Luye yang's portfolio 2017

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Portfolio of YANG LUYE 2016-2017, Master of Arts in Urban Design, The University of Sheffield, UK 2009-2014,Bachelor of Architecture , Tsinghua University, China

Current Address: 54 Chamberlain House, Phoenix Road, London, NW1 1EU Tel: 07422942620 Email:


PREFACE Professional Work





Resettlement house design

Residential project design

The University of Sheffield





Re-appropriating modernist housing in Berlin

High line park : the change of role from scrapped railways to a green belt is welcomed by citizens, Which reflects various possibilities of architecture in human life.

Architecture is relative to almost every aspect of human's life. When mentioning architetcure, such image is often reflected: it is basically our container to live in as well as get protection from natural disaster." However, in my opinion, architecture is not only simply a container for us to live in, but also a stage on which there are various roles.

Re-appropriating the post-industrial landscape through community-led development

Tsinghua University

Firstly, architecture can deliver various senses to us, including the real sense of "home". "Home" is where we share love with other family members, to gain a feeling of belonging. It is also the ideal place for social contacts , to know people from different areas, and thus friendship is created.



Secondly, architetcure reveals historic traces to us, from the form outlined, materials used and structure utilised. It mixes together cultural symbols, art styles and technique skills, just like a thick professional dictionary to be deeply read.The research of the history could always be learned from preserved architecture.



Nowadays, architecture is already a hot topic in the society, among which the protection of traditional houses, the high technology applied in building processes, the contradiction of new and old architecture in the urban or the rural scale, etc, are vigourously discussed.







Other Works


For me, architecture is a subject that requires endless ways to think about and study, or we must stand on various perspective to understand it. As a student with background of architecture, I worked with urban design during the process of the graduate thesis, it made me seriously recognise its importance. It is essential to consider both architecture and urban design together, as they greatly influence each other. I would like to raise an example of the high line park in New York, which is converted from scrapped railways to vigourous green belt open to public. The green belt connects many places in the city and attracts people to walk up to relax from their stressful work. And the height of green belt has to avoid the interfering of lower transportation. From the successful case, we can see an architect's responsibility : to take care of human kind. Moreover, making architectural design is a type of cooperate work that requires many conditions. The portfolio records my 5-year effort on the way of studying and experiencing the architectural design, to connect closer between human and space, to create a better life.


Revitalisation of Nanjing Old City Walled Area

Business Hotel at The South Gate of Tsinghua University

Museum of Tea Culture in Huanxiu Garden, Suzhou

Ecological Tourist Centre in Miyun, Beijing

Finland ARA-Home 2049 Sustainable House Design Competition

Thesis/Fine Art/ Photography/Media

Site Analysis

Original City Village in Wulimiao

Site location

01 WULIMIAO RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Resettlement house design Type: Bidding residential project Location: Luohe, Henna Province, China Company: Lewei Architectural Design Co Ltd, Zhengzhou My contribution: Intern architect, Analysis 40%/ Elevation Design 50%/ Layout 80% Date: 2015.07-2015.08 Instructor: Zhonghui Wei, Lei Zhao

The project is aimed to make resettlement house design after demolition of a city village in Luohe City, Henan Province, China, in order to recreate comfortable and sustainable environment there. The overall design concept of project focuses in three parts: sharing public space, economic and sustainability value, sufficient and efficient functions. As an intern architect, I participated conceptual design and schematic design of the project, and I individually completed layout of bidding graphic prensentation. The project won the bidding finally and it was in construction recently.


Room plans

Standard floor plan A

Master bedroom that face to south side

Standard floor plan B

Kitchen and bathroom with good ventilation

Balcony with good views

Large living room Kitchen and bathroom with good ventilation Master bedroom that face to south side Balcony with good views

Large living room Room plan A1

Room plan B1 Large living room

Kitchen and bathroom with good ventilation

Kitchen and bathroom with good ventilation Large living room

Master bedroom that face to south side Balcony with good views


Master bedroom that face to south side Room plan A2

Balcony with good views Room plan B2

Facade design

The overall facade design of dwellings follows simple European styles, which deserves traditional characters which reflect in colors and materials but escape too many complex details. The Simple European styles are popular in nowadays urban city life.

South elevation

Light brown mineral varnish

Coffee mineral varnish

In term of facade material applied, we chose mineral varnish in brown color systems. These colors could deliver peaceful and elegant sense of dwellings.

Master plan of residential community


Rendering images

Construction pictures

The project completed all construction drawings after it won the bidding in Henan Province, it was in construction recently. It is estimated to complete construction by mid-2018.


Site Analysis

There are many traditional temples and old villages houses around the project site, in addition with a Danshui River flow across in the south of the site.

02 POLY DANSHUI RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Residential project design Type: Residential project in cooperation with Poly real estate developer Location: Huizhou, China Company: AECOM Design Co Ltd, Shenzhen My contribution: Intern architect, Analysis 40%/ Layout 40% Date: 2012.01-2015.02 Instructor: Xinping Liang, Xiaobing Mao

The project is aimed to design modern residential houses in a site of a fast developing city in Southern China---Huizhou in Guangdong Province. There site is closely to Danshui River and surrounded by many villages houses. It is my first project as an intern architect. I participated conceptual design phase of the project under guides of senior architects in AECOM.


Masterplan analysis

Distribution of house types

Traffic circulation

External vehicles Internal vehicles Walking routes

Landscape analysis

Master plan of Danshui residential community

Central landscape joint Major landscape joint Landscape principle axis


House design

The design of house considers surrounding environmental elements, to emphasis the mountainous houses’ characters, by building up a simple, elegant and modern residential house. The overall colour is based on the pure colours of materials used, they are mainly cream-yellow, wood and metal-grey colour. They are together expected to deliver current residents expectation of comfortable life that immerse to natural environment.

Facade material









Landscape design

The overall goal of landscape design in Danshui Residential Community focuses on three elements: peace, ecological and interactive, in order to recreate beautiful and liveable amosphere for residents and improve living quality.


Rendering perspectives


Kiez Lab Connecting people and places

03 KIEZ LAB / CONNECTING PEOPLE AND PLACES Re-appropriating modernist housing in Berlin Type: Academic studio/Groupwork Location: Berlin, Germany Collaborator: William Roberts, Silvia Sofia Gonzalez Gamez, Sitong Mu, Yanan Wang My contribution: Concept 50%/ Analysis 50%/ Model 100%/ Rendering 60%/ Layout 100% Date: 2017.02-2017.03 Tutor: Prof. Florian Kossak/ Dr. Adam Park

This project is about how to make a long-range multi-stage design and social development for modernist housings in Mehringplatz, which is called Kiez Lab. As a typical area in Berlin with a very complex history, Mehringplatz has experienced various urban changes in different time period, and nowadays the housing estate there is facing lots of social and environmental problems. In the 6-week project, we address the questions by looking for spatial, functional and operational interventions from macro to micro aspect. The aim of project is developed by focusing on underused spaces and migrant residents in Mehringplatz and its surroundings, to explore solutions that recreate resilient and peaceful community.




Context & Analysis

Diversity in Mehringplatz

Lost space

Abandoned parking building

Lack of landscape design

Ground parking space Underused community Inaccessible Riverside park before AOK Building space

Human activities The largest population: Turkish

The second largest population: Arabian

Aged people with assisted cart

People who bought daily commodity

The third largest population: EU citizens According to the statistic in 2013, threre is 3,943 residents with migration background in Mehringplatz, occupying 71.9% of all.

Age Group Distribution in Mehringplatz A muslim woman was calling in the phone

Groups of children

Unemployment in Mehringplatz Educational Facility



People buy the breakfast from kiosks

Kreuzberger Musikalische Aktion ev

America Memorial Library


Neighbourhood Issues & Assets


Disadvantage in the pedestrian zone due to traders close in the early evening Outdoors areas Ecomics issues show high deficit in equipment, cleanless and Inconrrect waste maintance of green disposal in the areas neighbourhood Over-Alcohol consuming groups promote feeling of insecurity.



Sports activities


StakeholderA: Children


Recreational activities


High migration background (71.9%)

Key Stakeholders

Pedestrian zone Daily tourist flow is mostly activated during Efficient public the afternoon transport connection

Job with salary

Sports activities

The neighbourhood provides educational institutions and markets.

Group topic: Kiez Lab Connecting people and place in Mehringplatz 14

-Breaking down current barriers -Connection of educational facilities and leisure space with marginalized residents -Recreate a flourishing community

According to the analysis of residents background, we choose children and unemployed people these vulenrable groups as our stakeholders to make tactic intervention. We hope to minimize the disadvantege and to enhance the educational landscape in the neighbourhood.

Stakeholder B: Unemployed Adults

Education and skilles training

Communal interaction

Spatial Design & Strategy Design Concept

Current Condtions

Design Strategy Cooperation

Re-apropriation of a derelict parking garage

Abandoned parking garage Goal

Current educational institute

Create opportunities for the community and a lively space Social organizations

A place to engage


Cooperation Promote multicultural interaction and healthy life style in the neighbourhood Re-design an unused space

Underused wooded open space

A place to play


Potential intervention area Create a mixed-use facility composed by park space, retail and underground parking

Vacant greenland

City Council AOK Nordost


Cooperation Activate the space for the neighbourhood and tourist. City Council AOK Nordost

A place to reflect




Integrate the existing space with phase 2

Spatial connection

Leave more public space and greenland for neighbourhood City Council AOK Nordost

A place to move Ground parking area around AOK building



Cooperation Provide to the neighbourhood and children a space to interact with nature. Restoration of the canal

A place to connect New functions


Neglected Landwehr Canal

City Council Corporate Bussines Partnerships


Spatial Design & Strategy Detailed Design Location

Target users

-Children & Youths -Adults -Residents (Turkish & Arabian)

Envisioned impact

-Increasing sports space -Encouraging communcal interaction Phase 2: A PLACE to play

Phase 4: A PL

The underused wooded open space and a parking facility will be redesigned to create a place for inclusive sport and creative based play. This area will connect children and adults from the surrounding schools and neighbourhoods. Football fields, basketball courts, and nature play areas will foster environmental stewardship, healthy living, and communal interaction amongst diverse groups. It will also relieve pressure on the overused Theodore-Wolff Park.

Phase 1: A PLACE to engage Location

Target users

-Unemployed adults -Immigrants who need to develop knowledge and skills Envisioned impact

-Salary opportunities -Skills development -Diversified activities -Enhancing community cohesion


The re-appropriation of a derelict parking garage will be reflected in each floors below: The first floor will be converted into an open-air food and crafts marketplace that will act as an small business incubator where local residents to sell their wares. The second level will be communal flex space where skills development workshops can take place, alongside other community events. This area will also be home to administration for the management entity and rentable micro-office space. The third floor will be a makerspace where residents and subscribers can use the facilities to hone skills in trades. Finally, the roof space will be dominated by sustainable infrastructure like solar panels, rainwater collection systems, and horticulture. The space will be managed by trained residents who developed skills in the Lab.


LACE to move


Target users

Target users

-Residents -Children in the nearby kindergarten and primary schools -Pedestrians

-Private tenants -Pedestrians -Customers of AOK insurance -Residents

Envisioned impact

-Increasing accessibility to the river -Ecological education for chilren -Healthy waterfront activities

Envisioned impact

-Safe and pleasant leisure space -Ideal amosphere for relaxing Phase 5: A PLACE to connect

The space around the AOK insurance building will be re-imagined as an open space that can support the needs of the private tenant while also allowing a safe and pleasant passage of pedestrians through the space. The AOK parking will be re-positioned to the underground parking area developed in phase 3.

Phase 5 is the culmination of the Kiez Lab project. The goal is to re-envision the neglected Landwehr Canal as a place that restores the connection between the community and nature. The space will have ecological education areas where children can directly learn about the ecological restoration process while adults use the numerous park facilities for gathering and healthy activity.

Phase 3: A PLACE to reflect Location

Target users

-AOK office users -Residents -Future tenants of the developed plot Envisioned impact

-Improve efficiency of land use -Daily convenience for tenants nearby -Diversified functions of the park

Phase three will be a mixed-use facility composed of park space, market, and underground parking. Programming the space with park amenities and activating it with a market will create a much more inviting area. Additionally, a longer-term plan could involve the development of a portion of the lot as a commercial office with ground-floor retail. The underground parking developed at this phase will support the AOK office users and future tenants of the developed plot.


Development phase

Derelict parking garage

Underused wooded open space

Ground parking lot around AOK building

Community center

Sports area

Landscape space

Phase Development Timeline

Vacant wooded space beside river

Neglected Landwehr Canal

Mixed-use park with underground parking

Pleasant waterfront with ecological education area


04 HOMESHARE IN SHEFFIELD Re-appropriating the post-industrial landscape through community-led development Type: Academic studio/Groupwork Location: Sheffield, United Kingdom Collaborator: Letian Bai, Yihui Kong, Dingyi Xu, Seonwoo Kim My contribution: Concept 40%/ Analysis 60%/ Model 50%/ Diagram 60% Date: 2017.04-2017.05 Tutor: Dr. Cristina Cerulli/ Dr. Adam Park

This project is about how to make a long-range multi-stage design and social development for modernist housings in Mehringplatz, which is called Kiez Lab. As a typical area in Berlin with a very complex history, Mehringplatz has experienced various urban changes in different time period, and nowadays the housing estate there is facing lots of social and environmental problems. In the 6-week project, we address the questions by looking for spatial, functional and operational interventions from macro to micro aspect. The aim of project is developed by focusing on underused spaces and migrant residents in Mehringplatz and its surroundings, to explore solutions that recreate resilient and peaceful community.


Project Background

Our site is located at Castlegate market area in Sheffield City Centre, a place where famous Castle Market located until its demolition in 2013 and Sheffield City Council plans to build a park there. Throughout the site survey, we found many abandoned or underused buildings there, including Town Hall, Wilko upper floors and riverside houses. Except issues of abandoned houses there, Castlegate site will have large potential under the new park proposal, which means abundant greenspace and public space for future diversified activities.

-Single elders live in rural areas -Expensive housing fees for students -Vacant industrial buildings -Participatory model -Postcards & Brochure -Public feedback collection methods -Layout of panel


Urban Installation

Intergenerational house for elders and students

Research topics

In Sheffield City Centre

Precedent Study

Design principles -Housing plans -Phase development -Partnership -Detailed design


Wild strawberries in Gland, Switzerland

in Sheffield Microcities, El Crusat

History timeline

Proposed park plan in the site


Social issues of elders in Sheffield Increase of ageing population

Source: ONS 2012 Sub-national Population Projections


65+ single household

65+ single elders Other elders in Sheffield

Population aging ratio in Sheffield 2011 with facilities

Source: Co-op and British Red Cross


Social issues of students in Sheffield Female ageing population

Female elders Other elders in Sheffield Source: POPPI 2014

Students live in City centre

Expenditure of students

Students Other residents live in Sheffield City Centre

Design principles

Benefits of interaction between stakeholders


The overall programme

The site before installation


Homeshare Units



Gallery Care Centre




Homeshare Units Information

Gift shop






Various facilities

Accessible to riverside and public space

Partnership Phase development Government Grant and Loan Programmes

Private Fund


Social Fund

Gain Land Organizations Host

Community Fund

Exihibit to

Project3: Communty-Led Housing

Cooperate with Policy


Cooperate with

Detailed Castlegate Master Plan City Center Master Plan Sheffield City Council

City Council


City Council


Offer/Buy Land

Rent / Negotiate

Rent / Negotiate

Rent / Negotiate

Site 1 Castlegate (Empty)

Site 2 Wilko Building (To let)

Site 3 Town Hall (Sale)

Site 4 3-7 Lady Bridge (To let) Funds returned

Friends of Sheffield Castle Contractors

Wicker Riverside Action Plan Sheffield Guide for Developing Olders people’s Accomodation

50%Rent RENT Students d

Develop Project Initiate

Friends of Old Town Hall Participate in Residents

Studio Polpo


Homeshare Housing 1


Homeshare Housing 2



Homeshare Housing 3&4




10%Rent Homeshare


Elders Elder Elders

Community Centre


Funds returned

Housing Library Cafe

Private Fund

Funds returned

Further Funds

Start pilot programme of Homeshare scheme to show people how it works. 4 out of 15 accommodations will be tested in the first phase.

In second building, the spaces for both Homeshare unit and regular accommodation will be tested.

In third stage, type A’ accommodation for 4th age will be tested. Health relavant facilities will be placed to meet the medical needs.


Housing plans


Detailed design Transition of space Noise and privacy

Extra needs and multi-function room I need a space to have a party with my friends. However, it could be too noisy to my partner and it would be ended at late night.

Sectional programmes After my partner goes out for lecture, I feel lonely. I need bigger spaces for having a cup of tea with other dwellers.

Multi-function room

Unlike common spaces in every unit, every users can use this space. If someone wants to have some event, the room could be booked.

Housing facade

Section Plan


Urban Installation: communication between public and urban designers

Q1:Would you like to experience Homeshare in Sheffield? Q2: What spatial function do you prefer in Castlegate market site?

[3 X A0 Panel]

Message board

[Pin up game in site model]

[Brouchure with cartoon storytelling]

Part of housing plan of Homeshare can be pulled out of brochure


Communication with public


05 IN-OUT NANJING CITY WALL MEMORY Revitalisation of Nanjing Old City Walled Area Type: Academic studio/Joint Graduation Thesis of Urban Design Groupwork Location: Nanjiang, Jiangsu, China Collaborator: Yang Xinhui, Soo Hoo Yinghui, Xie Mengya My contribution: Concept 40%/ Analysis 50%/ Model 30%/ Detail Qinhuai River framework 100%/ Layout 80% Date: 2014.03-2014.06 Tutor: Associate Prof. Huang He City Wall, the well known historic heritage in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The area surrounded by City Wall is called Nanjing old city. The City Wall reflects the changes of six dynasties in the past. As the past artificial substance made by our ancients, the City Wall already lost military function nowadays. The transportation connects old city and new city is apparently blocked by the wall. Also there happens exposure of problems nearby Nanjing old city walled area and it bad life quality there losses attraction to people. The project is aim to renew Nanjing old city walled area, through design of slow lanes and nodes. We try to design peaceful and safe life atmosphere with sufficient greening for local residents, to ensure coexistence of historic heritage and modern life and thus to see the vigorous, clean and open city wall again.


The Fantastic and Diversified Past of Nanjing Old City

Development of Old City in the History

In the Dynasty of Ming, the industry of manual, commerce and education concentrated in the old city , and Nanjing was the most economic developed city in China that time.

Nanjing, an once capital city of six dynasties in the Chinese history, it is the capital of Jiangsu Province currently with location at the southwestern Jiangsu Province. There still preserves various traditional culture today.

Traditional Nanjing style speech

In China

遛鸟 Walking with bird

There are various leisure activity in Nanjing, most Nanjing residents like to feed birds and walk with them.

織錦 Textile

The textile industry is highly developed in Nanjing and the trade of textile works make big contribution to local economy in the past.

In Jiangsu Province

書法 Calligraphy

In Nanjing City

Calligraphy was an important role in the culture industry of Nanjing, and many well-known calligraphers and poets were from Nanjing before.

In Qinhuai District Playing empty bamboo


手工業 Handicraft industry

The leisure activity among old Nanjing residents are various and characteristic. For example, lamp festival of Qinhuai River, scissoring art, mini sculpture etc.

There are diversified handicraft industries in the past Nanjing, including textile, printing, shipping making etc.

City established over 2480 years Capital established over 450 years

The Current conditions in the Nanjing Old City Current spatial conditons

Change of City Texture

Issues in the Old City

Disappearing city texture in the Nanjing Old City

The industry heritage doesn't match with the city features.

Abandoned city wall-Qinhuai river skeleton

The width of traditional streets and lanes in the old city don't encourage moto vehicle.

Demolished historical area

The culture heritages are destructed

However, the conditions in the current Nanjing Old City are not very ideal, there exists a huge difference in contrast with its diversified historical background.

Current Human Life Conditions

Elderky population

The population density is extremely high in the old city.

Population with low welfare

Great amount of ageing population in the old city.

The architectural density in the historical area is very high, and thus cause a lack of leisure space there.

Comparison of average yearly salary in all districts in Nanjing in 2012

Average salary of residents in the old city is relatively low in comparison with other districts.

Low volume rate in the historical area cannot satisfy the housing needs.


The Goal of Revitalization

Base on the current conditions and local residents' requirements, we are going to make detailed design in available space node and path, to add more public space to improve life quality. There are four main types of public space that we are going to add in the old city.

Public park


Leisure space

Transport node

Conceptual Framework for the Future of Nanjing Old City Ideal public space

Ideal slow system



Enough infrastructure


Easy to convert

Confortable design

Historic Conditions in the Nanjing Old City

Local Residents' Life Requirements

The life requirements from different groups of residents should be crucially considered in the design. They look forward various and comfortable leisure environment nearby their home.


Safety and no traffic congestion

Tea culture is the essential part of local residents' leisure life.

The width of street in the old city is suitable to walk and thus encourage public transportation instead of private cars.

The Strategy of Revitalization

Types of Space Renew

New Planning

Public space and slow lane system in the old city

Type1: In the resident area, we make more landscape design such as mini garden, open plaza to improve the quality of leisure space for local residents.

Renew point

Public bicycle lease point

Adding new bridge and stairs to the city wall

Community network

Type2: In the old town, to remove architecture with bad quality, substitute by adding open space design and various vagetation on the removed land.

Type3: In the industry area, according to the chance of development of cultural industry, we select some open space to build up skating park and other sports facilities to abstract more youngsters.


Slow Lane System and Detailed Design of Slow Lane in the Nanjing Old City According to the analysis of existing problems in the Nanjing old city and locals' general requirements of leisure space, we make the strategt of slow lanes for revitalization. My work concentrate on the detailed design of the city wall-Qinhuai River skeleton, including various types of slow lanes and node design. The aim of slow lane system is going to link each current greenland, residential area, transportation node and culture facilities, and re-design some selected nodes, to break the blocks of the city wall and hence to increase communication of in and out of the city wall and provide more leisure space for locals.

A Main Slow Lane

Master Plan of Types of Slow Lanes Add green belt and colorful decorated overlay on the main road with high amount of vehicles, to divide vehicle lane and pavement. And the safety of pedestrains will be ensured.

B Slow Lane under the City Wall 1 A

Design new slow lane under the city wall to provide space for locals to do running, bicycling and other sports activities.And the landscape is the vital part in the whole design work, and thus comfortable leisure space and atmosphere are created.








Main slow lane Subsdiary slow lane Slow lane under the city wall Slow lane along the outer Qinhuai River Slow lane along the internal Qinhuai River


C Subdiary Slow Lane 4

D 5 7

F F Covert back the road in the residential area that occupied by the vehicles to the pure slow lane, just only for residents walking and bicycling. And more vegetation and leisure plaza will be added to provide more space of outdoor activities for residents. v

Section Plan F-F

From section plan F-F, there adds a new tunnel under the city wall, to break the blocking of the city wall in the communication of in and out. Thus the accessibility to the park outside the city wall increases, the residents who live beside the city wall won't go far away for the gate to reach the park. Moreover, the sink plaza at two ends of the tunnel provide ideal and sufficient open space for residents' group activity.

Section Plan E-E

In section plan E-E, the pedestrain bridge is added to increase communication of two sides of outer Qinhuai River. On the two sides of river, slow lanes are added for local residents' running and bicycling, which is in comfortable environment with good river views. The waterfront wood steps are not only used to decrease distinction of height on the bank, but also provide resting area with open views towards the river.


Detail Design of Node at City Wall-Qinhuai River Skeleton Based on the slow lane system mentioned above, I selected some possible nodes along the City wall- Qinhuai River skeleton to make detailed design for revitalization. It is mainly to create ideal leisure space for both locals and visitors, and hence demolished area get vigor again. More and more people are going to be absorbed to access the river area.

3 The Slow Lane under the City Wall

1 Skating Park

4 Pedestrains Bridge and Open Square in the Park

2 Walking Lane along Qinhuai River

7 Sports Park near the East City Wall Gate 5 New Stairs and Elevators to Climb the City Wall

6 Sculpture park


06 GREEN TSING HOTEL Business Hotel at the South Gate of Tsing Hua University Type: Academic studio/ Individual work Location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Duration:2013.2-2013.5 Tutor: Associate Prof. Yin Sijin The project is to redesign a business hotel at the south gate of Tsinghua University, based on current problems in the site, including vehicle flows, low usage of entrances, non-ideal landscape etc. I try to consider more human requirements in the design procedure and to ensure the hotel providing more convenience and belongings of home for business tourists. The hotel's appearance transfers meaning of "The bamboo forest in the city", to add more fresh and green symbols in the urban city, also reflects the vigorous and healthy characters of Tsinghua University.


Site Investigation

Tsinghua South Gate

Tsinghua Science Park

There is a city hotel called Wenjing located at the site currently.It serves both business and academic guests nearby Tsinghua University and Zhongguancun.However, I found some problems of Wenjing hotel design during the site survey .

Chengfu Road

Shuimu Community

Chinese Science Institute

Zhongguan Community


Current hotel

Existing Problems of the Current Hotel 1.Nonideal Space of Main Entrance

1.Machinery room of huge volume directly stand before the main entrance. 2.Lack of landscape space to the public.


2.Low Usage Rate of Other Entrances

1.The other entrances on the back of the hotel is locked all the time and almost no usage.

3.Nonideal Flow Path of Vehicle

1. All vehicles enter the hotel area share only one entrance/exit and inconvenience increases. 2. The respective path of guest vehicles and hotel vehicles are not clear.

Surrounding Restrictions Considered in the Hotel Design

Main Guests of the Hotel

Secondary School Community The hotel’s height should be correspond to the height of the residential buildings to ensure good street view.

South sunlight emitting is very important to keep ideal reading environment for students.


Office Mansion There are many office mansions nearby and they often book the conference rooms in the hotel for business goals. Thus the convenience between mansion and the hotel is essential.

Conference attenders

Leisure tourists

HOTEL Dinner party guests

Business tourist


1. Human flow mainly come from two directions (Wudaokou and Zhongguancun, two large commercial area around Tsinghua University).

2. Correspond to 45 degree angle line of nearby road and architecture.

3. Open with 135 degree visual angle to the street.

4. Leave open space to avoid hiding the southern sunlight to the secondary school at the north of the site.

3.Two conference part block are added on the east of the hotel to keep away from heavy traffic in front of the hotel. Hence the quiet atmosphere is created.

4.Three entrances for vehicles of different types are created on the east side and the south side respectively.

Form Development

1. In order to avoid too much shadow over the secondary school, the east side of the hotel is pushed back to leave space, also open space for ground parking is created.

2.The height of the guestroom tower is correspond to the high residential buildings on the west. And 135 degree angle visual angle is created for guests.


Masterplan of Green Tsing Hotel

North View of the Hotel

Rooftop Swimming Pool

Conference Entrance

10 0

Main Entrance

South View of the Hotel

50m 20

Conference Block

Flow Path Walking Circulation

Vehicle Circulation

Conference Guests Staff


Parking Space

Stop Entrance/Exit for hotel service Hotel vehicle Service vehicle

Underground parking Ground parking

Axonometric Drawing of Plans

4 ďź? 11F


Guest Rooms Karaoke





Gymnasium Swimming Pool

Guest Circulation

Dinning Hall

Chinese Restaurant Conference Office Lobby

Staff Circulation



Western Restaurant

Underground Parking







Guest rooms Office/ Staff service

Restaurant Entertainment Conference Lobby/ Public service Machinery

Functions Public Parking Conference

Recreation Restaurant Staff Guest rooms








Section Plan A-A

The Perspective of Green Tsing Hotel from Chengfu Road

Economic and Technical Index

Base area / 16385 ㎡ Construction area / 40114.2 ㎡ (Ground / 30568.3 ㎡ ,Underground / 9545.9 ㎡ ) Building density / 38.9% Greening rate / 25.9% Parking number / 128 (Ground / 38,Underground / 90) Total floor number: 16 (Ground / 14,Underground / 2) Building height / 63.35m


Guest Room Types

Materials and Details

Guest Room Plan 1:100 10 0

50m Consideration of sense of modernity transferred from the hotel among office mansions with major grey color, I apply the concept of “The bamboo forest in the city� in the design of hotel's facade. The choices of material are closely to the purity of nature, such as marble with rough appearance. And the major color is green to emphasis the fresh sense.


Standard Room A

The bamboo forest in the city

Hotel facades reflect the bamboo symbols

Plain aluminium plate

Waved aluminium plate


Standard Room B


Glass screen wall



Interior Design The aim of interior design in the hotel is firstly to make a sense of comfort and hospitality to guests, also keeps the fluidity of architectural design. In order to correspond the concept of “The bamboo forest in the city�, Two main colors--light green decoration and creamy-white granite are exerted in the design, added with curve atrium of dark wood to make contrast. The curve atrium is used to mark the fludity of space. These three characters may make guests feel relaxing and comfortable from their busy trip.

Lobby Swimming pool



07 TEA EXPERIENCE Museum of Tea Culture in Huanxiu Garden Type: Academic studio individual work Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Duration: Year3, 2011.9-2013.11 Tutor: Prof. Xu Maoyan Drinking tea, the essential role in Suzhouers' socialism. Locals like to drink tea with friends when they end one days' work or in weekends. The project is a renew of traditional garden architecture in Suzhou by build up a museum of tea culture theme. The project rejects demolition of architecture, and keep all preserved trees to let them keeps growing in the new architecture. Matou wall, free layout, browing views and other local architecture symbols are applied in the museum design. The museun consists with garden and exhibition architecture. The views varies as visitors wandering in the museum, to get different spatial experiences, as like in the traditional Suzhou garden.


Inside The Site

Site Investigation

Outside The Site

Current Suzhou City Map

Pingjiang City Map (Suzhou Old City)

The site is in the Huanxiu Garden, one of the most famous Suzhou-style classical gardens. And nowadays the Chinese traditional embroidery institution is on the east of the site. Because the embroidery institution are going to remove, the local government decided to build up a new museum there .

Inside The Site

Outside The Site

Preserved Old Trees


Historic Area

Preserved Architectures

Commercial Area

Removed Architectures

Residential Area

Usage of Symbols from Suzhou Traditional Architecture

Museum Theme

Matou Wall

The free layout and circulation of Suzhou garden

Local traditional architecture form

View borrowing by windows and doors

Example for Reference:

Tea culture in Suzhou is very famous and it deeply reflects local people’s daily lifestyle. Also, tea culture includes wonderful tea dance and history of production of tea. Moreover, local various teapots reveal Suzhou’s exquisite handcraft skills. There is still no existence of museum with tea theme in Suzhou so far, therefore I wish to combine tea culture and garden architecture characters together to make the design of museum.

Generation of the Museum Form

The selected site

The preserved trees in the site

Suzhou Museum

The fifth Vanke Garden in Shenzhen

The both examples use a lot of traditional symbols of Suzhou local architecture and convert them to more simple form to fit current materials and functions. This type of methods is going to apply in my museum design, to show the match of both modernity and tradition.

Architectural blocks added based on the preserved trees and functions.

Courtyard added and hence make interaction with architecture.


Floor Plans 8



8 1 6



1.Store 2.Hall 3.Restaurant 4.Kitchen 5.Tea Room 6.Entertainment 7.Media 8.Exhibition 9.Warehouse 10.Office


3 4

First Floor Plan N

10 0

50m 20

Visitors can watch movie about history of tea or listen to the lecture in the auditorum.


There are plenty of artworks related to tea culture in the underground exhibition hall


1 2

1.Art studio 2.Library

Second Floor Plan


1 1.Warehouse 2.Exhibition 3.Lecture Hall 4.Auditorium 5.Machinerary

3 2


Underground Floor Plan

Section Plan A-A that Reveals Various Activities of Visitors It is pretty comfortable to enjoy the sunshine while drinking a cup of tea in the garden.

There are many choices of souvenirs with traditional characters to vistors


Distribution of Functions

Public: -Exhibition -Restaurant -Tickets -Store -Tea room


Research/ Artist workshop

Green space

Material Used and Vegetation

The local material usage performs the character of Suzhou style architetcure: white wall and grey tiles


Roof: covered by local dark grey tiles

White wall

Ground: garnished by original wood sticks Preserved trees


I applied the major symbols Enclosing of space for continual growth of old tree of Suzhou-style classical garden in several details of the museum.. Matou wall divide the space and create sense of continuousity. The changes of the space is going to make visitors feel interesting during the exhibition experience. The free circulation and ways of browing scenery create the changes of views in the visual sense.

Details of the Museum



Staff E

Hallway of Matou wall

e Chines art idery embro um muse

iu Huanx n Garde

Courtyard with curved wood steps o Wanga Temple



Main E



Main entrance with classical Suzhou style





Browing scenery throughout circle hole door

Open space surround the preserved trees











Interior Design of Exhibition

Interior design is important in the museum design, which should be to match well with the museum theme. In order to cooperate the exhibition of teapot, I select wood of dark brown as material of the interior ground and furniture, and accompanied with dark grey ceiling and white wall.These colors are all usually used in Suzhoustyle classical garden, which are considered to create sense of quiet and comfort for visitors during appreciating the exhibition. Grid windows and hexagon window exert the concept of “borrowing scenery� , which provides beautiful garden views for relaxing in the exhibition. Moreover, sunlight emits througout these windows and then leave beautiful shadow inside.


08 SURROUNDING VIEWING Ecological Tourist Centre nearby Miyun Reservoir Type: Academic studio/ individual work Location: Beijing, China Duration: Year3, 2011.11-2012.01 Tutor: Prof. Liu Nianxiong The relationship between nature and human apart farther and farther nowadays, more and more human destroy nature environment to satisfy their desire of wealth. How do we make retrospection of our behaviours and recover the relationship with nature? The project is aim to build up ecological tourist center to recover demolished mountain. The tourist center owns wide views to mountains as the floor increases. Except relaxing in the nature, visitors can learn various environmental knowledges from exhibition in the tourist center. It encourages more and more people to improve their consiciousness of environment protection. Moreover, I applied some ecological technology in the design to reduce consumption of energy and keep fresh ventilation.


Physical Conditions in the Site

Site Background

Destruction of Mountain's Ecological System The site is in the mountains adjacent to Beijing Miyun Reservoir. The mountains were mining for set up a quarry in 1980s and thus they are severely destroyed. The quarry traces, such as the approximately vertical excavation rock are still clearly visible nowadays, though the quarry has been abandoned for a long time. In order to recover these damaged mountains, we apply strategy of eco-architecture design to build up tourist center, which is considered to be part of ecological tourism in the district of Miyun Reservoir by government.


Current Conditions of the Site The excavating hillside is ideal to prevent northeast wind towards the architecture in the winter

Original Contour line

Average Temperature

Sun Angle

Wind Direction

Annual Temperature Curve

The flat land full of columns will be ideal to construct open plaza for outdoor activities. Also the preserved columns can be considered as a part of new tourist center.

Damaged Contour line

AFTER Abandoned House


Flat Land of Quarry



Concept Generation of Architectural Form

Eco-design Strategy Requirements Restrictions

Strategy Tromble Wall Sun Room

Thermal Insulation Local Climate Characteristics

1.Original site: excavating hillside and abandoned columns.

2.Identify the land used.

3.Architectural volume added along the excavating hillside.

4.Increasing floors and pulling inside to form stages

5.Observation station added.

6.Using abandoned columns to design landscape plaza.

Ventilation Shaft

Natural Ventilation

Site Features

Roof Garden Vertical Green Space


Local Raw Material

Master Plan 1.Basic volume to keep good bodily form coefficient calculation

Shading Blinds

From Miyun Reservoir

West Green Wall

Architectural Function

2.Adjust shape to fit the excavating hillside


3.Increase floors to three in to total. Entrance

Solar Panel

Solar Energy

4.Pull inside to form stages 10 0


5.Green space added and ensure good scenery view

50m 20

Architectural Structure The Slope Retaining Wall Made of Straw

Roof Plantation Strategy of roof plantation is applied on the west block wall of the tourist center. It is considered to absorb heat and hence to decrease indoor temperature. Also the photosynthesis of plantations is helpful to keep fresh air indoors all time.

The inner wall is made throughout special compression of local straw, which owns benefits of low cost and free pollution to the environment.

8 1

Local straw


1 2


Structure of straw wall interlayer light plate: 1.Upper plate 2.Straw 3.Lower plate

4 7 1 1.Sliding window 2.Planting layer150mm 3.Lintel pick slot, size200mm*400m 4.Windowsill planting groove, size200mm*600mm


2 4 3

6 7

4 321



5.Waterproof mortar, 20mm*750mm 6.Additional insulation 7.High insulation composite wall

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.Layer of mortar 2.Reinforced concrete slab 3.Layer of insultaion 4.Heat insulation layer of compressed straw

Ventilation shaft Solar panel


Adjustable blinds Roof green Sliding horizontal blinds Roof photovoltaic sunshade board Sunshine room


The main performances of straw core layer wall: 1. Density of 0.51-0.7 grams per cubic meter 2. Sound insulation of 39dB 3 Thermal resistance of 1.16m2K/W

The west block wall


Ecological Technique The space of 45cm width between the horizontal shading louver and wall on each floor fastens the ventilation. The indoor air exhaust and fresh Ventilated Space air come in. The work process ensures cool ventilation in summer.


1.Exhibition 2.Souvenir 3.Store 4.Entrance 5.Leisure plaza 6.Colunmn garden

Underground Floor Plan

The design of louvers are considered to the differentce of sun angles in summer and winter. It can directly reflect strong sunlight and keep indoors cool down in summer. And In winter, the green Shading Louvers balcony can bring sunlight into rooms throughout reflection and hence keep indoors warm.

summer sunlight

winter sunlight


4 2

The 4.5m width space between west block wall and main building doesn't only reflect back strong sunlight in the summer, but also bring fresh air inside throughout the holes. The fresh air will rise up under hot compression and thus gas exchange West Block Wall occurs. Moreover, the green roof adjust the micro climate for healthy environment indoors.

Ventilated Shaft


The air come into the rooms rises up to the ventilated window on the upper floors and then exhaust to outdoors, therefore fast ventilation occurs all the day.




First Floor Plan

10 0

50m 20 3

1 2 4



1 2 1.Conference 2.Offices 3.Observation station 4.Hall


Second Floor Plan

1.Entertainment 2.Store 3.Office 4.Hall 5.Observation station


Third Floor Plan

The open grass before the tourist center are ideal place for a variety of outdoor activities. The wood bridge connect the observation station and tourist centre.

People could enjoy sunshines, greening and various outdoor activities on the landscape square full of remnant columns.

Open stages provide good scenery views and louvers above create cool shadows.


09 BICYCLE COMMUNITY Finland ARA-Home 2049 Sustainable House Design Competition Type: Competition/ group work Location: City of Lahti, Finland Collaborators: Cai Cheng, Gu Wanwan, Han Lu My work: on-site research50%/ modeling30%/ design of the individual house50% Duration: 2012.12 Tutor: Prof. Zhou Yanming The bicycle is the most suitable choice of transportation to youth in Finland, which not only make energy saving, but also more convenient and less time consumption. Moreover, the on-the-bike transportation style helps to improve the people interaction. Therefore we've designed a new residency that combine bicycle pavement and share apartment together in this project.


Site Analysis

Target Residence: Youngster

In the idea design, we care about the young, especially students who just graduate from school.

The site is located in Sopenkorpi district in the city of Lahti, Finland. There leaves plenty of red brick industrial architecture after remove of factory. And local government mention ARA 2049 plan to achieve the sustainable design goal in 2049 and collect design ideas throughout international competition. The aim of the competition is to consider the problem field of housing in the future and create possible solution.

Residential Forms

Bicycle's Advantages




Relatively economical

Design procedure:

Old building in the site

Choose the site

Street network

Housing pattern

Form development:

Housing pattern: slab-type apartment building

Individual apartment lined with bicycle path

Housing divided by the street

The systematic network of the bicycle path

Bicycle path added

Verticle adaptable blinds added


Housing Types There are totally 9 different types of room plans in the apartment, which can satisfy different living requirement of youth, such as economic or young couple concerns. Every room type is equipped with a shared kitchen, a dining room, an activity room and a master room with independent bathroom. And the bicycle line is linked to the entrance of each room, thus youth can directly ride to their home in conveniently.











The young people can visist any parts in the apartment by riding along the bicycle paths that connect different floors of the apartment with gentle slope. The bicycle path is useful to build up happy and frequent communicate atmosphere in the youth community, such as encourage to make friends, outdoor activities, academic discussion etc. Thus the old buildings can become an interesting element in the young people's life in the future.

Site Plan & Garden Plans


10 0

Site Plan

Garden Plan


10 0




Section Plan B-B


Other Work 01 Intern editorial work in Archiposition 03/2017-07/2017

Booklet of Netherlands/ Spain academic architectural trip My countribution: data collection/ translation and edition/ diagram drawing/ layout

Development of Archiposition new website My publicated architectural comments articles (Chinese written) on popular social media (wechat, weibo and douban)

As an intern editor in Archiposition, I was mainly in charged of both academic and new media projects. The experiences strongly enhanced my critical research and text edition ability.


02 Postgraduate thesis of Urban Design in The University of Sheffield 09/2017

Totally 108 pages individual postgraduate thesis under research group of "Codesign in fragility territories" Supervisors: Prof. Celia Macedo, Prof. Isis Nunez and Prof. Lucia Caistor


Based on the past practices of urban regeneration of industrial buildings in UK, the thesis aims to study how sustainable urban cultural regeneration of industrial heritage can be done to meet the local neighbourhood’s real needs. It aims to investigate the current circumstance, understand local residents’ needs for spatial development and propose the adaptive use of industrial heritage to recreate a vibrant, inclusive and liveable community.



Residential Planning and Design in Binhai District Location: Tianjin, China Type: Group Work, Collaborate with Xie Mengya Tutor: Prof. Zhou Yanming Duration: Year4, 2012.09-2012.11

2012 UA Concept Architectural Design Competition Location: Beijing, China Type: Group Work, Collaborate with Wang Yueting and Liang Zhao Duration: Year4, 2012.11-2012.12

This project is aim to create peaceful living atmosphere for migrated workers to feel more sense of "family". We use group residence mode to design U shaped apartment in the community. An group mode is useful to increase communication with neighborhood and create coadjutant atmosphere.

This project mentions two types of solution to face the storm in urban cities, especially for the passengers at the bus stop. We add adaptable structure such as moving blinds to reduce influence of rainwater inside. In another solution, the plantation wall is added to absorb exhaust gas of vehicles to decrease air pollution. The verticles pipe are installed in the centre of bus stop to collect rainwater.




City Renovation in Hutong Studio Location: Beijing, China Type: Group Work, Collaborate with Ma Wenjing Tutor: Associate prof. Liu Wan Duration: Year4, 2012.11-2013.01

Make The Colorful Decoration Drawings in the Book of "Collection of Architectural Data" Type: Individual Work Tutor: Prof. Liu Chang Duration: Year5, 2014.04

This project is to think about possible solution under the crisis of demolition of "Hutong" and "Siheyuan"---typical traditional architectural forms in Beijing. Except the preservation of them, we applied the idea of "communal street" to return back the leisure plaza that occupied by the vehicles to local citizens. And thus old area is revitalized again.



International Student Work Exhibition of Univeristy in 2012 Venice Architetcure Biennale Location: Beijing, China Type: Group Work, Collaborate with Huang Haiyang, Hao Tian and Shi Jianwei Tutor: Prof. Wang Yi Duration: Year3, 2012.05

My Footprints

I am a passionate traveller who is deeply absorbed by diverse architectural styles and culture symbols in different countries. I have been in 24 provinces and cities in China, 12 countries so far. As like the non-stop travelling, my discovering trip in the architecture world keep going on, too.

TO BE CONTINUED ... Thank you for your viewing.


YANG LUYE Current Address: 54 Chamberlain House, Phoenix Road, London, NW1 1EU Tel: 07422942620 Email:

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