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exploring urban culture a photo book by


photography art

photography |fəәˈtägrəәfē| noun

! the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. Modern photography is based on the property of silver compounds decomposing to metallic silver when exposed to light. The lightsensitive salts are held in an emulsion (in color film, layers of emulsion) usually mounted on transparent roll film.

Trains were always be an addiction of any photographer. That’s why I put this model on a train. We used artificial lights from the windows of the wagon, to enhance the atmosphere’s vibe. A smoke machine also was used for a more dramatic look and feel.

To shoot one perfect photo, you have to be the right moment in the right place. Considering on this I took this photo. The fog in this picture is real! We have knock the door down to add this real-life effect. The final results are impressive! You think so?

! Model: Yannis Kapellos

Exploring urban culture is something difficult and interesting at the same time. The concrete blocks, the graffitis, the street culture, the dressing code‌ All that consists the urban element of the city. In this photo we can clearly see the influence of the graffiti in the wall. The pull focus and the saturation have been adjusted for maximum optical pleasure‌ !

A “dead� useless boat was the inspiration for this photo. The navy style contrasts with the industrial railroad warehouse behind. A truly interesting difference. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Model: Iraklis Kamilaris

In this old industrial building, take place this extra ordinary photo shooting project. ! We love music, urban lifestyle and new places for photographs‌ That’s the general sense of this project! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

20m above earth’s surface, this bridge was an ideal place for a photo like this. ! The naked iron construction, the concrete and the glass are the main background‌

An another view from above the bridge‌ Enjoying the fresh breeze and the wonderful view of the area around. ! Just an ordinary day in the suburban area of Alexandroupolis

Model: Tasos Oikonomou


urban |ˈəәrbəәn| adjective

! ! 1. in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town: the urban population. 2. (also urban contemporary) denoting or relating to popular dance music of black origin: a party that features the best in urban music. - denoting popular black culture in general.


-scape |skeɪp| comb. form

! !

denoting a specified type of scene: moonscape. ORIGIN on the pattern of (land)scape.

A walk in the sunset depicts everything with such detail and smoothness… This is the “magic” in our city. Sunset is the most enjoyable time during the day. That’s the only think I know for sure… Enjoy the city harbor from my point of view!

An another extra ordinary place, which is hidden in the suburban area of the city and it’s truly incredible as you see in the photos. You should visit this old factory someday‌

Among the brick, the steel, the pipes, the concrete and the huge spaces, the only think you notice is the silence‌ Pure silence and nothing else‌ And thats somehow, what art look like, in any form‌

MAny Thanks TO All Of my FriEnds for the support

IT Was my first Photo BooK HopE you LiKe iT


photography art

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