1 minute read
With Time on His Hands to Imagine
Freshmen gathered at Hogue Tower for GU’s 2020 Ivy Planting ceremony that launched a new year.
Join nearly two dozen GU alumni who have already committed to helping today’s students bridge college with career. Lend your expertise today and participate in a community circle that connects students in your field with: • Internship opportunities • Job shadowing • Help building strong resumes • Job interviews • Professional networking • Developing professional social media profiles, and more.

Call me today to learn more about GU’s new career-readiness initiative, Community Circles.

Dewayne Neeley ’98 Director of Alumni & Church Relations
If you don’t receive GU’s weekly For the Record e-newsletter but want to, just email alumni@greenville.edu. Be sure to include your name so we can update our records.
The Beat Goes On
A curious conductor and emerging technology ensure that choral singing continues at GU.
By Rachel Heston-Davis
How do you direct a choral ensemble when singing spreads contagion, rehearsals create risk, and singers must maintain six feet of personal space?
Interim Director of Choral Activities Don Frazure needed answers, fast. In only a few short months choir students would return to GU’s campus for rehearsals. Frazure wanted to maintain the traditions and match the excellence of a typical GU choral season, but pandemic safety precautions limited gatherings.

Curious, Frazure researched ad hoc solutions from choral conductors nationwide and looked to new technologies.