GA Resume Workshop_011025

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Academy Resume - Writing Workshop


● Introduction

● Resume Guidance

● Interview Tips

● LinkedIn

● General Guidance

● Q&A

About Me

❖ ROLE: Director of Human Resources, Axiom Investors


➢ Manage the entire employee life cycle from recruitment to termination

➢ Key areas of focus: culture, employee benefits, performance management, recruitment

❖ Previous Experience

➢ Blackrock

➢ Apollo Global Management

➢ Goldman Sachs

➢ Lehman Brothers

➢ Bergdorf Goodman

❖ Education

➢ Boston College, Carroll School of Management

❖ In my free time

➢ Spend time with my family (Charlotte, Group III and Philip, Grade 6 at Wick)

➢ Traveling and Eating



Beginning with your resume, the interview process is a reflection of who you are and the team member you will be/become.

Your resume should be…

● Concise - Bullet point format

● Perfectly formatted (no typos, no spacing issues, same font/font size)

● Telling a story - Present tense for current experiences and past for former experiences

● One page ALWAYS

● Filled with information you can actually speak to and elaborate on

● Relevant (ok to have a few different versions of your resume)

● Compartmentalized - Have separate sections for education, work experience, leadership/school projects, awards, skills & interests, etc.

Section 1: Personal Info

● Email address: school email is recommended

● Location: City, State only for space/privacy reasons

● LinkedIn Profile

● Cell Phone

Section 2: Education

● Always list your GPA; Major GPA is optional

● ACT/SAT Scores: Include if you feel this will strengthen your profile

● If you transferred colleges, make sure to list both colleges

Section 3: Experience

● Default is Work Experience before Leadership & Involvement, however, if Leadership is more relevant to the role, then list this section first.

● Leadership & Extracurricular experience is another option

● You should include competitions, special projects, committees where you held leadership positions, etc.

● Use relevant key words as appropriate (e.g., collaborated, led, analyzed, etc.)

● No need to list all of your previous jobs (summer, part-time) if you have enough content

Section 4: Skills & Interests

● Make sure to only list skills that you are truly proficient in

● Try to focus on skills that are relevant to the role

● Interests: Keep this brief and do not list anything that could be viewed as controversial

● Include language skills if applicable



● Be yourself! Interviewing is about making sure you can bring your entire authentic self to work.

● Make sure you can clearly articulate why you are interested in the role and why you would like to work at their firm

● Prepare examples of different situations, tasks, actions and results you can share from your prior internships/school experience that reflect your values and how they can be useful in the role for which you are interviewing. Some examples:

Ø Teamwork / Collaboration

Ø Leadership

Ø Problem-Solving

Ø If Applicable, Technical skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.)


When coming onsite to a company or interviewing virtually, always overprepare.

Prior to the interview:

● Always be on time (which means be early)

● Dress appropriately (blazer, collared shirt, or dressy blouse...NO jeans/leggings/uggs/ sneakers)

● Resume - alwaysbring multiple copies of your resume in a nice folder

● If you are presenting, bring your laptop and hard copies of your presentation as back up

● For virtual interviews, always make sure to test video capability well in advance of the interview

● Research the team interviewing you and review the firm’s website

During the interview:

● Do not fidget - practice good posture and looking as calm, cool and collected as possible

● Take notes, if applicable, during the interview

● Ask 1-2 questions that you prepare in advance

● Show enthusiasm for the role but don’t come across as overly eager

After the interview:

● Follow up with a Thank You email (ideally tailored to the interviewer). Do not send texts.



● Make sure you set up a LinkedIn Profile with a professional photo

● Education and work experience should mirror resume

● Find ways to expand your network and grow your connections

● Before an interview, look the interviewers up on LinkedIn to see if you have any mutual connections. Do Not send interviewers LinkedIn requests.



● Be persistent and patient

● Stay organized

● Search internships/jobs through school job boards, company websites, LinkedIn

● Make sure all social media accounts are private and ensure profile photos/content are appropriate

● Network as much as possible with GA and college alums, family networks, professors as appropriate. Show thanks to those who provide support.


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