CURIOSITY UNLEASHED When we ask alums their advice for incoming freshmen, they often say, “Get involved!” Introducing GU’s Experience Hub, a one-stop shop of resources that help students engage, ask questions, and discover opportunities. Location: Ruby E. Dare Library, main floor.
Where do I get my books?
t Service Cen n e ud
I need a ride to the airport; can someone help me?
They said to meet in the Black Room. What black room?
eS Coffe hop
Got it!
Help! Someone said I could find accounting tutors here . . . GREENVILLE UNIVERSITY | GREENVILLE.EDU
Experie nc
dent Success u t S
titute Confe s n r eI
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Be sure to add volunteer experience to your resume like that sports club you organized.
Welcome! My group is excited to learn how we can help Rural King this semester!