Greenwich Visitor December 2018

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GreenwichVisitor for residents & VISITORS since 2010



greenwich, Blackheath, eltham, charlton,Woolwich, LEE GREEN.

So solid Crusoe

DECEMBER 2018 No 98

Have YOU tried musical Christmas pillar box? see page 4

I’ve done jingle after jingle all the day...




see page 2

FREE GIANT MAP DEC MERRY JAN CHRISTMAS! FEB Maybe we’ll have a silent night?

CENTRE pages



Victory for cruise port campaigners...and common sense

abandon ships! Owners scrap plan for ‘toxic’ liner terminal

Spice Card The

from the Greenwich Curry Club

THEY’VE done it! People power has forced the owners of a proposed “toxic” cruise liner port in Greenwich to abandon their plans.

The decision came after a long campaign by residents who said because there was no onshore electricity ships mooring would run their engines for power and pump out deadly diesel fumes. Morgan Stanley – the Canary Wharf-based US bank which was developing the port with Barratt London until the builder pulled out – insists work at the site will

carry on with more apartment blocks and, campaigners hope, a riverside park by the Thames. But it confirmed: “We are discussing revised plans and proposals…that would no longer include a cruise terminal.” Laura Eyres, of the East Greenwich Residents Association which led the campaign, said: “We are all absolutely dancing for joy. This is fantastic news after three years’ tireless campaigning and is the right result. Local people and families Turn to Page 4


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letter to The Times – a very traditional way to make a point about a very traditional issue. Should the Old Royal Naval College be renamed the Greenwich Palace and Royal Hospital? The Foundation that manages and maintains the site is said to want a regal title to attract more visitors. The chairs of the Greenwich, Blackheath and Westcombe Societies – though full of praise for the charity – wrote to The Thunderer to complain. Although the palace of Placentia was here, they write, “No remains…are extant today, its foundations buried under the Wren buildings which for 300 years until 1997 served as a Hospital for Seamen and then as the Royal Naval College. A new title which ignores the naval and maritime history of the buildings where Nelson lay in state and where thousands of sailors spent their last days is both misleading and

NELSON’S COLUMN The Greenwich Visitor’s admirable social diary, brought to you by the spirit of Horatio Nelson


inaccurate.” Spot on. The Royal Navy’s proud history here is a big draw and a vital part of our Maritime Greenwich sell. Nelson was a sailor, not a King. Better to celebrate that than risk gaining a reputation for hooking people in by overselling something that they can’t really see.

otels here trade on our World Heritage Site status. But do they really care about it? Travelodge on Blackheath Road in Greenwich has

had grafitti outside for “several months” yet fails to respond to complaints, reader Mike Curry tells us. “It makes our neighbourhood look unloved.” Come on Travelodge. Clean it up. ord reaches us that a new shopping outlet at the O2 is not exactly busy during the day. Another failure to drive customers to the dome outside


Users’ GVide

here’s what YOU ask US Why is Greenwich called Royal Greenwich? We have 1,000 years of Royal links – Henry VIII (below) and Elizabeth I were born here and christened at St Alfege Church. Their palace, Placentia, was here. In fact Elizabeth played under the oak that bears her name in Greenwich Park, one of London’s eight Royal Parks. Queen Elizabeth II granted us Royal Status in February 2012 to mark those links. I read that Greenwich is a World Heritage Site? Yes, it won World A new smaller Pavilion Market Heritage Site status in 1997 – one caters for street food fans while of only 29 in the UK which means the main one concentrates on arts, our treasures are so good, they’re crafts, designer-makers and protected by the United Nations. collectibles. Greenwich Greenwich Market is Market is open seven famous isn’t it? Yes, days a week from it’s one of the oldest 10am to 5.30pm r o it is in London. There’s reenwich including Bank been a market here Holidays. And since the 1300s – opens later on WANT TO ADVERTISE? and in 2016 the We d n e s d a y s HAVE A STORY? t h r o u g h D u k e o f Yo r k Call Matt on 07802 743324 December so officially unveiled can sock a major renovation. Matt@TheGreenwich uyou p f o r Christmas. Is the Foot Tunnel working yet? There was a badly handled £11.4m refurb in 2012, but problems persist in the 116-year-old tunnel...including relations between pedestrians and cyclists. A friends group Fogwoft has pushed the Council for improvements. Lifts were said to be working better and online lift alerts and a new interactive



movement management system were being trialled. But a lift failed recently with users trapped inside. The lifts remain a big issue here and we’re always keen to hear your experiences of it – good or bad. Please email details to Is anyone using the cable car (left) yet? Cheek! The Emirates Air Line isn’t much use for getting about – although we’re assured some people use it to commute to work – and often shuts in high winds, but it is a futuristic attraction we love. It’s a great way to get to The Crystal at Royal Victoria Dock, where technology giant Siemens’ has built a showcase about life in future cities. Fascinating stuff! We’re visiting. What should we do today? You’ve picked up a Greenwich Visitor – good start. Next visit the Tourist Information Centre. Its award-winning staff are in the Discover Greenwich centre inside the Old Royal Naval College. Get advice, buy tickets for boats, tube, DLR, rail, buses and coaches, book tours and buy tickets for London attractions...if you really must leave Greenwich. Are museums free? Yes – except the Fan Museum, which has no public funding but has a worldleading collection of fans. And the Wernher Collection of art at Ranger’s House, run by English Heritage. There are some paid for shows at the National Maritime Museum. You pay to stand on the Meridian Line inside the Royal Observatory too. And it’s 20p to use the loos in Greenwich Park!

busy concert hours would do little to appease restaurant owners whose takings may not reflect the rent. So... did you even know the outlet was there? When will the O2 engage and play its part in of the life of Greenwich, rather than remain aloof and apart? ongratulations to Andrew Pollard and the team behind another fabulous Greenwich Theatre panto. Robinson Crusoe is the great dame’s 14th performance here and the standard never dips. ampaigners against a toxic cruise liner terminal here deserve high praise too too. They insisted for around four years that the port at Enderby Wharf must have on-shore electricty rather than allowing ships to burn diesel for power. Site owner Morgan Stanley has finally seen sense and scrapped the project. Fair play to them. But now residents must work to shape what happens next and create green space amid dense development. Good luck!


This is the place where groups and people tell us what they do, why, And how you can help. This month:

Advocacy in Greenwich Safe Places scheme

PEOPLE with learning disabilities say they can feel scared, intimidated and unsafe when out in Greenwich and don’t know where to get help if they need it. A Safe Place is a shop, café or community building which displays a window sticker so people with a learning disability know they can get support or shelter. The Safe Places scheme has been set up by Advocacy in Greenwich with funding from The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime with support from Greenwich Council and the Metropolitan Police. The latest Safe Place here is Charlton House – a historic 1612 building with library, tea rooms and function spaces – run by Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust. If you have a learning disability and would like to use Safe Places please visit the website and email or call 020 8293 3720. You will get a pack containing a registration form, leaflet and Safe Place card. Once you have signed up it means that if you are out and about and you feel scared, lost or unsafe you can look for a Safe Place sticker, go inside and show your card to a member of staff.


Safe Places in the borough include: Greenwich: The Forum@ Greenwich, Tesco Express, Greenwich Mencap Office, East Greenwich Fire Station, West Greenwich Library, The Greenwich Centre and Library, Greenwich Theatre. Charlton: Boyle House (Day Opportunites), Charlton House, Charlton Library. Woolwich: The Woolwich Centre, Woolwich Library, The Riverwood Project, Clockhouse Community Centre, Woolwich Common Community Centre, The Tramshed. Thamesmead: Thamesmere Library. Abbey Wood: Abbey Wood Arts Project (Day Opportunties), Abbey Wood Library, Abbey Wood Community Centre. Plumstead: Trinity Centre, Slade Centre Library and Children’s Centre. Shooters Hill: Shrewsbury House. Blackheath: Mycenae House Community Centre Kidbrooke: OneSpace Cafe. Eltham: Eltham Centre, Eltham Library, Sherard Road Centre (Day Opportunties), Coldharbour Library, Middle Park Community Centre. New Eltham: New Eltham Library.


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PETER KENT He lives on the river and writes about the river. His blog is free for all to see take a dip

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December 2018 Page 3


BRAVE: Arabella Rodrigo as Monotopha PIRATE KING: Matt Jolly as Robinson and Anthony Spargo as Gingerbeard

ISLE LOVE YOU: Matt Jolly as Robinson with Michaela Bennison as Polly

FISHY TALE: Andrew Pollard as Dolly

Pictures: Robert DAY

WHAT possible connection is there between Brexit, Donald Trump, dentistry, TV academic Mary Beard and Christmas?

CRU! what a scorcher

The answer – of course – is Andrew Pollard’s annual panto extravaganza at Greenwich Theatre. This year he has gone back into the archives and given us his version of Robinson Crusoe, a panto favourite in Victorian times, and it is without doubt as good as anything he’s done before. Pollard not only writes and directs but also stars in this fabulous show as the hero’s mum Dolly, a shellfish seller at Deptford docks. During the course Greenwich Theatre, best possible of two hours of gagCrooms Hill proof of how a-minute fun, he and well they the rest of the cast achieved that. lampoon everything Until A n t h o n y and everyone in the January 13 Spargo, who has n ew s to d a y – w hi l e become Greenwich’s never losing sight of the traditional panto villain, fact that this is at heart a was magnificent as pirate king Christmas treat for the whole Gingerbeard, a cross between family. The laughter and cheers of the Captain Jack Sparrow and Harold 3 0 0 - p l u s c h i l d r e n a t t h e Steptoe that had kids and adults performance I saw, at 10 o’clock on booing and hissing every time he a wet November morning, were the walked on stage. And the rest of the


Fabulous gag-a-minute Pollard classic cast were just as good. Matt Jolly as our hero Robinson and Michaela Bennison as his true love Polly were suitably dashing and somehow managed to keep a straight face as they swashed their buckles through the increasingly madcap action. Tom Guest and Lizzy Dive were irrepressible as Captain Wally Windblower – cue any number of gags! – and ship’s figurehead Saucy Nancy. And Arabella Rodrigo hit all the right notes with her amazing singing as sky-goddess Nimbus and

as Native American Manotopha. She also had a wonderful little cameo as Gingerbeard’s mother Mary Beard who prattled on endlesslessly about history. Full marks too to the ensemble of Sarah Dare, Ejiro Richmond, Mia Yuill and James-Paul McAllister, who never missed a beat in the song-and-dance routines. Speaking of which, the live music was as much a star of the show as the script and cast. Musical director and pianist Steve

Markwick, guitarist Gordon Parrish and drummer Chris Wyles were pitch-perfect as they played a score that included original songs and thunderous covers ranging from the Rolling Stones’ Sympathy For The Devil to the Dolly Parton–Kenny Rogers’ classic Islands In The Stream. And the set and costumes by Cleo Pettitt beautifully captured the seasonal silliness of the show. But in the end it’s the jokes that had the packed house calling for more. I won’t spoil it for you but the dentist sketch is one of the funniest things I’ve ever witnessed on a stage. There were any number of terrific gags about contemporary issues such as Brexit, a side-splitting sequence featuring the President of the United States, a neat nod to c o m e d y l e g e n d M a x Wa l l ’s association with Greenwich Theatre and – naturally – an almost nonstop onslaught of puns. I don’t know how this panto could possible be any better. I do know, however, that you’d be crazy not to see it before it closes on January 13.



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Miles Hedley’s pick of this month’s best events. Our unique 3-month listings begin on Page 14

ROBINSON CRUSOE After a year off, Andrew Pollard returns to Greenwich Theatre’s stage with this peerless panto based on Daniel Defoe’s castaway classic and awash with raucous fun, plenty of songs and dances, loopy plotlines and more brilliant jokes than ever. The best possible Christmas curtain-raiser. Till Jan 13

PINOCCHIO Carlo Collodi’s timeless classic about a wooden marionette and his doting maker Geppetto is brought thrillingly to life at the Albany in a family show that combines puppetry and circus with magical music and a spellbinding set. A surefire seasonal hit for kids (and adults) of all ages. Dec 2-29



Speaking of classics, this world-famous fairytale featuring a handsome prince, a wicked queen, a poisoned apple, seven dwarves and a girl’s search for love is the unmissable treat offered by Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre at the Tramshed. Dec 8, 9, 15, 16, 22 & 23

RANGANATHAN & WIDDICOMBE Red-hot stand-ups Romesh and Josh both have major UK tours next year and this informal gig in the recital room at Blackheath Halls will be an opportunity for each of them to try out new material. Their turns may only be works in progress but they’re still guaranteed to be a hoot. Dec 13

DING DONG MERRILY Black comedy at the London Theatre in New Cross about four friends who meet for dinner on Christmas Eve and find they have opened several cans of particularly unpleasant worms as well as a selection of festive bottles. It’s exactly the sort of theatrical fare this intimate venue excels in. Dec 14&15

Enderby Wharf jingle cards... cruiser victory From Page 1

living on both sides of the river in Greenwich and Tower Hamlets will be heaving a sigh of relief.” Greenwich and Woolwich MP Matthew Pennycook said of the news: “As someone who has been fighting since day one for a clean, green Enderby Wharf cruise liner terminal or none at all, I’m absolutely delighted by the announcement that the scheme has been abandoned.” He praised Greenwich Council leader Dan Thorpe for a U-turn on his earlier support for the scheme, adding: “Few will ever know just how much work went into securing this outcome. “Credit in particular to Dan Thorpe for reversing the Council’s policy on the issue and to all the residents who put so much time and effort into campaigning against the scheme over many years.” In a letter, Morgan Stanley told Greenwich Council: “Creating a cruise terminal at Enderby was strongly supported by the previous leadership of the council and the former Mayor of London, as well as being a planning condition without which the original scheme would not have been granted approval. The Council’s position…has clearly changed, as has the Mayor’s office, following concerns raised by the local community. “As the indirect owner of the site, we have taken this change into account and listened to the comments expressed by both the council and the wider community.” Campaigner Laura added: “This is very welcome news for the many who campaigned for years for the terminal plans to be scrapped or altered to include a much cleaner onshore power supply to avoid ships running generators while moored. “It’s a golden opportunity for the next two sections of the East Greenwich riverside – Enderby Wharf and Morden Wharf – to be considered together in terms of how they are developed. “We thank everyone that signed our petition,

WISH it could be Christmas posting day every day? You will, once you use this musical post box in Cutty Sark Gardens in Greenwich. It plays festive tunes when you post a card – as this family discovered. It’s one of four in the UK installed by Royal Mail. The others are in Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff. And if you’re looking for something to post, this wonderful image (below) by Don Albrecht is on the Friends of Westcombe Woodlands’ Christmas card this year. They cost four for £5 and help raise funds for the group which manages the hidden wood by Maze Hill Station in East Greenwich. Info:

A CHRISTMAS CAROL Thea Musgrave’s acclaimed opera based on Charles Dickens’ great novel gets a welcome revival at Laban theatre. Is there a finer festive fable than this redemptive story about miserly Ebenezer Scrooge? Part of Trinity’s dazzling Venus Blazing season spotlighting women composers. Dec 14&15 VICTORY: Campaigners at Enderby Wharf

OPUS ANGLICORUM This renowned vocal ensemble will sing a programme of medieval carols in a mustsee concert at St Alfege’s parish church. The evening will also include a series of Yuletide readings by actress Carole Boyd, adored by millions as the voice of Lynda Snell in Radio 4 soap The Archers. Dec 15

PANTO HORSE RACE Up to 30 teams will take part in the annual celebration of silliness that sees the field totter through the streets of Greenwich from Devonport House to Royal Hill. As well as raising laughs they’ll also be raising cash for youth cancer charity YOUCAN and their target, with your help, is £25,000. Dec 16

THE MESSIAH Handel’s masterpiece is a true Christmas

tradition and you can enjoy the oratorio in all its glory in the wonderful surroundings of the Old Royal Naval College chapel when it is performed by a Trinity Laban choir directed by Ralph Allwood and accompanied by organist Richard Gowers. Dec 16

GFMA PARTY Gold-plated local charity Global Fusion Music & Arts present what the organisers describe as a festive shenanigan at Mycenae House. Folk duo The Kimberleys top a bill that also features Greenwich Blues Band, Sonic Blue and Lucca. Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Dec 21

helped with crowdfunding donations, supported us on social media and shouted so loud that we could no longer be ignored. It shows what the community can achieve when it comes together and is supported by groups and parties on all sides, not to mention the local press who have played a massive part in helping us resuscitate this campaign when it had failed at the High Court and at the EU. “We thank Morgan Stanley for listening to us and taking the concerns of the community on board. “We applaud our local council for backing us and keeping the pressure up to secure the right outcome for its residents. We look forward to being part of the conversation as to what happens at Enderby Wharf now. “We still have work to do though. This campaign has highlighted the lack of emissions controls on the Thames and we will carry on with our campaign to tackle the cruise ships that are already coming to the Port of London Authority’s pier in West Greenwich every summer.” The controversial port plan was first announced in 2010 by Greenwich Council, which granted planning permission in 2012. A year later original developer West Properties told the Greenwich Visitor the first ships would moor in 2014. But air pollution fears sparked a campaign against the plans with EGRA getting support from the EU and securing a Judicial Review in the High Court. In March 2018 The Greenwich Visitor revealed new developer Barratt London had pulled out leaving Morgan Stanley on its own. The following month campaigners told through our pages how they were determined there would be a clean port or no port at all.


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Big light out for Timothy

SCHOOLBOY Timothy Pellegrino switched on Christmas in Greenwich after winning a contest for the honour. The Abbeywood School pupil, seven, pressed the button after a raucous countdown at Greenwich Market. He said: “I’m so happy I won – it really feels like Christmas now!” Crowds had watched the parade of 50 handmade lanterns from the Old Royal Naval College, led by Trinity Laban jazz band Tunnel Chops. Gillie Bexson, of Greenwich Hospital, the charity which operates the historic market, said: “These children may be our future designer makers.” Greenwich Market – packed with stalls, shops and world food – open seven days a week with late shopping till 8pm on Wednesday until December 19.

Advertisers appear onMUSEUM THE FAN T our GIAN Ps SUPERSee CentMAre Page

Millions of pets were put down as Britain faced the crisis of World War Two. A fascinating find in Greenwich by artist and Thames mudlark Nicola White has led to a campaign to build a memorial to them. She tells us why.

DOG TAG: Bonzo’s ID, which Nicola (right) found by Thames

AT low tide, the Thames reveals amazing secrets and untold stories. My favourite finds are always the ones with fascinating local links.

Like clay pipes made at Woolwich, Plumstead and Deptford. Or a luggage tag belonging to a World War One soldier who lived in Woolwich Road. As a Thames mudlark – with a Port of London Authority permit to search the foreshore – this summer at Greenwich I found a small metal tag, which at first I thought might be a shopping trolley token. In fact it was a corroded tag from a dog’s collar, engraved: Bonzo Tabner, 21 Pelton Road. Greenwich. A search of the electoral register confirmed that a Tabner family had indeed lived there from the early 1900s. Miraculously I even managed to trace Bonzo’s owner – now in her 90s. c o i n c i d e n t a l l y, She confirmed, through Bonzo’s War. It told & her grandsons, that Bonzo of the plight of over fundingww had been her dog but she 2million household 2petsmemorial had no idea how the tag pets put down during ended up in the Thames. World War Two on Bonzo had been evacuated Government advice. during the war and she recalled she With food in short supply was delighted to be reunited with and pets not allowed into bomb him Bonzo when war ended. shelters, people were told it would But others weren’t so lucky. be kinder to euthanise their pets. As I researched Bonzo’s tag a As a dog owner I could only shocking story emerged that I was imagine how dreadful this must have totally unaware of. I came across a been. When I shared this information book by Clare Campbell called, on my YouTube channel people

Lest we forget lost pets of war


SAD TIME: Wartime shortages

suggested raising money for a permanent memorial to them. There is a memorial in London to forces animals who died during conflict but not to the everyday pets – mostly cats and dogs. After talking to Clare, I set up an online appeal

and have now raised almost £2,600. Ideally I’d love to place a memorial plaque along the Thames Path, close to where I found Bonzo’s tag. If I hadn’t found this tiny tag belonging to a dog from Pelton Road called Bonzo, I would never have discovered the story of these pets. The 19th century MP John Burns said: “The Thames is Liquid History.” In fact I think it’s a giant liquid story book. Each time I go down to the river banks at low tide, more amazing stories are revealed.

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SINGER’S SOLO SHOW TO HELP TRUSSELL TRUST SQUEEZE star Glenn Tilbrook is asking fans to help foodbanks when he plays in Blackheath this month. Glenn – playing a home town show during his solo autumn UK tour – is promoting awareness of the Trussell Trust which supports a network of foodbanks around the country. There will be a drop-off point for food and cash donations and Glenn is giving the Trust all profits from merchandise at the gig, at Blackheath Halls on December 14. Glenn says: “It’s shameful that in the 21st century there are people that can’t afford to put food on the table. Anyone – from any walk of life –can fall on dire times, and I hope that by doing this tour it will remind people that there is a very real need. “Most of us can do something to help - giving some food or a little money – and I hope people coming to the shows are inspired to donate.” Greenwich Foodbank – supported by the Trussell Trust – needs tinned goods including fruit, peas, carrots, rice, custard and longlife fruit juice. Try to avoid beans and pasta. If you need the Foodbank’s help call 07771 830549. Info: SINGER WRONG-RIGHTER: Glenn supports food bank trust on his winter tour

Squeeze Glenn’s banking on YOU

E R E H W Blackheath Halls

Lee Road SE3 9RQ

N E H W De Friday c 14

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Walking in a


wonderland GO SEA: Cutty Sark last year

See new Advent display each night till Christmas ADVENT Windows returns for its twelfth instalment this Christmas – with a brilliantly decorated display revealed each night until December 24.

The theme is Field of Dreams and includes windows at the Cutty Sark, Greenwich railway station, schools, pubs, businesses and homes, writes MAUREEN STAPLETON. Media used includes models, sculpture, collages and multimedia installations, Pamphlets and maps are available so you can walk the streets in Greenwich town centre to see them. A stroll around to see all 24 will take around three hours. On the final day a life-sized nativity scene will be presented at St Alfege – the historic church in Greenwich town centre which organises the annual event. Windows stay on display until January 2. Pamphlets and maps are available at Greenwich Tourist Information Centre, St Alfege Church and West Greenwich Library. Info: or follow on Twitter or Instagram at @adventindows

COMMUNITY CAROL CONCERT GREENWICH and Bexley Community Hospice holds its annual Carol Concert on Friday December 7 (8.30) at the Old Royal Naval College. Tickets are £20 including a festive drink, mince pie and programme. Tickets and info: or call 020 8319 9230.

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Tourist Information/ Visitor Centre at Old Royal Naval College

7 7a

University of Greenwich Stephen Lawrence Gallery


Vintage Market


Trinity Laban


New Haddo Community Centre GREENWICH GALLERY


Creekside Discovery Centre ARCHERY FIT










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Greenwich Centre




King of Punjab King of Punjab King of Punjab King of Punjab – authentic of Punjab –King authentic –––authentic authentic authentic Indian King ofcuisine Punjab Indian cuisine Indian cuisine Indian cuisine Indian cuisine on Isle of Dogs – authentic on Isle of Dogs on Isle of Dogs on Isle ofDogs Dogs on Isle cuisine of Indian THE

December 2018 Page 10




Graham Dear


By Greenwich Park manager


ecember?! Well 2018 went quickly didn’t it? The month of December brings certain adjectives to mind: damp, cold, windy, damp, frosty, misty, grey, damp. But there’s Christmas to look forward to. What you think about Christmas depends on where you are in life and your personality. For kids and the young at heart Christmas is a time of fun and excitement – for those a little older or less optimistic bah humbug can set in. I’m trying hard to not succumb to the latter and throwing myself in to the festive season. An office outing to the pantomime at Greenwich Theatre has been arranged and I shall join my friend Reverend Moody for the excellent carol service at St Alfege Church. n Greenwich Park the festive season sees the return of Christmas tree sales near Blackheath Gate. One of my abiding memories of Greenwich Park will be seeing over-enthusiastic parents struggling along Bower Avenue with a huge Nordmann Christmas tree. I guess they get home eventually but probably not without unseasonal expletives. It happens every year, but many’s the time I have also picked a tree that’s too big for the car or too tall for the living room and had to trim it down. aving implied that December is not my favourite month I have to qualify that by saying that Boxing Day in Greenwich Park can be one of my favourite days of the year. For a start everyone is in a good mood. Children are out riding their new bikes and scooters. Families and friends meet up and

on Isle of Dogs

The King of Punjab has just celThe King hasafter just The King ofPunjab Punjab has just celebrated itsof anniversary acelhugely The King of Punjab has just celebrated anniversary after a hugely ebrated itsitsof anniversary after acelhugely successful first year in business. The King Punjab has just ebrated itsfirst anniversary after a hugely successful first year in business. successful year in business. The restaurant is run by Head Chef ebrated its anniversary after a hugely successful first year in business. Therestaurant restaurant is run bybyHead Chef The isChahal run Head Chef and owner Tony (above), The King of Punjab has just celsuccessful first year in business. Theowner restaurant run by(above), Head Chef and TonyisChahal and owner Tony Chahal (above), ebrated its anniversary a hugely a The man who is committed to bringrestaurant is runafter by Head Chef and owner Tony Chahal (above), a man whois is committed committed toto bringaing man who bringsuccessful first year in business. authentic Punjabi cuisine to a man who is committed to bringand owner Tony Chahal (above), ing authentic Punjabi cuisine to to thethe ing authentic Punjabi cuisine The restaurant is run by Head Chef ing authentic Punjabi cuisine thethe people ofofE14. a man who is committed to to bringpeople E14. people ofof E14. and owner Tony Chahalcuisine (above), people E14. “Many ofof the recipes we use have ing authentic to the “Many thePunjabi recipes we use have “Many of the recipes we use have a man who is committed to bring“Many of the recipes we use have been through generabeenhanded handed down through generapeople of E14.down been down through generaing handed authentic Punjabi cuisine to“Our the been down generations family, he says. tionsofhanded ofour ourthe family, ””through he says. “Our “Many of recipes we use have people of E14. tions of our family, ” he says. “Our tions ofkeep ourcoming family,” he says. “Our diners keep back that diners coming back forfor that realreal been handed down through genera“Many of the recipes we for use have diners keep coming back for that diners keep coming back that realreal taste of India. ” taste of India. ” tions ofof our family, he says. “Our been handed down ”through generataste India. ” taste of India. ” TheKing Kingof of Punjab back has a areal The Punjab hasformed formed diners keep coming for that tions of our family, ” hehas says. “Our The King of Punjab formed a a The King of Punjab has formed uniquepartnership partnership with Ferry unique withThe The Ferry taste of India. ” diners keep coming back for that real unique with Ferry unique with The Ferry House–partnership –partnership theoldest oldest pub onThe thethe Isle of of House the pub on Isle The of has formed tasteKing of India. ”Punjab House –the the oldest pub ononthe Isle ofa of House – oldest pub the Isle Dogs. The restaurant is situated upDogs. restaurant issituated situated TheThe King of Punjabwith has formed a upunique partnership The Ferry Dogs. The restaurant is upstairs,The although diners are welcome Dogs. restaurant is situated upstairs, although diners are welcome unique partnership with The Ferry stairs, although diners are welcome House – the oldest pub on the Isle to eatalthough their fooddiners in the pub ifwelcome they of stairs, are to eateattheir food inpub theispub pub ifIsle they House – the oldest on the of to their food in the if they Dogs. The restaurant situated upprefer. to eat their food in the pub if they prefer. Dogs. The restaurant is situated upprefer. stairs, although “What could bediners better?”are askswelcome Chahal, prefer. stairs, although areasks welcome could bediners better?” asks Chahal, “What could better?” Chahal, “Indian food combined with a pub to“What eat their food in the pub if they “What could be better?” asks to eat their food in the pub if they “Indian food combined with a Chahal, pub “Indian food combined with a pub that serves real ales, beers, spirits and prefer. “Indian food combined with a pub prefer. that serves real ales, beers, spirits andand that serves real ales, beers, spirits the best pint of Guinness in E14!” “What could be better?” asks Chahal, that serves real ales, beers, spirits “What could be better?” asks Chahal, the best pint of Guinness in E14!” the best pint of Guinness in E14!”and “Indian food combined with a pub the best pint Guinness inaE14!” “Indian foodof combined with pub that ales,beers, beers,spirits spirits thatserves servesreal real ales, andand thethebest pint of Guinness in E14!” best pint of Guinness in E14!”


H @ElthamArts

dogs are enjoying a bit of exercise. It feels as though the whole Park is smiling. The only other day of the year that compares is the London Marathon. or the horticultural-minded there are seasonal flowers to enjoy. The spring bedding in the Flower Garden is resplendent with Primula, Pansies, Bellis and Myosotis but that’s a bit of a cheat! I am thinking about the winter flowering trees and shrubs. One of the best is the bright yellow Winter Jasmine which grows against the wall near Chesterfield Gate. This is one shrub I would never be without in the garden. It flowers reliably from December to January and is an excellent cut flower for the Christmas table. Who cares if you have no scent if you look that good without it. If it is Winter scent you are after, you’d be hard-pressed to do better than plant some Sarcococca. This unassuming, low growing evergreen shrub produces unassuming white flowers all winter with the most exquisite sweet scent. Assistant Park Manager Michael has cleverly planted some beside the park gates on Maze Hill so that you are greeted with a whiff of scent as you enter and leave. ointing the way to Spring is the Winter Flowering Cherry Prunus subhirtilla (Autumnalis). This flowers from November to March with white single flowers that look great if you cut a branch and bring it indoors. There is a pink form – Rosea – but I prefer the white. You can find specimens near Chesterfield gate and half way down The Avenue. Happy Christmas.




e were thrilled when BBC Celebrity MasterChef winner, EastEnders actor and Eltham resident John Partridge came to Eltham Library to get the Festive Season in Eltham off to a great start! Our wonderful Make a Noise choir began the evening with show songs for the packed audience and were rewarded with cakes he’d baked and brought along. John told of his life in Manchester CAKE: as a child John in Eltham and his education, including his dance and acting training. ohn spent some time as a teenager at the Doreen Bird School and one of his teachers was in the audience – so there was a moving reunion. John was warm and emotional and shared how he felt about his mother’s dementia and death which brought many people to tears. He recounted some hilarious stories of his cooking experiences at home and insights in to the recording of MasterChef. e invited two younger members of the audience to judge his chocolate cake. They took their role seriously and the



interaction between John and the children was so entertaining it added to a great event. His cakes were enjoyed by an appreciative audience. John stayed on to talk to many of his fans on a a night to remember. He even promised to return when his cookbook is published! e couldn’t do community events without our fantastic library service at the Eltham Centre, which has become our community hub. GLL (Better) runs the services in Greenwich, and in Eltham we have a library team which responds positively to requests and ideas from our community for activities from crafts, exhibitions and talks to a unique event such as the visit by the MasterChef winner. It had started with a tweet from Eltham Arts congratulating John and suggesting a visit, but it was Miriam Storey, manager of Eltham Library, who made it happen. Many thanks! o Christmas is coming! Have a great time. There are carol concerts and pantos all over Eltham and SE9 so have fun. Have a very happy, creative Christmas.





Spice Card The

from the Greenwich Curry Club


192 Woolwich Road SE7 7RA Tel: 020 7018 0230






ENJOY DISCOUNTS AT... 3 Chinipan (Blackheath) 3 Chutney (Greenwich) 3 Coriander (Blackheath) 3 Curry Royal Tandoori (Greenwich) 3 Gurkha’s Inn (Greenwich) 3 Karri Twist (New Cross) 3 Kasturi (Charlton) 3 Kesar (Charlton) 3 King of Punjab (Isle of Dogs) 3 In’Delicious (Greenwich) 3 Mogul (Greenwich) 3 Mogul Home Dining (Greenwich) 3 Panas Gurkha (Lewisham) 3 Pathiri (Greenwich) 3 Royal Nepalese (Westcombe Park) + Baj’s Blazin’ Sauce (Greenwich) + Meet District (Peckham), + Cathy’s Hot Lips Sauce (Plumstead), + the Flower Hut (Greenwich)

Dishes you must try… you must • Dishes Lamb Chop Currytry… (above). •• Lamb Chop Curry (above). Chilli you Paneer. Dishes must try… • Chilli Paneer. must try… • KingChop ofyou Punjab Special Biriyani. • Dishes Lamb Curry (above). you must try… •• Dishes KingChop ofChicken Punjab Special Biriyani. Butter (middle pic). •• Lamb Curry (above). Chilli LambPaneer. Chop Curry (above). • Butter Chicken (middle pic). •• Chilli Dishes you must try… Biriyani. King ofPaneer. Punjab Special • Chilli Paneer. ••• Butter King ofChop Punjab Special Biriyani. Lamb Curry (above). (middle pic). • King Chicken of Punjab Special Biriyani. •• Butter Chicken (middle pic). • ButterPaneer. Chicken (middle pic). Chilli

• King of Punjab Special Biriyani. • Butter Chicken (middle pic).


SpiceCard Card Spice The

15 Nelson Road Greenwich London SE10 9JB 0208 858 9172

17 Royal Parade Blackheath London SE3 0TL 0208 318 5333


from the Greenwich Curry Club

from the Greenwich Curry Club





Facebook Twitter @BuenosAiresCaf

GreenwichVisitor THE


IT’S a hat-trick! The Gurkha’s Inn has been named the Favourite Restaurant of 2018 in the Greenwich Curry Club Awards for the third time.

IT’S gurkha’s win No3

It comes as no surprise to see this friendly restaurant – inaugural winner in 2011 and again in 2012 – return to top spot with their excellent offering of old-school favourites and delicious Nepalese specials. There was also a hat-trick for another well-established Greenwich business – the Mogul Home Dining Kitchen. They continue to set the standard in food quality, packaging and delivery and has been named Favourite Dedicated Takeaway Restaurant for the second year running and the third time in total. The award for Outstanding Service goes to Kesar – a Curry Club favourite despite only setting up a few months ago. Serving a superb Tandoori Platter, it looks certain to be in the running in the coming years. Trafalgar Road has a long history of South Indian restaurants but few really worked until Pathiri opened under the ownership of Mr Kutty. His approach of serving authentic INSPIRING: Keralan dishes at good prices – and a Md Afizur Rahman BYO policy – means Pathiri wins the Cross since 1957. And we’re award for Outstanding Value. delighted that the family of the The Favourite Newcomer is King of man who started this institution has Punjab on the Isle of Dogs. Owner Tony Chahal agreed the new award carries his name. has established an excellent restaurant in his The inspiring story of Md Afizur Rahman year in business following an innovative epitomises how the curry industry grew here. partnership with the Ferry House pub. It serves Originally from a village near Kolkata – then authentic, top-quality Punjabi food above the called Calcutta – he had sold salt to earn his popular E14 pub and works closely with them. passage to England in the 50s. He found a job in The Panas Gurkha in Lewisham picks up our a glass factory near New Cross and saved Special Award this year for Outstanding enough money for his dream – to open a Vegetarian and Vegan Food. It offers a superb restaurant, then called Curry Mahal. range and you can’t help but get caught up in the This was a time when the country was just enthusiasm of owner Mr Sujan. Meat eaters be discovering the joys of curry but 61 years later warned: you will be converted! the restaurant and shisha bar is still going strong. We are thrilled to launch a new award this The restaurant is now run on the same site by year – the Md Afizur Rahman Award for daughter Shrina, who ensures classics like Dum Outstanding Contribution to the Curry Community. Many restaurants and the people Phukt, Tawa Chicken and Rara Gosht keep on lives on. behind them work hard to ensure the industry coming and that a young man’s dream Daniel Ford we love continues to thrive – none more so than winner Karri Twist, which has served New @greenwichcurry

TOP TEAM: Husband and wife Gurkha Inn owners Devendra and Usha Giri

and the winners are FAVOURITE RESTAURANT

Gurkha’s Inn Greenwich


Mogul Home Dining Greenwich


Kesar Charlton



he Ivy in Blackheath offers festive cocktails till Sunday December 30. We like the sound of a Merry Martini with Monin pumpkin spice syrup, Absolut Vanilla Vodka and Baileys Irish Cream. And if we get a white Christmas, who’s for a Snowball Fight dessert – Christmas pudding ice cream, crisp gingerbread, pine cones and brandy sauce? eading for Greenwich Park? New caterers, Benugo, have moved in. Park Manager Graham Dear recommends the winter soup “as the perfect accompaniment to a stroll around the Park.” Will do. But it’s a bit of a blow that the kiosk near General Wolfe’s statue no longer serves up a bacon roll...though you can get “a new take on loaded fries.” Loaded fries? We’re there to walk off the calories, not add them! butcher is not just for Christmas. And thankfully we have some fine ones here including JJ Sparkes at Blackheath Standard and Drings in Greenwich. Although it’s their busiest time of the year they tell me there’s no deadline for ordering – just do it so as soon as poss! ulian Pryke’s The Fishmonger in Circus Street has closed after 15 years. Let’s hope another quality food provider will take over the quirky little space. ondering how long to cook your turkey? Make sure the oven is preheated and meat is room temperature and, whatever you do, don’t overcook it. Give it plenty of time to rest. Remember it still cooks while it rests. pen or Closed? Twitter is twitching with speculation on whether cult London coffee and cocktail spot Grind’s new Greenwich site is or isn’t. The answer is Yes. Perhaps the throngs are back of the cavernous former Bar du Musée and Jamie’s Italian site? Or does it just look so shabby chic that people aren’t going in? If you visit let us know your thoughts. ood Food in Greenwich launched a No Waste campaign this year. As part of this initiative Rhodes Bakery is donating surplus bread. They’ll be talking about this and Veg Cities – a new national campaign of Sustainable Food Cities – at a network meeting, on December 11 at artFix in Woolwich (10-12). hat does 2019 offer for foodies? Lucie Greene of JWT Innovation says we’ll be looking for cleaner takes on classics – think healthy curry. Veganism will continue to rise so bye-bye beef burger, hello fried avocado tacos. The global frozen food market is expected to rise 6 per cent. And if you’re trendy you’ll be ordering dishes inspired by nature including lichen, seaweed and a Filipino citrus called Calamansi. Obviously, not all in the same dish. Happy New Year!


come dine with GV


December 2018 Page 11

Pathiri Greenwich


King of Punjab Isle of Dogs






edited by

Panas Gurkha Lewisham

solange berchEmin

Md Afizur RahMaN Award for Outstanding contribution

Solange Berchemin, writer and blogger, is from Lyon, French capital of food, and has lived here since 1993. She blogs at www.pebble

Karri Twist New Cross


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See in the New Year with our celebratory three-course menu with wine and live jazz.

For more information or to book a table call 020 8293 9270 178 Greenwich High Road ¦ London ¦ SE10 8NN ¦ @rivingtongreenwich


December 2018 Page 12

miles hedley REVIEWS

What This Is, Is…

Pure genius Contemporary dance is like abstract art – both are pure forms of collaboration between creator and viewer. This thought struck me midway through a performance at Laban theatre by Julie Cunningham because her work has all the restless energy and spiritual depth of a Jackson Pollack action painting yet only fulfils its mission when an audience makes its input. What’s more, ten different audience members will likely have ten different interpretations of what the piece means. But that’s the joy of all modern art. What’s not open to interpretation is that Cunningham’s grand theme is the human condition and the two works on show at Laban – m/e and To Be Me – were profoundly personal takes on that. The first, performed solo on a bare stage, featured her in restless and repeating motion, as if contrasting the cyclical nature of life with the intellectual and emotional insights sparked by the creative process. Cunningham, looking androgynous with cropped hair and shapeless costume, also seemed to be making a point about breaking free from the narrow limitations of gender. And the sense of exploring contrasts was further underscored by soundtracking the piece with modern electronica counterpointed by a ravishing Shostakovich piano concerto and by pepper-

m/e & To Be Me

Six sides to every story

DANCE, sound, film and light joined forces in choreographer Marina Collard’s existential investigation entitled What This Is, Is… at Laban theatre. Centred on a flimsy white cube daubed to look like a breezeblock building, Tina Krasevec and Rahel Vonmoos moved around it and crept into it through a low gap as sound designer Paul Newland’s electronic throbs rippled the surface and inverted films of woodland and salt-marsh by Tom Paine and Tony Wadham glimmered on the oscillating canvas. This combination, enhanced still further by Michael Mannion’s stark lighting, raised troubling questions about our perception of reality and about whether what we think of as sanctuary is really imprisonment. The work had even greater intensity by the audience being part of the show, Collard calling us all up on the stage with her dancers, demolishing the fourth wall between audience and performers, reality and fantasy. It felt like a combination of Pink Floyd’s alienation epic The Wall and Antony Gormley’s great installation Blind Light – and it was as powerful as both. And it brought to a Read Miles Hedley’s glorious close a fabulous autumn season arts blog on of dance laid on by hedintheclouds. Trinity Laban.



078O2 743324

ing her choreography with allusions to her ballet training as well as to her time with contemporary dance legend Merce Cunningham (no relation). Finally, she innately offered one other contrast – the ability to preserve an almost supernatural stillness while in the very act of moving. The second part of the evening featured her with three other dancers - Hannah Burfield, Eleanor Perry and Seira Winning – who, dressed in startling mirror-image costumes of scarlet and black, plunged into the realms of gender divisions to the sound of performance poet Kate Tempest retelling the Greek myth of Tiresias whom the gods turned into a woman and later turned back into a man, albeit a blind one. Tempest’s poetic cycle is a magnificent exploration of gender. But by the end of the show I was left feeling that Cunningham would prefer that gender was simply an irrelevance. This was a stunning evening of thought-provoking art that challenged our most basic beliefs about what it is to be a human being. It’s a tribute to Trinity Laban and producer Kat Bridge that we were given the chance to see it.

early music festival round the corner at the church of St Michael and All Angels, a strange Victorian gothic confection that perfectly reflected the festival’s sense of oddness. The best of the performances I saw was by Wezi Elliott who brilliantly revealed the subtle delicacy of the mighty theorbo. Each lunchtime and evening All Saints parish church hosted lovely concerts by the likes of Junior Trinity, the dazzling Flanders Recorder Quartet and acclaimed chamber ensemble Da Camera. And each night there was a gala concert featuring major early music stars, including a programme of wonderful melancholic music by the Chelys viol consort at St Margaret’s and, as a grand finale for the festival, a barnstorming celebration of Handel at St Alfege’s by the marvellous Thomas Tallis Society Choir and the Orchestra of The Sixteen. If you’ve never been to this festival, do your ears – and your soul – a favour and buy yourself a ticket next autumn.

Tuesday 4

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC PuzzlePiece Opera ORNC chapel 1.05 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 7 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s

Wednesday 5

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 10 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 7 MUSIC Years & Years O2 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms PERFORMANCE Laika: Lost In Space London Theatre 8 MUSIC Frank Statesboro Prince Of Greenwich 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 6

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 10, 2 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban Saxophone St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 7 FILM/PLAY Antony & Cleopatra From NT Greenwich Picturehouse 7 BIKERS Winter Chill Greenwich Market 7.30 MUSIC Def Leppard O2 CABARET Cocoa Butter Club’s Winter Wonderland Albany 8 JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s

Friday 7

MUSIC Ada Witczyk, Milosz Sroczynski Violin & piano recital, Charlton House 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSICAL Cabaret Laban 2.30, 7.30 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 FUNDRAISER Carol Concert For Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice. ORNC chapel 7 MUSIC Bee Gees’ Tribute Indig02 MUSIC Trinity Laban Symphony Orchestra Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC KT Bush Band Mycenae House 7.30 CABARET Cocoa Butter Club’s Winter Wonderland Albany 8 MUSIC Rock’n’Roll Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek


Book Early for next year The annual International Early Music Festival returned to newly revamped Blackheath Halls this year with its usual array of the unusual. Shawms, curtals, crumhorns, rebecs and serpents lined up alongside tambors, theorbos, hurdy-gurdies, gitterns and psalteries to catch the public’s attention in the exhibition that attracts buyers, sellers and makers from around the world. And there were dozens of performances by expert players of instruments that now seem to us to be downright bizarre. Take the theorbo, for example. It’s a giant lute that, standing on its end, is the same height as an average British male. And speaking of lutes, why did some of them have half a dozen strings while others had more than 20? The most likely explanation I heard was that rich medieval folk who could afford such things liked showing off. During the three days of the festival, there were regular 40-minute recitals

Want thousands of residents & visitors to know about your event in the best local listings guide around? Email matt@TheGreenwich


Howe cool is hero Steve?

Saturday 8

Any talk of living guitar heroes almost inevitably zooms in on Messrs Clapton, Beck and Page. But there are others who are just as amazing such as legendary Yes maestro Steve Howe. And if anyone had forgotten how good he is, he set out his very considerable stall in a mesmerising acoustic gig at the Albany. Over 90 minutes, Howe revisited his remote past – he started playing in 1959 – took us through his prog pomp and brought us firmly up to date with compositions from the recent past. In short, he gave us a potted history of rock and roll. His programme included a brilliant version of Trambone – made famous by his own hero, pioneering guitar-picker Chet Atkins. His days with Yes were covered by memorable versions of – among others - Masquerade, The Ancient, Mood For A Day, Clap and, of course, Roundabout. And his latest works were represented by No Initial, a moving tribute to his musician son Virgil who died last year from a heart attack aged just 41. The song added extra poignancy to the fact the Albany gig was raising funds for an award in honour of young local musician Ed Renshaw who committed suicide after a long battle with depression. Howe rounded off his stunning set with Sketches In The Sun, from the 90s. The crowd may have been small for a man who once sold out stadiums around the world. But what we lacked in numbers we more than made up for in love for this extraordinary talent. Earlier, we were treated to 20-minute sets by Renshaw award-winners – Jay Johnson, Sacha Thomas and Jack Patchett. If they are typical of the new generation of guitarists, musiclovers have nothing to fear.

KIDS Art & Design Club NMM 10-1 FAMILY Astronomy & Islam Royal Obs 10 FAMILY A Stick Man’s Christmas Woodlands Farm Trust 10-12.30 FAMILY Winter Warmer Deptford Lounge 10.30-4 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 MUSIC James Ridson Recorder recital St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 KIDS Card-Making Charlton House 2 PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 MUSICAL Cabaret Laban 2.30, 7.30 RUGBY Blackheath v Chinnor Well Hall 3 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 PLAY Letter From A Ponygirl London Th 8 MUSIC Capital’s Jingle Bell Ball O2 DISCO Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet! Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC Frances McKevitt Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek JAZZ The Italian Job Trio Oliver’s



Sunday 9

KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 KIDS Find The Hidden Elves Severndroog Castle 10.30-3.30 CRAFTS Christmas Wreaths ORNC 11 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 MUSIC Alamoothie Prince Of Greenwich 2.30 MUSIC Capital’s Jingle Bell Ball O2 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7

Monday 10

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11, 2 CAROLS Trinity Laban Choir ORNC chapel 6 TALK Nigel Bates: In The Kingdom Of The Sweets Arts Society Greenwich event, King William Court, University of Greenwich 7.45 MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 11

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11, 2 MUSIC Mariah Carey O2

GreenwichVisitor THE


MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

Wednesday 12

MUSIC James Wolfe School St Alfege 6 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11, 2 MUSIC Millennium School St Alfege 4.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 7 MUSIC Josh Groban O2 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Tuesday 18

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital Musical Theatre students’ Xmas concert. St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 FAMILY Bach To Baby Mycenae House 4 MUSIC The Pretty Things & Guests Indig02 MUSIC The War On Drugs O2 COMEDY Romesh Ranganathan & Josh Widdicombe Blackheath Halls 8 JAZZ Robbie E Quintet Oliver’s

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSIC Nile Rodgers & Chic O2 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms MUSIC Brazil Combo Prince Of Greenwich 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 13

Friday 14

KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 MUSIC Royal Greenwich Brass Band Charlton House 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 LECTURE Dr Jonathan Nichols: NASA mission to Jupiter Royal Observatory 6.45 MUSIC Madness O2 MUSIC The Dualers Indig02 CAROLS National Sea Cadets Christmas Carols ORNC Chapel 7.30 OPERA Thea Musgrave’s A Christmas Carol Laban 7.30 MUSIC St Paul’s Sinfonia St Alfege 7.30 MUSIC Jazz Nights Mycenae House 8 PLAY Ding Dong Merrily London Theatre 8 MUSIC Glenn Tilbrook Blackheath Halls 8 MUSIC Gordon Mark Webber Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek JAZZ Steve Mulligan Quintet Oliver’s

Saturday 29

Wednesday 19

KIDS Art & Design Club NMM 10-1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 MUSIC Bernice & Colin Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek JAZZ Meskala Oliver’s

Thursday 20

BIRDWATCHING Guided Walk Blackheath Gate, Greenwich Park 8.30am KIDS Knitmas: A§ Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 10.30, 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 MUSIC Lost Chords Prince Of Greenwich 2.30 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11, 2 TEA DANCE Blackheath Halls 1.30 MUSIC James Wolfe School St Alfege 6 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Ellie Bignall Quartet Oliver’s

KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Royal Greenwich Brass Band St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 MUSIC Ultimate Christmas Party O2 MUSIC Christmas Carols Mycenae House 7 MUSIC The Overtones Indig02 MUSIC Sarah Jane Prince Of Greenwich 8 JAZZ Oleg Golovetsky Oliver’s

Friday 21

KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 FAMILY Baby Broadway Mycenae House 4 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 COMBAT Battle Of The Bodies Indig02 MUSIC Christmas Shenanigans GFMA event, Mycenae House 4 MUSIC Rock’n’Roll Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek JAZZ Alam Nathoo Quartet Oliver’s

Saturday 22

KIDS Art & Design Club NMM 10-1 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 KIDS Art & Design Club NMM 10-1 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich FAMILY Drop-In Wildlife Centre, Greenwich Theatre Studio 11 Park 1-4 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 FAMILY Singalong With Santa Severndroog PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 Castle 12.30-2.30 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Gillingham. Valley 3 BALLET Sleeping Beauty ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Blackheath Halls 1.30, 3.45 Royal Observatory, from 5.25 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 BOXING Whyte v Chisora II O2 PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 MUSIC Bernice & Colin Prince Of Greenwich 8 OPERA Thea Musgrave’s A Christmas Carol COMEDY Up The Creek Laban 2.30, 7.30 FOOTBALL Charlton v AFC Wimbledon. Valley 3 JAZZ Tom Harrison Oliver’s Sunday 23 FILM/OPERA La Traviata From NY Met. KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Picturehouse 5.55 Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 PLAY Ding Dong Merrily London Theatre 7 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 MUSIC Icarus Club Blackheath Halls 7.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 MUSIC Opus Anglicorum St Alfege 7.30 PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 MUSIC Jeff Wayne’s War Of The Worlds O2 MUSIC Kwaff Prince Of Greenwich 2.30 COMEDY Up The Creek FILM/BALLET The Nutcracker From Bolshoi. JAZZ Francesco Lo Castro Oliver’s Greenwich Picturehouse 3 Sunday 16 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 FAMILY Xmas Crafts Severndroog Castle 10-11 Monday 24 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 Greenwich Th Studio 10.30 KIDS Find The Hidden Elves Severndroog KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 Castle 10.30-3.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 FUNDRAISER Pantomime Horse Race For Youth Cancer Support. Devonport House start PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s 11. After-race party at Prince Of Greenwich Tuesday 25 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 HAPPY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 11-1 Wednesday 26 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn PANTO Snow White Tramshed 2, 5 Greenwich Th Studio 11 MUSIC Lost Chords Prince Of Greenwich 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Boxing Day Special Prince Of MUSIC Handel’s Messiah ORNC chapel 7 Greenwich 2.30 OPERA Christmas At Sea Cutty Sark 7.30 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 6.30 MUSIC Blackheath Christmas Concert WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms Blackheath Halls 7.30 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s MUSIC Paul McCartney O2 Thursday 27 Monday 17 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 10.30, 2.30 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 10.30, 1 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn FAMILY Storm Shakers Cutty Sark 11, 2 Greenwich Th Studio 11, 2 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Brandenburg Ensemble PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 Blackheath Halls 1.10 Friday 28

Saturday 15

KIDS Knitmas: A Winter Yarn Greenwich Th Studio 11 FAMILY Storm Shakers Cutty Sark 11, 2 KIDS Pinocchio Albany 11, 2 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 2.30, 6.30 MUSIC Diodato Trio Prince Of Greenwich 8 COMEDY Up The Creek

Sunday 30



A Choral Christmas Cracker Seasonal singing with the choirs of St George’s Westcombe Park Church and Blackheath Centre for Singing.

Thursday 20 December 7.00pm Free Entry

Monday 31

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 11, 3 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 2.30 FILM/CONCERT Berlin Philharmoniker Greenwich Picturehouse 4 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 COMEDY Welcome In New Year Up The Creek JAZZ Hogmanay Party Oliver’s CLUBBING Kisstory Indig02 9

Tues January 1

A Festive Gigaroonie

Hosted by Global Fusion, Mycenae House and Sonic Promotions. Featuring live music from The Kimberleys / Bruise, Greenwich Blues Band, Sonic Blue, Lucca & more.

Friday 21 December

FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Walsall. Valley 3 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

7.30pm £5 on the door

Wednesday 2

FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 7 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 3

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 7

Friday 4

FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 7 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 7.30

December 2018 Page 13



Saturday 5

FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2, 5.30 PANTO Aladdin New Eltham Community Productions, New Eltham Methodist Church, Footscray Road SE9 3UL. 3, 7.30. £8. 020 8851 9881 or FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Sunderland. Valley 3 RUGBY Blackheath v Plymouth Well Hall 3

Sunday 6

FAMILY Disney On Ice O2 10.30, 2.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Blues Night GFMA event, Earl of Chatham, Woolwich 7.30

Monday 7

MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 8

MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

Wednesday 9

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 7 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 10

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 7 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05

Friday 11

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 PANTO Aladdin New Eltham Community

Continued on Page 14

Thursday 7 February 7.30pm Tickets £18

020 8858 1749

Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, Blackheath, SE3 7SE

GreenwichVisitor THE

December 2018 Page 14


Albany, Deptford Lounge: Douglas Way SE8 4AG. 020 8692 4446 Bakehouse Theatre: Age Exchange, Blackheath Village SE3 9LA. 020 8318 9105 Blackheath Conservatoire: 19-21 Lee Rd SE3 9RQ. 020 8852 0234 Blackheath Halls: 23 Lee Road SE3 9RQ. 020 8463 0100. Bob Hope Theatre: Wythfield Rd SE9 5TG. 020 8850 3702. The Centre: New Eltham Methodist Ch, Footscray Rd. Charlton House: Charlton Rd SE7 8RP. 020 8856 3951 Clarendon Hotel: Montpelier Row SE3 0RW. 020 8318 4321. Creekside Discovery Centre: Creekside SE8 0208 692 9922 The Duke: 125 Creek Rd SE8 3BU. 020 8469 8260 The Eltham Centre: 2 Archery Road SE9 1HA. 020 8921 4344 Eltham Palace: Court Yard SE9 5QE. 020 8294 2548. The Forum: Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 0208 853 5212. Greenwich Communications Centre: 164 Trafalgar Rd SE10 9TZ. 020 8269 2103 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich SE18 4DX Greenwich Theatre: Crooms Hill SE10 8ES. 020 8858 7755. Greenwich West Community Centre: 141 Greenwich High Rd SE10 8JA Guard House: No1 Street, Woolwich Arsenal SE18 6GH Laban Theatre: Creekside SE8 3DZ. 020 8463 0100 London Theatre: 443 New Cross Rd SE14 6TA. 020 8694 1888. Mycenae House: 90 Mycenae Rd SE3 7SE 020 8858 1749 National Maritime Museum: Romney Rd, SE10 9BJ 020 8858 0045 02, Indig02, Building 6, Brooklyn Bowl: 0844 8560202 Old Royal Naval Coll, Discover: SE10 9LW. 020 8269 4799 Oliver’s: 9 Nevada St SE10 9JL. 020 8858 3693 Pelton Arms: 23-5 Pelton Street SE10 9PQ 020 8858 0572. Prince Of Greenwich: 72 Royal Hill SE10 8RT 020 8692 6089 St Alfege: Greenwich Church St. 020 8853 0687. Severndroog Castle: Off Shooters Hill SE18 3RT. The Star And Garter: 60 Old Woolwich Rd SE10 9NY. 020 8305 1144 Tramshed Theatre: 51-53 Woolwich New Rd SE18 6ES. 020 8854 1316 Trinity Laban: King Charles Court SE10 9JF. 020 8463 0100. Up The Creek (UTC): 302 Creek Rd SE10 9SW. 020 8858 4581. Woodlands Farm: 331 Shooters Hill Rd 8319 8900

Long-term events

MARKETS Greenwich Market: 10-5.30. Sat, Sun, Mon: Arts & crafts, food, fresh produce. Tues, Wed: Food, fresh produce, homewares. Thurs: food, antiques & collectables, crafts. Fri: Food, arts & crafts, antiques & collectibles Greenwich Vintage Market: 8am-6pm Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun. Moonlight market 8am-10pm last Friday of the month Clocktower Market: 166 Greenwich High Rd. Sat, Sun 10-4. 50 quirky stalls specialising in vintage, retro and antiques. 07940 914204 Blackheath Farmers’ Market: Blackheath Station, 10-2 every Sun. EXHIBITIONS/CRAFTS/COMMUNITY Fan Museum: The Romantic Age: European Fans 1810-1840. Till Dec 30. Closed Mon. 12 Crooms Hill, Greenwich. 020 8305 1441 Old Royal Naval College: The Visitor Centre, daily. Blackheath Halls: Age Exchange: Carers’ group Mon, knitters Thurs, preschool rhyme-time Fri. Old Bakehouse, Bennett Pk SE3 9LA. National Maritime Museum: Insight Astronomy Photographer Of The Year, daily 10am-5pm. Till 5 May 2019. Royal Observatory: Hubble Vision, till 12 May 2019. Queen’s House: Mat Collishaw: The Mask Of Youth Pt 2. Daily. Blackheath Bowling Club: Practice every Thurs 2.30 nr Ranger’s House The Forum: Disabled drop-ins, mums’ groups, kids’ classes, advice. Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 020 8853 5212 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square SE18 4DX. 020 8854 2452 Greenwich Gallery: Linear House, Peyton Place SE10 8RS Civil Service Retirement Fellowship: St Alfege Hall 3rd Tues each month 11am GWest Gallery: Greenwich West Centre 141 Greenwich High Rd SE10 9JA WALKS Greenwich Guided Walks: Local experts. Walks daily at 12.15 and 2.15 from the Greenwich Tourist Information Centre. £8, £7 cons. Greenwich Tour Guides Association 07575772298 Rich Sylvester: Guide, historian, storyteller. 07833 538143. Dotmaker: Alternative guided walks. FAMILY ACTIVITIES National Maritime Museum: Explore Saturdays. Free. Performance and storytelling for over-5s from noon. Discover Sundays. Free. Activities for families from 11.30am. Play Tuesdays. Free. For under-5s from 10.30

January Productions, New Eltham Methodist Church SE9 3UL. 7.30. £8

Monday 28

PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2, 5.30 PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 2, 7 Sat Jan 12 PANTO Aladdin New Eltham Community Productions, New Eltham Methodist Church SE9 3UL. 3, 7.30. £8. ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 FILM/OPERA Adriana Lecouvreur NY Met Greenwich Picturehouse 5.55 MUSIC The First Dance Blackheath Halls 7.30 CABARET Burlesque London Theatre 8

Tuesday 29

PANTO Robinson Crusoe Greenwich Th 1, 5 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7

Saturday 12

Sunday 13

Monday 14

TALK Sarah Cove: Constable, Father Of Modern Painting Arts Society Greenwich King William Ct, Uni of Greenwich 7.45 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 15

TALK Richard Albanese: Small Ships & Boats, Trinity Buoy Wharf Greenwich Industrial History Society event, Age Exchange 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

Wednesday 16

PLAY Dinosaur Pieces Greenwich Th 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 17

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 BASKETBALL Washington Wizards v New York Knicks O2 6.30 PLAY Dinosaur Pieces Greenwich Th 7.30

Friday 18

MUSIC The 1975 O2 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 PLAY Dinosaur Pieces Greenwich Th 7.30 TALK Steve Colclough: The Recovery Of The Tidal Thames & Its Fisheries Blackheath Scientific Society, Mycenae House 7.45

Saturday 19

PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2, 5.30 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Acc Stanley. Valley 3 RUGBY Blackheath v Ampthill Well Hall 3 MUSIC The 1975 O2 PLAY Dinosaur Pieces Greenwich Th 7.30

Sunday 20

PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2 FILM/BALLET La Bayadère Bolshoi live Greenwich Picturehouse 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Open Mic UK Final Indig02

Monday 21

PLAY Oresteia Greenwich Th 4.30, 7.30

Tuesday 22

FILM/OPERA The Queen Of Spades Covent Garden. Greenwich Picturehouse 6.45 GONGS National Television Awards O2 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

Wednesday 23

WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 24

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 TALK Judy Roe: Cartier, Jeweller Of Genius Arts Society Blackheath event, St Mary’s Church Hall, Cresswell Pk 2.30

Friday 25

ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 MUSIC Emily Smith & Jamie McClennan Blackheath Halls 8 PLAY Behind The Canvas London Theatre 8

Saturday 26

FAMILY Drop-In Wildlife Centre, G Park 1-4 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2, 5.30 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory, from 5.25 MUSIC Snow Patrol O2

Sunday 27

FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 11-1 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2 MUSIC Davido O2

PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Johnny & Co Oliver’s

Wednesday 30

FILM/OPERA La Traviata Covent Garden Greenwich Picturehouse 6.45 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s


PLAY Lolita London Theatre 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 7

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PLAY The Tempest Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30 MUSIC Boyzone O2

Friday 8

PLAY The Tempest Greenwich Th 7.30

Saturday 9

Saturday 16

PLAY The Tempest Lazarus production Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30 RUGBY Blackheath v Caldy Well Hall 3 FOOTBALL Charlton v Blackpool. The Valley 3

Sunday 17

TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7

Monday 18

JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 19

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05

PLAY The Tempest Lazarus production Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v Southend. Valley 3 DANCING Strictly Live! O2

Friday February 1

DANCING Strictly Live! O2 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 COMEDY Basketmouth Indig02

Wednesday 20

Thursday 31

DANCING Tramtastic Nights For adults with learning difficulties. Tramshed 7-10 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 DRAMA The Shy Manifesto Greenwich Th 8

Sunday 10 Monday 11

MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 TALK Brian Slater: Women Behind The Lens Arts Society Greenwich event, King William Saturday 2 FAMILY Singing Mermaid Greenwich Th, 12 & 3 Court, University of Greenwich 7.45 MUSIC Ozzy Osbourne O2 PANTO Aladdin Bob Hope Theatre 2, 5.30 DRAMA The Shy Manifesto Greenwich Th 3, 8 Tuesday 12 PLAY The Tempest Lazarus production RUGBY Blackheath v Cambridge Well Hall 3 PLAY Lolita London Theatre 8 Greenwich Th 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter Sunday 3 FAMILY Singing Mermaid Greenwich Th 10.30, 1, 3 Wednesday 13 PLAY Lolita London Theatre 6 PLAY The Tempest Lazarus production TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30 DRAMA The Shy Manifesto Greenwich Th 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Monday 4

JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 5

PLAY The Tempest Greenwich Th 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter PLAY Lolita London Theatre 8

Wednesday 6

PLAY The Tempest Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms

Thursday 14

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PLAY The Tempest Greenwich Th 2.30, 7.30

Friday 15

PLAY The Tempest Lazarus production Greenwich Th 7.30 TALK Prof Asterios Gavriilidis: Process Intensification In The Chemical Process Blackheath Scientific Society, Mycenae Ho 7.45

TALK David Cuffley: Salutation Alley, Woolwich Greenwich Industrial History Society event, Old Bakehouse 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 21

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05

Friday 22

MUSIC Massive Attack O2

Saturday 23

FAMILY Drop-In Wildlife Centre, G Park 1-4

Sunday 24

FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 11-1 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7

Monday 25

JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s

Tuesday 26

MUSIC English folk Star & Garter

Wednesday 27

PLAY Letter From A Ponygirl London Th 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s

Thursday 28

MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 TALK Doug Gillen: Street Art & The City Art Society Blackheath event, St Mary’s Church Hall, Cresswell Park 2.30 PLAY Letter From A Ponygirl London Th 8

GreenwichVisitor THE

December 2018 Page 15

A bird’s eye view of greenwich GREENWICH Park is famous for its parakeets – and now they’re spreading their wings. Reader and keen photographer Mike Purdy spotted this one “investigating a nesting site” by the Thames Path near the Trafalgar Tavern. It’s the second year Mike has seen one of birds in the plane tree – and this Send us a photo. Email: onethekept a very beady eye on him as he


THINK of a team name and test yourself against our legendary quizmaster Deke. Still not authentic enough? Get off the sofa

HOW we love the stylish C a p t a i n ’s H o u s e s f a c i n g Blackheath. Though facing a busy road they’re cool oases of classical cal calm. This seven-

and catch his leg-end-ary quiz at the Morden Arms in Circus Street, Greenwich, every Weds evening (except the first one each month).


Like it? Live it!

Answers: 1 Kirsty MacColl. 2 Anwar Sadat. 3 Casablanca. 4 United Artists. 5 Kenny Everett. 6 Mistletoe. 7 Dean Martin. 8 Romania. 9 Capricorn. 10 W C Fields.

The Pub Quiz

christmas BY BIRTHDAYQUIZ.CO.UK 1 Pogues singer Shane MacGowan was born on Christmas Day 1957. Which female singer featured on their 1987 Christmas single? 2 On Christmas Day 1977 Menachem Begin of Israel met with Anwar Sadat of Egypt for peace talks. Which was celebrating his birthday? 3 Humphrey Bogart – born Christmas Day 1899 – said “Here’s looking at you kid” in which film? 4 Charlie Chaplin who died on Christmas Day in 1977, co-founded which film studio along with Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks? 5 Born Christmas Day in 1944, how is Maurice Cole better known? 6 What is the more common name for the plant viscum album? 7 Jerry Lewis formed a double act with which actor who died on Christmas Day in 1995? 8 Dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu was executed on Christmas Day 1989. Which country did he once control? 9 If you were born on Christmas Day, what would your star sign be? 10 US comedian and actor William Claude Dukenfield, died on Christmas Day 1946. How was he better known?

Mystery object

GreenwichVisitor WANT TO ADVERTISE? OR TELL US YOUR STORY? Call Matt on 078O2 743324 Matt@TheGreenwich Last month: An undersea cable repeater on display next to the Thames Path at Enderby Wharf.

HERE’s an object yule see in Greenwich for the first time this year. Post... sorry, email your answer to Matt@TheGreenwich







IF you’ve read The Greenwich Visitor bedder – which need an update inside – is £1.9million. Call carefully this Wordsearch should be fairly Brown & Brooke on 020 8858 easy: GLENN, TILBROOK; ROBINSON; 0200. And tell them The CRUSOE; ANDREW; POLLARD; Greenwich Visitor sent you! ALMOND DOG; PELTON ROAD; POST; ALMONDBONZO; HILL HOUSE HILL HOUSE

200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain Perfect forfamily family and group group holidays 200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain Perfect for and holidays 200Perfect year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain Perfect for family and group holidays for family and group holidays Perfect for family and group holidays

200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain Perfect for family and group holidays



200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain 200 year-old farmhouse in Andalucía, Spain 200 year-old in Andalucía, Spain Perfect for family andfarmhouse group holidays Perfect family and group holidays Perfect for family andforgroup holidays

Setin intwo twoacres acresof ofolive oliveand andalmond almondgroves groves Set stunning mountain views large pool––yoga yoga hut Set two acres of olive and pool almond groves Set in two acres of olive andin almond groves stunning mountain views ––large hut Set in two acres of olive almond stunning mountain views large pool – yoga hut stunning mountain views –and large pool –groves yoga hut –the Explore Moorish villages, Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut beaches ofSierra the Costa Tropical and magical Granada Explore Moorish villages, themagical Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Nevada, beaches of the Costa Tropical and Granada Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada Set in two acres of olive and almond groves beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada mountain views – large pool – yoga hut beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical stunning Granada Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, Set in two acres of olive and almond groves of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada Set in two acres beaches of olive and almond groves Set in two acres of olive and almond groves stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut stunning mountain views – large pool – yoga hut Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, Explore Moorish villages, the Sierra Nevada, beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada beaches of the Costa Tropical and magical Granada




ALMOND ALMOND HILL HOUSEHILL HOUSE ALMOND200 HILL HOUSE 200 year-old farmhouse in inAndalucía, Andalucía, Spain Spain year-old farmhouse


took this photo. Thanks, as ever, for your picture, Mike. We love to see images of a memorable day here. Please email your photos and your details to The Greenwich Visitor launced in November 2010. We’re proud to have been read by residents AND visitors every day since then. We hope you’ve enjoyed us!


FOLLOW US wichVisitr @Greenou t the o!) (miss

The Greenwich Gallery Peyton Place, London SE10 8RS

"Thank you for making me think" 0208 465 5968

advertise in the greenwich visitor. ads from £33+VAT. call chris bloy on 07771 905045 or email or matt clark 078O2 743324

GreenwichVisitor THE

December 2018 Page 16


Alice and the Thimble

Late Market

Charles A. Borrell

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Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

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