3 minute read
CURIOSITY UNLEASHED When we ask alums their advice for incoming freshmen, they often say, “Get involved!” Introducing GU’s Experience Hub, a one-stop shop of resources that help students engage, ask questions, and discover opportunities. Location: Ruby E. Dare Library, main floor.
Where do I get my books? S t u d e n t S e r v i c e C e n t e r I need a ride to the airport; can someone help me?
They said to meet in the Black Room. What black room?
C o f f e e S h o p
Be sure to add volunteer experience to your resume like that sports club you organized. Got it!
S t u d e n t S u c c e s s
Help! Someone said I could find accounting tutors here . . . GREENVILLE UNIVERSITY | GREENVILLE.EDU
E x p e r i e n c e I n s t i t u t e C o n f e r e n c e R o o m
Welcome! My group is excited to learn how we can help Rural King this semester!
E x p e r i e n t i a l L e a r n i n g O f f i c e
How do I apply to be on an Experience First capstone team?
L e a r n i n g C l a s s r o o m & “ C o - l a b ” E x p e r i e n c e W o r k s p a c e .
Okay, when the team from ag business joins us that makes 12 collaborators in all. We’ll work here!
T h i n k T a n k

C a r e e r S e r v i c e s
I’m here for my mock job interview. I’m so excited . . . now, two companies want to interview me!
D i v e r s i t y a n d I n c l u s i o n
Let’s go with option C then; that makes our due date May 1.
I’m calling on behalf of GU’s MOSAIC scholars. We’d like to invite you to campus to talk about your new book.
GU Core Value: Community

Distinguished Alumnus
Dr. U. Milo Kaufmann ’56, prolific author, lecturer, and scholar

Outstanding Young Alumni
Paul and Courtney (Somerville ’03) Klimson, music industry professionals and founders of The Clinic, a nonprofit that serves touring musicians and their families.

Dr. Gene A. Kamp Loyalty Award
Founding members of GU’s Heritage Circle and parents of two alumni, Dennis and Deborah Fenton have faithfully given their time, talents, and treasures to GU.
Nominate an alum today for GU’s 2021 Alumni Awards. Learn more at greenville.edu/ alumni-association or call 618-664-7119. Nomination deadline: January 31, 2021.
GU Core Value: Character
Join our online recognition of GU’s 2020 Alumni Awardees and Wilson T. Hogue Society inductees. OCTOBER 16-18
Members of the Classes of ’70, ’85, ’95, and ’10 will reunite virtually via Zoom, the online gathering platform. Call 618-664-7119 or email alumni@greenville.edu to learn more. Rapidly changing information and restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic make additional plans for Homecoming gatherings difficult. When this issue of The RECORD went to print, class reunions remained the only gatherings firmly in place.
Visit greenville.edu/alumni for updates about other possible gatherings, online or in person. Email alumni@greenville.edu to subscribe to our weekly For the Record e-newsletter to stay informed.