CJje &otunba Volume 76, Number 10
Longwood College •- Farmville, Virginia
December 4, 1996
Project Tina Raises Nearly $1600 for Harris Family Graham Hackett and Amber Jones take $100 dollar first prize with comedy skit by Melanie Barker, staff writer
The talent flowed November 20, as students participated in a talent show to benefit Tina Harris, who recently lost Howard Harris, her husband of 29 years, to lung cancer. Harris, who has worked at Longwood for 13 years, has made an impression on students as they drift in and out of the Longwood community. Her brilliant smile and trademark, "Hey baby" greeting have embedded themselves in the lives of many students and staff, so it was not surprising to see such a vast turn-out to support Harris. "We are here to celebrate the gift of life and your service to this college," said Father Joseph Metzger, as he and Whitney Light began their stint as MCs for the evening. The talent show consisted of 11 acts ranging from a flute and violin duet to an energized step routine. Although the students participating in the show were excited about showcasing their talent, the main reason they were there was to support Harris and her family. Michael Young, a member of the Camerata singers, said, "We didn't look at this as a contest, we looked
at it as a way to raise money for a wonderful person who means a lot to everyone on this campus." Longwood's spirit and dance team began the show with an energized cadence. Followed by the spirit and dance team were Scott Knight and Nayan Bhula, who performed an impassioned rendition of "Come on into My Kitchen." Leaning into the microphone, Knight said, "Tina, this one's for you baby." Possibly the last time the two would play together, Knight and Bhula gave an ardent performance that would be remembered by fans and Harris. Jammie N. Jackson performed Langston Hughes' "I Dream a World," and sang "Dream the Impossible Dream," providing an uplifting message for the evening. For act four, Raissa Czemerynski and Lisa Dimino performed a duet— Czemerynski playing the violin and Dimino on the flute. Savannah Hodge, Anne Lowry, and Rob Wilson
Students Participate in "Respite Camp"
Cry," a song chosen especially Joy Doyle performed a poem for Harris. Before beginning written by Doyle entitled, the song, Hubbard spoke the "Respect, Prosper, Love." most touching sentiments of Smiling coyly on stage the evening. Doherty said to Harris, "I He said, "Because of you always forget my ID card all Tina, I've been able to work the time at dinner, so this is o n for you." becoming a The Camerata Singers performer. men provided the last of the That's one evening's entertainment as the of the first sang the Scottish folk song, thing "Rosalee." with the energy of you've done a Scottish sailor returning for me. I home to his love. The program, which took appreciate the fact that over two months to plan, ended you always in a fleeting two hours with flash that Doherty and Doyle taking the smile." $50 prize for third place; In addition to Harris' Knight and Bhula taking the service to Longwood and the $75 prize for second place; community, the people should and Hackett and Jones winning be indebted to Harris for the $100 first place prize. With donation from encouraging this promising faculty, staff, students, and the musician. Zeta Phi Beta filled act community, the Small Group eight with their stepping Communications Class taught routine. Performing with by Bill Fiege, adjunt instructor astounding speed and rhythm, in the speech and theatre the members of Zeta Phi Beta department, raised $1,579.15 left the audience hollering to benefit Harris and her with excitement from their family. "I'm not very good at seats. Krissy Anderson this," said Harris as she followed the enthusiasm of approached the microphone to Zeta Phi Beta, supplying a speak to the audience. "We tranquil atmosphere as she appreciate everything you've sang an a cappella version of done for us. God bless each "His Eye is on the Sparrow." and everyone of you and keep Ransford Doherty and us in your prayers."
"We didn't look at this as a contest, we looked at it as a way to raise money for a wonderful person who means a lot to everyone on this campus." - Michael Young Noticing the lack of comedy in the evening's show, Graham Hackett and Amber Jones delivered an outstanding comical sketch. Hackett portrayed the role of the newly married groom, while Jones played the heartbroken bridesmaid caught in a nefarious love affair with the groom. Hackett and Jones made acting look easy as they caught cues and rolled out line after witty line like it was second nature. After intermission, the audience returned to their seats to hear the mellow acoustic melodies of Korey Hubbard. Playing the guitar, Hubbard sang "No Woman, No
Comics 4
longwood Says Goodbye to Susan Bruce 6
performed a playful version of Reba Mclntyre's "Fancy" for act five. "We wanted to create a fun atmosphere to help benefit Tina and her family," noted the trio.
Longwood Players 11 of the Week
Page 2
November 20,1996
The Rotunda
Letters to the Editor The Rotunda Volume 76, Number 10 Longwood College Box 2901 Farmville, Virginia 23909 Founding Editor Helen Skillman 1920 Editorial Board Editor-In-Chiefl Sports Editor Michael P.H. Young Assistant Editor Deitra Nance
Chief Copy Editor Layout Editor George C. Lanum, III Business Manager Suzanne Bolding General Manager Beth Crispens Ad Manager Jeremy Glesner Advisor Jeffrey Dingeldein Staff Writers Melanie Barker Jeromy French Jon Frost Jennifer Hipps Brenda Huffstutler Karen MacKay Sylvia Odell
Staff Photographer Heather Whitacre
President Cormier addresses student body of Longwood College concerning fire-safety in the dormitories To: Michael P.H. Young, Editor, The Rotunda From: Dr. Patricia Cornier Over the recent Thanksgiving break, the Longwood administrative team was working to develop strategies to address fire-safety concerns that were cited in regional newspapers. As you well know, Longwood has long been concerned about safety and we now want to make certain the we reach the highest standards of fire safety in our residence halls. We have sent letters to the families of all of our students and prospective students at their home addresses. However, I would like to make certain that our current students receive this important information in the most expeditious fashion possible. Could you please publish the attached letter to students in the next issue of The Rotunda? Please know that I appreciate your help and assistance in this aimportant matter. TO: All Longwood Students FROM: President Patricia P. Cormier Over the Thanksgiving holiday you may have seen the articles in the Richmond Times-Dispatch or other news media concerning fire safety in the high rise dormitories of our public colleges and universities in Virginia. I want you to know that I regard the health and safety of students as a primary responsibility. We have mailed letters to parents of current students and to prospective students addressing fire safety issues. Since you are most directly affected, I wanted you to know in the most timely fashion possible what we are doing now and what we plan to do in the immediate future. I hop that you will take a few minutes to read through this letter and, most importantly, to share your ideas for improving campus safety with me or other members of the college staff. Longwood College has been conscientious in regard to fire safety within our residence halls. All rooms and hallways have smoke detectors and there are fire extinguishers in all hallways. Fire drills are held on a regular basis: fire equipment is inspected reagularly; and individual dormitory rooms are subject to regular fire safety inspections. The two dormitories cited in the articles, Curry and Frazer, were built to meet existing fire codes in effect in the early 1970's. Although building codes have changed, these dormitories do meet current fire inspection safety standards. We are also developing an immediate plan of action to enhance our commitment to student safety. I recently appointed a special task force to address the issue of fire safety at Longwood. Although the primary focus of the task force will be on fire safety, the group will also address any issue which may affect the welfare of our students. Here are some things we are doing right away: * a preliminary report from the task force has recommended that sprinklers be installed in our high-rise dormitories, Curry and Frazer. We are working closely with state officials to implement installation as soon as possible. Our target date for completion is next summer; * all of our buildings on campus are being inspected to promote the safety of our students; any buildings which do not meet official and college requirements will be brought up to the highest safety standards possible; * our student affairs staff is re-emphasizing our existing educational programs to ensure that every student knows what to do in case of a fire. Enforcement of current fire safety regulations will be even more stringent so that the welfare of the majority is not jeopardized by the actions of a few careless students, employees, or guests; As an educator, as a parent, and as a member of the Longwood family, I believe that the health, safety, and well-being of our students is of the utmost importance. Again, please let me know if you have any ideas for improving campus safety. Together we can make our safe enviroment even safer.
A Message from CHI To each and every member of the Longwood College Community, CHI 1997 would like to commend you for your positive attitude and for your dedication to maintaining the blue and white spirit this semester. We realize that there hai>e been many difficult and saddening moments this year. Our campus has witnessed many losses and we are still recovering from the hurt. Each of you are so important to this campus, and one of you leai<es us, it is truly hard to go on. What is left is an empty space in the heart of the Longwood community. CHI would like to recognize and commend those individuals who kept the blue and white spirit intact during this fall's Lip Sync contest. There was the presence of inappropriate behavior, but various groups and organizations pulled through together with a positive attitude. CHI would also like to commend the campus community for the strengt it gained when many members pulled together to show sympathy for the loss of, tenth floor Curry's hall member, Linsay Tinsman. We commend the event "Project Tina", and the memorial service and Cancer walk for both Amy York and for the Tina Harris family. It is truly an honor to be among such caring, passionate people. For all those who wrked hard to keep others in good SPIRITS there is much admiration. With Longwood love, CHI 1997
Loitigwoo<d Police Report Date
10/27/96 10/28/96 10/28/96 10/18/96 10/31/96 10/31/96 11/1196 11/1/96 11/1/96 11/3/96 11/3/96 11/4/96 11/5/96 1WI96 11/8/96 11/9/96 11/9/96 11/10/96 11/13/96 ll/H/96 11/15/96 11/16/96 11/17/96 11/17/96 11/18/96 11/18/96 11/18/96 11/19/96 11/19/96
Reckless Driving Larceny Illegal Drugs Larceny Vandalism Hit and Run D.U.I. Auto Theft Larceny Larceny Medical Emergency Larceny Missing Person Obscene Calls Hit and Run Drunk in Public Larceny Vandalism Larceny Drunk in Public Accident Vandalism Drunk in Public Reckless Driving Annoying Calls Larceny Hit and Run Larceny Larceny
Locatum. Status Madison St. Arrested Curry Under Investigation Frazer Under Investigation Mam Cunningham Recovered Griffin Blvd. Under Investigation Franklin St. Under Investigation Pine St. Arrested Bristmo Lot Recovered Chambers St. Under Investigation Curry Under Investigation Tabb Transported to E.R. Lancer Cafe Under Investigation ARC Located Cox Under Investigation Main St. Under Investigation Frazer Cleared Wynne Under Investigation Vernon St. Under Investigation Blackwell Under Investigation Spruce St. Arrested BristowLot Cleared Frazer Under Investigation Cox Arrested Pine St. Arrested Frazer Under Investigation Wynne Under Investigation Tabb CircleUnder Investigation Mam St. Under Investigation Cox Lot Under Investigation
November 20,1996
The Rotunda
Student Government Association of Longwood College Minutes from Meeting of November 19,1996
TONG wcsyr^â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1 nfr^
The honor board has decided to publicize the results of all hearings. Not only do we believe that this publication will educate the students ofLongwood College about the Honor Board, but it will also inspire each individual to uphold the integrity of the Honor Code Although the Honor Board considers testimonies, witnesses, and previous records, this information will remain confidential to protect every Individual's rights. The charges, decisions and sanctions of Honor Board cases in September and October are randomly listed below. The charges and sanctions are described in detail in the Student Handbook. Charges Hon. Part II Stealing, Section 1-B Property Hon. Part III Lying, Section 1-A Falsifying Information ud. 33-b Interference Hon. Part II Stealing, Section 1-B Property Hon. Part III Lying, Section 1-A Falsifying Information ud. 33-b Interference
Not Responsible Responsible
Sanctions Disciplinary Probation-1 yearl work assign.: bulletin board and apology letters
Responsible Not Responsible
Disciplinary Probation-1 yearl work assign.: apology letters
Hon. Part I Cheating, Sect 1-A Academic Cheating Hon.. Part I Cheating Sect. 1-D Academic Cheating
Hon. Part II Stealing Sect. 1-A Property \ud. ll-a Property
Not Responsible
Hon. Part m Lying, Sect. 2-B False Identification Jud. ll-a Alcohol Policy Violations Jud. U-c Alcohol Policy Violations Jud ll-a Physical Well-Being
Hon. Part I Cheating Sect. 1-B Academic Cheating
Disciplinary ProbationGraduation!Admonition
Hon. Part I Cheating Sect. 1-A Academic Cheating Hon. Part I Cheating Sect. 1-D Academic Cheating
Disciplinary ProbationGraduation/work assign.: 40 hours community service, time management workshop, and paper
Hon. Part I Cheating Sect. 3-C Non-Academic Cheating Hon. Part II Stealing, Sect. 1-A Property Hon. Part II Stealing Sect. 1-B Property Hon. PartII Stealing Sect. 1-C Property Hon. Part III Lying Sect. 1-A Falsifying Information
Not Responsible
Hon. Part U Stealing, Sect 1-A Property Jud. ll-a Property
Not Responsible
Disciplinary ProbationGraduation/work assign: 60 hours community service, time management workshop and paper Disciplinary ProbationGraduation/work assign.: 25 hours community service Disciplinary ProbationGraduationlwork assign.: OCTAA, 25 hours community service
Responsible Responsible
Not Responsible
Disciplinary Probation-1 years, work assign.: 15 hours Community Service "
Not Responsible Responsible Not Responsible
Cff// to order; The meeting of the Student Government Association of Longwood College was called to order by Vice-President Glesner at 12:45 on Tuesday, November 19, 1996. The meeting was held in the ABC Rooms of the Lankford Student Union. The following members of the SGA were present: President Tricia Apple Vice President Jeremy Glesner Treasurer Katharine Easter Secretary Jennifer Crook Senator Joanna Ning Senator Penn Bain Senator Heather Merkle Senator Dee Dee Hanson Senator Jocelyn Weidner Senator Lynn Atkinson Senator Whitney Light
Greek Rep. Leeza Beazlie Soph. Class Pres. Joel Olive Senator Angle Toombs Senator Denise James RHA Pres. Michele Keeling Senator Dwayne Murphy Jr. Class Pres. Stacey Whitten ABS Pres. Krissy Anderson Fresh. Class Pres. Lalisha Fitchett CSA Rep. Cokeyse Hurt
SGA Members Absent: Senior Class President Mandi Robinson, Senator Emma Pehovaz-Diez
Not Responsible
Page 3
Suspension- one semester
Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made to approve the agenda. It was seconded and passes. A motion was made to add Phyllis Mable, Mr. Bratcher and RHA under Special Orders of the Day. It was seconded and passed. Approval of the Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 12 meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. Special Orders of the Day: 1. Phyllis Mable approached the senate to let us know about an article on fire safety in high rise dorms that will be printed soon in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Our dorms met fire safety codes before but things have changed a little bit. We had two fires in the past (in 1987 and 1991) and had a consultant come to check out the safety of the buidings. The buildings are made with concrete that will contain the fire to one room. The school followed the recommendations made by the consultant and improved fire safety with fire detectors, extinguishers, safety checks, etc. They are forming a task force to check again with a consultant and report back to the President by December 10. Phyllis is asking for four students to be on the committee (Denise James, Jocelyn Weidner, Leeza Beazlie, and Michele Keeling). 2. Mr. Bratcher passed around the policy on technological resources and how we use them. He explained problems they've had in the past and says that he has a responsibility to make sure funds are used for what they are intended for. He has come up with a policy to establish ownership of resources, responsibility of resources, protection of the college, and referenceds for rights and legal issues. The College has a right to take action on complaints becuase computer technology is a privelege, not a right. 3. RHA wanted to thank the senate for funding their Mississippi conference. As a result of the trip, they are now a strong organization and have learned alot. The trip has given the group motivation for upcoming activities. 4. Tosh Marks came before the senate (by unanimous consent) to ask for $8,890 for 22 students to go to a conference in Miami, Florida. On their last conference, 12 Longwood students auditioned for jobs; 8 of them were chosen to move on to the next stage in Miami. Senator James moved to allocate $8,890. It was seconded. Senator Toombs moved to table it until next week. It was seconded and passed. see MINUTES, page 6
News Longwood Students Give Time and Effort in Participating in "Respite Camp" in Bedford Thirty-three students and five faculty from four program areas participated in a "Respite Camp" for persons with mental retardation recently. The participants, from Social Work, Special Education, Speech/Language Pathology and Audiology, and Therapeutic Recreation, assisted with the camp, held November 8-10 at Camp Virginia Jaycee near Bedford. "This was the first time that Longwood has participated in the camp," said Dr. Susan Lynch, assistant professor of Therapeutic Recreation. "This will be an annual event, involving all four program areas." The Camp provided recreational programming, social interaction, and special events "through a camp experience" for 42 persons with mental retardation, ranging in age from 11 to 70, from group homes and private homes across the state, Dr. Lynch said. "Longwood T.R. students coordinated and implemented the recreation programming for the entire camp, for the entire weekend," she said. "This programming consisted of nature activities, arts and crafts, music, horseback riding, and two special ev ents: adance and a talent show." Othe faculty who participated were Dr. Edna AllenBiedsoe (Social Work), Rita Purcell-Robertson and Terri Ramsey (Speech/Language Pathology) and Dr. Ruth Meese (Special Education). They and the students reported learning not only from the campers, but also from each other. "We learned about each other's (academic) disciplines, and we also got to know each
other as friends," Mrs. Ramsey said. "And we learned as appreciation for parents and caregivers; we saw that it takes a tremendous amount of energy, patience and a sense of humor." Said Dr. Meese, "There is a big difference in working with individuals with disabilities and living with them for 48 hours. You see the person as a whole being." "The students had an opportunity to learn things about themselves, and to see whether or not a person could work with these individuals," Dr. Lynch said. "Students in each program area had an opportunity to work on specific interventions familiar to that academic area. Special Education and Therapeutic Rec. utilized behavior management techniques, Speech/Language Pathology utilized communicative strategies, and Social Work truly understood that the family is a key component in influencing the individual positively." Students who participated were, from Special Education; Shannon Lavinus, Jill Linkous, Lindsay Martin, Sallie Payne, Heidi Settle, and Courtney Tucker; from Social Work; William Banks, Gina Fuller, Michelle Jones, Estela Knott, and Jeanne Motley; from Therapuetic Rec; S11 arm mi a Carter, Jaimie Cart wright, Wayne Cravey, Karen Davis, Raissa Czemerynski, Patricia Jackson, Samantha Jones, Tonya Jones, Whitney Light, and Anne Marie Wilson; and from Speech/Language Pathology; Susan Carson, Sharon Fox, Grace Garrison, Michelle Goldsmith, Heather Rumsey, Christina Seabold, Karen Sims, Sarah Sitton, Emily Triplett, Tracy Watts and Stephanie Wheeler.
Happy Holidays to the entire Longwood Community from your friends at The Rotunda
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PhoUfrom L-fo* rnUic Mmi
Thirty-three students and five faculty members from four of Longwood's academic departments participated in a "Respite Camp" for persons with mental retardation.
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SINGLE PRINTS 12 Exposure $3.72 24- Exposure $7.44
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100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1800 Peery Drive, Farmville, Va.
November 20,1996
Page 5
The Rotunda
Entertainment Sly's Picks: Your Guide to What is Hot on the Video Scene by Sylvia Odell, staff writer, and Michael PH. Young, Editor-in-Chief Well, Ihope you all had agood Turkey Day or whatever it is you ate? Anyway I am back and this week's reviews are going to be short and sweet due to academic conflicts. Drama/Romance; footloose
This movie stars Kevin Bacon and John Lithgow living in a small town in the sticks where music (well Rock and Roll) is prohibited Kevin is from Chicago and is forced to learn the laws of the town. Besides having a hard time fitting in he longs to dance. There are many good scenes inthemovie, but especially the tractor chicken fight Kevin eventually talks the reverend (John Lithgow) into having a dance on the outskirts of town and the senior class can finally have a prom. Kevin shows off his wonderful danceabilities in thismovie inawarehouse. Ofcoursetiieromance part is that he falls for the preacher's daughter. Snuggle Rating: 3 Hugs and Kisses Thriller ISuspense: Gremlins 1984 This Steven Spielberg Christmas classic can really get you
* <L^»
one out. This movie is about the having to do 20 pushups whenever he bumbling Cleveland Indians and a hits a fly ball. Also in the movie as group of misfit players brought Harry Doyle is funny man Bob together by a self-serving owner so Uecker, and Rene Russo (Outbreak) they would be bad enough so she This movie has an all-star cast could move the team to Miami so that and some all-star acting and is a great she can have her own perks at a movie for a few laughs, whether you Country Club. Charlie Sheen (other are a baseball fan or not. ****l/2 movies: The Chase, Platoon, Men at Work) plays "Wild Thing" Rick Dratm; Outbreak This movie has another allVaughan, apitcherwhospentaseason in the California Penal League before star cast with Dt in Hoffman (Rain joining the majors. Vaughan has a Man), Rene Russo, Cuba Gooding, livearm,butcannot seem to locate the Jr. (Boyz N The Hood), Donald plate, even going so far as to Sutherland (A Time to Kill), Morgan decapitating a metal batting dummy Freeman (The Shawshank in spring training with a 96-mph Redemption) and Kevin Spacey (A Time to Kill) fastball. The basic plot goes like this, a Joining Sheen in this movie is Tom Berenger (Sliver, Sniper), who mysterious virus which turns plays aging catcher Jake Taylor. someone's insides into mush has Taylor, once an all-star catcher, spent descended on a village, killing some lime in the Mexican league and everyone in sight. However, this is is with the Indians for what he calls the second time that something like "one more year in the sun." Corbin this has happened, except for this Bemsen (television: L.A. Law) plays time. It has gotten out of control Hello, movie watchers! third baseman Roger Dorn, who because a monkey was infected by Well, seeing as Sly has some work seems to be more concerned with his the virus and gave it to a human to do, I figured I could step in and investment portfolio than playing (Patrick Dempsey) who tried to sell offer some of my own insight for baseball. Wesley Snipes (The Fan, him to a pet store. The monkey then this week. So here goes. Passenger 57, To Wong Foo...) plays transmits it to another monkey and Willie "Mays" Hayes, a speedster the store owner. Dempsey now Come ay; Major League who just cannot seem to keep the ball transmits it to his girlfriend and both Okay, if you arc a baseball fan, on the ground and pays for it by of them die. At this time, they think you will definitely want to check this that it is under control until another case pops up in Cedar Creek, California and then another and Delicious Sandwich**! another and another until nearly the Low Price*! entire town is infected. Open M-F lOiffl-9pm The government solution to Sat Ac Sun 8am-9pm this is to drop a gas-air bomb on the V*er-v-ij\£ br«akfr*t on wirWtndi/ town, destroying everything and completely eradicating the virus in the process. Meanwhile, Hoffman.
jingling all the way with its goofy little monsters in Santa hats. Zach Galligan and Phoebe Cates play two teenagers who must deal with the idea that their entire town is being overthrown by hundredsoflittlegreen men. The cute little furball named Gizmo (whose voice is provided by Howie Mandel) is tte cdprit of all the chaos. Gizmo is not to be fed after midnight; get wet; or be in direct sunlight. Billy, Zach's character, follows these rules but then water is accidentally spilled on Gizmo and five other Mugwies (the name of the animal) appear. They in turn eat after midnight and turn into gremlins. We have microwaved gremlins, diced gremlins, blended gremlins and fried gremlins. A definite pizza night movie. Light Bulb Rating: 4 Light Bulbs Stay tuned for next week as I review some Christmas films. Ho Ho Ho, off I go. Ciao.
Russo, Spacey andGooding arc trying frantically tofindacurcfor the disease and save the town. I would say more, but I think that I am starting to give the plot away too much. I would highly recommend this movie because it has a tight storyline, good acting and plenty of suspense. ****l/2 Other movies I am reviewing, but will not go into detail about: Comedy; Friday dee Cube, Chris Tucker, Tiny Lister) - Rent this movie and you will not stop laughing the entire time. ***** Comedy/Drama: Pump Up the Volume (Christian Slater) - This movie presents what most people our age wants to do but maybe doesn't have the means or theguts. **** DramaJSuspense: Strange Days (Angela Bassett) -1 found this movie more strange and disturbing more than anything. Not bad, but not exactly recommended. **\a ComedylRomatKeiWtenHftnyMet Sally...(BillyCrystal. Meg Ryan, Bruno Kirby, Carrie Fisher) Could be called a "chick movie", but, even guys can appre date the story in this one. "**l/2 Thriller: Sleepwalkers (Madchen Amick) - Not exactly a good movie, I thinkthebookwasmuchbetter. Rentthis if there is nothing else in the store. *J/2 My Rating System: •••••. Outstanding movie. Buy it because it will be gone from the store all the time. "" - Good movie. You will watch this movie more than once. *" - Not bad A little sltaky in some places, but not a complete waste. ** - Below Average. Some people will question your taste in movie for picking this. ' - Awful If you rent this, you should have your video membership revoked
BUY & SELL USED CD'S: Always buying good alternative, classic rock, reggae, some blues, jazz, classical in good condition.
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Page 6
November 20,1996
The Rotunda
News SGA Minutes from page 3 * Due to time constraints, Vice-President Glesner has limited everything up until new business to one minute. Orders of the Day; President's Report - The Inaugural Banquet is tomorrow at 5:00. There is some confusion with the memorial service for Amy York so wait to hear from Tricia about it. The forum Thursday is madatory. Vice-President's Report - Figures on the computer system will be brought up under new business. Treasurer's Report - No report. Secretary's Report - No report
Longwood Says Goodbye to Susan Bruce by Deitra Nance, Assistant Editor
Susan Bruce is leaving Longwood. The news of her decision to become the Health Education Coordinator at the University of North Carolina—Greensboro shocked and saddened many Committee Reports: students. Academic Affairs - No report For the past four years, Constitution Committee - The are questions being passed around. Susan Bruce has helped change This is what the panelists will be asked at the forum. The questions the face of Longwood. were made up by a committee of 15 people representing 13 organi"The reason I chose to zations, so they are very thorough. come to Longwood was because Legislative Affairs - No Committee Chair yet. I felt like I could make a Physical Environment - The physical plant has not been in touch difference and I saw that I could yet with the figures for a concrete bench. help people," said Bruce. Student's Rights- Senator James has set up a meeting with Dr. As the Wellness Boyer so he can tell her what changes he has made to improve the Coordinator, Bruce started the library services. If every staff member reacted to student concerns Wellness Advocates program to like Dr. Boyer did, it would be wonderful. train students about health, Publicity - Senator Weidner is waiting to publicize the memorial nutrition, alcohol abuse, peer service. pressure, and sexual assault. She Committee on Committees - Absent also |ounded Students SAFC - No report. Adyocaiingil, a. ..;Eear|pss Elections - No report. Ehviro^t(S'.A.F.E.)"in f?95 due to student interest in Class Reports: Senior - Absent. Junior - There will be an officers meeting on Thursday. Sophomore - No report. Freshman - Freshman council meeting on Thursday.
preventing violence and sexual assault. Bruce has worked closely with a number of students by advising organizations such as UNITY Alliance, S.A.F.E., S.O.A.R. (Student Organization for Alcohol Awareness), and WLCX radio station. "One of the things that really meant a lot to me here was the student appreciation I've received. Little unexpected things are what mean the most to me," said Bruce. Bruce has also taken an active role in helping freshmen adjust to life at college by teaching Longwood Seminarfor the past four years. She also cowrote the play, Listen to the Silence, which is performed every year for freshmen during S.A.I.L. Week Orientation. Another program Bruce starttsd is Straight Talkyia-play about|exuaEa^sault^waretfess. StrMgBt'T^bas perfbrmed, 'jfi
numerous schools and is now offered as a two credit class. Straight Talk recently won a national award from BACCHUS & GAMMA Peer Education Network, the first ever peer education theatre award. "I was really proud to be there when they won the award. Four years ago Straight Talk was just an idea and now it has national recognition. I was glad I could share that moment with them," Bruce said. Susan Bruce has made many outstanding contributions to Longwood. Shehasmadethe student body and faculty more aware of issues such as alcohol abuse, sexual assault, and violence against women. Her advice and friendship will be greatly missed. "I'm really going tp miss everybody /'Bruce s "and I def|nj|f allthcwox ^' here."
Organization Representative Reports: RHA - No report. CSA - Meeting on Thursday. Greek Rep. - No report. ABS - Because of time constraints, Pres. Anderson will save her report until next week. Announcements - Treasurer Easter would like to congratulate Joanna Ning on a great job with the forum. President Anderson thinks last night's meeting for multi-cultural affairs went well. The invitations are out for the Inaugural Dinner. Due to a number of events that SGA is sposoring this week, there will be no exec. Old Business; Figures on the concrete bench will be brought back before the senate and then we can discuss it. New Business: Senator Ning moves to take $45 out of the reserve for two cops for the forum in addition to $60 for the interpreter. It is seconded and passed. Vice President Glesner presented the figures for upgrading the office computer. Senator Merkle moved to allocate the total funds from the reserve. Motion is seconded. Senator Weidner moved to table the issue. Motion is seconded and passed.
Members of Straight Talk include: 1st row: Sara Davis, President ofLongwood's BACCHUS Chapter, Lara Brookman, Tahnee Hall, Travis Leong, Dana Bambergtr 2nd row: Clyde Berry, Susie Bruce, Coli Adams, Adam Richardson, Jeannette Kenny, Mary Chris Goodall, Robbyn Gayer, Julian Cook
Rese iilfi ra-i II, ,,,^ jS^. American MCOnnMni
Adjournment: The Senate adjourned at 1:50.
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November 20,19%
Page 7
The Rotunda
Beyond the Iron Gates MOSCOW Last Wednesday, a Russian soldier opened fire on his comrades killing two and wounding three in the second such incident this week. Investigators said the motive was not clear. Military officials have said recent violence is a result of the armed forces' need to admit people with criminal records and mental problems because of widespread draft-dodging. By USA Today
MANILA, Philippines Police discovered a pipe bomb, hand grenades and a timing device in two of the nation's most sensitive places: Manila airport and the chief site for the annual APEC summit. News of the discoveries overshadowed advanced meetings of the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. At one session, the United States failed to win full endorsement for a proposal to abolish tariffs on computers and other information technology
products. By USA Today The recent gangland-style slaying of a prominent U.S. businessman in Moscow has alarmed many in the city's foreign business community, but apparently few so far have decided to pack up and leave. "Of the more than 700 American firms active in Russia, fewer than the fingers on one hand have told me they are leaving because they can't handle the
problems," says Thomas Pickering, who has just left Moscow as U.S. ambassador to Russia. Ohers say the slaying has deeply upset U.S. business people in Russia. By USA Today EAu CLAIRE, Wisconsin - A $900,000 out-of-court settlement was agreed on Wednesday in a lawsuit claiming school officials violated a gay student's rights by not protectin him from years
of harassment by other students. Jamie Nabozny said the abuse by other students renged from name-calling to being shoved and beaten in the stomach so badly that he later required surgery. He said the harassment occurred from the time he entered Ashland Middle School in 1988 until he dropped out of school in 1993, later earning an equivalency diploma. By USA Today Compiled by Jon Frost
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The Rotunda
November 20,1996
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Page 10
November 20,1996
The Rotunda
Feature/Entertainment Student Composer
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New York, November 1— The 45th annual BMI Student Composer Award competition will award $16,000 to young composers, Frances W. Preston, BMI President and CEO, announced today. The postmark deadline for entering the 1997 competition, which is cosponsored by the BMI Foundation, will be Friday, February 7, 1997. The BMI Student Composer Awards was established in 1951 to encourage young composers in the creation of concert music and, through cash prizes, to aid in continuing their musical education. There are no limitations as to instruments, style or length of work submitted. The prizes, ranging from $500 to $3,000, are
*♦ -
Gist and Tanglefoot Rock Rafters Stage During November Concert
awarded at the discretion of the final judging panel. Ten former winners have gone on to win die coveted Pulitzer Prize in Music. The 1997 competition is open to students who are citizens of the Western Hemisphere and who are under 26 years of age on December 31, 1996. Compositions are judged completely under pseudonyms. Milton Babbitt is the awards chairman. Official rules and entry blanks are available from Ralph N. Jackson, Director, BMI Student Composer Awards, 320 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 USA. for further information contact: Ralph N. Jackson 212-830-9703
iy Mtlanie Barker, staff miter
Where were you on the night bf November 15? If you weren't at lafterefwtheGist/Tanglefootshow, hen I'm feeling sony for you. Haying their last show of the Semester, Gist rocked on the small barters stage as they played songs ike, "Waiting for What" and "Gas #4," a song written by bassist for Moentmann (Longwood's ladies and gentlemen). "Can you hear all the nstruments? Everything cool?' ked frontman Nayan Bhula in between songs, as the blue and gold stage lights cast shadows of the riicrophone on his Scooby-Doo tkshirt After an affirmative answer, Bhuladragged his fingers up the neck of his red guitar and began the next •ong as the audience tapped their feet |on the floor, marking time like a
metronome with drummer Fred Burton. Gist delivers, but guess what! You have to wait until next semester tocatch them again. Makesureyou're there next time! Packed with wailing feedback, distortion, andBhula'scharged guitar playingand singing, Gist gaveahighperformance show, opening the evening's entertainment with an explosive bang. Tanglefoot! Remember that name. Following Gist's exceptional precedent. Tanglefoot—who were christened one of the best unsigned bands by Musician Magazine—took to the stage, drawing the crowd to the dance floor. Strutting underneath the discoboli to that distinctive Tangleftxtf sound, it was obvious that the privileged listeners liked what they
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heard. forming songs like "Take a Minute," "Don't Let Me Bleed," and '"Fire in the Hole" from Nine Lives Down (find this CD and buy it people—mat's an order!) Fatmviue was allowed an earful of greatness, not to mention the opportunity to see Holly Orr, guitar goddess, at work. Their energy was apparent— overftowmgfrompercussiorustKahlil Fadel, bassist Ryan Coalson, and vocalistToddFreeze,whosurjstituted his beer bottle for maracas on 'Tass the Plate" and danced wildly on a stage crammed with a cornucopia of Orr's guitars, Fadel's bongos, and Murr's drum kit Hailing from North Carolina, Tanglefoot set foot on a Farmville stage for the first time Friday night. Let us pray that it won't be the last time.
m Rtmrtlyn*BrlaU • .r.fciuiU-Jfi^rfhll. (un. ... 1991
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If you (Jon i Mop - Mm', .IH Irom driving drunk, who will? Do whatever U ukr.
OT»kw»y«n«|FUE TRIPS ad LOTS OF CASHniiAMriM'iflSprhilrtA
November 20,1996
Page 11
The Rotunda
Hall, Owusu Named Longwood Players of the Week performances in the sport of basketball last week. Player of the Week is chosen by the Longwood sports information office and sponsored by Domino's Pizza of Farmville. Hall led the Lancer women in two victories during the week, a 7966 win Wednesday over Virginia Union and an 82-34 triumph Friday over St. Paul's. Longwood is now 4-0 on the season. For the week, Hall boasted stats of 12-24 from the Owusu (Arlington) have been named Domino's/Longwood field including 4-11 from the College Women's and Men's three-point stripe, nine rebounds, Players of the Week for the week six assists, three steals and one of November 17-24 for their blocked shot. Three of the four
FARMVILLE, Va. — Senior forward Nikki Hall (Salem) and sophomore forward William
three-point baskets came as the Lancers pulled away and took control of the Virginia Union game early in the second half. For the season, Hall is averaging 13.8 points and 4.5 rebounds per game. She leads the team in scoring with 55 points and assists with 17. Longwood coach Shirley Duncan is quick to promote her senior standout. "Nikki had two really good all-around games this week. Other teams playing us key on Nikki and she does a great job of handling that pressure. She is very solid at both ends of the floor and this year we have a strong supporting cast." Hall is a graduate of Glen var High School and is the daughter of Dennis and Susie Hall.
the Lancer men's basketball team win the Longwood Invitational TournamentthispastSunday. The
Owusu helps Longwod win tourney title
6-4 forward proved be strong on
A graduate of Wakefield High School, Owusu earned alltournament honors while helping
the boards with 12 rebounds in the two games. He also scored 18 points and hit 9 of 13 field goals for 69.2 percent shooting from
the floor. Longwood beat West Virginia Wesleyan 65-54 and Francis Marion 61-50 to win the tournament. "William had two solid games for usinthetourament," said Lancer coach Ron Carr. "He played real hard all weekend long." Owusu, a starter in two of Longwood's three games, is averaging 7.3 points 6.3 rebs. while shooting 66.7 percent from the floor. He transferred to Longwood from Iowa Western Community College. At Wakefield High, he pulled down a school record 863 rebounds, while earning first team alldistrict honors. He is the son of Joseph and Agnes Owusu of Arlington.
Wrestlers Fall in Season Opener; Open Home Season Friday Foley, Sanderlin pick up individual victories in 34-9 loss to Apprentice School Longwood opens its home wrestling season under first year coach Brent Newell Friday, hosting UNC Pembroke and Norfolk State in Lancer Hall. The Lancers will take on UNC Pembroke at 6:30, while Norfolk State and Pembroke battle in the second match. Longwood and Norfolk State will tangle in the
third match at about 9:00. Longwood began its season Saturday, Nov. 23 with a 34-9 loss at The Apprentice School in Newport News. The Lancers posted victories at 150 and 158 to gain their first nine team points of the season. At 150, junior Jamie Foley
kicked off his season with a come from-behind, 9-8 victory. Foley trailed most of the match, but scored crucial back points in the third period to collect the win. Freshman Sean Sanderlin opened his Longwood career in high fashion with a pin of his opponent at 158. The rookie took Apprentice's Jeff Wright down
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twice in the first period before sticking him. Longwood forfeited at 118 and 126. LC's Mark Mast lost a hard-fought match at 134. The junior dropped the decision 8-5. Sophomore Ivan Cruz fell at 142 7-1. At 167, freshman Clint Touart slipped 8-2, and senior Karl Eberly fell at 177, 8-6. Juniors
Allen Dubsky and Mike Brown lost at 190 and heavyweight, 19-6 and by fall, respectively. "Overall," said Lancer coach Brent Newell, "I think it's tough for a team that's only been practicing a week to beat a team that's been going for a month. We're going to get after it, and we'll be fine once wc get into shape."
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Page 12
ULongWaod Basketball Report
Three-point Barrage Subdues Pfeiffer in CVAC Contest FARMVILLE, Va. — night ongwood used a trio of 3-point "Pfeiffer forced us to play a robs to take control in the final style that we can't emulate in our ive minutes and went on to defeat practice sessions," said Carr. " Keiffer 96-80 in a Carblinas- The pace made the game very Virginia Athletic Conference intense. We played hard and well nen's basketball game Monday enough to win." light in Lancer Hall. William Owusu had 15 The Falcons had brought a points, 13 rebounds and four steals 5-1 record and a five-game win for Longwood, now 3-2 overall streak to town. and .1-1 in the CVAC. The triumph was aided by a Also in double, figures for )ig night at the free throw line. LongWood were Walden with 13 -ongwood hit 35 of 53 from the points, Lartey with 11, senior KJ. :harity stripe with a 26-38 Courtney with 14 points, 4 assists showing in the second half alone. and 2 steals and freshman Lee Three-point shots by Vince Farrior with 13 points. Farrior Walden, Chris Williams, and scored nine in the first half when Isaac Lartey moved a 71-70 Pfeiffer took a 43-41 edge. Longwood lead at 5:27 to an 80Courtney was elated by the 10 edge with 4:07 remaining. The victory, which avenged three Lancers put the game away at the losses to Pfeiffer last season. ine. hitting 16 of 27 free throws "It was a home game and over the final 3:52. Jason Outlaw we felt we had to get it," said the scored 17 points to lead a group of 6-0 guard. "Coach (Ron Carr) six Lancers in double figures, said it would be an up-pace game. [hitlaw hit 11 of 14 free throws, I thought we executed well and 10 of 12 in the second half. attacked the hole pretty good after Longwood coach Ron Carr we got out of the traps. elt his team played hard Monday "I feel real good about mis
year'steam,"hecommented. "We play hard and our defense has been good. We're taking pride in our defense." Courtney mentioned the fact that Longwood leads the CVAC in field goal percentage defense. Through the first foui games, Longwood held its opponents to 38.1 shooting from the floor. Pfeiffer was able to hil just 29 of 77 shots for 37.7 percenl Monday night The Falcons were 8 of 32 from 3-point range, including 2 of 17 in the second half. Pfeiffer was led by Damien Klausmeier with 18 points. The Falcons are now 6-2 overall and 2-2 in the CVAC. It was Longwood's bighesi point total since a 100-82 victory over Queens in the 1993-94 season. Next up for the Lancers is a trip to Charlotte, N.C. and a game with Queens Friday night The Royals, who beat Pfeiffeij earlier in the season 87-83, are 3 1 overall and 2-0 in the CVAC.
Longwood Wins 20th Consecutive CVAC Lancers crush Pfeiffer on road, 81-49 Misenheimer, N.C..ongwood' s women's basketball earn took its show on the road for he first time Monday to vlisenheimer, N.C. The result, ike the five home games before it his season, included a Lancer victory, 81-49 over Pfeiffer. The result also included :areer marks for several Lancer )layers. In leading Longwoodin ■coring for the second straight senior Nikki Hall tied a high with four three-point ield goals. She finished with 22 lints on 7-13 shooting. Career highs were also |shared by sophomore Mary iarron and freshman Crystal Both set personal marks nine rebounds each. Barren the game with seven wide Moles tallied six.
November 20,1996
The Rotunda
Also grabbing nine rebounds for the Lancers was junior Nee Raglarid. Afterplaying only three minutes in the first half due to foul difficulties, Ragland exploded in the second stanza for 11 points and eight of her nine caroms. Junior Christine Roberts scored 13 points to help pace the Lancers. "We got off to another slow start," said Longwood coach Shirley Duncan, as her team built a 36^25 balfnme advantage. "We had a much better focus to break the game open in the second half." Much of the second half push can be attributed toRagland's play. In the first seven minutes of the final period she had scored 11 points to help posh the Lancer lead to28points. Itwasaleadon which the Longwood substitutes
would build. The victory, Longwood'sj 20th straight regular season Carolinas-Virginia Athletic Conference triumph, moved the Lancers to 6-0 on the season and 2-0 in the league. Pfeiffer fell to 2-4 and 1-1. Longwood will play hosi Wednesday night to CVAC foe Queens at 7:00. It will be the Lancers' last home game before the holiday break. LC takes to the road again Friday and Saturday, traveling to the West Chester/Dial Classic in West Chester, Pa. The Lancers will face C.W. Postinthe first round Friday at 6:00 Saturday' s championship game is] set for 4:00 with the consolation at 2.-00. West Chester and St Michael's will compete Friday in the other semifinal.
Local Radio to Broadcast Basketball Home Games Fans of Longwood basketball will have the opportunity to the keep up with the Lancers on radio thanks to the efforts of two local stations. The Longwood campus station, WLCX (90.1 FM) and WFLO (95.7 FM) will be broadcasting selected games of the Longwood men's and women's teams this winter. WLCX will broadcast the following home games: Dec. 2 Pfeiffer (M) 7:00; Jan. 18 High Point(M) 2:00, (W) 4:00; Jan. 30 Coker (M) 7:00; Feb. 5 Va. State (M) 7:30; Feb. 12 Pfeiffer (W) 7:00; Feb. 15 Queens (M) 2:00; Feb. 19 Belmont Abbey (W) 6:00. WLCX talent will include station
advisor Bridget Bry son, manager Nay an B hula, Ryan Robinson and Kevin Morris. WFLO will be broadcasting the following away games: Jan. 23 at St. Andrews (Women & Men) 6:15; Feb. 10 at Mt. Olive (W&M) 6:15; Feb. 13at Pfeiffer, 6:45 (M); Feb. 15, at Queens, 3:45 (W); Feb. 19 at Belmont Abbey, 6:45 (M) and Feb. 25Mar. 1, the CVAC Men's & Women's Basketball Tournament. Doubleheader broadcasts will begin at halftime of the women's games and continue through the men's games. Tom Bilello and Tom Galbraith will bring you all the action.
Men's Standings Confer ence
W Coker Queens Belmont Abbey Pfeiffer High Point LONGWOOD Erskine
j J ] j
Barton St. Andrews Mount Olive
i i ^
Recent Scores: Coker 66, Longwood 49 Belmont Abbey 77, Mt. Olive 68 Queens 81, Aiken 63 Pfeiffer 60, North Florida 58 Coker 96, St. Andrews 80 Erskine 66, Presbyterian 59
L 0 0
6 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
Overall W L 5 0 3 1 2 3 6 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 5 1 1 0 2 0 3
Barton 75, Methodist 66 Pfeiffer 81, Lees-McRae 69 E.Tennessee St.73, Lees-McRae 56 Pfeiffer 85, Presbyterian 82 Longwood 96, Pfeiffer 80 Lees-McRae 95, High Point 77
Women's Standing
i Zonfer tnce LONGWOOD High Point Belmont Abbey Barton Queens Pfeiffer St. Andrews Erskine Coker Lees-McRae Mount Olive
I(V 1 2 } ] ] ] ] | c | (
Recenf Scores: N.C. Central 56, Barton 44 Cataxoba 87, Pfeiffer 60 Belmont Abbey 66, Mt. Olive 57 Pfeiffer 63, Lees-McRae 58 Winston-Salem 93, Pfeiffer 50 Rollins 77, High Point 50 Central Oklahoma 74, High Point 60 Belmont Abbey 80, Morris 69 Barton 71, Queens 60
L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
Overall W 6 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 •
L 0 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 5 5 4
High Point 74, Lenior-Rhyne 50 Longwood 73, Coker 60 Queens 66, St. Andrews 63 Catawba 70, Mt. Olive 48 Spartanburg 80, Lees-McRae 49 Emmanual 89, Lees-McRae 74 St. Andrews 54, Coker 48 Longwood 81, Pfeiffer 49 High Point 68, Lees-McRae 46