km northward

in the topsoil has dropped correspondingly.

whereas the lower boundar y under the

Meanwhile, the soil temperature rise has

asphalt has moved 15 km northward (Yao

accelerated decomposition of organic

Tandong et al., 2002). Therefore permafrost

material, making more nutrients available in

degradation has caused serious damage to

the soil. Some original plants have thus been

bridges and bridge arches along the line.

replaced by new species more suited to the newly emergent conditions. According to field research, permafrost degradation has caused the alteration of land from bog

Permafrost can store and regulate water and

meadow to grassland meadow. Though

nutrition supply for vegetation at high altitude.

this has increased biodiversity, the coverage



of the vegetation and the yield of grasses

water retention in the upper soil layers. The

have declined correspondingly. Over time the

long term effect has increased "black soil

permafrost degradation will cause grassland

erosion", which in turn most often leads to

deterioration due to the further decreasing

desertification. The final step in the

moisture content in the soil. Meanwhile

destructive cycle is that the newly formed

the thawed soil provides a more benign

desert, in turn, will further absorb water

environment for rodents, which pose a

from the soil around it and cause more

serious threat to the grazing land for cattle.

permafrost retreat. Climate change in the

Moreover rodent inhabitation and digging

Yellow River source region is therefore

have changed the structure of the soil; for

driving a vicious cycle of ecological

example the holes they dig further reducing

degradation (Fig. 3.3 and 3.4).


In the source region, the area of rivers and

outflow lakes have become isolated and land-

lakes has decreased significantly in recent

locke d ÂŁ ÂŹ a change that directly reduces

years, leaving dry riverbeds and lakebeds and

water feeding into the Yellow River and its

the threat of further ecological degradation.

tributaries. The river basin also shrank by 9%

According to Wang Genxu (2004), the Landset

in 15 years, accounting for 92.4% of the total

TM analytical data in 2000 demonstrated that

water area lost and leading to a significant

the water area in this region was 2474.5 km2

increase in dry riverbeds (Figure 3.6). The dry

(including rivers, lakes and reservoirs). Dur-

riverbeds and bare lake bottoms not only cre-

ing the 15 years from 1986 to 2000, the lake

ate critical problems for the Yellow River but

area decreased by 81.7km2, 5.3% of the to-

have been factors in the severe desertifica-

tal lake area in 1986. The lost area in outflow

tion and salinization in the area and have

lakes accounted for 71% of the total, many

themselves given rise to many sandstorms.











Madoi County, known as the First County of the Yellow River, used to have 4077 lakes. Now more than 3000 small lakes have disappeared, and in quite a number of the remaining lakes the water have been salinized. Many lakes in the river valley between Madoi County and Zhaling Village have dried to the extent that the new road could go directly through the major lake in that area. The famous lake cluster at the Star Sea has largely drained away and become bog (figure 3. 7). The inland lake Lungma Tso has shrunk by almost half. In the Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake, the biggest sister lakes in the source region, the water level has dropped significantly, leaving more than 300km2 of bare sand newly uncovered at its


margins. Such shrinkage has not only affected

Anxin studied the changes of the major lakes in

the surrounding ecosystems, but also reduced

the source region. Despite 4km2 expansion of

the supply of underground water, the level of

Eling Lake from 1994-2000, other major lakes

which continued to drop in recent years. Since

shrank in the period from 1969-2001 (Table3.2).

the 1980s, the level of underground water in this

Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake are outflow lakes

region has dropped by 7~8 m, in some areas,

so that the changes in area are not obvious, but

more than 10m. The drop of the underground

a significant change is that during the past 50

water level has made the soil drier and further

years, their water level has dropped by 3~4

caused permafrost retreat and withered surface

meters (Table3.2). Moreover, due to rising


temperature and the accompanying drop of the

Recently, on the basis of aerial photos in 1969,

water level, the Star Sea Lakes which used to

TM remote sensing data in 1994 and 2001, Lu

be connected to the Yellow River have now


points with altitude montane area flat land

dry lake bed

boundary measured in April, 2000 survey points by GPS conducted in April, 2000 river

area dried during 1968 and 2000

become isolated inland lakes, without water

1994-2001, the Longria Lake has totally

exchange w i t h t h e Ye l l o w R i ve r. Th e s e

disappeared, which may be related to the

lakes have undergone dramatic changes and

exploration of salt mines nearby.

shrinkage in recent years. In turn the loss of wa-


ter supply from these lakes also contributed to

The bog and wetland ecosystem plays an

the lowering of the Yellow River's runoff (Figure

important role in the Yellow River source region.

3.8 and 3.9). From our investigation, we conclude

According to remote sensing images in 2000,

that the minor expansion of Eling Lake is due to

the area of bog and wetland in the source

a water conservation project which was built

region of the Yellow River totaled 2,473.3 km2.

nearby and thus raised the water level. From

This area was mainly distributed in the delta river

Longria Lake

Lower Star Sea Lake

Middle Star Sea Lake

Upper Star Sea Lake

Eling Lake

Zhuo Rangcuo Lake

Zhaling Lake

Area Change in percentage

20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 1969-1994



n Mountains,

bog suffered the most significant loss, with 44.

Bayankala Mountains, and Buqin Mountain and

2% of the original area in 1986 disappearing

among a number of rivers in this region. During

(Table 3. 3).

basin formed by the

the 15 years from 1986-2000, the bog and wetland area declined by 13.4%; a decrease in

Rivers, lakes and wetlands maintain the most

area of 332km2. In this decline the alpine peat

abundant vegetation and animal resources in the

Changes in area (km2)

Types of wetland




Bog meadow





Alpine peat bog










played a very significant role in the deteriorating conditions. Decreased precipitation is the major cause of the shrinkage of lakes and rivers in the region. In addition, temperature rises are increasing the volume and rate of evaporation and thereby removing more water from lakes, rivers and the soil.

R unoff changes The river area in the source region has been shrinking, with a 9% decrease in area during 1986-2000 (Figure 3.6) (Wang Genxu, 2004). This has created many dry river beds and affected the river runoff. The decisive factor for the decreasing runoff however is lessening rainfall and the change in rainfall patterns. In terms of annual runoff, since the middle of 1980s, there region and display the most distinct features of

has been a gradual decrease. The runoff in

biodiversity in the region. The deterioration of

autumn has dropped dramatically (figure 3.10)

this ecosystem will directly reduce the surface

and the annual runoff has thus changed. In the

water supply, affecting vegetation and animal

past, the precipitation in spring and autumn

resources accordingly. At the same time the

formed two peaks in annual runoff; however, at

deterioration also prevents the Yellow River

present, it has reduced to only one peak in a

source region from playing an effective role in

year (figure 3.11) without the autumn peak

regulating the water resources in the region and

anymore. This signals an important change and

in the Yellow River basin. Climate change has

a dwindling stream flow.

Discharge (m3/s)

Monthly mean discharge (m3/s)




1956-1986 1987-1999


1,200 1,000






400 200




-200 200


Monthly mean discharge


trend of the discharge 0



standard deviation
























Grassland is an essential element of the

and low-coverage alpine steppe (with less than

ecosystem in this region. The changes in its

30% coverage). Similarly the alpine meadow has

structure, function and material circulation

three categories: high-coverage alpine meadow

directly impact on the entire region. In the

(with more than 70% coverage), mid-coverage

grassland ecosystem, the alpine steppe and

alpine meadow (50-70% coverage) and low-

alpine meadow are most common, and are vital

coverage alpine meadow (less than 50%

for cattle and sheep. Meanwhile bog meadow


maintains the water source and supports wider biodiversity.

On the basis of TM and ETM satellite data from 1986 and 2000 (Wang Genxu, 2004), the alpine

For convenient analysis, the alpine steppe is

grassland has drastically deteriorated; primarily

divided into three categories: high-coverage

this has manifested in the deterioration of alpine

alpine steppe (with more than 50% coverage),

meadow with coverage over 30% (Table 4) by 2,

mid-coverage alpine steppe (30-50% coverage)

250.11km 2 ; a 1.58% decrease annually.


high-coverage alpine steppe

Correspondingly, low-coverage alpine steppe has increased, expanding 1,964.97km2. Meanwhile,

low-coverage alpine steppe


area (km2)

high-coverage alpine meadow has decreased significantly; a 66.75km2 decrease annually. The


mid-and low-coverage meadow expanded 145. 2000

97km2 and 864.85km2 correspondingly.

0 1986


Alpine bog meadow is highly sensitive to climate high-coverage alpine meadow

change. In the last 15 years, bog meadow decreased

by 13.41%; a 22.11km2 annual decrease.


To summarize: the changes in the grassland in


high-coverage alpine meadow area (km2)

the source region could be characterized as highcoverage grassland shrinking, low-coverage 0

grassland expanding and bog meadow decreas-



ing (figure 3.12).

High and middle




Time and





Low coverage


change rate


























Change rate (%)







The "black soil erosion" (Figure 3.13) and rodents

as densely as 600-700 in one hectare. This

are two major threats to the grassland. The

means that rainfall drains quickly into the ground

formation of black soil erosion is closely related

at a lower level and cannot form surface rivers.

to permafrost retreat (see chapter 3.1 glacier and

The result is that the runoff to the Yellow River is


reduced and local environment is further affected by water deprivation. At present, there is no


At present in the plateau area, 65% of the

effective way to turn it back. Considering the

natural grassland is affected by rodents;

above factors, it is estimated that in the next

accounting for 20-30% of the grassland loss. In

decades, the environment will further

places the rodent burrows are as concentrated


Human activities have also directly influenced

compounding the effects of regional drying and

the ecosystem. Since the 1950s and especially

grassland loss caused by climatic change. Thus

in the 1970s, the population has rocketed and

climate change and localized human activity form

the livestock numbers have increased, which has

a more deadly combination. Climate change

generated serious ecological problems.

reduces the viability of the grassland as its

Desertification caused by overgrazing is quite

coverage declines and thus puts more pressure

common in this region. According to Wang

on remaining pasture, accelerating the decline

Genxu's research during 1994~1996, in winter

of the remaining grassland areas. With less

and spring the grass is of low quality; while in

water and higher evaporation, as well as reduced

summer and autumn it is of high quality (Wang

run off and degradation caused by permafrost

Genxu, 2001). Theoretically, Madoi

melting, the grazed land is even more sensitive

farmland could support 667 thousand sheep

to the damage and declines further under the

units in winter and 3048.9 thousand sheep units


in summer. Thus livestock grow well in autumn but then die in spring as the numbers can no longer be supported. Such a situation not only impedes sustainable development of the local economy, but also causes serious grassland degradation and desertification as the pasture is pushed to its limits in the spring season. This vicious cycle of human activity has aggravated grassland deterioration in the source region,



In land usage, land degradation happens

the source region of the Yellow River: wa-

when one or more effects leads to de-

ter erosion, glacial erosion, soil salinization,

creases in biological complexity or eco-

s a n d y d e s e r t i f i c a t i o n , a n d ve g e t a t i o n

nomic productivity of rainfall-irrigated land,

degradation. If we consider a larger area

irrigated land, grassland and forest in the

( t h e e n t i r e a r e a b e fo r e t h e Lo n g y a n g

arid, semiarid and half humid arid regions,

Gorges), remote sensing surveys found that


the soil deterioration area reached 31,646. 8km2, 34.4% of the total region. Within this

(1) soil substance loss due to water erosion

area, desertification accounts for 13,434.

and wind erosion

8km2, veget ation degradation for 7,636.

(2) the deterioration of physical, chemical

5km2, water erosion for 7,101.7km2, glacial

or biological features

erosion for 3,084.5km2 and soil salinity for

(3) long-term loss of natural vegetation (Qin

389.3km2 (Feng Jianmin, 2004) (Figure 3.

Dahe, 2002).

14). In the last 15 years, desertification increased by 6.4%, namely at the rate of 1.

According to relevant definitions given,

83%[r10] annually; higher than the average

there are five types of soil deterioration at

desertification rate in the Hexi area. In the


s a m e p e r i o d t h e s a l i n i z a t i o n r a t e wa s 0.49km 2 per year, t wice than that in the Yangtze River source region. Bare rock, sand and beach with coverage of less than 5% haave expanded 3.95% in the last 15 years, and its distribution area ranks second only to alpine steppe and alpine meadow (Table 5) (Wang Genxu, 2004).

E volution of soil pattern According to TM and ETM data collected in 1986 and 2000, we can see that the soil pattern in the Yellow River source region has changed dramatically. High-coverage alpine steppe became low-coverage and desert; and the same with the alpine meadow and bog meadow. These are major trends in soil deterioration. For instance, 15% of high-coverage alpine steppe


and 29% of mid-coverage steppe turned into

reaching an area of 149.0 km2; and another 34.

low-coverage alpine steppe and 8% of high-

1km2 transformed into bare rock. In the same

coverage alpine steppe turned into mid-

period, 682.3 km2 of other types of land have

coverage alpine steppe (Wang Genxu, 2004).

transformed into desert; more than 4 times the scale of the transformation from desert to

During the last 15 years in the Yellow River source

steppe. Historically the region has had very little

region, other types of soil have also undergone

salinized soil, but during the last 15 years,

significant changes. As much as 18% and 15%

other types of land, like rives, lakes and desert

of the river basin and lake area have transformed

have been transformed into salinized soil,


respectively, mainly into sand (54.6 km ) and

reaching 5.4 km 2 in total; almost double of

bare rock (86.8km 2 ). Additionally, 12% of

the original area. In the same period, 17.2% of

desertified area has transformed, of which

the glaciers in the region have melted to expose

10% changed into fixed and half-fixed dunes,

bare rock.

Types of land Sand Salinized land Bare rock, sand and beaches

1986 1565.68 6.48 12522.77

2000 1968.09 13.39 13006.91

Change rate (%) 25.65 106.63 3.95


Human beings are dependent on a healthy

Species diversity

global biodiversity. Human development

In the UN Environment and Development

cannot be separated from the conservation

Conference held in Brazil, 1992, all state

of biodiversity.

leaders present signed the Convention on B i o d i ve r s i t y. I n t h i s c o nve n t i o n , u n d e r

The unique geographical and ecological

Article 2: The Use of Terms, the concept of

conditions in this region have cultivated

biodiversity is defined as the following:

numerous rare species. This region, together with the Yangtze River source

"Biological diversity" means the variability

region, has highly concentrated biodiversity

among living organisms from all sources

at this high altitude (Chen Lingzhi and Wang

including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and

Zuwang , 1999; Wu Yuhu and Mei Lijuan,

other aquatic ecosystems and the

2001). In these two source regions, there

ecological complexes of which they are part;

are 133 mammal species, of which a third

t h i s i n c l u d e s d i ve r s i t y w i t h i n s p e c i e s ,

belong to a carnivore subclass and a

between species and of ecosystems.

quarter belong to a rodentia subclass. In the vertebrate class, there are 249 kinds of


Biodiversity has three dimensions: species

birds. Of these 147 kinds are living in the

d i v e r s i t y, i n h e r i t a n c e d i v e r s i t y a n d

Yangtze River area, covering 15 subclasses

ecosystem diversity (Glowka et al., 1994).

34 families. Amphibians and reptiles are

rare in the source regions. As for the flora,

ver y common in the source region, but now they have

the natural vegetation is always flourishing.

almost disappeared due to over-hunting. (Wang Genxu et

There are over 800 Poaceae and Cyperaceae

al., 2001).

( Wu Yu h u a n d M e i L i j u a n , 2 0 01 ) . Th e wormwood and moss are abundant, providing

Ecosystem diversity

ideal fodder for cattle and representing

The local landscape is complex and features mountains,

unique feature in the alpine grassland.

rivers, lakes and valleys. The geographical conditions, climate and soil type combined have produced this local

In recent years, due to climate change and

natural environment characterized by wetland, desert,

biodiversit y degradation, combined with

grassland, forests and other alpine vegetations. Such an

human activities, the number of species in

ecosystem provides ideal habitat for various wild animals

this region has declined sharply. Many

and plants, therefore, this region has become an

valuable herbal medicines such as rheum

important one demonstrating the biodiversity in China

tanguticum, scutellaria baicalensis in

(Chen Lingzhi and Wang Zuwang, 1999).

Qinghai and cordyceps sinensis are already on the verge of extinction (Wu Yuhu and Mei

I n t h e l a s t 4 0 y e a r s , w i t h t h e wa r m i n g t r e n d , t h e

Lijuan, 2001). In the source regions, many

grassland and wetland in this region continue to

animal species have also been in grave

deteriorate. The alpine steppe, alpine meadow and bog

d a n g e r. D u e t o m a s s i v e c o m m e r c i a l

meadow have all been shrinking, 2.63%, 3.74% and 24.

interest , a large number of wild yak and

53% respectively from the 1970s to the 1980s and 6.64%,

pantholops hodgsoni have been

24.21% and 34.45% from the1980s to the 1990s. Since

slaughtered. In the 1980s and 1990s, the

the 1970s, a number of bogs have been drained and turned

number of wild yak and pantholops

into meadows. The plants fit for dry climate have moved

h o d g s o n i d r o p p e d by 3 3 % a n d 5 4 . 7 %

into this region. Wetland and lakes have retreated (Wang

respectively (Wang Genxu et al., 20 01).

Genxu, 2001). A l l t h e s e c h a n g e s c o m b i n e d w i t h

Panthera uncial, lynx l. isabelina, procapra

destructive human activity to compound the threat to the

picticaudata and ovis ammon used to be

regions rich diversity of flora and fauna.


Chapter 4


The effects of climate change are sweeping the

and economic status of the region are all under

globe, from polar melting to drought, flooding to


sea level rise, spreading disease to extreme weather like heat waves and hurricanes. China

As the origin of China's great watercourse, the

is no exception and Chinese scientists identify

Yellow River source region plays a vital role in

many effects of climate change in the weather

regulating the streamflow in the middle and

and 'natural' disasters affecting the country in

lower reaches of the river. The Yellow River

recent years.

source region plays the major role in supplying the whole river basin, providing 38.5% of total

Scientific consensus is clear that anthropomorphic

river runoff at Tangnaila hydro station and 55.6%

emissions of greenhouse gases are causing the

for the length of the river above Lanzhou. Water

Earth to heat up. Polar regions and high altitude

shortage and reduced run off at the source will

regions in northern hemispehere are especially

have far-reaching impacts upon the economy,

sensitive to the warming that the world is now

society and people's life not only in the source

experiencing. The Tibetan Plateau, known as the

region, but in the middle and low reaches of the

world's third pole or the roof of the world, has

Yellow River - in short, all across China.

seen an overall temperature rise of nearly 1 degree Celsius during the past 30 years. And

The analysis in this report and the studies

the higher the altitude, the faster the tempera-

it draws upon clearly shows that the

ture rises.

hydrological and ecological integrity of the Yellow River source region is in grave danger.


Looking at the region around the source of the

The region suffers from permafrost retreat,

Yellow River - China's mother river - the extent

glacier retreat, river and lake shrinkage,

and significance of the changes is painfully clear.

grassland deterioration and even desertification.

The ecological fabric of the region is being torn

This survey of the environmental changes in the

apart by a series of compounding effects, each

Yellow River source region shows that the main

triggering or reinforcing the others such that

threats to the region, and thus to the river itself,

complete breakdown is threatened. The

are predominantly driven and worsened by

hydrological stability, biodiversity, and agricultural

global warming or climatic changes associated


with increased global temperatures. Specifically:

shortage effect, the lakes in the Yellow River source region are shrinking through a

In the last 50 years, the climate has become

combination of increased evaporation caused by

warmer and drier. Both annual average

higher temperature and a decline in rainfall. For

temperature and seasonal average temperature

example, about 3,000 of the small lakes of the

are on the rise. Especially after 1986, the

4,077 lakes in Maduo Count y have now

temperature quickly climbed. In the 1990s, the

completely disappeared, leaving nearly 600

precipitation dropped sharply. This clearly

households, 3000 people and 119,000 cattle

indicates that climate in Yellow River source

without easy access to water. The twin lakes -

region has become warmer and drier.

Zhaling and Eling lakes also in Maduo, which are the official source of the Yellow River, have

The rising temperatures are causing glaciers

water levels down by three to four metres on

in the Yellow River source region to thaw on an

average over the past 50 years. During the 15

expedited track. The Anemaqing Mountain in the

years from 1986 to 2000, the total lake area in

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is home to the majority of

the region decreased by 5.3%. Outflow lake

glaciers that feed water into the Yellow River. By

shrinkage accounted for 71% of the total lake

2000, the area of the glaciers in the mountain

shrinkage. Meanwhile wetland and marshland

had shrunk by 17 per cent in comparison to 1966,

in the Yellow River source region have shrunken

melting 10 times faster than the previous 300

by 13.4%. The runoff into the Yellow River

years. The most seriously declining is the

continued to drop, signaling that the source region

Yehelong glacier, which retreated by 77 per cent

cannot maintain as much water as before.

between 1966 and 2000. Changing temperatures combined with the Permafrost is degrading considerably as a

loss of moisture and change in soil nutrients

r e s p o n s e t o t h e t e m p e r a tu r e ch a n g e s .

arising from permafrost loss is affecting regional

Permafrost thickness and distribution have all

flora. In the last 30 years, high coverage

undergone profound reduction. The active

grassland with high productivity has deteriorated

layers penetrate deeper, and the time for

sharply while the low coverage grassland has

seasonal frozen duration is shortened.

expanded. Alpine meadows, highly sensitive to

Permafrost, with its distinctive nature and wide

climate change, have shrunk significantly too.

distribution, is a vital factor in the vicious circle

Grassland deterioration is widespread and low

of ecological deterioration of the Yellow River

grassland coverage and "black soil erosion" are

source region. The permafrost decline is having

becoming ubiquitous in the region.

a significant impact on the hydrology, ecological system and construction projects alike in the region.

Desertification is increasing with unprecedented speed. W ith the rising temperature, vegetation degradation and

Meanwhile, compounding the water


desertification became more severe. In the last

15 years, the soil pattern and its ecological

There are some steps that can be taken to adapt

distribution in this region have undergone

to these changes and to mitigate at the local level

drastic changes. A great proportion of the soil

the negative impact brought by climatic

has deteriorated, and the desertification rate has

disruption. We could for example seek to improve

registered at 1.83% annually. High-coverage

agricultural and industrial activity in the source

alpine steppe has become low-coverage or

region to reduce its impact on the sensitized

turned to desert, and the same with the alpine

environment. Restrictions on overgrazing,

meadow and bog meadow. The overall land

inappropriate cultivation and some infrastructure

degradation area amounts to 34.4% of the total

construction could help. Efforts to address the

area of Yellow River source region.

desertification problem and more active conservation of the ecological environment in

Climate change is warming and drying the Yellow

the source region would also help.

River source region. The effect is combined with the glacial loss and permafrost melting - which

However, it is clear that: the efforts of the local

undermines two crucial water regulating features

people; provincial or national efforts at the local

of the region. Meanwhile land degradation,

level; or efforts combining projects at the upper,

desertification and the changes in the water table

middle and lower reaches of the river, are not

produced by permafrost loss undermine the

enough alone to protect the deteriorating

runoff formation in the region. As lakes and

ecosystem at the Yellow River source or the river

exposed water bodies dry up from increased

itself. The underlying problem of climate change

evaporation and reduced rainfall many outflow

will, if left unchecked, ultimately overcome any

sources are either disappearing or becoming

other measures to tackle the problems.

landlocked which further prevents run off.


Reference Endnote: 1. Climate means the comprehensive

four categories: 1. ice age alternation in

recent 100 years, more records are

description of weather features from a

10-100 thousand years; 2. climate oscillation

available for comprehensive analysis. It is

long term perspective. It is defined as

in a thousand years; 3. climate oscillation

concluded that there has been a warming

the statistical characteristics reflecting

in 10 or 100 years; 4. annual climate

trend and there are 4~5 drought periods, i.

extremums, averages and changing rates of


e. the end of 19th century, 1910s~20s,

meteorological and climate factors in

According to historical literature and

1940s, 1960~70s and the late 1980s (Wang

certain region or on the global level, for

biological data, the records of loess, lake,

Shaowu, Dong Guangrong, 2002).

instance, the global average temperature,

ice core, tree and other substitute indexes,

Shi Yafeng (1999) compared the Guliya ice

the monthly average temperature in the

the Middle Age W arm Period and the cold

core data from Tibetan plateau and

Y ellow River source region and its

period in the Little Ice Age were two

corresponding literature in the east. He

annual precipitation and so on. Climate

significant events during the recent one

concluded that the climate changes in the

change means the change of the climate

thousand years. During the recent 500

eastern and the western part of china have

during a certain time period, for instance,

years, the western part of China seemed to

a lot in common but still differ visibly.The

the changes of the average temperature or

have experienced five drought periods,

major difference is that during the "Middle

precipitation in 30 years. Thus, climate

which commenced respectively from 1480,

Age W arm Period (9th -11th century), the

change can be classified as the following

1580, 1710, 1830 and 1900. During the

east was becoming warmer in a more






-1.0 1880














significant way than western China. Based

above description. The average water runoff

in China, 22.3% of the total territory of

on meteorological data, ice core, tree rings

statistics at the Tangnag station shows that

China.[r14] It can be further classified into

and other substitute indexes (see the

there are more dry years than moist years, for

two types: high-latitude permafrost and

graphics (figure 1.5), W ang Shaowu and

the coefficient of variation is 0.90.

high-altitude permafrost. In recent years,

Gong Daoyi (2000) found the above conclusion is applicable to the climate

global warming has had [r15] a profound

Endnote 3[r12]

influence upon the permafrost, changing its

change in the last 140 years. From figure 2.

Permafrost is defined as various soil/rock

1, we noted that both the east and the west

with ice below or at 0¡æ. It can be further

Permafrost in the source region of the

have experienced four fluctuations in

classified in accordance with its duration

Yellow River is largely distributed in

temperature, but from 1920-1955, the east

as permafrost, seasonally frozen ground and

the Buerhanbuda Mountains, the

witnessed bigger fluctuation; since 1983,

instant frozen soil. Permafrost is the soil

A'ny maq

both the warm and cold trends in the west

layer frozen for 3 or above 3 years.

Bayankala Mountains. The lower bound-

is faster than that in the east.

Seasonally frozen ground is the soil layer

aries of permafrost vary in different regions.

frozen in winter for more than one month

Generally, it is around 4215m above sea

Endnote: 2

but melted in summer, the average annual

level, and about 30 m thick. The thickness

Through Kp analysis (the ratio between

temperature of which ranging from 8.0-

increases when altitude rises (Zhang Senqi

temperature, depth and distribution.

n Mountains and the

annual runoff and secular runoff) (Yang

14 C [Z13]and lowest monthly temperature, 2004). Seasonal permafrost is com-

Zhenniang, Zeng Qunzhu, 2001), it is found

below 0¡æ. Instant permafrost lasts less than

mon in the entire region. The thickness is

that the runoff was high during 1960s and

one month in winter, and its average

usually 3m and it increases with higher al-

1980s while it was low during 1970s and

annual temperature ranges from 18.5-20.

titude and changes in different seasons

1990s. Such conclusion is in line with the




0 C. There is 2.15million km of permafrost

(Wang Shaoling, 1991) (Figure 3.5).




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