“Jesus…arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. ‘Roll the stone aside,’ Jesus told them…” - John 11: 38-39a (New Living Translation)
“Jesus…arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. ‘Roll the stone aside,’ Jesus told them…” - John 11: 38-39a (New Living Translation)
Consider this picture from the future, Greenville University in 2030.
1. Students thrive in this vibrant hub of learning on campus and online. Technology and hands-on learning experiences enrich their journeys. They benefit from a learning community that values integrity and a clear mission. Graduates move on, equipped not only with degrees, but also with meaningful experiences and a profound sense of purpose.
2. A robust employee development plan keeps faculty and staff highly engaged. They experience professional fulfillment.
3. Our alumni act as our greatest ambassadors, sharing their GU story with others. Relationships prosper.
4. Financial strength drives GU’s work. Increased student enrollment and successful fundraising campaigns bolster and sustain its operating budget.
5. Strategic acquisitions and extensive networks demonstrate the University’s global reach. GU serves diverse communities worldwide.
The lyrics of “Still Rolling Stones” by Lauren Daigle declare the transformative power of faith. We, at GU, hold tightly to that faith. We know God still rolls stones.
1. He still breathes life and revival into GU students.
2. He still breathes renewal into the faithful who mentor and guide them.
3. He still breathes the capacity for inspired participation into GU’s extended community of alumni, friends, and friends to come.
God’s divine breath ensures that Greenville University remains a transformative force in His kingdom.
Lauren Daigle, one of the country’s most talented Christan music artists, has captured the theme of hope and redemption so well in her song entitled, “Still Rolling Stones.” This wonderful piece tells the story of how God brings hope to people who believe all is hopeless. While this is an ancient truth, it wasn’t lost in antiquity. God’s still in the business of bringing light into darkness, hope into hopelessness, life into death. This is the foundation of our vision at Greenville University:
“God’s still rolling stones.”
At Greenville University, we see each student as created in God’s image, with a unique story and calling. We want to help them identify, embrace, and live into this story for the rest of their lives. We welcome students from different places, backgrounds, and experiences, and recognize that many come to us with deep pain and hurt. All come with a need to feel seen, known, and significant to reach their full potential.
We understand that the times in which we live demand new ways of thinking. We remain grounded in our historic mission of education for character and service. Our calling as an excellent Christian institution of higher education is to stand witness to God’s redeeming power in the individual stories of our students. We invite them to embrace their unique gifts and strengths, many of which they have not yet discovered.
We educate and shape the lives of our students by walking alongside them into the world, with both its problems and opportunities. This form of sojourner experiential education has a long history at our institution, but we have decided to make it the centerpiece of our curriculum. Faculty invite students along on the journey, putting them together in groups, where they can discover their unique talents, and practice the skills necessary for engaging in real world issues.
The foundation of the liberal arts, combined with this active learning style, provides each student both wisdom and training as they pursue an integrated career pathway combined with a connection base of alumni and friends of the institution whose mentorship can last a lifetime.
This approach to learning appeals to every type of student, but especially to “overcomers” who go on to bring hope and healing to a hurting world as healers. At Greenville University, each student is known and seen for who they are and who they will become in Christ. As we walk alongside them, we point them to Jesus, who rescues us all from bondage to sin and invites us into the freedom, forgiveness, and healing that only the Spirit of God can offer.
Inevitably, students will encounter challenges and obstacles as they engage in group learning. We encourage students to embrace these challenges and work together towards creative solutions. One of my favorite proverbs has always been, “With many advisors, plans succeed.” Whether in the classroom, on the court or field, in the library, in online chat rooms or within residence halls, our faculty, staff and coaches are attuned to student needs and are ready to come alongside them as they wrestle through life’s challenges.
Key to our education at Greenville University is a recognition that we are called to serve, not to be served. We can tell story after story of our students and alumni connecting with others in service and support of others.
Our gymnasts are teaching the basics to young people in our community, while other students are investing in local foster families with the healing and restoration found in the mastery of horsemanship. Our alumni return summer after summer to host sports camps for high school youth on campus. They are great examples of servants who are motived by a selfless willingness to sojourn with others.
Our character is forged through challenges as we selflessly address the needs of the world around us. As students recognize and embrace their unique vocations, their “deep gladness” intersects with a variety of societal needs. In and through this intersection, students begin to see new pathways for service, that they may never have imagined.
Students at Greenville University are empowered for lives of Christlike character with a mindset toward service to others. I know, because I both experienced that myself, as a well-prepared and
highly motivated student but stricken with grief from the loss of my father and brothers. I saw this, too, in both of my adopted daughters, first-generation, high school graduates, who had come to Greenville from a dysfunctional background with deep emotional scars. I continue to witness God’s grace in this place time and time again. Many on our campus with physical, mental, and emotional challenges develop deeper Christian character as they navigate their experience with all the brokenness of this world.
The times in which we live demand new ways of thinking, and we are committed to thinking as Christians, who are given everything, to be faithful in this time and place.
God is “still rolling stones” to let the light of Christ shine His saving grace into students’ hearts and minds at Greenville University! We seek to be vessels in this great work at Greenville University: the best place for overcomers to overcome! And aren’t we all overcoming? As such, we believe that every person is uniquely made to shape the world, to learn and
grow, to be made whole. So, we rise up to disciple students to find that sacred place of God’s call on their lives.
Join us in this great adventure of Christian higher education! We welcome you to this great juxtaposition of joy amidst a particularly challenging time in American culture when there exists a great hunger and longing for hope and meaning. We believe that what we have to offer assists the church in reconciling the world to Christ. We send forth students equipped to come alongside others, as we have modeled for them, in vocation and service towards Christ’s great commission to go and make disciples of all nations.
On this journey with you,
Suzanne Allison Davis President
Greenville University is a Christian university of the liberal arts and sciences founded by the Free Methodist Church.
As a Free Methodist founded school, we embrace orthodoxy and celebrate the diverse traditions of the church worldwide. We integrate faith and learning in the classroom and campus community to help students learn the difference that Christ makes in every arena of life. As an academic community of faith, we strive to help students understand the ways in which all truth is God’s truth, wherever it may be found. This means that we are fearless in our exploration of God and God’s creation. We regard Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience as sources of authority in our inquiry and discovery of truth, with Scripture as the primary authority. In this spirit, we affirm the Apostles’ Creed and the historic teachings of Christianity on the Trinity, the full humanity and full divinity of Christ, the forgiveness of sin, and the gift of everlasting life.
We actively witness to the gospel. Our commitment to character formation and service aligns with the Free Methodist Church’s commitment to peace and justice, equality of all persons, simplicity of life, and commitment to those who experience material poverty. While our mission is distinct from that of the church, our academic community of faith supports the mission of Christ’s church in an academic context. We lovingly serve all members of our community and beyond in a manner consistent with the doctrine and distinctives of the Free Methodist Church. Loving God with our heads, hearts, and hands is integral to our flourishing as disciples of Jesus Christ. For those who have not yet become followers of Jesus, we seek to learn and live in ways that draw them near to God.
We strive for humility in our theological thinking. We acknowledge that our perspectives and understanding are limited and incomplete. Our love for God and neighbor is the essence of our discipleship. Enlivened by God’s love for us, we value and cherish every member of our community. We are captivated in wonder at God’s creative activity in the world, the saving work of Jesus, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
We commit deeply to our mission of empowering students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education. Our values guide our actions, decisions, and interactions. They define who we are and how we work. They:
• Provide clarity and alignment around our shared beliefs and principles.
• Foster a sense of unity and purpose among faculty, staff, and students.
• Serve as a compass for decision-making.
• Guide us to uphold biblical and ethical standards that reflect our commitment to excellence and integrity.
• Shape our culture and contribute to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.
Our belief that all truth is God’s truth grounds us. It assures us that our pursuit of truth in any field of study reveals something about God’s creation and character. Our academic and spiritual journeys intertwine. When we pursue truth in any aspect of life, we pursue God Himself.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He, the ultimate source of truth, guides us in our quest for knowledge and understanding. We strive to align our discoveries with His teachings.
At GU, we encourage a diligent and holistic approach to learning. “Christ is truth” compels us to seek truth with intellectual integrity, spiritual discernment, and humble hearts.
Scripture reference: John 14:6
Jesus embodies servant leadership. Just as He took a towel and washed His disciples’ feet, we serve others selflessly. We focus on the needs of those around us, especially the needs of the “least of these.” Answering the call to serve means “taking a towel” and following Jesus’ example of humble service. We prioritize the well-being of others, foster an environment of mutual respect and care, and address conflicts constructively. Called to serve, we commit to act with integrity, support one another, and make decisions that reflect our accountability to God and each other. As servants, we create a community that values each individual and empowers each member to contribute to the greater good.
Scripture reference: John 13:1-5
When the disciple Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus, he demonstrated the courage to adapt and embrace the unknown. Fearless living means remaining “on the water” with our eyes on Jesus. It means prioritizing what truly matters. We put faith over fear. We learn and grow despite challenges. We step out in faith, trust in God’s guidance, and remain resilient in the face of adversity. We know that our focus on Christ helps us navigate any storm.
Scripture reference: Matthew 14:22-33
The parable of the talents teaches us that authentic faithfulness means maximizing what has been entrusted to us, rather than spreading ourselves too thinly. It emphasizes the pursuit of excellence through dedicated focus and the wise investment of our talents. Good stewards remember to be “faithful in a few things.” They wisely invest their talents and resources. They are diligent, responsible, and strive for high standards in all endeavors.
Scripture reference: Matthew 25:14-30
Mark’s gospel tells of the friends who tore the roof off a house to get their paralytic friend to Jesus. Likewise, we are called to serve others with fierce resolve and unyielding grit. Courageous care embodies love and determination that make a difference despite obstacles. We act selflessly. Our compassion translates into tangible actions that uplift and support our brothers and sisters. We break down barriers and go to extraordinary lengths to serve. We profoundly impact our community and beyond.
Scripture reference: Mark 2:3-5
These values guide our progress delivering our mission and achieving our vision.
Our guiding principles are embedded in our DNA. Everything we do centers on our mission to empower students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education. We aim to
(1) provide an immersive student experience, (2) foster innovation as a hallmark of our institution, and (3) enhance interconnectivity within our community and beyond.
These principles guide our progress delivering our mission and achieving our vision.
MISSION Sustainability
IDENTITY Alignment
With God’s help, GU will empower more students to live lives of character and service through a transforming, Christ-centered education fueled by innovation, immersion, and interconnection.
To accomplish our mission and achieve our strategic goals by 2030, GU will pursue the following:
• Financial stability: Our financial growth will result in a healthy, sustainable operating budget.
• Identity alignment: Our identity as an institution will accurately align with the historical and aspirational values of the Free Methodist Way: Life-Giving Holiness, Love-Driven Justice, Christ-Compelled Multiplication, Cross-Cultural Collaboration, and God-given Revelation.
• Innovative: Innovative education - a hallmark of GU since its founding - will mark the GU experience in new and expanded ways.
• Immersive: More immersive opportunities across our programs will shape our student experience and educational journey.
• Interconnected: Interconnectivity to one another, our communities, and opportunities near and far shape our future.
Student Enrollment and Development
We will grow our students in number and strengthen their capacity to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles to serve. They will realize more of their potential. They will be seen, known, and assured of their significance.
Learning Through Experiences
Partnerships and Networks
Faculty, staff, and coaches will attune to students’ needs and come alongside them to facilitate experiential learning.
We will connect with external organizations and stakeholders to leverage their experiences, insights, and networks with partnerships that create opportunities for our students.
We will grow our students in number and strengthen their capacity to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles to serve. They will realize more of their potential. They will be seen, known, and assured of their significance.
1. Build a Connected and Extended Private Education System
Pursue strategic acquisitions of institutions and programs that align with our mission and values. Enhance offerings, reach new student populations, and increase GU’s global footprint to enrich its academic environment and amplify its Kingdom impact.
2. Grow Student Enrollment
Increase student enrollment and participation to 1,400 FTEs by 2026 and press toward 2,000 FTEs by 2030. This will include all participants across our extended private education system: the main campus, evolving partnerships, programs and experience institutes. The increase will secure GU’s financial stability and extend Kingdom impact.
3. Integrate Discipleship
Embed discipleship into all programs and practices. Foster spiritual and personal growth. Nurture a community committed to Christian values.
4. Increase Student Retention and Support
Increase student retention to 90% by creating a supportive environment where every student feels seen, known, and significant. Help students reach their full potential.
5. Increase freshman retention rate
Achieve 90% freshman retention by working with admissions to determine each student’s “fit” with Christian culture. Integrate spiritual development into the campus experience. Improve GU’s retention data system with a No Student Left Behind model.
6. Expand Panther Athletics
- Sustain a 550 athlete count annually.
- Start golf at the Greenville Country Club, 20-25 golfers.
- Add JV gymnastics – Raise funds to support the addition of 30-40 new athletes.
7. Build and expand our enterprise facilities to support this strategy as funding permits.
Faculty, staff and coaches will attune to students’ needs and come alongside them to facilitate experiential learning.
1. Experience. The Difference.
Provide core curriculum education beyond the classroom. Equip all students with practical work experiences, internship opportunities, and robust networks. Prepare them well for meaningful careers and lives of service.
- Expand Career Preparation
Establish the Greenville University Center for Experiential Learning to drive development of internships, cooperative education, and other forms of work-related learning.
- Expand experiential learning beyond the classroom into all aspects of student experience on campus and throughout the enterprise, including additional connections with the SMART Experience Institute.
2. Strengthen Academic Excellence
Implement rigorous evaluation and continuous improvement of the curriculum to provide relevant and impactful education that prepares students for successful careers and lives.
3. Enhance Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Integrate Christian ethics into the use of AI to enhance operational efficiencies and academic programming, providing staff training, improving, and student engagement. Develop computer information systems, cybersecurity and artificial Intelligence in engineering majors, aiming to set a standard for academic excellence and innovation while preparing our community for the future.
4. Add Future-Focused Programs
Develop new academic programs that meet emerging markets and student demands. Prepare graduates for a dynamic and evolving job market.
5. Increase Graduation Rate
Increase four-year graduation rate to 46% from 42% (2019) and six-year graduation rate to 57% from 51.8% (2017).
6. Launch Healthcare Graduate Programs
Secure partners to deliver medical education graduate degrees, and explore healthcare administration business graduate programs.
7. Evaluate alternative education products and programs
Launch new programs including those that issue micro-credentials. Consult with admissions and marketing to establish a pro forma process that informs decisions. a. Build and expand our enterprise facilities to support this strategy as funding permits.
We will connect with external organizations and stakeholders to leverage their experience, insights, and networks with partnerships that create opportunities for our students. GU will broaden its connections with alumni, partners, and other institutions to achieve greater impact. Mutual growth, resource sharing, and joint ventures will result.
1. Increase engagement with the Free Methodist Church
Extend educational and training programs to pastors and laypersons globally. Strengthen the Free Methodist community and support spiritual and professional development.
2. Assess Kingdom Impact
Identify and implement measures that assess how well we deliver our mission, foster community service, and bring hope to those we reach.
3. Expand Strategic Partnerships
Secure formal agreements with allied organizations and churches. Invite new collaborations to leverage growth in our student populations and their training.
4. Develop Strategy to Secure Grants.
Prioritize engineering applied science, technology, mathematics, healthcare, and economic development in our grant strategies.
5. Create new training opportunities for our students
Encourage them to invite the regional community to engage with them in campus offerings, such as community gymnastics and equestrian therapy.
6. Leverage our investment in Greenville University’s SMART Center with expanded outreach to entrepreneurs and training.
7. Lead the development of partnerships among the Association of Free Methodist Education Institutions (AFMEI) to yield cost savings and program advantages across institutions.
8. Empower our alumni base
Equip our alumni to act as ambassadors for GU’s mission among their networks, leveraging their significant passion for God’s Kingdom work developing throughout the growing Greenville University enterprise by supporting and growing the impact of the Orange and Black in athletics.
9. Draft an agile operations improvement plan
In partnership with quality experts, draft and implement this plan to enhance operational efficiencies, benchmark performance against high standards, and drive continuous improvement across the university.
10. Interact with Leaders
Build out existing and create new advisory boards across the enterprise to bring wisdom and counsel from many perspectives to bear on the effectiveness of our work to prepare students for lives of character and service.
11. Build and expand our enterprise facilities to support this strategy as funding permits.