Country Minute - Winter 2013

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Winter 2013 News and notes on living the good life...


real estate financing– Purchasing real estate is not like riding a bike. No matter how often you do it, you will likely never feel completely comfortable. The good news is that you can sit back and relax when you are working with a good realtor, and of course, a great lender. Although you can rely on your realtor and your lender to handle most of what needs to happen during a real estate transaction, it is good for you to at least have a basic understanding of what takes place.

As soon as that purchase agreement is signed, things start happening. Your realtor will work with you on ordering necessary inspections and tests which may include a soil, well and septic test. Another very important item to have completed is a survey if it was not done prior to the purchase. A survey is typically not required, but can be if it is written into the purchase agreement; surveys are important when it comes to the boundary lines of the property. Knowing this could avoid some

“not so friendly” conversations with your neighbor in the future. Now, let’s jump to the closing of the real estate and the loan transaction. There are three important documents that you will see at the closing: the deed, the mortgage and the promissory note. The deed is what is signed by the seller to transfer the property from the seller to the buyer. There Continued on page 3...

This Country Minute is brought to you by your local country living lender:

Snow Day Fun Snow days can be an opportunity to build lasting memories with our kids. Take the day off from work, get creative, and start some family traditions by repeating activities on every snow day! Continued on page 2...

Serving Michigan and northeast Wisconsin with 37 locations

financially. Despite good resolves to pay the balance off quickly, the reality is that many people often do not and end up paying far more for things than if they had used cash. 3. Contribute to a Retirement Plan

Financial Resolutions With the New Year upon us and the holidays in the rearview mirror, now is a great time to evaluate your personal finances and put a plan together for the coming year. The fundamental concept of saving money is simple: spend less than you earn. But as anyone who has tried to build a savings account knows, that can often be easier said than done. Putting together a financial plan, and sticking to it, can help you and your bank account achieve success. Before sitting down to develop your plan, it is important to determine what success means to you and your family. For some, it may mean putting money into a reserve account for unexpected expenditures, while for others it

may be saving for retirement or an upcoming family vacation. Here are some tips that can help anyone achieve their financial saving goals: 1. Stick to a Budget It is hard to set spending and saving goals if you do not know where your money is going. A budget is needed regardless how much, or little, you make every year. 2. Pay Off Credit Card Debt Credit card debt is often the number one obstacle to getting ahead

If your employer has a 401(k) plan and you do not contribute to it, you could be walking away from one of the best deals out there. Ask your employer if they have a 401(k) plan (or similar plan), and get yourself signed up. If you are already contributing, consider increasing your contribution. If your employer does not offer a retirement plan, an IRA may be a good alternative. 4. Have a Savings Plan You have heard it before: Pay yourself first! If you wait until you have met all your other financial obligations before seeing what is left over, chances are you will never have a healthy savings account or investments. Set aside a minimum of 5 percent to 10 percent of your salary for savings before you start paying your bills. Better yet, have the money automatically deducted from your paycheck and deposited into a separate account. Source: cs/personalfinance/a/TopTenMoneyTips.htm

...Snow Day Fun continued

There are plenty of activities you could do; here are just a few suggestions to get you started: • Cook a special meal or treat together as a family • Make hot chocolate • Play board games • Watch a favorite movie together • Order-in or get take-out dinner to allow more “free time” Another fun idea is to do “snow painting.” Just fill a few spray bottles with water and add drops of various food coloring. Bring in a pan of fresh snow and let the kids spray paint on it. This can be a fun art and science project rolled into one when you talk about how the colors blend to make new colors and discuss what happens when the colored mixture hits the snow.

Another fun activity is an indoor picnic. Make sandwiches and other picnic foods, bring out a blanket and have a picnic indoors. While enjoying your lunch, talk about the things you like to do when it is warm outside. Of course, when the wind dies down, the outdoor options are endless. Bundle up the kids and enjoy the snow by building a snowman, having a snowball fight, going sledding, or building a snow fort. Fill the day with memories that can last a lifetime! Sources:,

...Real estate financing continued

are two different types of deeds: a Warranty Deed and a Quit Claim Deed. The Warranty Deed is the most common deed used in a real estate title transfer transaction; it gives added assurances regarding the transfer of title such as the seller guaranteeing that they are in fact the owner of the property. The Quit Claim Deed does not guarantee that the seller is the owner of the property and as such, this deed is more commonly used when it is a transfer of ownership between family members or when someone is added or removed from ownership of the property. The promissory note and the mortgage are the main documents that make up the loan. The promissory note is your promise to pay the loan back. Whereas the mortgage is the document that is used to secure the note in case the promise to pay the loan back is broken. Having shared all this, there is still one very important thing to keep in mind right from the beginning. Most purchase agreements have a date that

Recipe Corner Double Chocolate Snack Cake Ingredients 1 2/3 cup flour Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a square baking pan. Combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Add water, oil, vinegar and vanilla and beat until smooth. Pour into baking pan and sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a wooden toothpick comes out clean. Cool before cutting into squares.

the real estate transaction must close by or the agreement will expire. This is why it is very important that you get the lender everything requested as soon as possible to help ensure they have enough time to get everything reviewed, complete an appraisal,

1 cup light brown sugar 1/4 cup cocoa 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup water 1/3 cup oil 1 teaspoon vinegar 3/4 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

and work with the realtor and title company in clearing up any title issues prior to the scheduled closing. GreenStone specializes in rural real estate and vacant land purchases. Give us a call if you, or someone you know, is looking to make a purchase!

Kick the Cold and Flu, Naturally If you want to start the New Year off with a bang instead of a wheeze, take a look at these natural remedies that battle the bugs without any chemicals.

antispasmodic, which helps relax bronchial tubes, clearing the airways. Brew a cup of thyme tea or use it as an oil to treat chesty coughs or emphysema.


Leafy Greens

Garlic is well known for its immune system benefits and is best eaten raw or crushed in soups and hot drinks. Garlic combats stuffy noses by releasing a compound called allicin, which is full of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Nosebleeds can be a symptom of a cold and flu. Prevent this from happening by adding leafy greens to your diet. Packed with Vitamin K, greens fortify sensitive capillaries and help your blood clot quickly if you have a nosebleed.


Jujube Tea

If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, tackle the problem with a stick of celery. Celery contains phthalidesm, which has sedative powers and helps the body shut off and rest easy during the night.

Jujube tea is rich in Vitamin C, is great for the immune system, and is widely used for relieving aching throat muscles.

Thyme Thyme is a great natural remedy for respiratory disorders as it helps to release mucus from the body. It is also an

Pineapple A low immune system can lead to a weakened digestive system. Strengthen it by using pineapple, which helps reduce intestinal inflammation and speeds the breakdown of protein, reducing gas and discomfort.

CountryMinute Inside this issue: - Real estate financing - Snow day fun - Financial resolutions

- Double chocolate cake - Kick the cold and flu - Member notes

Greenstone member notes Customers who receive the Country Minute do not receive GreenStone’s agricultural member publication, Partners. Therefore, the following is a snippet of news and feature stories found in the most recent issue of Partners. More information and complete articles can be viewed at by selecting “Publications” found under the “News and Media” drop down.

Record Patronage Payments A record year is in the books for GreenStone! The cooperative posted record earnings of more than $120 million in 2012 and that means good news for our members, as the cooperative will pay more patronage back to our customers than ever before! GreenStone’s board of directors recently approved a cash patronage payment of 21 percent of the cooperative’s net earnings, meaning more than $25

million will be distributed to qualified members on Patronage Day – March 19. Legislative Corner GreenStone has worked hard with time and resources during the course of 2012 to stay engaged in legislative and public policy matters which have an effect on the interests of its membership. These activities have, at times, involved collaborative work with the Farm Credit Council on a national level, and diverse agricultural associations at the Michigan and Wisconsin state levels.

Annual Report Notice This is an official notice that the 2012 GreenStone Farm Credit Services annual report will be available for viewing online at by Friday, March 15, 2013. In addition, the Annual Report will be mailed to all stockholders within 90 days of year-end. Have something to share? Submit your “Candid Comment” to

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