3450 Blue Heron Drive
S E P T E M B E R 1 2 T H
H i k i n g
Head out for a hike in the shade of Wildwood's forest.
P a i n t i n g
Get inspired by nature & create your own one-of-a-kind masterpiece
Y o g a
The choice is yours: regular yoga or laughter yoga!
P i c k l e b a l l
Join in the excitement of the #1 fastest growing sport in the nation!
L u n c h
Included with each of the sections!
K a y a k i n g
Hit the water for a tour of Barber Lake
C r a f t i n g
Create your own DIY memo board.
T a b l e G a m e s
Throughout the day enjoy various table games
u m b a
A modified lower intensity class that is perfect for active adults & seniors!
E A C H S E S S I O N I S $ 5 P E R P E R S O N & I N C U D E S L U N C H , G A M E S , & M O R E ! Y O U C A N C H O O S E B E T W E E N 1 - 4 S E S S I O N . C h o o s e y o u r a d v e n t u r e f r o m t h e l i s t b e l o w : J o i n u s f o r a d a y o f n e w a d v e n t u r e s a t W i l d w o o d P a r k !
R e g i s t r a t i o n O p e n s M i d J u l y V i s i t G r e e n v i l l e N C . g o v o r S c a n t h e Q R C o d e t o R e g i s t e r . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l 3 2 9 - 4 5 6 7
We envision our department as being a viable and recognized force in positively impacting the health, economy, natural environment, and well being of the Greenville community and its people.
To advance parks, recreation, and environmental conservation efforts that promote mental and physical health, serve as a deterrent to illegal or inappropriate behaviors, and enhance Greenville’s quality of life.
The purpose of this commission is to promote recreation and develop parks for the citizens of the city, as well as oversee and guide the operations of the department. Commission meetings are usually held the second Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are typically held at the Drew Steele Center. Meetings are not held in December or August. Please visit GreenvilleNC.gov for more information.
Gordon Darragh, Chair Derrick Clark
Darin White, Vice-chair Joel Sweeny
Deborah Sheppard Najiyyah Lewis
Kevon Gainer Montez Bishop
Monica Daniels, City Council Liaison
5 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
6 To register for programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov FAMILY Family Service ........................................................ 58 HEALTH & WELLNESS Adult Fitness 59 Adult Health & Wellness 60 HOME SCHOOL Arts & Crafts ............................................................ 61 Nature 62 NATURE River Park North “On the Road” Series 64 River Park North ..................................................... 66 Wildwood Park 71 SPECIALIZED RECREATION Arts & Crafts 73 Football ..................................................................... 73 Social Events 74 Special Olympics 74 CAMPS Winter Break Camp .............................................. 75 SPECIAL EVENTS Special Events 76 VOLUNTEER Volunteer Opportunities 83 GENERAL INFORMATION Registration Information ...................................... 07 Map of Recreation & Parks Facilities 08 ACTIVE ADULTS & SENIORS Group Exercise 10 Information Fairs .................................................... 11 Nature 11 Senior Games & Social Clubs 12 Travel ......................................................................... 13 AQUATICS Youth Swim Lessons 15 Teen & Adult Swim Lessons 23 Safety Classes ........................................................ 23 ARTS Youth Ceramics 25 Youth Dance 29 Youth Fiber Arts ..................................................... 30 Adult Ceramics 31 Adult Drawing & Painting 36 Adult Fiber Arts ...................................................... 36 ATHLETICS Youth Baseball 38 Youth Basketball 41 Youth Football ......................................................... 42 Youth Lacrosse 43 Youth Pickleball 44 Youth Soccer ........................................................... 45 Youth Tennis 46 Adult Basketball 50 Adult Football ......................................................... 50 Adult Footsal 50 Adult Kickball 51 Adult Pickleball ....................................................... 51 Adult Soccer 54 Adult Softball 55 Adult Tennis ............................................................. 56 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Registration will be taken by at Greenville Recreation and Parks Department facilities or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. Programs will have varying registration dates; please review program information carefully. Early registration is encouraged. Please call (252) 329-4567 for more information.
Greenville Recreation and Parks Department will give full or partial refunds for the following reasons:
1. Class canceled due to lack of participant interest, and/or
2. Valid medical reasons on the part of the participant, and/or
3. Participant attended program and is dissatisfied within the first two (2) meetings of a program. Individual must contact Greenville Recreation and Parks Department staff within five (5) business days after the second meeting to request a refund.
Senior management must approve a refund or a credit for a program or a portion of program. Credits can be used only by the participant or his/her immediate family members.
Our programs are carefully planned with an awareness of individual needs and we will strive to give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in our activities. Staff can discuss accommodations or adaptations. For
Aquatics & Fitness Center
921 Staton Rd | (252) 329-4041
Drew Steele Center 1058 S Elm St | (252) 329-4650
Evans Park & River Birch Tennis Center
625 W Arlington Blvd | (252) 329-4559
H. Boyd Lee Park
5184 Corey Rd | (252) 329-4550
Jaycee Park & Administrative Offices 2000 Cedar Ln | (252) 329-4567
River Park North 1000 Mumford Rd | (252) 329-4560
South Greenville Recreation Center
851 Howell St | (252) 329-4549
The Sports Connection 1701 E 14th St | (252) 215-9090
Thomas Foreman Park & Eppes Recreation Center 400 Nash St | (252) 329-4548
Bradford Creek Public Golf Course 4950 Old Pactolus Rd | (252) 329-4653 Bradford
8 To register for programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
ADDITIONAL FACILITIES & PARKS Andrew A. Best Freedom Park 315 Oakdale Rd
Maye Garden Park 1100 Farmville Blvd
Off Leash Dog Park 200 N Ash St Dream Park & Sprayground 1700 Chestnut St Elm Street Park 1055 S Elm St
Center 120 Park Access Road Greensprings Park 2500 E 5th St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 33 43 264 13 20 21 10 19 25 3 7 9 15 11 18 26 29
Creek Soccer Complex
Old Pactolus Rd
Greenfield Terrace Park & Barnes-Ebron-Taft
Guy Smith Park & Community Pool 1050 Moye Blvd
Hillsdale Park 2531 Sunset Ave
Jaycee Park, Center for Arts & Crafts, and Extreme Park 2000 Cedar Ln | (252) 329-4567
Kristin Drive Playground 100 Kristin Drive
Paramore Park 401 E Firetower Rd
Peppermint Park 1400 Brownlea Dr
Perkins Baseball Complex 1703 E 14th St
Town Common & Greenville Toyota Amphitheater 105 E 1st St
Matthew Lewis Park at West Meadowbrook 900 Legion St
Westhaven Park 203 Cedarhurst Dr
Westpointe Park 3700 Stantonsburg Rd
Wildwood Park 3450 Blue Heron Dr
Woodlawn Park 100 N Woodlawn Ave
9 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 13 33 43 264 264 22 1 2 4 5 6 8 17 13 14 16 24 23 12 27 28 30
18 19 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 27 MAP OF FACILITIES
D.T.L.H. (Determined to Live Healthy) at Eppes Recreation Center
Ages: 50 & Up General emphasis is on flexibility, balance, and toning (no impact; range of motion exercises). Co-sponsored by Pitt County Community Schools and Recreation. Please call (252) 902-1975 for more information.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays On-going 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Fee: Free.
No registration required. Medical waiver form must be completed prior to starting the class.
Senior Walking Club at Greenfield Terrace Park
Ages: 50 & Up Seniors are invited to come and join a free of charge walking program. This is a great opportunity to be motivated for a healthier life.
272013.01 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 5–October 12 10:00 a.m.–11:10 a.m.
Fee: Free
Registration is accepted at the Drew Steele Center, Monday–Friday, 12:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
For more information please call (252) 329-4269 or email rwarren@GreenvilleNC.gov
Active Adults & Seniors: Social at Wildwood Park Ages: 50 & Up
Come out to Wildwood Park and enjoy the different aspects of the Greenville Recreation and Parks Department and what we have to offer our population that is ages 50 plus. Activities will include guided hikes around Wildwood Park, art activity, kayaking on Barber Lake, fitness class, pickle ball, and more. Preregistration is highly encouraged, online.
Fee: $5 per session
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
10 To register for programs
online, please visit
292002.01 Art Painting Class Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.02 Art Painting Class Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.03 Wildwood Hike Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.04 Wildwood Hike Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.05 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.06 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.07 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.08 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.09 Kayaking Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.10 Kayaking Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.11 Art Crafting Class Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.13 Yoga Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.14 Zumba Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.15 Laughter Yoga Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.16 Lunch Tuesday September 12 11:45 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
Senior Health Fair at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 50 & Up
A variety of agencies targeting the senior population will provide materials and information focusing on health, fitness, nutrition, and recreation. Free health screenings provided. Drawings held for door prizes provided by vendors. You do not have to be present to win.
Wednesday November 15 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: Free and open to the public. For more information please call (252) 329-4569 or email mpaul@GreenvilleNC.gov
Active Adult Hike at Wildwood Park
Ages: 50 & Up
Meet us to get your day going, learn about the trails and features of Wildwood Park, and connect with other community members who enjoy getting outside. We’ll walk about a mile over relatively flat terrain. Bring a water bottle, wear your hiking shoes, and dress for the weather. This program will meet at the Welcome Center.
Tuesday October 17 9:00 a.m.
Fee: Free.
No registration required. For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
11 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
2024 Senior Games at Various Locations
Ages: 50 & Up
This is our local competition featuring a variety of athletic events and art contests. Winners will be eligible to compete in the State Games. We will host the events at a variety of facilities in Pitt County. Registration for all events will begin in February with opening ceremonies and competition taking place in April 2024.
Fee: TBD
For more information please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
Moyewood Senior Citizens Club at Eppes Recreation Center
Ages: 55 & Up
Chartered club with the North Carolina Association of Senior Citizens Clubs. Includes business meetings, activities, and club related trips.
Wednesdays after the second Sunday Year-round 1:00 p.m.
Fee: Club dues $27/year. Registration and fees are taken at club meetings at the time of joining For more information please call (252) 329-4195 or email tdemingo@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
12 To register for
Southside Senior Citizens Club at Eppes Recreation Center
Ages: 55 & Up
Chartered club with the North Carolina Association of Senior Citizens Clubs. Includes business meetings, activities, and club related trips.
First Monday of each month Year-round 12:30 p.m.
Fee: Club dues $27/year Registration and fees are taken at club meetings at the time of joining. For more information please call (252) 329-4195 or email tdemingo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall Dining Series at Various Locations
Join us as we visit some of the great food venues of Eastern NC. All our trips will provide transportation from Greenville to the dining location. Fee includes appetizer & transportation. Everyone will pay for their entrée, dessert, and alcoholic beverages. This is a fun, relaxed evening so we hope to see everyone soon.
172016 .03 The Bank Bistro — Washington
172016.08 Jacks — Wilson
172016.09 Cypress Hall — New Bern
172016.05 Angus Barn — Raleigh
Thursday August 24 4:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Thursday August 17 4:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Thursday September 21 4:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Thursday October 12 4:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: $20; Discounted Greenville Resident: $16 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
BBQ Trail Lunch Dinning Series at Various Locations Adults
Join us as we visit some of the great BBQ venues of Eastern NC. All our trips will provide transportation from Greenville to the dining location. Fee includes lunch & transportation. Everyone will pay additional for dessert and alcoholic beverages. This is a fun, relaxed evening so we hope to see everyone soon.
272019.01 Wilbur’s BBQ — Goldsboro
372002.02 Old Colony Smokehouse — Edenton
372002.03 Grady’s — Dudley
472002.04 Redneck BBQ Lab — Benson
Friday October 13 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Friday January 12 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Friday February 9 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Friday March 8 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Fee: $25; Discounted Greenville Resident: $18 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
North Carolina State Fair Adults
Join us as we enjoy a day at the fair. All fair goers will be dropped off at Gate 9 to explore the fair on your own. The fee includes round-trip transportation. It is Senior Appreciation Day so all individuals ages 65 and older get in free!
272002.01 Tuesday October 17 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Fee: $15; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information and to register please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
13 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Music Cities at Christmas Adults
Join us as we visit some of the greatest music cities in the US during the holiday season. Some of the highlights of the trip include Graceland, Showboat Branson Belle, Doug Gabriel Show, Holiday Dinner & Show at the Opryland Resort!
November 28–December 3, 2023
Fee: $2,895; Double Occupancy
For more information and to register please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
Yellowstone Adults
Highlights of this fantastic 7-day trip include: Yellowstone Wildlife Safari, Grizzly & Wolf Discovery, Snake River Float Trip, Salt Lake City, Tour of Yellowstone National Park, and many more sights! Included is 2 nights in West Yellowstone, 2 nights in Jackson, Wyoming, roundtrip airfare, 9 meals, and all motorcoach, baggage handling, & Professional Tour Director.
Flyers and detailed trip information can be found online at GreenvilleNC.gov
June 21–27, 2024
Fee: $3749pp; Double Occupancy; Single supplement is available
For more information and to register please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
California Rail Discovery Adults
Join us as we spend 7 wonderful days in California. Highlights of this trip will include San Francisco City Tour, Napa Valley Winery Tour & Tasting, Lake Tahoe Paddle Wheeler Cruise, Muir Woods, and much more! Included is 3 nights in Lake Tahoe, two nights in San Francisco, roundtrip airfare, 9 meals, and all motorcoach, baggage handling, & Professional Tour Director.
Flyers and detailed trip information can be found online at GreenvilleNC.gov
October 9–15, 2024
Fee: $3499pp; Double Occupancy; Single supplement is available
For more information and to register please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
14 To register for programs
AGES 50 & UP
The Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center provides a variety of aquatic programs for youth ages 6 months to 18 years old. Swimmers are allowed to use goggles that DO NOT cover their nose and if they have long hair they should tie it up or wear a swim cap.
Private Swim Lessons at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
All Ages
Beginning swimming through advanced stroke mechanics taught one-on-one by certified water safety instructors. We will work with you to make sure the water is no longer an obstacle. Most lessons are 30 minutes in length but can be extended depending on swimmer skill, endurance, and age. By appointment only during the months of September–May. Fee is per ½ hour.
Fee: $38; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25; GAFC Member: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Guppy I at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 6 Months–2 Years
This class introduces children and parents to the aquatic environment. The goal of this class is to help parents to be able to keep small children safe in and around water. Babies in diapers must wear rubber pants over their diapers or “Little Swimmer” specialty diapers. Parents are in the water with their children in the entire class.
201021.01 Thursdays August 31–October 19
p.m.–6:00 p.m.
201021.02 Saturdays September 2–October 21 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
201021.03 Thursdays October 26–December 14
p.m.–6:00 p.m.
201021.04 Saturdays October 28–December 16 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
15 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 YOUTH PROGRAMS AQUATICS
Guppy II at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 2–3
Still focused on safety, this class also helps students learn to become more comfortable with the water. Students will learn kicking, scooping, floating, and blowing bubbles. Adult in water with child the entire class. Pre-requisites: Age 2 or Guppy I.
August 31–October 19
p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201022.02
September 2–October 21 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 201022.03 Thursdays October 26–December 14 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
201022.04 Saturdays October 28–December 16 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Guppy III at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages 3–4
In this class we emphasize safety through daily safety topics, floatation and kicking. Classes will also begin to learn basic swimming mechanics to be able to move independently in the water. Students must be able to follow directions and wait their turn. Parent is NOT in the water. 201023.01
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
16 To register for programs online,
visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Mondays August 28–October 16 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201023.02 Wednesday August 30–October 18 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201023.03 Thursdays August 31–October 19 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201023.04 Saturdays September 2–October 21 11:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 201023.05 Mondays October 23–December 11 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201023.06 Wednesday October 25–December 13 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201023.07 Thursdays October 26–December 14 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201023.08 Saturdays October 28–December 16 11:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Jellyfish I: Non-swimmer at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 5–9
Swimmers are taught basic water safety skills such as floating, entering and exiting the pool. Swimmers begin to learn swimming mechanics of breathing, kicking and arm pulls. The goal is to be able to jump in the pool, recover, swim to the edge, and exit independently. Pre-requisites: Age 5 or Guppy III.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email
Jellyfish II: Beginner at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
5–9 Swimmers are taught freestyle, backstroke, jumping, underwater skills, directional changes, treading water, and daily safety topics. The goal at this level is to be able to swim 25 yards proficiently. Students should be able to jump in the pool, recover, swim to the edge, and exit independently at the beginning of class. Prerequisites: Jellyfish I or swim half the length of the pool unassisted.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
17 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
201024.01 Mondays August 28–October 16 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201024.02 Mondays August 28–October 16 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.03 Wednesdays August 30–October 18 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.04 Thursdays August 31–October 19 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.05 Saturdays September 2–October 21 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 201024.06 Mondays October 23–December 11 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201024.07 Mondays October 23–December 11 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.08 Wednesdays October 25–December 13 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.09 Thursdays October 26–December 14 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201024.10 Saturdays October 28–December 16 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
201043.01 Tuesdays August 29–October 17 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201043.02 Wednesdays August 30–October 18 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201043.03 Saturdays September 2–October 21 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 201043.04 Tuesdays October 24–December 12 5:30 p.m.–6:00p.m. 201043.05 Wednesdays October 25–December 13 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 201043.06 Saturdays October 28–December 16 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Starfish: Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 5–15
NEW LEVEL — This is for the swimmers that have successfully completed Jellyfish 2 but needs more endurance before joining Dolphins. Swimmers will build on their endurance and fine tune their skills. The goal at this level is to be able to swim 250 yards proficiently in freestyle and backstroke and starting to learn breaststroke. Pre-requisites: Completing Jellyfish 2 or instructor recommendation.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Dolphins: Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 5–15
Participants are taught endurance, stroke development and safety. This level is intended for those wishing to pursue competitive swimming or swimming for fitness. Pre-requisites: Completing Starfish or instructor recommendation.
201027.04 Saturdays October 28–December 16 10:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Sharks: Advanced at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 5–16
Designed for advanced swimmers, Sharks focuses on technique and endurance to prepare for competitive swimming or swimming for fitness. Pre-requisites: Dolphins or swim 100 yards freestyle or backstroke, 50 yards breaststroke and 15 yards butterfly. Practices will be held 3 times per week and swimmer may come to any practice. Skills learned: Flip turns, technique drills, starts, finishes, endurance and set building.
201028.01 Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays August 28–October 21
201028.02 Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays October 23–December 16
Practice schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Saturdays 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Fee: $105; Discounted Greenville Resident: $70; GAFC Member: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
18 To register for programs
201031.01 Mondays August 28–October 16 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201031.02 Wednesdays August 30–October 18 6:30p.m.–7:00 p.m. 201031.03 Saturdays September 2–October 21 10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 201031.04 Mondays October 23–December 11 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201031.05 Wednesdays October 25–December 13 6:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 201031.06 Saturdays October 28–December 16 10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Wednesdays August 30–October 18 5:15 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 201027.02 Saturdays September 2–October 21 10:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m. 201027.03 Wednesdays October 25–December 13 5:15 p.m.–6:00
Young Adult: Beginner & Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 10–16
Specifically for young adults at the beginner and intermediate level. Young adults will learn skills at their own pace in an environment that is fun and safe. Class includes swim strokes, fitness, and activities. Class is at a faster pace than Jellyfish I and combines Jellyfish I and Jellyfish II skills.
201026.01 Tuesdays August 29–October 17 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
201026.02 Saturdays September 2–October 21 9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
201026.03 Tuesdays October 24–December 12 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
201026.04 Saturdays October 28–December 16 9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Private Swim Lessons at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
All Ages
Beginning swimming through advanced stroke mechanics taught one-on-one. We will work with you to fit swim instruction into your schedule. Most lessons are 30 minutes in length but can be extended depending on swimmer skill, endurance, and age. By appointment only through the months of September–May. Fee is per ½ hour.
Fee: $38; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25; GAFC Member: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Guppy I at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center Ages: 6 Months–2 Years
This class introduces children and parents to the aquatic environment. The goal of this class is to help parents to be able to keep small children safe in and around water. Babies in diapers must wear rubber pants over their diapers or “Little Swimmer” specialty diapers. Adults are in the water with their child, the entire class.
301021.01 Thursdays January 11–February 29 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
301021.02 Saturdays January 13–March 2 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
19 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Guppy II at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center
Ages: 2–3
Still focused on safety, this class also helps students learn to become more comfortable with the water. Students will learn kicking, scooping, floating, and blowing bubbles. Adult in water with child the entire class.
Pre-requisites: Age 2 or Guppy I.
301022.01 Thursdays January 11–February 29
301022.02 Saturdays January 13–March 2
p.m.–6:30 p.m.
a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Guppy III at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center Ages: 3–4
In this class we emphasize safety through daily safety topics, floatation and kicking. Classes will also begin to learn basic swimming mechanics to be able to move independently in the water. Students must be comfortable following directions and waiting for their turn. Parent is NOT in the water.
301023.01 Mondays January 8–February 26
January 10–February 28
January 11–February 29
January 13–March 2
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
p.m.–6:30 p.m.
p.m.–6:00 p.m.
p.m.–6:00 p.m.
a.m.–11:30 a.m.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
20 To register for programs
Jellyfish I: Non-swimmer at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center
Ages: 5–9
Swimmers are taught basic water safety skills such as floating, entering and exiting the pool. Swimmers will begin to learn swimming mechanics of breathing, kicking and arm pulls. The goal at this level is to be able to jump in the pool, recover, swim to the edge, and exit independently.
Pre-requisites: Age 5 or Guppy III. 301024.01
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Jellyfish II: Beginner at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center Ages: 5–9
Swimmers are taught freestyle, backstroke, jumping, underwater skills, directional changes, treading water, and daily safety topics. The goal at this level is to be able to swim 25 yards proficiently. Students should be able to jump in the pool, recover, swim to the edge, and exit independently at the beginning of class.
Pre-requisites: Jellyfish I or swim half the length of the pool unassisted.
9–February 27
301043.03 Saturdays January 13–March 2 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Starfish: Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 5–15
NEW LEVEL — This is for the swimmers that have successfully completed Jellyfish 2 but needs more endurance before joining Dolphins. Swimmers will build on their endurance and fine tune their skills. The goal at this level is to be able to swim 250 yards proficiently in freestyle and backstroke and starting to learn breaststroke. Pre-requisites: Completing Jellyfish 2 or instructor recommendation.
8–February 26
January 10–February 28
January 13–March 2
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
a.m.–11:00 a.m.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
21 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Mondays January 8–February 26 5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 301024.02 Mondays January 8–February 26 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 301024.03 Wednesdays January 10–February 28 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 301024.04 Thursdays January 11–February 29 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 301024.05 Saturdays January 13–March 2 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
p.m.–6:00 p.m. 301043.02
January 10–February 28
p.m.–6:00 p.m.
p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Dolphins: Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center
Ages: 5–15
Participants are taught endurance, stroke development and safety. This level is intended for those wishing to pursue competitive swimming or swimming for fitness. Pre-requisites: Completing Starfish or instructor recommendation.
Wednesdays January 10–February 28 5:15 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Saturdays January 13–March 2 10:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Sharks: Advanced at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 5–15
Designed for advanced swimmers, Sharks focuses on technique and endurance to prepare for competitive swimming or swimming for fitness. Pre-requisites: Dolphins or swim 100 yards freestyle or backstroke, 50 yards breaststroke and 15 yards butterfly. Practices will be held 3 times per week and swimmers may come to any practice. Skills learned: Flip turns, technique drills, starts, finishes, endurance and set building.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays January 8–March 2
Practice schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Saturdays 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Fee: $105; Discounted Greenville Resident: $70; GAFC Member: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Young Adult: Beginner & Intermediate at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 10–15
Specifically for young adults at the beginner and intermediate level. Young adults will learn skills at their own pace in an environment that is fun and safe. Class includes swim strokes, fitness, and activities. Class is at a faster pace than Jellyfish I and combines Jellyfish I and Jellyfish II skills.
Tuesdays January 9–February 27 6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Saturdays January 13–March 2 9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
22 To register for programs
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Private Swim Lessons at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
All Ages
Beginning swimming through advanced stroke mechanics taught one-on-one. We will work with you to fit swim instruction into your schedule. Most lessons are 30 minutes in length but can be extended depending on swimmer skill, endurance, and age. By appointment only through the months of September–May. Fee is per ½ hour.
Fee: $38; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25; GAFC Member: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Lifeguard Training at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 15 & Up
Become an American Red Cross Lifeguard. The course teaches the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies, CPR, First Aid and AED training. Pretest required, includes: 300yard swim, treading and timed object retrieval. Must be age 15 on last day of class. Fee includes $50 nonrefundable deposit. Session times and locations may vary based on pool availability; course work will be required online before class.
201034.01 Friday–Sunday October 13–15
201034.02 Wednesday–Friday December 27–29
Fee: $200
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
Pre-Test: Thursday, September 28
Pre-Test: Thursday, December 14
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
23 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 AQUATICS
Swimming for Adults at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 16 & Up
Beginner Instructors teach basic skills in a logical progression allowing for maximum practice time. Safety, body control and ability in the water are emphasized to help swimmers meet goals. No entry requirement.
202031.01 Tuesdays August 29–October 17 6:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
202031.02 Saturdays September 2–October 21 8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
202031.03 Tuesdays October 24–December 12 6:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
202031.04 Saturdays October 28–December 16 8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Lifeguard Training at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 15 & Up
Become an American Red Cross Lifeguard. Course teaches the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies, CPR, First Aid and AED training. Pretest required, includes: 300-yard swim, treading and timed object retrieval. Must be age 15 on last day of class. Fee includes $50 non-refundable deposit. Session times and locations may vary based on pool availability; course work will be required online before class.
301034.01 Friday–Sunday February 23–25 Pre-Test: Thursday, February 8
Fee $200
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Swimming for Adults at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 16 & Up
Beginner Instructors teach basic skills in a logical progression allowing for maximum practice time. Safety, body control and ability in the water are emphasized to help swimmers meet goals. No entry requirement.
Tuesdays January 9–February 27 6:30 p.m –7:00 p.m.
302031.02 Saturdays January 13–March 2 8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
Fee: $75; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50; GAFC Member: $40 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4043 or email slongo@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
24 To register for programs
Fall registration opens Monday, July 3, 2023. Winter registration opens Monday, October 9, 2023. You may register at any recreation facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. All programs have a registration deadline of 7 days prior to the class start date. This allows staff time to plan programs accordingly and adjust as needed. We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students.
For more information, please visit Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts at 2000 Cedar Lane or contact Sara Caropreso at scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov or (252) 329–4546.
We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students. Due to the nature of firing and the community center environment, bisque and glaze pottery results cannot be guaranteed. The Center for Arts & Crafts and the City of Greenville are not liable for any kiln firing issues.
Young Potter’s Wheel at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts Ages: 10–15
Participants learn the basic techniques of working on the potter’s wheel. Students will prepare for throwing, centering, pulling, creating forms, and trimming. Pieces will be glazed, and multiple projects will be completed. Previous students welcome, enrollment limited to five participants per session. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Grace Hale. 6-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
211000.01 Monday September 11–October 16 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Fee: $128 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
25 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
CERAMICS — Continued
Autumn Colors Clay Creations at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 3–5 (w/Adult) & 6–12
This class will focus on the natural beauty of autumn and the colors of this beautiful time of year. Students will pinch pots to make pumpkins, roll slabs of clay to make leaf bowls, and create coil containers. To complete the process, students will underglaze their creations. Ages 3–5 an adult must stay with each child for class. Age 6–12 is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Sylvia Mahoney. 5-week program. Room 205.
211151.01 Ages 3–5 Tuesday September 12–October 10 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
211151.02 Ages 6–12 Tuesday September 12–October 10 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Chillin’ with my Gnomies! at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 6–12
There’s gnome-body like you! Create a gnome pal with a unique personality and appearance by adding surface texture, hand-built accessories, colors, and glazes. Dive into your imagination to make a fantastical creation! Mischievous and mysterious or silly and sweet, you decide! Pick out a name because every home needs a gnome. We will use hand building techniques including pinching, coiling, and slab building. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. 5-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
211010.01 Wednesday September 13–October 11 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
311010.01 Wednesdays January 24–February 21 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
My Little Monsters Clay Creations at Jaycee Park Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 6–12
Make a frightening or funny monster friend! Participants will create a clay monster using hand building techniques. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Mary Motsinger. 5-week program. Room 205.
211160.01 Thursday September 14–October 12 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Youth Pottery Workshop: Piggy Banks at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts Ages: 6–12
Create a one-of-a-kind piggy bank of clay using hand building techniques. This is a drop-off workshop. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. Room 205.
211161.03 Saturday September 30 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Fee: $30 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
26 To register for programs
Youth Pottery Workshop: Gnomes at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 6–12
Create a gnome pal with a unique personality and appearance out of clay using hand building techniques. This is a drop-off workshop. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. Room 205.
211161.01 Saturday October 21 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Fee: $30 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Gingerbread House Clay Creations at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 6–12
Participants will make a Gingerbread/Holiday house and accessories out of clay using hand building techniques. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Mary Motsinger. 5-week program. Room 205.
211154.01 Thursday November 2–December 7* 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. *No class Nov 23
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Here Comes Santa Clay at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 3–5 (w/Adult) & 6–12
Spread holiday cheer this season with clay sculptures, perfect for decoration! Make Santa Claus, his toy bag, and a plate for Santa’s cookies. Finish by making and decorating ornaments for the Christmas tree! Participants will underglaze clay pieces. For ages 3–5 an adult must stay with each child for class , ages 6 - 12 can be dropped off and picked up after class. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Sylvia Mahoney. 5-week program. Room 205.
211156.01 Ages 3–5
*No class Nov 21
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Youth Pottery Workshop: Christmas Trees at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts Ages: 6–12
Participants will make a Christmas tree project out of clay. Decorate your tree with unique ornaments, tree toppers, or garland by using hand building techniques, such as pinching and coiling. Learn how to use surface texture and glazes to give your tree a festive holiday flare. This is a drop-off workshop. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. Room 205.
211161.02 Saturday November 18 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Fee: $30 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
27 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Tuesday November 7–December 12* 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Tuesday November 7–December 12* 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
211156.02 Ages 6–12
CERAMICS — Continued
Let it Snow & Valentine’s Clay Creations at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts Ages: 3–5 (w/Adult) & 6–12
It may be cold outside, but in this class, participants will make warm memories! Make your own winter wonderland by creating snowman figurines! Once you have some frosty friends, make heartfelt valentines for loved ones. Participants will underglaze clay pieces. Ages 3–5 an adult must stay with each child for class. Age 6–12 is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Sylvia Mahoney. 5-week program. Room 205.
311166.01 Ages 3–5 Tuesday January 23–February 20 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
311166.02 Ages 6–12 Tuesday January 23–February 20 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Elf House Clay Creations at Jaycee Park Center for Arts and Crafts Ages: 6–12
Participants will make a unique elf or fairy house, base, and accessories out of clay using hand building techniques. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Mary Motsinger. 5-week program. Room 205.
311153.01 Thursday January 25–February 22 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $75 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
28 To register for programs
Youth Pottery Workshop: Chicken Planters at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 6–12
Do you love to get your hands dirty? Come to our hand-building workshop and learn how to create your own planter in the shape of a chicken! This is a drop-off workshop. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. Room 205.
311160.01 Saturday February 3 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Fee: $30 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Ballet & Tap Dance at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 3–5 & 6–8
Beginning/intermediate ballet & tap classes structured with steps and songs to enhance each child’s creativity. Dancers should wear leotards & tights. Bring ballet shoes & tap shoes in a backpack or dance bag. The recital costume fee covers a beautiful costume for participants to keep. Performances will be held at regular class time on the last day of class. This is a drop-off program. Instructor: Su-Su Corbitt. 11-week program. Jaycee Park Auditorium.
Fee: $135 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $90; Recital Costume Fee: $50 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
29 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Fall Dance Program 211158.01 Ages 3–5 Monday September 11–December 4* 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 211158.02 Ages 3–5 Monday September 11–December 4* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 211158.03 Ages 6–8 Monday September 11–December 4* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m. 211158.04 Ages 3–5 Tuesday September 12–December 5* 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 211158.05 Ages 3–5 Tuesday September 12–December 5* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 211158.06 Ages 3–5 Tuesday September 12–December 5* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m. 211158.07 Ages 3–5 Wednesday September 13–December 6* 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 211158.08 Ages 6–8 Wednesday September 13–December 6* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 211158.09 Ages 3–5 Wednesday September 13–December 6* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m. *No class October 30–November 1 & November 20–22 Winter Dance Program 311168.01 Ages 3–5 Monday January 22–April 8 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 311168.02 Ages 3–5 Monday January 22–April 8* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 311168.03 Ages 6–8 Monday January 22–April 8* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m. 311168.04 Ages 3–5 Tuesday January 23–April 9* 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 311168.05 Ages 3–5 Tuesday January 23–April 9* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 311168.06 Ages 3–5 Tuesday January 23–April 9* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m. 311168.07 Ages 3–5 Wednesday January 24–April 10* 4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. 311168.08 Ages 6–8 Wednesday January 24–April 10* 4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 311168.09 Ages 3–5 Wednesday January 24–April 10* 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
class March
Youth Learn to Sew at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 10–15
Students will have sew much fun learning how to use a sewing machine! While learning basic skills like identifying sewing machine parts, threading the sewing machine, and sewing straight lines, students will create a project they will cherish for years! This is a drop-off program. Sewing machines will be provided.
Instructor: Brittany Lauterbach. 6-week program. Room 207.
211509.01 Wednesday October 11–November 15 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
311509.01 Wednesday February 14–March 20 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $128 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
30 To register for programs
Fall registration opens Monday, July 3, 2023. Winter registration opens Monday, October 9, 2023. You may register at any recreation facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. All programs have a registration deadline of 7 days prior to the class start date. This allows staff time to plan programs accordingly and adjust as needed. We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students. For more information, please visit Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts at 2000 Cedar Lane or contact Sara Caropreso at (252) 329–4546 or scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students. Due to the nature of firing and the community center environment, bisque and glaze pottery results cannot be guaranteed. Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts and the City of Greenville are not liable for any kiln firing issues. Check GreenvilleNC. gov or the current brochure for class times. Calendars are also posted at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts and on Facebook @JayceeParkArts
Pottery Club Membership
Club members may use the facility, wheels, equipment, & tools when classes are not in progress. Electric throwing wheels, throwing and modeling tools, North Star Big Blue hand extruder, and a wide variety of glazes are available for club use. To enroll, participants must have taken at least one Pottery/Throwing class at the Center for Arts & Crafts and go through an orientation with the supervisor or Pottery Coordinator. Participants must purchase clay at the facility for $20 per 25 lb. bag.
1 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $30
3 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $75
6 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $120
12 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $210
***Fee Increase as of September 1, 2023***
1 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $35
3 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $87
6 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $138
12 – Month Pottery Club Membership: $242
31 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 ARTS
CERAMICS — Continued
Adult Pottery Workshop: Handle-Making at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
This workshop is dedicated to handles! One part will cover pulling and attaching handles and another part will cover hand-building handle techniques. Participants will have a chance to try different techniques at the end of the workshop while supervised by instructors. Prerequisite: Learn to Throw and/or Beginner’s Handbuilding, previous experience hand-building with clay, or previous experience throwing on the potter’s wheel required. Instructors: Ashley Shiosaky & Mallory Jennings. Rooms 205 & 206.
212023.01 Saturday August 26 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: $38 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Learn to Throw at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Perfect for those who have always wanted to try their hand at throwing on the wheel, this class provides the chance to learn the potter’s craft, from wedging and throwing to finishing and glazing. Small class size ensures no waiting for a wheel. 6-week program. Rooms 205 & 206. 212500.01
*Instructor: Toshi Higa
**Instructor: Ronnie Harrison
***Instructor: Ashley Shiosaky
Fee: $128 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Throwing Larger at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Are you interested in throwing bigger pots with a larger amount of clay? Get your hands dirty and start making large-form pots in this class! You will learn how to throw tall cylinders and large bowls using 4–6 lbs. of clay on the potter’s wheel. Trimming and glazing large forms will be covered. This class is for intermediate potters. Prerequisite: Learn to Throw or prior throwing experience required. Instructor: Toshi Higa. 8-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
212026.01 Thursday September 14–November 2 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Fee: $171; Discounted Greenville Resident: $114; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
32 To register for programs
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Tuesday September 12–October 17 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.* 212500.02 Wednesday September 13–October 18 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.** 212500.03 Wednesday September 13–October 18 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.*** 312600.01 Tuesday January 23–February 27 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.* 312600.02 Wednesday January 24–February 28 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.** 312600.03 Wednesday January 24–February 28 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.***
Intermediate Hand-Building at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Take your hand-building to the next level in this intermediate class! For those with basic hand-building experience, come join us to expand those skills. Participants will combine techniques to create more complex pieces of hand-built pottery. During the class we will utilize coils, slabs, sculpting, carving, and extruding to create. Prerequisite: Beginner’s Hand-building or previous experience hand-building with clay required. Instructor: Ashley Shiosaky. 6-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
212027.01 Thursday September 14–October 19 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: $128; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Pottery Workshop: Glazing at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
This workshop is highly encouraged for all Pottery Club Members, especially for new members. This workshop will cover the basics of how to use glazes on pottery and the best practices when glazing. Discussion of different glaze methods will also be covered. Proper glaze technique will be taught highlighting tools, tips, & tricks on how to get the best results out of the kiln. Please plan on bringing a notebook & a pen to take notes! Instructor: Mallory Jennings. Room 205.
212024.01 Saturday September 23 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
312025.01 Saturday February 10 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: free for Pottery Club Members. Please see Sara Caropreso to register.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
33 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
CERAMICS — Continued
Adult Pottery Workshop: Extruding Basics at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts Ages: 18 & Up
This workshop introduces participants to our North Star Big Blue Extruder & the ways it can be utilized. Participants will learn the basic functions of an extruder and how to set up different “dies.”
Instructor: Toshi Higa. Room 206.
212016.01 Saturday September 30 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
312012.02 Saturday January 27 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: $38 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25. Clay for the demonstration is included in the class fee. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Teapots Mini Class at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts Ages: 18 & Up
It’s teatime! In this 3-week mini class potters will learn the basics of building a teapot, including the spout, lid, handle, and body. The first class will be spent throwing all the parts of the teapot. During the second class all the assembling and finishing will take place. During the third class, participants will learn how to glaze their teapots. Prerequisite: Learn to Throw or previous experience throwing on the potter’s wheel required.
Instructor: Ashley Shiosaky. 3 – week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
212028.01 Thursday November 9–30* 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: $65; Discounted Greenville Resident: $43; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
*No class Nov 23
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
34 To register for
Adult Pottery Workshop: Christmas Trees at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Participants will make a Christmas tree project out of clay using hand building techniques. Decorate your tree with unique ornaments, tree toppers, or garland by using other hand building techniques, such as pinching and coiling. Learn how to use surface texture and glazes to give your tree a festive holiday flare. No experience required. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. Room 205.
212029.01 Saturday November 18 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Fee: $52 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $35 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Put a Lid on it! at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
This class will “cover” the many types of lid seatings, knobs, and pot forms for lids to sit on. Learn how to properly measure your pot and lid to ensure a perfect fit! Glazing techniques for lidded vessels will also be covered. This class is for intermediate potters. Prerequisite: Learn to Throw or prior throwing experience required. Instructor: Toshi Higa. 8-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
312021.01 Thursday January 25–March 14 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Fee: $171; Discounted Greenville Resident: $114; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Intermediate Throwing at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
This class is for participants that have mastered basic learn to throw skills. This class will concentrate on throwing more complex forms including lids, altered forms, and throwing in multiple pieces. There will also be a focus on throwing larger vessels and forms, finishing with trimming, handles and details. Prerequisite: Learn to Throw or previous throwing experience. Instructor: Ashley Shiosaky. 6-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
312601.01 Thursday January 25–February 29 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: $128; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85; bag of clay (25 lbs.): $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Pottery Workshop: Fairy Houses at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up Dive into fantasy to create a whimsical fairy house out of clay using hand-building techniques! Focus on rolling and joining slabs as a construction method while adding unique details to create your home. Display your fairy house in your home or place it in your garden. Wherever it ends up, it will be a cozy home for a fairy friend! No experience required. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Ashley Shiosaky. Room 205.
312026.01 Saturday February 17 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: $52 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $35. Clay is included in the class fee. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
35 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Watercolor Basics at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Explore the fundamentals of watercolor painting in this beginner’s class. Participants will be led through a series of watercolor exercises that build on each other, while giving an understanding of the media and how to control it. Color mixing, techniques to create texture, and glazing are topics that will be demonstrated and explored. No drawing or painting experience is necessary. Participants should dress comfortably. While watercolor is not a particularly messy media, it may stain clothing. A supply list will be provided at the first class meeting. Skill level Beginners to Intermediate. Instructor: Ronnie Harrison. 6-week program. Room 204.
212008.01 Tuesday September 12–October 17 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $112; Discounted Greenville Resident: $75 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Introduction to Mixed Media at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
This Mixed Media class will have an acrylic base mixed with other materials. Participants will explore nonobjective studies, paintings with subjects mixed with arbitrary colors. This is a specialized art course in which you will be using a multitude of art mediums and supplies, maybe get a little messy, create new art, but most of all, you will have fun! So bring your creativity and imagination to add to the mix and let’s get started. Instructor: Ronnie Harrison. 6-week program. Room 204.
312608.01 Tuesday January 23–February 27 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $112; Discounted Greenville Resident: $75 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Sewing 101 at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up Class participants will learn basic sewing tools and will learn to operate a sewing machine. This includes threading, winding bobbin, and sewing some easy projects to take home. Machines are provided or bring your own. Instructor: Brittany Lauterbach. 6-week program. Room 207.
212510.01 Wednesday October 11–November 15 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
312018.01 Wednesday February 14–March 20 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $120 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $80 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
36 To register for programs
Beginners Weaving at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages: 18 & Up
Create your own fabric with tapestries and wall hangings! In this course, participants will learn how to weave on a frame loom. Topics include making a loom, how to warp the frame, weft materials, weft techniques and stitches, embellishing/finishing, and so much more! Skill level Beginners to Intermediate. Instructor: Brittany Lauterbach. 6-week program. Room 207.
212064.01 Thursday October 12–November 16 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
312064.01 Thursday February 15–March 21 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $120 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $80 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Crochet at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
Ages 18 & Up
Discover the art of crochet that no machine can duplicate! Crochet is versatile, customizable, and portable, making it a great hobby! Crochet offers an opportunity for self-expression through color choice and project design decisions. Participants will learn the foundation stitches to build upon to be able to create wearables and/or home decor. A supply list will be provided at the first-class meeting. Skill level Beginners to Intermediate Instructor: Brittany Lauterbach. . 6-week program. Room 207.
212065.01 Thursday October 12–November 16 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
312065.01 Thursday February 15–March 21 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $120 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $80 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
37 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Greenie League Fall Baseball at H. Boyd Lee Park
Ages: 4–7 (as of August 31, 2023)
Baseball skills taught in a fun non-competitive environment for players who will be playing the Greenie League Baseball Small Fry and Big Fry Divisions in the spring.
221014.01 Ages 6–7
221014.02 Ages 4–5
Sundays September 24–October 29 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Sundays September 24–October 29 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Fee: $60; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov July 24 – September 5. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email hlee@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Little League Fall Baseball at Various Locations
Ages: 8–11
Baseball skills taught in a fun non-competitive environment. Games will be played during the week. Players must live within Pitt County or attend school (certain restrictions apply) in Pitt County.
Weekdays September–October
Fee: $70
Games played after 5:00 p.m.
Registration will be taken in August. For more information, please visit gllbaseball.com and click on “fall ball registration” for age chart. For additional information, please contact Brian Weingartz at (252) 341-5680 or email baawein@aol.com
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
38 To register for
Youth Baseball Skills Clinics at Sports Connection
Age: 5–6 (as of August 31, 2024)
Participants will learn and develop fundamental skills through drills over the course of six weeks.
321136.01 Wednesdays February 7–March 13 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
December 1–January 31. For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenie League Mini Fry T-Ball at H. Boyd Lee Park
Age: 4 (age as of August 31, 2024)
This program is co-sponsored by Greenville Recreation and Parks Department and Greenville Little Leagues and is open to both boys and girls. Mini Fry T-Ball is a parent- child program with baseball skills taught in a fun noncompetitive environment. Participants are required to provide their own baseball glove. All other equipment will be provided. A coach will call about the time and location of the first practice by Tuesday, May 2.
421002.01 Saturdays May 11–June 22
Fee: $35
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
February 6–March 20 or until the program fills. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email hlee@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenie League Baseball at Various Locations
Age: 5–8 (age as of August 31, 2024)
This program is co-sponsored by Greenville Recreation and Parks Department and Greenville Little Leagues. Greenie League Baseball involves instruction and competition for boys and girls. Requests for team placement will not be taken. Locations: Boyd Lee Park, First Christian Church, Evans Park and other sites as needed.
421002.02 Ages 5–6 Small Fry
Practices will begin the week of April 15. Games will begin May 11. Coaches will contact parents by Thursday, April 11 with the first practice time and location.
421002.03 Ages 7–8 Big Fry
The program will begin with a skills assessment held on Monday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 9 at H Boyd Lee Park. Coaches will contact parents by Thursday, April 11 with the first practice time and location. Players will be drafted following the skills assessment and practices will begin the week of April 15.
Fee: $50
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov February 5–March 18. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
39 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
BASEBALL — Continued
Greenville Little Leagues (GLL) Youth Baseball at Various Locations
Ages: 9–12
Little League Baseball is a long-standing tradition in Greenville for both boys and girls. North State Little League began playing in 1951 while the Tar Heel Little League began playing three years later in 1954. GLL has 16 major league teams (9–12-year-olds). Eight of these teams play in the North State Little League and eight of the teams play in the Tar Heel Little League. Candidates must live or attend school within the boundaries served by Greenville Little Leagues. Please send eligibility questions in advance to baawein@ aol.com with your child’s address and the school he/she attends. All players who register and tryout will make either a major or a minor-league team. Locations: Elm Street Park, Perkins Complex and Guy Smith Little League field.
Registration will be February 2–March 5 at Elm St. Park. Registration times, fees, and items you need to bring to registration can be found at www.gllbaseball.com. For questions or additional information, please call Brian Weingartz at (252) 341-5680
Prep League Baseball at Various Locations
Age: 13 (age as of April 30, 2024)
Prep League Baseball is a spring/summer organized Babe Ruth baseball league with structured practices and league play. Participants will learn fundamental skills while competing against players of the same age.
Fee: $125
For more information, please call (252) 531 -0967 or visit http://greenvillebaberuth.weebly.com
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
40 To register for
Junior Babe Ruth Baseball at Various Locations
Ages: 14–15 (age as of April 30, 2024)
Junior Babe Ruth Baseball is a spring/summer organized baseball league involving instruction and competition. A draft will be held to determine team placement.
Fee: $125
For more information, please call (252) 531-0967 or visit http://greenvillebaberuth.weebly.com
Senior Babe Ruth Baseball at Various Locations
Ages: 16–19 (age as of April 30, 2024)
Senior Babe Ruth Baseball is a spring/summer organized baseball league involving instruction and competition. Teams will travel to other local senior Babe Ruth teams. Areas may include Williamston, Washington, North Pitt, Rocky Mount and others.
Fee: $125
For more information, please call (252) 531-0967 or visit http://greenvillebaberuth.weebly.com
“She’s Got Game” Girls’ Basketball Camp at South Greenville Recreation Center
Ages: 8–13
A camp for girls that focuses on the fundamentals of basketball. Participants will be taught terminology, as well as skills such as dribbling, shooting, defense, and positioning. The program is for beginner to intermediate young athletes.
121046.01 Tuesdays September 5–October 3 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
121046.02 Tuesdays October 10–November 7 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4549 or email dbeverly@GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall Basketball Clinics at Eppes Recreation Center Ages: 9–14 (As of January 1, 2024)
Participants will work on fundamental basketball skills to prepare for the upcoming basketball season. Skill development will be the focus as the instructors will look to improve participants shooting, ball handling, passing, defense, and overall basketball IQ.
Tuesdays & Thursdays September 12–October 12 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $38; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25. Registration will be from August 1–September 8. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4548 or email tdemingo@GreenvilleNC.gov
ABCs of Basketball at South Greenville Recreation Center
The ABCs of Basketball is a parent and child program where basketball skills are taught in a fun noncompetitive environment.
221027.01 Thursday October 5–November 9 6:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m.
Fee: $25; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4549 or email dbeverly@GreenvilleNC.gov
Ages: 4–6
41 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
BASKETBALL — Continued
Youth Basketball Skills Clinics at Sports Connection
Age: 9–12 (as of January 1, 2024)
Participants will learn and develop skills through drills and situational game play over the course of six weeks.
221135.01 Sundays October 15–November 19 1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $60; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
August 21–October 2.
For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Youth Basketball at H. Boyd Lee Park & Drew Steele Center
Ages: 5–18 (as of January 1, 2024)
Fundamental basketball skills stressed along with league play. T-shirts will be provided. Please note games may be played on different days and times than practices. Begins the week of November 13 and will continue until early March. Times for practice will be available on the registration form.
321019 Days Will Vary November 13–Early March
Fee: $60; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
Times Will Vary
September 11–October 23. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
Winter Youth Basketball League at South Greenville & Eppes Rec Centers
Ages: 5–18 (As of Jan. 1, 2024)
A youth basketball league designed to focus on fundamental basketball skills and team play. Practices will start the week of November 13, 2023. Games will begin the week of January 8 and continue weekdays and possibly weekends. Registration fee includes team t-shirts. Times for practice will be available upon registration. Players ages 16–18 years old must be enrolled and attending high school.
Fee: $45; Discounted Greenville Resident: $30. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
September 4–November 10. For more information please call (252) 329-4548, (252) 329-4549 or email tdemingo@GreenvilleNC.gov
Flag Football at Evans Park Ages: 5–12 (as of August 31, 2023)
Fundamental flag football skills stressed along with league play. T-shirts will be provided. Please note games may be played on different days and times than practices. Coaches will call parents by September 15 with practice information. Practices will begin September 18 and games will begin October 2 and continue through November.
221033 Days Will Vary October 2–November Times Will Vary
Fee: $60; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
July 24–August 28. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
42 To register for programs
Sunday Skills and Scrimmages (S3) at Bradford Creek Soccer Complex
Ages: 5–13
Sunday Skills & Scrimmages (aka S3) is the newest program from Pitt Lax! S3 is an 8-week series of instructional skills clinics led by college lacrosse players from Barton and ECU, followed by fun scrimmages for girls and boys on Sunday afternoons during the fall. The purpose of S3 is to develop skills needed to succeed on the lacrosse field. Emphasis is on fun and fundamentals! *NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY*! We will start each Sunday teaching specific skills and end with small, sided games! Sticks and protective equipment are available to rent!
Sundays September–October
Fee: $60; Includes a reversible Pitt Lax penny to be worn at each clinic. Participants must also have a current USA Lacrosse membership (additional $30-35 annual fee). For more information, please contact PittLaxGVL@gmail.com or visit http://www.pittlax.com to register.
Spring League at Various Locations
Ages: 5–14
Pitt County Youth Lacrosse will sponsor a full range of teams for boys and girls in the spring. Teams are age appropriate for all players from 7–15. All teams compete in the East Carolina Youth Lacrosse League (ECYLL). Rental equipment is available for new players and is limited to first come first served. Parents and volunteer coaches are welcome and needed to assist our US Lacrosse certified coaches. Practices begin mid-Jan. Register on-line at http://www.PittLax.com beginning November. For more information, please check the website or contact PittLaxGVL@gmail.com
43 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Pickleball Youth and Adult Mixer at Sports Connection
Ages: 13 & Up
This Pickleball Mixer for youth and adult is a social, non-competitive experience consisting of one adult partner and one youth partner.
223010.01 Saturday October 21 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Fee: $15; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov August 21 – October 20. For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Junior Pickleball Clinic at Elm Street Park
Ages: 8–16
Introductory clinic to pickleball for youth looking to learn the fastest growing sport in the United States. This clinic will introduce pickleball while teaching techniques and play with equipment provided.
221039.2 Sunday November 5 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Fee: $10; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov September 18–October 30. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email wstrickland@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
44 To register for programs
CAN I KICK IT? Soccer Clinic at South Greenville Recreation Center
Ages: 4–8
This free clinic provides a great atmosphere for soccer to be introduced to beginners and taught in a noncompetitive environment. Registration is limited.
121039.01 Thursday August 24 (Rain date: August 25) 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Fee: $3.
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4549 or email dbeverly@GreenvilleNC.gov
Future Stars Youth Soccer League at Bradford Creek Soccer Complex
Ages: 3–16
Recreational soccer league co-sponsored by Greenville Recreation & Parks Department and Pitt Greenville Soccer Association. Future Stars delivers quality recreation soccer in a fun atmosphere and strives to create a positive environment based on mutual respect and good sportsmanship. Leagues for youth ages U4–U16. Games and practices will be at Bradford Creek Soccer Complex (Old Pactolus Rd) & PGSA SoccerPlex (Hwy. 43) 221019
League practices will begin Saturday, September 9. Games will be played each Saturday and an occasional weeknight (weeknight games for U7–U16). The team’s coach will schedule practices once the season begins. Parents can expect a phone call from a coach by September 7 concerning their first practice.
Fee: $50.
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov July 3–August 14. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
Future Stars Youth Soccer League at Bradford Creek Soccer Complex
Ages: 3–16
Recreational soccer league co-sponsored by Greenville Recreation & Parks Department and Pitt Greenville Soccer Association. Future Stars delivers quality recreation soccer in a fun atmosphere and strives to create a positive environment based on mutual respect and good sportsmanship. Leagues for youth ages U4–U16. Games and practices will be at Bradford Creek Soccer Complex (Old Pactolus Rd) & PGSA SoccerPlex (Hwy. 43) 421001
League practices will begin Saturday, March 2. Games will be played on Saturday’s and occasional weeknights (weeknight games for U7–U16). The team’s coach will schedule practices once the season begins. Parents can expect a phone call from a coach by February 29 concerning their first practice.
Fee: $50.
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov December 18–February 5. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
45 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Ball Machine Rental
Ball machine rental is available for a fee of $10/hour when a court is available. Please contact tennis staff at (252) 329-4559 for ball machine availability.
Private Tennis Lessons with Tennis Director at River Birch Tennis Center
Individuals can take private tennis lessons given by City of Greenville Tennis Director Chris Hinson. By appointment only.
Fee per Individual:
30 minutes: Fee: $35; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $25
45 minutes: Fee: $45; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $35
1 hour (small group): Fee $55; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45
Private Tennis Lessons with Tennis Staff at River Birch Tennis Center
Individuals can take private tennis lessons given by the Tennis Staff at River Birch Tennis Center. By appointment only.
Fee per individual: $40; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $30
One Hour Group Fees: $50; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $40
All Ages
All Ages
Fall Preschool “10-S” at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 3–4
Fun fitness tennis class for 3–4 year-olds using various props and activities to introduce motor skills related to the game of tennis. The goal of the class is to keep participants physically active while introducing elements of tennis and preparing them to enter tennis and other sports programs as they age.
221005.01 Ages 3–4 Tuesdays September 12–October 17 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
221005.02 Ages 3–4
Thursdays September 14–October 19 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
Fee: $48; Discounted Greenville Resident: $32 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov.
Fall QuickStart Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 5–10
These classes are for children who are completely new to or recently introduced to tennis. The USTA’s QuickStart Tennis curriculum will be taught using smaller courts, lower nets, and age-appropriate tennis balls. Emphasis is on learning the basics of the game quickly and having fun.
221006.01 Ages 5–6
Tuesdays & Thursdays September 12–October 19 5:30 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
221007.01 Ages 7–8 Mondays & Wednesdays September 11–October 18 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
221008.01 Ages 9–10
Mondays & Wednesdays September 11–October 18 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
46 To register for programs
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall After School Beginner Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 11–15
This co-rec class is for complete beginners or those recently introduced to tennis. Basics of the game taught in a fun, safe and structured setting. Participants will learn to serve, hit forehands, hit backhands, rally, keep score, and play singles and doubles independently.
Mondays & Wednesdays September 11–October 18 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall Learn to Compete at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 11–15
Players that have participated in QuickStart, Jr. Team Tennis, junior tournaments or equivalent tennis programs are welcome. This co-ed program enables young players to transition to full court tennis by using the green low-compression ball. Footwork, stroke technique, and tactics introduced, and match play emphasized. This program is not appropriate for beginners.
Tuesdays & Thursdays September 12–October 19 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
47 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 ATHLETICS
TENNIS — Continued
Winter QuickStart Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 5–10
This co-rec class is for those completely new or recently introduced to tennis. Also, appropriate for returning QuickStart tennis participants. The USTA’s QuickStart Tennis curriculum will be taught using both 36 foot and 60-foot courts using the red and orange low compression tennis balls. The emphasis is on learning the basics of the game quickly, learning competition skills and having fun. No class if temperature drops below 40 degrees before class starts.
Mondays & Wednesdays November 13–February 14 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $83; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $55 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Winter After School Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 11–18
After school practice session for beginner, intermediate, and advanced youth throughout the winter. This class is also a great way for high school players of all levels to stay in shape. No class if temperature drops below 40 degrees before class starts.
Tuesdays & Thursdays November 14–February 15 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $83; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $55 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Middle School Boys Tennis Team at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 11–15
This team plays scheduled matches against other out of town tennis facilities. The Tennis Supervisor in a city vehicle will transport players to away matches. The team will practice Monday–Thursday from 4:30 p.m.–5:45 p.m. on non-match days. Matches will be played Monday–Thursday in March & April according to the schedule, match start time TBD. This program is not appropriate for beginners. The coach will recommend another tennis program for beginner players not yet ready for this program.
421043.01 Mondays–Thursdays March 4–April 25 Practices: 4:30 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Match Times TBD
Fee: $90, Discounted Greenville Resident: $60 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
48 To register for programs
Spring Preschool Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 3–4
Fun fitness tennis class for 3–4 year-olds using various props and activities to introduce motor skills related to the game of tennis. The goal of the class is to keep participants physically active while introducing elements of tennis and preparing them to enter tennis and other sports programs as they age.
Tuesdays March 19–April 23 5:45 p.m –6:30 p.m.
Thursdays March 21–April 25 5:45 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Fee: $48; Discounted Greenville Resident: $32 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring QuickStart Programs at River Birch Tennis Center
Ages: 5–10
These classes are for youth completely new to or recently introduced to tennis. The USTA’s QuickStart Tennis curriculum will be taught using the smaller courts, lower nets and age-appropriate tennis balls. Emphasis is on learning the basics of the game quickly, competition skills and having fun.
421012.01 Ages 5–6
Tuesdays & Thursdays March 19–April 25 5:45 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
421013.01 Ages 7–8 Mondays & Wednesdays March 18–April 24 5:45 p.m.–6:45 p.m.
421014.01 Ages 9–10
Mondays & Wednesdays March 18–April 24 5:45 p.m.–6:45 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring After School Beginner Tennis at Evans Park Tennis Courts
Ages: 11–15
This co-ed class is for beginners or those recently introduced to tennis. The basics of the game taught in a fun, safe and structured setting. Participants will learn to serve, hit forehands, hit backhands, rally, keep score, and play singles and doubles independently.
Mondays & Wednesdays March 18–April 24 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring Learn to Compete at Evans Park Tennis Courts Ages: 11–15
Players that have participated in QuickStart, Jr. Team Tennis, junior tournaments or equivalent tennis programs are welcome. This co-ed program enables young players to transition to full court tennis by using the green low-compression ball. Footwork, stroke technique and tactics introduced and match play emphasized. This program is not appropriate for beginners.
Tuesdays & Thursdays March 19–April 25 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
49 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Men’s Full Court Pickup at Sports Connection
Ages: 18 & Up
Full-court pick-up basketball program for adults. Staff will divide teams upon arrival during sign-in. Games are 15 minutes in duration with a running clock.
222051.01 Tuesdays & Thursdays October 3–November 30 5:45 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov August 7–September 29.
For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Cross Court Basketball at Drew Steele Center
Teams will be picked at random by the gym supervisor. Games are fourteen minutes in length.
222007.01 21 & Up Mondays & Wednesdays
Ages: 21 & Up
November 13–February 5 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
222007.02 30 & Up Tuesdays & Thursdays November 14–February 6 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $38, Discounted Greenville Resident: $25
Registration is accepted at the Drew Steele Center, Monday–Friday, 12:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Sessions are not prorated. For more information, please call (252) 329-4269 or email rwarren@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Flag Football at H. Boyd Lee Park
Ages: 16 & Up
Organized league play for adults consisting of 10 regular season games and a post-season tournament.
222006.01 City Open Sundays
September 17–November 19 4:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Team Fee: $450 per team due by Thursday, September 7
Player Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov July 3–September 7.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Futsal at H. Boyd Lee Park Ages: 16 & Up
Organized league play for adults consisting of 10 regular season games and a post-season tournament.
222038.01 City Open Mondays & Wednesdays
Team Fee: $200 per team due by Thursday, August 31
September 11–October 25 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Player Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov July 3–August 31.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
50 To register for
Co-Rec Adult Kickball League at H. Boyd Lee Park Ages: 16 & Up
Organized co-rec league consisting of double-header games played on Sundays at Boyd Lee Park. Teams will participate in 10 regular season games and a post-season tournament.
422002.01 Co-Rec Sundays March 10–April 28 2:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Team Fee: $150 per team due by Thursday, February 9
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov January 2–February 29. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Beginner Pickleball Clinics at H. Boyd Lee Park
All Ages
Four-week introductory clinic to develop Pickleball skills and play. Skills covered include serving, forehand, backhand, scoring, consistency, and stamina.
* Asterisk denotes the clinic will be held at Sports Connection.
Fee: $45, Discounted Greenville Resident: $30 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
51 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
222041.02 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 5–September 28 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 222041.04 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 5–September 28 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 222041.06 Mondays & Wednesdays October 2–October 25 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 222041.08 Tuesdays & Thursdays October 3–October 26 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 222041.10 Mondays & Wednesdays November 1–November 29 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 322021.01* Tuesdays & Thursdays January 9–February 1 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 322021.03 Mondays & Wednesdays January 3–January 31 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 322021.05 Mondays & Wednesdays February 5–February 28 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 422021.01 Mondays & Wednesdays March 4–March 27 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 422021.03 Mondays & Wednesdays April 1–April 24 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 422021.02 Tuesdays & Thursdays April 2–April 25 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
PICKLEBALL — Continued
Intermediate Pickleball Clinics at H. Boyd Lee Park & Sports Connection
All Ages
Four-week intermediate clinic to progress pickleball skills and play covering serving, returning, third shot drops, transitioning, contact consistency and spinning.
* Sports Connection location only.
Fee: $45, Discounted Greenville Resident: $30 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email
Pickleball Open Play at H. Boyd Lee Park or Sports Connection
All Ages
Pickleball play among participants designed to execute game strategies and techniques in doubles play.
* Sports Connection location only.
** No Play (All Day: November 23)
*** No Play (All Day: December 25–26; January 1, 2024; January 15, 2024)
Fee: $45, Discounted Greenville Resident: $30 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
52 To register for
222041.01 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 5–September 28 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 222041.03 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 5–September 28 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 222041.05 Mondays & Wednesdays October 2–October 25 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 222041.07 Tuesdays & Thursdays October 3–October 26 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 222041.09 Mondays & Wednesdays November 1–November 29 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 322021.02* Tuesdays & Thursdays January 9–February 1 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 322021.04 Mondays & Wednesdays January 3–January 31 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 322021.06 Mondays & Wednesdays February 5–February 28 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. 422021.04 Mondays & Wednesdays March 4–March 27 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 422021.05 Mondays & Wednesdays April 1–April 24 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 422021.06 Tuesdays & Thursdays April 2–April 25 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
222042.01 Mondays–Thursdays September 5–November 30** 12:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays* September 6–November 30** 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 322031.01 Mondays–Thursdays December 4–February 29*** 12:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays* December 4–February 29*** 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 422023.01 Mondays–Thursdays March 4–May 30 12:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays* March 5–May 30 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Pickleball Ladder League at Sports Connection
Ages: 18 & Up
Pickleball ladder league with rotating partners if they are also participating in the league! Points earned from winning matches and points are lost from losing matches. Participants can play as many or as few games as they would like as they climb the ladder.
Fridays September 15–November 3 12:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Fee: $45, Discounted Greenville Resident: $30 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
July 10–September 8.
For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Fall Pickleball Open at Elm Street Park
All Ages
Organized competitive tournament of the fastest growing sport in the United States. This doubles tournament will offer divisions based on age and skill, October 7–8.
Fee: $30 per player/per event
Register at any GRPD facility or online at Pickleballden.com
July 5–September 28.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email wstrickland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Glow Pickleball at Sports Connection
All Ages
Enjoy playing glow-in-the-dark games and listening to 80’s & 90’s throwbacks? Then GRPD has the next event for you! Come out to our Glow Pickleball event this December. Play the fastest growing sport in the nation in a fun setting with your family or friends. Courts are available for 1-hour reservations, but all participants must register to play.
Friday December 8 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
323006 Saturday December 9 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $20; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
August 8–December 1.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
53 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
PICKLEBALL — Continued
Glow Pickleball at Sports Connection
All Ages
Enjoy playing glow-in-the-dark games and listening to 80’s & 90’s throwbacks? Then GRPD has the next event for you! Come out to our Glow Pickleball event this February. Play the fastest growing sport in the nation in a fun setting with your family or friends. Courts are available for 1-hour reservations, but all participants must register to play.
323007 Friday February 16 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
323007 Saturday February 17 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $20; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
December 1–February 15. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Spring Pickleball Open at Elm Street Park
All Ages
Organized competitive tournament of the fastest growing sport in the United States. This doubles tournament will offer divisions based on age and skill with play held April 27–28.
Fee: $30 per player/per event
Register at any GRPD facility or online at Pickleballden.com February 19–April 18. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email wstrickland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Small-Sided Soccer at Jaycee Park Ages: 16 & Up
Organized small-sided soccer league play for adults consisting of 10 regular season games and a postseason tournament.
322022.01 City Open Tuesdays & Thursdays February 13–March 28 6:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m.
Team Fee: $200 per team due by Thursday, February 1
Player Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
December 1–February 1. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
54 To register for
Adult Softball League at H. Boyd Lee Park Ages: 16 & Up
Organized league play for Co-rec and City Open teams consisting of a pre-season tournament, 10 regular season games and a double elimination post-season tournament.
222004.01 Co-rec Mondays–Thursdays September 11–November 30 6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
222012.01 City Open Mondays–Thursdays September 11–November 30 6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Team Fee: $450 per team due by Thursday, August 31
Player Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov July 3–August 31.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Adult Softball League at H. Boyd Lee Park Ages: 16 & Up
Organized league play for Co-rec and City Open teams consisting of a pre-season tournament, 10 regular season games and a double elimination post-season tournament.
422004.01 Co-Rec Mondays–Thursdays April 1–June 27 6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
422005.01 City Open Mondays–Thursdays April 1–June 27 6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Team Fee: $450 per team due by Thursday, March 21
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov January 1–March 21.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
55 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Ball Machine Rental
Ball machine rental is available for a fee of $10/hour when a court is available. Please contact tennis staff at (252) 329-4559 for ball machine availability.
Private Tennis Lessons with Tennis Director at River Birch Tennis Center
Individuals can take private tennis lessons given by City of Greenville Tennis Director Chris Hinson. By appointment only.
Fee per Individual:
30 minutes: Fee: $35; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $25
45 minutes: Fee: $45; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $35
1 hour (small group): Fee $55; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $45
Private Tennis Lessons with Tennis Staff at River Birch Tennis Center
Individuals can take private tennis lessons given by the Tennis Staff at River Birch Tennis Center. By appointment only.
Fee per individual: $40; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $30
One Hour Group Fees: $50; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $40
All Ages
All Ages
Morning Intermediate Cardio Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 16 & Up
This class is for those new to the game or with multiple years of playing experience. Players move nonstop and get a great aerobic workout set to fast-paced music while doing various tennis drills and games. Participants should have good mobility and be able to exercise vigorously. Please consult a physician prior to starting any exercise program.
Tuesdays & Thursdays September 12–October 19 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall Co-Rec Adult Play Night at River Birch Tennis Center Ages: 18 & Up
Now offering a co-rec evening play for adult tennis players! This program is designed for players of all abilities but is not appropriate for beginners who have not yet learned to play (beginners please see Beginner Tennis program listed above). This is an unstructured program with the goal of giving local players a consistent destination to find other players and play opportunities.
222060.01 Wednesdays September 6–November 15 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
56 To register for programs
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Fall Evening Beginner Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center
Ages: 16 & Up
For adults completely new to the game. Basic instruction, scorekeeping, supervised play and some cardio tennis is included in this class. Our goal is for participants to be able to play singles and doubles tennis independently by the conclusion of the season.
Mondays & Wednesdays September 11–October 18 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring Co-Rec Adult Play Night at River Birch Tennis Center
Ages: 18 & Up
Now offering a Co-rec evening play for adult tennis players! This program is designed for players of all abilities but is not appropriate for beginners who have not yet learned to play (beginners please see Beginner Tennis program listed above). This is an unstructured program with the goal of giving local players a consistent destination to find other players and play opportunities.
Wednesdays March 6–May 22 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring Intermediate Cardio Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center
Ages: 16 & Up
We offer co-rec Cardio Tennis classes for intermediate players. Players move non-stop and get a great aerobic workout set to fast-paced music while doing various tennis drills and games. Participants should have good mobility and be prepared to move quickly and exercise vigorously. Please consult a physician prior to starting any exercise program.
422027.01 Tuesdays & Thursdays March 19–April 25 10:00 a.m.–11: 00 a.m.
Fee: $66; Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Spring Evening Beginner Tennis at River Birch Tennis Center
Ages: 16 & Up
For men and women completely new to the game. Basic instruction, scorekeeping, supervised play, and some cardio tennis is included in this class. Our goal is for participants to be able to play singles and doubles tennis independently by the conclusion of the season.
422029.01 Mondays & Wednesdays March 18–April 24 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $66, Discounted Greenville Resident: $44 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4559 or email chinson@GreenvilleNC.gov
57 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Parent’s Night Out at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 6–12
Parent’s Night Out is filled with fun activities for your children while you enjoy a “night out on the town”. It provides safe entertainment for kids and is full of structured activities like swimming, sports, and games. Each child will need to bring a swimsuit, towel & sneakers. Dinner will be provided: pizza, chips & juice.
Friday September 1 5:30 p.m.– 10:00 p.m.
Fee: $22; Greenville Resident $15; GAFC Member $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4568 or email cbyrd@GreenvilleNC.gov
Kids’ Night in Nature at River Park North Ages 7–12
Drop the kids off with us and plan an evening for yourself. We’ll provide food for the participants. Activities will be focused on introducing participants to adaptations that animals use to survive at night. We will go on a night hike through River Park North to better understand these adaptations and demonstrate them as well. Pre-registration is required. Maximum Number of Participants is 12.
Friday February 9 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Fee: $18; Discounted Greenville Resident $15. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
58 To register for programs
Boot Camp at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 14 & Up
Boot camp is a mid to high intensity workout that combines strength and interval training to challenge you physically and mentally.
242016.01 Mondays & Wednesdays October 2–October 25 6:50 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Fee: $60; Discounted Greenville Resident: $40; GAFC Member: $25
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4568 or email cbyrd@GreenvilleNC.gov
Get Fit, Get Strong: Teen Fitness at South Greenville Recreation Center
Ages: 12–17
This youth fitness program aims to help teens get moving to live a healthier lifestyle and develop healthy nutritional habits needed to support their physical development. Teens will learn to set goals, use safe fitness and weightlifting techniques. This program is designed for the athlete looking to improve in sports, or the average teen simply looking to improve their health and wellness.
421031.01 Girls Only Tuesdays February 27–March 26 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
421031.02 Co-Ed Tuesdays February 27–March 26 6:45 p.m.–7:45 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20
Registration is limited to 30 participants.
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4549 or email dbeverly@GreenvilleNC.gov
Group Exercise Classes at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 18 & Up
The Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center offers a variety of group exercise classes in the morning, lunchtime, and evening. Classes include Stretch and Flex, Zumba, Yoga and many more. Come dance, move, and laugh all while exercising! Classes are free for GAFC members, or you can purchase a “10-Card” which allows you to take ten classes at any time over an 18-week period from the date you purchase the card.
Fee: $52; Discounted Greenville Resident $35
Register at Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center only. For more information please call (252) 329-4569 or email mpaul@GreenvilleNC.gov
59 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
American Red Cross Blood Drive at Barnes, Ebron, & Taft Building
Ages: 18 & Up
Give the gift of life by donating blood. Minimum weight: 110 pounds. For appointment registration, go to redcrossblood.org or call (800) 733-2767.
Thursday October 5th 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Thursday February 1st 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Waist Removal at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 17 & Up
Available to non-exercisers. Participants will be required to work out a minimum of 3 days per week in the GAFC facility which includes two 1-hour sessions with a fitness trainer. The program goal is to develop positive exercise habits in non-exercisers. Fitness assessments will be conducted at the beginning and end of the program. Participants successfully completing the initial six weeks will receive an additional four weeks of membership free. Enrollment limited.
342002.02 Monday January 29 Times TBA
Fee: $90; Discounted Greenville Resident: $60 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For more information please call (252) 329-4569 or email mpaul@GreenvilleNC.gov
Health Learning Series at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 18 & Up
An educational learning series that will target a different health or wellness topic each month. Please register as spaces are limited.
542001.09 September
542001.10 October
542001.11 November
542001.12 December
542001.01 January
542001.02 February
Fee: Free to the Public Register at any GRPD facility. For more information please call (252) 329-4569 or email mpaul@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
60 To register for programs
Fall registration opens Monday, July 3, 2023. Winter registration opens Monday, October 9, 2023. You may register at any recreation facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. All programs have a registration deadline of 7 days prior to the class start date. This allows staff time to plan programs accordingly and adjust as needed. We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students.
For more information, please visit Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts at 2000 Cedar Lane or contact Sara Caropreso at (252) 329–4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
We strive to provide top quality materials and services to our members and students. Due to the nature of firing and the community center environment, bisque and glaze pottery results cannot be guaranteed. The Center for Arts & Crafts and the City of Greenville are not liable for any kiln firing issues.
Homeschool Young Potter’s Wheel at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 10–16
Participants learn the basic techniques of working on the potter’s wheel. Students will prepare for throwing, centering, pulling, creating forms, and trimming. Pieces will be glazed, and multiple projects will be completed. Previous students welcome, enrollment limited to five participants per session. This is a drop-off program. Clay, glazing, and kiln firing included. Instructor: Alexis Davis. 6-week program. Rooms 205 & 206.
211159.01 Wednesday September 13–October 18 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Fee: $128 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $85 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Homeschool Art Class at Jaycee Center for Arts and Crafts
Ages: 6–12
Using a range of materials and inspirations, participants will explore color, texture, and theme to develop their own creative voice. This is a drop-off program. Materials included in class fee. Instructor: Ann Cherry. 6-week program. Room 204.
Fee: $90 per session; Discounted Greenville Resident: $60 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
61 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 ARTS
Tuesday September 12–October 17 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 211157.02 Thursday September 14–October 19 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 311157.01 Tuesday January 23–February 27 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 311157.02 Thursday January 25–February 29 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Homeschool Series: Outdoor Skills at Wildwood Park Ages 7 & Up w/Adult
We will be hosting one program per month this fall and winter intended for homeschool students that will focus on various outdoor skills. Dress for the weather and wear closed-toed shoes. Please pre-register each child for each session individually. These programs will meet at the Welcome Center. Maximum Number of Participants per session is 20. Registration for each session will close at noon on the Monday before the session.
Fee: $7; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5 Register at an GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For more information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
One of the best ways to explore the water is by kayak. Come learn the basics of kayaking on the lake at Wildwood! Parent participation is required for students under 12 years of age. Dress to get a little wet. Time on the water will depend on number of participants.
251007.01 Wednesday September 13 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Discussion about essential gear for hiking, trail etiquette, and where to hike, followed by a trail hike on our trails at Wildwood Park.
251007.02 Wednesday October 11 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Do you know how to pitch a tent? What should you bring with you on a camping trip? Where can you camp near home? We will answer these questions and more.
251007.03 Wednesday November 15 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Can you find your way in the woods? We will learn how to use landmarks, maps, and GPS units to stay on course.
251007.04 Wednesday December 6 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Fire Building
The ability to start a fire is an essential survival skill and can be useful around camp or at home. Join us to learn how to start, maintain, and put out fires.
251007.05 Wednesday January 10 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Outdoor Cooking
Cooking outside is important in outdoor situations and can be fun! Learn about some easy meals and methods during this session.
251007.06 Wednesday February 7 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
62 To register for programs
Homeschool Outdoor Learning Experiences at River Park North
Ages 7 & Up w/Adult
Join us for a once-a-month morning adventure through this River Park North series to learn a new outdoor topic! Each month, staff will provide materials and instruction to participants for each activity. Sessions will take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required for each child for each session. The maximum number of participants is 12.
Fee per person, per session: $10; Discounted Greenville Resident: $8. Register at an GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
Measurement in the Outdoors
Have you ever wondered how big something is or how far away something is while outside, but did not have the tools to measure? In this session, participants will learn about different methods of measurement and how they can be used to determine height, distance, and size of flora and fauna without the use of standard measuring tools, such as ruler and tape measure.
253042.01 Wednesday September 27 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Going Batty!
In this session, participants will explore the world of bats! With the assistance of staff, participants will become familiar with some of the local species of bats and their anatomy. Participants will also learn how bats use echolocation and search for food.
253042.02 Wednesday October 25 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Let’s Talk Turkey!
In this session, staff will lead participants in a lesson and activity about turkeys. Those in attendance will learn about the anatomy, habitat, and needs of turkeys. As the fun concludes, participants will also get to paint a seasonal scene with feathers!
253042.03 Wednesday November 29 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
A Natural Holiday Season
‘Tis the season! In this month’s session, participants will learn about plants and animals that we use as symbols of the holiday season. Participants will also learn about these plants and animals’ characteristics and their connections to the season.
353033.01 Wednesday December 20 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Journey to the Stars
Space is known as the final frontier, but what do we really see when we look up at the night sky? In this month’s session, participants will learn how to use a telescope, locate stars and planets, and make their own star wheel to take home.
353033.02 Wednesday January 24 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
All about First Aid
Emergencies happen every day, but do you know how to help? In this month’s session, participants will learn the importance of first aid and how to treat common injuries that can occur along the trail.
353033.03 Wednesday February 28 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
63 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Phelps Lake Birding Trip meet at Jaycee Park Ages: 12 & Up w/Adult
This is an all-day bird watching trip to Lake Phelps. Come and see thousands of migrating waterfowl at Phelps Lake at Pettigrew State Park. You can see a variety of Waterfowl such as swans, many species of ducks, Canada geese and snow geese. Other treats include black bear, and a variety of other birds, and mammals. Includes many short hikes. You may want to bring a snack and a drink. We will eat a late lunch afterwards in Plymouth. The group will meet and leave from Jaycee Park (2000 Cedar Ln, Greenville, NC 27858). Preregistration is required.
353032.01 Friday January 19 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
64 To register for programs online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov NATURE
Sylvan Heights Bird Park meet at Jaycee Park
Ages: 12 & Up w/Adult
This is a bird watching trip to Sylvan Heights Bird Park. Sylvan Heights has the largest collection of rare birds in the world. The trip will be guided by one of the staff members of the bird park. The fee will cover the cost of entry into the park and the guide fee. We will eat afterwards in Scotland Neck at LaCasetta Italian Restaurant. Pre-registration is required. The group will meet and leave from Jaycee Park (2000 Cedar Ln, Greenville, NC 27858).
353018.02 Friday January 26 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Fee: $30, Discounted Greenville Resident: $25. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Croatan National Forest & Hammocks Beach Visitors Center meet at Jaycee Park
Ages: 12 & Up w/Adult
Bring your hiking shoes and see if you last for a day of hiking in the Croatan National Forest. We will hike about 3 miles total with a travel break in between hikes. We will eat lunch after the hikes at a local restaurant in Swansboro, NC. Lastly, we will make a quick visit to Hammocks Beach State Park Visitors Center. Preregistration is required. The group will meet and leave from Jaycee Park (2000 Cedar Ln, Greenville, NC 27858).
352002.03 Friday February 2 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fee: $18; Discounted Greenville Resident: $15. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores & NC Maritime Museum meet at Jaycee Park
Ages: 12 & Up w/Adult
Come visit the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores and the NC Maritime Museum. We will visit the NC Aquarium in the morning and then eat lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch at we will tour the NC Mariners Museum in Beaufort. Pre-registration is required. The group will meet and leave from Jaycee Park (2000 Cedar Ln, Greenville, NC 27858).
353019.01 Friday February 16 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $25. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
65 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
TREAD Lightly Awareness at River Park North Ages 7 & Up w/Adult
The TREAD Lightly Awareness course is about outdoor stewardship, ethics, and human behavior, as they influence our perspectives in the outdoors. As participants learn about these influences, they will also learn how to minimize their impact on the environment during recreational activities through the use of the TREAD lightly principles and practices. Upon completing this course, all participants will be certified in the completion of the TREAD Lightly Awareness Program. Pre-registration is required. Maximum number of participants: 12.
253038.01 Saturday September 9 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Fee: $12; Discounted Resident $10. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
Moonlight Hayride and Campfire at River Park North
All Ages
Enjoy a 45-minute moonlight hayride around our 31-acre pond and roast marshmallows around a campfire upon your return. The fee is per person. Pre-registration is required.
253027.01 Thursday September 28 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
253027.02 Thursday September 28 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
253027.03 Tuesday November 28 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
253027.04 Tuesday November 28 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Fee: $12; Discounted Resident: $10; Children 2 and under are free, if sitting on an adult’s lap. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Annual October Catfish Tournament at River Park North
All Ages
Join us for the month-long October catfish tournament at River Park North! Open to all competitors with a state fishing license and park fishing permit (children 15 & under do not require a license or park fishing permit). The contest includes participant raffle, top two heaviest single catfish (adults 16 & up), and top two heaviest single catfish (children 15 & under).
For additional information on rules, please visit the River Park North office, call (252) 329-4560, or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Historical Nature Kayak Tour at River Park North
Ages 9 &
Up w/Adult
Enjoy an evening of Kayaking on River Park North’s large pond. We will learn basic kayaking skills and the history of River Park North. We will also learn some off the common animals of River Park North. We may see a variety of Birds, Reptiles, Fish and Mammals. Maybe we will catch a glimpse of a Bald Eagle. Preregistration is required. Maximum number of participants 8 (4 singles and 2 tandem kayaks).
253039.01 Thursday October 5 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fee: $12; Discounted Resident: $10. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov.
For additional information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
66 To register for programs
Invasion of River Park North at River Park North Ages 16 & Up
There is a mystery afoot and the staff of River Park North need your help! There is a mysterious culprit causing damage to the environment, forcing animals and plants to disappear from the park! To solve this mystery, participants will join our staff and follow the clues, as they take the role of an affected species to find the culprit in their midst but be on alert! As the evening progresses, you may end up going extinct or needing to find a new home! Can you save the park? Roles will be given prior to participants to date of program by email. Pre-registration is required. Maximum number of participants: 15.
253040.01 Friday October 13 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Fee: $15; Discounted Resident: $12. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For additional information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
Hunter Education Certification at River Park North
All Ages
This is a 6-hour course completing hunter education requirements to become a licensed hunter in North Carolina. Pre-registration is required; register online at ncwildlife.org or by calling (919) 707-0031.
Monday–Tuesday October 16 & 17 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Monday–Tuesday November 13 & 14 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Monday–Tuesday February 19 & 20 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Fee: Free
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
67 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Creepy-Crawly Fall Fest at River Park North All Ages w/Adult
Roast marshmallows, bring a carved pumpkin to display during the program, trick or treat with our staff, meet, and greet a snake, and join in on several creepy-crawly themed activities. Children are encouraged to come in costume. The fee is per child.
Thursday October 26 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Fee: $7; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
Leave No Trace Awareness at River Park North Ages 7 & Up w/Adult
Leave No Trace Awareness will give participants a deeper look into outdoor stewardship and ethics, as participants learn how to minimize their impacts on the environment during backcountry activities, such as camping, hiking, and other activities using the Leave No Trace principles and practices. Upon completing this session, all participants will certified be in the completion of the Leave No Trace Awareness Program. Pre-registration required. Maximum number of participants: 12.
253041.01 Saturday November 4 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Fee: $12; Discounted Resident $10. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
68 To register for programs
Leaf Pile Learn and Play at River Park North
All Ages w/Adult
Come out and play in our leaf pile and enjoy activities and crafts related to leaves. Bring in a garbage bag of leaves the week or day of and receive free admission to the nature center for your whole family (The more leaves you bring, the bigger the pile!)
Saturday November 18 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Fee: Free; bring a bag of leaves for free admission to the Nature Center. For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Decorating Trees for Wildlife at River Park North
All Ages w/Adult
Prepare a winter feast for the wildlife living in your backyard that you can take home and enjoy watching them eat from the warmth of your window. Parents and guardians will need to remain present during the program and are encouraged to participate.
Saturday December 2 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Fee: Free with Nature Center admission. For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Santa’s Workshop at River Park North
All Ages
Did you know Santa has a secret workshop in Greenville and it is at River Park North? Enjoy hot chocolate, marshmallows over the campfire, and fun festive activities at Santa’s Workshop, including a meet and greet with Santa himself. Program is outside, please dress appropriately.
Saturday December 16 5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Fee: $12 per child; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 per child
No pre-registration required, participants will pay at the door. For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
First Day Hike at River Park North
All Ages
Start the year off on the right foot take a First Day Hike with Nature Center Staff through the park and we will make a visit to our new property. Bring your camera and dress for the weather; we will hike approximately 2 miles.
Monday January 1 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Fee: Free
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
69 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
MLK Day of Service at River Park North All Ages
Come for an hour or two and help maintain the trails at River Park North. Projects include removing debris, trash, and trail maintenance. Volunteers working for at least an hour will receive a coupon for free admission to the nature center. Bring work gloves, water, and long pants.
Monday January 15 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Fee: Free
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
Paint a Silhouette Style Decoy at River Park North Ages 5 & Up w/Adult
Develop your child’s hand-eye coordination, foster creativity, and create a lasting memento to keep and cherish. All decoys, paint and materials will be provided. Pre-registration is required. Maximum number of participants 12
353031.01 Saturday February 3 10:00 p.m.–11:30 p.m.
Fee: $15 per kit; Discounted Resident per kit: $12. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information, please call (252) 329-4560 or email bwilliams@GreenvilleNC.gov
Kids’ Night in Nature at River Park North Ages 7–12
Drop the kids off with us and plan an evening for yourself. We’ll provide food for the participants. Activities will be focused on introducing participants to adaptations that animals use to survive at night. We will go on a night hike through River Park North to better understand these adaptations and demonstrate them as well. Pre-registration is required. Maximum Number of Participants is 12.
351002.04 Friday February 9 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Fee: $18; Discounted Greenville Resident $15. Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
All about Geocaching at River Park North Ages 7 & Up w/Adult
Join us to explore, as we learn how to use a GPS and take to the trails. As we hike, will practice using the GPS to find hidden caches around the park. Fee is by child. Pre-registration is required. Maximum Number of Participants is 12
353020.01 Saturday February 24 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Fee: $10; Discounted Greenville Resident $8 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
70 To register for programs
Evening Kayak Trip from Town Common to Wildwood
Ages 14 & Up w/Adult
Paddle with us along the Tar River! Relax and learn as we travel along our 3 mile route down river from Town Common to Wildwood. Kayakers will be transported back to Town Common at the conclusion of the trip. Bring a water bottle and dress to get a little wet. Single & tandem kayaks are available. We have a limited number of sit-on-top kayaks, so register quickly. Trip may be cancelled on short notice due to weather or river conditions. This program will meet at the boat ramp at Town Common. Expect to be on the water for about two hours. Maximum Number of Participants is 9. Register for tandem kayaks in groups of two. Registration will close at noon on October 11.
253043 Friday October 13 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $25; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $20 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov. For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@greenvillenc.gov
Animal Adaptations at Wildwood Park
All Ages w/Adult
Animals use all kinds of adaptations to survive. Walk the trail with us as we explain what adaptations are used by animals that live in Wildwood Park. Dress for the weather! This program will meet at the Welcome Center. Pre-registration is required for each person attending. Maximum Number of Participants is 20. Registration will close at noon on November 16.
253044.01 Saturday November 18 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Fee: $7; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
71 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Marshmallow and Hot Chocolate Night Hike at Wildwood Park
All Ages w/Adult
Join us as we hike about a mile through the night to see what creatures come out in the dark. After the hike, we’ll enjoy warm hot chocolate and roast marshmallows over a fire. Dress for the weather and leave your flashlight at home! We want to keep the trail as dark as possible. This program will meet at the Welcome Center. Pre-registration is required for each person attending. Maximum Number of Participants is 20. Registration will close at noon on November 16.
353034.01 Friday December 8 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $9; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $7 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Attack of the Invasives at Wildwood Park Ages 10 & Up w/Adult
Invasives are everywhere! What can you do about it? We will explore the trails on this guided hike and talk about invasive species that live in the park like Chinese privet and emerald ash borer. Dress for the weather and expect to hike about a mile. This program will meet at the Welcome Center. Pre-registration is required for each person attending. Maximum Number of Participants is 20. Registration will close at noon on January 11.
353035.01 Saturday January 13 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Fee: $7; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
Guided Loop Hike at Wildwood Park
All Ages w/Adult
Join us for a guided hike all the way around the lake at Wildwood Park on our first program to cross the new bridge and boardwalk! This will be a general topic hike- we’ll see what animals and plants we can point out along our walk. Dress for the weather and expect to hike about a mile and half. Portions of the trail will be inaccessible for strollers. This program will meet at the Welcome Center. Pre-registration is required for each person attending. Maximum Number of Participants is 20. Registration will close at noon on February 8.
353036.01 Saturday February 10 9:00 a.m.
Fee: $7; Discounted Greenville Resident Fee: $5 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4576 or email hbthompson@GreenvilleNC.gov
72 To register for programs
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
Creative Oasis at Drew Steele Center Ages: 21 & Up A program that lets your imagination flow! Explore the world of art using different mediums. All ability levels welcomed.
282010.01 Session 1 Thursdays August 31–October 19 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 282010.02 Session 2 Thursdays November 2–December 28 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Fee: $105; Discounted Greenville Resident: $70 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4650 or email bspivey@GreenvilleNC.gov
Exceptional Community Football League at South Greenville Football Field Ages: 5 & Up
This exciting flag football program is offered in partnership with the Carolina Panthers. The league is for youth and young adults with disabilities. Join us for “Friday Night Lights” at South Greenville.
283002 Fridays September 8–October 27 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Fee: Free
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4650 or email bspivey@GreenvilleNC.gov
73 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Welcome Back Cookout at Drew Steele Center Ages: 5 & Up
A cookout that explores the many Specialized Recreation Programs and what we have to offer individuals with disabilities!
Saturday August 26 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4650 or email bspivey@GreenvilleNC.gov
The Greenville Recreation and Parks Department provides recreational opportunities for persons with physical or developmental disabilities in Greenville and Pitt County. All individuals that participate in Pitt County Special Olympics must be 8 years old and have a Special Olympics Medical Physical on file with Specialized Recreation. For more information, please contact Brent Harpe at bharpe@GreenvilleNC.gov or Blair Spivey at bspivey@GreenvilleNC.gov
Roller Skating at Galaxy Sports in Kinston Ages: 8–18
A beginner and expert competitive roller-skating training program for individuals with disabilities ages 8 and up.
Mondays September 11–October 30 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fee: Free
Aquatics at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center Ages: 8 & Up
A co-ed swim program for individuals with disabilities. Athletes will be grouped into one-hour training sessions.
Tuesdays September 12–November 14 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee: Free
Bowling at AMF Greenville Ages: 8 & Up
A fun night filled with bowling and friends! Training program for individuals with disabilities 8 and up!
Wednesday September 13–November 15 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fee: $5
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
74 To register for programs
Winter Survivor Camp at River Park North
Ages 8–12
Can you survive in the cold of winter? Explore nature and the skills you need to do so during this 2–day winter break camp: fire building, shelter building, and campfire cooking. Pre-registration is required. Maximum Number of Participants is 12.
351003.03 Thursday–Friday December 28–29 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Fee: $27; Discounted Greenville Resident: $18.
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For additional information please call (252) 329-4560 or email awimsatt@greenvillenc.gov
75 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 WINTER BREAK
Bites on the Bridge at Town Common
All Ages
Come out to the Town Common Pedestrian Bridge to enjoy an evening of fun featuring food trucks, live music, and a beer garden. There will be seating available on the bridge, there will also be grab and go parking available for those who want to enjoy dinner at home.
Thursday July 20 5:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Thursday September 14 5:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Movie in the Park at Town Common
All Ages
Grab a lawn chair or blanket and join us at Town Common for a free Movie in the Park. Food trucks will be onsite for this event.
Friday August 25 8:15 p.m. Super Mario Brothers
Friday April 26 8:15 p.m. The Bad Guys
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Parent’s Night Out at Greenville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Ages: 6–12
Parent’s Night Out is filled with fun activities for your children while you enjoy a “night out on the town”. It provides safe entertainment for kids and is full of structured activities like swimming, sports, and games. Each child will need to bring a swimsuit, towel & sneakers. Dinner will be provided: pizza, chips & juice.
231888.01 Friday September 1 5:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $22; Greenville Resident $15; GAFC Member $10 Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information, please call (252) 329-4568 or email cbyrd@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
76 To register for programs
Active Adults & Seniors: Social at Wildwood Park Ages: 50 & Up
Come out to Wildwood Park and enjoy the different aspects of the Greenville Recreation and Parks Department and what we have to offer our population that is ages 50 plus. Activities will include guided hikes around Wildwood Park, art activity, kayaking on Barber Lake, fitness class, pickle ball, and more. Preregistration is highly encouraged, online.
Fee: $5 per session
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4551 or email lholloman@GreenvilleNC.gov
Paint in the Park at Town Common
All Ages
Join us on Sunday, September 17 from 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. in a relaxed, creative, and natural setting at the Town Common. Artists will enjoy the natural ambiance of Town Common (105 E. 1st Street, Greenville, NC) and the Tar River. Whether you are a novice or experienced painter, a great time is sure to be had, while meeting other creatives in Pitt County.
The City of Greenville Recreation & Parks Department and the Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge invite artists to come to the Greenville Town Common to participate in Paint in the Park, a FREE plein air paint event. This is a bi-annual event, taking place in the fall and spring. The inaugural event took place on September 8, 2019.
REGISTRATION: https://pittcountyarts.com/events/paint-in-the-park
Sunday September 17 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
What is en plein air?
En plein air (French pronunciation: [ɑ plɛn ɛːʁ]) (plān′âr′, plĕ-nĕr′)
1: of or relating to painting in outdoor daylight
2: of or relating to a branch of Impressionism that attempts to represent outdoor light and air.
3: open-air : outdoor Artists must bring their own supplies (paint, canvas/paper, easel, and chair if needed).
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
77 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
292002.01 Art Painting Class Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.02 Art Painting Class Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.03 Wildwood Hike Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.04 Wildwood Hike Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.05 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.06 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.07 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.08 Pickleball Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.09 Kayaking Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.10 Kayaking Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.11 Art Crafting Class Tuesday September 12 10:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 292002.13 Yoga Tuesday September 12 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 292002.14 Zumba Tuesday September 12 1:15 p.m.–2:15 p.m. 292002.15 Laughter Yoga Tuesday September 12 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. 292002.16 Lunch Tuesday September 12 11:45 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
Lakeside Live at Wildwood Park
All Ages
Grab a lawn chair or blanket and join us at Wildwood Park for a free Lakeside Live concert. Food trucks will be onsite for this event.
Thursday September 28 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Carter Williams Art Show & Fundraiser at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
All Ages
We invite you to be a part of the 14th Annual Carter Williams Art Show & Fundraiser! Proceeds benefit breast cancer research, education, and community outreach as well as participating artists. Since the beginning of this art show, hundreds of artists from across North Carolina and beyond have shown artwork, generating thousands of dollars in support of the cause! This is an annual event, taking place on the first Saturday in October each year. The inaugural event took place in October 2009 in Wilmington, NC.
Artists/donors: Please consider contributing artwork or work from your collection to be part of this year’s fundraiser. To donate artwork, contact Sara Caropreso by email at scaropreso@greenvillenc.gov or by phone at (252) 329-4546. Jaycee Park Auditorium.
213000.02 Saturday October 7 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Fall Pickleball Open at Elm Street Park
All Ages
Organized competitive tournament of the fastest growing sport in the United States. This doubles tournament will offer divisions based on age and skill.
October 7–8
Fee: $30 per player/per event
Register at any GRPD facility or online at Pickleballden.com July 5–September 28.
For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email wstrickland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Youth Arts Festival at Town Common
All Ages
The Youth Arts Festival will feature visual artists’ booths where children can participate in creative activities making their own masterpieces. There will also be performing-based activities including, storytelling, music, and theater interactive activities. The Youth Arts Festival takes place at the Greenville Town Common. This event is free and open to the community. The Community Youth Arts Festival is a joint project with Emerge Gallery & Art Center, Greenville Recreation & Parks Department, East Carolina University’s College of Fine Arts and Communication, and the Arts Education programs of Pitt County Schools.
Saturday October 14 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
78 To register for programs
Pickleball Youth and Adult Mixer at Sports Connection Ages: 13 & Up
This Pickleball Mixer for youth and adult is a social, non-competitive experience consisting of one adult partner and one youth partner.
223010.01 Saturday October 21 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Fee: $15; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov August 21–October 20.
For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Movie in the Park at Wildwood Park
All Ages
Grab a lawn chair or blanket and join us at Wildwood Park as we kick off the Festival of Freight event with a family friendly spooktacular movie, Goosebumps. Food trucks will be onsite for this event.
Saturday October 28
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Festival of Fright at Wildwood Park
All Ages
Join us for our 2nd annual Festival of Fright event at Wildwood Park. Come out to the park on Friday night and enjoy a scary movie. Saturday and Sunday there will be fall events and when the sun goes down walk through the spine-chilling haunted trail. Parts of this event will be free, and some activities will require a ticket to be purchased.
293300.01 Friday October 27 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
293300.0 Saturday October 28 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $10 per person
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Holiday Art Sale at Jaycee Park Center for Arts & Crafts
All Ages
Give the gift of hand-made art this holiday season! Get your holiday shopping done early at the 10th Annual Jaycee Park Holiday Art Sale. This multi-artist sale features a wide variety of one-of-a-kind pieces including pottery, illustrations, knitting & crochet, paintings, quilts, jewelry, and MORE! This is an annual event, taking place on the first Saturday in November each year. Admission is free. All ages are welcome to attend. Jaycee Park Auditorium and Center for Arts & Crafts art classrooms.
Artists: Reserve a table to sell your artwork! Table spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Artist registration opens to the public on Tuesday, September 5 at 8:00 a.m. Please contact Sara Caropreso by email at scaropreso@greenvillenc.gov or by phone at (252) 329-4546 to register.
213000.01 Saturday November 4 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Table Fee: $35
For more information please call (252) 329-4546 or email scaropreso@GreenvilleNC.gov
79 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Veterans Day at Town Common*
Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALL who have served, living or deceased, but in particular the living veterans among us. *Rain location River Park North.
Saturday November 11 11:00 a.m.
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4972 or email mhoward@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Gives at Five Points Plaza
All Ages
All Ages
It’s time to kick off the holiday season with the annual Greenville Gives event. Greenville Gives provides opportunities to give back to non-profit organizations and highlights local artists and vendors during the Holiday Market. The event will include the annual Christmas tree lighting, a visit from Santa, and a reading of the Christmas story.
Friday December 1 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4972 or email mhoward@GreenvilleNC.gov
Movies Under the Hoops at Drew Steele Center
All Ages
You’re invited to join us for a free family friendly Movie Under the Hoops at the Drew Steele Center. Food vendors will be on site for each movie. The movies will start at 6:30 p.m.
Friday December 8 6:30 p.m. Polar Express
Friday February 9 6:30 p.m. The Little Mermaid
Friday March 8 6:30 p.m. Peter Rabbit
Fee: Free
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
80 To register for programs
Glow Pickleball at Sports Connection
All Ages
Enjoy playing glow-in-the-dark games and listening to 80’s & 90’s throwbacks? Then GRPD has the next event for you! Come out to our Glow Pickleball event this February. Play the fastest growing sport in the nation in a fun setting with your family or friends. Courts are available for 1-hour reservations, but all participants must register to play.
323006 Friday December 8 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
323006 Saturday December 9 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $20; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10 Register at any GRPD facility or on22line at GreenvilleNC.gov August 8–December 1. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Holiday Ham Toss at H. Boyd Lee Park Ages: 5–17
Family members join together to shoot foul shots with a chance to win a holiday ham! Teams consist of two members of the same family, one adult (age 18 or older) and one child (17 and under). The winning team from each age division is whoever holds the highest number of points when the scores of both participants from all three rounds are totaled. Handicaps (lower goals & shorter distance) will be given to the youngest age divisions. Maximum of one prize ham per family.
December 18, 2023
Age Divisions & Times:
• 5–6 & 11–12 6:00 p.m.
• 7–8 & 13–14 7:00 p.m.
• 9–10 & 15–17 8:00 p.m.
No pre-registration required. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
Run, Plunge, or Splash 5K & Fun Run at Wildwood Park
All Ages
Join us for our 3rd annual Run, Plunge, or Splash 5K & Fun Run. The race will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the race will be chip timed. All participants will receive a T-shirt. Proceeds from this event will go to support the Special Olympics of Pitt County.
Saturday January 27
Fee 5K Run: $30 per participant if registered by December 31, 2023
$35 after January 1, 2024
Fee Fun Run: $25 per participant if registered by December 31, 2023
$30 per participant after January 1, 2024
Registration information will be available starting August 1, 2023. For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
81 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567
Glow Dodgeball Tournament at Sports Connection Ages: 16 & Up
This fun, but competitive double elimination, round-robin dodgeball tournament gets a fun new twist with this glow in the dark experience. Play in this tournament with 4–6 of your family or friends and knock out the rest of the competition! All participants on a team must register to play.
322048.01 Saturday February 10 6:00 p.m.–10: 00 p.m.
Fee: $30; Discounted Greenville Resident: $20
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
December 4–February 9. For more information, please call (252) 215-9090 or email cmcfarland@GreenvilleNC.gov
Glow Pickleball at Sports Connection
All Ages
Enjoy playing glow-in-the-dark games and listening to 80’s & 90’s throwbacks? Then GRPD has the next event for you! Come out to our Glow Pickleball event this December. Play the fastest growing sport in the nation in a fun setting with your family or friends. Courts are available for 1-hour reservations, but all participants must register to play.
323007 Friday February 16 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
323007 Saturday February 17 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fee: $20; Discounted Greenville Resident: $10
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
December 1–February 15. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email dtaylor@GreenvilleNC.gov
Egg Rush at Wildwood Park
Ages: Birth–12
Kids ages birth to 12 years old bring your baskets to hunt for eggs and dress in your spring colors to take a picture with the Bunny!
491014 Saturday March 16 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Fee: $5 per person
Register at any GRPD facility or online at GreenvilleNC.gov
For more information please call (252) 329-4968 or email sstanley@GreenvilleNC.gov
Greenville Spring Pickleball Open at Elm Street Park
All Ages
Organized competitive tournament of the fastest growing sport in the United States. This doubles tournament will offer divisions based on age and skill with play.
April 27–28
Fee: $30 per player/per event
Register at any GRPD facility or online at Pickleballden.com February 19–April 18. For more information, please call (252) 329-4550 or email wstrickland@GreenvilleNC.gov
online, please visit GreenvilleNC.gov
82 To register for
Eppes & South Greenville Recreation Centers
An important component of our winter youth basketball program is our volunteer coaches. We implement coaching clinics and practice plans to help prepare coaches for the season. The coaches meeting and clinic will be held at South Greenville Recreation Center in November after registration ends. Please contact Terrance Demingo at (252) 329-4195 or tdemingo@GreenvilleNC.gov for more information.
H. Boyd Lee Park
An important component of our program will be our volunteer coaches. We will have more than 100 teams, and each will need a head coach. Staff will teach you about this great game through clinics and have practice plans prepared for each training session if needed. If you are interested in coaching, please contact Matt Steele at (252) 329-4550 or email msteele@GreenvilleNC.gov
The City of Greenville Recreation and Parks Department host community events throughout the year through various recreation park facilities. If you are interested in volunteering at an event, please contact the Special Events team at (252) 329-4567
For any volunteer opportunities working with people with disabilities please contact Brent Harper at bharpe@ GreenvilleNC.gov or Blair Spivey at bspivey@GreenvilleNC.gov
83 City of Greenville, NC | Recreation & Parks Department | (252) 329-4567 VOLUNTEER
GREENVILLE FALL PICKLEBALL OPEN OCTOBER 7-8 ELM STREET PARK CONTACT WILL AT (252) 329-4550 OR WSTRICKLAND@GREENVILLENC.GOV FOR MORE INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS $30 PER EVENT Organized competitive tournament of the fastest growing sport in the United States. This doubles tournament will offer divisions based on age & skill. Register: Online at Pickleballden.com from July 5 - September 28
Paint in the Park!
you to participate in a free en plein air event called Paint in the Park.
join us in a relaxed, creative, and natural setting at the Town Common. This is an experience that can’t be beat! Let us get a brush in your hand!
their own supplies
is free but registration is encouraged: https://emergegallery.com/events/paint-in-the-park EMERGE GALLERY & ART CENTER 404 EVANS STREET GREENVILLE, NC 27858 (252) 551-6947 INFO@EMERGEGALLERY.COM JAYCEE PARK CENTER FOR ARTS & CRAFTS 2000 CEDAR LANE GREENVILLE, NC 27858 (252) 329-4567 SCAROPRESO@GREENVILLENC.GOV
We invite
Artists must bring
(paint, canvas/paper, easel,
chair if needed). The event
En Plein Air Event at the Greenville Town Common 105 E. 1st Street, Greenville, NC
En plein air
French pronunciation: [ãplεn εːʁ]) (plān′âr′, plĕ-nĕr′)
to painting in outdoor
1: of or relating
to a
outdoor light and air
2: of or relating
impressionism that attempts to represent
September 17, 2023 1:00pm -
3: open-air :