2022 Sponsorship Guide

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March 11 | 8:00 am to 3:00 pm | In-Person with Virtual Option | Greenville Convention Center This annual event, now in its 27th year, provides a briefing on current human resources issues, the opportunity to meet other professionals in the area, and a chance to visit with suppliers of human resources related services. The update provides credits through both the Society of Human Resource Management and the HR Certification Institute. The exact number of credits for 2022 will be available in mid-fall 2021. For additional information, contact Hank Hyatt at hhyatt@greenvillechamber.org. Projected Attendance: 200 In-Person / 50 Virtual Audience: Human Resources professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS

Presenting Sponsor | $2,750 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website, signage and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event on 2 tables with linen (and on lunch tables) • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes (including opportunity to use PowerPoint presentation) • 8 attendees (negotiable) with a discounted rate of $50 for additional attendees • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Virtual Sponsor | $2,000 (Only 1 available) • Sole sponsor of the virtual event platform, including virtual sponsor booth and ability to connect with virtual attendees • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website, signage and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event on 1 table with linen and on lunch tables • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • 3 attendees to event with discounted rate of $50 for additional attendees • Receive a copy of attendee business cards

Gold Sponsor - Break | $1,750 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website, signage and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event on 2 tables with linen and on lunch tables • 4 attendees to event with a discounted rate of $50 for additonal attendees • Opportunity to speak during morning break for 1-2 minutes • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Silver Sponsor - Exhibitor Plus | $1,250 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website, signage and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event on 1 table with linen and on lunch tables • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • 3 attendees to event with discounted rate of $50 for additional attendees • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Bronze Sponsor - Exhibitor | $750 • Name recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website and signage • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event on 1 table with linen • 2 attendees to event with discounted rate of $50 for additional attendees • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Registration: TBD

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