Greenwich Town Party: Rain or Shine By Albert Huang The Greenwich Town Party (GTP) returned stronger than ever for its 10th anniversary. Alongside rain and shine, the GTP sold out 8,000 tickets and was at full capacity at the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park venue. The town party was a massive success in stark contrast to the cancellation of the 2020 GTP from the pandemic. The first half of this year’s town party was more like a town shower. However, the air was still filled with laughter and music throughout the day as locals refused to let rain dampen their spirits. Festivities persisted through the pouring rain. In the morning, families enjoyed children’s activities, including face painting, balloon artists, bounce houses, craft stations, and more. The first set of performances was “God Bless America,” by Grace DeLoe and the “National A nthem” by Sg t. Joseph Colav ito who sang alongside the Byram Veterans Association Color Guard. “I’ve been attending and volunteering at the town party for nine years,” said Kenna Metter. “I look forward to coming every year and connecting to the people we haven’t seen for years. It’s incredible what this town does.” The GTP kicked off the day-long music festival with performances on the town stage, which was reserved for performers who had connections to Greenwich.
anniversar y community worship with the Rev. Stuart Hoke, eyew itness to the 9/ 11 at t ack s, on S at u rday, September 11, at 11 a.m. Christ Church welcomes the com mu n it y to joi n i n t h is dedicated commemoration and worship service. Greenwich Boaters Boaters may now renew winter storage and pressure washing online. Boaters will receive an email from g reenw ichc t@rec t with information about the new process. The application must be completed by Oct. 1. Winter storage is available at the Byram, Cos Cob and Grass Island marinas, as well as the boat yard at Greenwich Point, from Sept. 1 through June 15. Anyone interested in storing for the w inter can email or speak to the Dockmaster. Greenwich Hospital currently has nine COVID positive patients, two of whom are in the Intensive Care Unit. Bu i ld i ngs i n D ow ntow n Greenwich to be Demolished The Planning and Zoning Committee has received an application from 189 Davis
Brunswick Music Improv, a group of young musicians led by teacher Shane Kirsch, started off festivities. Afterwards Robert Genna Sings took the stage, a versatile singer and vocalist for the rock band, Your Mutha. That’s What She Sang, a rock and pop cover band, followed shortly after. Roctopus, a rock ba nd or ig inating f rom Brunswick, was up next performing covers and originals. Paloma Skye, a blues and alternative rock band, performed both original music and reinvented covers incorporating elements of hip hop, folk, and R&B to their unique sound. The GTP had a power-lineup featuring the Eagles, Zac Brown Band, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, and Caroline Jones headlining the event. “To me, the ability to bring in top artists to a venue right in our backyards is incredible,” said David Lewis. “The venue might be small but the quality is so great!” Caroline Jones started the first performance on the main stage. Jones, a Greenwich local and country star, said it had been 18 months since she’d played a full set on stage. Jones has a history of touring with both the Eagles and Zac Brown Band. Back on the town stage Happy Accidents rocked out showing off their versatility in their original songs alongside classic rock and pop cover songs. Ray Dalio then took the main stage shortly after, introducing Preservation Jazz Hall Band (PJHP) coming up all the way from New Orleans. Catherine Collins, a New Orleans native who married a
Avenue LLC to demolish five buildings on the property. The demolitions would be part of a development project regarding 3 t h roug h-lots con nec ti ng LeGrande Ave to Davis Ave.
pants, bags, shin guards, and st ick s . E q u ipme nt c a n b e dropped of f any time until Friday, September 10, and can be left on the porch.
David Ogilvy to be Honored David Ogilv y will be awarded posthumously with t h e G r e e nw i c h H i s to r i c a l Society’s f irst annual David Ogilvy Preservation Award to recognize his lifetime of work dedicated to historic preservation in Greenwich, and his major accomplishments. The award will be presented to Anne Ogilvy and family at the Historical Society’s Annual Meeting on September 30. DART to the Finish Charity Walk The fourth annual DART to the Finish charity walk will be taking place on Saturday, September 25, both at Greenwich Point and virtually. T he w a l k b e nef it s D a n a’s Angels Research Trust, funding research for the rare childhood disease Niemann-Pick type C, or children’s Alzheimer’s. Registration is $25 for adults and $10 for children aged 10-21. Registered walkers will receive a t-shirt and are eligible for gift rewards. To register, visit
Greenwich Symphony Orchestra is back The Greenwich Symphony O r che st ra ha s a n nou nce d that they will be returning with live performances, with a five-concert series. Opening concerts will be on Saturday, September 25 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, September 26 at 3 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at Greenwich High School. A five-concert subscription will be $175, and individual tickets are $40 for adults and $10 for students.
Greenwich Skating Club Equipment Swap The Greenw ich Skating Club has announced that they will be holding their annual equipment swap on Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Greenwich Skating Club. T he e q u ipment s w ap w i l l be a way to pass equipment along to others in the hockey community. The club is looking for skates, gloves, helmets, shou lder a nd el b ow pads,
Greenwich local said she came solely for PJHB. “It’s gonna feel like being back at home,” said Collins. “Their original venue in New Orleans can fit about 100 people in it, I’m excited to see them perform here!” Following the PJHP, Shane Kirsch returned to the town stage with his band Rang-A-Boom. The band jammed out to a blend of funk, blues, and rock. Zac Brown Band rocked out the main stage afterwards. Caroline Jones made a reappearance performing her and Zac Brown’s co-written song, “All of the Boys.” Between the Zac Brown Band and the Eagles, Charlie King & the Next Big Thing kept the music going. Charlie King is a lifelong Greenwich resident and his band The Next Big Thing is comprised of friends, many of whom are teachers around Greenwich. The showers f inally settled in time for the Eagles to take center stage. The Rock & Roll Hall
5-box max per car. The event is open to residents only, and participants are asked to bring cash.
September 1 Declared Steve Gospodinoff Day First Selectman Camillo has proclaimed September 1 as Steve Gospodinoff Day. Gospodinoff has spent 34 years with the Town of Greenwich i n t h e Tr e e D i v i s i o n a n d r et i r e d e a rl ier t h i s we ek . His dedication, teamwork , leadership abilities, and work to improve the Tree Division staff will leave a lasting legacy on his division.
Flooding in Greenwich and Storm Updates The remnants of Hurricane Ida that passed through the region last Wednesday night left 8-inches of rain, resulting in extensive flooding in several Greenwich neighborhoods, as well as downed trees and power lines. Following the storm, eig hteen roads in town were fully closed, with numerous others having partial obstructions. On Thursday morning, G overnor Ned Lamont signed a declaration of civil preparedness emergency in response to f lood damage. Greenwich Police responded to 355 calls for service throughout the storm, and the fire department responded to about 200.
Alongside rain and shine, the GTP sold out 8,000 tickets and was at full capacity at the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park venue.
Paper Shredding Event This years’ 10th annual p ap e r sh r e dd i n g d ay w i l l be held at the Island Beach p a r k i n g l o t o n S a t u r d a y, September 25 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The cost to shred is $3 per box, with a
Coastal Cleanup Day The Conservation Commission will be hosting a cleanup on Great Captain Island for International Coastal Cleanup Day! The event will take place on Saturday,
Local Public Company Market Watch GREENWICH INDEX COMPANY AmBase Corporation
52 LOW
Hudson Pro
Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.
Oxford Lane Capital Corp.
Oxford Square Capital Corp.
Starwood Property Trust Inc.
StoneRiver Inc.
Townsquare Media Inc.
Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.
W.R. Berkley Corp.
XPO Logistics Inc.
Ellington Financial LLC
* as of market close 9/8/21
of Fame band brought in Deacon Frey to fill in for his father, the former co-lead singer and front man for the Eagles. “I can’t believe we got to see Glenn Frey’s son,” said Spencer Loweth, “He sounds so much like his dad, It was unreal listening to two legendary guitar players like Joe Walsh and Don Henley right in front of me.” The GTP is hosted and funded by sponsors of the event, merchandise sales, and auctions. This year’s auction featured 196 items for bidding. Two of the top items of this year’s auction were two guitars, one signed by the Eagles which sold for $8,100 and one signed by the Zac Brown Band that sold for $3,000. The GTP is a 501-c3 non-profit organization. Sales and auctions go back into funding the next event. You can get on the list to receive news and 2022 ticket lottery updates at mailing-list-link
September 18, and participants are asked to meet at the Grass Island ferry dock at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. ferry ride to the island. The return ferry will be at 11:40 a.m. Participants must register, can do so by calling (203) 622-6 461, or visiting FormCenter/Conservation-10/ International-Coastal-CleanupGreat-Capt-180 G r e e n w i c h T h a n k Yo u Parade The Greenw ich Police Emerald Society and Combined Organization of Police are hosti ng a “Wea r i ng of t he Green-wich thank you Parade” on September 19 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., beginning at Town Hall. The parade will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Greenwich Police Department and w ill honor Greenw ich Hospital staff, first responders, and essential workers who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. Utilize Senior Energy Reopens Utilize Senior Energy, or USE reopened on September 8, after ceasing operations due to COV ID-19. USE matches seniors w ith employers willing to hire seniors. The off ice is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is located at the Greenwich Senior Center or can be reached at (203)-862-6712. Macelleria Opens in Greenwich Macelleria, a new Italian stea k house, celebrated its grand opening this past weekend. The restaurant is located in Byram at 2 S Water Street, and boasts a Michelin featured menu, exceptional quality, and reasonable prices. GPD Appoints New Detective The Greenw ich Police Department has presented new detective Michael Hall with his detective badge. Hall has now officially joined the detective division, and will be investigating crimes such as burglaries, robberies, and financial crimes. Old Greenwich Sewer Project The Department of Public Work s b e ga n work on t he sewer line in Old Greenwich on Monday, August 16. The project will require periods of construction where there will be alternating two-way traffic one lane of the road. There will be periods of temporary daytime full road closures and
detours between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Work Zone 1 is lo c ate d bet ween Lake Dr ive and Ter race Ave. Work Zone 2 will be located on Oval Ave beginning late August or early September. Work Zone 3 will be located on Summit Ave and will begin in mid to late September. Work Zone 6 will be located at the intersection of Summit Ave, West End Ave, and Arch Street and will begin in October. Skatepark Open The Skatepark near Arch Street Teen Center will remain open all week through October, and daily and monthly passes – as well as information about hosting birthday parties at the park – are available online. T he Sk atep a rk i s op e n weekdays from 3:30-6 p.m. and on weekends from 12:30 to 6 p.m. weather-permitting. Passes must be purchased by residents for $10 daily or $30 monthly. Visit the Parks & Rec Department online for more information. MIKU Sushi Partners with GPD MIKU Sushi will be raising money for the Greenwich Police Department Scholarship through a special menu featur ing th ree new dishes during the month of September. 100 percent of the proceeds from the new items will be donated to the fund. Mary Baker Mar y York Reidy Baker passed away at home in Old Greenwich on Sept. 4, after a long illness. Patricia Ferraro Patricia Ferraro, a lifetime resident of Greenwich, passed away Sept. 3 after 102 beautiful years. Margaret McIllaney Margaret Carr McIllaney passed away peacefully with her daughters Karen and Tricia by her side on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Hans Storr Hans Storr passed away peacefully on Aug. 31, aged 89, at his home in Greenwich, of Alzheimer's. Nancy Mathis Nancy J. Mathis, 90, passed away on Aug. 30. Frank Petillo Frank (a.k.a Francesco) Petillo, 80, died on Aug. 7 surrounded by his family. See page ## for full obituaries.
Fareri Joins HVEDC Board Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. (HVEDC) announced that John Fareri, C E O o f Fa r e r i A s s o c i a t e s LP., has joined its Board of Directors. Fareri is a well-established and highly regarded developer, o w n e r, a n d m a n a g e r o f commercial, industrial, and residential real estate in Westchester County and the L owe r Hud s on Va l ley a nd
Fairfield County, Conn. The company is in the final approval stages for the North 80 project, a 1.2 million square foot science and technology center to be created on an 80-acre site adjacent to the Westchester Medical Center, New York Me d ic a l Col le ge and the nearby headquarters complex of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Phase One of the $2 27
million project is expected to create nearly 490,000 square of innovatively designed buildings whose tenants will bring an estimated 1,17 7 new jobs to Westchester County and the Mid-Hudson Valley. Farer i A ssociates is a family-owned and operated company based in Greenwich, Connecticut. The f irm specializes in real estate development, investment and
construction in Westchester Count y, N.Y., and Fair f ield C o u n t y, C o n n . R e c e n t projects include The Harbor at Greenwich, Old Track in Greenwich, Conn., Purchase Professional Park in Harrison, N.Y., Greenwich Off ice Park, and 19 Broadhurst Avenue in Hawthorne, N.Y. Fareri is also well known for his charitable work in New York and Connecticut. John
and his wife, Brenda are the founders of the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, a $200 million-plus state-of-the-art facilit y at the Westchester Me d ic a l Center c a mpus i n Valhalla, N.Y., that was built in honor of their you ngest daughter, Maria. To learn more, call 845-2202244 or visit