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Construction Seminars
This past winter, GreenStone hosted multiple construction webinars to safely connect with nearly 150 individuals interested in building a new home. Led by GreenStone’s country living financial services officers, attendees had the opportunity to meet virtually with a local expert and ask them questions during each live event. Packed with relevant and timely information, each virtual session covered the home construction process from start to finish, including these topics: • Determining which selections will add value to your home • Considerations for do-it-yourself or hiring a contractor • Financing options for your project • Loan approval process If you missed this year’s construction events, contact your local GreenStone branch to get more information for your individual needs or visit www.GreenStoneFCS.com/ ConstructionWebinar to review recordings of each virtual event. ■
Logging Forum
To continue providing loggers and individuals in the timber industry relevant industry education and updates, GreenStone recently hosted a virtual Logging Forum. This online webinar was free to attend, and attendees earned four SFI points learning about the following topics:

• Equipment financing • Accounting, record-keeping and business planning • Master Logger certification training information • A legislative update and an update from local mills If interested in attending a logging forum next year or learning more information, please visit your local GreenStone branch. ■
PPP Update
Now a year into the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) facilitated by the Small Business Administration (SBA), GreenStone continues to be committed to supporting our customers in submitting both PPP loan and forgiveness applications. In 2020, GreenStone waded through the SBA program changes to smooth the path for 1,500 customers to secure $145 million in PPP support. With the addition of round 2 of funding in 2021, originally scheduled to close March 31 and now extended through May 31, an additional 3,000 customers have secured another $73.5 million in PPP loans thus far.
In spite of the changing guidance and challenges aligned with facilitating these loan applications with SBA, we recognize the financial support provided through the program is critical to the shortterm success of our customers. That’s why we remain committed to supporting our members through this process and being a champion for them with the SBA PPP.
Read more on GreenStone’s 2020 support of PPP in GreenStone’s 2020 annual report! ■
NAMA Award

GreenStone was recently honored by the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) with a Regional Best of NAMA first and merit award for their 2020 annual report and Patronage Day Celebration campaign. The Best of NAMA award program honors the best work in agricultural communications. ■
Help GreenStone congratulate and thank these staff who are celebrating an employment milestone. From five to 40, the years represent the dedication and service all employees provide our members.
Paul Engler 5 Laura Tribley 5 Shiela Fowler 5 Shannon Elliott 5 Mary Paquette 15 Toni Sorenson 15 Lisa Stachnik 15 Mary Stevens 35 Karen Spaeth 40
Reid Curry 5 Becca Middaugh 5 Doug Abel 5 Matthew Bowen 10 Clinton Huhn 15 Mark Klett 15 Brian Polega 15 Michelle Backhaus 15 Jeff Sommerfield 35 Kevin Emison 35
Rachel Wood 5 Tara Parr 10 Michael Spalding 10 Kathleen Beebe 15 William Eva 15 Nikki Wilcox 15 Amber Schultz 15 Tara Ozbat 15 Rita Robinson 20 James Byars 35 Melissa Koehler 35 Heather Sackett 35 David Armstrong 40