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Ladies’ Day Out
We regret our traditional 2021 Ladies’ Day Out event for GreenStone Wisconsin customers has been canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and are looking forward to gathering together again in 2022. In lieu of our traditional event, GreenStone is doing something special in our communities this year by donating to two agriculture programs: the UW Extension Heart of the FarmWomen in Agriculture program and the Wisconsin FFA.
To celebrate and share in a little different way, we’ve put together a short video featuring some familiar faces who would like to say hello. GreenStone Wisconsin customers can watch the video via the link below to enter for a chance to win a prize delivered right to their door! www.GreenStonefcs.com/LDO21. ■
Farm Women’s Symposium
The Farm Women’s Symposium team didn’t want to miss the chance to connect with everyone this year, and is excited to announce a new, free one-day virtual event being held in early March 2021. Visit their Facebook page or www. farmwomenssymposium.com for more details!
And be sure to mark your calendar for March 2-4, 2022 for the 30th Annual Farm Women’s Symposium. The committee is looking forward to seeing everyone in Holland, Michigan in 2022! ■
2021 Virtual Logging Forum
Success in the timber industry takes planning, hard work, good management and long-term commitment. As a long-term, reliable financial partner to the lumber industry, GreenStone knows this. To safely provide our members and individuals working in timber with mill updates, information about equipment financing, and more, GreenStone will be hosting a free, virtual Logging Forum on Wednesday, March 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend, however registration is required. To learn more and to RSVP, go to www.greenstonefcs.com/ timberforum. ■
2021 Home Construction Webinars
Building your dream home starts with creating a plan outlining how to get there; with so many construction choices, it’s important to choose the right options. During January, February and March, GreenStone will host several free Home Construction Webinars to help you understand which plan will work best for you. During these free, one-hour virtual seminars, you will hear from construction loan experts about various loan options, financing qualifications, the draw process and the difference between do-ityourself and contracted building projects. For more information or to register to attend a Construction Seminar near you, go to www.greenstonefcs.com/ constructionwebinar. ■
Annual Report Notice
Notice: GreenStone Farm Credit Services’ 2020 annual report will be available for viewing online at www.greenstonefcs.com by Monday, March 15, 2021. In addition, the annual report will be sent to all stockholders within 90 days of year-end. By regulation, GreenStone is required to send a copy to each stockholder, regardless if it is a duplicate mail or email address. ■
1. Congratulations to Swisslane Dairy Farm for being recognized Members of Distinction program recognizes farmers who excel on their operations, in their communities and in the industry. They inspire others through their actions, leadership and involvement, and embody the Cooperative’s core values. Each year, one member from each of DFA’s Areas is honored for leading the industry with vision, dedication and innovation.
2. GreenStone customer Don Stall pushed beyond 400 bushels per acre this year, netting him the top yield of the National Corn Growers Association’s 2020 National Corn Yield Contest. Congratulations Don!
Help GreenStone congratulate and thank these staff who are celebrating an employment milestone. as one of Dairy Farmers of America’s Members of Distinction. DFA’s
From five to 40, the years represent the dedication and service all employees provide our members.
Kortni Lefevre (10) James Murphy (10) Erin DuBois (10) Teresa Rodgers (20) Renee Heintz (20) Carol Walikangas (20) Nicole Wesoloski (20)
Kyle Schmitt (5) Jordan Wernette (10) Paolo Dilernia (10) Mindy Leonard (15) Therese Hill (15)
Harry Tope (5) Linda Robertson (5) Jessica MacDonald (5) Emelee Rajzer (15) Tracy Koch (25)