Rotunda vol 65, no 8 nov 12, 1985

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Sixty-fifth year

ROTUJNDA Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Number Eight

Involvement Project; Faculty VS. Administration Sophomores Caught In Middle Faculty View By BRUCE SOUZA On Monday Nov. 4 the logistical problems which were I/Ongwood College faculty and becoming evident. Faculty administration clashed in what members of the Business some faculty members termed Department who are burdened "a fiasco" and a "crisis with a high number of advisees situation." The situation arose as saw havoc wreaked upon their sophomore students began the scheduling process. The hold-ups pre-registration advising and and detailed obstinance of counseling process on the above student Development Monday. Since sophomore administrators continued the students were the only ones delay in students receiving their affected in this scenario a quick forms. At this point, facultysketch of the events leading up to members began pooling their Monday Nov. 4 may be needed. complaints through their On Tuesday, Oct. 29, The channels of communications and Rotunda published a letter by decided on collective action. John Colangelo; Colangelo, a Faculty members The Rotunda sophomore, asserted his right not talked to stressed their to fill out an informational survey associated with the Involvement indignation over the perceived Project sponsored by Student interference in a process which Development. The survey asked had been traditionally a faculty students 140 questions, and function. Student Affairs in the specified that compliance was words of one faculty member compulsory to receive the "had no right to tie up the paperwork necessary for pre- academic process." Another registration advising. As Nov. 4 faculty member echoed faculty rolled around, the full implication opinion by stating that it was of Mr. Colangelo's complaint "inappropriate to have a was realized by a seemingly condition on registration. . . it unaware faculty. Many other belongs to faculty and not Student students feeling as Mr. Colangelo Affairs." did had also not filled out and turned in the surveys for similar On Wednesday, Nov. 6, a and-or different reasons. By meeting between faculty early Monday afternoon, many spokesmen and the president faculty advisors began to realize took place to resolve the problem. that Colangelo was not simply It was decided at this juncture blowing off steam, but had in that filling out the survey would essence sent out an early warning not be mandatory and would not that faculty and administration be tied to pre-registration. To the were dilatory in interpreting. credit of all people involved, and As more and more sophomore by all accounts, the problem was students began to turn up for resolved peacefully. Most faculty advising without their Dreadvising sheets and harboring complaints, the faculty began to Continued from Page 9 act. For the faculty, one of the main concerns was simply the

Administration's View By FRANK RAIO It is important for the Longwood community to understand the other side of the Involvement Project story; the administrators taking part in the program feel that: 1) The survey was a success, 2) The Involvement Project is a valuable part of a Longwood education, 3) Proper procedure was observed when completion of the survey by sophomores was linked to pre-registration. Student Development Educators Kathe Taylor and Bill Moore, who along with Barb Gorski and Meredith Strom make up the Involvement Project Group, told the Rotunda that although disappointed and surprised by the sudden opposition, the Sophomore survey phase of the Involvement Project appears to be an overall success. The Involvement Project has been in the works for several years; directly related to the "Fourteen Goals," the project is

an innovation in higher education's never-ending effort to allow students to "get more out of their tuition dollar." In fact, Bill Moore had been away all last week at a conference where he made an Involvement Project presentation to "impressed" collegues who are similarly charged with the responsibility of getting students to "try to think about how their time is spent and get the most out of their investment." The Sophomore survey is only a small part of the Student Development Educators' effort to "make the fourteen goals more meaningful than just words," Taylor said. The survey is a series of questions which, in Taylor's words, "make a snapshot picture of the student's past year." Students filled out the questionnaire and turned them in to the Student Development office. The surveys were returned to the students in small group discussions scheduled throughout the past week. Within

these groups, administrators guide the third semester students through a review of the responses. This one-hour meeting provides "assessment and feedback" according to Moore, allowing students to take a look back at their freshmen year and perhaps encouraging them to get more out of their remaining years at Longwood. Taylor explains that sophomores were chosen as the target group because freshmen had demonstrated in a "pilot survey" last spring, that first-year students were "too academicoriented" to think about getting more out of college; making grades and getting acclaimated to college life was enough of a burden. The mere title, "Involvement Project," demonstrates the desirability of having participation mandatory; if students voluntarily took part in such programs, the Involvement Project itself would be unnecessary. (Continued on Page 9

The Heat Source Of Longwood College By JOHNNY C. PASTINO The IiOngwood Boiler Room is located beneath the large 140 foot smoke-stack. In 1971, two of the four coal-fired boilers were converted to burn fuel oil. The other two boilers were put on standby for emergency use only. Some time later the idea of using wood chips was introduced. The use of wood chips involved some modifications to the two coalfired boilers. This change from

oil to wood chips has reduced fuel cost dramatically, consequently contributing to the overall Commonwealth's economy. The location of Longwood College is in the heartland of Virginia where there is an abundance of forest products. Therefore, it was, and is, logical to make use of the wood chips and sawdust for our source of fuel. Currently, wood chips and sawdust are furnished at a cost of

$15.50-ton from a main supplier to about $21.00-ton from incidental suppliers. The wood chips and sawdust is obtained from several (up to 6) suppliers because no single supplier has the source and-or transportation facilities to meet our requirements during the winter season. The fuel utilization varies from about 300 tons in May to over 1,500 tons in December. The amount of savings during (Continued on Page 5)

Pago 2 The Rotunda Tuesday, November 12, 1985


Letters To The Editor Involvement Project Dear Editor: I am writing this letter as a response to the non-response letter of Bill Moore and in support of John C. Colangelo who seems to be just as serious as I am about our communist-minded administrators. I, too, received one of those asinine involvement surveys from my R.A. After questioning my R.A. its purpose, I was just as clueless as before. Her only advice to me was to complete it. Briefly examining the survey of 140 questions, I felt it to be a waste of my time, and therefore decided to work on some homework instead. Apparently in the eyes of the student development educators, my priorities are out of place because I chose academics over outside activities. Anyway, I trashed the survey, not giving it a second thought until I found another one shoved under my door with a note attached: "Preregistration for spring classes will be cancelled if this survey is not completed." Well, I immediately took action. On the bottom of the survey were the names of the dictators Gorski, Moore, Strohm, and Taylor. I phoned Gorski and Taylor, both of whom were too busy to give

any of their precious time to adhere to the concerns of a measley student like myself. However, Bill Moore was available for discussion. I spoke with Mr. Moore over the telephone for approximately 35 minutes. I informed him that I was in favor of the survey for those who would benefit from it. However, I considered myself to be quite involved with the opportunities offered to Longwood College students, and therefore making this program irrevelant in my eyes. I am an active member of the Judicial Board, secretary of Phi Beta Lambda, and a work-study student, working 15 hours weekly. I have an adopted grandmother at a nearby nursing home. I also maintain a 3. g.p.a., currently tackling an IB-credit hour load. If that isn't involved, you tell me what is! Bill Moore responded that in place of participating in the survey that I could be given a special project to help other students become aware of the activities as I have. Can you believe this? "Oh sure, I just have so much spare time that I would love to do a special project to help fellow students."

BULLSHIT!! Mr. Moore also took my phone number and said he would get in touch with me concerning this matter within three working days. It has now been three weeks later. I have not heard a word from him. He stated in his letter to complain to him and not to Ms. Gorski. He must have been joking. Don't even try to discuss the situation with him, it will do you no good. Maybe the student development educators feel that it is their responsibility to make students get involved in college activities. However, as a college student and an adult, I feel that it is a person's own free will to do so, and preventing registration as a threat is totally ridiculous. If students want to become involved, they will. Forcing them is not the way. I am sure this letter will have no effect on the manner in which those dictators overlook the concern of the students. The general opinion I hear from fellow students including myself towards these people is to stay the hell out of our lives! We don't want their concern or their stupid survey! As of now, I have no intentions of completing the survey. If I should decide to change my mind (I doubt that seriously) and complete the survey and attend a seminar, I will be doing so against my own free will!?! Do the students of Longwood College have any student rights? Judi Goodridge

Longwood College continuously astounds me with their new and exciting methods to screw over the students. I would like to submit another way of how to be screwed by the administration. When I received my Involvement Survey I was told the same thing as was Mr. Colangelo: Fill it out or you cannot register for classes. I felt that this requirement of personal information was none of their business; however, I went ahead and filled out the survey. Let it also be known that I did not pay much attention to what I was marking and therefore filled out the entire survey in less than five minutes. When signing up for an appointment with my adviser I was informed that I would have to locate a Mr. Moore before advising to get some special registration form. So, I went to Mr. Moore's office and asked for my form. It was only then that I learned of some special meeting that I had not attended which I would have to < attend, in order to get my form. The reason I did not attend the meeting is simple; between the time of the survey and the time of the meeting I moved. My old R.A. did not contact me and my new R.A., whom I've never met, was not aware of the situation. Therefore, I had to cancel most of my nightime plans to attend the meeting. Had I not gone immediately to Mr. Moore's office to find out that I had to attend the meeting I would have been really screwed when it came time to be advised.

SROTUJNDA uxiybacKT^oi-ht:tndorrr)roornafttr h$hrc lass.

Managing Editor Barrett Baker


Advertising Manager Randy Copeland

News Editor

Advertising Artist Jennifer Byers

Copy Editors Dorothea Barr

Sherry Massey Bob Smith Business Managers John Steve David Johnson Circulation Manager Paul Raio


Photographers Fred Grant Johnny Pastino

Scott Raystin

Longwood College Farmville, Virginia

Editor-in-Chief Frank F. Raio

Advertising Staff

I attended the meeting and found it to be pretty much as I expected. The scores on the survey told our group that we were not highly involved in Longwood activities. Near the end of the session we were handed more survey sheets so we could sign up to get information on some of Longwood's activities. To appease the instructors, I marked a couple of things but it did no good. I still don't have enough time to be involved with an activity and to do Professor Fawcett's physics problems. Although the survey and meeting were of no use to me, I feel that the survey does have potential. I feel that the survey would be better used for the freshman class in the middle of their first semester. I also feel that the survey should not be a case of do it or get screwed but rather a "HI, I'M your friendly R.A. This is a survey to increase student unvolvement and I'd like you to fill it out and return it." Sure, some of the students will throw it away but they would rather party than participate in an activity anyway. The people who are interested and don't believe that the survey is generally worthless will return it. As a freshman, I wanted to get involved but didn't know how or where. I would still like to get involved but a heavy course load kept me from attempting anything. Maybe if I find an easy semester or two I'll help out but until then I'll be doing physics!

Bruce Souza

Patricia O'Hanlon Fine Arts Editor Jeffrey Kerr Fleming Staff Kim Deaner Amy Ethridge Sean Gorenflo Kim Setzer Garth Wentzel Rob Wilkerson Sports Editor Wendy Harrell Advisor William C. Woods

Published Weekly during the College year with the exception of Holidays and examination periods by the students of Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia. Opinions expressed are those of the Editor-in-Chief and columnists, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the student body or the administraction. Letters to the Editor are welcomed. They must be typed, signed and submitted to the Editor by the Friday preceding publication date. All letters are subject to editing. Send Letters to: THE ROTUNDA Box 1133 Longwood College Farmville, Virginia 23901




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Tuesday, November 12, 1985 The Rotunda


Page 3

Letters To The Editor Shower Blues To the Editor, Have you ever woke up in the morning and found yourself thinking about standing underneath a hot shower to wake you up, but then realize that you won't be able to because the shower head only reaches your chest? If you live in either Curry or Frazer dormitory your answer to this question is probably yes. It upsets me to think that the architect who designed the high rises had no sense of proportion. Whoever put the plumbing in these buildings must have been five feet tall. That's fine for the short people, but it presents a problem for all of us who are closer to six feet tall. It's not too comfortable to squat while taking a shower. I expect a hot shower to do two things for me: wake me up in the morning; and get the creaks out of my back from sleeping in a bed too short for me. Of course, getting clean is a top priority too. Instead of easing the pain, I end up increasing it because of the To the Editor, I,et me be the first to formally thank Virginia Armiger Grant, Graduate Ass't for mentioning the longwood Players. Blithe Spirit was a production that a lot of students worked very hard to produce, whether on stage or not. Our next production will be The Diviners. It will be presented on the 20th through the 23rd of this month. Rehearsal for this show started two weeks before the opening night of Blithe Spirit. To be in a play here, of course, requires an enormous amount of time. Basically, the only nights that participants have off are Fridays and Saturdays. Speaking for the veterans, we all think that


position I have to stand in. The THE ROTUNDA received over 50 responses to our Blind Date Quiz. Can you believe it? Me too, pain of the shower head-Home either. Maybe we should give away Pizza's for letters to the editor or news stories. Great idea! Proctologist is sure to wake me From now on, at the end of every month, we will give away a Pizza to the author of the best letter to up, but it won't do any wonders the Editor. for the creaks in my back. Beth, a chemistry major with brown hair. Lots of people figured it out, but only Laura Clark's After one exceptionally name was pulled from the hat. uncomfortable night's sleep, Laura Clark lives in North Cunningham and will soon be munching on a delicious large ITZA which gave me some colossal PIZZA Courtesy of THE LANCER CAFE. kinks in my back, I finally asked someone what the reason was for To the Editor, such short showers. The answer I I think something should be got back was that if the shower done about the littering and heads were any higher you would destruction that occurs during Petitions for offices will be available in the information office be able to hang yourself on them. the week and especially on the on Monday, Nove. 18, at 12 p.m. The following offices are My reply to this was that if I weekends. The elevators in available. Election guidelines will be attached to the petition wanted to commit suicide, a fall Frazer are a total disaster area and they will be published in November 19th*s Rotunda. The from the eighth floor would on the weekends. following positions are open: probably do a better job of it. I Parties are given, people get don't see any bars on the drunk and trash the elevators, Major Offices - 2.3 GPA windows, so why worry about not to mention the halls and the President SGA how high the showerhead is. I'm lawn. Broken bottles of every Vice-President SGA not saying there should be bars, imaginable kind can be found on Treasurer SGA or that I want them, but I would the lawns, in the halls, on the Residence Life Board Chairman like to be able to stand under the stairs, or almost anyshere on Campus Life Board Chairman shower without having to crouch campus. SUN Chairman or kneel to take a shower.. I am almost ashamed to bring Orientation Chairman my friends to Longwood on the John Paine weekends. Everything is so trashy. The lights might be out on Minor Offices: 2.0 GPA the elevator or the halls and the Recording Secretary SGA elevator will definitely be trashy. Corresponding Secretary SGA it's well worth the sacrifice! Why do the people here have to Communications Chairperson There is one point I would like live like total pigs? Don't we have to mention and commend Senior Class — enough pride in our school to keep 2 Senators concerning this letter to the the campus clean? Evidently Junior Gass — editor! Much of the blame was not! 2 Senators put on students for not attending Does it take that much effort to Sophomore Class — these shows. It's true, we don't walk a few feet to a trash can and 2 Senators have an ample following of drop trash into it? It would save Freshman Class — students. The one factor that is all of us tuition money that 2 Senators even more disappointing is the College spends to pay All students with required GPA are encouraged to run. This lack of participation on the part Longwood people to pick up after us. list plus the Election guidelines will be published next week. of the faculty and administration. The students here claim that These few key people could fill they are responsible enough to be Jarman to its capacity. It would on their own but they are not even be nice to get praise from our responsible enough to clean up peers or faculty, for once! A Ixmgwood Players' season after themselves. Are we adults never ends. It's very or what? Jackie Bowlin discouraging to work so hard and not ever get public support.

SGA Offices

THE DIRT FACTS HERE: To The Editor, Please note that there are some students who care for the landscaping of Longwood College. On Saturday the 10th from 1-3 p.m., the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity and Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity worked together to clean and relandscape the back of Frazer and Curry. Thanks to the Physical Plant, 4 truck loads of mulch were provided to help the bushes before winter sets in. Other projects that have been done include; hallo ween trick-or-treating for MDA and putting down gravel by Lancer-tennis courts. The fraternities are working together with the college to help show that not all students are apathetic and to motivate those who are. A party to raise money for the cut tree and the December Bloodmobile are still on their lists of projects. To any students who are interested in helping and are tired of apathy or have any ideas for other projects, please contact Kathy Schieb, Box 1154, or Tim Grahman, Box 430.


Happy Birthday U.S.

MARINE CORPS NOV. 10, 1775- NOV. 10, 1985

210 YEARS OF PRIDE AND SERVICE. Sig Ep Marines - Mike Darlington & John Steve

Page 4

The Rotunda

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Dorm Prowler

Senseless Vandalism By KIM DEANER Frazer dorm, as well as Ix)ngwood campus as a whole, has had an excessive amount of vandalism taking place this school year. This senseless vandalism has been brought to the attention of the administration and is not going to be tolerated especially concerning the problem of students throwing items from the windows. In the Spring of 1965, $2,413 was spent on Frazer for replacement, repair, and cleaning. Much of this total was for replacement of such things as exit sign plate (5.00), ceiling tile ($3.00), elevator buttons and cover ($150.00), window screen ($15.00), window ($40.00), and inside stairwell door ($275.00). This year in Frazer there has been such incidents as a toilet removed and demolished (not to be confused with the famous

Spruce and Redford toilet; this toilet has an identity of its own), a fire alarm disassembled ($251.50), a bed thrown from a window ($145.00), a window shot with a beebee gun, stair-case railing broken, spray paint damage, fire extinguisher sprayed, exit sign stolen, phone disassembled, and furniture stolen from the lobby. The problem of things being thrown from the roof and windows of Frazer is more serious to the degree that someone may be severely hurt. To prevent items from being thrown, the roof door was locked. Someone gained access to the roof by breaking the roof window and then threw a pumpkin on a car and caused $1,000 damage. The pumpkin dented the roof and broke the windshield. If students continue to throw things from the windows a

solution may be that all screens will be pinned shut. The administration is dealing with the excessive trash in the halls after parties; two Fraternities have had restrictions placed on their chapter room parties because of trash problems on Oktoberfest weekend. The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity can have only two parties until Thanksgiving and the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity can have no parties because they also broke a fire code by having too many people in their chapter room. The problem of false fire alarms is being delt with by applying more strict sanctions. The administration is now recommending suspension of any student caught pulling a false alarm; first offense with no prior disiplinary record. In Frazer (Continued on Page 8)

N.Y.C. Weekend The jazz, folk and rock class went on a field trip this past weekend to New York City. The members of the class who chose to go had a great time. Some students that went with the class before, went again for the second or third time. Couples from Farmville participated in the field trip also, they usually go every year. The trip was reasonably priced that included a bus ride there and back and staying in South Gate Hotel for two nights. The students went to see the famous New York City Broadway plays. Some of the musicals they

went to see were: "The Odd Couple," "Forty-second Street," "Singing in the Rain." "Oh, Calcutta" and "La Cage Aux Folles." Viewing the plays in New York was great compared to seeing them on television or listening to them on tapes. The students liked being on their own once they got there so they could see all the other attractions of New York City. Some of the things they did were: — shopping at Bloomingdale's, Macy's Ix>rd-n-Taylors, and Sax Fifth Avenue — viewing New York City from the Empire State Building — visiting the World Trade Center

— eating in New York's famous restaurants like Mamma Ironies — visiting China Town — going through Time Square and Central Park — traveling around New York City by horse and buggy, by subway, by taxi — bargaining with the vendors on the street The night was as much fun as the day with the night life of New York. The students bars like the Hard Rock Cafe, or to see the Chippendales, or to Broadway musicals. The opportunity to go to New York was a great experience for the students. Some say they can't wait to go next year.

Nutritional Survey By JUDITH BURKS When a student does not eat properly it can affect the way he feels physically and mentally. A student can study much better wehn he has eaten well balanced meals including the eight leading nutrients. If a student finds himself fighting to stay awake in

By SHERI WILKINSON The description of this man is a five foot seven, black male of average build. He has entered many rooms in the colonades this semester while occupants were asleep or in the shower. So far he has been easy to scare away by just screaming or yelling at him. So if you see a strange black male roaming the halls late at night or if he enters your room to scare you, call campus police. Keep the campus police phone number near your phone so you can contact them quickly and prevent it from happening again,

ISL: WHAT IS IT? Viennese Fortepiano Concert and By THERESA PFLUGER "What in the heck is ISL?" If Lecture given by Dr. Malcolm you've never heard of this newly Bilson and the lecture and formed organization, then I'm demonstration on the History of sure this same question has come French Music by Professor Jim Kidd of Hampden-Sydney. On the to mind. ISL is short for International lighter side of events held was Studies at Long wood. It is a new that of the Chinese Golden program this year that offers Acrobats and Magicians. This Program is special in that Longwood students a chance to broaden their knowledge about getting involved in itself is other countries, to become more rewarding, not so much of a aware of political events and hassle as one might think. Our committee, International foreign affairs, and to be exposed .Newscolumn will be reporting culturally in art and music. Those students who are already- such topics concerning current involved in the program were events, editorials, special offered a trip to U.Va. earlier in television programs to watch out October to hear a lecture on for and radio broadcasting on Soviet politics. Also, an upcoming International News as well will trip -on November ninth to be presented. So, in short, I'll just say I hope Washington, D.C., is scheduled. Other general events that have that this clarifies what ISL is and taken place, relating to the ISL I hope that our upcoming articles Program, were the 18th Century will be well received.



a semi-interesting, morning class it could be because he is skipping breakfast. Breakfast is always the most enjoyable meal in Blackwell Dining Hall because there are never people waiting in line. On the way to class students are seen stuffing their mouths

Kier Review by Connie Byerly Last Friday night, the Lancer Cafe was the place to be when the Student Union presented Kier, an outstanding young performer. His repertoire included selections from the Beatles, David Bowie, Elton John, Billy Joel, and others. This excellent Coffeehouse performance attracted many more students than had originally been anticipated. Interested in helping to put on performances like this one? The Student Union meets every Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. in the Conference room at Lankford. All are welcome!

with M&M's and potato chips. To find out how students rank in their eating habits the Student Member Section of Virginia Home Economics is conducting a campus food habit survey. The questionnaire survey will be given randomly selected classes. There will be questions pertaining to how often a student snacks and what snacks are most often eaten. Also there will be questions on the type of meals students eat and how many meals are eaten per day. The survey serves as a way to find which foods the student eats has which of the eight leading nutrients and the caloric content. Results will be collected November 19. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

< >

How would you feel if you were lying in bed half asleep when someone enters into your room and cuts off a small light across the room and walks toward you in your bed. This happened Saturday morning around 6:30 to a girl who lives in French dormitory. She scared him when she yelled to him "get out of here," so he ran out of the room. The rumor around campus was that this man had been caught. The man has obviously not been caught so everyone needs to be aware of this so they can take the proper safety precautions.



$10.00 ».oo


While They Last! - NO RETURNS.

$100.00 REWARD Has been posted by the Landscape Committee for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for the cutting down of the large slash pine tree behind Lankford. A saw was used. If you know anything about this please report the information to- David Breil or Donald Merkle (Department of Natural Sciences) or Homer Springer (Department of Art). ....


Tuesday, November 12, 1985


Page 5

THE OWNERS Second Production Of Longwood Players

the past five years has been over $200,000. In 1981 the total cost for fuel was $553,596.64 and in 1984 it Toby Emert was $357,287.03, which is a on savings in spending by 65 "*£. C°me. "P percent. This savings in money melancholy, rustic set - raked by the school is given back to the sta8e a"d randT P^forms Commonwealth of Virginia, nearly baruren w,th the exception because we are a state school and of tw0 characters, Basil and the money can be used better in Dewey- who «PPe«r t0 . be other places eulogizing (or at least lamenting) tne death Longwood College is currently of a boy - an unusual an ,d,ot petitioning the Commonwealth boy ~ *■*• Buddy for $350,000 to finance new fuel Layman' loading system. The current The set can be found m Jarman system is a 47-year old bucket Auditorium as can Demy, Basil, conveyor belt which the fuel is Buddy- and a host * ■*■ dropped onto and then carried to characters that comprise the cast the boilers where it is burned and of the logwood Players second converted into heat. The new Production of the IJJO^Jim system will be more energy I^onard.Jr.'s THE DIVINERS ,s an efficieant and productive. amusing, yet tragic, The change from oil to wood backwoodsy story of an idiot boy, chips and sawdust created only a a backslidden preacher, farmers, pretty girls, and the townspeople in a religiously superstitious rural community. The story centers around Buddy, who is a retarded boy of seventeen, and a would-be preacher, C. C. Showers, who comes to town looking for work after he decides that preaching is not his life's calling. The special relationship that these two develop is every bit as touching as the outcome of this relationship is tragic. And Mr. I^eonard's script leads his audience through some very human scenes to an unforgettable conclusion. This production is under the direction of Dr. Douglas Young, and it features Scott Koenigsberg as Buddy and Jett Driver as C.C. Both of these students are newcomers to the Longwood stage. Scott is a freshman, but he is not new to the theatre in general; in high school he performed in Annie Get Your Two freshmen, Tamara Brown a Spanish-speaking country or as Gun and in Two Gentleman of and Amy Salvato, are Longwood a second language in this Verona. Jeff has done some Scholars, the designation for country," she said. student-directed work here at those involved in a prestigious scholarship program. Miss Brown, of Wilsons, and Miss Salvato, of Springfield, are receiving scholarships of $1,000 annually. The scholarship is automatically renewable as long as each maintains a cumulative RESTAURANT grade-point average of 3.35. The scholarships, which are 104 HIGH STREET awarded on academic merit, are 3*2-5*65 intended for students "who will bring distinction to Longwood * PIZZA • SUBS • SALAD BAR * STUFFED during their student years and POTATOES • SPAGHETTI • ICE CREAM * CONES after graduation." Recipients are formally recognized at • SUNDAES * SHAKES commencement and convocation. Miss Brown, 18, has not declared a major, but she is (SUNDAY thru THURSDAY} considering a career in No Delivery Cherge to Longwood Campus journalism. Miss Salvato, 17, is majoring in LARGE PIZZA New at Perini's English education and Spanish. REGULAR PIZZA $5.50 Tacos99C She wants to teach English, or $4.20 both. "I'd like to teach English in

(Continued from Page 1) handfull of jobs. These employees were added to the production of heat, due to the necessary off-loading and transportation needed for the wood products. Ixiuis Leonard, one of the employees at the boiler room says the work is "Very simple." When asked how he likes working there he replied that he "Likes it a lot." The only increase in money was the consumption of energy. That increased from $397,358.08 in 1981 to $451,049.76 in 1984. This can be reduced by trying to reduce lighting levels in hallways, keeping doors and windows shut, and the effective use of blinds-shades in the dormitories.

Next Week:


The Rotunda

tfflt.ti I Ixmgwood, but this marks his first major role as an actor. Others of the cast who are new to the Longwood stage as well include Darcie Brackett, who has worked behind the scenes in several productions, but appears onstage for the first time in this show, as Luella; Paige Anderson a freshman who recently worked publicity for BLITHE SPIRIT, as Darlene; and Anita Washington, a freshman from Richmond who has appeared in such shows as THE CRUCIBLE and PIPPIN, as Jennie Mae — Buddy's older sister. Rounding out the cast are Longwood Player veterans Jeff Fleming as Basil; Curt Walker as Ferris, Buddy's father, Glenn Gilmer as Melvin; Mike Hart as Dewey; Laura Goodfellow as Norma; and Cassie Wallace as Goldie.

The show begins its run on November 20th and continues through November 24th with a special matinee performance for high school students scheduled for November 22nd. This play promises to be one of the best of this season's productions; be sure to see it. You won't forget it.



WE DELIVER!! 5 p.m.-11 p.m.

DJ on Wednesday, $1.00 Cover Charge


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The Rotunda

Tuesday. November 12, 1985

Disciplinary Review Violations and Sanctions Cases from 10-1 -11-8 Noise Violation — 19 cases Educational Assignment — 7 Admonition — 2 Not Responsible — 10

Improper Conduct in Residence Halls — 2 Admonition and Educational Assignment — 1 Educational Assignment & Restitution — 1 Threatenlng-Harrassing Behavior — 1 Probation for 2 years — 1

Visitation — 10 Illegal Entry — 1 Educational Assignment — 4 Admonition — 5 No Action Taken — 1 Fire Safety - 7 Probation for 2 years, Admonition & Educational Assignment — 1 Not Responsible — 6 Vandalism — 4 (Includes 2 cases of "yanking" open locked doors) Admonition, Educational Assignment and Restitution -2 Admonition — 1 Verbal Warning — 1 Possession of knife — 3 Probation for 2 years — 1 No Action Taken — 2 Lying — 3 Not Responsible — 3 Verbal Abuse — 3 Probation for 2 years — 1 No Action Taken — 2 Alcohol Policy — 2 Probation for 2 semesters — 1 Educational Assignment — 1

Admonition and Educational Assignment — 1 Upon reading the summary printed last time in the Rotunda, several people questioned why individuals were found not responsible or no action was taken, particularly when the violations appeared to be so severe. It is important to remember that the hearing body has the responsibility to prove that the accused is responsible. Therefore, if enough information is not available it may be that the Board or Hearing Officer determined to take no further action in the case. It may also be clear, based upon the information presented, that the accused is not responsible. It is also important to remember that each case must be determined individually. A particular sanction may be imposed because the individual has already received in a previous hearing the lesser sanction typically utilized for that violation. It is also the responsibility of the hearing body to determine which sanction is necessary to ensure that this behavior will not occur again, therefore, a sanction may be imposed which others might believe to be severe. Much information cannot be shared with anyone except the accused and the hearing body. All of us are protected by the Freedom of Information Act which states that such information does remain private. Therefore, readers are encouraged to utilize the above information to better understand the general standards of conduct but to refrain from establishing specific judgements based upon this information. A Student Advocate's Group is forming. This group would be trained in the disciplinary system and would be available to assist students who are going before the Boards or a Hearing Officer. These trained students would not be able to act on behalf of the accused, but would be able to support the accused during the hearing. If you are interested, please contact Barbara Gorski, Director of Student Services. Her office is on first floor Tabb. Note that any cases which are currently in appeal are not represented in the statistics above.

Around The Nation

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A SURVEY ON RAPE at the U. of Northern Iowa found that 36 percent of women students say they've been forced to have sexual intercourse, and 20 precent say they were victimized at least six times. A NEW ABUSE OF DRUGS by teens and young adults involves intravenous injections of the drugs in nasal inhalants as a substitute for amphetamines, according to medical authorities. Accurate figures on the number of abusers are not available, but authorities warn the abuse is spreading. HOME FOOTBALL GAMES at the U. of Kansas bring about $500,000 in business, per game, to local merchants, according to the Lawrence, Kan., chamber of commerce.

BODY PASSING is considered fourth-degree sexual assault by campus police at the U. of Wisconsin-Madison. Female students are frequently lifted and passed overhead to the top of the stadium. UW police have been combating the problem for five years, but have had little luck in stopping it. A NEW DATING SERVICE, catering to Midwestern colleges, says it expected mostly freshmen, but the bulk of their business has been from seniors and graduate students. The service will give students names of potential dates chosen according to the students' answers on a 34-question survey. The questions range from smoking, to abortion, to the meaning of love and life.

BREAD NOT BOMBS is a slogan taken seriously by students at Brown U. The students are organizing a bake sale to raise money for a physics professor, so he would not have to accept funding from the Reagan administration's Star Wars program. CITIZENSHIP SKILLS are not being taught by American schools, according to Ralph Nader. Nader has been speaking on campuses around the country, charging that "students are taught how to believe and not how to think. The learning process today is memorization, regurgitation and vegetation." SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS COMMONPLACE in higher education, according to a study by the Indiana U. Office of Women's Affairs. The study found that, every year, about 25 percent of the women enrolled in college are sexually harassed. DRUG TESTING isn't just for athletes anymore. Arizona State U. is testing athletes and cheerleaders for drug abuse this fall. TRIVIA IS OUT: SCRUPIJS ARE IN. According to merchants serving the U. of Nebraska area, sales of the game Trivial Pursuit have fallen and some stores are reducing prices to "get rid of them." The most recent fad is Scruples, a game in which players answer questions about morality and personal opinions. FIRST THERE WAS GATORADE, invented by a U. of Florida professor, not there's Alligator Beer. Two UF seniors have invented their own beer, company and marketing plan. "We just walked into Florida Brewery, presented the idea and sold ourselves — they just loved us." MAINTAINING A "C" AVERAGE may be required of students receiving federal financial aid in the future. Because Congress is searching for ways to cut the federal budget, and there has been much said recently about poor students getting financial aid, the proposed change is expected to pass. JUDGE SAYS U. VIRGINIA NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FRATERNITY ACCIDENT. A state court ruled last week Sigma Chi officers were not acting as university agents when they planned a fraternity outing that ended when a truck filled with students and two kegs of beer overturned in 1982, killing two and permanently disabling Thomas Stumm, who now is suing for damages. In August, another court held the U. of Denver liable for a fraternity accident in which a student was injured. ALL-NIGHTERS ARE BAD FOR CRAMMING, according to a Cornell medical school professor. He says the best memorizing times are 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Dining Service Advisory Committee

The Rotunda

Page 7

Alcohol Awareness Week

Make Headway

Winners of events from Alcohol Awareness Week are: Bulletin Board Contest — First Place — Bob Smith, RA on Main Cunningham 2. Wins dinner for two in Richmond. Second Place — Lisa Redding, RA on Wheeler 2. Wins dinner for two at DT's. Third Place Tie - Valerie File, RN on Curry 7 and I -aura Leydon, RA on Frazer 6. Each wins dessert for two at Sunny's. New News Honorable Mention — Chris Reily, RA on Tabb 1. Wins two — We will be having juice at free mocktails at I^ancer Cafe. Saturday Brunch. Also, those Responsible Drinkers Keep who requested apple juice may Longwood Beautiful — find it on the side closest to the Alpha Chi Rho collected the exit doors. most empties — 835 — Bagels will be served four Total collected - 1140 times a week now. They will be Closest guess — Teresa Bunn, out on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Wheeler 102. She wins half price Thursdays and Saturdays. discount to all S-UN events for — Questions about portion the remainder of the school year. control? Due to waste of food only Second place — Linda Stanley, one portion will be given at a South Cunningham 310. She wins time. Downstairs will soon be $10.00. making reasonable "custom Third place — Kathleen cuts" on subs but only on request, Powers, Off-Campus student otherwise you will receive the from Dillwyn. She wins 5 free pre-cut portion. mocktails from Lancer Cafe. — Good news for brunch. You can get whatever you want as I'd Run A Mile For Alcohol long as you only get ONE meat at (Awareness), One Mile Fun Run a time (meats include: roast Best Female Time at 6 beef, London broil, bacon, minutes, 14 seconds was sausage, ham etc.) eggs are not Christine Schup. meat!!! Best Male Time at 4 minutes, 55 — There will be a hot water dispenser out for tea in the mornings so don't get confused and think there are two coffee pots. — The minutes of the Dining Service Committee will be posted on the bulletin board. We cover a lot at the meetings — you might want to glance at them while you wait to get into the dining hall. The Dining Service Advisory Committee is seeing new faces at the meetings. These meetings are open to all students and are held in the upper dining hall every Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. If you cannot make it you can send questions to Mary Schraf, Box 1191. I will be posting questions and answers on the bulletin board outside of the dining hall.

seconds was David Boyd. Both of these folks are receiving sweat shirts with their names and the event on it. Most Outrageous Outfit was worn by Paul Martin. He'll receive a $10.00 gift certificate from the book store. Best Poster to Encourage Runners was made by Shelly Hamlett, who will also receive a

$10.00 gift certificate from the bookstore. Floors with the most runners representing them was Frazer 2 SPE Hall. This floor wins fixings for Ice Cream Sundaes the entire floor. A special thanks to Teresa Bryant, the Student Alcohol Education Coordinator, who made most all of this possible. Also a thank you to Alpha Sigma Tau sorority, Cunningham Hall

Council, Kathy Brown, Kathe Taylor, S.A.L.T. (Students Against Longwood Trash), The Deltas, Maria Stromberg, Sigma, Sigma, Sigma sorority, Mary Norford, Kappa Deltas, Allen Breckenbridge, ARA, DT's, Sunny's, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Without each of these folks the week could not have been the success that it was. Remember: LONGWOOD DOES IT LEGALLY!

Maybe there is a substitute for Stop


American Heart Association


Around The Nation YALE MARCHING BAND MEMBERS MAY GET MARCHING ORDERS. Several musicians mooned the fans at the Oct. 12 Yale-Holy Cross game, and band Director Thomas Duffy says that, after viewing videotapes of the incident, he may kick the mooners out of the band. The week before, Army Athletic Director Carl Ullirch banned the Yale band from the West Point field, claiming the script — a parody of superpower spying — was "offensive and indecent." West Point Commandant Lt. Gen. Willard allegedly told Duffy, "If the band steps foot on the field, I will turn the corps on you and tear you apart."

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ITieWiI. Street Journal. Tin ik*l\ tknmi Urn lavvlUBItflMM

Pag* 8

The Rotunda

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Alexander Theroux Reading

Alternatives... The following are alternatives to drinking (or any other drug substitute) for those who feel they must be entertained at all times. These suggestions are focused towards those who choose to tear up the dorms and use others as targets from their rooms of boredom. 1. Attend a hall council meeting. 2. Write a letter to friends or family. 3. Play football. 4. Play Trivial Pursuit (or is that not as "cool" as stealing furniture from the lobby). 5. Clean your room. 6. Do your laundry 7. Read a book. 8. Write an article for the ROTUNDA. 9. Play floor hockey in the commons area. 10. Do your homework (God forbid). 11. Shop at Par William's

(BUI). 12. Attend an SGA meeting (Thursday 6:00).

By DEIRDRE McKENDRY Writer Alexander Theroux 13. Water your plants (with presented a reading from his new water not beer and legal not novel, "An Adultery" at Wygal illegal plants). 14. Bake a cake and pretend Auditorium November 4. Theroux is the author of poems, like it is your Birthday. children's books, essays, and 15. Ride a bike. novels, and is currently writer-in16. Attend a soccer game. 17. Decide what to wear for residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is tonight's fire alarm. 18. Buy extra batteries for your recognized for his linguistic flashlight (to be able to see in the precision and for providing a perspective of American society. elevator). "An Adultery" is about 19. Read your student personal relationships. The handbook. 20. Watch Miami Vice (Don selection from the reading dealt with the relationship of the Johnson is hot). protagonist of the story to a girl 21. Play Racketball (OK yea no named Angela. There is a closecourts). 22. Wash your Greatful Dead T- up view of her family and where shirt that you have been wearing she lives. The relationship of Christian to Angela's mother is since the concert. 23. Go see a movie (Jagged not a good one-due to her uneven temperament. She is described, Edge). 24. Write your Congressman at length within the novel, as a hypochondriac who "spent a lot about the drinking age. 25. Go to the library and watch of money trying to cheer herself up." Theroux hilariously, yet old movies. realistically, depicts this 27. Get a job. 28. Think of a plan to abolish housewife. The mother's temperamental terrorism and free the American personality leaves its toll on Hostages in Lebanon. Angela, continually robbing her of her confidence. Angela seems like a quiet and withdrawn girl, and thus, Christian comes to the realization that she has led a SOUTHERN CAL'S THETA XI 'lost and tragic life" when he fraternity nixed its "Kammana spends the Christmas holidays at Wanna Lei-U" party theme in ler home, watching her mother's favor of an Octoberfest party sudden brutality during a quiet after other USC Greeks evening, criticizing Angela. He complained the sexual overtone eventually ends up leaving her. was offensive. Angela is a tragic figure because STOLEN MILK CRATES, used she isn't given the chance to grow by students as bookcases, storage as an individual. As Christian crates and makeshift points out about their entertainment centers, cost relationship, "We had nothing in dairies big bucks. A dairy near common except our love." He the U. of Nebraska loses more ends up leaving this situation. than $100,000 a year. "An Adultery" is a delightful look at personalities and

Around The Nation THE CAMPUS REACTION IS MIXED to the girls who posed for Playboy's October "Girls of the PAC-10" issue. A Washington State U. student who posed topless found herself unwelcome at her sorority house when she returned to school this fall, but an Arizona State U., student who posed wearing only cowboy boots says "people have been really great" and that she's enjoying the attention. A HOMEMADE PIPE BOMB seriously injured a U. of Massachusetts student and blew out a residence hall window. The student and two others were using the device, made from a bicycle pump and explosive powder, to blow toilet paper out of their dorm window, when it misfired.










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LUNCH SPECIAL: *t lb burger get . ■■■11 coke ru Ntghti PI KAPP Buy . Burrlio between 8:009:30 pa, get (re. nacho with ch.*.«

i Continued from Page 4) there has been only one organized fire drill; all others (as many as five i have been false alarms. The only way to decrease the amount of vandalism taking place is to have more participation by the students to report those individuals doing the vandalism. This problem is not focused just in Frazer it has become a campus wide concern of both students and administration.

relationships, written with keen humor and insight into each character. The novel is to be published in the spring.

ancer Cafe SUNDAY


Dr. Alexander Theroux, a writer and former Longwood English professor, returned to campus recently to give a reading. Theroux, now a writer-in-residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, read Nov. 4 from a new novel that has not yet been published. An earlier novel, "Darconville's Cat," Is based on his experiences at Longwood, where he taught from 1969 to 1973. His first novel, "Three Wogs," was published while he was at Longwood. He also has taught at Harvard and the University of Virginia and has written, In addition to novels, short stories, poetry, plays, essays and children's stories. He Is a native of Massachusetts and lives at Cape Cod.

TALENT SEARCH '85 Con. .how off your talent Singing, Dancing, Coaady

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Tuesday, November 12, 1985 The Rotunda Involement Project CLASSIFIEDS: Administration Faculty

Book Beat with John Tipton God Fires A Novel by William Hoffman 1985, VIKING PRESS I have always wanted to write a book review column bu I have always hadla hard time finishing ai^book without starting two or hree other ones at the same y £ficoidd UK 5 r, a ^° that hold my attention long Cn

wm^m ut y' . wiuiam Mottman s novel is a must for anyone who has lived in £££i2 7SitHSt 5 at its inhabitants. The novel itself takes place in a small town near Farmville. Mr. Hoffman has resided in Charlotte County, Virginia, for quite some time, himself. The novel starts with the bizarre death of a somewhat permiscuous yet prominent businessman. The local prosecutor, who has not won a case as long as anyone could remember, decides to redeem himself by cracking this mysterious case. The prosecutor and the reader soon find out this is not your typical murder. If you enjoy a good murder "S'f^Z uP_, y„..! i?X!n. action then check out this new novel. Even if you hate murder mysteries and deplore sex and action I still have a feeling you will find this novel quite enjoyable. See you next time when I review The New College I^tin-English Dictionary.



make suggestions. "We received good feed back from the faculty," Moore said. To further prepare the faculty advisors, a memo was sent to every Department Advising Coordinator with materials about what was missed at the luncheon. Both Moore and Taylor feel that creatin the roblem g P « * faculty. students to the fine arts, teaches every effort was made to inform responses were more diversified them now t0 t the most Qut of the faculty of the situation in plenty of time to correct any Ma °y faculty were content on sch00l>' a retired Longwood problems with the new system, streSsing the peaceful solution of administrator first suggested "an honest mistake" rather than that the Project be linked with The luncheons were scheduled assessin facult weeks before the e g blame " O*" y registration.'' I think (ex-Vice- six _ «. Wame pr esjdent Affair$ preregistration process began. members believed the res»ed Faculty members and students on the Student Dr. Vail first came up with the were concerned about some of Development group, and that idea," Taylor said. "Bill Moore shaped up as the Current Vice-President for the survey's contents. Out of the turkey in this situation." Academic Affairs, Dr. Adams, 140 questions, three were singled also knew about the plan to out as being suspect. From the survey: include registration, along with Directions: Choose the Longwood President Janet response most accurately . . .And not for something Greenwood. Greenwood had completely different. Aside from approved of the registration describing the frequency with problems presented by the linkage and ultimately decided to which you have done each Involvement Survey and pre- reverse the decision. Despite activity during the past year. No. 98. Made friends with registration, questions repeated attempts for an concerning the actual content of interview on Friday, Greenwood someone whose race is different the survey began to surface. was "too busy" to comment on from mine, or who comes from another country. Faculty mem- the issue, No. 126. Maintained a sexual bers mirrored students "We expected some flack objections to some of the (frorn the students and faculty lifestyle consistent with my questions that students had to about forced participation) as we personal values. No. 130. Maintained friendships answer. Questions on sexual would with anything new," with people whose values about values raised eyebrows of faculty , Moore said. Because of this, and students alike. Some faculty efforts were made to inform the sexual relationships are different members believe the faculty advisors of the situation, from mine. Moore explains that these methodology of the survey was Moore continued, "We put questions are in the same group suspect, and did not conform to together a computer printout of normal ethical standards. There all the third-semester students as: No. 80. Tried to understand were even questions raised who would participate (around another person's point of view. concerning the legality of 830 in number) and invited all of No. 75. Made friends with requiring students to sign and be their advisors to a series of forced to particpate in any type of luncheon meetings." "Four or students whose background or survey. Many faculty five" meetings were scheduled to interests are very different from members put themselves in the insure against conflicting mine. These questions pertain to one students' place and emphatically schedule problems. According to stated they would have not filled Moore, only about 35 percent of of fourteen goals, a "Sense of out the surveys (either), the advisors showed up at any of Awakening," which Moore Although the faculty members the meetings. At these luncheons, defines as "understanding seem to support the Involvement faculty members were informed yourself and being tolerant of Project in theory, it can be said 0f the purpose of the project, the others." The purpose of the that in this case the means did not mandatory participation, and project is to clarify and define justify the ends. were asked to comment and <tne fourteen goals) to make ————-—^^^^^^^ sense ... I can't imagine why someone would get upset... the questions are fairly harmless, we're asking them to look at their standards ... it doesn't say what those standards are, the items

(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) members and administration While some institutions have officials the Rotunda spoke to required "get involved" courses contended the maMer was t t0 (Virginia Wesleyan College ^ ^ ow*«tlM of stipulates that first year students rest m the administrators in charge of must enroll in a one-credit ^ Involvement Project ^ ,Freshman 5^^, course> asRed who was responsible for whkh a, with introducing

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really don't carry a positive or negative connotation to me." Moore also asserts that people may be misinterpretting the purpose of the survey. "This is not a research project ... the point of the survey is to get students to assess their use of time. There is no attempt to look at individual results." In response to questions about why students had to sign their names to the survey, Moore explains that it was a matter of mechanics. "How could we achieve assessment and feedback if names weren't on them? They had to get the survey back (in the group discussions) Moore added, "No one was forced to answer the individual items." Considering the events of the past week, the future of the actual survey is uncertain. The Fourteen Goals and the Involvement Project will remain a priority in that Longwood and all higher education institutions are committed to helping students get the most out of their college experience.

Fourth Street Motor Company







'^■.■.■/■■:.V:\V:\\: ••• <


Page 9

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Poge 10

The Rotunda

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Scholarships And Fellowships Available for 1986-87 School Year The following is a list of scholarships and fellowships for the 1986-87 school year. Restrictions may apply and some deadlines are approaching rapidly, so get those applications in the mail. The Scholarship Bank Over $500 million in funds for higher education are available from private foundations, major corporations, trade, union, and civic groups. The following are just a sample of programs available: Teaching — offering up to $3,500 per year, the Danforth Foundation gives awards to students interested in teaching as a profession. There are 3,000 annual awards with 25 percent to minorities. Exceptional Student Fellowships — awarded by a major life insurance company to students in business, law, computer programming, accounting and related fields. Summer internship required with all expenses paid. Anthropology, biology, conservation and marine sciences — Field Research Project grants up to $600 a year. Journalism, broadcasting and related fields — The Poynter Fund awards annual scholarships to $2,000. Must have a career interest in one of these fields. Center for Political Studies Internships in political science, law, public relations, business, history and education. White House Fellowships — graduate level fellowships to work as an intern at the White House; 14-20 yearly openings. Many private aid sources do not require a showing of financial need but are dependent on the student demonstrating a career interest in a certain field, or a willingness to intern or enter a competition. I,ow and no-interest loans are also available. The Scholarship Bank is a non-profit nationwide organization. Students who would like to use the service should send a business size, stamped, selfaddressed envelope to 4626 N. Grand, Covina, CA 91724. Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 1986 Younger Scholars Award To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution in 1987, the National Endowment for the Humanities has launched a special nationwide competition for high school and college students to conduct research and writing projects on the U.S. Constitution. Award recipients will be expected to work full time for

nine weeks during the summer, researching and writing a paper under the close supervision of a teacher or professor of the humanities. No academic credit may be sought for these projects. Awards are $1,800 for high school students and $2,200 for college students. Each award includes $400 for the teacher or professor who serves as project advisor. Applicants must be 21 years of age or under throughout the calendar year in which the application is submitted; or, if they are over 21, they must be full-time college students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the time of application. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals who have lived in the United States for at least three consecuitive years at the time of application. To request guidelines and application forms for the special competition, write to: National Competition Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, Room 504, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20506. The deadline for receipt of applications is December 15, 1985. Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund, Inc. The Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund, Inc. has created the Allard K. Lowenstein Fellowship program to give college student leaders an opportunity to spend 4-6 weeks in the nation's Capital. Lowenstein Fellows will intern at Congressional offices and participate in a variety of policy seminars, and nuts and bolts organizing programs specifically designed to improve their personal and organizational skills. Lowenstein Fellows will receive a practical, first-hand understanding of politics and government, and a renewed commitment to their ideals. Applicants must be registered college students, but should not have reached their senior year, and must demonstrate leadership ability through community service, social action projects or campus involvement. Applications for the January 331 program must be postmarked by November 22, 1985 and Fellows will be chosen by December 6, 1985. Applications for the July program also must be postmarked by November 22 and Fellows will be chosen by May 15, 1986. Travel expenses and a weekly stipend for living expenses in Washington will be provided to all those accepted into the Fellowship Program. For more information on how

to apply, please contact: Bill Morton or Sara Grider — (202) 638-6447. National Wildlife Federation The National Wildlife Federation is calling for applications for its Environmental Conservation Fellowships and Publications Awards Programs for the 1986-87 academic year. As an Environmental Conservation Fellow, a graduate student can receive a maximum grant of $4,000 a year to do research in fields relating to wildlife, natural resources management and protection of environmental quality. The Publication Awards each carry a cash gift of as much as $2,500. Applicants for the Environmental Conservation Fellowships must be pursuing graduate degrees and have been accepted for the fall semester of the 1986-87 academic year. First year graduate students involved primarily in course work should not apply.

Application forms are available by calling Leigh Muse at (703) 790-4484, or by writing to: Executive Vice President, Conservation Fellowships Publication Awards Program, National Wildlife Federation, 1412 16th Street. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-2266. The deadline for applications is November 30,1985. All applicants must be citizens of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Scholarship Foundation The Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation has announced that it is now seeking nominations of outstanding students in any academic discipline who are preparing for careers in public service. Institutions can nominate up to two sophomores for the 1986 competition. If selected, each student will receive a scholarship award covering eligible expenses up to $5,000 per year for their junior and senior years and two years of graduate studies. The deadline for nominations is December 1, 1986. Eligible

students must be full-time sophomores working toward or planning to pursue a baccalaureate degree, have a "B" average or equivalent, stand in the upper fourth of the class and be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national heading toward a career in government. Interested students should contact Dr. Massie Stinson, Truman Scholarship Faculty Representative, in Grainger 105, or by calling 392-9256, by November 10, 1985.


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PLACE: Rotunda

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Women's Basketball Longwood women's basketball coach Shirley Duncan is faced with the unenviable task of trying to maintain a winning tradition without three players who scored nearly 3,000 points and grabbed over 2,000 rebounds over the past four seasons. Florence Holmes, Valerie Turner and Marianna Johnson, Longwood's MVP's over the past three campaigns, have graduated. "It will take more than one year or one season to replace what we lost last year." said the coach. "We may be- struggling some this year. We are very young and our schedule is extremely tough." Longwood, which opens its season at American University November 22, will get a chance for a preseason tune-up Sunday at 3:00 when the Lady Lancers host the Blue Angels Athletic Club, a women's basketball team made up of former college cagers. The AAU sanctioned team is based in Richmond. Former Longwood standout Cindy Eckel is a member of the Blue Angels. Eckel scored 1,029

points for the Lady Lancers from 1979 through 1983. She ranks fourth on the all-time scoring list. Duncan has led Longwood to seasons of 16-10 and 16-13 in two years. Despite the losses from last season's squad, some talented players are on hand. A trio of junior starters are back. Guard Caren Forbes scored 14.2 ppg. and dished off a school record 140 assists. Inside performers Melanie Lee, 5-11, and Karen Boska, 6-1, combined for over 17 points and 13 rebounds per game in 1984-85. Duncan is counting on the threesome to provide leadership as well as points, rebounds and assists. Also returning from last season is senior Beth Ralph, who joined the Lady Lancers at midseason and started several games. A 5-10 forward, she averaged 6.4 ppg. Reserves back for another season are sophomore guards Annette Easterling and Angie Hill. Second-year center Barbie Burton, 6-2, is academically ineligible first semester, but hopes to reioin the team in


In a strong showing by the Longwood wrestling team, sophomores David Taylor and John Stukes took second place in their respective weight classes Saturday as the Lancers competed in the Campbell University Wrestling Tournament in Buies Creek, North Carolina. Stukes, who won the 134-pound division at the James Madison Takedown Tournament November 3, got a first round bye and won two matches to reach the finals. In the semi-finals he beat an Ail-American from Livingstone College. He lost a decision to claim second place. Taylor went 3-1 in the 190 class and had a "super tournament",

according to coach Steve Nelson. Nelson had special praise for sophomore Pete Whitman who went 4-1 to take third at 142. "Pete had an exceptionally good tournament," said Nelson. "He wrestled really well. He was probably our top performer." Also finishing third for Longwood was heavyweight Jesus Strauss who went 2-1. Terry Hyams was fourth at 190 with a 2-2 mark and Tim Fitzgerald, wrestling unattached, was third at 118 with a 3-1 mark. Longwood's next action is November 19 (next Tuesday) when Division I William & Mary pays a visit to Lancer Hall for a 7:00 bout.

January. Four promising freshmen are also in the fold. Center Sandy Rawdon, 6-1, forward India Walton, 5-9^, forward Kita Chambers, 5-9Vfe, and guard Angee Middleton, 5-6, comprise one of Longwood's strongest

recruiting classes ever. Duncan warns, however, that the freshmen will have to grow up in a hurry with only 10 players on the squad first semester. "We're hoping they will all be able to make a contribution early," said the coach.








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JAZZ (Except Oct. 12)















TOP 40 4 6














Sophomore wrestler John Stukes has gotten off to a strong start in his first year with the Lancers, winning six of his first seven matches. Stukes has been named Longwood College Player of the Week for the period November 3-10. Player of the Week is picked by the Longwood Sports Information Office. Stukes has garnered a tournament title and a second place finish in two tournaments thus far. He was 4-0 at the James Madison Takedown Tournament November 3 to win the crown in his weight class and last Saturday he came in second at 134 pounds in the Campbell University Tournament with a 2-1 mark. "John is a real hard worker and a welcome addition to our team," syas coach Steve Nelson. "He'll be a strong point for us at 134 and has an excellent shot at returning to the Division II Nationals once again."


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Player Of The Week




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Taylor, Stukes Grabs 2nd In Wrestling Tourney


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The Rotunda










Longwood's women's volleyball team ended its season on a losing note last Tuesday, falling to Chowan and Mary Washington in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. Chowan beat the Lady lancers 15-6, 15-10 while the Blue Tide handed Longwood a 15-13, 15-8 defeat. "All the seniors played and they played really well," said coach Linda Elliott. "Julie Mobley came off the bench and did a great job. She had several kills." Elliott expressed pride in her team's accomplishments, despite a record of 4-28. "I'm proud of the whole team," she said. "They're leaving the season as better volleyball players. They learned a new system and improved their skills. Unfortunately, the win-loss record won't show it. Opposing coaches gave us credit for being a scrappy bunch. I just wish I had this year's seniors back for another season."

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Page 12 The Rotunda

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

Lancer Sports Men's Basketball Preparing For Par-Bil's Tournament

1985-8* LONGWOOD MEN'S BASKETBALL OUTIXX)K Coach Cal Luther enters his fifth basketball season at Longwood and 25th overall seeking to reverse a rare losing mark from a year ago when the lancers ended up 11-17. The 1984-85 campaign was a "season of close games." The lancers played six overtime games and had 13 games decided in overtime or by two points or less. A strong, aggressive defense (LC gave up just 61 6 ppg.) kept the Lancers in the game with everyone on the schedule. Longwood, however, struggled offensively, particularly after the loss of top scorer and rebounder Kenneth

Fields at mid-year because of academic difficulties. "It was a very frustrating season," said Luther. "Despite the tough breaks, I've never had a team work harder than last year's squad. Here at Longwood we have been blessed with good athletes who are also very good people. The five seniors on this year's squad are good examples of this. They are dedicated to making this their best season. Although we are playing the toughest schedule any longwood baseball team has ever played, , m optimistic we can have a winning year. Seniors Fields and Lonnie Lewis, and junior Kevin Ricks are perhaps the top three returning players. Lewis, a 6-3 forward, scored 11.1 ppg. end was

Men's Soccer

a starter during the second half of the season a year ago. With 937 career points, Lewis is destined to become the fifth player in Longwood history to top the 1,000 point mark. Fields, a 6-2 leaper, averaged 13.3 points through the Lancers' first 12 games a year ago. An explosive scorer inside, Fields also averaged 4.3 rebounds and hit 59.8 percent from the floor. Ricks was the Lancers' top defender last season with 78 steals and 13 blocked shots. He also scored 7.8 points per game 1 and handed out 85 assists. Ricks' status is questionable, however, because of a treseason hand injury. Part-time starters back for another year are seniors Dave Edwards (6-6), Lionell Ogburn (6-3), Frank Tennyson (5-8) and junior Eric Pittman (6-2). Sophomore reserve Mike Leake provides size at 6-5. Longwood's men's basketball team, looking to make amends for last season's 11-17 record, opens its season Friday, November 22 in the first round of the Par-Bil's Tip-Off Tournament in Lancer Hall. The tournament, sponsored for the third year by Par-Bil's Food Store, will match Longwood against Virginia Wesleyan in the lidlifter at 7:00 on the 22nd. At 9:00, St. Paul's will take on Shippensburg. Consolation and championship games will be Played Saturday night (Nov. 23) at 6:30 and 8:3 °- respectively.

An overtime 0-0 tie with arch- tie), we could have tied today and rival Randolph-Macon Sunday still gone to the playoffs." afternoon in Ashland brought an end to a successful, but disappointing season for longwood's men's soccer team. The lancer booters, despite a 12-4-3 record, won't be going to the VISA or NCAA Playoffs this season. Coach Rich Posipanko's team had to win Sunday's game ^ V^#%#% 118 W. THIRD to qualify for the State Playoffs M.*MMM FARMVILLE, and longwood failed to do it. VIRGINIA The game with the Yellow 392-6755 Jackets was reminiscent of last HOURS: Monday-Wednesday 7 am - 2:30 pm year's 0-0 battle, which Thursday-Saturday 7 am - 9 pm ironically, propelled longwood into the State Playoffs and BREAKFAST SERVED ALL DAY eventually resulted in a co-State Championship with Mary Washington. THURSDAY NIGHT "ALL YOU CAN EAT" "It was a great game," said SPAGHETTI WITH SALAD BAR...$3.75 Posipanko. "We just didn't get it done. We missed two great FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT scoring opportunities and so did Macon. The tie with Virginia FRESH SEAFOOD Wesleyan came back to haunt us. If we had won that game (a 1-1 .



On Saturday, November 9, the Longwood College Men's Rugby Club played in its last home match of the season. Their opponents were the George Mason Men's Rugby Club from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. George Mason scored first to take a 4-0 lead. Longwood fought back to take a 6-4 lead on a try by Brian Liming and a point after by George Miller. George Mason came back with a penalty kick late in the first half to take a U lead into halftime. Longwood played a tough second half.


However, they were unable to score while George Mason scored twice in the waning minutes of the match to seal a 16-6 victory. Longwood has an overall record of 5-4 and a 4-1 record within their division. Ixmgwood plays its final match of the season next week at VMI. The Rotunda would like to extend congratulations to Philipe Casenave and Joseph Pisciotta for being named to the Virginia Select Squad. These are the first men from Ixmgwood ever to be named to the select squad. We wish them luck in the upcoming tournament in Philadelphia.

Saturday Night — 9:00




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