PageO Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
PageP Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
^Çî~åÅÉÇ=oÉÜ~Äáäáí~íáçå Privately owned physical therapy clinic and fitness center içÅ~íáçå 702 U.S. 82 West cçìåÇÉÇ 2003
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 13 lïåÉêëLã~å~ÖÉêë John Walker Bryant Lary Trey Hodges Dale Morgan
tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïK~Çî~åÅÉÇêÉÜ~ÄKáåÑç
“It’s a great place to work because it is a comfortable, flexible environment with supportive management.” `Üêáë=t~äâÉêI=éÜóëáÅ~ä=íÜÉê~éáëí
Seller and distributor of Coca-Cola brands içÅ~íáçå 1504 U.S. 82 West cçìåÇÉÇ 1903
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 100
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Meagan Counts, sales branch manager Randall Watson, warehouse manager Tim Jenkins, cooler service director Mark Honeycutt, distribution manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅÅÅä~êâKÅçã
“This is a family-owned business with a family-like work environment. ” jÉ~Ö~å=`çìåíëI=ë~äÉë=Äê~åÅÜ=ã~å~ÖÉê
^ã~åÇ~=bäòó eáÖÜ=pÅÜççä
School for students in grades 9-12 içÅ~íáçå 604 Elzy Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ 1959
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 57
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Edmond Williams, principal Lucretia Woods, academic coach Constance Davis, executive secretary tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKäÉÑÅëÇKçêÖ
“Elzy thrives on this belief: You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes.” bÇãçåÇ=táääá~ãëI=éêáåÅáé~ä
`çÄìêå=pìééäó=`çKI=fåÅK A wholesale distributor of plumbing, HVAC, waterworks and electrical supplies içÅ~íáçå 120 Carnegie St. cçìåÇÉÇ 2014
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 44
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Justin McPhail, branch manager Allen Voss, distribution center manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅçÄìêåëKÅçã
“We consider each Coburn’s branch a hometown company with strong support for the community. Our experienced staff is the key to our success in providing the quality service before, during and after the sale.” gìëíáå=jÅmÜ~áäI=Äê~åÅÜ=ã~å~ÖÉê
_~åâ=çÑ=`çããÉêÅÉ A full-service community bank
içÅ~íáçå 310 Howard St. and 905 W. Park Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ 1904
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 59
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Bryan Thornhill, president and CEO Jeff Crick, executive vice president Mark Vemer, executive vice president Jerry Ables, executive vice president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÄ~åâÅçãKÅçã
“Bank of Commerce provides a positive work environment where employees are rewarded for good performance. Our work environment is fun, friendly and rewarding, where there is open communication and where everyone shares in the excitement of being part of a successful team.” gÉÑÑ=`êáÅâI=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ=îáÅÉ=éêÉëáÇÉåí=
A comprehensive eye-care provider, through eye surgeries such as cataract surgery, and also diagnosing and treating eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration içÅ~íáçå 2005 U.S. 82 West cçìåÇÉÇ 1978
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 34 mÜóëáÅá~åë Lee Coleman, MD Michael Coleman, MD Preslee Magee, OD
tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅçäÉã~åÉóÉÅÉåíÉêKÅçã
“To improve the vision and protect the eyes of our patients by building compassionate care relationships, utilizing advanced technology, and employing the highest levels of surgical skill.” jáÅÜ~Éä=`çäÉã~å
PageQ Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
PageR Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
a~îáë= bäÉãÉåí~êó=pÅÜççä An elementary school for grades K-6 içÅ~íáçå 400 Cotton St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1959
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 65
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Likisha Coleman, principal Kourtney McDowell, assistant principal
tÉÄëáíÉ ÜííéëWLLïïïKÖêÉÉåïççÇKâNOKãëKìëLpÅÜççäëL a~îáë|bäÉãÉåí~êóL
“Davis Elementary School is a great place to work because of the family-oriented atmosphere, which stems from the one goal that we share. And that goal is increasing student achievement!” ^ãó=mÉêâáåëJtêáÖÜíI=íÉ~ÅÜÉê
Municipal government that provides services including infrastructure, code enforcement, maintenance, stewardship of taxpayer dollars and keeping up the quality of life içÅ~íáçå 101 W. Church St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1835
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 230
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Carolyn McAdams, mayor Cynthia Stanciel, chief administrative officer Nick Joseph, city clerk tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅáíóçÑÖêÉÉåïççÇKçêÖ
“If you are a community-minded individual that would like to give back to your community by protecting and serving your community in a thousand different aspects, then working for the City of Greenwood is definitely a great place to work.” j~óçê=`~êçäóå=jÅ^Ç~ãë
A full-service pharmacy that features nearby delivery içÅ~íáçå 105 Carrollton Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ Late 1920s
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 12
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Guy Phillips, owner Eddie Amelung, pharmacy manager
“Greenwood Downtown Drugs is an independently owned pharmacy, dedicated to the highest standards of pharmacy practice, and offering caring, personal service. Our phamacists have a combined 200-plus years’ professional experience and are dedicated to providing safe, ethical, trustworthy medical care. We are hometown pharmacists and know our customers and their families, new and old, by name. They greet us as they walk in the door, and we love making them feel welcome! We are here to work with them and their physicians in whatever way is needed, and their trust and smiles make our day!” `~íÜó=gÉååáåÖëI=éÜ~êã~Åáëí
dêÉÉåïççÇ= j~êâÉí=mä~ÅÉ Grocery store
içÅ~íáçå 410 W. Park Ave.
cçìåÇÉÇ The first Greenwood Food Giant opened in 1973, and the current location opened in 1985. kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 118
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Derrick Simpson, store manager Mike Hibner, market manager Katie Brandon, deli manager Natasha Page, office manager
tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÑ~ÅÉÄççâKÅçãLÖêÉÉåïççÇã~êâÉíéä~ÅÉL
“I and my co-workers alike feel that we strive to provide the highest level of customer service and value through a team of enthusiastic employee owners with a strong work ethic joining together to benefit our customers, our company and our community.” j~ÇÉäáåÉ=dÉåíêóI=Ñäçê~ä=ã~å~ÖÉê
aê~âÉÛë=__n Barbecue restaurant içÅ~íáçå 1906 Leflore Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ September 2016
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 5
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Kendrel and Shulundia Drake, co-owners tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÑ~ÅÉÄççâKÅçãLaê~âÉë__nL
“I like the environment. It’s a nice little area; it’s pretty quiet. It’s a family business; the customer is our number-one priority.” j~ìêáÅÉ=oçëÉÄìêI=ÉãéäçóÉÉ
Manufacturer of quality-built products for automotive technicians, aircraft and locomotive industries içÅ~íáçå 1714 Carrollton Ave.
cçìåÇÉÇ 1928 (Greenwood location) kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 37
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Rick Allen, director of manufacturing Charles Buford, controller tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÜáÅâçâï~ÉâçåKÅçã
“Hickok Waekon is honored to be one of the top 30 places to work in Greenwood. We have been around for many years and have employed many great people of the community. We have weathered many challenges and transformations in order to arrive where we are today. We are thankful to have our community stand behind us as we look forward to the future.” a~îáÇ=_~êåÉííI=éêçÇìÅíáçå=ëìéÉêîáëçê
PageS Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
dêÉÉåïççÇ=j~êâÉí=mä~ÅÉ=áë=éêçìÇ=íç=ÄÉ=îçíÉÇ=çåÉ çÑ=íÜÉ=íçé=PM=éä~ÅÉë=íç=ïçêâ=áå=iÉÑäçêÉ=`çìåíóK
From left, Madeline Gentry, Floral Manager; Katie Brandon, Deli Manager; Shelia May, Office Manager; Mike Hibner, Market Manager; and David Danehower, Co-manager.
“I and my co-workers alike feel that we strive to provide the highest level of customer service and value through a team of enthusiastic employee owners with a strong work ethic joining together to benefit our customers, and our community.” Madeline Gentry – Floral Manager
410 West Park Ave. • Greenwood, MS • Phone: 453-3535
PageT Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
Designer and manufacturer of luxury furniture, lighting, accessories, botanicals, mirrors and wall decor içÅ~íáçå 306 Eastman St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1980
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 180
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Alex Malouf Jr., chairman and CEO Alan Galbraith, president Shane Malouf, vice president, operations tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKàçÜåêáÅÜ~êÇKÅçã
“John-Richard is one of the top places to work in Greenwood because of the great team of people that help to make it better every day.” a~ååó=tÉÉâëI=ÇáêÉÅíçê=çÑ=Üìã~å=êÉëçìêÅÉë
A provider of services to individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse issues as well as intellectual and developmental disabilities içÅ~íáçå 2504 Browning Road cçìåÇÉÇ 1974
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 217 in Leflore County; 620 regionally
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Phaedre Cole, executive director Rebecca Small, administrative director tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKêÉÖáçåSJäáÑÉÜÉäéKçêÖ
“Life Help provides excellent care to our clients and has a reputation for going above and beyond to offer assistance to the people and families we serve. We offer competitive salaries and an excellent benefits package and are enrolled in a program for student loan repayment for credentialed staff. Combine that with a focus on public service for people in need, and I would say you’ve found a rewarding place to work.” gçå~íÜ~å=dê~åíÜ~ãI=ÅäáåáÅ~ä=ÅççêÇáå~íçê
A family-owned, family-operated commercial construction company specializing in historical renovation, commercial renovation, educational construction and renovation, medical construction, parks and recreational construction, and design/build planning and development
iÉÑäçêÉ=`çìåíó= eÉ~äíÜ=aÉé~êíãÉåí
An agency of the Mississippi Department of Health that provides vaccinations and various medical tests and administers the county’s WIC program
içÅ~íáçå 3204 Baldwin Road
içÅ~íáçå 2600 Browning Road
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 20
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 18
cçìåÇÉÇ 1982
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Kenneth R. Thompson Jr., president Jim McNeer, operations manager Kim McNeer, controller tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKâíÄìáäÇÉêKÅçã
“Working for KT Builder involves teamwork, in the truest meaning of the word. Focusing on quality results allows each team member to hold the other accountable, to perform at the highest possible level and achieve finished projects that we can truly be proud of. The ‘family’ atmosphere lets everyone feel like their opinion matters.” hÉåí=`~êíÉêI=éêçàÉÅí=ëìéÉêáåíÉåÇÉåí=
ja``=J= dêÉÉåïççÇ=`ÉåíÉê
A community college that offers academic, technical and GED classes as well as workforce training sessions içÅ~íáçå 207 W. Park Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ 2003
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë Approximately 20 full and part-time employees qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Mary Joseph, Greenwood Center director Katie Jones, Advising/Counseling Services tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãëÇÉäí~KÉÇì
“I work with the most committed group of people at MDCC. There’s very little our teachers and staff won’t do for our students. We reach as far as we can to connect them in the community with jobs, day care, transportation and ways to pay for school. Our staff takes extra steps, and they do it because they want to.” h~íáÉ=gçåÉëI=`çìåëÉäçê
cçìåÇÉÇ 1988
pí~ÑÑ Clinic is composed of clerks, nurses, aides, WIC staff, early intervention staff and disease intervention staff. tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÜÉ~äíÜóãëKÅçã
“I love giving something back to the community with the problems in the community such as tuberculosis, immunizations, STDs, family planning, teenage pregnancy and infants with low birth weight as well as other problems.” mÉååó=iÉëëäÉóI=ok
A manufacturer of heavy-duty power tools, accessories and hand tools for professional users worldwide içÅ~íáçå 1003 Sycamore Ave.
léÉåÉÇ=áå=dêÉÉåïççÇ 2002 kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 750
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Jack Bilotta, director of manufacturing tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãáäï~ìâÉÉíççäKÅçã
“For me, what’s great about working at Milwaukee Tool is that we continue to push ourselves beyond what we think we’re capable of. We’re constantly changing and improving the production process. When you work here, you’ve got to expect change to come to your area, and you’re expected to participate in that process.” a~äÉ=oìëëÉääI=ëÉåáçê=Üìã~å=êÉëçìêÅÉ=ã~å~ÖÉê
PageU Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
Than as o k you fo n r to w e of the selectin ork i g b n Gr est pla us eenw ces ood !
T op 3 0 to Places Work
PageV Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
A national mail order catalog and online gift company that specializes exclusively in food and hand-crafted gift items içÅ~íáçå 300 Howard St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1993
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 10
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Tim and Cindy Tyler, owners Leigh Anne Lubiani, shipping and website manager Rebecca Singleton, social media specialist tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKíÜÉãáëëáëëáééáÖáÑíÅçãé~åóKÅçã
jáëëáëëáééá=s~ääÉó= pí~íÉ=råáîÉêëáíó
An institution of higher learning that provides undergraduate and graduate programs in education, the arts and sciences, and professional studies içÅ~íáçå 14000 U.S. 82 West, Itta Bena cçìåÇÉÇ 1950
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 557
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ Dr. Jerryl Briggs Sr., president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãîëìKÉÇì
“My employees and customers are why I love my job. They are like family. I also enjoy developing relationships with our vendors. There are a few that I have known since we started our business in 1993. They have been both mentors and friends to me.” `áåÇó=qóäÉêI=çïåÉê
“MVSU is more than just a place to work — it’s a family-like environment. Working at the university not only provides the opportunity to build professional relationships but close friendships as well.” mçêíá~=`çääáåëI=ã~å~ÖÉêI=ëéÉÅá~ä=ÉîÉåíë=~åÇ ~ÅíáîáíáÉë
An independent community bank with 19 locations içÅ~íáçå= 915 Medallion Drive
léÉåÉÇ=áå=dêÉÉåïççÇ 1996
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë=áå=dêÉÉåïççÇ 16 qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Eric Miller, president Ryan Strawbridge, vice president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKéä~åíÉêëJÄ~åâKÅçã
“I enjoy working for Planters Bank because the bank is truly very family-oriented. We try to treat all of our customers as family, too.” jáååáÉ=gçåÉëI=íÉääÉê
General contractor
içÅ~íáçå 310 West Park Ave. cçìåÇÉÇ 1986
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 127
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë John Powers, president Heston Powers, vice president Karen Fratesi, controller tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKêÅÅçåëíKåÉí
“Working for RC is similar to being a part of one large family. Although we have offices and crews all over the Southeast and up the East Coast, RC has created a culture of family, unity and support. Our business core values align with my personal values. It is pretty special to come to work every day with people who genuinely love their job and genuinely love each other. I am honored to work for such a great company with remarkable co-workers. We are all proud of the RC Team.” píÉää~=_êáííI=éêçéçë~ä=ÅççêÇáå~íçêLÅçåíê~Åí ~Çãáåáëíê~íçê
A college preparatory school whose mission is to educate the whole child in an environment of academic excellence and Christian values içÅ~íáçå 69601 U.S. 82 cçìåÇÉÇ 1966
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 90
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Rodney Brown, headmaster Tim Burton, high school principal Sulee Blansett, elementary school principal tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKéáääçï~Å~ÇÉãóKÅçã
“Pillow Academy is beyond special to me because I get to be with people every day — students and faculty — that I truly want to do life with. I get to invest in the lives of my students, who — at the same time — have blessed me more than they even know. We are a family that celebrates life’s most amazing moments together and pulls together in times of great tragedy and need.” eÉ~íÜÉê=gçÜåëçåI=Üáëíçêó=íÉ~ÅÜÉê=
A propane and fuel distributor, offering petroleum products, convenience stores, parts and appliances içÅ~íáçå 102 Main St., Itta Bena cçìåÇÉÇ 1935
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 300 across several states
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Solon Scott Jr., president and chief executive officer Mike Tuttle, general manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKëÅçííéÉíêçäÉìãáåÅKÅçã
“Scott Petroleum has always been a family-owned business. Despite expansion over the years, that sense of family is still apparent and is part of what makes working for Scott Petroleum so great. They take care of their employees by providing them with a stable work environment, competitive compensation, great benefits and the potential to move up within the company.” j~íí=eçÇÖÉëI=ã~êâÉíáåÖ=ÇáêÉÅíçê
PageNM Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
Do you have a true Cm-m1b-ัด r-u|m;uฤท ou fย v| -mo|_;u 0-mhฤต $_-mh ย oย =ou ย oเขผm] $uย v|l-uh om; o= |_; $or ฦ ฦ ัฒ-1;v |o )ouh bm u;;mย oo7ฤธ
Member FDIC
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PageNN Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================
Cotton marketing cooperative that provides a range of services to its 7,000 members, including domestic and export marketing, warehousing and agricultural financing içÅ~íáçå 214 W. Market St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1921
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 111
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Mike Sturdivant III, chairman of the board Meredith Allen, president and CEO Hank Reichle, executive vice president Mike Moffatt, vice president and CFO tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKëí~éäÅçíåKÅçã
“I have worked at Staplcotn for over 32 years, and it is a truly wonderful place to work. Staplcotn has always maintained a professional, ethical, rewarding and comfortable work environment. The employees here, from the president on down, are like family to me. Everyone is treated with kindness and respect, and it is clear that everyone genuinely cares about each other.” _ÉíÜ=bî~åëI=Å~ëÜ=ã~å~ÖÉãÉåí=~ÅÅçìåí~åí
sáâáåÖ=eçëéáí~äáíó=dêçìé Premier lodging, dining and hospitality company
içÅ~íáçå The Alluvian, 318 Howard St.; The Alluvian Spa, 325D Howard St.; Viking Cooking School, 325C Howard St.; Giardina’s, 314 Howard St. cçìåÇÉÇ The Alluvian, 2003; The Alluvian Spa, 2005; Viking Cooking School, 2005; Giardina’s, 1936 kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 120
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Beth Williams, The Alluvian general manager Kimberly Gnemi, Viking Cooking School general manager Kelly Castle, The Alluvian Spa director Je’Nai Gray, Giardina’s manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKíÜÉ~ääìîá~åKÅçã=
“I am proud to be part of such a dynamic team whose goal is to provide the highest level of hospitality and entertainment for our patrons. We are on the front line every day representing the city and people of Greenwood to guests from all over the nation.” _ÉÅâó=qÜçãéëçåI=`ççâáåÖ=pÅÜççä=êÉí~áä=ã~å~ÖÉê=
A regional financial services company headquartered in Jackson with more than 200 locations in the Southeast içÅ~íáçå 212 Howard St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1969
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=dêÉÉåïççÇ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 20
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Clifton Thach, president Karla Bowen, vice president Paulette Gregg, assistant vice president Clark Bradley, assistant vice president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKíêìëíã~êâKÅçã
“For the past 10 years, I have had the privilege of working at Trustmark. Trustmark is a great place to work because of the professionalism of its employees and loyalty of its customers. I am proud to work for a company that believes in family and is supportive of its community.” d~áä=eççâëI=~ëëáëí~åí=Äê~åÅÜ=ã~å~ÖÉê
Originator and manufacturer of ultra-premium appliances for the home içÅ~íáçå 111 W. Front St. cçìåÇÉÇ 1987
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 650 qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Kevin Brown, president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKîáâáåÖê~åÖÉKÅçã
“I am proud to be a part of the Viking family. I say ‘family’ because at Viking the strong personal relationships allow honesty, integrity and respect to be at the center of what we do. These relationships between fellow employees across all departments keep us excited to come to work each day. It is because of our dedicated employees that Viking has been consistently named the No. 1 place to work and recognized globally as the foremost culinary brand.” hÉîáå=_êçïåI=éêÉëáÇÉåí
A mechanical contractor installing plumbing, heating and air conditioning in commercial buildings içÅ~íáçå 2606 Baldwin Road cçìåÇÉÇ 1970
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 170
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Robert Upchurch, president Michael Upchurch, vice president David Upchurch, treasurer Cindy U. Hawkins, secretary tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKìéÅÜìêÅÜÅçãé~åáÉëKÅçã
“Upchurch Plumbing is the greatest place to work. Upper management is respectful, fair, honest and allaround wonderful people. It’s the best company ever.” `áåÇó=jáíÅÜÉää
Dealer for John Deere agriculture and lawn equipment içÅ~íáçå 1505 U.S. 82 West cçìåÇÉÇ 1909
kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 47
qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Wade Litton, chief executive officer Powell Litton, chief financial officer William P. Litton, chairman tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKï~ÇÉáåÅçêéçê~íÉÇKÅçã
“Since 1909, our goal has been to provide continuous commitment to our customers, employees and communities. Today, we proudly serve 12 locations in Mississippi. Wade Inc. offers the work of a large corporation while maintaining the feel of a family business.” _Éå=e~êÖÉííI=Üìã~å=êÉëçìêÅÉë=ÇáêÉÅíçê
PageNO Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================