Longwood Magazine 2017 Spring

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Longwood@Yellowstone is themodel for new experience-rich courses emphasizing citizen leadership.The courses, made possible by a $5.9 million gift, will work hand-in-glove with the university's new core curriculum.

Story on Page 24.Photo byAndrea Dailey.


r-:;a A Bold Framework

� to Shape Citizen Leaders

HowLongwoodbuiltauniquenewcorecurriculum tohelppreparestudentsforcareers and communityleadership

� TransformativeTimes, � Transformative Gift

$5.9 million donation supports creation of courses central to core curriculum


President Reveley reflects on what Longwood hasachieved-andwhere it's going

Program shows local fourth-graders that going to college is within reach

4 42
I 12I State ofthe University
\26\ EarlyAdmission
loyalty DEPARTMENTS 3 OnPoint 32 LongwoodCalendar 34 lnPrint 35 LancerUpdate 41 AlumniNews 48 EndPaper
AlumniAwards honor 6 for achievements, service,



Michael Ellis '84, President Editor

SabrinaBrown Creative Director

David Whaley

Kent Booty, MatthewMcWilliams

AndreaDailey, MikeKropf '14,JoelCruz '16, CourtneyVogel

AMT Photography& Digital Design, Kevin Brandon,MaraCasey, DIA, Larissa Fergeson,Jonathon Gruenke/Daily Press, MollyMcsweeney,Justin Pope, Claire Rolle!,Jason Snyder

RyanCatherwood, Larissa Fergeson,Courtney Hodges, VictoriaKindon, David Locascio,JustinPope, BennieWaller'90 Board of Visitors

RobertS.WertzJr.'85, Rector,Leesburg

Eileen MathesAnderson'83, GlenAllen

KatharineMcKeown Bond '98, Mechanicsville

Katherine Elam Busser,Goochland

MichaelA. Evans, Mechanicsville

Steven P. Gould, Danville

David H. HallockJr., Richmond

Eric Hansen, Lynchburg

ColleenMcCrinkMargiloff'97, Rye,N.Y.

Stephen Mobley'93, Mclean

MarianneMoffat Radcliff '92, Richmond


LuciaAnna "Pia" Trigiani,Alexandria



Dr. Joseph Jarman served as Longwood's 16th president from 1902-46.

In this edition of the magazine, you will read about many of the exciting developments at Longwood-campus construction, aremarkable new core curriculum focused on citizenship, an extraordinarygift from Joan '64 and Macon Brockthat will help shape generations of students in unique ways.

You will also, in the interview that begins on Page 12, hear plentyfrom me, so I thought I might use this space share some words that have stuck with me from one of my predecessors.

Many of you with ties through the generations to Longwood know stories about the great Dr.Joseph Jarman, who ledthe institution from 1902 until 1946, one of the longer tenures of anypresident inAmerican higher education.The institution transformed during those decades: beginning abaccalaureatecurriculum, significantly strengthening engagement with Farmville and building the iconic Rotunda. Dr.Jarman was invoked often during my own childhood. My grandmother andher sisters were in the classes of 1940, 1942and 1946, andmy great-grandmother was part of the Jarman era, too, graduating in 1910. Mygreat-grandfather also was a member of the facultyunder Dr.Jarman and eventuallychairof the Departmentof Biology here.

So when news came over theholidaysthat a member ofthe Class of 1928 had passedaway, Marguerite Bailey at age 108, it promptedme to reflect on Dr. Jarman, and I recently came across amessage he sent to alums soon afterthe time of Marguerite Bailey'sschool days.We have evolved and changed since then (we are 15 years a university now).Timeless qualities also endure, andyou mayenjoythis passage from Dr. Jarman'smessage, sent in 1934 to commemorate Longwood's50th anniversary as a public institution. In 1934, those with recollections of the founding in 1839 would havebeen intheirspritely 90s:

"lirere are some of you who have followed the career of the College from itsbeginning: youshouldbe proudindeedto feel that you havebeen a proudpart of her throughouther life; others of you know her only as she is today-You have not kept up with her growth and development through the years.To you she is simply your Alma Mater, you take herfor granted and cannot realize that she has not always been as you knewher. But it is one hope that there is something of the spirit which makes for love and loyalty Loyalty is love translated into action: the love that is simply passive does not mean nearly so much as that which is always on the alert, ready to take up the cudgel in defense if defense is needed, to put in a word of affectionatecommendation wheneverthe old College is mentioned, alove that still is alive and active ...no matter how far off maybe the dayof graduation -Time cannot drive loyaltysuch as this:'

My thanks for your loyalty and support of Longwood. -r�w--r-

Publisher Longwood
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For the 'Little Ones'

Alumna gives $1 million to create innovative early childhood development center

Dr.JaneRichardsonTaylorneversec outtobeapreschooldirector.

Aftertwodecadesasamiddle-and high-schooladministrator,hercareerwaswellestablished,butadecisiontotakeayearoffto spendmoretimewithherhigh-school-aged daughter,Sara,putheronadifferentpath.

inthisareabecausetheirmindsaresuch littlesponges.""

Thecenterwillbearthenameofherfirst child,asonwhodiedwhenhewas13months old.TheAndyTaylorCenterforEarlyChildhoodDevelopmentissectohaveitsgrand


ofeducation."Tohavesomeonewhobelieves sofullyinourvisionforchiscentertosupport ussocompletelygivesusgreatenergyandmomentumaswemovecowardlaunch.Dr.Taylorisaninspirationtoallofuswhohave workedonchisproject,andherinterestand supportwillhaveasignificantimpactongenerationsofchildren."

TheAndyTaylorCenterforEarlyChildhoodDevelopmentwillprovideacuttingedgeearlychildhoodeducationcochildrenof Longwoodfacultyandstaffaswellascommunitymembersnotaffiliatedwiththeuniversity.ThecenterwillemploytheReggioEmilia methodofinstruction,whichencourageschildrencoexploretheirenvironmentandexpress themselvesinavarietyofways,including throughart,drama,danceandsculpture. Theprogramisrootedincheprinciplesofrespect,responsibilityandcommunityInthe comingyears,italsowillbecomeavaluableresourceasaplacewherestudentsinadeveloping earlychildhoodeducationdegreeprogramcan gainexperienceandconductresearch.

ThecenterisakeypieceofLongwood's EarlyChildhoodDevelopmentInitiative, whichin2016establishedfreetrainingsessionsforregionalchildcareproviderstosupportthegrowingchildcareindustry.

Milleralsoisworkingcodevelopapilot programenablingchildcareproviderswho holdtwo-yearassociace'sdegreesinearlychildhooddevelopmenttoenrollinLongwood>s programandemergewithbachelor'sdegrees.

Taylor,thedaughterofaU.S.Navalofficer, spentmuchofherchildhoodandadolescence inVirginiaBeach.Heroldersister,Francine

Whenherchurch,St.JohntheApostleCatholic ChurchinLeesburg,neededsomeonetolead 'Whenyou work with little ones,it'slikeyou've gone to itspreschoolprogram,Taylorwasavailable.

Overthenext16years,Taylor-tohersurprise-discoveredapassionforearlychildhoodeducation.Herfeelingsaresostrong thatshehasnowcommitted$1milliontoestablishanearlychildhooddevelopmentcenter atLongwood,whichwillopenthisyear.

"Whenyouworkwithlittleones,it'slike you'vegonecoheaven.Everyoneofchemis eagerandexcitedaboutlearning,"saidTaylor '71."Thereisacriticalneedforwell-educated earlychildhoodteachers-Iseeiteveryday inmypreschool.Childrenthisagedeserve someonewhohasbeentrainedspecifically

heaven. Every oneof them is eager and excited about learning.'


openinginfall2017.Itwillbelocatedat211 FourthStreetinFarmville,juststepsaway fromLongwood'smaincampus.

ForDr.SaraMiller,thedirectorandvisionarybehindtheearlychildhooddevelopment center,thegiftisgalvanizing.

"Mostpeoplewhoscaresomethinglikechis aren'tbolsteredfromthebeginningbyamajor financialgiftchatwillsupporttheprogramfar intothefuture,"saidMiller,assistantprofessor

R.Woodward'68,precededherasateacher. WhenitcametimeforTaylortochoose acollege,therewasreallyonlyonechoice: Longwood.

"Iwantedtobecomeateacher,andthere wasnocollegewithabetterreputationfor futureteachersthanLongwood,"shesaid. "Inmycareer,I'veworkedwithalotofteachers,andLongwoodcontinuestotrainsome ofthebest."-MmthewMcWi/limns

Dr. Jane RichardsonTaylor '71 is committed to providing quality education for young children.

LUPD makes top 20 in national ranking

For theeighthstraightyear, Longwood's police departmenthas been named one ofthe top university security operations inthe country.

The onlyVirginiacollege or university to make the list, Longwoodisranked No. 15 inthe country inthe highereducation category in theannual listpublishedby Security Magazine.

"Our continued ranking atthetop ofthis list is evidence ofthework Longwood Universitypolice officersputineverydaytomake thiscampus one ofthesafestinthecountry;' said Col.Bob Beach, LUPOchief. "Westriveto lookforwaysto improve, becomemoreefficientand integrate newtechnologyin ourapproachtokeeping ourcommunity safe-and those effortshave paiddividends:'

The LongwoodPolice Departmentwas front andcenterduringthe2016VicePresidential Debatein October-an event where there were noarrests ormajormedicalemergencies.

"When thespotlightwas greatest, the Longwood Police Department shonebright;' said Beach."Ourstaff put ona display of strategicplanningand flexibilitywhenworking withsome ofthe topfederal agencies inthecountry:'

Front and Center

New admissions dean says staying focused on students is key to success

Longwood's new dean of admissions describes today's prospective college scudent as an ascute judge of higher education options who knows whathe or she wanes.

"Students are getting a lotsmarter," said Jason Faulk,aVirginianative who comes to Longwood fromthe University ofNorth Texas-Dallas,where he served asdirecrorof admissions. "More of chem are asking chem-

Faulk joined UNT-D as an admissions counselor in2012. His energy,quickness co learn and aptitude for caking onbigger challengesbecame apparent,and he was named the director of admissions in just a few months.

"Jasonisreallyquitean extraordinary person, whosevision of asuccessful admissions departmentlines up with our initiatives at

'More [prospective students] are asking themselves how the schools they're considering fit with their personality and future plans ... .'

selves how the schools they're considering fit with their personaliry and future plans, and what support systems are in place to help chem along the way.

"You have to put scudencs at the forefront of everything you do," he said."If you write a policy or procedure and it doesn'thave a student focus, youjust wasted lots of time and money. Sometimes we forgetchat we're here for the student."

In his five years as admissions director at UNT-D,Faulkled aneffortchatresulted in a three-fold enrollment increase,from 1,000to more than 3,000students,while retention races rose annually. On the surface,the fastgrowing urbanuniversity seems afar cry from Longwood's stately,historic campus,but Faulk sees more similarities than differences.

"A lot of the student support we had at UNT-D wasgreatat really helping our freshmen navigate chat first year and build a plan for success and graduation. What Longwood has in place is much the same," he said.

Longwood," said Dr. Jennifer Green, associate vice president for enrollment management and student success. "In the past fiveyears,we haveshifred our approachtobuilding classes made up of students who fie the Longwood cultureand whomwecan help be successful. Jason's demonstrated notonly a commitment tochat principle bucalso an abiliry tobe creativeinhowwe goaboucaccomplishing it. Add the face chathe grew upinVirginia and has anunderstandingofthe special dynamicsat play inthe state,and he ische total package."

Faulk was born in Suffolk,the son of a peanut farmer and a staffer at theDepartment of Housing and Urban Development.He and his brother,both star crack athletes in the rural southernVirginiatown,becamethefirstmembers of their family to go to college Faulk ended up atMorehouse College in the heartof Adanca and then earned a master'sdegree at Troy University. Prior to joining UNT-D,he caught high school and worked for a charter schoolsystemin Dallas.-Afatthew McV?illimns

Col. Bob Beach, LUPD chief
Jason Faulk

Strength in Numbers

Virginia colleges, universities work together to recruit international students in Longwood-led consortium

llOna recentrecruiting trip coMadrid, Spain,Longwood'sDireccor ofincernacionalAdmissions and InternacionalScudenc/ScholarServicesPacciTrenc wasapproachedbyayoungscudencwho asked a strange quescion: whecher Longwood's campus has orange and yellowleaves in the fall.

"I said absolucely we do," saidTrenc,"and pulled ouc our viewbookchat's fullofphocos ofour beautiful campus.She gocveryanimated and started asking questions about ourlocation,majors available,and then askedco be onour mailinglisc."

Thelesson: Everyscudent-especially internationalstudencs-islookingfor the righc fit ina college.The broad arrayofhigher educationopcionsin Virginia,complementedby chatfallfoliage,means the stateoftenhasexaccly whac scudencs and parentsarelookingfor.

Longwood chis year led the launch ofa statewide consortium, Scudy Virginia,co promoteVirginia as a destinacion forhigher educacionabroad.ScudyVirginiamemberswill pool resourcescoidencify common screngchsand growche poolofhigher education applicants coVirginiacollegesand universities.

"There's a real opportunityhere forVirginia co promote itselfas the premier descinacion for higher educacion for internationalstudents," saidMolly McSweeney, Longwood's assiscanc direccor ofincernational admissions and recruitment and chairofStudy Virginia."Our scareisposicioned co serve awideswach ofinternationalscudencswich diverse expeccacions.

"AJI colleges and universitiesinVirginia have made significant invescmencs in recruiting incernacional scudencs.As partners in Scudy Virginia, we actmore as allies thancompecicors,strengthening all optionsin the state with one pointofcontactand unified messaging," she said.

ScudyVirginia is working with che U.S. DepartmencofCommerce's Commercial Serviceco idencifyopportunitiesco recruic foreign scudents through trademissions, incernacional partnerships and marketing campaigns.

"Ir's easyco think thac incernational studencsnaturallyAock co the United Scaces because we have che world'scop education system," saidDepucyAssistantSecretaryof CommerceforDomestic OperationsAncwaun Griffin,whomanages U.S.-basedCommercial Serviceoffices."Thereisaccuallya locof workuniversities need codocorecruitand admitforeign scudencs,and chen cobring chemhere.Ourreamisproudcosupport universities on these efforts,whichincum benefittheU.S.e�onomy."

Economically, international students make a $545 millionimpact annuallyon rheVirginia economyand concribute significantlyto colleges' financialhealth.Nationally,che impact is even greater: $30billion ayear.

"The 18,000incernacionalscudencsscudying inVirginia are purring more than 7,000Virginiansco work," saidMcSweeney."Thar'sa huge economicimpactfor the state."

Trent recalls a recruitingcrip toVietnam chacwasin manywayscypical.Several students inquiredaboutsnowfall, andsome placed anemphasis onbeing near communities ofVietnameseimmigrancs.Parencshad ocher concerns.

"Several parencsexpressed alotofinceresr in ...acollegein asmallercown with a good safecyrecord," saidTrenc. "Longwood fies chat bill.For others who want more ofan urban campus,it'sgreatchat throughStudyVirginia we can point chem tosomewhere nearby,which benefits the stare as a whole, instead ofoffering no ocher option."-M,1tthew /'vfcrVi!Liams

"Small Talk"

overheard on the Longwood campus

I/RepublicansandDemocratsinWashingtonagree onanawful lot behindcloseddoors.Politicians andpolicymakersareconditionedtoemphasize thenegativeratherthanthe areas ofagreement'.'

Dr. Diane Lim principal economist, The Conference Board,Vice Presidential Debate speaker series, October 2016

11We're losingspecies everyday. Most ofthat stemsfromus.It's usually the unconscious product ofour activities:'

Dr. Kai Ivanov assistant curator of invertebrate zoology, Virginia Museum of Natura History, biology class guest presentation, October 2016

JJazz isall about improvisation.Nobodyis tellingyou what to do:'

Robert Jospe band leader and drummer with Inner Rhythm,Vice Presidential Debate speaker series, November 2016

11You cannot change policyunless you change people. Changing policy is one thing; changing people is another:'

Roland Martin award-winning journalist and author, Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium, January 2017

IIsuccessforentrepreneursiseasy. Sustaining it is the hardpart:'

Tom DeWitt '80 president and CEO of SNVC, College of Business and Economics Alum-NetWorkshop, February 2017

JJUlyssesGrantwasan incurable optimist who always expected everythingto turn out allright, always expectedto succeed, evenafterhe hadjustfailed:'

William C. "Jack" Davis historian and author, 18th Annual Civil War Seminar, February 2017

International students have a $545 million impact annually on the economy ofVirginia.
SPRING 2017 I 5

Newest residence halls draw rave reviews

With spacious lounge areas, handsome fireplaces and great views of the heart of central campus, Longwood's newest student residences-Sharp and Register halls-are getting rave reviews in their first year of occupancy.

"It feels like I'm living in a hotel;' said AustinVan Horn '19, a history and modern

languages major from Midlothian who lives in Register.

Located across from Greenwood Library, Sharp and Register are the first residence halls built on the main campus since 1992.They were designed with a goal of fostering a sense of community, which is accomplished, in part, by their smaller size and the configuration of the two-room suites.

"Residential academic communities are one of the things that make liberal arts education so unique and such a powerful experience;' said Longwood PresidentW. Taylor Reveley IV. "We are committed to investing in residence halls that bolster the natural camaraderie and collaboration of campus life."

Mirror images of each other, each of the four-story buildings houses 112 students.

Mikah Hosang '18, an exercise science major from Chesapeake who lives in Sharp, called the buildings "gorgeous on the outside and just as gorgeous on the inside:'

"These buildings don't have the traditional look and feel of a residence hall;' agreed Doug Howell '86, associate director of residential operations, adding that each has a first-floor parlor with chandeliers and Oriental rugs. "We tried to provide some nice, classic touches:'

Ground broke on the $16.5 million project in early summer 2015.The halls are named for Marc Sharp and Wilma Register Sharp '66 of Williamsburg, whose $2 million gift in September 2015 endowed the deanship of the Cormier Honors College for Citizen Scholars.

When Lightning StrikesTwice

Impressed with students' work duringVP Debate, Fox News hires duo for Super Bowl assignment

llHowmanytimesdoesacollegestudentgeethechancetoassistamajor televisionnetworkwithcoveringan eventchatdrawsmillionsofviewersaround theworld?Twice-ifithappenscobeahardworking,energeticLongwoodstudent.

AllysonScone'18andRyanCarey'19both hadtheopportunitycoworkwithFoxNews duringtheVicePresidentialDebateinOctober,chinkingitwasaonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunityBueopportunityknockedagainin laceNovember,whenPeteFlores,thenetwork'sproductionmanagerwhohadworked thedebate,askedchemiftheywereupfor anotherassignment.

Beforetheyknewit,theywereheadedto HoustonforSuperBowlLI.

Thepairwereamongonlyfive"freelance employees"forFoxNewsduringSuperBowl week.Flores,whohadbeenimpressedwith Scone'sandCarey's"attitude,workethicand persistence"duringthedebate,keptchem busywithanassortmentofodd-yetessential-jobs.

Theyescortedguestsfortheshow"Fox& Friends."TheyhelpedwithaNationalWeacherperson'sDaycelebrationforFoxweatherpersonJaniceDean.Theyroundedup100bagels forbreakfastonemorningandtotedatlease 100casesofwater.

Scone,acommunicationstudiesmajorfrom Chesapeakewhoreceivedinternshipcreditfor herexperience,especiallyenjoyedaccompanyingFoxNewsanchorAinsleyEarhardtcoan

interviewattheranchofMarcusLuttrell, aformerNavysealwhosewartimeheroics werefeaturedinthehitfilmLoneSurvivor. Carey,anursingmajorfromVirginiaBeach, putherskillscoworkpatchingupa"Fox& Friends"guestchefwhocuthishand.


"Sometimeswehadcogocoworkat1:30 or2a.m.andworkuntil7chatevening. Ongameday,wewereawakefor23hours," saidStone.

CareysaidsheandSconewere"running onadrenalinechatweek.Theycolduswe couldcakeanapifweneededone,but weneverdid."

AfterchatnaplessSO-plus-hourweek,the twostudentswererewardedwiththekindof accessrhacanyPatriotsorFalconsfanwould havediedfor.Afterwatchingthegame,they wentdownonthefield,wheretheycookand posedforphotos,heldaPatriotsplayer'shelmet andstoodjustafewfeetfromPatriotsquarterbackTomBradyclutchinghisMVPtrophy.

Fivedaysafterthebiggame,theyoung womenwerestillrecoveringfromthelong hoursontheirfeet.Buetheywouldn'ttrade theexperienceforanything.

"Hands-onworkwithFoxNewswas cheultimatewaycoenhancemydegree," saidScone.

Despitedifferentcareerplans,Carey's thoughcsweresimilar."Thiswasanamazing weekchatIwillneverforget."


Sharp and Register halls are a stunning addition to campus.
Ryan Carey '19 (left) and Allyson Stone '18 impressed Fox News with their 'attitude, work ethic and persistence.'

Facing Her Demon

First womanto row alone acrosstheAtlantic shares what she learned on personal quest

Longwood studenrs found outwhat courage, perseveranceand personalgrowthlooklike last monthwhen theymetthefirstwoman to rowa boat, unassisted, across theAtlantic Ocean.

Duringavisit to Longwood in February, Tori McClure, a longtime explorerwho is currently the presidentofSpaldingUniversity in Louisville, Kenrucky, provideda glimpse into what motivated herto get into that boat, twice, and face the 3,300-milejourney. She coldstudents and chose attendinga public lecturethatshe did it to overcome lifelong "feelings ofhelplessness," which shecalled her "constant demon."

"I hadto row 3,000 miles across theocean to learn that to be human is to be fl.awed," McClure said. "I learned chatI'm only human, and chat's enough. Halfwayacross the ocean on mysecondtrip, I realized that I could bicycle to the moon and still feel helpless, which is beinghuman."

She made the historic 81-day, 3,300-mile trip in 1999 aboardAmerican Pearl, a23-foot boatshe built hersel( Wavesweresometimes as high as a seven-storybuilding; some days she traveled as little as 15 feet.

Herattemptto rowacross the ocean the yearbeforeendedafterrowingfor 85 days across more than 3,000 miles, only to be stopped byHurricane Danielle, which nearly killed her.

"Thehurricanewas Ringing me around like apingpongball, and my boatcapsizedfive or six times," McClure said. "One capsize dislocated myshoulder, and the nextone put it back into place. Myboat went so far under

thewater that myears popped."

Becauseallofher long-range communications had been disabled five days into the trip, shecouldn'tradio for help. Shewasrescued bya passing container ship.

Afterward, depressed by her unsuccessful attempt, sheworked for ayearfor legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, whose advice convinced her to uy again. "He cold me, 'You don'twant to gothrough lifeasthewoman who almost rowed the ocean."'

On herocean-rowing trips, she "smelled whale-breath," sawsea-turtles "the size of coffeecables," aswell as sharks and dolphins, anddelightedin naturalbeauty. "Thestars were magnificent. I couldn't see the Big Dipper because therewere so manystars. And it looked like therewere a thousand lightning bugs in thewater."

Bochvoyages are chronicled in McClure's memoir,A Pearlin theStorm: HowIFound MyHeartin theMiddleofthe Ocean. "Threefourths ofthe book is about my failed trip. Like most people, I learn more from myfailures than my successes."

McClure also made headlines in 1989 asthefirstwoman to ski to the geographic South Pole. "I went 50 dayswithouta shower andwith two pairs ofsocks. Afterthreedays, everythingsmells like Doritos," she said of that trip.

McClure urgedyoungpeople to getout oftheir comfortzonesand"become comfortablewith adversity."

"How dowe, as human beings, test ourlimits ifwe don't do thingswe haven't done before?" she asked.-KrntBoot:;,

LCVA plans party to support, celebrate the visual arts

Friends ofthe arts can provide supportand dancethe night awayall in the same evening onApril 29 in Farmville.

The Longwood Center for theVisual Arts is throwing a Beaux-Arts Bash from 8 p.m. to midnightthateveningtosupport its collections, said LCVA Executive Director Rachel Talent Ivers.

Proceedswill gotoward new acquisitions aswell asthe "care, preservation and interpretation ofworks in our possession;' said Ivers. "Collections are cultivated just as one would carefor a garden.Weidentifyand acquire works thatfit in ourcollecting priorities, weed outthose thatare not and tend carefully to whatwe hold in the publictrust:'

Those interested in attending can choose from several options:

• Individual tickets are$75 per person.

•Emerging artist benefactortickets are $125 per person, which includesearlyeventaccess and a complimentary ticketallowing a graduating Longwood visual arts majorto attend the eventat no charge.

•Sponsorshipsstart at$250.

The benefactortickets provide a wonderful networking opportunityforLongwood's "newly minted artists;' said Ivers. "The students have the chancetotalkabouttheirartwhich will be on viewthat night at the LCVA-with potential patrons, aswell as celebratetheir accomplishments:'

Also during the evening, the LCVAwill announce the work selected as its traditional purchase from the seniorexhibition.

Foradditional information abouttickets, contact Beverley Roberts at robertsbm@ longwood.edu or 434-395-2551; for sponsor ship information, contact Ivers at iversrt@ longwood.edu or434-395-2404.

AdventurerTori McClure (center), president of Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky, encouraged Longwood students to test their limits.
Revelers will be encouraged to wear masks.
SPRING 2017 I 7


Management 391 : Professional Skills Development Instructor

Patti Bowman Carey '82, director, McGaughy Professional Development Center, and lecturer in business communication

How to succeed in business

The course, which is required for business majors, prepares students for the workplace. Students polish resumes, cover letters and elevator speeches. They also hone other skills that Carey considers "critical to success;' including dining etiquette and how to dress for interviews and job situations. An etiquette dinner and a presentation on proper business attire by a fashion-savvy Belk employee are regular features.

Passing the salt, pepper and etiquette muster

Among Carey's dinner tips: Offer the bread (or other food) to the person on your left and then pass it to the right; pass salt and pepper shakers, and cream and sugar, together; use the bread plate on your left and drink from the glasses on your right. Napkin etiquette includes not shaking the napkin while unfolding it (the napkin should remain folded in half with the crease toward one's lap) and using it to blot, not wipe, your lips.

Par for the course

This semester, for the first time, Carey is partnering with the men's and women's golf coaches to add golf instruction to the curriculum for those times when business dealings move from the office to the fairway. "I don't know of any Virginia university or college offering golf as part of its business curriculum;' said Carey. In another new twist this spring, human resources and talent managers are providing feedback on students' cover letters in a cover letter clinic.

A soft touch

" telI students their resume may get them an interview, but their 'soft' skills will get them a job;' said Carey, a former human resources vice president for East Coast Oil. "Business is all about etiquette, professionalism and making a good first impression. This is one of the most practical, useful classes that students take."


Accounting scholarship supports career plans of 1quiet leader1 who thinks doing taxes is fun

JoshWoodacre '18 isn't bothered by fellow students' reaction to his major.

"When people ask my major and I tell chem, sometimes theyshake their heads and say, 'I don't understand why,"' the accounting major from Prince George Countysaidwith asmile.

Woodacre plans to be a certifiedpublic accountantandwork in tax preparation or auditing. In a tax-season internship this semester, he isworking mosrly on corporate tax returns in the Petersburg office ofMitchell Wiggins& �ompany. Heworks ahalf-dayon Friday, all daySaturday and some Sundays.

'Tm learning alot and having fun," he said ofthe paid internship, which he hopes co continue this summer. "Somepeople thinkaccounting involvescomplicatedmath, bur a lot ofit is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication anddivision, in additiontothe taxlaws."

Woodacre isthe2016-17 recipient ofthe Larry C. & ElizabethW. TuckerScholarship in the College ofBusiness and Economics.

The $1,400scholarshipwascreated by Mr.Tucker, a Petersburgcivicleaderwho is the fatherofDavid "Dee"Tucker '86. At one time, all threeofDee's daughters attended Longwood: Leanne Carroll '15, Lauren Tucker '17 and RachelTucker.

Ifhis internship isn't keeping him busy enough, Woodacre is raking 19 credithours thissemester, includingconceptualphysics, and issocial activities directoroftheAccounting Association. Hehas a 3.5 grade-point average in his business courses anda 3.3 GPAoverall.

Winninga mocktrade showinaneighthgrademarketing class, in which he and his partner made pillows, sparkedWoodacre's interest in business. His careerpathbecame even clearer in high school, thanks to conversations with two cousins whowere accountants and an accountingclass he cookhis senioryear.

"I've always been good in math and interested in business, so accountingjust made sense," hesaid.

Woodacre is characterizedas thoughtful andmature byhisprofessors. Hewas called a "quietleader" by Patti BowmanCarey '82, director oftheMcGaughy Professional Development Center and a lecturer in business communication.

"Josh is always diligent,personableand engaged," said Carey, whotaughttwoclasses Woodacre cooklastsemester. "I have mystudentsworkin smallgroups, and his group often looked to him to be the leader. When he speaks, hehassomethingco say."

Woodacre transferred co Longwood in fall 20I5 aftertwoyears at Richard Bland College, following in the footsteps ofhis sister, Elizabeth Woodacre '14

"I love Longwood. I love howclose-knit everyone is, and I like the traditions," he said. "I also like the town ofFarmville, which has asmall-townatmosphere like whereI'm from."-f(e11tBooty

Ifyou are interested in helpinga deserving student, please contact Institutional Advancement at gifrs@longwood edu.

JoshWoodacre '18

TheAmerican Experience

2016 DosPassosAward winner explores racial identity in her writing

I]DanzySenna,anovelistandshort �storyauthorwhoburstontothe Americanliteraryscenein1998 withhercriticallyacclaimedfirstnovel, Caucasia, willbeawardedtheJohnDosPassos PrizeforLiteraturethismonthatLongwood.

"Danzyisawriterwhoseworkstandsout foritsconstantfocusonidentity,bothasan Americanandasapersonofbiracialheritage," saidDr.DavidMagill,associateprofessorof EnglishatLongwoodandchairoftheDos PassosPrizeCommittee."Shechallengesreadersonthevaluesoftheirpersonalidentity, andexplorestheideaofAmericanismin asimilarveinasJohnDosPassos."

Senna,the35thauthortobehonored,will receivetheprizeataMarch30ceremonyon campus.ShewillmeetwithseveralEnglish classesbeforetheawardpresentation.

Caucasiaisacoming-of-agestoryabout abiracialgirlinthemid-1970swhostruggles withracialidentityinatumultuousworld. ItwontheAlexAwardfromtheAmericanLibraryAssociationandwasnameda LosAngeles Times BestBookoftheYear.

Senna'ssecondnovel, Symptomatic, apsychologicalthriller,waspublishedin2004. Sincethen,shehaswrittenanautobiographicalworkonherbiracialparentage-her motheristhecelebratedpoetFannyHowe andherfatherisanAfrican-Americanscholar.

Shefurtherexploresthetopicinher2011 shore-storycollection, YouAreFree.

"Sheisatalentontherise,"saidMagill. "Herworkshaveallbeenwidelypraised,and thereisalreadyagroundswellofbuzzabout herupcomingnovel.Sheisanexemplaryauthorandmostdeservingofthe2016DosPassosPrize."

TheJohnDosPassosPrizeforLiterature, foundedin1980,isnamedforthetalented butoftenoverlooked20th-centuryAmerican writer,best-knownforhis US.A. trilogy. TheprizerecognizescontemporaryAmerican authorswhohaveproducedasubstantial bodyofpublishedworkthatdisplayscharacteristicsofDosPassos'writing:anincense andoriginalexplorationofspecificallyAmericanthemes,anexperimentalapproachto formandaninterestinawiderangeof humanexperience.

PastDosPassosPrizewinnersincludeColsonWhitehead,whowonthe2016National BookAwardforFiction,andiconsofAmericanliteraturesuchasShermanAlexie,Annie Proulx,EarnestJ. Gaines,ShelbyFooteand TomWolfe.The2015winner,PaulBeatry, wontheprestigiousManBookerPrizefor hisnovel TheSellout.

Theprizeisawardedannuallybythe LongwoodDepartmentofEnglishand ModernLanguages.-MatthewMcWilliams

Students catch the 1research bug'

"Researchopensyourmindtonewideas;' saysMaheletMamo'18,abiologymajor fromHerndon.

Sheisoneofmanystudentswhotakeadvantageofthemultipleresearchopportunities availabletoLongwoodundergraduatesacross avarietyofdisciplines.Studentresearchisa majorcomponentofLongwood'sQualityEnhancementPlan,whichispartoftheuniver sity'saccreditationprocess.

Mamo,whoplanstobeaphysician,has beenworkinginDr.BjornLudwar'selectrophysiologylabsinceherfreshmanyearand morerecentlywithDrAmoretteBarberona projectrelatedtodevelopinganHIVvaccine

"IlikeresearchbecauseIliketofindanew way;liketoinnovate;'saidMamo,amember oftheCormierHonorsCollege.

Otherresearchprojectsconductedduring fall2016andpresentedattheendofthesemesterinseveralpostersessionsacrosscampusincluded

•"PartyAnimals:TheEffectsofCandidate FavorabilityontheLikelihoodofVoting"


•"EffectsofCellPhonePresenceonAnxiety Levels:CellPhoneAddictsWanted!"

•"FriendorFaux:ProsocialandAntisocial SocialMediaUseandPersonalityTraits"


•"ConfidenceinBigBusinessasaProxy MeasureofViewstowardWhiteCollarCrime"

ZachFasana'17,abiologymajorfromFair fax,willpresenthisresearchresultsatanationalconferencenextmonthWorkingwith Barber,Fasanaexaminedtheeffectivenessof twowaystoactivateTcells,whicharewhite bloodcellsthatneedtobeactivatedtofight cancerTheprojectispartofongoingcancer researchbeingconductedinBarber'stumor immunologylab.

"Icameherewantingtobeadoctorbut nowwantacareerinresearch.I'vecaughtthe researchbug;'saidFasana,whoplanstoattendgraduateschoolandstudyimmunology "Thelabexperienceisahugepartofgrad school,sothiswillhelpme.Youcan'treally getthisinaclass."

Hewillpresenthisproject,"InhibitoryreceptorsPD1andCTLA4differentiallyregulate NFkBactivationinNKG2D-andCD28-costimulatedCDTcells;'attheNationalConference onUndergraduateResearch(NCUR)

Danzy Senna is the recipient of the 2016 Dos Passos Prize for Literature.

2 Longwood students among 25 in state chosen for scholarships

Two Longwood students who want to serve their country in the critical field ofcybersecurity have attracted the attention and support of the commonwealth ofVirginia-to the tune of $20,000 annually for up to two years.

Tyler Chuba '18 and Michael Moore '18 are among 25 students (10 graduate students, 15 undergraduates) acrossVirginia selected

forthe newlycreatedVir ginia Cyber Security Public Service Scholarship. The commonwealth's return on its investment? Recipients committo work for a state agency or institution for as many years as they receive the scholarship.

"This scholarship program fits well with our citizen leadermodel;' said Dr. Darrell Carpenter, director of Longwood's Center for Cyber Security. "What better way to be a citizen leaderthan to serve your state?You'II also be paid well while doing it:'

Chuba, majoring in information systems and cyber security, wants to workforthe FBI on cyber-related crimes, or possibly pursue a career in secureweb development.

"Fighting cybercrimes requires constant education due to an ever-changing technology landscape, but I enjoythe constant learning component ofthe field. It keeps things less mundane;' said Chuba, who is fromWoodbridge. "There's been a huge increase in cyberwarfare between nations, and it is a vital piece of national security."

Moore, of Richmond, also is majoring in information systems and cybersecurity. Even before he was chosen for the scholar ship, he was planning a career in digital forensics and-or IT, likely with the FBI, CIA or Department of Defense.

"This is my way ofserving my country. I wantto give back to the people ofthis countryone way or another;' he said. "Going to college and seeing whatthis country has to offer has made me an even bigger patriot:'

Down for the Count

Students spendan evening helping with census of region's homeless population

Down agravel road in the woods ofa local county one recent evening, Longwood seniors Vicroria PerryandTaylor Hughes interviewed a woman who lives in a shed that lacks heat, water and electricity.

The woman, a domesticviolence survivor in her 40s, uses a propane heater to keep warm, buys water atWalman and dreams ofbuilding a house on the property, which she owns. "Her life had crumbled just like dominos, and she can'tstandback up on her feet," said Hughes, "but she's doing the best she can in the situation."

Hughes and Perrywere among four members ofLongwood's Sociology Club who searched fo�people in similar situations when theyvisicedgas stations, fast-food restaurants, laundromats and parks in six nearby counties on an evening in lateJanuary. Alongwith fellow seniorsTaylor Bryant and LacyHodges, theywere volunteers in an annual homeless census coordinated by STEPS Inc., the regional communityaccion agency.

STEPS partnered for the first time with outside organizations in the "Point InTime Count," or PIT Count, which is part ofa statewide effort to provide a "snapshot" of each region's homeless population. Data from the count is a factor used in determining grant allocations for programsrelatedto homelessness.

"It was sad but also eye-opening to see that where these people live is so different from where I live," said Bryant, a sociology major from Poquoson. "We went behind buildings and to dumpsters."

Each ofthe Longwood students served on a teamofvolunteers thatwassent to locate

homeless individuals and families in two area counties.

"A lot ofpeoplewho need help don'twane to be found, so the homeless population is often overlooked anyway, especially in rural areaslike chis where they're harder to count than in urban areas," said Hughes, a sociology majorfrom Virginia Beach.

Thevolunteers, who canvassedfrom6 p.m. to midnight, had been provided information ahead oftime by local lawenforcementpersonnel as towherehomeless persons might be found. Hodges, who spentpare ofher night ridingwith a deputysheriff, interviewed a man livingin an abandoned trailer, and Bryantinterviewed a homeless personlivingat a motel.

The SociologyClub's involvementwas prompted by Perry's interest in homelessness. Perry, the club's president, first heard about the count duringher internship last semester in STEPS' housing program, where Bryant and Hughes are doing internships this semester. The agencyseeks to preventhomelessness and responds to theproblem byprovidingemergency shelterand rapidlyrehousing residentsofshelters.

"We have more homeless people in this area than you might think," said Perry, a sociology majorfrom Warrenton.

An annual homeless count is required for agencies that receive Virginia Homeless Solutions funding from the Department ofHousing and CommunityDevelopment.

"With last year's grant, it turns out we needed more shelter money than we thought we would. STEPS has sheltered a lot of homeless peoplethis year," saidArny Beatson, STEPS' director ofplanning and resource development.-KentBooty

Tyler Chuba '18 (left) and Michael Moore '18
Longwood students partnered with a community agency in conducting the annual 'Point InTime Count' of the local homeless population.The data is a factor used in determining grant allocations.

Construction Zone

Upchurch University Center

Completion ofthe Norman H. and Elsie Stossel Upchurch UniversityCenter, located on the site of the former Cunninghamsresidence complex, is expected byfall 2018

One unique element ofthe new centerwill be the flooring in the multipurpose room. The original hardwood floors from North Cunningham, built in 1928,weresaved and will be refinished and installed in the multipurpose room.

The three-story, 84,000-square-foot Upchurch University Centerwillhaveabout 8,700 square feetofspace devoted to office and meeting space for student organizations.The centerwill house the chamber room for the Student Government Association, aswellas numerousareaswhere studentscangatherand collaborate on projects. Several new diningoptions will operate in the facility, includingaStarbucks.

The centerwill house UniversityCenterand Student Activities staff, andwas made possible by a $4 million giftfromElsie Stossel Upchurch '43 ofFront Royal

Brock Hall

Brock Hall, homeoftheStudent Success Center, is set to open by the end of2017.

The two-story, 25,000-square-foot buildingwill housetheCenterforAcademic Success; theWritingCenter; the offices ofthe Registrarand Disability Resources; FirstYearExperienceand Family Programs; and the associatevicepresidentforenrollment managementand studentsuccess.

The building is named forbenefactorsJoan '64 and Macon Brock,who recentlymadea $5.9 million gift to Longwood-the largest in the university's history (seestoryonPage24)

Lancaster Hall ClockTower

Theclock tower atop Lancaster Hall recentlyunderwent extensive repairs, believed to be the first majorwork to thetowersince the buildingopened in 1939. All fourclockfaceswererestored and two hands on each facewere replaced; the clockmechanismwas upgraded to an electronic system; and a new bell strikerwas installed. Also installedwas a new LED lamp arraysystem, providinglighting behind each clockface.

In addition, thedamaged decorativeguardrail and ornamental elements atthe bell levelwererepaired and repainted. All parts ofthetowerreceived a fresh coat ofwhite paint.

Lancaster, theformerlibrary, has housed offices for administrative staffsince 1996.

Upchurch University Center Brock Hall
SPRING 2017 I 11
Lancaster Hall

President Reveley takes a moment to reflect on what Longwood has achieved-and where it's goingas he completes his-first four years in office

March 2017 marks the fourth anniversary of W. Taylor Reveley IV's appointment as Longwood's 26th president. In December, Board of Visitors

Rector Robert W. Wertz '85 announced to the campus that Reveley had signed a contract extension to remain at Longwood through 2023.

President Reveley recently sat down with Longwood magazine to share his thoughts on the direction of the university.


llYOURFIRST FOURYEARS ,: have been eventful, from the adoption ofa newcampus masterplan and core curriculum to hosting theVice Presidential Debate. Lookingto the future, what areyour main priorities?

THESELASTFOURYEARS, Longwoodhas becomean increasinglypowerfulvoicenot onlyinVirginiabutmorebroadly. Wearein a divisive and tumultuous time in the nation, perhaps everyonewould agree, and I think that makes Longwood's distinctive mission of cultivatingcitizen leadersall themoreimportant.That is the powerful thrust ofwhat I think about when considering Longwood's future-howdowe do that better?

Making the newcore curriculum (see story on Page 16) as powerful as it can be for the future has beenverymuch on the faculty's mind for along time. The thought thatoccurred to me and a number ofpeoplewas to marry it with our mission in a deep way. Citizen leadershiphas been an animating idea in student organizations and life on campus, but ithadn't necessarily been at the heart ofthe

curriculum. Now itwill be, and it really will shape generations ofstudents in a unique and powerful way.

Lookingback over chis past fall in particular, the most important long-term legacyof theVice Presidential Debatewill be kickstarting the new curriculum. But it also produced all sorts ofconnections across campus-peoplewho hadn't necessarily had great " cause to work togetherhave been in the crucible togethernow, whichwill be instrumental for all sorts ofendeavors Longwood undertakes in the future. I thinkwe learned agreat lesson about ourselves, too: that there is untapped potential here. Longwood hadn't entirely grasped all the things it had the wherewithal to do, but doing the debate so wellhas given everyone asense ofwhatwe can do in the future.

YOU OFTENTALK about having Longwood in your bones-several generations ofyour family have been part of Longwood How haveyou found that affectsyou as president?

IT MAKES THE MOST difference with regard to the perspective that I haveon Longwood. When I sit at mydesk, I look rightacross my office at a portrait, from Longwood's art collection, ofmygreatgrandfather Thomas Eason, who was the chair ofthe biology department here at the turn ofthe 20th century. And I was particularly close with my grandmother, Marie Eason Reveley, his daughter, Class of'40, first lady ofHampdenSydney during my granddad's presidency there from the early 1960s through late '70s.

It's reallywonderful to lookacross myoffice and see chat portrait and wonder about my great-grandfather's thoughts and perspective in the earlydays ofwhat felt like averynew centuryahundredyearsago.There have been dreams for this place, culminating over thegenerations, for averylong time. When I think mostdeeplyabout Longwood, I tend to think in longsweepsoftimewhatwill this place belikeacentury from now, more so than just ayear from now or even decade from now.

SPRING 2017 113

YOUTEACH acourse each fall and host regular lunches with Longwood students. What sticks out to you about them?

TEACHING thecourseon the U.S. presidencyeveryfallwith the iconic Or. Bill Harbour is oneofthegreatjoys ofbeinghere, drawingon myown background and workregarding theWhite House. It's awonderful thing to seeyoung Lancers thinking about how the pasthasenormousbearingon the future and how it can be a source ofwisdom, solace andstrength. When I meetwithstudentsor see them out and abouton campus, there's a sense ofcamaraderie, teamwork, care for one another and a remarkable sense ofoptimism in the faceofthe country's challenges.

THIS IS ATUMULTUOUSTIME forpublic institutions. Howstrong is Longwood financially, and what needs to happen over the course ofthe next decade for it to thrive?

WEARE REMARKABLY STRONG, and that's a testament to the peoplewhohavebuilt that strength over manygenerations, something the BoardofVisitors and I thinkabout often. That said, all states across the country facea challenge in funding public highereducation, andVirginia,despiteenormousgoodwill on the part ofstate officials and leaders, is no exception.

Overthenextdecade, wecan expect public fundingforLongwoodto be mostlikelyat roughly itscurrentlevel,which is to say a good bit less than a decade ago let alone in prior times. That's arealchallengewhen you thinkabout the prevailing issue ofthe cost ofhigher education, which simplycannot continue toescalatethewayit has.The solution is to reallyengageeveryengine to make sure we have enough student scholarship funding philanthropically in the future to make sure Longwood remains affordable.

WHEREAREWE comparedwith similar universities on that front?

WE HAVE SOME GROUND to catch up. Weaward roughly $1.5 million in philanthropicscholarship fundingeach year,which is asmall fraction ofwhatstudents and families bear. Manyofourpeers areproviding double or triple that amount.


THEHABITOF PHILANTHROPYacross alumni and friends ofan institution is almost agenerationalmatter. UVAorWilliam & Mary, for example, began thathabitalmost a centuryago. Longwood, on the otherhand, did not create the Longwood Foundation until the 1950s, and it's been onlyin the last generationortwo thatwehavestronglynurtured the habit ofphilanthropy

That's why I've made the alumni givingpercentage akeybarometer ofhow the university as awhole is doing. There is almost a direct correlation ofthat measurewith the momentum ofan institution. Thesimpleactofmakingacontribution-no matterifit's $10, $100 or $1,000-involves you powerfully with the alma mater. The better Longwood does atinvolvingand engagingalumni, the strongerwewill',be.

YOU'REALSO WORKING to get more alumni coming back to campus, and part of that is shifting thewaywe do reunions (see story on Page45). What is the hope behind thateffort?

ONE OFTHE GREATJOYS in life is going back to the alma materand seeing the things you loved and cherished during your time, andhowtheyremainpartofthe fabric ofthe institution.That's a powerful experience,



Perhapsevenmoreimportantishowthose comingofagenowdeveloparealsenseof whattheirownfuturecanbelikewhenthey engagewithalumnifurtherestablishedinlife. Wecanallrememberatimewhenwegothelp oradvicealongtheway,andalumnicanbe inchatgreatroleofprovidingencouragement, assistanceandconnectionsgoingforward. Oneverypracticalstepwe'vealsotakenin thatregardisintegratingouralumniandcareerservicesofficestoworkhand-in-hand.


theyareoftensurprisedbychenumberof thingsgoingoninFarmvilleWhataresome thingspeoplecanexpectinthenextfewyears?


inAmericanhighereducation,ourcampus andthedowntownofFarmvillearecheekro jowlwithoneanother,andtheworkcharrhe rownandLongwoodaredoingtoensurea natural,walkableflowbackandforthwill haveagreatimpactoverrime.Inthenextyear andahalf,alumniwhocomebackwillseeour bookstoremovedtoitsnewlocationonMain Street,anewbrewery,arecenclyopenedwine bar,likelysomenewrestaurantsandthe WeyanokeHotelinfullcry,whichwillbe springingbacktolifeasaboutiquehotelright acrossHighStreetnextyear.

VISITORSTHISYEARwillalsofindalotof constructiononthecentralcampus,likethe newUpchurchUniversityCenter.WillLongwood'scampuscontinuerohavethatdistinctivefeelalumnicherish?

ITABSOLUTELYWILL.Altogether,about $150millioninconstructionprojectsare shapingcampusforthenextgeneration. Maybetheforemostprinciplewhenwethink aboutconstructionistomakesurethespirit andthebeautyofLongwoodarereflectedin thenewbuildings,sochattheyhavechesame classicaleleganceasrheRotunda.Ifyou haven'tbeentocampusrecencly,whenyou're backnextyou'llfindchatLongwood'snew buildingscertainlydoreflectchat.

'I am enormously excited about the momentum we have. Applications have been rising and rising-up almost 40 percent compared with four years ago.'
- President W. Taylor Reveley IV

WHATEXCITESYOUMOSTaboutthe yearsimmediatelyahead?Wheredoweneed topushourselvestogeebetter?

IAMENORMOUSLYEXCITEDaboutthe momentumwehave.Applicationshavebeen risingandrising-upalmost40percentcomparedwithfouryearsago.Longwood'sprofile aroundVirginiaandchecountryisincreasinglyrobust.Andatrulydistinctivenewcurriculumchatsostronglyreinforcesourmission isreallygoingtostrengthenthisplace.That, incombinationwithchenewBrockEndowmentforTransformationalLearning(seestory onPage24),isgenuinelygoingtostrengthen cheexperienceofteachingandlearningchat cakesplacehere,insomanyways.

Withchatmomentum,I'mparticularlyattentivetothreechings.First,chatwedoallwe cantomakesureourstudentshaveastrong networkhereandastrongpathwaytograduation.Those,personalconnectionswithscaff andfacultyandfellowstudentsaresoimportant.Second,withthechallengesofstate funding,wehavetoensure-withscholarship fundinginparticular-thatwearedoingour besttokeepLongwoodaffordable.Third,we mustensurewecontinuetoattractgreatfacultytoLongwood-thefutureJimJordans, theBillHarbours,cheSusanMayses.Oursuccessdependsfundamentallyonthecontinued excellenceofourfaculty.


itlikeraisingyoungchildreninLongwood Houseandonacollegecampus?Andasaparent,husbandandpresident,howdoyoumanageeverything?Andhowdoyourelax?


isamagicalexperience.Thereischisevocative phraseIcameacrossnotlongagothatacam-

pusislikeatemporaryparadise.Sotobe abletoraiseyourfamilyaroundacollegeis agreatthing,especiallyLongwood,whichmy familyhascherishedthroughthegenerations. Thetwinsinparticularlovebeinginthe house,andracingallthroughthebackyard onwarmsummerdays.

MarloandIhaveactuallybeentogether nowfor20years,sincerightafterwewere finishingcollegeourselves,andmarriedfor 15years.Wegotmarriedmylastyearoflaw schoolandMarlo'slaseyearofbusinessschool atDarden.Andweareinthemidstofthe greatmodernjugglingactnowofbalancing twocareersandourfamily:keepingawatchful eyeovertheincreasinglycreativetwins, whilesupportingeachother'scareersand theirdemandingtravelschedules,andalso findingtimetogenuinelyandsimplyenjoy themoment.

Whentheparticularlyquietjunctures come,I'mavoraciousandomnivorousreader ofthingshighandlow.Ioftenfindmyself readingalotofpoetry,whichusefullycomes inconsumablepieces.AndagreatbitofadviceIgotfromafavoriteGreekprofessoronce wasthat,ifyoureallywanttorelaxthebrain, gotoamovie-evenbetterifit'samatinee. Soeveryonceinawhilethat'swhatIdo.

l' \' I

A Bold Framework to Shape Citizen Leaders

How Lo ngwood bu il t a un ique new core cu rricu lum to he lp prepare st ud en ts fo r ca reers an d com mun ity leadership

SPRING 2017 I 17

One afternoon in July 2014_, a smal l group of Longwood's leading faculty gathered along with then-Provost Ken Perkins in a conference room adjacent to the office of President W Taylor Reveley IV

Aportrait ofThomas Eason, Reveley's great-grandfather and chair ofLongwood's biology department a century earlier, hung on thewall. Reveley himselfhad been in officejust over ayear, and a period of transition, introductionsandstrategic planningwaswinding down. Longwood's 26th presidentwaseagerto start moving forward on key strategic initiatives.

The faculty that afternoon included mathematician Dr. Sharon Emerson-Stonnell and historian Dr. Larissa Fergeson, chair and vice chair, respectively, oftheAcademic Core Curriculum Committee. The 13-member group from across Longwood had been createdby the Faculty Senate soon after Reveleyarrived to lead the first major revision ofLongwood's general education requirements since 2001. These are the subjects and courses required of every Longwood graduate, regardless ofmajor, chat constitute rhe course ofstudy Longwood believes necessary for a student to be "generally educated."

Thecommittee's workwould require close attention to seemingly dryacademic details such as course sequencing, assessment and accreditation. But the questions they confronted were defining ones char would shapegenerations ofsrudents. How should Longwood prepare graduates for life and work in the 21st century? What should it mean to earn a Longwood degree?

Over recent months, the faculty committee had buried itselfin research-surveys ofstudents, alumni, faculty and employers. They had studied curricular trends at other leading institutions. And theyhad comprehensivelyreviewed Longwood's current "gen ed" curriculum, identifyingstrengths and shortcomings.

Some ideas had begun raking shape. Before moving forward, though, they wanted to hear from the president. The curriculum is the purview offaculty Bur rhe committee knew success depended on alignmentwith the vision that Reveley, and the Board ofVisitors, held forLongwood overall.

The committeewanted to put Longwood's citizen leadership mission-alreadyso present

in campus culture-at the centerofLongwood's academic program. Did the president sharetheirfaith that rhe core skills ofthe liberal arts and sciences-critical thinking, persuasive argument, problem solving-were nor only the essential skills forcitizens bur also for the 21st centuryworkplace? Did hewant to tinkerwith the currentgen edsystemor start from scratch? AndwasLongwood's leadership committed to making the new curriculum successful?

Reveleywas emphatic. The committee's workwas "the most important thinghappening at Longwood," he said. Itwas important to move methodically, he agreed, and build consensus across the faculty toensurelongterm success. Bur he also encouraged the committee to "think big."

co follow a single, narrow "core" curriculum, usually rooted in the classics.

Bur, as knowledge expanded exponentially, by the 20th centurycurricula began diverging into two portions: disciplinary majors, and a set ofdistribution requirements or general education courses that prepared students more broadly. Longwood's requirements were fairly typical. In the 1960s and 1970s, for instance, all studentswere required to rake 12 credits of English, 12 ofsocial science, 8 ofscience, and 6 each ofmath, psychology, arr or music, and health and physical education (including a swim test requirement that remained in force through the 1990-91 academic catalog).

Over recentgenerations, however, many believecolleges and universities lost theirway.

'Build something that screams out "Longwood!" [And] make it the best in the country.'
- President W. Taylor Reveley IV

As for citizen lia:adership, Reveley said he considered themission more essential than ever. Whatever the committee imagined and built, the workofshaping young men and women into citizen leaders should remain their "north star."

Above all, Reveley told the group: Build something unique thatwill resonatewith students and alumni. The course ofstudyLongwood students undertake should reflect and reinforce the distinctive strengths, personality andcamaraderieofthe university itself.

Puc simply, he said, "Build something that screams out 'Longwood!"' And, he added, "make it the best in the country."

Curriculum Drift

What should college students learn? For centuries, the answeracross higher education was

The learningstudents experienced in their majors expanded and strengthened their degrees in manyways, but the coherence ofgeneral education crumbled. In aiming to include more and more, gen edriskedaccomplishingless and less. Studentswere increasingly flummoxed by an expandinglist ofoptions char resembled a lengthyand overwhelming menu at a Chinese restaurant. Gen ed became a checklist, and college as a whole less than the sum of its parts.

At Longwood, the faculty committee found strengths worth preserving in the current curriculum, including a freshman seminar and broad exposure to a range ofpossible majors. But the program's 14 "goals" were inefficient and baffling to students, said Emerson-Stonnell, who oversaw the committee's student outreach in a series ofsurveys and meetings over nearly three years.




Foundationscoursesthatspantheliberalartsandsciences-withafocusoneffective communication,fundamentalknowledgeandinformedcitizenship-formthepillarsof thecurriculum,providingeachstudentwiththebroadhorizonsandscholarlycuriosity characteristicofalleducatedcitizens.

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SPRING 2017 I 19

"Theyjust saw this as something to get out ofthe way-a bunch ofhoops to jump through," she said.

Skills Students Need

Faculty, meanwhile, wanted more focus on improvingwritingand speaking skills as soon as students arrived on campus.

On the workforce front, employers made clear theywanted graduates who had done more than just check subject-matter boxes.

"Employersweren't looking for the small things-anAmerican historycourse or a world history course or French 101," Emerson-Stonnell said. Rather, theywant nimble thinkerswho can applydifferent perspectives to solving practical problems. Theywant graduates who can write and speak clearly, continue to learn andwork in diverse teams. Precise math skills are less essential than a broad understandingofquantitative reasoning.

"We're not training students forjobs that exist right now," Emerson-Stonnell said. "We need to give them skills to be independent learners so theycan train themselves in a world that changes constantly."

As ideas began to take shape, Longwood students offered some ofthe most useful feedback. Emerson-Stonnell remembers one particular lunch in November 2015 where the committee floated some earlyideas and got sharp questions back.

"They said, 'What do you mean by chis?"' Emerson-Stonnell said. "And 'This [course] helped me in my major-how areyou going to help me ifyou remove that piece?' What was wonderful was you had faculty and students there together at the cables, seeing each other's perspectives."

Students knew what theywanted, not just what theydidn't. Perhaps surprisingly, they were hungry for rigor. Theywanted gen ed strengthened, not watered down.

!so on their wish list: clear connections betweentheir gen ed classes and their majors-those priceless moments when students connect something they learned in one class with a newperspective picked up in another.

Students wanted flexibility to explore new subjects. And it was the students as much as anyone who pushed to tie the curriculum more closely to citizen leadership, said committee member Dr. Wade Edwards, professor ofFrench and chair ofthe Department of English andModern Languages.

"Theywantedaprogramthatwouldhelpthem understandthemissionoftheuniversity," hesaid. Perhaps most ofall, scudents1wanted gen ed to feel like a central part oftheir Longwood experience, not an afterthought. Theywanted to learn fom Longwood's best teachers and in small-class settings, not giant lectures. After all, that kind oflearning experience was a main reason they'd chosen Longwood in the first place.


• Required forall current students and freshmen entering through fall 2017

• Goals: 14

• Student learning outcomes: 50

• Writing- and speaking-intensivecourses outside gen ed

• Challenging forstudents to double majororminor in a second subject

• Internship (or the equivalent) required forevery major

• Foreign language: 3 credits at 200 levelor higher. Every student must showproficiency at intermediate level.

Building Consensus

The committee went backtowork, meeting for 2-1/2 hours everyweek in Ruffner Hall. The processwas slow and methodical, but for good reason. Gen ed revisions have bitterly divided manycampuses.

Typically, the conflict springs from departments fighting desperately to maintain a "piece" ofthe gen ed requirements, fearing they'll lose funding and faculty slots ifstudents aren't compelledto take their courses.

Facultyunderstandablyalso think theirown subjects are particularly important for students. Notes from the creation ofthe first gen ed curriculum at Longwood in the late l980s showed exactly that kind ofinfighting, which the committee was determined to avoid.

"We decided early onwewerenot going to go through the departments," EmersonStonnell said. The new curriculum wouldn't pickwinners and losers. Instead, "wewere going to do this as a university.Wewere going to treat chis as a university program."

Ifthe committee could hold to that principle, everydepartment could be invested in the newcore. Anyprofessor could develop new gen ed classes, perhaps in partnership with colleagues in other departments. All departments could have an opportunity to "sell" their majors to undecided students and to teach subject matter they valued, even to students who eventually chose other majors.


• Implemented in fall 2018 for incomingfreshmen

• Levels: 3

• Student learningoutcomes: 19

• Writing- and speaking-infused courses throughout the core

• Facilitates double majors and minors

• Internship (or the equivalent) determined by individual departments

• Foreign language: All students mustadvancetwosemesters beyond their level ofproficiency when they arrived, with options for more integrative language courses such as Spanish for medical professionals orGerman forbusiness professionals.


Still, therewere endless details. Should some gen ed classes also count coward a major? Should the foreign language requirement remain? And, ifa core truly distinctive co Longwoodemerged, how would the university make sure transfer students were fully a pare ofit?

''Aceachstage, we'd cake our ideasbackto faculty, hear theirfeedbackand thinkagain," said Fergeson, now Longwood's associate provost. "It was nevera straight line. There were days where it felt like wewere going around and around. Butwewould talk it out and then comebackand take aseep forward."

Tosucceed fully, the newcurriculum's componentsneededto tie together in away chat waseasilyunderstandableby choseon campus andbeyond.Avisual representationwouldhelp, thecommitteeagreed.Thegroupbattedaround ideas: asubwaymap,apyramid,evenan eyeball.

The closest parallel co thework theywere doingwas constructinga building. First, raw materials had to be identified. The next step was to construct an edifice chatwas functional, durable and, ideally, elegant. ln the end, theydidn'thaveto look far for inspiration. It was chemistry professor Dr. Melissa Rhoten who first noted how the structure caking shape-the foundation, the pillars, the signature overarchingdomehad acertainfamiliarity. Soon sketches ofthe newcurriculumborea purposeful resemblance to Longwood'sclassical Ruffner Hall, with its Rotunda dome on top.

Last fall, afterfurther refinements, the committee presented the proposed core to Longwood's FacultySenate.

At many institutions, chiswouldhavebeen a contentious moment, with the modestgoal ofawatered-down proposal attractingenough supportwith abare majority. At Longwood, therewas indeed one last robust debate. But the threeyears ofintensive collaboration paid off. In November, facultypassed thenewcurriculum with a resounding 22-3vote, followed bya hearty roundofapplause for the committee's exhaustingwork.

le wasa "validating moment," Edwards said. "I realized we had done chis rightwith transparency, collegialityand vision." Now therewas justone final hurdle cocross.

Unvei li ng the \Vork

During the period when the newcurriculum design has progressed, more than halfthe membersofthe Board ofVisitorshavebeen Longwood alumni, and the committee's work was ofspecial interest. Like Reveley, theysaw an opportunity forLongwoodto setitselfapart from ocher institutions-to build something

theiraudience through thestages ofthe curriculum from the perspectiveoffuture Longwood studems:

• Foundations-FirstYear: apairoffirst-year courses foreverystudent: Inquiry into Citizenship andWritingand Rhetoric.These courses ensure Longwood students focusattemivelyon citizenship from the time theyarrive, and begin to developwritingand speakingskillsthey'll


that would attract students, shape the people they became and stay with chem throughout their lives.

On acrisp DecemberFridayafternoon in Lancaster Hall, committee leaders assembled before the Board ofVisitors. Thetwogroups kneweach otherwell. For threeyears, the facultyhad provided regular progress reports to the board, whose approval was the final step ofthe curriculum's development.

Itwasas ifboardmembers hadwitnessed a much-anticipated portrait at each stage of progress. At last, itwas time to unveil the finishedwork.

Fergeson and Emerson-Stonnell gave their nowwell-rehearsed presentation. With the Rotunda-resembling designprojectedon a screen in Stallard Board Room, they guided

needat Longwoodand beyond.

• Foundations-Pillars: courses introducing students to arangeofdisciplines and ensuring a broad-basedgeneral education. The six pillars: scientific reasoning; quantitative reasoning; historical andcontemporary insights; human behaviorandsocial institutions; aesthetic expression; and lastlyglobal citizenship, including a modified language requirement.

• Perspectives: integrative learningexperiences, designedto makeconnections among various disciplines. In these upper-level courses, which could cake place offcampus, studentslearn to evaluate and deploy data and evidence from multiple sources to address problems and advance arguments.

• SymposiumontheCommonGood: In the architectural model, chis is the Rotunda dome,

C:11l'ric11lun1 \rcl1itccls Among the 13 faculty members appointed to the Academic Core Curriculum Committee were Dr. Sharon Emerson-Stonnell (left), chair; Dr. Wade Edwards; and Dr. Larissa Fergeson, vice chair.
SPRING 2017 I 21



Perspectivescoursesareaseriesofintegrativelearningexperiencesthatencourage students to understandissuesthroughmultipledisciplinarylenses.Thecurriculum culminatesinaSymposiumontheCommonGoodthatasksstudents to reflectupon andactivatetheskillsandperspectivesdevelopedthroughouttheirundergraduatecareers.


thesignatureculminationoverarchingtheentirecore,uniquecoLongwood.Withcitizen leadershipitsfocalpoint,thesymposiumallowsstudentscotietogetheralltheircourseworkandevenextracurricularexperiencesas theyreflectbroadlyontheirowneducation. Symposiumcourseswillfocusoncritical civicissues,preparingstudentsforwork ascitizenleadersdeeplyengagedinsuch issuesaftergraduation.

goingcohavecareeropportunitiesyoumay nothavegottenwithjustthemajor," sheadded.

Aboveall,thenewcurriculumforthefirst rimeputsLongwood'scitizenleadershipmissionfirmlyattheheartnotjustofitscampus cultureburalsoitsacademicprogram.

"Manyinstitutionsrevisetheircorecurriculafromtimecotime,butveryfewexplicitly tiechoserevisionscotheirinstitutionalmis-

'In a period of division in our country, the need for co lleges and un ivers ities to prepa re students for the challenges of day-to-day citizenship and democratic life has never been clearer.'
- Rector Robert Wertz '85


The14"goals"ofLongwood'scurrent genedwouldgivewaytothreelevels.Fiftystudentlearningoutcomeswouldbecomeamore intensive19.

Studentswouldnowbeallowedcocount upcothreegeneraleducationcoursestoward theirmajors,eliminatinganinefficiencychat hadprovedafrustrating(andcostly)obstacle cograduation.Andthenewcurriculumwould makeitsubstantiallyeasiertofulfilltherequirementsofdoublemajorsandminors.

Inwayslargeandsmall,thenewcurriculum wasdesignedcokeepLongwoodstudentson track-channelingchemcomajorswherethey wouldsucceed,engagingandexcitingchem abouttheirlearning,andeliminatingunnecessaryhurdles.

Futurestudentswillbemorelikelycoget Longwood'sfinestteachingandlearningexperiencesinthecorecurriculum,notjustin theirmajors.Themostcreativefacultywillbe theoneswhostepupwithcourseideas.Andit willhappeninthesmallsettingstudentsinsistedwassoimportant.Nocorecoursewill havemorethan25students,andsome,such asWritingandRhetoric,willbecappedat18 "Anditdoesn'tmatterifyou'reinamajor yourparentsdon'tchinkisemployable," Emerson-Scannellsaid."Youaregoingco havetheskillsemployerswant.Youare

sionstatemencs,"saidJoanNeff,whosucceededPerkinsin2015asLongwood'sprovost andvicepresidentforacademicaffairs.

Theacademicfocuswillhelpensurethe studentdevelopmentworkundertakenby otherpartsoftheuniversity,suchasstudent affairsandathletics,ispowerfullyinsyncwith Longwood'sclassrooms.

"WenowhaveanopportunitytodosomethingveryspecialatLongwood,"saidTim Pierson,Longwood'svicepresidentforstudent affairs."Thefactchatthecitizenleadership missionisintegratedintochisnewcorereally playsoffwhatwedoinstudentaffairs. Itmakesstudentssomuchmoreawareof whatthey'relearningandhowcoapplyit. Ourstaffjustconnectedwithitrightaway."

'A Beacon Across Higher Education'

TheBoardofVisitorspresentationlasted morethananhour,followedbyquestions. Thankstothecommittee'sregularprogressreports,addressingconcernsalongtheway,the verdictwasneverindoubt.

ButforFergeson,Emerson-Scannellandthe othercommitteemembers,theboard'sunanimousvoteapprovingthecurriculumandsustainedapplausewereamomentofexceptional pride.Edwardslikenedtheirfeelingstothose

ofanelephantwho,afterrwoyearsofcarrying acalf,atlastgivesbirch-pride,exhaustion, reliefandangstfortheparentingchatstilllies aheadasthecurriculumspringsfullytolifein theyearsanddecadescocome.

Thedayafterthemeeting,BoardofVisitors RectorRobertWertz'85thankedthecommitteeinanemailcocampus,callingthenew corecurriculum"elegantandrobust,andboth timelessandtimely."

"Inaperiodofdivisioninourcountry, theneedforcollegesanduniversitiestopreparestudentsforthechallengesofday-co-day citizenshipanddemocraticlifehasneverbeen clearer,"Wertzwrote."AcLongwood,wehave alongheadstartonchiswork.Ournew corecurriculumwillnotonlyhelpattract andretainstudents,butitwillinvigorate ourmission,andserveasabeaconacross highereducation."

ThatheadstartincludedtheVicePresidentialDebate,Reveleynoted.Manyofthe30plusclassesdevelopedbyfacultyfromarange ofdisciplinesinconjunctionwiththeVice PresidentialDebateservedasdefactopilot coursesforthekindofteachingandlearning thenewcurriculumwillfeature.

A Core Curriculum Done Right

Nowbeginsthenextchapter:launchingthe newcurriculumforstudentsarrivingin2018 while"reachingour"thecurrentcurriculum cocurrentLongwoodstudents.

ButReveleycouldn'thelpreflectingonthe distancealreadytraveledandthedistinctive elementsofwhathasemerged.

"Firstischatfactchatcitizenleadershipis thenorthstar,"Reveleysaid."Thatisunique inhighereducation,tothebestofmyknowledge.Andtheemphasiscontinuestobeon therelationshipberweenprofessorsandstudents.Thewholeintentofthecurriculum istodrawstrengthfromthatpowerfulfacultystudentconnectionchathappensonour campus.

"Everythingaboutitreallydoesscreamout 'Longwood,"'hesaid,"andIcouldn'tbe prouder."�


Transformative Times, Transformative Gift

$5.9 milli on do nation su pports creat ion of add itional Ye ll owsto ne-like cou rses central to core cu rricu lum

As Longwood movesforwardwith a newcore curriculum, the universityalso has received an extraordinary boost from the largest gifr in its history: $5.9 million fromJoan '64 and Macon Brock, to create the BrockEndowment forTransformational Learning.

The Brocks, acclaimed philanthropic and business leadersand dedicatedLongwoodsupporters, have always been impressed byLongwood's commitment to its citizen leadership mission, and by the close ties that develop among Longwoodstudents and faculty mentors. Longwood's environmental sciences program atYellowstone National Parkcaught theireyeas aplacewhere those strengths were powerfullyvisible.

Now, thanks to the Brocks' gift, Longwood facultyfrom disciplines across the university will begin developing moresuch programs at other siresacross the United States. An experience that today is enjoyed bya fewdozen students each year could somedaybean unforgettablepartoftheeducation ofmany, ifnot most, Longwood undergraduates. Manyofthese BrockExperiences also will

fir hand-in-glovewith thegoals ofthenew core curriculum, approved in December by the Board ofVisitors.Theprogramsshare manyofthe samegoals: connectingstudents co Longwood's mission,providinghands-on lessons in civic issues andleadership,pushing students co make connections and solve problems across disciplines, and exposing them to newideas and experiences that tie together their learning in Longwood's classrooms and beyond.

facultyto help coordinate the development of newprograms like Longwood@Yellowstone, as the program is known, and a similar program developed more recently in Alaska.

"TheYellowstoneprogram takes students out oftheircomfort zones, and that'swhere the transformation happens," he said. "Being outside the classroom in a totallynewenvironment immediatelybroadensyourperspective, but the real shifthappenswhen students startapplyingtheconceptstheylearned in the

'I have always felt so deeply proud of Longwood for taking on the serious work of preparing students for lives of citizen leadership.'
- Joan Brock '64

The BrockExperiencewill bea signature program that sets Longwood apart. Many otherschools offertravelcourses, but none with the interdisciplinaryfocusor transformational goal at its heart.

Whatwill future BrockExperiences look like? Options are limitless, with ideas co come fromfacultyforhow to takestudents beyond thewallsofcampus and applytheir disciplines in fresh and excitingways to real-world civic challenges. Programscouldtakeplace in other national parks, but also in a varietyofsettings rangingfromwilderness co urban areas, and in places of, for example, historical, scientificor artistic importance.

Josh Blakely,who in hispreviousrole as assistant dean ofstudents traveled several times toYellowstone, has been tapped co workwith

classroom co real-world problems. That'swhen theystart thinking like citizen leaders." A team ofadministrarors and facultymembers will considerproposals and select two Macon F. andJoan Perry Brock Fellows this spring, and a two-year development period will begin. Two more faculty Brock Fellows will be selected in spring2018 to develop new courses, and theprocess will repeat.

"I havealwaysfelt so deeply proud of Longwoodforraking on theseriousworkof preparingstudentsforlives ofcitizen leadership," saidJoan Brock. "This is truly what sets Longwood apart, and it is what the world needs. In talkingwith PresidentReveleyin recent months about how we could make a real difference, this idea cook shape. Macon and I firmly believe that in theyears and decades

Joan '64 and Macon Brock

tocome,studentswillbedrawntoLongwood bytheopportunitytohavethetypesofexperiencesthisprogramwillcreate,andthoseexperienceswillhaveaprofoundimpactonthem."

BobbyRaeAllen'17isamongtheLongwoodstudentswhocanalreadyspeaktothe impactofsuchexperiences.Anenvironmental sciencesmajorfromReston,Allenwentto Yellowstonein2015.HehadenteredLongwoodinthekinesiologydepartment,but switchedmajorsthespringsemesterofhis sophomoreyearbecausehelovedtheoutdoors.TheYellowstoneprogram,underthe leadershipofCormierHonorsCollegeDean AlixFink,convincedhimhemadetheright decision.

"Weconfrontedarangeofsocietaland environmentalissuesouttherethatIhad neverthoughtofbefore,"hesaid."Whenyou areoutthere,workingingroupstotackle aparticularissue,timegoesbysoquickly ButwhenIreturnedtoLongwoodandstarted

workingontheissueswewerestudying, itallstarted..tomakesenseinanewway."

Allen,whoplanstoworkinwatershed managementwhenhegraduatesthisspring, saidhisYellowstoneexperiencenotonlyreinforcedtheworkhe'sdoneinLongwood's classroomsbutalsowillgivehimanadvantage asheentershiscareer.

''I'minaclassnowcalledEnvironmental PlanningandManagement,andthethingswe arestudyingarethingswedidatYellowstone," hesaid."Wealsotalkalotaboutstakeholder involvementindecisionmakingandenvironmentalmanagement,andthat'salmostentirelywhatwedidatthepark:talkto stakeholdersandtrytounderstandissues completelyThattripreallyistheembodiment ofeverythingIwanttodowithmylife."

It'sjustthatkindofexperiencethatthe Brockshopetheirendowmentwillreplicate forgenerationsofLongwoodstudents.


atLongwood,andithasbeensoexcitingto watchtheuniversitythrive,"saidJoanBrock, whosegiftswithherhusband,Macon,tothe universityincludethenaminggifrforthe BrockCommonscorridorthroughcentral campus.Longwood'snewstudentsuccess building,whichislocatedonBrockCommonsandissetforcompletionin2017,will carrythenameBrockHallintheirhonor.

"Wehaveseenwhathappenstostudents onLongwood'sYellowstoneNationalPark andAlaskaprograms,anditisexcitingto thinkofsomanymoreintheyearsahead whowillhavenewexperiencesalongthose lines.Weareeagertoseewhatwonderful ideasemergefromthefacultyandcome tofruition."@

Future Brock Experiences could take place in other national parks likeYellowstone (pictured here) but also in a variety of settings ranging from wilderness to urban areas.



I]Whenisittooearlytostartthinking aboutcollege?Definitelynotfourth grade.

About140fourth-gradersfromPrinceEdwardCountygotwhatmayhavebeentheir firsttasteofcollegelifeinFebruarycourtesyof aLongwoodcampuswideinitiativeknownas LancerforaDay.

UnseasonablywarmweatheronaFriday morningaddedtothehighspiritsofthehonoraryLancersastheyclimbeddownfromseveralbusesandfiledintoHullAuditorium, wheretheystartedthedaybypledgingtofollowLongwood'sHonorCode.Laterinthe day,theywouldattendoneofseveralclasses taughtbyLongwoodprofessors;havelunchin theD-Hall;andplayteam-buildinggames withLongwoodstudents.

Beforetheyarrivedoncampus,thechildren hadalreadycompletedthefirstphaseofthe program.Theyhad"applied"toLongwoodby

fillingoutformsandwritingessays.Theyhad receivedtheiracceptancelettersandhadbeen issuedIDs.�

LancerforaDay,heldchisyearforthesecondtime,isdesignedtoconvincelocalelementarystudentschat-despitewhatthey mightthink-collegeispossibleforthem aslongastheyworkhardandprepare.

"Therearebarrierstolocalstudentsattendingcollege,soit'simportantforthemtovisit acollegecampusandbecomeenthusedby theenergyaroundchemandseechatcollege isnotasdauntingastheymaythink,"said DanielleWeltonBoxley'08,M.S.'14, aPrinceEdwardfourth-grademathandscienceteacherwhosestudentsattendedLancer foraDaybothyears."Moseofthesestudents haveneversetfootontheLongwoodcampus, andmanyhaveneverentertainedthoughts ofgoingtocollege."


byDr.PatriciaHastings,anassistantprofessor ofelementaryeducation,totheelementary school,wheresheobservedaLongwoodstudentteacherinBoxley'sclasslaseMarch.Hastings,whowasimpressedwiththeclass,asked thestudentsjustbeforeleaving,"Howmany ofyouamIgoingtoseeatLongwoodinafew years?,"towhichonestudentresponded, "Whycan'twecomenow?"Boxleywasequally eagertoshareideasforacollaborativeeffort inwhichstudentsatherschoolcouldvisit Longwood.

Hastingsreturnedtocampus"determined tofindawaytomakechathappen."Shegot towork,andsixweekslacerthefirstLancer foraDayeventwasheld.Itwasaninstant success.

"Theprogramwasunbelievablypowerful thefirstyear;thekidsjustateitup,"said Hastings,whoaddedthattheprogramalso aimstothankthePrinceEdwardCounty


schoolsystemforlettingLongwoodstudents dotheirstudentteachingthere.

"MycolleaguesandIwerealllookingat eachocherlike,'Thisiswhyweteach.'One graduatestudentsaid,'Alotofpeopletalk aboutcollaboration,butyoushoweduswhat itis.'Itwasoneofchosedefiningmoments thatwillstaywithus."

Hastingsreliesonsubstantialhelpandsupportfromher"awesome"LongwoodcolleaguestomakeLancerforaDayasuccess. Thisyearallthreedeans,17facultymembers, men'sbasketballcoachJaysonGeeandsome ofhisplayers,theCallMeMISTERprogram andthestudentorganizationGROWTHE (GreatRole-modelsOpeningWindowsTo HigherEducation)wereamongthoseinvolved.ThekeynotespeakerwasCainan Townsend'15,aPrinceEdwardCountynativewhoisdirectorofeducationaloutreach fortheMotonMuseuminFarmville.


"Atanop�nhouseattheschoollastAugust,oneparentofafourth-graderasked, 'WillmychildgettodoLancerforaDay?,"' saidHastings.

Andreceivingtheiracceptancelettersisabig dealformanyofthechildren."Youcan'timaginetheprideandexcitementchatgenerates," saidDr.JodieBrinkmann,assistantprofessorof elementaryeducation,anotherorganizerofthe event."Oneparentsaidchatherdaughter screamedwhenshegotherletter.''

Thatexcitementwasstillstrongonthe morningoftheevent."Thisiscooltolearn whatitwillactuallybelikewhenyoucometo college.I'mreallyexcited,"RileyFulcher,9, saidinHullAuditoriumwhilewaitingforthe welcomingceremonytobegin.

Afterward,thehonoraryLancerssaidthey hadablast."Ihopewedothisagaininmiddle


Amongchisyear'sclasses,allofwhichwere activity-based,wasamath/languageartsclassin whichparticipantshadto"save"theirteacher bysolvingasecofpuzzlesandcluesbeforetime ranout.Inaclasson"chocolateeconomics," studentsbarteredtounderstandinternational trade.Theyalsolearnedaboutthescienceof lightthroughlasers,bubblesandbutterflies. Boxleyis"reallyproud"ofthecollaboration,whichshesaid"infusesthekidswithexcitement,possibilityandhope.''APrince EdwardCountynativeandanAfricanAmerican,Boxleysaidhermotherwasimpactedbytheclosingofthecountyschools from1959-64toavoidintegration."ThehistoryofeducationinPrinceEdwardCountyis complicated,butprogramslikechiswilltouch thehearts,mindsandsouls-andfuturesofstudentsandleadchemtoaimhigher," shesaid."Thishasenormouspotential."

(opposite page, left) MorganWolf works diligently in the physics class, which explored the science of light. (opposite page, right) Haven Hogan '18, a nursing major from Gloucester, demonstrateshowto listen to bowel sounds on a manikin in the simulation lab. Students in the nursing class also listened to heart and lung sounds and feltforvarious pulses. (above)Abby Deguzman '20, a liberal studiesmajorfrom Chesapeake, wasoneofabout 15 membersofthe studentorganization GROWTHE (Great Role-models OpeningWindowsTo Higher Education) who interacted with the fourth-graders in team-building activities, escorted them to classes and ate lunch with them in the dining hall.

Alumni Awards honor 6 for achievements, service, loyalty

lSSlOllS ccom

IntheAlumniAssociation'sannualawards programthisyear,Longwoodishonoringfive alumniandalongtimefriendoftheuni'\rersityfortheiroutstandingachievementsand servicetoothers.

AmongthehonoreesareasoftwaredeveloperwhoworkedontheTomahawkcruise missile;amedicalanthropologistwhoseresponsibilitieswiththeWorldHealthOrganizationandtheUnitedNationstookher aroundtheglobe;andanalumnawho,

inavarietyofrolesincludingrectorofthe BoardofVisitors,hasgivencountlesshours ofservicetoheralmamaterinthesixdecades sincehergraduation.

Begunin1970,theawardsprogramhas singledoutthosewhoseaccomplishmentsare deservingofrecognition.Allofthisyear'srecipientsembodythespiritandpurposeof citizenleadershipand,throughtheiractions andtheexamplestheyset,serveasambassadors forLongwoodandtheeducationitprovides.

• •

Shirley Wood Grant '73

William Henry Ruffner Alumni Award


Shirley Grant attended Longwood at a time when it was all-female and known for producing teachers. Grant, who majored in math, decided on a road less traveled. Instead oftaking her skills into the classroom, she put them to work fortheDepartment ofDefense.

During the majority ofher 40-year career, she was involved in the development ofcomputersoftware for theTomahawk cruise missile program.Working at the Navy's Dahlgren research and development facility near Fredericksburg, Grant focused mainly on theweapon controlsoftware required to prepare, launch and monitor the missilebefore and after firing from U.S. surface ships and, subsequently,from the United Kingdom's Royal Navy submarines.TheTomahawkbecame operational in 1983-twoyears afrer she began workingon the system-and was first deployed in combat during Operation Desert Storm in 1991

Grant, who retired in 2014,spent the final 20 years ofher career managing the design modifications needed to enable the UK to make the system work aboard that country's submarines and, equally important, crew training toallow the missile's safe firing by a foreign country. Her responsibilities, which began when the UK considered buying the missile system in 1994, included establishing whether the U.S. system could be modified cowork withpre-existingsystems in the UK She traveled more than 20 times to England and Scotland,leading the team chat tested the system once it was installed.

"Myjobwas always interesting,always challenging," said Grant, whoreceived the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Awardin 1985 and 1998. "Ialways had to learn something new."

Grantbegan herDahlgren career in November 1973,working initiallyas a computerprogrammer. Before switching to the Tomahawk project,she worked on the Poseidon andTrident weapons systems, both ofwhichare submarine-launched missiles.

She met her husband,David, a native ofScotland, when he worked for the UK's Ministry ofDefense. The couple lives in Fredericksburg.


Cheryl Andrews helped pur herselfthrough Longwood by writing advertising copy for the former Thalhimers department store in Richmond.Now she runs the largest travel and hospitality public relations company in south Florida, spending about 30 to 40 percent ofher time traveling.

Andrewsis presidentand CEO ofCherylAndrews Marketing

Communications,founded in 1987 and based in the Miami suburb ofCoral Gables. The company has grown from a onewoman operation to include 18 employees, and its current clientsinclude the touristboards ofCosta Rica, Grenada, Trinidad andTobago, and Montserrat, as well as several highprofileresorts andboutiquehotels.

"Our motro is, 'We're here to make good things happen for other people,"' said Andrews."Ilovewhat l do, and I don't plan to retire any time soon."

Andrews wasnamed one ofrhe "Top 25 Most Extraordinary Minds in Sales and Marketing" by the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International in 2006. "Still,the only awards we really careaboutarethosewewin for our clients, which means adding to their bottom line," she said

After the English and journalism major graduated from Longwood,she traveled and lived in several places, including

Cheryl Andrews '70

Thomas Jefferson Professional Achievement Award

Washingron, D.C., where, working with the National Organization for Women, she wrote congressional testimony to get Title IX passed. She moved to Miami in 1977 and started writing marketing materials for resorts, in addition to teaching. Eventually shebranched out when one ofher clients, the now-defunct Key Biscayne Hotel and Villas, was so pleased with her advertising work that they asked her ro also handle their public relations and marketing.

In addition ro herhome inMiami,Andrews has owned a home on Nevis, part ofthe Caribbean Federation ofSaint Kins and Nevis, since 2001. "I call it 3.5 Seasons-it's almost, but nor quite, the Four Seasons," she said.


Dr Mayling Simpson had planned to be ahighschool biology teacher until she experienced a "great • h "d • • E • l f ep1p any unng a tnp to urope 111 ne summer o 1967 chat changed heroutlook onlife.

"I realized from a young age that I livein a privileged country and had a privileged upbringing," she said. "Once I srarced traveling,I realized I could have been born under different

SPRING 2017 I 29

Dr. Mayling Simpson '68

Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry Humanitarian Alumni Award

circumstances-Icouldbethatpersoninthesluminthe PhilippinesorlivinginruralpovertyintheEthiopiancountryside.Iwasgivenagreateducation,andIwasnotgoingto spenditonmyselfbutonothers."

Shedecidedtobecomeamedicalanthropologist,merging herinterestsinbiology,medicineandhealth.Armedwithher Longwooddegreeaswellasamaster'sandPh.D.fromtheUniversityofNorthCarolina,shedirectedhereffortstowardimprovingwaterandsanitationsystemsincommunitiesaround theglobe.

Duringher40-yearcareer,shelivedfull-rimeineightcountries,primarilyinAfrica,AsiaandEasternEurope,andworked forsomeofthemostrespectedagenciesinthefield:seniortechnicalofficerfortheWorldHealthOrganizationinGeneva, Switzerland;seniorhealthadvisorforCatholicReliefSerticesin EastAfrica;andconsultantfortheUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme.

TheworkwasaboutmeetingwhatSimpsoncalls"themost basicneedsthatwenowtakeforgranted:cleanwaterandsanitation,infantfeedingpracticesandeducationonhowtopreventdiarrhea,malariaandHIV/AIDS."

Simpson,wholivesinSteamboatSprings,Colorado,has beenapart-timeconsultantsinceretiringsixyearsago.She missestravelingandlivingabroad.

"Ir'sstimulatingtolearnaboutothercultures.I'maddicted toit,"shesaid."AndIlovethechallengeofapublichealthor socialjusticeproblem."

llNearly65yearsafterenteringLongwood, Dr. Helen Warriner-Burke isasdevotedasevertoher belovedalmamater.

ShecurrentlychairstheLongwoodCenterfortheVisual ArtsboardandalsoservesontheRealEstateFoundationboard. ShewasontheBoardofVisitorsfrom2002-10,servingasrectorinherlastyear,andalsoisaformermemberoftheAlumni andFoundationboardsandtheHullSpringsFarmstrategic planningtaskforce.

"Ihavebeenprogressivelyimpressedwiththeuniversity's qualityandprofessionalism,"saidWarriner-Burke,retired supervisorofforeignlanguagesfortheVirginiaDepartment ofEducation

Familymembersshareaconnectiontoheralmamater. Herhusband,PatBurke,taughthistoryatLongwoodfrom 1968-79.Theirson,Brendan,isa2003Longwoodalumnus, andWarriner-Burke'ssister,LeeScott'62,followedherto Longwood,whereshemetherhusband,Dr.MarvinScott, professoremeritusofbiology,whochairedthenatural sciencesdepartmentformanyyears.

TheLoyaltyAwardisWarriner-Burke'sthirdhonorfrom Longwood.ShereceivedtheDistinguishedAlumniAchievementAwardin2004andtheDistinguishedAlumniService Awardin1973

Warriner-Burke,whohasamaster'sdegreefromtheUniversidadNacionalAut6nomadeMexico(NationalAutonomous UniversityofMexico)andaPh.D.fromtheOhioStateUniversity,startedhercareerasahigh-schoolSpanishteacherin

Dr. Helen Warriner-Burke '56

Page Cook Axson McGaughy Lifetime Loyalty Award

RichmondandNewportNews.Shealsotaughtatthecollege level,asanadjunct,inadditiontohernearly30-yearcareer withtheVirginiaDepartmentofEducation.Shewasoneof24 Virginians,includingauthorTomWolfe,whoin1977received thefirstCulturalLaureateAwardsfromtheVirginiaCultural LaureateCenter.

SheandPathavelivedsince1994intheAmeliaCounty housewhereshewasborn,markingthethirdgenerationof herfamilytobegintheirlivesthere.Thelandhasbeeninher familysince1855.


I]Larry Robertson had planned cobe a high-school history teacher until hisjunior year at Longwood, whenhe realized the classroomwasn't for him.

"I liked being an RA inCurry,and some ofthe student affairs people,includingPhyllisMable,MaryKaye Benton Cochran,JoeMcGill andDr.SueSaunders,suggested chat Ilook intohighereducationstudent affairs," he said.

Afterpicking up a master'sdegree fromJamesMadison University,working as a residence education coordinatorin Curryforthreeyears and spendingnineyearsin residence life at VirginiaTech,Robertson returned to Longwood in 2004 as director ofresidential and commuterlife. He became dean ofstudents in2012.

"Twenty-five years ofstudents have made this job worthwhile.Workingwith students keepsme young,keeps me motivated," he said."Now Ihaveformer students who bring their kids here as students,whichis fun and exciting."

Robertsonis couched toreceivean awardnamed for longtime friend NancyShelton '68. As a Longwood student,he was a memberofGeise [nowMortar Board],for whichShelton, retiredassociatevicepresidentforalumnirelations, was the adviser.

"To even have my name uttered in the samebreach as Nancy is asincerehonor," hesaid,adding chatShelton,who always put students first,was a role model for him.

Robertsonhimselfisthenamesake ofanother award. UponleavingVirginiaTech,his formersupervisorsestablished the Larry Robertson Emerging ProfessionalAward, givenannually to a graduate student or staffmember who "best exemplifies professionalism,excellence and dedication to the student affairs profession."

I]When Dr. Anthony "Tony" Munoz arrived in Farmvillein 1961,he planned to stay less than a year. More than a half-century later,he is still therethanksto Longwood.

"Ihavehad a lot oflovefor,and ties co,Longwoodsincethe day I came to town," said theretired thoracic surgeon,a native ofValencia,Spain,whohas lived in the United States since 1954."I intended to stay here only about nine months,but ninemonths became 55 years. Longwood and HampdenSydney College are the reasons I'm still here."

One ofchose Longwood ties ishislacewife, Mary Ellen LaneMunoz '83,M.S.'88.Mrs.Munoz participated in the first LongwoodArchaeology FieldSchool,in 1980,and wasin the first class ofstudents to graduate with an anthropology degree.

Dr. Anthony Munoz

Horace Mann Honorary Alumni Award

Three ofthe couple's four children alsoarealums: Mark '79, Sara'83and Laura '91,who,likeher mother,participated in the firstArchaeology FieldSchool.

Munozserved on the Longwood Foundation Board from 1974-1993 and was awarded director emeritus status upon stepping down. One additional Longwoodconnection is the lace Marie Eason Reveley '40,grandmother ofLongwoodPresident W.Taylor ReveleyIV, who was one ofMunoz's patients.

In addition cohisprivatepractice,Munoz was the first medical director ofthe Heare ofVirginia Free Clinic,servingin chat position for three years.In his early days in Farmville,he demonstrated a commitment to social justice whentwomembersofthe medicalstafffromSouthside Community Hospital visited himat home.

'They suggested I should have separate waiting rooms [for whites and African-Americans],but Icold them, 'No way am I going to do chat.Youwanted me here,so it will have to be on my terms. Otherwise,I will leave." ®

Larry Robertson '90 Nancy B. Shelton Spirited Contributor Award
SPRING 2017 I 31



BlackwellTalk:JodieBrinkmannandPatti Hastings,"BuildingElementaryPre-ServiceTeachers' Self-EfficacyUsingDatatoInformMathematics Instruction."Noon,BlackwellBallroom. Information:434-395-2496.


Concert:JazzEnsemble.7:30p.m.,Jarman Auditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


ArtAfter Dark: "AdventuresinNohwithMatt Dubroff"6p.m.,LongwoodCenterfortheVisual Arts.Information:lcvainfo@longwood.edu.


Theatre: ZerotoSixty: 10-minuteplayfestival.7p.m. ThursdaythroughSaturday;3p.111.Saturdayand Sunday;FitzhughSamuelLabTheatre,Centerfor CommunicationStudiesandTheatre.General ad111ission:$5.Information:434-395-2474 orlongwoodrickers.corn.


Lacrosse: vs.GeorgeMason.2p.m., ElizabethBurgerJacksonField. Infor11ation:longwoodlancers.co111.


Guest Recital: KevinWetzel,baritone.7:30p.111., WygalAuditorium.lnformation:434-395-2504.


BlackwellTalk: WalterWirschey,"ModelsofWOE: FindingIndianSiresontheChesapeakeBay." Noon,BlackwellBallroom.Information:434-395-2496.


Dos Passos Prize for Literature Ceremony: AuthorDanzySenna.8p.111.,WygalAuditorium. Information:magillde@longwood.edu.



Family LancerFest: Activitiesforthewholefamily, includingpicnic,sportsclinicsandalumnisportscompetitions.Noon-6p.m.,VirginiaBeachSporrsplex, 2044LandstownCentreWay.Adults,$20;kids,free. Registrationandinformation:longwood.edu/alumni.


Men's Golf: Longwood/ManorIntercollegiate. 8a.111.start,TheManorGolfClub.Information: longwoodlancers.com.



BlackwellTalk: DeborahWestin,"EnglishLanguage BridgeStudentsasExpertsatLongwoodUniversity." Noon,BlackwellBallroom.Information:434-395-2496.

4 �

Children'sTheatre: MissElectricity: IllyriaTheatre Company.9:30a.m.,JarmanAuditorium.Children, $2;adults,free.Tickersavailableatthedooronly. Infonnarion:434-395-2474orboxoffice@longwood.edu.


Lacrosse: vs.Liberty.4p.m.,ElizabethBurger JacksonField.lnfor111ation:longwoodlancers.com.


Concert: AmernetSeringQuartet.7:30p.m., WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Faculty Recital: ChristopherSwanson,tenor,and LisaKinzer,piano.7:30p.m.,JarmanAuditorium. Infor111arion:434-395-2504.



MAY 10 -13


Senior Recital: CodyLeonard,altosaxophone. 7:30p.m.,WygalHall.Information:434-395-2504.


Exhibition: PointofDeparture. Openingreception: April8,5p.111.,LongwoodCenterfortheVisualArts. Infor111ation:lcvainfo@longwood.edu.


Softball: vs.Gardner-Webb.Ip.111.,LancerField. Information:longwoodlancers.co111.


Remembering the Holocaust Exhibition: Holocaustsurvivorportraitsbyphotographer DeanWhitbeck.LongwoodCenterfortheVisualArts. lnfor111arion:maddenrr@longwood.edu.



Theatre: TableManners.7p.m.Wednesda)'through Samrday,3p.m.SaturdayandSunday;Mainstage Theatre,CenterforCommunicationStudiesand Theatre.Generaladmission,$1O;seniorcitizens, Longwoodfaculty/staffandstudentsfromother colleges/schools,$8;LongwoodstudentswithID,$6. Information:434-395-2474orlongwoodtickets.com.


ArtAfter Dark: "LocalEarrh:FindingandUsing NativeClayswithMackenzieLenharr."6p.m., LongwoodCenterfortheVisualArts.Information: 434-395-2206orlcvainfo@longwood.edu.


Faculty Recital: ParlorTricks,sologuitar,selections byDynes,Chopin,TarregaandVilla-Lobos.7:30p.m., WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2405.


Baseball: vs.Presbyterian.6p.m.April13,6p.m. April14,2p.m.April15;BuddyBoldingStadium. Information:longwoodlancers.com.


Remembering the Holocaust Lectures: PhotographerDeanWhitbeck,9:30a.m.;Dr.Melissa Kravetz,assistantprofessorofhistory,"TheHolocaust: ABriefHistory,"4p.m.;HolocaustsurvivorDr.Roger Loria,5:30p.m.LongwoodCenterfortheVisualArts. Information:maddenrr@longwood.edu.


Senior Recital:TylerGage,trumpet.7:30p.m., WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Softball: vs.Presbyterian.5p.m.April14,noon April15;LancerField.Information: longwoodlancers.com.


Lacrosse: vs.Winthrop.2p.m.,ElizabethBurger JacksonField.Informacion:longwoodlancers.com.


Faculty Recital: FranColeman,voice,andTeri Kidd,piano.7:30p.m.,WygalAuditorium. Information:434-395-2504.


Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium 4p.m.,Ruffner356.Information: 434-395-2193


JUNE 2-4


Beaux-Arts Bash: BenefitingtheLongwood CenterfortheVisualArts.8p.m.-midnighr.Tickets andinformation:roberrsbm@longwood.edu or434-395-2551.



Big South Conference Softball Championship. TBD.LancerField.Information: longwoodlancers.com.


Graduate Commencement. 5:30p.m.,Jarman Auditorium.Information:434-395-200].


Undergraduate Commencement. 9:30a.m., WheelerMall.Information:434-395-2001.



Concert: WindSymphonyandJazzEnsemble. 7:30p.m.,WygalAuditorium.Information: 434-395-2504.


Senior Recital:JordanRussnow,voice.7:30p.m., WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Baseball: vs.Winthrop.6p.m.April21,4p.m. April22,2p.m.April23;BuddyBoldingStadium. Information:longwoodlancers.com.


Softball: vs.CharlestonSouthern.1p.m.April22 (doubleheader),lp.m.April23;LancerField. lnformation:longwoodlancers.com.


Senior Recital: MichaelVelez,tenortrombone. 4p.m.,WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Concert: Men'sandWomen'sChoirs.7:30p.m., WygalAuditorium.lnforrnation:434-395-2504.


Concert: CamerataSingersandChamberSingers. 7:30p.m.,FarmvilleUnitedMethodistChurch. Information:434-395-2504.


Senior Recital: CoryAnderson,trumpet.7:30 p.m.,WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Baseball: vs.Libercy.6p.m.April28,4p.m. April29,2p.m.April30;BuddyBoldingStadium. Information:longwoodlancers.com.


Mega ReunionWeekend. Registration: go.longwood.edu/megareunion.Information: 434-395-2671orreunion@longwood.edu.

3- JULY 16

Exhibition. Enduringlegacy,newselectionsfromthe PermanenrCollection.Openingreception,5:30-8p.m. June2.LongwoodCenrerfortheVisualAns. Information:lcvainfo@longwood.edu.


Alumni Event: RichmondFlyingSquirrelsgame andpregamefamilypicnic.Picnic,4:30p.m.;game, 6:05p.m.TheDiamond(3001NorthBoulevard). Costsandinformation:longwood.edu/alumni.



Alumni Event: WashingtonNationalsgameand pregameparry.Pregameparry,timeTBA;D.C. Fairgrounds.Game,4:05p.m.;NationalsPark, 1500SouthCapitolSr.Costsandinformation: longwood.edu/alumni.


14thAnnual Summer Literacy Institute. Registrationrequired.BlackwellBallroom. Information:434-395-2682.


GlobalVillage Summer Camp: Forchildren ingrades2-7.Costs,registration,scheduleand information:longwood.edu/internationalaffairsl global-village-summer-camp/.

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SPRING 2017 I 33

books by alumni, faculty, staff and friends

Bitterroot: Echoes of Beauty & Loss

Thebook, awarded astarred review from Kirkus Reviews, is based on asix-weekjourney Faulknercookwith hisyoungest son retracing the seeps of19th-centuryexplorer Pierre De Smee, a Belgian-born missionary priest.The book, said Faulkner, "weaves togetherthreethreadsofhistory: De Smet, explorers Lewis and Clark and what happened co the NezPerceIndians." Much ofthe book focuseson theFaulkner-and-son2010 adventure ofhiking, mountain bikingand canoeing on cheLewisand ClarkTrail.The Faulkners also traveledon the OregonTrail, which follows De Smet's explorations ofthe 1840s. PublishedbyBeaufortBooks, hardcover, 371pages.

Forging the Star: The Official Modern History of the United States Marshals Service

Turk is historian oftheU.S. Marshals Service. Founded in 1789, it is theoldest federal law enforcementorganization in the country. The bookfocuses on theMarshals Service since the 1940s, an eralargelyoverlooked in previous books. "People aresurprised by how frankthe book is," saidTurk, who worksat theagency's headquarters in the Crystal City section ofArlington and has written five otherhistorical books. He joined theMarshals Service in 1990 and became icssecondhistorian in 200I.

Publishedbythe UniversityofNorth TexasPress, hardcover, 540pages.

Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture

edited by Dr. Larissa "Kat"Tracy, associate professor of medieval literature, and Kelly DeVries

This is the latest ofseveral booksTracyhas published on torture, brutalityandviolence in theMiddleAges.The 23 contributors include archaeologists; historiansfrom various disciplines, includingart and literature; linguists; and medical experts. (Tracy, cofounderand codireccorofLongwood's Undergraduate Medieval Conference, wrote one chapter, in addition to being co-editor.) The book is the first installment in theseries "Explorations in Medieval Culture," edited byTracy. PublishedbyBrill, hardcover, 645pages.

The Last Road North: A Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign, 1863

Partofthe EmergingCivilWarSeries, this tourguide-likebook "offers theultimate Civil Warroadtrip"and covers all sites related to the pivotal campaign, including dozens oflesser-known sites, says the publisher. The book is based on the CivilWarTrails program ofinrn,rprecacive markers. For the Gettysburgcampaign, themarkersbegin in Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Orrison is historic site operations supervisorfor Prince William Countyand serves on the board ofche Virginia Association ofMuseums. PublishedbySavasBeatie, softcover, I92pages.

Queenie: A Story of Hope

Bishop called this children's book, basedon a true story, "an inspirationalstoryforanyage about a lost dog and the importance ofnever giving up hope." Bishop, who along with her husband has raised foxhounds for 12years, also is the author ofSampsonandthe Gang from HoundHoller. She is a currency technologyanalyse at cheFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond. PublishedbyMirrorPublishing, softcover, 63pages.

-�•�il;i •;-..,.....,._ �� . ...,;..u. .,..,
Robert Orrisoi\ :u)d Dan \Vdch A Guide tO the (Jerty!sburg Campaign, 1863

Always Remembered

Longtimefriendandteammate establishes scholarship inJerome Kersey's memory

llJeromeKersey'84wasmanythings tomanypeople.ToNBAfans,he wasahigh-flyingrimrockerwhose relenrlessnessonthecourtearnedhimthe nickname"NoMercyKersey."

TochoseinthePortlandcommunity,hewas aphilanthropist-acontributortomanycharitiesandinitiativeswhowasselflesswithhis timeandmoneybothduringhisplayingdays andafterretirement.

ToLongwoodfans,hewasoneofthegreatestathletestoeverwalkthecampus,asmalltown-star-turned-NBA-sensationchatall Lancers,pastandpresent,canstillproudly recognizeandsay,"Hewenttomyschool."

TolongtimefriendandfellowLancerKevin Brandon'82,Kerseywasallchosethingsand more.BrandonspentdecadesatKersey'sside duringalifelongfriendshipchatbeganat Longwoodandblossomedthroughouttheir differentyetintertwinedcareers.

Now,approximatelytwoyearsafterKersey unexpectedlydiedatage52,BrandonisfurtheringthelegacyofhisfriendthroughtheestablishmentoftheJeromeKerseyMen's BasketballScholarship.

"Jeromedeserveschisbecausehehelped people,andhehelpedme,"saidBrandon, whoreturnedtocampuschispastDecember whenLongwood'shomebasketballcourtwas namedinKersey'shonor."Hehasdoneincrediblethingsformywifeandme,andfor ocherpeoplechatIdon'tevenknowof.Everythinglinedupperfectlytomakesettingup

chisscholarshipinhisnamesoright.Iwantto keepJerome'slegacyalive."

Brandonandhiswife,Rhonda,established thescholarshipwitha$25,000donation. Thescholarshipwillbeawardedannuallyto amen'sbasketballplayerwhoembodies Kersey'sdriveanddedicationonthehardwoodandintheclassroom.

whentheywereplayingWashington,Jerome wouldcometomyhousethenightbeforethe gameandsleeponthefloorbecauseIdidn't haveabedlongenoughforhim."

BrandonenjoyedthefacetimewithNBA HallofFamersandtheprimeseatsatVeteran MemorialColiseum,burhesaidthemoments chattrulydefinedhisfriendshipwithKersey

'I wanted it tobe for a student like Jerome whoworked hard to play b�all and worked hard tostay in school.'

"IwantedittobeforastudentlikeJerome whoworkedhardtoplayballandworked hardtostayinschool,"Brandonsaid.

ThebondbetweenBrandonandKersey beganformingintheearly1980s,whenthey weretwoofthefewmenonLongwood's newlyintegratedcoedcampus.Brandon,two yearsaheadofKersey,graduatedin1982as atherapeuticrecreationmajor,buttheir friendshipcontinuedwellaftertheirLongwooddays.Kerseywentontogetdraftedby thePortlandTrailBlazersin1984,andhe broughtBrandonalongfortheride.

"Wetalkedeveryday,"Brandonsaid."Iwas inPortlandtwoorthreetimesayear.Jerome wouldcallmeonthespurofthemomentand say,'Iwantyoutomeetmehere,'andI'dgo seehim.I'dgooutthereforhisbirthdayparties;I'dgooutthereforbasketballgames.Or I'dmeethimsomewhereontheroad.Even

happenedawayfromthecrowdsandthe stadiumlights.

"Hewassodowntoearth,whichisbecause ofhowhewasraised,''Brandonsaid."When IleftLongwood,Iworkedatarehabhospital inWashington,D.C.,theHospitalforSick Children,andIdealtwithalotofdisabled children.JeromewasintheNBA,butevery yeartheyplayedWashington,hewouldgo anddoatourofthehospital.Hewouldvisit thekidsandthestaff.Hewouldbetherejust tohugchem."

Kerseydonatedhistimeandmoneytothe hospital,evenfundingaplaygroundforthe children.Thatgenerosiryisjustoneofmany examplesofKersey'sone-of-a-kindspirit, whichstillcausesBrandontorearupwhenrememberinghisfriend.

"Hejusthadaheartofgold,"Brandonsaid. -ChrisCook

(left) Kevin '82 and Rhonda Brandon accepted Jerome Kersey's posthumousWilliam Henry Ruffner Alumni Award in 2015. (center) Brandon and Kersey at the Hospital for Sick Children inWashington, D.C., in the mid-1980s. (right) Kersey at his 2006graduation from Longwood.
SPRING 2017 I 35

2017 holds promise for lacrosse team

Following arecord-breaking offensive season thatled Longwood women's lacrosse to its fourth straight season of a .500 orbetterrecord in the BigSouth,the Lancers are lookingfor more ofthesame headinginto2017.

Ledby Preseason All-Big Southmidfielder Madison Stair '18, a communication studies majorfrom Frederick, Maryland, the Lancers enterhead coach Elaine Jones' fifth season comingofffive consecutivetop-five finishes in theBigSouth.Last year, Stair andthen-seniors Sarah Butler '16 and Katie McHugh '16 formed thebackbone ofthe Lancers' attack, whichwas amongthethreebest in the Big South.

This year, Stair is takingthelead after a41goal sophomore campaign that she parlayed into becoming Longwood's first Preseason AllBig South selection since the programjoined the conference in 2013.

Butthe 2017 Lancers areaboutmore than just scoring goals, as returning starting goalkeeperlmaniWest '18, aliberal studies major from Maplewood, New Jersey, stepsbackinto goal after posting a 12.21 goals against average and a .406 save percentage a year ago.

Anchoringthe defense in front of herwillbe senior Maddie Rollins '17, a kinesiologymajor from Dummerston,Vermont.Rollins is a threeyearstarterwho ranked amongthe Big South's top five in groundballs last season.

A Lesson in Determination

Scholarship or no scholarship,nothing less than Division I wouldsatisfy this unlikely star athlete


Don't bother celling Kate Spradlin she isn't supposed to start for the ,: Longwood women's basketball team.

As the team's lone walk-on, Spradlin '19, a business major from Blue Ridge, wasn't supposedto become one ofLongwood's top-five scoring options chisyear. Afrer missing nearly all oflase season with a shoulder injury, she wasn't supposed to bounce back tobecome the

on the court so she can get an early start on thehundreds ofshots she takes each day. Those marathon solo training sessions paid off in Spradlin's sophomore season. After playing in just five games as afreshman, she blossomed intoLongwood's fourth-leading scorer in20I6-17, averaging 7.0 points per game, and was the Lancers' top 3-point threat, shooting at a .349 clip.

'Kate Spradlin is,in a niceway,an animal. She puts in a ridiculous amount of time onher own in an effort toimprove.'


team's top 3-point shooter. After not receiving a singleDivision I scholarship offer out of high school, s,he wasn't supposed to win a startingjob on a Division I basketball team. Bur hereshe is, in her sophomore season, all ofchose things.

Spradlin's journey fromwalk-on to major contributor in less than ayear is no accident. She didn'tluckintohersuccess, andshehad manyopportunities alongthe wayto settle for less, Settling for less, however, isn'tin her vocabulary,

"Kate Spradlin is, in a nice way, an animal," said Longwood's head coach Bill Reinson, now in his seventh year. "She puts in a ridiculous amount oftime on her own in an effort toimprove. You can walk through the gym any time, anyday, and it would not be surprising to see Kate getting some shots up."

Spradlin's drivetobetterherselfmight border on obsessive, but it also is inspiring to those who witness it. She has a reputation for being the first at the door ofWillett Hall in the mornings, waitingfor a Longwood staff member-or anybodywith a key-to lether

Her emergence defied the odds, She finished herhigh-schoolcareer without a single Division I scholarshipoffer, despite excelling in several sports at Lord Botetourt High School in Blue Ridge. Determined to challenge herselfat theDivision I level, she turned down severalDivision II scholarships.

Then she contacted Longwood to ask for a chance to realize her dream,

"From the first time we watched herplay, it was apparenthowhard she worked and the typeofpassion thatshehasforthegame," Reinson said. "We need those typeofplayers. Once we had the opportunity to meet her, it was a no-brainer."

Spradlinbecameone ofthe most valuable players on Longwood's roster, ranking second in minutes per game with 31.8 per contest. The bounce back in her athletics careercame with an equallyimpressive academic performance. Spradlin has been named to the President's List-a distinction given tothose who earn a4.0 grade-point average-in each of her three semesters at Longwood.


Madison Stair '18 leads the Lancers as Preseason All-Big South midfielder.
Kate Spradlin '19

Heavy Lifting Longwood community embraces opportunity to host Special Olympics competition

The Longwood communitycame together in Februaryto host the first Lancer Invitational, apowerlifring meet forVirginia Special Olympicsathletes.

Competing in the back squat, bench press and deadliftevents held in Iler Gym were Thomas Baker,Aaron Ealey, Daron Ealey, RomanJohnson,James Mullins, Matt Shomper, Chris Smallwood and BrianWilliams. Medalistswerehonored at halftime ofthe Longwood women's basketballgameagainst Winthrop later chat day.

"Itwas a great opportunity to provide the athletes a chance to compete early in the season, and to gee on campus and do something differentforachange," said assistantsports performancecoach C.J. Roch '16, who organized the event in addition to his normal duties in training Longwood's student-athletes.

Roch, whowasafour-yearmemberof Longwood's baseball team and ream captain as asenior, shouldered the bulk ofresponsibility for purring on rhe event, coordinatingeverything from setting up the facility to organizing volunteers and workingwith the Virginia SpecialOlympics organization.Theadded responsibilitywas nothing new for Roch, who demonstrated his proficiencyas acitizen leader during his stint as president ofLong-

wood's StudentAthleteAdvisory Committee.

Longwoodagreed to host the meet after beingcontacted by the father ofone ofthe SpecialOlympics athletes, who also is a coordinator for NottowayCounty's local Special Olympics groups.

"The planning.started back in November, when we had our first meeting about it, and from then on itwasa nonstop process of gettingeverything logisticallyfiguredout," said Roch.

Student-athletes from Longwood's women's tennis and cheerleading programs volunteered in various capacities, as did several members ofLongwood'sfacultyand staff. Volunteers helped with everything from announcing events to running the lifts.

Volunteer turnoutwasso overwhelming chatRoch had toturn down dozens ofstudents and staffmembers, includingcoaches of several Longwood teams,whowanted to help. Undaunted, theyshowed up anyway, creating an impromptu cheering section for the meet.

"All in all, we got reallygood feedback, and I know a lotofpeople really enjoyed it," Roth said. "We definitely plan on continuing itnextyear. Irwasmorethan an athletics event; itwasacampuswideevent."

2016's momentum carries baseball team into new season

The 2016season was historicfor Longwood baseball, and the Lancers lookto carrythat momentum into 2017, head coach Ryan Mau's third season.

One yearafterwinning 32 games,the most since Longwood became afull-fledged Division I institution 10years ago, and earning a second-placefinish inthe Big South standings, the Lancers head into 2017with an even deepersquad.

Lastseason, Longwoodflashed grit andtenacityfromopening weekend through the BigSouthChampionshipTournament.

That never-quitmentalitysaw Longwood emerge asthe bestFriday nightteam inthe Big South lastspring, asthe Lancers, led bysenior aceTravis Burnette '16stormedtoa 12-2 record in series openers, including a series-opening win overeventual CollegeWorld Series Champion Coastal Carolina.

Burnettefinished 8-2 with a 2.35 ERAen routetoAll-Big South firstteam honors but leavesthe Lancers with a sizable hole atthe frontofthe starting rotation. However, Longwood is primedto make upfor his absence with a stoutoffensive lineup and a deep pitching staffmade up ofseveral arms readyto make a Burnette-likejump on the mound.

Anchoringthe lineupwill bethe hard-hitting duo ofAlex Lewis'17, a senior business major from Burke, and Michael Osinski '18, a sociologymajorfromVestal, NewYork,two middleof-the-order bats who both hit over .300 and combinedtodrive in 80 runs in 2016. Lewis returns as one ofthe bestpure hitters in the conference, earningAll-Big South firstteam honorsafter raking a .369 batting average withfive homers, 22 doubles and ateamleading 45 RBI during hisbreakoutjunior campaign.Osinski, meanwhile, turned a torrid second half into a final batting line of.305 with 18 extra-base hits and 35 runs driven in.

So many members of the Longwood community volunteered to help with the Lancer Invitational in lier Gym that organizers couldn't accommodate them all.
Sluggers Michael Osinski '18 and Alex Lewis '17 will anchor Longwood at the plate this season.
SPRING 2017 I 37

Ahead ofthe Game

Athletics trailblazers honoredformanydecades of dedication to Longwood

mLongwood honored two pioneers of its athletics programs thisyear, naming its field hockey turfin honor of Dr. Elizabeth BurgerJackson and retiring an honoraryjersey for Hall ofFamewomen's basketball coach Shirley Duncan.

The two served Longwood in careers spanning several decades, eachmolding generations ofstudents. Now the names ofthe Longwood Athletics Hall-of-Famers will be further coupled with theirrespectiveathletics programs following the Oct. 29, 2016, naming of"Elizabeth BurgerJackson Field" and Duncan'sJan. 28, 2017, jersey retirement in Willett Hall.

"Longwood athletics would not be where it is todaywithout the contributions ofmany, manypeople, but Coach Duncan and Dr. Jackson are certainly at the top ofthat list," said Longwood Director ofAthleticsTroy Austin. "They helped lay the foundation not onlyforLongwood's women's sports but also

for our athletics department as a whole. Each was phenomenal in her chosen profession, but moreimportantly, they areboth trueexamples ofteachers who use their platforms to develop young people in all areas oflife."

Jackson starred on the Longwood field hockeyteam from 1930-32, graduated from William & Mary in 1934 andwent on to play for the United States Field HockeyTeam from 1947-50 and 1954-55. Her impact on Longwood extended well beyond the playing field, however, as she served the universityfor nearly 40 years as a professor ofnatural sciences until her retirement in 1976.

A 1979 recipient ofthe university's DistinguishedAlumni ServiceAward and a posthumous inductee into the inaugural Longwood Athletics Hall ofFame Class in 2005, Jackson will continue to i.nspire future generations of Lancers throughgifts in her name. The Burger andJackson families have donated more than $500,000, establishing scholarships for field

Women'stennisand golf: what'sahead this spring

With a successful senior trio and a new head coach, the Longwood women's tennis team entered its season this spring with high hopes. Seniors PalomaAlatorre, a communication studies majorfrom Guadalajara, Mexico, Anna Pelak, a liberal studies major from McLean, and MasonThomas, history major from Buchanan Dam, Texas, have been bedrocks ofthe program since their freshman year, amassing a combined 79 singles wins as four-year starters. They enter their final season as the winningest class in the program's Division I era.

The team's new head coach is former ITA Assistant Coach oftheYear Maria Lopez.

Lopez took over the program this season after helping Barry University to two NCAA Championships during her six-year stint as the program's top assistant coach from 201 1-16 She inherits a Lancer program coming off back-to-back double-digit wins for the first time in the program's 10-year Division I era. Longwoodwomen's golfheads into the spring with plenty ofmomentum following a fall in which a number ofrecords fell.

Third-yearheadcoach Shannon Briggs' squad saw all three returning members oflast year's starting five postcareer-lowscores. In addition, Longwood posted its first sub-200 round sincethe 2012-13 season with a 297 in

hockey players, nursing majors and academicallyoutstandingstudents while also providing support and funding for the field hockey program.

Duncan, meanwhile, made her mark on the hardwood during a 23-year coaching career that included four NCAA Division II Tournament appearances and 16 winning seasons. She took the Lancers to the NCAApostseason for three consecutive seasons from 1995-97 and again in 2003 beforeretiringas the program's all-timewinningestcoachwith 356 careervictories.

Elected to the LongwoodAthletics Hall of Fame in 2016, Coach Duncan remains a familiar face in Willett Hall She regularly attends Longwood women's basketball home games and, for several years, served as an analyst on the Big South Network. Dozensofformer players made the return trip to campus to celebrate their former coach when Duncan's jerseywas retired. -ChrisCook

the final round ofthe CSU Invitational.

Senior CourtneyTolton '17, a business major from Mitchell, Ontario, headlined the group with her second career victory in comefrom-behind fashion at theTowsonTignanelli Invitational. Tolton joined Amanda Steinhagen '14 for second place on Longwood's charts in career wins in the Division I era.

CrystinaKertsos '17, a business major from Pickering, Ontario, posted her first career topfive at theTowsonTignanelli Invitational, posting rounds of76 and 75. That tournamentwas part ofa fall season in which Kertsos placed among the top 30 in three ofher four events.

(left) Former Longwood women's basketball coach Shirley Duncan (on left) was joined by former players and Longwood athletics staff for her jersey retirement in Willett Hall this year. (right) The Burger and Jackson families came together at the Longwood Athletics Complex for the dedication of Dr. Elizabeth Burger Jackson Field.


Softball eyes thirdstraight Big South title

Longwoodenters the 2017 seasonasthe Big Southpreseasonfavoritefor thethirdstraight year, coming offback-to-back Big South regularseason and tournament championships and the program's third title in afour-yearspan.

Led byheadcoachKathyRiley, nowinher 20thseasonatLongwoodandwinnerofmore than 700careergames, theLancershave quicklybecomethedynastyofBigSouth softball with Big South titles and ensuingNCAA Regional berths in 2013, 2015 and 2016 Thisyear, the Big South Championship runs through Farmville, as theLancers hosttheconference tournamentforthefirsttimeontheir homefield, May 10-13.

Longwood's questforits thirdconsecutive titlewill beledbyagroup ofsixreturning startersfromlastyear's squad, whichwon40 games andadvanced to theprogram's first-ever NCAARegional championshipgame against national powerJames Madison.

Anchoringthe Lancerswill be the 1-2 punch ofpitchersElizabeth "Biz" McCarthy'17, akinesiologymajorfrom Dunnsville, andSydney Gay'19, ofCarrollton, who return in 2017 asoneofthemostformidablepitchingduos in mid-majorsoftball. McCarthy, atwo-time Big South PitcheroftheYear, has been the ful-

crum ofLongwood'sdominant three-yearrun since2013, amassinga61-31 recordwith a2.61 ERAovernearly600 inningson the mound. Gay, meanwhile, becameanimmediatecomplementto McCarthylastseason,earning Big SouthTo4rnamentMVPhonorsas partofafreshman season in which she went 20-8 with a 1.93 ER

Atthe plate, Longwoodreturns three Big SouthAll-Conferencerepresentatives fromlast season's squad: Karleigh Donovan '19,asociologymajorfromDinwiddie;GlennWalters '18, akinesiologymajorfrom GlenAllen; and KristaKelly'18, abusiness majorfrom Rockville, Maryland. In addition, Kelsey Sweeney'18, abiologymajor from Newport News, andJustinaAugustine '17, aliberal studies majorfromWarrenton, earnedall-conference accoladesafterthe2015 season, givingthe Lancers fiveplayersin theirbattingorderwho haveearnedall-conference accolades atsome point in theircareers.

Rileywill onceagain challengehersquad with adaunting2017 schedulethatfeatures matchups againstfive PowerFive teams and anonconference contingent ofteams that combinedfora .579 winning percentage lastseason. -ChrisCook

Men's tennisandgolf headintospring with enthusiasm

Lastseason, the Longwood men'stennisteam wentthrough a majorculture change under then-first-year head coach PierreTafelski and endedtheyearwith seven wins.Thisyear, Tafelski's squad looksto cash in on their hard work and take the nextstep.

Tafelski, the former ITA Division II Assistant Coach oftheYear, has four players returning from lastyear'ssquad, headlined byteam captain Florian Uffer '17, a business major from Savognin, Switzerland, who won 10 singles matches as the primary No. 2 seed, and Julian Farthing '19, a business majorfrom London, England, who went 19-8 in singles playas a freshman.

Tafelski has also added a strongcropof freshmentothe secondeditionof his Lancers, includingAmadeo Hervas '20, a business majorfromValencia, Spain, who has already ascendedtotheteam's No. 2 singles and No. 1 doubles spots.

The culture change underTafelski showed itselfearly in the season, as the Lancers opened the spring 4-1 for thefirsttime in the program's 10-year Division I era.

In men's golf, aftera fall season in which the Lancers posted threetop-five finishes in five events, Kevin Fillman'ssquad looksto take the nextstep heading into the spring. With a rosterthat includes twofreshmen,two sophomores and a junior among its starting five,thesquad is oneofthe youngestteams in the Big South.

Thatyoung core carried theteam lastseason-Jordan Boulton '19, a business major from Mansfield, England,Adam Szwed '19, a business majorfromWoodbridge, and Nick Contini '18, a business majorfrom Granville, Ohio-led the team in stroke average. Nowthosethreewill lead the Lancers intothe spring aftera fall in which Contini notched three straighttop-15finishes and Boulton carded a top-five finish atthe EKU Intercollegiate.

Lancers fans can geta firsthand look at Fillman's 2016-17 squad in April when Longwood hoststhe Longwood/Manor Intercollegiate onApril 1-2 atThe Manor GolfClub in Farmville.

Sydney Gay '19 (left) and Elizabeth 'Biz' McCarthy '17
SPRING 2017 I 39

Lancer Roundup

Big South Conference unveils new league identity

The BigSouth Conference recentlyintroduced its newbrand identity, highlightingthe league's commitment to its student-athletes and re-establishing the conference's vitality, personality and longstandingsuccess in NCAADivision I athleticsundera new mantra: "Where Winners Are Made."

overWinthropon Feb. 11 The 15-assist performancesnapped a 30-year-old record previously held byCaren Forbes, whose 13 assists had topped Longwood's list since the 1986-87 season.

The double-digit assist performancewas the second oftheseasonforEllis, a teamcaptain wholeads the BigSouth in assists and minutes per game.

The unveiling inJanuaryfeatured a leaguewide effort that showcased Big South student-athletes from all 10 memberinstitutions on social media,videosand regionaladvertisingmaterials. Representing Longwood were Darrion Allen '17, men's basketball, a criminaljustice major from Pompano Beach, Florida; Rosen Ilchev '17, men's tennis, a kinesiologymajorfrom Sliven, Bulgaria; and Elizabeth McCarthy '17, softball, a kinesiologymajor from Dunnsville. Also as part ofthe campaign, Longwood athletics is now featured on multiple billboards in Richmond and the Farmvillearea.

Point guard breaks basketball assists record for women

Women's basketball pointguardMicaela Ellis '18, a kinesiology major from OakPark, Michigan, broke Longwood's single-game assists record this season, dishing 15 dimes as part ofa double-double effort in an 83-78 win

Men's basketball senior joins 1,000-point club

Men's basketball guard Darrion Allen '17, a criminaljusticemajorfrom Pompano Beach, Florida, joined aprestigious club this season when he scored the l,000th point ofhis fouryearcareeras a Lancer. Allen, whowaspart ofheadcoachJayson Gee's first recruiting class atLongwood, became the fifthLancer ofLongwood's 10-year Division I erato join the 1,000-point club and the 21st in school history.

That milestone punctuated a standoutcareer for the 6-2, 176-pound shootingguard, who leads the Big South in minutes per and ranks among the conference's top 10 in scoring, free throw percentage, made 3-pointers per game and blocks. One ofthe top free throwshooters in school history, he ranks among Longwood's all-time top five in career free throwpercentage

SAAC officers elected

Longwood's StudentAthleteAdvisory Committee (SMC) elected its new officers in

November.The organization is made up of student-athletes who provide insight into the student-athlete experience as well as input on the rules, regulations and policies that affect student-athletes' lives on NCAA member institution campuses.

New officers are -

President: JennaTomayko '18, women's soccer, a sociology majorfrom Fredericksburg

Vice President: Rosen llchev '17, men's tennis, a kinesiology majorfromSliven, Bulgaria

Treasurer: Patrick Gobran'18, men's golf, a business major from Edmonton, Alberta

Secretary: Jon Peterson '19, baseball, a finance majorfromLancaster, Pennsylvania

At-large Representatives: Marten Pajunurm '18, men's soccer, an economics major from Rapla, Estonia; and Halle Parker '18, women's soccer, acommunication studies major from Spotsylvania

SGA Representative: Crystina Kertsos '18, women's golf, a business major from Pickering, Ontario


Always connected to you

Longwood and Shentel Cable strike broadcast partnership

Longwoodathleticshas partnered with regional telecommunications company Shentel to airall home basketball games on adedicated Shentel channel,expandingtheLancers' broadcastfootprint to thecompany's coverageareas in Maryland, Pennsylvania,Virginia andWestVirginia.

ShentelsubscriberscanwatchLongwood men'sandwomen's basketball Big South Networkbroadcastson Channel 81.Thegames will besimulcastsofthe Big South Network productions, which providelive, high-definitioncoverageofmore than 50 Longwood athletics contestseachyear. Longwoodplans to extendthecoverage to itsbaseballandsoftball programsthis spring, and the field hockey, lacrosse and men's andwomen's soccerprograms next season.

Thepartnershipwith Shentel, formally ShenandoahTelecommunications Company, is in addition to Longwood's existingbroadcast options on the Big South Networkand Farmville radio station WHL92.9 Kickin' Country FM. Founded in 1902, Shentel is a publicly traded telecommunicationscompanybased inEdinburgthatprovidescable, telephone and Internetservicesthroughoutthe midAtlantic region.

Micaela Ellis '18 Darrion Allen '17

Better than Fiction

DayAfter Graduation podcast shares candid stories fromlife after commencement

I]Life aftergraduarion can rake some 111rerest111g twists and turns. ,, You might findyourselfat adump inYellowstoneNational Parkafterwork, observing-from rhe saferyofyour carthe nighdyshowofbears,wolves and other wildlife that come to dine atwhattheyconsider thepark's finest eatery. Oryou might be shakingyourheadoverhowyouendedup performingforPresident Bill Clintonat the White Housewhenitseemslikejustyesterday you were playing for tips in Farmville.

These are the kinds ofstories listeners can expect from a newweeklypodcastseries launched last month bythe Office ofAlumni and Career Services. Dubbed the "Dayafrer Graduation" podcast, the series features "unique, compelling stories from the real world as alumni transition from college to career," saidRyanCatherwood, assistant vice president for alumni and careerservices. The series focuses on, but is not limited to, experiences from one to threeyearsafter graduation.

"It will becandidand brutallyhonest," said Paige Rollins '15, assistantdirectorof live digitalevents, who co-hoststhe podcasts with Catherwood and Brian Rose '11. "I hope listening to this will trigger a memory.Wewant people to listen to this and say, 'Oh, that reminds me ofsomething that happened to me."'

Catherwood said the podcasr series provides "an opportuniry foralumni to share their experiences and aspirations-stories ofadventure, misfortune orsuccess-in theyears immediatelyfollowinggraduation. Some of thestoriesareprofessional, and some are more entertainmenc. Ir's not biographiesjust interestingstories."

The podcast, which is free, can beaccessed from the alumni website (www.longwood.edu/

alumni) orcareerwebsite (www.longwood.edu/ career) Whenyou subscribe, it can be automaticallydownloaded via thePodcastsor iTunes app onApple devices and through the Stitcher app on anAndroid.

Episodes rypicallyare 20-30 minutes and feature interviewswith two or three people, most ofwhom are Longwood graduates,

aftergraduation. Pat McGee, asuccessful musician who attended Longwood and played for Bill Clinton, is one ofseveral musicians whosharewhatit's like to be a musician strugglingto"makeic."

"We knowthis is anewmedium, but we thinkouralumniwilllike this. Ir's been challenging but a lot offun," said Cather-




is anopportunity for alumni to share their experiences and aspirations-stories ofadventure, misfortuneor success-in theyears immediately following graduation.'


though studentsand friends ofthe universiry also are featured.

Other interviewees in the first season, which features 10 episodes andwill end the weekafrercommencement, include an alum who didseasonalworkfora zipline company inAlaskacateringto cruiseships and onewho wreckedthree cars in the first four months

wood, whose interviewshavetaken him ro North Carolina, while Rollins' interviews have taken her toWashington, D.C., and NewYork.

The second season is expected to begin in fall 2017. Ifyouhaveasrory ro share, either aboutyourselfor someone else, email career@longwood.edu.

SPRING 2017 I 41

Lancers big and small enjoy second annual Alumni Family Game Day

About400alumniandfamilymembersenjoyed thefestivitiesofthesecondannualAlumniFamilyGameDayonJan.14.

Inflatables,rafflegiveaways,foodandgames, acheercamp,kid-orientedscienceexperiments andcampustourswerepartoftheindoorgame dayparty.Thedaybeganwith"Breakfastwith Elwood"andconcludedwithamen'sbasketball gameinWillettHall.

"Thiswasadayoffunforallagesandlots ofsmiles:•saidNicolePerkins'05,associate directorofcampuseventsinthealumni office."Parentsreconnectedandre-engaged withLongwoodandcreatedaloveofLongwoodamongtheirkids-anewgeneration oflittleLancers:'

Anespeciallypopularfeaturewasthetwoperson"MadScience"team,whoinhands-on activitiesexplainedsuchconceptsaswhybubblespopinyourhandbutnotinyourhairor onyourclothes.Anothernewtwistwasthe ToddlerZone,afunctionalfitnessroomwith gymnasticsmatswhereNatalieKelly-Kimmel, ownerofMotionGymnasticsandTumbling CenterofFarmville,led"oursmallestLancers incrawlingaround,learninghowtoroll,and reachingandpulling;'saidPerkins.Morethan 50peopleclimbedtherockwallintheHealth andFitnessCenter,wheremostoftheactivities tookplace.

"Asastudent,IknewIbelongedtosomethingbigger;'saidPerkins."Thiseventcaptures thatfeelingforme.Itdemonstrateshowvibrant theLongwoodfamilyreallyis:'

AlumniFamilyGameDayinvolvespartnershipswiththeDepartmentofAthletics,the HealthandFitnessCenter,ARAMARKand theofficesofAdmissionsandInstitutional Advancement.



Bonnie Davis '71 retiredinSeptember20l6after23yearsasa JuvenileandDomesticRelations Courtjudgeinthe12thDistrict, whichencompassesChesterfield CountyandColonialHeights.The firstwomanappointedtoajudgeshipinChesterfieldCounty,Davis servedpreviouslyasanassistant commonwealth'sattorneyinthe county(1983-93)andspentthree yearsinprivatepractice.BeforeattendingtheUniversityofRichmondSchoolofLaw,fromwhich shegraduatedin1980,shetaught forsixyearsatSalemChurchMiddieSchoolinChesterfield.

Dr. Molly O'Dell '76 retiredfom practicingmedicineinNovember 2016after35years.Shewasthe firstfemaleLongwoodgraduateto gostraighttomedicalschool,graduatingfomtheMedicalCollegeof Virginiain1980,andthesecond femalegraduatetobecomeadoctor."Iwouldneverhavegoneto medschoolwithomtheencouragementandexcellentinstructionIreceivedatLongwood,"saidO'Dell, whowasmedicaldirectorofthe VirginiaDepartmentofHealth's NewRiverHealthDistrictforthe lastfiveyearsofhercareer.

Alice Morgan Konchuba '77 haspublishedachildren'sbook, justLikeMe, whichcontainsactivitiesforallagesandistobeusedas aresourceforfamiliestoinitiate conversationsaboutAlzheimer's disease.Thebook,whichreceived aReaders'FavoriteFiveStarsreview,wasa"Longwoodfamilyendeavor,"saidKonchuba,aretired biomedicalresearcherwholivesin VirginiaBeach.OneofKonchuba's Longwoodsuiremates, Lindy Zwart Brammer '77, isthe motherofthebook'sillustrator, KristenBrammer,andanothersuiremare, Christy Moody Davis '77, isthebook'seditor.Anotherclassmate, Debra Kennedy '77, was oneofthebook'sreviewers.

Susan Delong Smith '79 wasselectedtoattendanastronomyeducatorsinstituteinJune2016 sponsoredbytheUniversityof TexasatMcDonaldObservatoryat FortDavis,Texas.Duringfourdays ofclassroomandtelescopeobservationexperiences,15teachersfrom aroundtheUnitedStateslearned abouttheGiantMagellanTelescopecurrentlybeingconstructed

inChile.Theyalsowereablero drivetheobservatory'slargetelescopesandviewSarnrnandJupiter, andtheirmoons,throughthe smallertelescopes.


Doreen Shuffler Hartman '80 hasbeenafirst-gradeteacherat BoyertownElementaryinBoyertown,Pennsylvania,since1992. Shetaughtfrom1980-92atThalia ElementaryinVirginiaBeach,her homerown.

SteveWooten '86wasappointed inJanuaryrothenewpositionof vicepresidentforinformationtechnologyforDominion.HeisresponsibleforITapplications developmentandsupport,includingITinfastructureoperations, infrastructureconstructionand cybersecurityoperations.Wooten startedhisDominioncareerin 1987asafinancialanalystandhas workedinseveralITpositions.

Alumnus takes reins of 56,000-member counseling association

Dr. Gerard Lawson, M.S. '97, willassumerhepresidencyofthe AmericanCounselingAssociation, withmorethan56,000members, onJuly1.Lawson,associateprofessorofcounseloreducationatVirginiaTech,hasbeentheorganization's vicepresidentsinceJuly2016. HeisaformerchairoftheACA TaskforceonCrisisResponsePlanning.Hewasthenationalpresident oftheAssociationforCounselor EducationandSupervisionfom 2011-12.Hewaspresidentofthe VirginiaCounselorsAssociation from2009-10.Alicensedprofessionalcounselor,Lawsonistheauthorof29peer-reviewedjournal articlesand12bookchapters. Awardshehasreceivedincludethe inauguralManinRitchieAwardfor AdvocacyfomtheVirginiaCounselorsAssociationin2015

SusanWoodcockTisdale '89, presidentofWebDevelopment TechnologyPartners,Inc.,in Williamsburg,wasappointedro Longwood'sCollegeofBusiness andEconomicsAdvisoryBoard inSeptember2016Tisdale'sdigital mediacompany,foundedin1998, specializesinwebsitedevelopment, customdatabaseapplicationdevelopment,socialmediamanagement andcorporatebranding.Sheserves ontheboardofdirectorsfor FirstNightWilliamsburgas vicepresidentofmarketingand comn1un1cac1ons.

Liz MeindlVilla'89 isaspecial educationreacheranddepartment chairatIssaquahMiddleSchoolin Issaquah,Washingron,whereshe haslivedfor12years.Sheandher husband,Christopher,areowners ofi9SportsPugetSound,aSeattleareayouthsportsorganizationin which2,400athletesages4-14participateeachseason.Sheformerly caughtspecialeducationin HanoverandHenricocounties.


Choral director elected VP ofVEA

Dr.JamesFedderman '98 isthevicepresidentofrheVirginia EducationAssociation.Fedderman waselectedinApril2016,andhis rwo-yeartermbeganinAugust. Heplanstorunforre-election, thenrunforVEApresident. HeisoneofrwoVirginiarepresentativesonrheNationalEducation Associationboardofdirecrors. Hehasbeenpresidentforfour yearsofrheAccomackEducation Association,inhishomecounty. InFebruary,hewasnamedTeacher oftheYearforDistrictTI(Eastern Shore,NorfolkandVirginia Beach).Feddermanisthechoral directoratArcadiaHighSchool, fromwhichhegraduated,and ArcadiaMiddleSchool.Thehigh schoolchorusperformedatthe WhiteHousein2012

ThesecondannualAlumniFamilyGameDay drewabout400alumniandfamilymembers.

Power Base

Onewoman, raised bysharecroppers,fulfills her parents'dream andstartsafar-reaching family tradition oflearning at Longwood

llWhenHarrieFarrar'95wasachild, sheandher11siblingsworkedfor neighborspickingblackberries, rakingyardsanddoingdomesticworkin ordertopayforbasicschoolsupplieslike notebookpaper

"Wehadeachotherbutwehadabsolutely nomoney,"recalledFarrar,who,asthefirstin herfamilytograduatefromafour-yearcollege,hassofarinspiredseveralotherfemale relativestograduatefromLongwood,includingherdaughter,ShawntaFarrar'00,and niece,StacieWhisonant'03.(Whisonantis founderandCEOofPYTFunds,anonline lendingplatformthatprovidesmicro-loans tohelplow-tomoderate-incomecollege studentsmeetgapsinpayingforhigher education.)

Raisedinatwo-roomfarmhousewithno electricityorrunningwaterinKenbridge, HattieFarrarwasthechildofAfrican-Americantobaccosharecropperswhogrewvegetablesandraisedchickensandhogsforfood.

WhenFarrargraduatedfromhighschoolin 1972,herguidancecounselorneveraskedher aboutcollege."lewasprettymuchassumed charyouwouldgoworkinafactoryperhaps


However,hermother,SarahFreeman Boswell,anardentlocalcivilrightsactivist withathird-gradeeducation,andherfather, ClydeBoswell,ahard-workingsharecropper withnoformalschooling,preachedtotheir childrenaboutthetransformativepowerof education.Theirwordssankin.

Farrarstartedoutworkingatatextilesfactory,butlacer,asamarriedmotheroftwo,she workedfulltimeatdepartmentstoresandasa grocerystoredepartmentmanagertoputherselfthroughSouthsideVirginiaCommunity CollegeandLongwood,wheresheearnedher bachelor'sdegreeinsocialwork.

Farrarisespeciallyhappychatherparents, whodiedinthe2000s,livedlongenoughto seehergraduatefromcollege.Hermother waselated,Farrarsaid."Sheneverstoppedbelievingchiscouldhappen."Farrarwentonto earnhermaster'sinsocialworkfromVirginia CommonwealthUniversityandtodayworks asthedirectoroftheMecklenburgCounty Victim/WitnessAssistanceProgram.

''AuntHattieisthepioneerofallofthis," saidFarrar'sniece,StacieWhisonant,whose businesshasbeenfeaturedinForbesmagazine.

PYTFunds,shesaid,wasspunout"ofthis lineageoffemaleswhovalueeducationso much,andnowI'vegoneontotrytohelp manymorefamiliesdowhatwewereable toaccomplish."

Whisonant'scousin,SierraRobertson Hurt'10,said:"Weareaclose-knitfamily andLongwoodembodiesthat.Youaren'tjust studentsthere;eventheprofessorsmakeyou feelasifyoumightbeoneoftheirown." HurtattendedLongwoodconcurrentlywith fiveothercousins:StacieWhisonant'ssister, KimberleeWhisonant'06;WanenaCrowder Somerville'06;TacarraMarchman'08; ChristyFalikaGrigg'09;andSonyaE. Ragsdale'10

Today,Farrarcontinuestoencourage theyoungergenerationscomingupinher familytoattendLongwood"becauseLongwoodhasbeengoodtous.Itwasaplace thatwasn'tcreatedforusbutyetitisours andthat'sallthatmatters.Wehavetobuild alegacy.Weencouragethemtogotakeyour place.It'sthereforyou,burnobody'sgoingto handittoyou.Myparentscreatedthissmall pathbutlookathowwidetheroadisnow." -RichardFoster

Keeping Longwood in the family: Shawnta Farrar '00 (left), Stacie Whisonant '03, Wartena Crowder Somerville '06, Sonya E. Ragsdale '10, Hattie Farrar '95, Christy Falika Grigg '09, Sierra Hurt '10, KimberleeWhisonant '06 andTacarra Marchman '08.


Alumni work together toendow scholarship in memoryof 2001 grad

RobHavey'01-theembodimentofcitizen leadershipasastudentandasanalumnusdiedunexpectedlyinMarch2016.Throughthe RobHaveyLeadershipScholarship,createdby friendsandfamily,hislegacyofleadershipand servicetootherswillcontinue.

Asastudent,HaveywaspresidentofSGA andtheCollegeofBusinessandEconomics Dean'sStudentAdvisoryBoardandamember ofPrincepsandMortarBoard.Vicepresidentof talentacquisitionforUDig,aRichmond-based technologyconsultingfirm,hechairedthebusinesscollege'sAlumniAdvisoryBoardforsixof thenineyearsheservedonit.

SpearheadingtheefforttoendowthescholarshipareSarahMesner'03andEllenMasters '97.Onceitisfullyfunded,thescholarshipwill beawardedtoabusinessstudent.Criteriaincludeinvolvementinatleastoneon-oroffcampusorganizationanddemonstrating "leadership,humility,ambition,compassion andacommitmenttocommunity:'

"Robwasanexceptionalleader,adrivenstudentandasteadfastfriend;'saidMesner."As anactivealumnus,hecontinuedtoservethe Longwoodcommunitythroughgiftsoftime, talentandtreasure:'

Morethan$16,000hadbeenraisedingifts andpledgesasofpresstime,animpressive figureconsideringthatfundraisingbeganonly inAugust2016,saidKatherineBulifant'13, M.S. '14,directorofcampusphilanthropy. Endowingascholarshiprequiresaminimum of$25,000.

Havey'sparents,BobandTeresaHaveyof GlenAllen,andHavey'swife,Sallie,alsoof GlenAllen,providedinputonthescholarship.

Tocontributetothescholarship,contact Bulifantat434-395-2032orbulifantkm@ longwood.edu.




Robin Burroughs Davis '90, M.S. '93, wasappointedvicepresidentforstudentdevelopmentand deanofstudentsatColby-Sawyer CollegeinOctober2016.Shehas workedsince1996atColbySawyer,aprivateschoolinNew London,NewHampshire.She workedatLongwoodfrom199396,firstasGIVEcoordinatorand laterasaresidenceeducationcoordinatorforStubbsandARC.In April2016,sheearnedalawdegree fromNorthwesternCalifornia UniversirySchoolofLaw.

Christie Champion Fidura '92 becameseniordevelopermarketing managerwithSalesforceinDecember2016Sheworksoutofthe Londonofficeand"runsevents, campaignsandactivitiesacrossthe globewiththedeveloperrelations teamtoconnectwiththedeveloper community,"shesaid.Shehad previouslyspenttwoyearsconsultinginmarketingandcommuniry management.

ErinThomas-Foley '97 was among21honoreesrecognizedin December2016inthe Richmond Times-Dispatch's2016Personofthe Yearprogram,whichspotlights peoplewhohavemadenotable contributionstotheRichmond region.Thomas-FoleyisseniordirectorofeducationfortheSchool ofthePerformingArcsintheRichmondCommunity(SPARC). ShefoundedanddirectsSPARC LiveArc,aninclusivearcseducationprogramthatthatculminates inacross-pollinatedarcsconcert featuringnationallyrecognized musicians.Sheismarriedto Tony Foley '98.


Audrey Stump Curles '01, ateacheratTyrrellElementaryin Columbia,NorthCarolina,wasselectedWITNTeacheroftheWeek inNovember2016.WITNisan NBC-affiliateTVstationin Greenville,NorthCarolina.Curles hastaughtsince2005atthe school,wheresheisamediaand technologyinstructionalsupport leaderinthelibrary.Previouslyshe taughtkindergartenforfiveyears, aswellasfourthandfifthgrades.

Dr. Kendall Lee '01 hasbeenappointedbyGov.TerryMcAuliffero

theVirginiaInteragencyCoordinatingCounciltoserveanunexpiredtermbeginningNov.1and endingSept.30,2018Thecouncil advisesandassiststheInfantand ToddlerConnectionofVirginia, aprogramthatprovidessupport andservicestochildrenfrombirth throughage2withdevelopmental delaysordisabilities,andtheirfamilies.Leeissystemmanagerofthe InfantandToddlerConnection oftheHeartland,partofLongwood'sSpeech,Hearingand LearningServices.

Justin Cullivan '04 waspromotedroareabuildermanager forthehomesdivisionofHHHunt HomesinOctober2016Heworks outoftheRichmondofficeand hasbeenwiththecompanysince 2012.Previouslyheworkedfor RoyalDominionHomesand RyanHomes.

Natasha Gill '04, whohas workedforBenchmarkCommuniryBankfor14years,waspromoredtobranchmanagerin VictoriainSeptember2016.Gill startedasasummerandSamrday tellerwhileatLongwood,later movinguptopositionsascustomer servicerepresentative,internal auditor,branchassistantand relationshipbanker.

Hyatt Hotels honors longtime employee

Dan King '81, generalmanagerof HyattRegencyHillCountryResort andSpa,wasawardedHyattHotels Corporation's2015JayA.Pritzker AwardforLeadership.Alifetime achievementaward,theawardhonorspeoplewhohaveconsistently demonstratedtheirabilityasleaders,coachesandmentors.Thecompanydescribeshonoreesashigh achieversleadingcop-performing hotelswhoareviewedasrolemodelsofHyatt'spurposeandvalues. "Danexudesaspecialenergyand spiritthatembodiesthisaward," saidSeniorVicePresidentforOperationsJordanMeisner."Hehas aninnatemannerinwhichheis abletoprovidegenuine,authentic hospicalirytohiscustomersand hotelguests.Danisalsoanexemplaryleaderinthecommunityand teacheshisstaffbyexample,wirh greathumiliry."Kingisresponsible foroverseeingthe500-roomproperryandits728associates.Aveteraninthehospiraliryindustry,he hasworkedin12Hyatthotels acrosstheUnitedScatesduringhis 35-yeartenurewiththecompany.

Matt Paciocco '04 joinedBank ofLancasterasseniorvicepresident,commercialbanking,inJanuary.Heisresponsiblefordeveloping commercialbankingrelationships intheRichmondregion,wherehe hasmorethanl2years'experience specializinginretailandcommercialbanking.Mostrecently,hewas vicepresidentincommerciallendingwithParkSterlingBank.

Megan Langley Funk '05, and herhusbandMatt,welcomedtheir secondchild,MeredithClaire,on Sept.26.Thecouplealsohasason, Matthew,whowillturn3inApril.

Dr. Ashley Pollard '05 joined SouthernDominionHealthSystem'sFamilyDentistryinVictoria inDecember2016.Pollard,aboardcertifieddentist,attendedHoward Universiry'sCollegeofDentistry anddidherresidencyatLutheran MedicalCenterinArizona.


Alumnus founds 'Netflix for comics'

Alex Odom '08, M.A. '10, isthe founder,presidentandCEOof PlumeSnake,amembership-based digitalarchiveofcreator-owned comicbooksandgraphicnovels. PlumeSnake,whichlaunchedin June2016,providessubscribersunlimitedaccesstoitslibrary.Comic bookcreatorswhodistributetheir tidesthroughPlumeSnakeretain therightstotheirwork,unlike withcomicbookgiantsMarveland DCComics,andthenetworkof creatorsgets60percentofnetprofitsfrommembershipsales."We're likeNetAixforcomics,"said Odom. Austin Eichelberger '07, M.A.'09, isPlumeSnake'svice president,and Curt Pilgrim '08 isamongthecompany'sartists. Odomalsoisafeelancewriterwho haspublishedfictionandnonfiction,includingabookofpoetry, andhehashadplaysproduced internationally.


Big Plans

First Mega ReunionWeekendpromisestolive up to itsname

I]If you wane to spend the night on campus, sling red or greenpaint at your rivalclass and parry with former classmates, youwon't wane ro miss the first MegaReunionWeekend,June2-4.

Thecelebrationfor alumnifrom 1967 through 2012willinclude decade-specific dinners, parries with liveentertainment, alumni colorwars, mini reunions for campus organizations andfaculry talks.You'll even have an opportunity to spend rhe night in one of the residence halls.

Friday's activities include open houses (sites include Moron Museum, Greenwood Library, the LCVA and academic halls), campus tours, decade dinners and after parry.Among festivities Saturday are an alumni golf tournament hosted by rhe LancerClub; faculry talks; mini reunions; a celebration including dinner, live music and fireworks, and a late-night breakfast. A memorial service and brunch are set forSunday.

OnSaturday, campus clubs and organizations will have an opportunity to reserve a rent on Stubbs Lawn, mirroring theOktoberfestandSpringWeekend booths.The Office ofAlumniand CareerServices will help each group plan irs mini reunion.

The Class of1967 willcelebrateits 50th reunion with a welcome luncheon Friday at Longwood House and a dinner chat evening served family-sryle in the former dining hall (now Blackwell Ballroom). Members of that class will gatherSaturday for class photos, aspecial luncheonand their GoldSocierypinningceremony.

"Call your friends and make plans to be there," said Ryan Catherwood, assistant vice president for alumni and careerservices, addingchar advance registration is strongly encouraged.

TheMega Reunion Weekend is open to all alumni regardless of theirgraduationyear butfocuseson chose

Alumnieventsset for Richmond and D.C. baseball games

Baseball fans in the Richmond and Washington, D.C., areas, mark your calendars. Ger-togethers for local alumni and friends will be held beforethe Richmond FlyingSquirrels game June24 and theWashington Nationals gameJuly 8. Both games are onSaturday

celebrating theirfifththrough 50th reunions, marked at five-year intervals.Thisyear's reunion will be anchored by the classes whose graduation years end in "2" or "7," from 1967 to2012, as well as the classes of 1971 and 1976, who missed celebrating their 40th and 45th reunions last fall due to the makeover of the reunion format.

Those changes not only led to rhe Mega Reunion Weekend, Longwood's signarure reunion, bur also two fall reunions targeting special groups of alumni. TheJoan of ArcCelebration (see story at right) is for alums who have already celebrated their 50th reunion. Those who graduated within the last four years will be invited back during Oktoberfest weekend.

To register for theMega ReunionWeekend and sign up your affinity group for a tent onStubbs, visit go.longwQod.edu/megareunion.If you want to help with planning, email reunion@longwood.edu or call 434-395-2044.

A family picnic will rake place prior to the Flying Squirrels game, which begins at 6:05 p.m.The picnic will kick offat about 4:30 The FlyingSquirrels are the Double-A affiliate of theSan Francisco Giants and play their home games atTheDiamond (3001 North Boulevard).

For the Nationals game, setfor4:05 p.m., a pregame parry will be held at rheD.C.Fairgrounds, located immediately outside the center field entrance to Nationals Park (1500South CapitolSt.).

For more information, visit www.longwood.edu/ alumni.

New reunions will include JoanofArc Celebration Sept. 29-30

Ifyougraduatedin1966 orearlier, you'reinvitedto bepartofLongwood history this September.

The firstJoan ofArc Celebration, aneventforalumni who have alreadycelebrated their 50th reunion, issetfor Sept. 29-30.The reunionwill focuson theclassesof 1962, 1957, 1952 and 1947, though all classesfrom 1966andbefore areinvited. If youwanttobe part oftheclasscommittees thatareforming, callthe alumniofficeat434-395-2044 oremailreunion@ longwood.edu.

TheformatfortheJoanof Arccelebrationisrelatedtothe recentchangesin Longwood reunions, which includethe first Mega ReunionWeekend, June2-4, forclassescelebratingtheirfifth through their 50th reunions.

"TheJoanofArcCelebrationwillbemorenostalgiabased and havemoresocial elements than the MegaWeekend;' said Ryan Catherwood, assistantvicepresidentfor alumniandcareerservices.

"Forexample, alumnicanmeet andgreettheirclassmates ata teaparty that Friday,and we'll re-create thefamily-styledining in the old D-hall and have bakedAlaska'.'

Alumni whograduated50 yearsagowillstill receivetheir Gold Societypin, Catherwood added.

Registrationwillopenthis summer. Keepaneyeon www.longwood.edu/alumni foradditional detailsinthe comingmonths.

The first Mega ReunionWeekend will be held at Longwood June 2-4.
SPRING 2017 I 45

Marguerite Evelyn Bailey'28 Nov.30,2016

Dorothy Ranson Proudman '34 Dec.5,2016

Annie HunterTweedy '39 Ocr.13,2016

Frances Moore Rawlings '42 Jan.26,2017

Anne Brooks Givens '43 Nov.20,2016

Frances Mallory Miller '43 Oct.9,2016

Rosemary Elam Pritchard '44 Jan.14,2017

Gloria Sheppard Beane '45 Dec.6,2016

Eleanor Corell Orrell '45 Dec.30,2016

Alice Nichols.Proterra '45 Sept.20,2016

Martha HigginsWalton '45 Oct.26,2016

Ann Shaw Davis '46 Sepr.29,2016

Anne Summers Lumpkin '46 Jan.2,2017

Martha Droste Gillum '47 Sept.30,2016

Dorothy Bennett Sierveld '47 Ocr.1,2016

Lee CarterWilson '47 Ocr.4,2016

Eleanor Putney Goodman '48 Ocr.8,2016

Adeline DoddWilkerson '48 Sepr.14,2016

Doris Lanier Cocke '49 Nov.15,2016

Anne Galloway Reddish '49 Jan.2,2017

Frances Hughes Dillon '50 Nov.14,2016

Helen Casey Plaine '51 Dec.24,2016

Ann Lamb Hutchinson '52 Sept.19,2016

Winston Johnson Briggs '53 Ocr.28,2016

BillieVan de Riet Merritt '53 Ocr.25,2016

Barbara Allen Garrett '55 Dec.8,2016

Laniere Gurley Gresham '55 Nov.12,2016

George Powell Elliott '56 Ocr.11,2016

Anne Caldwell Cake '57 Jan.4,2017

Mary StokesWarren '59 Nov.152016

Barbara OdomWright '59 Nov.6,2016

NancyVirginia Speakman '61 Ocr.26,2016

Carolyn Clopton Ippolito '62 Nov.17,2016

AnneVinger Mccann '62 Dec.9,2016

Jane Hanger Saunders '62 Oct.14,2016

Mildred Swift Robertson '63 Oct.26,2016

Mary Barnes Bates '65 Oct.23,2016

Patsy Hundley Barr '66 Jan.4,2017

Royce Rankin Haralson '66 Nov.28,2016

Cheryl Rose Bradley '68 Dec.1,2016

Sarah Jane Dowdy '68 Jan.17,2017

Susan Gibbs Cumbey '72 Nov.16,2016

Lorene Spencer Lessing '74 Dec.20,2016

NancyWard Hawkes '75 Nov.122016

Margie Bible Hartman '80 Oct.12,2016

Melissa Jane Lang '83 Nov. G, 2016

Sharon Barton Mielewski '83 Jan.6,2017

Jonathan Avery Goddin '89 Dec.21,2016

Jon William Proffitt '94 Oct.5,2016

Jerome Milton Reed '01 Jan.5,2017

Justin Scott Riggsby '02 Dec.10,2016

Elizabeth Grey Sexton '02 Nov.14,2016

Jason Scott Jones '03 Dec.7,2016

Daniel Everard Juraschek '03 Dec.22,2016

Matthew Elliott Johnson '08 Nov.17,2016

Amanda Jewel Martyn '16 Ocr.4,2016


Robert A. Bracey Sepr.25,2016

Martha Stokes Cleveland Sept.24,2016

Nellie M. Coles Nov.24,2016

AmeliaTinkham Deszyck Sept.16,2016

RoyW. Hill Sepr.23,2016

Inge Ziegler Hrubos Jan.2,2017

Eugene Salisbury Kokinski Sept.16,2016

Robert 0. Martinelli Oct.1,2016

John Langdon Moss Jan.10,2017

Alfred Charles Pezold Ocr.15,2016

Myron Curtis Proefrock Ocr.1,2016

Marie-Louise F. Putney Scpr.162016

Lynn Alcott Scoville Ocr.122016

David B. Stein Dec.182016

GoingAll In Alumnusand hisfamilystartnonprofit organization toaidchildren in Kenya and Guatemala

It'snotoften(orprobablynever)thatthe sinkingofawellsetsoffatsunami,butthat's exactlywhathappenedtoRobertTurner'86 andhisfamily.

Person of Interest

Eightyearsago,Turner'swife,Carol,was visitingaschoolinKenyafoundedbyChristianmissionariesshe'dmetinFredericksburg, wheretheTurnerslive."Carolcalledsaying theschoolneededawell,"recalledTurner, whohappened to haveasourceoffundsfrom arecentinheritance."Ifeltweshoulddoit. Butthenwehad to decidewhethertojustdo astopgaportogoallin."

TheTurnersoptedtogoallin,whichledto thefoundingofe3kids,anonprofitorganizationthatsofarhasraised$750,000toprovide aidtocommunitiesinKenyaandGuatemala. Specificallytheorganizationisinvolvedwith twoschoolsinMikidani,whichisnearMombasa,Kenya,andalsoworkswithothercommunitiesintheareatoadvancechildren's healthcareandeducation.Morerecently, e3kidsbranchedout to Guatemala,working withanestablishedorganization,Hopeof Life,whosemissionistopromotefamily-style livingfororphansininstitutionalcare.

"Ourmottoisequip,empowerandeducate,"saidTurner."Ourvisionallalonghas beentohelpenablecommunitiestogiveback andpassiton.ManyoftheKenyanstudents havebecomeeducatedandreturned to the


Oncetheschoolorotherprojectisoffthe groundwithfundingfome3kids,volunteers aresent to partnerschoolstoserveindiverse areas-teachinglanguage,music,artsandscience;coachingsports;providingadviceand expertise-andwhateverelseisnecessaryto keepthewheelsturning.Thediverseandenergeticpoolofabout30to60volunteersincludestheTurners'threedaughters(ages16, 18and23),whoareheavilyinvolvedinboth FredericksburgandKenya.

Asboardmembers,theTurnershelpmap oute3kids'initiativesandfundraisingefforts to supportchem,includingsellinghandicrafts fromKenyaandGuatemala,hostingfundraisersandencouragingchildsponsorship.

They'realsoinvolvedintheday-to-dayrunningoftheorganizationchatstartedoutinche basementoftheirfamilyhome.

"Carol'smarketingdegreeandsmallbusinessexperiencehaveprovedinstrumental,and mybackgroundasatherapisthelps,"said Turner,whograduatedwithundergraduate degreesingovernmentandeducationfrom Longwoodandlaterearnedamaster'sdegree incounselingfromVCU.Inadditiontohis workwithe3kids,Turnerisemployedfull timeasatherapistinprivatepractice.

"Thisexperiencehasbeenfulfillingbeyond anythingweimagined,"saidTurner."It'sbecomeabigpareofourlife,andwe'llcontinue to beofserviceaslongaswe'reable."


RobertTurner '86 and his wife, CarolTurner, have raised $750,000 to support e3kids, the nonprofit they founded.


Continued from Page 44

Elena Ashburn '07 becamethe principalofBroughconHigh SchoolinRaleigh,NorthCarolina, inFebruary.Shehadbeenprincipal ofEastGarnerMiddleSchoolsince 2014,wasassistantprincipalof Fuquay-VarinaHighSchoolfrom 2012-14andbeganhercareerasa reacheratSouthernDurhamHigh School,allinNorthCarolina.

Oscar Gonzalez '07 waspromoredtomanagerofprojecrplanningforKaryopharmTherapeutics

inJanuary2017.Gonzalezmanagesthesynchronizationand communicationofactivitiesand timelinesacrossalldepartmentsinvolvedinthecompany'sphaseIII clinicaltrialofitsanticanceragent Selinexoragainstmultiple myeloma,includingdatamanagement,san1plemanagement,contract,legal,medicalwriting, producestrategyandtheproject managers.Thestudyincludes364 patientsacross25clinicalsiresin 20countriesaroundrheworld. KaryopharmTherapemicsisbased inaBostonsuburb.

Melissa Snook Rose '09 joined ABNBFederalCreditUnionas marketingmanagerinSeptember 2016.Shedirectsthedevelopment, implementationandmaintenance ofstrategicplansforrheChesapeake-basedcreditunion,which has18branchlocations.Shepreviouslywasmarketingdirecrorof BaysideHarley-DavidsonandmarketingcoordinatorfornTelos



Allison Maupin '10 and Sean Reed '06weremarried0cc.1, 2016,onBucksElbowMountain inCrozer,thenhoneymoonedon RarotongaintheCookIslands.Allisonbecameassiscancdirectorof annualgivingatWashingtonand LeeUniversityin2015afterteachingatVarinaHighSchoolinHenricoCountyforfouryearsand earningamaster'sdegreefromrhe UniversityofVirginia,whereshe workedintheOfficeoftheDean ofStudents.SeanworksinUVA's CollegeofArcsandSciencesas afiscaltechnician.

Jordan Miles '10 becamemanagingeditorofFarmvilleNewsmedia LLCinJanuary.Miles,whoserved previouslyinchisrolebeforesteppingbacktoseniorstaffwriter,

leadseditorialandnewsgarhering operationsforthe Kenbridge-VictoriaDispatch, TheFarmvilleHerald, The Charlotte Gazette, Farmville the Magazineandocherprintanddigitalproduces.Beforejoining TheFarmvilleHeraldin2013, Mileswasanewsreporterand anchorforWFLORadioin Farmville.

AshleyValk '12 andRonnie ColemanweremarriedonDec.17, 2016.

Kentucky forest getsTLC from South Hill native

April Harris '13 ischelandmanagementsupervisorforthelargest municipalurbanforestinrhe UnitedStates.Harrisisresponsible forpreservingandrestoringthe 6,500-acreJeffersonMemorialForest,located15milessourhof downtownLouisville,Kentucky, Brandon Carter '10 isaprivateandicsmorethan35milesofcrails. actingcoachandconsultantwhoisSheandherstaff-twofull-rime directorofCommonwealthThe-rangersandthreeAmeriCorpsvolacreConsulting.Heconsultsforunreers-conducttrailmainteyoungcheaterartistsandtheir"cer-nance,removeinvasivespeciesand rifiedparents,"collegestudentsrestorenaturalhabitatsthrough preppingfortheprofessionandprescribedburns,treeplanting(innontheater-affiliacedcompanieseluding600treesinOctoberand andestablishedartists.Healsopro-November)andlittercleanup. videsspecializedservicesforestab-"Ispendabout90percentofalmost lishedcheaterartists.Carter,aeverydayoutdoors,"saidHarris, memberoftheActors'EquityAsso-aSouthHillnativewhobegan ciation,wasafull-timeactorlivingherjobinSeptember2016, inNewYorkCityforfouryearsbe-afewmonthsafterreceiving foremovingtoRichmondinOcco-amaster'sdegreefomVirginia ber2016HecontinuestoperformCommonwealthUniversity.Harris regionallyandinternationallyatespeciallyenjoys"gettingtorun venuesincludingTheKennedyalotoflargeequipment,"including CenterforthePerformingArts,theamini-excavatorandaDirel, ApolloTheater,rheacersinSouthWirch."Jr'sagooddaywhenyou AfricaandScotland,andtheRich-spendalldayonapieceofequipmondShakespeareFestival. n1ent,"shesaid.

Patrick Barnes '13 and Lydia Bertero '13 weremarriedNov.5, 2016Patrickisahigh-schoolhistoryteacher,andLydiaworksin riskmanagementforthestate.

Hannah Flaherty '14 graduated inMay2016withamaster'sdegree ininformationsecuritypolicyand managementfromCarnegieMellonUniversity.SinceJune2016, shehasworkedasaninformation securityriskanalystforGeneral Motors.Herposition,inAtlanta, grewoutofaninternshipatGM duringsummer2015AsaLongwoodscudentin2013,shewas selectedforasummerresearch internshipinCarnegieMellon's graduateinformationtechnology program,oneofthetopprograms ofitskindintheworld.

Huge Family LancerFest set forVirginia Beach on April 1

Rugged cycling skills net national title for 2008 grad

Avanell Schmitz Scales '08 wonanationalchampionshipin Januaryincyclocross,aruggedtype ofoff-roadbicycleracing.Scales capturedthemasterswomen30-34 divisionatthe2017USACycling CyclocrossNationalChampionshipsinHartford,Connecticut. Shewasoneof23racersinherdivision.Scales,wholivesinNewport NewsandismanagerofWilliamsburgBikeBear,hascompetedsince 2009incyclocross,inwhichriders dismount,carrytheirbikeswhile navigatingobstaclesandremount. Thiswasherthirdconsecutiveyear competinginthenationalchampionships,whereshefinishedthirdin January2016inAsheville,North Carolina.Shecompetesinabout 20-25racesduringtheseason, whichrunsfomSeptembertoJanuary.Scalesbegancompetingatage 12inmountainbikeracing,which inrecentyearshastakenabackseat toherpassionforcycloctoss.However,shehopescoqualifyforchis year'smountainbikeracingnationalsinJulyinSnowshoe,WestVirginia.Inanotherformofracing, Scaleswonheragegroupforthe Race13.1RichmondHalf MarathoninMay2016andcompetedMarch12inherfirst marathon,cheNewportNews OneCityMarathon.Apianist whoteachesprivatelessons,Scales wasamusicmajoratLongwood, whereshewasamemberofthe WindSymphony,JazzEnsembleB, theCyclingClubandchefield hockeyream.

Martha Scruggs, M.S. '14, a speech-languagepathologistwith theCampbellCountyschools,was namedrhe2016-17Teacherofthe YearforAltavistaElementary,her homeschool,inJanuary.Scruggs, agraduateofLongwood'scommunicationsciencesanddisordersprogram,isinthethirdyearofher position,inwhichsheservesfour schoolsincheAltavistaarea(the awardissponsoredbytheAltavista ChamberofCommerce).Shepreviouslywasanelementaryteacher inPimylvaniaCountyfor13years.

Jordan VanBrackle '14 married PatrickRocheonAug.27,2016, atrheHistoricTredegarIronworks inRichmond.ThecouplehoneymoonedinAruba.VanBrackle worksforDominionVirginia Power.

RachelWest '14, M.S. '15, and SeanCrawford'14becameengaged inDecember2016Theymetin Wheelerresidencehalltheirfreshmanyearasmembersofthe CormierHonorsCollege.They plantomarryin2018

Zachary Brittigan '15 and EvanJurgensen '16 graduated inDecember2016fromthe PrinceWilliamCountyCriminal JusticeAcademyBrittiganisassignedtoworkpatrolinwestern PrinceWilliamCounty;Jurgensen toworkpatrolineasternPrince WilliamCounty.

Please continue to send yourclass notes to alumni@longwood.edu

Don't forget to give us your full name, the year you graduatedandthe degree youreceived

The first annual LancerFest, set for Saturday,April 1, attheVirginia Beach Sportsplex, promises to be a day of familyfun for alumni, familyand friends.

Activitiesinclude apicnic and children's activities (noon-2 p.m.), women's soccer game vs.William & Mary (2 p.m.), field hockey and men's and women's soccer alumni games (4-5:30 p.m.), anda post-game party (5:30 p.m.) for Longwood athletics alumniat the BuffaloWild Wings across the street fromthe sportscomplex. Amongother activities are soccer and fieldhockey clinics led by Longwood coaches.

The Sportsplex is locatedat 2044 Landstown CentreWay.

"This is a huge family festthatwillfeature aday of fun for you and your entire family;• said Parks Smith '08, director of alumni relations.

The $20 fee for adults (kids are free) provides entryto all Lancer Fest activities, a boxed lunch, a LongwoodT-shirt and other prizes.Toregister, visit www.longwood.edu/ alumni/regional-events/ lancerfest/.There also will be walk-up registration and discounted rates at a nearby Hampton Inn.

SPRING 2017 I 47

The Dividends ofInternational Recruitment

International studentsget a great education whileAmerican students benefit from diversity and different perspectives

Criticalthinking skills.Adaptability. Collaboration. Civic engagement. Global awareness.These are just a fewof the21st-century skills chat universities worktoinculcate in their students.At Longwood,theever-important work of developing citizen leadershascome to involve-and,in face,tonecessitate-the recruitmentofinternationalstudents.

Whileinternationalstudentshave studied at Longwoodformanyyears,theinitiative co actively recruitthembegan in2011,when Longwood implementedits first strategicplan to recruitstudents fromochercountries.In thesix yearssincethen,the total numberof internationaldegree-seeking undergraduate students atLongwoodhas quadrupled.Today,more than 60international students are working toward their degrees at the university.

What do they seek at Longwood-and how do ocherstudents at Longwood benefit from their presence?

International students' backgrounds are as varied as che individuals chat they are and the cultures,families and schools from which they come.

Many international students,likeMinh

Nguyen '20fromVietnam,who plans to start his ownbusinessafterhe graduates,are attractedto LongwoodbecauseofourMCSBaccredicedCollegeof Business and Economics and Cormier Honors College.

Other students,likeAlejandra Gonzalez '20, an art major who started her ownjewelry design business as theeconomy was crashing in Venezuela,seekEnglish language support through Longwood's ESL Bridge Program while earning an undergraduatedegree. ForAlejandra,our crafts concentrationin the art program was a huge draw.

Longwood's NCM Division I sports teams also attract highly qualified internationalstudent-athletes.CaiusCovrig'20,from Romania, dreamsofbecominga professional basketball player and chose Longwood specifically so he could play for CoachJayson Gee,whohe says has a "stellar reputation in the sport."

Quality,Aexibility and opportunityare among the top reasonsthat the number of international studentsenrolled in the U.S.nearly doubled in thedecade from2005-06 co201516,accordingtothe Instituteof lnternational Education's2016 OpenDoorsReport.But thesehallmarksoftheU.S.educationsystem are not all that they seek.

What typeofjob will I getwhen I graduate? Doyouofferinternshipopportunities? CanIget ascholarship? Isitsafethere?Wherewill I live? Are there anyother [insert nationalityof internationalstudent] students at your university?

These are the typesofquestions that fill theroom at internationalrecruitment fairs andhigh-schoolvisits,whereanywherefrom asmallhandfulcomore than 5,000interested students,parents,teachersand counselors anxiously come tolearn more about the Land of Opportunity.

Responding to this barrage of questions and helping international studentsnavigate the American higher education systemand identify the right fit for them becomeskey for retention.Naturally,international students come to campus needing a different kindof support than domestic students,who are,in large part, alreadyfamiliar with the collegesearchand overallAmericancollege experience.

In this regard,Longwood'sOffice of InternationalAffairs also hasmadetremendousstrides since2011,bringingonboardadditionalstaff and developingthe Global Leaders Program, which provides mentorsfor international studentsandraises culturalawareness.

The benefitsof having international students at Longwood are just as importantfor domestic students,though perhapsless obvious.

By mentoring new international students, helpingthemlearn their way around Longwood,Farmville andlife inthe U.S.,ourAmerican students have theopportunity cogain exposure to other parts of the world righthere in Farmville.

Faculty tell usthat the international students in theirclasseshelp theirAmerican students consider,inanorganicway,new perspectives on everything fromhistory,romantic relationships and government structures to religion, food andfamily.

International students alsocan inspire domestic students co step outside their own comfort zones and study abroad.For example,as a resultofher activeinvolvementin the Global Leaders Program, Kiana Graves'17,from Richmond,and Elaina Cesares '16 had lifechangingstudyabroad experiencesandplan to join the Peace Corps.

Longwood'sinternational recruitment effons continue cobring diversity, fresh perspectives and anopportunity co learn about the world co campus.And we have plans to engage Longwood alumni living overseas and international alumniliving in the U.S. in our efforts.It's a winforeveryone involved.

Molly Mcsweeney is assistant director of international admissions in the Office of International Affairs.
Join yo"r t t • ...·--�l'�for the first e a ■ eun1on June 2-4, 2017�1:irr;>OD Classes of 1967-2012, the Mega Reunion is for you! DECADE DINNERS LIVE MUSIC LATE NIGHT BREAKFAST ALUMNI GOLF COLOR WARS TOURNAMENT nowat FIREWORKS ...AND MUCH MORE

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