Upper School Curriculum Guide 2020-21

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at gfa Inquiries deepen a student’s understanding of a given subject or facilitate the development of a skill beyond what is possible in the rest of the curriculum. Students will typically • partner with a faculty mentor alongside a small cohort of peers to write substantial research papers, • explore a topic in greater depth than in traditional courses, and/or • learn a new skill or gain knowledge about a topic that is not covered in the curriculum. Students may enroll in only one inquiry per department each year. Inquiries are 0.5 credit and generally open to 11th- and 12th-grade students; they vary in level depending on the nature of the work. Departments offer a variety of Inquiries; students who would like to propose one that is not in the catalog should speak with the appropriate department chair by April 1. Advanced Inquiries, available to 12th-graders, are designated as the highest level of academic rigor at GFA. They generate the highest level of understanding, demand the greatest skill, and offer the most latitude for students to exercise their agency and follow their curiosity about their chosen subject of study. In these courses, students will • identify a problem and ask their own questions, • chart their own paths of inquiry, • present their work to a real audience, and • deliver an original piece of work. Students may enroll in only one Advanced Inquiry. Students interested in completing an Advanced Inquiry will participate in workshops early in the spring semester of 11th grade and submit an application by April 1, 2021. These workshops will challenge students to identify topics that interest them and to explore a range of possible paths of inquiry through which they could pursue those interests. The initial workshops will foster conversation between students and faculty with expertise in their areas of interest, and students will survey past projects to gain a sense for what has been possible. Subsequently, students will present draft proposals to their peers and faculty, in advance of submitting an application. All proposals will be reviewed by the Advanced Inquiry Committee (AIC), which includes faculty from every academic department. Members of the AIC will guide students through the application process and help them decide what inquiry option would best serve their interests. 11th-graders who are interested in pursuing Advanced Inquiries are strongly encouraged to attend the following workshops: January 27 Workshop 1 February 10 Workshop 2 February 22 Workshop 3 All inquiry proposals are due on April 1, 2021. When needed, the AIC will ask students to revise their proposals and submit revisions for review on April 26 and May 14.


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