Minnesota Monthly - Top Doctors - 2022

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MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM | SEPT/OCT 2022 | 51 DoctorsTop2022 Minnesota Monthly’s 2022 Top Doctors list features 1,000+ physicians in 75 specialties. The results are based on a survey of 10,000 licensed Minnesota doctors who nominated peers for their professional expertise. List begins on p. 66 PORTRAITS BY BILL BARTLETTPHOTO ANGELOV/ADOBE

Dr. David J. Daniels is a pediatric neurosurgeon who specializes in pediatric brain tumors and spends his time managing patients with complex brain tumors, both in the operating room and in the outpatient setting. Tumors go to his laboratory for further study. Some of these tumors become established cell lines that can be studied to identify new ways to treat deadly diseases.


Daniels is a leading neurosurgeon and researcher who can help patients who may have been turned away for having a potentially inoperable brain tumor. Malignant brain tumors are among the most lethal cancers and disproportionately impact children. In the past, whole categories of tumors were treated with identical therapies, but doctors can now detect the unique features of a patient’s tumor and tailor treatment accordingly. Daniels is working on novel strategies and therapies for treatment based on the unique molecular qualities of individual brain tumors.


With a growing focus on pediatrics care, Mayo Clinic hopes to treat future generations of leaders While primarily known for adult medicine, Mayo Clinic offers leading pediatric care as well, and was recently ranked as a top-performing children’s hospital nationwide in all 10 pediatric specialties graded by U.S. News & World Report. Three Mayo doctors were chosen for the cover of this Top Doctors issue for their pediatrics-focused work with the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center and beyond. By specializing in pediatric care, Mayo says, these three doctors and others working in the field are helping make sure children grow into healthy adults and contribute to a new generation of leaders.

“There is a significant need for revolutionary approaches to the treatment of pediatric orthopedic disorders,” Larson says. “Many treatments [have been] unchanged in the last 50 years despite significant advances in science and medicine.”

Dr. A. Noelle Larson is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon whose interests include early-onset scoliosis, com puterized tomography-guided navigation, and non-fusion sco liosis surgery. She researches and leads studies on a number of groundbreaking techniques and tools to treat scoliosis, including anterior vertebral body tethering, Mehta casting, and magneti cally controlled growing rods.


Mahajan is a leading researcher and expert in pediatricfocused proton therapy, which helps children overcome cancer with reduced side effects. The proton beam facility at Mayo Clinic in Rochester houses its own particle accelerator, which drives protons to nearly the speed of light before delivering therapeutic radiation to a patient’s tumor. This treatment is especially important for children and adolescents because it limits long-term post-treatment e ects that could a ect them in adulthood, such as fertility problems, vision loss, hearing loss, and organ damage.

Larson’s work on this topic helped Mayo Clinic become the first health care facility in the United States to implant a Food and Drug Administration-approved correction device that o ers a non-fusion alternative to scoliosis treatment.

Dr. Anita Mahajan is a pediatric radiation oncolo gist with Mayo Clinic Children’s Center. She treats pediatric brain tumors as part of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Clinic and serves as the medical director of particle therapy, focused on improving radiotherapy for pediatric patients.

In 2020, as lockdowns and the threat of COVID-19 kept more of us at home, many doctors and patients came to rely on video or phone calls in lieu of inperson visits. According to the Minnesota Medical Association (MMA), in 2019, 3% of patient visits used telehealth. In 2020, that rose to 28%. Telehealth advocates tout its cost savings, con venience, and accessibility for people with limited mobility or who live in underserved rural areas. And as demonstrated by the growing number of “Hospital at Home” programs, the benefits of telehealth aren’t limited to preventive care.

Advances in Telehealth Mean More Healing at Home


It has been a big few years for health care. The industry is no stranger to disruption, but even so, the early 2020s are notable for the profound challenges and opportunities they’ve presented. From a global pandemic (and the a endant mental health crisis), to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, to the growth of new care models, major forces are shaping health care trends here in Minnesota and beyond. Here are four to keep an eye on.

Rachel Riedesel , population health manager at Allina Health, was in her final year of the Masters of Healthcare Administration program at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health in 2019. For her team capstone project, she partnered with leaders at Allina Health to design a program that would allow patients to receive hospital care in the comfort of their homes.

“This came forward as an opportunity to increase hospital capacity while we were trying to serve our community and their needs,” Riedesel says. The Hospital at Home plan she had previously worked on was put in motion. “We were able to deploy the program in less than a month because of the plans we’d already prepared.”


At the time, funding models and abundant hospital capacity meant there was little urgency to implement the program. All that changed when the pandemic hit. By then, Riedesel was working at Allina Health in the hub of the system’s COVID-19-related activity.

Instead of being checked into the hospital, patients who participate in the program are sent home with biometric monitoring equipment. The kit includes a tablet, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, and thermometer—all Bluetooth-enabled. Patients are continuously monitored, and their data is sent to a centralized nursing hub along with personalized parameters. If their biometric markers go outside of

Medical care has changed significantly the last few years. Here are some areas that will keep evolving.

Health UpheavalsCare

Allina’s program is now one of the fastest growing Hospital at Home programs in the country. To date, it has served roughly 3,700 patients in the Twin Cities metro and a few regional areas throughout the state. When the program started, 60% to 70% of the Hospital at Home patients were COVID-19positive. In 2022, it’s closer to 40%. The bulk of the patients are now being treated primarily for other conditions, such as sepsis, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and post-surgery recovery.

MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM | SEPT/OCT 2022 | 55 a preset zone, nurses are alerted to check on them. If needed, a nurse, physician, or paramedic may also be dispatched to the patient’s home. “We have an escalation process in place to ensure the patient is safe,” Riedesel says.

“We continue to see equal- or better-quality out comes for people who get to recover in their homes, with their loved ones,” Riedesel says. While in-patient hospital care is necessary for some acute conditions, hospitals are not without risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates hospitalacquired infections account for 1.7 million infections and 99,000 deaths each year. “We want to make sure we’re providing the safest care in the safest place, and that can often be the patient’s home,” Riedesel says. Home-based hospital care programs are growing across the country. Organizations, including Health Partners and Essentia in Duluth, are building pro grams of their own, and Riedesel expects consumer demand to drive further adoption in the industry.

One recent Allina Hospital at Home patient was quickly sold on the value of the program following a hip replacement surgery. “They received intensive therapy, nursing visits, and our entire care model in their home, with their loved ones,” Riedesel says. The patient had previously received other orthopedic sur geries that required hospital stays, and they said this was a much better experience mentally and physically.

“This is increasingly how patients want to be served,” Riedesel says. “This is the wave of the future for this type of care.”


Dr. Emily Brunner, Gateway Recovery Center 56 | SEPT/OCT 2022 | MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM

Pediatric Mental Health Takes Center Stage Emily Brunner, M.D., DFASAM, is an addiction medicine physician and medical director at Gateway Recovery Center in Inver Grove Heights. She is on the board of directors of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and consults with the Hazeleden Betty Ford Foundation. She formerly provided outpatient addiction treatment at Sage Prairie Care. We asked Dr. Brunner about her work.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Children’s Hospital Association have declared a national emergency in children’s mental health. How are you seeing this play out here in the Twin Cities? How different are things now from pre-pandemic times?

What kind of support and resources do kids need to thrive mentally and emotionally? Is there a renewed urgency in the health care system around providing those things?


Regarding health care systems, I think there is some definite concern [with] children’s mental health, and clinicians certainly are focused around providing bet ter care in this area. Despite that, unfortunately the reality of the pandemic is that many of the systems of care (especially that take all forms of insurance) have been left reeling and are not even sta ed to be able to provide the services they had before the pandemic.

In terms of resources, first and foremost ensuring there is adequate nutrition and safe housing is critical for families. Sometimes we forget about these basic necessities, but they are critical, and without security and nutrition, no other intervention is going to move the needle very much. The research into adverse childhood experiences has also made it very clear that having stress in childhood in terms of facing neglect, food insecurity, death of a family member (many children lost caregivers due to coronavirus) can result in chronic disease for the rest of one’s life.

What kind of innovations or strategies are being deployed to meet this challenge in Minnesota? I was encouraged to see that the in-patient PrairieCare facility for children and adolescent psychiatric care will be expanding from 71 to 101 children within the next year. There was also a bill passed recently to cre ate mental health crisis centers for adolescents and young adults, to help keep them safe in emergencies. It included some funding for school-based services. I would love to see more funding for adequate men tal health support provided within the school systems, as these programs meet kids where they are and allow for seamless delivery. Helping to support parental mental health and recovery is also of paramount importance. There are also many amazing clinicians doing fantastic work all over the state, but we need to create the systems with adequate funding to support them so they don’t burn out and leave medicine, which is a real risk these days.

What seems most clear is that there is a lot more anxiety, both in kids and parents. Waiting lists for pediatric psychiatric services have grown longer, and that is true of even the most urgently needed services, such as psy chiatric hospitalization. Within the substance use world, the same lethal patterns of drug use seen in adults are also being seen in adolescents. Therefore, although the rates of substance use have not increased, more adoles cents have been dying of overdose than ever before, due largely to use of synthetic opioids, like fentanyl.


According to the CDC, six in 10 U.S. adults have a chronic condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or chronic lung disease. Four in 10 have two or more. Chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States and the biggest driver of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care costs.

A care model that facilitates time, trust, and connec tion between a patient and provider is foundational to better outcomes. “Pain is the symptom of something,” Zaydman explains. “The most important thing a doctor can do is to understand what’s actually causing the pain. I teach my providers to use all the tools in the toolbox to understand a patient. With that understanding comes the best treatment plan. One size doesn’t fit all.”

“When you’re always seeing someone different, you can’t build up rapport,” Zaydman says. “People feel better taken care of when their provider knows who they are.”

Today, Valley Medical & Wellness operates chronic pain and addiction medicine clinics in Burnsville, Woodbury, Minneapolis, and Rochester, with two more opening soon in Bemidji and Plymouth. The practice aims to improve quality of life for those su ering from pain and/or addiction through a com prehensive, personalized approach that combines osteopathic manipulation, nutrition, lifestyle modi fication, physical therapy, mental health support, and medication management.

In most conventional health care settings, the amount of time providers can spend with patients is limited. “There are finances involved and a certain number of patients that need to be seen each day,” Zaydman says. “It’s hard to provide comprehensive care in that model. I have the luxury to be able to spend as much time with my patients as they need.”



Initial visits at Valley Medical & Wellness often run two hours or longer. And patients work with a single, primary provider who coordinates their care among a multidisciplinary team. This prevents another pitfall of the conventional model, in which patients bounce from provider to provider, often having to repeat their history over and over to new people.

There is no obvious solution for chronic pain. As a biopsychosocial condition, it often requires treat ment that spans physical therapy or rehabilitation, nutrition, psychology, and other modalities. “We have to address every aspect of their life, because you can’t just put a [bandage] on pain,” Zaydman says. “Wellness is not only physical, but emotional as well.”

From Integrative Care

Long COVID, another condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach, has spurred the creation of similar clinics and centers at health systems around the country. Increasingly, providers, payers, and patients are coming to see the value in less siloed, more integrative models of care—a positive sign for the future of treating chronic conditions.

The health care system is not well suited to address this problem. If someone gets shot, breaks a bone, has a heart attack, or develops a blood clot, the U.S. medical system can save a life. Acute care is where it shines. But multifactorial, complex conditions that aren’t easily fixed by medications or surgery demand other models of care. This is particularly true for chronic pain, one of the most common chronic conditions in the country, a ecting one in five Americans. This realization drove pain management specialist Dr. Svetlana Zaydman to start her own practice, Valley Medical & Wellness, in 2014. She had been working in a chronic pain management clinic for three years and found herself frustrated by the primary physician’s medication-first approach. “I decided I

Chronic Conditions Benefit



62 | SEPT/OCT 2022 |

Women’s Health Organization ruling affect your clinics?

there. In fact, in July, a Ramsey County judge struck down most of the restrictions in place in Minnesota. This will open the door and reduce harmful delays and restrictions placed upon abortion-seeking patients.

The End of Roe v. Wade Ushers in a New Landscape for Reproductive Care

What role will telehealth and medication-based abortion play going forward?


KROMENAKER: The Dobbs decision allows the North Dakota Trigger Ban, passed in 2007, to take e ect and ban most abortions in our state within 30 days of the attorney general certifying the ban. Our immediate strategy is to continue to provide abortions as long as it is legal in North Dakota to those who need our care. We have also filed a lawsuit challenging the AG’s certification of the abortion ban. Our long-term strategy is that we have secured space just across the river in Moorhead and will continue to provide abor tion care to our region. We have served this region for 24 years. We know the hardships faced by so many of our patients and we are committed to continuing to provide abortion to these folks. How will this ruling affect people needing access to abortions and reproductive health care?

KROMENAKER: We hope that those legislators who oppose abortion in North Dakota will not place travel restrictions on patients who need to leave our state to seek abortion care. We know that abortion saves lives and allows pregnant people opportunities they would not otherwise have if they were forced to continue a pregnancy they did not want. The legislature meets in 2023, and we can only watch and wait to see what new games they will play with pregnant people’s lives.

MEHL: We’ve seen an increase in need, both imme diately after the decision and leading up to it as well. Access was diminished even with other laws such as Texas SB8, which was limiting abortions to approxi mately six weeks. We were already seeing strain on other states such as Minnesota, where we can pro vide [more care]. Since the Dobbs decision, that has only increased. We’re seeing more callers from Iowa, Wisconsin, and South Dakota, and we expect that to continue. And we’ll see other states push the needle and try to restrict access even further.

KROMENAKER: We worry about patients being con fused once abortion becomes illegal in North Dakota. There will likely be added shame and stigma knowing that abortion is not available in their state. Min nesota is a politically protected state and there are significantly less restrictions to providing abortion

MEHL: We are able to offer telecare for medication abortion up to 11 weeks. For some people, it’s a great fit. For others, there may be reasons why they want or need to come into the clinic, whether they’re over 11 weeks or there are other medical indications. But it has been a critical part in helping meet patient need, because it also reduces the in-clinic burden for patients and expands our ability to keep that in-clinic appointment open for someone who needs it. This is the emerging legal battleground, and we may see it play out in the courts, state by state, how access looks. In Minnesota, our telehealth program has been very successful, and we anticipate that will continue. What are your hopes and concerns for the immediate future of reproductive health care in our region?

MEHL: Minnesota may be what we’re looking at as a “[safe] haven state.” We have opportunities here to expand protections even further. We’re looking to our leadership to proactively make laws that expand access, so we see Minnesota shine as a north star, a beacon, a haven.

Tammi Kromenaker, clinic director of Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo, N.D., and Sean Mehl, associate director of Clinical Services at Whole Woman’s Health (which operates a clinic in Bloomington), address the ripple effects of the Supreme Court’s June ruling on abortion.

MEHL: This may push patients further into pregnancy. These may be patients who were seven or eight weeks along when they found out they were pregnant, but maybe they’ve tried to go to two or three other states before finding their way to us. Compound that with travel, financial burden, availability, and it will lead to a greater need for second-trimester abortion care. That requires more monitoring from sta , and more trained, experienced providers, which we are very lucky to have. We also hope to bring in new providers who may be trained in those areas as well, because we recognize that as a great need.

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“It is convenient care but does not compromise on quality,” says Dr. Mudas sar Ahmed, M.D., M Health Fairview interventional cardiologist. “This is fullspectrum, one-stop care for any heart condition, right in your own backyard, with the highest quality of services and state-of-the-art technology.”

About M FairviewHealth M Health Fairview is a

A Vision for Breakthrough Care in the East Metro and Beyond M Health Fairview Locations in St. Paul, the East Metro, Maplewood, and more mhealthfairview.org

M Health Fairview is evolving to bet ter meet the needs of growing communi ties to make health care not only simpler but more affordable, accessible, and equitable. Across the Twin Cities, they are reinvesting in their hospitals and clinics and reimagining how to serve the people of Minnesota. This vision also includes expanded access to primary and specialty care, continued technological innovation, and improved connections to leadingedge University of Minnesota-driven research—so that the latest medical advances are readily available to all patients. “Being affiliated with the University of Minnesota and having access to the latest technology, we have a spirit of collaboration that truly sets us apart,” says Dr. Marit Thorsgard, M.D., F.A.C.C., M Health Fairview interven tional cardiologist. St. Paul and the East Metro are a key part of M Health Fairview’s robust vision. M Health Fairview’s dozens of community-based primary care clinics in the East Metro bring together top experts and specialists under one roof, resulting in “one-stop-shop” convenience and same-day access to multiple services, such as expanded laboratory testing. Each local clinic and specialty center is, in turn, closely connected to nearby acute-care hospitals in the East Metro, including M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital in Maplewood and M Health Fairview Woodwinds Hospital in Wood bury—bringing comprehensive, worldclass care closer to the patients they serve.


andbetweenpartnershipUniversityofMinnesota,UniversityofMinnesotaPhysicians,FairviewHealthServices—combiningtheUniversity’sdeephistoryofclinicalinnovationandtrainingwithFairview’sextensiverootsincommunitymedicine.MHealthFairviewisprovidingbreakthroughmedicineandtransformingthehealthofourcommunitiesforthebetter. SPONSORED CONTENT

W ith more than 3,000 providers in 100-plus specialties, M Health Fairview has proudly served the St. Paul area, the Twin Cities region, and Min nesota for more than 160 years. The health care system remains deeply committed to the people and commu nities its many facilities serve and its mission to bring breakthrough medicine to all Minnesotans.

St. John’s Hospital is taking cardio vascular care further than ever, with a 19,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art expansion that includes two cardiac catheterization labs, two electrophysi ology labs, and a hybrid catheterization lab for advanced cardiology procedures.

Top: Dr. Mudassar Ahmed, M.D., in St. John’s catheterization lab.

“Any time we are investing in more space to provide better care, that is a good thing for our patients,” says Dr. Rebecca Cogswell, M.D., N.N.P., associ ate professor of medicine at the Uni versity of Minnesota and M Health Fairview advanced heart failure car diologist. “As our population ages and more people experience health issues, we are investing in forward-thinking services that will meet their needs.”

“The goal for us is to give the best care for patients that isn’t available in other institutions,” says Dr. Ganesh Raveendran, M.D., M.S., M.B.A., pro fessor of medicine at the University of Minnesota and M Health Fairview interventional cardiologist. If a patient needs a stent or heart valve replace ment, for example, Raveendran says minimally invasive procedures—such as catheter-based—can be just as e ective as traditional surgery (e.g., open-heart surgery). And eligible patients appre ciate the reduced hospital stay (often same day or next day) and recovery time. But health care doesn’t start or stop at hospitals or clinics. Many people also face barriers to health care, and it has been shown that nearly 80 percent of a person’s overall health is influenced by socioeconomic factors like job status, social supports, bills, and more. “The tone of our team is one of compassion and one that takes each individual into consideration,” says Cogswell. “We work to break down barriers for those needing care, no matter the situation they’re in. We go the extra mile to truly help our patients take better care of themselves, so they can live the best quality life.”

Through their expansive partnership with the University of Minnesota, along with new telemedicine technology, M Health Fairview patients outside the Twin Cities can also get rapid access to highly qualified specialists in heart care and other services—which results in even better care for people living in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Wyoming, Princeton, and other areas outside the metro. The innovative M Health Fairview heart care team also serves patients at M Health Fairview Ridges, Southdale, and Woodwinds Hospitals, and M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center. With growth comes change. And during this period of transformational change, patients can rest assured they will have access to the same top doc tors, services, and commitment that has earned M Health Fairview statewide, national, and international recognition.

Bottom: Providers and staff at St. John’s offer a full spectrum for heart care using state-of-the-art technology.



John C. Moore Midwest Allergy & Asthma 217 Radio Drive, Woodbury 651-702-0750 Mee Lee C. Nelson Southdale 3955Associates,PediatricLtd.ParklawnAve., Edina 952-278-7000 more than 10,000 as well as based on a list provided by the Minnesota Board of Medical and name up to three doctors (other than themselves) who received the highest number of votes are reflected by specialty in the Top Doctors list.

Michael R. Wexler Advancements in Allergy & Asthma Care, Ltd. 12450 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 215, 952-546-6866Minnetonka

in each specialty category. Physicians

Judy C. Boughey Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Lisa Hamilton Minnesota Oncology Minnesota Bloomington,Ave.Specialists,Breast7760FranceS.,Suite1000952-208-6005


Gavin B. Bart Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St., Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Nancy L. O Allergy & 825Specialists,AsthmaP.A.NicolletMall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, 612-338-3333

Ryan Kelly University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 741, 612-624-1191Minneapolis

John A. Muellerleile Allina Health 612-871-7639800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Richard P. Bransford Allergy & 825Specialists,AsthmaP.A.NicolletMall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, 612-338-3333

Pamela J. Harris HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3090

Hiba Bashir M Health Fairview Clinic - Fridley 6341 University Ave. NE Fridley, 763-586-5844

Kumar Belani University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 294, 612-625-7675Minneapolis

David A. Frenz David A. Frenz, M.D. 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 1451 Minneapolis, 612-404-2510

Sheila M. Specker M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-273-9806

Stephanie J. Fox M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center - Maplewood 2945 Hazelwood St. Maplewood, 651-326-1044

Ann F. Callahan Allina Health Cancer Institute Piper Breast Center 913 E. 26th St., Floor 4 Minneapolis, 612-863-3150

Amy C. Degnim Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Manar M.S. Abdalgani Children’s MinnesotaID 2530ImmunologyChicagoAve. S., Suite 17-203, 651-220-6444Minneapolis

Robert Levy University of Minnesota Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic 1020 W. Broadway Ave. 612-302-8275Minneapolis

Adrianne L. Bowen Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 105, Maple Grove 763-780-6699

Tamara C. Pozos Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 651-220-6444Minneapolis

Diane S. Ogren M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center - Maplewood 2945 Hazelwood St. Maplewood, 651-471-9400

Joshua M. Dorn Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Anupama Ravi Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 Bri a Sundquist Southdale 3955Associates,PediatricLtd.ParklawnAve., Edina 952-278-7000 John B. Sweet Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Dawit T. Haile Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Katherine Katzung Allina Health - Abbo Northwestern - WestHealth 2855EmergencyCampus Drive Plymouth, 763-577-7160

Pramod Kelkar Allina Health Blaine Clinic 10705 Town Square Drive NE, Suite 100, Blaine 763-236-5400 Douglas McMahon Allergy & Asthma Center of Minnesota 2480 White Bear Ave., Suite 104, 612-444-3247Maplewood Hemalini Mehta Allergy & 825Specialists,AsthmaP.A.NicolletMall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, 612-338-3333


Nicole Chase St. Paul Allergy & Asthma 565 Snelling Ave. S., St. Paul 651-698-0386

Dawn Johnson Allina Health Surgical Specialists - Minneapolis 920 E. 28th St., Suite 460 Minneapolis, 612-863-7770

Joseph Lee Hazelden Be y Ford 15245FoundationPleasant Valley Road Center City, 866-831-5700

Kristin N. Ri er HealthPartners Park Nicollet Jane Bra ain Breast Center 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-484-3180

Cherie Y. Zachary Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 217 Radio Drive, Woodbury 651-702-0750

Jenny M. Montejo Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Practice. Respondents were asked to log on to a secure website

Alexander M. Hubbell M Health Fairview Clinic - Riverside 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 602 Minneapolis, 612-672-2450

Charles Rezniko Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. 612-873-3000Minneapolis

Gary D. Berman Allergy & 825Specialists,AsthmaP.A.NicolletMall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, 612-338-3333

James Flaherty University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, B515, Mayo Memorial Bldg. Minneapolis, 612-625-7675

Olmsted County,

Anne Pylkas Sage Prairie Clinic 1440 Duckwood Drive Eagan, 612-347-7600



2022 Top Doctors

Sara Polley Hazelden Be y Ford 11505Foundation36thAve. N. Plymouth, 877-401-1030

Philip C. Halverson Allergy & 825Specialists,AsthmaP.A.NicolletMall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, 612-338-3333

Megan Clinton Anesthesiologists,Associated P.A. 14700 28th Ave. N., Suite 20 Plymouth, 651-697-5804


Martha F. Hartz Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Brian C. Grubbs HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180

Tjorvi Perry M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

John B. Hagan Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

The American Board of Medical Specialties recognizes 24 member boards that grant certification in specialized areas of medical practices. Some of those member boards grant certification in specialties as well. PRS used those specialties and subspecialties as a starting point for creating physician categories, though board certification was not a requirement for being named.

JoAn Laes Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Thomas J. Helm Allina MapleHealthGrove Clinic 7840 Vinewood Lane N. Maple Grove, 763-236-0200 Avni Y. Joshi Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-251

DOES ADVERTISING AFFECT THE POLL? No. Doctors are not added to or removed from the list based on their or their employers’ advertising history with the magazine. Who Decides? KNOW ABOUT MINNESOTA MONTHLY’S TOP DOCTORS SURVEY

Cuong Q. Pham University of 612-624-57257851A,2001HealthCommunity-UniversityMinnesotaCareCenterBloomingtonAve.S.,Minneapolis

licensed doctors in the 11-county metro area,

Aaron Berg University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, B515 Mayo Memorial Bldg. Minneapolis, 612-625-7675

Chandra J. Castro Children’s Minnesota2525AnesthesiaChicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1615, Minneapolis 612-813-6273

Jason Raasch Midwest Immunology 15700 37th Ave. N., Suite 230 Plymouth, 763-557-0008

Stephen J. Gleich Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Brian Grahan Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Amy C. Fox HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Ryan E. Chupp Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 105, Maple Grove 763-780-6699

WHO PICKS THE DOCTORS? Their peers. In March, Professional Research Services (PRS) contacted

Ashwin George Valley Medical & Wellness 2428 E. 117th St., Burnsville 612-444-3000

Emily Brunner Gateway Recovery Center 6775 Cahill Ave. E. Inver Grove 651-999-3537Heights

Sreejaya Veluvali M Health Minneapolis,2312MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBankS.SixthSt.612-672-7000

Sara E. Erickson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Specialty Clinics 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Katherine T. Janssen HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3123


Bryan C. Cannon Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Allison Cabalka Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David B. Gremmels Children’s MinnesotaThe Children’s Heart Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 500, 612-813-8800Minneapolis

Amit Chandra Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave., Suite 401, 763-520-2940Robbinsdale

Andrew W. Kiragu Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000 Emily R. Levy Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Ma hew Ambrose M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Pamela R. Paulsen HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalThe Heart Center 640 Jackson St., MSC 11102M, St. Paul 651-254-4887

Mark H. Eikenberry Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-813-3300Minneapolis

Stacie M. Knutson M Health FairviewPediatric AcademicCardiologyO ffice Building 2450 Riverside Ave. S. Minneapolis, 612-626-2755

Todd M. Tu le M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202 Minneapolis, 612-676-4200

Retu Saxena Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 7373 France Ave. S., Suite 300, 952-428-0500Edina

Ashley Loomis M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Jamie Lohr M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-365-5000

Thomas H. Johnson M Health Fairview Heart Clinic - Maplewood 1600 St. John’s Blvd., Suite 200, 651-326-4327Maplewood

Kirankumar Bhosrekar Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000 Ashley Bjorklund Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000 Sheri Crow Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Natasha Rueth Allina Health Cancer Institute Piper Breast Center 913 E. 26th St., Floor 4 Minneapolis, 612-863-3150

Christopher J. Chow HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180

Jonathan N. Johnson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Clara Zamorano Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Robert J. Kahoud Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 Yu Kawai Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Nathaniel W. Taggart Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Amy J. Thorsen Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 3433 Broadway St. NE, Suite 115, 651-225-7855Minneapolis

Sharonne N. Hayes Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Melissa Brunsvold M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-5915

Jon Gayken Hennepin Healthcare Brooklyn Park Clinic & 7650PharmacyZane Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, 612-873-6963

Michael P. Spencer Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 2800 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 300, 651-225-7855Minneapolis

Suveer D. Bagwe HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalThe Heart Center 640 Jackson St., MSC 11102M, St. Paul 651-254-4887

Robert D. Mado M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-9708

Gautam R. Shro Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center, 715 S. Eighth St., 612-873-6963Minneapolis Mengistu A. Simegn Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Michelle Carlson Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Gurumurthy Hiremath Mallikarjun M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3, 612-365-6777Minneapolis


Sakina B. Naqvi M Health Fairview St. Joseph’s Campus 45 W. 10th St., St. Paul 651-232-3000 Ma hew Prekker Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000 Jena Wirt Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Deanna Diebold Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave., Suite 401, 763-520-2940Robbinsdale


Julia Steinberger M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Woodbury 9680 Tamarack Road Woodbury, 651-265-757

Retu Saxena Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute - Edina 7373 France Ave. S., Suite 300, 952-428-0500Edina Soma Sen HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic & Specialty Center - Burnsville 14050 Fairview Drive Burnsville, 952-993-6500

Rebecca J. Cogswell M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-365-5000

Frank Ce a Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jason H. Anderson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Cindy M. Martin M Health 6545SouthdaleFairviewHospitalFranceAve.S. ,Edina 952-836-3770

Wolfgang B. Gaertner M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-9708

Kristen Hasson Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave., Suite 401, 763-520-2940Robbinsdale

Ganesh Raveendran M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-365-5000

Isaac Felemovicius Voyage Healthcare 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 300, Maple Grove 763-587-7999

Elizabeth A. Miller HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3242

Grace M. Arteaga Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Stephen J. Gleich Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David J. Willis HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180


Frederick Endorf Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Sara Wildenberg M Health Fairview Surgical Consultants - Edina 6405 France Ave. S., Suite W440, 952-927-7004Edina Mallory J. Yelenich-Huss Specialists in General 9825SurgeryHospital Drive, Suite 105, Maple Grove 763-780-6699

Michael Samara Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St., Floor 2 Minneapolis, 612-863-3900


Kellie L. Mathis Mayo Clinic 200 First St., SW Rochester 507-284-2511 Genevieve Melton-MeauxB. M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Christine Hills Allina Health - St. Francis Regional Medical Center 1455 St. Francis Ave. Shakopee, 952-428-3000

Marko Vezmar Children’s MinnesotaThe Children’s Heart Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S. Suite 500, 612-813-8800Minneapolis

Nicole Worden Essentia Health - St. Mary’s Medical Center 407 E. Third St., Duluth 218-786-3443


Woubeshet Ayenew Hennepin Healthcare Brooklyn Park Clinic & 650PharmacyZaneAve. N. Brooklyn Park, 612-873-6963

Lisa Howley Children’s MinnesotaThe Children’s Heart Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S. Suite 500, 612-813-8800Minneapolis

Kevin M. Harris Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St., Suite H2100 Minneapolis, 612-863-3900

Elizabeth Z. Grey Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St., Floor 2 Minneapolis, 612-863-3900

Marit Thorsgard M Health Fairview Heart Clinic 6405 France Ave. S., Suite W200, 952-836-3770Edina DISEASECARDIOVASCULARCARDIOLOGY

Thenappan Thenappan M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-365-5000 CARDIOLOGY PEDIATRIC

Charlo e S. Van Dorn Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Amy Knopke Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave., Suite 401, 763-520-2940Robbinsdale

Je rey Chipman M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-5915

Eric J. Dozois Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Ryan M. Fey Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Richard T. Zera Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

George E. Belzer HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180

COLON & SURGERYRECTAL Kyle Barker Voyage Healthcare 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 300, Maple Grove 763-587-7752

Ti any Fancher Panait Voyage Healthcare 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 300, Maple Grove 763-587-7916

Erin Galbraith M Health Fairview Heart Clinic - St. Paul 45 W. 10th St., St. Paul 651-326-4327

Emmanouil Brilakis Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St., Suite H2100 Minneapolis, 612-863-3900

Shanti Narasimhan M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Voyager 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 1, Suite R103 Minneapolis, 612-365-8400

Janet T. Lee Colon & Rectal Surgery 1983AssociatesSloan Place, Suite 11 St. Paul, 651-312-1620

Steven Heifetz M Health 6401SouthdaleFairviewHospitalFranceAve.S., Edina 952-836-3770


Christopher D. Carter Children’s MinnesotaThe Children’s Heart Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S. Suite 500, 612-813-8828Minneapolis

Julie S. Cronk Dermatology Consultants 587 Bielenberg Drive, Suite 200, Woodbury, 651-578-2700

Sara Hylwa Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Kimberly A. Bohjanen M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Mitchell E. Bender Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina, 952-241-8139

James Dorrian Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 100, St. Paul 651-241-9700

Lauren B. O’Neill HealthPartners Park Nicollet DermatologySt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3260 Sco Prawer Associated Skin Care 9600SpecialistsUpland Lane N., Suite 250, Maple Grove 763-416-2380

Phil Ecker Pinnacle Dermatology 23505 Smithtown Road, Suite 120, 833-257-7546Excelsior

Ronda Farah M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Lynda S. Kauls Market Street Dermatology 275 Market St., Suite 215 Minneapolis, 612-746-4144

Jeremy W. Cook Dermatology Consultants 587 Bielenberg Drive, Suite 200, 651-578-2700Woodbury

Nancy Leitch Lakes Dermatology 14305 Southcross Drive W., Suite 110, 651-340-1064Burnsville

Charles E. Crutchfield Crutchfield Dermatology 1185 Town Centre Drive, Suite 101, 651-209-3600Eagan

Jennifer Needle M Health 612-625-6678AO-301,2450MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenterRiversideAve.S.,Minneapolis

Brenda M. Schiltz Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Katy Gehrig Lakes Dermatology 14001 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 300, 763-316-4407Minnetonka Lorraine Griffin Tareen Dermatology 1575 20th St. NW, Faribault 651-633-6883

Jane H. Lisko Associated Skin Care 18315SpecialistsCascade Drive, Suite 150, Eden Prairie 952-934-7336

Kristen P. Hook Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina, 952-241-8139

Elizabeth Farhat Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 100, St. Paul 651-241-9700

Jennifer M. Lee Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina, 952-920-3808

Daniel Miller M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Kathryn C. Barlow Dermatology Consultants 60 Plato Blvd. E., Suite 270 St. Paul, 651-209-1600

Michael E. Nemergut Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Kenneth Maslonka Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-813-3300Minneapolis

Jozef Lazar Dermatology Consultants 1215 Town Centre Drive, Suite 200, 651-251-3300Eagan

Erin Luxenberg Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Paul L. Bigliardi M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Mimi Cho Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 775 Prairie Center Drive, Suite 370, Eden Prairie 952-241-8137

Bailey C. Lee Associated Skin Care 9600SpecialistsUpland Lane N. Maple Grove, 763-416-2380


Cari G. Dakin HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3260

Jing Liu Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Miriam Shapiro M Health 612-624-9574Bldg.,2450MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBankRiversideAve.,EastMB532,Minneapolis

Jessica A. Morrell Dermatology Consultants 280 Snelling Ave. N. St. Paul, 651-645-3628

Marisa Chapman Lakes Dermatology 14305 Southcross Drive W., Suite 110, 651-340-1064Burnsville

Holly Hanson Associated Skin Care 18315SpecialistsCascade Drive, Suite 150, Eden Prairie 952-934-7336

Jeffrey R. Weatherhead Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Charlo e S. Van Dorn Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Rajneesh Madhok Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina, 952-920-3808

2022 Top Doctors


Caleb H. Creswell Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suites 120 & 200, Edina, 952-920-3808

Dawn Marie R. Davis Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


John M. Nobrega Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. 7505 Metro Blvd., Suite 400, 612-573-2200Edina


Mark W. Veldman Midwest Radiology, P.A. 2355 Hwy. 36 W., Suite 100 Roseville, 651-292-2000 L. Anderson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 R. Cain Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 C. Cho M Health 6401SouthdaleFairviewHospitalFranceAve.S., Edina 952-924-5000 Q. Dundee Ridgeview Medical CenterEmergency Physicians & Consultants, P.A. 500 S. Maple St., Waconia 952-442-2191

James (Jim) L. Homme Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511



Hilary Paul, 651-645-3628

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Bri 909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, Minneapolis, 612-273-8383


Kristina K. Shaff Dermatology 1215 Town Centre Drive, Suite 200, 651-251-3300Eagan

Larisa S. Speetzen HealthPartners Park Nicollet DermatologySt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3260

Joseph J. Sha Dermatology 1215 Town Centre Drive, Suite 200, 651-251-3300Eagan

Valerie E. Johnson Ridgeview Medical CenterEmergency Physicians & Consultants, P.A. 500 S. Maple St., Waconia 952-442-2191 Manu Madhok Children’s MinnesotaEmergency Medicine 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1488, Minneapolis 612-813-6843 W. Plummer Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000


Brian Zelickson Zel Skin & Laser Specialists 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 1002, 612-338-0711Minneapolis

Anjali Goel University of MinnesotaMasonic Institute for the Developing Brain 2025 E. River Pkwy. Minneapolis, 612-265-8400

Katelyn R. Anderson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Malinee Saxena My Heights,Suite5565DermatologistBlaineAve.E.,200,InverGrove651-621-8888

Mohiba Tareen Tareen Dermatology 2720 Fairview Ave. N., Suite 200, 651-633-6883Roseville


Flora R. Howie Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

C. Reich Dermatology Duluth 4316 Rice Lake Road, Suite 101, Duluth, 218-740-7400 Tanya A. Sale Dermatology Consultants 280 Snelling Ave. N. St.

Andrew J. Barnes University of MinnesotaMasonic Institute for the Developing Brain 2025 E. River Pkwy. Minneapolis, 612-273-9721


Sarah Asch HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Building 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Jennifer A. Day HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-2000

Christina Boull M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Burnsville 303 E. Nicollet Blvd., Suite 372, 952-892-2910Burnsville


Jennifer L. Hand Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Kristen P. Hook Dermatology Specialists, P.A. 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina, 952-241-8139

Sunil Mehta Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Anthony Severt Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Ingrid Polcari M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Woodbury 9680 Tamarack Road Woodbury, 651-265-7575

Benjamin Spilseth University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 292, 612-626-5566Minneapolis

Lydia I. Turnbull Dermatology Consultants 587 Bielenberg Drive, Suite 200, 651-578-2700Woodbury

Sheilagh Maguiness M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777


ney Schultz M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center -

Katherine Murray M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Voyager 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 1, Suite R103 Minneapolis, 612-365-8400

Megha M. Tollefson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Kevin R. Edelman Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. 7505 Metro Blvd. Suite 400, 612-573-2200Edina

Maja Z. Katusic Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Robert D. Acton M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777


Thomas Leventhal M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-6100

Imad Absah Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Ibrahim Hanouneh MNGI Digestive HealthEagan 1185CenterEndoscopy&ClinicTownCentre Drive, Suite 205/200, Eagan 612-871-1145

Kirk D. Wilson MNGI Digestive HealthBloomington Endoscopy Center & Clinic 5705 W. Old Shakopee Road, Suite Bloomington,150612-871-1145

Sundeep Arora MNGI Digestive HealthNortheast Minneapolis Clinic 3001 Broadway St. NE, Suite 120, 612-871-1145Minneapolis

Bradley Segura M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

James T. Pacala M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley’s 2020 E. 28th Minneapolis,St.612-333-0770

Puanani (Pua) E. Hopson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Ana L. Creo Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jacklyn M. Ellickson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Specialty Clinics 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Nissa Erickson MNGI Digestive HealthNortheast Minneapolis Clinic 3001 Broadway St. NE, Suite 120, 612-871-1145Minneapolis

Nicole Chaisson M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley’s 2020 E. 28th Minneapolis,St.612-333-0770

Anupama U. Nookala HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterDigestive Care 435 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 651-254-8680 Federico T. Rossi MNGI Digestive Health Plymouth Endoscopy Center & Clinic 15700 37th Ave. N., Suite 300, 612-871-1145Plymouth

Mark P. Stesin Mark P. Stesin, M.D., P.A. 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 409, 763-582-1800Robbinsdale

Kamrun Jenabzadeh Specialists in General Surgery 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 200, 763-780-6699Robbinsdale

Lisa S. Chow M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-625-8690

Roli Dwivedi University of Minneapolis,2001HealthCommunity-UniversityMinnesotaCareCenterBloomingtonAve.S.612-301-3433

Betsy L. Schwartz HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3900

Takako Araki M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Staci Moser Edina Sports + Family Medicine 7701 York Ave. S., Suite 300 Edina, 952-926-6489

Emily S.T. Koeck HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Hospital The Burn Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-254-6979

Jon Hallberg University of Minnesota Physicians Mill City Clinic 901 S. Second St., Suite A Minneapolis, 612-338-1383

Peter J. Tebben Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Gregory Beilman M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Amy B. Criego HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3900

Yan Bakman MNGI Digestive HealthCoon Rapids Endoscopy Center & Clinic 9145 Springbrook Drive, Suites 200 & 300 Coon Rapids, 612-871-1145

Nicholas Lim M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-6100

Samar H. Ibrahim Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Byron Vaughn M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-9709

Laura M. Gandrud HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3900



Steven J. Kern Specialists in General Surgery 9875 Hospital Drive, Suite 105, Maple Grove 763-780-6699

Denise B. Klinkner Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Christina T.M. Moses HealthPartners Park Nicollet - Hutchinson Health Clinic 3 Century Ave. SE Hutchinson, 320-234-3290


Seema Kumar Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

John T. Chow Endocrinology Clinic of 7701MinneapolisYorkAve. S., Suite 180 Edina, 952-927-7810

Robert Matlock Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Mark Hill Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Kourtney L. Kemp Specialists in General Surgery 9875 Hospital Drive, Suite 105, Maple Grove 763-780-6699

Chad J. Richardson Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Hellina Dessie M Health Fairview Clinic 1151 Silver Lake Road NW New Brighton, 612-706-4500

Katie Anderson Mankato Clinic 1230 E. Main St., Mankato 507-625-1811

Jimmy Levine MNGI Digestive HealthNortheast Minneapolis Clinic 3001 Broadway St. NE, Suite 120, 612-871-1145Minneapolis

Lynn A. Burmeister M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-625-8690Minneapolis

Michelle Haggerty Fourth Trimester Doc 4801 15th Ave. S. Minneapolis, 612-424-2241

Jennifer H. Kyllo Children’s MinnesotaDiabetes & Endocrinology 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 404 St. Paul, 651-220-6624

Mary J. Abuzzahab Children’s MinnesotaDiabetes & Endocrinology 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 404 St. Paul, 651-220-6624

Shannon M. Neale HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic - St. Louis Park 6600CreeksideExcelsior Blvd., Suite 160, St., Louis Park 952-993-2000

Melena Bellin M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Catherine Larson-Nath M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Sarah SchwarzenbergJane M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Aida N. Lteif Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Sara Hassan Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, 507-284-2511

David R. Stolpman HealthPartners Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3240

Jane Hui M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Samuel Leon MNGI Digestive HealthBloomington Endoscopy Center & Clinic 5705 W. Old Shakopee Road, Suite Bloomington,150612-871-1145

Bradley Miller M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Andrea Kau man Westby University of Minnesota Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic 1020 W. Broadway Ave. Minneapolis, 612-302-8275

Anne Bantle M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Mackenzie Lobitz St. Francis Regional Medical Center 265 Creek Lane S., Jordan 952-428-1200

Kathryn Justesen University of Minnesota Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic 1020 W. Broadway Ave. Minneapolis, 612-302-8275

Nicole S. Nader HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3900

Stephanie F. Polites Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Robert A. Ganz MNGI Digestive Health Plymouth Endoscopy Center & Clinic 15700 37th Ave. N., Suite 300, 612-871-1145Plymouth

Kevin J. Ose HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180

Harold H. Katz Allina Health United Medical Specialties Clinic 225 Smith Ave. N., Suite 300 St. Paul, 651-241-5000

Siobhan T. Pi ock Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

LeAnn G. Hutchison HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic & Specialty Center - Burnsville 14000 Fairview Drive Burnsville, 952-993-2000

Laura LaFave Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Majken Schwartz Allina 4194ShoreviewHealthClinicLexingtonAve. N. Shoreview, 651-483-5461

Alyssa M. Anderson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterDigestive Care 435 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 651-254-8680

Robert P. McCabe MNGI Digestive Health - Plymouth Endoscopy Center & Clinic 15700 37th Ave. N., Suite 300, 612-871-1145Plymouth

Jorge Granja M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-5915

Michelle S. Kennedy MNGI Digestive HealthNortheast Minneapolis Clinic 3001 Broadway St. NE, Suite 120, 612-871-1145Minneapolis

Brandon M. Nathan M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Woodbury 9680 Tamarack Road Woodbury, 651-265-7575

Patricia Adam M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley’s 2020 E. 28th Minneapolis,St.612-333-0770

Elizabeth Seaquist M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-625-8690

Muna S. Sunni M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Eric M. Johnson Allina Health Surgical Specialists - Minneapolis 920 E. 28th St., Suite 460 Minneapolis, 612-863-7770

Emily N. Kevan MNGI Digestive HealthNortheast Minneapolis Clinic 3001 Broadway St. NE, Suite 120, 612-871-1145Minneapolis

Brian A. Swiglo Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, 612-333-8883

Antoine e Moran M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Brian C. Grubbs HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3180

2022 Top Doctors


Mumtaz A. Kazim Edina Family Physicians 5301 Vernon Ave. S., Edina 952-925-2200

Tamim I. Rajjo Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW., Rochester 507-284-2511

Stuart Amateau M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-838

494 494 394 694 694 94 94 35W 35W 35W 35E 35E 94 M HEALTH FAIRVIEW CLINICS M HEALTH HOSPITALS/MEDICALFAIRVIEW CENTERS 10 169 101 610 Andover BurnsvilleApple ValleyRosemount Fridley Eden PrairiePrior Lake Blaine Mall of America Lake Minnetonka Mpls Sculpture Garden Chisago City Minneapolis St. WyomingPaulBrooklynPark BrightonNew HugoBranchNorth EaganVadnaisHeights Lakeville MapleGrove Elk River CottageGroveWoodbury Rogers Princeton M Health NorthlandFairviewMedical Center M Health Fairview Lakes Medical Center M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital M Health WoodwindsFairviewHospital M Health MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBank M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital M Health CenterMinnesotaUniversityFairviewofMedical-EastBankMHealthFairviewRidgesHospitalM Health Fairview Southdale Hospital Stillwater River Falls Minnesota/WisconsinBorder 212 EXPANDED MAP Map not to scale. This map is intended to show approximate locations only. Please visit mhealthfairview.org for detailed location information, including addresses and directions. EASILY ACCESS OUR CARE TODAY: MHEALTHFAIRVIEW.ORG | 1-855-FAIRVIEW HERE FOR YOU, WHEREVER YOU ARE Get backyard access to breakthrough care at over 50 metro-area clinics and hospitals, online, or through our new app. CARE MADE CONVENIENT DOWNLOAD NOW 494 494 394 694 694 94 94 35W 35W 35W 35E 35E 94 M HEALTH FAIRVIEW CLINICS M HEALTH HOSPITALS/MEDICALFAIRVIEW CENTERS 10 169 101 610 Andover BurnsvilleApple ValleyRosemount Fridley Eden PrairiePrior Lake Blaine Mall of America Lake Minnetonka Mpls Sculpture Garden Chisago City Minneapolis St. WyomingPaulBrooklynPark BrightonNew HugoBranchNorth EaganVadnaisHeights Lakeville MapleGrove Elk River CottageGroveWoodbury Rogers Princeton M Health NorthlandFairviewMedical Center M Health Fairview Lakes Medical Center M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital M Health WoodwindsFairviewHospital M Health MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBank M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital M Health CenterMinnesotaUniversityFairviewofMedical-EastBankMHealthFairviewRidgesHospitalM Health Fairview Southdale Hospital Stillwater River Falls Minnesota/WisconsinBorder 212 EXPANDED MAP Map not to scale. This map is intended to show approximate locations only. Please visit mhealthfairview.org for detailed location information, including addresses and directions. EASILY ACCESS OUR CARE TODAY: MHEALTHFAIRVIEW.ORG | 1-855-FAIRVIEW HERE FOR YOU, WHEREVER YOU ARE Get backyard access to breakthrough care at over 50 metro-area clinics and hospitals, online, or through our new app. CARE MADE CONVENIENT DOWNLOAD NOW 494 494 394 694 694 94 94 35W 35W 35W 35E 35E 94 M HEALTH FAIRVIEW CLINICS M HEALTH HOSPITALS/MEDICALFAIRVIEW CENTERS 10 169 101 610 Andover BurnsvilleApple ValleyRosemount Fridley Eden PrairiePrior Lake Blaine Mall of America Lake Minnetonka Mpls Sculpture Garden Chisago City Minneapolis St. WyomingPaulBrooklynPark BrightonNew HugoBranchNorth EaganVadnaisHeights Lakeville MapleGrove Elk River CottageGroveWoodbury Rogers Princeton M Health NorthlandFairviewMedical Center M Health Fairview Lakes Medical Center M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital M Health WoodwindsFairviewHospital M Health MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBank M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital M Health CenterMinnesotaUniversityFairviewofMedical-EastBankMHealthFairviewRidgesHospitalM Health Fairview Southdale Hospital Stillwater River Falls Minnesota/WisconsinBorder 212 EXPANDED MAP Map not to scale. This map is intended to show approximate locations only. Please visit mhealthfairview.org for detailed location information, including addresses and directions. EASILY ACCESS OUR CARE TODAY: MHEALTHFAIRVIEW.ORG | 1-855-FAIRVIEW HERE FOR YOU, WHEREVER YOU ARE Get backyard access to breakthrough care at over 50 metro-area clinics and hospitals, online, or through our new app. CARE MADE CONVENIENT DOWNLOAD NOW

Brendan C. Lanpher Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Patricia A. Valusek Pediatric 2530Associates,SurgicalLtd.ChicagoAve. S., Suite 550, 612-813-8000Minneapolis

Levi S. Downs HealthPartners Park Nicollet Women’s Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd., Floor 5 St. Louis Park, 952-993-3282

Adrianne R. Mallen HealthPartners Park Nicollet Women’s Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd., Floor 5 St. Louis Park, 952-993-3282

Andrea O’Shea M Health Fairview Cancer Center - Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N., Lower Level, Maple Grove 763-898-1600

Adam J. Bakker Twin OrthopedicsCities - Edina 4010 W 65th St., Edina 952-456-7000

Katharine S. A. Pico HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Woodbury 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury 952-831-8742

Patrick H. Smock Allina OrthopedicsHealth - St. Paul 225 Smith Ave. N., Suite 200 St. Paul, 952-946-9777

Steven L. Moran Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Alexander A. Boucher M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-365-8100Minneapolis

Miguel A. Ruiz Diaz HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterLung & Sleep Health 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Megan J. Thorvilson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

William P. Dickey Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Brian Muthyala University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 741, 612-301-9495Minneapolis

2022 Top Doctors

Yvonne M. Grierson HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

HEMATOLOGY Hassan Alkhateeb Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Lawrence J. Kerzner Hennepin Healthcare Brooklyn Park Clinic & Pharmacy 7650 Zane Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, 612-873-6963

Brenda M. Schiltz Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Thomas F. Varecka HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Eva Morava-Kozicz Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

GENETICS PEDIATRIC Anjali Aggarwal M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Emily Prendergast Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Minneapolis, 612-884-6300

Je rey B. Husband HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Laura D. Koch Twin Cities Orthopedics1000BurnsvilleW140th St. Suite 201, 952-808-3000Burnsville,

Susan A. Berry M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Dawn M. Stapleton LakeView Clinics 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia, 952-442-4461

Yvonne H. Da a M Health Fairview Center for Bleeding & Clo ing Disorders 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 1 Minneapolis, 612-273-5005

Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Mark D. Stegall Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Mark T. Reding M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Amy L. McNally Minnesota OncologySt. Paul Cancer Center 310 Smith Ave. N., Suite 100 St. Paul, 651-251-5500

Marshall Mazepa M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Daniel Hoody Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Adam Sterman Children’s MinnesotaPain & Palliative Care 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-T5, 612-813-7888Minneapolis

Dorf Biderman HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3246

Peter Melchert Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Susan A. Berry M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Kathleen Garland Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Thomas M. Walsh HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA OrthopedicsSt. Louis Park 3931 Louisiana Ave. S., Suite E400, St. Louis Park 952-831-8742

Deanna Teoh M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Stephanie Fritch Lilla Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175 Minneapolis, 612-813-5940

Anne Blaes M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Kristina E. Catrine Children’s MinnesotaPain & Palliative Care 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-T5, 612-813-7888Minneapolis

Erik Storlie Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Mariam Anwar Hennepin Healthcare Brooklyn Park Clinic & Pharmacy 7650 Zane Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, 612-873-6963

Peter C. Rhee Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Sarah Prebil Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis


Christina M. Ward HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 435 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 651-254-8300

Bri Erickson M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis


Christopher A. Collura Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Andrew Olson University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 741, 612-624-5725Minneapolis

Lisa A. Schimmenti Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Susan Kearney Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Rahel Ghebre M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Thomas Klemond Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000


GENETICS Dusica VuksanovicBabovicMayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Deborah C. Bohn HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Melissa Geller M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-420Minneapolis

Ann E. Van Heest M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-9400

Bre R. Hendel-Paterson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center401RheumatologyPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7978

Rena Singleton M Health MinneapolisBank,MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-East500HarvardSt.SE612-273-3000

Gregory M. Vercello i M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-676-4200

Chester B. Whitley M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Lisa A. Schimmenti Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Stuart H. Bloom M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Charles Billington University of Minnesota Medical School 515 Delaware St. SE, 4-150 Moos Minneapolis,Tower612-624-5965

Colleen Rivard M Health Fairview Cancer Center - Burnsville 14101 Fairview Drive, Floor 2, Suite 200, 952-460-4074Burnsville

Sara Loritz Cox M Health 1700GeriatricsFairviewUniversityAve. W. St. Paul, 651-232-2002 Abigail Holley Houts Wraparound House Calls 3109 W. 50th St., Suite 317 Minneapolis, 612-808-9222

Clare K. McCarthy Twin OrthopedicsCities - Edina 4010 W 65th St., Edina 952-456-7000

Hannah Reimen Twin Cities Physicians 1415 Lilac Drive N., Suite 190, 763-267-8701Minneapolis ONCOLOGY

Dusica VuksanovicBabovicMayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David R. Deyle Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David Gesensway Twin OrthopedicsCities - Edina 4010 W 65th St., Edina 952-456-7000

Andrew Thomas Summit Orthopedics 2090 Woodwinds Drive Woodbury, 651-968-5201

John Breen Allina OrthopedicsHealth - Edina 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 230 Edina, 952-946-9777

James M. Risser HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalCancer Care Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-254-3572

Michael Forseth Summit Orthopedics 2620 Eagan Woods Drive Eagan, 651-968-5201

Joshua Short Pediatric 2530Associates,SurgicalLtd.ChicagoAve. S., Suite 550, 612-813-8000Minneapolis

Lissa N.S. Chipeco 2500St.ParkHealthPartnersNicolletClinicPaulComoComoAve.,St. Paul 952-967-7955


Erica J. Gauger HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Woodbury 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury 952-831-8742

Alexander Y. Shin Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Drew Rosielle M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Brendan C. Lanpher Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Balkrishna N. Jahagirdar HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalCancer Care Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 612-341-4800

Amy T. Moeller Twin Cities Orthopedics1000BurnsvilleW140th St. Suite 201, 952-808-3000Burnsville

NORA ALI, MD | ROBERT ANDERSON, MD, PHD | KATHRYN BARLOW, MD | NIKOO CHERAGHI, MD | MARGARET COLLINS, MD BETHANY COOK, MD | JEREMY COOK, MD | JULIE CRONK, MD | PIERRE GEORGE, MD | JUAN JAIMES, MD, MS PHILLIP KEITH, MD | MATTHEW LARSON, MD | JOZEF LAZAR, MD | JESSICA MORRELL, MD | TANYA SALE, MD TODD SEELHAMMER, MD | JOSEPH SHAFFER, MD | KRISTINA SHAFFER, MD | LYDIA TURNBULL, MD | CORTNEY WHITE, MD TANYA SALE, MD General & DermatologyCosmetic JOSEPH SHAFFER, MD Mohs Surgery Surgical Dermatology KRISTINA SHAFFER, MD General & DermatologyCosmetic LYDIA TURNBULL, MD General & DermatologyCosmetic KATHRYN BARLOW, MD General Dermatology JEREMY COOK, MD General & DermatologyCosmetic JULIE CRONK, MD Mohs Surgery Surgical Dermatology JOZEF LAZAR, MD General Dermatology JESSICA MORRELL, MD General & DermatologyCosmetic CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR TOP DOCTORS 2022 DermatologyConsultants.com 651.209.1600 For a lifetime of healthy, beautiful skin. From the most challenging skin conditions to advice on daily skin care, we can help. You’ll always see a doctor. Our 20 Board-certifed dermatologists are the Twin Cities’ Skin Care Experts. EAGAN | SAINT PAUL | VADNAIS HEIGHTS | WOODBURY

TCOmn.comAPPOINTMENTS 952-456-7777 TCO’S 2022 TOP DOCTORS Adam Bakker, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Laura Koch, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist J. Chris Coetzee, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Foot & Ankle Specialist Amy Moeller, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist David Gesensway, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Maria Ryan, MD Primary Care Physician Sports Medicine Specialist Paul Cammack, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Foot & Ankle Specialist Clare McCarthy, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist D. Charles Eggert, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Specialist David Olson, MD Primary Care Physician Sports Medicine Specialist Christie Heikes, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Specialist TCOmn.comAPPOINTMENTS 952-456-7777 TCO’S 2022 TOP DOCTORS Adam Bakker, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Laura Koch, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist J. Chris Coetzee, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Foot & Ankle Specialist Amy Moeller, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist David Gesensway, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Maria Ryan, MD Primary Care Physician Sports Medicine Specialist Paul Cammack, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Foot & Ankle Specialist Clare McCarthy, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist D. Charles Eggert, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Specialist David Olson, MD Primary Care Physician Sports Medicine Specialist Christie Heikes, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Specialist

3rd row: Dr. Paul Cammack, Dr. Laura Koch, Dr. Chris Coetzee

2nd row: Dr. Maria Ryan, Dr. David Olson, Dr. Adam Bakker, Dr. Clare McCarthy

Front row (Left to Right): Dr. David Gesensway, Dr. Amy Moeller, Dr. Christie Heikes, Dr. Charles Eggert

3rd row: Dr. Paul Cammack, Dr. Laura Koch, Dr. Chris Coetzee

2nd row: Dr. Maria Ryan, Dr. David Olson, Dr. Adam Bakker, Dr. Clare McCarthy

Front row (Left to Right): Dr. David Gesensway, Dr. Amy Moeller, Dr. Christie Heikes, Dr. Charles Eggert

Caitlin Eccles-Radtke Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

W. Charles Huskins Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Megan Shaughnessy Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Ma hew Loichinger Allina Health Minnesota Perinatal Physicians902MinneapolisE.26thSt., Suite 1700 Minneapolis, 612-863-4502

Jane E. Barthell Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A. 9325 Upland Lane N., Suite 360, Maple Grove 612-322-6903

Alison Bormann Allina Health Uptown Clinic 1221 W. Lake St., Suite 201 Minneapolis, 612-824-1772

Ashley M. Newberry Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, 763-780-9155


Sarah R. Peglow HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Marijo N. Aguilera HealthPartners Park Nicollet St. Paul Clinic 205 S. Wabasha St., St. Paul 952-967-5584


Christopher A. Collura Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Steven W. Sonnesyn Allina Health 612-863-4096Suite2800MedicineNorthwesternAbboGeneralAssociatesChicagoAve.S.,250,Minneapolis

Evangelia Gravari Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 17-104, 612-813-6288Minneapolis

Greg Solheid Allina Health 612-863-4000800NorthwesternAbboHospitalE.28thSt.,Minneapolis

Stephen A. Contag M Health 651-326-71991655CenterMaternal-FetalFairviewMedicine-MaplewoodBeamAve.,Maplewood

Michael J. Edzards Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 651-220-7148Minneapolis

Megan J. Thorvilson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Meiling Hua Parker HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3282

Catherine M. Bendel M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave., Floors 4 & 11, Minneapolis 612-365-6777

Erin Osterholm M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. S., MC 8952A, 612-626-0644Minneapolis

Kiran K. Belani Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 612-813-6777Minneapolis

2022 Top Doctors

Katherine Jacobs M Health 651-326-71991655CenterMaternal-FetalFairviewMedicine-MaplewoodBeamAve.,Maplewood

Jonathan D. Alpern HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7978


Alison L. Galdys M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Ellen M. Bendel-Stenzel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David J. (DJ) Hall Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Beth Thielen University of Minnesota Medical SchoolMcGuire 2001ResearchTranslationalFacilitySixthSt.SE,Suite 3-218 Minneapolis, 612-301-5554

Jason V. Baker Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Yasuko Yamamura M Health Fairview Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave. S. Minneapolis, 612-273-5000

Ben Trappey University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 741, 612-624-6120Minneapolis Shirlee Xie Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Frances Prekker Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000


Jason (Jay) H. Homme Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jason L. Sanchez Allina Health 763-951-2205Suite2800MedicineNorthwesternAbboGeneralAssociatesChicagoAve.S.,250,Minneapolis

Nicholas S. Vogenthaler Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Garth F. Asay Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Shane McAllister M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Lezlie H. Andersen Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-251

Anupama Kalaskar Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 300 St. Paul, 651-220-6444

Mark J. Bergeron Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 17-104, 612-813-6000Minneapolis


Jennifer L. Fang Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Andrew A. Hamp HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-2000

Ma hew Young Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Cristina M. Miller Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-505 St. Paul, 651-220-6210

Courtney B. Herring Children’s MinnesotaHospitalist Program 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1024, Minneapolis 612-813-7155

Christopher E. Colby Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


William F. Pomputius Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 651-220-6444Minneapolis

Jessica Nyholm M Health Fairview Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 400 Minneapolis, 612-672-2450

Susan E. Kline M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Carla Schultz Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Kunal Gupta Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000 Heidi J. Kamrath Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 505 St. Paul, 651-220-6210

Daniel J. Sullivan HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-5000

Daniel J. Anderson Allina Health 612-863-4096Suite2800MedicineNorthwesternAbboGeneralAssociatesChicagoAve.S.,250,Minneapolis

Mark R. Sannes HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3131

Elizabeth Swanson Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 651-220-6444Minneapolis

Alison A. Eckho HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic Minneapolis 2001 Blaisdell Ave. Minneapolis, 952-993-8006

Elizabeth A. Baldwin HealthPartners Park Nicollet St. Paul Clinic 205 S. Wabasha St., St. Paul 952-967-5584

Tamara C. Pozos Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 410, 651-220-6444Minneapolis

Mauro H. Schenone Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Thomas George Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-505, St. Paul 651-220-6210

Shauna S. Morrow HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic Minneapolis 2001 Blaisdell Ave. S. Minneapolis, 952-993-2000

Heidi Thorson Allina Health Minnesota Perinatal Physicians - Coon 3960RapidsCoon Rapids Blvd., Suite 220, Coon Rapids 612-863-4502

Erin E. King Children’s MinnesotaHospitalist Program 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1024, Minneapolis 612-813-7155

Sarah Newbold Cross M Health 651-326-71991655CenterMaternal-FetalFairviewMedicine-MaplewoodBeamAve.,Maplewood

Ayesha Rashid Allina Health United Medical Specialties Clinic 225 Smith Ave. N., Suite 300 St. Paul, 651-241-5000

Emily R. Harrison Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-504, St. Paul 651-220-6444

Laura E. Norton M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Daniel V. Landers M Health 651-326-71991655CenterMaternal-FetalFairviewMedicine-MaplewoodBeamAve.,Maplewood

Jane R. Rosenman Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Carl H. Rose Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Peter Bornstein St. Paul DiseaseInfectiousAssociates, Ltd. 1973 Sloan Place, Suite 245 St. Paul, 651-772-6235

Teresa Gray Bluestone Physician 270ServicesMain St. N., Suite 300 Stillwater, 651-342-1039


Catherine Bigelow Allina Health Minnesota Perinatal Physicians1625WoodburyRadio Drive, Suite 250 Woodbury, 612-863-4502

Saul Snowise Minnesota Perinatal 902PhysiciansE.26th St., Suite 1700 Minneapolis, 612-863-4502 Jessica P. Swartout 1406CentraCareSixthAve. N., St. Cloud 320-656-7024

Jeanne D. Mrozek Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A. 9325 Upland Lane N., Suite 360, Maple Grove 612-322-6903

Cresta Jones M Health 651-326-71991655CenterMaternal-FetalFairviewMedicine-MaplewoodBeamAve.,Maplewood

Jane E. Brumbaugh Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Michael Pi M Health 612-625-6678East2450MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBankRiversideAve.,Bldg.,Minneapolis

Jo-Anne Young M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Emily R. Levy Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

William A. Carey Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Laura Colicchia Allina Health Minnesota Perinatal Physicians - Edina 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 205, 612-863-4502Edina


Elizabeth H. Ristagno Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jordan Marmet M Health

Laura G. Hoyt Children’s MinnesotaInfectious Disease Clinic 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 300 St. Paul, 651-220-6444

Tracy Prosen Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Gloria A. Swanson Children’s MinnesotaHospitalist Program 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1024, Minneapolis 612-813-7155


Johannah Scheurer M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave., Floors 4 & 11, 612-626-0644Minneapolis

Jamie J. Van Gompel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Allyson Hart Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Marc C. Pa erson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Annelise S. Swigert Southdale ObGyn 3625 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Edina, 952-920-7001

Sandeep Gupta Kidney Specialists of MinnesotaBrooklyn Center 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 250, Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696

David L. Curran Southdale ObGyn 3626 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Edina, 952-920-7001

Nicollet Women’s

Daniel J. Guillaume M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Ma hew Hunt M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Christian Hanna Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Michelle Rheault M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2450 Riverside Ave. S., East Bldg., MB 680 Minneapolis, 612-626-2922

Joseph A. Petronio Children’s MinnesotaPediatric Neurosurgery 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-302, St. Paul 651-220-5230


Leigh B. Koidahl Southdale ObGyn 3626 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Edina, 952-920-7001

Jennifer Percy M Health Fairview Clinic Riverside, 606 24th Ave. S., Floor 6, Suite 602 Minneapolis 612-672-2450

Melissa K. Samuelsson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Neuroscience Center 295 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 651-495-6300

Vinay Sharma Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Andrew Venteicher M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Jennifer A. Flynn MetroPartners OBGYN 1875 Woodwinds Drive, Suite 100, 651-770-3320Woodbury

Rachel A. Harris Southdale ObGyn 3626 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Edina, 952-920-7001

Carrie A. Terrell M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. Minneapolis, 612-676-4227 A. Park Center Excelsior Blvd., Floor St. Louis Park, 952-993-3282 West Haugen Nicollet Mall, Suite 400 Minneapolis, 612-333-2503 952-247-4210Center Cusic 952-831-8742


Kimberlee Thielen Kidney Specialists of Minnesota - Richfield 6601 Lyndale Ave. S., Suite 220, 612-823-8001Richfield

Mahmoud Nagib 913Associates,NeurosurgicalLtd.E.26thSt.,305

Fredric B. Meyer Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Sco McEwen M Health 612-626-2922AO-201,2450MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenterRiversideAve.S.,Minneapolis

Deborah A. Davenport Southdale ObGyn 3626 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Edina, 952-920-7001

Meredith Kasbohm Associates in Women’s Health 6565 France Ave. S., Suite 200, 952-806-0011Edina

Jon I. McIver HealthPartners Park 952-993-3200Suite3931St.Neurology/NeurosurgeryNicollet-LouisParkLouisianaAve.S.,E500,St.LouisPark

Charles R. Wa s HealthPartners Park 952-993-3200Suite3931St.Neurology/NeurosurgeryNicollet-LouisParkLouisianaAve.S.,E500,St.LouisPark NUCLEAR MEDICINE

Kyle S. Nelson Metropolitan Neurosurgery 11850 Blackfoot St. NW, Suite 490, Coon Rapids 763-427-1137

Cheryl L. Tran Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Sarah Benish M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Sarah J. Kizilbash Children’s MinnesotaNephrology Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 390, 612-813-6089Minneapolis

Suzanne Darnell M Health Fairview Women’s Clinic - Minneapolis 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 300 Minneapolis, 612-273-7111

Sarah L. Hu o M Health Fairview Women’s Clinic - Minneapolis 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 300 Minneapolis, 612-273-7111

Steven T. Janousek Noran Neurological Clinic 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 200, 612-879-1000Minneapolis

Patrick Graupman Gille e Children’s 200 University Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-290-8707

Orvin Visaya Kidney Specialists of MinnesotaBrooklyn Center 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 250, Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696

John Gray Kidney Specialists of MinnesotaBrooklyn Center 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 250, Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696

David J. Daniel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Tara G. Zamora Children’s Minnesota2525NICUChicago Ave. S., Suite 32-2516, Minneapolis 612-813-6118

Katherine Esse Allina Health John Nasseff 310SpecialtyNeuroscienceClinicSmithAve.N.,Suite 440 St. Paul, 651-241-6550


Thomas A. Bergman Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Christina L.

Christy Boraas M Health Fairview Women’s Clinic - Minneapolis 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 300 Minneapolis, 612-273-7111

Kyle G. Halvorson Children’s Minnesota347NeurosurgeryN.SmithAve., Suite 301 St. Paul, 651-220-5230

Andrew W. Grande M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-5900

Marc Weber Kidney Specialists of Minnesota - Roseville 2085 Rice St., Roseville 651-489-9035

David Walk M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-676-4200


Walter E. Galicich Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

David J. Sas Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

James J. Wheeler HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3265


OB/GYN 801

Michael H. Rosenbloom HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalThe Stroke Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-495-6300

HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington,

Sarah Mainguy Women’s 121ConsultantsHealthS.EighthSt., Suite 600, TCF Tower, 612-333-4822Minneapolis

Robert M. Roach Metropolitan Neurosurgery 11850 Blackfoot St. NW, Suite 490, Coon Rapids 763-427-1137

Edward S. Ahn Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Megan RamirezMcEllistremMetroPartners OBGYN 2945 Hazelwood St., Suite 210, 651-770-3320Maplewood

Jennifer McKeand Women’s 2800ConsultantsHealthChicagoAve. S., Suite 101, 612-333-4822Minneapolis

OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY PEDIATRIC Kylie Fowler Children’s Minnesota Pediatric 651-220-5999Suite2530GynecologyAdolescentChicagoAve.S.,390,Minneapolis Rachel J. Miller Children’s Minnesota Pediatric 651-220-5999Suite2530GynecologyAdolescentChicagoAve.S.,390,Minneapolis MEDICINEOCCUPATIONAL Emily Bannister Bannister Occupational Medicine Consulting 7034 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn

Erin Collins M Health Fairview Center for Women - Edina 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-285-6140Edina

Carl Dean Kidney Specialists of MinnesotaBrooklyn Center 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 250, Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696

William Madland Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Zuzan Cayci University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 292, 612-626-5566Minneapolis &OBSTETRICSGYNECOLOGY

Erika L. Wexler Noran Neurological Clinic 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 200, 612-879-1000Minneapolis NEUROSURGERY

Michael J. Link Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Kathryn H. Goralski MetroPartners OBGYN 2945 Hazelwood St., Suite 210, 651-770-3320Maplewood

Samantha Ho man M Health Fairview Women’s Clinic - Minneapolis 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 300 Minneapolis, 612-273-7111

Samantha Pace Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Samy Riad M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-6100

Ramachandra Tummala M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Amy Brown OBGYN & Infertility 6405 France Ave., Suite W400, 952-920-2730Edina

Thomas Pokora Children’s MinnesotaNeonatal Medicine 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-505, St. Paul 651-220-6210

Samuel Maiser Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Stephanie Callanan Allina 8675WoodburyHealthClinicValleyCreek Road Woodbury, 651-241-3000


Mirna Boumitri M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center - Fridley 6341 University Ave. NE Fridley, 763-586-5844

Sarah Elfering M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

David T. Chang Midwest Spine & Brain Institute 1835 W. County Road C, Suite 150, 651-430-3800Roseville

Piper Bldg., 612-871-7278Minneapolis

Meysam A. Kebriaei Children’s MinnesotaPediatric Neurosurgery 345 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-302, St. Paul 651-220-5230

Elizabeth Eckhardt M Health Fairview Clinic - Riverside 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 700 Minneapolis, 612-672-2450

Janet M. Scha er HealthPartners Park Nicollet Women’s Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd., Floor 5 St. Louis Park, 952-993-3282

Thorp HealthPartners

Christine Sarkinen Oakdale Obstetrics & 9825GynecologyHospital Drive, Suite 205, Maple Grove 763-587-7000

Alina Je ers M Health Fairview Center for Women - Edina 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-285-6140Edina

Patrick H. Nachman M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Amanda Olson M Health Fairview Clinic - Riverside 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 602 Minneapolis, 612-672-2450

Edward Greeno M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Sco T. Schaefer Edina Eye Physicians 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-832-8100Edina

Michael K. Richards Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Puneet S. Cheema M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital 1575 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-232-7000

Douglas Yee M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Jonathan T. Pribila HealthPartners Park Nicollet Eye Care & Optical Store - St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3150

Ali Mokhtarzadeh M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-672-7000

Laura J. Heinmiller HealthPartners Park Nicollet Eye Care & Optical Store - St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3150

Jill Melicher Minnesota Eye Consultants 10709 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka, 763-553-1142

Manish R. Patel M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Joseph Leach Minnesota OncologyPlymouth WestHealth 2805ClinicCampus Drive, Suite 105, 763-519-7440Plymouth

John E. Seng Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Minneapolis, 612-884-6300

Coon Rapids 763-421-7420 Christina A. Kuzas Edina Eye Physicians 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-832-8100Edina Andrew Mackner Edina Eye Physicians 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-832-8100Edina Derek Moline Twin Lakes Eye Center 1835 County Road C W., Suite 240, 651-638-1555Roseville Margaret Shipitalo North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoon Rapids Blvd. NW, Suite 100, Coon Rapids 763-421-7420

Steven E. McCormack HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalCancer Care Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 612-341-4800

Hans S. Grinager HealthPartners Park Nicollet Eye Care & Optical Store - St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3150

Sasha Strul M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Paul J. Thurmes Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Minneapolis, 612-884-6300

Omar Awad Minnesota Eye Consultants 7125 Tamarack Road, Suite 100, 651-748-4444Woodbury

Cheryl L. Khanna Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Cheryl Zabrowski M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis ORAL & SURGERYMAXILLOFACIAL

Sco Peterson North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoonRapids Blvd NW, Suite 100, Coon Rapids 763-421-7420

Emily Greengard M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Care Clinic - Journey 2450 Riverside Ave., East Bldg., Floor 9, Minneapolis 612-365-8100

Douglas J. Rausch Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Paul J. Galardy Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

George Wandling North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoon Rapids Blvd NW, Suite 100, Coon Rapids 763-421-7420

Nathan Gossai Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Daniel Sampson OMS Specialists 550 County Road D W., Suite 12, New Brighton 612-788-9246

Wendy A. Allen-Rhoades Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Birendra Kumar M Health 6401SouthdaleFairviewHospitalFranceAve.S., Edina 952-924-5000

Kris Ann P. Schultz Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Brenda J. Weigel M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-676-4200 OPHTHALMOLOGY

Christopher Moertel M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Care Clinic - Journey 2450 Riverside Ave., East Bldg., Floor 9 Minneapolis, 612-365-8100

Sco U ley St. Paul Eye Clinic2080WoodburyWoodwinds Drive, Suite 230, 651-578-6949Woodbury

Anne E. Bendel Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Sophie J. Bakri Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

John J. Chen Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Christen Ebens M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Mark Lobano North Suburban Eye 11855SpecialistsUlysses St., Suite 270 Blaine, 763-447-4310

Erik Brendtro

Geo rey G. Emerson The Retina Center 710 E. 24th St., Suite 304 Minneapolis, 612-871-2292

Carola A. S. Arndt Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Bridget C. Axelson Minnesota Neonatal Physicians, P.A. 9325 Upland Lane N., Suite 360, Maple Grove 612-322-6903 Walmart Vision & Glasses 850 County Road E E. Vadnais 651-486-7303Heights Forliti Blaine Eye Clinic 12170 Aberdeen St. NE Blaine, 763-757-7000 Gerber Wink Family Eye Care 3840 Grand Way St. Louis Park, 952-848-2020 Hammond North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoon Rapids Blvd NW, Suite 100, Coon Rapids 763-421-7420 D. Kalil North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoon Rapids Blvd NW, Suite 100,

Raymond G. Areaux M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 701 25th Ave. S., Park Plaza Bldg., 612-365-6777Minneapolis

Richard J. Bram Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Lucie M. Turco e M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Care Clinic2450JourneyRiverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Erick D. Bothun Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jonathan D. Schwartz Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Shannon R. Cabrera CentraCare Eye Clinic 2000 23rd St. S., Sartell 320-229-5120



Ashish Gupta M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Care Clinic - Journey 2450 Riverside Ave., East Bldg., Floor 9, Minneapolis 612-365-8100

Kevin C. Engel Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Karim T. Sadak M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Thomas T. Amatruda Minnesota Oncology480FridleyOsborne Road NE, Suite 220, 763-786-1620Fridley

M. Vaughn Emerson The Retina Center 710 E. 24th St., Suite 304 Minneapolis, 612-871-2292


Alla Kelly St. Paul Eye Clinic1675MaplewoodBeamAve., Maplewood 651-770-1371

Sco U ley St. Paul Eye Clinic2080WoodburyWoodwinds Drive Woodbury, 651-578-6949

W. Keith Engel Northwest Eye 6060 Clearwater Drive, Suite 150, 763-416-7600Minnetonka Marshall H. Everson Edina Eye Physicians 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-832-8100Edina

David V. Folden North Suburban Eye 3777SpecialistsCoonRapids Blvd NW, Suite 100, Coon Rapids 763-421-7420

Kevin Arce Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Susan Quick St. Paul Eye Clinic2080WoodburyWoodwinds Drive Woodbury, 651-578-6949


Satya Bommakanti Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center & Pharmacy 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 504-914-6309

Michael S. Lee M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Je rey J. Stephens Edina Eye Physicians 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 952-832-8100Edina

Yoav H. Messinger Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis


Balkrishna N. Jahagirdar HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalCancer Care Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 612-341-4800

Stuart H. Bloom M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Collin McClelland M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis


Christopher F. Viozzi Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 ORGAN TRANSPLANT Andrew B. Adams M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777 Srinath Chinnakotla M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-676-4200 Julie K. Heimbach Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 Vanessa Humphreville M Health Minneapolis,500MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-EastBankHarvardSt.SE612-273-8383 Raja Kandaswamy M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383 Mikel Prieto Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 Timucin Taner Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511 2022 Top Doctors

Tim G. Larson Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Minneapolis, 612-884-6300

Naomi Fujioka M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Mira A. Kohorst Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Mark A. Wilkowske HealthPartners Frauenshuh Cancer Center 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3248

Deepak Kademani Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery 2380 Troop Drive, Suite 202 Sartell, 320-257-9555

Mary M. Skrypek Children’s MinnesotaHematology Oncology 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 175, 612-813-5940Minneapolis

Susan Schlo Associated Eye Care 2950 Curve Crest Blvd. W. Stillwater, 651-275-3000

Andrew R. Harrison Minnesota Ophthalmic Plastic 6405Specialists,SurgeryP.C.FranceAve. S., Suite W460, 952-925-4161Edina

Anne S. Abel Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963



Edward Y. Cheng M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-9400


Mahmoud Khalifa University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 76, 612-273-3668Minneapolis

Diana B. Cu s Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Stella Evans Children’s Minnesota Partners in PediatricsPlymouth Clinic 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 350, 763-520-1200Plymouth Top Doctors


Laura J. Orvidas Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Fernando A. Peña M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

A. Noelle Larson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Abby C. Meyer Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Clarence Shannon M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Grant S. Hamilton Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

J. Chris Coetzee Twin Cities Orthopedics 2700EaganVikings Circle, Eagan 952-456-7600

Andrew H. Schmidt Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Molly Klein University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 690, 612-273-5848Minneapolis

Pamela Chawla Children’s MinnesotaPrimary Care 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 70-302, St. Paul 651-220-6700 Melissa A. Clark Metropolitan Pediatrics 14050 Nicollet Ave., Suite 300, 952-435-2450Burnsville

Christine M. Pui HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA OrthopedicsSt. Louis Park 3931 Louisiana Ave. S., Suite E400, St. Louis Park 952-831-8742

Paari Murugan University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 76, 612-273-5465Minneapolis

Caitlin C. Chambers HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Woodbury 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury 952-831-8742

Meredith E. Adams M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Kristin B. Gendron Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 217 Radio Drive, Woodbury 651-702-0750

Emily Borman-Shoap M Health Minneapolis,2535Children’sFairviewClinic-UniversityUniversityAve.SE612-672-2350

Emilian Racila University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 76, 612-273-5976Minneapolis

Kathryn (Katie) M. Van Abel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Svetlana Zaydman Valley Medical & Wellness 2428 E. 117th St., Burnsville 612-444-3000

D. Charles Eggert Twin Cities Orthopedics560WaconiaSMaple St., Suite 200 Waconia, 952-442-2613

Richard D. Wemer HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3250

Stephanie Contag Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Angela Vong Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 2080 Woodwinds Drive, Suite 240, 651-702-0750Woodbury

Denis Clohisy M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-9400

Jonathan P. Braman HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Lance Silverman Silverman Ankle & Foot 6600 France Ave. S., Suite 605, 952-224-8500Edina Stefano M. Sinicropi Midwest Spine & Brain 7373InstituteFrance Ave. S., Suite 800-234-1826408,Edina Anthony A. Stans Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Susan M. Moeschler Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Erin Be endorf Nura Pain Clinic 7400 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 763-537-6000Edina

Shelagh A. Cofer Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Ross W. Simpson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3123

Bevan Yueh M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-5900

Luke Jakubowski Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Robert T. Wilder Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Joshua P. Wiedermann Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Stephanie Misono M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Glenn R. Bu ermann Midwest Spine & Brain 1950InstituteCurve Crest Blvd. W., Suite 102, 651-430-3800Stillwater

L. Pearce McCarty Allina Health Orthopedics2805PlymouthCampus Drive, Suite 465, 952-946-9777Plymouth

Sobia F. Khaja M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-5900

Alicia K. Harrison M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-9400Minneapolis

Paul M. Cammack Twin Cities OrthopedicsMaple Grove 9630 Grove Circle N. Maple Grove, 763-520-7870

Ma hew L. Carlson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Micah A. Berman Ear, Nose & Throat Specialty Care 347 Smith Ave. N., Suite 602 St. Paul, 651-227-0821

Kenneth P. Ba s Hospital 612-767-8370Suite2800Associates,PathologyP.A.10thAve.S.,2200,Minneapolis

Christie S. Heikes Twin OrthopedicsCities - Edina 4010 W. 65th St, Edina 952-456-7000

Daniel P. Sipple Midwest Spine & Brain Institute 1835 W. County Road C, Suite 150, 651-430-3800Roseville

Ma hew A. Tyler M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Je rey A. Macalena M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Andy Georgiadis Gille e 200Children’sUniversity Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-290-870

Justin M. Wudel Renew Facial Plastic Surgery 7300 France Ave. S., Suite 410, 952-227-3639Edina


Daniel D. Buss Allina OrthopedicsHealth - Edina 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 230 Edina, 952-946-9777

David Schultz Nura Pain Clinic 7400 France Ave. S., Suite 100, 763-537-6000Edina

PATHOLOGY Oyedele Adeyi University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 76, 612-626-1005Minneapolis

Geo rey Getnick Renew ENT & Hearing 7300CenterFrance Ave. S., Suite 420, 952-832-5252Edina

Eric J. Moore Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Nissim Khabie ENT Specialty Care 2211 Park Ave., Minneapolis 612-871-1144

Daniel L. Price Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Garret W. Choby Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Emily Wagstrom Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Gudrun E. Mirick Mueller Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Robert J. Tibesar Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Kristina E. Catrine Children’s MinnesotaPain & Palliative Care 2525 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 32-T5, 612-813-7888Minneapolis

Peter A. Stiles HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive, Bloomington 952-831-8742

Karin E. Evan ENT Specialty Care 3960 Coon Rapids Blvd. NW, Suite 104, Coon Rapids 763-421-8443

Brian R. Drew Ear, Nose & Throat Specialty Care 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 325, 952-920-4595Edina Dale C. Ekbom Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Todd A. Milbrandt Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jacqueline Geissler Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Bradley J. Nelson HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Holly C. Boyer M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-626-5900

Ma hew A. Armfield M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777


Jessica Downes Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Sivakumar Chinnadurai Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Asitha D. Jayawardena Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Harley S. Dresner HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977


Samir Khariwala M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383



Timothy A. Lander Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 450, 612-874-1292Minneapolis

Brianne B. Roby Children’s Minnesota - ENT Facial Plastic Clinic 347 N. Smith Ave., Suite 600 St. Paul, 612-874-1292


Jonathan M. Hagedorn iSpine Clinics 7700 France Ave. S., Suite 260, 763-201-8191Edina

Erin K. O’Brien Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Aimee S. Klapach Allina OrthopedicsHealth - Edina 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 230 Edina, 952-946-9777

Tracy E. Harrison Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

James E. Kuderer HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3250

Meysam A. Kebriaei, M.D., Todd E. Jackman, M.D., Glenn R. Buttermann, M.D., Hart P. Gamer, M.D., Daniel P. Sipple,D.O., Stefano M. Sinicropi, M.D., Eduardo J. Perez, M.D., David T. Chang, M.D.

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Peter Hilger Hilger Face Center 5050 France Ave S., Suite 150 Edina, 952-844-0404

Christopher J. Hillard HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterPlastic & Hand Surgery 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Mark E. Lovaas HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

Anne N.F. Maurer HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Valerie Lemaine Minnesota OncologyPlastic Surgery Consultants 7760 France Ave. S., Suite 1000, 952-746-6767Bloomington

Parisa Salehi M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Suite 2-201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis Kristin Stoner Allina Health Courage Kenny Minneapolis,800AssociatesRehabilitation-MinneapolisE.28thSt.,Suite1750612-863-4495

William Fredericks M Health Fairview Spine & Rehabilitation Clinic 1747 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-326-5444

Robert M. Segal Children’s MinnesotaPrimary Care 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 390, 612-813-6107Minneapolis

Sofia Lyford-Pike M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Benjamin Grover-Manthey Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Ashish Y. Mahajan 401PlasticHealthPartnersSurgeryPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Marcia Ward Gille e Children’s 200 University Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-325-2317

George H. Landis George H. Landis, M.D. 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 335, 952-562-5940Plymouth

Steven L. Moran Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Nancy Waller M Health

Jason L. Buseman HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

Nicole A. Bauerly Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963



Waleed Gibreel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Anthony J. DeAngelis HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

Jill Melicher Minnesota Eye Consultants 11091 Ulysses St. NE, Suite 300, 763-421-9410Blaine

George H. Landis

Gregory T. Mesna Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center 7407 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, 952-230-2325


Kelsey M. Klaas Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-251

Angela Goepferd Children’s MinnesotaPrimary Care 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 390, 612-813-6107Minneapolis

Amie E. Jones Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-251

Steven R. Jacobson Jacobson Plastic Surgery 2518 Superior Drive NW, Suite 104, 507-398-1900Rochester

Pawel Stachowicz Authentic Plastic Surgery 1563 Como Ave., St. Paul 612-770-1995

Jacqueline Luong Luong Plastic Surgery 7550 France Ave. S., Suite 210, 952-838-0602Edina

Nancy A. Hutchison Allina Health Courage Kenny 612-863-2123Suite7373AssociatesRehabilitation-EdinaFranceAve.S.,204,Edina Farha Ikramuddin M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

John A. Ness Omni Cosmetic 935 Wayzata Blvd. E., Suite 200, 763-878-859Wayzata

Umar Choudry M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Marshall Taniguchi Gille e Children’s 200 University Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-229-3819

Harley S. Dresner HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Harley S. Dresner HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977



Mark Gormley Gille e Children’s 200 University Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-290-8707

Richard H. Tholen Minneapolis Plastic Surgery 4825 Olson Memorial Hwy., Suite 200, 763-324-9464Minneapolis

Timothy G. Schaefer Midwest Plastic Surgery 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350, 952-920-2600Edina Basel A. Sharaf Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Basel A. Sharaf Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Roopa Sharma HealthPartners Park Nicollet White Bear Lake Clinic 1430 Hwy. 96 E., White Bear Lake, 952-967-6614

Jason L. Buseman HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic Surgery - St. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

Christopher J. Tolan Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 217 Radio Drive, Woodbury 651-702-0750

David F. Ruebeck Midwest Plastic Surgery 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350, 952-920-2600Edina

Erin Grimsby Essentia HealthDuluth Clinic 400 E. Third St., Duluth 218-786-3380

2022 Top Doctors

Ruth J. Barta Woodbury,8450PlasticHealthPartnersSurgerySeasonsPkwy.651-255-7777

Amy E. Rabatin Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

James H. Kong HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504


Stephanie Peng SP Plastic Surgery, LLC 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 520, 763-273-5899Plymouth

Craig Johnson Allina Health United Plastic Surgery Clinic 310 Smith Ave. N., Suite 330 St. Paul, 651-241-6800

Douglas L. Gervais Minneapolis Plastic Surgery 4825 Olson Memorial Hwy., Suite 200, 763-324-9464Minneapolis

Timothy G. Schaefer Midwest Plastic Surgery 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350, 952-920-2600Edina

Jane A. Nemecek HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

2500St.ParkHealthPartnersNicolletClinicPaulComoComoAve.,St. Paul 952-967-7955

Jennifer Harrington Harrington + Associates Plastic Surgery 2805 Campus Drive, East Bldg., Suite 485 Plymouth, 651-413-9115

George H. Landis, M.D. 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 335, 952-562-5940Plymouth

Elizabeth H. Beck Allina Health Courage Kenny

Mark R. Migliori MMK Plastic Surgery 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 220, 952-925-1111Edina

Christin A. Harless Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Valerie Lemaine Plastic 7760Consultants,SurgeryLtd.FranceAve. S., Suite 1000, 952-746-6767Bloomington Sofia Lyford-Pike Hilger Face Center 5050 France Ave S., Suite 150, 952-844-0404Edina

Umar Choudry M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Jason D. Holgers M Health Fairview Spine & Rehabilitation Clinic 1747 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-326-5444

Elaine J.C. Buckley HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions HospitalThe Breast Health Center 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-254-4600 Marie-Claire Buckley M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-624-9707

Nane e Aldahondo Gille e Children’s 200 University Ave. E. St. Paul, 651-290-8707

Leslie J. Hillman HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Woodbury 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury 952-831-8742

Mark R. Migliori MMK Plastic Surgery 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 220, 952-925-1111Edina

William E. Walsh M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000 PODIATRY

Nathan Leigh Edina Plastic Surgery 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 300, 612-688-3177Edina

Jason (Jay) H. Homme Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


Min Jeong P. Graf Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Garre R. Gri n Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 217 Radio Drive, Woodbury 651-702-0750


Kyle W. Abben HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3670

Paul D. Melchert Central + Priority Pediatrics 9680 Tamarack Road, Suite 100, 651-738-0470Woodbury

Jun M. Herrera HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic & Specialty Center - Maple Grove 9555 Upland Lane N. Maple Grove, 952-993-2000

Jennifer Thomas M Health Fairview Spine & Rehabilitation Clinic 1747 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-326-5444

Sherilyn W. Driscoll Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Angela C. Ma ke Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-251

David F. Ruebeck Midwest Plastic Surgery 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350, 952-920-2600Edina

Jason R. Maxwell-Wiggins

Uldis Bite Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Lisa R. Irvin Children’s Minnesota Partners in PediatricsSt. Louis Park Clinic 3910 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-930-8400

Jennifer Harrington Harrington + Associates Plastic Surgery 2805 Campus Drive, East Bldg., Suite 485, Plymouth 651-413-9115

Jess Prischmann Jess Prischmann, M.D. 5201 Eden Ave., Suite 170 Edina, 952-567-7151

Sam Economou Plastic 7760Consultants,SurgeryLtd.FranceAve. S., Suite 1000, 952-746-6767Bloomington

James H. Kong HealthPartners Park Nicollet Plastic SurgerySt. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3504

Marie Christine Leisz Allina Health Courage Kenny 280AssociatesRehabilitation-St.PaulSmithAve.N.,Suite 220 St. Paul, 651-241-8295

Craig Johnson Allina Health United Plastic Surgery Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, 651-241-6800

Ronald J. Schroeder High Pointe Surgery Center 8650 Hudson Blvd. N., Suite 235, Lake Elmo 651-702-7400

Katie Sadak M Health

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RADIATION ONCOLOGY L. Chinsoo Cho M Health 612-273-3000Room500MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-EastBankHarvardSt.SE,Floor1,J1208,Minneapolis

Kurt Nisi Minneapolis Radiation Robbinsdale,3435OncologyW.Broadway763-521-1426

B. Aika Shoo M Health Fairview Cancer Center - Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N., Lower Level, Maple Grove 763-898-1600

Becky Mullin Voyage Healthcare 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 300, Maple Grove 763-587-7900

Waleed Brinjikji Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Joshua D. Kap amer Center for Reproductive 2828MedicineChicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-863-5390Minneapolis

Aaron Corfield M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

David J. Monyak Allina Health Cancer Institute - Minneapolis 800 E. 28th St., Minneapolis 612-863-4060

Gail M. Bro man Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Jordan M. Dunitz M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Erica Mitchell Hennepin County Medical Center 900 S. Eighth St., Floor 1, Suite 260, 612-873-2218Minneapolis

Joseph P. Schuster M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-672-7000


Christine R. Stanson HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Hospital 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-254-3456

Katie Thorsness Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

In-Lin Tuan HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic West EndSt. Louis Park 1665 Utica Ave. S., Suite 100 St. Louis Park, 652-967-7720

Natarajan V. Raman Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Mark W. Veldman St. Paul Radiology, P.A. 166 Fourth St. E., St. Paul 651-632-5700

R. Paul Boesch Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, 507-284-2511

Jonathan Hovda Minnesota Lung Center 675 Nicollet Blvd. E., Suite 135, 952-567-7400Burnsville

Kristin England RAYUS Radiology 5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 190, St. Louis Park 952-541-1840

William A. Marinelli Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963


Sara B. Veldman Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. 7505 Metro Blvd., Suite 400 Edina, 612-573-2200

Jacques P. Stassart Reproductive Medicine & Infertility Associates 2101 Woodwinds Drive, Suite 100, 651-222-6050Woodbury PULMONARYRESPIRATORY/CARE

Mitchell G. Kaye Minnesota Lung Center 920 E. 28th St., Suite 700 Minneapolis, 952-567-7400

James W. Leatherman Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Robert E. Haselow Minneapolis Radiation 6500OncologyExcelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-6032

Jennifer L. Vande Voort Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Anita Mahajan Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Phoebe H. Leonard Reproductive Medicine & Infertility Associates 2101 Woodwinds Drive, Suite 100, 651-222-6050Woodbury

Kimberly S. Corbin Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jianling Yuan M Health 612-273-3000East2450MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenterRiversideAve.,Bldg.,Minneapolis RADIOLOGY

Raghu Gandhi M Health Minneapolis,2312MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-WestBankS.SixthSt.,SuiteF-275612-273-8700 Aditi Garg Allina Health 763-577-7900Suite2855NorthwesternAbbo-WestHealthCampusDrive,660,Plymouth Sogand Ghassemi 9400PrairieCareZaneAve. N. Brooklyn Park, 952-826-8475 In-Lin Tuan HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic West End - St. Louis Park 1665 Utica Ave. S., Suite 100 St. Louis Park, 652-967-7720

Ryan R. Pfannenstein HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center Foot & Ankle Surgery/ 435PodiatryPhalen Blvd., St. Paul 952-967-7977

Maren Elze Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 100, St. Paul 612-262-6940

Robert W. Mu er Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

David Nascene M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Afshan Anjum M Health

Mark A. Damario Center for Reproductive 2828MedicineChicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-863-5390Minneapolis


Gail Bernstein University of Minnesota Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain 2025 E. River Pkwy., Room 2-502, Minnetonka 612-273-9721

Laura E. Willson Allina Health Cancer Institute - Minneapolis 800 E. 28th St., Minneapolis 612-863-4060

Joseph H. Spaeth Suburban ImagingMidwest 6545OutpatientRadiologyImagingFranceAve.S., Edina 952-405-2777

Keith R. Harmon HealthPartners Park Nicollet Sleep Disorder Center - St. Louis Park 3931 Louisiana Ave. S., Suite E302, St. Louis Park 952-993-3242

Megan Press Minneapolis VA Medical Center 1 Veterans Minneapolis,Drive612-725-2000

Jerry Froelich University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 292, 612-626-5566Minneapolis

Stephanie Terezakis M Health

Eduardo Colón Navarro Hennepin County Medical Center, 730 S. Eighth St., 612-873-3000Minneapolis

Ryan Funk Minnesota OncologyMaplewood Cancer Center 1580 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-779-7978

Joanne L. Billings M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Suzanne Jasberg 6363PrairieCareFrance Ave. S., Edina 952-826-8475

Sco Jorgensen Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 100, St. Paul 612-262-6940

James W. Mazzuca HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Patsa Sullivan Allina Health Cancer Institute - Minneapolis 800 E. 28th St., Minneapolis 612-863-4060

William A. Mize Children’s Minnesota2525RadiologyChicago Ave. S., Suite 32-1403, Minneapolis 612-813-6248

Heidi Erickson Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Jessica Cici M Health Fairview Mental Health Clinic 2960 Winnetka Ave. N., Suite 101, 763-541-4993Crystal Kathryn R. Cullen M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Kathleen M. Heaney Hennepin County Medical Center 900 S. Eighth St., Floor 1, Suite 260, 612-873-2218Minneapolis

David H. Ingbar M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis


Top Doctors

Daniel J. Ma Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Richard F. Diaz Minneapolis Radiation 6401OncologyFrance Ave. S., Edina 952-920-8477

Elizabeth C. Ester M Health Fairview St. John’s Hospital 1575 Beam Ave., Maplewood 651-232-7000

Elizabeth A. Miller HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3242 Brooke Moore Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-813-3300Minneapolis Jagadish Patil M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis


Brent R. Bullis Mayo Clinic - Radiology 1025 Marsh St., Mankato 507-625-4031

Michael Murati M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

INFERTILITYENDOCRINOLOGY/REPRODUCTIVE April Batcheller CCRM Fertility of 6565MinneapolisFrance Ave., Suite 400 Edina, 952-225-1630

Paolo T. Pianosi M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Nathaniel Gaeckle M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Kathryn E. Dusenbery M Health Minneapolis,500MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-EastBankHarvardSt.SE612-273-3000

Randle Corfman Midwest Center for Reproductive Health 12000 Elm Creek Blvd. N., Suite 350, Maple Grove 763-494-7700

Sophia M. Pillai Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, 507-284-2511

Andrew S Hartigan St. Paul Radiology, P.A. 166 Fourth St. E., St. Paul 651-292-2000

Gopal Punjabi Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963


Kelly Dietz M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery CenterMaple Grove 14500 99th Ave. N. Maple Grove, 763-898-1000

Samuel B. Goldfarb M Health Fairview 2512 S. Seventh St. Minneapolis, 612-626-2916

Tara Holm University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 292, 612-301-6040Minneapolis

Anne Gri ths Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 2530 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-813-3300Minneapolis

Nadia N. Laack Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Zaraq Khan Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Colleen L. Casey Center for Reproductive 2828MedicineChicago Ave. S., Suite 400, 612-863-5390Minneapolis


Craig H. Stibal HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3670

Helen Kim Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Christopher Wilke M Health Minneapolis,500MedicalUniversityFairviewofMinnesotaCenter-EastBankHarvardSt.SE612-273-3000

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David E. Olson Twin OrthopedicsCities - Eagan 2700 Vikings Circle, Eagan 952-456-7600

Colleen Correll M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Rahel Nardos M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Asim S. Khan Voyage Healthcare 5109 36th Ave. N., Crystal 763-587-7900

Ellen R. Shammash HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center401RheumatologyPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Tawatchai Paisansinsup HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3280

Heather L. Bergeson

Douglas R. Baldwin HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Hospital 640 Jackson St., St. Paul 651-254-4130

Karol Mudy Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St., Suite H2100 Minneapolis, 612-863-3900

Michael D. Olson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Bryce A. Binstadt M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Peter E. Dyrud HealthPartners Park Nicollet - Heart & Vascular 6500CenterExcelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3246

Branden G. Du ey 952-967-7977640SpecialtyParkHealthPartnersNicolletRegionsClinicsJacksonSt.,St.Paul

Tereza Cervenka M Health Fairview Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave. S. Minneapolis, 612-273-5000

RHEUMATOLOGY Ma hew L. Basiaga Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Jason R. Cornelius Minneapolis Clinic of 9645NeurologyGrove Circle, Suite 100 Maple Grove, 763-302-4114

Amir B. Orandi Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Dave Smith M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-9400Minneapolis

Nicholas M. Edwards HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Woodbury 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury 952-831-8742

Linh Q. Ngo HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic & Specialty Center - Burnsville 14000 Fairview Drive Burnsville, 952-993-2000

David B. Soma Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Rafael S. Andrade M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Felix D. Zamora HealthPartners Park Nicollet 640SpecialtyRegionsClinicsJacksonSt., St. Paul 952-967-7977


Anne-Marie F. Moore HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Louis F. Jacques Minnesota Oncology 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 210, 952-928-2900Edina Rosemary F. Kelly University of Minnesota Medical School, 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 207 Minneapolis, 612-625-3902

Rochus Voeller M Health 6401SouthdaleFairviewHospitalFranceAve.S., Edina 952-836-3770

Mithri Junna Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, 507-284-2511

Amy E. Rabatin Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

J. Kyle Anderson M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE Minneapolis, 612-625-6401

Sean Ellio M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE Minneapolis, 612-625-6401

Michael Shreve Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 310 N. Smith Ave., Suite 460 St. Paul, 651-220-7000

Angela M. Dahle Arthritis & 952-893-1959Suite13601Consultants,RheumatologyP.A.80thCircle.N.,200,MapleGrove

Luke C. Radel Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Maria C. Ryan Twin OrthopedicsCities - Maple Grove 9630 Grove Circle N., Suite 104, Maple Grove 763-520-7870

Maren E. Hilton Arthritis & 952-893-1959Suite7600Consultants,RheumatologyP.A.FranceAve.S.,5100,Edina

Keith Cavanaugh Children’s Respiratory & Critical Care Specialists, P.A. 310 N. Smith Ave., Suite 460 St. Paul, 651-220-7000


Robin M. Lloyd Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Heather L. Bergeson HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Julie M. Baughn Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Mona Riskalla M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Ted H. Spooner HealthPartners Park Nicollet - Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3246

Parastoo Fazeli M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-8383

Elizabeth Z. Miller HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3280


David Jewison M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-273-9400

2022 Top Doctors

Patricia M. Hobday M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777



Helena Molero-Ramirez M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Discovery 2512 S. Seventh St., Floor 3 Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Jerry Molitor M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-672-7000

Paul H. Su a HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center401RheumatologyPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Bernard S. Harrison HealthPartners Park Nicollet - Heart & Vascular 6500CenterExcelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park. 952-993-3246

Stephen A. Boorjian Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Salim A. Kathawalla HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic - Shakopee 1415 St. Francis Ave. Shakopee, 952-993-7750

Candace F. Granberg Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Robby Bershow Allina Health Greenway Clinic - Minneapolis 3270 W. Lake St. Minneapolis, 612-262-6940

Patricio C. Gargollo Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

John A. Damergis Noran Neurological Clinic 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 200, 612-879-1000Minneapolis

Anna R. McNanley HealthPartners Park Nicollet Women’s Clinic & OB-GYN - Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 275, Maple Grove 952-993-3282

Ranji Varghese Choices Psychotherapy, Ltd. 10201 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 100, 952-544-6806Minnetonka Yosef Wexler Children’s Minnesota Sleep Center Clinic - St. Paul 310 N. Smith Ave., Suite 480 St. Paul, 651-220-6258

David A. Supik M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis

Erin Golden Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Sahar Lotfi-Emran M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE, Floor 2, Suite 201, 612-273-8383Minneapolis Thomas G. Mason Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Conrad Iber M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center14101BurnsvilleFairview Drive Burnsville, 612-273-5000

Mark J. Fallen Minnesota Urology - Edina 7500 France Ave. S. Edina, 952-927-6501



Anne a M. Madsen Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Rakesh John M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center - Edina 6363 France Ave. S., Edina 612-273-5000

Nathan B. Ho man HealthPartners Park Nicollet Urology - St. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3190 Jyothi B. Kesha HealthPartners Park Nicollet Urology - St. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3190

Joseph S. Bert HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center401RheumatologyPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Stephen Huddleston M Health Fairview Heart Clinic 1390 University Ave. W. St. Paul. 612-365-5000

Madhuri V. Rao M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Suite 2-202, 612-676-4200Minneapolis

Amit Bhargava M Health Fairview Masonic Cancer Clinic 909 Fulton St. SE, Floor 2, Suite 202, 612-624-5864Minneapolis

Kendall Feia Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Amanda L. Steele HealthPartners Park Nicollet Clinic & Specialty Center - Maple Grove 9555 Upland Lane N. Maple Grove, 952-993-3280

Trent Christensen Allina Health Orthopedics2805PlymouthCampus Drive, Suite 465, 952-946-9777Plymouth

Rawad T. Nasr HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty CenterSt. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-2000

McKayla S. Schmi HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Urgent Care - Maple Grove 9555 Upland Lane N. Maple Grove, 952-831-8742

Kristina (Kristi) M. Colbenson Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Joan M. K. Fox Minnesota Sleep Institute 920 E. 28th St., Suite 700 Minneapolis, 952-567-7412

Michael Howell M Health Fairview Clinics & Specialty Center - Edina 6363 France Ave. S., Edina 612-273-5000

Patrick J. Wright Minnesota Lung Center 920 E. 28th St., Suite 700 Minneapolis, 952-567-7400


HealthPartners Park Nicollet TRIA Orthopedic Center - Bloomington 8100 Northland Drive Bloomington, 952-831-8742

Shanda H. Blackmon Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Cynthia Fok M Health Fairview Southdale Physicians Building 6363 France Ave. S. Edina, 952-920-7660 Igor Frank Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511

Danielle R. Bullock M Health Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinic - Explorer 2450 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, 612-365-6777

Elie Gertner HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center401RheumatologyPhalenBlvd., St. Paul 952-967-7616

Lisa M. Bolin HealthPartners Park Nicollet Sleep Disorder Center - St. Louis Park 3931 Louisiana Ave. S., Suite E302, St. Louis Park 952-993-3242

Christopher J. Knoedler Minnesota Urology1655MaplewoodBeamAve., Suite 206 Maplewood, 651-999-6800

Bradley C. Leibovich Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW, Rochester 507-284-2511


MD, MHA Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision

Travis Pagliara Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center 715 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-6963

Anthony Polcari Minnesota Urology6025WoodburyLake Road, Suite 200 Woodbury, 651-999-6800

Yuri E. Reinberg Pediatric 2530Associates,SurgicalLtd.ChicagoAve. S., Suite 550, 612-813-8000Minneapolis

Joseph Zabell M Health PhysiciansFairviewBuilding6363SouthdaleFrance Ave. S. Edina, 612-625-7486

1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000

Laura Downie, Schwartz,

Nissrine A. Nakib M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center909MinneapolisFultonSt. SE Minneapolis, 612-625-6401

Jocelyn M.D. Rieder HealthPartners Park Nicollet Urology St. Louis Park 5400 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, 952-993-3190

MD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary


David R. Vandersteen Pediatric 2530Associates,SurgicalLtd.ChicagoAve. S., Suite 550, 612-813-8000Minneapolis, Christopher Warlick M Health Fairview Clinic - Wyoming 5200 Fairview Blvd. Wyoming, 651-982-7650

MD Gary

Katie Willihnganz-Lawson Pediatric 2530Associates,SurgicalLtd.ChicagoAve. S., Suite 550, 612-813-8000Minneapolis

Stillwater Downie, Schloff, Schwartz, Brian Tienor,

MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan

Neil Skemp Minnesota Urology3366RobbinsdaleOakdale Ave. N., Suite 303, 952-927-6501Robbinsdale

Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan

MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease LASIK Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Access y A is the Perfect Smile COMPREHENSIVE DENTISTRY Drew F. Spencer, D.D.S. Chalsey Nelsen, D.D.S. Edina 5-0 Dental, P.A. 3948 W. 50th St., Suite 205 | Edina 952-922-8111 • edina5-0dental.com Just ask this Lakeville family... VASCULAR RADIOLOGYINTERVENTIONAL& Haraldur Bjarnason Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW 507-284-2511Rochester Jason J. Carroll Midwest Radiology, P.A. 2355 Hwy. 36 W., Suite 100, 651-292-2000Roseville Michael Cumming Vascular Interventional& Experts 4100 Minnesota Drive, Suite 310, 952-522-7889Edina Siobhan Flanagan M Health Fairview Clinics & Surgery Center - Minneapolis 909 Fulton St. SE 612-676-4200Minneapolis Steven T. Oncay HealthPartners Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis 952-993-5408Park

Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Affiliated Clinics In Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan

Aaron M. Potretzke Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW Rochester, 507-284-2511

Ian Schwartz Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Minneapolis, 612-873-3000

Basir Tareen Minnesota Urology6025WoodburyLake Road, Suite 200 Woodbury, 651-999-6800

Aaron J. Milbank Minnesota Urology6025WoodburyLake Road, Suite 200 Woodbury, 651-999-6800


Eden Prairie 775 Prairie Center Drive, Suite 370 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Love your skin. See the experts. Dermatology Specialists Our physicians treat men, women, and children of all ages in our two convenient locations in Edina and Eden Prairie. All of our patients are seen by Board Certified Dermatologists who have expertise in medical, surgical, cosmetic, and academic areas of dermatology.

Mimi Cho, MD, PhD Madhok, MD

Caleb H. Creswell, MD

Amanda J. Tschetter,

Caleb H. Creswell, MD


Cally L. Chermak, MD


Mitchell E. Bender, MD

Kristen P. Hook, MD

Jennifer M. Lee, MD Kristen P. Hook, MD 66th Street, Edina,200Minnesota

Jennifer M. Lee, MD Madhok, MD Erika E. Reid, MD

Jennifer E. Dick, MD

Peggy P. Schultz, MD


Mitchell E. Bender, MD


Mimi Cho, MD, PhD


MD Accessible and convenient appointment scheduling 952-920-3808 • www.dermspecpa.com Congratulations to our 2022 Top Doctors!

Gregory R. Hannon, MD, JD A. Healy, MD

Michelle A. Bussmann, MD

Sachin S. Bhardwaj, MD

our readers




These doctors and health care providers give insight into ways the health care industry is advancing and expanding to meet patients’ needs—as well as their credentials, expertise, and accomplishments. Whether looking for a primary care physician or a skilled specialist, your research starts here.

N earing the one-year anniversary of OVO LASIK + LENS in St. Louis Park, Dr. Mark Lobano , M.D., couldn’t be happier with the response from the com munity. “We have been very busy since day one, and we are continually seeing large numbers of patients coming from all over the country to our facility,” he says. “OVO was built to break the mold of traditional eye clinics. It looks di erent. Patients tell us it feels di erent—better, more comfortable, more high-tech than other centers.”

“The results are pretty miraculous— after a 10-minute procedure, the patient can sit upright and suddenly see their world,” says Dr. Lobano . “We often see patients break down in ‘happy’ tears as they are overcome with emotion, realizing that their handicap is now gone.”

A first of its kind in Minnesota, OVO LASIK + LENS offers the nation’s most advanced array of refractive and cataract surgery options for patients—specializing in helping patients see their best and reaching their maximum vision potential.

On the LENS side, OVO is the first clinic in the state to o er the new EVO Visian ICL (implantable contact lens) to help severely near-sighted patients, those who are otherwise not the best candidates for LASIK. Other patients benefit from RLE (refractive lens exchange) or advanced lens cataract surgery, where the natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with intraocular lenses, offering the ability to see near, intermediate, and far ONE OF TWO OVO LASIK SURGERY SUITES


90 | SEPT/OCT 2022 | MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM PHOTOS ESSJEFFERY OVO LASIK + LENS 6099 Wayzata Blvd., St. Louis Park, MN 55416 877-686-3937 | ovoeye.com

On the LASIK side, OVO offers Con toura topography-guided LASIK and PRK, the latest and best in laser refractive surgery. LASIK and PRK use an excimer laser to gently and painlessly reshape the cornea, so that the eye can see clearly without glasses or contact lenses.

Finally, OVO has the first o ce-based surgery center in Minnesota. “This means Dr. Whiting and I perform lens surgery in the comfort of our office instead of patients having to travel to an ASC or hospital,” he says. “Surgery is technically safer since there is no need for an IV or general anesthesia. Oral sedation, like valium, does the trick to keep patients calm and comfortable. It’s proven to be one of the most revolutionary concepts I’ve experienced in years,” says Lobano “And our patients are thrilled at the faster recovery. They can literally walk out the door when we are done.”

Dr. Lobano goes on to say, “I’m passionate about getting patients their very best vision—this means never accepting the status quo. There are eye clinics that are still using 20-year-old LASIK technology and outdated surgical lenses and techniques. They feel ‘good enough’ is OK. I’m not built that way. I want to continually strive to improve, to be better.” And lastly, he says, “It’s why we built a beautiful world-class clinic and center in St. Louis Park, from the ground up.”

MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM | SEPT/OCT 2022 | 91 without glasses after surgery. “There’s no reason patients should be settling for less these days,” says Dr. Lobano .

“I can’t think of any other field of medicine where we can make such an immediate impact on a patient’s quality of life—we help patients achieve their best vision, something they will use every second of every day.”


Mark Lobanoff, M.D OVO LASIK + LENS Founder


Dr. Crutchfield, a board-certified der matologist, began at Minnehaha Academy and went on to study at Carleton College, Mayo Clinic, and Gundersen Clinic. He completed his residency training at the University of Minnesota where he also became a clinical professor of dermatol ogy and earned “Clinical Faculty Teacher of the Year,” as well as two “Distinguished Teaching Awards.” Dr. Crutchfield has received the “Gold Triangle Award” from the American Academy of Dermatology, the “Karis Humanitarian Award” from Mayo Clinic, and the “Physician Health Care Hero Award” from Medica. Dr. Crutchfield has also been selected as one of the “Best Doctors in America,” an honor awarded to only 4% of all practicing physicians.

rutchfield Dermatology treats a complete range of skin problems for all ages and all skin colors, special izing in treating acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, hair loss, and ethnic skin concerns. “I like dermatology because it’s a very visual field, and I like the challenge of pattern recognition and producing the proper diagnosis to treat patients well,” says Dr. Charles E. Crutchfield III, M.D., founder of Crutchfield Dermatology in Eagan.

92 | SEPT/OCT 2022 | MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHYNEIL DermatologyCrutchfield 1185 Town Centre Drive, Suite 101, Eagan, MN 55123 651-209-3600 | crutchfielddermatology.com


Crutchfield Dermatology has become one of the country’s leading aesthetic and cosmetic treatment centers where Dr. Crutchfield has personally tended to patients for more than 25 years. Accord ing to him, “Experience counts, and qual ity matters.” He has changed hundreds of lives with a natural and gentle approach to treatment that ensures the comfort and safety of the patient. In local and national surveys, Dr. Crutchfield has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on skin of color. “I come from a family of physi cians and am dedicated to continuing the legacy of providing excellence in health care to Minnesotans, especially those with skin of color,” he says. “My goal is for [patients] to say, ‘You’ve really helped me. Thank you.’” “Experience counts, and quality ma ers.” –Dr. Charles E. Crutchfield III, M.D.

Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery

Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery is excited to announce two new exceptional physicians to its practice.

–Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery


Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery’s three state-of-the-art o ces o er a broad range of services, from dental extractions and implant placement to facial cosmetic surgery and skin care. In addition, the facility utilizes the latest technologies in hair transplantation, CO2 laser resurfac ing, and all-on-four immediate dentures. Its comprehensive facial cosmetic prac tice includes blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, face lifts, and non-surgical treatments, such as filer and toxin, to achieve beauti ful and natural aesthetic outcomes.

Front row: Julie Kline, D.N.P., B.S.N.-R.N.; Dr. Sco Claiborne, D.D.S., M.D.

Back row: Dr. Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D., F.A.C.S.; Dr. Carrie Cera Hill, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.A.D. 12-2022

Locations in Minneapolis, Maple Grove, Willmar, and Sartell 877-719-8041 | mnofs.com

Dr. Scott Clai borne, D.D.S., M.D., is a fellowship trained and board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with a focus in dentoalveolar surgery, dental implants, head and neck pathology, and facial pain. Dr. Carrie Cera Hill, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.A.D., is a boardcertified dermatologist with extensive experience in all aspects of medical, surgi cal, and cosmetic dermatology.

Dr. Kademani has over 20 years of expe rience and has authored over 100 peerreviewed publications and two textbooks used worldwide to educate surgeons. He sees patients from all over the state and is known for treatment of some of the most complex cancers, jaw tumors, traumatic injuries, and other surgical pathologies requiring reconstructive head and neck surgery. Dr. Kademani is committed to his community and profession through education, research, and philanthropy.

D r. Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D., F.A.C.S., is an internationally recog nized surgeon and educator. His team at Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery is highly trained and led by board-certified surgeons providing world-class surgical care for all aspects of facial surgery. Its mission is to provide an exceptional patient experi ence—each patient in its practice receives a personalized approach to their treatment, provided with compassion and integrity.

Together, Dr. Kademani and the highly trained Minnesota Oral & Facial Surgery team are here to exceed your expectations!


“Our patients’ needs always come first.”


One of this year’s Minnesota Monthly Top Doctors, Dr. David T. Chang, M.D., Ph.D., DABNS, is a highly accomplished neurosurgeon specializing in complex spine procedures. He prides himself on minimally invasive techniques, as well as other innovative procedures to provide the greatest opportunity for his patients to recover quicker and return to a fulfilling life.

“When we met before my surgery I was impressed with his honest, open, and kind demeanor and his warmth,” says a recent patient. Another concurs: “My experience with Dr. Chang was that he actually cared about his patients. He took the time to actually draw me diagrams of what was wrong with my back and how he was going to fix it. He is a friendly, down-to-earth surgeon. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone.”

94 | SEPT/OCT 2022 | MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM PHOTOS NELSONTONY Midwest Spine & Brain Institute 1835 W. County Road C, Suite 150 Roseville, MN 55113 651-430-3800 | midwestspineandbrain.com

Recognized as a center of excellence for more than 30 years, Midwest Spine & Brain Institute is dedicated to restoring lives affected by spinal injury, disease, and disorder. Its board-certifi ed, fellowship trained spine surgeons offer a wide range of services including spinal fusion, artificial disc replacement, revision spine surgery, and complex spine surgery. Burnsville

For more than 50 years, Southdale ObGyn’s compassionate providers have served the health and wellness needs of women at all stages of life, from adolescence through pregnancy, menopause, and beyond. Feeling comfortable with your provider and having trust and confidence in their abilities is at the forefront of Southdale ObGyn’s mission—and feeling supported and heard is important in every health care Southdalejourney.ObGyn’s team of physicians, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives work together to meet each patient’s unique needs and get to know them as people. With services ranging from prenatal care and postpartum support to infertility treatment and wellness exams, a lifelong partnership with Southdale ObGyn means you get the care you want and need from providers you trust—no matter where you are in life.

Today, Southdale ObGyn is proud to have many patients who represent multiple generations within families—a testament to the expert, attentive care each and every patient receives. Providing quality care, keeping patients safe, and investing in their long-term health is now more important than ever. At Southdale ObGyn, you’ll find an exceptionally skilled and compassionate team, one you can trust with your health and wellness care throughout your life.

Southdale ObGyn Locations in Edina and

From le : Dr. David L. Curran, M.D.; Dr. Leigh B. Koidahl, M.D.; Dr. Deborah A. Davenport, M.D.; Dr. Anneline S. Swigert, M.D.; and Dr. Rachel A. Harris, M.D. Dr. David T. Chang, M.D., Ph.D., DABNS, Neurosurgeon


952-920-7001 | southdaleobgyn.com


Geoffrey Getnick, M.D.


Justin Wudel, M.D. Facial Plastic Surgery aims to enrich patients’ lives by forming lifelong and providing expert medi cal and surgical care—all while helping look and feel best. “We want help achieve own personal fulfillment—whether that is through aes thetic enhancement, reconstruction, or medical care,” says Dr. Justin Wudel, M.D. of any kind can be stressful and scary, [but] we want you to be comfortable from the initial consultation all the way through your post-operative course.”



952-832-5252 | renewent.com

“The ultimate goal is to improve quality of life for my patients, in a way that mini mizes risk and invasiveness,” he says. “My primary goal when seeing a patient is to develop a strong doctor-patient rela tionship, and I feel that in order to ensure a strong doctor-patient relationship, a doc tor has to earn a patient’s trust,” Getnick goes on to say. At Renew, providers focus on delivering the highest quality indi vidualized patient care. The key to accom plishing this? “Taking time to truly listen to patients and putting their needs and their goals of care first,” he says. “Compas sion, caring, kindness, and thoroughness are words that I strive to have patients use when they describe their experience at Renew ENT & Hearing Center.” S., Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Renew ENT Hearing Center France Ave. S., Suite 420, Edina, MN 55435

MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM | SEPT/OCT 2022 | 95 PHOTOS MOSMANSHELLY Renew Facial Plastic Surgery 7300 France Ave.






952-227-3639 | renewfacialplasticsurgery.com



For patients of all ages, Renew ENT & Hearing Center provides ear, nose, and throat services ranging from ear tube placement and tonsillectomy to rhino plasty and vocal cord injections. Dr. Geof frey Getnick, M.D., has practiced at Renew ENT & Hearing Center (formerly known as The Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic & Hearing Center) for more than 15 years, with a focus on general ear, nose, and throat medical and surgical care for both children and adults. Dr. Getnick also has a demonstrated special interest in nasal and sinus surgery and thyroid and parathyroid surgery. These procedures not only relieve symptoms but also pre vent disease progression or other conse quences of untreated medical diseases.

The latest techniques, technology, and training are used for a wide variety of procedures, ranging from reconstruc tive, eyelid, and facial plastic surgery, to rhinoplasty, face and neck lifts, and hair transplants. Renew has the latest in laser technology in the form of HALO, which is dedicated to improving skin texture and clarity, restoring a youthful glow, and even eliminating the need for sur gical procedures. When asked why he chose this field, Dr. Wudel explains, “I was always drawn to the intricacies of the facial anatomy and the challenges the face presents surgically. The face is so impor tant to the way we express emotion, com municate, breathe, talk, and function in our lives each day. It is a privilege and joy to get to help our patients with the work we do in this highly specialized area.”

St. Paul Eye Clinic has been privileged to serve the Twin Cities community since 1969. From comprehensive eye exams to state-of-the-art cataract and LASIK surgery to other complex treatments, St. Paul Eye Clinic provides leadingedge vision solutions for patients of all ages, ranging from infants to age 100-plus. For more than 50 years, St. Paul Eye Clinic has provided the very best care to its patients, from scheduling an appointment to the compassionate care from providers. The clinic o ers CONTOURA Vision LASIK, which is an all-laser LASIK treatment that maps 22,000 unique elevation points on each eye to provide a custom LASIK treatment. In fact, 92.8% of patients can see 20/20 or better after the procedure. St. Paul Eye Clinic also features an in-house retina center that specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of retinal conditions. St. Paul Eye Clinic features sixteen boardcertified ophthalmologists and three boardcertified optometrists, all supported by a sta of more than 100. Each of its six Twin Cities clinics features an optical center that allows patients to conveniently purchase glasses and contact lenses on the same day.

St. Paul Eye Clinic congratulates their Top Doctors (le to right) Alla Kelly, M.D., Sco U ley, M.D., and Susan Quick, M.D.

Locally sourced advocacy and advice from lawyers you know. 612.339.7121 www.bestlaw.com 96 | SEPT/OCT 2022 | MINNESOTAMONTHLY.COM PHOTO PROVIDED @MNMOMAG /MINNESOTA MONTHLY @MNMOMAG /MNMOMAG St. Paul Eye Clinic 2080 Woodwinds Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 651-738-6500 | stpauleye.com


1.800.581.8942 booking code https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1104385#1104385 Discover Southern Italy & Sicily with Pioneer Press Food Writer Jess Fleming April 14-26, 2023 13 Days • 19 Meals • Highlights include: Palermo, Choices on Tour, Monreale, Agrigento, Valley of the Temples, Taormina, Giardini Naxos, Mt. Etna Volcano, Matera, Sorrento, Amalfi Coast, Pompeii

PrairieCare Ten (10) locations including the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro, Rochester, and Mankato 952-826-8475 | prairie-care.com Since 2005, PrairieCare has been providing a full continuum of psychiatric care for all ages in the Twin Cities since 2005. Dr. Suzanne Jasberg, M.D., was recognized as a 2022 “Top Doctor Rising Star” and leads the Center for Neurotherapeutics in Edina. This clinic provides specialty care for complex neuro-psychiatric disorders through medication management and a first episode psychosis intensive outpatient program. Dr. Jasberg also provides transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which is a highly e ective, noninvasive, and economical treatment for patients experiencing recurrent, medication-resistant depression.


Silverman Ankle & Foot 6600 France Ave. S., Suite 605, Edina, MN 55435 952-224-8500 | anklefootmd.com

Silverman Ankle & Foot is your choice for excellence in foot and ankle care in Minnesota. Its talented and caring sta is committed to providing each and every patient with the highest standard of care—and the personal attention they deserve. Working one on one with patients, Dr. Lance Silverman, M.D., provides a comfortable and understanding environment—with your health and personal well-being his top priority. Whatever your ankle or foot problem, Dr. Silverman does his best to carefully explain to you both your diagnosis and treatment plan, so that you understand every step of the planned medical procedure. Dr. Silverman has found that his working closely with each patient yields much better results. He puts his expert knowledge and extensive experience to work for your benefit—Dr. Silverman really does care about your situation.

Dr. Lance Silverman, M.D.

Eagle Trace Spine & Sport 12002 County Road 11, Burnsville, MN 55337 952-808-2922 |

ListingsDirectory Subscribe to our Preferred Reader’s Club to get exclusive deals, ticket offers & giveaways! Subscribe online at MinnesotaMonthly.com/PRC SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

Dr. Je Plaster and the sta at Eagle Trace Spine & Sport are committed to o ering you better health and a better way of life. Dr. Plaster is an injury specialist who uses the latest research and care to help heal and rehabilitate. Eagle Trace Spine & Sport also offers chiropractic corrective and injury care, spinal rehab, decompression therapy, and massage therapy.

Top: Dr. Suzanne Jasberg, M.D., Interventional Psychiatrist; Director, Edina Center for Neurotherapeutics; Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of BoMinnesotaom:Dr.Sogand Ghassemi, M.D., Chief of Medical Staff; Director, Perinatal Program Services; Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist

Dr. Sogand Ghassemi, M.D., is PrairieCare’s chief of medical sta and provides psychiatric care at its Brooklyn Park Medical Office Building. This includes youth in PrairieCare’s partial hospitalization program and mothers in the perinatal intensive outpatient program. Using evidence-based medication and collaborative physician care, Dr. Ghassemi utilizes a full-body approach to promote healing and empowerment in her patients and families.


OKOROHA: Children may begin weightlifting as early as age 7 or 8. Strength training can become a valuable part of an overall fitness plan, if the child is mature enough to follow directions and able to practice proper technique and form.


OKOROHA: Although trauma and injury have separate meanings, they can often be used interchangeably when referring to injuries faced by athletes. Usually, an athlete is safe to return to normal activity when they have no pain, full range of motion in the joint, and full strength.

Q: What are the most common pediatric sports injuries, and how do you prevent them?

Q: At what age is it healthy to begin a weightlifting regime?

The team at Mayo Clinic comes together every day to put the needs of the patient first. Whether your child has an ACL injury or you’re looking for a knee specialist, our multidisciplinary team wants to keep you moving. Kelechi R. Okoroha, M.D. , orthopedic surgeon for Mayo Clinic, answers questions about injury prevention, training, treatment, and seeking specialized care that best meets you and your child’s needs.

KELECHI R. OKOROHA, M.D.: Selecting a good shoe for your child can be important in injury prevention. Make sure to get your child’s feet measured, and do not try to buy shoes too big as this can lead to trips/falls or other injuries. Always check the toes to make sure the shoe box has the appropriate width and depth. Depending on the alignment of your child’s feet, they may need insoles or orthotics. These inserts support various parts of the foot and provide additional cushioning, depending on if they have flat feet or high arched feet.

Kelechi R. Okoroha, M.D.

QUESTION: How do you determine what type of support your feet need when it comes to selecting a good shoe for your child?

Q: What is the difference between an injury and trauma, and how do you determine when it’s safe to return to normal activity?

Q: How do you encourage “healthy” competition in your child’s sports career, and what does “healthy competition” look like?

Mayo Clinic offers advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine services in Minneapolis and Rochester. Scan the QR code to learn more about our doctors and programs on our website.

Don’t focus on winning. Winning can be fun, but not everyone can win. Instead, encourage your child to do their best and enjoy the experience.

OKOROHA: Two of the most common pediatric sports injuries are ankle sprains and knee tendinitis (jumper’s knee). These injuries can be prevented by proper stretching before activities and a thorough strength and stability program. Taping of the ankles or ankle bracing should be encouraged in cutting and jumping sports.

Don’t make your love conditional on their success. If you only encourage or cheer on your child when they win, this can send the wrong message and make it appear that your love is based on them winning. Try to cheer your child on, no matter the end result. Have fun. The most important thing when it comes to youth athletics should be having fun and enjoying the experience. Try to ensure that having fun is the number-one priority.

OKOROHA: Children have a natural love for competition, which is healthy. It is OK to encourage healthy competition as long as the following tips are followed: Let kids learn from failure. It is OK to allow your child to fail, understand what led to their failure, and hopefully make the necessary changes to improve in the future.


Whether it’s working to ensure that Minnesotans are healthy and have access to the right care at the right time in the right place or participating in world-changing research, Minnesota’s health care systems work diligently to meet the needs of our growing communities. These premier hospitals are shining examples of just that.

Minnesota is home to several top-ranking hospitals and health systems that have earned a national reputation for delivering safe, high-quality care to patients—providing care for more than 457,000 acute inpatient admissions, nearly 11.4 million outpatient visits, and 1.6 million emergency room visits each year, according to the Minnesota Hospital Association. Our state ranks ninth overall in the nation in health system performance, including measures of health care access and quality. Minnesota also ranks ninth in the nation in terms of responding and managing the COVID-19 pandemic—a challenge all U.S. hospitals have faced over the last few years.




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“In 2014, the organization launched Virtuwell, a 24/7 online clinic for common conditions like ear infections and skin rashes,” says Dr. Ideker. “Then in 2020, HealthPartners launched video visits for primary care, urgent care, and most specialties. Online scheduling and mobile check-in are also available for both clinic appointments and urgent care.”

Supporting patients here, there, and anywhere COVID-19 accelerated the need for more telehealth and virtual care options. But HealthPartners recognized this need long before.

Ensuring everyone is welcome, included, and valued Health care inequities are real and have big health implications. “O the Charts,” a new podcast from HealthPartners, is creating open dialogue about diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in health“HealthPartnerscare. has a long history of addressing health care disparities and engaging with communities to address social factors that a ect health, such as education, housing, and access to food,” says Dr. Jackson, who cohosts the podcast. HealthPartners, which was just named a “2022 Top Workplace” by Star Tribune, hopes to build a workforce as diverse as its patients and communities.

The HealthPartners Institute—the research arm of the organization—is exploring how technology might help patients improve or maintain health between visits. For example, a study of people with very high blood pressure found that telemonitoring can reduce blood pressure and cardiac events. Researchers are also seeing positive results using remote monitoring with diabetes.

Despite significant progress, HealthPartners believes there’s still work to be done. Learn how the organization is working to make health care better for one and all at healthpartners.com/partner-for-good

What’s behind all the high scores? People feel comfortable and cared for. “When patients describe their experiences with our doctors, they use words like compassion, respect, trust, and personal—all qualities that are essential for a great relationship,” says Dr. Annie Ideker, medical director at HealthPartners. “Plus, we coordinate care across our health system, making it easier for patients to get care for all their health needs.”


“We’re continuing to research how remote check-ins can help patients address conditions such as high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and high stress levels,” says Dr. Steven Jackson, research investigator at HealthPartners.


“Each year, we’re making progress and increasing diversity at every level of our organization,” says Jackson. Continuing to improve care to help you live your best life


Elevating the standard of care, one patient at a time HealthPartners isn’t in health care for the accolades. But each year, the organization and its doctors are recognized for personalized, innovative care across 55 medical and surgical specialties. In fact, over 170 physicians were just recognized as 2022 Top Doctors by this publication.

ood health is key to living your best life. But the key to good health is more than a healthy lifestyle. You also need access to great health care and a supportive care team. For more than 80 years, Minnesota-based HealthPartners has worked to build a health system that the community can count on.

Both the ability and drive to continually innovate is paramount—and top talent is at the heart of that. Premier hospitals remain strong largely by attracting the best providers, those who are focused on developing new approaches to health care and making it better and more accessible.


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♦ Essentia

Crosby MinnesotaHospitalsPremierTop-Rankedin Mayo

1 in both state and rankingsnational SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

Top-Ranked Hospitals Greater Minnesota Mayo Clinic, Rochester CentraCare, St. Cloud Health-St. Mary’s Medical Center, Duluth Health Clinic, Region Healthcare Corp., Fergus Falls Health System, Cuyuna Regional Medical Center, Clinic ranks No.

♦ Perham

Sources: U.S. News & World Report, 2022; Newsweek, 2022.

Allina Health Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis HealthPartners Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital, St. Louis Park Health Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis Health Fairview Southdale Hospital, Edina Allina Health United Hospital, St. Paul Allina Health Mercy Hospital, Coon Rapids HealthPartners Park Nicollet Regions Hospital, St. Paul Health Fairview St. Joseph’s Campus, St. Paul

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Top-Ranked Hospitals in the Twin Cities

♦ Lakewood

Staples ♦

Expertly curated lists are compiled by top organizations each year, and this year’s frontrunners have demonstrated their commitment to patient outcomes. These premier hospitals can be used as a benchmark for patients and families alike seeking the best care for themselves and loved ones—especially during a period of unprecedented change.

Perham ♦ Lake

Minnesota’s hospitals have been the state’s first line of defense when it comes to the pandemic that turned the medical world upside down—forcing them to adapt to new and existing challenges quickly and often improvise on the fl y. But what sets apart the state’s leading hospitals is their continued ability to deliver superior patient care while still conducting critical medical research, even as they had to shift focus on battling COVID-19.

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Exceptional care focused on you SYSTEM.HEALTHALLINAOFTRADEMARKA–TMSYSTEM.HEALTHALLINA©2022 Everyone has unique health needs. At Allina Health, our Top Doctors and other talented health care experts focus on what’s important to you. Find your top doctor today Congratulationsallinahealth.org/findtoour2022Top Doctors recognized across many specialties 2022 TOP DOCTORS PRIMARY CARE | HEART CARE | CANCER CARE | LEADING HOSPITALS AND CLINICS | AND MORE

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