St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 10 August 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre
Sandra Dillon, Cathy Briand-James, Rosemarie Parnell, Marie Vitnell, Frank Pitt (Principal), Helen Bow (P), Maggie Henderson (S), Megan Waud (VPa), Norina Todhunter, Rob Anderson, Catherine Sutton(VPa), Peter Coyte, Janelle Denelly, Jennifer Portman, Karen Tavener-Smith, Gerry Sozzio, Andrew Couldridge, Malynda Flarey, Leanne Cummins, Maria Puljic
1. Opening Prayer – Thank you Frank Pitt. 2. Apologies - Mary Boyle, Rosemary Parnell, Kevin Grimmer (T) 3. Minutes of Previous General Meeting Actions carried over Refer to list attached. Pool rules – Peter Coyte to follow up with Corrimal pool and touch base with Frank Zumba DVD – Policy to be drafted by school for use/borrowing of IPod Dock (Maddi Diggins onto it) T2/7 [Motion to be passed at T3 meeting to provide Senior girls with $200 annually for
incidentals required] Rob Anderson proposed to provide Senior girls with $200 annually for incidentals required. All in favour, motioned passed. Matters for discussion – T1/9.8 [Face book site] and T2/8.7 [Strategic plan] Report on $2,500 towards Good Sams Day: School purchased a badge maker and a drumming group performed. Allocation of $50,000 for air conditioning – Partly installed, nearly finished. Money for Dance trip – Costumes for school purchased. Senior Study furniture purchased. Accepted: Seconded:
Robert Anderson Peter Coyte
4. Correspondence (In) 1. Applications for sponsorship x 2 (see 7. Financial report) 2. Submission Parent Register 5. President’s Report President‟s report attached. Accepted: Seconded:
Sandra Dillon Catherine Sutton
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 10 August 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre 6. Principal’s Report Principal‟s report attached. Reflections on Term Two
Enrolments 2012
Students and their learning
Step up program
School certificate 2012
Air conditioning
Coffee Machine
Strategic plan
Face book: Need to monitor if go down this path. Parent‟s forum on website instead? Twitter access? SMS P&F Meeting on website still advertised as being in Common room. Accepted: Seconded:
Megan Waud Cathy Briand-James
7. Financial Report Treasurer‟s report attached. Accepted:
Megan Waud
Seconded: Robert Anderson on condition that amendment be made to report regarding Agreed donation of $1700 for dance costumes and any extra cost above this be incurred by the school. Let the report reflect that the amount the P&F actually donated was $1700. Sponsorship for Athletics: P&F confirmed funding allocation of $200 sponsorship each request. Funding (Other) Kids Wish Foundation: Motion that the P&F donate profits from the Fashion parade to the Kids Wish Foundation. Proposed by: Helen bow, seconded by: Jennifer, carried unanimously. 8. Guest presentation Small group of students accompanied by their parents made a presentation at the P & F Meeting about their experience in Video Conferencing with a Singapore school – they trialed this out last term and the project was an enrichment project for a group of Yr 8 students. 9. Pastoral Care Update A call was put out during the term for meals and we received so many that the freezer is now full. St Brigits recently contacted Cathy Briand James to find out how we run our pastoral care program. 10. P&F events Update Year 12 graduation lunch invitations have been sent out.
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 10 August 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre 11. General Business 11.1 Study Workshops The college was asked if they could hold study workshops for year 9. Gerry Sozio to look into. 11.2 College Reports Survey Gerry Sozio gave a presentation on the upcoming college reports survey. 11.3 Future of P&F The future of the P&F was discussed and the parents in attendance endorsed the importance of maintaining the committee as a forum for parents to communicate with the college. Some suggestions for further discussion – presentations at future meetings, topics, different parents different needs. 11.4 School Photos It was raised that the college photos looked much better with the students in summer uniform. Of those in attendance some agreed and others didn‟t have an opinion. 11.5 Parent Register The parent register has had little to no response so it was decided to discontinue this service. All in attendance agreed. 11.6 New laptops Year 9 students due to receive new laptops next year. Question was raised as to what they will be getting as there have been many problems with current issue. College reported that this is currently being researched and new ones trialled to identify best on the market. 11.7 Stranger Danger Question raised as to whether sufficient stranger danger reinforcement provided to the students post recent „reported‟ abduction attempt from out front of the school. Parents reassured that this was raised at year assemblies. 11.8 Other Business 11.8.1 Overcoats for students to protect from cold and weather. Has the college considered providing? Blazers are provided, up to individual student to obtain if required. 11.8.2 Next meeting will discuss spending of $116,000 currently in the bank. Meeting closed: 9: 50pm Next meeting: 10 October 7pm
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 10 August 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre Agenda item T1/9.2
Action items carried over
Due date
Frank to ask Sports Captains to assess and report back to him.
Letter from Parent received re: shades and novelty races. Shades allowed but require securing to the ground.
Frank Pitt
Helen Bow
Frank Pitt
Maggie Henderson
Motion to be passed at T3 meeting to provide Senior To be tabled at next meeting girls with $200 annually for incidentals required.
Maggie Henderson
P&F section on website still reflects 2010 committee and information
Maggie Henderson
Requirements for novelty races to be tabled for further discussion at next meeting T1/9.8
Question raised regarding different ways of communicating more often ie. forum on website? HB to discuss with IT re: software
Invite teachers to showcase their area of school at future meetings
Facebook an option, to be tabled for further discussion at next meeting
Keith – weather station Neil - microscopes T2/3
Amendment to previous meeting minutes. 9.6 Motion “That the P&F organise a lunch directly after the mass at the Chifley”. Proposed by: „Norina Todhunter and Mary Boyle’. Seconded: Catherine Sutton. Unanimously passed.
Add Proposed by: „Norina Todhunter and Mary Boyle’.
P&F Secretary to contact Sharon Peacock in the library to update
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 10 August 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre website and advise college that timetable is incorrect. T2/8.3
Yr 12 parent end of year luncheon
Confirm booking with Lagoon and send out invitations to Yr 12 parents
Strategic Plan Update
To be tabled at next meeting
Agenda item T3/11.3 T3/7
Action items NEW!
Improving future P&F meetings
Megan Waud
Maggie Henderson
Table for further discussion T4 meeting
The P&F agreed to donate $1700 for dance Amendment to Financial report costumes and any extra cost above this was to be required: incurred by the school who also agreed. The report indicates P&F charged $1970. Let the report reflect that the amount the P&F actually donated was $1700.
Kevin Grimmer
Due date
Attachments Presidents Report
Hi and welcome to the Term 3 P&F meeting for 2011. Last term I reported that we had commenced organising the Fashion Parade. Well tonight I am going to report that the event has happened and again it was a great success. The girls involved had a great time and the feedback we received post the event has been wonderful. Eventhough the intention is not to fundraise, again I am happy to report that the night did make a profit and we shall hear about that in Kevin’s report. I will also be raising in General Business how we could spend this profit. Invitations to our first Year 12 Parent/Student lunch went out and we are hoping for a great response. I am sure it will be a wonderful afternoon for the girls and their parents. It was decided to hold the luncheon at The Lagoon. Sister Rita has again expressed her gratitude for the Pastoral Care program and recently requested for more meals to be prepared. Thankfully when the request went out to the volunteers the response was fantastic and I believe the freezer is full once again. I also believe that the coffee machine has been installed in the kitchen of the SGN. Hopefully we will make great use of this. Finally our Year 12 girls are coming to the end of their time at the College. This is such an important time for them and I ask that you keep them in your prayers. As always I am sure our staff will prepare them exceptionally well and so please also keep them in your prayers also. Thank you again for attending tonight and being an active participant in your daughters education. Helen Bow P&F President
Principals Report
Reflections on Term Two The end of Term 2 saw the completion of a very successful term and the opportunity to meet with parents and students from Years 7 – 11 during parent/teacher interviews to celebrate their successes and to provide advice and direction for the second half of the year. As we reflect on the term, we have much to celebrate as we have been recommended for Registration and Accreditation for another five years by the Board of Studies and we have finalised offers for a very healthy enrolment for Year 7, 2011. We were also privileged to have a visit from the congregational leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, Sr. Clare Condon, to acknowledge and thank the college community for the their generosity in raising and donating funds to the work of Sr Rita Hayes in Timor – Leste. The college hosted the annual Women in Careers expo for our senior students and we celebrated the great talent that we have in the college at our annual Creative Arts Evening. The girls ‘partied’ on Good Sams day with a display of our many talents and a lot of food, and we also had students from the college write and perform their own opera at the IPAC, as part of Opera Australia’s Wot Opera project. Enrolments 2012 The college has offered places and we again anticipate an enrolment of 205 girls for Year 7 in 2012. We have continued to receive applications after our enrolment date closed and we are adding new applicants to our waiting list. Application for enrolment in other grades is also constant and the college continues to be recognised as a very good school. Students and their Learning The students completed their half yearly exams and received their reports at the end of Term Two. Generally speaking students have again performed well and have gained outstanding results. The results are reflected in the success girls are having in various external exams and activities that provide opportunities to extend their skills and to compete at higher levels. The college is preparing to interview all Year 10 girls as they transition to Year 11. In this way the college can ensure that the girls are provided with access to the best possible opportunities to fulfil their potential. Step Up Program The Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinators and the school executive are beginning to plan the ‘Step Up’ Program that will commence at the end of the School Certificate for girls completing Year 10. The purpose of this program is provide the girls with a program of study that will go some way to preparing them for the ‘step up’ in workload and pressure as they begin their senior studies. Areas such as organisational skills, stress management, relaxation techniques and career advice are just some of the options that will be offered to the girls during this program. The program will commence with two days at the University of Wollongong, where students will have a number of guest lectures from university staff and students, a tour of the university and a taste of university life as they work and study on the campus for the two day learning forum.
School Certificate 2012 As you may be aware, NSW Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, announced that the School Certificate will be abolished from 2012. Mr Piccoli said that the decision was made as a result of consultation undertaken by the Board of Studies with key stakeholder groups representing principals, teachers, parents and all school sectors. The message from stakeholders was that the School Certificate no longer meets the expectations of employers. It has not responded to changes such as the increase in the school leaving age, and the introduction of NAPLAN testing. The minister has requested that the Board of Studies conduct further consultation to make recommendations about an alternative credential.
Air Conditioning Work has commenced on the installation of the air conditioning of the SGN Hall. The very generous contribution form the P&F is being put to very good use as work began over the Term 2 holidays and work continues. It is anticipated that they air conditioning will be fully installed by the beginning of Term 4. The reason for the delay is that major installations can only take place during break times when the hall I s not in use. Coffee Machine The espresso machine has been installed in the SGN kitchen and it had its first official use during the Ice Pix Festival. I understand that the suppliers, ABC are very happy to offer training to students and staff in coming weeks. This may be an excellent activity for students as the year progresses. Stewardship As you are aware, the college introduced a number of initiatives aimed at reflecting and acting upon our commitment to stewardship. We have installed water tanks and solar panels; we have moved away from plastic bottles and have installed water refill stations. We have also recently embarked on a major waste recycling project involving the replacement of our current system with new larger recycling bins and a recycling system for paper and waste. This system should provide increased opportunities to involve the girls in stewardship in quite a major way. While we are still ‘tinkering’ with this system, we expect that we will begin to see the benefits from both an environmental and a financial perspective as the year progresses. Strategic Plan The strategic plan is complete and we are discussing its launch with the board. I will provide further details of the launch date as they become available. I thank you for your hard work on behalf of the students and your on-going support of the staff. Frank Pitt Principal
Treasurer’s Report
St Mary Star of the Sea College Parents & Friends Association Financial Statement for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/07/2011 As at 1st April 2011 total P&F funds available stood at $95,831. During the period April through to end of July, we received deposit interest of $1,054, the first instalment of the P&F levy of $32,065, Movie Night income of $490, and Fashion Parade income of $900 (total of $33,485). Payments made during the period total $7,919. This is detailed on the financial statement sheet (Chqs 661479 to 661484). At 31st July, total funds available were $126,796. Additionally, I have just received a further $32,102 as the second levy instalment for the year, providing a total of $158,898. I anticipate a further $25,000 later this year. The P&F currently has commitments of around $67,500, predominantly the air conditioning, furniture for the senior study area and the coffee machine. After the above commitments and contingencies of a further $10,000, this leaves actual uncommitted funds of approximately $91,500, plus the last levy instalment referred to above ($25,000). CHEQUE ACCOUNT RECEIPTS
Opening Balance
Interest Received
P&F Levy Term 1
Ticket sales etc - Movie Night
Fashion Parade Ticket sales
Interest Received
$ 65,224.86
Total Income for Period
33,525.09 98,749.95
EXPENSES Cheque number 661467
Chickos - Yr7 BBQ
Betta Maid - Yr7 BBQ
Falcone's Bakery
Chipmasters - Yr7 BBQ
D J's Bizzo - Yr7 BBQ
Packaging Direct - Yr7 BBQ
Chickos - Yr7 BBQ
Illawarra Smallgoods - Yr7 BBQ
Megan Waud - Yr7 BBQ
St Mary's - Grants 2010 Village Roadshow - Movie Night DVD Licence
St Mary's - Uniform Grants 2009/10
Football Rep Sponsorship
Athletics Sponsorship
Movies Night - Caritas donation
Cancelled Cheque
Megan Waud - Lagoon Deposit & Cakes
Holy Spirit College - Fashion Show Exps
St Mary's - Dance Costumes
Sub total of Expenses
Balance @ 31/07/2011