It is an exciting time to be a Greenville University Panther. We find ourselves uniquely positioned to prepare students for the opportunities and challenges ahead. Through an innovative curriculum and dynamic community life, we are committed to delivering a Christ-centered education, empowering students for lives of character and service.
We know that navigating the financial aid process can be stressful, which is why we not only want to equip you with this booklet, but we also promise to be there to help you every step of the way! We are committed to making sure that our students have all the support they need to have a life-changing experience here at Greenville University!
Each year, donors and alumni at GU fund more than $1 million in scholarships. They LOVE helping students. They believe in GU’s Christ-focused, liberal arts education. Many give because they want you to experience the academic, spiritual, and emotional growth they experienced—not to mention forming long-lasting friendships—while attending GU.
Again, please know that we are here to help every step of the way! Please email us at victoria.clark@greenville.edu or call/text us at 618-227-6166.

Victoria Clark Vice President of Enrollment

“Greenville University was able to help me apply for financial aid and scholarships which made my choice to attend GU easy. They showed me how many options there were to help me pay for school.”
- Julia Britton

5 7 10 12 14 15 Rise up: God’s Still Rolling Stones 4
• Created in God’s image, with a unique story and calling
• Welcomed as they are, from wherever they’re from and no matter their hurts
• We help them identify, embrace, and live into the story God has for them
• Grounded in our historic mission of education for character and service, combined with innovative teaching methods, GU will provide what students need for success in work and in life.
• We will walk alongside our students into the world with its problems and opportunities.
• We use experiential education as a centerpiece of our curriculum to practice the skills necessary to engage in real-world issues.
• We point our students to Jesus, the healer, and they are prepared to go forth and bring healing to their world.
• Students receive wisdom and training for an integrated career path.
• Students gain a connection base of alums and friends of the institution, whose mentorship can last a lifetime.
• Christ calls us to serve, not to be served. The experiences at Greenville University will prepare students to see the world differently and to serve and support others differently.
• Students are sent forth equipped to come alongside others in vocation and service toward Christ’s great commission, as we have modeled for them.
• God is “still rolling stones” to let the light of Christ shine His saving grace into Greenville University students’ hearts and minds!
• We will be vessels in this great work at Greenville University, to rise up to disciple students and help them find the sacred place of God’s call on their lives.
• We will make a difference in Christian higher education, especially in students’ lives.
• In American culture, there exists a longing for hope and meaning. We will assist the church in reconciling the world to Christ by sending out into culture the kind of people our world so desperately needs.
Join us on the great adventure God has in store for Greenville University.
2 File your FASFA.

Schedule a Financial Aid Call with your Admissions Representative once your receive your financial aid offer.
Say Yes to GU! Submit your Enrollment Deposit. The $200 Enrollment Deposit is refundable through June 1st and is applied to your bill.

Accept your Financial Aid Offer. Log into your Financial Aid Hub to view and accept your offer. More information on page 14.
Complete your New Student Enrollment forms. Complete your enrollment forms on your Student Status Page.
Register to attend Pre-Panther Day this summer:
June 13th
July 18th
Taking out loans? Complete the following documents:
• Student Loan Entrance Counseling
• Student Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Parents taking out loans? Complete the following documents:
• Parent PLUS Loan Application (Available April 1st)
• Parent PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Please be sure to check your Financial Aid Hub and email account to see if the financial aid team needs additional documentation. Financial Aid Process Submit your final official high school transcript and any transfer college transcripts.
Set up a payment plan and/or pay your remaining balance. Bills are available after July 1st. See more information on page 15.
Schedule a call with the admissions team to review your financial aid offer.
Your financial aid offer gives you an indication of the aid for which you qualify. There are three primary types of financial aid:
Greenville Grants and Scholarships
• This is free money. This is money that you do not have to pay back. It has been offered to you based on need and/or merit.
• 100% of traditional undergraduate students receive scholarships. You should see at least one GU scholarship on your offer.
• Your GU grants are renewable each year provided you maintain good standing with the institution and your scholarship program (see your offer letter for specific parameters).
Schedule your personal financial aid call

Federal and State Grants
• This is free money. This is money that you do not have to pay back. These grants and scholarships are offered to you based on the information you provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
• Common Grants
Pell: Federal Grant
SEOG: Federal Grant
MAP: State Grant for residents of Illinois only
Federal Student Loans
Your financial aid offer lists federal loans for which you are eligible. This is based on the information you provided on the FAFSA. Federal Student Loans, held by the Department of Education, can be subsidized and unsubsidized. These loans are optional and can be reduced by request. This is just one option to finance your education.
• Subsidized – Offered to students who demonstrate financial need. The Department of Education pays the interest while you are enrolled at least half-time. Repayment is deferred until 6 months after graduation or withdrawal from school.
• Unsubsidized – Offered to students who complete the FAFSA each year. Interest begins to accrue at the time of disbursement. Repayment is deferred until 6 months after graduation or withdrawal from school.
Origination Fee
An origination fee is a percentage of your loan charged by the lender for the processing of your loan. Therefore, the amount you receive will be be slightly lower than the amount you accept.
• Parent PLUS Loan – Credit-based loan from the Department of Education that a parent can apply for each year. The maximum amount a parent may apply to borrow is equal to the Cost of Attendance less any other financial aid for which the student has qualified. Parents must apply at www.studentaid.gov for a Parent PLUS Loan and can borrow up to the student’s cost of attendance less any other financial aid. Applications open on April 1st.
If a PLUS Loan is not approved, a student may be offered additional unsubsidized loans
Interest Rate
Interest is additional money that you pay to a lender as a cost of borrowing money. Your interest rate is a percentage of the unpaid principal amount that you borrowed.
See Chart in the next page
Direct Subsidized Loans
Direct Unsubsidized Loans
PLUS Loans
All interest rates shown in the chart are current through June 30, 2025. Federal law sets new rates for student loans each year. A fixed rate will not change for the life of the loan.

Quick Tip
Many institutions will offer you more money your first year than for your subsequent years. That is NOT the case at GU, but we do encourage you to ask this question as you review other financial aid offer.
Greenville University aims to be upfront and transparent about our costs and payment options. The figures below are on an annual basis and are estimated charges.
Flat Rate Tuition - Tuition covers 12-17 credit hours each semester.
Optional Interterm -A 2-week period in January when students take just one 3-credit class. Students enrolled in an interterm course will be charged approximately $1000 for tuition, meals and housing.
Your room isn’t just where you sleep; this is your home during your time at Greenville, and we want you to make it your own! Personalize your room to make it feel like home.
There are very few single rooms available each year, typically reserved for students with medical needs.
Please Note: All residence halls & houses close during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Students wishing to stay over these times must sign up in advance. The cost to stay over breaks is $30 a day.
*Housing charges vary depending on placement. This amount is approximate and subject to housing placement. See tuition and costs for additional information.
All students are placed on the All-Access Plan, which includes:
• Unlimited meal swipes in the dining hall per week
• $25 flex dollars per semester
• 5 meal exchanges per week
• 5 guest passes per semester
Meal Exchanges: Meals from The Hoguey & The Hen in the Student Union.
Flex Dollars: Used to purchase à la carte items from the Student Union and items from the Fresh Ideas machines.
Athletic Insurance - Required for all intercollegiate athletes.
General Student Fee:
Parking Permit: $150
Graduation Fee (cap and gown): $150
Independent Study Fee (per credit): $250
Small-Group Music Fee (per credit): $200
Private Music Fee (per credit): $400
*This includes full time tuition, average housing (may vary), most common meal plan (may vary), and the general student fee.
This booklet represents estimate of the direct costs based on current information and should not be considered an official aid offer or billing statement. Actual cost and aid could vary, and any item is subject to change. Direct costs are billed by GU and include Tuition, Fees, Housing and Meals. The cost of attendance is provided as an estimate for planning purposes for GU families.

Keep in mind that full-tuition scholarships are rare. However, don’t be discouraged. With effort and work on your part, there are options the help reduce costs and allow you to graduate with minimal to no debt.
Greenville University wants you to not only graduate with a degree but also with a resume filled with experiences. Having a student job on campus is a great way to help finance your education and strengthen your resume. You could work 8 hours a week per semester and earn $2,400 gross pay a year to help with your education costs. GU will partner with you to find employment.

Many corporations offer scholarship opportunities. Keep this in mind when looking for summer employment. After graduation, some employers offer benefits such as paying off your student debt in return for a guaranteed number of years with the company.
Scholarships come in many forms and from many sources, including your high school counseling office, local organizations, associations, foundations, employers, your church, or family members. It is never too late and always a good time to look for outside scholarships. Outside scholarships are financial aid that does not come directly from the university. Don’t be shy about searching for college scholarships. It is definitely worth the effort.
Have you received a financial aid offer from another institution that seems better than your offer from GU? If so, send us that scholarship offer, and we will do our best to match what the other school is offering you in terms of net price, not scholarship amount.
Ask your church representative to submit the Church Partnership Application. Applications must be received before March 1st prior to enrollment. GU will match up to $1,000 of support received from the church. Learn more here.

Are you interested in choir, band, worship team, cheer, dance, esports, equine, powerlifting, or outdoor adventure club? If so, you may be eligible for additional scholarships. Talk to your admissions counselor to learn more!
Sometimes federal student and parent loans are not enough to cover all educational expenses. For this reason, students and parents may consider applying for a private, alternative loan that may be used as a supplemental resource for paying college costs.
Alternative loans require a separate application and a credit check. Most alternative loans require a co-signer. Many factors can be used to evaluate each loan and lender. These factors include, but are not limited to, interest rates, origination fees, loan principal reductions, borrower type, and customer service. You are free to choose any lender and loan you feel best suits your needs. Learn more about your loan options here!

1. Go to the Financial Aid Hub website: fa.greenville.edu.
2. Log in with your GU network ID and password. If this is your first log in, you can set up your own safe and secure password for your Greenville University accounts using your ID number at my.greenville.edu/apps/reset/.
3. Enter your Student ID found in your Financial Aid Notice.
4. Click the menu button in upper left hand corner and go to the Financial Aid Offer page to view your financial aid.
5. Go to the Accept/Decline Financial Aid page to accept/decline your scholarships, grants, and loans.
6. Go to the Documents and Messages page to review information pertaining to your aid offer, and submit any required documents needed to process your financial aid.

Congratulations! Your financial aid has been accepted.

1. Log into my.greenville with your GU Username and Password. On the homepage, select “Students,” then “myFinancials,” then “my Online Billine and Payment”. Click Pay using Nelnet. You may be prompted to sign in again with your GU Username and password.
2. The first time you sign in you will be required to set up security questions for your account.
3. You can also set up direct deposit in case you are ever eligible for a refund. Click Manage Refunds on your Nelnet dashboard to get started.
Account Summary
Shows total amount due. Credits will show in negative
Account Activity Transactions that make up the amount due.
View any current or past billing statements. Select the statement you wish to view and choose “View Your Bill.”

Payment Plan
Your first bill will availablebe July 1st
Create or adjust payment plans.
Payment Options
View all payment options, including a payment plan or onetime electronic check or card payment.
Track any issued refunds and edit refund preferences. Refund options include direct deposit or paper check.