Greenwich Visitor July 2018

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GreenwichVisitor for residents & VISITORS since 2010



JULY 2018 No93

greenwich, Blackheath, eltham, charlton,Woolwich, LEE GREEN.

FREE Ultimate afternoon tea for two worth £29.50 at healthy lifestyle bakery Arapina - P17



family tickets

Inside: Your pull-out guide to every event see pageS 8&13


Farewell to fighter for Greenwich see page 6


see page 5

Greenwich Market trader claims new world record

monster oyster!

MIGHTIEST MOLLUSC: Jacek and huge oyster at his stall in Greenwich Market

GREENWICH Market trader Jacek This large oyster has another five oysters Kolasinski is claiming a new world attached to it! In total, this cluster of oysters weighs 1.62kg (3.56lb).” record – for this massive oyster! The 29cm long monster weighed in at 1.675kg – beating the 1.62kg one currently in the record books by 0.053kg. Jacek found the example at Mersea Island, where he harvests stock for his Oyster Brothers stall, open at weekends. The oyster’s measurements are 29cm long by 13cm wide. According to the Guinness Book of Records: “The largest oyster is a Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) of 35.5cm (13.97in) long and 10.7cm (4.21in) wide, measured in Vadehavscentret, Vester Vedsted, Denmark, on December 17 2013.

Jacek believes the single oyster he caught is around 30 years old. But he admits that he couldn’t bring himself to sell it: “I ate it. “I dressed it with lemon, shallots and red wine vinegar and shared it with three of my friends. It was delicious!” The Oyster Brothers have had a street food stall at Greenwich Market most weekends since 2016. Customers often leave with more than they expected… If Jacek opens an oyster to serve and finds a pearl inside, he lets the customer keep both. Info:

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GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 2


ow we know how Greenwich Market staff like to wind down after a hard weekend of trading...curled up on the sofa watching Poldark! At least their social media experts weren’t too engrossed by the view of actor adonis Aidan Turner to miss another stunning facade...the collonades of the Old Royal Naval College which served as backdrop to one of the scenes.

The Greenwich Visitor’s admirable social diary, brought to you by the spirit of Horatio Nelson


ad – but not unexpected – news that Labour councillors did little to save historic Gasholder No1 on Greenwich Peninsula from demolition. The respected 853Blog reports that two coucnillors for the ward – Denise Scott-McDonald and Chris Lloyd (who had even Tweeted his earlier support for the campaign to save it) said nothing during the

deabate then voted against a motion to save it, while ward colleague Stephen Brain left before the vote. What a waste of a wonderful and important building that could stand out from the crowd of concrete boxes springing up there. And what a lack of respect for the people who care about heritage whom they represent.


here’s putting a gloss on bad news...and there are press releases. The important Royal Greenwich Heritage Centre at Woolwich – which houses the borough archives – announced it was closing on July 21 with a release headlined Flying The Nest and with the jolly phrase that it “has been presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform our

Users’ GVide

here’s what YOU ask US Why is Greenwich called Royal Greenwich? We have 1,000 years of Royal links – Henry VIII (below) and Elizabeth I were born here and christened at St Alfege Church. Their palace, Placentia, was here. In fact Elizabeth played under the oak that bears her name in Greenwich Park, one of London’s eight Royal Parks. Queen Elizabeth II granted us Royal Status in February 2012 to mark those links. I read that Greenwich is a World Heritage Site? Yes, it won World A new smaller Pavilion Market Heritage Site status in 1997 – one caters for street food fans while of only 29 in the UK which means the main one concentrates on arts, our treasures are so good, they’re crafts, designer-makers and protected by the United Nations. collectibles. Greenwich Greenwich Market is Market is open famous isn’t it? Yes, Tuesday to it’s one of the oldest Sunday from in London. There’s reenwich isitor 10am tobeen a market here 5 . 3 0 p m since the 1300s – including WANT TO ADVERTISE? and in 2016 the B a n k HAVE A STORY? Holidays. D u k e o f Yo r k Call Matt on 07802 743324 I s t h e F o o t officially unveiled a major renovation. T u n n e l Matt@TheGreenwich working yet? There was a badly h a n d l e d £ 11 . 4 m refurb in 2012, but problems persist in the 116-yearold tunnel...including relations between pedestrians and cyclists. A friends group Fogwoft has pushed the Council for improvements. Lifts were said to be working better and online lift alerts and a new interactive m o v e m e n t



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management system were being trialled. But a lift failed recently with users trapped inside. The lifts remain a big issue here and we’re always keen to hear your experiences of it. Email Matt@ Is anyone using the cable car (left) yet? Cheek! The Emirates Air Line isn’t much use for getting about – although we’re assured some people use it to commute to work – and often shuts in high winds, but it is a futuristic attraction we love. It’s a great way to get to The Crystal at Royal Victoria Dock, where technology giant Siemens’ has built a showcase about life in future cities. Fascinating stuff! We’re visiting. What should we do today? You’ve picked up a Greenwich Visitor – good start. Next visit the Tourist Information Centre. Its award-winning staff are in the Discover Greenwich centre inside the Old Royal Naval College. Get advice, buy tickets for boats, tube, DLR, rail, buses and coaches, book tours and buy tickets for London attractions...if you really must leave Greenwich behind. Are museums free? Yes – except the Fan Museum, which has no public funding but has a worldleading collection of fans. And the Wernher Collection of art at Ranger’s House, run by English Heritage. There are some paid for shows at the National Maritime Museum. You pay to stand on the Meridian Line inside the Royal Observatory too. And it’s 20p to use the loos in Greenwich Park!

PETER KENT He lives on the river and writes about the river. His blog is free for all to see take a dip

museum and archive offer into a 21st Century, and beyond, visitor experience.” There is no date for that, of course. And no real plan. Apart from the council’s promise two years ago to transform the Woolwich Arsenal into a vibrant Cultural Destination – just as Firepower, the Royal Artillery museum, moved out leaving behind a small “permanent” exhibition of its proud 300-year history the very Heritage Centre that is now closing its doors. The Greenwich Heritage Centre – which the council spun off in to a trust a couple of years back – has relocated temporarily to Charlton House, which has many challenges of its own. This month we tell how Greenwich’s most devoted champions want to transform our superb Borough Hall from a squat to a new museum. It would replace the Heritage Centre, be an archive and tell the amazing story of Greenwich in one of its iconic buildings. What a great idea – and what a brilliant way to solve two issues in one compelling swoop.

This is the place where groups and people tell us what they do, why, And how you can help. This month:

Wide Horizons

OUTDOOR education charity Wide Horizons – with a rich heritage going back to 1929 – is urgently appealing for help to raise funds to secure its future. Generations of Greenwich residents will have fond memories of visiting a Wide Horizons residential or day centre as a child. We work with schools and community groups in highly deprived areas to help children with special educational needs and those facing other forms of disadvantage. Many have not spent a night away from their parents before, but Wide Horizons enables them to build their confidence, gain new skills and learn more about themselves and the world around them. Sadly, due to increasing financial difficulties following a decline in business and rising costs, Wide Horizons is at risk of closure. We are restructuring, to survive – including closing some of our centres in London, Kent and Wales. But we need your support to secure the future of the charity and keep the remaining centres open. Wide Horizons hopes to raise £200,000 to help become a s l i m m e r, f i t t e r, m o r e effective charity. All funds raised will be used to continue to deliver life-changing adventure experiences for children and young people who may otherwise miss out. Chief Executive, Peter Rogers OBE said: “Wide Horizons is rightly proud of the outdoor education it delivers in fun, challenging and exciting ways and the real benefits this brings to children’s lives. “We sincerely hope the public will get behind us to enable us to continue to deliver these opportunities to the most disadvantaged children.” Please help now by visiting the Wide Horizons crowdfunding page and giving what you can. From the price of your daily coffee to the most generous of donations, all gifts will be gratefully received and ensure the gift of adventure continues. Go to:


GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 3

LAZY LIKE A greenwich FOX WE’VE all had the feeling wake up after a snooze in the sun and just don’t want to move. Photographer Kate Jaconello caught this lazy fox sunbathing in St Alfege’s Park in Greenwich

town centre. She also took this wonderful brooding picture of our famous Cutty Sark. Kate told us: “I’m learning all the time where to get the best shots - it’s true what they say about getting to know your area.” Kate has a

stall on Greenwich Market every weekend. See more of her images Have you taken a fabulous photo here? We love to see them. Email Matt@The Greenwich with your photograph.

CLOUD SAILING: Cutty Sark captured by Kate Jaconello


see world of wildflowers WANT to know the difference between a hawkweed, a hawkbit and a hawksbeard? Then get along to a free wildflower pop-up evening at Creekside Discovery Centre on July 12. Experts give guided tours of the amazing array of plants growing on this former industrial site in Deptford and give a masterclass on compound flowers. Info:

save the gasholder petition is ignored Councillors won’t fight demolition

A PETITION signed by 1388 people VALUED: We report campaign asking for historic East Greenwich Gasholder No1 to be saved has been needs its plans for how to dismantle it to holder to enhance the character and Tree cheers for our Mulberry handed to councillors – who then be approved – not its actual demolition. distinctiveness of the area. This could be ignored their plea. The gasholder will be discussed by achieved through a variety of means.” GreenwichVisitor THE

If others can do THIS in a historic

Campaigners want the 130-year-old Victorian structure near the Blackwall Tunnel – one of the finest reminders of our industrial heritage – to stay as part of a huge development of the area. But Labour councillors – including those for the ward it is in – voted against a motion by Conservative Nigel Fletcher opposing its imminent demolition. The 180ft structure is not listed and so owner Southern Gas Networks only

councillors again this month – but only as as part of the process of approving the new Silvertown Tunnel next to it. Greenwich Industrial Heritage Society – which presented the petition – says the council should honour the principles in its own planning brief for the area – agreed less than a year ago. The brief says: “Development should build on the heritage value of the gas

CHARLTON House’s M u l b e r r y T r e e i s famous being celebrated as part of a Londonwide project on the species. It was planted by Adam Newton, who built the Jacobean mansion, around 1610 in bring the silk industry to a bid to Britain. Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust is taking part in Londinium, a celebrationMorus of the mulberry tree across London. There are free guided walks, and online map and the chance to explore the Charlton history using mirrors to tree’s look up into its branches. David Shreeve, Director of The Conservation Foundation, said: “We’re delighted to be hosting the installation at Charlton House. It is one oldest mulberry trees in of the London and, like the house, has witnessed centuries of history.” Info: www. www.

A spokesman for the group said: “The gasholder now has no statutory protection from imminent demolition, scheduled for fit club this autumn if holding actions fail.” isBoxing unbeatable It says it is trying to “counter the worst possibility – that of total demolition” through an “open discussion between the interested parties – the Royal BoroughMyLife of Greenwich, Southern Gas Networks and representatives of industrial heritage.”

A FORMER GB athlete has launched a boutique boxing fitness studio in Greenwich. Natalie Gyte – a Olympian at basketball –Junior began boxing in 2015 and competes in national competitions. A trained fitness instructor, she has opened Punch Club – mixing boxing skills strength and conditioning. with

“The aim is to help get stronger, feel fitter, people healthier,” says Natalie, and be learning a skill and having“while There are no contractsfun.” or joining fees “you pay as you and there are three classesgo, a day, seven days a week. Info:


business coach – P22


THIS is what could be achieved at the threatened Greenwich gasholder landmark – a beautiful glass and steel INSIDE one in Dublin. apartment complex

MODERN TWIST: The Alliance

Architects O’Mahony Pike designed the glass and steel building in 2008 at in the 1870s. There are The Alliance holder, built floors. Inside is a courtyard240 apartments on nine inside with gardens and greenery. It has underground ramp. And it is said to have parking with a spiral to the area, including Google.helped attract business In Copenhagen a gasholder has been converted into the city’s new theatre. Cross in North London,Closer to home, at King’s become a parks and event Gassholder No8 has space. But unless you speak revolutionary gasholder up George’s Livesey’s could be lost. Greenwich Council accommodate alternative, says “the site could next to the proposed new and more intensive uses” demolished. But industrial Silvertown Tunnel if it is history expert councillor Mary Mills and former gasholder should stay andinsists the be adapted. She told The Greenwich See consultation at: Visitor: “The East Greenwich gasholder www.consultations. is one of the largest ever or scan this QR code was the second of a seriesbuilt. It on your smartphone. by the extraordinar y industrialist Email your response to planning.policy@ George Livesey which or call them on 020 8921 6235. revolutionary in designwere and construction. It was deliberately left very, very plain with no decoration and set a bench-mark for gasholder design which exploits the beauty of pure structural form. These to be embodied in industrial ideas were beginning and domestic design as the modern movement. “Around the world architects, and designers are working out exciting ways and this one has huge meritof re-using the frames – and dramatic raised setting. in its innovative design something could not be There is no reason why economically productive. done which would be Something could be done here which would add excitement and interest to the changing landscape on the Peninsula, conserving an important part of our heritage and bringing credit to Greenwich for doing so. “We need people to respond immediately to the Council consultation comments. It would also– which has a box for from developers, artists be useful to hear ideas and The council consultation designers.” ends on July 19, with resultsopened on June 14 and The East Greenwich gas due in August. built there by Livesey, makingholder was one of two up the largest amount of safe gas storage in the bombed by the IRA in world. The gasholder was second was demolished 1979 but survived. The in 1986. Tell us YOUR ideas: Email m

beauties in the eye of the gasholder GIANT DUO: Two gasholders here

GENIUS: Livesey

PARK LIFE: King’s Cross



IDEA: Homes in similar holder

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July 2017 Page 5

gas structure, why don’t we?


GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 4

Miles Hedley’s pick of this month’s best events. Our unique 3-month listings begin on Page 19

BEAUTIFUL THING To mark 50 years of Thamesmead, the finale of Greenwich + Docklands International Festival is made up of five outdoor performances of Jonathan Harvey’s muchlauded urban fairytale in its original south Thamesmead setting, which is also where the 1996 Channel 4 film of it was shot. July 3-7

GREENWICH MUSIC TIME The six-day festival returns to the Old Royal Naval College once again with its most eclectic line-up of headliners yet Emeli Sandé, Sir Tom Jones, Steps, Nile Rodgers with Chic, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds and classical superstars Il Divo. Talk about something for everyone. July 3-8


ILL-GOTTEN PANES Fleet Street legend tells astonishing tale of Britain’s greatest swindler and the incredible glass folly he built...under a lake!

To complement the fantastic photographic exhibition currently wowing visitors, the National Maritime Museum is running a series of tie-in lectures by writer Travis Elborough, academic Daniel Burdsey and historian Kathryn Ferry exploring our passion for all things beach-related. July 5, 12,19 & 26

GREENWICH GUITAR FESTIVAL Trinity Laban and Our Ladye Star Of The Sea host three days of recitals, workshops and masterclasses by some of the world’s finest players, including Marcin Dylla, Ali Arango, Graham Anthony Devine and Vincent Lindsey-Clark. Makers will also be demonstrating their skills. July 11-13

THE PAJAMA GAME Richard Adler and Jerry Ross’s much-loved 1950s Broadway musical about love amid industrial action at a nightwear factory is revived at Greenwich Theatre. Sit back and enjoy such classic songs as Hernando’s Hideaway and Hey There and the pulsating dance number Steam Heat. July 11-14

10 TO DO JUly

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM The London Theatre in New Cross always like to do things differently and their new take on Shakespeare’s oft-staged flight of fancy is no exception. This is an all-female affair and follows their sold-out and wellreceived man-free production of the Bard’s Twelfth Night earlier in the year. July 14-21

DIDO AND AENEAS The refurbishment of their HQ means the Albany is the home of this year’s Blackheath Halls Opera which sees German mezzo Idunnu Munch – in her London debut – as Purcell’s tragic heroine in a production featuring local people, Trinity Laban students and professional musicians. July 16-18 & 20

MACBETH Dancer Theo Oloyade presents a Krump version of Shakespeare’s tale of murder and betrayal. Krump was born in gangblighted South Central LA, so this production at Laban theatre, with a hiphop score by Mikey J, promises to be high on energy and contemporary relevance. July 17

RAZAMATAZ Settle back in the courtyard of magical Severndroog Castle and listen to this soul duo sing Motown classics while you tuck into food prepared by celebrated chef Christopher Hackett. And whatever you do, don’t forget to take in the incomparable view of London from the rooftop terrace. July 20

SUMMER PARTY Speaking of incomparable, the magnificent Queen’s House is hosting a garden-themed shindig which will include candlelit tours of the Great Hall and treasure-filled galleries, sunset cocktails, live music by Trinity Laban students and, if it stays fine, stargazing on the lawn. Matchless. July 25

HE WENT UNDER: Swindler Whitaker

SUBMERSIVE: Smoking room survives today

IT was the ultimate Victorian folly – a glass smoking room built under a lake on a 9,000 acre Surrey estate by Britain’s wealthiest man.

Inside it, Whitaker Wright – a former North Country preacher who had made millions prospecting for gold and silver in the Rockies – would relax, puff on a cigar, read the paper – perhaps checking the stock markets to keep tabs on his global business empire. But on the last trading day of the 19th Century his empire went bust ruining thousands of people. Wright was eventually sentenced to seven years’ jail after his huge swindle was exposed. But he swallowed cyanide rather than face justice. Ultimate Folly tells for the first time the astonishing story of Whitaker Wright. And last month author Henry Macrory launched his book in Blackheath, where he lived for many years. During a long Fleet Street career Henry was deputy editor and acting editor of the Sunday Express and for several years a Westminster-based political correspondent. He moved from newspapers into political communications and worked in 10 Downing Street for the coalition government. Now he specialises in writing family histories.

How did you come across the story of Whitaker Wright? And why did you decide to write it? Years ago I read an article about an underwater glass smoking room that had been sitting at the bottom of a Surrey lake for more than 100 years. I went to visit it and was mesmerised. I wondered who on earth could have built such a place. Eighteen months ago, after I had finished another writing project, I decided it was time to find out. The details I uncovered about Whitaker Wright’s life didn’t disappoint. They turned out to be every bit as fascinating as his submerged hideaway. Where did you do your research? I love rooting around in libraries, and looking through old newspapers. I found a lot of useful material at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. It’s one of

GRANDEUR: Victorian illustration of the smoking room

the oldest libraries in Europe and has 12 million books. It adds a quarter of a million volumes a year to its collection. Pure bliss for someone like me! Does his story have any lessons for us today? Whitaker Wright was the ultimate James Bond-style villain, issuing orders from his underwater grotto, always one step ahead of the law, cunning and ruthless, obsessed with power and money. Others have followed in his footsteps. Some get away with it, some don’t. The forces of law and order will always have their work cut out trying to catch up with them. Why did you launch the book in Blackheath? Do you

STREET OF SHAME: Henry and his book

have connections here? I lived in Blackheath, Greenwich and Lee for most of my working life. I have many friends in the area, and have regaled them over the years with tales of Whitaker Wright and his underwater room. Blackheath is the natural place for the launch. What are your memories? And do you miss it? I love the excitement and history of Greenwich and Blackheath. There’s always something happening. I remember going to Greenwich Park in 1981 to watch the start of the first London Marathon. I was tremendously inspired, and vowed to enter it myself. Thirty-seven years later I still haven’t got round to it! Maybe next year! Your life now must be very different to your days in Fleet Street and at No10? What were your best and/or worst moments there? As a journalist I was lucky enough to travel the world. I saw Nelson Mandela sworn in as President of South Africa, helicoptered down the Khyber Pass with John Major and was with Princess Diana when she visited Australia just before her death. Later in my career I walked through 10 Downing Street’s famous black door every morning. That was a real buzz. There have been bad moments too, of course. Some of my editors were monsters. But the good times more than outweighed the bad times. Do you have another book lined up? I’m fascinated by larger-than-life characters and have just completed the biography of a brilliant fireworks expert Frank Brock, who invented ways of shooting down Zeppelins and sinking U-boats in World War I. He had a secret base just across the river from Greenwich in Stratford. Brock saved thousands of lives – only to be killed himself during a suicidal attack on a German submarine base. The book, Gunpowder and Glory, is due out next year. Ultimate Folly is published by www.biteback books/ultimatefolly

GreenwichVisitor THE

Heartbreaking summer show HILARIOUS, heart-breaking, brutally honest” – acclaimed playwright Penelope Skinner’s work Eigengrau is at Greenwich this summer. New Light Productions’ show – about the crossed paths of four characters living in London – is part of Greenwich Theatre’s “new approach to summer programming.” The show for adults runs from July 31 to August 11 (7.30) followed by a summer treat for families – The Jungle Book from August 15 to 26. Info & ticekts: www.

Diva Idunnu is Deptford Dido Rising star diva Idunnu Münch makes her UK debut this month in the Blackheath Halls Community Opera. The German mezzo-soprano teams up with baritone Marcus Farnsworth, counter-tenor William Towers, professional musicians, Trinity Laban students, local children and residents in a week of performances of Purcell’s masterpiece Dido & Aeneas. T h i s y e a r ’s a n n u a l production is being staged at the Albany in Deptford because Blackheath Halls is in the middle of a £3million revamp. Performances are on July 16, 17, 18 and 20 (but not 19). Info:

Thames Path gap is filled in A “MISSING link” on the Thames Path has been filled by a £1.5m construction project. The walkway linking King Henry’s Wharf to Warspite Road at Woolwich now has a ramp and is cantilevered over the river, so cyclists and walkers no longer need divert on to the busy Woolwich Road It will be open from 6am to 9pm every day and was paid for by the Mayor of London, TfL and Greenwich council.

Big summer of music is warming up

ONBLACKHEATH’S BOOST FOR JIMMY ONBlackheath put its family friendly credentials centre stage – by raising money for its official charity For Jimmy at a launch event.

Headliners and Greenwich legends Squeeze played a live LAUNCH: acoustic show in Soho to raise Squeeze funds for the foundation that works for a safer community in represents a big change this year memory of Jimmy Mizen. – ONBlackheath has swapped He was stabbed to death aged celebrity chefs for a huge street just 16 in an unprovoked attack food market on site. in a bakers in Lee in May 2008. Squeeze star on Saturday H i s p a r e n t s B a r r y a n d September 8 – Platinum-selling Margaret’s compassion was UK star Paloma Faith tops the inspiring and they have worked bill on Sunday September 9. in schools and communities Other stars booked include across the UK since then. Billy Bragg, The Divine An ONBlackheath spokesman Comedy, Corinne Bailey Rae, said: “At this critical time for Lightning Seeds, De La Soul, violence in south east and Huey Morgan. London, funds are Local talent includes Glenn needed to support Tilbrook’s son Leon Tilbrook the charity’s schools and Mancie Baker – daughter of and support TV legend Danny. Lewisham programmes for NHS Choir also perform. young people.” The Kiss FM founder Gordon launch was at Street Mac curates Stage Three Food Union in including Jumping INSPIRING: Soho. The tie-in Jack Frost, Brandon Jimmy Mizen

Want the inside guide to what’s best in Greenwich and Blackheath? NIKKI SPENCER asks a local...

MyLife TEAMWORK: (L to R) Tom, Alex and Terry


LUNCH: Street Food Union


lackheath is such a big part of my life. I grew up in Sidcup and trained as a teacher at Greenwich Block, Bob Masters – and even University‘s Avery Hill campus in Eltham. I lived in a flat above Phase Eight in the centre of Blackheath snooker legend Steve Davies. village, moved to Blackheath Standard and worked as a And Craig Charles is back with Maths and PE teacher at nearby Colfe’s. his Funk and Soul experience. n 2006 I set up my own business, which Street Food Union hosts Food stands for “Don’t Lean Back”. Kids in class were always Village and Family Playground leaning back on their chairs so I designed a stylish, safe school chair and we have now sold about 250,000 in as well as roving performers. the UK and overseas. I still run the company but Founder Tom Wates said: now I spend most of my time running “One thing we realised ONBlackheath ( which early on is that people celebrates it’s 5th year this September. want to take their kids to Blackheath y friends, Alex, who lives in Lee, and Terry, who lives in Greenwich, and I, festivals – but they common came up the idea of a two-day don’t want them there local family-friendly festival back in 2008. all night! We were all in our 30s and by about 11pm Sat & Sunday “ We a r e t h e o n l y everyone was saying that they wanted a 8&9 Sept nice hot bath and to sleep in a comfy bed! festival which has a kids Due to family life and work commitments we pick-up point so grandparents also all wanted to go to a festival that didn’t or babysitters can come and pick involve days travelling miles to and from Glastonbury or up the kids at 6pm so parents Bestival or wherever. can party on.” he day we came back we got in touch with Info: Lewisham Council with the idea of putting on our own festival on the heath and it all started from there. One of the best bits about OnBlackheath for me as an ex-teacher is seeing so many of children enjoying themselves without being glued to an iPad or phone. Tech is great but we all need a break too. or about 10 years my Saturday night was always the same – drinks at the Old Colfeians Rugby Club, then O’Neills in Blackheath, Up The Creek in Greenwich and ending up in The Venue, New Cross. Now we all have you to win. Just answer this question: kids, that’s changed. Things are much more family Which of these is a Squeeze song? orientated. If I do go out for a drink I like the Hare and Billet in Blackheath - although all the pubs in the village 1 Labelled With Love 2 Libeled with Love 3 Labelled with Loaf are pretty good - and we all enjoy a curry at Everest Inn. Email your answer with your name and phone like cycling and I still play football every Sunday number to The morning at Joan Roan Football Club. One of the great winner will be drawn at random from all correct things about running OnBlackheath is that loads of people I have met over the years, from University, answers received by the end of Monday July 30. school, football, etc.. all come along. They all love it!


DIDN’T WIN TICKETS? TRY AGAIN! WE had a huge response to our family weekend passes competition last month with 80 entries. Thanks so much for taking part! Our winners – drawn at random from all correct entires – are Tim Shaw and Karen Bond. Congratulations! And commiserations to those who entered and missed out...but there’s good news. We have another pair of weekend passes for

July 2018 Page 5


Terms & conditions:


GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 6

writer & historian beryl plattS – 1913-2018 GREENWICH lost one of its greatest defenders this year when writer and historian Beryl Platts died aged 104. Beryl was pivotal in protecting the town from being bisected by a motorway in the 1970s. Last month family, friends and fellow enthusiasts of this wonderful part of London said farewell to her in a service at historic St Alfege Church, which she helped to save. Fellow historian and Greenwich expert Julian Watson gave this moving and heartfelt eulogy. YOU only have to read what Beryl wrote about Greenwich to feel the passion that she had for the town and Beryl seems to have developed that passion as soon as she and her husband moved here in 1947. From then on she battled in defence of Greenwich’s history and historical fabric. The industrial riverside town they moved to had been a prime target for German bombers and was wartorn, shattered, down at heel. Crooms Hill was a good place to look for cheap housing, I was once told – and extremely vulnerable. There were few tourists and little provision for them and that remained the case through the 60s and early 70s. Her interest in the town was immediate – by 1948 Beryl had joined the Greenwich and Lewisham Antiquarian Society. There, maybe she would learn about Greenwich’s history and, more personally, about the intriguing and ancient annual £6 charge dating back to 1684 on the terrace of houses in Crooms Hill where she lived. At that time there was no local history or archive service in the old borough of Greenwich – that was to come later in a room in Blackheath Library in 1961. The Antiquarian Society when formed in 1905, did speak out strongly but not very effectively, against damage to Greenwich and particularly to Blackheath where many ancient earthworks and other traces were levelled by the London County Council, but later decided that it would confine itself to historical research and leave amenity matters to others. There was no one yet to battle against the very damaging schemes soon to be made public. This became the work of the Crooms Hill, later the Greenwich Society and the Blackheath Society. I joined the antiquarian society in 1969 and, a year later, began to attend meetings of its council where I met all the council members including Beryl and fellow campaigner Dick Moy. Beryl had already published major articles about Greenwich in Country Life, where she was an editor, including one about Crooms Hill, which was under multiple threats including straightening – in direct contradiction of its name – the redevelopment of Hillside and shenanigans around the Greenwich Theatre site. Another was about the Villas on the Waste at the top of the hill and yet another about Greenwich Park. These articles in Country Life raised the profile of Greenwich nationally. I was a callow 25-year-old, in awe of Beryl and all the other council members. However, I always got on well with her and, for some unaccountable reason, she once told me that I was wise which was very flattering but wholly untrue. From 1970 The Local History and Archive service was operating from Woodlands in Mycenae Road. Beryl visited to use the collections and to ask us questions as she worked on her book A History of Greenwich. It was published in 1973 – a very significant year in Greenwich’s history. I reviewed it inadequately in the antiquarian society transactions. I referred earlier to Hillside in Crooms Hill. It was sold by the Crown to Greenwich council in 1961, which then sold it on. It was badly vandalised and the house and garden were threatened with redevelopment – 1970s town houses in the garden if I remember right. Beryl, along with many

visible from Greenwich Park – and audible of course. Three-hundreds households would have to be moved. This was the bare bones – it would have been very much worse with many access roads. The South Cross part of this ringway following the railway line would have passed through, and devastated Blackheath Village. It would then have risen up past St John’s Church, Lewisham Way and marched east towards Clapham. The Greenwich Society and the Blackheath Society fiercely campaigned against these destructive plans We all believed it might happen but thank God it didn’t – thanks to very strong local opposition, an oil crisis and the very expensive decision to go ahead with Colin CAMPAIGN: Beryl Buchanan’s plan for a Heathrow replacement (inset) fought airport on Foulness Island, which of course elevated motorway didn’t happen either. (marked in purple) Calling it a nightmare is not an in to Greenwich overstatement. I mentioned before that 1973 was an extraordinary year – Beryl’s book A History of Greenwich’ was published and the GLC abandoned the plans for Ringways 1 and 2. The book dramatically raised the profile of her beloved Greenwich and this was her intention in the light of the threats to its ancient fabric and landscape. Parts of it are controversial but maybe that was intentional. Beryl highlighted and brought to our attention many areas of Greenwich history, which had been hidden in footnotes and addenda to mighty, scholarly tomes like Drake’s edition of Hasted, or had been ignored, imperfectly interpreted or not understood. She focused on, among other things, Crooms Hill and its residents the Huguenots, the connection with St Peter’s Abbey in Ghent and Swanne House’ – the ancient and mysterious mansion on the site of Greenwich Market. I know that Beryl always wanted to fully research the story of the fascinating Swanne House but was never able to do so. She also brought to life the stories of little the capital every night for 76 nights in the known houses and families, including Andrew Cogan, the fervent Royalist and maverick autumn of 1940. “The London Ringways project would have member of the East India Company, who built been the largest single construction project in the house on Highbridge later known as British history. And the single biggest item of Crowley House. He had to flee the country and his house public expenditure ever proposed.” The motorways would have caused 100,000 was confiscated. On a visit to Chennai in India a few years ago it was a pleasant people to be evicted.” This is what Beryl said at the end of her surprise to see his name as a founder of Fort book: “In two disastrous weeks in the 1960s, St. George. The connection with the Abbey of St the descent of gangs of demolition men on CLASSIC: Beryl’s Stockwell Street saw a thousand years of Peter’s in Ghent in Flanders was a great Greenwich book and order of Greenwich’s habit of life torn down and interest of Beryl’s and it provoked a long and service for memorial last month outraged letter to me in August 2001. carted away as rubble. She had heard that a recently written “Across the thus bared heart of this very others, was furious and the fierce local ancient place it is now planned to run a dissertation had referred to Princess Elfrida’s resistance to the demolition led to a public motorway. What words can be used about the gift of Lewisham and Greenwich to the abbey present or future of Greenwich in the face of as a forgery. enquiry where Beryl spoke strongly. She wrote: “I have no idea who started this Frank Kelsall, the eminent architectural such silencing annihilation?” Professor Colin Buchanan in his Greenwich nonsense. I am sure it could not have come historian, thoroughly researched Hillside and Park Hall and his findings were published as and Blackheath Study calmly, factually, but from Woodlands (Greenwich Local History Library). If left undenied it will do damage to shockingly informs us about: an excellent article. An interim proposal to build a new road of Greenwich’s cultural history, wonderful as His research also revealed that the adjacent and unassuming Park Hall was the work of dual two-lane carriageway to link Creek that is.” She was very indignant! It wasn’t me, John James. Permission to demolish and Road and Greenwich High Road. To or indeed anyone in Britain. It was a construct a road of similar redevelop was refused. very eminent Belgian scholar, Jan The Hillside threat was important, but paled standard from this junction Dhondt. next to the Greater London Council’s road under Greenwich Park, in cut The issues around many of proposals which would have made Greenwich and cover, to meet th e the Ghent charters are difficult almost unrecognisable and certainly not the junction of Woolwich Road. and extremely complex – full The junction would top tourist destination that it is today. of fake news. The GLC was very anxious about the rapid i m p e d e p e d e s t r i a n In short Dhondt claimed growth in private car ownership since the war movement from Crooms that the 918 charter is a later and feared a total gridlock of London roads. Hill or Greenwich High text surviving as a 13th Century TRIBUTE: Their solution: The orbital motorway style Road into the centre while the copy. It is all very fascinating but alignment behind St Alfege’s Julian Watson Ringways 1 and 2. too difficult and complicated to This is what a national newspaper said and through the church hall deal with today. much later: “Imagine a London where the would destroy the tranquillity of the Beryl was a fighter and always battled to best-known districts no longer exist, crushed enclave. And it would encroach on to a large preserve Greenwich’s unique heritage. part of St Alfege’s Recreation Ground. by vast, elevated motorways. Like so many of us, she didn’t always get it Going eastward it would cross King “It’s a chilling vision; and one that almost William Walk, skirt Devonport House then in right historically, but what she did was very came to pass. “If the planners had had their way, they to the cut and cover tunnel before being effective and we should all be grateful for her militancy, watchfulness and her deep love of would have wrought more destruction than elevated to pass above Maze Hill Station. The structure of the elevated road would be our historic town. the Luftwaffe could manage when it bombed

A fighter who saved us from M-way to hell

GreenwichVisitor THE

Stars here for Mozart festival Greenwich Mozart Festival returns to St Alfege’s this month with four concerts by the Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Of London featuring international star guests. Violinist Tanya Sweiry and bassoon virtuoso Matthew Petrie open proceedings on July 7 with a programme of Mozart, Bach, Mendelssohn and Parts 1 and 2 of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Sweiry is back on July 20 for Parts 3 and 4 of The Four Seasons and Petrie is the main attraction of an Americana evening on July 28. The festival ends on August 11 w i t h M o z a r t ’s Vi o l i n Concerto No5 with Remus Azoitei as soloist. Tickets:

You fund first summer shelter HOMELESS charity The 999 Club will open it’s first summer shelter this month after supporters pledged £20,000 in an appeal featured in last month’s Greenwich Visitor. The cash will help 20 people survive summer – which can be more dangerous than winter for rough sleepers. CEO Tim Fallon said: “We had an overwhelming response and want to say an enormous thank you. All this money will be spent on providing a vital night shelter service for local homeless people.”

A plaque on the wall of Greenwich Park honours a man who is still a mystery to many. Finally the story of Ignatius Sancho is being told. JADE HUCKLESBY met actor Paterson Joseph and saw his oneman play about one of the most important characters in Greenwich’s amazing history

SLAVE, butler, businessman… history-maker. Charles Ignatius Sancho plays a pivotal role in the history of Britain. And actor Paterson Joseph is on a mission to tell his story to the world.

Born on a slave ship from Guyana in 1729, aged three Charles was a “pet” for three sisters in Greenwich, for whom he performed plays. At seven he ran away after being punished for being found with a book…even though the sisters would not teach him to read. The boy was discovered on Blackheath by John Montagu, Duke of Montagu, who took pity on him. Though he returned Charles to the three sisters he became his mentor, secretly taught him to read, later employed him as a butler and encouraged him to enjoy music, reading, writing, and poetry. Sancho married, had seven children and opened a greengrocery in Mayfair. Becoming a financially independent householder made him eligible to vote in Parliament – the first black man to do so. His story became famous. Even the great Thomas Gainsborough painted his portrait. And it was that painting that inspired actor Paterson – a classicallytrained star of the Royal Shakespeare

July 2018 Page 7

sancho: slave who got vote

Actor honours Greenwich great

TRIBUTE: Joseph as Sancho, honoured with plaque (left) and painted by Gainsborough (right) Company but popular England by an African American also in TV roles like author Gretchen Gerzina. Peep Show, Green Wing and Danny “Then I saw this portrait by Boyle’s movie The Beach. Gainsborough of Sancho and that was He tells me he felt he wasn’t it. I thought: ‘I’ve got to tell the finding the sort of roles that story of this man. It’s too strange suited him – so he decided to and wonderful not to.’ write his own. “The fact that Charles “I was desperate really to escaped the household needs to find a character from British be told that way I think – history that I could either write otherwise it sounds like he or get someone else to write strolled off to another family. for me. I found a It’s sneakier than that – wonderful book Black more interesting. In

Greenwich and Blackheath at that time there were loads of sailors because of the naval hospital and he was in a community with a lot of black people in it – that’s where he grew up.” Why is the story so important? “Well he’s the first black man to vote in Britain,” says Paterson. “That’s really an important figure. It’s like the first woman to vote in Britain. “The other thing is that there is a definite sense that black people feel that they’re visitors – that they’re Johnny-come-lateleys. “But actually our history is much deeper and longer than that. “If you know that 250 years ago many, many black families and mixed ethnicity families were rolling around London and England I think that makes you feel more at home. “And I think young people – especially when black people are asked are they English or are they British – struggle with their identity. “Some might identify more with African-American history and Turn to Page 14

GreenwichVisitor THE

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The Friends of Avery Hill Park

AVERY HILL PARK Avery Hill Road, SE9 2PH

Family Fun Day Sunday 15th July 12noon – 4pm University of Greenwich Big Band (2 – 4pm) outside the Winter Garden

Eagle Heights hawk and owl flights Massive inflatables London Legends “have a go” football fun & coaching (bring football boots) Dog Show: loads of fun classes ~ register by 1pm Donkey rides Punch and Judy ◆ Street Theatre shows◆ Make-a-Noise ◆ Emily Jade ◆ Theatre School ◆ Loopy Lou’s Fun Factory

What’s on PREY TIME: Raptors will be at Avery Hill Park on July 15

pizza, Italian street food, ice creams, cakes, candy floss, children’s games, gift stalls

TWO MONTHS OF FU WE love a party with atmosphere...and that’s guaranteed at PARKSfest 2018. As grown-ups enjoy music, a drink and a dance, kids can have a blast too. Greenwich-based Emergency Exit Arts team up with A Line Art to bring a thrilling immersive space show Ready Steady Lift Off! to several of the events in this year’s festival. Kids aged three to eight – accompanied by an adult – can train to be an astronaut, make their own rocket, colour it and then have lift-off! The show combines live performance, music, storytelling and painting into one great theatre show. Children can navigate, sing, colour and play through seven stages of training – from working as a team in a space station to piloting their own rocket around our galaxy before finally flying home!

in partnership with



Eltham Park South Glenesk Road, SE9 1AH

Concerts in the Park

Greenwich Youth Band Sunday 17th June 3–4.30pm

Greenwich Concert Band Sunday 8th July 3–4.30pm

Los Dawsons

Sunday 22rd July 3–4.30pm in partnership with


2018 Mycenae Gardens

Mycenae Road, SE3 7SE

The Friends of Mycenae Gardens in association with Mycenae House present a FREE family-friendly festival of fun

Summer Sunday Extravaganza Sunday 1st July 12noon – 5.30pm

A great programme packed full of activities, live music, arts, demonstrations and foodie fun


PLUM ON DOWN: Plumstead Live in partnership with


The Friends of Shrewsbury Park

Shrewsbury Park Plum Lane entrance, SE18 3HQ Nearest buses 244 and 291

Summer Spree Sunday 8th July 12 – 5pm

Music and Dance: Jazz Nights, Folk from Pytchwood and the Gillies, STEPZDance, Bexley Ukeleles, Eltham Hill Steel Pans Local Artists and Craftspeople, yoga and fitness demos, face painting, community interest stalls, dog-related stalls, kiddies game area, tempting lunchtime food, specialty cakes, Tantilizing Tombola and SURPRISES!

in partnership with

Sunday July 1 Mycenae Gardens A Summer Sunday Extravaganza. Mycenae Road Blackheath SE3 7SE. 12-5.30 Well Hall Pleasaunce Summer Sunday Music. Well Hall Road, Eltham SE9 6SN. 2-4 Sunday July 8 Shrewsbury Park Summer Spree. Plum Lane entrance, Plumstead SE18 3AG. 12-5pm Eltham Park South Concert in the Park. Glenesk Road, Eltham SE9 1AN. 3-4.30 Charlotte Turner Gardens Summerfest. Watergate Street Greenwich SE8 3HD. 2-6pm Well Hall Pleasaunce Summer Sunday Music. Well Hall Road, Eltham SE9 6SN. 3-5 Saturday July 14 Queenscroft, Eltham Party in the Park. Queenscroft Road, Eltham SE9 5EH. 12-5 Rockliffe Gardens, Plumstead Summerfest. Camdale Road, Plumstead SE18 2DS. 2-5pm Sunday July 15 Avery Hill Park, New Eltham Family Fun Day. Street theatre, hawk and owl flights & donkey rides. Children’s football coaching. Singing and dancing on main stage. Craft stalls. Dog show. Wandercrust Pizzas + street food. Avery Hill Road, London SE9 2EX. 12-4 Plumstead Common Plumstead Live! 3-8 Well Hall Pleasaunce Summer Sunday Music. Well Hall Road, Eltham SE9 6SN. 2- 4 Sunday July 22 Eltham Park South Concert in the Park. Glenesk Road, Eltham SE9 1AN. 3-4.30 Well Hall Pleasaunce Summer Sunday Music. Well Hall Road, Eltham SE9 6SN. 3-5 Sunday July 29 Well Hall Pleasaunce Summer Sunday Music. Well Hall Road, Eltham SE9 6SN. 2-4

ORBIT OF FUN: Kids take part in space show

PARKSfest toasts 10th anniversary

Join our big c

SUMMER’S here…and this year there’s another reason to celebrate.

Thousands have already visited PARKSfest – the 10th year of fun-packed weekends for families in our amazing green spaces. Eleven friends groups have organised 19 big events over every weekend in June and July ranging from fairs and fetes – like the Family Fun Day in Well Hall Pleasaunce that kicked off PARKSfest 2018 – or stand-alone concerts like Plumstead Live! on Plumstead Common. It’s a chance to get some fresh air and see local talent. At Mycenae Gardens in Blackheath (Sun July 1) music includes “intricate and imaginative” folk rock duo Bruise – Isobel and Jim Kimberley – collaborators include M a r k K n o p f l e r, P a u l Yo u n g a n d Hawkwind and they’ve also supported Blondie, The Who and Leanne Rimes. Renowned Eltham folk band Pytchwood and The Gillies are on the bill at Shrewsbury Park (Sun July 8) where a steel band and ukelele ensemble add to the musical variety. At Plumstead Live! (Sun

RHYTHM: Bruise top bil at Mycenae House

July 15) The Hit Men return after a riproaring show last year. The University of Greenwich Big Band entertain at Avery Hill Park (Sun July 15). And if you’re a footballer bring your boots – there’s a London Legends skills contest and coaching. Every venue has food and drink available or you can bring a picnic. PARKSfest – initiated and funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich – aims to attract communities into their local green space with a wide range of popular and highly regarded cultural activity. The festival has three main aims. To:

GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 13


UN IN THE SUN...for free! WHERE

Mycenae House, Blackheath SE3 7SE

ROCKING!: Mycenae House at PARKSfest 2017

HEN W Sunday July 1 12-5.30

Fantastic male & female vocalists, fiddle, whistle, flute & bodhran

Music to have you reaching MUTTS SEE: Dog shows for your air guitar, shimmyin' & shakin' your booty!

Win a pet prize at BARKSfest!

YOU don’t have to own a Crufts contender to be a prize pet owner at PARKSfest. Plenty of events have dog shows including Avery Hill Park (Sunday July 15 – Register your dog by 1pm). And at Rockcliffe Gardens in Plumstead (Sat July 14) t h e r e ’s a C a n i n e C a p e r s competition. Organisers at Shrewsbury Park promise “dog-related stalls!” Avery Hill Park (Sun July 15) has more animal fun with flights by hawks and owls from experts based at the Eagle Heights Wildlife Centre in Eynsford, Kent.

y with fun-packed parties in parks

celebrat10n THE HIT MEN: At Plumstead Live!

FOLK: Pytchwood play Shrewsbury Park

• Entertain people of every age, ethnicity and ability or disability in

parks or open spaces close to them. Give local people and groups a chance to show the performance skills they have learned to a great audience right here. Be organised and run by local people who are committed to letting the public use and enjoy Greenwich’s much valued parks. The programme is coordinated by the Greenwich Parks Forum – a network of 27 Friends of Parks groups which each

• •

runs an event. All these organisers give their time voluntarily as part of their commitment to raising the profile of parks, pleasaunces, commons, gardens and woodlands in their communities. The groups also develop partnerships with schools, businesses, statutory agencies, other voluntary groups and arts organisations to make a real impact in local communities. Last year more than 10,000 people enjoyed fun in the sun – and this year organisers hope to entertain even more.

10 years of fun in our great parks


in partnership with


The Friends of Queenscroft Park invite you to

Queenscroft Park Queenscroft Road, SE9 5EJ

Party in the Park Saturday 14th July 12noon – 5pm A FREE fun day out for the family Bouncy Castle DJ Gift & Craft Stalls Ice Creams Dog Show FREE Sports Day Activities Burger & Sausage Grill Bring a blanket and picnic!

in partnership with queenscroftpark

By Parksfest Chair Terry Powley OVER the last ten years PARKSfest’s focus has been unremittingly on local entertainment for local people in local parks. The number of people attending the events, and the quality of the p e r fo r m a n c e s s h o w s how PARKSfest –a community strand of the Greenwich Festivals – has become an important part of the calendar here. It is a unique symbol of the vibrancy of community involvement in the Borough. We are particularly grateful this year for the support of the Greenwich Visitor, whose coverage will help us reach more communities within the Borough. We hope you find this guide helpful and that you’ll find a great event near you to enjoy.

Featuring the big band from last year


Son of Squeeze Rockliffe Gardens legend lines up Summerfest The Friends of Rockliffe Gardens Camdale Road, SE18 2DS

UP and coming singer/ songwriter Leon Tilbrook will entertain at Mycenae House (Sun July 1). Teenager Leon has pedigree – his dad is Squeeze star Glenn and the two have performed together for years. Now Leon has a big following of his own. The insirational Lewisham NHS Choir – who have performed with Squeeze – are also on the bill, alongside headliners Bruise, the Gillies, Ukedelix and singer/ songwriters Jo Girdlestone, from Greenwich, and Kentbased Rob Bartlitz. Greenwich Morris Men – based at Mycenae House – also perform to really make it feel like summer.

Saturday 14th July 2 – 5pm

Fabulous Local Bands ◆ Ready Steady Lift Off ◆ Canine Capers Fun Dog Competition! Food, stalls and more @rockliffefrien1 @friendsofrockliffegardens

in partnership with


Charlotte Turner Gardens Watergate Street, SE8 3HY

Twinkle Park Trust presents

Summer Festival Sunday 8th July 2 – 6pm

Live Music all afternoon - relax with the music of Heart of Steel, DJ Stormy & a Mystery Group SPONSORED BY

Fun for the children Enjoy story telling, face painting, tombola, arts & crafts

Come with the family, friends – bring a picnic

in partnership with

GreenwichVisitor THE


July 2018 Page 12




edited by

solange berchEmin

Solange Berchemin, writer and blogger, is from Lyon, French capital of food, and has lived here since 1993. You can read her blog at www.pebble

come dine with GV

he 5th Kidbrooke CAMRA Beer & Cider Festival was a warm and friendly event, hosted by Charlton Park RFC in Kidbrooke. If you missed it, watch out for next year’s to get taste of local beers and grab a Wandercrust pizza, hot from their wood-fired pizza-van. They won a rave review in the Greenwich Visitor last October for their food at The Crown on Trafalgar Road – then won Best Pizza at the London Pizza Festival with their American Psycho. Quite a feat, considering they were up against Heston Blumenthal et al. in manufacturer Sipsmith’s logo was inspired by the swan neck shape of their traditional copper stills back in 1820. Just thought you ought to know. Fancy a summer drink with a twist? The Dial Arch in Woolwich, has begun Pairing Menu nights. Their Gin Night was a success. My taster said: “Duck confit, courgette and black cherry purée was an inspired accompaniment for a very fruity Sipsmith Sloe Gin and Lemon Tonic.” Rum is up next – July 4 & 11. pening soon: Stir Café on Anglesea Road, Woolwich. It’s an initiative by mental health and well-being social enterprise Bridge and promising good food to boost your mood. Open Mon-Fri 8-4. he Thirsty Dragon is a new boardgames bar & café in Trafalgar Road. Has founder Jane “Chief Meeple” Hermiston found a niche with this crowd-funded venue. Let me know your verdict. ational Park City Week starts on July 21 with 280 events across London. Most are free. Info: It’s a great excuse to visit the Queen’s Orchard in Greenwich Park where volunteers like me we grow fruit and vegetables.



Too cool for school KIDS say the strangest things. A few days ago, I eavesdropped on a conversation between a seven-yearold and his mum. She was talking porridge...he was intent on persuading her to let him attend breakfast club. It started with “All my friends are going.” Sigh. “They serve doughnuts.” Silence. “And ice-cream.” Ice cream for breakfast? The truth is nobody says No to ice-cream at any-oddtime of the day, do they? Recently, we have seen the High Street food offer shrinking. But last year the number of ice cream parlours in the UK rose 20 per cent. Woolwich now has its own Urban Ice and it’s already a favourite. It’s not much different at home, according to a recent survey. The top four 21st Century kitchen

must-haves are: 1 Balsamic vinegar. 2 Ground coffee. 3 Herbal tea. 4 Frozen yogurts. One of the reasons behind the rise in popularity of gelati, sorbets and frozen yoghurts is lower fat. How does that work? In a gelato, there is zero to 30 per cent extra air only. Less air beaten in means a creamier endproduct which allows more milk than cream to enter the composition. Frozen Yogurt – or Froyo – is having a revival. A lot of work has been poured into reducing the amount of sugar necessary to counteract the sourness of yogurt. But still, to make the perfect frozen yoghurt, you’ll need 200g of sugar per litre of whole-milk plain yoghurt, that’s without considering the essential toppings. And no, porridge flakes are not an option! Are you a frozen dessert fan? Where do go to get yours? Let us know and we’ll publish your suggestions next month.


he newest addition to the local curry scene is Kesar, at the Charlton end of the Woolwich Road. It promises authentic Punjabi food and these specialists certainly dish up a huge Tandoori Mixed Grill, with enough lamb chops, sheekh kebabs, chicken tikka and pieces of tandoori to test the hungriest of meat lovers. But vegetarians will also be delighted to see a selection of dishes such as Malai Kofte (veggie balls), Sarson ka Saag (mustard, broccoli and spinach), Cholay Bhatura (chickpeas) and the Punjabi Thali for a full array of non-meat dishes. It was also excellent to see that attention really was paid to detail, with the delicious chutneys made in-house, It’s worth ordering an extra popadom just to enjoy more of the coriander chutney – one of the freshest and tastiest you’ll find anywhere. ighly recommended by The Gang – the spice-loving regulars of the Curry Club’s pop-up at the Pelton Arms – is the Thai Tiger, on Trafalgar Road. Set in the pub environment that was its previous incarnation, you are welcome to pop in for a pint (and even watch the football) but with the delicious fragrant smell of the Thai food filling the air it won’t be long before you are reaching for a menu. Curries are well represented with the classic Green and Red Curries lining up alongside the Panang (salty and sweet red curry), Massaman (Southern Thai curry with coconut cream and cashew nuts) and Jungle (a vegetable curry without coconut milk). Curries can be made with chicken, beef, lamb, prawns, duck, vegetables or tofu. nother superb Thai restaurant, the Thai Garden Café, can be found along the same road. After 10 years successfully serving food at Greenwich Market and outside private functions, partners Martin and Tao have recently opened this delightful flower-filled venue that offers superb food at great prices. I’d suggest a powerfully flavoured Thai Red Curry with jasmine rice or a King Prawn Pad Thai, enjoyed with your own choice of wine (BYO policy with no corkage charge) for a leisurely lunch in the small garden at the back.



Daniel Ford

GreenwichVisitor THE

AS HERITAGE CENTRE SHUTS...NEW PLAN FOR BOROUGH HALL When artist-squatters took over Greenwich’s spectacular Borough Hall this summer it was a low point in the life of a much-loved building. Opened as a new town hall in 1939, it fell out of use in the 1970s and became an arts venue, then the HQ of Greenwich Dance, which was forced to move out this year after funding cuts. Other parts of the building house a business college and offices. This month it was also announced the Greenwich Heritage Centre in Woolwich is to close, with a public consultation on where it might be based in future. Heritage groups have been working on a unique proposal which could solve both issues – and ALLAN WATKINS has sent this open letter to the new leader of Greenwich council explaining the solution.

MODERNIST: Newly-built Borough Halls back in 1939

To Danny Thorpe IN 1939 The Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich commissioned and built a new modernist Town Hall with attached Borough Halls, designed by 29-year old Clifford Culpin in a new cutting-edge style. It was influenced by Dudok’s Hilversum Town Hall in the Netherlands. And it was considered a masterpiece. Nicholas Pevsner in his book Buildings of England, London,1951, declared it “the only town hall of any London Borough to represent the style of our time adequately.” It has Grade II listing, recognising its place in the top 8.3 per cent of architecturally important of buildings in the country. Since 1965, when the boroughs of Greenwich and Woolwich were amalgamated, the main council offices were established in Woolwich, eventually leaving the building without its original purpose. The Borough Halls part is now empty, and although there was a plan to relocate the Greenwich Theatre there, it was occupied until recently by a dance agency, and recently by squatters. Its future seems uncertain. Meanwhile, Greenwich doesn’t have a town museum. Although it has more magnificent historic buildings than most other London boroughs and very fine Royal Museums it lacks something just as important – a museum of our town itself. A people’s history of the area. The history of Greenwich town is the exemplar for the development of the borough. It should be central to the understanding of our story, including Charlton, Eltham, Kidbrooke, Plumstead and Woolwich. Our Tourist Information Centre does its job, and would not be expected to cover what I am proposing here. It is housed inside the Greenwich Hospital’s Discover Greenwich, which makes an interesting introduction to that organisation’s history, but cannot tell the whole story. Exhibitions at The Royal Greenwich Heritage Centre in Woolwich cover Wo o l w i c h – n o t Greenwich. I write to ask you consider a single solution to two issues over which y o u h a v e c o n t ro l a n d re s p o n s i b i l i t y – t h e Borough Halls in GONE: Greenwich Dance has left Borough Hall (left) and Heritage Centre at Woolwich (right) shuts soon Greenwich, and the Greenwich Heritage Centre moves to a be seen to be giving new life to its and tourists alike. The proposed at Woolwich. new centre magnificent 1939 commission, and location is well positioned on the The Borough Halls could route from Greenwich railway and of the Royal conserving it. house a permanent display, The advantages of having a DLR station to the town, and would Greenwich u t i l is in g th e C o unc i l ’s amazing collection of paintings, Heritage Centre in the Borough Greenwich Town Museum and act as an intermediary stop for prints and artefacts, emphasising the Halls, additional to the museum, Heritage Centre in Greenwich itself visitors, filling in what is a slightly blank spot in terms of visitor people’s history, the industrial and e xhi bi t i on space and income- will be many. The visitor footfall would be higher attractions. generating facilities. technological developments. The new museum and heritage than it is now. I would point out to It would give an interpretation of We must cherish the Borough Hall, the Greenwich people and the town, centre would support local history rapidly increasing numbers of visitors give it a useful future and preserve its initiatives elsewhere in he Borough. to the town over the past 10 years, architectural value, while committing from pre-history to present day. This would benefit all, not least and suggest that the Borough Halls, ourselves to the general preservation It would also include children’s and educational facilities, an event the Council itself which would be could have a useful and financially and dissemination of our heritage. space, a performance space for seen to be preserving and promoting viable future as such a museum. The The Greenwich Historical Society lectures, music, and screenings, a t h i s e x t r a o r d i n a r y h e r i t a g e , building is large enough to make a and The Greenwich Industrial History café, bookshop, and visitor facilities. explaining the history of the town, splendid display of the town’s story, Society already agree with this The rooftop could perhaps be and its place in the story of the whole reflecting the fascinating events and suggestion, and doubtless there will Borough, as well as in the larger historical characters who have made be much support from other groups developed as a summer space. What we propose is that the main story of England and the world. The up the borough’s history, something and individuals. collection of archives and artefacts Royal Borough Council would also which will interest residents, students Allan Watkins

Let this masterpiece tell the wonderful story of Greenwich

July 2018 Page 9

Ravensbourne becomes Uni

GREENWICH’S digital media and design academy Ravensbourne has been awarded university status – and can now award its own degrees. The institution – in a futuristic building on Greenwich Peninsula – will be known as Ravensbourne University London. Director Professor Linda Drew said: “This is the next step in Ravensbourne’s journey. “We’ll be driving forward our new academic plan, the Mindsets and Skillsets Manifesto – a promise to nurture and inspire people who are valuable to and valued by the world beyond university.” Ravensbourne moved to the purpose-built hi-tech site in 2010 from Chislehurst after starting at Bromley Common. Although it has offered degree-level courses, qualifications were validated by University of Arts London.

Star status for scientist Annie

A NEW state of the art telescope at Greenwich’s world famous Royal Observatory has been named after one of the first women scientists to work there in 1891. AMAT – the Annie Maunder Astrographic Telescope – has been paid for by £150,000 grants and public donations. Royal Observatory astronomers will be able to produce spectacular still and moving images of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Mathematician Annie was a “human computer” – but rules meant she had to resign after marrying a fellow Royal Observatory scientist in 1895. Info:

Comedy Fest’s 10th mirthday G reenwich C o m e d y Festival is back this autumn – marking a decade of laughter! Comedy megastar Russell Howards – returning for the first time since 2009 – is joined by Adam Buxton, Rob Delaney, James Acaster, Nina Conti, Aisling Bea, Ed Byrne, Milton Jones and Reginald D Hunter. The event – from September 12 to 16 – is in a big top at the National Maritime Museum, with street food and bars. Festival producer Cass Randolph said: “We didn’t dare to dream we’d still be doing this 10 years on.” Info & tickets: www.greenwich

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July 2018 Page 10

Tourist Information/ Visitor Centre at Old Royal Naval College

7 7a

University of Greenwich Stephen Lawrence Gallery


Vintage Market


Trinity Laban


New Haddo Community Centre GREENWICH GALLERY


Creekside Discovery Centre ARCHERY FIT

Advertisers not on map PETER KENT ARTIST







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July 2018 Page 11


Greenwich Centre





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July 2018 Page 14


Stunning progression

LIFE as a progression interrupted by brief encounters and occasional relapses was the theme of a Transitions Dance Company triple bill created by internationally acclaimed choreographers Hagit Yakira, Jarkko Partanen and Richard Chappell – and it wowed Laban theatre audiences. The 14 young dancers crept, swayed, crawled, walked, ran, leapt, romped, embraced and finally slumped in a round of works at times weird, worrisome, often witty but always wonderful – much like life, in fact. Yakira’s The Ar/ct Of Moving Forward had a fluidity that enchanted while Partanen’s extraordinary Lovers began with what looked like a pile of binbags on an empty stage. But this detritus suddenly came to life as figures encased in metallic silver costumes (by Suzie Holmes) who writhed and entwined beneath a disco-ball to the thumping beat of Rihanna’s Diamonds. In a witty touch, they danced for a few moments after the music finished before shuffling off in embarrassed silence. The show finale was Chappell’s When Running Starts And Stops – a joyful exercise in the poetry of pure movement. The piece closed with the dancers running in circles and dropping one by one till a lone performer was left, still moving as the lights faded to utter darkness – again, much like life. This was a fabulous Trinity Laban show with inspired choreography and magnificent dancing by Ayongga, Yee Kei Yuki Chung, Kieran Lee Covell, Paola Drera, Irninta Dwitika, Gabriele Farinacci, Orion Hart, Wilhelmina Ojanen, Umut Ozdaloglu, Lexie Palasciano, Ana Guilherme Ruano Cardoso, Gloria Trolla, Mac Daniel Villanueva Palima and Menghang Wu. Truly a a dance to the music of time.


Please come back, Lazarus AFTER the grisly horrors at the heart of Edward II and Lord Of The Flies, the decision by company-in-residence Lazarus to finish their Greenwich Theatre stint with A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a neat touch – and a joyful one. Adapted by director Ricky Dukes, the cast threw themselves into Shakespeare’s beloved comedy with gusto, slapping on the slapstick and revelling in the silliness of a plot awash with magic, mischief, myth, misunderstandings and metamorphoses. There were fine performances all around, with standout turns by Ingvild Lakou as Titania, David Clayton as ass-eared Bottom, John Slade as Qunice, leader of the Rude Mechanicals, Tessa Carmody as Puck and Saskia Vaigncourt-Strallen as Helena. Stuart Glover’s lighting design transformed the fairies into points of dazzling white light and was inspired. And there were great jokes - Puck’s urge to swamp the stage in apparently unending quantities of colourful confetti and the sheer hammy awfulness of the Mechanicals’ attempts to stage the classical tragedy Pyramus And Thisbe. Lazarus have impressed in their residency in Greenwich. I look forward to seeing them here again in the future.

ornc tours WHEN you live and work in the World Heritage Site of Greenwich, it’s easy to forget it’s the creation of four of the greatest names in all architecture – Inigo Jones, Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor and John Vanbrugh. Jones was responsible for the ground-breaking Queen’s House, one of the single most important buildings in the history of British design. The other three made to-dieEXPERT: for contributions to the wonderful Will Palin Old Royal Naval College, with Wren laying out the footprint which safeguarded the amazing view of the Queen’s House and turned the ORNC into arguably the world’s greatest riverside complex. And that’s without even mentioning Sir James Thornhill’s amazing Painted Hall, with its vast and lavishly-coloured ceiling, or the place’s immortal connection with Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and Nelson. It follows, then, that running an architectural tour of the ORNC would be child’s play – just point at one of the four main buildings and let onlookers gasp in admiration. But what makes the tours led by conservation director Will Palin so fabulous is that although he does – of course – talk you through the big stuff, he makes you concentrate on the little touches. And through that, the ORNC becomes so much greater than the sum of its parts. For example, check out the carved, maritimethemed decorations between the facades and the roofs. Most were done by an unsung hero

Will’s College tour de force named Robert Jones who spent his life in Greenwich turning out delicately sculpted items by the ton. Or marvel at the classical Greek, imperial Roman and pharaonic Egyptian details of Hawksmoor’s entranceways. Then search out Benjamin West’s astonishing pediment celebrating the 111 battles Nelson fought before Trafalgar – it’s tucked away in one of the college’s lovely courtyards and must surely be overlooked by many of the thousands of tourists who visit the complex each day. The point is, as Palin is keen to point out, none of these touches has any practical value in itself – it is there simply for art’s sake. And that helps make this a magical place. I walk through the ORNC almost every day, yet this tour showed me I’ve always missed so much, or at least taken it for granted. Thanks to Will’s expertise and good-humoured delivery, I realise I’m lucky enough to have one of the wonders of the modern world on my doorstep. I can’t recommend his tours too strongly. The next, which will include a British Sign Language guide, is scheduled for September 8. Info:

Crazy For You

A smash hit for moosical youth TAKE classic Gershwin songs, mix with a wonderfully preposterous plot, bung in a spoonfuls of slapstick and you have a hit – as musical theatre students from Trinity Laban showed in Crazy For You. I’m not a fan of musicals but I was captivated by this ridiculous “let’s put on a show” tale of love, mistaken identities and dimwit cowboys and girls in the Mild West. Not only were there songs such as I Got Rhythm and They Can’t Take That Away From Me but there were brilliant performances from the young cast led by

Christian Andrews, Jochebel Ohene MacCarthy, Harvey Westwood and Simone Sullivan, a magnificent display of virtuosity from the Trinity Laban band conducted by Tony Castro and – my favourite – a running gag about a cow (Lizzie Burgess) which swung wildly between the surreal and the plain daft Blackheath Halls’ revamp meant a trip to Stratford to see director Sarah Redmond’s show. But the effort was repaid tenfold. This was a complete joy.

lofty ideals

G+DIF 2018

MORE than 1,500 pigeons gave the Greenwich + Docklands International Festival a flying start with a spectacular light show as the sun set over Thamesmead. The trained birds were the centrepiece of American artist Duke Riley’s double First World War tribute - to the carrier pigeons who carried life-saving messages on the front lines and to the munitions workers who produced millions of shells and bullets in and around Woolwich. Flying By Night - on a site that was once part of the WW1 complex – featured pigeons that had tiny LED lights fitted to their legs which caused gasps of surprise from the audience as the birds took off. They then formed into small squadrons to create swirling balls of light in the ever-darkening sky over Thamesmead. It was gorgeous. Riley’s Show, presented in conjunction with LIFT 18 and 14-18 NOW, set the tone for a first weekend of GDIF that had commemoration at its heart. Roy Williams and Gijs Van Bon’s Windrush: 492 beside the Cutty Sark used photoluminescent powder

to spell out the names of every Caribbean man, woman and child who came to Britain on the ship exactly 50 years ago. Onlookers queued in the dark to look down on the glowing, deeply moving roll of honour from the deck of the tea-clipper. In Woolwich, Rise! - the world premiere of L‚‘Homme Debout’s tribute to the centenary of the first British women to get the vote - featured giant female puppets processing through the streets surrounded by placards recording the names of Woolwich women. Greenwich Fair included many events with similar themes. Becky Namgauds’ amazing feminist dance piece Rodadoras began with three women rising primordially from a pile of earth. And Sorriso was an incredibly sad but beautiful meditation on widowhood by stilt artists Teatro So. Other events were simply there to entertain, none more so than the Ockham’s Razor tightrope genius in Belly of The Whale and my own favourite, a Scandinavian stunt trio called the Race Horse Company who included a tattooed Finn juggling axes in his pants. What’s not to love?

ParkLife By Greenwich Park manager

Graham Dear


hole in the ground is like a book. It has a story to tell if you know how to read it. My own literacy of holes is limited. Like most things I know a little about it but not a lot about it. If anyone digs a hole in Greenwich Park I always take the chance to have a peer in. I know for instance that the soils at the top of the Park (southern end) are Blackheath bed sands and gravel and that at the bottom of the park (northern end) the geology is Woolwich and Reading Beds with Thanet Sands. I am always on the lookout for archaeology finds too. After all it was one of my predecessors in the job of Park Manager AW Webster who discovered the Roman Temple in the park in 1900. ccasionally though you meet someone who really knows the language of holes and it is fascinating. I met one such person recently, Dr. Elizabeth Stockdale, who was a speaker at a seminar on soil health and tree disease which we hosted in the park. For the fieldwork bit of the seminar our gardeners had dug a hole about a meter square on ground DEEP behind the Pavilion KNOWLEDGE: Cafe. It didn’t take Dr Liz in Park Dr. Liz long to walk down into the hole (the gardeners had kindly sloped one side) and read the story to the assembled tree lovers. here is a thin layer of brown earth just below the turf which is the sandy soil mixed with organic matter. This is followed by layers of coarse sand and bands of gravel. Poking the side of the hole with her trowel, Dr Liz pointed out a firmer layer of sand about 20cm below the surface. This, she explained, is the start of the formation of an iron pan. This occurs on acid soils, like our Blackheath Sands, where iron oxides accumulate to form a hardpan which impedes drainage. This for me explained one of the great mysteries of Greenwich Park. The soil is sand and gravel which should be free draining. But when it rains, there are puddles of water all over Bandstand Field. Now I know it’s because of our iron pan. r Liz then picked out a broken pebble. “This pebble,” said Liz , “was fractured in the Ice Age.” The extreme cold shattered the pebbles, which now remain as a layer of broken pebbles in the soil profile. Just above this layer of frost damaged pebbles is a thin layer of almost pure sand – deposited as the ice age glaciers melted. Above this sand are layers of unbroken pebbles laid down in river gravels over the last 10,000 years. Thanks to Dr Liz I now know more about the Greenwich Park book of holes and it is a fascinating read.




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Sunday July 1 FAMILY Parkfest Extravaganza Mycenae Hs CRAFTS South-East London Wool & Textile Festival Woodlands Farm Trust 11-4 MUSIC Silver Ghosts Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 MUSIC Elefsis Students St Alfege 3 MUSIC Bruise Pelton 6 POETRY Talia Randall Albany 7 PERFORMANCE Doppeldänger Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Shina Peters Indig02 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC GFMA Blues Earl of Chatham SEI8 PROCESSION La Parade Amoureuse GDIF event. Roman Road E3 at 10 Monday 2 MUSIC APPRECIATION Matthew Taylor Charlton House 10.15 MUSIC Queen & Adam Lambert O2 MUSIC Resonance Of Waterloo St Alfege 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 3 FESTIVAL Emeli Sandé Greenwich Music Time, ORNC 6 PLAY Blithe Spirit St George’s Garrison Church, Woolwich 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s THEATRE/DANCE Beautiful Thing Urban fairytale and GDIF finale, Thamesmead 9.45 Wednesday 4 FESTIVAL Tom Jones Greenwich Music Time, ORNC 6 MUSIC Queen & Adam Lambert O2 MUSIC Paul Rhodes Prince Of Greenwich 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s THEATRE/DANCE Beautiful Thing Urban fairytale and GDIF finale, Thamesmead 9.45 Thursday 5 TALK Travis Elborough: England-on-Sea NMM 11 MUSIC Trinity Laban Percussion St Alfege 1.05 FESTIVAL Steps Greenwich Music Time, ORNC 6 MUSIC Mario Biondi Indig02 FILM/MUSICAL Everybody’s Talking About Jamie Greenwich Picturehouse 7.20 DANCE BA3 Commissioned Works Laban 7.30 THEATRE/DANCE Beautiful Thing Urban fairytale and GDIF finale, Thamesmead 9.45 Friday 6 MUSIC Anja Jamsek Violin Old Bakehouse 1 MUSIC Royal Greenwich Brass Band Charlton Hs 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 FESTIVAL Nile Rogers & Chic Greenwich Music Time, ORNC 6 SOCIAL The Squidz Club Albany 7 DANCE BA3 Commissioned Works Laban 7.30 CABARET Burlesque London Theatre 8 MUSIC Tangerines Pelton 9 COMEDY Jayde Adam, Bobby Mair, Dave Fulton Up The Creek JAZZ The AKL Quartet Oliver’s THEATRE/DANCE Beautiful Thing Urban fairytale and GDIF finale, Thamesmead 9.45 Saturday 7 KIDS White Hat Willis Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 MUSIC Nicola Tagoe, Ahmed DickinsonCardenas Flute/guitar recital. St Alfege 1.05 FESTIVAL Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval Coll 6 PARTY Barn Dance Woodlands Farm Trust 7.30 MUSIC Greenwich Mozart Festival Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of London St Alfege 7.30 DISCO Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet! Islington Town Hall MUSIC Modern Apes Pelton 9 COMEDY Imran Yusuf, Tom Wrigglesworth, Johnny Cochrane, Dave Fulton Up The Creek JAZZ Ofer Landsberg Quartet Oliver’s THEATRE/DANCE Beautiful Thing Urban fairytale and GDIF finale, Thamesmead 9.45 Sunday 8 KIDS White Hat Willis Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 MUSIC The Crystal Palace Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 FESTIVAL Il Divo Greenwich Music Time ORNC 6 MUSIC Greenwich Morris Dancers Pelton 6 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 DANCE Make Your Move Indig02 Monday 9 MUSIC Justin Timberlake O2 MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre TALK Rosalind White: Sir Anthony Van Dyck

Arts Society Greenwich, King William Court, University of Greenwich 7.45 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 10 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 11 MUSIC Guitar Plus One Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 1 MUSICAL The Pajama Game Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Graham Anthony Devine Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival Our Layde of the Sea 7.30 MUSIC Justin Timberlake O2 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 12 TALK Daniel Burdsey: Changing Face Of The Seaside NMM 11 MUSIC Trinity Laban Chamber Musicians St Alfege 1.05 MASTERCLASS Marcin Dylla Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 2.30 NATURE Wildflower Pop-Up Creekside Discovery Centre 6-8 DANCE Grad School Showcase Laban 7.30 MUSICAL The Pajama Game Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Marcin Dylla Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 7.30 MUSIC Jazz Night Eltham Warren Golf Club 8 Friday 13 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 MASTERCLASS Dylla Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 2.30 MUSIC Luthiers Showcase Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 6 FAMILY The Muppets O2 MUSIC Rahat Fateh Ali Khan Indig02 DANCE Grad School Showcase Laban 7.30 MUSICAL The Pajama Game Greenwich Theatre 7.30 DRAMA Woolwich At War Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Ali Arango Royal Greenwich Guitar Festival. King Charles Court 7.30 MUSIC JazzNights All Star Trio Mycenae Hse 8 COMEDY Chris Mayo, Kae Kurd, Alistair Barrie Up The Creek JAZZ The Old Jelly Rollers Oliver’s Saturday 14 SALE Books/Arts & Crafts Age Exchange 10-4 TALK Astronomy & Islam Royal Obs 10 CHARITY Mencap Run Greenwich Park 10.30 MUSICAL The Pajama Game Greenwich Theatre 12, 5 MUSIC Jane Gamble Organ recital. St Alfege 1 DRAMA Woolwich At War Bob Hope Theatre 2.30, 7.30 FAMILY The Muppets O2 JIU JITSU Polaris Indig02 DANCE CAT End Of Year Show Laban 7.30 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 MUSIC The 286 Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Ninia Benjamin, Rhys Nicholson, Kae Kurd, Alistair Barrie Up The Creek JAZZ Wild Card Oliver’s Sunday 15 MUSIC Gordon Mark Webber’s Meantime Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre MUSIC Drain & Farris Pelton 6 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Rahat Fateh Ali Khan Indig02 DANCE CAT End Of Year Show Laban 7.30 Monday 16 DEBATE Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray O2 OPERA Dido & Aeneas Albany 7.30 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 17 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter OPERA Dido & Aeneas Albany 7.30 DANCE Krump Macbeth Laban 7.30

July 2018 Page 15

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

A national charity with a local perspective Founded in 1965 to support former civil servants and their dependents we offer a range of charitable services to our beneficiaries including befriending schemes (home and telephone visits), signposting, advice and information.

Greenwich Riverside Group Meets the Third Tuesday of the month from 11am-1pm For more information call 020 8691 7411 or visit greenwich-riverside

ity group n u m m o c l a erate a loc p o o social and s r l a a l u e g W e r s at provide ups that o r g o w t network th e av ities and h iv t c a of the a e r e r a u n io t leis u the distrib fall within Visitor. Greenwich Meets the Fourth Thursday of the month from 10am-12noon at the United Reformed Church, Sherard Hall, Court Road, Eltham SE9 5AD For more information call Group Chairman Phyllis Duignan on 020 8265 0810 or visit

Eltham Group

ALL LOCAL RETIREES ARE WELCOME AT OUR GROUP MEETINGS For more information on the CSRF call 020 8691 7411 email: or visit

Continued on Page 16

We are a registered charity

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July 2018 Page 16


Albany, Deptford Lounge: Douglas Way SE8 4AG. 020 8692 4446 Bakehouse Theatre: Age Exchange, Blackheath Village SE3 9LA. 020 8318 9105 Blackheath Conservatoire: 19-21 Lee Rd SE3 9RQ. 020 8852 0234 Blackheath Halls: 23 Lee Road SE3 9RQ. 020 8463 0100. Bob Hope Theatre: Wythfield Rd SE9 5TG. 020 8850 3702. The Centre: New Eltham Methodist Ch, Footscray Rd. Charlton House: Charlton Rd SE7 8RP. 020 8856 3951 Churchill Theatre: High St, Bromley BR1 1HA. 0844 871 7620 Clarendon Hotel: Montpelier Row SE3 0RW. 020 8318 4321. Creekside Discovery Centre: Creekside SE8 0208 692 9922 The Duke: 125 Creek Rd SE8 3BU. 020 8469 8260 The Eltham Centre: 2 Archery Road SE9 1HA. 020 8921 4344 Eltham Palace: Court Yard SE9 5QE. 020 8294 2548. The Forum: Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 0208 853 5212. Greenwich Communications Centre: 164 Trafalgar Rd SE10 9TZ. 020 8269 2103 Greenwich Dance: Borough Hall SE10 8RE. 020 8293 9741 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich SE18 4DX Greenwich Theatre: Crooms Hill SE10 8ES. 020 8858 7755. Greenwich West Community Centre: 141 Greenwich High Rd SE10 8JA Guard House: No1 Street, Woolwich Arsenal SE18 6GH Laban Theatre: Creekside SE8 3DZ. 020 8463 0100 London Theatre: 443 New Cross Rd SE14 6TA. 020 8694 1888. Made In Greenwich: 324 Creek Rd SE10 9SW Mycenae House: 90 Mycenae Rd SE3 7SE 020 8858 1749 National Maritime Museum: Romney Rd, SE10 9BJ 020 8858 0045 02, Indig02, Building 6, Brooklyn Bowl: 0844 8560202 Old Royal Naval Coll, Discover: SE10 9LW. 020 8269 4799 Oliver’s: 9 Nevada St SE10 9JL. 020 8858 3693 Pelton Arms: 23-5 Pelton Street SE10 9PQ 020 8858 0572. Prince Of Greenwich: 72 Royal Hill SE10 8RT 020 8692 6089 St Alfege: Greenwich Church St. 020 8853 0687. Severndroog Castle: Off Shooters Hill SE18 3RT. The Star And Garter: 60 Old Woolwich Rd SE10 9NY. 020 8305 1144 Steinberg Studio: 137 Vanbrugh Hill SE10 9HP. Tramshed Theatre: 51-53 Woolwich New Rd SE18 6ES. 020 8854 1316 Trinity Laban: King Charles Court SE10 9JF. 020 8463 0100. Up The Creek (UTC): 302 Creek Rd SE10 9SW. 020 8858 4581.


MARKETS Greenwich Market: 10-5.30. Sat and Sun: Arts & crafts, food, fresh produce. Tues, Wed: Food, fresh produce, homewares. Thurs: food, antiques & collectables, crafts. Fri: Food, arts & crafts, antiques & collectibles Greenwich Vintage Market: 8am-6pm Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun. Moonlight market 8am-10pm last Friday of the month Clocktower Market: 166 Greenwich High Rd. Sat, Sun 10-4. 50 quirky stalls specialising in vintage, retro and antiques. 07940 914204 Blackheath Farmers’ Market: Blackheath Station, 10-2 every Sun. EXHIBITIONS/CRAFTS/COMMUNITY Fan Museum: Feathered Fans From Around The World, till Sept 23. Closed Mondays. 12 Crooms Hill, Greenwich. 020 8305 1441 Old Royal Naval College: The Visitor Centre, daily. Blackheath Halls: Undergoing restoration. Age Exchange: Carers’ group Mon, knitters Thurs, preschool rhyme-time Fri. Old Bakehouse, Bennett Pk SE3 9LA. National Maritime Museum: Photography: The Great British Seaside From The 1960s To The Present, till Sept 30, daily 10am-5pm. Royal Observatory: Astronomy Photog Of The Yr, till July 22. Queen’s House: Mat Collishaw: Insecticide, till Sept 23. Blackheath Bowling Club: Practice every Thus 2.30 nr Ranger’s House The Forum: Disabled drop-ins, mums’ groups, kids’ classes, advice. Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 020 8853 5212 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square SE18 4DX. 020 8854 2452 Greenwich Gallery: Linear House, Peyton Place SE10 8RS Civil Service Retirement Fellowship: St Alfege Hall 3rd Tues each month 11am GWest Gallery: Architectual Landscapes by Lee Fether. Till July 7. Greenwich West Community & Arts Centre 141 Greenwich High Rd SE10 9JA WALKS Greenwich Guided Walks: Local experts. Walks daily at 12.15 and 2.15 from the Greenwich Tourist Information Centre. £8, £7 cons. Greenwich Tour Guides Association 07575772298 Rich Sylvester: Guide, historian, storyteller. 07833 538143. Dotmaker: Alternative guided walks. FAMILY ACTIVITIES National Maritime Museum: Explore Saturdays. Free. Performance and storytelling for over-5s from noon. Discover Sundays. Free. Activities for families from 11.30am. Play Tuesdays. Free. For under-5s from 10.30

PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 18 OPERA Dido & Aeneas Albany 6.30, 8.30 FILM/PLAY Romeo & Juliet Link to RSC Greenwich Picturehouse 7 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 19 TALK Kathryn Ferry: Walking On Water NMM 11 MUSIC Isabella Fleming, Philip Leslie Violin and piano recital. St Alfege 1.05 TALK Jo Hatton: Capes, Cloaks & Headdresses Fan Museum 2 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 JAZZ Cat Night Quartet Oliver’s Friday 20 CHARITY Parkinson’s Walk Greenwich Park 9.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 OPERA Dido & Aeneas Albany 6.30, 8.30 MOTOWN Razamataz Severndroog Castle 6.30 MUSIC Greenwich Mozart Festival Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of London St Alfege 7.30 FILM The Greatest Showman Charlton Ho 7.30 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 MUSIC Ceri James Pelton 9 COMEDY Rich Wilson, Matt Stellingwerf, Jeff Innocent Up The Creek JAZZ Meskala Oliver’s Saturday 21 MUSIC Tamara Ravenhill, Martin Sharpe Vocal and piano recital. St Alfege 1.05 CELEBRATION Hola! London O2 FILM Moana Charlton House 7.30 PLAY A Midsummer Night’s Dream London Theatre 8 MUSIC Dizzy Lizzy Pelton 9 COMEDY Paul McCaffrey, Erich McElroy, John Hastings, Jeff Innocent Up The Creek JAZZ Alban Claret Quartet Oliver’s Sunday 22 KIDS Shipmates NMM 11, 2 FAMILY Charlton Community Fun Day GFMA celebration, Charlton House noon-5 FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 2 MUSIC Lewisham Concert Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 MUSIC Mama T & The OGs Pelton 6 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 PERFORMANCE Youth Showcase Albany 7 MUSIC Faith Evans Indig02 Monday 23 LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 24 KIDS A Safe Port NMM 10.30, 11.30, 1, 2 LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 25 KIDS Bugs & Crafts Creekside Discovery Centre 10 to noon LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 2.30, 7.30 SUMMER PARTY Queen’s House 6 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 26 TALK Kathryn Ferry: Seaside Postcards And Censorship NMM 11 KIDS Object-Handling NMM 11, 2 MUSIC Wakana Gong, Sayaka Aoki Soprano and piano recital. St Alfege 1.05 TALK Anthea Streeter: Thomas Heatherwick The Arts Society Blackheath St Mary’s Hall, Cresswell Pk 2 PLAY Jumala Albany 7.30 LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 7.30 MUSIC Jazz Night Eltham Warren Golf Club 8 Friday 27 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05

LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 7.30 PLAY Jumala Albany 7.30 MUSIC Ceilidh GFMA event, Mycenae Ho 7.30 MUSIC Young Husband Pelton 9 COMEDY Michael Legge, Michael Odewale, Roger Monkhouse Up The Creek JAZZ Charlotte Storer Oliver’s Saturday 28 FAMILY Drop-In Wildlife Centre, Greenwich Park 1-4 MUSIC Victoria Puttock Sax recital. St Alfege 1 LIGHT OPERA Iolanthe Greenwich Theatre Studio 2.30, 7.30 FAMILY Jude Starbeam Albany 3 MUSIC Greenwich Mozart Festival Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of London St Alfege 7.30 PLAY Jumala Albany 7.30 MUSIC The Grimms Pelton 9 COMEDY Imran Yusuf, Andrew Ryan, Simon Brodkin, Roger Monkhouse Up The Creek JAZZ Meskala Oliver’s Sunday 29 KIDS Shipmates Nat Maritime Museum 11, 2 MUSIC Belvedere Concert Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 FAMILY Jude Starbeam Workshop Albany 3 MUSIC Dennis Greaves’ Blues Jam Pelton 6 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 CABARET BiBi Crew: Get Raunchy Albany 7.30 Monday 30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 31 KIDS Let’s Go! NMM 10.30, 11.30, 1, 2 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday August 1 KIDS Crab-Catching Creekside Discovery Centre 10 to noon PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 2 KIDS Object Handling NMM 11, 2 FAMILY Great Equatorial Encounter Royal Observatory 12.30, 1.10, 1.50, 2.30 MUSIC Trinity Recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC New Power Generation Indig02 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Friday 3 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Saturday 4 NEEDLEWORK National Day of Stitch Queen’s House 10-1.30 TALK Astronomy & Islam: Astronavigation Royal Observatory 10 KIDS Flotsam Weaving Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Sunday 5 FAMILY Deep Sea Dance Fever NMM 10.30, 11.30, 1, 2 KIDS Flotsam Weaving Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 MUSIC Bromley Concert Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Monday 6 PLAY Lost In London Greenwich Theatre 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 7 FAMILY Did You See It? NMM 10.30, 11.30, 1, 2 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 8 KIDS Shipwrecked Creekside Discovery Centre 10.30-12.30 FAMILY Sea-escape Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 KIDS The Sailor’s Last Adventure Painted Hall, ORNC 1.30 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 PLAY Measure For Measure Severndroog 7.30 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 9 KIDS Object Handling NMM 11, 2 FAMILY Sea-escape Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 MUSIC Trinity Recital St Alfege 1.05

August PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Friday 10 MUSIC The DD Short Show Indig02 MUSIC Iron Maiden O2 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 Saturday 11 CIRCUS Belly Of The Whale Giffin Square, near Albany 12, 3 FOOTBALL Charlton Athletic v Shrewsbury Town. The Valley 3 MUSIC Iron Maiden O2 PLAY Eigengrau Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Greenwich Mozart Festival Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of London St Alfege 7.30 Sunday 12 FAMILY Look Out! NMM 11, 2 MUSIC The South London Jazz Orchestra Greenwich Park Bandstand 3

readers right here choose to take And read the greenwich visitor every single day - not just once a week or month. to advertise IN a paper people really read call matt clark now on 07731 645828

TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 13 FAMILY Photography Day NMM 10-4 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 14 KIDS Sea Stories NMM 10.30. 11.30, 1, 2 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 7 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 15 KIDS Duck Swim & Boat Race Creekside Discovery Centre 10 to noon FAMILY Photography Day NMM 10-4 KIDS Magic Figureheads Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 FAMILY The Sailor’s Last Adventure Painted Hall, ORNC 1.30 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 3 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 16 KIDS Object Handling NMM 11, 2 KIDS Magic Figureheads Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 FAMILY Great Equatorial Encounter Royal Observatory 12.30, 1.10, 1.50, 2.30 MUSIC Trinity Recital St Alfege 1.05 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 3 Friday 17

GreenwichVisitor THE

MUSIC Salsamotion Severndroog Castle 6.30 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Th 2, 7 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 3, 7 MURDER MYSTERY New Eltham Community Productions The Centre, New Eltham Methodist Church, Footscray Road. £12. Book tables 020 8851 9881. 7.30 Saturday 18 FAMILY Photography Day NMM 10-4 FUN RUN 5k or 10k Greenwich Park 10 FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 11 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 11, 3, 7 DANCE Conseqüències Giffin Square, near Albany 12, 3 DANCE D-Construction Giffin Square, near Albany 1, 4 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 FILM Attack The Block (2011) Royal Observatory 6.30 MURDER MYSTERY New Eltham Community Productions The Centre, New Eltham Methodist Church, Footscray Road. £12. Book tables 020 8851 9881. 7.30 Sunday 19 FAMILY Walking With Dinosaurs O2 11, 3 KIDS Into The Deep NMM 11, 2 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSIC Galaxy Big Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 20 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 21 KIDS Snug Harbour NMM 10.30, 11.20, 1, 2 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter FOOTBALL Charlton Athletic v Peterborough United. The Valley 7.45 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 22 KIDS Treasure Hunt Creekside Discovery Centre 10.30, 2 FAMILY Art Of Macramé Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 FAMILY The Sailor’s Last Adventure Painted Hall, ORNC 1.30 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 23 KIDS Object Handling NMM 11, 2 FAMILY Art Of Macramé Cutty Sark 11.30, 2 MUSIC Trinity Recital St Alfege 1.05 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Theatre 2 Friday 24 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSIC Tiwa Savage Indig02 MUSIC Britney Spears O2 Saturday 25 DANCE EXO Giffin Square, near Albany 1, 3 PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSIC Britney Spears O2 Sunday 26 FAMILY Gifting & Giving NMM 11, 2

September PLAY The Jungle Book Greenwich Th 1, 5 MUSIC Greenwich Concert Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Britney Spears O2 Monday 27 KIDS Celebrating Me! NMM 11, 2 MUSIC Mardi Gras Jazz Band Greenwich Park Bandstand 3 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 28 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 29 KIDS Geeks In The Creek Creekside Discovery Centre 10 to noon JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 30 KIDS Object Handling NMM 11, 2 MUSIC Trinity Recital St Alfege 1.05 Friday 31 MUSIC Live Jazz Oliver’s Saturday September 1 COMEDY Kevin Hart O2 PLAY The Just London Theatre 8 Sunday 2 COMEDY Kevin Hart O2 Monday 3 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 4 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 5 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 6 MUSIC Trinity Laban Recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Barry Manilow O2 Friday 7 CELEBRATION The Old House Show ORNC 10-5 MUSIC Barry Manilow O2 Saturday 8 SALE Books/Arts&Crafts Age Exchange 10-4 ONBLACKHEATH Squeeze, Divine Comedy, Billy Bragg, Norman J, Huey Morgan, James Taylor Blackheath WALK Architectural Tour with Will Palin ORNC 2.30 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Wycombe W. Valley 3 RUGBY Blackheath v Old Elthamians Well Hall 3 MUSIC Barry Manilow O2 Sunday 9 ONBLACKHEATH Paloma Faith, De La Soul, Corinne Bailey Rae, Lightning Seeds,

London Afrobeat Orch Blackheath TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Arctic Monkeys O2 Monday 10 TALK Anthea Streeter: Dame Zaha Hadid Arts Society Greenwich, King William Court, University of Greenwich 7.45 MUSIC Arctic Monkeys O2 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 11 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 12 MUSIC Arctic Monkeys O2 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 13 MUSIC Trinity Laban Recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Arctic Monkeys O2 Friday 14 FILM Black History Month screening GFMA event, Charlton House 7.30 Saturday 15 MUSIC Live Jazz Oliver’s Sunday 16 FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 11 FUNDRAISER MyCool Singers Greenwich Theatre 6 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 17 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 18 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 19 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 20 MUSIC Trinity Laban Recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC The Drifters Clubhouse Indig02 MUSIC 50 Cent O2 Friday 21 MUSIC Julie Felix GFMA International Day of Peace event. Mycenae House 7.30 TALK Dr Adam Masters: The Ice Giants Blackheath Scientific Soc, Mycenae House 7.45 Saturday 22 TOUR London Open House Weekend ORNC 10-5 RUGBY Blackheath v DMP Well Hall 3 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Plymouth. Valley 3 Sunday 23 TOUR London Open House Weekend ORNC 10-5 CELEBRATION St Alfege 300th anniversary of new church consecration. TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 COMEDY The League Of Gentlemen O2 Monday 24 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 25 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 26 MUSIC Kylie Minogue O2 PLAY The Beauty Queen Of Leenane Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 27 MUSIC Trinity Laban Recital St Alfege 1.05 TALK Malcolm Jones: The Honourable and Dishonourable Art of Acting The Arts Society Blackheath, St Mary’s Hall, Cresswell Pk 2 MUSIC Kylie Minogue O2 PLAY An Enemy Of The People Greenwich Theatre 7.30 PLAY The Beauty Queen Of Leenane Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 Friday 28 MUSIC Trinity Recital Age Exchange, noon MUSIC Kylie Minogue O2 PLAY An Enemy Of The People Greenwich Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Miranda Sykes Mycenae House 7.30 PLAY The Beauty Queen Of Leenane Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 Saturday 29 FAMILY Harvest Festival Woodlands Farm Trust, noon-5 PLAY An Enemy Of The People Greenwich Theatre 7.30 PLAY The Beauty Queen Of Leenane Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 Sunday 30 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Soft Cell O2 COMEDY Kenny Blaq Indig02 PERFORMANCE Ventoux Greenwich Theatre 8

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Sancho show


From Page 7

culture than they ever would with British or English culture yet we’re part of the story. So I wanted us to know exactly how far back the history goes and also to meet a member of those forerunners – an ancestor. “That’s exactly what is – it’s an ^ƚƌŝŶŐ <ŝŶŐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ ƌĞůŝĂďůĞ ŐƵŝƚĂƌ ƐĞƚͲƵƉ ĂŶĚ audience with, that’s what the play has @ElthamArts been about.” ƌĞƉĂŝƌ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ZŽLJĂů ŽƌŽƵŐŚ ŽĨ 'ƌĞĞŶǁŝĐŚ͘ are live music events in Well Hall I saw Paterson’s one-man play Pleasaunce at the Tudor Barn throughout Sancho just a cross the Thames at the the month. fantastically rustic theatre bar Wilton’s ^ƚƌŝŶŐ <ŝŶŐ ŝƐ ƉĂƐƐŝŽŶĂƚĞ ĂďŽƵƚ ŐƵŝƚĂƌƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ur newest Eltham pub The Rusty Music Hall in Wapping. Bucket, in Court Yard, now has ŽĨĨĞƌ LJŽƵ ƚƌƵƚŚĨƵů ĂĚǀŝĐĞ ĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ He had already performed it music on a Sunday with a wide internationally since 2015, including range of live music which adds to our ƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌ ŐƵŝƚĂƌ ƉƌŽďůĞŵ͕ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ƋƵŝĐŬ shows in New York. Look out for its already lively pub music scene in Eltham. ƚƵƌŶĂƌŽƵŶĚ Ăƚ Ă ĐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝǀĞ ƉƌŝĐĞ͘ return – it’s certainly one to catch. Check them all out! Paterson has deliberately chosen to he highlight of our month will be our Songs Across a Wall festival on bring his character to life in a ƐƚŝŵĂƚĞƐ ĂƌĞ ĨƌĞĞ͘ Saturday July 21 (10am to 5pm) in charmingly entertaining fashion Passey Place, Eltham High Street. As part bringing history to life. Ăůů Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů ƵƐ ƚŽ Ŭ Ă ǀŝƐŝƚ͘ of our Eltham Arts He arrives on stage as himself and WALL project local explains the connection. As he mentions ϬϳϳϮϮ Ϭϱϯϭϲϱ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƚƌŝŶŐŬŝŶŐǁŽƌŬƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ singer songwriters Gainsborough’s portrait he seamlessly were challenged to becomes the artist’s subject and the write songs about story begins. Kƌ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ Ăƚ WALLS in our lives. His lovingly-crafted imagining of We had a fantastic 200year-old year-old farmhouse in inAndalucía, Andalucía, Spain Spain ǁǁǁ͘ƐƚƌŝŶŐŬŝŶŐǁŽƌŬƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Charles as this rumbunctious, 200 farmhouse response with flamboyant, witty character is asfarmhouse 200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Perfect for family and group holidays 200 year-old in Andalucía, Spain diverse subjects and Perfect for family and group holidaysSpain informative as he is entertaining. and group holidays 200Perfect year-old farmhouse ingroup Andalucía, Spain interpretations. They Perfect for family for family and holidays Of St Lucian descent, he adds will be performing Perfect for hilarious Jamaican impressions of family and group holidays these live and it Charles’s wife that must come from promises to be a great day showcasing personal experience. local talent and a real community event. ALMOND HILL HOUSE Sancho became a prominent voice in Do come along and hear them. 200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain 200 year-old farmhouse Andalucía, Spain ick up a July is …Eltham200 Musicyear-old Month the abolishment of slavery here and was 200 year-oldin farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain Perfect for family and group holidays leaflet (inset) in Eltham library and also the first person of African heritage Perfect forgroup family and group holidays Perfect for family and holidays various other places for more details. for family Perfect and group holidays to receive an obituary in the British Setin intwo twoacres acresof ofolive oliveand andalmond almondgroves groves Set Or go on our Eltham Arts website. Have press when he died in 1780. stunning mountain views large pool––yoga yoga hut Set two acres of olive and pool almond groves Set in two acres of olive andin almond groves stunning mountain views ––large hut fun in the sun this July! I ask Paterson what he hopes people Set in two acres of olive and almond groves stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut ExploreMoorish Moorishvillages, villages,the theSierra SierraNevada, Nevada, hut will take away from the show. Explore This column is your chance to share stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada “This is our story – it’s not just black Explore villages, themagical Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Nevada, beaches ofSierra theMoorish Costa Tropical and Granada your passion for the arts in Eltham. Tell history, it’s British history and there’s Explore Moorish the Sierra beaches ofmagical theNevada, Costa magical Granada SetTropical in two acresand of olive and almond groves beaches of the Costavillages, Tropical and Granada me your news and views on 07976 mountain views – large pool – yoga hut no reason why we shouldn’t tellofthose beaches the Costa Tropical and magical stunning Granada 355398 or email Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, story as well as stories about white Set two acresbeaches of olive and almond groves of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada British people.” Set in two acres of olive and almond groves

Acoustic ˑ Electric ˑ Bass



uly is Eltham Music Month! Once again, our Eltham Arts community network has a great programme of music events to share in this month of music. There is some great Jazz again – Eltham Palace has an expanded programme of Sunday Afternoon Jazz in the gardens and our Eltham Jazz Club – which meets fortnightly at Eltham Warren Golf Club – has two Thursday evenings of Jazz in July offering an opportunity to see some fabulous musicians. Enjoy Folk music? Our Eltham Folk Club meets weekly on a Wednesday at Blackheath Rugby Club in Well Hall, Eltham. During July why not join them? t’s community festival time again in Eltham. Queenscroft Park has an active and committed Friends group and they have an event from 12 to 5pm on Saturday July 14 with live music as well as family activities. They are working hard to improve the park environment, so if you live nearby do volunteer to help them. Our local police have worked again with the community to organise the Eltham Park Festival on Sunday July 29. This was a very popular event last year with lots of free activities and live music again from the Make a Noise Choir and local performers. ltham Park South has two Sunday afternoon open air concerts and we even have a Band for Babies concert – yes babies we start them young in Eltham! Eltham Choral have their classical summer concert on Saturday July 7. There



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stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut

Set in two acres of olive and almond groves stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut

Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada

Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada






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July 2018 Page 19

superhero day in the park

IS IT a bird? Is it a plane? No…it’s the first Superheroes Day in Greenwich Park! Children – including Spiderboy Ellison Twigg, 3, dressed up as their favourite characters for the event organised by Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhood team and the Royal Police with visits by police, Send us a photo. Email: Parks firefighters, medics and army personnel.


There were even trips in a vintage 1983 Police Rover car. Sgt Diane Hill said: “Katy the spaniel – one of our drugs, money, firearms detection dogs – wowed the children, as did the two mounted branch officers who came along.” Send us your images of a memorable day in Greenwich, Blackheath or Eltham. Email your pictures to

WANT to live on one of Greenwich’s finest streets? £3.1million will buy you this elegant Georgian

and catch his leg-end-ary quiz at the Morden Arms in Circus Street, Greenwich, every Weds evening (except the first one each month).

townhouse in Gloucester Circus. Call Hamptons on 020 3641 1397. And invite us to the house-warming.

Mystery object

THINK of a team name and test yourself against our legendary quizmaster Deke. Still not authentic enough? Get off the sofa


Like it? Live it!

1 What is the longest river in the UK? 2 Which synthetic material was named by combining the French words for velvet and hook? 3 Who voiced for Bob The Builder’s No1 hit Can We Fix It? 4 Which Oscar winning actress is an anagram of Bringing Dream? 5 Who was the first person pictured on a British postage stamp? 6 In 1980, who became the first British solo female artist to have a UK number one album? 7 Who was Britain’s first million pound footballer? 8 In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what was the name of the little people who worked for Willy Wonka? 9What is the only bird that can swim but not fly? 10 Which four American Presidents have their heads sculpted on Mount Rushmore?

Answers: 1 Severn. 2 Velcro. 3 Neil Morrissey. 4 Ingrid Bergman. 5 Queen Victoria. 6 Kate Bush. 7 Trevor Francis. 8 Oompa Loompas. 9 Penguin. 10 George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson & Theodore Roosevelt.

The Pub Quiz


GreenwichVisitor WANT TO ADVERTISE? OR TELL US YOUR STORY? Call Matt on 078O2 743324 Matt@TheGreenwich

KNOW this landmark? One clue: It’s a place of learning. Email MattTheGreenwich with your answer. Last month’s




object: The Blackheath Standard village signpost, spotted by Chris Scotchmer, Roy Driver and Beryl Horsham. Well done!


IF you’ve read The Greenwich Visitor carefully this Wordsearch should be fairly easy: PACIFIC; OYSTER; BERYL PLATTS; PARKSFEST; POLDARK; ON BLACKHEATH; WILDFLOWERS;



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GreenwichVisitor THE

July 2018 Page 20

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