Graphic Design + Animation: University of Greenwich School of Design, Show 2021

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University of Greenwich


University of Greenwich School of Design 11 Stockwell Street Greenwich London SE10 9BD +44 (0)20 8331 9135 Copyright © University of Greenwich 2021 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. We endeavour to ensure that all information is accurate at the time of publication. ISBN: 978-1-9996921-8-6 Design: Claire Mason + Mike Aling Design assistant: Eden Malik

University of Greenwich


Introduction to School of Design  1 Professor Stephen Kennedy  Introduction to Design + Animation  3 Dr Anastasios Maragiannis BA (Hons) GRAPHIC + DIGITAL DESIGN  5 BA (Hons) ANIMATION  59 MA Web Design + Content Planning   83 MA Design   85 Research and Enterprise  87 Dr Benz Kotzen

Introduction Professor Stephen Kennedy

School of Design

Head of School

Dear Graduating Students, I look with great admiration at the work produced this year. Fearless experimentation abounds and the energy that emanates from these collective works is palpable. Incredible challenges have been surmounted with a degree of wit, ingenuity and imagination that has become the hallmark of Greenwich graduates. So, as you leave to take on new challenges, I want to thank you, not for your patience and fortitude, but for the joy and creativity that you have brought to the School and the University during your time with us. In a year when it might seem like crisis management has become the new normal, there would appear to be little obvious to celebrate. In many respects this is true, but from a different perspective it could be said that this has always been the case: chaos and uncertainty form the natural terrain of the creative individual - the space of possibility to which we are drawn. That said, it must be acknowledged that there is much you have missed out on. The opportunity to inhabit this creative space has been massively impacted. But somehow you have inhabited it, and in a way that has seen your talent and potential emerge undaunted. It would seem then that there is in fact a great deal to celebrate! Finally, I want to remind you that you are, and always will be, members of our community, and as such will always be able to draw on our support and comradeship. Whilst we wish you all the best for future endeavours, we also look forward to welcoming you back to share with us the exciting results of your success in having navigated these recent extraordinary circumstances.

Introduction Dr Anastasios Maragiannis

Class of 2021

Deputy Head of School

"all religions, arts, and sciences are branches from the same tree."  Einstein, 1937 We share this holistic view that all knowledge and inquiry is fundamentally associated with and is echoed in Arts Higher Education (enquiry), from the Aristotelian “Peripatetic Method” (practice) to the era of the 4th industrial revolution (innovation). In these challenging times, it has never been more important that Arts in Higher Education are recognised for their positive impact on a multidisciplinary society: through enquiry, practice, and innovation. This year’s catalogue showcases a vibrant representation of our design student ethos. For the last 20 years, graphic design and animation students have been actively engaged with societies and citizens to impact through design. Our students awarded several international awards, including D&AD, ISTD (International Society of Typographic Designers), and have been shortlisted in numerous creative industries awards and competitions worldwide. It is only fair to say that the quality of the undergraduate 2021 projects is of postgraduate standards. Our graduates are critical design thinkers, innovative design makers and are capable of delivering intelligent design work. Our current programmes include BA (Hons) and HND Graphic and Digital Design; BA (Hons) Animation; MA Web Design and Content Planning and the recently validated MA in Design (2 pathways -Spatial Design and Design Diplomacy) with a focus on diversity and inclusivity by design. The overarching aim of the courses is to assist students in gaining a practical and theoretical grasp of design as an area of intellectual making, creative visualisation and design thinking through professional practice. The programmes emphasise the relationship between the designer/animator, the audience and the client and investigate appropriate, effective and creative communication approaches through design studio practice and in relation to theory. The ongoing network established by tutors, employers, and former students enables current students and graduates to start their careers in various creative disciplines. Determination and creative energy distinguish this year’s graduates from the rest of the pack. An incredibly talented, culturally diverse group of designers and animators who have been a joy and inspiration to work with. This year our graduates have worked on a wide-ranging body of creative concepts; their projects varied from print to screen, AR and VR, to traditional editorial design and traditional animation. All graduates used their skills to produce works that fit within the broader context of design and animation; in so doing, they have developed a range of craft skills and become fully autonomous learners. With much of the world in lockdown due to the COVID-19, the global design student community is facing unprecedented challenges. Perhaps one of the most precarious and vulnerable sectors is design culture, especially during crisis-ridden periods. And, yet it is through engagement with culture and creative activities, our graduates can empower themselves and get through the vast psychological effects of such an unprecedented situation as the current prolonged period of global lockdown. Design is one of the disciplines that can empower people and provide design solutions that could enhance communities. Our students respond to this opportunity and design for social change and social empowerment.

BA (Hons) Graphic + Digital Design OUR GRAPHIC AND DIGITAL DESIGN programmes balance active research investigation, practical experimentation and critical thinking to prepare students for careers in the creative industries. Students develop excellent communication skills, control of creative practices within Graphic Design, as well as in fields close to their discipline — spatial design, fine arts, animation.   Guided by our expert teams of academic researchers, practitioners and makers, students explore areas such as typography, visual grammar, data visualisation, narrative, branding, advertising, fine art practices, photography, motion graphics and moving image. Through a blend of lectures, studio-based workshops, technical tutorials and industry events we invite students to develop their knowledge and experience of design theory and practice.   Popular career options for our Graphic and Digital Design graduates include roles in creative teams and agencies, particularly those specialising in print, publishing, packaging, branding and interaction design, as well as those focused on animation and moving image.   During their time with us, students develop an appreciation of design as an area of intellectual investigation, critical thinking, creative visualisation and making — explored through active engagement and professional practice.

Emma Tyrrell Free Flow Drawing

My project is based on the art, concept and meaning of Mandalas, learned through my personal journey. Through my experiences and observations, I found a new method of drawing to help me reach a new level of enlightenment. This is because mandalas didn't really provide everything I needed from an art form and an art therapy. My drawing method is called Free Flow. It has no rules. The drawings are driven by emotions and thoughts at random which is contrapuntal to mandalas which are structured, geometric and infinitely self-repeating.



Paula Rodriguez The Mirror Deck

Mental health in young adults has been damaged through isolation and lockdown. Understanding all the changes during this period has been affecting the emotions of young adults, causing mental disorders like anxiety or depression. Understanding our feelings is necessary to develop good and balanced mental health.   The Mirror Deck is inspired by different introspection exercises that will help you go through your feelings. Emotions are a rollercoaster, sometimes up, sometimes down. The Mirror Deck is a card-based game with 22 cards with the aesthetic of the Tarot. Three different exercises were developed with the help of a professional psychologist with varying questions to make us reflect on what we feel and why. The first question is, who am I?

Martina Vasileva Play as Creative Exploration

My project questions the topic of defining different working processes, and how they shape design outcomes and the creative industry as a whole. I focused on the idea of play and the many ways in which it happens (or doesn’t). Much like children, who instinctively come up with new variations by the power of their imagination, adults can also wander the landscape of their life by discovering new terrains to explore.     The "what if" of any situation opens the possibilities of a thousand more movements. I visualised this idea by using my writing as a starting point and inviting the reader to participate in a never-ending “deep dive” into the topic of play through my interactive website and posters.



Kierendeep Lali Meditation in Design

Let’s face it; designers have it tough. We juggle with so many problems in a day, from client briefs to deadlines to creative block, constant software updates, positive/negative feedback, and last but certainly not least, hours on end in front of a laptop screen. No wonder we are stressed.   This exhibition piece is an exploration of my interest in meditative mark making in relation to my religion, Sikhism. This project has been a way for me to disconnect from the outside world and really focus on my work.



Giada Vitiello Private_Public_Space

The project focuses on the perception of private space during the last year (2020-2021). It shows how, thanks to technology, public and personal actions overlapped, creating a mix of different spaces inside my bedroom. A bedroom is nothing else than a private space where people spend their intimate moments, yet the same bedroom transformed into a collection of public and private spaces.   My outcome is a website where people are allowed to enter my private room, look at my actions inside it and even move my objects — adding my bedroom inside a digital platform that is public aims to highlight this duality as well as making my room even more public.



Giada Vitiello Private_Public_Space



Samuel Hall Environmental Structures

This piece is to show the relationship and the effects the surrounding environment has on my hand made structure. The focus point is creating something that doesn’t necessarily fit within its environment and exploring how the environment responds to that over time.     Therefore the structures have been made for anything to happen to them, this even includes effects caused by people, as you are part of the environment. This gives you access to do what you want to this structure including writing on it, drawing on it, moving it etc. As for moving it you will find that the top three pyramids move, however, you will need two people to simultaneously move them to lay them down, creating a relationship and journey between people and the structure but also bringing people together.



Samuel Hall Environmental Structures


Samuel Adamaze Reflected image

An exploration project designed to see if a mirror can create different interpretations and meanings depending on the environment. In this project I am taking mirror images with a digital camera through a plastic A5 mirror. Gradually, I am gathering information from what the plastic mirror sees that I create through a very personal method.   With its effect and features of monochromatic imagery, it produces the sense of the past, as if my back view had witnessed something. This method was used every five minutes within an hour. Despite the fact that these are simple images that I am taking, they portray what the mirror seeing reflects, whether real or not. This is reflected with ambiguous, distorted images captured within a place. Are we being told the truth by the mirror?





Elena Kocheva The Value of Napkins

The project explored the value of collections by looking through the spectre of an almost 30 years old paper napkin collection. Viewing collectibles from different perspectives forms an understanding of not only the physical, but also of the emotional and psychological side. The outcome showcases the value of storytelling, imperfections, and colour. It is all hidden behind plain white napkins that bring the fourth aspect of value-texture. Therefore, people can feel the napkins even though the napkins from the collection can not be present in the exhibition. The depth and meaning of such ephemeral objects like the paper napkin can be underestimated and, on that account, people are faced with plain white paper napkins. The audience has to engage in touching them, reviewing them closely, lifting layer by layer to get to the true essence.

Jack Loft Slimed

Slimed is a hypothetical game created to visually explore mechanics exploring the accessibility needs of Amelia. Amelia is my younger sister with down syndrome. Over the past year we’ve explored various genres and platforms of different games and discovered some of the issues Amelia encounters. I then began to explore gameplay mechanics that can be used to help Amelia through the experience and used Slimed to visualise some of these mechanics.     When it comes to accessibility it’s important to consider as many perspectives as possible and this goes hand in hand with providing the player with options to adapt the experience to their specific needs, and these options can range from changing the colour of the text, to slowing down the speed the game is played at.   Slimed is specifically created with the gameplay mechanic of death resist, as Amelia always finds a way to die within games, and this is her biggest hurdle, so to counteract this, in Slimed the character is immortal.



Dorin Seremet Coronavirus Guidelines - Background Noise

The project is based on the fluctuation of the Coronavirus social distancing guidelines in navigation and social interaction. The research and feedback gathered throughout the year resulted in an interpretation of the public’s sentiment on the guidelines and their meaning. For most people, it becomes static noise — something in the background — but which fails to communicate its message because of the expectations that we, the members of the public already have in relation to this topic.

Justin Gaskin OVERLOAD

This interactive installation is a visual and sensory interpretation of stress and anxiety. With an overload of emotional disruption throughout lockdown, this piece replicates the experience of feeling emotionally unbalanced in an environment.



Justin Gaskin OVERLOAD






Poppy Quy Becoming One

After producing a publication exploring how to become one with an object, using methods such as transition and spoken conversation, I moved to present the mutualistic exchanges between human and object in a piece that would be experienced in an exhibition space. In this word and image series, I spoke to people about their favourite object, they were asked what memories they had associated with the item, if they benefited one another and how they felt about its mortality. Using the transcripts, the conversations were transferred into pieces of poetry. Displaying the reliance, boundaries and holistic effects object relationships have on our short and surrounded existence.



Laura Stepak The Choice

“The Choice” is an experience that allows the viewer to be a part of the story. It is the audience that, through choices that they are making, decides how the plot goes. There is no such thing as a good or bad decision — the main purpose is to explore the world. Even though the story has a beginning, it ends only when the viewer decides to quit. In order to allow everyone to experience it to the fullest, cards with QR codes were made - so it can be accessible on mobile devices any time.

Zainab Rehman Melting Exotic

Exotification is the process by which exotic items and people are put on display for their otherness. Melting Exotic is an exhibition which surrounds the idea of household cultural items being archived in ice and exhibited into a new, less customary environment. This is to explore the impact of being labelled and exhibited as the term ‘exotic’. The objects being displayed in ice signifies the museumification of cultural items, they are stolen and displayed, just like in an exhibition. Yet, the ice begins to melt when videos exploring the daily use of such household items are projected. The more exposure the ice gets, the quicker it will melt away. This alludes to the idea that the more representation people of colour are given, the more their way of living will be understood and the less ‘exotic’ and ‘othered’ they become.



Zainab Rehman Melting Exotic


Kornelija Bruzaite Things I did

My experiments helped me to see the influence of my environment on how I think, design and live. I began to be both an actual person and an observer that reflects on my day to day actions while questioning my surroundings.   My final research outcome/installation contains three elements. First, a list of all the objects I own, second, a film that shows how I dismantled my bicycle and put it back together, and the third is a book that contains all my thoughts and experiments I did.





Kornelija Bruzaite Things I did



Shriya Sant Reframing superstitions

Our superstitions are a part of our core belief system that stems from experiences. We like to draw connections between reoccurring and unrelated events. We want to form the reasoning for our experiences and none of them are a coincidence. The characteristic of a superstition is such that it is rooted in avoiding bad luck or gaining good. However, bad luck introduces fear while good luck inspires an enhanced performance.     Therefore, this exhibit reframes superstitions by focusing more on the good luck. It holds a collection of lucky objects that materializes this belief system that take the form of rings, necklaces, etc. It records their owners’ experience with lucky encounters because of these objects. As the owners describe their stories of confidence, magic and support, the wearable objects combine the imprints and brings heir luck closer to us. You, the viewer, can wear, experience and interact with them the way you like and experience the luck. So, what is your good luck story?



Alice Bertazzi Things In Correlation

What is erased? What is rejected? What is kept? This is a collection of images and objects exposed in connection to the events associated with them as an investigation into the bonds they forge between people over time and space. It is an exploration based on understanding the role and the importance of materiality in recalling moments.   Can materiality become a physical manifestation of something that is absent? These pieces came together after they were discovered from different locations at different times. The objects show personal research that started from a discovery of photographs inside a tin box. The photos become an archive of their own. Photography acts as the way the objects are preserved and staged. It is an archive of forms and details. Through revealing objects from a private collection to a public space, they become a tool of connection.



Alice Bertazzi Things In Correlation


Shahanaz Begum Ahmed In the name of Honour

My exhibition piece is to raise awareness about honour culture amongst the south Asian community in a very light-hearted and subtle manner. It touches upon patriarchy and the everyday abuse experienced by women as a result of honour. The wall is coated with individual permission slips, whereby the audience has the ability to take off and fill in a permission slip.   Alongside this, I have framed my definition of what I think honour truly means to me. The central piece is a video titled, ‘The Recipe to honour’. This video expresses my views on what I think of the ideal ‘honourable’ man within the south Asian community.



Ivana Koemdzhieva Reimagining Bulgarian Embroidery

A project exploring Bulgarian embroidery through a piece inspired by the Bulgarian traditions and hand craft techniques. The work focuses on a contemporary reading of Bulgarian embroidery and looking for an answer to why this art form is becoming outdated. The project examines the essence of this traditional art and analysing the symbolism behind it.   I am investigating the contemporary social and artistic trends in relation to the ones in the past and noting the successful and unsuccessful previous attempts for the revival of Bulgarian embroidery. This is done in order to provide a new stable foundation for modernising this classical craft. I aim to demonstrate that the “forgotten” arts still have a place in our modern life due to their versatile use and unique beauty.     My exhibition piece combines multiple key features from Bulgarian folklore and forms a new contemporary but still traditional look for Bulgarian embroidery.



Sabrina De Martin This is Follina

I focused my project on Follina, a small town in northern Italy, surrounded by greenery. I explored it from a citizens' point of view, presenting the interlocutor with testimonies, personal stories and images. Through my work, I want to bring, young people in particular, closer to this village. I chose to focus the content on citizens' experiences, emphasising and highlighting even the smallest things.





Hafsah Begum The Story of Adahm (PBUH) & Mischievous Iblis.

← The Story of Prophet Adahm (PBUH) and mischievous Iblis is an outcome created to re-educate my younger self, narrating the Islamic story of Adahm (PBUH) with fun and abstract illustrations designed by her present self, for her younger self to enjoy and to have a positive influence. It presents my younger self in the knowledge of the life of Adahm, knowing where the sinful act stems from and it teaches her, which will reflect my everyday life significantly.   The exhibition for my younger self takes us back to Hafsah at the age of 5+ in her cosy and comfortable reading space and is an experience inviting the audience to join me to hand her the story and finally watching her read and experience deciphering the moral ethics in good or bad, cause and effect and consequence in the story.     I invite the audience to join me in this significant moment where her life will start to make sense with this book fulfilling it's purpose in operating an essential role to my younger self spiritually when fathoming Islamic stories and their meanings through the use of fun and an exciting illustration book created by her present self.

Gergana Vasileva ACT NOW protest group



Joe Andrew Woodman My 80 days of Lockdown

My exhibition and work associated aims to look at my experiences, thoughts and feelings in lockdown. Throughout the course of the 80 days the experiment was conducted, whenever I felt overwhelmed with any emotion, I'd begin to write down on a scrap piece of paper as to how I felt. Whether it be negative and cliché or positive and happy, it would go onto the paper. Eventually I'd translate these feelings into images and photography and use UV to write down those thoughts that perhaps people may consider taboo or not often spoken about so openly in society. Furthermore as time went on and as lockdown gradually began to relax, I began capturing those moments I spent outside of my bedroom, the same four walls, to show the contrast in thoughts. In all, my work acts as a reflection on my lockdown journey that kept a close look on my mental health that perhaps other people could relate to as well.



Verity Rock I remember the radishes

So much of our lives are spent on one side of a camera lens or the other. We document our lives, our happy moments, pretty things and everything in between because we want to remember it all. We place our trust in devices and clouds to share the burden of remembering because we know, in time, memory fades. Our technology isn’t immune to the ravages of time either. With every share, every upload, download and trip around the digital space — a high-tech game of pass the pixelated parcel — we lose little details, a few pixels here and there. This only serves to make our photos more precious, and our need to protect and collect them more fervent.



Verity Rock I remember the radishes

Bianca Magalhaes de Resende Wasting Time

My Project is about the use of social media, as our generation uses social as a basis for every action. In today’s world, they would rather live the “Instagramable” life, instead of their life at home. Since I’m also part of this fake vs real life generation, I see how much time I have wasted on my phone, scrolling through my timeline or taking pictures rather than enjoying the real moments.


Boryana Chenkova Made Killers

→ This project focuses on investigating the effects of physical and mental abuse and how they can form a person. More specifically how they can create a killer. Looking into the power and vulnerability of the mind, and how the biggest pain comes from the ones that are closest to us.   Being able to understand the reasoning behind people such as Arthur Shawcross and what in their life affected and damaged them so badly that they can take another human beings’ life away? As mental health, trauma and abuse are often neglected, seeing the effects that lead to extreme behaviour will make us as people, as a society more open-minded and more willing to understand and help other individuals.




Mihaela Mincheva The Anonymous Book Club of Prenzlauer Berg

The Anonymous Book Club of Prenzlauer Berg addresses the books that are given away in a neighbourhood in Berlin and their discovery through walking. The value in this act is found in the idea of exchange between people forming an anonymous book club where books circulate within the neighbourhood but the giver and taker remain unknown. The daily appearance of new books on different streets is a way of mapping the area in which the valuable interchange takes place. The borders of the area are not defined but therefore explored through the act of walking. As a response, a website is designed so people can become part of the community exploring the city streets of Berlin whilst discovering books. Visitors are also invited to share a book they like leaving a note for the next person to find. In addition, the series of walks that took place in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin are documented in the form of a visual diary called “The Walking Journal”. The journal explores the notion of community, human relations and space through findings — books and is my way of contributing to the community as a designer.



Mihaela Mincheva The Anonymous Book Club of Prenzlauer Berg


BA (Hons) Animation OUR ANIMATION DEGREE provides a flexible and expressive programme of study that encompasses Animation in many varied forms. Students start the degree by exploring animation (both practical and theoretical) as well as more technical areas which are highly sought after in industry. This includes understanding how assets move through the animation pipeline, from sketches to final product. The student then moves on to explore more detailed animation practice, including digital sculpting, industry standard renderings, character animation and immersive environments design in order to finesse their approach to the field. Optional modules help students develop specific skills for work in games, VFX, film and television. The degree develops in the final year into a flexible and supportive set of interconnected subject areas, where students are free to work on their specialist areas as well as developing their academic skills through their final year 'final major project' work as part of their research.


Stephanie Hui Ying Siaw A Modern Portrayal of Icarus

For my project, I took the classical Greek myth of Icarus and retelling it in an animated medium for the 21st century. This piece is a modern take of the classic story taking the well-known part of the story of Icarus flying too close to the sun and his tragic fall due to his over-ambitious nature.



Ellese Patterson Flourish

My final major project is a 3D animated trailer for a nature-themed video game that I’ve named ‘Flourish’. The player can explore natural untouched landscapes populated with wildlife and plants at their own pace.   A key theory that has inspired me is the ‘Attention Restoration Theory, (ART)’, developed by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan in the 1980s. This theory suggests that urbanisation and population growth have created many stresses, therefore, spending time or even looking at nature can improve mental health and lower stress levels. I hope that you can fully immerse yourself, relax, and enjoy experiencing a natural, low-poly open world. Take a short break and connect with nature just through a screen.



Luka Feric A Medieval Knight Reimagined

My project features a Medieval knight among a recently fought upon battlefield, with its design reflecting the late 15th century. This exhibit features two modes of presentation: An animated short, and a 360-degree video. The animated short takes place upon a dilapidated battlefield, with the knight as the sole survivor. The animation presents an ambiguous and open-ended short story to the viewer. Additionally, a 360-degree video has been created for people to interact with allowing you to view the knight and setting in full detail.   I have created the Medieval knight to be highly realistic and extremely detailed. The design is very accurate, with functionality being prioritised over the aesthetics, in order to enhance the realism and believability of the character. The aesthetic design of the knight has been enhanced with ornate embossing and decorative gilding across the edges of the armour and sword hilt.   Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy what I have created this year!



Shan Deng Mononoahare (Nothing can last long)

In a fast society as ours where everything is decorated and rich in design, the concept of Wabi-Sabi is probably difficult to follow.     Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese philosophy that researches a balance between human beings and the natural world. If in other cultures, the design was ostentatious and saturated with decoration, in Japan, the idea of beauty was different: the design, the architecture, and the arts were following the asymmetry and harmony of nature.   My video aims to make the viewer experience the calm and beauty behind the modest environment and the simple objects under a Wabi-Sabi key. Thanks to the slow camera and movements of the leaves, the spectators have the time to immerse themselves in Japanese culture and philosophy.



Shan Deng Mononoahare (Nothing can last long)



Zaithwa L Zimpita The Beast Inside

My 2D animation centres around a singular character and her journey through life and its many obstacles and who also questions her existence. The story’s genre is dark fantasy with an expressive art style aesthetic.   My animation is an experimental one as it follows no specific narrative and only follows a bit of structure in terms of a beginning and the end. I was interested in the non-linear aspect of experimental films, as I wanted to convey a story based solely on emotions we keep hidden from the world or ourselves when we do not want to acknowledge them.   On why we hide ourselves and have the audience connect with the character in a philosophical perspective. The story is about a girl who is perceived as a monster by the world, and which makes her feel alienated from herself and others. That is until she finally embraces her uniqueness or differences and realises that they make her stronger not weaker. I wanted to portray the character’s inner metamorphosis through use of a limited colour palette where each colour represents the emotions she is going through or feeling as she undergoes her transformation.



James Headington The Art of Necessity

'The Art of Necessity' is an investigation of character design philosophies through the lens of product design, with an exploration of environment and setting based on these ideas.   My designs explore the struggle between identity and labour, inspired by recent and ongoing shifts in the social climate. Growing disparity between the richest and poorest in society coupled with the increasing hours many must work to survive have led to difficulty in maintaining any work-life balance. With some employers appearing more concerned with profit margins than with the safety or quality of life of their workforce, this looks unlikely to improve for the foreseeable.     My setting was the result of considering the possible extreme effects of this kind of attitude, where the people who work to keep society moving are reduced to pure function in an endless quest for increased productivity.



Molly Lecomber-Clark Legendary

My work is a production pitch for an animated tv show called Legendary. The show is about a young girl and a group of mythical creatures who go on a journey to find an author who spread lies about them.   I am interested in character design and story development so I worked on creating interesting characters and a meaningful story that children and families would enjoy.   I have designed this production pitch around existing, successful examples so that this would be suitable to send to production companies. My aim for this show is to highlight the impact of uninformed bias and to present it to a young audience so they will know to recognise it and not encourage the spread.



Morgan Holloway Developing a Character

My assignment is an exploration of the development of a character and what makes a good character design. In this project, I am going to be showing the process of creating a character that I have designed. This project will show everything from my early sketches and research to my final design and concept art based on that design. The illustrations follow the development of my character Adelaide, a young Witch from the 15th century.   My initial idea for this project stemmed from my interest in Fantasy and Science Fiction as well as costume design. I was particularly interested in how costume design can be used to indicate a character’s state of mind, their personality, back story and more. It is important to me that when I am designing a character’s costume, I am creating a design that is historically accurate and representative of a certain time period.



Edward Hughes Digital Sunrise

A 3D animation which tells the story of an anthropomophic character who struggles to find work in his adult life, only to discover a computer which leads to a whole new world...    Is based off of a story I have been working on since I was 16, this animation being the introduction and first chapter of the story.

Janina Majcher In the cold, cold night

Projection of our own emotions can be difficult at times. That is how the concept of Freya first came to me.   The animated cinematic is intended to work as a smash-cut cinematic trailer to establish the disorienting mania and paranoia that usually affects anyone being hunted for an extended period of time. This story is both intended to engage the audience with its ambiguity and leave them asking for more with its unresolved ending.   Awareness for mental health is consistently rising, but the stories told, and experiences gained throughout the sheer moments of panic within mental breakdowns may not be as easily projected without placing oneself in another’s shoes, thus this cinematic animation intends to do so.



Nu McAdam Love Death.

I’m Nu McAdam, a quadriplegic non-binary artist and animator from Brighton. I use they/them pronouns.   My influences are the death positivity community, the activism community and most of all, 40s/50s rubber band animation, most used by Max Fleischer who was the creator of Betty Boop.   I would like to say that I consider myself a very flexible animator with lots of interests. However, I am continuously drawn to the stories of those who cannot physically or mentally tell their own. I hope to use my skill to illuminate these stories to the world and to give visual comfort to the neurodiverse community.



MA Web Design + Content Planning THIS PROGRAMME HELPS YOU DEVELOP the skills needed to plan, design, build and promote websites to a professional standard using contemporary principles and techniques. Across six integrated, core modules, the programme covers three key areas of web design practice: technical, functional and aesthetic. The technical area includes the three core front-end technologies; HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and the key principles and philosophies which guide their use. These include, Web Standards, Progressive Enhancement, Responsive Design and Mobile First. Relevant back-end technologies such as PHP and MySQL are also included. The programme also covers WordPress theme design and an introduction to other content management systems. The functional area includes topics such as User Experience Design, Accessibility, Content Strategy, Information Architecture and Search Engine Optimisation. Such areas are not peripheral to web design. This programme takes a holistic approach, giving you a broad understanding of the web design industry. The aesthetic area includes the principles of graphic design, including Layout, Composition, Typography, Colour, Identity and Branding. In each case, aesthetic principles are backed up with technical implementation. All assessments for this programme are based on project work. Ultimately, the three fundamental areas of web design are indivisible, and this programme takes an integrated and balanced approach. Theory and practice are given equal weight.


MA Design MA DESIGN IS A POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME that focuses on research methods, inclusion and diversity in design. We focus on ideas and practices such as co-design to explore how design diversity can empower the making process, create inclusive environments, and generate research in new exciting ways. As a multidisciplinary programme, it offers three specialization pathways: MA Design, MA Spatial Design and MA Design Diplomacy. In this context, students can promote and embed the application and effective use of digital technologies into learning through design practice and research, based on their chosen endorsement. Taught by an expert team of academics, researchers, practitioners with industry experience and technical demonstrators, this MA makes constructive use of research already conducted at the ‘Diversity and Inclusivity by Design” research centre (School of Design) and offers hands-on experience (in the form of workshops, internships, seminars, exhibitions) on how to design inclusively.


School of Design Dr Benz Kotzen

Research + Enterprise

Research and Enterprise Lead

The Research Excellence Framework submission (REF 2021) was the major research event over the past year. Whilst the submission required significant efforts from individuals within the School to meet the March 2021 deadline, it has enabled the School to better calibrate and celebrate the range and quality of research being undertaken. This exercise has shown that the increase in research and allied enterprise activities across the various disciplines is remarkable and stands as testament to an environment which encourages and lauds research and enterprise. The number of staff submitting to the REF doubled over 6 years, enabling us to submit over 70 journal articles, books, book chapters, edited books and Multi Component Outputs (MCOs). The MCOs were a special feature of the submission, allowing practice based research to be highlighted and disseminated in the best possible way research/dare. Growth in research is evident in the numbers with 109 journal articles, 11 monographs, 15 edited books, 38 book chapters, 40 conference papers and proceedings and 40+ shows/exhibitions. This increase is partly the result of a staff recruitment strategy to employ internationally excellent research active staff who have PhDs and, where they do not have PhDs, to encourage them to undertake PhD studies. There are currently 27 staff who have PhDs in the School with 7 working towards a PhD. The School was also awarded 10 Vice Chancellor Scholarships, with 16 PhD completions during this period. Over the past year, he School has increased the number and diversity of Research Groups, aiming in the future to number around 10. At present these include: - Advanced Urban Research Group provides a focus for interdisciplinary urban research that intersects, new materiality, media and space. - CAPTIVATE Spatial Modelling Research Group uses remote sensing technologies to build high fidelity digital models of cultural heritage for conservation, museological and pedagogical purposes. - DARE (Digital Arts Research and Enterprise Research Group) which brings together theorists and practitioners to conduct research that re-thinks the possibilities for creative practice in the digital age. - INTENT (Integrated Nature and Technology Research Group) brings together the work, experience, knowledge and interests of the landscape and built environment groups around the theme of combining nature-based solutions with existing and new technologies in order to provide practical solutions to socio-environmental problems within the greater framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. - Sound/Image Research Group uses practice as a tool of critical enquiry to investigate the possibilities available to create new aesthetic experiences through a range of audio-visual media technologies, exploring both the relationships between sound and the moving image, and the images which sound construct on their own. New Research Groups that are emerging are the Diversity and Inclusivity by Design RG and the Critical Theory RG. REF2021 obliged us to have an in depth look at ourselves and our environment from a research and enterprise perspective, enabling us to celebrate our research and researchers and going forward to motivate us to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to undertake research that is meaningful to themselves but that also has greater impact beyond academia. 87

School of Design, Stockwell Street Building




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