NO. 4
Students Express A Variety Of Opinions On Co-Education
Lisa, Loula, Deacon and Mimi are currently attending Hampden-Sydney as part of a cooperative exchange program. By BETH RAFFERTY It has become apparent that there is a variety of differing opinions among both the faculty and the administration on the issue of HEW's rulings concerning coeducation. The purpose of this forum is to offer a chance for the students on this campus to become aware of the different views of not just the faculty and the administration, but also their peers on this issue. Differences Present In Student Government Grace Anne Overton, president of Student Government, and a member of Ixmgwood's committee which is studying the problem, stated, "I am more opposed to it than I favor it at this moment." One reason why she feels this way is that, " it would make Longwood like every other college. . . Another thing you have to think about is the quality of boys you'd get here," Grace Anne added. She also believes that "it would do less to help the enrollment, because we wouldn't have anything different to offer." Grace Anne pointed out that, " co-ed might stimulate the classroom discussion more." She also said that, "I'd like to hear what the students have to say because I'm representing them on the committee." Patti Dunn, the chairman of the Student Union, expressed her stand on the topic by saying that, "I have mixed feelings, in some ways I think it's good." She feels that, "I think it would improve the social life and I also think the class atmosphere would probably be improved." Patti expressed
the other point of view by saying that, " a lot of girls get involved in activities here because they are forced to take part, and it's probably just a fear but I feel that if we went to co-education, the girls wouldn't take as dominant a part as they take now." Becky Jefferson, the chairman of Judicial Board, stated that, "I'm definitely opposed to it mainly because I obejct to the whole title 9 of the HEW ruling. Becky's reason for this is that, "Longwood is the only statesupported teacher's college in Virginia, and there are some females who choose to go to an all-female college and they should have the right to do so." Becky also feels that, "I think the spirit on this campus would become subdued if Longwood does go co-ed." She stated that, "I think that Ixmgwood should encourage male day students to attend, but not as dorm students." Becky added that if students on this campus feel that I-ongwood should not go co-ed, they can do something by "writing their congressman immediately," to make them aware of the student's opinions. Pat Watson, chairman of Residence Board, feels that if longwood should go co-ed, "it's going to bring in a different flavor to the campus." She believes that this would be accomplished by putting more of an emphasis on the vocational areas of academics, rather than the majority of the emphasis being directed towards teaching areas. She also feels that males, " are interesting to be around because
they have a different point of view, and this will greatly enhance the classes that involve discussions. Pat did express the fear that if in an effort to complete the co-educational process, Longwood lowered its requirements for males applying, "it would lower the status of the college and I'd hate to see it happen here." A group of students were interviewed at random, and their opinions range from advocating co-education, to apathy, to professing an opinion against coeducation, like their opinions,
their reasons for them also vary. Advocating Co-Ed Michele Fiughe, a freshman, believes that she would like it. Iinda Brinson, another freshman, also stated that she would like it " as long as it didn't mess up the traditions." Patty Taylor, a sophomore, agrees that "it would be a really good idea to go co-ed, because there will be a lot of extracurricular activities." Another sophomore, Trish Brown, echoed these feelings but stated a possible consequence by saying that, "I think it would be a good idea, but most guys couldn't live under the conditions present at longwood without a change in some of the restrictions." Donna Kelly, a freshman, believes that co-education would definitely be an asset to Longwood's appeal to students, and she added that " if longwood would go co-ed, I would stay here." Effects On Admissions For Co-Ed Terry Miller, a senior, enthusiastically stated that, "I think it would be fantastic if we went co-ed." Julie Myers, a junior, feels that it is a necessity that Longwood goes co-ed, "because if it stays the way it is it will become non-existent." Debbie Alspaugh, a senior, agrees in this opinion and added that, "girls are just not applying to an all-girls' school any more." "I think longwood College would get a lot more applicants," if this happens, is what senior Debbie Ferguson believes. Debbie Hollowell also feels this way, and stated as a basis for her opinion, " the times I have gone out recruiting, the girls just don't want to attand an all-girls' school any more, it is just out of style now." Against Co-Ed In expressing the other side of
the issue, sophomore Sally Chewning stated that, "it would ruin the whole atmosphere of the school." Another sophomore, Kathy Arthur, Stated that, ;it a girls' school you art- free in what you do, and with guys around everyone is trying to impress them." A freshman stated that, "I don't think it would be a good idea mainly because Ixmgwood is just like a home, and there is a guys' college next door." Brenda Effort, a senior, feels that, " by going to an all-girls' college you don't have to compete with other girls for boy friends and you can dress any way you like." Marsha Spear, another senior, is against going co-ed, "because I figure if it goes co-ed all the boys who first came here would be duds." A sophomore stated that she does not think L.C. should go coed because " there should be a choice of whether to attend a single sexed school or not." A junior believes that, " for Ix)ngwood to go co-ed at this late stage would eventually deteriorate or destroy the educational status of this college because of its size, location, and facilities couldn't be expanded enough to meet the necessary standards to keep a co-ed college in the same educational level as Ix)ngwood now has." Freshman Patty Carr said that, "I came here for the education and I don't need a social life because I'm going steady." She added that co-ed "would change everything here." Karen King, a freshman, summed up her feelings by saying that, "I couldn't care less because I am leaving." Whatever a student's feelings are on this dilemma, the circumstances, and possible outcomes of L.C. going co-ed should be made aware to all the students before they make a decision.
Oktob.erfest Calendar Of Events October 11 7:30 p.m.
Jarman October 12
9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30-1:00 1:15 2:15 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 2:30 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 5:15-6:30 7:30 After Skits After cake cutting
Coffee For Parents Parents' Meeting With Dr. Wlllett Parade Lunch U. Va. Jazz Ensemble Opening of Midway H20 Club Water Show Hockey Game Color Rush Longwood Company of Dancers Classes of '72, *73, '74 Dinner Skits Cake Cutting Alumnae Chi Walk
ABC Rooms ABC Room Pine Street Dining Hall larman Pool Iler Field Iler Oym Longwood House Dining Hall Jarman Downstairs Dining Hall Colonade
Wednesday, October 2,1974
Page 2
Cliques Threaten Civil War At L.C. At the last press conference, a question was asked concerning why Longwood stressed sisterhood over individuality. The reply was that the one concept did not necessarily override the other. Indeed, the student was assured that, at Longwood College, the individual was encouraged to develop her own individuality as well as to develop a spirit of unity and sisterhood among her fellow students. However, it becomes apparent to the apt observer that both of these ideals are being overridden by that crutch which spineless and narrow-minded people have clung to since the dawn of history. This crutch needs no description or definition here - the one word "clique" is sufficient. I am sure that cliques have always been present on this campus. However, this year the sectioning off of students into little groups has grown more definite. And the tolerence, amusement, or faint annoyance which used to exist between opposing groups has grown to a thinly disguised desire to crush and destroy. In some cases, the conflict has become so fierce that the whole campus threatens to erupt in violent, open Civil War. One wonders if the traditional Oktoherfest activities, originally planned to unite the student body in blue and white harmony and love, are not about to be replaced by a showdown between various groups, each exhibiting their own particular brand of blue and white intolerance. Although it is impossible to define or describe all of these unofficial sororities, they seem to fall into four different groups. These are: the "rahs-rahs"or conservatives, the ' 'jocks" a certain brand of over-zealous Christians, and, of course, there are "radicals" or the complainers who are constantly raisinguncomfortablequestions which sometimes even strike at the heart of the system . Of course, this is a partial and incomplete list. There are no definite, clean-cut boundaries, for even within each group there are various sub-groups and counter-groups. And, then there are those students - a faceless, nameless mass which actually constitute the majority of the student body. However, even if the cliques cannot be defined in certain terms, one thing is certin. There is friction between them which often takes the form of vicious rumor-spreading and stereotyping swift shots in the back by those who lack the gumption to face their opponents. Even that faceless, nameless mob is not innocent of this, for the words "rah-rah," "jocks," or "homosexual" and freak" are everyday words in their vocabulary; while the other various little cliques unite in referring to them as "apathetic." Sometimes, of course, the conflicts come out into the open. The casual observer might take this as a good sign, thinking that at last a compromise could be reached and tolerance could replace mistrust. However, whatever potential this could have for clearing the air and bring about opennnndedness and mutual respect is soon lost What could be a valuable discussion is reduced to shrewish heckling. Each student feels that her opponent has struck at the rawest nerves has attacked her opinion and called her value systems into question, and she springs to the defense as quickly as a hen whose brood has been attacked. It is, of course, understandable that individuals differ as to their lifestyles and beliefs. And, that there should be a tendency among those individuals to seek out those who are most like them is also understandable. What is not understandable is that there should be such a great deal of intoLence, misunderstanding, and stereotyping-trends which list many wars, as well as civil unrest such as that experienced by our country in the past decade
Guest Commentary
"Blue And White Spirit Will Live On" By DEBBIE HARRIS In the recent commentary "Working Hard - All for Recognition," the author does not seem to know the members of "second floor Wheeler." They seem to have the power here because they were the only members of the classes who stepped forward to do the jobs large and small, and if they are working to become members of CHI and Geist, is that so dishonorable? For what does CHI and Geist stand for: CHI stands for those people who promote and maintain the spirit of Longwood through cooperation, leadership and loyalty to its academic programs and extracurricular activities. Geist is a society that portrays leadership, scholarship and service. Therefore, they are promoting their school with gifts of time and energy. The next problem was "What Happens When the Senior Class Leaves?" Whose example will be followed? The Senior Class upon its graduation passes the traditions as they know them, down to the next ranked class winch is the Juniors and the rising Juniors if taught well will carry the blue
Rationalized Glory Seeking Dear Editor: I was pleased with last week's commentary on the "glory seeking" individuals who wish to increase their status by prominently displaying their positions of importance. It was my understanding that cliques went out with high school. As for name cards listing "accomplishments" — that brought initial reactions of laughter and then feelings of disgust from many upper classmen. I am sure the owners of these cards can quickly rationalize their actions, i.e., interest in promoting school spirit. Maybe their rationalization is sincere, however, they have succeeded in turning more people off and against the activities they are helping to run. What to do? If you can't fight them then join them?
and white and respective class color through its traditions. The blue and white will never die. Maybe, you the author, have not thought about the blue and white songs, but one ends with the following: "Sing of Sisterhood join in our
song everyone belongs" There is room for you, if you sincerely want a part — there are millions of things to do ... get involved and find the true meaning of blue-and-white and sisterhood, for a better understanding of your own life.
Guest Commentary
An Individual? Popular? Think By SUE RIBLE What does being an individual mean to you? To me, it means: 1) Being myself — and not imitating others who I feel may be "cute" or "more popular." A) Speaking freely — so not to hurt anyone but maybe initiate some ideas for the betterment of myself and others. B) Acting myself — not putting on the opposite role to feel I'll be better accepted. It's goofing off and fooling around without people thinking you are "weird," yet I'll still do it anyway. C) It's believing — in myself and all those who believe in others. What does being popular mean to you? To me, it means: 1) Being accepted and respected for who I am and not
for what I do. A) I'ts participating in school activities because you care for your college, vour class and because you love the blue and white spirit. B) It's being with friends who I have some good and some bad times with. They are not " handpicked friends" who have some sort of a title, but friends who I consider to be " real friends." They care, share and are able to express their feelings to me freely and I do the same to them. I feel the best way to end this dictionary is a favorite poem of mine by J. L. Heureux: "A friend is someone who leaves you with all your freedom intact but who, by what he thinks of you, obliges you to be fully what you are."
Not necessarily. But interested individuals can start attending class and color oriented activities more often and give " the group" a little competition. I was a bit apprehensive before the recent tapping of Oktoberfest members. But I came out of Jarman feeling reassured that Geist had made wise decisions. Let's hope that this year's CHI does the same. We need to see a lot more humbleness. Name Withheld By Request
Monday-Friday — 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the purchase of food only. Saturday — 12 noon-11 p.m., from 12 noon-2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. with purchase of food only. Carry out six packs will be sold only during the above hours. 2. All students will be required to show an I.D., for age determination, upon the purchase of beer. Beer will be served by the can with a distinguishable cup available if requested. 3. ARA and the Student Union will have a written agreement whereby the Student Union will reimburse ARA if there is any additional loss of money in the Snack Bar due solely to the sale of beer. 4. The Snack Bar should be restricted to faculty, staff, alumnae, and Longwood students and their accompanied guests. 5. The sale of beer in the Snack Bar should be implemented as soon as possible on a trial basis. 6. Proposed quest regulations entail the signing in of any nonLongwood student in the Lankford office. Legislative Board would welcome any opinions students have concerning the sale of beer in the Snack Bar. It's easy to let the right person know what you are thinking — just contact any of the following people: Grace Anne Overton, Stubbs 417, 392-9210; P. O. Box 930; Sarah Smithey, Stubbs 313, 3928276, P. 0. Box 1069; Judy Rayner, Stubbs 217, 392-5543; P. 0. Box 708; Betty Ridgeway, Frazer 540, 392-4943; P. O. Box 736; Anne Sommerville, Wheeler 216, 392-8095, P. O. Box 794; Karen Grubb, Stubbs 302, 3923887, P. 0. Box 517; Janie Pritchard, Curry 719, 392-5680, P. O. Box 1021; Amy Davis, Stubbs 315, (Continued on Page 4)
Sale Cf Beer Dear Editor, It has come to the attention of the Board that there is confusion among the students concerning the proposed sale of beer in the Snack Bar. The proposals are as follows: 1. The hours beer will be sold are:
among its accomplishments. I realize that this editorial does not provide any ready answers to this growing problem. Hopefully, what it will do is stimulate thinking. The answer lies within each individual, for, just as everyone is entitled to his own opinion, everyone is guilty of a certain amount of narrowmindedness. But when it all breaks down, every student here is really concerned about the same thing - what can be done for the improvement of Longwood so that it can better suit the social, academic and environmental needs of the students. And how is one to form intelligent opinions unless she listens attentively to the opinions of others and weighs them carfully? If we are to call ourselves Longwood ladies and pride outselves on our Blue and White Love, shouldn't we start behaving in a more ladylike and lovely manner, rather than acting like hypocritical refugees from a snakepit? JANE
Wednesday, October 2,1974
Pygmalion- Opening Night Sat. - New Dimensions Added «»THE ROTUNDA By KAREN FOSTER When "Pygmalion's" opening curtain rises on Saturday evening, the many complex technicalities of the theatre " will magically blent into harmony and produce for the audience a beautiful work of human art," according to the play's publicity crew. Dr. Martha E. Mattus, new to Longwood's Department of Speech and Drama, designed the costumes for the 18 characters in this comedy. Her first steps "consisted of going out and finding pictures, and picking a date for the show." Deciding to costume "Pygmalion" in 1902 dress, Dr. Mattus got hold of a Sears catalogue of that year and began looking. "We are doing all of the patterning and most of the cutting because costumes are done very differently than clothes," Dr. Mattus emDhasized. "The distinction is between costume and fashion" in that the latter is to be seen "up close" and the former "further away." The social distinctions evident in the play will be further enhanced by Dr. Mattus' choices of color and cut. While young Eliza dresses in warm colors, the wealthy Mrs. Higgins will appear in soft ones and the lower class Clara and Mrs. Eynsford-Hill will wear blacks and dark greys. Mrs. Higgins' dresses' "structural fullness" contrasts the overdone trim and ruffles reflected in the tastes and money of the members of the lower echelon. Men's costumes have been provided by The Costume Collection, located in New York City. This company " rents to only non-professional organizations and will not choose the costumes for you," Dr. Mattus said. Thus, the designs can remain more original. The props crew's major problem is that '* we haven't been able to find a victrola," stated crew chief, Kathy Clonaker. Furniture has also been difficult to acquire " because those people who have Victorian furniture generally don't like to lend it." "There are a lot of coins that get thrown around in the first act," Kathy added. Although Higgins now throws money into Eliza's basket, during earlier rehearsals, he tossed them on the floor and " we lost several coins." Make-up too ran into some difficulty, but that has now been worked out. "We had problems trying to find enough wigs that we
live longer. On the average a man of 25. who doesn't smoke cigarettes. has a life expectancy 6'/i years greater than a man who smokes one or more packs a day. Are cigarettes worth the sacrifice of years of your life? Safeguard your health...and your future. Quit.
American Cancer Society
could use," said crew chief, I/)uise Scolamiero. "They had to be styled according to the period." Beards and mustaches are also used in the production, and Louise explained how they are made. "The person is given a latex base which is a form of liquid rubber that dries. We then take crepe hair and blend it in various shapes." The hair is latexed " onto the base; then we style and shape it according to the character and (the actor's) own personal face." "The biggest trouble," Louise said of the comedy, " is just getting everything according to the period; it took time and research. Even though it's not a big case, there is a lot of character make-up." Kathe Catozella commented on
the sound crew's two " hardest" problems. The first concerns the sound of horses' hooves because " they have got to move from stage left to stage right." "Finding the right type of sound effects," for example, bathtub water running, has also caused concern. One theme will be used both as introductory and blackout music, Kathe said. A waltz from one of Puccini's operas will serve as music for the ballroom scene. Light designer Anne Saunders and set crew chief Martha O'Brien were unavailable for comment. Saturday's show begins at 8:00 and curtain time for the Sunday through Tuesday performances is 7:30. Admission is $2.00 or a student I.D.
Page 3
Staff ^
EDITOR Jane Bloodworth
CIRCULATION Rhonda Stockton
TYPIST Rose Hooper
ADVERTISING Beryl Dixon Anita Rivard
Opinions expressed are those of the weekly editorial board and its columnists and do not necessarily reflect the views of the student body or the administration.
Janice Lemen
Recent Paintings and Prints
Bedford GalleryM^m^ September 15 October 15,1974-
The gallery is open Monday thru Friday, 9a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 5p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 6p.m. ____
Wednesday, October 2, 1974
Page 4
Dear Geraldine
Loggias And Messina "On Stage" Ix>ggins and Messina. When most people hear the name, they think of the bubble gum rock sound of "Your Mama Don't Dance," one of their biggest hits. Unfortunately, most of the true music of I>oggins and Messina is often left unheard, or recorded by another artist. Their latest album, "On Stage," is a collection of their old hits recorded at various concerts from San Francisco to New York, which includes only two new hits that don't appear on previous albums. "On Stage" demonstrates the dynamic sound of I/)ggins and Messina. The pace is faster on their new album, and the songs seem t<> take on a new meaning. They really ^ft into the music, and it seems to change their style. Jimmy Messina produces their albums, as well as being lead singer. Kenny IiOggins takes over with the ballads and some of the slow moving songs such as "IiOve Song" and "Danny's Song," both original songs by Kenny Ix>ggins which made the top forty when sang by Anne Murray, who just happens to be his sister-in-law. When Murray sings them, they take on a country style, but with Kenny it's just a pure sound with a guitar, where all the attention is brought to the words themselves, and the true meaning of the song opens up, unlike Murray's rendition. IiOggins and Messina offer something for everyone. They are very versatile as demonstrated in the various forms of music they play. They go from rock 'n'roll sounds such as "Your Mama Don't Dance" to "Listen PSC
Who0 cares?
Another thing that adds to the Dear Geraldine, My problem concerns my loggins and Messina albums is roommate. Someone told her that the various instruments they use, I was present when a bunch of her ranging from an electric flute to a violin. These create a special friends were talking about her, effect, which alone belongs to and now she refuses to talk to us, including me. How can we live on I-oggins and Messina. as roommates? I have no hard If you're in the mood for feelings, but she refuses to listening to something easy, or listen!! maybe even a fast moving song, FRUSTRATED Loggins and Messina have a lot to give you. Other previous albums include "Loggins and Messina," Dear Frustrated: I know that your problem is "Sittin In," and "Full Sail." really bugging you, but if your roomie refuses to speak to you; then your problem cannot be solved. Your roommate should know that everyone is talked about here at LONGWOOD, so why should she be the exception. I feel that as long as a female is talking about you, then you have something going (they are jealous)! When the gossipping stops, then you worry. If the roommate refuses to speak, why doesn't she try getting a new room? Why not suggest this to her! and roommate, whoever you are, why not talk this situation over. You may realize that it was all a misunderstanding. There are a lot of jobs to be done in this world, helping Dear Geraldine: people m trouble in pain, in distress American Red Cross I have a problem which I share takes on more of these jobs than anybody. Surprised? with many other girls. I am a Remember Red Cross is more than blood drives. It's waitress, and I am sick and tired more than helping the thousands of victims of disasters. In of being treated like a dog by fact. American Red Cross tackles over 100 different kinds of some of our "Longwood Ladies." Helping People jobs—in the city, the suburbs, wherever If these girls were ever taught you are manners at home, it certainly We need money, it's true, so we can go on offering all ISN'T obvious by the behavior our free services But we also need hearts. And hands. And they show in the dining hall. conviction. Call your local chapter Join us.
to a Country Song," which has a country rhythm, and then back to songs like "House at Pooh Corner." It is a double album set, and one side has "Vahevala" for seventeen straight minutes, which adds a different touch to the album. There are two new songs on the album, "Another Road" and "You Could Break My Heart," which take on a typical Loggins and Messina style. Both songs are by Kenny Ix>ggins, and take on a ballad format.
Tfou've always thought you were a Good Neighbor. Now prove it. (Join Us.)
The American Red Cross. The Good Neighbor.
They ought to be thankful that Longwood is one of the two colleges in Virginia that serves a family style meal. Think of standing in line, 7 days a week, 3 times a day. What do you suggest doing to deal with these obnoxious pigs? Just trying to get through school Dear Trying: As you probably know, I am a waitress also. I had this problem last year, and after I had a talk with my tables they soon learned what I expected of them. They were freshmen and I told them that it would be helpful and much appreciated if they would STACK, clear off all crumbs from their place, and to put trash in one large pile on the tables. I asked that they put glasses at the end of the table (not scattered around), and to place the dirty dishes somewhere on the table convenient to me. They soon learned that if they helped me, that I would not hesitate about getting seconds or even thirds. After that we got along just fine. Too bad I had to leave downstairs and work upstairs. Now "Longwood Ladies," if you treat your waitress with respect, I am pretty sure that she would not hesitate in getting you anything that you pleased. Remember she is human and that she is helping you out just as much as you're helping her. Try doing some of the extra do's and drop the bad don'ts and notice the improvement. Geraldine
barters ^rlower *3/tojjp On* Block Froa Hospital
711 West 3rd St.
Phone 392-3151
Formville, Va. 23901
Always make Carter's your headquarters for green foliage plants Large- Medium & Small (New shipment just received)
Who cares about smoggy skies About empty and |x>lluted lakes cans and trash littering our countryside. About plants and trees dying in our forests And animals too. Who cares? Woodsy Owl. the Nation's new battler tor a elean environment cares. And so should you. Join Woodsy in the fight against |x)llution. ,
A Schedule of Events for Organ Workshop Friday, October 4 - 7:30 P.M. Organ Recital by Dr. Paul Hesselink Saturday, October 5 Registration, Coffee - 9 A.M. Master Classes - 9:30-12:00 1:30- 3:00 Recital by Dr. Arthur Lawrence
A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council MM
Registration Fee: $5.00
qort Gotta go, GortTOh, remind me to teH you th' one about th' priest and "uou-know-who" 7
The Longwood Tennis Team was handed it's first loss of the season as they were downed by Westhampton 5-4 on the 24th. Winners for Longwood were Mary Nemetz, Dean Clay and Tamara Cralg in the singles division, and winning the doubles match for Longwood were Bernie Todd and Judy Ellis.
I UEARD that, <tbur use of Gortf Just why the word do you course "namedropper" with that.that ItAPLieS political acquaintance 'namedropper f with wellknown politicians,
Public Invited To Attend Recitals Without Pre-Registering
...with no true personal knowledge. That chap, however, does indeed KMOW these important oO\oals...and his anecdotes are (actual!
And prison's Why, he's nothing where he but a common got to know) criminal... with all those a prison record! political bigwigs!
Owr» utmiaafl Ifrfl^
Letters To The Editor (Continued from Page 2) 392-8276, P. O. Box 316; Kathy Daffron, Stubbs 312, 392-8318, P. 0. Box 191; Sue Scarborough, Cox 223, 392-8369, P. 0. Box 759; Martha Padgett, Curry 707, 392G319, P. 0. Box 723; Jessie Bruce, 701 Irving St., 392-4718, P. 0. Box 1159, and Ellen Morrison, Wheeler 206, 392-8203, P. 0. Box 668. Legislative Board
Or. S. Postlethwait To Give Lecture On Minicourses "Media, Audio-Tutorial System and Minicourses" will be the topic of a lecture given by Samuel N. Postlethwait, Professor of Biology at Purdue University, on Tuesday, October 15, at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Postlethwait formerly served on the faculties of the public schools in West Virginia and the State University of Iowa. His awards and honors include the Purdue Student Government Best Teacher Award, Sigma Delta Chi Best Teacher Award, Audio Visual Instruction Directors of Indiana Award, Eastman Kodak Gold Medal Award, and the Standard Oil Best Teacher Award. In addition, he has submitted articles to professional journals. Born in Willeysville, West Virginia, on April 16, 1918, Dr. Postlethwait received his AB in Biology at Fairmont State College. He attended West Virginia State University, where he received his MS in Botany. He received his PhD in Plant Anatomy from the State University of Iowa. Dr. Postlethwait is a member of the Botanical Society of America, Sigma Xi, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Indiana Academy of Science, and the International Society of Stereology. He is also a member of the National Association of Biology Teachers, the American Genetic Associan, the International Society of Plant Morphology, the Torrey Botany Club, and the National Education Association. Dr. Postlethwait is an honorary member of the Omicron Delta Kappa, and Phi Eta Sigma. He also has membership in Kappa Delta Pi, the Indiana Science Teachers Association, and the International Platform Association. He is on the Board of Directors of Library-College Associates, and the Advisory Board for the Community College Forum. Dr. Postlethwait will be lecturing at various colleges and universities within the state between October 14-16.
Wednesday, October 2,1974
Dr. Henri M. Peyre Lectures On Nationalism In Literature By JANET LINDNER cording to Peyre, presents much Dr. Henri M Peyre, executive evidence of nationalism. officer of the doctoral program in After having written on the French at the City University of topic of higher education in the New York, and Distinguished United States, the history of Visiting Professor of the modern culture, and the failures Graduate Center, presented a of criticism, one suggestion lecture on "Nationalism and Professor Peyre made conLiterature," at Longwood cerning nationalism is to provide College on September 26, at 1:00 education, which according to p.m. him is a very patent force. "On French born, Professor Peyre the whole, I won't say education was educated at the Sorbonne, is a failure," commented Peyre, and came to the United States in but he feels that most people do 1925. He has written over 30 books not believe in the power of reason in French and English dealing to change the world. He feels that with the literature of French they must find the force outside Classicism, comparative of reason. literature, and literature of the modern French language. He also was awarded the Sterling Professorship of French at Yale University in 1968. Peyre began his lecture by commenting on Longwood's . Bv DORIS BOITNOTT female enrollment with a joke, Dr. Richard L. Brodesky, referring to Ixmgwood College as Assistant Professor of Foreign an "ocean of Women" as he opened the quoted a passage from RHYME Languages, OF THE ANCIENT MARINER, Longwood Colloquium Series by Samuel Coleridge that states, with his lecture "David Diop, A "water, water, everywhere, and Literary Crossroad." The first not a drop to drink." As he ruled" lecture of the Series, a survey of out the male species, he stated poetry written by David Diop, a that the future and the peace of contemporary African poet, was the world lies in the hands of presented last Wednesday night young women. Dr. Peyre in Wygal Auditorium. Diop, who lived most of his life referred to himself as a "cheerful in France, wrote primarily of his pessimist" as he commented that "nationalism is a religion. It is an concern of the "Colonizer vs. the idealogical and religious war." Colony: the "coming of INHe continued by adding that DEPENDANT Africa," and the nationalism is a "semi-biblical "poet as a member of the device," with "untold force and material world - not only as a capacities of literature. Man does rival, but as a social witness." Dr. Brodesky read and not live by bread alone, but by ideas and literature." As an analyzed ten of Diop's most example, Peyre used the dic- celebrated poems in French his literary tator, Napoleon, who gave the emphasizing world mottos that continue to rule technique and his Mythology today. He explained that the which captures the African greatest force of Russia was not history before European incommunism, but men, such as tervention, during Colonialism, Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn. and Africa's "rebirth," or Nationalism, as Dr. Peyre pointed out, is something everyone has in his own heart and soul. The Old Testament, ac-
After teaching four or five years in Egypt, Dr. Peyre commented that he was not sure of the exact number at the time, he noticed that the Americans were the only country that was required the saluting of the flag. Also according to Peyre, nationalism would disappear with the hope of a Utopian socialism. "The study of foreign culture is essential." Professor Peyre explained that we must study language and culture instead of physics, because the latter, he feels, is too dangerous, "language is the mirror of everything."
Dr. Richard Brodesky Opens Colloquim Series With Diop
Farmville, Virginia
"Paradise Regained." Dr. Brodesky has been at longwood since 1973. He obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he served as an instructor between 1972 and 1973. The next longwood Colloquium will be Wednesday, October 23, at 4:00 p.m. in Wygal Auditorium. Dr. F. Richard Kidder, Assistant Professor of Mathematics will deal with the concept of teaching advanced mathematics to elementary children.
Page 5
The American Red Cross. The Good Neighbor.
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Wednesday, October 2,1974
Page 6
Campus Scenes REPORTERS NOTE When a student takes a close look at Longwood College through the eye of a camera, The Alma Mater takes on a new meaning. "All hall, Alma Mater, Dear Mother to thee Thy daughters true, faithful and loyal will be. Thy loving protection, thy nurturing care, Will lead them to cherish things lovely and fair." The following scenes are just a few "things lovely and fair" around campus.
Photos-Janet Coleman
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Alumnae Council To Plan Mori Activities
Lt. Gov. John Dalton Meets \\ itli Citizens Of Farmville utenanl /ernor John i lalton .vi 11 hold an Open Door Meeting in the I onference Room of the ' ourthi s C Building in Farmville on Friday. < ktober i from 9 :30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Frank Hudson of Farmville is Berving as voluni linatcr for the Open Door Meeting. Hudson emphasi that local [overnment officials and .ill residents of Prince Edward County and the surrounding area are welcome to meet with Lieutenant Governor Dalton that morning. Dalton'a open Door Meetings are Bet up as a series of individual conferences with citizens who have complaints about state government agencies or questions and comments about state programs or legislation. Dalton describes the Open Door Meeting! as non-partisan and wide ranging in subject matter.
•The kind of things that come up at these meetings - road Improvements, school aid money. how to get a bearing from a state agency - are just not partisan issues," Dalton says. Dalton and his two person staff follow up on each question or complaint and relay comments and suggestions to appropriate state agencies, Governor Godwin and the leadership of the General embly. "Government gets so complicated," Dalton says, "that often people do not know about an agency that can help them or how to contact the right official." Dalton explains his role as a •communications link" between local citizens and the executive branch of state government. "We cannot solve every problem," Dalton says, "but every citizen should feel that he has had the chance to make his views known."
Pygmalion k -™
By CAROL KRAFT The Alumnae Council had their fall meeting September 27-28. 1974. The association has plans to become more involved in student activities. Such plans will include having parties, etc., for the students. The sale of beer in the snack bar was a major issue at the meeting. However, no definite decision was derived. The subject is still under discussion by the students and the administration. Another issue that was discussed was the changing of the name alumnae to alumni. It was recommended to the association to be voted upon on Founders Day, April 26. Students having any suggestions for activities are urged to contact Mrs. Shelton.
A little Bit Of Spice '
ago, but cinnamon dates back to By Fenny Robinson Spices are used every day by 1450 B.C. in Egypt. Salt, that little white crystal we all of us. Did you ever wonder a sprinkle on almost everything little about their history? Here was an essential in medieval are some interesting facts about times for keeping meat and fish a couple of them. Pepper was used for medicinal from spoiling. Meat had to be of Mr. Mitchell tgan purposes in Greece in the fifth good quality before a housewife century B.C. before it was used to would salt it. Salt was so exTo Present Reading pensive that meat had to be add flavor to foods! Cinnamon and toast may not "worth its salt," hence the much Hampden-Sydney, Va. — have been popular a long time used expression. Michael Egan, poet-in-residence at the University of Maryland, Virginia State-wide CROP walk for the hungry will be will present a poetry reading of held Saturday, October 19, and Sunday, October 20, 1974. his works at Hampden-Sydney CROP is a state-wide witness of concern for the fifty College on Thursday, October 10. per cent of mankind which are starving and hungry. It raises Mr. Egan is founder and editor funds both to help feed the hungry and to develop self-help of THE MARYLAND POETRY projects through the programs of Church World Service. REVIEW and is the author of CROP helps to stop hunger In 25 ways: rushing food to three books. victims of earthquakes, hurricanes, and otherdisasters; helping The presentation will be held in refugees get resettled; supporting family planning clinics; and the Parents and Friends Lounge constructing flood control dams. at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
L.C. Archery Team Wins
Wednesday, October 2,1974
Page 7
Over West Hampton 1969-1934 By ANNE SOMERVILLE On September 24, the Longwood Archery team, coached by Miss Sarah Smith, was host to Westhampton College of Richmond. The two teams an "Easton 600" which consists of twenty arrows from the 60, 50, and 40 yard mark. Shooting number one for Longwood was Carolyn Henshaw with a score of 479, followed by Glenn Griggs and Val Kestner. Longwood won the match with a final score of 1969. Westhampton's final was 1324. Randolph Macon of Lynchburg was the next victim of the LC archery team. On September 26, Longwood traveled to Ran-
dolph-Macon. Shooting a Collegiate "600," twenty arrows from the 50,40, and 30 yard mark. Carolyn Henshaw led the match with a total score of 520 out of a possible 600 points. Close behind her were Rachel Jolly, Val Kestner, Glynn Griggs, and Kitty Wray taking second, third, fourth, and fifth place positions respectively. The final score of the match: Longwood 2374, Randolph-Macon 1388. Longwood will host a tri-match with Madison and Duke on September 30. Madison, Duke, and Longwood women's teams will compete, while Madison and Duke men's teams will compete in a separate match.
HELP! WE NEED A NAME! For as long as it has been in existence, the Longwood League of Varsity Sports has not had a name. "We want to be called something else besides the Longwood College Varsity Tennis Team!" replied Mrs. Harriss, and they're out to find a name. UVA has the Cavaliers, Hampden-Sydney has the Tigers, and William and Mary have the Indians. We want Longwood to have an identity, and the student body themselves will be the one to choose it. Got an idea? Then submit it to THE ROTUNDA, Box No. 1133 by October 9.
L.C. Hockey Team Defeats O.D.U. , 3-0, Remain Undefeated By CLAIRE BAXTER The hockey team of Longwood College has continued to combine both offense and defensive efforts into a winning streak. Karen Smith scored twice and Carol Filo added another to lead Longwood College to a 3-0 victory over Westhampton College on September 25. An exciting part of the game came when the ball was hit lo Karen Smith in the corner. Karen immediately hit the ball hit it so hard that nobody realized what had happened, until it rebounded around the cage. Longwood's constant rushing and ..ggressiveness was very effective in keeping Westhampton scoreless. This also was the first game that Longwood has used a new kind of play called "the System." The players line up differently from the 5-3-2-1-. There are four forwards, two links, three backs, one sweeper, and the goalie. This makes the game faster and more wide open. This way of playing is suppose to overload the opponents defense and eventually score. The J.V. was also victorious by a score of 5-0. Michele Nealon led the drive with three goals, with Linda Crovatt and Anne Hunt each tallying once. This was an excellent defensive game with the team playing as a team and passing to each other. This was very effective as it kept Westhampton scoreless. On Saturday, September 28, Longwood College defeated Old Dominion neatly by a score of 4-0.
Terri Voit lead the scoring with two goals and Carol Filo and Cathy Lowe each adding another. This game was well played in Longwood's favor, by passing the ball and backing each other which proved too much for O.D.U. Sunday, September 29, Longwood College went to Richmond to play against the Virginia Cavaliers Club and came home victorious by a score of 5-2. Terri Voit scored three goals and Karen Smith and Carol Filo each scored once. The J.V.'s also won by a score of 3-0. Donna Vander Veer, Anne Hunt, and Cheryl Samms, each scored once to add to the victory. The J.V.'s tried "The System" in the second half and finally got it going towards the end. They worked well together to keep it over the 50 yard line most of the game. Thursday, October 3, Longwood plays Bridgewater at home at 3:00. The members of the 1974 hockey team are: Susan Wagner, Nancy Democh, Debbie Jarrell, Pat Dameron, Scottie Capehart, Cathy Lowe, Terri Voit, Terri Sawyer, Sandy Conkwright, Carol Filo, Karen Smith, Michele Nealon, Cheryl Sams, Theresa Mathews, Donna Van Dever, Claire Baxter, Cheryl Jenkins, Anne Hunt, Ginger Hudgins, Diane Connaly, Sherry Bernard, Sarah Carr, Jenny Morrow, Cathy Arthur, Mary Appich, Sally Grimes, Linda Crovatt, Beth Amos - manager.
^bull never know how much good you can do untilyoudoit* You can help people. In fact, theres a crying need for you. Your talents. Your training. Your concerns. They make you valuable to your business. They can make you priceless to your community. We can put you in touch with local organizations hard at work doing things youd be proud to he part o{. Join one. Or, if you see the need, start a new one. If you can spare even a few hours a week, call the Vo untary Action Center in your town. Or write: "Volunteer; Washington, D.C 20011 It 11 do you good to see how much good you can do. ^
The National Center for Voluntary Action
OCT. 4, 5, 6 You'rt always
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Wednesday, October 2,1974
Page 8
Tonsillectomy And Hold Me Tight' Major Issues In THE DUMMY By Ellen Cassada "Reverend Burrell who had his tonsils removed at a Richmond hospital last week is convalescing rapidly." Would you ever have guessed that this juicy tidbit was printed in a ROTUNDA issue — a February 4, 1921 issue, that is? Ves, dear longwood, there were newspapers in 1921. THE ROTUNDA began in 1910, and for lack of an adequate title was called the DUMMY until a contest could be held to pick the name. Ever since Nov. 26, 1920, that momentous day when Longwood's newspaper received us christening, THE ROTUNDA, " the Normal School Weekly" has enlightened the hearts of ail. The del ite issue for that week was whether LongWOOd Ladies should continue to slick back their hair or, heaven forbid, consent to have it bobbed. To add variety, a feature article concerned the graders at the training school, who had just become members of the Junior Red Cross, complete with pins. That was truly a momentous day for the youngsters, for they also learned to read the 1 Serve" inscriptions on the pins Letters to the editor were popular even in the twenties A January, 1921 issue reprinted a letter someone had received from her father. "You have suddenlyoutgrown your little home-made girl and have become a young woman now." Further into the letter his parental instincts urged her not to' 'outgrow us too fast . Some of the new ways girls are taking on nowadays puzzles me." No newspaper can survive without ads, and the 1921 ROTUNDA was no exception
"Wade's" had a weekly spot advertising "drinks, confectioneries, canned goods, olives, pickles, school supplies." "Martin the Jeweler" was equally as faithful, advertising their wide selection of "Normal School Jewelry." The 1922 editions usually had a three-section front page — one column with complete write-ups of marriages, one with "Alumnae News," and the last with "Personals" such as so-and-so visited so-and-so at such-and-such a olace. February, 1923 was the long awaited month for the JuniorSenior Reception, and THE ROTUNDA considered this to be of front page quality. The long awaited for gowns had finally arrived, and the "Juniors escored their Senior Girls and so forth to the entertainment." Faculty members must have been the hit of the evening. 'Men were much in demand, especially men who danced. Those of our faculty who had the courage to step out were much sought after and greatly rushed The dancing lasted until after eleven. Then we were really not tired at all but, nevertheless, we left - to talk it over." Joan of Arc received a full issue dedicated to her in April, 1927, when Alpha Delta Rho donated her statue to "The Normal." By the way, THE ROTUNDA has not always been given out at Wednesday's meat loaf dinners. No so very long ago, students had to buy a $2 subscription in order to learn the news. And — as recently as 1970, the paper was only a four-page issue.
The '30's saw a larger issue with greater variety in front-page news. Students of "The Normal" had to look elsewhere for marriages and personals. Freshmen of the '70's really missed out on a real tradition carried on during the '30's — Rat Week. THE ROTUNDA, on Oct. 12, 1932, carried a front page story with general rules of the week. Freshmen were to: "make-up the right side of the face wear one earring on the right ear and part the hair in the middle." Monday was the day to "wear a red ribbon four inches wide on the right side of the hair." Tuesday was quiet day, and there could be no talking except in classrooms and dorms, and freshmen were warned "not to speak to any boy on the street." Baby talk and a Baby Parade and Contest in the gym were Wednesday's highlights. Wouldn't it be interesting to have the Class of '78 participate in a Baby Contest? Student participation in government is a modern day concern, as well as a concern of the '30's. A letter to the editor in October, 1933, was a plea for more involvement and less apathy. Movies of that week included "Papa Loves Mama" and "Hold Me Tight," showing at various theaters at 35 cents for a night show and 25 cents for matinees. Yes, Longwood — 35 cents. THE ROTUNDA was printed on standard newspaper material in the '40's, making the white gloss paper of past issues obsolete. Longwood's first male council was begun in October, 1948, to act as an intermediary
between students and administration, consisting of three graduate students. The major issue of the week dealt with dance rules at Hampden-Sydney. Administration and head residents had apparently become concerned with girls who did not return to the dorm by curfew. Girls were informed that they must: " check out in case they are not back in time for bedcheck; drive directly to and from Hampden-Sydney to attend the dance; and remain at the dance throughout the entire evening. Nor girls are allowed in fraternity houses except during intermission . Walking on the campus, except to and from intermission is not permissible either, since both HampdenSydney and State Teacher's College administration feel that there is no need for it." An attack on HampdenSydney's TIGER was the editorial resulting when some out of date rules were published as 'newly released from the dean's office." The editor was outraged and stated that the information was " bordering on slander." Many of the issues in the '40's contained half to full-page cigarette ads. "More college students smoke Chesterfields" was a popular slogan. Compare this to a recent ROTUNDA with a half-page ad against smoking. The '50's were tame times, with May Day, honors, and assemblies being the major issues. Campuses were the sites of student unrest and changing rules during the '60's. Ixmgwood proved to be an exception to the trend, however. Students in April, 1969, staged a surprise rally for Dr.
Willett, complete with banners stating "This Is Willett Country." Dr. Willett was "hailed as defying campus leaders across the country," and his interest and concern for students were applauded. Rule changes were the major topics in the '70's, and THE ROTUNDA stayed busy printing results of questionnaires and federal rulings. A May issue contained a feature on the memorial services at Longwood and Hampden-Sydney in protest of American troops in Cambodia and the Kent State killings. A questionnaire to students from the Attorney General concerning possession of 6.4 beer by students twenty-one years old was mailed after there was a possibility of changing state rulings on alcohol. October saw tang wood being charged with discrimination by the HEW, charging that Longwood violated civil rights acts. THE ROTUNDA has come a long way since the DUMMY of the '20's — from three column front pages with marriages and personals to today's front pages with results of conferences and major changes. The '20's were far from backwards of shyLongwood Ladies with their bobby sox and bobbed hair probably had more on the ball than they are credited with. A February, 1921 issue featured this "What is the difference between an accepted and a rejected lover? One kisses his miss and the other misses his kiss." How about that?